0804、stringSymbo1Name(int pos z//列表中的数字boo1se1ected //true-只是市场报价中的交易品种);0805、返回交易品种名称。
0810χboo1Symbo1Se1ect(stringname, //交易品种名称boo1 se1ect //添加或者移除);0811、在市场观测中选择一个交易品种或者从窗口中移动一个交易品种。
ECON5001_Microeconomics_2008 Semester 1_Mid_Semester exam ECON5001_2004
Discipline of EconomicsECON 5001: MICROECONOMICSMid-Semester Test(Friday September 10, 2004)Instructions1.The test lasts for 1½ hours. Maximum marks = 40.2.The test consists of two parts. You must answer ALL questions in both parts.(i).Part A Multiple Choice: 20 questions (1 mark each).Answer on the sheet provided.(ii).Part B Problems: 2 problems (10 marks each).Answer in the booklet provided.3.Put your name, SID, and stream on the multiple choice answer sheet, and theexam booklet. Failure to comply may result in a mark of zero.4.This is a closed book exam: no notes are allowed. Non-programmable calculatorsare permitted.5.University of Sydney Examination Regulations apply. No person may leave theexamination room in the first 30 minutes or in the last 20 minutes of the exam. 6.GOOD LUCK!Part A: Multiple Choice (20 marks)1. The slope of an indifference curve reveals:a.that preferences are complete.b.the marginal rate of substitution of one good for another good.c.the ratio of market prices.d.that preferences are transitive.e.none of the above.2. Jane is trying to decide which courses to take next semester. She has narroweddown her choice to two courses Econ 1 and Econ 2. Now she is having trouble.She just cannot decide whi ch of the two courses to take. It’s not that she isindifferent between the two courses, she just cannot decide. An economistwould say that this is an example of preferences that:a.are not transitive.b.are incomplete.c.violate the assumption that more is preferred to less.d.all of the above.3. If a consumer must spend her entire income on some combination of twocommodities and chooses to spend it all on just one of the commodities then:a.the other commodity is an economic bad.b.the other commodity must have zero marginal utility.c.the other commodity generates less utility per dollar spent on the good.d.the two commodities must be perfect substitutes.4. The change in the price of one good has no effect on the quantity demanded ofanother good. These goods are:plements.b.substitutes.c.both inferior.d.both Giffen goods.e.none of the above.5. The income-consumption curve for Dana between Q A and Q B is given by theequation Q A = Q B. His budget constraint is given as:120 = Q A + 4Q BHow much Q A will Dana consume to maximize utility?a.0.b.24.c.30.d.60.e.More information is needed to answer this question.6. Assume that beer is a normal good. If the price of beer rises, then thesubstitution effect results in the person buying ______ of the good and theincome effect results in the person buying ______ of the good.a.more, more.b.more, less.c.less, more.d.less, less.7. Which of the following will cause the price of beer to rise?a. A shift to the right in the demand curve for beer.b. A shift to the left in the supply curve of beer.c.both (a) and (b).d.none of the above.8. Blanca would prefer a certain income of $20,000 to a gamble with a 0.5probability of $10,000 and a 0.5 probability of $30,000. Based on thisinformation:a.we can infer that Blanca neutral.b.we can infer that Blanca is risk averse.c.we can infer that Blanca is risk loving.d.we cannot infer Blanca's risk preferences.Wanting to invest in the computer games industry, you select Whizbo, Yowzo and Zowiebo as the three best firms. Over the past 10 years, the three firms have had good years and bad years. The following table shows their performance:9. Refer to the table above. Where is the highest expected revenue, based on the10 years' past performance?a.Whizbo.b.Yowzo.c.Zowiebo.d.Whizbo and Yowzo.e.Yowzo and Zowiebo.10. The price of good A goes up. As a result the demand for good B shifts to theleft. From this we can infer that:a.good A is used to produce good B.b.good B is used to produce good A.c.goods A and B are substitutes.d.goods A and B are complements.e.none of the above.11. A firm uses two factors of production. Irrespective of how much of each factoris used, both factors always have positive marginal products which imply thata. isoquants are relevant only in the long run.b. isoquants have negative slope.c. isoquants are convex.d. isoquants can become vertical or horizontal.e. none of the above.12. A firm's marginal product of labor is 4 and its marginal product of capital is 5.If the firm adds one unit of labor, but does not want its output quantity tochange, the firm shoulda. use five fewer units of capital.b. use 0.8 fewer units of capital.c. use 1.25 fewer units of capital.d. add 1.25 units of capital.13. If input prices are constant, a firm with increasing returns to scale can expecta. costs to double as output doubles.b. costs to more than double as output doubles.c. costs to go up less than double as output doubles.d. to hire more and more labor for a given amount of capital, since marginalproduct increases.e. to never reach the point where the marginal product of labor is equal tothe wage.14. Which of the following is not an expression for the cost minimizing combinationof inputs?a. MRTS = MP L / MP K.b. MP L / w = MP K / r.c. MRTS = w / r.d. MP L / MP K = w / r.e. None of these.15. A firm wants to minimize the total cost of producing 100 tons of dynamite. Thefirm uses two factors of production, chemicals and labor. The combination of chemicals and labor that minimizes production costs will be found wherea.the marginal products of chemicals and labor are equal.b.the ratio of the amount of chemicals used to the amount of labor usedequals the ratio of the marginal product of chemicals to the marginalproduct of labor.c.the ratio of the amount of chemicals used to the amount of labor usedequals the ratio of the price of chemicals to the wage rate.d.the production of an additional unit of dynamite costs the same regardlessof whether chemicals or labor are used.e.none of the above.16. A firm employs 100 workers at a wage rate of $10 per hour, and 50 units ofcapital at a rate of $21 per hour. The marginal product of labor is 3, and themarginal product of capital is 5. The firma. is producing its current output level at the minimum cost.b. could reduce the cost of producing its current output level by employingmore capital and less labor.c. could reduce the cost of producing its current output level by employingmore labor and less capital.d. could increase its output at no extra cost by employing more capital andless labor.e. both (b) and (d) are true.17. When an isocost line is just tangent to an isoquant, we know thata.output is being produced at minimum cost.b.output is not being produced at minimum cost.c.the two products are being produced at the least input cost to the firm.d.the two products are being produced at the highest input cost to the firm.18. If current output is less than the profit-maximizing output, then the next unitproduceda.will decrease profit.b.will increase cost more than it increases revenue.c.will increase revenue more than it increases cost.d.will increase revenue without increasing cost.e.may or may not increase profit.19. If a graph of a perfectly competitive firm shows that the MR = MC point occurswhere MR is above AVC but below ATC,a.the firm is earning negative profit, and will shut down rather thanproduce that level of output.b.the firm is earning negative profit, but will continue to produce whereMR = MC in the short run.c.the firm is still earning positive profit, as long as variable costs arecovered.d.the firm is covering explicit, but not implicit, costs.e.the firm can cover all of fixed costs but only a portion of variable costs.20.When the price faced by a competitive firm was $5, the firm produced nothingin the short run. However, when the price rose to $10, the firm produced 100 tons of output. From this we can infer thata.the firm's marginal cost curve must be flat.b.the firm's marginal costs of production never fall below $5.c.the firm's average cost of production was less than $10.d.the firm's total cost of producing 100 tons is less than $1000.e.the minimum value of the firm's average variable cost lies between $5and $10.Part B: Problems (20 marks - Answer BOTH questions)1. (10 marks)Mark derives utility from attending rock concerts (R) and fromcolas (C) as follows:U(C,R) = C 0.9R 0.1.The marginal utility of cola (MU C) and the marginal utility of rock concerts(MU R) are given as follows:MU C = 0.9C −0.1R 0.1 ,MU R = 0.1C 0.9R−0.9 ,withMRS = MU C/ MU R = 9R / C.a.If the price of cola (P C) is $1 and the price of concert tickets (P R)is $30 and Natasha's income is $300, how many colas and ticketsshould Natasha buy to maximize utility? (4 marks)b.Suppose that the promoters of rock concerts require each fan tobuy 4 tickets or none at all. Under this constraint and given theprices and income in (a), how many colas and tickets shouldNatasha buy to maximize utility? (4 marks)c.Is Natasha better off under the conditions in (a) or (b)? Explainyour answer. (2 marks)2.(10 marks)Consider a competitive market made up of a large number ofidentical firms. The market demand curve for the product is:Q = 1,000 – 50P,where P is price and Q is quantity. The market supply is expressed as:Q = 200P– 1,000.A typical firm in the industry has a marginal cost function as follows:MC = 5 + 0.5Q.a.Determine the market equilibrium price and quantity for theindustry. (2 marks)b.Determine each firm’s ou tput level and the number of firms in theindustry. (2 marks)c.Suppose that the government imposes a tax of $1 per unit ofoutput produced by firms. Compute the new equilibrium price inthe market after the tax is imposed. (3 marks)d.Suppose that the price in (a) represented a long-run equilibrium inthe market. Does the new equilibrium (c) represent a long-runequilibrium? What adjustments, if any, will occur in the industry?Explain. (3 marks)***** END OF TEST ******。
PML基础练习⼀个简单的 Macro (1)参数化宏Parameterized Macro (2)变量给属性赋值 (2)字符串⽅法实例 (2)定义函数 (2)练习-新建函数计算园的⾯积,测试函数 (3)条件判断语句(If Construct) (3)练习-条件判断 (3)循环赋值 (4)中断循环 Break (4)⽤skip 跳过奇数 (4)练习-跳转 (5)错误提⽰ (5)错误处理(Error Handling) (5)数组(Array) (6)赋值循环Do value (6)索引循环Do indices (6)管道排序 (6)练习-选择⼀个设备,将所有Nozzle连接的管道添加进来 (6)显⽰输出窗⼝.................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
⼀个简单的对话框(Form) (7)缺省构造⽅法(Constructor method) (7)控件定位 (7)控件定义 (8)设置控件初始值 (8)按钮的应⽤实例 (9)对话框控制属性-Apply (9)多选框的应⽤实例 (10)列表框应⽤实例 (11)Alpha Views (12)V olumn View (13)⽂件处理(Handling Files) (13)练习-⽂件处理 (13)选择⽂件 (13)⼀个简单的 MacroNEW EQUIP /FREDNEW BOXXLEN 300 YLEN 400 ZLEN 600NEW CYL DIA 400 HEI 600CONN P1 TO P2 OF PREV参数化宏Parameterized MacroNEW EQUIP /$1NEW BOXXLEN $2 YLEN $3 ZLEN $4NEW CYL DIA $3 HEI $4CONN P1 TO P2 OF PREV变量给属性赋值New PipeDesc 'My Description'Temp 100Pspec /A3BPurp PIPI!desc = desc!temp = temp!pspec = pspec!purp = purpNew PipeDesc '$!desc'Temp $!temppspec $!pspecpurp $!purp字符串⽅法实例!str = 'hello how are you!'!newstr = !str.after('hello').trim().replace('how', 'where').replace('!', '?') q var !newstr定义函数define function !!Area( !Length is REAL, !Width is REAL ) is REAL !Area = !Length * !Widthreturn !Area $*函数!!Area有两个参数⼀个返回值Endfunction练习-新建函数计算圆的⾯积,测试函数define function !!circleArea( !radius is REAL) is REAL !Area = PI * !Radius.Power(2) return !AreaEndfunction条件判断语句(If Construct)!Type = Type!OwnType = Type of OwnerIF (!Type eq 'BRAN') THEN$P CE is Branch.ELSEIF (!OwnType eq 'BRAN') THEN$P CE is Branch member.ELSE$P CE is $!Type,Pls select Branch.ENDIF练习-条件判断!type = typeadd ceif(!type eq 'BRAN') thenadd hrefadd trefelseif(!type eq 'NOZZ') thenadd crefendif$p Current type = $!type进⼀步判断:打印加⼊的元素个数!n = 0!type = typeadd ceif(!type eq 'BRAN') then!href = href!tref = trefif(!href.set()) then!n = !n + 1add hrefendifif(!tref.set()) then!n = !n + 1add trefendifelseif(!type eq 'NOZZ') then!cref = crefif(!cref.set()) then!n = !n + 1add crefendifendif$p Current type = $!type$p Total $!n reference循环赋值!Total = 0Do !x From 1 To 100 By 1!Total = !Total + !xEnddo中断循环 Break!Total = 0Do !x From 1 To 100!Total = !Total + !xIf(!Total gt 500) thenBreak $*或者Break if(!Total gt 500)EndifEnddo⽤skip 跳过奇数Do !x From 1 To 100If(Int(!x / 2) NE (!x / 2)) thenSkip $*或者Skip If(Int(!x / 2) NE (!x / 2)) Endif !Total = !Total + !xEnddo练习-跳转!n = 0label /start!type = typeif(!type eq 'BRAN') then !href = href!tref = trefif(!href.set()) then!n = !n + 1add hrefendifif(!tref.set()) then!n = !n + 1add trefendifendifif(!type eq 'NOZZ') then !cref = crefif(!cref.set()) then!n = !n + 1add crefgoto crefgolabel /startendifendif$p Total $!n reference错误提⽰Next$p OK错误处理(Error Handling) NextHandle any EndHandle$p OK数组(Array)!Str = 'Benz,Bmw,Audi' !BestCar = !Str.Split(',') Q var ! BestCar!BestCar[5] = 'Cadillac'!BestCar.Append('Lincoln')赋值循环Do valuedo !Name values !BestCar$p Array element is $!NameEnddo索引循环Do indicesdo !n indices !BestCar!Car = !BestCar[!n]$p Array element $!n is $!CarEnddo管道排序Var !Pipes Coll all Pipe for ce!pipename = array()Do !pipe value !pipes$!pipe!name = name!pipename.append(!name)EnddoVar !Names Eval name for all from !Pipes!Names.sort().invert()Do !n indices !Namesreorder $!names[$!n] before $!nEndDo练习-选择⼀个设备,将所有Nozzle连接的管道添加进来Add ceAuto ceVar !nozzles Coll all nozzle for ceVar !Crefs eval cref for all from !nozzlesDo !Cref value !CrefsAdd $!crefEndDo⼀个简单的对话框(Form)setup form !!helloTitle 'Hello'Paragraph .Message text 'Hello world'button .bye 'Goodbye' OKexit缺省构造⽅法(Constructor method)setup form !!helloTitle 'Hello'paragraph .Message text 'Hello world'text .input 'Enter text' width 10 is string $*字符串类型的编辑框button .bye 'Goodbye' OKexitDefine method .hello() $*缺省构造⽅法,与Form同名,不带参数!this.input.callback = ‘!this.doinput()’ $*Callback指明响应操作endmethodDefine method .doinput() $*响应操作!this.message.val = !this.input.val $*!this = !!hello, val 表⽰value endmethod 控件定位setup form !!helloTitle 'Hello'paragraph .Message text 'Hello world'text .input 'Enter text' at x0 ymax width 10 is stringbutton .bye 'Goodbye' at x0 ymax OKexit控件定义setup form !!addvolumntitle 'Add volumn'button .ce 'CE' at x0 ymax tooltip 'Select pipe'paragraph .cename text 'no name' width 15text .input 'Enter text' at x0 ymax width 10 is stringFrame .frame1 'Include' at x0 ymaxtoggle .bran 'Branch'toggle .equi 'Equipment'Exitlist .list 'Drawlist' at x0 ymax+0.3 width 18 height 5button .ok 'OK' at x0 ymax OKpath rightbutton .apply 'Apply' applybutton .cancel 'Cancel' Cancel!modifyOnIcon = !!pml.getpathname('modmodeon16.png') button .pick pixmap /$!modifyonicon at x0 ymax exit设置控件初始值setup form !!addvolumntitle 'Add volumn'button .ce 'CE' at x0 ymax tooltip 'Select pipe'paragraph .cename text 'no name' width 15text .input 'Enter text' at x0 ymax width 10 is stringFrame .frame1 'Include' at x0 ymaxtoggle .bran 'Branch'toggle .equi 'Equipment'Exitlist .list 'Drawlist' at x0 ymax+0.3 width 18 height 5button .ok 'OK' at x0 ymax OKpath rightbutton .apply 'Apply' applybutton .cancel 'Cancel' Cancel!modifyOnIcon = !!pml.getpathname('modmodeon16.png') button .pick pixmap /$!modifyonicon at x0 ymax exitdefine method .addvolumn()!this.bran.val = true!this.input.val = '1500'endmethod按钮的应⽤实例setup form !!addvolumntitle 'Add volumn'button .ce 'CE' at x0 ymax tooltip 'Select pipe'paragraph .cename text 'no name' width 15text .input 'Enter text' at x0 ymax width 10 is stringFrame .frame1 'Include' at x0 ymaxtoggle .bran 'Branch'toggle .equi 'Equipment'Exitlist .list 'Drawlist' at x0 ymax+0.3 width 18 height 5button .ok 'OK' at x0 ymax OKpath rightbutton .apply 'Apply' applybutton .cancel 'Cancel' Cancel!modifyOnIcon = !!pml.getpathname('modmodeon16.png') button .pick pixmap /$!modifyonicon at x0 ymax exitdefine method .addvolumn()!this.bran.val = true!this.input.val = '1500'!this.ce.callback = '!this.ce()'endmethoddefine method .ce()!this.cename.val = fullnameendmethod对话框控制属性-Applysetup form !!addvolumntitle 'Add volumn'button .ce 'CE' at x0 ymax tooltip 'Select pipe'paragraph .cename text 'no name' width 15text .input 'Enter text' at x0 ymax width 10 is stringFrame .frame1 'Include' at x0 ymaxtoggle .bran 'Branch'toggle .equi 'Equipment'Exitlist .list 'Drawlist' at x0 ymax+0.3 width 18 height 5button .ok 'OK' at x0 ymax OKpath rightbutton .apply 'Apply' applybutton .cancel 'Cancel' Cancel!modifyOnIcon = !!pml.getpathname('modmodeon16.png') button .pick pixmap /$!modifyonicon at x0 ymax exitdefine method .addvolumn()!this.bran.val = true!this.input.val = '1500'!this.ce.callback = '!this.ce()'!this.apply.callback = '!this.apply()' $*不关闭对话框endmethoddefine method .ce()!this.cename.val = fullnameendmethoddefine method .apply()!dist = !this.input.val!name = !this.cename.val$p CE is $!name ,Dist = $!distendmethod多选框的应⽤实例setup form !!addvolumntitle 'Add volumn'button .ce 'CE' at x0 ymax tooltip 'Select pipe'paragraph .cename text 'no name' width 15text .input 'Enter text' at x0 ymax width 10 is stringFrame .frame1 'Include' at x0 ymaxtoggle .bran 'Branch'toggle .equi 'Equipment'Exitlist .list 'Drawlist' at x0 ymax+0.3 width 18 height 5button .ok 'OK' at x0 ymax OKpath rightbutton .apply 'Apply' applybutton .cancel 'Cancel' Cancel!modifyOnIcon = !!pml.getpathname('modmodeon16.png') button .pick pixmap /$!modifyonicon at x0 ymax exitdefine method .addvolumn()!this.bran.val = true!this.input.val = '1500'!this.ce.callback = '!this.ce()'!this.apply.callback = '!this.apply()' $*不关闭对话框endmethoddefine method .ce()!this.cename.val = fullnameendmethoddefine method .apply()!name = !this.cename.val!dist = !this.input.val!elements = array()if(!this.bran.val) thenvar !elements append coll all bran Within Volume $!name $!dist endifif(!this.equi.val) thenvar !elements append coll all equip Within Volume $!name $!dist endifvar !names eval name for all from !elementsdo !element value !elementsadd $!elementenddoendmethod列表框应⽤实例setup form !!addvolumntitle 'Add volumn'button .ce 'CE' at x0 ymax tooltip 'Select pipe'paragraph .cename text 'no name' width 15text .input 'Enter text' at x0 ymax width 10 is stringFrame .frame1 'Include' at x0 ymaxtoggle .bran 'Branch'toggle .equi 'Equipment'Exitlist .list 'Drawlist' at x0 ymax+0.3 width 18 height 5button .ok 'OK' at x0 ymax OKpath rightbutton .apply 'Apply' applybutton .cancel 'Cancel' Cancel!modifyOnIcon = !!pml.getpathname('modmodeon16.png') button .pick pixmap /$!modifyonicon at x0 ymax exitdefine method .addvolumn()!this.bran.val = true!this.input.val = '1500'!this.ce.callback = '!this.ce()'!this.apply.callback = '!this.apply()' $*不关闭对话框!this.list.callback = '!this.doselection()'endmethoddefine method .ce()!this.cename.val = fullnameendmethoddefine method .apply()!name = !this.cename.val!dist = !this.input.val!elements = array()if(!this.bran.val) thenvar !elements append coll all bran Within Volume $!name $!dist endif if(!this.equi.val) thenvar !elements append coll all equip Within Volume $!name $!dist endif var !names eval name for all from !elements!this.list.dtext = !namesdo !element value !elementsadd $!elementenddoendmethoddefine method .doselection()!name = !this.list.selection()$!nameendmethodAlpha ViewsSetup Form !!alphaviewtitle ' Input & Output'view .Input ALPHA hei 10 width 40channel REQUESTSchannel COMMANDSExitbutton .apply 'Apply' at x0 ymax Applybutton .Dismiss 'Cancel' at Xmax form-size CancelExitVolumn Viewsetup form !!poptestview .vol volume width 50 hei 9exitpath downbutton .press 'swap popup' call '!this.popswap()'menu .popmenuadd 'hello' ' 'add 'world' ' 'exitexitdefine method .popswap()!this.vol.popup = !this.popmenuendmethod⽂件处理(Handling Files)!Input = object FILE('%pdmsexe%abc.txt')!Lines = !Input.ReadFile() $* ReadFile将⽂件内容写到字符串数组中!ResultArray = ARRAY() $* 声明新数组do !Line VALUES !Lines!Column1 = !Line.Part(1)!ResultArray.Append( !Column1)Enddo!Output = object FILE('%pdmsexe%def.txt')!Output.WriteFile('WRITE', !ResultArray) $* WriteFile将数组写到⽂件练习-⽂件处理!Input = object FILE('%pdmsexe%abc.txt')!Lines = !Input.ReadFile()do !Line VALUES !Lines$p $!lineEnddo选择⽂件setup form !!findfiletitle 'Find file'text .filename 'File name' at x1 ymax+0.3 width 35 is stringbutton .browser 'Brower'button .ok ' OK ' at x1 ymax+0.3 OKbutton .cancel 'Cancel' at x10 cancelexitdefine method .findfile()!this.browser.callback = |!!filebrowser('%pdmsuser%','*','',true,'!!findfile.filename.val = !!()')|endmethodSYSCOM 'notepad.exe &'后⾯加个&时单独启⽤进程调⽤应⽤程序,PDMS就不会处于停滞模态。
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
1区 期刊数 24 0036-1445 0001-5962 0894-0347 1369-7412 1070-5511 0003-486X 0090-5364 0883-4237 1063-5203 1615-3375 0273-0979 0010-3640 0020-9910 0065-9266 1468-1218 0272-4332 0162-1459 0964-1998 1540-3459 0073-8301 1064-8275 1536-867X 0266-5611 0165-0114 0025-5610 0218-2025 0895-4798 1052-6234 0036-1429 0960-3174 0735-0015 0027-3171 0938-8974 1085-3375 1687-1812 0036-1410 0033-3123 0272-4979 0012-7094 0176-4276 0036-1399 1239-6095 0091-1798 0885-7474
45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
0178-8051 1435-9855 0021-7824 1069-5869 0363-0129 0307-904X 0029-599X 0022-040X 1930-8337 0362-546X 0025-5718 1019-7168 0749-159X 0096-3003 0022-0396 0001-8708 0764-583X 0926-6003 1465-3060 1016-443X 1557-4679 1559-3940 1931-6690 0925-5001 1056-3911 0012-9593 1016-3328 1948-206X 0024-6115 0025-5831 1539-6746 0002-9327 0897-3962 0956-7925 0294-1449 0022-1236 1061-8600 0895-7177 0925-7721 0960-1627 0893-9659 0304-4149 1386-1999 0377-0427 1230-3429 1133-0686
而后半部分(第 10 到第 19 章)则介绍 UVM 背后的工作原理,用户群相对稀少。 通常来说,一般的用户只要看懂前半部分就可以了。但是我想,世上总有像我一样 有好奇心的人,不满足知其然再不知其所以然,会有人像我一样,会因为一个技术 问题而彻夜难眠,如果你是这样的人,那么恭喜,这本书的后半部分就是为你准备 的。
UVM1.1 应用指南及 源代码分析
UVM1.1 Application Guide and Source Code Analysis
张强 著
在这里,读懂 UVM
写这本书的难度超出了我的预料。从 8 月初开始写,一直到现在,4 个多月的 时间,从刚开始的满含激情,到现在的精疲力尽。现在写出来的东西,距离我心目 中的作品差距十万八千里,有太多的地方没有讲述清楚,有太多的地方需要仔细斟 酌,有太多的语句需要换一种表述方式。
8. register model的使用 ..............................................................................................125
8.1. register model简介...................................................................................125
写这本书,只是想把自己会的一点东西完全的落于纸上。在努力学习 UVM 的 过程中,自己花费了很多时间和精力。我只想把学习的心得记录下来,希望能够给 后来的人以启发。如果这本书能够给一个人带来一点点的帮助,那么我的努力就不 算是白费。
这本书的前半部分(第 1 到第 9 章)介绍了 UVM 的使用,其用户群较为广泛;
1ICDൟݙᾬᇍᑨ݇ி1 ЎՓICDˈ៥S1ǃಯICDˈϬTXTǃҹ2 DŽ3 ICD˖LN<>LN0<> LNodeType<>DO<>DADŽ4 <SCL >5 <Substation name="newSubstation">6 </Substation>7 <Communication>8 <SubNetwork name="SubNectWork">9 <ConnectedAP iedName="PSL_XXX" apName="S1"> 10 <Address> 11 <P type="OSI-AP-Title">1 3 9999 23</P> 12 <P type="OSI-AE-Qualifier">23</P> 13 <P type="OSI-PSEL">00 00 00 01</P> 14 <P type="OSI-SSEL">00 01</P> 15 <P type="OSI-TSEL">00 01</P> 16 <P type="IP"></P> 17 </Address> 18 </ConnectedAP> 19 </SubNetwork> 20 </Communication>21222 23 24 25 26 <GetDataSetValue/> 27 <DataSetDirectory/> 28 <ConfDataSet max="16" maxAttributes="128"/> 29 <ReadWrite/> 30 <ConfReportControl max="16"/> 31 <GetCBValues/> 32 <FileHandling/> 33 <ConfLogControl max="1"/> 34 <ReportSettings bufTime="Dyn" cbName="Conf" datSet="Conf" intgPd="Dyn" optFields="Dyn" rptID="Dyn"/> 35 36 37 38 <Server> 39 <Authentication/> 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 473</DataSet> 4849rptID="brcbCommStateA"> 50 51 52 seqNum="true" timeStamp="true"/> 53 <Rptnabled max="8"/> 54 </ReportControl> 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 <V al>false</Val> 65 </DAI> 66 </DOI> 67 <DOI name="P_01T_B" desc="#1B "> 68 <DAI name="stVal"> 69 <V al>false</Val> 70 </DAI> 71 </DOI> 72 <DOI name="P_02T_B" desc="#2B ">734<DAI name="stVal"> 74 <V al>false</Val> 75 </DAI> 76 </DOI> 77 </LN> 78 </LDevice> 79 </Server> 8081 82 83 84 85 <DO name="Beh" type="CN_Beh_EFIS"/> 86 <DO name="Health" type="CN_Health_EFIS"/> 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 </LNodeType>98 <LNodeType id="CN_GGIO_Dev" lnClass="GGIO">995<DO name="Mod" type="CN_Mod_EFIS"/> 100 <DO name="Beh" type="CN_Beh_EFIS"/>101 <DO name="Health" type="CN_Health_EFIS"/> 102 <DO name="NamPlt" type="CN_NamPlt_EFIS"/> 103 <DO desc="GPS " name="GPSErr" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 104 <DO desc="" name="StroageErr" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 105 <DO desc="CPU " name="CPULoadErr" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 106 <DO desc="" name="NICErr" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 107 <DO desc="" name="DBErr" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 108 <DO name="RcdMade" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 109 <DO name="FltNum" type="CN_INS"/> 110111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 1256<DO name="NamPlt" type="CN_NamPlt_EFIS"/>126 <DO desc="" name="Alm_PT5001A_A" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 127 <DO desc="" name="Alm_PT5001B_A" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 128 <DO desc="" name="Alm_PT5004A_A" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 129 <DO desc="" name="Alm_PT5004B_A" type="CN_SPS_EFIS"/> 130131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 <DA name="stVal" fc="ST" bType="Enum" dchg="true" type="Beh"/> 144 <DA name="q" fc="ST" bType="Quality" qchg="true"/> 145 <DA name="t" fc="ST" bType="Timestamp"/> 146 </DOType>147 <DOType id="CN_Health_EFIS" cdc="INS">148 <DA name="stVal" fc="ST" bType="Enum" type="Health"/> 149 <DA name="q" fc="ST" bType="Quality" qchg="true"/> 150 <DA name="t" fc="ST" bType="Timestamp"/>1517</DOType>152 <DOType id="CN_NamPlt_EFIS" cdc="LPL">153 <DA name="vendor" fc="DC" bType="VisString255"/> 154 <DA name="swRev" fc="DC" bType="VisString255"/> 155 <DA name="d" fc="DC" bType="VisString255"/> 156 <DA name="ldNs" fc="EX" bType="VisString255"/> 157 </DOType> 158 <DOType id="EFIS_DPL_EFIS" cdc="DPL"> 159 <DA name="vendor" fc="DC" bType="VisString255"/> 160 <DA name="hwRev" fc="DC" bType="VisString255"/> 161 <DA name="swRef" fc="DC" bType="VisString255"/> 162 <DA bType="VisString255" fc="DC" name="serNum"/> 163 <DA bType="VisString255" fc="DC" name="model"/> 164 <DA bType="VisString255" fc="DC" name="location"/> 165 </DOType> 166 <DOType cdc="STG" id="CN_STG_SG"> 167 <DA bType="Unicode255" fc="SP" name="setV al"/> 168 <DA bType="Unicode255" fc="DC" name="dU"/> 169 <DA bType="VisString255" fc="EX" name="cdcNs"> 170 <Val>ZPEPC MODEL:2008</V al> 171 </DA> 172 <DA bType="VisString255" fc="EX" name="cdcName"> 173 <Val>ZPEPC MODEL:2008</V al> 174 </DA> 175 <DA bType="VisString255" fc="EX" name="dataNs"> 176 <Val>ZPEPC MODEL:2008</V al>1778</DA> 178 <DA bType="Unicode255" fc="SE" name="setVal"/> 179 </DOType> 180 <DOType id="CN_INS" cdc="INS"> 181 <DA name="stVal" bType="INT32" dchg="true" fc="ST"/> 182 <DA name="q" bType="Quality" qchg="true" fc="ST"/> 183 <DA name="t" bType="Timestamp" fc="ST"/> 184 <DA name="subEna" bType="BOOLEAN" fc="SV"/> 185 <DA name="subV al" bType="INT32" fc="SV"/> 186 <DA name="subQ" bType="Quality" fc="SV"/> 187 <DA name="subID" bType="VisString64" fc="SV"/> 188 <DA name="dU" bType="Unicode255" fc="DC"/> 189 </DOType>190 <EnumType id="Beh">191 <EnumV al ord="1">on</EnumV al>192 <EnumV al ord="2">blocked</EnumV al> 193 <EnumV al ord="3">test</EnumVal>194 <EnumV al ord="4">test/blocked</EnumVal> 195 <EnumV al ord="5">off</EnumVal> 196 </EnumType>197 <EnumType id="Health">198 <EnumV al ord="1">Ok</EnumVal>199 <EnumV al ord="2">Warning</EnumV al> 200 <EnumV al ord="3">Alarm</EnumVal> 201 </EnumType>202 <EnumType id="ctlModel">2039<EnumV al ord="0">status-only</EnumVal>204 <EnumV al ord="1">direct-with-normal-security</EnumVal> 205 <EnumV al ord="2">sbo-with-normal-security</EnumV al> 206 <EnumV al ord="3">direct-with-enhanced-security</EnumV al> 207 <EnumV al ord="4">sbo-with-enhanced-security</EnumVal> 208 </EnumType> 209 </DataTypeTemplates> 210 </SCL>211 ᮹⏤ˈএǃˊICD/SCDDŽԚ212 ˈc ICD/SCD61850DŽҹDŽ213 214 ˖߬ 215 2013ᑈ4᳜8᮹216217218。
• 1.在Student表中编写insert的触发器,假如 每个班的学生不能超过30个,如果低于此 数,添加可以完成;如果超过此数,则插 入将不能实现。 • 2.在SC表上编写update触发器,当修改SC 表中的grade字段时将其修改前后的信息保 存在SC_log表中。
• 1、创建角色ProgramerRole,拥有创建表,存储过程, 视图权限,拥有对S表的查询、修改、插入权限 • create role ProgramerRole • grant create table,create procedure,create view to ProgramerRole • grant select,insert,update on Salary to ProgramerRole • 2、创建一个登录账号Testlogin • --create login username with password='password' • 3、创建对应于这个登录账号的数据库用户TestUser • create user username for login username • 4、将用户TestUser添加到TestRole角色中 • exec sp_addrolemember 'ProgramerRole','username '
• create role ProgramerRole • grant create table,create procedure,create view to ProgramerRole • grant select,insert,update on salary to ProgramerRole • create login Testlogin with password='123' • create user TestUser for login Testlogin • exec sp_addrolemember 'ProgramerRole','TestUser '
M51⽂件详细注释***.M51⽂件详细注释------喜平//说明:这是1950编译后⽣成的Keil_1910.M51⽂件,以此为例来讲解M51⽂件BL51 BANKED LINKER/LOCATER V6.11 12/30/2009 16:15:01 PAGE 1BL51 BANKED LINKER/LOCATER V6.11, INVOKED BY:C:\KEIL\C51\BIN\BL51.EXE 1910base.obj, 1910.obj TO Keil_1910 RAMSIZE (256) STACK (?STACK (0080H)) MEMORY MODEL: SMALL WITH FLOATING POINT ARITHMETICINPUT MODULES INCLUDED:1910base.obj (PROC1910)1910.obj (1910)C:\KEIL\C51\LIB\C51FPS.LIB (?C?FPADD)………………………………//省略类同部分…………………………………..C:\KEIL\C51\LIB\C51S.LIB (?C?LSTPDATA)LINK MAP OF MODULE: Keil_1910 (PROC1910)//存储器数据分配情况// 类型起始地址长度类型段名TYPE BASE LENGTH RELOCA TION SEGMENT NAME-----------------------------------------------------* * * * * * * D A T A M E M O R Y * * * * * * * //内部数据内存区分配情况,REG代表是常规寄存器,REG 0000H 0008H ABSOLUTE "REG BANK 0" // 寄存器类型,从0000H开始,0008H个字节,绝对定位,寄存器BANK0 REG 0008H 0008H ABSOLUTE "REG BANK 1" // 寄存器类型,从0000H开始,0008H个字节,绝对定位,寄存器BANK1 DATA 0010H 0006H UNIT ?DT?1910BL51 BANKED LINKER/LOCATER V6.11 12/30/2009 16:15:01 PAGE 2DATA 0016H 0005H UNIT ?DT?_WRITESLITPARAMETER?1910 //DATA代表是DATA型数据,可访问地址范围0-128,或者在128 .. 255 范围内的⼀个特殊功能寄存器(SFR),以直接寻址⽅式操作DATA 001BH 0004H UNIT ?DT?_READSLITPARAMETER?1910001FH 0001H *** GAP *** //代表空余,未⽤DATA 0020H 0001H BIT_ADDR ?BA?1910BIT 0021H.0 0001H.4 UNIT ?BI?1910 //BIT代表可以位操作的数据,是在内部数据存储空间中20H .. 2FH 区域中⼀个位的地址,或者8051 位可寻址SFR 的⼀个位地址。
S12 例程 - 2nd Lab Exercise
Electronics Digital Design – LAB#2 rev. 7
Docente: Prof. Maurizio Zamboni, Esercitatore: Ing. Maurizio Martina
– Electronics Digital Design – Lab#2
Light Emitting Diodes, Switches and square waveform generation
The purpose of this laboratory session is twofold i) to create a more complex application to drive light emitting diodes (LEDs) with the switches available on the Tower board; ii) to generate and measure a square waveform. All the information reported in this document are taken from the TWR-S12G128 user guide, the TWR-S12G128 schematics and the MC9S12G family reference manual.
• The Octagon (other multi-sided setup) is a variation of the Hollow Square style setup, where multiple tables arranged in a multi-sided design, in which the middle of the design is empty. Participants sit on all sides of the setup, but there is an emphasis and focus on a power figure at the designated head of the configuration. Each participant has the same amount of space, they can easily see one another and they have a writing surface. Setup is critical as far as participation is concerned. Multi-sided setups are best for groups under 30 people. If the group is larger than 30, this setup might be stretched too far. If the participants can't hear or see well, there will be diminished feelings of collegiality. This design is good for larger committee or board meetings of 17 to 30 people, at which interaction among attendees is important. Avoid long, straight sections of tables over 12 feet long. Octagons and hexagons work well to improve sight lines among attendees.
*&--------------------------------------------------------------**& FUNCTION:ZRFC_MM_ME21N*& Module : Function Group 2012*$ Short Text Create Purchase Order*& Function Group ZGRFC_MM*& Maraco MC_CONDITION_INSERT*& Short Text 创建采购订单函数*&--------------------------------------------------------------**& Created : Gary.C (2008.07.29) From Hanhe Information Technoligy CD. LTD.*& Modified : Name (Date) From* Intention : 1. User could use this function to create purchase order.*&--------------------------------------------------------------*FUNCTION zrfc_mm_me21n.*"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local interface:*" IMPORTING*" VALUE(PO_HEADER) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER STRUCTURE BAPIMEPOHEADER*" OPTIONAL*" VALUE(PO_HEADERX) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADERX STRUCTURE*" BAPIMEPOHEADERX OPTIONAL*" EXPORTING*" VALUE(EP_PONUMBER) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER-PO_NUMBER*" VALUE(EP_MSG) TYPE CHAR255*" VALUE(EP_SUBRC) LIKE SY-SUBRC*" VALUE(EP_FRGKE) LIKE EKKO-FRGKE*" TABLES*" ET_LOG STRUCTURE BAPIRET2 OPTIONAL*" IT_POITEM STRUCTURE ZBAPIMEPOITEM OPTIONAL*" IT_POITEMX STRUCTURE BAPIMEPOITEMX OPTIONAL*" IT_POCOND STRUCTURE BAPIMEPOCOND OPTIONAL*" IT_POCONDX STRUCTURE BAPIMEPOCONDX OPTIONAL*" IT_DELIVERY_SCHEDULE STRUCTURE BAPIMEPOSCHEDULE OPTIONAL*" IT_DELIVERY_SCHEDULEX STRUCTURE BAPIMEPOSCHEDULX OPTIONAL*" IT_POHEADER_TEXT STRUCTURE ZRFC_ME21N_TEXTSEVICE OPTIONAL*" IT_POITEM_TEXT STRUCTURE ZRFC_ME21N_TEXTSEVICE1 OPTIONAL*" IT_PO_REL_CODE STRUCTURE ZRFC_ME21N_REL_CODE OPTIONAL*" IT_POITEMCOND STRUCTURE ZME21NPOCOND OPTIONAL*"----------------------------------------------------------------------*&---------------------------------Global variant-----------------------------*DATA: gp_return LIKE bapiret2 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,gp_potext_header LIKE bapimepotextheader OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,gp_potext_item LIKE bapimepotext OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.DATA: gc_vendor LIKE lfa1-lifnr,gc_country LIKE lfa1-land1,gc_frgke LIKE ekko-frgke.CLEAR gc_country.*&---------------------------------Po Header-----------------------------* po_headerx-doc_type = 'X'. "Document_type.po_headerx-vendor = 'X'. "Supplyer.po_headerx-purch_org = 'X'. "Purchase orgnization.po_headerx-pur_group = 'X'. "Purchase Group*&-----addition_datapo_headerx-vper_start = 'X'. "validity date start.po_headerx-vper_end = 'X'. "validity date end.*&-----Paymentpo_headerx-pmnttrms = 'X'. "Code for Paymentpo_headerx-incoterms1 = 'X'. "Interetional incoming terms 1po_headerx-incoterms2 = 'X'. "Interetional incoming terms 2*&-----Add ZeroPERFORM f_add_zero USING po_header-vendor.PERFORM f_add_zero USING po_header-purch_org.*&---------------------------------Po Item-----------------------------* IF it_poitem[] IS INITIAL.ep_msg = '行项目不能为空'.ep_subrc = -1.EXIT.ENDIF.LOOP AT it_poitem.it_poitem-po_item(4) = sy-tabix. "Po item No.it_poitemx-po_item(4) = sy-tabix.it_poitemx-po_itemx = 'X'. "Po item Noit_poitemx-material = 'X'. "Material No.it_poitemx-quantity = 'X'. "Quantityit_poitemx-net_price = 'X'. "Net Priceit_poitemx-plant = 'X'. "Plant.it_poitemx-preq_name = 'X'. "Prchase_Requirmenter's Name .it_poitemx-preq_no = 'X'. "Prchase_Requirment No.it_poitemx-preq_item = 'X'. "Prchase_Requirment Item.*&-----Detailit_poitemx-over_dlv_tol = 'X'. "Over Delivery Toleranceit_poitemx-under_dlv_tol = 'X'. "Under Delivery Tolerance*&-----Tax Codeit_poitemx-tax_code = 'X'. "Tax Code*&-----Add ZeroPERFORM f_add_zero USING it_poitem-material.PERFORM f_add_zero USING it_poitem-preq_no.MODIFY it_poitem.APPEND it_poitemx.ENDLOOP.*&-----Delivery ScheduleIF it_delivery_schedule[] IS INITIAL.ep_msg = '请输入行项目交货计划日期'.ep_subrc = -1.EXIT.ENDIF.LOOP AT it_delivery_schedule.it_delivery_schedule-po_item(4) = sy-tabix. "Po item No.it_delivery_schedulex-po_item(4) = sy-tabix.it_delivery_schedulex-po_itemx = 'X'.it_delivery_schedulex-delivery_date = 'X'. "Delivery_Date.MODIFY it_delivery_schedule.APPEND it_delivery_schedulex.ENDLOOP.*&---------------------------------Text-service-----------------------------* *&---Po_Header_TextLOOP AT it_poheader_text. "PO抬头文本---活价标识F01IF it_poheader_text-text_head01 IS NOT INITIAL.gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head01.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F01'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.IF it_poheader_text-text_head02 IS NOT INITIAL. "PO抬头文本---保险费F02gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head02.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F02'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.IF it_poheader_text-text_head03 IS NOT INITIAL. "PO抬头文本---码头、港建费F03 gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head03.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F03'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.IF it_poheader_text-text_head04 IS NOT INITIAL. "PO抬头文本---商检费F04gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head04.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F04'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.IF it_poheader_text-text_head05 IS NOT INITIAL. "PO抬头文本---采购类型F05gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head05.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F05'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.IF it_poheader_text-text_head06 IS NOT INITIAL. "PO抬头文本---发运地F06gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head06.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F06'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.IF it_poheader_text-text_head07 IS NOT INITIAL. "PO抬头文本---备注F07gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head07.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F07'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.IF it_poheader_text-text_head08 IS NOT INITIAL. "PO抬头文本---合同号F08gp_potext_header-text_line = it_poheader_text-text_head08.gp_potext_header-text_id = 'F08'.APPEND gp_potext_header.ENDIF.ENDLOOP.LOOP AT it_poitem_text. "Warning:Po_Number And Po_item must reference to IT_POITEM-PO_ITEM.IF it_poitem_text-text_item01 IS NOT INITIAL. "采购单行项目文本----运费f01gp_potext_item-text_line = it_poitem_text-text_item01.gp_potext_item-po_item = it_poitem_text-po_item.gp_potext_item-text_id = 'F01'.APPEND gp_potext_item.ENDIF.IF it_poitem_text-text_item02 IS NOT INITIAL. "采购单行项目文本----运输方式F02gp_potext_item-text_line = it_poitem_text-text_item02.gp_potext_item-po_item = it_poitem_text-po_item.gp_potext_item-text_id = 'F02'.APPEND gp_potext_item.ENDIF.IF it_poitem_text-text_item03 IS NOT INITIAL. "采购单行项目文本----费用支付情况F03 gp_potext_item-text_line = it_poitem_text-text_item03.gp_potext_item-po_item = it_poitem_text-po_item.gp_potext_item-text_id = 'F03'.APPEND gp_potext_item.ENDIF.IF it_poitem_text-text_item04 IS NOT INITIAL. "采购单行项目文本----备注F04gp_potext_item-text_line = it_poitem_text-text_item04.gp_potext_item-po_item = it_poitem_text-po_item.gp_potext_item-text_id = 'F04'.APPEND gp_potext_item.ENDIF.IF it_poitem_text-text_item05 IS NOT INITIAL. "采购单行项目文本----杂费F05gp_potext_item-text_line = it_poitem_text-text_item05.gp_potext_item-po_item = it_poitem_text-po_item.gp_potext_item-text_id = 'F05'.APPEND gp_potext_item.ENDIF.IF it_poitem_text-text_item06 IS NOT INITIAL. "采购单行项目文本----车船号F06gp_potext_item-text_line = it_poitem_text-text_item06.gp_potext_item-po_item = it_poitem_text-po_item.gp_potext_item-text_id = 'F06'.APPEND gp_potext_item.ENDIF.IF it_poitem_text-text_item07 IS NOT INITIAL. "采购单行项目文本----质量标准F07gp_potext_item-text_line = it_poitem_text-text_item07.gp_potext_item-po_item = it_poitem_text-po_item.gp_potext_item-text_id = 'F07'.APPEND gp_potext_item.ENDIF.ENDLOOP.*&---------------------------------Check Input-----------------------------*IF po_header-incoterms1 IS NOT INITIAL.IF po_header-incoterms2 IS INITIAL .ep_msg = '请检查国际贸易付款条件的输入'.ep_subrc = -1.EXIT.ENDIF.ENDIF.gc_vendor = po_header-vendor.SELECT SINGLE lfa1~land1 INTO gc_country FROM lfa1 WHERE lfa1~lifnr = gc_vendor.IF gc_country EQ 'CN'.READ TABLE it_poitem WITH KEY tax_code = ''.IF sy-subrc = 0.ep_msg = '请输入税务代码'.ep_subrc = -1.EXIT.ENDIF.ENDIF.*&---------------------------------Condition-----------------------------*LOOP AT it_poitem.IF gc_country EQ 'CN'.mc_condition_insert it_poitem-pbxx_value it_poitem-pbxx_unit 'PBXX'. "总价格:单价(元/吨)* mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf101_value it_poitem-znf101_unit 'ZNF1'. "进项增值税mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf501_value it_poitem-znf501_unit 'ZNF5'. "运费(值)mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf6_value it_poitem-znf6_unit 'ZNF6'. "运费/数量mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf401_value it_poitem-znf401_unit 'ZNF4'. "运费税率 %, 默认7.0% mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf701_value it_poitem-znf701_unit 'ZNF7'. "杂费(值)* mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znfb01_value it_poitem-znfb01_unit 'ZNFB'. "不含税运费mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf801_value it_poitem-znf801_unit 'ZNF8'. "杂费(数量)ELSE.mc_condition_insert it_poitem-pbxx_value it_poitem-pbxx_unit 'PBXX'. "总价格:单价(元/吨)mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf202_value it_poitem-znf202_unit 'ZNF2'. "关税mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf302_value it_poitem-znf302_unit 'ZNF3'. "消费税mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf902_value it_poitem-znf902_unit 'ZNF9'. "保险费/数量mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znfa02_value it_poitem-znfa02_unit 'ZNFA'. "其它费用/数量mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znfc02_value it_poitem-znfc02_unit 'ZNFC'. "其它费用(值) mc_condition_insert it_poitem-znf6_value it_poitem-znf6_unit 'ZNF6'. "运费/数量ENDIF.ENDLOOP.*&---------------------------------Date Translation-----------------------------*CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1'EXPORTINGpoheader = po_headerpoheaderx = po_headerxno_price_from_po = 'X'IMPORTINGexppurchaseorder = ep_ponumberTABLESreturn = et_logpoitem = it_poitempoitemx = it_poitemxposchedule = it_delivery_scheduleposchedulex = it_delivery_schedulexpotextheader = gp_potext_headerpotextitem = gp_potext_itempocond = it_pocondpocondx = it_pocondxEXCEPTIONSOTHERS = -1.IF ep_ponumber NE space.READ TABLE et_log WITH KEY type = 'E'.IF sy-subrc = 0.ep_msg = '无法创建采购订单,请查看错误日志'.ep_subrc = -1.ROLLBACK WORK.ELSE.LOOP AT et_log.IF et_log-type = 'W'.ep_msg = '订单已经成功创建但出现系统警告,请查看ET_LOG日志'.ep_subrc = 0.CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'EXPORTINGwait = 'X'.ELSE.* READ TABLE et_log WITH KEY type = 'E'.* IF sy-subrc = 0.* ep_msg = '无法创建采购订单,请查看错误日志'.* ep_subrc = -1.* ROLLBACK WORK.ep_msg = '创建采购订单成功'.ep_subrc = 0.CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'EXPORTINGwait = 'X'.ENDIF.ENDLOOP.ENDIF.ELSE.ROLLBACK WORK.ep_msg = '创建采购订单失败,请查看错误日志'.ep_subrc = -1.EXIT.ENDIF.****&---------------------------------Po Release status-----------------------------* IF ep_subrc = 0.SELECT SINGLE ekko~frgke INTO gc_frgke FROM ekko WHERE ekko~ebeln = ep_ponumber.ep_frgke = gc_frgke.ENDIF.**&---------------------------------Po Release-----------------------------** LOOP AT it_po_rel_code.* CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_RELEASE'* EXPORTING* purchaseorder = ep_ponumber* po_rel_code = it_po_rel_code-rel_code** USE_EXCEPTIONS = 'X'** NO_COMMIT = ' '** IMPORTING** REL_STATUS_NEW =** REL_INDICATOR_NEW =** RET_CODE =** TABLES** RETURN =** EXCEPTIONS** AUTHORITY_CHECK_FAIL = 1** DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND = 2** ENQUEUE_FAIL = 3** PREREQUISITE_FAIL = 4** RELEASE_ALREADY_POSTED = 5** RESPONSIBILITY_FAIL = 6** OTHERS = 7* .** ENDLOOP.**----------------------mc_condition_insert------------------ DEFINE mc_condition_insert.if ( &1 is not initial ) or ( &2 is not initial ).it_pocond-itm_number = it_poitem-po_item.it_pocond-cond_type = &3 .it_pocond-cond_value = &1. "it_poitem-pbxx01_value.it_pocond-cond_unit = &2 . "it_poitem-pbxx01_unit.it_pocond-change_id = 'U'.it_pocond-currency = &4.it_pocond-cond_p_unt = &5.append it_pocond.it_pocondx-itm_number = it_poitem-po_item.it_pocondx-change_id = 'X'.* it_pocondx-itm_number = 'X'.it_pocondx-itm_numberx = 'X'.it_pocondx-cond_type = 'X'. "Condition type.if &4 is not initial.it_pocondx-currency = 'X'.endif.if &1 is not initial.it_pocondx-cond_value = 'X'. "Condition value.endif.*** it_pocondx-currency = 'X'. "Currency*** it_pocondx-cond_p_unt = 'X'. "Condition per unit if &2 is not initial.it_pocondx-cond_unit = 'X'. "Condition unit.endif.if &5 is not initial.it_pocondx-cond_p_unt = 'X'. "Condition value. endif.append it_pocondx.endif.END-OF-DEFINITION.ENDFUNCTION.。
AccuRev CLI Commands汇总
// enable “merge on update”
> accurev update -t <trans_#> // only update changes upto // that transaction
Check the Status of Files
• Use accurev stat to check the status of files in workspace.
• Logout of the AccuRev Server:
> accurev logout
Accurev Show Commands
• Display the names of all depots in the repository: > accurev show depots
• Display the principal-names of all AccuRev users: > accurev show users
accurev –c <comment> <f_name> // keep a file with comment
Promote Changes to Stream
• Promote will checkin your changes to backing stream so that other people’s workspace can sync with your changes.
Diff File Between Versions
• Compare a file in different versions • CLI commands:
accurev diff [ -b | -v <version> ] [ -cwWIB | -G ] <file-name>
ACS355/M1/850/580/880 FENA-XXProfinetIO调试指导本文介绍了设置变频器实现总线通讯控制的速度/转矩控制方法。
实现的功能:通过总线控制切换EXT1/EXT2,EXT1用来实现速度控制,EXT2用来实现转矩控制使用的硬件:ACS355/M1/850/580/880变频器+FENA-01/11/21模块, SIEMENS S7 PLC+Step7/TIA组态软件调试步骤:1.将变频器硬件准备好,电源线,通讯线连接好(参见相关手册)2.正确设置电机参数,电压,电流,转速等(参见相关手册)3.设置变频器参数4.设置通讯模块相关参数设置通讯模块参数注:ACS880通讯模块为FBA A时是51组,FBA B时是54组设置总线循环数据注:ACS880通讯模块为FBA A时是52,53组, FBA B时是55,56组刷新总线模块参数注:ACS880通讯模块为FBA A时是51组,FBA B时是54组5.进行PLC组态设置-STEP7 配置步骤a.在step7软件中建立项目,配置好硬件,并导入FENA-XX的GSDML文件b.在硬件组态中建立FENA-XX模块,设定一个Device name和IP地址,并勾选通过controller指派IP地址c.在FENA-XX的slot中建立数据交换类型,本例中用的是PPO4,可以根据自己的需要自由选择.然后双击PPO4,打开参数配置界面,设定好fail-safe值,control-zero mode最好选ignore datad.然后点击硬件组态界面上方的PLC-Ethernet-Assign Device Namee.在弹出的界面中应该可以找到当前连接的变频器.如果有多个变频器,可以通过MAC地址区分(FENA-XX模块正面标签注明了该模块的MAC地址).然后点击Assign namef.将硬件组态下载至PLC并运行即可正常通讯本例中循环数据的地址定义是256~267,在PLC程序中,使用PIW,PQW标签即可进行数据的读写,本例中的具体定义如下:-TIA博途配置步骤a.在TIA博途软件中建立项目,配置好硬件,并导入FENA-XX的GSDML文件b.在硬件组态中建立FENA-XX模块,设定一个Device name并选择“set IPaddress in the project” 且指定IP地址,c.在FENA-XX的slot中建立数据交换类型,本例中用的是PPO6,可以根据自己的需要自由选择,并且在PPO的模块参数中设定好fail-safe值,control-zero mode最好选ignore datad.打开软件左侧的device&network界面,点击FENA图标,再点击界面上方的assign device name按钮e.在弹出的界面中应该可以找到当前连接的变频器.如果有多个变频器,可以通过MAC地址区分(FENA-XX模块正面标签注明了该模块的MAC地址).然后点击Assign namef.将硬件组态下载至PLC并运行即可正常通讯本例中循环数据的地址定义是256~267,在PLC程序中,使用PIW,PQW标签即可进行数据的读写,本例中的具体定义如下:总线控制方法:变频器转速模式启动:控制字写入十六进制047Fh变频器转矩模式启动:控制字写入十六进制0C7Fh变频器停止:向控制字写入十六进制047Eh速度给定:向速度给定寄存器相应速度,十进制20000对应最高转速,使电机反转只需写入负值即可转矩给定:向转矩给定寄存器写入相应转矩,十进制10000对应最大转矩,使转矩反向写入负值即可故障复位:向控制字写入十六进制04FEh。
DC 示例练习笔记1、示例准备1)DC软件;2)试验材料准备,构造risc_design文件夹3)在Verilog文件夹下增加count4.v,count_tb.v源码文件4)该文件夹复制到虚拟机中2、示例练习1)设置库文件在自己的工作的文件夹下,使用design vision &在后台打开DC图形界面,file->setup设置link library,target library,symbol library如图,这个库文件在安装目录dc2016/library/syn文件夹下,复制到自己新建的文件下,在此设置的时候选择即可。
2)使用菜单file->read 读入count4.v count_tb.v文件,查看log打印文件如下read_file -format verilog {/usr/work/risc_design/source/verilog/count4.v} Loading db file '/usr/work/risc_design/libraries/tc6a_cbacore.db'Loading db file '/usr/synopsys/dc2016/libraries/syn/gtech.db'Loading db file '/usr/synopsys/dc2016/libraries/syn/standard.sldb'Loading link library 'cba_core'Loading link library 'gtech'Loading verilog file '/usr/work/risc_design/source/verilog/count4.v'Detecting input file type automatically (-rtl or -netlist).Reading with Presto HDL Compiler (equivalent to -rtl option).Running PRESTO HDLCWarning: Can't read link_library file 'your_library.db'. (UID-3)Compiling source file /usr/work/risc_design/source/verilog/count4.vInferred memory devices in processin routine count4 line 14 in file'/usr/work/risc_design/source/verilog/count4.v'.=================================================== ============================| Register Name | Type | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST |=================================================== ============================| q_reg | Flip-flop | 4 | Y | N | N | N | N | N | N |=================================================== ============================Presto compilation completed successfully.Current design is now '/usr/work/risc_design/source/verilog/count4.db:count4' Loaded 1 design.Current design is 'count4'.design_vision>Current design is 'count4'.3)设置互连线模型菜单attribute->operating environment ->wire load ;4)设置时钟约束在图形界面的层次化窗口中选中顶层设计,右键选择“”schematic view“”出现如下界面选中clk管脚,然后点击菜单attributes->specify clk 弹出窗口如下填写name 、period、rising、falling即可约束为时钟周期、上升沿、下降沿。
MSC.Mentat上机教程李胜祗安徽工业大学1 概述本章要点○ MENTAT 与MARC 的关系 ○ MENTAT 操作的基本知识MENTAT 是MARC 程序的前后处理器,主要由3部分构成:生成有限元网格、交互式输入边界条件、材料参数、几何参数、初始条件、接触条件、定义载荷工况等,进行有限元分析和计算,显示计算结果、进行后处理。
为便于初学者尽快掌握MENTAT 的使用方法,这里介绍一些常用菜单命令的使用方法,此外再附一些操作实例。
1.1 MENTAT 与MARC 的关系MENTAT 与MARC 程序的关系如图1-1所示。
MENTAT 可以自动生成MARC 分析所需要的输入文件model.dat ,用户可以在MENTAT 的图形环境下运行MARC 程序,此时MARC 程序对用户来说处于后台,也可以利用model.dat ,采用“run_marc ”命令运行MARC 程序。
MENTAT 可以读入MARC 运行产生的结果文件,即后处理文件model.t19(格式化文件)或model.t16(非格式化文件),进行数据结果的图形显示。
当然,用户可以采用其它方法生成MARC 的输入文件model.dat 。
1.2 MARC 程序的屏幕布局图1-1 MENTAT 与MARC 关系示意图对话区是包括5行显示区的可滚动区域,程序的提问、警告和反应都将在此区域显示,用户可以在此区内输入数据和命令。
状态区是供显示程序的状态,working 或ready 反映当前程序处于运算显示新图形状态还是等待状态。
1.3 MENTAT 与用户的通讯MENTAT 通过提问来要求用户输入数据或命令。
根据提问结尾的标点符号不同,共有3种不同的命令类型::输入数据> 输入字符串,通常是一个命令、文件名或集名 ?输入YES 或NO用户可以通过鼠标、键盘或二者结合来输入数据、命令等。
实用标准文案TongEASY问题集目录1.产品安装、配置、部署 (4)1.1.TE42启动后通讯层连通,事务层不通问题 (4)1.2.TE节点间连接时断时通问题 (5)1.3.TE42产品,交易码使用通配符不正确引起的交易失败问题 (6)1.4.产品安装启动用户和应用部署用户不同引起的问题 (7)1.5.在TE安装过程中没有建FILE目录造成的问题 (8)1.6.用户反映系统在业务高峰出现S YS Q、M EM Q满的现象 (8)1.7.TE45 WINDOWS调用J AVA 服务的问题 (9)1.8.配置引起的应用程序调用TEC ALL S VR J AVA接口函数导致J AVA虚拟机宕掉问题 (10)1.9.TE52当SVCDESC.TXT中配制的服务数超过SRCPARA.TXT中T X T YPE M AX N UM参数值出现的启动问题.. 111.10.TE52的TL LINEDEF.CONF配置参数引起的问题 (12)1.11.文件系统引起的T ONG EASY不能启动问题 (13)1.12.TE桥版本不正确引起的T ONG EASY42和T ONG EASY45连通问题 (14)2.与应用相关的问题 (15)2.1.TE42、TE45发送文件名长度大于80的文件问题 (15)2.2.TE42、TE45发送文件时文件名前不带+-号引起的问题 (15)2.3.TE454G的日志引起核心进程宕掉的问题 (16)2.4.TE454并发测试,CONNECT失败问题 (17)2.5.TE52并发测试,TE_TPINIT失败问题 (18)2.6.TE52交易嵌套调用,服务进程死亡问题 (18)2.7.TE交易生成临时文件失败问题 (22)2.8.T ONG EASY日志中产生W AIT SVRECHO TMOUT (22)2.9.T ONG EASY日志中产生AP NOT WORK问题 (24)2.10.TE52客户端调用服务端,超时无应答问题 (25)2.11.TE52瘦客户端调用服务时,调用了一定的次数后就失败问题 (26)2.12.TE_TPINIT参数问题 (27)2.13.TE52函数封装问题 (28)2.14.系统发起的带文件交易不能正常进行,不带文件的交易正常 (28)2.15.TE桥版本不正确引起的T ONG EASY42和T ONG EASY45连通问题 (29)3.其他 (31)3.1.由TE454B升级到TE454G注意事项 (31)3.2.T ONG EASY42升级为T ONG EASY454说明 (31)1.产品安装、配置、部署1.1.TE42启动后通讯层连通,事务层不通问题●现象用户安装配置TE42后,通过管理界面的节点监控发现节点状态为“不通”检查下级节点的syslog日志,有如下错误:●原因检查两个节点的配置,节点名IBMCli的事务层的监控界面如下:节点名IBM111的事务层的监控界面如下:从上两图可以看出,对节点IBMCli 的机构名的配置不匹配.在节点IBM111上的节点IBMCli 的机构名为11111002,而在节点IMCli 上的节点IBMCli 的机构名为11111001.两端配置不一致,引起事务层不通.●解决方法修改配置,使两个节点的机构名保持一致。
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You will possess excellent communication, interpersonal, and influencing skills, with the ability to effectively plan, organize, and prioritize workloads The successful candidate will possess outstanding communication, analytical and writing skills; having the capacity to interact with executive management; act with very high levels of integrity and ethical behaviours; and exhibit strong people management skills. Candidates must have exceptional leadership, strategic, communication, negotiation and interpersonal skills
4 Components of EI
The appraisal and expression of emotions
Awareness of own emotion Ability to express emotion accurately Ability to accurately detect others’ emotion How does appraisal and expression of emotions affect communication (intra/inter)?
Communication: Definition
What is communication? The act of transmitting meaning The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behaviour
E.g., Our attention on current tasks or goals can make us discount major relevant events, which can lead to miscommunication. miscommunication
“We hear what we want to hear, we see what we want to see”
What is the one skill set that is required in all these activities?
Importance of Communication Skills: .au (executive positions)
Accounting: Operational review/Risk manager
Stereotype can stop people from attending to new information
have nothing creative to contribute?”
Summary: Intrapersonal Barriers to Effective Communication
Wh could What ld go wrong in the h communication process? ?
Some intrapersonal communication barriers
Emotional intelligence
How emotional intelligence affects intra-/intercommunication
Count the number of times the players passed the ball
What did you see?
1. Selective Perception & Communication
People selectively interpret what they see based on their own interests, background, and attitudes.
Dr. Nick Wang
Communication process
Why is communication important to us? Models of communication process
People perceive the same reality differently
This could affect the communication process
Some intrapersonal barriers
1 1. 2.
Selective perceptions Stereotyping
Extends the impact of noise Noise can affect all parts of the communication process
What Could Go Wrong in the Communication Process?
Feedback E n c o d e D e c o d e
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
ability to carry out accurate reasoning on emotions and the ability to use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thoughts (Mayer, Roberts, & Barsade, 2008)
Aware of the impacts these biases have on communication is the first step to overcoming these barriers
Which of the following is NOT a stereotype?
Women are warm and friendly Asians are shy Tiger Woods W is the best golf player alive Lecturers are difficult people
பைடு நூலகம்
Cognitive shortcuts
A set of overly simplified, often inaccurate belief about the typical characteristics of members of a particular group
“Germans are efficient.” “Australians are laid back.” “W “Women are emotional.” ti l”
Models of Communication: B. Transactional Process Model
This model includes all the components of the transmission model, but also considers: Communication occurs in both directions simultaneously
What do managers do at work everyday?
Clarifying expectations Listening Persuading Setting goals Politicking Providing feedback
Running meetings Empowering employees Resolving conflicts Leading Negotiating Promoting change Building teams
Business consultant
Chief executive officer
Why Studying Communication?
Effective communication can be difficult
crash disaster result from miscommunication
Air Flight 801
Models of Communication: A. Transmission/Linear Process Model
Message (encode)
Message (decode)