Milkman’s Identity Crisis Caused by His Trauma in Song of Solomon
网络图片不想回到22岁几个月前,我在《福布斯》杂志举办的“30岁以下”峰会(Under 30 Summit)上发表了首次公开演讲。
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】When does the conversation probably take place?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: I’m so hungry, Mom. Is dinner going to be ready soon?W: We just had lunch an hour ago! And you had two full plates of breakfast when you woke up.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the full price of the man’s jacket?A. $15.B. $30.C. $50.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: So, what did you buy?M: A jacket. It was a real bargain. I got it for half price, so I saved 15 dollars.W: That’s very cheap. I bought a similar o ne for 50 dollars last year.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Who is the woman?A. A passenger.B. A health worker.C. A customs officer.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Is the customs examination here?W: That’s right. Your passport and health certificate, please.M: Here you are.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What does the woman know about?A. Major rivers.B. Famous mountains.C. Capital cities.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Do you know the major rivers and famous mountains in Europe?W: Hm. Ask me about capital cities instead.5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Why does the man meet the woman?A. To apply for a job.B. To sell her something.C. To reserve a seat.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: Take a seat, Mr. Black. Could you tell me which position interests you most?M: The sales manager position.W: OK. But do you have any relevant experience?其次节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
‘齐齐哈尔大学学报“(哲学社会科学版)2024年2月Journal of Qiqihar University(Phi&Soc Sci) Feb.2024 收稿日期:2023-09-17 作者简介:王婉楹(2000-),女,在读硕士㊂主要从事文学伦理学批评研究㊂黄晖(1971-),男,教授,博士,博士生导师㊂主要从事非洲文学研究㊂ 基金项目:2019年国家社科基金重大项目:非洲英语文学史(19ZDA296);2017年国家社科基金后期资助项目:非洲文学史(17FWW001)‘最后的礼物“中的记忆书写和身份建构王婉楹,黄 晖(华中师范大学文学院,湖北武汉430079)摘 要:古尔纳的长篇小说‘最后的礼物“以非裔移民的回忆为故事线索,揭示两代移民之间代际记忆的断裂现象和身份建构危机㊂父辈的刻意遗忘与缄默不语造成子女的记忆危机和身份认同缺失,两代移民在沉默的记忆中都陷入了身份建构危机,既无法回溯过去重寻原生身份,又无法安于当下建构新的伦理身份,他们在复归和同化之间痛苦挣扎㊂古尔纳将言说与交流视为解除记忆危机和身份建构危机的有效手段,通过言说唤起个体记忆,个体记忆与集体记忆的交互作用促成了非裔移民对伦理身份的不断建构㊂关键词:古尔纳;‘最后的礼物“;记忆书写;伦理身份中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-2638(2024)02-0027-04Memory Writing and Identity Construction in The Last GiftWANG Wan -ying ,HUANG Hui(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Central China Normal University,Wuhan Hubei 430079,China) Abstract :Gurnah’s novel The Last Gift takes the memories of African immigrants as the story thread to reveal the inter-genera⁃tional memory breakdown and identity construction crisis between the two generations of immigrants.The parents’deliberate oblivionand silence lead to their children’s memory crisis andidentity absence.Both generations of immigrants fall into identity construction cri⁃sis in the silent memory,unable to trace back to the past to regain their original identity,and unable to settle for the present to build a new ethical identity,so they struggle painfully between return and assimilation.Gurnah regards explanation and communication as ef⁃fective ways to relieve the crisis of memory and identity construction,and evoke individual memory through explanation.The interaction between individual memory and collective memory contributes to the continuous construction of ethical identity by African immigrants. Key words :Gurnah;The Last Gift ;memory writing;ethical identity 2021年诺贝尔文学奖得主阿卜杜勒拉扎克㊃古尔纳(AbdulrazakGurnah)作为生活在英国的坦桑尼亚裔作家,他以书写难民的流散痛苦与身份认同危机为己任,诉说非裔难民的集体记忆,他的长篇作品‘最后的礼物“(The Last Gift ,2011)叙述了移民群体的尴尬处境和痛苦的过往记忆,揭露了移民英国的非裔群体无法逃避的身份认同困境,在小说中,古尔纳以回忆和现实交互穿插的方式将阿巴斯和玛丽亚姆的过去娓娓道来,阿巴斯对自己的记忆始终沉默不语,玛丽亚姆则是有选择性地言说记忆,但她隐藏的部分又是具有决定性作用的,因此同样可以看作是沉默的记忆,记忆的遗忘等同于身份认同的消除,阿巴斯和玛丽亚姆的无言昭示着他们的身份认同失败,同时在他们的沉默下,种族身份的记忆在代际传承中产生了断裂,第二代非裔移民汉娜和贾马尔对身份出处的无知和记忆缺失也诱发了他们的身份建构危机,主要表现为在同化和复归之间的焦虑和犹疑㊂最终在阿巴斯和玛丽亚姆的坦白下,他们的记忆作为 最后的礼物”唤起了两代人的回忆义务,促使四人重新思考自己的伦理身份,在过去与现在㊁第一代与第二代移民的记忆交互下,玛丽亚姆㊁汉娜与贾马尔选择弥补过去记忆的缺失,自觉肩负起传承非裔种族记忆的重任,重新建立起身份认同㊂一㊁沉默的记忆与身份建构失败在‘最后的礼物“中,古尔纳没有采用直线前进式的顺叙方法,而是通过回忆和现实交叉的跳跃性的叙事策略讲述了阿巴斯和玛利亚姆的一生,因此记忆既是小说的叙事主题,也是叙事动力㊂阿巴斯从家乡桑给巴尔逃跑后,在船上做水手开启小阿飞式的游荡生活,作为在全世界到处漂荡㊁居无定所的非裔,除了血液,仅剩记忆是他和桑给巴尔之间的密切联系,记忆是身份建构的关键,然而阿巴斯却在离家后主动且坚定地切断了这个纽带,他从未向任何人提及自己在桑给巴尔的过往,同时也极力忘记那段长期的记忆㊂玛利亚姆同作为流散在英国的非裔,几经辗转最终跟随阿巴斯私奔到诺维奇定居,她有选择性地对孩子们讲述自己幼年在多个寄养家庭短暂生活的记忆,而这些可知的记忆无不是美好㊁温暖的,她隐瞒了其中关键的部分记忆㊂无论是阿巴斯还是玛利亚姆,记忆不仅是他们作为流散非裔和过去或家乡的唯一联系,也是他们的人生经历和身份认同的确证, 回忆不仅位于历史和统治的中心,而且在建构个人和集体身份认同时都是秘密发挥作用的力量㊂”[1]对阿巴斯和玛利亚姆而言,沉默不语的记忆就意味着二人身份建构的失败㊂阿巴斯竭力逃离原生家庭和家乡,对过往记忆的闭口不言就是他对自我身份的主动舍弃,然而他在满世界流散的过程中也没有寻获到身份归属感,即使最后在英国定居并建立家庭,他也始终游离于社会边缘,于是他的身份建构无疑是失败的㊂阿巴斯对自己的原始身份是怀有自卑情绪的,由于吝啬鬼父亲的打压㊁贫穷的限制和社会的歧视,他始终处于敏感不安的情绪状态中,他将他人的目光解读成审视和鄙夷,婚后和谢法里一家生活时,他怀疑谢法里的两个哥哥明里暗里都在嘲笑他,他清楚地认识到自己和他们差距悬殊的种族身份和阶级身份,因此自卑敏感的他变得更加尖锐,所有负面情绪被无限放大,他无法忍受别人的蔑视㊂除此之外,阿巴斯怀疑未出世的孩子是谢法里和别人淫乱的结果,而不是自己的骨肉,他单方面认为谢法里一家同意这个婚姻是因为需要有个 倒霉蛋”来承担这个意外并维护自己的名声和尊严,这更加让阿巴斯感受到了羞辱㊂再加上让他窒息的家庭,吝啬的父亲不仅强制要求全家人日复一日地高强度劳动,而且将阿巴斯围困在闭塞的潇小乡村中,阻碍他前往更广阔的世界接受 无用”的教育, 在受到压迫的情况下,回忆可能变成一种反抗形式㊂”[2]在这样充满压迫的记忆中,他选择奋起反抗,抛弃了现有的一切,果断地逃离了所处的小世界,踏上了前往世界各地的船,在漂泊过程中他既在新加坡感受过自由,也在严苛不公的种族隔离制度中再次感受到对身份的抵触和抗拒,所以阿巴斯更加不愿回忆起过去, 遗忘却等于身份认同的消灭,”[1]他沉默的同时也是对建构已久的身份的瓦解㊂古尔纳并没有明示谢里夫的孩子究竟是不是阿巴斯的,如果阿巴斯真的是掉入了谢法里一家设置的陷阱,他的确是可悲的;如果孩子是阿巴斯的,那他的自卑和羞耻变得更加可笑且可悲㊂阿巴斯作为亲生父亲的这一身份的不明确性侧面印证了阿巴斯无法自我实现身份认同㊁建构㊂在阿巴斯沉默的记忆中,挥散不去的是他无法获得身份归属的漂泊不定感和异乡感,进而加速了其身份建构的失败㊂在迥然不同的异国他乡,阿巴斯无法逃避面临身份认同的困境,他处处展现出了格格不入的异乡人特征,特别体现在他的生活细节中:在寒冷的月份中居民们凭借长期的实践经验穿上合适㊁保暖的衣物,而阿巴斯没有穿够衣服, 尽管在这里生活了这么多年,却还是不知道”,[3]他不会囤积衣物,总是轻装出行,因为 这样等到他需要告别这里的时候,就可以将外套一把甩开”,[3]可见即使定居多年了,阿巴斯仍然没有将自己视作所处环境中的一份子,他在此处的记忆是暂时且不稳定的,他的身份如浮萍般漂泊无根,没有顺利建构身份认同㊂阿巴斯并非彻底放弃身份建构,尽管他对记忆只字不提,但他从未真正遗忘过去,所谓的沉默只是他表面作出的努力,他内心仍然渴望获得身份认同,完成牢固的身份建构㊂他将记忆的长久性寄托在衣物上,他将衣服穿到破为止,因为熟悉的衣服及其带来的回忆可以让他 一眼认出自己来”㊂[3]阿巴斯搬家时仅带几件旧物走,可见他空无一物的流浪者形象已经在他潜意识中根深蒂固,然而搬入新空间时他主动做出一系列的调整:修缮㊁种植和建造,将尚未熟悉的空间改造成自认舒适的环境,这是阿巴斯作为流散者对长期坚持的生活环境和生活方式的固守,既说明阿巴斯的记忆不仅没有真正被遗忘㊂而且也服务于他想要建立起与过往记忆空间相平行的空间的尝试,通过这种尝试,他在其中试图稳固身份认同和身份建构㊂在他中风晕倒之际,他希望 等到有双强有力的臂膀过来将他抱起,带他回家”,[3]同时他认为自己是个 罪孽深重的游子,虚度了全然徒劳的一生后,在一片陌生的土地上害了病㊂”[3]他对在异乡死去这件事既感到恐惧又悲伤,此时他意识到自己身份建构的失败,归乡的隐藏意识逐渐清晰,于是他开始有意愿想要回忆并诉说自己的记忆,意识到只有言说才能疗救他的记忆创伤,完成身份建构,最终他将过往记忆以录音的形式记录下来作为 最后的礼物”送给玛利亚姆㊁汉娜和贾马尔㊂不同于阿巴斯对记忆的对抗和反叛,玛丽亚姆对记忆则是有选择性地回忆和遗忘,她试图通过对部分记忆保持沉默来腾出更多接纳空间以便按照自我意愿来构建身份和展开新生活,但她隐匿的部分记忆是无法遗忘的,无法接受并与这类关键性的记忆融洽相处就意味着她的身份建构失败的必然㊂从出生便被父母遗弃而居无定所的玛利亚姆是个没有确切身份的孤儿,她没有可以产生记忆的固定空间场所㊁固定客体对象以及固定生活方式,因此她从来没有建构起过真正牢固的自我身份㊂尽管玛丽亚姆辗转于多个寄养家庭拥有着并不单调的记忆,但玛利亚姆总是有选择性地回忆并讲述,她只回忆美好的一面,刻意地忽略掉那些艰难㊁受辱㊁被压迫的细节,自发地塑造出一个充满困厄但温馨有爱的人生经历㊂她试图在过去的回忆中寻求身份建构,她把并不确定存在地米色襁褓作为关键记忆点,始终牢记这个物品来寻求身份归属感, 有时候她一摸到那襁褓,就会想到,我的母亲”,[3]玛丽亚姆会通过自己选择记忆从而进行身份建构㊂除此之外,玛丽亚姆只对孩子们简单提及过与费鲁兹夫妇成为一家人的温暖记忆,将自己归属为费鲁兹家庭中的一员,主动做家务实现个人价值,认为这是自己理应付出的,但她却不曾提起后来受到的屈辱和轻视以及迪尼斯的猥亵,她长久以来为身份构建做的努力在迪尼斯到来之后顷刻间付之一炬, 一想到费鲁兹和维贾伊,她就浑身一哆嗦,回回都是,哪怕过了这么多年;她舒展了一下肩膀和脖颈,然后轻轻地82齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 把这段记忆推开,”[3]但这些无法忘却的关键记忆又时刻提醒着她:她依旧是无价值㊁无归属的人,尽管她随阿巴斯逃离了埃克塞特,前往新的地方定居,重新选择并组织起自己的记忆以实现身份建构,但她依然无法认同自己是埃克塞特的费鲁兹一家的人,也无法立刻使自己融入当下所处环境中,所以在这种认知的断裂下,玛利亚姆也没有实现真正的身份认同㊂扬㊃阿斯曼将记忆分成两种形式:交往记忆和文化记忆,阿巴斯和玛利亚姆一直以来想要掩盖的记忆正是较为私人的㊁口头的㊁日常的交往记忆,这种交往记忆是以个体生平为框架并且在集体交往中形成的, 随着它的承载者而产生并消失,”[2]其典型范例是代际记忆,然而阿巴斯和玛利亚姆的沉默导致了交往记忆的退场㊁代际记忆的割裂,他们的子女对家庭历史一无所知,同时阿巴斯也不主张他们参加穆斯林相关的仪式活动,他们的生活并无穆斯林文化的渗透,阿巴斯不仅切断了代际记忆的延续,而且也使其一家人从巩固身份认同的文化记忆中抽离出来,如此一来,有身份建构困扰的不止是已然失败的阿巴斯和玛利亚姆这类第一代移民,还有第二代移民㊂二㊁缺失的记忆与身份建构焦虑家庭㊁社会带给阿巴斯夫妇的沉重创伤促使二者选择遗忘过往记忆,交往记忆 可被视为一个社会的短期记忆,注定存在于活着的记忆承载者身上,存在于交往对象的体验当中,涵盖了三至四代人㊂”[4]作为文化承载者的阿巴斯夫妇的沉默,导致了下一代非裔移民对种族身份意识的缺失,造成了汉娜和贾马尔的身份建构焦虑,由于对出身的无知,他们无法通过记忆叙事来界定并理解自己的身份,也无法深入体验自己与世界的关系㊂尽管他们是在英国出生并成长,但是他们仍然是难以得到英国社会认同的边缘人,对此汉娜和贾马尔游离在非裔身份复归和英国化之间,两种伦理选择的博弈使他们愈发焦虑不安㊂汉娜缺失的记忆致使她无法对非裔移民产生身份认同,她努力融入英国白人社会,试图在其中完成身份建构,但她在英国人面前仍然是 他者”的存在,处于悬殊的低位㊂汉娜对家族记忆的态度从幼时到大学时期经历了转变,幼小的汉娜面对父母缄默不语的记忆有着强烈的好奇,她认为一定要知道家庭的历史和出身的真相,而不是像阿巴斯和玛利亚姆一样沉默,这种怪异的沉默是完全没有必要的,这让汉娜感觉 过的是一种偷偷摸摸㊁耻于见光的人生㊂”[3]此时的汉娜表现得正如年轻的阿巴斯一样无所畏惧,永远坚信自己,她想要坦诚的记忆,想要 能够大大方方地说,这就是我㊂”[3]然而汉娜并没有成功地揭开记忆的秘密,本科生汉娜将自己的家庭称为 缺陷家庭”,她不再执着于记忆,而是放弃了过去的记忆,转向构建能够融入美国白人社会的身份,她在外将自己的名字改作更加 英国化”的安娜,甚至潜移默化地站在白人视角凝视非裔,对待需要帮助的黑人妇女,她表现出来的是歧视和厌烦,她已经完全将自己也是非裔移民这一记忆和身份撇除了,明显变成了阿巴斯并不期望的 英国姑娘”㊂汉娜这种身份建构的尝试并没有为她赢得白人的接纳,她在白人男友及其家庭面前,依然是被排挤的 他者”㊂男友父亲拉尔夫在第一次见面的餐桌上对非洲问题侃侃而谈,站在殖民者的角度看待非洲,彰显出不可比拟的优越感,下意识地将汉娜当作非洲群体的代表,尽管汉娜生在英国并渴望 英国化”,但还是会被迪格比追问成为英国人之前是哪里人,汉娜对男友一家的偏见没有任何反驳和争论,因为她苦心经营的身份建构并没有被她想要融入的集体所承认㊂男友家庭的歧视和排挤反而加强了汉娜自身的非裔身份认同,她的身份建构呈现出复归和同化共存的矛盾状态㊂在搬家时,汉娜既会保留原先的旧物,也会果断丢弃旧物以容纳新物品,搬家途中总会损坏的旧物象征着不断被威胁的原生身份和磕磕碰碰的身份建构过程,在搬家机构帮忙搬运时,汉娜面对他们的介入感到十分沮丧,无论是搬家的物品还是个人身份建构,汉娜本应拥有个人选择权,但缺失的记忆和英国文化的强势话语都让汉娜陷入无助和焦虑中㊂汉娜表面上 英国化”的同时,她潜意识里却是背道而驰的复归意向,她频繁地做着同一个充满隐喻意义的梦,梦中 她住在房子的半边屋宇里,剩下的半边早已年久失修:顶梁塌陷,木窗咯吱作响,近乎朽烂㊂”[3]这一半完好一半残败的房子正如同汉娜一样,非裔移民和英国姑娘两种矛盾身份的结合体,她处于完好的一半屋宇中,另一半残败的屋宇 带着恶意,带着警觉,带着指责㊂”[3]梦里她心中充斥着负罪感,这种内疚促使她想要修缮残败的那一半房子,这意味着她的内心对自己 英国化”的谴责,她想要采取某种手段实现身份复归,想要修补那段缺失的记忆,然而她既不认识建筑工也不认识木工,她在父辈的沉默中无从寻找记忆的线索㊂贾马尔对记忆的态度呈现出和玛利亚姆的相似性,他同样选择回忆美好的部分,耐心地聆听着父辈的记忆诉说,以此形成独特的个人经验,反思移民问题,正是如此,他的身份建构焦虑也远远轻于汉娜㊂贾马尔并不偏执地想要父辈坦承一切,而是将慢慢浮现的记忆碎片拼凑起来,尽管他将自己的学术研究聚焦于流散者群体上,但他缺失的记忆令他无法贴近流散者的本质㊂相较于汉娜,贾马尔的身份建构焦虑没有让他低落,而是促使他更加坚定地重构非裔身份,从容地构建起跨族群的双重身份认同㊂比起迫切再塑熟悉环境的阿巴斯,或者是需要更多自主权的汉娜,贾马尔在搬家过程中的反应彰显了他的身份适应性,贾马尔搬家时没有任何旧物,格外轻便地搬进房东已准备好的公寓,在新公寓中,他和来自不同群体的人都可以和谐相处,说明他有足够包容的接纳空间可以选择同化㊂同时,贾马尔在学习过程中感受到族裔群体和外部世界的冲突,邻居哈伦的叙述和父母的坦白都让他更加贴近流散者群体,也使贾马尔确认了自身的非裔身份和立场,并由此出发关注流散者群体身份认同问题㊂对于第二代移民汉娜和贾马尔而言,父母言说的记忆和家庭历史是帮助流散者建构身份的基本途径,想要顺利完成新阶段的身份建构,就要先对原生身份进行解构,但汉娜和贾马尔对原生身份的知情权㊁其所属群体身份的一致性和关联性都被记忆的静默打断,所以二人的两难处境使其在同化和复归之间始终游移不定,滞于身份建构的焦虑中㊂三㊁记忆交互与伦理身份建构阿巴斯和玛利亚姆强迫自己遗忘记忆导致二人不肯承92 第2期‘最后的礼物“中的记忆书写和身份建构认来处又不知该何去何从,记忆的空缺致使汉娜和贾马尔在被英国社会同化或是重寻非裔身份之间犹疑不定,四人的身份建构危机皆是源自沉默的记忆,因此想要巩固群体身份认同, 这类知识要实现其在构建统一体㊁提供行动指南方面(即规范性的和定型性的)的推动力,就必须首先具备这三个作用:存储㊁调取㊁传达,”[2]也就是说身份建构的先决条件是记忆㊁回忆㊁言说, 回忆着的群体通过忆起过去,巩固了其认同㊂”[2]中风使一直以来沉默的阿巴斯更加深切地体悟到了身份建构失败的痛楚,他开始想要言说自己的记忆却无法发声,他于病榻上回想自己的一生,最终将自己的记忆通过录音带讲述给家人,录音带作为个体记忆的承载物可以不断巩固和重复记忆,达到了以个人生平为主线的交往记忆构建身份认同和群体记忆的作用㊂尽管阿巴斯直至死亡都没有解除自己的身份建构危机,但他的自述鼓舞了妻子玛利亚姆直面自己的创伤记忆,进而更为积极主动地实现个人价值,重新确认自身的伦理身份㊂玛利亚姆向汉娜和贾马尔坦言自己被轻视㊁被侵犯的记忆,她的诉说代表她和过去的创伤已经和解,接受了自身的身份建构是由全部记忆成就的,而非仅凭美好的记忆㊂在过去种种苦难的感召下,她内在强化了作为非裔移民的伦理意识,所以她选择去难民中心做志愿服务,想要尽可能地帮助更多和她有着相似经历的人,她的这一决定也得到了家人的支持,她借此也寻找到了个人价值㊂在和阿巴斯的记忆交互中,玛利亚姆意识到自己的创伤记忆并不是羞耻的㊁罕见的,她所遭受的一切是非裔群体所普遍经历过的,而不是她个人的不幸,通过这种苦难记忆的相似,将玛利亚姆和非裔群体凝聚起来,加强她的归属感,因此她重新确认了自身的伦理身份,在伦理意识驱使下,她不再囿于费鲁兹㊁维贾伊和迪尼斯带给她的痛苦记忆中,她联络到费鲁兹并回到埃克塞特与他们相认,她不再迷失寻不到出路,在家人的支持和记忆的言说下,她确证了自身身份建构㊂记忆的言说不仅使阿巴斯和玛利亚姆得到了精神解脱,而且弥补了汉娜和贾马尔对出身认知的空白,二人的身份建构也经历了由摇摆到坚定的历程㊂作为非裔移民的后裔,大学时期的汉娜对这一伦理身份十分抵触,所以她活跃在英国本土年轻人的社交圈中,想要变成英国姑娘㊂但随着她和男友及其家庭交往的逐渐深入,她越来越感觉到自己受到的蔑视和偏见,同时她也越来越失落,通过她反复做的那场梦可以发现她的失落感来源于自身对家族㊁种族记忆的空白,她从原生种族群体剥离出来,漂泊感和不安感席卷而来,汉娜开始意识到寻获记忆㊁重构伦理身份的重要性㊂阿巴斯的死亡和坦白无疑使汉娜和贾马尔更加坚定内心,阿巴斯和玛利亚姆将个人记忆通过叙述言说进而形成家族范围内的集体记忆, 群体记忆的意思是个体通过把自己置于群体的位置来进行回忆,或者说,群体的记忆是通过个体记忆来实现的,并且在个体记忆之中体现自身㊂”[5]在一代移民和二代移民的记忆交互中,四人逐渐形成一个记忆共同体,记忆的传播和分享伴随着情感的交流互动,汉娜㊁贾马尔在记忆的陈述中产生个体情感体验和伦理意识,在这种交流中二人在被英国社会同化和寻找非裔移民记忆之间不再犹豫不决,而是做出自己认为正确的选择,伦理选择是 人的本质的选择”[6],二人选择成为情感自洽的非裔正是对自己本质身份的回归㊂虽然汉娜和贾马尔选择并完成了伦理身份的复归,但他们并没有止步于此,而是开始思考成为非裔集体记忆的传承者,这同样是二人回归非裔群体中责任感的体现㊂在帮助玛利亚姆和养父母重逢并实现身份建构后,三人计划代替已逝的阿巴斯回到故乡桑给巴尔以完成家族记忆的缝合和补充,这种记忆交互对身份建构具有重大意义,个体记忆通过言说进行交换与扩张,经由伦理意识共鸣转化成代际记忆,从而促进下一代对非裔移民这一伦理身份的认同与重建㊂总之,对桑给巴尔人而言,被英国殖民统治的记忆和国内屠杀记忆是永远无法磨灭的记忆,尽管许多人以难民身份逃脱出来,但这种创伤记忆和流散经历已成为他们的身份标记㊂古尔纳作为流散作家,他积极确认并承担文学责任,书写个人的同时更加关注种族身份建构的问题,表达出具有强烈种族责任感的非裔作家对非裔移民流散各处后身份重建的忧惧和思考㊂在‘最后的礼物“中,古尔纳尤为重视记忆和身份建构的密切联系,以阿巴斯和玛利亚姆的回忆展开叙述,展现了流散移民的记忆危机和身份建构危机,进而揭示了非裔移民的记忆和现实境遇的矛盾和冲突,这不仅表现在代际记忆的割裂上,也表现在第二代非裔移民在同化和复归之间挣扎的伦理选择上㊂面对非裔移民的记忆危机和身份建构危机时,或许只有言说才是解决问题的有效手段,通过言说唤起个体记忆,将个体记忆转换成集体记忆,在记忆的分享与互动中,凝聚形成情感共同体,促进伦理意识的觉醒,最终完成伦理身份的认同与建构㊂ 参考文献:[1](德)阿莱达㊃阿斯曼.回忆空间:文化记忆的形式和变迁[M].潘璐,译.北京:北京大学出版社,2016:63,68.[2](德)扬㊃阿斯曼.文化记忆:早期高级文化中的文字㊁回忆和政治身份[M].金寿福,黄晓晨,译.北京:北京大学出版社,2015:69,44,51,47.[3](英)阿卜杜勒拉扎克㊃古尔纳.最后的礼物[M].宋佥,译.上海:上海译文出版社,2022.[4](德)阿斯特莉特㊃埃尔.文化记忆研究指南[M].李恭忠,李霞,译.南京:南京大学出版社,2018:353.[5](法)莫里斯㊃哈布瓦赫.论集体记忆[M].毕然,郭金华,译.上海:上海人民出版社,2002:71.[6]聂珍钊.文学伦理学批评导论[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2014:267.[7]朱振武,游铭悦.身份认同与共同体意识 最新诺奖作家古尔纳‘最后的礼物“的创作旨归[J].山东外语教学,2 (2022):71-82.(责任编辑 吴明东) 03齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 。
海姆立克急救法的英语续写作文The Heimlich maneuver, a life-saving technique, iscrucial to know. Imagine you're at a family dinner, and suddenly, someone starts choking. Panic ensues, but you step forward with confidence.Quickly, you approach the person from behind. Place your arms around their waist, one hand clasping the other. Your fist should be above the navel and below the ribcage. With a firm grip, you give a series of sharp, upward thrusts.The force of your actions is not meant to harm but to dislodge the object. It's a testament to the power of human ingenuity, turning a dire situation into a teachable moment. Each thrust is a reminder of the importance of first aid knowledge.As you continue the Heimlich, the room falls silent, all eyes on you. The pressure mounts, but so does the hope. It's a dance of life and death, played out in the span of seconds.Finally, with one decisive push, the object pops out. Relief washes over the room. The Heimlich maneuver, once a distant concept, has now become a hero's tale. It's a stark reminder that knowledge is power, and sometimes, it can be the difference between life and death.。
介绍一起紧急医疗事故的作文英语In the heart of the bustling city, sirens pierced thenight air, signaling an urgent medical emergency. A car accident had occurred, and the victims were in dire need of assistance.The paramedics arrived swiftly, their faces a mask of concentration as they assessed the scene. The first victimwas unconscious, with visible signs of trauma. The second was in shock, clutching a bleeding arm, their eyes wide with fear.With practiced efficiency, the medical team stabilizedthe patients. Oxygen masks were applied, and IV lines were established to administer fluids and medications. The urgency of the situation was palpable, but their training kept them focused and calm.As the ambulance raced to the hospital, the paramedics continued to monitor the victims' vital signs. Theunconscious patient's condition was critical, and the team worked tirelessly to ensure their survival.Upon arrival at the emergency department, the medicalstaff was ready to receive the patients. A seamlesstransition took place as the emergency room team took over, initiating advanced life support protocols.In the operating room, surgeons worked with precision,repairing the damage caused by the accident. The second patient, now stable, was treated for their injuries, and the relief of survival was evident in their tearful eyes.The aftermath of the emergency was a testament to the dedication and skill of the medical professionals involved. Lives were saved, and the community was reminded of the importance of swift and competent medical response in timesof crisis.As the night turned to dawn, the medical staff reflectedon the events, their faces showing the fatigue of a longnight but also the satisfaction of a job well done. The emergency medical accident had been met with the utmost professionalism, and the victims were on the road to recovery.。
一个人被困电梯英语作文A claustrophobic nightmare unfolded before me as I stepped into the elevator, its metallic doors hissing shut behind me. With a jolt, the cabin began its ascent, its walls seemingly closing in on me like an iron maiden.A wave of panic washed over me as the elevator lurched to a sudden stop, plunging me into darkness. The air grew thick and heavy, amplifying my pounding heart and ragged breaths. I frantically fumbled for the emergency button, but it seemed to mock me, remaining unresponsive.Time stretched into an eternity as I became a prisoner within the confines of the metal box. Fear gnawed at me, whispering insidious doubts in my mind. Was I trapped here forever? Would I succumb to dehydration, starvation, or asphyxiation?Panic clawed at my throat as I stumbled around in the darkness, searching for a way out. My cries for help echoedthrough the confined space, met only with a deafening silence. The elevator had become my tomb, entombing me in its cold, unforgiving embrace.As desperation surged through me, I began to hallucinate. Shadowy figures danced at the edges of my vision, their whispers taunting me. The air seemed to shimmer, distorting the walls around me into grotesque shapes.In a moment of clarity, I realized that I needed to control my fear. I sat down on the floor, taking deep, calming breaths. I focused on my surroundings, trying to discern any sounds that could indicate help was on the way.Suddenly, a faint beeping sound caught my attention. It was coming from the emergency light, which had begun to strobe erratically. A glimmer of hope reignited within me as I realized that my cries for help might have been heard.As time wore on, the beeping grew louder and more regular. I could hear distant voices outside the elevator.They were shouting and calling my name. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I struggled to my feet, pounding on the doors with all my might.Finally, with a heavy clang, the doors slid open, revealing a team of firefighters. They pulled me out of the elevator and into the fresh air, my body trembling with relief and exhaustion.The experience had scarred me deeply, but it had also taught me the importance of staying calm in the face of adversity. By confronting my fears and embracing hope, I had overcome a traumatic ordeal that could have broken me. The elevator had been a symbol of my entrapment, but it had also become a testament to my resilience and the indomitable power of the human spirit.。
有关昏迷的急救措施英语作文Unconsciousness can be a terrifying situation to encounter, but knowing the right first aid steps can make a significant difference. If someone is found unconscious, it's crucial to check for responsiveness and call for emergency medical help immediately.Ensure the person is in a safe environment, away from potential hazards. If they are not breathing or have no pulse, begin CPR while waiting for the paramedics to arrive.Position them on their back and perform chest compressions to maintain blood flow to the brain.While waiting for help, monitor the person's breathingand pulse. If they regain consciousness, keep themcomfortable and reassured. Do not give them anything to eator drink, as this could worsen their condition.If the individual is breathing but remains unconscious, place them in the recovery position to prevent choking. This involves laying them on their side with their head tiltedback slightly and one arm under their head for support.Be vigilant for any signs of change in their condition.If they start to vomit, turn them onto their side to avoid aspiration. Keep a close eye on their breathing and stay with them until help arrives.Remember, in any medical emergency, the first step is to call for professional help. While you wait, your actions can provide crucial support and potentially save a life. It's important to stay calm and focused, following the guidelines for first aid in cases of unconsciousness.。
不幸的人英语作文200字In the vast tapestry of human existence, where joy and sorrow intertwine like delicate threads, there lies a somber hue that has haunted humankind since time immemorial: misfortune. It is a cruel and relentless force that can befall anyone, regardless of age, race, gender, or social status. Like a tempest that ravages a serene forest, misfortune can uproot lives, shatter dreams, and leave behind an enduring sense of loss and despair.The face of misfortune is multifaceted, its manifestations as diverse as the human experience itself.It can manifest as poverty, a crushing burden that robs individuals of basic necessities and dignity. It can appear as illness, a tormentor that inflicts unbearable physicalor mental suffering. It can take the form of accidents, sudden and unforeseen events that disrupt the course oflife with devastating consequences. And it can manifest as loss, the heart-wrenching absence of loved ones orcherished possessions that leaves a void that seemsimpossible to fill.Those who endure misfortune often find themselves grappling with a myriad of emotions. Grief, anger, and bitterness can gnaw at their souls. Despair can paralyze their minds, making it difficult to envision a future beyond the present darkness. Loneliness and isolation can envelop them like a suffocating blanket, cutting them off from the warmth and support of others.In the face of such adversity, it is tempting to succumb to the weight of despair. However, throughout history, countless individuals have demonstrated that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit has an indomitable capacity for resilience. They have found solace in faith, hope, and the unwavering support of loved ones. They have drawn strength from their own inner resources, discovering a wellspring of fortitude and determinationthat they never knew they possessed.Indeed, misfortune has the potential to both break and shape character. It can test the limits of human endurancebut can also forge a spirit that is unyielding and unbreakable. It can reveal hidden strengths and talents, inspiring individuals to rise above their circumstances and achieve extraordinary things.While it is impossible to shield ourselves completely from the vagaries of fate, there are steps we can take to mitigate the impact of misfortune. Cultivating a sense of gratitude for the good things in our lives can help us maintain perspective even in the face of adversity. Surrounding ourselves with supportive and compassionate people can provide us with a lifeline during difficult times. Engaging in meaningful activities that bring us joy and purpose can help us find solace and escape the grip of despair.Moreover, we must never underestimate the power of kindness and empathy. By reaching out to those who are struggling, we can offer them a glimmer of hope and remind them that they are not alone. By working together, we can create a more just and equitable society where misfortune is less likely to flourish.In the grand scheme of things, misfortune is an unavoidable aspect of the human condition. However, it is not something that we should fear or seek to avoid at all costs. It is an opportunity for growth, a catalyst for resilience, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit has the capacity to prevail.。
先救妈还是先救老婆英语作文The Dilemma of Prioritizing in Emergency Situations.The question of whether to save one's mother or wifefirst in a hypothetical life-threatening situation has long been debated, often in cultural and social contexts. It isa question that taps into the deepest emotional and ethical wells of human existence, testing our loyalties, affections, and moral principles. While it is important to note that such a situation is highly unlikely to occur, it serves asa thought experiment to explore our values and priorities.At the heart of this dilemma lies the complex web of relationships and responsibilities that we carry in our lives. The mother figure represents the primal bond of nurture and love, the one who cares for us unconditionally from our earliest days. She is the symbol of our childhood and the foundation of our emotional growth. On the other hand, the wife is the chosen partner, the one we commit to share our lives with, build a future, and raise children.She represents our adult choices, our shared experiences, and our emotional and practical partnership.Ethically speaking, the question challenges our sense of duty and obligation. Are we obligated to save the one who gave us life and nurtured us, or are we duty-bound to protect the one we chose to share our life with? Do we prioritize biology or commitment? Is it a zero-sum game where saving one means losing the other, or is there a way to reconcile these conflicting loyalties?Some argue that the answer lies in personal values and beliefs. For some, the mother holds a place of such primacy that she would be saved first, regardless of any other considerations. For others, the commitment and love shared with the wife outweighs all else, making her the automatic choice. However, these arguments often fail to account for the gray areas where our loyalties overlap and our values intersect.In reality, the answer to this question is unique to each individual and their specific circumstances. It isinfluenced by cultural norms, personal experiences, and emotional attachments. In some cultures, the mother might be considered the paramount family member, deserving of unconditional respect and protection. In others, the wife might occupy a similarly privileged position, especially if she is the primary caregiver or has a strong emotional bond with the decision-maker.Moreover, the nature of the emergency itself can influence the decision. If the mother's life is in imminent danger and the wife is relatively safe, then saving the mother might be the logical choice. Conversely, if the wife is in greater danger, then saving her might be the more urgent option.However, it is also worth considering that in a true emergency situation, our instincts and emotions might override any rational considerations. The adrenaline rush and the primal urge to protect those we love might dictate our actions without conscious deliberation. In such cases, the answer might not be a conscious choice at all, but an automatic response based on our deepest emotionalattachments.Ultimately, the question of whether to save the motheror wife first is not one that can be answered definitively. It is a thought experiment that tests our values, loyalties, and moral principles. It reminds us that in life's most challenging moments, our actions are shaped not just by rational considerations but also by the emotional complexities of our relationships and the unique circumstances of each situation. Therefore, while we may debate the merits of various approaches intellectually, in the end, the answer lies within each of us, shaped by our unique experiences, values, and the deepest loves of our lives.。
帮因食物噎住而窒息的人实施急救英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Choking: A Potentially Fatal EmergencyAs a student, I've encountered various scenarios that have tested my knowledge and ability to respond promptly in emergencies. One critical situation that demands immediate action is choking, which can rapidly become life-threatening if not addressed properly. In this essay, I'll share my understanding of what choking entails, its potential dangers, and the crucial steps involved in providing first aid to someone who is choking.Choking: A Silent KillerChoking occurs when a foreign object, such as food or a small toy, becomes lodged in the airway, obstructing the flow of air. This blockage can cause the individual to cough, gasp for air, or even lose consciousness. The consequences of choking can be devastating, as the lack of oxygen can lead to brain damage or death within minutes.It's essential to recognize the signs of choking, which can vary depending on the severity of the obstruction. In mild cases,the person may cough forcefully and make wheezing sounds while trying to breathe. However, in severe cases, the individual may be unable to speak, cough, or breathe, and their face may turn blue or pale due to the lack of oxygen.The Importance of Acting SwiftlyTime is of the essence when someone is choking, as the brain can sustain irreversible damage within four to six minutes without oxygen. As a student, I've learned that prompt action and following the correct first aid procedures can mean the difference between life and death.The Heimlich Maneuver: A Life-Saving TechniqueThe Heimlich maneuver is a widely recognized first aid technique used to dislodge an obstructed airway. It involves applying abdominal thrusts, which create an artificial cough that can expel the foreign object from the airway.Here are the steps to perform the Heimlich maneuver:Position: Stand behind the choking person and wrap your arms around their waist.Fist Position: Make a fist with one hand and place it slightly above the person's navel, but below the breastbone.Abdominal Thrusts: Grasp your fist with your other hand and give inward and upward thrusts into the abdomen. Repeat this motion until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unconscious.It's important to note that the Heimlich maneuver should be performed with caution on pregnant women or obese individuals, as the thrusts may cause injury. In these cases, chest thrusts may be more appropriate.Unconscious Choking VictimsIf the choking person becomes unconscious, the situation becomes even more critical, and immediate action is required. In such cases, the following steps should be taken:Call for Emergency Services: Immediately call for emergency medical assistance or have someone nearby do so.Begin CPR: If you're trained in CPR, begin chest compressions and rescue breaths, as per the guidelines you've learned.Check for Obstructions: If you notice an object in the person's mouth, carefully attempt to remove it using a finger sweep, being cautious not to push it further down the airway.The Importance of Staying CalmIn emergency situations, it's natural to feel panic and anxiety. However, staying calm and focused is crucial when providing first aid for choking. Panicking can lead to errors or hesitation, which can cost precious seconds and potentially put the person's life at greater risk.As a student, I've learned the importance of practicing first aid techniques regularly, whether through drills or simulations. This preparation helps build muscle memory and instills confidence, making it easier to remain composed and act effectively when faced with a real-life choking emergency.Prevention is KeyWhile knowing how to respond to choking is essential, prevention should always be the primary goal. Educating others, especially children, about the dangers of choking and the importance of chewing food thoroughly can go a long way in reducing the risk of such incidents.Additionally, being vigilant when eating, avoiding distractions, and cutting food into smaller pieces can help prevent choking. For infants and young children, ensuring appropriate supervision during mealtimes and keeping small objects out of reach is crucial.ConclusionChoking is a medical emergency that demands immediate and effective action. As a student, I've learned the importance of being prepared to respond to such situations by mastering first aid techniques like the Heimlich maneuver and CPR. However, it's equally important to prioritize prevention by raising awareness and promoting safe eating habits.By understanding the risks, recognizing the signs, and acting swiftly, we can potentially save lives and make a significant difference in emergency situations. Knowledge and preparedness are powerful tools that can empower us to respond confidently and effectively when faced with the challenge of choking.篇2Choking: A Terrifying Experience and How to Save a LifeIt was just another Tuesday evening at the dining hall for me and my friends. We were chatting about our day, complaining about classes and professors as usual, when suddenly Sarah started making gurgling noises and grabbing at her throat. At first we thought she was joking around, but then her face startedturning red and she couldn't speak or breathe. That's when the horrible realization hit - Sarah was choking.In that moment, panic set in for all of us. We had no idea what to do as Sarah's condition quickly worsened. She couldn't get any air and her lips were turning blue. Luckily, one of the staff members noticed the commotion and came rushing over. He calmly but firmly asked Sarah if she was choking, and when she couldn't respond, he instantly started giving abdominal thrusts to try to dislodge the trapped food.After what felt like an eternity but was probably only 30 seconds, a chunk of bread came flying out of Sarah's mouth and she started gasping for air while coughing violently. The relief was overwhelming, both for Sarah who could breathe again, and for the rest of us who had been paralyzed with fear just moments before.This terrifying incident really drove home for me the importance of knowing choking first aid and being prepared to act quickly in an emergency. Choking is one of the leading causes of unintentional death, but it's also very preventable if you know the proper techniques. After what happened to Sarah, I made sure to educate myself so I would be ready if I ever encountered a similar situation.The first step if someone is choking is to ask them "Are you choking?" It may seem obvious, but you need to find out if there is a full blockage of the airway before proceeding. A person struggling to breathe may still be getting some air, in which case you don't want to intervene in a way that could worsen the situation.If the person can't cough, speak, or breathe, then they have a complete obstruction and you need to act fast before they lose consciousness. For a conscious victim, you should immediately begin abdominal thrusts, also known as the Heimlich maneuver.To give abdominal thrusts, you stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. Make a fist with one hand and place it just above the person's navel, grabbing your fist with your other hand. Then, press hard into the abdomen with a quick, upward thrust. You need to perform these thrusts in a series, checking after each one if the object has been dislodged.It's important to do the thrusts with proper technique, aiming slightly above the navel and thrusting inward and upward forcefully. Going too low could cause injury to the person. The thrusts work by creating an artificial cough that increases air pressure in the airway and pushes the obstructing object out.If the person becomes unconscious, you need to lower them onto their back and begin chest compressions and rescue breaths while looking for the object blocking the airway. Each time you open the mouth to give a rescue breath, you can use a finger sweep to try to dislodge the object. Just don't inadvertently push it further down the airway.For a pregnant woman or obese person, you would do chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts by leaning the person forward and giving inward thrusts on the breastbone. With a child, you would kneel behind them and do abdominal thrusts by placing your fist in the belly area just above the navel.After successfully removing the blockage, the person may still have trouble breathing and need rescue breaths or CPR if they are unconscious. Definitely call emergency services, as choking can cause complications and the person may need oxygen or further treatment.While choking is undoubtedly a terrifying situation, the key things are to act quickly but stay calm, follow the proper protocols, and keep giving thrusts persistently until the object is dislodged. Don't give up - remaining composed and determined could literally mean the difference between life and death.Since my friend's choking incident, I've made sure to thoroughly learn and practice the techniques so they will be instinctive if I ever need to use them. My hope is that none of my friends or family ever has to go through that, but if they do, I'll be prepared to jump into action. Knowing these vital first aid skills provides a sense of empowerment and readiness to help in a crisis.I believe everyone should receive training in choking rescue procedures, as you never know when you might need it. At any gathering where food is involved, there is a risk of choking, whether it's a family dinner, a restaurant meal, or even just snacking at home. Choking hazards are all around us, from food to small objects that could be aspirated. That's why it's so crucial to be educated and ready to respond if someone's airway becomes blocked.My biggest takeaway from this whole experience is don't be a bystander if you see someone in distress. While it's natural to feel anxious or afraid, you could end up saving a life by stepping up and remembering your training. Having the knowledge of choking protocols gives you the ability and responsibility to act.I'm just grateful that in my friend's case, there was someone present who stayed levelheaded and knew exactly what to do. Ifthey hadn't promptly performed the Heimlich maneuver, the outcome could have been tragically different. It was a powerful lesson in the importance of first aid education and being prepared for emergencies, no matter how unexpected or terrifying they may be. A few minutes of training can make all the difference when every second counts.篇3When Choking Strikes: A Guide to Lifesaving First AidAs students, we often find ourselves in situations that require quick thinking and decisive action. One such scenario is encountering someone who is choking – a terrifying experience that can rapidly turn fatal without proper intervention. In this essay, I'll walk you through the steps to provide potentially lifesaving first aid to someone who is choking, empowering you with the knowledge to respond confidently in an emergency.The Gravity of ChokingChoking occurs when an object, such as food or a small toy, becomes lodged in the airway, obstructing the flow of air. This can lead to oxygen deprivation, brain damage, and even death within minutes if not addressed promptly. While choking can affect anyone, certain groups are particularly vulnerable,including young children, the elderly, and individuals with swallowing difficulties. However, no one is immune to this potentially life-threatening situation, which is why understanding choking first aid is crucial.Recognizing the SignsThe first step in providing aid is recognizing the signs of choking. A person who is choking may exhibit the following symptoms:Inability to speak or make noiseClutching or pointing to their throatCoughing or wheezing soundsTurning blue in the faceIf you witness these signs, it's essential to act swiftly and calmly.The Heimlich Maneuver: A Lifesaving TechniqueThe Heimlich maneuver, named after Dr. Henry Heimlich who popularized the technique, is a simple yet effective method for dislodging an obstructed airway. Here's how to perform it:Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist.Make a fist with one hand and place it slightly above the person's navel, grasping the fist with your other hand.Perform forceful inward and upward thrusts with your fist, compressing the abdomen to expel the blockage.Repeat the thrusts until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unconscious.It's important to note that the Heimlich maneuver should be performed with caution, as it can cause injury if executed incorrectly. If you're unsure or uncomfortable with the technique, don't hesitate to seek immediate medical assistance.Adapting for Different SituationsWhile the Heimlich maneuver is the go-to technique for choking emergencies, there are variations depending on the person's size, position, and specific circumstances. Here are some adaptations you should be aware of:For pregnant women or obese individuals: Perform chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts to avoid potential harm.For infants: Place the infant face-down on your forearm, supporting their head, and deliver firm back blows and chest thrusts.For unconscious individuals: Lower the person to the ground, call emergency services, and begin CPR if necessary.Remember, every situation is unique, and it's crucial to assess the circumstances and adapt your approach accordingly.Preventing Choking IncidentsWhile it's essential to be prepared for choking emergencies, prevention is always the best approach. Here are some tips to reduce the risk of choking:Encourage proper chewing and swallowing habits, especially for children and the elderly.Supervise young children during mealtimes and playtime, ensuring they don't put small objects in their mouths.Avoid engaging in activities that involve talking or laughing while eating.Keep potential choking hazards, such as small toys or buttons, out of reach of young children.By fostering a culture of awareness and taking proactive measures, we can minimize the likelihood of choking incidents occurring in the first place.The Importance of TrainingWhile theoretical knowledge is valuable, hands-on training is crucial for effectively responding to choking emergencies. Consider enrolling in a first aid or CPR course offered by reputable organizations, such as the Red Cross or local health institutions. These courses not only provide practical experience but also instill confidence and preparedness in dealing with various medical emergencies, including choking.Moreover, encourage your school or community to organize regular first aid workshops or demonstrations. The more people who are trained in these lifesaving techniques, the better prepared we'll be to respond swiftly and effectively in times of crisis.ConclusionChoking emergencies can strike without warning, but by equipping ourselves with the knowledge and skills to provide first aid, we can potentially save lives. Remember, remaining calm and acting decisively are key when someone is choking.Master the Heimlich maneuver, adapt to different situations, and prioritize prevention whenever possible.As students, we have the power to make a positive impact not only in our academic pursuits but also in our communities. By becoming proficient in choking first aid, we can contribute to a safer environment for all and exemplify the values of preparedness and compassion. Let's embrace this responsibility and take proactive steps to ensure that when choking strikes, we are ready to respond with confidence and competence.。
对噎食者实行急救英语作文英文回答:Heimlich maneuver is a first aid procedure used to dislodge a foreign object from the airway of a choking person. It is named after Henry Heimlich, a physician who first described the procedure in 1974.How to perform the Heimlich maneuver:1) Stand behind the choking person and wrap your arms around their waist.2) Make a fist with one hand and place the thumb side of your fist against the person's abdomen, just above the navel.3) Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull inward and upward with quick, forceful thrusts.4) Repeat the thrusts until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unconscious.5) If the person becomes unconscious, lower them to the ground and begin CPR.If you are choking and there is no one to help you:1) Make a fist with one hand and place the thumb side of your fist against your abdomen, just above the navel.2) Grasp your fist with your other hand and pull inward and upward with quick, forceful thrusts.3) Repeat the thrusts until the object is dislodged.The Heimlich maneuver is a safe and effective way to dislodge a foreign object from the airway of a choking person. It is important to learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver so that you can be prepared to help someone in need.中文回答:哈姆立克急救法是一种用来清除噎食者气道异物的急救程序。
危机意识英文作文I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when suddenly I heard a loud crash. My first thought wasthat it might be an earthquake or some kind of explosion. I immediately felt a sense of panic and started lookingaround for a safe place to take cover.It was a normal day at work when I received an urgent message from the company's IT department about a potential cyber attack. I felt a surge of anxiety and quicklyrealized the importance of having strong cybersecurity measures in place. The thought of sensitive company information being compromised was enough to send shivers down my spine.As I was driving home, I saw a car accident happenright in front of me. It made me realize how fragile life can be and how quickly things can take a turn for the worse. It was a stark reminder of the importance of being vigilant and cautious, especially on the road.I was out for a hike in the mountains when I suddenly found myself lost and disoriented. The fear of being stranded in the wilderness without any means of communication or help was overwhelming. It made me realize the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations and having the necessary survival skills.While watching the news, I saw reports of natural disasters happening around the world. It made me realize how vulnerable we are to the forces of nature and how important it is to have emergency plans in place. The thought of being caught off guard by a disaster was enough to make me reassess my own level of preparedness.。
罪恶黑名单第一季观后感英文As a fan of crime dramas, I recently had the opportunity to watch the first season of the popular TV series "The Blacklist." Set in the backdrop of the criminal underworld, the show follows the intriguing relationship between an enigmatic master criminal and an FBI profiler. The series revolves around a list of dangerous criminals, known as the Blacklist, compiled by the criminal mastermind himself.One of the aspects that immediately captivated me about the show is its intricate plotline. Each episode introduces a new criminal from the Blacklist, making it impossible to predict what will happen next. This suspense keeps viewers on the edge of their seats and creates an addictive viewing experience. The script is meticulously written, filled with unexpected turns, and expertly crafted plot twists that leave you guessing until the very end.The character development in "The Blacklist" is also commendable. Raymond "Red" Reddington, brilliantly portrayed by James Spader, is a complex and multi-dimensional character. With his sly wit, charisma, and seemingly limitless knowledge, Reddington easily steals the spotlight. This enigmatic criminal mastermind offers tantalizing glimpses into his mysterious past while maintaining an air of intrigue around his true intentions. On the other hand, the character of Elizabeth Keen, the rookie FBI profiler, provides an excellent counterbalance to Reddington's slickness. Her determination, intelligence, and vulnerability create a relatable and compelling main character.The relationship between Reddington and Keen further adds depth to the storyline. From the first episode, it is evident that there is a complex andintertwined history between the two characters. Reddington's sudden surrender to the FBI and his insistence on working closely with Keen fuel the underlying mystery that shrouds their connection. As the series progresses, their bond evolves, blurring the lines between trust and manipulation. This dynamic creates a constant tension that keeps viewers invested in their evolving relationship.Apart from the engaging characters and intriguing plot, "The Blacklist" also stands out for its high production value. The show seamlessly combines thrilling action sequences, stunning cinematography, and atmospheric music to create a visually appealing spectacle. The attention to detail, both in terms of set design and costumes, adds authenticity to the criminal world depicted in the series. Whether it is a tense negotiation in a dimly lit room or a chase through the bustling streets of a foreign city, the show consistently delivers visually impressive and immersive episodes.Furthermore, "The Blacklist" tackles moral and ethical dilemmas in a thought-provoking manner. As Reddington navigates the criminal underworld, he often justifies his actions as a means to an end. This constant juxtaposition of right and wrong forces viewers to question their own beliefs about justice and the greater good. The show offers a nuanced exploration of the grey areas that exist within the criminal justice system and challenges the audience to contemplate their own moral boundaries.In conclusion, the first season of "The Blacklist" is a captivating crime drama that seamlessly combines intricate storytelling, compelling characters, and high production value. The ensemble cast delivers stellar performances, with James Spader's portrayal of Raymond Reddington stealing the show.The evolving relationship between Reddington and Keen keeps viewers on their toes, while the thought-provoking exploration of morality adds depth to the series. With its suspenseful plot twists, stunning visuals, and complex characters, "The Blacklist" has firmly established itself as a must-watch for fans of the crime genre.。
因为冲动失去朋友英语作文Impulse Lost: The Painful Consequences of Impulsive Actions.In the tapestry of human experiences, impulse plays a potent role, shaping our decisions and influencing our actions. While it can sometimes lead to exhilarating adventures, the consequences of impulsive behavior can often be detrimental, leaving us with shattered relationships, lost opportunities, and deep regret.The loss of a friend due to impulsive actions is a particularly poignant reminder of the destructive power of unchecked impulses. Friendships, forged through shared experiences and mutual understanding, are delicate bonds that require careful nurturing. However, when impulsive actions violate the trust and respect that underpin these bonds, they can crumble in an instant.Impulsive behavior can stem from a variety of factors,including emotional distress, stress, anxiety, or simply a lack of self-control. In moments of heightened emotion, our rational minds often take a backseat, and we may act on instinct without fully considering the potential consequences.In the case of friendships, impulsive actions can manifest in various forms. It could be a harsh word spoken in anger, a hasty decision that excludes our friend, or an insensitive comment that wounds their feelings. While these actions may seem trivial in the heat of the moment, they can have a profound impact on our relationships.When we allow our impulses to override our better judgment, we risk irreparable damage to the delicate fabric of our friendships. Apologies and attempts atreconciliation may not be enough to mend the shattered bonds. The trust that once existed may be shattered beyond repair, leaving us with a sense of loss and a heavy heart.The pain of losing a friend due to impulsive actions is not limited to the immediate aftermath. It can linger forweeks, months, or even years, casting a shadow over our thoughts and emotions. We may replay the fateful moment in our minds, wondering what we could have done differently. We may feel guilt, shame, and a deep sense of regret for letting our impulses get the better of us.The loss of a friendship can also have ripple effectson other aspects of our lives. It can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and a diminished sense of self-worth. We may find ourselves doubting our own judgment and questioning the value of our relationships.To avoid the painful consequences of impulsive behavior, it is essential to develop self-awareness and emotional regulation skills. This involves learning to recognize our triggers, understanding the underlying emotions that drive our impulses, and developing coping mechanisms to manage them effectively.Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, can help us become more aware of our thoughts and emotions. By observing them without judgment, we can better understandour inner workings and make more conscious choices.Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is another effective approach to managing impulsive behavior. CBT helps us identify and challenge negative thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms. By learning to reframe our thoughts and emotions, we can reduce the likelihood of acting on impulse.Finally, it is important to surround ourselves with supportive and understanding people who can provide a safe space for us to express our emotions and seek guidance. Their support and encouragement can help us navigate difficult situations and make more thoughtful decisions.Losing a friend due to impulsive actions is a painful experience that can leave lasting scars. However, by developing self-awareness, emotional regulation skills, and a strong support network, we can minimize the risk of such consequences and build stronger, more resilient relationships.。
高三英语读后续写素材积累11——生理篇(1)饥饿1.The rumbling in my stomach reminded me of the emptiness within.肚子里的咕咕声提醒着我内心的空虚。
2.With hunger pangs consuming me, I found myself constantly thinking about food.饥饿感不断吞噬着我,我发现自己总是想着食物。
3.My mouth watered as the aroma of dinner wafted through the air.晚餐的香气在空气中飘散,我垂涎欲滴。
4.The sight of the feast made my hunger all the more unbearable.看到这场盛宴,我的饥饿感变得更加难以忍受。
5.So ravenous was I that I could eat a horse.我饿得能吃下一匹马。
(强调句)6.Without food, my body felt like a ship without a rudder, aimlessly drifting.没有食物,我的身体就像一艘没有舵的船,漫无目的地漂流。
(无灵主语)7.Hunger gnawed at my insides, making concentration difficult.饥饿啃噬着我的内脏,让我难以集中精神。
8.My stomach growled in protest, demanding to be filled.我的胃发出抗议的咕噜声,要求被填满。
9.The thought of a meal sent a wave of comfort through my weary body.想到一顿饭,我的疲惫身体就涌起一股舒适的暖流。
10.I could almost taste the delicacies, even though they were miles away.尽管美食远在千里之外,我几乎都能尝到它们的味道了。
清洁小组遇上母牛袭击镇静剂英语作文It was a bright, sunny morning as the cleaning crew arrived at the picturesque farm on the outskirts of town. The team consisted of five members, each armed with a bucket, a brush, and a determination to make the farm spotless.As they set to work scrubbing the barns and mending fences, they were blissfully unaware of the chaos about to unfold. Suddenly, a loud moo echoed through the air, causing the crew to freeze in their tracks. They turned to see a massive cow charging towards them, her nostrils flaring and her eyes wild with rage.Panic set in as the crew realized they were under attack. They scrambled to find a way to escape the furious beast, but she continued to charge with relentless determination. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, one of the crew members remembered they had brought a tranquilizer gun just in case of emergencies.With lightning speed, he loaded the gun and aimed it at the rampaging cow. With a deep breath, he pulled the trigger, and a dart flew through the air, striking the cow in the hindquarters. Within moments, the once raging animal began to slow down,her movements becoming sluggish and her roars fading into soft moos.The crew breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the cow stumble to the ground, finally subdued by the tranquilizer. They quickly called for help, and soon the cow was safely captured and returned to her pen.As they resumed their cleaning duties, the crew couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected turn of events. They had never imagined they would have to face off against a raging cow during their cleaning assignment. But thanks to quick thinking and a bit of luck, they had managed to overcome the challenge and return to their work.And so, the cleaning crew continued their task, now with a newfound respect for the unpredictability of farm life. As they went about their work, they couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of the day they had come face to face with a furious mother cow and emerged victorious.。
没有解决的奇异事件英语作文1. Madeleine McCann's disappearanceBritish 4-year-old girl Madeleine McCann, May 3,2007 in playadalush, algarves, Portugal, a resort mysterious disappeared, despite many investigations, but no clues, it is understood that Madeleine mccann and her twin sister sleep in the hotel room, while her parents and their friends are 55 meters away from a living room snack restaurant.At about 10, p. m., back to find her daughter missing, she immediately called the police. The police searched, but still found nothing, which was quickly reported by the media, attracting more attention, including celebrities like Beckham and jk dowling.However, with the investigation of the case, some detectives and the police even suspect, Madeleine McCann may be hurt by her parents, because found blood in their car, however, through DNA detection, the blood in the car and Madeleine McCann completely can not match, in this way, the 4-year-old British girl, like evaporated from the world, so far the case is an unsolved mystery.The identity of the Zodiac killerIn the United States in the last century, there are a lot of serial killer, but one of the most special, should be the zodiac killer, will have such a nickname, because he every crime, will give the police or media left some encrypted character letters, signed will use the zodiac symbol instead, these crime important clues, very weird.presume, The Zodiac Killer began a crime spree on December 20,1968, shooshots a couple on Lake Herman Road in Benicia, California, In his letters, he declared that he had killed 37 people, only, According to the survey, the number of kills was seven, Although, during this time period, Police have identified some suspects similar to the Zodiac, But ultimately, due to the lack of evidence, Only have to choose to give up, to this day, The killer's real names are all unsolved mysteries, Psychologists believe that, His indiscriminate crime, Plus the weird characters sent in, It is very likely to be a "patient" with psychological problems.1、玛德琳麦卡恩的失踪英国4岁女童玛德琳麦卡恩,2007年 5 月 3 日在葡萄牙阿尔加维普拉亚达卢斯的一个度假胜地神秘失踪,尽管进行了多次调查,但却毫无线索,据了解,当晚玛德琳麦卡恩和双胞胎妹妹在酒店客房睡觉,而她的父母和他们的朋友正在距离居住房间 55 米的一家小吃餐厅用餐。
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高二急救英语作文小故事The Importance of First Aid in Daily LifeOnce, in a small town, a high school student named Li Ming was walking home from school when he suddenly heard someone screaming for help. He turned around and saw a crowd gathered around a fallen elderly woman. She had fallen on the pavement and was bleeding from a cut on her forehead. People were looking at her, but few knew what to do.Li Ming remembered his training in first aid during his high school health class. He quickly assessed the situation and realized that the woman needed immediate assistance. Without hesitation, he stepped forward and asked if anyone had called an ambulance. Then, he began to apply basic first aid.He used a clean cloth to gently wipe away the blood from the woman's forehead and applied pressure to the cut to stop the bleeding. He also checked if she was conscious and asked if she had any other injuries. The woman was shocked but grateful for his help.Just then, an ambulance arrived, and the paramedics took over. They thanked Li Ming for his quick action and informedhim that the woman would be fine. Li Ming felt relieved and proud of himself for being able to help.This incident taught him the importance of knowing first aid skills. He realized that in critical situations, a little knowledge can make a big difference. Since then, he has been more active in participating in first aid training and sharing what he knows with his classmates and family.The moral of the story is that everyone should learn basic first aid techniques. It not only helps in saving lives but also instills confidence and responsibility among individuals.。
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Milkman’s Identity Crisis Caused by His Trauma in Song ofSolomonAbstractIn the light of trauma theory,this thesis attempts to analyze Milkman’s identity crisis in Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. It explores the cause of Milkman’s identity crisis,that is,his own psychological trauma led by the effects of trans-generational transmission of familial and racial trauma. Losing parental love,Milkman is indifferent to others and always feels a sense of isolation and depression. Isolated by both the blacks and the whites,Milkman is trapped in identity crisis. He is internalized to the white identity and feels a sense of rootlessness. Through analyzing Milkman’s identity crisis,this thesis tries to reveal the influences of slavery and racism on African Americans and probes into Toni Morrison’s allusion to the issue of identity crisis facing minorities in America nowadays.Key Words:Song of Solomon;Trans-generational transmission of trauma;Identity crisisINTRODUCTIONToni Morrison’s works reflect the historical trauma of African-American people from different aspects,and represent physical and psychological trauma of American blacks caused by slavery and racism. The psychological trauma is not eliminated as slavery was abolished,but becomes a haunting and painful memory of African Americans. It still tortures the blacks after they were freed and also influences the fate of their next generations. In Song of Solomon,Morrison renders the protagonist Milkman undergoing the impact of his familial and racial trauma though he does not experience it himself directly.Dominick LaCapra (2004)defines inter-generational transmission of trauma as “the way those not directly living through an event may nonetheless experience and manifest its posttraumatic symptoms,something especially prominent in the children or intimates of survivors or perpetrators who are possessed of and even by,the past and tend to relive what others have lived”(p. 108). According to the theory,the impact of trauma can be transmitted trans-generationally,and a traumatic event that is experienced by one individual can be passed on so as to influence the offspring. The result is the decedents’re-experiencing of the traumatic symptoms. Even though Milkman himself does not experience those traumaticevents,he manifests posttraumatic symptoms nonetheless and becomes a “surrogate victim”(LaCapra,2004,p.77). The effects of trans-generational transmission of trauma lead to Milkman’s own psychological trauma. He isolates himself from others and is indifferent to almost everything,even to the suffering of his family members. He feels lonely and thinks that life is boring and repressing. Finding no way out,he addicts himself to depression. On both the individual and collective levels,trauma has an enormous influence on the development and sense of one’s identity. As Neil J. Smelser (2004)says,trauma is “a threat to some part of their personal identity,”and can “arouse negative affects”to the victims (p. 40). All the obvious symptoms of trauma can bring about great impact on the self-esteem and self-perception of the individual. Therefore,that disrupts the formation of a relatively complete identity and leads to the individual’s identity crisis.From the cultural perspective,Stuart Hall (2005)defines identity “in terms of one,shared culture,a sort of ‘one true self,’hiding inside the many other,more superficial or artificially imposed ‘selves’,which people with a shared history and ancestry hold in common”(p. 443-444). That is to say,identity means one’s reflection of the commonhistorical experiences and shared cultural codes in the community. However,trauma events “shatter the sense of connection between individual and community [...]”(Herman,1992,p.54). And they violate the individual’s self “that is formed and sustained in relationship to others”(Herman,1992,p.51). As a result,that causes a distortedidentity-formation,in which certain subject-positions may overwhelm those of the victim. Therefore,identity crisis confronts the victim.1. TRANS-GEGERATIONAL TRANSMISSION OF FAMILIAL AND RACIAL TRAUMA TO MILKMAN Milkman lives in a family where the atmosphere seems to be strange and queer. Though five members in the family,they seldom speak to each other. His father and his mother seem to hate and be estranged from each other. Milkman’s father,Macon Dead the Second,is unloving,greedy,and indifferent to anything except of money. His mother,Ruth Foster Dead,is a solitary and frail woman who is content to do some tiny things. They both suffer the painful loss of their beloved fathers. “In a natural disaster,witnessing the death of a family member is one of the events most likely to leave the survivor with an intractable,long-lasting traumatic syndrome”(Herman,1992,p.53). As a result,the traumatic parental loss brings great impacts on their life. Their character is totally distorted and their optimistic attitude towards life changes into a negative one. That meanwhile influences the life and shapes the character of their only son,Milkman Dead.“Descendants of victims may have a basis for coming empathically together to deal with events that divided their parent or ancestors,for they experience a psychic burden regarding events for which they are not responsible but for which they may none the less feel in some sense answerable”(LaCapra,2004,p.6). Traumatic symptoms of both Ruth and Macon Dead the second etch into their psyches,and become their characters,which shape that of their son,Milkman Dead. Though Milkman himself does not experience those traumatic events,he feels “as though some burden [has] been given to him and that he [doesn’t] deserve it”(Morrison,1977,p.120). He has to suffer the same traumatic symptoms as his parents do. The death of his father leads to Macon Dead the Second and Ruth’s loss of parental love. Since they each experience traumatic parental loss,they have become numb and indifferent to their life,which results in Milkman’s loss of parental love. Seldom does Milkman feel the care andlove from his parents. When he was still a fetus,his father intended to kill him. After he grows up,his father wants him to inherit his business and work for him. However,different from Macon the Second,Ruth thinks that Milkman “ought to consider going to medical school,”so that he can become a doctor like his grandfather (Morrison,1977,p.69). The motivation of their care for Milkman is their intention of recovering the glory of their beloved father in former days. As Milkman complains,“Everybody wants something from me […]. Something they think they can’t get anywhere else”(Morrison,1977,p.222). Without love from his parents,Milkman is distorted mentally. As Herman (1992)describes:Traumatized people feel utterly abandoned,utterly alone,cast out of the human and divine systems of care and protection that sustain life. Thereafter,a sense of alienation,of disconnection,pervades every relationship,from the most intimate familiar bonds to the most abstract affiliations of community and religion. (p. 51)Milkman has “never felt [...] he belonged to anyplace and anybody,”and considers himself as “the outsider”in the place where he lives (Morrison,1977,p.293). Most of his time,he would like to wander alone on the street aimlessly,asif he is a homeless wanderer. On the day knowing his parents’past from his father,Milkman walks alone on the street. “People [jostle] him trying to get past the solitary man standing in their way”,because all of them are “going in the direction he [is] coming from”(Morrison,1977,p.77-78). A strong sense of alienation rushes at him. He feels as if the whole world abandons him and he is alone.Being alone and feeling abandoned,Milkman isolates himself and is indifferent to almost everything. He has no friend,except of Guitar. Even though,he does not understand Guitar and often ignores his feelings. Milkman always thinks that Guitar would like to go with him to parties in Honore. However,in a discussion with Milkman,Guitar tells him almost in anger,“I never liked it!I went with you,but I never liked it. Never”(Morrison,1977,p.103). Meanwhile,just as cold as his father,Milkman has never cared the feelings of his family,and has never thanked the sacrifices of his sisters who gave up their childhood to cater him. “Never [has] he thought of his mother as a person a separate individual,with a life apart from allowing or interfering with his own”(Morrison,1977,p.75). As his elder sister Lena says of him,Milkman has been laughing at them all his life and doesnot know a single thing about them. Though he helps his mother beat his father,in Lena’s eyes,Milkman is just “exactly like him [his father]”and is taking over what their father does to them and letting the females in the family know he has the right to tell them what to do (Morrison,1977,p.215). At the same time,Milkman usually renders himself addicting in depression and feels hopeless as if “[no] activity seemed worth the doing,no conversation worth having”(Morrison,1977,p.90). Losing hope in his life,Milkman fools around all day long. Sometimes,he concludes “if there was anyone in the world who liked him [...] for himself alone”(Morrison,1977,p.79). And being deep in sadness,he even wishes to die when he realizes his life is just in a mess,so that he does not need to involve in the conflicts and problems he has to faces. Life for him is repressed,meaningless and bored. He wants to get rid of such a situation but finds no way out. Especially,when knowing his parents’trauma story,he feels that he is like “a garbage pail for the actions and hatreds of other people”(Morrison,1977,p.120). The parts that do not belong to his life but his parents’become his own memory and fragmentally appear in his mind. He could experience the feelings of helplessness and pain as his parents when his parents witnessedtheir fathers’ death.Finally,Milkman losses his self-hood in his feeling a sense of isolation and being indifferent and depressed. His imaginary deformity just confirms his loss of self. By the time Milkman is fourteen,he has noticed that “one of his legs [is] shorter than the other,”therefore,he has never stood straight (Morrison,1977,p.62). In fact,“the deformity [is] mostly in his mind”(Morrison,1977,p.62).Not only does Milkman suffer from the effect oftrans-generational transmission of familial trauma,but also he undergoes that of racial trauma. In Song of Solomon,to some extent,the past of the Dead family reflects the historical trauma of the black race in America caused by slavery and racism. African Americans’painful history brings the descendants of its victims a series of psychological trauma,such as sense of repression,isolation,and inferiority. And the symptoms of racial trauma are transmitted generationally,too.Though slavery was abolished more than a hundred years ago,it still haunts the generations of its victims and has become the origin of all kinds of problems confronting the African Americans nowadays. Indeed,slavery is a founding trauma for African Americans. For black slaves,their familiesare forcefully separated,their dignity is ruined,their bodies are mistreated,and their subjectivity is destroyed. During hundreds of years of slavery,black slaves were objectified and demeaned to the lowest. After the Emancipation,though slavery was abolished,racial discrimination has continued to be a reality that African Americans have to bear with,and they still do not share the equal rights and treatment with the white. Haunted by the history of exploitation,oppression,and persecution,blacks still live in its aftermath. They feel they are isolated in the land where it claims that everyone is equal. Life in the country for them is so repressing that they try to get rid of the influence of their ancestors’trauma. However,instead of finding a way out,they become depressed,and are numb to their life and to their great dreams they once held just as Macon Dead the Second and Guitar who dreamed of recovering the great dignity of their father. However,Macon almost forgets his original intention but becomes crazy for accumulating wealth later;while Guitar addicts himself to violent and radical revenge on the whites.Slavery and racial discrimination also lead to a sense of inferiority among African Americans on a deeper level.Self-inferiority impels them to give up the black tradition andforget their painful past,but to compromise with the white values. Finally,they put the white values above their own values. In Song of Solomon,represented by the Dead family,their great pride of living in whites’way of life actually increases with their racial inferiority. The more pride they get in such life,the more inferiority they feel in their deep mind.As an offspring of its victims,Milkman naturally cannot avoid bearing the same traumatic symptoms as his parents. The sense of inferiority,repression,and isolation would accompany him all the time as well. And he is unconscious of it.2. MILKMAN’S IDENTITY CRISIS BY HIS TRAUMAAlthough slavery has been abolished many years ago,its impact on the black people is permanent. And racism,still existing in the white dominant culture,continues to influence the life of African Americans. As a marginalized group,African-Americans have to bear the traumatic memory of slavery and racism. Though Milkman does not suffer those traumatic events by himself,he has to live under the impact of his ancestors’trauma and sustain the traumatic symptoms passed on to him through his parents,thus he also has to face the identity crisis as his parents. Like his parents,taking an assimilation stance,Milkman has internalized a white identityas an idealized mode of self. However,being not accepted by the whites,he is also not welcomed by his black compatriots. So,he suffers a sense of rootlessness. Without finding a way out,Milkman loses his self or his identity. As he thinks of himself before his mirror,his whole body lacks “coherence,a coming together of the features into a total self”(Morrison,1977,p.69). The traumatic symptoms of his patents are passed on to Milkman and contribute to his identity crisis. 2.1 INTERNALIZATION OF WHITE IDENTITYAndrew Morrison says,“The African American people,often judged by white American society as inferior,have endured the stigma of being different since their history on this continent began. And this has led to the internalization if that judgment is admitted by the affected people”(Bouson,2000,p.35). The history of slavery and the continued racism impels African Americans “either to take concentrated efforts to forget their painful past or to become fixated on their losses”(Kuo,2007,p.64). The former group of the blacks are finally assimilated into the white culture;while the latter try to rebuild their dignity in a radical way and becomes radical separatist.Represented by Guitar and the Seven Days,they addict themselves to the traumatic loss,self-pity and morbid lust forrevenge. Rather than sticking to the black heritages as they have hoped,in fact,they are going farther and farther away from it. For Guitar,“there are no innocent white people,because every one of them is a potential nigger-killer,if not an actual one”(Morrison,1977,p.155). From a historical perspective,Guitar asserts,“[The whites] are unnatural [...]. The disease they have is in their blood,in the structure of their chromosomes”(Morrison,1977,p. 157). In Guitar’s eyes,the white’s racial discrimination to the blacks is innate and can not be changed.Contrary to them,another group of the blacks,like Macon Dead the Second and Ruth,some middle class blacks,living with the white values,throw their black traditions away in their upward mobility. As a result,they are haunted by an overwhelming sense of alienation and insecurity and are uprooted from their black community. Actually,both Macon Dead the Second and Ruth take an assimilation stance. They know nothing about their ancestors’past and their hometown,except of their deep impressions of their own fathers. They have no memories of the past,of the painful history of slavery and racial oppression. Their loss of their fathers actually symbolizes their loss of African American past,loss of racial identity. Theylive in the values of whites and despise those of blacks. For Macon Dead the Second,he follows money andproperty-oriented ideology welcomed by the mainstream society and scorns his only sister Pilate’s primitive way of life. Ruth is keen on artificial Western values symbolized by her table manners and actually feels uncomfortable at Pilate’s house and her way of life. Like his father,Milkman is spiritually homeless,and always feels alienated,too. Never has he felt belonged to anyplace or anyone. “Milkman’s homelessness is partly due to his rootlessness”(Kuo,2007,p.74). On the one hand,he is not accepted by the whites or the blacks;on the other hand,as a black,he knows no past of his family,or his race. He holds no name virtually,and inherits no black tradition. A sense of rootlessness haunts him.Though he lives with a white identity,indeed,Milkman can not integrate into the white mainstream society. The fact that he communicates almost exclusively with his black friends well indicates that. At the same time,he is marginalized by the blacks,too. When he was in school,[W]hite and black thought he was a riot and went out of their way to laugh at him and see to it that he had no lunch to eat,nor any crayons,nor ever got through the line to the toiletor the water foundation. [...] he was never asked to play those circle games,those singing games,to join in anything [...]. (Morrison,1977,p.264)After growing up,such a situation has never changed. Still,he has to suffer from isolation. When Guitar takes Milkman to Feather’s pool hall,Feather just refuses to let him in. Guitar’s friends hate Milkman and his father for their white bourgeois values. At the beginning of his journey to the south,the local people actually look “with hatred at the city Negro,”and no one wants to speak to “the Negro with the Virginia license and the northern accent”(Morrison,1977,p.266). Milkman is not welcomed by them because his conceit with superiority over them is intolerable. Wherever he goes,Milkman always plays the role of an “outsider,”and has to suffer the psychological displacement. Milkman’s sense of rootlessness actually originates from his loss of black identity:the loss of past,his name and black heritage.For Milkman,he knows nothing about his family past and naturally is not interested in the past of blacks. Not until he is thirty,does he get some fragments about his parents’past. However,“he just [wants] to beat a path away from his parents’past,which [is] also their present and which [is]threatening his as well. He [hated] the acridness in his mother’s and father’s relationship [...]”(Morrison,1977,p.180). He feels he should not deserve the burden and responsibility of what his parents bring to him. “Above all he [wants] to escape what he [knows],escape the implications of what he [has] been told”(Morrison,1977,p.120). Unlike Pilate who maintains strong ties to her past and Guitar who embalms his traumatic past,Milkman considers the past of his family as “unwanted knowledge”to him (Morrison,1977,p.120). As for the racial past,since his parents internalize in themselves the white identity and he himself does the same,Milkman has lost all related to his community. The traumatic symptoms are passed on to Milkman and contribute to his identity crisis. On the one hand,Milkman has internalized a white identity as an idealized mode of self by accepting the money andproperty-oriented values and seeing his world from the white perspective. On the other hand,isolated by both the whites and his black compatriots,he feels a sense of rootlessness,which attributes to his loss of connection with his past and black heritage. Without finding a way out,Milkman loses his self and also his identity. Actually,Milkman’s problem in the novel is a reflection of the African Americans’in reality. In thewhite-dominated culture,they internalize themselves to the white identity,and meanwhile,feel they are marginalized.However,what needs to be noted is that such an issue is not limited to the blacks at present,because the racial problem does not exist in the United States only between the whites and the blacks since the American population have become more diverse. It is between the whites and other minorities and even among all the races in the countries. Therefore,as racial discrimination continues,how to be out of identity crisis or construct identity is an issue that is worth pondering.REFERENCESBouson,J. B. (2000). Quiet as it’s kept:Shame,trauma,and race in the novels of Toni Morrison. Albany:State U of New York.Gaspar de Alba,A. (2004). There’s no place like Aztlan:Embodied aesthetics in chicana art. The New Centennial Review,4(2),103-144.Hall,S. (2005). Cultural identity and diaspora. In S. P. Hier (Ed.),Contemporary Sociological Thought(pp.443-453). 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