大学体验英语视听说原文unit 2

新标准大学英语视听说教程2原文Unit 1。
Part I。
Text 1。
M: Where are you going, Jane?W: I'm going to the library to return these books. I've finished reading them.M: I'm going to the library, too. I need to borrow a book for my history class.W: Maybe we can go together, then.M: Great. I need to find a book about the Civil War.W: I think I saw some books on that topic last time I was there. I can help you look for one.M: Thanks, Jane. That would be really helpful.Text 2。
W: Hi, David. I'm going to the supermarket. Do you need anything?M: Yes, please. Can you get me some milk and bread?W: Sure. Is there anything else you need?M: No, that's it. Thanks a lot, Sarah.W: No problem. I'll be back in about half an hour.M: Take your time. I'm not in a hurry.Part II。
Task 1。
大学体验英语视听说教程 UNIT 2 Made in China

1:Made in ChinaScriptWhy buy products made in China? One of the most important reasons is that buying goods from China saves Americans over $100 billion annually. This is mostly due to the fact that Chinese workers are paid substantially less than comparable American employees, as the cost of living is much higher in the U.S. American buyers (small companies, major corporations, as well as every size in between) team up with Chinese suppliers to establish a genuine win-win situation for all involved parties, as well as both countries. The Chinese suppliers make money because they are selling their “Made in China” products, and the American buyers are happy because they are purchasing fine quality, inexpensive products for their business, therefore reducing their overall costs. If such an American buyer is in the retail industry, the low prices are passed on to the consumer, all while paying an American worker to unpackage, monitor, maintain and sell the item.As you can see, the trade market with China has more benefits than it’s given credit for by the advocates for homegrown goods. There is much more to helping the economy of our country than insisting that we only purchase products that have been “Made in the USA.” Keeping the world economy spinning while simultaneously supporting corporate America and the small businesses that make this country great is what will keepthis country strong in the future.2:Mention “Made in China” and what pops up in your mind? The picture may soon change as China is taking action worldwide to getting more consumers to reach for “Made in China” products.A 30-second commercial rolled out on November 23, 2009 on CNN in the United States, CNN in Asia and CNN Headline News. With the theme “Made in China, Made with the world”, the ad uses only products that are “Made in China”, from running shoes, high fashion, to air planes. The groundbreaking ad is part of a global campaign against common stereotypes about Chinese products and seeks to boost the image of Chinese goods around the world.In the ad, a series of goods with the “Made in China” label are shown being made with the help of top foreign firms. An MP3 player is described as “Made in China with software from Silicon Valley.” A fashion shoot includes clothes labeled “Made in China with French designers.” And a refrigerator bears the text “Made in China with European styling.” These are all Chinese-made products, designed by or containing shared technology with other countries, and highlight the fact that Chinese companies work with overseas firms to produce quality products.。

Experi encin g Englis h Listen ing & Speaki ngLevel04 Unit 1 Introd uctio ns“You’ll really like him.”Alice: Look, therehe is.Jean: Who?Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about.Jean: Oh. The guy you’re goingout with?Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him.Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I thinkyou’ll really like him. Hi, Robert. Robert: Oh, hi.Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert: Hey, Jean. I thinkwe’ve met before.Jean: We have? Where?Robert: Last Decemb er, at Sam’s party.Jean: Oh, Sam.Robert: Oh? Aren’t you goingout with him anymore?Jean: No, we brokeup a couple of mouths ago.Robert: Oh—Oh, really?Unit 2 Person ality“What do you like abouthim?”Sheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!Jeremy: Yeah, what’s he like?Tall?Handsome?Sheri: Not really.Jeremy: Dressnice? Drive a nice car?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot?Sheri: No—But he has a nice smile—Dimples. I like dimples. He’s kind of cute.Jeremy: And that’s what you like abouthim?Sheri: No, it’s more than that. He’s sensitive.Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and therewas this really sad part, and, and he—Cried.Jeremy: He cried?Sheri: Yeah, he just criedand he didn’t try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh—You like that, huh? Well, I cry at movies, too!Unit 3 Home “The view is great.”Sean: This is Sean McCain, live with JulieMorris, from Gemini One, the internatonal spacestation. Julie, can you hear me?Julie: Yes, I can hear you.Sean: Julie, can you tell us, what is it like living on the Gemini One?Julie: The Gemini One is wonderful. It’s not so different from living on Earth, really. We have jobs, friends, entertainment, natural beauty. And we have all the modern conveniences that you have on Earth.Sean: What modern conveniences?Julie: Well, we have movietheaters, game centers, musicclubs, shops, restaurants—Sean: How aboutfood? How do you get your food?Julie: I go shopping, just like everyone on Earth. You can get any type of food here.Sean: Is food expensive?Julie: Some of it is. The stuffthat’s imported from Earthis very expensive. Like a banana from Earthcan cost $100. But most food is reall y cheap.Sean: Do you miss getting away to the countryside or the mountains?Don’t you miss nature?Julie: Well, we have lots of nature up here. I can go hiking and mountain biking, riding in the hills, take a swim in a beautiful lake. It’s reallybeautiful up here.Sean: How do people get around up there?Julie: Oh, just like we do down there. We have electric cars and trains, but not airplanes.Sean: What do you like most aboutliving in the spacestation?Julie: Well, the air is clean. There’s no pollution, and it’s easy to get aroun d. It’s really an idealworld.Sean: And what do you like least?Julie: Well, it’s kind of expensive to fly home to Earthto see my parents for the holidays.Unit 4 Techno logy“How does it work?”Cindy: What the heck is that?Dave: It’s a Thai magazine.Cindy: Thai? You can read Thai?Dave: Well, a little.Cindy: How?Dave: I went to Thailand last summer and I livedwith a Thai friend and his family. I had such a greatexperienceI want to go back. Cindy: Why? What was your experiencelike?Dave: Well, I started to learnsome Thai—And practiced talking with people and ordering in restaurants and everybody was so nice—You know, Thailand is called the Land of the Smiles—They even smiled when I made a mistake speaking the language. The peopl e were beautiful. Everythingwas beautiful. It changed my life. Cindy: But I’ve always heardthat Thai was impossibleto learn. Dave: Maybefor some people but not for me. I mean it is totally different from English. The writing system is different, they use different tones, everythingis different, but I really want to learnit. I want to understandmore when I go back.Cindy: I wish I felt that way aboutlearning French. MaybeI should studyanother language.Dave: No, Cindy, it’s not the language. You’ve just got to get into it.Unit 5 Nation aliti es “All around the world”Steve: I can’t believe thesepeople. I can’t believe what they do.Trish: Calm down, Steve. What are you talking about? What is it this time?Steve: Look at this. I just bought a donut. I’m so sick of the clerkwrapping each pastry individually, then taping the bags shut, then putting thosebags in another bag, folding it down, and then taping that bag shut. I can’t take it anymore. It’s crazyand it’s bad for the environment.Trish: How long have you been living here? Don’t you know that’s the way itis?Steve: I just want them to stick‘emin a napkin for me, so I can eat whileI’m walking to class.Trish: Thereyou go again. Don’t you know it’s rude to eat whileyou walk?Steve: I’m so tiredof this place. I don’t have time to sit down and eat.People here are too inflexible, and they have too many rules. Trish: Yeah, right, Steve, so you’re gonnaconvert everybody here to your way of doingthings?Steve: Yeah, therehas to be more individualfreedom to do whatever you want.Trish: Why don’t you just relaxand go with the flow?Steve: Go with the flow? The wholesystem is a wasteof my time. The clerks here should learnhow to be more efficient, like in the U.S. Trish: What are you talking about? When I was in the U.S., the clerks were really rude. They just ignore you, and seem offended if you want anything. Don’t you thinkit’sbetter this way?Steve: Are you kidding?Trish: Well, I kind of like it. It’s nice to relaxand enjoythe moment while your packages are beingwrapped. I like all of the traditions, and the care and attention that people give you, and the manners.To me, it’s a wonderful placeto live.Steve: I thinkyou’re nuts.Trish: You’re not gonnalast long, mate.Unit 6 Identi ty “What’s your number?”Int: So, Ms. Spencer, why did you applyfor this job at CNN?Amy: Well, I’ve always wanted to be a journalist, and I like traveling.And, you can interview lots of important people.Int: Tell me aboutyour experiencein journalism.Amy: Um—Well, I make a newsletterfor my family. And I worked on my high school newspaper. And I read a lot of newspapersand newsmagazines—Int: Do you thinkyou’re qualified for the prestige of this job?Amy: Absolutely. I’ve takenacting lessons. And I look good on camera. And I travel a lot so I thinkI’d be good as a foreign correspondent.Int: What aboutteamwork? Have you ever worked as part of a team? Amy: Of course, I was really greatat sports in high school, and—Int: You don’t seem to have much experienceas a writer.Amy: Well, that’s not exactly true. I write a lot of e-mail to my friends. Int: And you haven’t takenany journalismcourses, have you?Amy: Well, I took a classin modern film, and one in communications, or something like that.Int: Well, thanks, Ms. Spencer. We’ll be in touch.Unit 7 Family“I really take aftermy dad.”Nate: Are theseyour parents?Jane: Yeah, that’s my wholefamily.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom—Especiallyyour eyes, very deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thankyou—Nate: And the same figure—Same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don’t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, but I really take aftermy dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We’ve both very adventurous. My dad was, like, into motorcycles when he was younger—And he was in one of those, you know, motorcycleclubs.Nate: You mean, like a motorcyclegang?Jane: Yeah—But that was before he was married. I’ve been riding a motorcyclemyself sinceI was 17.Nate: You? No way!Jane: Yeah, I’ve always done stufflike that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding—My dad and I even went skydiving once. We didn’t tell my mom, though. She wouldhave killed us!Unit 8 Direct ions“Are you lost?”Woman: Moshi—moshi. Gengosentea —Father: Hello—Hello—Veronica —veron—Ve-ro-ni-ca Smith—Is Veronica Smiththere, please?Woman: Ah, Ah —Veronica —sensei —Veronica —sensei? Ah, wait a moment, please ——Father: [muttering to himself]Wait a moment? What’s wrong? Veronica: Hello.Father: Hello, Veronica. Is that you?Veronica: Yes, Dad. It’s me.Father: Whereis this place? Somebody was speaking Japanese to me. I mean, did I call the rightnumber?Veronica: Dad, you called the school number. And you’re luky I’m here now. Dad, I told you. Don’t call the school number. Remember? Father: Yes, but you didn’t give me your home phonenumber. Why didn’t you call me?Veronica: I just got here a few days ago —Okay, let me give it to you. Are you ready?Father: Uh, ready. Ready. Okay.Veronica: Okay. It’s 798-55-4123.Father: 798-55-4123.Veronica: Oh, oh, wait. Dial the country code. And that’s 81 —and then —and then the number.Father: Why is the number so long?Veronica: Because it is, Dad.Father: Do you have a placeyet?Veronica: Yeah. Let me give you the address. Are you ready?Father: Um —yeah. Okay. What is it?Veronica: It’s one dash one dash one fifty-five —Uegahara B356.Father: Uh, w-wh-wait. Wait. One —one what? Why is it so long?Veronica: Dad, I’ve got to go I’ll send it to you by e-mail. Bye.[Kiss sound]Father: But, what’s your e-mail address?Unit 9 Jobs “The benefi ts are great!”Kevin: Hey, Cathy, I found a good placefor a vacation this summer. Cathy: What is it?Kevin: It’s called Camp Star.Cathy: Hmmm. Lookspretty. But what can you do there?Kevin: It’s kind of isolated.Cathy: Isolated? What do you mean?Kevin: It’s off the coast, and you have to take a boat to get there. This week’s program is that you hike and hear lectures and talk aboutcurrent issues.Cathy: Wheredo you stay? Tents?Kevin: No, it’s an old hotel. They have a couple of rules, though.Cathy: Uh-huh?Kevin: It says here there’s no TV and you can’t use any electricalappliances.Cathy: No TV? And no electrical—Wait a minute. What aboutmy notebook computer?Kevin: No, no computers, and there’s only one telephone on the wholeisland.Cathy: What? So I won’t be able to checkmy e-mail either?Kevin: You’ll get by. It’ll be fun! Look, you can read, and talk, and think. And everymorning you go for a long hike.Cathy: Ahh. Sounds like work.Kevin: I thinkit wouldbe relaxing. I’d like to get away from the phonefor a week. And I thinkit’d be good for you.Cathy: So you’re telling me there’s no TV, no computers, and I have to wake up everymorning to go hiking. Why on earthwouldanybo dy want to go there?Unit 10 Style“It meansa lot to me.”Jean: I’m ready, are you? Why don’t you take that necklace off before you go in the pool?Chandra: Oh, this? No, I nevertake it off. I wear it all the time. I’ve had it sinceI was a kid.Jean: Really? You’re worn it sinceyou were little? Why?Chandra: Well, when I was a baby, I livedin India. And I was sick all the time, so my parents took me to a doctor. And, well, the doctor at first did n’t want to treatme because —Jean: What: Why?Chandra: Well, because I was a girl.Jean: Huh? Because you were a girl?Chandra: Yeah, well, that’s the way it was. Anyway, so my parents took me to this witchdoctor, and I —Jean: A witchdoctor?Chandra: Yeah, well, I guessyou couldcall her a —I don’t know, a spiri tual healer. She was an old womanin our village. And she took a look at me and she said I needed silver.Jean: Silver?Chandra: Yeah. She said I needed silver so that I couldget better. And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me. They put it on me, and I got better.Jean: I don’t believe that.Chandra: Well, I didn’t either for a while. But you know what? When I was20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while. And then, Istarted to get sick again. And I didn’t get better. I was just sick all the time. And then I rememberedthe necklace, and I put it on. And afterthat, I was fine.Jean: Wow.Unit 11 Travel“They lost my luggag e!”Angela: I’m thinking aboutgoingto CostaRica —Trevor: Great. I went to CostaRica once —but I had a terrible time getti ng there—Angela: Oh, yeah? What happened?Trevor: Well, when I got to the airport, I realized I didn’t have my passport —Angela: Oh no.Trevor: So I called a friend —and he brokeinto my house—Got my passport and brought it to me. But I missed that flight so I had to stay overnight in San Francisco.Angela: Oh, that’s too bad.Trevor: Yeah. So I got the flight the next day —and of course on the way we had engine trouble —so we had to stop in Mexico City —I was stucktherefor another, like, 22hours whilethey got thepart.Angela: Oh, my gosh!Trevor: And I mean stuck. They wouldn’t even let us out of the airport —Angela: You’re kidding!Trevor: I’m telling you. So finally, we, like, afterall this time, I got to CostaRica two days late and-Angela: And don’t tell me, your luggage isn’t there.Trevor: You guessed it. I go into the airline office to complain and there was this really wonderful womanworking at the counter. Angela: Oh, yeah?Trevor: And she was really nice and helped me out —Angela: Mm-hmm —Trevor: ——and we sort of hit it off —Angela: Yeah? And then what?Trevor: Abouttwo months laterwe got married!Unit 12 Food “What’s for dinner?”Rob: Hey, Tony! What’s up?Tony: Hey, Rob. Checkthis out. I got a package from my Mom.Rob: Oh, yes! Cookies, I hope.Tony: Nah, it’s a cookbook. Twenty-Minute Meals. It’s perfect for us, don’t you think?Rob: Yeah, I guess. But I wish she would’ve sent you cookies instead. Tony: Thinkaboutit, though. No more instant ramen, no more fast-food burgers. Twenty minutes in the kitchen, and voila! We have a well-balanced meal. Are you in?Rob: Whatever you say, Chef Tony. Let’s have a look. How aboutthis?SuperNachos. Now that’s my kind of food.Tony: All right! Let’s get started. What do we need?Rob: What we really need is for you to find a girlfriendwho can cook. Tony: Yeah, right. And then you’ll find one, too, and they can take turnscooking for us. So what are the ingredients?Rob: Hmm —chips, salsa, can of chili, and shredded cheese.Thatsounds easy enough.Tony: Well, we’ve got half a bag of nachochips. Thinkthat’s enough? Rob: It’ll have to be. Let’s see what’s in the fridge. We’ve got lots of soda —Half a submarine sandwich —Cheese! We’ve got that —Oh, it’s kind of moldy, though.Tony: Kind of? It’s green! Do we have any chili?Rob: Sorry, man, I thinkI ate it the othernight.Tony: That wasn’t yours. Anyway, I had a coupla cans. Theremust be at leastone left.Rob: Let’s see —Box of cereal —some instant ramen—and a jar of peanut butter. That’s it.Tony: Oh, rats. It lookslike we can’t have nachos tonight afterall. Rob: I guessnot. Well, what’s it gonnabe? Instant ramenfor the thirdnightin a row?With peanut butter?Tony: I’m so sick of that junk! Let’s go to the supermarket and get what we need to make SuperNachos.Rob: Yeah, and on the way, let’s stop for hamburgersor a pizza.Tony: Yeah, cool.Unit 13 Schedu les “I’ll pencil it in.”Manager: Ok, time to get up, women! Your public is waiting for you! Woman1: Huh? What day is it?Manager: It’s Wednesday. We’re in Middleburg. Ohio, tonight at the Summer Fest in the town park.Woman2: Yeah. Hope it doesn’t rain.Manager: Then tomorrow it’s up to Cleveland to play for Sarah’s induction into the Hall of Fame, followed by an autograph signing session.Woman1: Wish it was us beinginducted. The firstall-girl rock band in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame —What’s on for Friday?Manager: Friday we have to be in the studio in Akron. We’re doing a live online chat on . Come on guys. You’ll love it. It’s at 4:00, and then we’ve in the Starlight Dome that night.Woman1: Whereare we playing Saturday?Manager: Pittsburgh, at the WaterfrontFair. We’ll be thereSunday afternoon, too.Woman2: This schedule is brutal. When do we get a day off?Manager: Hah! We’re booked through the weekend, but we have a lightschedule on Monday. We just have to driveout to record the new CD in St. Louis, but at leastyou can sleepon the bus. Hmm?Unit 14 Weathe r “It’s rainin g cats and dogs.”Alex: Grandma, what are thesepictures?G: Theseare pictures of Alaska.Alex: That’s whereyou grew up, right?G: That’s right, dear —I livedthereuntilI was 19 yearsold.Alex: Is that you in this picture?G: Yes, that’s me —And my sister Ruth —and our dog, Kusko. That was outbehind our house.Alex: Wow. It lookscold!G: Yes, that was in the winter —and it was cold —It snowed a lot! And boy, Kuskojust lovedthe snow. Ruth and I and Kuskoused to play in the snow for hours.Alex: Did you make snowmen?G: Oh, we made some greatsnowmen —Alex: Is that you in this picture, too?G: Yes, that’s me and Ruth again—I guesswe were both in high school then ——Alex: Whereare you?G: We were hiking near Seward —We hiked a lot in thosedays. Alex: But where’s the snow?G: Well, it doesn’t snow ALL the time in Alaska, you know. That was in the springtime—Spring was a greattime for hiking —It was a little muddy, though —Alex: Oh ——G: Look, here’s a picture of Ruth now, outside her house.Alex: That’s Aunt Ruth’s house, in Alaska? I thought everybody livedin igloos!G: (laughing) Oh, no. Most people live in regular houses! —aren’t those flowers lovely?Alex: You mean, flowers grow theretoo?G: Of course. In the summer everythingjust blooms —it’s sunnyand the weather is warm —Alex: Warm? You mean, it was warm enough to go swimming?G: Oh, we all went swimming in July and August —the waterwas cold —But swimming was so much fun —Alex: Was summer your favorite season?G: You know, I love all the seasons, but I thinkmy favorite season was autumn. The leaves in the mountains turning to gold —I always lovedthat sign of the changing seasons —Look, here’s a picture of the mountains near our housein the fall —Alex: Wow, Grandma, I’d like to go to Alaska sometime.G: Well, Alex, I’ve got an idea. Let’s go to Alaska together sometime. Alex: Yeah, Grandma, that’d be great.Unit 15 Lifest yle “It’s so conven ient.”[music]——Okay, sit back in your chair. And let your handsrest loose ly in your lap. Closeyour eyes. Now lift your shoulders up and then let them fall. Breathe in, filling your lungswith air. Now let your breath out very slowly. Imagine you are on a beach. See the sand, the treesand the water. Feel the soft sand belowyou. Let your feet sink into the sand. Look at the gentle wavesin the water. The wavesare coming in ——and goingout. You’re breathing slowly and calmly, like the waves——Feel the warm sun on your skin. Oh, you feel good. You’re relaxed. You’re well and happy. Now, see yourself slowly leaving the beach. Your body is warm and relaxed. You come back to your dailylife with new energy and joy. And now, slowly, open your eyes.21。
大学体验英语视听说教程2 听力原文(unit1-10)讲课教案

大学体验英语视听说教程2听力原文(u n i t1-10)由木叶整理,第二部分缺少unit 18Unit 11.A:Hello, my name is Elizabeth.B:Hi,Elizabeth.I'm Jason.2.A:This is my friend Taka.B:Hey,Taka.How's it going?3.A:I'd like to introduce our new director,Andrea Williams.B:It's a pleasure to meet you,Ms.Williams4.A:Have you met Jane?B:Oh, yeah, we have met. How are you?5.A:I'd like you to meet Sheila Howard.B:It's nice to meet you.6.A:Dad,this is my roommate,Lee.B:Good to meet you.1. Businessman: Good afternoon, Ms. Watson. This is Jim Bauman from HyundaiWatson: It's a pleasure to meet you,Mr. Bauman.Mr. Bauman: Good to meet you, Ms. Watson2.Student: Mom, I'd like you to meet John Lee. He's a classmate of mine.Mr. Lee: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Gray.Ms. Gray: Oh, please call me Norma.3.Sherry: Kiri, have you met my good friends James?Kiri: Oh, yeah, we've met.James: We have?Kiri: Yeah, at the New Year's party!James: Oh, right. How are you?4.Kathy: Hello, my name is Kathy! I'll be your server tonight.Customer: Hi, Kathy. What are the specials?Alice:Look,there he is.Jean:Who?Alice:Robert,the guy I've been talling you about.Jean:Oh. The guy you're going out with?Alice:I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.Jean:Oh, he's really handsome. Um, let's go talk to him.Alice:Oh, OK. I'll introduce you. I really like him ... Hi, Robert.Robert:Oh, hi.Alice:Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert:Hey, Jean. I think we've met before.Jean:We have? Where?Robert:Last December, at Sam's party.Jean:Oh, Sam.Robert:Oh? Aren't you going out with him anymore?Jean:No, we broke up a couple of months ago.Robert:Oh... Oh. reallv?Unit 2 How can I reach you?Vocabulary TaskAnswers:1. Country Code__ 1(USA), 64 (New Zealand)2. Area Code__613 (Kingstion, Ontario), 212 (New York)3. E-mail address__barb@4. Web Address__5. Zip (Postal) Code__K7L 3J1 (Canada), NN40SN (England), 95973 (USA)Script1. The country code for the USA is 1. It’s 64 for New Zealand.2. So if I want to call a number in Kingston, Ontario, I have to dial 613 before the phone number, and for New York 212.3. Send me an e-mail. My address is barb@4. You can get information on the company’s website at5. I’ve lived in three countries. My zip code in England was NN4 0SN, inthe USA 95973, and in Canada it was K7L 3J1.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. postal code2. phone number3. e-mail address4. web address2 Second ListeningAnswers1. 655-5670 3. barb@2. 213-555-3421 4. Script1. A: Say, I can’t read this number at the end of your address. Is it your phone number?B: No, that’s my postal code. It’s 655-5670.2. A: [talking on the phone] Okay, I’ll call and get tickets to the concert. Oh, do you have the number of the ticket agent? 555-3421? Okay, great. I’ll call. Oh, wait a second. What’s the area code? 213, I got it!3. A: Barb’s on vacation but I need to get in touch with her.B: Oh, well, she can get e-mail even when she’s at the beach. Send it tobarb@your 4. A: I need to get in touch with Hewlett Packard. I’m having problems with this printer. Don’t they have a website?B: Yeah, I think it’s Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerDad asks: Did I call the right number? Do you have a place yet? What’syour e-mail addressf?1 Get the main ideasAnswers1. A Japanese woman.2. At a school in Japan.3. yes, she does.4. Yes, he is Because she hasn’t contacted him since she went to Japan.5. Yes, she is.ScriptWoman: Moshi-moshi. Gengo sentaa…Father: Hello…Hello…Veronica…Veron…Ve-ro-ni-ca Smith…Is Veronica Smith there, Please?Woman: Ah, Ah…Veronica-sensei…Veronica-sensei? Ah, wait a moment, please…Father: [muttering to himself] Wait a moment? What’s going on?Veronica: Hello.Father: Hello, Veronica. Is that you?Veronica: Yes, Dad. It’s me.Father: Where is this place? Somebody was speaking Japanese to me. I mean, did I call the right number?Veronica: Dad, you called the school number. And you’re lucky I’m here now. Dad, I told you. Don’t call the school number. Remember?Father: Yes, but you didn’t give me your home phone number. Why didn’t you call me.Veronica: I just got here a few days ago… okay, let me give it to you.Are you ready?Father: Uh, ready. Ready. Okay.Veronica: Okay. It’s 798-55-4123.Father: 798-55-4123.Veronica: Oh, oh, wait. Dial the country code. And that’s 81…and then… and then the number.Father: Why is the number so long?Veronica: Because it is, Dad.Father: Do you have a place yet?Veronica: Yeah. Let me give you the address. Are you ready?Father: Um…yeah. Okay. What is it?Veronica: It’s one dash one dash one fifty-five… Uegahara B356.Father: Uh, w-wh-wait. Wait, One…one what? Why is it so long?Veronica: Dad, I’ve got to go. I’ll send it to you by e-mail. Bye. [kiss sound]Father: But, what’s your e-mail address?Unit 3 Don’t you wish we could live here?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. – I don’t like the place I live now. It’s too isolated. (negative)2. + I have a big balcony with a great view. I love it! (positive)3. – I don’t like my parents’ house. It’s so old-fashioned. (negative)4. + Her new place is really wonderful — it’s so roomy. (positive)5. + He thinks it’s important to feel comfort-able in a home. (positive)6. + I think it’s great to live in a modern building, don’t you? (positive)7. – This apartment is too cramped; it’s too small for our family. (negative)8. + Amy has a beautiful spacious loft for her art studio. She’s reallyhappy there. (positive)9. + Bill and Sherry have a nice, cozy little apartment in the city. They call it their love nest. (positive)Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. a small house2. a cozy apartment3. a modern house4. something old2 Second ListeningAnswers1. warm and cozy in the winter2. a great view3. modern house, easy to keep clean4. roomy, lots of spaceScript1. I want a small house, something that’ll be warm and cozy in the winter. My big old house is spacious, but it’s too hard to keep warm.2. I’m looking for a small, cozy apartment, but with a great view. I want to look at the mountains, not another apartment building.3. After living in an ld house all my life, I’m ready for a modern house, one that’s easy to keep clean. It should have all wood floors, no carpets.4. We’re looking for something old but roomy. Since we have three kids,they need lots of space to move around.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt’s spacious, it has modern furniture, it has a view2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. It’s spacious and modern.2. It has a view of the ocean.3. It makes her feel elegant and relaxed.4. It’s phony, uncomfortable, and he feels like he’s in a museum.ScriptDiane: Isn’t this place fantastic?John: Well, I don’t know…I mean, it’s okay.Diane: It’s so big. So spacious. So much room. I feel so…free here.John: It must be cold in the winter. Our place is so cozy and warm.Diane: Oh, John! And the view! Look at the view of the ocean from this window! I feel so relaxed.John: Oh, god. It makes me seasick. Our place is so much more down to earth.Diane: Look at this furniture. It’s so modern. I feel so elegant here.John: You do? I feel like I’m in a museum. It’s so phony, so uncomfortable. Are you supposed to sit in these chairs?Diane: Oh, John, don’t you wish we could live in a place like this?John: What’s wrong with our place?Unit 4 It means a lot to meVocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. b Henna tattoos – For fun2. d Leather ring – Grandmother gave it to me3. a Rakari bracelet – To protect me4. f Silk scarf – Makes me look good5. g Digital watch – Reminds me of appointments.6. c Crystal necklace – Friends said it has special powers7. e Silver pin – Has a lot of sentimental valueListening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. a rakari – a cloth bracelet2. a crystal necklace3. a diamond ring4. a gold earring2 Second ListeningAnswers1. a. to protect him2. b. she likes the way it looks3. a. it has sentimental value4. b. it makes him look goodScript1. Mark: Hey, Steve, whatcha got on your wrist there?Steve: Oh, it’s something my sister gave me.Mark: Uh, a bracelet?Steve: Sort of. It’s a “rakari,” a special piece of cloth Indian women give their brothers every August.Mark: What’s it for?Steve: To protect me.Mark: Cool. I guess you’re safe for another year.2. Andrea: Oh, Shelly, what’s that on your necklace?Shelly: It’s a quartz crystal.Andrea: Oh, do you believe in crystals?Shelly: Not really, but my boyfriend does, and he gave me this.Andrea: What’s it supposed to do?Shelly: He said it’s supposed to make our love last forever. And I like the way it looks.3. Claire: That’s an interesting ring, Bridget. Where’d you get it?Bridget: Oh, I got this with money from my grandmotherClaire: Yeah? Is it a real diamond?Bridget: Mm-hmm. It’s small, but it has a lot of sentimental value.Claire: ‘Cause it reminds you of your grandma?Bridget: Of course.4. Lisa: Oh, Scott. Is that an earring?Scott: It’s a gold earring. I got it in Thailand.Lisa: Is it something special?Scott: No, I just think it makes me look good!Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt protects her from illness.2 Get the main ideasAnswersThe necklace is made of silver. The witch doctor told her to wear it. Her grandmother gave it to her. When she took the necklace off, she got sick. When she put it back on, she got better.ScriptJean: I’m ready, are you? Why don’t you take that necklace off before you go in the pool?Chandra: Oh, this? No, I never take it off. I wear it all the time. I’ve had it since I was a kid.Jean: Really? You’ve worn it since you were little? Why?Chandra: Well, when I was a baby, I lived in India. And I was sick all the time, so my parents took me to a doctor. And well, the doctor at first didn’t want to treat me because —Jean: What? Why?Chandra: Well, because I was a girl.Jean: Huh? Because you were a girl?Chandra: Yeah, well, that’s the way it was. Anyway, so my parents took me to this witch doctor, and I…Jean: A witch doctorChandra: Yeah, well, I guess you could call her a … I don’t know, a spiritual healer. She was an old woman in our village. And she took a look at meand she said I needed silver.Jean: Silver?Chandra: Yeah. She said I needed silver so that I could get better. And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me. They put it on me, and I got better.Jean: I don’t believe that.Chandra: Well, I didn’t either for a while. But you know what? When I was 20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while. And then, I started to get sick again. And I didn’t get better. I was just sick all the time. And then Iremembered the necklace, and I put it on. And after that, I was fine.Jean: Wow.Unit 5 It changed my lifeVocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. Japan/Japanese2. Canada/French/English3. Panama/Spanish4. Brazil/Portuguese5. Thailand/Thai6. India/Hindi7. South Africa/ Afrikaans8. Morocco/ Arabic9. Germany/ German10. Norway/NorwegianScript1. Helen is going to Japan to study Japanese.2. Pam is from Canada. She speaks French and English.3. Linda’s family lives in Panama. They speak Spanish.4. Andrea is from brazil. She speaks Portuguese.5. Vira moved here from Thailand. He speaks Thai.6. Sita’s grandmother came from India 50 years ago. She speaks Hindi.7. Jean is South African. She speaks Afrikaans.8. Ali is from Morocco. He speaks Arabic.9. Hans lives in Germany. He speaks German.10. Lars is from Norway. He speaks Norwegian.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. French 3. Spanish2. Japanese 4. Russian2 Second ListeningAnswers1. His relatives are French. He wants to travel to France.2. He’s interested in business. There are business opportunities in Japan.3. No other language was offered. Her friends speak Spanish.4. It’s a challenge. It’s the hardest language she can think of.Script1. A: What language are you studying?B: French.A: Why are you studying French?B: Some of my relatives are French and I’d like to go visit them in France someday.A: Don’t they speak English?B: Only a little. But I think it’d be fun to use my French and see if theycan understand me and all. I want to work on my accent, too.2. A: So why did you choose Japanese?B: Well, I guess the main reason I’m interested in Japanese is international business. I know there are a lot of business opportunities in Japan,so I figured it was the best language for me to study.3. A: Why are you studying a foreign language?B: Um, well… I don’t know. I started Spanish cause it was the only language offered in our middle school. And then I just kept doing it. And there’re a lot of Spanish speakers where I live cause we live in Southern California and we’re close to Mexico so almost everyone speaks Spanish. My friends at schoolspeak Spanish outside of class.4. A: What language are you studying?B: I just wanted a challenge so I thought, “Hey, I’m gonna do the hardest language I can think of.” So I chose Russian, Just to see if I could do it, Iguess. And you know what? It is the hardest language I can think of and it takes a lot of work. But I’m gonna keep at it…Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt has different tones.The writing system is different.Thai people help him learn the language.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. F Dave lives in Thailand. He has visited Thailand and hopes to return.2. T Dave had a good experience in Thailand.3. ? Dave likes writing Thai. He doesn’t talk about writing.4. F Thailand is “The land of Laughs.” It’s called “The Land of Smiles.”5. F People in Thailand laugh at him when he makes a mistake. They smile.6. T Thai is easy to learn. It may be hard for some people, but it’s nothard for him.ScriptCindy: What the heck is that?Dave: It’s a Thai magazine.Cindy: Thai? You can read Thai?Dave: Well, a little.Cindy: How?Dave: I went to Thailand last summer and I lived with a Thai friend and his family. I had such a great experience I want to go back.Cindy: Why? What was your experience like?Dave: Well, I started to learn some Thai…and practiced talking with people and ordering in restaurants and everybody was so nice… you know, Thailand is called the Land of the Smiles…they even smiled when I made a mistake speaking the language. The people were beautiful. Everything was beautiful. It changed my life.Cindy: But I’ve always heard that Thai was impossible to learn.Dave: Maybe for some people but not for me. I mean it is totally different from English. The writing system is different, they use different tones, every- thing is different, but I really want to learn it. I want to understand more when I go back.Cindy: I wish I felt that way about learning French. Maybe I should study another language.Dave: No, Cindy, it’s not the language, you’ve just got to get into it.Unit 6 What do you like about him?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. Steve is great! He’s sweet and he has a good sense of humor.2. I like people who are funny, because I like to laugh. I don’t care for people who are too serious3. Sure, Jana is very honest; it’s too bad she’s also kind of selfish.4. Brad is a little odd, but I like that he’s so outgoing and talkative.5. Cindy is so cute! I just love how sensitive and shy she is.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. honest, a sense of humor2. outgoing, talkative3. a little bit odd, like to have fun4. kind of shy, sensitive2 Second ListeningAnswersThey don’t like people who are:1. selfish2. shy or quiet3. too serious4. loud and talk too muchScript1. Paul: Lisa, what sort of people do you like to hang out with?Lisa: Well, I like people who are honest and have a sense of humor. I think honesty is very important among friends. Oh, and they can’t be selfish. I don’t get along with selfish people.2. Mark: You know, I like most people, but there are certain things I look for in a friend.Francine: Yeah, like what?Mark: Oh, you know, people who are out going and talkative. I love having long conversations on the phone.3. Francine: This might sound weird, Lisa, but I like people that are a little bit odd.Lisa: Why? What do you enjoy about odd people?Francine: You know, they’re different and like to have fun doing off-the-wall stuff. They have to like having fun and not be too serious.4. Jane: Stuart, what kind of people do you like?Stuart: What kind of people do I like?Jane: Yes, what kind of people do you get along with?Stuart: Hmm. Gook question. I guess I like people who are kind of shy and sensitive. I don’t really get along with people who are loud and talk too much.Jane: Yeah, you’re kind of a sensitive person yourself.Stuart: Oh?Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerHe’s sensitive.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. They went to a romantic movie.2. He cried.3. She thought he was sensitive.4. Jeremy said he cries at movies, too.ScriptSheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!Jeremy: Yeah, what’s he like? Tall? Handsome?Sheri: Not really.Jeremy: Dress nice? Drive a nice car?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot?Sheri: No…but he has a nice smile…dimples. I like dimples. He’s kind of cute.Jeremy: And that’s what you like about him?Sheri: No, it’s more than that. He’s sensitive.Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and there was this really sad part, and, and he…cried.Jeremy: He cried?Sheri: Yeah, he just cried and he didn’t try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh…you like that, huh? Well, I cry at movies. Too!Unit 7 I really take after my Dad Vocabulary TaskAnswers1. brother’s daughter = niece2. Dad’s new wife = stepmother3. uncle and aunt’s children = cousins4. sister’s new husband = brother-in-law5. my mother’s two girls = my half-sisters6. brother’s three boys = nephews7. made her our legal child = adoptedScript1. My niece is so cute. She’s only two but she can sing 10 songs2. I get along okay with my stepmother. She’s actually pretty nice.3. When I was little, I used to go to camp with my cousins. They were like my brothers and sisters.4. everybody had a great time at my sister’s wedding. My brother-in-law was even dancing on the tables.5. After my mother remarried, she and Robert had two girls – my half-sisters. But we feel like one family and I call them my sisters.6. I’m not in a hurry to have kids yet. I spend a lot of time with mynephews and I know they can be a handful.7. We are so happy to have Lena. We adopted her when she was just three months old.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. The man in front of him is his father.2. Angie is his stepmother.3. Tara is his half-sister.4. Jake is Steve’s older brother.5. The woman to the right of Jake is Steve’s sister-in-law. Cristina is Steve’s niece.2 Second ListeningAnswersTara – c. likes to read and play pianoJake – a. looks like Steve’s fatherHis mother – d. lives in CaliforniaCristina – b. Was adoptedScript1. Sylvia: When was this picture taken? You look so young!Steve: Oh, that was when I was still in high school.Sylvia: Is that your mom and dad?Steve: Well, yeah, that’s my dad, but that’s not my real mom. She’s mystepmother. My real mother lives in California.2. Sylvia: So, who is this next to you? Is that your sister?Steve: Yeah, that’s my half-sister, Tara. She’s great. We’re a lot alike.Sylvia: In what way?Steve: Well, we both like reading books, and we both like playing the piano.3. Sylvia: And who’s this next to your stepmother?Steve: That’s Jake, my older brother.Sylvia: Wow, he looks a lot like your father.Steve: Yeah, people say he looks more like my father than the rest of us.4. Sylvia: That must be Jake’s wife next to him. And your niece?Steve: Yep, that’s little Cristina.Sylvia: Wow, she…she doesn’t really look like either of her parents, does she?Steve: No, she doesn’t. Actually she was adopted. But she does take afterJake in a lot of ways.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerM has beautiful eyesF loves surfingF enjoys dangerous activitiesF likes snowboarding2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. Jane looks like her mother. They both have beautiful eyes.2. Jane acts like her father. They both ride motorcycles, surf and skydive.3. Jane is proud that she takes after her father.ScriptNate: Are these your parents?Jane: Yeah, that’s my whole family.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom…especially your eyes. Very deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thank you…Nate: And the same figure…same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don’t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, but Ireally take after my dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We’re both very adventurous. My dad was, like into motorcycles when he was younger…and he was in one of those. You know, motorcycle clubs.Nate: You mean, like a motorcycle gang?Jane: Yeah…but that was before he was married. I’ve been riding amotorcycle myself since I was 17.Nate: You? No way!Jane: Yeah, I’ve always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding…My dad and I even went skydiving once. We didn’t tell my mom, though. She would have killed us!Unit 8 where the heck am I?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/Script1. Go to the end of this hallway. It’s the last door on your left.2. Marla’s house? Go down this street. Her place is across the bridge.3. Drive down Spring Street about half a mile.Turn right at University.4. Walk until you get to the river. Then go along the river until you get to the tower.5. The Hard Rock Café is very hard to find. You’d better take a taxi.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. Hotel Vancouver =32. Century Plaza=13. Hyatt Regency=44. Days Inn=8Second ListeningAnswers1. Turn left at Thurlow. Go along the park.2. You’ll see it on your right. When you get to Burrard turn right.3. It’s across Georgia on the left. Turn left at Burrard.4. It’s on the corner. Go down to West HastingsScript1. A: Excuse me, can you help me? I’m looking for Hotel Vancouver.B: Sure! Go along the park until you get to Thurlow Street.A: Um-hum.B: Turn left at Thurlow. Walk until you get to Alberni Street.A: Yeah.B: Turn right on Alberni and go one block.A: Okay. so turn left at Thurlow, down to Alberni and turn right?B: Yep, and you’ll run right into it.2. A: The Century Plaza? Yeah, that’s real close to here.B: Great!A: Go down Nelson Street until you get to Burrard Street. When you get to Burrard turn right. And you’ll see it on you right.B: Take Nelson to Burrard, turn right and the Century Plaza is on the left?A: No, it’s on the right .The hotel on the left is the Sheraton.B: Okay, thanks.3. A: Excurse me. I’m looking for the Hyatt Regency.B: The Hyatt Regency? Yeah, okay. Go down this street and turn left at Burrard .A: go down Nelson and turn left at Burrard.B: Yeah. Then follow Burrard until you get to Georgia. It’s acrossGeorgia, on the left. Great, got it!4. A: What you want to do is go down here to Hornby.B: Down Nelson Street?A: Yeah. Turn left at Hornby and go all the way down till you get to West Hastings Street. It’s on the corner of Hornby and West Hastings.B: On the right or the left?A: On the far left .It’s kind of far .You might want to take a taxi.Real World listeningPredictAnswer: she got lost.Get the main ideasAnswers1. Paula was feeling adventurous, so she went out alone.2. A Turkish man helped Paula.3. He took her to his nephew’s restaurant.4. Paula felt scared.5. Paula had the best Turkish food on her whole trip.ScriptPaula: I was in Istanbul once…Part this group tour…and I thought I’d try to find a restaurant and eat dinner alone for a change. So I walked out of the hotel by myself. I was looking around at all the restaurants and I couldn’t decide which one to go to. And this little Turkish man comes up to me and he says, “My nephew has a good restaurant. Come with me.” So I decided to follow h im. And we went down these little streets… and back…and it was getting dark… back alleys, and I didn’t know what was going on. People were starting to stare at me. And I got really scared. And I thought, “I’d just better leave.” So I was going to run. And then suddenly we rounded the corner and there we were at the restaurant. And it ended up being the best Turkish food I had the whole time I traveled. And ever since then, I haven’t been so afraid to take chances. Unit 9 You can meet lots of important peopleVocabulary TaskAnswers1. travel2. responsibility3. flexible schedule4. prestige5. high pay6. long hours7. teamwork8. telecommutingScript1. I’m a tour guide. I get to see a lot of exotic places all over the world. I love to travel.2. I’m a teacher. I like my job because I feel that, in a way, the future of my students is in my hands. I like the responsibility.3. I like the flexible schedule of my job. I’m a flight attendant. I only have to work three days a week.4. I enjoy the prestige of my job. As a journalist, I get to meet a lot of important people.5. I’m a stockbroker. My job is stressful, but I’ll be able to retire by the time I’m 40! The thing I like most about my job is the high pay.6. I’m a nurse. I love helping people get better, but sometimes I don’t gethome until late at night. My job has long hours.7. I love being a firefighter. I especially like the teamwork. My co-workers and I really count on each other during a fire.8. I’m a computer programmer. My company allows me to work frommy computer at home. I love telecommuting.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. an accessories shop2. a fast food place3. an insurance company4. a tourist hotel2 Second ListeningAnswers1. Leslie: could practice foreign languages2. Arthur: learned to work quickly3. Nima: learned to work on computers4. Anna: had many chances to skiScript1. Leslie: I worked in an accessories shop in the middle of London. I used to work on Fridays and Sundays. It was quite tiring – I was on my feet the whole time. And I had to do quite menial things, like tidy up. But I got of customers from foreign countries. They often told me about where they were from and I liked talking to them.2. Arthur: I finally got a promotion at the fast food place. I was allowed to work the cash register, which was challenging because it had many pictures. It’s for people who couldn’t read or write who wanted to work as cashiers. So when the customer said, “Can I get a two-piece with fries?” you’d look for the picture with the two pieces of chicken and fries. I would see how fast I could find the picture while the customer was telling me the order. It was like a game.3. Nima: My first job was data entry at an insurance company. It wasn’t very hard. I pretty much did the same thing all day. The great thing about it was。

Experiencing English Listening &SpeakingLevel 04 Unit 1 Introductions“You’ll really like him.”Alice: Look, there he is.Jean: Who?Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about.Jean: Oh. The guy you’re going out with?Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him.Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him. Hi, Robert. Robert: Oh, hi.Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we’ve met before.Jean: We have? Where?Robert: Last December, at Sam’s party.Jean: Oh, Sam.Robert: Oh? Aren’t you going out with him anymore?Jean: No, we broke up a couple of mouths ago.Robert: Oh—Oh, really?Unit 2 Personality “What do you like about him?”Sheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!Jeremy: Yeah, what’s he like?Tall?Handsome?Sheri: Not really.Jeremy: Dress nice? Drive a nice car?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot?Sheri: No—But he has a nice smile—Dimples. I like dimples. He’s kind of cute. Jeremy: And that’s what you like about him?Sheri: No, it’s more than that. He’s sensitive.Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and there was this really sad part, and, and he—Cried.Jeremy: He cried?Sheri: Yeah, he just cried and he didn’t try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh—You like that, huh? Well, I cry at movies, too!Unit 3 Home “The view is great.”Sean: This is Sean McCain, live with Julie Morris, from Gemini One, the internatonal space station. Julie, can you hear me?Julie: Yes, I can hear you.Sean: Julie, can you tell us, what is it like living on the Gemini One?Julie: The Gemini One is wonderful. It’s not so different from living on Earth, really. We have jobs, friends, entertainment, natural beauty. And we have all the modern conveniences that you have on Earth.Sean: What modern conveniences?Julie: Well, we have movie theaters, game centers, music clubs, shops, restaurants—Sean: How about food? How do you get your food?Julie: I go shopping, just like everyone on Earth. You can get any type of food here.Sean: Is food expensive?Julie: Some of it is. The stuff that’s imported from Earth is very expensive. Likea banana from Earth can cost $100. But most food is really cheap. Sean: Do you miss getting away to the countryside or the mountains? Don’t you miss nature?Julie: Well, we have lots of nature up here. I can go hiking and mountain biking, riding in the hills, take a swim in a beautiful lake. It’s really beautiful up here.Sean: How do people get around up there?Julie: Oh, just like we do down there. We have electric cars and trains, but not airplanes.Sean: What do you like most about living in the space station?Julie: Well, the air is clean. There’s no pollution, and it’s easy to get around. It’s really an ideal world.Sean: And what do you like least?Julie: Well, it’s kind of expensive to fly home to Earth to see my parents for the holidays.Unit 4 Technology “How does it work?”Cindy: What the heck is that?Dave: It’s a Thai magazine.Cindy: Thai? You can read Thai?Dave: Well, a little.Cindy: How?Dave: I went to Thailand last summer and I lived with a Thai friend and his family. I had such a great experience I want to go back.Cindy: Why? What was your experience like?Dave: Well, I started to learn some Thai—And practiced talking with people and ordering in restaurants and everybody was so nice—You know, Thailand is called the Land of the Smiles—They even smiled when I made a mistake speaking the language. The people were beautiful.Everything was beautiful. It changed my life.Cindy: But I’ve always heard that Thai was impossible to learn.Dave: Maybe for some people but not for me. I mean it is totally different from English. The writing system is different, they use different tones, everything is different, but I really want to learn it. I want to understand more when I go back.Cindy: I wish I felt that way about learning French. Maybe I should study another language.Dave: No, Cindy, it’s not the language. You’ve just got to get into it.Unit 5 Nationalities “All around the world”Steve: I can’t believe these people. I can’t believe what they do.Trish: Calm down, Steve. What are you talking about? What is it this time? Steve: Look at this. I just bought a donut. I’m so sick of the clerk wrapping each pastry individually, then taping the bags shut, then putting those bags in another bag, folding it down, and then taping that bag shut. I can’t take it anymore. It’s crazy and it’s bad for the environment.Trish: How long have you been living here? Don’t you know that’s the way it is? Steve: I just want them to stick ‘emin a napkin for me, so I can eat while I’m walking to class.Trish: There you go again. Don’t you know it’s rude to eat while you walk? Steve: I’m so tired of this place. I don’t have time to sit down and eat. Peoplehere are too inflexible, and they have too many rules.Trish: Yeah, right, Steve, so you’re gonna convert everybody here to your way of doing things?Steve: Yeah, there has to be more individual freedom to do whatever you want.Trish: Why don’t you just relax and go with the flow?Steve: Go with the flow? The whole system is a waste of my time. The clerks here should learn how to be more efficient, like in the U.S.Trish: What are you talking about? When I was in the U.S., the clerks were really rude. They just ignore you, and seem offended if you want anything. Don’t you think it’sbetter this way?Steve: Are you kidding?Trish: Well, I kind of like it. It’s nice to relax and enjoy the moment while your packages are being wrapped. I like all of the traditions, and the care and attention that people give you, and the manners. To me, it’s a wonderful place to live.Steve: I think you’re nuts.Trish: You’re not gonna last long, mate.Unit 6 Identity “What’s your number?”Int: So, Ms. Spencer, why did you apply for this job at CNN?Amy: Well, I’ve always wanted to be a journalist, and I like traveling. And, you can interview lots of important people.Int: Tell me about your experience in journalism.Amy: Um—Well, I make a newsletter for my family. And I worked on my high school newspaper. And I read a lot of newspapers and newsmagazines —Int: Do you think you’re qualified for the prestige of this job?Amy: Absolutely. I’ve taken acting lessons. And I look good on camera. And I travel a lot so I think I’d be good as a foreign correspondent.Int: What about teamwork? Have you ever worked as part of a team?Amy: Of course, I was really great at sports in high school, and—Int: You don’t seem to have much experience as a writer.Amy: Well, that’s not exactly true. I write a lot of e-mail to my friends.Int: And you haven’t taken any journalism courses, have you?Amy: Well, I took a class in modern film, and one in communications, or something like that.Int: Well, thanks, Ms. Spencer. We’ll be in touch.Unit 7 Family “I really take after my dad.”Nate: Are these your parents?Jane: Yeah, that’s my whole family.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom—Especially your eyes, very deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thank you—Nate: And the same figure—Same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don’t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, but I really take after my dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We’ve both very adventurous. My dad was, like, into motorcycles when he was younger—And he was in one of those, you know, motorcycle clubs.Nate: You mean, like a motorcycle gang?Jane: Yeah—But that was before he was married. I’ve been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17.Nate: You? No way!Jane: Yeah, I’ve always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding—My dad and I even went skydiving once.We didn’t tell my mom, though. She would have killed us!Unit 8 Directions “Are you lost?”Woman: Moshi —moshi. Gengosentea —Father: Hello —Hello —Veronica —veron —Ve-ro-ni-ca Smith —Is Veronica Smith there, please?Woman: Ah, Ah —Veronica —sensei —Veronica —sensei? Ah, wait a moment, please ——Father: [muttering to himself]Wait a moment? What’s wrong? Veronica: Hello.Father: Hello, Veronica. Is that you?Veronica: Yes, Dad. It’s me.Father: Where is this place? Somebody was speaking Japanese to me. I mean, did I call the right number?Veronica: Dad, you called the school number. And you’re luky I’m here now.Dad, I told you. Don’t call the school number. Remember?Father: Yes, but you didn’t give me your home phone number. Why didn’t you call me?Veronica: I just got here a few days ago —Okay, let me give it to you. Are you ready?Father: Uh, ready. Ready. Okay.Veronica: Okay. It’s 798-55-4123.Father: 798-55-4123.Veronica: Oh, oh, wait. Dial the country code. And that’s 81 —and then —and then the number.Father: Why is the number so long?Veronica: Because it is, Dad.Father: Do you have a place yet?Veronica: Yeah. Let me give you the address. Are you ready?Father: Um —yeah. Okay. What is it?Veronica: It’s one dash one dash one fifty-five —Uegahara B356.Father: Uh, w-wh-wait. Wait. One —one what? Why is it so long? Veronica: Dad, I’ve got to go I’ll send it to you by e-mail. Bye.[Kiss sound]Father: But, what’s your e-mail address?Unit 9 Jobs “The benefits are great!”Kevin: Hey, Cathy, I found a good place for a vacation this summer.Cathy: What is it?Kevin: It’s called Camp Star.Cathy: Hmmm. Looks pretty. But what can you do there?Kevin: It’s kind of isolated.Cathy: Isolated? What do you mean?Kevin: It’s off the coast, and you have to take a boat to get there. This week’s program is that you hike and hear lectures and talk about current issues.Cathy: Where do you stay? Tents?Kevin: No, it’s an old hotel. They have a couple of rules, though.Cathy: Uh-huh?Kevin: It says here there’s no TV and you can’t use any electrical appliances. Cathy: No TV? And no electrical —Wait a minute. What about my notebook computer?Kevin: No, no computers, and there’s only one telephone on the whole island. Cathy: What? So I won’t be able to check my e-mail either?Kevin: You’ll get by. It’ll be fun! Look, you can read, and talk, and think. And every morning you go for a long hike.Cathy: Ahh. Sounds like work.Kevin: I think it would be relaxing. I’d like to get away from the phone for a week. And I think it’d be good for you.Cathy: So you’re telling me there’s no TV, no computers, and I have to wake up every morning to go hiking. Why on earth would anybody want to go there?Unit 10 Style “It means a lot to me.”Jean: I’m ready, are you? Why don’t you take that necklace off before you go in the pool?Chandra: Oh, this? No, I never take it off. I wear it all the time. I’ve had it since I was a kid.Jean: Really? You’re worn it since you were little? Why?Chandra: Well, when I was a baby, I lived in India. And I was sick all the time, so my parents took me to a doctor. And, well, the doctor at first did n’t want to treat me because —Jean: What: Why?Chandra: Well, because I was a girl.Jean: Huh? Because you were a girl?Chandra: Yeah, well, that’s the way it was. Anyway, so my parents took me to this witch doctor, and I —Jean: A witch doctor?Chandra: Yeah, well, I guess you could call her a —I don’t know, a spiritual healer. She was an old woman in our village. And she took a look at me and she said I needed silver.Jean: Silver?Chandra: Yeah. She said I needed silver so that I could get better. And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me. They put it on me, and I got better.Jean: I don’t believe that.Chandra: Well, I didn’t either for a while. But you know what? When I was 20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while. And then, I started to get sick again. And I didn’t get better. I was just sick all the time. And then I remembered the necklace, and I put it on. And after that, I was fine.Jean: Wow.Unit 11 Travel “They lost my luggage!”Angela: I’m thinking about going to Costa Rica —Trevor: Great. I went to Costa Rica once —but I had a terrible time getting there —Angela: Oh, yeah? What happened?Trevor: Well, when I got to the airport, I realized I didn’t have my passport —Angela: Oh no.Trevor: So I called a friend —and he broke into my house —Got my passport and brought it to me. But I missed that flight so I had to stay overnight in San Francisco.Angela: Oh, that’s too bad.Trevor: Yeah. So I got the flight the next day —and of course on the way we had engine trouble —so we had to stop in Mexico City —I was stuck there for another, like, 22hours while they got the part.Angela: Oh, my gosh!Trevor: And I mean stuck. They wouldn’t even let us out of the airport —Angela: You’re kidding!Trevor: I’m telling you. So finally, we, like, after all this time, I got to Costa Rica two days late and-Angela: And don’t tell me, your luggage isn’t there.Trevor: You guessed it. I go into the airline office to complain and there was this really wonderful woman working at the counter.Angela: Oh, yeah?Trevor: And she was really nice and helped me out —Angela: Mm-hmm —Trevor: ——and we sort of hit it off —Angela: Yeah? And then what?Trevor: About two months later we got married!Unit 12 Food “What’s for dinner?”Rob: Hey, Tony! What’s up?Tony: Hey, Rob. Check this out. I got a package from my Mom.Rob: Oh, yes! Cookies, I hope.Tony: Nah, it’s a cookbook. Twenty-Minute Meals. It’s perfect for us, don’t you think?Rob: Yeah, I guess. But I wish she would’ve sent you cookies instead. Tony: Think about it, though. No more instant ramen, no more fast-food burgers. Twenty minutes in the kitchen, and voila! We have a well-balanced meal. Are you in?Rob: Whatever you say, Chef Tony. Let’s have a look. How about this? Super Nachos. Now that’s my kind of food.Tony: All right! Let’s get started. What do we need?Rob: What we really need is for you to find a girlfriend who can cook.Tony: Yeah, right. And then you’ll find one, too, and they can take turns cooking for us. So what are the ingredients?Rob: Hmm —chips, salsa, can of chili, and shredded cheese. Thatsounds easy enough.Tony: Well, we’ve got half a bag of nacho chips. Think that’s enough?Rob: It’ll have to be. Let’s see what’s in the fridge. We’ve got lots of soda —Half a submarine sandwich —Cheese! We’ve got that —Oh, it’s kind of moldy, though.Tony: Kind of? It’s green! Do we have any chili?Rob: Sorry, man, I think I ate it the other night.Tony: That wasn’t yours. Anyway, I had a coupla cans. There must be at least one left.Rob: Let’s see —Box of cereal —some instant ramen —and a jar of peanut butter. That’s it.Tony: Oh, rats. It looks like we can’t have nachos tonight after all.Rob: I guess not. Well, what’s it gonna be? Instant ramen for the third night in a row?With peanut butter?Tony: I’m so sick of that junk! Let’s go to the supermarket and get what we need to make Super Nachos.Rob: Yeah, and on the way, let’s stop for hamburgers or a pizza.Tony: Yeah, cool.Unit 13 Schedules “I’ll pencil it in.”Manager: Ok, time to get up, women! Your public is waiting for you!Woman1: Huh? What day is it?Manager: It’s Wednesday. We’re in Middleburg. Ohio, tonight at the Summer Fest in the town park.Woman2: Yeah. Hope it doesn’t rain.Manager: Then tomorrow it’s up to Cleveland to play for Sarah’s induction into the Hall of Fame, followed by an autograph signing session.Woman1: Wish it was us being inducted. The first all-girl rock band in the Rockand Roll Hall of Fame —What’s on for Friday?Manager: Friday we have to be in the studio in Akron. We’re doing a live online chat on . Come on guys. You’ll love it. It’s at 4:00, and then we’ve in the Starlight Dome that night.Woman1: Where are we playing Saturday?Manager: Pittsburgh, at the Waterfront Fair. We’ll be there Sunday afternoon, too.Woman2: This schedule is brutal. When do we get a day off?Manager: Hah! We’re booked through the weekend, but we have a light schedule on Monday. We just have to drive out to record the new CD in St. Louis, but at least you can sleep on the bus. Hmm?Unit 14 Weather “It’s raining cats and dogs.”Alex: Grandma, what are these pictures?G: These are pictures of Alaska.Alex: That’s where you grew up, right?G: That’s right, dear —I lived there until I was 19 years old.Alex: Is that you in this picture?G: Yes, that’s me —And my sister Ruth —and our dog, Kusko. That was outbehind our house.Alex: Wow. It looks cold!G: Yes, that was in the winter —and it was cold —It snowed a lot! And boy,Kuskojust loved the snow. Ruth and I and Kuskoused to play in the snow for hours.Alex: Did you make snowmen?G: Oh, we made some great snowmen —Alex: Is that you in this picture, too?G: Yes, that’s me and Ruth again —I guess we were both in high school then ——Alex: Where are you?G: We were hiking near Seward —We hiked a lot in those days.Alex: But where’s the snow?G: Well, it doesn’t snow ALL the time in Alaska, you know. That was in the springtime —Spring was a great time for hiking —It was a little muddy, though —Alex: Oh ——G: Look, here’s a picture of Ruth now, outside her house.Alex: That’s Aunt Ruth’s house, in Alaska? I thought everybody lived in igloos! G: (laughing) Oh, no. Most people live in regular houses! —aren’t those flowers lovely?Alex: You mean, flowers grow there too?G: Of course. In the summer everything just blooms —it’s sunny and the weather is warm —Alex: Warm? You mean, it was warm enough to go swimming?G: Oh, we all went swimming in July and August —the water was cold —But swimming was so much fun —Alex: Was summer your favorite season?G: You know, I love all the seasons, but I think my favorite season was autumn.The leaves in the mountains turning to gold —I always loved that sign of the changing seasons —Look, here’s a picture of the mountains near our house in the fall —Alex: Wow, Grandma, I’d like to go to Alaska sometime.G: Well, Alex, I’ve got an idea. Let’s go to Alaska together sometime.Alex: Yeah, Grandma, that’d be great.Unit 15 Lifestyle “It’s so convenient.”[music]——Okay, sit back in your chair. And let your hands rest loosely in your lap. Close your eyes. Now lift your shoulders up and then let them fall. Breathe in, filling your lungs with air. Now let your breath out very slowly. Imagine you are on a beach. See the sand, the trees and the water. Feel the soft sand below you. Let your feet sink into the sand. Look at the gentle waves in the water. The waves are coming in ——and going out. You’re breathing slowly and calmly, like the waves ——Feel the warm sun on your skin. Oh, you feel good. You’re relaxed. You’re well and happy. Now, see yourself slowly leaving the beach. Your body is warm and relaxed. You come back to your daily life with new energy and joy. And now, slowly, open your eyes.。

differences between men and women are "large and stable". Besides these social expectations, over-inflating claims of
differences between men and women can be damaging. After examing the gender differences in math performance in high school, Hyde revealed that it could be due to parent's having lower expectations of their daughters' success in math and thus affecting her self-confidence and performance.
为什么没有女性幸福的这些日子?这个问题提出了一个发人深 省的研究----“悖论declinging女性幸福”上月发布。研究表明,在过去 35年里妇女的幸福都下降了,与过去相比,相对于男子,虽然,最 客观的措施,妇女生活在美国有改善在最近几十年。
本研究,由宾夕法尼亚大学经济学家贝齐史蒂文森和贾斯廷, 由国家经济研究局,发现下降幸福是普遍的妇女在各种人口群体。 研究人员测量中幸福感的下降幅度类似妇女谁是单亲家长和结婚的 父母。铸造怀疑的假设的趋势在婚姻和离婚,单亲家庭或工作家庭 平衡在女性幸福感下降的根源。
Book 4, unit 1, 女人的幸福感下降
Why aren't women happier these days? That's the question raised by a thought-provoking study---- "The Paradox of Declinging Female Happiness" released last month. The research showed that over the past 35 years women's happiness has declined, both compared to the past and relative to men even though, by most objective measures, the lives of women in the U.S. have improved in recent decades.

Unit 2-Conversation 1Kate :Come in. Hey, Janet.Ja n et: Hi Kate, are you busy?Kate : Yes, I'm just doing an essay. But it's great to see you. So what's new?Janet:Well, nothing much.Kate :You look a bit fed up. What's bugging you?Janet: Well, I had a phone call from my parents and it made me feel homesick. It happens every time they call, and it gets me down.Kate : I'm sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I love speaking to my mum and dad, but I always feel miserable after the call.Janet: My dad doesn't say much, and I want to speak to him, but I wish I knew what to say.Kate : Don't let it get to you. My dad doesn't say much onthe phone either. I call, he answers the phone, and says, "Hi,I'll pass you to your mother." It's really irritating.Janet: But I miss him and my mother a lot, and I like to hearhis voice.Kate:Just tell him what you're up to.Janet: Sometimes I feel as if I made a mistake leaving home and coming to Oxford. Sometimes I feel like a moody teenager. Kate : Try not to worry about it, Janet. It's normal to feel like that. I understand how you feel, but I bet everything will be fine next term. You'll get used to it. Hey, why don't you do what I do? Janet:What's that?Kate : When my dad calls, I ask him for more money! He usually says no, but at least I get to hear his voice!Janet: Maybe. I'm sorry to take up your time, Kate, but I must go now. Bye!Kate :Wait a minute ...!Unit 2-Conversation 2Kate :I think I may have upset Janet last night.Mark :What happened?Kate : She came to see me. I was busy doing an essay but I was really pleased to see her. She'd had a call fromhome, and said she was feeling homesick.Mark : Poor kid! It must be tough when you guys living sofar away from home.Kate : I tried to make her laugh, told her not to worry aboutit, and that it was normal to feel miserable. Suddenlyshe looked miserable, and then she got up and said, "Imust go now" and left my room. It was really sudden. I feltas if I'd said something wrong.Mark: Maybe she was just being polite. It was probably because she realized you were working and didn't want to disturb you.Kate : I just wonder if she found it difficult to talk about her feelings with me. Maybe I shouldn't have tried tomake her laugh? Perhaps she thought I wasn't taking her seriously.Mark : I wouldn't worry about it. Put yourself in her shoes.How would you feel if you were a student at college in China?Kate: I know. That's why I feel bad. If only she had stayed longer! I wish I could have helped her more.Janet:Hey, everyone!Mark :Hi Janet, you look cheerful!Janet: Yes, I've just got my essay back. I got an alpha minus! Kate:What an amazing grade! Well done.Mark :I'm really happy for you, Janet.Janet:I feel on top of the world!Unit 2-Outside viewSebastienHi. I'm Sebastien. I'm from Germany. Um, the idea of IQ of a measure of your brain power has been around for a while, but recently there's been this new idea of the EQ - your emotional quotient. And by now, it's actually almost being regarded as more important. If you look at it, businesses will... Well, they will prefer employing people with great EQ. Well,of course, IQ cannot be disregarded, but um, EQ does have its importance as well. Uh, I believe that, um,... I mean, people, most people will have, um, their basic means of communicating with other people. Most people are somewhat socially adept, and just like most people have, you know, a basic general knowledge. But then, what I think really is the difference between IQ and EQ, I mean, you can have a "brainiac", and they will be great at most things they do, butif you just can't get along with him, if you just can't communicate with him, I mean, you know, he's not really that useful.KimHi. This is Kim. I'm originally from Korea, and I was raised in California. And today, we are going to talk aboutthe differences between IQ and EQ -IQ meaning your intelligence, EQ meaning your emotions. Now, in ... WhenI was, when I was a little, little boy in Korea, I had totake ... I think I'd taken like two or three IQ tests before the age often, which is when I moved to California. So, I guesswe stress a lot of importance on intelligence, on havinggreat IQ1 scores. But after I moved to the States, I learnthow to associate with people, and along the lines that this word EQ came up, you know, emotional, caring lout... It's basically how you deal with people, how you make people feel, and how people make you feel. t hink they're equally as, as important, but it seems that in the Eastern world they kind of stress on that a lot more back in the days . But Ithink again, you know, now that with Internet and peopleare communicating so much faster, there's a better mixtureof the two I link.There's a stress on EQ in Korea as well,and a stress on IQ in the States. Thank you.TedHello. My name is Ted, and I'm from the United Statesof America. Today, I'm going to talk a little bit about IQ orEQ - which is most important, or which is more important. Now, for a long time when I was growing up, people said, "IQ. What's your IQ? Take an IQ test." But then EQ, your emotions, how you interact with people, that became very important. And I think they're ... that people might be onto something with that, because your EQ - how you deal with people, how you interact with people - is important. Now, abig part of this, in my opinion, is listening. I know I'm talkinga lot right now, but if you want to get along well with people, you have to listen to them, so just take a minute, maybe shut your mouth for a minute, and listen to others, and then youcan understand and communicate with them in a better way. So, part of EQ, I think, is listening - listening to others - and it can be more important than IQ.Unit 2-Listening inNews reportAccording to recent studies,the number one fear people have above everything else, including death, is of public speaking. People can become very anxious when they have to speak in front of an audience. The symptoms can range from slight nervousness with hands shaking or sweating to full-on panic: the heart beating very quickly, the body shaking, the inability to speak or move.The symptoms of fear of public speaking can begin before the event. People imagine that they will forget what they are going to say, or imagine that the audience will see how nervous they look and will think badly of them. The cause of their fear of public speaking is their belief that they will fail and be embarrassed.Researchers say that the fear of public speaking is associated with the fear of rejection. People who have to stand up in front of an audience believe that the audience will not like them or will not like what they say, and will reject or make fun of them.1What is the news report mainly about?2Why do people fear public speaking according to researchers?Passage 1Presenter We're fortunate to have as our guest today Dr Jenna Hudson, who has just written a book about how colours affect us in our surroundings, especially in the world of advertising. It's called Market Colours. Dr Hudson, which are the most common colours in advertising and marketing?Dr Hudson Well, of course, it depends what image the marketing team wish to project with their products. So for example, we often think of blue as a cold colour, but it also makes you feel peaceful, quiet, and it doesn't suggeststrong emotions. So it's a favourite for banks and insurance companies, who wish to suggest the image that they are trustworthy. And for selling products, it's often used tosuggest something is pure and fresh.Presenter What about red?Dr Hudson You can sell almost anything with red.It's a hot colour, which suggests a feeling of energy and even passion. It grabs your attention, and can make people buy almost anything. You often see red on magazine covers. But if you use it too much, it looks cheap and may make people tired. And orange has a similar effect to red, it's upbeat andhappy, it suggests pleasant feelings and images. Most people react well to orange, and it's especially popular in advertisingand on packaging for baked food.Presenter What about yellow, for instance?Dr Hudson Yellow is the colour of sunshine and it's a positive, happy colour, so it's used a lot in advertising. But it'salso often used for warning signs, direction signs, and so on, where you have to read the message quickly and at a distance. Presenter What about less popular colours for advertising?Dr Hudson Surprisingly, green isn't used much in advertising except for garden products, It's friendly and restful. It can be cool and soothing, the colour of apples and mint, but it can also be quite strong and many peopleassociate it with unpleasant ideas of decay or slimy creatures. Presenter But most colours are not primary colours,they're a combination.Dr Hudson Absolutely. So yellow-orange is common, and often used to give an impression of style and class, it looks like gold. But it's not often used in letters because it's not very strong. And yellow-green reminds people of feeling sick. Blue-green works well as a cool colour, suggesting freshness, and is sometimes used for toothpaste products, bathroom products, food and household cleaning products. It has many of the advantages of blue without the disadvantages of green. Presenter Fascinating. Thank you very much, Dr Hudson. Market Colours by Dr Jenna Hudson is on sale from next week, priced15.£99...Passage2Presenter What makes you embarrassed, Sally?Sally Oh, I'm easily embarrassed. If anybody notices me or looks at me, I get very embarrassed. When people singme Happy Birthday on my birthday, I get very embarrassed. Presenter And what makes you upset?Sally When people are selfish, people who think only of themselves. And cruelty -I can't bear people who are cruel, especially to animals or children.Presenter Jake, what makes you depressed?Jake I hate it when it rains, and I don't like people who look down on me, who think they're superior to me without any reason.Presenter And what makes you angry?Jake When people don't behave properly in public, bad behaviour like dropping litter or people pushing each other on the bus or the train.Presenter Andrew, what makes you cheerful?Andrew I like to see everyone around me being happyand having a positive attitude towards the future, optimistic people.Presenter And what makes you jealous?Andrew Well, to be honest, I just never feel jealous. I can't see the point of it.Presenter Monica, what makes you proud?Monica I'm proud when I'm successful, especially in my work. Being recognized by my boss for what I can do makes me feel really proud. Oh, and my family. I'm very proud of them.Presenter And what makes you nervous?Monica Every time I teach a new class. Thenight before I'm very nervous. You don't know whatthe kids are going to be like and how they might behave, or if they're going to like you.Presenter Anything else?Monica Doing interviews like this.。

Background Information
Impacts of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
Major banks suffered from huge losses. During 2008, three of the largest U.S. investment banks either went bankrupt (Lehman Brothers) or were sold at fire sale prices to other banks (Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch). These failures augmented the instability in the global financial system. The financial crisis (Wall Street) spread to the real economy (Main Street) in the form of the recession. The severe U.S. economic recession had a ripple effect on economies worldwide, contributing to a dramatic drop in economic growth virtually everywhere. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been bought out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems. Many nations, whether wealthy and industrialized, or poor and developing, slid into recession. The global recession has resulted in a sharp drop in international trade, rising unemployment and slumping commodity prices. Several economists have

Lead-in1.This is a difficult question, for most of us enjoy both. But if you press me with this question, I should say that personally Iprefer watching a DVD at home. It is true that watching a movie at a theater has a number of advantages. For example, the sound effects are much better. When you hear guns firing in a theater, you feel as if you were on a real battlefield.Moreover, the presence of an audience can create a good atmosphere. When you watch a comedy on TV by yourself, you may be amused by the funny words and actions, but you are unlikely to laugh out loud. In a theater, on the other hand, you may laugh heartily when the whole audience bursts into wild laughter. In spite of those pluses for the theater, I have to say that I prefer to stay home and watch the same movie on DVD. In this way I feel more relaxed. I don't have to sit on a chair.Instead, I can lie on a sofa. I can drink tea or coffee while watching the movie. I can also press the PAUSE button, go to the kitchen or toilet, and then come back to continue the movie. More importantly, if I don't understand a section of the movie,I can replay it. Obviously, the advantages of viewing at home outweigh the advantages of viewing it at a theater.2.Different people have different choices, each with their own reasons. Generally, older people prefer old, classic movies,while young people choose contemporary movies, though we can find many exceptions to that pattern. It is reasonable for older people to favor the traditional movies of their time. When they see such movies, their memories of the past will be activated. It is not uncommon for us to observe that when elderly people see things in a movie that they personally experienced, they get excited and even shed tears. Some doctors say this sort of memory stimulation can have healing effects and slow down memory loss. While I understand that older people have good reasons to choose old movies, I prefer movies on contemporary themes. New movies are superior in many respects. First of all, the technology has improved, and therefore we can enjoy better scenes. Second, the directors, actors and actresses have all improved their skills. When you look at Chinese movies of the 1950s, you may find some actors and actresses talk or act somewhat artificially. Third, contemporary movies are often closer to our daily lives, and after seeing them, we can understand our society better. In other words, new movies have better educational value. Of course, the advantages of modern movies are not limited only to those I've just named. But they are reasons enough for me to make my choice.3.Occasionally I do enjoy seeing a foreign movie. It can take my mind off to a distant land. The outlandish setting oftenexcites me, and the different values tend to give me much food for thought. However, my lack of background information often requires me to make too many inferences, and sometimes I cannot understand certain parts of the movie. In such cases I may feel less entertained. By comparison, I feel more at home with Chinese movies. I can easily associate the scene and lines with the historical background. I can readily understand witty conversation and implied meanings. Sometimes I can even predict what is going to happen from the speaker's tone or gesture. Still, it is true that Chinese movies cannot yet compete with Western movies in filming technology. I do hope the next generation of Chinese movies will make further improvement.4.Certainly I want to see the movie first. A movie is meant chiefly to entertain, while a book may have a stronger educationalfunction in addition to its entertainment function. If one reads the book first, one will know the outcome of the movie in advance. With hardly any suspense, the movie will lose much of its appeal in spite of its colorful scenes. On the other hand, if we see the movie first, we can still appreciate the corresponding book. The book is usually longer than the adapted movie, and therefore you can still find a lot of new stuff. What's more, while reading a book, you can stop from time to time to think about the deeper meaning. So you see, after seeing the movie, you can still enjoy the book.Ⅲ.Listening InTask2:A Great ActorThere was once a great actor who could no longer remember his lines. After several years of searching, he finally found a theater that was willing to give him a try. The director said, "This is the most important part, and it has only one line. At theopening you walk onto stage carrying a rose. You hold the rose to your nose with just one finger and thumb, smell it deeply and then say the line in praise of the rose: 'Ah, the sweet smell of my love.'" The actor was excited. All day long before the play he practiced his line over and over again. Finally, the time came. The curtain went up, the actor walked onto the stage, looked at the audience, and with great emotion said the line, "Ah, the sweet smell of my love." The audience exploded in laughter. Only the director was furious! "Ahhhhhh! You damned fool!" he cried. "You've ruined my play! You've ruined me!" The actor was puzzled, "What happened? Did I forget my line?" "No!" shouted the director. "You forgot the rose!"Task3: Movie ReviewsI love movies! And after I see them, I like to comment on them. These are movies I saw this year that I would like to recommend: Among comedies I highly recommend "Monsoon Wedding". It's an Indian movie. The story is about an Indian wedding. Preparations for the wedding bring out funny and sad situations touching on love and a past rape. This movie shows some of the wonderful customs of India, and the importance of family and love. It's great!Among dramas, I like "Adaptation". It is an excellent movie! But for me the first part of the movie was too fast to follow.I hope to see it again on DVD with captions."The Pianist" is set in the Second World War. It's about a young Polish-Jewish pianist, who lives in Warsaw with his family. The Nazis sent his family to die in the concentration camps. He was safe, but would have died without unusually good luck and the kindness of a few non-Jews. This is a powerful movie with thought-provoking themes."Rabbit-Proof Fence" is set in the 1930s in Australia, and it's based on real events. It is about three native girls, who are separated from their families by the racist police who send them to special centers. There the girls are taught practical skills, and the government tries to integrate them into white Australian society. They ran away from the camp and walked 1,500 miles to find their mothers. This is a sad, touching story that you should not miss.Ⅴ.Let’s TalkAlfred HitchcockAlfred Hitchcock was a British director. His movies frequently show innocent people caught up in situations beyond their control or even understanding.Hitchcock preferred the use of suspense to surprise in his movies. In surprise, the director provides the viewer with frightening things. In suspense, the director tells or shows things to the audience which the characters in the movie do not know, and then skillfully builds up tension around what would happen when the characters finally learn the truth.Hitchcock had a great sense of humor. Once at a French airport, a suspicious customs official looked at Hitchcock's passport, which was marked simply PRODUCER. The curious official asked, "And what do you produce?" "Gooseflesh." replied Hitchcock.Alfred Hitchcock always managed to make a brief appearance in his movies: He was sometimes getting on a bus, or crossing a street, or walking in front of a store, or across the courtyard in an apartment. However, for the movie Lifeboat in 1944, he was faced with a difficult problem. The entire movie was set in a lifeboat out at sea, and there were only a few characters in the boat. Originally, he wanted to float by as a dead body, but he was afraid he'd sink! His clever solution was to place a photograph of himself in a newspaper that one of the characters read during the course of the movie.Ⅵ.Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Only One LinePeter had always wanted to be an actor, but never succeeded because he had a hard time memorizing lines. A friend of his told him about a small part in a play. He promised Peter that he could do it because he'd only have to remember one line. Peter decided to take the part. His only line was, "Listen, I hear the guns roar!" Peter practiced and practiced, "Listen, I hear the guns roar!" On the opening night of the play Peter was very nervous. Backstage, he practiced his line, over and over again, "Listen, I hear the guns roar! Listen, I hear the guns roar!" Finally came his turn, Peter went onto stage. He heard a loud BOOM and cried out in spite of himself, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?"Task3:The Secret of the Next Harry Potter BookThe Harry Potter books rapidly became one of the most in-demand book series among young readers and have earned large sums of money. Movies based on the books won several Oscar nominations. Readers are now keen to know the plot of the next book.Harry Potter movie fans will get a long-awaited treat. The movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is finally about to come out. This time around, Harry discovers a frightening secret at Hogwarts School. Eager readers of the first four Harry Potter books are also trying to discover a secret. The secret plot of the fifth book in the series. Because of the long wait since Book Four, they are guessing many things. Some think that Professor Lupin will die or that Harry and his friend Ron may be related!J. K. Rowling herself has only said that Book Five will be shorter and scarier than Book Four. To make sure her readers hear only rumors, she locks all her ideas for the books in a hidden place. Since the next book does not come out until 2003, for now Harry's secret is safe with her!。
新编大学英语视听说教程 unit2 文本

Unit 2Part twoListening 1Mrs. Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor. However he could not find anything wrong with her. So he sent her to the local hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent the results of the tests directly to Mrs. Black's doctor. The next morning, he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.Mrs. Black carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a meeting.When she got back home two hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said, “Hell o, dear. I have done all your shopping for you.”“Done all my shopping?” she asked in surprise. “But how did you know what I wanted?” “Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone,” answered her husband, “so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down.”Of course, Mrs. Black had to tell him that he had bought all the things the doctor did not allow her to eat!Listening 2Do you speak British or American EnglishAmerican and British people both speak English, of course, but sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact, there are some important differences between British and American English.First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans don't say all the letters in each word. For example, Americans may say “I dunno” instead of “I don't know”, or they may say “Whaddya say?” instead of “What do you say?”Sound is not the only difference between British and American English. The two languages have different words and expressions for some things. For example, some words for clothing are different. Americans use the word “sweater”, but the British say “jumper”. Americans wear “vests” over their shirts, but British people wear “vests” under their shirts. Americans talk about “pants”or “slacks”, but the British talk about “trousers”. The British chips are American French fries. A British chemist is an American drugstore. In Britain, if you are going to telephone friends, you “ring them up”. In America, you “give them a call”.There are also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans almost always use the helping verb “do” with the verb “have”. They might say, “Do you have an extra pen?” The British often ask the question a different way. They might say, “Have you got an extr a pen?”These differences can be confusing when you are learning English. But when the same language is used in different places, it is understandable that it changes in each place.Lestening3(Mr. and Mrs. Jones are having a conversation one evening while Mrs. Jones happens to be looking at some of the textbooks her daughter, who is in the fifth grade, is using.) Mrs. Jones: Listen to what this book says. It really makes me angry! When talking about the settling of the western part of the U.S., it say s, “MEN by the thousands headed west.” Then on the very same page it says, “The average citizen in the United States is proud of HIS heritage.”Mr. Jones: What's wrong with that? It's true. I don't understand why you are angry. Mrs. Jones: Why? Because women are left out!Mr. Jones: Everyone knows when the author says “men” or “his” in those sentences that the author means to include women.Mrs. Jones: I think you are wrong. When young people read these sentences, they simply do not form a mental image which includes females.Mr. Jones: Mm. Do you have other examples?Mrs. Jones: Yes I do! This book mentions “MAN-made improvements that have raised America's standard of living”. A child will not think that females as well as males have made contributions when reading this.Mr. Jones: I still don't think it's very important.Mrs. Jones: Of course you don't! You're a man. But don't you want our daughter and other little girls to have the idea that they can be important citizens in their country, just as other women have been in the past?Mr. Jones: Well, I guess you're right. I hope not all textbooks are like that.Part threePractice oneAn Equal-Opportunity EmployerWalking down the street, a dog saw an ad in an office window. “Help wanted. Must typ e 70 words a minute. Must be computer literate. Must be bilingual. An equal-opportunity employer.”The dog applied for the position, but he was quickly refused. “I can't hire a dog for this job,” the office manager said. But when the dog pointed to the line that read “Anequal-opportunity employer”, the office manager sighed and asked, “Can you type?” Silently, the dog walked over to a typewriter and typed a letter without a mistake. “Can you operate a computer?” the manager inquired. The dog then sat down at a computer, wrote a program and ran it perfectly.“Look, I still can't hire a dog for this position,” said the office manager. “You have fine skills, but I need someone who's bilingual. It says so right in the ad.”The dog looked up at the manager an d said, “Meow.”Practice twoSome Statistics About LanguagesThere are about 5,000 languages in the world, and the one with the most number of speakers is Mandarin, with about 650,000,000 native speakers. English has around 350,000,000 native speakers.One of the most common surnames in the world is Zhang: There are about 350,000,000. Smith is the most common English surname: There are around 80,000 in England and Wales and an estimated 2,382,509 in the United States.The largest dictionary in the world is the Oxford English Dictionary, which has 20 volumes, 21,728 pages, 290,500 main entries, and around 59,000,000 words. It lists the definitions of around 615,000 words. The Webster's International Dictionary lists about 450,000 words.The chemical name for a protein that has 1,913 letters is considered to be the longest word in English.Practice threeWeather or notRamon Romero is a seventeen-year-old boy from Bolivia. He speaks Spanish and a little bit of English.Ramon lives in the United States now, in Little Rock, Arkansas, with the Hutchinsons. They are not his real family. His real family is back in Bolivia. They cannot come to America because they have jobs and duties in their country and aren't able to leave. However, they do want their son to have an American education and be fluent in English. He misses his family and wishes to see them. It seems that no one understands his true feelings. It is difficult to listen to English all the time and then to express his thoughts in English. His American family is very nice to him and helps him in every way. In return, Ramon does little things to help the family. For instance, he takes the dog for a walk every morning and every evening.When he comes back from the morning walk, he tells Mrs. Hutchinson about the weather. This tells her how to dress her four-year-old son. On Tuesday, Mrs. Hutchinson asks, “How is the weather today?”Ramon answers, “It rain.”“No, Ramon, in English we say, 'It's raining.'”On Wednesday, it rains again.“It's raining today,” reports Ramon.On Thursday, it snows. On Friday, the sun finally shines. Ramon is very happy that he doesn't have to wear boots or carry an umbrella. He comes into the house with a big smile on his face.“How's the weather today?” asks Mrs. Hu tchinson.“Oh, today I am very happy,” replies Ramon. “There is no weather.”Practice fourNick: Hi, Dieter. OK?Dieter: Oh, hi, Nick. Yes, I'm fine, except that I had a big problem ordering my drink. I didn't think my English was so bad!Nick: Your English is very good! What kind of problem?Dieter: Well, look at this beer I've got here—this warm, brown, English beer—it wasn't what I wanted!Nick: Why, what did you ask for?Dieter: Well, I just asked for a small beer. Then the barman asked what type of beer and said lots of names that I didn't understand—and something about a pie or a pine. I didn't understand anything!Nick: Oh, no! He probably said a pint! In English you don't ask for a big or a small beer. You ask for either a pint or a half. A pint's the big one.Dieter: So this one I've got here is a half?Nick: Yes, that's a half of bitter. Bitter's the name for that type of beer.Dieter: Ah, that's what he said—bitter! Well, it's very different from the beer we drink in Germany, I must say.Nick: Yes, I know. They call the German type of beer lager. So you have to ask for a half of lager, or a pint of lager.Dieter: OK. I understand that now. My another problem was chips. I asked for a packet of chips, and the barman said something strange—that they don't have chips in the evening, only at lunchtime. What did he mean?Nick: Yes, they have fish and chips, but I think you meant crisps. In England, chips are fried potatoes, you know, French fries. The ones you buy in a packet are crisps.Dieter: Well, in the end I didn't get anything to eat. So you see, I did everything wrong!Part fourSection oneLearning to Communicate in Another LanguageLearning to communicate in another language may be very difficult and frustrating at times, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences in your life. Being able to communicate in another language will open doors for you to experience a world of new people, places, and ideas. It will offer you a look at cultures from every part of the earth. And if you have the opportunity to live in another culture, the experience will show you many things—above all, about your own culture. It will reveal cultural similarities and differences that you have never noticed in the past. In addition, the experience can also show you a great deal about your own personal beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. Within a short time in another culture, you will find that you begin to learn a great deal about yourself and your own country and culture.Section twoMen and Women Have Different Styles in ConversationMy wife and I visited her family in Mexico ten months after we were married. I had been working on my Spanish and was looking forward to practicing it. On our first evening there,the entire family held a party for us. I spent a lot of time entertaining the children, one of whom enjoyed explaining to me in great detail.Later I said to my wife, “I really thought my Spanish had improved, but when I was talking with Rolando, no matter how hard I concentrated, I couldn't understand a thing he was saying.”“No one can,” she replied, “he's still learning how to talk.”Section threeMen and Women Have Different Styles in ConversationAt an early age, little girls' conversation is less definite and expresses more doubts, while little boys use conversation to establish status with their listeners.These differences continue into adult life. In public conversations, men talk more and interrupt other speakers more. In private conversations, men and women speak in equal amounts, although they say things in a different style. For women, private talking is a way to establish and test intimacy. For men, private talking is a way to explore the power structure of a relationship.Teaching is one job which shows the differences between men's and women's ways of talking. When a man teaches a woman, he wants to show that he has more knowledge, and hence more power in conversation. He uses his language to show this. When a woman teaches another woman, however, she is more likely to take a sharing approach and to encourage her student to join in.But it doesn't suggest that women are naturally more helpful. Actually, women feel they achieve power by being able to help others.。

新标准大学视听说2原文Unit 1。
Part A。
A New Life in America。
In the United States, people often ask, "What do you do?" This means, "What is your job?" People also ask, "Where are you from?" This means, "What is your nationality?" People from different countries have different customs. For example, in the United States, people often smile at each other on the street. This is a way of being friendly. In some other countries, people do not smile at strangers. They think it is impolite. They only smile at people they know.Part B。
1. What is the main idea of the passage?A. People in the United States are friendly.B. People in different countries have different customs.C. People in the United States often ask, "What do you do?"D. People in the United States often ask, "Where are you from?"2. What does the word "customs" mean in the passage?A. Habits.B. Laws.C. Jobs.D. Schools.3. Which of the following is NOT true?A. People in the United States often smile at each other on the street.B. People in the United States often ask, "What do you do?"C. People in the United States often ask, "Where are you from?"D. People in some other countries only smile at people they know.Unit 2。
大学体验英语视听说教程2 听力原文(unit1-10)

由木叶整理,第二部分缺少unit 18 Unit 11.A:Hello, my name is Elizabeth.B:Hi,Elizabeth.I'm Jason.2.A:This is my friend Taka.B:Hey,Taka.How's it going?3.A:I'd like to introduce our new director,Andrea Williams.B:It's a pleasure to meet you,Ms.Williams4.A:Have you met Jane?B:Oh, yeah, we have met. How are you?5.A:I'd like you to meet Sheila Howard.B:It's nice to meet you.6.A:Dad,this is my roommate,Lee.B:Good to meet you.1. Businessman: Good afternoon, Ms. Watson. This is Jim Bauman from HyundaiWatson: It's a pleasure to meet you,Mr. Bauman.Mr. Bauman: Good to meet you, Ms. Watson2.Student: Mom, I'd like you to meet John Lee. He's a classmate of mine.Mr. Lee: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Gray.Ms. Gray: Oh, please call me Norma.3.Sherry: Kiri, have you met my good friends James?Kiri: Oh, yeah, we've met.James: We have?Kiri: Yeah, at the New Year's party!James: Oh, right. How are you?4.Kathy: Hello, my name is Kathy! I'll be your server tonight.Customer: Hi, Kathy. What are the specials?Alice:Look,there he is.Jean:Who?Alice:Robert,the guy I've been talling you about.Jean:Oh. The guy you're going out with?Alice:I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.Jean:Oh, he's really handsome. Um, let's go talk to him.Alice:Oh, OK. I'll introduce you. I really like him ... Hi, Robert.Robert:Oh, hi.Alice:Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert:Hey, Jean. I think we've met before.Jean:We have? Where?Robert:Last December, at Sam's party.Jean:Oh, Sam.Robert:Oh? Aren't you going out with him anymore?Jean:No, we broke up a couple of months ago.Robert:Oh... Oh. reallv?Unit 2 How can I reach you?Vocabulary TaskAnswers:1. Country Code__ 1(USA), 64 (New Zealand)2. Area Code__613 (Kingstion, Ontario), 212 (New York)3. E-mail address__barbfreemail.4. Web Address__.happy.5. Zip (Postal) Code__K7L 3J1 (Canada), NN40SN (England), 95973 (USA)Script1. The country code for the USA is 1. It’s 64 for New Zealand.2. So if I want to call a number in Kingston, Ontario, I have to dial 613 before the phone number, and for New York 212.3. Send me an . My address is barbfreemail.4. You can get information on the company’s website at .happy.5. I’ve lived in three countries. My zip code in England was NN4 0SN, in the USA 95973, and in Canada it was K7L 3J1.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. postal code2. phone number3. address4. web address2 Second ListeningAnswers1. 655-5670 3. barbyourmail.2. 213-555-3421 4. .hp.Script1. A: Say, I can’t read this number at the end of your address. Is it your phone number?B: No, that’s my postal code. It’s 655-5670.2. A: [talking on the phone] Okay, I’ll call and get tickets to the concert. Oh, do you have the number of the ticket agent? 555-3421? Okay, great. I’ll call. Oh, wait a second. What’s the area code? 213, I got it!3. A: Barb’s on vacation but I need to get in touch with her.B: Oh, well, she can get even when she’s at the beach. Send it to barbyour mail.4. A: I need to get in touch with Hewlett Packard. I’m having problems with this printer. Don’t they have a website?B: Yeah, I think it’s .hp.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerDad asks: Did I call the right number? Do you have a place yet? What’s your addressf?1 Get the main ideasAnswers1. A Japanese woman.2. At a school in Japan.3. yes, she does.4. Yes, he is Because she hasn’t contacted him since she went to Japan.5. Yes, she is.ScriptWoman: Moshi-moshi. Gengo sentaa…Father: Hello…Hello…Veronica…Veron…Ve-ro-ni-ca Smith…Is Veronica Smith there, Please?Woman: Ah, Ah…Veronica-sensei…Veronica-sensei? Ah, wait a moment, please…Father: [muttering to himself] Wait a moment? What’s going on?Veronica: Hello.Father: Hello, Veronica. Is that you?Veronica: Y es, Dad. It’s me.Father: Where is this place? Somebody was speaking Japanese to me. I mean, did I call the right number?Veronica: Dad, you called the school number. And you’re lucky I’m here now. Dad, I told you. Don’t call the school number. Remember?Father: Y es, but you didn’t give me your home phone number. Why didn’t you call me.Veronica: I just got here a few days ago…okay, let me give it to you. Are you ready?Father: Uh, ready. Ready. Okay.Veronica: Okay. It’s 798-55-4123.Father: 798-55-4123.Veronica: Oh, oh, wait. Dial the country code. And that’s 81…and then…and then the number.Father: Why is the number so long?Veronica: Because it is, Dad.Father: Do you have a place yet?Veronica: Y eah. Let me give you the address. Are you ready?Father: Um…yeah. Okay. What is it?Veronica: It’s one dash one dash one fifty-five…Uegahara B356.Father: Uh, w-wh-wait. Wait, One…one what? Why is it so long?Veronica: Dad, I’ve got to go. I’ll send it to you by . Bye. [kiss sound]Father: But, what’s your address?Unit 3 Don’t you wish we could live here?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. –I don’t like the place I live now. It’s too isolated. (negative)2. + I have a big balcony with a great view. I love it! (positive)3. –I don’t like my parents’house. It’s so old-fashioned. (negative)4. + Her new place is really wonderful —it’s so roomy. (positive)5. + He thinks it’s important to feel comfort-able in a home. (positive)6. + I think it’s great to live in a modern building, don’t you? (positive)7. –This apartment is too cramped; it’s too small for our family. (negative)8. + Amy has a beautiful spacious loft for her art studio. She’s really happy there. (positive)9. + Bill and Sherry have a nice, cozy little apartment in the city. They call it their love nest. (positive)Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. a small house2. a cozy apartment3. a modern house4. something old2 Second ListeningAnswers1. warm and cozy in the winter2. a great view3. modern house, easy to keep clean4. roomy, lots of spaceScript1. I want a small house, something that’ll be warm and cozy in the winter. My big old house is spacious, but it’s too hard to keep warm.2. I’m looking for a small, cozy apartment, but with a great view. I want to look at the mountains, not another apartment building.3. After living in an ld house all my life, I’m ready for a modern house, one that’s easy to keep clean. It should have all wood floors, no carpets.4. We’re looking for something old but roomy. Since we have three kids, they need lots of space to move around.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt’s spacious, it has modern furniture, it has a view2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. It’s spacious and modern.2. It has a view of the ocean.3. It makes her feel elegant and relaxed.4. It’s phony, uncomfortable, and he feels like he’s in a museum.ScriptDiane: Isn’t this place fantastic?John: Well, I don’t know…I mean, it’s okay.Diane: It’s so big. So spacious. So much room. I feel so…free here.John: It must be cold in the winter. Our place is so cozy and warm.Diane: Oh, John! And the view! Look at the view of the ocean from this window! I feel so relaxed.John: Oh, god. It makes me seasick. Our place is so much more down to earth.Diane: Look at this furniture. It’s so modern. I feel so elegant here.John: You do? I feel like I’m in a museum. It’s so phony, so uncomfortable. Are you supposed to sit in these chairs?Diane: Oh, John, don’t you wish we could live in a place like this?John: What’s wrong with our place?Unit 4 It means a lot to meVocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. b Henna tattoos –For fun2. d Leather ring –Grandmother gave it to me3. a Rakari bracelet –To protect me4. f Silk scarf –Makes me look good5. g Digital watch –Reminds me of appointments.6. c Crystal necklace –Friends said it has special powers7. e Silver pin –Has a lot of sentimental valueListening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. a rakari – a cloth bracelet2. a crystal necklace3. a diamond ring4. a gold earring2 Second ListeningAnswers1. a. to protect him2. b. she likes the way it looks3. a. it has sentimental value4. b. it makes him look goodScript1. Mark: Hey, Steve, whatcha got on your wrist there?Steve: Oh, it’s something my sister gave me.Mark: Uh, a bracelet?Steve: Sort of. It’s a “rakari,” a special piece of cloth Indian women give their brothers every August.Mark: What’s it for?Steve: To protect me.Mark: Cool. I guess you’re safe for another year.2. Andrea: Oh, Shelly, what’s that on your necklace?Shelly: It’s a quartz crystal.Andrea: Oh, do you believe in crystals?Shelly: Not really, but my boyfriend does, and he gave me this.Andrea: What’s it supposed to do?Shelly: He said it’s supposed to make our love last forever. And I like the way it looks.3. Claire: That’s an interesting ring, Bridget. Where’d you get it?Bridget: Oh, I got this with money from my grandmotherClaire: Y eah? Is it a real diamond?Bridget: Mm-hmm. It’s small, but it has a lot of sentimental value.Claire: ‘Cause it reminds you of your grandma?Bridget: Of course.4. Lisa: Oh, Scott. Is that an earring?Scott: It’s a gold earring. I got it in Thailand.Lisa: Is it something special?Scott: No, I just think it makes me look good!Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt protects her from illness.2 Get the main ideasAnswersThe necklace is made of silver. The witch doctor told her to wear it. Her grandmother gave it to her. When she took the necklace off, she got sick. When she put it back on, she got better.ScriptJean: I’m ready, are you? Why don’t you take that necklace off before you go in the pool?Chandra: Oh, this? No, I never take it off. I wear it all the time. I’ve had it since I was a kid.Jean: Really? You’ve worn it since you were little? Why?Chandra: Well, when I was a baby, I lived in India. And I was sick all the time, so my parents took me to a doctor. And well, the doctor at first didn’t want to treat me because —Jean: What? Why?Chandra: Well, because I was a girl.Jean: Huh? Because you were a girl?Chandra: Yeah, well, that’s the way it was. Anyway, so my parents took me to this witch doctor, and I…Jean: A witch doctorChandra: Yeah, well, I guess you could call her a …I don’t know, a spiritualhealer. She was an old woman in our village. And she took a look at me and she said I needed silver.Jean: Silver?Chandra: Yeah. She said I needed silver so that I could get better. And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me. They put it on me, and I got better.Jean: I don’t believe that.Chandra: Well, I didn’t either for a while. But you know what? When I was 20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while. And then, I started to get sick again. And I didn’t get better. I was just sick all the time. And then I remembered the necklace, and I put it on. And after that, I was fine.Jean: Wow.Unit 5 It changed my lifeVocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. Japan/Japanese2. Canada/French/English3. Panama/Spanish4. Brazil/Portuguese5. Thailand/Thai6. India/Hindi7. South Africa/ Afrikaans8. Morocco/ Arabic9. Germany/ German10. Norway/NorwegianScript1. Helen is going to Japan to study Japanese.2. Pam is from Canada. She speaks French and English.3. Linda’s family lives in Panama. They speak Spanish.4. Andrea is from brazil. She speaks Portuguese.5. Vira moved here from Thailand. He speaks Thai.6. Sita’s grandmother came from India 50 years ago. She speaks Hindi.7. Jean is South African. She speaks Afrikaans.8. Ali is from Morocco. He speaks Arabic.9. Hans lives in Germany. He speaks German.10. Lars is from Norway. He speaks Norwegian.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. French 3. Spanish2. Japanese 4. Russian2 Second ListeningAnswers1. His relatives are French. He wants to travel to France.2. He’s interested in business. There are business opportunities in Japan.3. No other language was offered. Her friends speak Spanish.4. It’s a challenge. It’s the hardest language she can think of.Script1. A: What language are you studying?B: French.A: Why are you studying French?B: Some of my relatives are French and I’d like to go visit them in France someday.A: Don’t they speak English?B: Only a little. But I think it’d be fun to use my French and see if they can understand me and all. I want to work on my accent, too.2. A: So why did you choose Japanese?B: Well, I guess the main reason I’m interested in Japanese is international business. I know there are a lot of business opportunities in Japan, so I figured it was the best language for me to study.3. A: Why are you studying a foreign language?B: Um, well…I don’t know. I started Spanish cause it was the only language offered in our middle school. And then I just kept doing it. And there’re a lot of Spanish speakers where I live cause we live in Southern California and we’re close to Mexico so almost everyone speaks Spanish. My friends at school speak Spanish outside of class.4. A: What language are you studying?B: I just wanted a challenge so I thought, “Hey, I’m gonna do the hardest language I can think of.”So I chose Russian, Just to see if I could do it, I guess. And you know what? It is the hardest language I can think of and it takes a lot of work. But I’m gonna keep at it…Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt has different tones.The writing system is different.Thai people help him learn the language.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. F Dave lives in Thailand. He has visited Thailand and hopes to return.2. T Dave had a good experience in Thailand.3. ? Dave likes writing Thai. He doesn’t talk about writing.4. F Thailand is “The land of Laughs.”It’s called “The Land of Smiles.”5. F People in Thailand laugh at him when he makes a mistake. They smile.6. T Thai is easy to learn. It may be hard for some people, but it’s not hard for him.ScriptCindy: What the heck is that?Dave: It’s a Thai magazine.Cindy: Thai? Y ou can read Thai?Dave: Well, a little.Cindy: How?Dave: I went to Thailand last summer and I lived with a Thai friend and his family.I had such a great experience I want to go back.Cindy: Why? What was your experience like?Dave: Well, I started to learn some Thai…and practiced talking with people and ordering in restaurants and everybody was so nice…you know, Thailand is called the Land of the Smiles…they even smiled when I made a mistake speaking the language. The people were beautiful. Everything was beautiful. It changed my life.Cindy: But I’ve always heard that Thai was impossible to learn.Dave: Maybe for some people but not for me. I mean it is totally different from English. The writing system is different, they use different tones, every- thing is different, but I really want to learn it. I want to understand more when I go back.Cindy: I wish I felt that way about learning French. Maybe I should study another language.Dave: No, Cindy, it’s not the language, you’ve just got to get into it.Unit 6 What do you like about him?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. Steve is great! He’s sweet and he has a good sense of humor.2. I like people who are funny, because I like to laugh. I don’t care for people who are too serious3. Sure, Jana is very honest; it’s too bad she’s also kind of selfish.4. Brad is a little odd, but I like that he’s so outgoing and talkative.5. Cindy is so cute! I just love how sensitive and shy she is.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. honest, a sense of humor2. outgoing, talkative3. a little bit odd, like to have fun4. kind of shy, sensitive2 Second ListeningAnswersThey don’t like people who are:1. selfish2. shy or quiet3. too serious4. loud and talk too muchScript1. Paul: Lisa, what sort of people do you like to hang out with?Lisa: Well, I like people who are honest and have a sense of humor. I think honesty is very important among friends. Oh, and they can’t be selfish. I don’t get along with selfish people.2. Mark: You know, I like most people, but there are certain things I look for in a friend.Francine: Yeah, like what?Mark: Oh, you know, people who are out going and talkative. I love having long conversations on the phone.3. Francine: This might sound weird, Lisa, but I like people that are a little bit odd.Lisa: Why? What do you enjoy about odd people?Francine: You know, they’re different and like to have fun doing off-the-wall stuff. They have to like having fun and not be too serious.4. Jane: Stuart, what kind of people do you like?Stuart: What kind of people do I like?Jane: Yes, what kind of people do you get along with?Stuart: Hmm. Gook question. I guess I like people who are kind of shy and sensitive. I don’t really get along with people who are loud and talk too much.Jane: Yeah, you’re kind of a sensitive person yourself.Stuart: Oh?Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerHe’s sensitive.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. They went to a romantic movie.2. He cried.3. She thought he was sensitive.4. Jeremy said he cries at movies, too.ScriptSheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!Jeremy: Yeah, what’s he like? Tall? Handsome?Sheri: Not really.Jeremy: Dress nice? Drive a nice car?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot?Sheri: No…but he has a nice smile…dimples. I like dimples. He’s kind of cute.Jeremy: And that’s what you like about him?Sheri: No, it’s more than that. He’s sensitive.Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and there was this really sad part, and, and he…cried.Jeremy: He cried?Sheri: Yeah, he just cried and he didn’t try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh…you like that, huh? Well, I cry at movies. Too!Unit 7 I really take after my Dad Vocabulary TaskAnswers1. brother’s daughter = niece2. Dad’s new wife = stepmother3. uncle and aunt’s children = cousins4. sister’s new husband = brother-in-law5. my mother’s two girls = my half-sisters6. brother’s three boys = nephews7. made her our legal child = adoptedScript1. My niece is so cute. She’s only two but she can sing 10 songs2. I get along okay with my stepmother. She’s actually pretty nice.3. When I was little, I used to go to camp with my cousins. They were like my brothers and sisters.4. everybody had a great time at my sister’s wedding. My brother-in-law was even dancing on the tables.5. After my mother remarried, she and Robert had two girls –my half-sisters. But we feel like one family and I call them my sisters.6. I’m not in a hurry to have kids yet. I spend a lot of time with my nephews and I know they can be a handful.7. We are so happy to have Lena. We adopted her when she was just three months old.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. The man in front of him is his father.2. Angie is his stepmother.3. Tara is his half-sister.4. Jake is Steve’s older brother.5. The woman to the right of Jake is Steve’s sister-in-law. Cristina is Steve’s niece.2 Second ListeningAnswersTara – c. likes to read and play pianoJake – a. looks like Steve’s fatherHis mother – d. lives in CaliforniaCristina – b. Was adoptedScript1. Sylvia: When was this picture taken? You look so young!Steve: Oh, that was when I was still in high school.Sylvia: Is that your mom and dad?Steve: Well, yeah, that’s my dad, but that’s not my real mom. She’s my stepmother. My real mother lives in California.2. Sylvia: So, who is this next to you? Is that your sister?Steve: Yeah, that’s my half-sister, Tara. She’s great. We’re a lot alike.Sylvia: In what way?Steve: Well, we both like reading books, and we both like playing the piano.3. Sylvia: And who’s this next to your stepmother?Steve: That’s Jake, my older brother.Sylvia: Wow, he looks a lot like your father.Steve: Yeah, people say he looks more like my father than the rest of us.4. Sylvia: That must be Jake’s wife next to him. And your niece?Steve: Yep, that’s little Cristina.Sylvia: Wow, she…she doesn’t really look like either of her parents, does she?Steve: No, she doesn’t. Actually she was adopted. But she does take after Jake in a lot of ways.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerM has beautiful eyesF loves surfingF enjoys dangerous activitiesF likes snowboarding2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. Jane looks like her mother. They both have beautiful eyes.2. Jane acts like her father. They both ride motorcycles, surf and skydive.3. Jane is proud that she takes after her father.ScriptNate: Are these your parents?Jane: Yeah, that’s my whole family.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom…especially your eyes. Very deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thank you…Nate: And the same figure…same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don’t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, but I really take after my dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We’re both very adventurous. My dad was, like into motorcycles when he was younger…and he was in one of those. You know, motorcycle clubs.Nate: You mean, like a motorcycle gang?Jane: Yeah…but that was before he was married. I’ve been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17.Nate: You? No way!Jane: Yeah, I’ve always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding…My dad and I even went skydiving once. We didn’t tell my mom, though. She would have killed us!Unit 8 where the heck am I?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/Script1. Go to the end of this hallway. It’s the last door on your left.2. Marla’s house? Go down this street. Her place is across the bridge.3. Drive down Spring Street about half a mile.Turn right at University.4. Walk until you get to the river. Then go along the river until you get to the tower.5. The Hard Rock Caféis very hard to find. You’d better take a taxi.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. Hotel Vancouver =32. Century Plaza=13. Hyatt Regency=44. Days Inn=8Second ListeningAnswers1. Turn left at Thurlow. Go along the park.2. You’ll see it on your right. When you get to Burrard turn right.3. It’s across Georgia on the left. Turn left at Burrard.4. It’s on the corner. Go down to West HastingsScript1. A: Excuse me, can you help me? I’m looking for Hotel Vancouver.B: Sure! Go along the park until you get to Thurlow Street.A: Um-hum.B: Turn left at Thurlow. Walk until you get to Alberni Street.A: Yeah.B: Turn right on Alberni and go one block.A: Okay. so turn left at Thurlow, down to Alberni and turn right?B: Yep, and you’ll run right into it.2. A: The Century Plaza? Yeah, that’s real close to here.B: Great!A: Go down Nelson Street until you get to Burrard Street. When you get to Burrard turn right. And you’ll see it on you right.B: Take Nelson to Burrard, turn right and the Century Plaza is on the left?A: No, it’s on the right .The hotel on the left is the Sheraton.B: Okay, thanks.3. A: Excurse me. I’m looking for the Hyatt Regency.B: The Hyatt Regency? Yeah, okay. Go down this street and turn left at Burrard .A: go down Nelson and turn left at Burrard.B: Yeah. Then follow Burrard until you get to Georgia. It’s across Georgia, on the left. Great, got it!4. A: What you want to do is go down here to Hornby.B: Down Nelson Street?A: Yeah. Turn left at Hornby and go all the way down till you get to West Hastings Street. It’s on the corner of Hornby and West Hastings.B: On the right or the left?A: On the far left .It’s kind of far .You might want to take a taxi.Real World listeningPredictAnswer: she got lost.Get the main ideasAnswers1. Paula was feeling adventurous, so she went out alone.2. A Turkish man helped Paula.3. He took her to his nephew’s restaurant.4. Paula felt scared.5. Paula had the best Turkish food on her whole trip.ScriptPaula: I was in Istanbul once…Part this group tour…and I thought I’d try to find a restaurant and eat dinner alone for a change. So I walked out of the hotel by myself. I was looking around at all the restaurants and I couldn’t decide which one to go to. And this little Turkish man comes up to me and he says, “My nephew has a good restaurant. Come with me.” So I decided to follow him. And we went down these little streets… and back…and it was getting dark… back alleys, and I didn’t know what was going on. People were starting to stare at me. And I got really scared. And I thought, “I’d just better leave.” So I was going to run. And then suddenly we rounded the corner and there we were at the restaurant. And it ended up being the best Turkish food I had the whole time I traveled. And ever since then, I haven’t been so afraid to take chances.Unit 9 You can meet lots of important peopleVocabulary TaskAnswers1. travel2. responsibility3. flexible schedule4. prestige5. high pay6. long hours7. teamwork8. telecommutingScript1. I’m a tour guide. I get to see a lot of exotic places all over the world. I love totravel.2. I’m a teacher. I like my job because I feel that, in a way, the future of my students is in my hands. I like the responsibility.3. I like the flexible schedule of my job. I’m a flight attendant. I only have to work three days a week.4. I enjoy the prestige of my job. As a journalist, I get to meet a lot of important people.5. I’m a stockbroker. My job is stressful, but I’ll be able to retire by the time I’m 40! The thing I like most about my job is the high pay.6. I’m a nurse. I love helping people get better, but sometimes I don’t get home until late at night. My job has long hours.7. I love being a firefighter. I especially like the teamwork. My co-workers and I really count on each other during a fire.8. I’m a computer programmer. My company allows me to work from my computer at home. I love telecommuting.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. an accessories shop2. a fast food place3. an insurance company4. a tourist hotel2 Second ListeningAnswers1. Leslie: could practice foreign languages2. Arthur: learned to work quickly3. Nima: learned to work on computers4. Anna: had many chances to skiScript1. Leslie: I worked in an accessories shop in the middle of London. I used to work on Fridays and Sundays. It was quite tiring –I was on my feet the whole time. And I had to do quite menial things, like tidy up. But I got of customers from foreign countries. They often told me about where they were from and I liked talking to them.2. Arthur: I finally got a promotion at the fast food place. I was allowed to work the cash register, which was challenging because it had many pictures. It’s for people who couldn’t read or write who wanted to work as cashiers. So when the customer said, “Can I get a two-piece with fries?” you’d look for the picture with the two pieces of chicken and fries. I would see how fast I could find the picture while the customer was telling me the order. It was like a game.3. Nima: My first job was data entry at an insurance company. It wasn’t very hard.I pretty much did the same thing all day. The great thing about it was that I learned a lot about computers. Every time the computer crashed I had to figure out how to fix it. My knowledge of computers is what got me the job I have now.4. Anna: I was working in Switzerland, actually, as a maid in a tourist hotel. It was。

大学体验英语2课文原文大学体验英语2课文原文1Oxford UniversityOxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world's most famous institutions of higher learning. Oxford University was established during the 1100's. It is located in Oxford, England, about 80 kilometers northwest of London.The university has over 16,300 students (1999-2000), almost aquarter of these students are from overseas and more than 130nationalities are represented. It consists of 35 colleges, plus five private halls established by various religious groups. Three of the five private halls are for men only. Of the colleges, St. Hilda's and Somerville are for women, and the rest are for men and women.At Oxford, each college is a corporate body distinct from the university and is governed by itsown head and fellows. Most fellows are college instructors called tutors, and the rest are universityprofessors and lecturers. Each college manages its own buildings and property, elects its own fellows, and selects and admits its own undergraduate students. The university provides some libraries, laboratories, and other facilities, but the colleges take primary responsibility for the teaching and well-being of their students.Each student at Oxford is assigned to a tutor, who supervises the student's program of study, primarily through tutorials. Tutorials are weekly meetings of one or two students with their tutor. Students maysee other tutors for specialized instruction. They may also attend lectures given by university teachers. Students choose which lectures to attend on the basis of their own special interests and on the advice of their tutors.The university, not the individual colleges, grants degrees. Thefirst degree in the arts or sciences is the Bachelor of Arts with honors. Oxford also grants higher degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a wide variety of subjects.The Rhodes scholarship program enables students from the United States, Canada, and many other nations to study at Oxford for a minimumof two years. The British government grants Marshall scholarships to citizens of the United States for study at Oxford and other universities that are located in Britain.The competition for scholarships and grants is, however, extremely strong and there are usually strict requirements. Students should check carefully that they are eligible to apply for a particular scholarship before making an application as most of the schemes are restricted to certain nationalities and/or programs.The students and staff at Oxford are actively involved in over 55 initiatives (2001), including visits to more than 3,700 schools and colleges, to encourage the brightest and best students to apply to Oxford, whatever their background.The university has been named the UK's most innovative university in the Launchit 2001 competition, which aimed to discover which British university has demonstrated the greatest achievements in innovation and enterprise across the broadest range of activity. In the national Teaching Quality Assessment exercises for 2000, Oxford was awarded top marks in six out of ten subjects assessed.Oxford, Stanford and Yale Universities have recently become partners in a joint 'distance learning' venture, the Alliance for Lifelong Learning, which will provide online courses in the arts and sciences.The mission of Oxford is to aim at achieving and maintaining excellence in every area of its teaching and research, maintaining and developing its historical position as a world-class university, and enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and the skills of its graduates.In support of this aim the university will provide the facilities and support for its staff to pursue innovative research by responding to developments in the intellectual environment and society at large; and promote challenging and rigorous teaching which benefits from a fruitful interaction with the research environment, facilitating the exchange of ideas through tutorials and small-group learning and exploiting the University's resources in its libraries, museums, and scientific collections, to equip its graduates to play their part at a national and international level.大学体验英语2课文原文21He Bin: Hello, David. What are you doing this afternoon?David: Nothing special. Why?He Bin: Would you like to go roller skating with me?David: Oh, that's a terrific idea.He Bin: Great, I'll pick you up at your house at 2 o'clock. OK?David: OK. See you then.He Bin: See you.2Zhou Ming: Hi, Dick. I was wondering if you'd like to come to aparty on Saturday evening?Dick: Wow, that sounds wonderful. I'd love to.Zhou Ming: We're holding it at the Star Club, about 8 o'clock.Dick: Ok. But what should I wear?Zhou Ming: It's quite a formal party. I think you'd better dress upa little.Dick: Fine. Thank you very much.3Zhou Ming: Are you free this evening.Karen: I'm not sure. Why?Zhou Ming: Well, I'm thinking of asking you to go to a movie with me.Karen: Oh, thanks, but... I'm sorry to say I have a test tomorrow.Zhou Ming: Never mind. I quite understand. Maybe some other time.Karen: Yeah. How about this weekend?4Paul: Hi, Li Hong. How are you doing?Li Hong: Pretty good.aul: Do you feel like going out for dinner tonight?Li Hong: Sure. I'd love to. Where do you want to meet?Paul: How about meeting in front of the club?Li Hong: Great! Why don't we go dancing after the dinner?Paul: That's a great idea.5Dick: Li Hong, do you want to go to play tennis this Saturday afternoon?Li Hong: I'd love to, but I have to visit my parents.Dick: Well, how about Sunday, then?Li Hong: Sunday? I'm really sorry. I can't make it either.Dick: Oh, that's too bad.Li Hong: But...I'm free this afternoon.Dick: Wow, that's great!。

family. I had such a great experience I want to go back.
Cindy: Why? What was your experience like? Dave: Well, I started to learn some Thai— And practiced talking with people
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Unit 2 Personality “What do you like about him?”
Sheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend! Jeremy: Yeah, what’s he like? Tall? Handsome? Sheri: Not really. Jeremy: Dress nice? Drive a nice car? Sheri: Not especially. Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot? Sheri: No—But he has a nice smile—Dimples. I like dimples. He’s kind of cute. Jeremy: And that’s what you like about him? Sheri: No, it’s more than that. He’s sensitive. Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell? Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and there was this reallysad

Experiencing English Listening & SpeakingLevel 04Unit 1 Introductions“You’ll really like him.”Alice: Look, there he is.Jean: Who?Alice: Robert, the guy I’ve been telling you about.Jean: Oh. The guy you’re going out with?Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with.Jean: Oh, he’s really handsome. Um, let’s go talk to him.Alice: Oh, OK. I’ll introduce you. I think you’ll really like him. Hi, Robert.Robert: Oh, hi.Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we’ve met before.Jean: We have? Where?Robert: Last December, at Sam’s party.Jean: Oh, Sam.Robert: Oh? Aren’t you going out with him anymore?Jean: No, we broke up a couple of mouths ago.Robert: Oh—Oh, really?Unit 2 Personality “What do you like about him?”Sheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!Jeremy: , what’s he like? Tall? Handsome?Sheri: Not really.Jeremy: Dress nice? Drive a nice car?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot?Sheri: No—But he has a nice smile—Dimples. I like dimples. He’s kind of cute.Jeremy: And that’s what you like about him?Sheri: No, it’s more than that. He’s sensitive.Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and there was this really sad part, and, and he—Cried.Jeremy: He cried?Sheri: , he just cried and he didn’t try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh—You like that, huh? Well, I cry at movies, too!Unit 3 Home “The view is great.”Sean: This is Sean McCain, live with Julie Morris, from Gemini One, the internatonal space station. Julie, can you hear me?Julie: Yes, I can hear you.Sean: Julie, can you tell us, what is it like living on the Gemini One?Julie: The Gemini One is wonderful. It’s not so different from living on Earth, really. We have jobs, friends, entertainment, natural beauty. And we have all the modern conveniences that you have on Earth.Sean: What modern conveniences?Julie: Well, we have movie theaters, game centers, music clubs, shops, restaurants—Sean: How about food? How do you get your food?Julie: I go shopping, just like everyone on Earth. You can get any type of food here.Sean: Is food expensive?Julie: Some of it is. The stuff that’s imported from Earth is very expensive. Like a banana from Earth can cost $100. But most food is really cheap.Sean: Do you miss getting away to the countryside or the mountains? Don’t you miss nature?Julie: Well, we have lots of nature up here. I can go hiking and mountain biking, riding in the hills, take a swim in a beautiful lake. It’s really beautiful up here.Sean: How do people get around up there?Julie: Oh, just like we do down there. We have electric cars and trains, but not airplanes.Sean: What do you like most about living in the space station?Julie: Well, the air is clean. There’s no pollution, and it’s easy to get around. It’s really an ideal world.Sean: And what do you like least?Julie: Well, it’s kind of expensive to fly home to Earth to see my parents for the holidays.Unit 4 Technology “How does it work?”Cindy: What the heck is that?Dave: It’s a Thai magazine.Cindy: Thai? You can read Thai?Dave: Well, a little.Cindy: How?Dave: I went to Thailand last summer and I lived with a Thai friend and his family. I had such a great experience I want to go back.Cindy: Why? What was your experience like?Dave: Well, I started to learn some Thai— And practiced talking with people and ordering in restaurants and everybody was so nice— You know, Thailand is called the Land of the Smiles— They even smiled when I made a mistake speaking the language. The people were beautiful. Everything was beautiful. It changed my life.Cindy: But I’ve always heard that Thai was impossible to learn.Dave: Maybe for some people but not for me. I mean it is totally different from English. The writing system is different, they use different tones, everything is different, but I really want to learn it. I want to understand more when I go back.Cindy: I wish I felt that way about learning French. Maybe I should study another language.Dave: No, Cindy, it’s not the language. You’ve just got to get into it.Unit 5 Nationalities “All around the world”Steve: I can’t believe these people. I can’t believe what they do. Trish: Calm down, Steve. What are you talking about? What is it this time?Steve: Look at this. I just bought a donut. I’m so sick of the clerk wrapping each pastry individually, then taping the bags shut, then putting those bags in another bag, folding it down, and then taping that bag shut. I can’t take it anymore. It’s crazy and it’s bad for the environment.Trish: How long have you been living here? Don’t you know that’s the way it is?Steve: I just want them to stick ‘em in a napkin for me, so I can eat while I’m walking to class.Trish: There you go again. Don’t you know it’s rude to eat while you walk?Steve: I’m so tired of this place. I don’t have time to sit down and eat. People here are too inflexible, and they have too many rules.Trish: , right, Steve, so you’re gonna convert everybody here to your way of doing things?Steve: , there has to be more individual freedom to do whatever you want. Trish: Why don’t you just relax and go with the flow?Steve: Go with the flow? The whole system is a waste of my time. The clerks here should learn how to be more efficient, like in the U.S.Trish: What are you talking about? When I was in the U.S., the clerks were really rude. They just ignore you, and seem offended if you want anything. Don’t you think it’s better this way?Steve: Are you kidding?Trish: Well, I kind of like it. It’s nice to relax and enjoy the moment while your packages are being wrapped. I like all of the traditions,and the care and attention that people give you, and the manners.To me, it’s a wonderful place to live.Steve: I think you’re nuts.Trish: You’re not gonna last long, mate.Unit 6 Identity “What’s your number?”Int: So, Ms. Spencer, why did you apply for this job at CNN?Amy: Well, I’ve always wanted to be a journalist, and I like traveling.And, you can interview lots of important people.Int: Tell me about your experience in journalism.Amy: Um— Well, I make a newsletter for my family. And I worked on my high school newspaper. And I read a lot of newspapers and newsmagazines —Int: Do you think you’re qualified for the prestige of this job?Amy: Absolutely. I’ve taken acting lessons. And I look good on camera.And I travel a lot so I think I’d be good as a foreign correspondent.Int: What about teamwork? Have you ever worked as part of a team?Amy: Of course, I was really great at sports in high school, and—Int: You don’t seem to have much experience as a writer.Amy: Well, that’s not exactly true. I write a lot of to my friends.Int: And you haven’t taken any journalism courses, have you?Amy: Well, I took a class in modern film, and one in communications, or something like that.Int: Well, thanks, Ms. Spencer. We’ll be in touch.Unit 7 Family “I really take after my dad.”Nate: Are these your parents?Jane: , that’s my whole family.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom— Especially your eyes, very deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thank you—Nate: And the same figure— Same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don’t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, butI really take after my dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We’ve both very adventurous. My dad was, like, into motorcycles when he was younger—And he was in one of those, you know, motorcycle clubs.Nate: You mean, like a motorcycle gang?Jane: — But that was before he was married. I’ve been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17.Nate: You? No way!Jane: , I’ve always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding— My dad and I even went skydiving once.We didn’t tell my mom, though. She would have killed us!Unit 8 Directions “Are you lost?”Woman: Moshi — moshi. Gengo sentea —Father: Hello — Hello — Veronica — veron — Ve-ro-ni-ca Smith — Is Veronica Smith there, please?Woman: Ah, Ah — Veronica — sensei — Veronica — sensei? Ah, wait a moment, please ——Father: [muttering to himself] Wait a moment? What’s wrong?Veronica: Hello.Father: Hello, Veronica. Is that you?Veronica: Yes, Dad. It’s me.Father: Where is this place? Somebody was speaking Japanese to me. I mean, did I call the right number?Veronica: Dad, you called the school number. And you’re luky I’m here now. Dad, I told you. Don’t call the school number. Remember?Father: Yes, but you didn’t give me your home phone number. Why didn’t you call me?Veronica: I just got here a few days ago — Okay, let me give it to you.Are you ready?Father: Uh, ready. Ready. Okay.Veronica: Okay. It’s 798-55-4123.Father: 798-55-4123.Veronica: Oh, oh, wait. Dial the country code. And that’s 81 — and then — and then the number.Father: Why is the number so long?Veronica: Because it is, Dad.Father: Do you have a place yet?Veronica: . Let me give you the address. Are you ready?Father: Um — yeah. Okay. What is it?Veronica: It’s one dash one dash one fifty-five — Uegahara B356. Father: Uh, w-wh-wait. Wait. One — one what? Why is it so long? Veronica: Dad, I’ve got to go I’ll send it to you by . Bye.[Kiss sound]Father: But, what’s your address?Unit 9 Jobs “The benefits are great!”Kevin: Hey, Cathy, I found a good place for a vacation this summer. Cathy: What is it?Kevin: It’s called Camp Star.Cathy: Hmmm. Looks pretty. But what can you do there?Kevin: It’s kind of isolated.Cathy: Isolated? What do you mean?Kevin: It’s off the coast, and you have to take a boat to get there. This week’s program is that you hike and hear lectures and talk about current issues.Cathy: Where do you stay? Tents?Kevin: No, it’s an old hotel. They have a couple of rules, though. Cathy: Uh-huh?Kevin: It says here there’s no TV and you can’t use any electrical appliances.Cathy: No TV? And no electrical — Wait a minute. What about my notebook computer?Kevin: No, no computers, and there’s only one telephone on the whole island.Cathy: What? So I won’t be able to check my either?Kevin: You’ll get by. It’ll be fun! Look, you can read, and talk, and think. And every morning you go for a long hike.Cathy: Ahh. Sounds like work.Kevin: I think it would be relaxing. I’d like to get away from the phone for a week. And I think it’d be good for you.Cathy: So you’re telling me there’s no TV, no computers, and I have to wake up every morning to go hiking. Why on earth would anybody want to go there?Unit 10 Style “It means a lot to me.”Jean: I’m ready, are you? Why don’t you take that necklace off before you go in the pool?Chandra: Oh, this? No, I never take it off. I wear it all the time. I’ve had it since I was a kid.Jean: Really? You’re worn it since you were little? Why?Chandra: Well, when I was a baby, I lived in India. And I was sick all the time, so my parents took me to a doctor. And, well, the doctor at first didn’t want to treat me because —Jean: What: Why?Chandra: Well, because I was a girl.Jean: Huh? Because you were a girl?Chandra: , well, that’s the way it was. Anyway, so my parents took me to this witch doctor, and I —Jean: A witch doctor?Chandra: , well, I guess you could call her a — I don’t know, a spiritual healer. She was an old woman in our village. And she took a look at me and she said I needed silver.Jean: Silver?Chandra: . She said I needed silver so that I could get better. And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me. They put it on me, and I got better.Jean: I don’t believe that.Chandra: Well, I didn’t either for a while. But you know what? When I was 20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while.And then, I started to get sick again. And I didn’t get better.I was just sick all the time. And then I remembered the necklace,and I put it on. And after that, I was fine.Jean: Wow.Unit 11 Travel “They lost my luggage!”Angela: I’m thinking about going to Costa Rica —Trevor: Great. I went to Costa Rica once — but I had a terrible time getting there —Angela: Oh, yeah? What happened?Trevor: Well, when I got to the airport, I realized I didn’t have my passport —Angela: Oh no.Trevor: So I called a friend — and he broke into my house — Got my passport and brought it to me. But I missed that flight so I had to stay overnight in San Francisco.Angela: Oh, that’s too bad.Trevor: . So I got the flight the next day — and of course on the way we had engine trouble — so we had to stop in Mexico City — I was stuck there for another, like, 22hours while they got the part.Angela: Oh, my gosh!Trevor: And I mean stuck. They wouldn’t even let us out of the airport —Angela: You’re kidding!Trevor: I’m telling you. So finally, we, like, after all this time, I got to Costa Rica two days late and-Angela: And don’t tell me, your luggage isn’t there.Trevor: You guessed it. I go into the airline office to complain and there was this really wonderful woman working at the counter.Angela: Oh, yeah?Trevor: And she was really nice and helped me out —Angela: Mm-hmm —Trevor: ——and we sort of hit it off —Angela: ? And then what?Trevor: About two months later we got married!Unit 12 Food “What’s for dinner?”Rob: Hey, Tony! What’s up?Tony: Hey, Rob. Check this out. I got a package from my Mom.Rob: Oh, yes! Cookies, I hope.Tony: Nah, it’s a cookbook. Twenty-Minute Meals. It’s perfect for us, don’t you think?Rob: , I guess. But I wish she would’ve sent you cookies instead.Tony: Think about it, though. No more instant ramen, no more fast-food burgers. Twenty minutes in the kitchen, and voila! We have a well-balanced meal. Are you in?Rob: Whatever you say, Chef Tony. Let’s have a look. How about this? Super Nachos. Now that’s my kind of food.Tony: All right! Let’s get started. What do we need?Rob: What we really need is for you to find a girlfriend who can cook.Tony: , right. And then you’ll find one, too, and they can take turns cooking for us. So what are the ingredients?Rob: Hmm — chips, salsa, can of chili, and shredded cheese. That sounds easy enough.Tony: Well, we’ve got half a bag of nacho chips. Think that’s enough?Rob: It’ll have to be. Let’s see what’s in the fridge. We’ve got lots of soda — Half a submarine sandwich — Cheese! We’ve got that —Oh, it’s kind of moldy, though.Tony: Kind of? It’s green! Do we have any chili?Rob: Sorry, man, I think I ate it the other night.Tony: That wasn’t yours. Anyway, I had a coupla cans. There must be at least one left.Rob: Let’s see — Box of cereal — some instant ramen — and a jar ofpeanut butter. That’s it.Tony: Oh, rats. It looks like we can’t have nachos tonight after all.Rob: I guess not. Well, what’s it gonna be? Instant ramen for the third night in a row? With peanut butter?Tony: I’m so sick of that junk! Let’s go to the supermarket and get what we need to make Super Nachos.Rob: , and on the way, let’s stop for hamburgers or a pizza.Tony: , cool.Unit 13 Schedules “I’ll pencil it in.”Manager: Ok, time to get up, women! Your public is waiting for you! Woman1: Huh? What day is it?Manager: It’s Wednesday. We’re in Middleburg. Ohio, tonight at the Summer Fest in the town park.Woman2: . Hope it doesn’t rain.Manager: Then tomorrow it’s up to Cleveland to play for Sarah’s induction into the Hall of Fame, followed by an autograph signing session.Woman1: Wish it was us being inducted. The first all-girl rock band in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame — What’s on for Friday?Manager: Friday we have to be in the studio in Akron. We’re doing a live online chat on MTV.. Come on guys. You’ll love it. It’s at 4:00, and then we’ve in the Starlight Dome that night.Woman1: Where are we playing Saturday?Manager: Pittsburgh, at the Waterfront Fair. We’ll be there Sunday afternoon, too.Woman2: This schedule is brutal. When do we get a day off?Manager: Hah! We’re booked through the weekend, but we have a lightschedule on Monday. We just have to drive out to record the new CD in St. Louis, but at least you can sleep on the bus. Hmm?Unit 14 Weather “It’s raining cats and dogs.”Alex: Grandma, what are these pictures?G: These are pictures of Alaska.Alex: That’s where you grew up, right?G: That’s right, dear — I lived there until I was 19 years old. Alex: Is that you in this picture?G: Yes, that’s me — And my sister Ruth — and our dog, Kusko. That was out behind our house.Alex: Wow. It looks cold!G: Yes, that was in the winter — and it was cold — It snowed a lot! And boy, Kusko just loved the snow. Ruth and I and Kusko used to play in the snow for hours.Alex: Did you make snowmen?G: Oh, we made some great snowmen —Alex: Is that you in this picture, too?G: Yes, that’s me and Ruth again — I guess we were both in high school then ——Alex: Where are you?G: We were hiking near Seward — We hiked a lot in those days.Alex: But where’s the snow?G: Well, it doesn’t snow ALL the time in Alaska, you know. That was in the springtime — Spring was a great time for hiking — It was a little muddy, though —Alex: Oh ——G: Look, here’s a picture of Ruth now, outside her house.Alex: That’s Aunt Ruth’s house, in Alaska? I thought everybody lived in igloos!G: (laughing) Oh, no. Most people live in regular houses! — aren’t those flowers lovely?Alex: You mean, flowers grow there too?G: Of course. In the summer everything just blooms — it’s sunny and the weather is warm —Alex: Warm? You mean, it was warm enough to go swimming?G: Oh, we all went swimming in July and August — the water was cold —But swimming was so much fun —Alex: Was summer your favorite season?G: You know, I love all the seasons, but I think my favorite season was autumn. The leaves in the mountains turning to gold — I always loved that sign of the changing seasons — Look, here’s a picture of the mountains near our house in the fall —Alex: Wow, Grandma, I’d like to go to Alaska sometime.G: Well, Alex, I’ve got an idea. Let’s go to Alaska together sometime.Alex: , Grandma, that’d be great.Unit 15 Lifestyle “It’s so convenient.”[music]—— Okay, sit back in your chair. And let your hands rest loosely in your lap. Close your eyes. Now lift your shoulders up and then let them fall. Breathe in, filling your lungs with air. Now let your breath out very slowly. Imagine you are on a beach. See the sand, the trees and the water. Feel the soft sand below you. Let your feet sink into the sand. Look at the gentle waves in the water. The waves are coming in —— and going out. You’re breathing slowly and calmly, like the waves —— Feel the warm sun on your skin. Oh, you feel good. You’re relaxed. You’re well and happy. Now, see yourself slowly leaving the beach. Your body is warm and relaxed. You come back to your daily life with new energy and joy. And now, slowly, open your eyes.。

大学体验英语视听说原文unit2Unit 2Lesson 1, Audio“Most people you meet know more about comics than I do,” laughs Naif Al-Mutawa, creator of The 99, the world’s first comic-book series whose superheroes are based on Islamic culture.“Strength, honor, truth, mercy, invention, generosity, wisdom, tolerance—these are some of the superpowers possessed by my heroes,” emphasizes Al-Mutawa. “No one hero has more than a single power, and no power is expressed to the degree that God possesses i t,’’ he adds. There are 99 young heroes from 99 countries, from all walks of life. All of them are Muslim, but not all are Arabs, and the number is almost evenly split between boys and girls. As Al-Mutawa explains, whenever these characters collaborate to solve problems, there is an implicit message of tolerance and acceptance, a theme central to the series.Unlike many comic book heroes, the 99 do not use weapons. “They use the gifts they have within themselves,” Al- Mutawa notes, adding that “The 99 is not about what kids shouldn’t be doing. It’s about learning how to use the power within them to make a difference.”Although the series is not religious, it aims to communicate Islamic virtues which are, as viewed byDr. Al-Mutawa, universal in nature. “The 99 is all about making a conscious choice not to let others define who you are. It is about being proactive in choosing the backdrop against which you are to be judged. Islamic culture and Islamic heritagehave a lot to be proud and joyful about. The 99 is about bringing those positive elements into global awareness. Now it does.”Lesson 2, AudioThe Danger of a Single Story (Part I)I’m a storyteller. And I would like to tell you a few personal stories about what I’d like to call “the dange r of the single story.”I was an early writer. And when I began to write stories in pencil with crayon illustrations that my poor mother was obligated to read, I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading. All my characters were white and blue-eyed. They played in the snow. They ate apples. Now, this despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria. I had never been outside Nigeria. We didn’t have snow. We ate mangoes.I come from a conventional, middle-class Nigerian family. And so we had, as was the norm, live-in domestic help, who would often come from nearby rural villages. So the year I turned eight we got a new house boy. His name was Fide. The only thing my mother told us about him was that hisfamily was very poor. My mother sent yams and rice, and our old clothes, to his family. And when I didn’t finish my dinner my mother would say, “Finish your food! Don’t you know? People like Fide’s family have nothing.” So I felt enormous pity for Fide’s family.Then one Saturday we went to his village to visit. And his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket, made of dyed raffia, that his brother had made.I was startled. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something. All I had heard about them is how poor they were, so that it had become impossible for meto see them as anything else but poor. Their poverty was my single story of them.Home listening1. programs into2. stuck3. honors-level class4. fixed their cold stares5. called out to me6. cosists solely of7. everything in between 8. colorblind9. has done nothing to change my personality10. define who I am and what actions I take in life.。

新标准英语视听说2原文Unit 1。
Part 1。
1. M: What do you do, Mrs. Green?W: I'm a nurse. I work at the Children's Hospital.2. M: What does your father do, Linda?W: He's a policeman. He works in a police station.3. M: What does your sister do, Tom?W: She's a student. She studies at a university.4. M: What does your mother do, Alice?W: She's a doctor. She works in a big hospital.5. M: What does your brother do, Mary?W: He's a teacher. He works in a primary school.6. M: What do you do, Miss White?W: I'm a secretary. I work in a company.Part 2。
1. M: What does your father do, Linda?W: He's a policeman. He works in a police station.2. M: What does your sister do, Tom?W: She's a student. She studies at a university.3. M: What does your mother do, Alice?W: She's a doctor. She works in a big hospital. 4. M: What does your brother do, Mary?W: He's a teacher. He works in a primary school.5. M: What do you do, Miss White?W: I'm a secretary. I work in a company.Part 3。
大学体验英语2 二单元PA原文及翻译

Unit2A Your Dream Job:A Click AwayLess than a month from graduation day, Theresa Smith of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois,had yet to find the right job.还有不到一个月就要毕业了,特里萨•史密斯还没找到合适的工作,她就读于位于伊利诺州埃文斯顿的西北大学。
The career placement center referred the liberal-arts major to JOB-TANK, an Internet site listing 45000 entry-level positions.就业指导中心建议这位文科生去查查JOB-TRAK网站,该网站上列出了45,000个初级水平的职位。
Smith selected four keywords: Chicago,business, marketing and full-time.史密斯选择了四个关键词:芝加哥,商务,营销,全职。
Immediately she found 45 jobs meeting her criteria, including one as assistant to an administrator at the University if Chicago’s business school.她马上就找到45个工作合乎她的标准,其中一个是芝加哥商业学院行政助理。
Four weeks later she was hired at a starting salary of $32000.四个星期以后,她得到了这份工作,底薪32,000美元。
“I had no training,” says Smith, “but the Internet was extremely easy to use. I’d never have known about this job without it.”“我没有受过任何训练,”史密斯说,“但因特网使用很简单。
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Unit 2
Lesson 1, Audio
“Most people you meet know more about comics than I do,” laughs Naif Al-Mutawa, creator of The 99, the world’s first comic-book series whose superheroes are based on Islamic culture.
“Strength, honor, truth, mercy, invention, generosity, wisdom, tolerance—these are some of the superpowers possessed by my heroes,” emphasizes Al-Mutawa. “No one hero has more than a single power, and no power is expressed to the degree that God possesses i t,’’ he adds. There are 99 young heroes from 99 countries, from all walks of life. All of them are Muslim, but not all are Arabs, and the number is almost evenly split between boys and girls. As Al-Mutawa explains, whenever these characters collaborate to solve problems, there is an implicit message of tolerance and acceptance, a theme central to the series.
Unlike many comic book heroes, the 99 do not use weapons. “They use the gifts they have within themselves,” Al- Mutawa notes, adding that “The 99 is not about what kids shouldn’t be doing. It’s about learning how to use the power within them to make a difference.”
Although the series is not religious, it aims to communicate Islamic virtues which are, as viewed by
Dr. Al-Mutawa, universal in nature. “The 99 is all about making a conscious choice not to let others define who you are. It is about being proactive in choosing the backdrop against which you are to be judged. Islamic culture and Islamic heritage have a lot to be proud and joyful about. The 99 is about bringing those positive elements into global awareness. Now it does.”
Lesson 2, Audio
The Danger of a Single Story (Part I)
I’m a storyteller. And I would like to tell you a few personal stories about what I’d like to call “the dange r of the single story.”
I was an early writer. And when I began to write stories in pencil with crayon illustrations that my poor mother was obligated to read, I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading. All my characters were white and blue-eyed. They played in the snow. They ate apples. Now, this despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria. I had never been outside Nigeria. We didn’t have snow. We ate mangoes.
I come from a conventional, middle-class Nigerian family. And so we had, as was the norm, live-in domestic help, who would often come from nearby rural villages. So the year I turned eight we got a new house boy. His name was Fide. The only thing my mother told us about him was that his
family was very poor. My mother sent yams and rice, and our old clothes, to his family. And when I didn’t finish my dinner my mother would say, “Finish your food! Don’t you know? People like Fide’s family have nothing.” So I felt enormous pity for Fide’s family.
Then one Saturday we went to his village to visit. And his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket, made of dyed raffia, that his brother had made.
I was startled. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something. All I had heard about them is how poor they were, so that it had become impossible for me to see them as anything else but poor. Their poverty was my single story of them.
Home listening
1. programs into
2. stuck
3. honors-level class
4. fixed their cold stares
5. called out to me
6. cosists solely of
7. everything in between 8. colorblind
9. has done nothing to change my personality
10. define who I am and what actions I take in life.。