五年级英语下册《Unit 1》PPT课件之一(新世纪版)
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Get Started
Unit 1
Get Started-discussion
Watching and Discussion
2. Whenever you think about college life, what are some of the things that come to mind? Following the examples given, make a list of such things in the following table. Share your answers with your group members and comment on each of the items you have listed as you go along.
Watching and Discussion
Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.
1. You may have imagined what college life would be like before you became a college student. Has it turned out to be what you expected? Provide examples in support of your answers.
Click Picture
8 1
Get Started
Unit 1
Watching and Discussion
A Let’s Listen and Say
Listen and count
The children are having an English class.
What are they going to do in the English
A Let’s Listen and Say
Read and underline
光不会因你而停留,你却会随着光阴而老去。 有些事情注定会发生,有的结局早已就预见,那么就改变你可以改变的,适应你必须去适应的。面对幸与不幸,换一个角度,改变一种思维,也许心空就不再布满阴霾,头上就 是一片蔚蓝的天。一生能有多少属于我们的时光,很多事情,很多人已经渐渐模糊。而能随着岁月积淀下来,在心中无法忘却的,一定是触动心灵,甚至是刻骨铭心的,无论是 伤痛是欢愉。人生无论是得意还是失意,都不要错过了清早的晨曦,正午的骄阳,夕阳的绚烂,暮色中的朦胧。经历过很多世态炎凉之后,你终于能懂得:谁会在乎你?你又何 必要别人去在乎?生于斯世,赤条条的来,也将身无长物的离开,你在世上得到的,失去的,最终都会化作尘埃。原本就不曾带来什么,所以也谈不到失去什么,因此,对自己 经历的幸与不幸都应怀有一颗平常心有一颗平常心,面对人生小小的不如意或是飞来横祸就能坦然接受,知道人有旦夕祸福,这和命运没什么关系;有一颗平常心,面对台下的 鲜花掌声和头上的光环,身上的浮名都能清醒看待。花不常开,人不常在。再热闹华美的舞台也有谢幕的时候;再奢华的宴席,悠扬的乐曲,总有曲终人散的时刻。春去秋来, 我们无法让季节停留;同样如同季节一样无法挽留的还有我们匆匆的人生。谁会在乎你?生养我们的父母。纵使我们有千般不是,纵使我们变成了穷光蛋,唯有父母会依然在乎! 为你愁,为你笑,为你牵挂,为你满足。这风云变幻的世界,除了父母,不敢在断言还会有谁会永远的在乎你!看惯太多海誓山盟的感情最后星流云散;看过太多翻云覆雨的友 情灰飞烟灭。你春风得意时前呼后拥的都来锦上添花;你落寞孤寂时,曾见几人焦急赶来为你雪中送炭。其实,谁会在乎你?除了父母,只有你自己。父母待你再好,总要有离 开的时日;再恩爱夫妻,有时也会劳燕分飞,孩子之于你,就如同你和父母;管鲍贫交,俞伯牙和钟子期,这样的肝胆相照,从古至今有几人?不是把世界想的太悲观,世事白 云苍狗,要在纷纷扰扰的生活中,懂得爱惜自己。不羡慕如昙花一现的的流星,虽然灿烂,却是惊鸿一瞥;宁愿做一颗小小的暗淡的星子,即使不能同日月争辉,也有自己无可 取代的位置其实,也不该让每个人都来在乎自己,每个人的人生都是单行道,世上绝没有两片完全相同的树叶。大家生活得都不容易,都有自己方向。相识就是缘分吧,在一起 的时候,要多想着能为身边的人做点什么,而不是想着去得到和索取。与人为善,以直报怨,我们就会内心多一份宁静,生活多一份和谐没有谁会在乎你的时候,要学会每时每 刻的在乎自己。在不知不觉间,已经走到了人生的分水岭,回望过去生活的点滴,路也茫茫,心也茫茫。少不更事的年龄,做出了一件件现在想来啼笑皆非的事情:斜阳芳草里, 故作深沉地独对晚风夕照;风萧萧兮,渴望成为一代侠客;一遍遍地唱着罗大佑的《童年》,期待着做那个高年级的师兄;一天天地幻想,生活能轰轰烈烈。没有刀光剑影,没 有死去活来,青春就在浑浑噩噩、懵懵懂懂中悄然滑过。等到发觉逝去的美好,年华的可贵,已经被无可奈何地推到了滚滚红尘。从此,青春就一去不回头。没有了幻想和冲动, 日子就像白开水一样平淡,寂寞地走过一天天,一年年。涉世之初,还有几分棱角,有几许豪情。在碰了壁,折了腰之后,终于明白,生活不是童话,世上本没有白雪公主和青 蛙王子,原本是一张白纸似的人生,开始被染上了光怪陆离的色彩。你情愿也罢,被情愿也罢,生存,就要适应身不由己,言不由衷的生活。人到中年,突然明白了许多:人生 路漫漫,那是说给还不知道什么叫人生的人说的,人生其实很短暂,百年一瞬间;世事难预料,是至理名言,这一辈子,你遇见了谁,擦肩而过了谁,谁会是你真心的良朋益友,
在......之前 刷
每天 早早
read books
我通常8点半晨练。 usually 8:30
我通常3点半 进行体育活动。 usually 3:30
我6点半起床。 6:30
6点。 你呢? 我通常6点半起床。 你什么时候吃早饭?
go to work
do homework
read books
do morning exercises
eat breakfast
have English class
play sports
eat dinner get up go to school
go home
go to bed
go to work
晨练 吃早饭 上英语课 进行体育活动 吃晚饭 起床 去上学 回家 上床睡觉 去上班 做作业 读书
do morning exercises
eat breakfast
have English class
play sports
eat dinner
get up go to school
go home
have English class
do morning exercises eat breakfast have English class play sports eat dinner get up go to school go home go to bed go to work do homework read books
五年级英语下册 Unit 1 What do you want to be in the future(2)教案 新世纪版
(新世纪版)五年级英语下册Unit 1 What do you want to be in the future?一、教育目标:1.教育学生从小树立远大的理想,并为之付出自己应有的努力。
二、知识目标:(一)基础目标:1.学习本单元单词:start, future, vacation, IT, enough, artist, enjoy, astronaut.2.掌握一般将来时的句型结构及其功能。
3.听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6~8句话。
4.掌握元音音标 /i:/, /I/。
五、教学资源:Student’s Book 5B P1~P7, cassette 5A Unit 1, Student’s Work Book 5B P1~P9, Pictures of signs, Teaching transparencies.六、教学时间:七课时。
)Lesson Plan (1): WonderlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Say hello to the class, ask the students to talk about their winter holidays. Offer some help if they need.2. S ing a song or listen to a story about the Chinese New Year’s Day (Spring Festival). Talk about what people do during the Spring Festival. e.g. Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday celebrated among Chinese people. What do people often do during the Sprin g Festival? (get together on New Year’s Eve, eat dumplings, set off firecrackers, give lucky money/get lucky money, visit relatives and friends etc.)II. While-task procedure:1. Learn the new words (vacation, future, artist, astronaut, future) while talking about the Chinese New Year. Review the words about other occupations.T: On the New Year’s Eve, people don’t go to bed until 12 o’clock, they always make a wish. I made a wish on the Chinese New Year’s Day when I was 14 years old. I wanted to be an English teacher. It came true 15 years later. What’s your wish? What do you want to be in the future? (Try to tell the reason. e.g. I want to be an artist because I like drawing. I enjoy drawing. Xu Beihong is a great artist. He was good at drawing horses. Beethoven was a great composer.)2. Learn some other new words by talking about the new semester.T: Today is the first day of school. The winter vacation is over. We are back to school again. Our morning classes begin at 7:50. We can also say, “we begin our morning classes at 7:50.” Do you enjoy your school life here? Have you got enough time to do your homework? (Explain the meaning of the word ‘enough’)3. Write the phonetic symbols of the new words on the board. Ask the students to read them out.4. Play the cassette: Wonderland. Students listen and follow with their books open.5. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.6. Let the students ask questions about the new words.7. Read the new words and sentences in groups of four. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Try to remember the meanings of the new words.III. Post-task activities:1. Ask the students to remember the new words in two minutes.2. Listen and fill in the blanks.en__ __gh __ __tist enj__ __ f__turest__ __t v__c__tion astr__n__ __tFirst students fill in the blanks individually. Then check the answers together.3. Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.4. Invite individuals to say the sentences they have made.5. Page3, Student’s Work Book . Listen and fill in the blanks.Lesson Plan (2): FarmlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Encourage the students to say something about their future. Prompt the less able students by asking them some questions about their future.2. Show some pictures to the students. Review the future tense by asking and answering the questions about the pictures: What will they do this evening?3. Ask the students to think of the things they will do. Learn how to use ‘shall’ and ‘will’ in the future tense.II. While-task procedure:1. Show the pictures of Farmland. Make dialogues with the students. Learn the new phrases: wash up, join them.2. Ask: Do you like English? Are you good at English? How do you learn English? Shall we do some listening and reading in English? Shall we do more listening and reading? Where will you go after this summer vacation? etc.3. Play the cassette: Mini dialogue. Students listen and follow .4. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.5. Ask the students to read the dialogue.6. Encourage the students to make dialogues with their own words.7. Ask the students to look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions in pairs.8. Divide the students into groups. Encourage them to talk about what they will do during the summer vacation.III. Post-task activities:1. Distribute a sheet of paper to each group. Ask the students to write downthe things they want to do.2. Guess what their friends will do. e.g. What will you/they/he/she/we/Linda do? Will you/they/he/she/we/Linda go to the cinema?3. Try to find the mistakes and correct them. Give some help if they need.4. Ask the students to practice acting the mini dialogue in pairs.5. Invite some pairs of students to act in front of the class. Encourage more able students to use their own words.6. P age 5,Student’s Work Book .a. Students work in pairs to complete the sentences orally.b. Invite individual student to read the sentences.c. Students write the missing words individually.Lesson Plan (3): Grand TheatreI Pre-task preparation:1. Sing a song.2. Say ‘Happy New Year’ to the students. Ask: Did you have a nice Spring Festival? What did you do during the Spring Festival? How was your Spring Festival?3. Review the occupations by talking about their future. T: On the night of Spring Festival, I made a wish when I was 14 years old. I wanted to be an English teacher. Now my dream came true. What are you going to be in the future?II. While-task procedure:1. Yang Mingming, Tom and Norman also have d reams. Let’s read the text in groups. It will tell you.2. Play the cassette. Students listen and repeat .3. Find the phrases which has the similar meanings of the phrases given: at the beginning of at the start of summer holidays summer vacationread and listen to more English do more listening and readinglikedrawing enjo y drawingget me a teacher/ask a teacher to teach me find me a teachersometimes…sometimes…sometimes…one day…the next day…the next day4. Read the phrases on the board.5. Fill in the blanks:__________ the new term, the students are __________ about their future. After __________ they will go to middle school.I am Yang Mingming. I want to be an IT engineer. But my English is not __________. So I’ll ____________ every day. Tom will ________ me ________ my English.I am Tom. I want to be an artist. I __________ very much. My parents will __________. I am very happy __________ that.I am Norman. What do I want to be? __________ I want to be a football player. __________ I want to be an astronaut. __________ I want to be a pop singer. But my parents just want me to get up in time for school every day.What do you want to be in the future?6. Ask and answer: 1) What are the students doing in the classroom?2) What does Yang Mingming want to be in the future?3) Who wants to be an artist?4) And what about Norman?7. Read Q and A together.III. Post-task activities:1. Yang Mingming, Tom and Norman have resolutions. Many other persons also have resolutions. Let’s guess what they want to do.e.g. 1) Bill Gates A. to make more moneyB. to enjoy lifeC. to set up a new IT companyD. to be the president of USA2) Liu Xiang A. to break the world recordB. to release his first CDC. to marry a beautiful girlD. to be the finalchampion of the Golden League(黄金联赛总冠军).Students guess the dreams of the famous person and tell the reason. For example, may be Bill Gates wants to be the president of USA. Because he has lots of money. He is very famous.I think he can take part in the vote and maybe he will be successful.Read and find the answer:Bill Gates is the greatest IT engineer in the world. He set up the large IT company of Microsoft. He is one of the richest man in the world. His resolution is to spend more time to enjoy life.2. What do people want to do after the tsunami(海啸)?3. Different people have different resolutions. What’s your resolutions in the future? Please write down on the paper.4. Talk about their own future.5. Guess what will the teacher want to do in the future?Lesson Plan (4): DisneylandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Ask and answer some questions about the text. Make the wishes and tell the reasons.2. Ask the students to practice acting a story similar to the one in Grand Theatre.3. Students listen to the rhyme and repeat.II. While-task procedure:1. Play the cassette: Pair work on Page 6. Students listen and follow in their books.2. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.3. Give pairs of students a few minutes to practice the dialogue.4. Divide students into groups. Ask them to practice acting the dialogue.5. Invite groups to act the dialogue in front of the class.6. Students listen and fill in the blanks: (Words on page 7 in Music Box) Learn the phonetics according to the sound they have heard.7. Write the phonetics on the board. Ask individuals to read them.8. Play the cassette: Rhyme. Students listen and follow in their books.9. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.10. Invite individual students to read the rhyme.11. Have the students understand the Chinese meaning of the rhyme.III. Post-task activities:1. Student’s Work Book Page 1,2.a. Play the cassette. Students listen and choose the right answer.b. Students finish the exercises individually.c. Ask the students to read the sentences with the tape and check the answers.2. Student’s Work Book Page 4.a. Students listen and answer.b. Invite individual student to answer the questions.c. Invite individual student to write the answers on the board. The rest of the class check the answers.d. Ask the whole class read the questions and answers together.。
(新世纪版)五年级英语下册Unit 1 What do you want to be in the future?一、教育目标:1.教育学生从小树立远大的理想,并为之付出自己应有的努力。
二、知识目标:(一)基础目标:1.学习本单元单词:start, future, vacation, IT, enough, artist, enjoy, astronaut.2.掌握一般将来时的句型结构及其功能。
3.听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写6~8句话。
4.掌握元音音标 /i:/, /I/。
五、教学资源:Student’s Book 5B P1~P7, cassette 5A Unit 1, Student’s Work Book 5B P1~P9, Pictures of signs, Teaching transparencies.六、教学时间:七课时。
)Lesson Plan (1): WonderlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Say hello to the class, ask the students to talk about their winter holidays. Offer some help if they need.2. S ing a song or listen to a story about the Chinese New Year’s Day (Spring Festival). Talk about what people do during the Spring Festival. e.g. Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday celebrated among Chinese people. What do people often do during the Sprin g Festival? (get together on New Year’s Eve, eat dumplings, set off firecrackers, give lucky money/get lucky money, visit relatives and friends etc.)II. While-task procedure:1. Learn the new words (vacation, future, artist, astronaut, future) while talking about the Chinese New Year. Review the words about other occupations.T: On the New Year’s Eve, people don’t go to bed until 12 o’clock, they always make a wish. I made a wish on the Chinese New Year’s Day when I was 14 years old. I wanted to be an English teacher. It came true 15 years later. What’s your wish? What do you want to be in the future? (Try to tell the reason. e.g. I want to be an artist because I like drawing. I enjoy drawing. Xu Beihong is a great artist. He was good at drawing horses. Beethoven was a great composer.)2. Learn some other new words by talking about the new semester.T: Today is the first day of school. The winter vacation is over. We are back to school again. Our morning classes begin at 7:50. We can also say, “we begin our morning classes at 7:50.” Do you enjoy your school life here? Have you got enough time to do your homework? (Explain the meaning of the word ‘enough’)3. Write the phonetic symbols of the new words on the board. Ask the students to read them out.4. Play the cassette: Wonderland. Students listen and follow with their books open.5. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.6. Let the students ask questions about the new words.7. Read the new words and sentences in groups of four. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Try to remember the meanings of the new words.III. Post-task activities:1. Ask the students to remember the new words in two minutes.2. Listen and fill in the blanks.en__ __gh __ __tist enj__ __ f__turest__ __t v__c__tion astr__n__ __tFirst students fill in the blanks individually. Then check the answers together.3. Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.4. Invite individuals to say the sentences they have made.5. Page3, Student’s Work Book . Listen and fill in the blanks.Lesson Plan (2): FarmlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Encourage the students to say something about their future. Prompt the less able students by asking them some questions about their future.2. Show some pictures to the students. Review the future tense by asking and answering the questions about the pictures: What will they do this evening?3. Ask the students to think of the things they will do. Learn how to use ‘shall’ and ‘will’ in the future tense.II. While-task procedure:1. Show the pictures of Farmland. Make dialogues with the students. Learn the new phrases: wash up, join them.2. Ask: Do you like English? Are you good at English? How do you learn English? Shall we do some listening and reading in English? Shall we do more listening and reading? Where will you go after this summer vacation? etc.3. Play the cassette: Mini dialogue. Students listen and follow .4. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.5. Ask the students to read the dialogue.6. Encourage the students to make dialogues with their own words.7. Ask the students to look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions in pairs.8. Divide the students into groups. Encourage them to talk about what they will do during the summer vacation.III. Post-task activities:1. Distribute a sheet of paper to each group. Ask the students to write downthe things they want to do.2. Guess what their friends will do. e.g. What will you/they/he/she/we/Linda do? Will you/they/he/she/we/Linda go to the cinema?3. Try to find the mistakes and correct them. Give some help if they need.4. Ask the students to practice acting the mini dialogue in pairs.5. Invite some pairs of students to act in front of the class. Encourage more able students to use their own words.6. P age 5,Student’s Work Book .a. Students work in pairs to complete the sentences orally.b. Invite individual student to read the sentences.c. Students write the missing words individually.Lesson Plan (3): Grand TheatreI Pre-task preparation:1. Sing a song.2. Say ‘Happy New Year’ to the students. Ask: Did you have a nice Spring Festival? What did you do during the Spring Festival? How was your Spring Festival?3. Review the occupations by talking about their future. T: On the night of Spring Festival, I made a wish when I was 14 years old. I wanted to be an English teacher. Now my dream came true. What are you going to be in the future?II. While-task procedure:1. Yang Mingming, Tom and Norman also have d reams. Let’s read the text in groups. It will tell you.2. Play the cassette. Students listen and repeat .3. Find the phrases which has the similar meanings of the phrases given: at the beginning of at the start of summer holidays summer vacationread and listen to more English do more listening and readinglikedrawing enjo y drawingget me a teacher/ask a teacher to teach me find me a teachersometimes…sometimes…sometimes…one day…the next day…the next day4. Read the phrases on the board.5. Fill in the blanks:__________ the new term, the students are __________ about their future. After __________ they will go to middle school.I am Yang Mingming. I want to be an IT engineer. But my English is not __________. So I’ll ____________ every day. Tom will ________ me ________ my English.I am Tom. I want to be an artist. I __________ very much. My parents will __________. I am very happy __________ that.I am Norman. What do I want to be? __________ I want to be a football player. __________ I want to be an astronaut. __________ I want to be a pop singer. But my parents just want me to get up in time for school every day.What do you want to be in the future?6. Ask and answer: 1) What are the students doing in the classroom?2) What does Yang Mingming want to be in the future?3) Who wants to be an artist?4) And what about Norman?7. Read Q and A together.III. Post-task activities:1. Yang Mingming, Tom and Norman have resolutions. Many other persons also have resolutions. Let’s guess what they want to do.e.g. 1) Bill Gates A. to make more moneyB. to enjoy lifeC. to set up a new IT companyD. to be the president of USA2) Liu Xiang A. to break the world recordB. to release his first CDC. to marry a beautiful girlD. to be the finalchampion of the Golden League(黄金联赛总冠军).Students guess the dreams of the famous person and tell the reason. For example, may be Bill Gates wants to be the president of USA. Because he has lots of money. He is very famous.I think he can take part in the vote and maybe he will be successful.Read and find the answer:Bill Gates is the greatest IT engineer in the world. He set up the large IT company of Microsoft. He is one of the richest man in the world. His resolution is to spend more time to enjoy life.2. What do people want to do after the tsunami(海啸)?3. Different people have different resolutions. What’s your resolutions in the future? Please write down on the paper.4. Talk about their own future.5. Guess what will the teacher want to do in the future?Lesson Plan (4): DisneylandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Ask and answer some questions about the text. Make the wishes and tell the reasons.2. Ask the students to practice acting a story similar to the one in Grand Theatre.3. Students listen to the rhyme and repeat.II. While-task procedure:1. Play the cassette: Pair work on Page 6. Students listen and follow in their books.2. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.3. Give pairs of students a few minutes to practice the dialogue.4. Divide students into groups. Ask them to practice acting the dialogue.5. Invite groups to act the dialogue in front of the class.6. Students listen and fill in the blanks: (Words on page 7 in Music Box) Learn the phonetics according to the sound they have heard.7. Write the phonetics on the board. Ask individuals to read them.8. Play the cassette: Rhyme. Students listen and follow in their books.9. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.10. Invite individual students to read the rhyme.11. Have the students understand the Chinese meaning of the rhyme.III. Post-task activities:1. Student’s Work Book Page 1,2.a. Play the cassette. Students listen and choose the right answer.b. Students finish the exercises individually.c. Ask the students to read the sentences with the tape and check the answers.2. Student’s Work Book Page 4.a. Students listen and answer.b. Invite individual student to answer the questions.c. Invite individual student to write the answers on the board. The rest of the class check the answers.d. Ask the whole class read the questions and answers together.。
人教精通版五年级英语下册 Lesson 1 教学课件
borrow books from the library
borrow ...(物品 )from ...(某人/某地)
lend...to...借给... (借出去)
have a meeting 开会
have meetings 开会
Look and say.根据图示内容,用所给的单词和同学们对话问答。
show...around , come to , borrow , have meetingsI. Think and choose. 单项选择。
( )1. We often________ books______the library.
Lesson 1
Teacher and
Welcome to...欢迎到......
students: Hello! Welcome to our school!
Visitors: Thank you! Li Yan: I'm Li Yan. 欢迎来到我们学校
Gao Wei: I'm Gao Wei. Nice to meet you.
A. buy, from B. borrow, from C. take, for
( )2. Welcome______our class!
A. in B.on C. to
( )3. Nice__________ you.
A. meet
B. meeting C. to meet
( )4. We'll show you_______our school.
have 有 all 所有;全部 like 喜欢 very much 非常;很 art club 美术(艺术)俱乐部 paint a picture(用颜料)绘画 music club 音乐俱乐部 play the piano 弹钢琴 many 许多 music 音乐 way 路;道路 please 请 also 也;同样
外教社新世纪英专本科生系列(修订版):英语阅读 第1册 PPT课件Unit 1
外教社新世纪英专本科生系列(修订版):英语阅读第1册PPT课件Unit 1课件简介本PPT课件是外教社新世纪英专本科生系列(修订版)英语阅读第1册的课件,旨在帮助学生提升英语阅读水平,扩大词汇量,并培养学生的阅读理解能力。
本课件共包含Unit 1的内容,涵盖了课文介绍、词汇学习及阅读理解练习。
重点词汇包括:natural conservation(自然保护)、environmental problems (环境问题)、pollution(污染)、sustainable development(可持续发展)等。
1.The ______ of natural resources is crucial for the future of our planet.2.Environmental ______ such as air pollution and water contaminationare urgent issues.3.We need to reduce ______ to protect our environment.4.The concept of ______ emphasizes the importance of balanceddevelopment.词汇拓展给出一个词根或前缀,根据意思找出相应的词汇。
in the evening
breakfast lunch dinner
When do you eat breakfast? I usually eat breakfast at 6:30.
When do you have English class? We have English class _a_t_ 8:40.
I often … .
rIet'asddbifofoekrsent(和d…o …h不om同)efwroomrk often:
dI oosftpeonrts/usuapllayydpoingh-opmonegwork.√
Often I do homework.
But we don't need any books,paper and pens.
We only use our hands,legs and body.
do morning exercises
What's this?
Open your book.
Let's listen and read.
Read the phrases(读短语):
It's … . sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy
What day is it today?
It's … .
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
uWshuatadlolyyo通u do常on;Su经nd常ays?
不久,你有了你的初恋,他,帅气而阳光,难怪你会怦然心动。他对你照顾得无微不至,他望着你的眼神,满是柔情蜜意,他对你,舍得一ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ千金,连那时去莲花山的水彩手工画他都舍得送给你。 他带着你,游遍千山万水;情人节,他送你名贵巧克力,你一口,我一口,叫人看了心里也甜蜜。你送他红色心型卡片,送我的却远不如他的漂亮。hg0088
高中时代的初恋,大多注定无疾而终。你们分手的那个夜晚,我陪在你身旁,你哭了,很悲伤,很悲伤,我想一定很痛吧,一段美好的恋情,被硬生生扯断了,哪有不痛的道理。我安慰着你,你却 说:“你不明白的了。”
如今,我却要跟你说“你不明白我的了。”高三,由于我对人际关系、人生价值的悲观挫败,以及学习的压力,从此告别了五年与你共甘苦的岁月。当我出院,你带着许多同学的祝福来到我家,祝 愿我身体健康,早日重返课堂。
五年级英语下册Unit 1课件
A、Yes, she dance well. B、No, he can’t. C、Yes, I can. D、 No, she plays football badly. E、They are good at running.
Yes, she can again . No, she can’t
( ( ( ( (
) 1、Can he sing well ? ) 2、Is she good at dancing ? ) 3、Can you jump high ? ) 4、What can they do well ? ) 5、Is she a good footbalhigh
run fast
ride fast
Jimmy John Sam
√ √ √ √
1、__________________________________________ 2、__________________________________________ 3、__________________________________________
Unit 1 You can play football well
play football
catch the ball
be good at
Rabbit: I can run . Turtle : I can run , too. Rabbit : I can run fast.
Y: I can play basketball.
T: I can play basketball, too. Y: I can play basketball well.
Listening to the text and find out “…can…”
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at the start of the new term talk about
go to middle school
good enough find me a teacher
help sb with sth
help sb do sth
One day, the next day,the next day
Unit 1 What do you want
to be in the future?
Do you have any hobby? When did you start it? What do you want to be in the future? Do you want to be … in the future?
the first day of the new term
her serve verb
At the start of the new term, the students are talking about their future.
After the summer vacation they will go to middle school.
1. Copy the new phrases of the text two times in English, one time in Chinese.
2. Read the text and try to retell it.
Thank you!
enough fruits\money\time……
Tim has got _____________(足够多的金钱)for the picnic. But I haven`t. Is your English___________________(足够优秀)?No, it isn`t .
What will you do for it?
help sb with sth. find a teacher for me =find me a teacher ask a teacher to teach …….
talk about own dream and what’s the plan for the dream
at the start of
Байду номын сангаасat the beginning of
talk to each(with each other) Talk about sth
Listen and write
Yang mingming
One day, the next day,the next day