Oracle AIA Foundation Pack加速应用融合


Oracle FLEXCUBE FX Accelerator Pack 产品说

Oracle FLEXCUBE FX Accelerator Pack 产品说

APACK Foreign ExchangePart Number: F43223-01APACK –FXContents▪Introduction▪Brief info on Functional / Operations features ▪Product▪Standard Advices▪Standard Reports▪MaintenanceAccelerator Pack –FXIntroductionAPACK –FXIntroductionForeign Exchange module of FLEXCUBE is used for buying and selling of currencies.It supports all types of FX deals i.e.Cash,Tom,Spot and Forward.Accelerator Pack –FXFX ProductsAPACK –FXList of FX Products▪FFB1-FX Forward Product-Discounted Straight Line Revaluation ▪FFB2-FX Forward Product-Net Present Value Revaluation▪FFC1-FX Forward Product-Rebate Revaluation▪FFR1-FX Forward Product-Straight Line Revaluation▪FRR1-FX Forward Product-Rollover▪FSB1-FX Bank Deals-Spot-Cash▪FSB2-FX Bank Deals-Spot-Tom▪FSB3-FX Bank Deals-SpotAPACK –FXList of FX Products▪FSC1-FX Corporate Deals-Spot-Cash.▪FSC2-FX Corporate Deals-Spot-Tom.▪FSC3-FX Corporate Deals-Spot.▪FSR1-FX Retail Deals-Spot-Cash.▪FSR2-FX Retail Deals-Spot-Tom.▪FSR3-FX Retail Deals-Spot.▪FSW1-FX Swap Deals-Spot-Forward.▪FSW2-FX Swap Deals-Forward-Forward.▪FXFW-FX Forward Product-Discounted Straight Line Revaluation.APACK –FXList of FX Products▪FXN1-FX Corporate Forward Product-NDF▪FXN2-FX Corporate Spot Product-NDF Fixing ▪FXNF-FX Forward Product-NDF▪FXNS-FX Spot Product-NDF Fixing▪INS1 -Internal Swap (FX Internal Swap Deal)Accelerator Pack –FXFunctional / Operations featuresAPACK –FXFunctional/Operations features •Booking of Foreign Exchange contract •Cross currency contract booking •Capturing of brokerage details •Counterparty Confirmation •Contract Re-assign•Holiday period treatment •Capturing of UDE values•Auto/Manual Liquidation•Partial Liquidation/Cancellation •Cancellation of FX contract •SettlementsAPACK –FXFunctional/Operations features •Amendment of FX contract•Rollover of FX contract•Limit Tracking•CLS Status change•CLS Alleged deal status change•CLS Net position check•CLS Status change alert•Split Value Date•Currency/Pair wise netting-Auto/Manual •Deal Revaluation•Option Date•Fixing and Unfixing of FX dealAccelerator Pack –FXFX EventsAPACK –FXEventsEvents Covered TerminologyBOOK Contract Booking event triggers when Bank Initiate the Deal.CONF On Counterparty Confirmation this event will get triggered.REAS Reassign User event will get triggered on new User Assign.SGEN Settlement Message GenerationCANC Deal Cancellation event will get triggered on cancellation of the deal.LIQD Liquidation Event will get triggered on Manual/Auto Payment of the DealREVP Payment Reversal is processed under this eventREVR Contract Reversal is processed under this eventAccelerator Pack –FXFX AdvicesAPACK –FXStandard AdviceAdvices DescriptionBANK_REVSWIFT Bank Transfer ReversalCOVER_REVSWIFT Cover Transfer ReversalCREDIT_ADVICE Credit AdviceCUST_COVER Customer CoverCUST_COVERL Customer Cover LCUST_REVSWIFT Customer Transfer ReversalCUST_RTGS_COV Customer RTGS CoverageDEBIT_ADVICE DEBIT AdviceFX_BROKERAGE Brokerage AdviceAccelerator Pack –FXFX Swift MessagesAPACK –FXMessagesSWIFT Messages Contract Field MT300Confirmation,Amendment,ReverseMT304T-Copy SettlementMT103/MT202/MT205Payment MessageMT192/MT292Payment ReversalMT210Receive NoticeMT940/MT950Account StatementAccelerator Pack –FXFX ReportsAPACK –FXStandard Reports▪FX Currency Analysis report▪FX Tenor-wise Currency Position report▪FX Contract Activity report▪FX Contract Overrides report▪FX Brokerage details report▪FX Daily Exception report -Automatic Processing ▪FX Discounting Rate Report▪Netting Agreement▪Fund Transfer to Foreign Exchange Netting Report ▪FX to FT Netting Report▪Process Exception Report▪FX Broker confirmation ReportAccelerator Pack –FXFX MaintenanceAPACK –FXOther MaintenanceFollowing are the Maintenance Required in OBTR to use a product for FX:▪FX Branch Parameter▪Messaging Parameter▪Local Holidays▪FX Batch Maintenance▪Exchange Rate Maintenance▪Forward Rate Maintenance▪Discount Rate Maintenance▪Charge Class▪Tax Scheme Class。
















Oracle数据库云化整合方案整合最佳实践:借助 Oracle Database 进入云时代目录概要 (2)企业云之旅 (3)通过标准化降低复杂性 (4)整合降低成本并提高可管理性 (5)通过Oracle Database 12c 实现整合 (6)新式多租户架构的主要优势 (6)选择整合方式 (8)PDB 如何解决IT 复杂性问题 (8)选择合适的隔离级别 (9)隔离及其对整合的影响 (9)可插拔数据库整合 (10)数据库整合 (13)整合多个CDB (15)模式整合 (17)云池设计 (19)CPU (19)内存 (21)存储 (22)互补性负载 (23)Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Management Pack (25)Consolidation Planner (25)执行所有供应活动的Database Provisioning 控制台 (26)计费 (26)总结 (27)概要传统上,IT 组织将各个数据库和应用程序部署在专用服务器基础架构上,以支持不同的部门或业务线(LOB)。


此外,这种孤岛式部署还抑制了IT 组织快速响应不断变化的业务需求的能力。





Oracle Database 12c 为整合应用程序负载提供了巨大优势。

这些优势包括:1. 简化管理—减少需要管理的不同环境的数量。


2. 简化供应和打补丁3. 易于整合—无需更改应用程序即可实现整合。

在本文中,我们将介绍这些功能并说明Oracle Database 12c 如何帮助执行整合以及加快您的云之旅。

甲骨文推出Oracle SOA套件11g升级版

甲骨文推出Oracle SOA套件11g升级版
户 响应 方 面 ,E io . 与之 前 的E io 相 比 ,有 相 当大 的提升 ,这 些 功 pcr 9 5 0 pc r 9 能 对于 刚 刚摆脱 经 济危机 的企业 来讲 十 分重 要 。 E 1O 全球 产 品营 销高 级副 总 裁L m s N r o d : “ PC r ] m o w o 说 当我们 开始 摆脱 a 经 济 危 机 的 时 候 ,市 场 中 出现 了 ‘ 率 最 大 化 并 且 开 支 最 小 化 ’的保 守理 效
甲骨文推 出OrceS 套 件1 升级版 a l oA g 1
日前 ,甲骨 文公 司推 出 70a lg 务总 线 lg rce  ̄ l ,此 举增 强 了O al 0 套 rce S A
达索析统发布 Iih45 s t. g
近 日 , 达 索 析 统 宣 布 推 出
件lg l 在性能和可扩展性方面的领先地位。作为O a l融合 中间件产 品系列的 r ce
碰撞避让方法和刀轴稳定功能可 帮助 用户在更短 的时间内 ,用更低 的成本
加 工 出质 量更高 的产 品。为 配合 P w r I L0 0 o e M L 21 的发布 ,D ]a 在其 T 网站 ec m V
牙 科 实 验 室 带 来 期 盼 已 久 的 福 音— — 它涵 盖 了从三 维 印模扫 描 、应 用 3 hp D na yt m Sae et l se 完成 CD 计 、 S A设
和 三维原型制作。用途广泛的3 h e Sa P
D na yt m e tl se 实现 了其 与市 场最 佳牙 S
科制造解决方案的顺利整合 。同时 ,
D l m o r L 0 L ann o e ec P weMI 2 e r gZ n 全新上线 a L 1 0 i

Oracle Exalogic 开启融合中间件即服务

Oracle Exalogic 开启融合中间件即服务

Oracle Exalogic 开启融合中间件即服务作者:王柳来源:《软件和信息服务》2014年第07期甲骨文推出最新版本X4-2的Exalogic在计算、能力存储和网络的交互能力都有大幅度提高,被认为是最适合在云计算里作为基础架构的一组,与此同时一系列相关云战略也随之出炉。












此次推出的Oracle Exalogic中间件云服务器就将甲骨文掌握的中间件核心技术和应用的核心技术重新划分,包装出完整的服务,放在Oracle的公有云上为客户带来更优质体验。




混合云的管理与最佳实践赵明君甲骨文资深技术顾问Safe Harbor StatementThe following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.正在爆发的趋势驱动着云化解决方案的需求数据爆炸90%数据量在过去两年产生50倍增长至2020年移动化60亿移动用户占世界人口总数87%移动数据年化增长率78%社交也是生意消费者驱动用户体验26% 发表负面意见86% 开始停止按传统模式参与交易94% 愿意为好的体验付出更多现代化生存太多超过20年历史遗留应用客户已经踏上云的旅途74%的企业级客户已经开始了采购混合云的战略通过整合优化已有操作 数据中心 通过服务化标准化操作和工作负载 私有云 自由部署以达成收益与风险的平衡混合云 +公有云云计算的承诺面向开发者,IT运维和业务部门开发者敏捷性 & 品质获得最新的技术即时访问简化编码快速迭代发布一次构建任意地点发布IT运维性能 & 成本更快速的响应更高的服务质量QoS更低的风险更低的成本投入少回报高业务部门创新 & 市场响应速度服务新的市场开发新的产品丰富全面的洞察泛在访问易于使用云计算承诺的“B面”高度碎片化的平台 & 基础架构开发者增加了复杂性标准缺失不成熟的架构代码重写技能缺失 & 陡峭学习曲线运营超支IT 运维增加了成本技术杂乱部署模型锁定管理不合规碎片化安全管理超出成本预期业务部门降低效率竖井式用户体验碎片化业务流程移动化改善有限“有限且杂乱的” 社交媒体缺乏洞察众所期待的云计算的理想解决方案填平“云的鸿沟”——混合云高性能, 可伸缩& 弹性基础架构 (IaaS)计算资源, 存储& 网络服务+ 管理服务面向本地部署、云部署 & 移动化创新的一个平台(PaaS)开发 & 部署服务安全 & 身份识别服务集成服务内容, 分析 &用户交易服务+自由选择私有云或公有云部署Self Hosted/ManagedOn Premise私有云ProviderHosted/Managed公有云Oracle 的云战略:Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) 平滑扩展On-Premise 本地数据中心到Oracle Cloud 云端的混合云 以客户体验为中心的服务 创新性产品 产业链整合•工程化云架构下冗余硬件环境,保证所有子系统具有相同的底层资源服务水平和高可用性能力 •工程化云架构带来极限性能,动态资源分配和自适应资源调用,保证所有子系统按需获得业务性能 •工程化云架构下零数据丢失方案,保证数据一致性和多子系统一致数据备份 •利用卓越的Oracle 云增强特性和自动化来提升IT 效率及加速业务创新 •多种可选云平台无缝迁移,保证应用透明性 •完整云平台下集成环境,包括HR,SRM 等多种完善外部环境,实现核心业务系统与外部第三方系统完整对接业务成熟迁移到私有云稳定运行 工程化私有云 Oracle Cloud相同的架构 相同的软件相同的技能•统一云管理平台帮助实现多个系统实时监控管理、自动化运维 Internet+ 业务创新灾备 •统一的混合云管理平台帮助实现多个系统实时监控管理、自动化运维 核心业务系统Oracle 混合云,共赢IT 新时代 为每个云参与者提供理想的解决方案1.开发的敏捷性 & 品质•显著加快应用开发 & 发布的迭代周期•排除技术鸿沟,降低复杂性、成本 & 安全风险•利用已有的技能 & 排除采纳云 & 移动化的学习曲线2.标准化 & 整合•排除技术鸿沟,降低复杂性、成本 & 安全风险 •显著提升面向业务的IT 敏捷性和服务质量•最佳的总体拥有成本 & 运行Oracle 软件性能最好的平台3.丰富的业务洞察 & 协同 •一致 & 丰富的数字化用户体验•内外一致且安全的文档, 社交 & 业务协同•丰富的分析 & 全面的洞察 – 在任何地方、任何时间、任何设备 面向业务部门 面向开发者 面向架构师 & IT 运维混合云部署模型混合云管理的最佳实践:部署在任何一种云架构模型无需更改应用,在不同部署模型优雅地移动虚拟机Oracle 或第三方虚拟化环境集群服务器系统Oracle WebLogic 和 Database 集群工程化系统Oracle 工程化系统Oracle PaaSFusion 中间件 & 数据库User EngagementIdentity ManagementBusiness Process ManagementContent ManagementBusiness IntelligenceService Integration Data IntegrationDevelopmentToolsCloud ApplicationFoundationEnterprise ManagementWebSocial MobileDatabaseOracle Cloud & 3rd CloudPublic Cloud相同的架构 相同的软件 相同的技能Zamil Industrial (扎米尔工业)最大化提升员工生产力和数据安全客户反馈“通过将现有应用迁移到Oracle Database Cloud Service 和Oracle Java Cloud Service 我们建立了一个统一版本的数据库和应用环境,优化的工作流程和文档管理,提高了开发效率。

以 Oracle 融合中间件构建新一代 IT 基础架构

以 Oracle 融合中间件构建新一代 IT 基础架构
• 随 RAC 服务的重新配置启用/禁用数据源 • 无需应用服务器/数据库管理同步
多数据源 (CRM)
多数据源 (PAY)
• 支持负载平衡、故障切换和事务
• 与 WebLogic Server 10.3 和更早版本相同
RAC 节点 1
RAC 节点 2 共享存储 Oracle RAC 集群
增强的WebLogic Server 集群
集成 Coherence,分离流量处理、会话管理
缓存 Coherence Servlet EJB JDBC 会话 Coherence 缓存 Coherence
WebLogic Server
HTML Oracle Web 层 — Web Cache Servlet EJB JDBC 会话 Coherence 缓存 Coherence 缓存 Coherence
Pick up the phone… Use your credit card or ATM… Go to the bank or wire funds… Ship a package or deposit mail… Order airline tickets… Purchase retail goods…
业务衡量 标准 情况 目标
通过统一的体系结构来提供空 前的可靠性,并确保服务提供 以将中国和外国银行以及信用 目标 服务整合到可扩展到 Web 的单 一网络中
每年为中国的金融机构处理 500 多亿个事务 对所有事务的响应时间均小于 1 秒



随着技术的发展,高可用性架构将更 加依赖自动化和智能化技术,以简化 管理和提高效率。
随着对数据安全和隐私保护的需求增 加,高可用性架构将更加注重这些方 面。
目 录
• Oracle数据库高可用性概述 • Oracle数据库硬件与软件架构 • Oracle数据库高可用性解决方案 • 高可用性实践与案例分析 • 高可用性架构的挑战与未来发展
01 Oracle数据库高可用性概 述
高可用性是指系统在出现故障时仍能 保持正常运行的能力,以及快速恢复 到正常运行状态的能力。
05 高可用性架构的挑战与未 来发展
Oracle RAC
Oracle RAC(Real Application Clusters)是Oracle数据 库的另一种高可用性解决方案,通过多节点集群方式实现 数据库的高可用性和负载均衡。
Oracle GoldenGate
Oracle GoldenGate是一种数据集成和实时数据复制解决 方案,可以实现不同数据库系统之间的数据同步和集成。



Oracle之AIA简介Oracle应用集成架构基础软件包(Oracle Application Integration Architecture Foundation Pack),该软件包是Oracle应用集成架构的关键组件。


Oracle应用集成架构跨Oracle ERP、CRM和业界应用产品实现服务导向架构预集成。









Oracle Essbase Integration Services 发行版说明

Oracle Essbase Integration Services 发行版说明

Oracle® Essbase Integration ServicesRelease[Skip Navigation Links]About This Service Fix (1)New Features (1)Defects Fixed (1)Known Issues in Release (3)Documentation Updates (6)About This Service FixThis Readme file describes the defects fixed in Oracle® Essbase Integration Services Service Pack11.1.1.3 as well as the known issues in this release.Top of Document New FeaturesCertification MatrixInformation about system requirements for EPM System products is now available in a spreadsheet format in the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Certification Matrix, posted at /technology/products/bi/hyperion-supported-platforms.html. Systemrequirements are no longer part of the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here.Supported LanguagesThis release supports non-English languages. The list of supported languages for all EPM System products is included in the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Certification Matrix, posted at /technology/products/bi/hyperion-supported-platforms.html.Top of Document Defects FixedDefects Fixed in Release•Member load. In the batch file created for EIS scheduling for member loads, the path was not updated to include the start command.(8439772)•Console. Creating the fact table by selecting the Menu > Tools option failed.(8403636)•Data load. Batch file executed during data loads falsely reported that load was terminated with errors despite data load being successful.(8412247, 8304235, 8269211)•Console. Integration Services Console was not granting re-access to users after they exited the application because user ID information was not being cached.(8412193, 7714801)•Data and member loads. Data and member loads failed when run from a .cbs script, but Integration Services status indicated the load was successful.(8412254, 8304252, 7721750)Defects Fixed in Release defects are fixed in Integration Services release The defect number follows thedescription of the defect.Drill-Through Template SQL. Incorrect table alias names were generated in the SQL query created by Integration Server.(6584510, 8-631137724)Drill-Through Template SQL. Integration Server terminated abnormally when verifying Drill-Through Template SQL.(6851055)Data Load. When the Default Miscellaneous Member option was enabled for the aggregate storage option, the default members were not added and the data load failed. The data load failure has been addressed; however, you may need to reload any rejected records.(7607685, 7268275)Defects Fixed in Release defects are fixed in Integration Services release The defect number follows thedescription of the defect.Console. When building a cube in Integration Services Release 9.3.1., using a metaoutline that been generated in Release 7.x, a false error condition sometimes prevented users from building the cube.(7138407)Console. When several batch jobs for data loads were run consecutively, and one or more scripts had empty parameters, Integration Services would sometimes shut down, forcing a manual restart.(7212289)Load. In data loads, the displayed total of records loaded and records rejected exceeded the number of records in the outline.(7310328, 7158311)Drill-Through. If users changed passwords, sometimes drill-through report operations would fail because of encryption errors.(7360009, 7393959)Top of DocumentKnown Issues in Release following issues are the noteworthy known issues of this release.ODBC Notes•“Localhost” is not a valid server name. In the Login dialog box, you must specify a computer name or IP address in both the Integration Server frame and the Essbase Server frame.•For UNIX systems, Integration Services installation creates a template odbc.ini. To store information about how to connect to a relational data source, edit the file using your preferrededitor.•To configure a Teradata data source, the TDODBC environment variable must be set manually. Configuration File Entry for DB2 OS/390DB2 OS/390 is supported only as a data source and should not be used as an OLAP Metadata Catalog.If you use IBM DB2 OS/390 as a data source, you must add an entry to the ais.cfg file for each data source name you configured in your DataDirect Wire Protocol driver for DB2. Add an entry to the ais.cfg file in the following format: [DS:dsn:390]. For example, using the sample database, TBC, the following is the entry to the ais.cfg file:[DS:TBC:390]JISX0213 Japanese Character Set Not SupportedThe JISX0213 Japanese character set, which replaces the JISX0208 and JISX0212 Japanese character sets, is supported on Windows Vista.The Oracle Essbase family of products, including Integration Services, does not support the JISX0213 Japanese character set. (6576813, 8-563756229)Windows Server 2003 SP1 May Experience Abnormal ShutdownIf you are using Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 with Integration Services, your system may experience an abnormal shutdown. To prevent this, install the update from Microsoft by going to: /kb/923996/Column Names with 0x5C Double-byte Characters May Not DisplayIf column names contain 0x5C double-byte characters, the columns may not display in a table.(6551802, 2-HYPER00071286)MBCS Characters Should Not Be Used in Names of Some Entities Multibyte-character-set characters should not be used in the names of these entities:•OLAP models•Metaoutlines•Data sources•Owners(6550123; 2-HYPER00073848, 73905, 73906, 73910, and 74122)Oracle Database as Unicode Data SourceIf you run Integration Services on Windows and access an Oracle database as an MBCS or Unicode data source using the DataDirect Wire Protocol Driver, characters corresponding to 0x4E88 in UTF-8 encoding may not be processed properly.Time-based Incremental Load LimitationDue to database restrictions in some databases such as Oracle, if the IN clause has more than 1,000 outline members that require updating during time-based incremental loads, SQL statements may not execute. In such cases, we recommend full loads rather than time-based incremental loads.Unable to Validate @ISUDA FunctionsAlthough Oracle Essbase Administration Services validates recently added functions in formulas for the block storage option (BSO), Integration Services may not. We strongly recommend you use Oracle Essbase Administration Services to validate these functions.Japanese EncodingIf you use Japanese encoding, Oracle recommends you use MS932 encoding instead of Shift-JIS.Specifying Ancestors in Template SQL for Drill-Through Operations on Duplicate MembersIn general, Oracle does not recommend using Drill-Template SQL for OLAP metaoutlines that support duplicate member names.If you still choose to use Drill-Through Template SQL for OLAP metaoutlines that support duplicate member names, Oracle suggests you take the following actions in order for Drill-Through Template SQL to function correctly:•Associate database keys for the drill-through-enabled members.To do this, in the General tab of the Member Properties dialog box for each drill-through-enabled member, in the Member Key Column drop-down list, select the appropriate database key columns for the drill-through-enabled members.These actions are valid for drill-through reports defined on any member level, including level zero members.•For drill-through defined on level zero members (leaf nodes), you can also fully identify a duplicate member by specifying all the ancestors for that member in Template SQL.In the following example of Template SQL using the TBC sample, for a drill-through intersectiondefined on Product.SKU, a WHERE clause was added (see bolded text) for the ancestor of SKU in order to fully define the member:SELECT DISTINCT ac."SKU", ac."SKU_ALIAS", ac."CAFFEINATED", ac."OUNCES",ac."PKGTYPE", ac."INTRODATE", aa."SUPPLIERID", ad."SUPPLIER_ALIAS", ad."ADDRESS", ad."CITY", ad."STATE", ad."ZIP", ad."COUNTRY"FROM TBC.SALES aa, TBC.PRODUCTDIM ab, TBC.PRODUCT ac, TBC.SUPPLIER adWHERE aa."PRODUCTID" = ac."PRODUCTID"AND aa."SUPPLIERID" = ad."SUPPLIERID"AND ac."SKU" = ab."SKU"AND ((($$Year-COLUMN$$ IN ( $$Year-VALUE$$))))AND (ab."FAMILY" in ('100'))AND (((ab."FAMILY" in ('100','200','300','400','Diet')) AND ($$Product-COLUMN$$ IN ( $$Product-VALUE$$))))The caveat to the solution given in the above example is that the member is fully defined only for children of Product 100; it is not practical to define Template SQL for every possible ancestor value.(6807790, 1-156SS6)Runtime Filter Condition Limitation for Customized Drill-Through OperationsIf you customize drill-through reports at run time and add a user-defined filter, keep the length of the filter under 8KB; otherwise, some members may not be included in the drill-through report query.(1-147T5F)Users Without Create Access to Essbase Server Cannot Verify Member FormulasTo verify member formulas, users must have Create access to the Essbase Server.(1-82215061)Updating Drill-Through Reports Not Supported for Outlines Containing Duplicate Member NamesRelease 11.1.1 does not support updating drill-through information in an outline containing duplicate member names. For such outlines, you should perform a full member load.Drill-Through Operations Are Not Supported on Unicode Data in Release 11.1.1 Records Rejected During Data Load when Alternate Fact Table SelectedIf the Time dimension is built directly from the fact table, and you select an alternate fact table, the data load may reject those records for which time members are not found in Oracle Essbase. In such cases, be sure that the time dimension is built to span time periods of all fact tables.(1-194924642)SQL Server 2005 Requires Name of New Executable in Sample Creation Scripts to Create TBC Sample Tables and to Load Sample DataThe current batch files and scripts used to create the TBC sample tables and to load the sample data do not function with SQL Server 2005. These files require the executable named SQLCMD.EXE.WORKAROUND: Edit the batch file install_sqlsrv.bat located in the AIS\samples directory, and replace the name of the executable ISQL.EXE with the new executable name SQLCMD.EXE.(8-532792001)Application Naming RestrictionsWhen managing Oracle’s Hyperion Shared Services models and naming applications, you cannot use the forward slash (/), backslash (\), or double quotation (“) characters.(8-514151218)Read-only Permission to External Data Sources for Drill-Through ReportsOracle recommends that your users be granted read-only permission to external data sources for drill-through reports and custom data load SQL.Adding Alternate Hierarchy a Second Time Duplicates ValuesWhen building a shared hierarchy for a block storage database, adding a shared hierarchy a second time may duplicate the values stored on a single element, resulting in incorrect data. This problem occurs when shared members are from the same hierarchy, such as these two hierarchies from theTBC sample database: Diet > 100-20 and 100 > 100-20.WORKAROUND: Use user-defined SQL to edit data load commands.(6584211)Start and Stop Controls for Windows Service on Windows 2003 SP1On Windows 2003 SP1, after installing Integration Services, the EPM System Installer uses Windows services to start and stop the services for Integration Services. Sometimes after stopping the service using Windows Services console, the Integration Server process, olapisvr.exe, continues to run.WORKAROUND: Manually stop the “olapisvr.exe” and “olapisvc.exe” processes by using the Windows Task Manager.(7253757)Long Table and Column Names Truncated in the Drill-Through WizardWhen using the Drill-Through Wizard in Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, users will only see the first 80 characters of the table or column name.(6536313)System Limitations•Integration Services supports full Unicode functionality only on Oracle relational database servers.•Oracle recommends you use the same language for your Data source names as you use for your applications. (English will work in all cases.)•When creating a drill-through report with an OLAP intersection level based on a user-defined dimension or column, neither of the variables of the form $$dimension-COLUMN$$ or $$dimension-VALUE$$ will be created.•To retain and upgrade Dynamic Time Series settings made in Integration Services prior to release6.5.4, open and save the metaoutline using release 11.1.1. For recursive and alternate hierarchies,we recommend that you verify your settings.•Integration Services does not support user-defined tables created in Sybase or Informix.Top of Document Documentation UpdatesAccessing Hyperion Product DocumentationThe most recent version of each Hyperion product guide is available for download from theDocumentation area of the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site(/technology/index.html). Deployment-related documentation is also availablefrom the Oracle E-Delivery Web site (/EPD/WelcomePage/get_form).Individual product guides are available for download on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site only.Note: Not all of the documentation for this product has been updated from Release or11.1.1.2. Similarly, the product UI may not have been updated from Release or Oracle Call Interface No Longer SupportedOracle® Essbase Integration Services no longer supports Oracle Call Interface (OCI). References in the documentation to OCI should be disregarded.Top of DocumentCopyright © 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.。



JDE 一般 中小客户 强
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PS (HR) 一般
强 (渠道管理)

伊利、光明、青岛啤酒、蓝带啤酒、怡宝水、 汇源、海霸王食品、雅仕利

强 (会员管理)
和sales 的协作
有效的寻 找机会
市场竞争 情况
Oracle IBM Microsoft HP
Vertical Apps Horizontal Apps Middleware Database Operating System Virtualization Servers Storage Management
基于统一的基础平台、根据业 务需求组装不同的应用模块, 形成适合企业发展不同时期的 应用套件
财务 管理
人力 资源
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物流 管理
分销 管理
制造 管理
3rd 软件
原有 系统

定制 开发
其他 …
Oracle应用集成架构 (AIA): Applications Integration Architecture
和sales 的协作
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Xx项目存储方案介绍目录1. 现状综述 (4)2. 总体建设方案 (4)2.1. 建设原则和策略 (4)2.1.1. 建设原则 (4)2.1.2. 建设策略 (5)2.2. 建设目标 (7)2.2.1. 总体目标 (7)2.2.2. 分期目标 (7)2.3. 建设内容 (7)2.4. 总体设计方案 (8)3. 容灾的核心技术及选择 (9)3.1. 容灾系统衡量指标 (9)3.2. 容灾级别 (10)3.3. 常见容灾建设模式 (11)3.3.1. 同城容灾 (11)3.3.2. 异地容灾 (11)3.3.3. 两地三中心 (11)3.3.4. 双活数据中心 (11)3.4. 常用的数据复制技术 (12)3.4.1. 基于存储层的容灾复制方案 (13)3.4.2. 基于主机数据复制技术的灾备方案 (18)3.4.3. 基于数据库的数据复制技术构建灾备方案 (20)3.5. 如何选择最优的容灾方案 (28)3.5.1. 数据容灾技术选择原理 (28)3.5.2. 数据容灾技术选择度量标准 (29)3.6. 本项目容灾模式及技术的选择 (29)3.6.1. 容灾模式选择 (29)3.6.2. 容灾中心选址 (30)3.6.3. 数据复制技术的选择 (32)4. 推荐方案概述 (33)4.1. 技术路线选择 (33)4.2. 总体方案架构 (33)4.3. 数据库容灾系统设计 (35)4.3.1. Golden Gate技术原理 (36)4.3.2. 各委办局和同城容灾中心之间的数据库复制 (37)4.3.3. 同城容灾中心和异地容灾中心之间的数据库复制 (40)4.4. 非结构化数据容灾系统设计 (40)4.4.1. 同城容灾中心和生产中心之间的数据容灾 (41)4.4.2. 同城容灾中心和远程容灾中心的数据容灾 (43)4.4.3. 应用级容灾几种实现方式 (44)4.5. 一体化集中备份系统 (45)4.6. 容灾网络建设方案设计 (46)4.6.1. 整体容灾网络架构设计 (46)4.6.2. 前端服务网络容灾方案 (47)4.6.3. 服务器数据网络容灾方案 (49)4.6.4. 存储网络容灾方案 (50)4.6.5. 本项目建议容灾网络方案 (51)5. 本项目灾备系统建设的几点建议 (52)5.1. 需要按照灾备要求梳理系统 (52)5.2. 解决好数据库系统数据复制 (52)5.3. “现实”的切换策略 (53)6. 软硬件设计 (54)6.1. 软硬件总体选型原则 (54)6.2. 同城容灾中心软硬件设计 (55)6.2.1. 一体化备份系统 (55)6.2.2. 数据库容灾系统 (56)6.2.3. 云计算平台容灾系统 (57)6.2.4. 同城数据存储容灾系统 (58)6.2.5. 机房改造系统 (58)6.2.6. 网络系统 (60)6.2.7. 安全系统 (60)6.2.8. 详细软硬件配置清单 (60)6.3. 远程容灾中心软硬件设计 (63)6.3.1. 远程数据备份系统 (63)6.3.2. 远程数据库容灾系统 (64)6.3.3. 远程云计算平台容灾系统 (65)6.3.4. 远程数据存储容灾系统 (66)6.3.5. 网络系统 (66)6.3.6. 安全系统 (66)6.3.7. 详细软硬件配置清单 (66)7. 项目组织机构和人员培训 (68)7.1. 领导和管理机构 (68)7.2. 项目实施机构 (69)7.3. 运行维护机构 (69)7.4. 技术力量和人员配置 (70)7.5. 人员培训方案 (70)8. 项目实施进度 (71)8.1. 项目建设期 (71)8.2. 实施进度计划 (71)8.2.1. 同城容灾中心建设计划 (71)8.2.2. 异地容灾中心建设计划 (73)9. 投资估算 (74)9.1. 投资估算的说明 (74)9.2. 投资估算 (74)9.3. 估算编制依据 (75)9.4. 资金来源与落实 (76)9.5. 投资估算明细表 (1)1.现状综述XX市政府网站管理中心自成立之日起,就按照集中建设的原则完成了“XX市电子政务外网统一平台示范工程项目”的建设工作,完成了XX市124家党政部门的接入工作,完成了在全市范围内只铺设一套网络基础设施的工作,实现了市及电子政务外网与省、国家政务外网之间的互联互通,目前共有服务器500多台,存储40多套,部署的虚拟服务器300多台。



签约仪式 。合作双方将通过整合三维数字化 新技术 ,有效提升项 目管 理水平 ,从而提高建筑质量 ,降低管理成本 。实现绿色科技与建筑融
合的 目标 。 据悉 ,总高 6 2米的上海 中心于 2 0 年 1 月 2 3 08 1 9日破土动工 ,目 前已完成基础底板混凝土浇筑 , 预计国庆前后完成主楼地下结构施工 ,
_ esEp s新 速 Nw xr s 闻 递 e
> >> >> 田
使 用 信 息 化可 简 化 和 提 升项 目组 合 管理
本刊讯 ( 记者 于巧稚)为进一步简化企业项 目组合管理 ,甲骨文 日前宣布推 出 O a l Pi vr si rc r e maeaI pr n e fr AP70软件 ,来增 强 O al Pi vr 6企业项 目组合管理与 S o . S rc r e maeaP AP企业资源管理规划相关项 目模 块的集 成性。通过在企 业各 个业务部 门之 间为项 目经理提供 更加清晰透 明的高效管理和资源利用 ,P i vr si r ma eaI pr n e
国 资委 央 企 集 采 C D软 件 花落 中望 A
本刊讯 ( 记者 李 刚超 )近 日,中央企业正版软件集 中采购第二阶段针对 C D软件的谈 判工作圆满结束, A
中望 C D最 终从众 多 C D软件品牌中脱颖而 出,成为国资委央企集采首选品牌 。这是继第一阶段操 作系统 、 A A 办公软件 、数据安全类软件 、数据库 类产 品、企业管理 套装软件 集采谈 判成功之后 ,谈判小组在针对计算机
辅助设计软件进行央企集采方面的又一重大进展。截至 目前 ,进入集采名录的供应商共有金 山软件 、瑞星 、微
软 、赛 门铁 克 、趋势科技 、中望 6家软件 企业。 中央企 业正版软件集 中采购工作由国资委信息化 工作办公室负责牵头组织实施 , 中国仪器进 出口 ( 集团 ) 公司承办 具体事 宜 ,意在形成一个公平、规范 、便捷的采购渠道 ,帮助 中央企业最大限度降低正 版软件采购 价格 。C AD软件谈 判小组 于春 节前夕组建 ,由九名专 家组成 ,是央企正版软件 集采工作的第二个 谈判小 组。 谈 判小组与多家知名国 内外 C AD软件厂商经过艰苦谈判后 ,最后 与中望公 司达成一致意见 。

随着用户向云端迁移,Oracle 用人工智能推动企业应用程序发展

随着用户向云端迁移,Oracle 用人工智能推动企业应用程序发展

随着用户向云端迁移,Oracle 用人工智能推动企业应用程序发展作者:作者 Marc Ferranti 编译 Charles来源:《计算机世界》 2017年第41期通过不断增强其软件即服务(SaaS)和平台即服务(PaaS),Oracle 正在引领企业摈弃本地部署企业应用程序转而迈向云端。

本周,在旧金山一年一度的OpenWorld 大会上,Oracle 宣布将其自适应智能应用程序扩展到整个企业软件套件中,这是一款“自主”的自我优化数据库和云服务,适用于聊天机器人、区块链和人工智能技术。

虽然Oracle 在基础设施即服务(IaaS)市场上远远落后于亚马逊和其他大公司,但最近在吸引企业用户到其云应用上取得了成功。

Oracle 云平台产品开发资深副总裁Amit Zavery 说:“我们定位的独特之处是提供丰富的基础设施、平台和应用程序。

”Oracle 在OpenWorld上宣布,将自适应智能应用程序扩展到其全套云应用程序中,包括ERP、HCM(人力资本管理)和SCM(供应链管理)套件。

自适应智能程序获取每个用户的第一手数据以及通过Oracle 数据云来自第三方的大量数据,旨在为不同的任务提供自动化和机器学习功能。

自适应智能应用于4 月份在该公司的现代客户体验峰会上首次亮相,主要面向客户体验云产品(CX),包括营销、服务、销售和商业。



现在,Oracle 正在将这一底层技术应用到客户业务的其他方面。

Oracle 自适应智能产品和数据科学副总裁Jack Berkowitz 说:“ 我们的确专注于密切相关的业务问题、数据和算法。

”Oracle 在其产品线上采用了与人工智能应用程序相同的技术:Oracle 把传统的统计方法以及神经网络和机器学习技术应用于各种场景不同的数据集中,使用了开源软件和自己的算法。

Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack

Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack

Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack (OIDF)Release NotesDecember 2018Document VersioningVersion Date Change Reference02 December 27, 2018 Updated: Final version published 01 December 20, 2018 Created: Draft publishedTable of ContentsDocument Versioning (2)Preface (5)Overview of OFSAA (5)Purpose of this Document (5)Intended Audience (5)Documentation Accessibility (5)Access to Oracle Support (6)Related Documents (6)Introduction to Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack (7)Components of Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack (7)New Features (8)Prerequisites (9)How to Apply this Minor Release? (9)List of Bugs Fixed in this Release (9)Known Issues / Limitations (12)Hardware/Software Tech Stack Details (13)Licensing Information (13)This page is left blank intentionally.PrefaceThis Preface provides supporting information for the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI)/ Oracle Insurance Data Foundation (OIDF) Application Pack Release Notes and includes the following topics:Overview of OFSAAPurpose of This DocumentIntended AudienceDocumentation AccessibilityRelated DocumentsOverview of OFSAAIn today's turbulent markets, financial institutions require a better understanding of their risk-return, while strengthening competitive advantage and enhancing long-term customer value. Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications (OFSAA) enable financial institutions to measure and meet risk adjusted performance objectives, cultivate a risk management culture through transparency, lower the costs of compliance and regulation, and improve insight into customer behavior.OFSAA uses industry-leading analytical methods, shared data model and applications architecture to enable integrated risk management, performance management, customer insight, and compliance management. OFSAA actively incorporates risk into decision making, enables to achieve a consistent view of performance, promote a transparent risk management culture, and provide pervasive intelligence.Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications delivers a comprehensive, integrated suite of financial services analytical applications for both banking and insurance domain.Purpose of this DocumentThis document contains release information for Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI)/ Oracle Insurance Data Foundation (OIDF) Application Pack.Oracle recommends you review its contents before installing, or working with the product.Intended AudienceThis document is intended for users of Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure (OFSAAI)/ Oracle Insurance Data Foundation (OIDF) Application Pack.Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.Related DocumentsThis section identifies additional documents related to OIDF Application You can access Oracle documentation online from the Documentation Library (OHC).Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Release Installation Guide (OHC).Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Release User Guide (OHC).Introduction to Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application PackOracle Insurance Data Foundation (OIDF) is an analytical data warehouse platform for the Financial Services industry. OIDF combines an industry data model for Financial Services along with a set of management and infrastructure tools that supports Financial Services Institutions to develop, deploy, and operate analytical solutions spanning key functional areas in Financial Services, including:1. Health Insurance2. Property Casualty3. Life InsuranceOIDF is a comprehensive data management platform that helps institutions to manage the analytical data life cycle from sourcing to reporting as a consistent platform and toolset.Components of Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application PackOIDF Application Pack includes the following components:OIDF Analytical Warehouse Data Model: A Physical Data Model that supports data sourcing and reporting related to key analytical use cases in the Insurance industry.The Warehouse Model is a physical data model, unlike the OIDF LDM, meaning that it is readily deployable, and consists of database object definitions, and additional supporting scripts.It is organized into two distinct sets of tables based on purpose:o The Staging model, which facilitates data sourcing from the Insurance provider’s internal operational systems such as Policy systems, Claims systems, Fund Management, and so on.o The Reporting model, which facilitates the storage of outputs from analytical tools, applications, and engines in a manner that is conducive to BI reporting.The Warehouse Model is typically deployed into production via a set of management tools called the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Application Infrastructure (OFSAAI). The AAI is a separate product, and is a prerequisite for OIDF (see Infrastructure).Supporting Scripts: As part of the OIDF package, there are additionally a number of scripts provided for basic operations such as internal data movement between the staging and reporting areas.Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Applications Pack v8. Minor Release #7 ( is cumulative of all enhancements and bug fixes done since v8. release.Patch 28739438 - ORACLE INSURANCE DATA FOUNDATION MINOR RELEASE (OIDF)Oracle Insurance Data Foundation (OIDF) Application Pack is a separately licensed product.This chapter includes the following topics:New FeaturesPrerequisitesHow to Apply this Minor Release?List of Bugs Fixed in This ReleaseKnown Issue / LimitationsNew FeaturesThe features that are part of this release are:∙Launched Hive on OIDF with two Big Data deployment processes. They are, Stage and Results on Hive, and Stage on Hive and Results on RDBMS with the following functionalities:o In Stage and Results on Hive:▪Key SCDs are supported▪Key T2Ts are supported▪All DQs are supported▪Run screens are enabledo In Stage on Hive and Results on RDBMS:▪All SCDs are supported▪All T2Ts are supported▪All DQs are supported▪Run screens work similar to that of RDBMS∙The following enhancements are introduced:o Party Producer Exam, Certification, and Licenseo Party Identification Document Sub Typeo Underwriting▪Party Criminal Conviction▪Party Driving Violation▪Lifestyle ActivityParty Life Style ActivityLife Style Activity Aviation Experience DetailsLife Style Activity Underwater Diving Experience DetailsLife Style Activity Racing Experience DetailsLife Style Activity Military Experience DetailsLife Style Activity Foreign Travel Experience DetailsLife Style Activity Competition DetailsLife Style Activity Climbing Experience DetailsLife Style Activity Air Sports Experience Details▪In Insurance Contracts:Reinsurance Contract HeldReinsurance Contract IssuedOther Reinsurance tablesPolicy Schedules∙Added new T2Ts for Fact Policy Transactions table.∙Added new Data Quality Rules.∙Data Protection implementation features:o Updated PII (Personally Identifiable Information) attributes∙OIDF is now compatible with Oracle Database Client version 12.2.∙OIDF is now compatible with Apache Tomcat 8.5.For detailed information on usage of the existing features, see Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Release Guide from OHC Documentation Library.For more information on the OFS AAI requirements, see OFS Advanced Analytical Applications Infrastructure Application Pack Readme in OHC Documentation Library.PrerequisitesThe prerequisite software that must be installed for this release are:To upgrade to Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack, you must have at least Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack or higher installed on your system.How to Apply this Minor Release?For detailed instructions on installing this Minor Release, refer to Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Installation Guide Release in OHC.NOTE:This patch installation has taken approximately 3 hours to complete in Oracle Test Labs.For Big Data (Hive) deployment process, this patch installation has taken approximately 4.5 hours to complete in Oracle Test Labs.List of Bugs Fixed in this ReleaseThe list of enhancements, modifications and bug fixes as part of Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Release are as follows:BugNumberBug Description Change Comments29011598 LAUNCH HIVE FOR ORACLE INSURANCE DATA FOUNDATION Enabled OIDF on Hive with two Big Data deployment processes. They are, Stage and Results on Hive, and Stage on Hive and Results on RDBMS.28915674 TOMCAT 8.5 QUALIFICATION FOR ORACLEINSURANCE DATA FOUNDATIONOIDF is now compatible with Apache Tomcat 8.528915638 PATCH INSTALLTION COMPATIBILITY WITH ORACLE DB CLIENT VERSION 12.2 OIDF is now compatible with Oracle Database Client version 12.2BugNumberBug Description Change Comments28897962 DEPRECATE V_TXN_LOCATION_ID INREINSURANCE TRANSACTION TABLES Deprecated the column V_TXN_LOCATION_ID from Reinsurance Transaction tables28897156 DATA QUALITY CHECKS FOR OIDF 807 Added new Data Quality Rules to the 807 version ofOIDF28847852 MAPPING FOR FACT POLICYTRANSACTIONS Added new T2TsT2T_FCT_POLICY_TRANSACTIONS_HLD and T2T_FCT_POLICY_TRANSACTIONS_ISS28751631 MISSING MAPPINGS FOR T2T FROM PRIOR RELEASES Added mappings from multiple Stage tables such as Claims, Cash Flows, Party, and Contracts to corresponding Target tables in T2Ts28751622 MISSING MAPPINGS FOR SCD FROM PRIOR RELEASES Added mappings from multiple Stage tables such as Organization Structure, Party, Producer to corresponding Dimension tables in T2Ts28693498 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY AVIATION EXPERIENCE DETAILS Added SCD with map reference number 528 and T2T T2T_FCT_LSA_AVIATION_EXP_DETAILS for Life Style Activity Aviation Experience Details28690631 ENHANCEMENT OF ADDRESS OBJECTFROM ACORD TO RELATED OIDF TABLES Added the columns F_ADDRESS_PREFERRED_FLAG and F_VALIDATED_ADDRESS_FLAG in the table STG_PARTY_ADDRESS_MAP, and mapped them to the table FCT_PARTY_ADDRESS_MAP28358931 NO MORE CHANGES TO FACT POLICYDETAILS TABLE Removed T2T mappings from source tables to the FCT_POLICY_DETAILS table28341009 T2T MISSING FOR FACT POLICY CASHFLOW.F_NO_ED_IN_INSURANCE_CASHFLOW Deprecated the columnFCT_INS_POLICY_CASH_FLOW.F_NO_ED_IN_INSU RANCE_CASHFLOW28340990 MISSING MAPPING FOR T2T FACTCOVERAGES, FPTS & FRPD Added T2T mappings for the columnsN_YEARS_IN_ACCUMLATION,N_DEDUCTIBLE_PERCENTAGE_AMT, and N_YEARS_IN_WITHDRAWAL in the table FCT_POLICY_COVERAGES28331512 OIDF SUBJECT AREA INCLUSION Added these Subject Areas in the OIDF model Results -Oracle Insurance Data Foundation and Staging - OracleInsurance Data FoundationBugNumberBug Description Change Comments28319772 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY MODEL -- EXAM & CERTIFICATIONS Added new T2Ts T2T_FCT_PARTY_EXAM_DETAILS, T2T_FCT_PRDR_AGENT_LICENSE_DETAILS andT2T_FCT_PARTY_CERTIFICATE_DTLS for Party Producer Exam, License and Certifications28313180 ENHANCEMENT OF POLICIES --- POLICYSCHEDULE TABLESAdded new T2T T2T_FCT_POLICY_SCHEDULES28309737 ENHANCEMENT OF UNDERWRITING CLASS PRODUCT DETAILS Added new T2TT2T_FCT_UNW_PRODUCT_CLASS_DETAILS and new SCDs with map reference numbers 522, 523, 524, and 525 for Underwriting28301236 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY UNDERWATER DIVINGEXPERIENCE DETAILS Added new SCD with map reference number 533 and new T2T T2T_FCT_LSA_UW_DIVING_EXP_DETAILS for Life Style Activity Underwater Diving Experience Details28301228 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY RACING EXPERIENCE DETAILS Added new SCD with map reference number 532 and new T2TT2T_FCT_LSA_RACING_EXPERIENCE_DTLS for Life Style Activity Racing Experience Details28301225 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY MILITARY EXPERIENCE DETAILS Added new SCD with map reference number 531 and new T2T T2T_FCT_LSA_MILITARY_EXP_DETAILS for Life Style Activity Military Experience Details28301224 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY FOREIGN TRAVEL EXPERIENCEDETAILS Added new SCD with map reference number 534 and new T2TT2T_FCT_LSA_FORGN_TRAVEL_EXP_DTLS for Life Style Activity Foreign Travel Experience Details28301215 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY COMPETITION DETAILS Added new SCD with map reference number 530 and new T2T T2T_FCT_LSA_COMPETITION_DTLS for Life Style Activity Competition Details28301204 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY CLIMBING EXPERIENCE DETAILS Added new SCD with map reference number 529 and new T2T T2T_FCT_LSA_CLIMIBING_EXP_DTLS for Life Style Activity Climbing Experience Details28301191 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY AIR SPORTS EXPERIENCEDETAILS Added new SCD with map reference number 526 and 527, and new T2TT2T_FCT_LSA_AIRSPORTS_EXP_DETAILS for LifeBugNumberBug Description Change CommentsStyle Activity Air Sports Experience Details28301175 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY LIFE STYLEACTIVITY DETAILS Added new SCDs with map reference numbers 377, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, and 409, and new T2T T2T_FCT_LIFESTYLE_ACTIVITY_DETAILS for Party Life Style Activity28297104 ENHANCEMENT OF GROUP BENEFICIARY DETAILS IN ACORD MODEL TO OIDF Added new T2TT2T_FCT_GRPINS_POL_BENFCIARY_DTLS for Group Beneficiary Details28250652 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY MODEL --IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS Added new SCD with map reference number 553 with the table DIM_DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE for Party Identification Document28250614 ENHANCEMENT OF PARTY MODEL --MEDICAL FAMILY DATA Added the columnsN_AGE_AT_DEATH_OF_FMLY_MMBR,N_AGE_OF_THE_FMLY_MMBR_IF_LVG,V_FULL_NAME_OF_FAMILY_MBR,N_AGE_ON_ILLNESS_STRT_DATE in the table STG_PARTY_FAMILY_MEDICAL_DATA and mapped them to the tableFCT_PARTY_FAMILY_MEDICAL_DATA inT2T_FCT_PARTY_FAMILY_MEDICAL_DA29028297 DATA FLOW NOT PRESENT FORDIM_POLICY_TXN_TYPE Added data flow for the table DIM_POLICY_TXN_TYPEKnown Issues / LimitationsThese are the known issues in this release:BugNumberBug Description Change Comments29147334 OIDF : SCD IS UNAVAILABLE BUT T2T ISAVAILABLE IN HIVE These SCDs are not supported in Hive 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 195, 196, 205, 208, 270, 332, and 465. As a workaround, load the dimension data to corresponding dimension tables.29147178 OIDF HIVE : DATA NOT POPULATED INFSI_INTRA_COMPANY_ACCOUNT Because of the unavailability of the tableFN_POP_REG_LE_HIER in OIDF Hive, data is not populated in the target tableBugNumberBug Description Change CommentsFSI_INTRA_COMPANY_ACCOUNT.29147193 OIDF : EXCHANGE RATES DERIVATION AND POPULATION FOR CROSS CURRENCYRATES IN HIVE In Hive, the exchange rates population for cross currencies is not being derived using exchange rates values for a base currency. Source the corresponding Exchange Rate value.Hardware/Software Tech Stack DetailsThe hardware/software combinations required for Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Release are available at OTN Tech Stack.Licensing InformationFor details on the third party software tool used, see O FSAA Licensing Information User Manual Release available in the OHC Documentation Library.C O N T A C T U SFor more information about Oracle Insurance Data Foundation Application Pack Release Notes, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative.C O N N E C T W I T H U SCopyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for informationpurposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. 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Oracle 21世纪企业集成解决方案指南说明书

Oracle 21世纪企业集成解决方案指南说明书

Business Integration for the 21st Century Peter BelknapORACLE PRODUCT LOGOProgram Agenda•21st Century Integration Landscape •Oracle SOA Suite and BPM Suites –Industrial SOA for Integration Everywhere –Business-Driven Process ImprovementIntegration or Extension? Oracle Fusion Middleware“Extension”Platform“Integration”PlatformMeeting the “Data Tsunami” ChallengeMuch more data, many more events need to be handledmuch more quicklyNew and existing business processes need to be integrated reliably, securely,and inexpensivelyOperators and customers expectincreased visibility and control IT must respond with a flexible, secure, scalable infrastructureAd Hoc Point to Point IntegrationStandards-based Service Oriented ArchitectureDeclarative Re-use Building a Successful Service-Oriented ArchitectureVisibility, Control, AnalyticsEnterprise SecurityOracle Identity Access, RiskMgmtOracle SOA GovernanceCanonicalServicesLoosely Coupled Layered Architecture Core Business ApplicationsOracle BPEL PM,CEP Oracle AIAOracle Service Bus ERP , Custom ApplicationsExadata Cloud Application Foundation on ExalogicSUNOracle BI, BAM WebCenterIntegration Landscape•Complete•Best-in-Class •Integrated •OpenOracle Fusion MiddlewareUser Engagement User EngagementIdentity Management & Security Identity Management & SecurityBusiness ProcessManagement Management ContentManagement Management BusinessIntelligence IntelligenceService Integration Service Integration Data Integration Data IntegrationDevelopment DevelopmentTools ToolsCloud ApplicationFoundation FoundationEnterprise EnterpriseManagement ManagementWebSocialMobileKey Usages Of SOA in Fusion AppsUsage Category Description UsageProcess Customization (for Developers) Allow developers to customize process to suitbusiness needs.•Simple sequential BPEL process steps.•Customer can modify steps.Human Workflow Support human workflow with complexapprovals including approval hierarchies •Most important usage by many fusion apps•Manual task or approval tasksIntegration Decouple external systems. Allows bringingnew systems online without changing coreProcesses •Mediator is an example•End to End Integration •Flexibility with Rules based routingProcess Composition (for Business Analysts) Make it easier for business analyst to modifyprocess at runtime.•Business Analysts arrange orchestrationflow of “pre-canned” tasks / processes•Process Composer use caseLong Running or Batch Processing Support Batch processing and other longrunning jobs as scheduled /async processes •Executed as a batch or is a long running process•Processing itself happens outside •Orchestration, fault handling and compensations are keyEvent Processing Support event processing using SOA model. •Event driven integration•Events to add flexibility and loose coupling2. Process DecompositionDecomposition of Long Running Processes• BPEL for main process and subprocesses • Rules• Mediator (dynamic routing) • Asynchronous services1. Human ApprovalsHuman Interactions within the process (most prevalent)• BPEL (or BPMN)• Human Tasks/AMX with HCM integration• Rules for dynamic routing • ADF Task flows• Customizable Worklist• Actionable email notifications3. Business EventsDecoupling using business events•Events publication from ADF •Event Delivery Network•Async invocation of process, human tasks or ESS jobs5. Enabling Edge Integration4. Batch jobs6. Synchronous MicroflowsSynchronous Processes•Synchronous processes•Dynamic processing using rules •Straight through processing with BPEL & ADF services •SDO entity variablesLong Running batch jobs•Scheduler for time basedscheduling and job incompatibility •BPEL for orchestration•Asynchronous Services/jobs •ODI integrationEdge Integration•Dynamic endpoints•Support multiple protocols •Mediator with differenttransformations based on end point8. Process CompositionFusion Micro Patterns7. Activity GuideMultistep human interactions•BPEL/BPMN processes with human tasks•Activity guide metadata •ADF task flows•AG controls in apps UIBusiness user driven process composition•BPMN based process templates •BPMN/BPEL Rules, human workflow •BPM composer for customization •Service catalogApplication Integration ArchitectureSolutions Which Deliver Sustainable Integration•Powered by Oracle Fusion MiddlewareLeverage Oracle’s best -in-class, standards-based SOA Middleware platform•Reference Process ModelsOptimize business performance leveraging Oracle’s extensive experience and best practices•Pre-Built IntegrationsAccelerate implementation of discreet business processes using AIA’s pre -built integrations across Oracle Applications•Foundation PackBuild cross-functional business processes across any of your applications utilizing a standardized approach and methodologyComplete. Open. Integrated.BPM SuiteProcess ManagementRegistry &Repository Service ManagementSOA Governance ProcessIntegration B2B IntegrationSOA Suite ODI SuiteBulk DataProcessing Data QualityFoundation PackReference ProcessModelsCommon Objects & Standard Shared ServicesSOA/BPM Framework &MethodologyDeveloper UtilitiesPre-Built IntegrationsPackaged Integration Accelerators For Specific Applications & Processes:Process Integration Packs and Direct IntegrationsArtifactsPoliciesImplementationEfficiency, Reuse & ConsolidationSecuritySystematic Enforcement of PolicyDefinitionBusiness/IT AlignmentMetadataMonitoring andManagementProduction Assurance for SLAsOracle Governance SolutionComplete solution for Application Integration ProjectsArchitects Business OwnersDesignersITOperationsRelease ManagementDevelopers &IntegratorsSecurity EngineersConsumer Provisioning& LEADING IDEs & LEADING IDEs& ENTERPRISE GATEWAY & ENTERPRISE GATEWAYEnterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications https://Program Agenda•21st Century Integration Landscape •Oracle SOA Suite and BPM Suites –Industrial SOA for Integration Everywhere –Business-Driven Process ImprovementConnect & normalizeAdaptersERP MAINFRAME SERVICES PARTNERSDB •Over 200 adapters•For all technologies & applications: EBS, PSFT, Siebel, SAP , Databases, Files, FTP , JMS, MQ, B2B, etc. •Graphical introspection of target •Abstract complexity of underlying applications•Convert from proprietary formats to XMLTPS TPSmsg msg/s /s1,000’sservicesservices Virtualize, route, scaleOracle Service BusERPMAINFRAMESERVICES PARTNERSDB SERVICE BUS SERVICE BUS•Foundation for yourshared services infrastructure•Convert from one protocol and format to another, on the fly (ex: consume a Mainframe service from .NET over SOAP)•Add scalability through cachingOracleCoherence Data GridWorklistPortalMS Office MAINFRAME Online ShoppingMobile DevicesApplicationInstance 1ApplicationInstance 2Application Instance 3Proxy Services•Enforces agility by replacing direct coupling with a flexible virtual endpoint to the consumerXBusiness Services•Access service from multiple endpoints•Ensures high availability when apps go down and during maintenance ORACLE SERVICE BUSOracle Service Bus - Service Virtualization,Automated Service PoolingOracle Service BusKey Ingredients for an Enterprise Service BusUnified SecurityFTP MQ Adaptive MessagingSMTP MetadataReportingSLA AlertsContent Based RoutingTransformation Import / Export Validation Service ManagementService VirtualizationConfiguration Framework HTTP/S JCAJMSFile Change CenterMonitoringWSRM Tux EJBService ChainingREST AuthenticationAuthorization Identity Sign/EncryptJDBC AQ SAP EBS PSFT JDE SBLReduced RiskService results available even when application is downImproved PerformanceEliminate repeated application requests for static dataPredictable ScalabilityCached results maintained internally resulting in less dependence on 3rd party service provider availabilityScalability & PerformanceService Result Cache – Coherence in the boxCRM SalesERPBusiness AppsXCloud Vendor ACloud Vendor BENTERPRISE SERVICE BUSResult accessedfrom cache Result accessed from cacheERP MAINFRAME SERVICES EVENTSPARTNERS DB BPEL & BPMN BPEL & BPMN BUSINESS RULES BUSINESS RULES HUMAN WORKFLOW HUMAN WORKFLOW SERVICE BUS SERVICE BUSOrchestrateStandards-based BPEL & BPMN•Build process logic•Involve people(human workflow) as well as systems •Self-describinggraphical design-time environment•Build compensation logic for non-transactional servicesUnified Platform for Services, Events & Processes Unified Process PlatformProtocol BindingsDeclarative Composite AssemblySOA Composite Editor•Drag & Drop•Visual•Single Unit ofDeployment•Easyversioning•Based onSCA standardBuilt-In Business RulesHuman Workflow ServiceWorkspace applicationHuman Workflow ServiceWSDLTaskHuman Workflow MetadataProcess(BPMN/BPEL)ADF task flow to show work item details in workspaceTaskCompletedAssign TasksSupervisor Task Assignee Process OwnerTask Metadata including routing slip, AMX stage and list builder configurationsRules engineProcess ComposerBusiness Analyst-Driven Process ModelingSimple Drag andDrop ProcessModelingLeverage Existing Models •Import Visio and XPDL modelsBusiness IT CollaborationSingle Model From Modeling to ExecutionStudio – Comprehensive IDE for Developers Empower business analyst withcatalog of implementationartifactsSingle BPMN 2.0modelSimulate Before You ImplementKPIsRich set of ChartsQueue Buildups and What-ifsAdd security, management, governance and eventingCOMPLEXEVENT PROCESSINGBAMEM JDev WebPOLICY MANAGERERP MAINFRAME SERVICES PARTNERS DB BPEL & BPMN BPEL & BPMN BUSINESS RULES BUSINESS RULES HUMAN WORKFLOW HUMAN WORKFLOWSERVICE BUS SERVICE BUSDATA INTEGRATOR DATA INTEGRATORGOLDENGATE GOLDENGATEEVENTSClearly separates: •process logic from•security concernsCentralized policy management & visibility: versioning, rollback, auditing Global, Policy-driven SecurityAttach/detach policies at design-time…(right in JDeveloper)Or attach/detach policies at runtime, after deployment(in Enterprise Manager)•All-in-onemanagement console•End-to-end (process) instance tracking•No explicit work required fromdeveloper to enable tracing •Unified error handlingBPELHuman Workflow Routing Business RulesExternal ServiceDrill downDrill-down intocomponentsOut-of-the-box visibilityEnd-to-end instance tracking in Enterprise Manager•Unified exception handling framework (“Error hospital”):•Search•Delete•Recover failed instances(individual or batch)•Directly access corresponding log entriesRecoveryActionRecoveryscreenEdit payloadFaults &exceptionslogExceptions HandlingMonitor ExpressInstrument BPEL processesright from JDeveloperAvailable Monitor Objects:Interval / Counter / CaptureFeed into pre-builtBAM dashboards(or build your own)BI Views for BPMN processesOracle Business Activity Monitoring Meaningful, Event-driven Visibility for Business Users Monitor business processes & services in real-timeKey Performance Indicators (KPIs)Service-Level Agreements (SLAs)Analyze events as they occurCorrelate events & KPIsIdentify trends as they emergeAlert users to bottlenecks & solutionsAct on current conditionsEvent-driven alertsReal-time dashboardsBPEL processes & web services integrationReal Time Data CollectionOracle BAMJ M S B u s MS MQ IBM MQ Tibco Oracle AQSonic JMS 1.1 D a t a b a s eSQL ServerSybase Oracle JDBC File SystemWeb ServiceBPM/BPEL/OSB/B2B Oracle E-Business Real-time alertsReal-timedashboard/reportsD a t a S o u r c e sCall Web ServiceDB2 Enterprise ManagerBAM Adapter ODIOracle BAM: Architected for IntegrationInternetBAM DashboardsWebApplicationsStartPage ActiveViewer ActiveStudio Architect AdministratorReportServeriCommandOracle Database(Grid)BAM Data & Metadata External Data ObjectsWebServicesInternetEnterprise Integration FrameworkApplication ServerBIWeb ServicesJMS ConnectorBAM AdapterADFBAM DataControlADF Pages with DVTBAM ServerEventEngineActions & Escalations Notification ServicesReportCacheSnapshots & Change Lists Memory / DiskActiveDataCacheViewSets API KernelDataSets DataStorageEngineODIDatabasesOLTP & Data Warehouses Mobile DevicesData & Metadata Import & ExportBPELBPMMessage Queues CEPOESBNorwegian Shipping Insurance CompanyProject Metrics:Single developer (OSB, jQuery)Just a couple of months to productionWebcache HTTPSOAPDMZ OpenText eDocsOSBIntranetDMInternetjQueryRESTCRMCustomer dataclaim documentsUsed Oracle SOA Suite to provide single-view across internal and cloud applications•65,000 suppliers and 1,200+ retailers worldwide: Wal-Mart, Amazon, Rite-Aid, Ford, …✓Oracle Fusion Middleware reduced processing times by 10x✓Multi-tenant single instance installation provides economies of scaledocument enrichment, transformation and routing•Purchase orders (PO) •Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) •Catalogs•Inventory inquiries •etc.retailers suppliersOracle B2BEDIEDIOracle B2BProject Metrics:•50,000 business docs/hr (peak)•600,000 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Oracle Cloud使用SAP S 4HANA Cloud适配器与Oracle集成2.0(F40

Oracle Cloud使用SAP S 4HANA Cloud适配器与Oracle集成2.0(F40

G o o dP i pe tti n g P ra c ti c ePart of the GPP -Tip loading and tip ejection Loading a tip on the end of a pipette and subsequently ejecting it at the end of the pipetting cycle are very closely linked and constitute some of the heaviest forces associated with pipetting. With most pipetting systems the design of the distal end of the pipette is conical in shape. The process of loading the tip on the pipette requires a certain amount of force to ensure an adequate seal of the system – too little force and there is a risk of leakage and volumetric error. User technique for tip loading can vary as there is no clear way to know when enough force had been used to seal the system. Typically a user will adopt a technique that provides reasonable assurance that the tip has sealed and will stay with that technique for most of their working life. Unfortunately, for traditional conical tip systems, there is a strong correlation between the amount of force needed to load the tip and the amount of force required to eject it, so for those who adopt a technique that uses high force to add the tip, a high force will be required to eject it (see Figure 1, red line).In the paper by Lichty et al,6 a number of different manufacturer’s pipettes are reviewed and force measurements compiled for plunger forces and tip ejection forces. It is clear that tip ejection forces are the most significant force associated with the many steps involved in pipetting, but there is great variation in tip ejection forces between pipettes (See Figure 2).Figure 1 The relationship between tip loading and ejection forces – a traditional conical tip compared with a Rainin LTS tip.2Tip Ejection Forces at Increasing Tip Loading Forces Brand X Traditional Tip vs. Rainin LTS Insertion Force (kg)E j e c t i o n F o r c e (k g ) 5.0 10.0 15.0Rainin LTS Tip, 250 µL Brand X Tip, 250 µLRainin solved this problem with LiteTouch System (LTS) of pipettes and tips (See Figure3). Here both the distal end of the pipette and the inside of the tip have a closely matchedcylindrical surface. LTS tips also have a sealing system close to the entry point and a hard stop end point inside the tip. The end stop prevents the shaft from being pushed further into the tip with increased force. This strictly limits the maximum sealing force, while still guaranteeing that there will be no leakage. A strict limit on sealing force ensures a minimal ejection force (See Figure 1). This unique yet simple design provides a tool that significantly reduces one of the major sources of muscle fatigue and causes of RSI for pipettors.Figure 2Comparison of tip ejection forces from four popular pipettes. The maximum recommendedthumb exertion force is 2.1 kgf for females and 3.0 kgf for males.2Figure 3Mechanics of Rainin LTS tip sealing system compared to traditionalconical tip sealing systemsTraditional Large seal Conical Friction fit LTSSmall sealCylindricalPositive Stop34Plunger forcesThe plunger system of manual pipettes constitutes the second area of ergonomic interest to the user where repetitive tasks can influence the outcome of RSI’s. After tip insertion, pressing the plunger down to the first stop against the stroke spring (See Figure 4) prepares the pipette/tip system for aspiration. A clear distinctive first stop is critical in that it defines the distance needed to move the plunger and aspirate the desired volume.Mechanically, this first stop is created by the plunger hitting a stiffer pre-loaded blowout spring that has greater resistance than the stroke spring. After the plunger is pressed down to the first stop, the tip is inserted into the solution and the plunger slowly released to aspirate. The stroke spring performs the aspiration by pushing the plunger back up to the home position. The sample is dispensed at the last step – pushing the plunger down against the force of the stroke spring, through the first stop position and then against the force of the blow-out spring to remove all of the liquid. With all liquid dispensed, the plunger is released and returns back to the home position.In the paper by Lichty,6 blow-out forces are the second largest force in the process of pipetting (after tip ejection forces) and stroke spring forces the smallest.Figure 4Pressing manual pipette plunger to show home position (start dispense), first stop (full dispense) and second stop (blowout)“Home“Position First Stop Second StopAn important aspect of the forces in this process is the internal piston seal system (Figure 5).The seal produces a partial vacuum that enables liquid to be drawn into the tip as the pistonmoves up the shaft. The seal system must be tight and strong enough to hold the vacuumrequired for the entire operating range of the pipette. If the seal is too tight the force requiredto push the plunger down and then return it to the home position will be excessive. If the sealis relatively loose, the forces required to move the plunger back and forth will be less, but thepotential for leakage increases.PistonPiston springSeal retainerSealO-ringFigure 5Sealing system in manual pipettesFor manufacturers of pipettes there is a balance between the seal design and the stroke springforces that must be considered in order to meet both the technical needs for accurate pipettingand the individual user’s need for an ergonomic solution. This challenge is met differently byvarious manufacturers, resulting in variable plunger forces (See Figure 6).Figure 6Comparison of plunger forces from four popular pipettes. The maximum recommended thumb exertion force is2.1 kgf for females and3.0 kgf for males2 *New Pipet-Lite XLS reduces plunger forces by up to 43%5Rainin developed high precision, low friction seals to help reduce stroke spring plunger forces.These seals require minimal force to move while maintaining a vacuum, which allows for alighter stroke spring. A lighter stroke spring allows for a lighter blow-out spring, because thedifference in spring forces defines the first stop. Thus blow-out forces are reduced as well.Ultimately, the best solution for avoiding plunger forces is to use an electronic pipette, where amicroprocessor-controlled motor moves the plunger, resulting in near zero plunger forces. Thiscan be particularly helpful with multichannel pipettes, which have the highest plunger forces,and when a researcher needs to perform intensive repetitive mixing of the liquid samples.Volume setting – changing the aspiration volumeChanging the volume of a manual pipette is often necessary to meet the requirements of theexperiment (e.g., changing the setting of a 200 µL pipette down to 50 µL for specific bufferaddition, and then back up to 200 µL for the next buffer). The process of changing the volumesetting screw – normally a small diameter button – requires several turns of the hand-fingers-thumb combination. Experienced pipettors may even do this with one hand, both holding andadjusting the pipette at the same time, while holding a liquid sample in the other hand.A study by Asundi et al5 indicates that volume adjustment is an activity that requires highmuscle activity. In the four different thumb-related muscles that were tested, volume changesgenerated significant muscular response, indicating a potential for fatigue. Different pipettedesigns can either reduce or increase the forces required for changing volume. A further studyby Lichty et al6 found a positive correlation between ease of volume adjustment and workerproductivity, probably because significant time is spent adjusting the volume setting duringroutine operation.Rainin reduced the forces associated with volume adjustment by providing a large easy-gripbutton and low-friction screw mechanism. An adjustable lock prevents the inadvertent changingof the volume setting between pipetting steps. With this combination an operator can easilyunlock, adjust and lock the volume setting mechanism with one hand and with minimal forcerequirements, (see Figure 7).Figure 7Setting the pipette volume with one hand6Pipetting once will not affect your hand, but pipetting hundreds of times over the course ofseveral hours certainly will. The chance of getting injured increases greatly with repetitive work.Fortunately there are several straight-forward solutions.The first kind of solution is to use products that do the work for you. Multichannel pipettes and96-well pipetting platforms reduce repetition by pipetting multiple samples at once. Electronicpipettes can semi-automate certain functions, such as dispensing multiple aliquots from asingle aspiration, automatically mixing, or automatically changing the programmed volumes ina pre-determined sequence.The second kind of solution is to modify pipetting habits to decrease the effects of repetitivework. Try to take regular breaks, switch hands, stretch your limbs and maintain good posture(minimize twisting of your shoulders, arms and wrists; manipulate objects at shoulder height orbelow).GripGrip comfort has been positively associated with reducing hand and arm discomfort6. Factorsimportant for grip comfort include the shape of the pipette body and fingerhook, and thedistance your thumb needs to reach to the top of the plunger. Try to grasp the pipette with aslittle force as necessary to maintain control.Conclusion and RecommendationsThe ergonomics of pipetting are generally well understood. Higher pipetting forces and longhours of pipetting are associated with developing RSIs. The following recommendations willassist researchers in minimizing their chance of developing RSIs.Look for lower plunger forcesCheck spring forces associated with the plunger.Compare new pipettes with old ones.Use electronic pipettes when possible.Service your pipettes regularly to maintain optimal mechanics.Keeping the piston and seals clean will both lower friction, thus reducing pipetting force,and maintain better accuracy and precision.Look for lower tip ejection forcesCompare the tip ejection forces of different pipettes. Consider that a pipette with a high tiploading force will probably have a high tip ejection force. Remember that multichannelpipettes have generally higher forces and can be particularly hard on the thumb.Other considerationsUse pipettes with a finger hook that fit comfortably in your hand without gripping tightly.Lower the forces associated with volume change by using a pipette with a volume lock,low-friction volume change mechanism and a large dial with good grip.Reduce repetitive pipetting by using electronic pipettes, multichannels and 96-wellpipetting platforms. Take breaks and, if possible, switch hands and stretch arms andhands.71 Björksten MG, Almby B, Jansson ES. Hand and shoulder ailments among laboratory technicians using modernplunger-operated pipettes. Appl Ergon. 1994 Apr;25(2):88-94.2 Kroemer KH. Cumulative trauma disorders: their recognition and ergonomics measures to avoid them. Appl Ergon.1989 Dec;20(4):274-80.3 McGlothlin JD, Hales TR. Health Hazard Evaluation Report at Scientific Application International Corporation,Frederick, Maryland. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. HETA Report No. 95-0294-2594. (August 1996.)4 Fredriksson K. Laboratory work with automatic pipettes: a study on how pipetting affects the thumb. Ergonomics.1995 May;38(5):1067-73.5 Asundi KR, Bach JM, Rempel DM. Thumb force and muscle loads are influenced by the design of a mechanicalpipette and by pipetting tasks. Hum Factors. 2005 Spring;47(1):67-76.6 Lichty MG, Janowitz IL, Rempel DM. Ergonomic evaluation of ten single-channel pipettes. Work. 2011;39(2):177-85.7 David G, Buckle P. A questionnaire survey of the ergonomic problems associated with pipettes and their usage withspecific reference to work-related upper limb disorders. Appl Ergon. 1997 Aug;28(4):257-62.Rainin Instrument, LLC7500 Edgewater Drive, Oakland, CA 94621 Phone +1 510 564 1600a METTLER TOLEDO CompanySubject to technical changes© 02/2012 Rainin Instrument, LLC Printed in USA WP-504 Rev A55% recycled fiber, 30% PCWFor more information /rainin。

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