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, ‘Shenzhen’ ,wild rootstock and scion Abstract:Taking the root-stock varieties‘Xidazhenmu No.1’ variety‘Leishi 901’as test materials,this paper studied the effects of grafting with different root-stock varieties on tomato growth vigor,yield,quality and disease resistance.The results showed that grafting could significantly improve tomato plant quality,yield,fruit quality and strengthen the plant disease resistance.The fruit characteristic index order was‘Xidazhenmu No.1’ (0.79)>‘Shenzhen’ (0.70)> wild rootstock(0.51)> ‘Leishi 901’own-rooted tree(0.38) .The order of root development level was‘Xidazhenmu No.1’ > wild rootstock >‘Shenzhen’>‘Leishi 901’own-rooted tree.The quality of grafting seedlings and growth index of the plant was‘Xidazhenmu No.1’ (0.70)> wild rootstock(0.50)>‘Shenzhen’ (0.27)>‘Leishi 901’ownrooted tree(0.16) .The order of average fruit quality index value was‘Xidazhenmu No.1’ (0.51)>‘Shenzhen’ (0.50)> wild rootstock(0.37)>‘Leishi 901’own-rooted tree(0.36) .Besides, the‘Xidazhenmu No.1’ grafting seedling had higher yield,good resistance to root knot nematode,blight and wilt in fields.The morbidity of tomato bacterial pith necrosis was 5%. ‘Xidazhenmu No.1’had blight resistance gene I-2 and root knot nematode resistance gene MI-1.It was belong to polymeric material with multi-resistance. Key words:Tomato root-stock;Grafting;Yield;Quality;Disease resistance;Polymeric material with multi-resistance
Effects of Polymeric Material with Multi-resistance Root-stocks on Tomato Yield, Quality and Disease Resistance
SUN Lan-ming 1,YU Qin-zhi 2,WANG Xian-yu 1*,LIU Meng-jiao 1,JING Zi-huan 1,GAN Gui-yun 3, CHEN Bao-ling3
Leabharlann Baidu
山东农业机械科学研究院研发了国内首台高效精准大蒜播种机,实现了“单粒取种、鳞芽定向和直立下栽” ,有力推进 了我国大蒜产业的机械化种植。 当前,山东省主要经济作物,特别是大蒜等根茎类经济作物生产过程的机械化水平相对较低,适于机械化生产的农机 有效供给不足,是制约大蒜产业提质增效的瓶颈问题。为解决大蒜、花生、薯类等根茎类作物全程机械化技术问题,在山东 省科技厅立项支持下,山东省农业机械科学研究院研发团队,十年磨一剑,潜心研究,突破了“单粒取种、鳞芽定向和直立 下栽”等 3 个大蒜生产机械化关键技术,通过计算机模拟分析和田间试验,获取了各种取种、定向和栽植第一手资料,掌握 了大蒜直立精量播种等一批新技术,首次提出了大蒜生产全程机械化研究技术路线与方案,成功研制开发了国内首台高效精 准大蒜播种机、两款大蒜收获机型,获得“一种用于大蒜播种机的蒜种鳞芽方向调整装置” 、 “大蒜直立栽种播种机”等 5 项 国家发明专利授权,填补了国内空白,并应用于生产实际,取得了显著的经济效益,带动了大蒜全产业链提质升级。 国内首台高效精准大蒜播种机在作业季节每台播种机每天作业 20 hm2(300 亩) ,作业费用 150 元· (667 m2)-1;每 台收获机作业 33.3 hm2(500 亩) ,作业费用 200 元· (667 m2)-1,相比人工播种 350 元· (667 m2)-1,人工收获 1 200 元· (667 m2)-1,蒜农每 667 m2(1 亩)可节约成本 1 200 元左右。 (科技日报)
( 1College of Agriculture,Guangxi University , Nanning 530004 ,Guangxi , China; 2Guilin Economic Crop Technology Extension Station,Guilin 541001,Guangxi,China;3Vegetable Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanning 530004,Guangxi,China)