商务英语文章(带中文翻译)5则范文第一篇:商务英语文章(带中文翻译)(一)World economyThe jobs crisis 失业危机It’s coming, whatever governments do;but they can make it better or worse不论政府如何努力,失业危机已经到来。
不过政府可以在这场危机中起到关键作用Illustration by Belle MellorNOTHING evokes the misery of mass unemployment more than the photographs of the Depression.You can see it in the drawn faces of the men, in their shabby clothes, in their eyes.Their despair spawned political extremism that left a stain on society;but it also taught subsequent generations that public policy has a vital part in alleviating the suffering of those who cannot get work.Thanks to welfare schemes and unemployment benefits, many of which have their origins in those dark days, joblessness no longer plunges people into destitution, at least in the developed world.再没有什么比关于经济大萧条的照片更能让人体会大量失业的痛苦。
n. 保險給付額
Insurers usually will try to avoid huge payouts.
n. 正當性;有效性
We fail to see the validity in your claim.
n. 排除給付
Exclusions are situations not covered by the insurer.
பைடு நூலகம்
adj. 自掏腰包的
Out-of-pocket medical costs in the States can be very high.
n. 自負額
escape clause
Make sure your agreement has an escape clause.
n. 賠償
The total amount of the compensation paid to the victims is estimated at $75 million.
n. 定額手續費
The co-payment is usually about five to ten dollars per hospital visit.
n. 數字
The figures are inaccurate.
v. 波動;震盪
Fruit prices fluctuate with the seasons.
level out
Sales leveled out for the following four weeks.
Our total sales reached a plateau.
n. 佔有率
Our current share of the market is forty percent.
n. 薄片
We only have a ten percent sliver of the pie.
n. 投影片
I'll use a transparency to show you.
make up
Our products make up 50 percent of the market in Taiwan.
pick up
Heater sales pick up as the weather gets colder
n. 主题
n. 商标
UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group.
print ad
Print ads will be released after television ads.
n. 标语;口号
Nokia has spent many years building its brand around the slogan "Connecting People."
We need to get right on the media advertising plan.
We've chosen Global Business Lifestyle as our advertising theme.
adj. 使用方便的
We'll present its new user-friendly features.
Commercials will increase name recognition during prime-time television hours.
商务英语(BEC)词汇1000词,适合中高级使用1 abide vt.忍受,停留,拘留,等候 vi逗留,居住2 accommodate vt.使符合,使适应,给—方便,调节3 accountability n.有责任,有义务,有解释的必要4 accreditation. N.水准鉴定,鉴定认可5 acquaint vt.使熟悉,使了解,通告6 acute adj.尖锐的,棘手的,剧烈的,严重的7 admirer n.仰慕者,敬慕者8 revenue n.收入,收益,财政税收9 aesthetics n.美观令人愉悦的外观10 align vt.使成为一线,使一致,公开支持11 allege vt.断言,声称12 alteration n.改变,改动,更改13 amass vt.积聚财富,积累14 ambient adj 周围的,包围的,氛围轻松的15 amenable adj.顺从的,积极响应的16 amentities n.便利,了却,福利措施17 amiable adj.和蔼可亲的,令人愉悦的18 ample adj.宽敞的,宽大的,充裕的,令人愉悦的19 analgesic n. 止痛剂20 animations n.动画式广告21 antiseptic n. 抗菌剂,防腐剂22 aperitif n. 开胃酒,饭前酒23 apparel n. 衣服,服饰24 apportion vt. 分摊,分配、25 appreciate vt.意识到,领会,察觉26 apitude n. 天资,才能27 artifact n.人造物品28 aseptic adj. 无菌的,防止感染的29 aspire vi. 追求,有志于30 assertive adj. 自信的31 asset n.有点,长处,有益的东东32 assorted adj. 各式各样的33 assume v.承担职务34 assumption n.假设,假定35 astounding adj.令人震惊的,令人震撼的36 athletic adj. 体育运动的,体格健壮的,敏捷活跃的37 attentiveness n. 关心的,体贴的,殷切的38 attire n. 服装,穿着39 authentically adv.确实的,真实的40 authentication n.认证41 authorisation n. 授权42 responder n.回应,响应,回复43 tire n.汽车轮胎44 autocratic adj. 独裁的,专制的45 bankruptcy n.破产46 barrier n.壁垒47 bastion n.堡垒,阵地工事48 batter vt.磨损,损坏49 Baucon Asia 亚洲建筑设备暨科技展50 susceptible adj.易感染的51benchmark n.基准,标尺 vt.用标准问题测试52 bias n.偏见53 billboard n.广告牌54 biodegradable adj.可降解生物的55 blessing n.上帝的祝福,赐福,恩典,保佑56 disguise vt.假装,化妆,伪装,打扮57 blunder n.大错特错,严重失误58 blur vt.使模糊59 boardroom n.董事长60 rhythm n.节奏61bosom n.知心朋友62 insistence n.坚持,忠诚63 brewing n.酿造64 brochure n.小册子65 buffet n.自助餐66 bulk n.巨大的,巨大的体积,重量67 bunk n.假话,空话,大话68 etiquette n.商务礼节69 cafeteria n.自助餐,任凭自选的东西70 cafeteria questionnaire 自助餐馆,自选回答问题71 call box 公用电话亭72 capital goods 资本货物73 caplet n.囊片74 capri pants 紧身中裤75 capsule n.胶囊76 cardigan 羊毛上衣77 automated teller machine ATM 自动柜员机78 catering business/sector 餐饮业79 centralized reservation system 中央订票系统80 CEO.chief executive officer 首席执行官81 champion vt. 捍卫,支持,拥护82 changleover file 交接文件83 charge n.指控,控告84 charge cards n.签章卡85 chauffeur n.受雇于私人或者公司的司机86 chic n.时髦风格,别致87 childcare vouchers 托儿券88 chrysler 克莱斯勒汽车公司89 cigna insurance company 美国信诺保险公司90 clash vt. 冲突91 classified authorization 分级授权92 claw back 使什么得到弥补93 clerical job 办事员工作94 clientele n.顾客,常客,老客户95 closely-knit adj. 关系密切的96 close up n.特写镜头97 clutter n.混乱,杂乱98 coaster n. 杯垫99 cohesion n.凝聚力,粘附,内聚力100 collected adj. 集成的,凝聚的,泰然自若的101 collective bargaining 集体谈判102 colone n.淡雅香味香水,男士和女士都可以使用103 column n.专栏104 combat stress n.克服压力105 commercial n.电视广告,商业的,盈利的106 commercialisation n.商品化107commission n.佣金,职权,委任状,犯罪108 commute vi. N. 乘车上下班109 slogan 公司标语,公司口号110 compassionate adj. 富于同情心的111 compatible adj.适合的,协调的112 competitive edge 竞争优势113 competitor intelligence n. 对手情报114 compile vt. 编辑,编纂,汇编资料,手机115 complement vt. 互补116 complementary adj. 互补的,互相补充的117 blouse n. 短上衣,短衬衫118 complimentary adj. 免费赠送的119 comply with 遵守120 illiterate n. 文盲,没有受过教育的人121 conceptualise vt.使概念化122 concession n.让步,承认,特许权123 confectionary n.糖果厂123 confidential adj.保密的,机密的123 confine vt.限制,使什么局限于124 connote vt.包含,意味着,暗示125 consensus n.一致的意见,多数意见126 conservatism n. 保守主义,守旧的127 consolidate vt.巩固,强化128 contact n. 熟人,有用的社会关系129 contaminate vt. 污染130 contingency n.可能发生的事情,不测事件,经济状况131 contradiction n. 矛盾132 contribute vi.提供建议,起作用133 convention n.大会,例会134 cooking-contest 烹饪比赛135 copier n.复印机136 core benefits 核心利益137 core values 核心价值观138 cornerstone n. 基石139 corporate citizen 企业公民140 corporate social responsibility 企业社会责任141 corrupt practice 暗箱操作,不道德的做法142 cost accountant 成本会计师143 cost conscious 注重节约成本的144 cost-oriented pricing 依据成本的定价方式145 costume ball 化妆舞会146 counterfeit vt.vi.仿照,伪造,手迹,钱币147 coupon n.优惠券148 court shoes 与正装相配的高跟鞋149 courtesy coach/bus 免费接送汽车,商场,饭店,机场用150 cramped adj.狭窄,受限制的151 credibility n. 可靠性,可信性152 credit rating 信誉度153 credit transfer 银行转帐154 credo n.信条155 crippling adj.极有害的,造成严重损失的156 crystal n.水晶,水晶饰品157 cubicle n.图书馆,办公室用于担任工作的小隔间158 cuisine n. 烹饪,菜肴159 taboo n.禁忌160 curb vt.控制,限制,约束161 customer defection rate 顾客流失率162 customisation n.根据对方需要制作的,量身定做163 cyclical celebration 周期性的庆祝活动164 date/fas modem ports 数据/传真调制解调器接口165 deadwood n.朽木,无用之人166 décor n.装饰,装潢167 defective illumination 不良照明168 defer to 遵从,服从169 deficiency n.不足,欠缺之处170 dejected adj. 沮丧的,情绪低落的171 delegate vt.授权,把。
写作是上午英语考试中的重要部分,掌握一定的技巧才能取得高分,下面小编为大家整理了商务英语写作的xxx,供大家参考!xxx1DearThank you for yourorder. At this time we cannot fill your order due to an unexpectedshipment delay from our overseas suppliers.We will hold yourorder for arrival of the merchandise, and ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific shipping date at this time.Thank you for youranticipated patience in this matter.xxx2DearBecause Mr. Jones isout of the office for the next two weeks I am acknowledging receipt of yourletter dated May 20, l983. Itwill be brought to his attention immediately upon his return.If I may be of anyassistance during Mr. Jones' absence,please do not hesitate to callxxx3DearThe [product name and model number] that you mailedto us for repair was received on [date] We will bereturning it to you as soon as the necessary adjustments are made.We are sorry that youexperienced a problem with our product and want to thank you for purchasing a[name of product]xxx4DearThis is to inform youthat we have carefully reviewed your estimate on the parking lotrefurbishing. We are planning to contract with you for this work.We are unable to letthis contract immediately, as finalapproval of expenditures of this nature must come from the head office in NewYork.DearWe have received yourletter acknowledging receipt of the items we mailed to you and noticing us tocancel shipment of your order for those items which are back ordered.We will be issuing youa refund as soon as we have completed the necessary paperwork for your account.We would like to takethis opportunity to thank you for shopping through [name] Our new [specify] catalogshould be arriving at your home shortly, and I believe you will be pleased by some of the beautiful choicesour buyers have made this season.Thank you for yourpatience and understanding and for providing us with the opportunity to be ofservice to you.xxx5DearThank you for yourkind letter regarding your exceptional treatment by one of our employees.A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the personnel department and willbe included in the employee's file.So seldom is it that acustomer takes the time to write a letter of appreciation, that I feel moved to reward your initiative.Please accept theenclosed certificate, which, when presented, will entitlethe bearer to a ten percent discount on the merchandise being purchased at thattime.This is but a smalltoken of our appreciation of customers such as you, upon whose satisfaction we have been allowed to grow and prosper inthis highly competitive marketplace. Again, on behalf of our entire organization, a heart-felt thank you.商务英语写作范文2商务英语写作xxx英语写作在商务英语考试中是必不可少的,要特别注意格式,下面是小编整理出来的x xx,供大家参考!xxx一:The headhunting process (234words)Dear Mr JacobsI am writing to apply to the position of Sales Adviser for the North East Region which was advertised in Herald International yesterday.Although I am currently working in the Marketing Department of a large multinational, I would appreciate to work for a rapidly expanding young company such as yours.As you can see from my enclosed CV, I obtained an honours degree in Sales and Marketing from Nottingham University in 1994. I thoroughly enjoyed the six months I spent in working in Boots plc as pert of the course. During this time I gained invaluable insights into the nature of sales. After leaving university I initially spent time working for a small local firm before finding my current job and I feel that I am more suited to the dynamics and varied demands of a smaller firm.Not only has my experience familiarised me with the challenges faced by the industry today but, having been brought up in the north east, I know the region, its problems and its undoubted potential. As a result, I feel that I would be able to relate to your customers on both a professional and a personal level.I am available for interview from 15 September and would be pleased to discuss my CV in more detail then,I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerelyXXXxxx二:Report writing (235words)Reassessment of job satisfaction: Sue Pearson(PR Dept.)IntroductionThis report sets out to use Workset colours to assess the accuracy of my job description as PR officer and to suggest a number of changes.FindingsIt is clear that there is a difference between the way the company views the job and the reality as I perceive it. Firstly, a number of areas which demand a significant proportion of my time are not mentioned in the official job brief. The segment on the pie chart which provides most cause for concern is the pink sector; this relates to my attendance at a number of meetings which I can contribute little. Another significant area is the grey segment; this refers to the unscheduled time I spend sorting out computer problems. I feel these activities are hampering my core work. As can be seen from the pie charts, the time I spend actively working to meet the goals agreed with my line manager is less than envisaged.ConclusionsThe above discrepancies clearly indicate that my current job brief is inaccurate. RecommendationsI would recommend that my official job brief should be updated using the Workset colours. It would also be valuable to consider the proportion of non-core colours in the pie chart and to investigate whether work in these areas could be carried out by someone else more suited to these tasks.商务英语写作范文32017年商务英语写作xxx商务英语写作是一种商务沟通手段,但是又与传统意义的.写作有着显著的差异。
商务英语作文三篇商务英语作文篇1Business etiquette is made up of significantly more important things than knowing which fork to use at lunch with a client. Unfortunately, in the perception of others, the devil is in the details. People may feel that if you can't be trusted not to embarrass yourself in business and social situations, you may lack the selfcontrol necessary to be good at what you do. Etiquette is about presenting yourself with the kind of polish that shows you can be taken seriously. Etiquette is also about being comfortable around people (and making them comfortable around you!)People are a key factor in your own and your business' success. Many potentially worthwhile and profitable alliances have been lost because of an unintentional breach of manners. Dan McLeod, president of Positive Management Leadership Programs, a union avoidance company, says, "Show me a boss who treats his or her employees abrasively, and I'll show you an environment ripe for labor problems and obviously poor customers relations. Disrespectful and discourteous treatment of employees is passed along from the top."The SolutionMost behavior that is perceived as disrespectful, discourteous or abrasive is unintentional, and could have been avoided by practicing good manners or etiquette. We've always found that most negative experiences with someone were unintentional and easily repaired by keeping an open mind and maintaining open, honest communication. Basic knowledge and practice of etiquette is a valuable advantage, because in a lot of situations, a second chance may not be possible or practical. There are many written and unwritten rules and guidelines for etiquette, and it certainly behooves a business person to learn them. The caveat is that there is no possible way to know all of them!These guidelines have some difficulttonavigate nuances, depending on the company, the local culture, and the requirements of the situation. Possibilities to commit a faux pas are limitless, and chances are, sooner or later, you'll make a mistake. But you can minimize them, recover quickly, and avoid causing a bad impression by being generally considerate and attentive to the concerns of others, and by adhering to the basic rules of etiquette. When in doubt, stick to the basics. The BasicsThe most important thing to remember is to be courteousand thoughtful to the people around you, regardless of the situation. Consider other people's feelings, stick to your convictions as diplomatically as possible. Address conflict as situationrelated, rather than personrelated. Apologize when you step on toes. You can't go too far wrong if you stick with the basics you learned in Kindergarten. (Not that those basics are easy to remember when you're in a hardnosed business meeting!)This sounds simplistic, but the qualities we admire most when we see them in people in leadership positions, those are the very traits we work so hard to engender in our children. If you always behave so that you would not mind your spouse, kids, or grandparents watching you, you're probably doing fine. Avoid raising your voice (surprisingly, it can be much more effective at getting attention when lower it!) using harsh or derogatory language toward anyone (present or absent), or interrupting. You may not get as much "airtime" in meetings at first, but what you do say will be much more effective because it carries the weight of credibility and respectability.The following are guidelines and tips that we've found helpful for dealing with people in general, in work environments, and in social situations.It's About PeopleTalk and visit with people. Don't differentiate by position or standing within the company. Secretaries and janitorial staff actually have tremendous power to help or hinder your career. Next time you need a document prepared or a conference room arranged for a presentation, watch how many people are involved with that process (you'll probably be surprised!) and make it a point to meet them and show your appreciation.Make it a point to arrive ten or fifteen minutes early and visit with people that work near you. When you're visiting another site, linger over a cup of coffee and introduce yourself to people nearby. If you arrive early for a meeting, introduce yourself to the other participants. At social occasions, use the circumstances of the event itself as an icebreaker. After introducing yourself, ask how they know the host or how they like the crab dip. Talk a little about yourself your hobbies, kids, or pets; just enough to get people to open up about theirs and get to know you as a person.Keep notes on people. There are several "contact management" software applications that are designed for salespeople, but in business, nearly everyone is a salespersonin some capacity or another. They help you create a "people database" with names, addresses, phone numbers, birthdays, spouse and children's' names; whatever depth of information is appropriate for your situation.It's a good idea to remember what you can about people; and to be thoughtful. Send cards or letters for birthdays or congratulations of promotions or other events, send flowers for engagements, weddings or in condolence for the death of a loved one or family member. People will remember your kindness, probably much longer than you will!商务英语作文篇2跟商业行业或者是商业现象的进展经济等等有关系,出题的形式可以是图表英语,也可以是提纲作文。
n. 标志
Which sign best displays our company's name and logo?
trade show
n. 出席者;参观人数
We expect a record turnout this year.
adj. 显眼的
We want a booth as visible as possible.
n. 入口
The booth is close to the main entrance.
go with
We'll go with booth C322.
high traffic
adj. 高流量的
n. 摊位
How can we make our exhibit booth stand out from the rest?
bottom line
So what's the bottom line? Did we cover our costs?
商务英语必备1000词4 business operations
n. 同事
Shelly alme coworkers.
dress code
We have a casual dress code.
n. 储藏室
You can walk to the stockroom to see if there’s any toner cartridge left.
swipe card
What if I lose my swipe card?
business operation 企业经营
office procedures 办公室流程
n. 名牌;识别证
Employees should wear their badges at all times in the building.
Jason usually punches in around 8:50 a.m.
n. 柜人员;接待人员
As Sam came in the door, the receptionist greeted him.
requisition form
You need to fill out the purchase requisition form and have it signed by your supervisor.
商务英语(5篇材料)第一篇:商务英语Our prices compare most favorably with quotations you can get from other manufacturers.You’ll see that from our price sheet.The prices are subject to our confirmation, naturally.我们的价格比其他制造商开价优惠得多。
We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。
Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP.请告诉我们贵方对规格、数量及包装的要求,以便我方尽快制定出报价。
This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only.Is there anything you are particularly interested in.这是价格表,但只供参考。
是否有你特别感兴趣的商品?Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.你们对包装有什么特别要求吗?这是我们目前用的包装样品,你可以看下。
I wonder if you have found that our specifications meet your requirements.I’m sure the prices we submitted are competitive.不知道您认为我们的规格是否符合你的要求?我敢肯定我们的价格是非常有竞争力的Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products.大量询盘证明我们的产品质量过硬。
like gangbusters
Children's clothes were selling like gangbusters.
n. 海报
promotional campaign
We need to design some promotional campaigns to suit clients' needs.
n. 试用包
We'd like to offer sachets with small sample bottles of other La Fountaine products.
sales promotion
free sample
If you act now, you will receive a free sample!
n. 赠品
———————————————————————ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ——(听录音记录)
商务英语必备1000字Unir1:银行业务banking 银行业务general business 一般业务ATM 自动柜员机You can change your PIN at the ATM.你可以在自动柜员机上修改密码automatic bill payment自动转帐服务Tina pays her phone bill with an automatic bill payment.蒂娜利用自动转帐服务付电话帐单balance差额余额If you keep a balance of $1,000, you won't have to pay the $20 monthly-service fee.如果你保持1000美元的余额,就不必付每月20美元的服务费了bank account帐户How do I open a bank account here?我要怎么开户bank holiday银行公休日国定休息日What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday?如果发薪日正好碰上了国休日那该怎么办banking银行业务Could you sign me up for online banking? 2你能帮我申请网络银行服务么banknote纸币钞票Wads of banknotes were hidden in the bag.包里藏了几数叠钞票certificate of deposit定期存款Redeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties.如果你在定期前解约可能要付提前解约金checking account 支票存款帐户I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account.我要从我的支票帐户中提款deposit存款I didn't get my pay deposit this month.我这个月的薪水存款没有入帐discount rate 贴现率The discount rate is set by the Fed.贴现率是由联储决定的Individual Retirement Account 个人退休帐户Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account?我到哪开个人退休帐户重要么?interest利率Interest rates are not expected to increase.利率应不会再涨safe-deposit box (银行)保险箱She kept her jewels in her safe-deposit box.她把珠宝放在银行保险箱里savings account 储蓄存款帐户I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account. 我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户signature 签名Tom forged his boss's signature to steal company funds.汤姆伪造了他老板的签名盗取了公司的资金teller出纳员Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer.玛希刚开始是当出纳员,但是现在是贷款员transfer转账The money has been transferred into my account.钱已经转入我的帐户wire汇款Judy's father wired money to her bank account.朱迪的父亲将钱汇入了她的帐户withdraw取款I withdrew $300 from my savings account.我从我的储蓄存款帐户提取了300美元商务英语必备1000字Unit2:消费金融balance transfer余额代偿Katherine made a balance transfer from her old credit card to her new one.凯萨琳申办新卡代偿旧卡。
商务英语作文四篇商务英语作文篇1Thank you for your letter of 2 November. We are delighted to hear that you are to pleased with the refurbishment of your hotel. As your know .in our line of work, we depend on good ,reports about our projects to win further business. Our clients always shop around and look for references before committing themselves. With your permission, we would like to use your hotel as a reference when we discuss similar refurbishments in the hotel industry . Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you? It would also be most helpful if we could occasionally bring a client to look at your hotel . We would , of course , stay overnight at least.I’ll call you next week to hear your reaction. Thanks again for you kind words.从11月2日的来函得悉阁下对贵饭店的整修感到满足,此消息对本公司实是一鼓舞。
商务英语作文必背范文{z}Title: Essential Model Essays for Business English WritingIntroduction:In the global business landscape, effective communication is crucial for success.Business English writing is a skill that is highly valued in the corporate world.To assist professionals in mastering this skill, below are some essential model essays that cover various business topics.These essays serve as a guide to help individuals express their ideas clearly and concisely in English for business purposes.Model Essay 1:Title: The Importance of Cultural Intelligence in International BusinessEssay:In today"s interconnected world, international business has become an integral part of the global economy.However, success in cross-cultural business environments requires more than just financial acumen.Cultural intelligence, the ability to understand, appreciate, and effectively navigate cultural differences, is a vital skill for international business professionals.Cultural intelligence enables individuals to build strong relationships with colleagues and clients from diverse cultural backgrounds.It helps in avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts, and promotes effectivecommunication.For instance, being aware of the importance of punctuality in some cultures and the relaxed attitude towards time in others can prevent scheduling conflicts.Moreover, cultural intelligence enhances decision-making processes.Understanding the cultural nuances of a market can help businesses tailor their products and services to better suit the local tastes and preferences.This can lead to increased profitability and market penetration.In conclusion, cultural intelligence is indispensable in today"s global business landscape.It not only fosters effective communication and stronger relationships but also enables informed decision-making.Therefore, investing time and effort in developing cultural intelligence is crucial for professionals engaged in international business.Model Essay 2:Title: The Role of Technology in Enhancing Supply Chain Efficiency Essay:In recent years, technological advancements have revolutionized the way businesses operate.One area that has particularly benefited from these advancements is the supply chain.The integration of technology has significantly enhanced supply chain efficiency, leading to improved productivity and cost savings.One such technology is the Internet of Things (IoT), which hasenabled real-time tracking of goods throughout the supply chain.This allows businesses to monitor inventory levels, predict demand, and optimize inventory management.Consequently, companies can reduce holding costs and avoid stockouts, leading to increased profitability.Another technology that has made a significant impact is artificial intelligence (AI).AI-powered algorithms can analyze large volumes of data to identify patterns and trends.This enables businesses to make data-driven decisions, such as optimizing transportation routes and improving demand forecasting.Furthermore, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize supply chain transparency.By creating a decentralized and immutable ledger, blockchain can provide end-to-end visibility of the supply chain, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing trust among trading partners.In conclusion, technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing supply chain efficiency.From real-time tracking and data analysis to improved transparency, technological advancements continue to revolutionize the way businesses manage their supply chains.Embracing these technologies is essential for businesses aiming to stay competitive in today"s fast-paced business environment.Conclusion:Effective business English writing is a critical skill for professionals inthe global business arena.These model essays on various business topics serve as a valuable resource to help individuals express their ideas with clarity and precision.By studying and practicing these essays, professionals can enhance their business English writing skills and position themselves for success in the international business landscape.。
商务英语必备1000词12 customer service
product quality
Your product quality is terrible.
n. 購買
We can send you a shipping label so that you can return your purchase at no extra charge.
n. 保固
I bought your three-year warranty, but I don't really understand this term.
========useful sentence :
adj. 無效的
Your warranty is invalid without an official registration stamp.
price list
We had some internal problems with the price list.
n. 退費
I want a full refund.
repቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱacement
n. 更換
If it doesn't work then we can give you a replacement or a refund.
商务英语写作齐头式范文Business English writing is an essential skill for professionals in today's global economy. 商务英语写作是当今全球经济中专业人士必不可少的技能。
It is important to be able to communicate effectively with international colleagues, clients, and partners. 能够有效地与国际同事、客户和合作伙伴沟通是非常重要的。
Whether writing emails, reports, or presentations, clear and professional communication is key. 无论是写电子邮件、报告还是演示文稿,清晰、专业的沟通是关键。
In this essay, I will discuss the importance of business English writing, offer tips for improving writing skills, and provide examples of effective business communication. 在这篇文章中,我将讨论商务英语写作的重要性,提供改进写作技巧的建议,并提供有效的商务沟通例子。
First and foremost, strong business English writing skills are essential for success in today's competitive business world. 首先,在当今竞争激烈的商业世界中,强大的商务英语写作技能对于成功至关重要。
Effective communication is the foundation of any successful business relationship, and clear writing is a key component of effective communication. 有效的沟通是任何成功的商业关系的基础,而清晰的书面表达是有效沟通的关键组成部分。
商务英语必备1000字(27)industry 产业manufacturing 生产制造alternative energy替代能源Scientists are researching alternative energy sources for cars.科學家正研究汽車的替代能源。
assembly line裝配線Our assembly line is capable of 1000 units per hour.我們的裝配線每小時可生產一千件。
automatedadj. 自動化的The production process is now fully automated.生產流程現已全面自動化。
breakthroughn. 突破Scientists predict a major breakthrough within four months.科學家預期四個月內會有重大突破。
capacity utilization產能利用Our capacity utilization rate would reach 100% by the end of the year.今年底我們的產能利用率將達100%。
componentn. 零件New fuel-cell components will revolutionize the auto industry.新的燃料電池零組件將為汽車業帶來大變革。
electronicsn. 電子產品China is the current construction hotspot for Taiwanese electronics factories. 中國現在是台灣電子廠設廠的熱門地點。
farm produce農業產品Taiwan has not imposed any restrictions on farm produce exports to China.台灣並未對輸出到中國的農業產品作任何設限。
商英求职信1000字Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the sales position at your company. With a strong background in sales and marketing, I believe that I possess the skills and experience necessary to excel in this role.I have a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing, and I have worked in sales for the past five years. During my time in the industry, I have developed a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences, and I have honed my negotiation and communication skills to effectively drive sales and achieve targets.In my current role as a Sales Executive at XYZ Company, I have consistently exceeded sales targets and maintained strong relationships with clients. I am confident in my ability to identify new business opportunities and drive revenue growth for your company.I am highly motivated and results-oriented, and I thrive in fast-paced and competitive environments. I am eager to bring my expertise to your team and contribute to the continued success of your company.I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your organization. Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of joining your team and contributing to your company's success.Sincerely, [Your Name]。
商务英语求职信1000字[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Hiring Manager's Name][Company Name][Company Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],I am writing to express my interest in the [specific position] at [Company Name] as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. With a strong background in [relevant field], I believe that my skills and experience make me a great fit for this role. I am confident that I can contribute to the continued success of your company.I graduated from [Name of University] with a degree in [Your Degree] and have [X years] of experience working in [relevant field]. During my time at [Previous Company], I was responsible for [specific duties and responsibilities related to the job you're applying for.]. I was able to [achievements or accomplishments during your time at the previous company].I am proficient in [list specific skills that are relevant to the jobyou're applying for, such as Microsoft Office Suite, data analysis, project management, etc.]. I am also a quick learner and have a strong work ethic. I am confident that I can adapt to the demands of the role and excel in a fast-paced work environment.I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of its [specific characteristics or values of the company that appeal to you]. I admire the company's commitment to [specific industry or value proposition], and I am excited at the opportunity to contribute to your team.In addition to my technical skills, I also possess strong communication and interpersonal skills. I have a proven track record of working well with others and can effectively collaborate with team members to achieve common goals. I am also detail-oriented and able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.I am highly motivated to join your team at [Company Name] and am eager to contribute to the company's continued success. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for the [specific position] and would appreciate the opportunity to discuss further how I can contribute to your team.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.Sincerely,[Your Name]。
accounting procedures 会计流程
insufficient funds
A $25 fine for any check returned for insufficient funds will be charged to the tenant. 若存款餘额不足遭退票,承租人须缴纳廿五元罚款。
n. 发票
The number of the purchase order is in the left-hand corner of your invoice.
n. 分类帐
Perhaps there was something not quite right about the files and the ledgers.
n. 未付;未缴
Your telephone service has been suspended for non-payment of bill.
adj. 未偿付的
Every month, the accounting department submits a report of bills outstanding.
v. 索价过高;溢收费用
The hotel overcharged me for room service.
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Unir1:银行业务banking 银行业务general business 一般业务ATM 自动柜员机You can change your PIN at the ATM. 1你可以在自动柜员机上修改密码automatic bill payment自动转帐服务Tina pays her phone bill with an automatic bill payment.蒂娜利用自动转帐服务付电话帐单balance差额余额If you keep a balance of $1,000, you won't have to pay the $20 monthly-service fee.如果你保持1000美元的余额,就不必付每月20美元的服务费了bank account帐户How do I open a bank account here?我要怎么开户bank holiday银行公休日国定休息日What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday?如果发薪日正好碰上了国休日那该怎么办banking银行业务Could you sign me up for online banking? 2你能帮我申请网络银行服务么banknote纸币钞票Wads of banknotes were hidden in the bag.包里藏了几数叠钞票certificate of deposit定期存款Redeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties. 如果你在定期前解约可能要付提前解约金checking account 支票存款帐户I need to make a withdrawal from my checking account.我要从我的支票帐户中提款deposit存款I didn't get my pay deposit this month.我这个月的薪水存款没有入帐discount rate 贴现率The discount rate is set by the Fed.贴现率是由联储决定的Individual Retirement Account 个人退休帐户Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account?我到哪开个人退休帐户重要么?interest利率Interest rates are not expected to increase.利率应不会再涨safe-deposit box (银行)保险箱She kept her jewels in her safe-deposit box.她把珠宝放在银行保险箱里savings account 储蓄存款帐户I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account. 我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户signature 签名Tom forged his boss's signature to steal company funds.汤姆伪造了他老板的签名盗取了公司的资金teller出纳员Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer.玛希刚开始是当出纳员,但是现在是贷款员The money has been transferred into my account.钱已经转入我的帐户wire汇款Judy's father wired money to her bank account.朱迪的父亲将钱汇入了她的帐户withdraw取款I withdrew $300 from my savings account.我从我的储蓄存款帐户提取了300美元商务英语必备1000字Unit2:消费金融balance transfer余额代偿Katherine made a balance transfer from her old credit card to her new one. 凯萨琳申办新卡代偿旧卡。
cancelv. 停(卡)What happens if I want to cancel my card?如果我想停卡該怎么办?cash card現金卡What do I need in order to apply for a cash card?申办现金卡我需要准备些什么?collateraln. 抵押品;担保品Without collateral, Mr. Thomas wasn't able to get a loan.由于没担保品,汤玛斯先生的贷款办不下來。
信用卡I need to report a stolen credit card.我要报信用卡失窃。
credit limit信用额度Beware of outrageous credit limits, which may lead to uncontrollable spending. 要小心信用額度別订得太高,这可能会导致花费无度。
credit rating信用评等Bob's poor repayment history has really hurt his credit rating.巴柏不良的还款记录对他的信用评等造成很大的伤害。
debit card签帐卡You can use this debit card almost anywhere in the world.这张签帐卡你几乎全世界任何地方都可使用。
debt consolidation负债整合Before you consider debt consolidation, closely examine the proposal.在考虑负债整合之前,要仔细检查其还款方案。
defaultn. 违约The company is in default on its loan agreement.该公司违反其贷款合约。
freezev. 冻结(帐户)The bank froze my credit card account after I reported it stolen.在我报失信用卡后,银行冻结了我的信用卡户头。
n. 分期付款Penny will pay off her student loans in 60 installments.潘妮將分六十期偿还她的助学贷款。
loann. 贷款I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. 我确认已阅读并了解这份贷款协议的条件与规定。
minimum finance charge每月最低应缴金额Some credit cards have a minimum finance charge.有些信用卡有每月最低应缴金额的限制。
mortgagen. 房贷;抵押借款Rick has a twenty-year mortgage.瑞克要繳二十年的房贷。
outstandingadj. 未清偿的;未付清的Our records show you have an outstanding balance of $6,0我们资料显示您有一笔六千元的款项未付。
refinancev. 重新贷款When deciding whether or not to refinance, there are many factors to consider.在決定是否重新贷款时,有许多因素要考量。
statementn. 账单明细The fee for issuing a replacement card will be charged to your next statement. 信用卡补发費用將併入您下个月的账单明细。
商务英语必备1000字Unit3:票据banking银行业务payment instruments票据bouncev. 跳(票)Oh no! My check to City Supermarket bounced!喔,糟了!我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!cashier's check本票Pre-payment with cashier's check or money order is accepted预付款用本票或汇票都可以。
checkn. 支票I don't have cash. Can I write you a check?我没有现金,可以开支票给你吗?clearing house票据交换所;清算所A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts. 票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。
endorsev. 背书Can you endorse the back of the check, please?可以麻烦你在支票背面签名背书吗?financial institution金融机构Many big financial institutions raised their interest rates today.许多大型金融机构都在今天升息。
maturev.(定存、票据等)到期When does my CD mature?我的定存何时到期?money order汇票Can I pay with money order?我可以用汇票付款吗?paycheckn. 薪资支票The HR assistant distributes employee paychecks every month. 人资部助理每个月会分发员工的薪资支票。
postdated check远期支票I'm sorry. We don't accept postdated checks.抱歉,我们不收远期支票。
stop payment止付My father called the bank to stop payment on the check.我父亲打电话到银行止付那张支票。
traveler's check旅行支票In what denominations would you like the traveler's checks?你要哪种面额的旅行支票?商务英语必备1000字Unit4:办公室流程business operation企业经营office procedures办公室流程badgen. 名牌;识别证Employees should wear their badges at all times in the building.员工在大楼内必须随时佩戴名牌。