2017年硕士专业学位研究生入学统一考试自命题大纲目录2017年工程硕士研究生入学统一考试复试大纲1交通运输工程(085222) 1《船舶管理》 1《结构力学》 1《土力学》 2《工程流体力学》 3《运筹学》 4《C语言程序设计》 62017年工程硕士研究生入学统一考试加试大纲6交通运输工程(085222) 6《海上交通工程》 6《工程项目管理》72017年农业硕士研究生入学统一考试复试大纲8养殖(095105) 8《普通动物学》8《养殖水域生态学》9渔业(095108) 10《渔业技术学》10《普通生态学》11农业机械化(095109)12《机械制造技术基础》12《控制工程基础》12农村与区域发展(095110)13《管理学理论应用》13《政治学原理》14《中国传统文化》15农业科技组织与服务(095111)15《管理学理论应用》15农业信息化(095112)16《微机原理》16《数据结构》19食品加工与安全(095113)20《水产食品加工学》20《食品技术原理》21设施农业(095114)22《普通生态学》222017年农业硕士研究生入学统一考试加试大纲23养殖(095105)23《鱼类学》23《甲壳动物学》24渔业(095108)24《水生生物学》24《计算机基础》25农业机械化(095109)26《工程图学》26《互换性与技术测量》26《单片机原理及应用》27《信号与系统》28农村与区域发展(095110)28《微观经济学》28《行政管理学》29《文史知识基础》31农业科技组织与服务(095110)31《产业经济学》31《行政管理学》32《教育学》34农业信息化(095112)35《计算机科学导论》35《C++程序设计》 37食品加工与安全(095113)38《食品分析与检验》38《食品微生物学》39设施农业(095114)41《海洋生物学》41《计算机基础》412017年工程硕士研究生入学统一考试复试大纲交通运输工程(085222)《船舶管理》一、考查目标《船舶管理》涉及船舶驾驶人员应知应会的岗位职责和必须遵守的安全生产规章、规则以及国际国内相关法律等知识,对保证人员、船舶和海洋环境的安全是极为重要的一环。
A.缝宽 B.缝距C. 砼板的厚度D.钢筋的屈服强度2.构成路基的三要素是()。
A.路基宽度 B.地面横坡度C. 路基高度D.路基边坡坡度3.路基土的最佳含水量与()有关。
A.压实功 B.初始含水量C. 土类D.塑性指数4.路基土的稠度与()有关。
A.含水量 B.塑限C. 压实度D.液限5.SMA的特点有()。
A.粗集料多 B.细集料多C. 沥青多D.中间集料少6.我国刚性路面设计理论为()。
A.弹性地基上的小挠度弹性薄板理论B. 弹性地基上的弹性厚板理论。
C. 文克勒地基上的小挠度弹性薄板理论。
D. 文克勒地基上的弹性厚板理论。
A.查表法 B.换算法C. 室内试验方法D.现场检测方法8.以下属于路基地下排水设施的有()。
A.排水沟 B.渗沟C. 盲沟D.渗井9.水泥混凝土路面损坏状况评价指标有()。
A.断板率 B.接缝传荷能力C. 脱空D.平均错台量10.横缝设传力杆的主要作用是()。
A.提高接缝传荷能力 B.减少基层冲刷C. 减薄面层 D.减薄基层11.在路面结构设计中,土基模量是指下列哪个模量()。
A.切线模量 B.割线模量C. 回弹模量D.弯拉模量12.松散粒料材料的强度是用()表征。
A.粘结能力 B.内摩擦角C. 抗拉强度D.抗压强度13.评定路表抗滑性能的指标有()。
A.BPN B.SFCC. 平整度D.TD14.水泥混凝土路面接缝传荷机构有()。
A.集料嵌锁 B.传力杆C.传力杆和集料嵌锁D.拉杆15.下列属于水泥路面破坏形式的有()。
A.开裂 B.断板C. 车辙D.接缝损坏二、问答题(45分)1 重力式挡土墙通常有那些破坏形式?稳定性验算包括哪些项目?当抗滑或抗倾覆稳定性不足时,分别可采用哪些稳定措施?2为什么说路基回弹模量是条件模量?测试时是如何考虑的?3减少半刚性基层沥青路面反射开裂的主要措施?4 沥青路面的轴载换算原则是什么?5水泥混凝土路面的主要破坏形式及原因。
研究生法语考试题库及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Le mot "français" se réfère à:A. une langueB. un paysC. une couleurD. une plante答案:A2. Combien y a-t-il de voyelles dans le mot "éducation"?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6答案:B3. Laquelle de ces phrases est correcte en français?A. Je ai mangé.B. J'ai mangé.C. Je mange.D. J'ai mangé.答案:B4. Que signifie "au revoir" en français?A. HelloB. GoodbyeC. Good morningD. Good night答案:B5. Laquelle de ces expressions est utilisée pour exprimer l'impatience?A. Attends un peu !B. Ne t'inquiète pas !C. Ne fais pas l'idiot !D. Ne t'énerve pas !答案:D6. Comment dit-on "I love you" en français?A. Je t'aimeB. Je t'adoreC. Je t'apprécieD. Je t'aime bien答案:A7. Quelle est la capitale de la France?A. MarseilleB. LyonC. ParisD. Nice答案:C8. Laquelle de ces phrases est correcte pour demander la permission?A. Puis-je aller?B. Je peux aller?C. Tu peux aller?D. Est-ce que je peux aller?答案:D9. Comment dit-on "What time is it?" en français?A. Quelle heure est-il?B. Combien de temps?C. Comment vas-tu?D. Quand est-ce?答案:A10. Laquelle de ces expressions est utilisée pour exprimer l'approbation?A. D'accordB. C'est possibleC. Peut-êtreD. Non答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. Le mot "chat" en français signifie "____" en anglais.答案:cat12. La phrase "Je suis étudiant(e)" se traduit par "I am a student" en anglais, mais en français, on ne dit pas "a". La traduction correcte est "______".答案:Je suis étudiant(e)13. La phrase "Je ne comprends pas" signifie "I don't understand" en anglais, mais on peut aussi l'exprimer en français comme "______".答案:Je ne pige pas14. La phrase "C'est la vie" est souvent utilisée pour exprimerl'acceptation de la situation, et sa traduction en anglais est "______".答案:That's life15. La phrase "Je suis désolé(e)" est une expression polie pour exprimer des excuses, et sa traduction en anglais est "______".答案:I'm sorry16. La phrase "Au secours" signifie "______" en anglais.答案:Help!17. La phrase "Je ne sais pas" signifie "______" en anglais.答案:I don't know18. La phrase "C'est fantastique" peut être traduite en anglais par "______".答案:It's fantastic19. La phrase "Je t'aime" est une expression d'amour, et sa traduction en anglais est "______".答案:I love you20. La phrase "Bon appétit" est utilisée avant de manger, et sa traduction en anglais est "______".答案:Enjoy your meal三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读以下短文,并回答问题。
(三)试Байду номын сангаас内容结构
长沙理工大学研究生考试试卷课程名称 矩阵论 (B 卷) 拟题老师签名 教研室主任签名 课程编号 适应班级(年级) 研一 2009至 2010 学年 一 学期 考 试 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………一、判断题(104⨯分)。
1、矩阵n n C A ⨯∈相似于对角矩阵,则此矩阵所有特征值的代数重数等于几何重数.……( )2、若存在矩阵P ∈C n n ⨯,使得A=P H P ,则A 是正定矩阵。
……………………………( )3、对任意矩阵 n m C A ⨯∈,A A H 的秩与A 的秩相同.………………………………………( )4、n n C ⨯上1||||m A ,∞||||A 两种矩阵范数不等价.………………………………( )5、n C x ∈,n n C U ⨯∈是一酉矩阵,则22||||||||x Ux =.………………………………………( )6、设A n m r C ⨯∈,(r>0),),...2,1(r i i =σ是A 的非零奇异值,则∑==ri i F A122σ…………( ) 7、矩阵级数∑+∞=0)(k k A收敛的充分必要条件是正项级数∑+∞=0)(||||k k A 收敛,其中||||⋅是n n C ⨯上任意 一种矩阵范数.……………………………………………………………………………( )8、任意矩阵都存在满秩分解,且分解是唯一的.……………………………( ) 9、n n C A ⨯∈是Hermite 矩阵,则对nC x ∈≠0,λ≤x x Ax x H H ,其中λ是A 的最大特征值.…( ) 10、设n n CA ⨯∈,则n n C ⨯上任一矩阵范数||||⋅,均有||||)(A A <ρ。
………………………..( )二、求酉矩阵U ,使AU U 1-为对角矩阵,其中⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛---=10001i i i i A .(12分)三、设n m ij a A ⨯=)(,列向量n C ∈α,证明:矩阵范数||max ||||,ij ji a mn A ⋅=与向量的2-范数相容. (12分)四、已知A =⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛010100012,求A e At cos ,. (12分)五、已知矩阵A=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-212240130,求A 的QR 分解。
2017年华南理工大学研究生入学考试专业课真题243_法语 (1)
bdans unlycée
cdans uneuniversité
ddans une agenceprivée
a une agence devoyageb une agenceimmobilier
17Marie demande à Sylviedeaconduire son fils àl’école
baller au marché avecelle
cdonner des conseils sur son réuniond’amisd lui donner un coup defil
18Lefils de Sylvieesta écolier
c une agence dedéménagementd une agence demeubles
8“quartier central”veutdire
a dans le quatrième arrondissement qui est au centrevilleb dans un centre du quatrièmearrondissement
9Il nousdemandenous allons souvent authéâtre.a que b ce que caussi d si
10Je n’aipaslivresfrançais.aun bdes cau d de
11que tu dises, je ne veux plus parler aveclui.a où bqui cquoi dquel
科目代码:J0501 科目名称:数值计算
1 曾喆昭,黄创霞,周富照编著. 数值计算方法与应用. 北京:科学出版社,2012年10月,第1版。
科目代码:281 科目名称:俄语
词汇题汇总(一)词汇题1.Y ou job as a future… A. alleviate2.Y ou need to help….. C expected3.K elly was outstanding… B surpassed4.B etter still,develop…. C originates5.H e is former scientist… D transferred6.The unions mobilized…. D organized7.This creates a requirement..D beliefs8.H is speech was made… C vagueness9.T he scientist who is…… A advantages 10.T his approach,combine… D impression 11.I‟m trying to foster…. A encourage 12.A German comp any… B cooperated (二)词汇1.each and every restaurant… A food2.guangdong provine is locate…. B mild3.the culinary culture has… B widespread4.many Chinese restaurants… C genuine5.the names of Chinese dishs… B varied6.this dish of streaky pork… A fatty7.people later named it….. B honor 8.it is famous for leaving…. C continuing 9.the eating process is…. A modesty 10.qu yuan drowned himself…. C treated unjustly 1.the air is filled…. A essential 2.for generations,the French…. A uniqueness 3.what was mediocre elsewhere….D ordinary 4.even table salt has… B differences 5.but(a starred chef)… A doubtful 6.if the French were…. B system 7.even when government… C made 8.the government is instituting…. A effecting 9.the problems afflicting…. A symbolic of 10.if you are chocked… B suffocated (三)词汇1.the author must have….C intrigued2.both Madrid and Dublin… A miserably3. were frequently talked…A earnest yong4.daniel bell noted…. C a rise in5.in the 1960s,most…. B the pursuit..pleasure6.americans spent their…. D making non-7.american conservations seemed A look down8.when Europeans are… C the idea of a (四)词汇1.although such a statement ….. A perceptive2.among other things…. A exacting of3.it can be romantic…… C compulsive4.and,people who say….. B fidelity5.in any type of love…… B desire6.instead,it is an unhealthy…. C jealous7.there misconception ofen… D disenchantment8.it means paying bills…. C numerous9.even during the preteen…. A form 10.once desire diminishes…. C recall (五)词汇1.the speaker announced the …. B setup2.he has traveled extensively…. D aspect3.this negative attitude is….. C common4.at that point,the public….. B judged5.it was claimed that….. C state6.wildlife seems to flourish… A grow well7.he lives in Australia…. B sometimes8.she has been commissioned.. D contracted9.one of the most prestigious…. C admired 10.he wouldn‟t let me…… A pay11.gaining confidence is…. C part 12.we need to be given….. D ability..changes 13.he‟ll never get anywhere…. B self control(六)词汇1.the press has been asked …. B privacy2.the pharmaceutical company….. D considerable3.a conference might….. A arena4.his book is the cultural……… C event5.the mountaintop provides… B surroundings6.finance during marriage…… A separation7.ed‟s already …health…. C fragile8.a man driven by….. D jealousy9.glenn started acting…. B peculiar 10.if a vitamin is…… C deficiency (七)词汇1.apologies are in order…. A appropriate2.human nature is the…. C a particular type3.it is only the surface…. B improving4.man‟s majesty and….. B to show something5.but the murderer…. C to separate6.every man unfolds…. A separate ,clearly7.he was made to….. B to be the8.each holds to the…. C to shape (mental..9.one plunges into….. A the mass or…10.human nature does…C(something)opens选词填空汇总(一)选词填空The independence-versus-interdependence issue has been written about regularly and is often introduced as the major issue …..1.employment2.paid3.adjust4.setting5.discouraged6.credit7.cite8.demonstrate9.teamwork 10.rules(二)选词填空Cuisine in china is a harmonious integrate of color,taste…….1) integration 2) choice 3) handed 4) aspiring 5) steaming6) masterpieces 7) pleasure 8) partake 9) amazing 10) presented (三)选词填空Snow was swirling against the icy windows once more;Christmas was approaching fast…….1) swirling 2) delivered 3) glowed 4) intervals 5) converge6) wanderings 7) navigate 8) jealousy 9) presence 10) absorbed(四)选词填空If we look at love in other countries and cultures,we find many variations. In societies like……1) prerequisite 2) date 3) Respect 4) important5) whomever 6) candidates 7) highly 8) essential9) suitable 10) sufficient(五)选词填空Yoga is an ancient system of relaxation,exercise,and healing with origins in Indian……1) written 2) practiced 3) adapted 4) fundamental 5) soul6) described 7) mental 8) state of being 9) pictured 10) exercises 11) control 12) experiences 13) including 14) individuals 15) medical (六)选词填空The culture of new york city is shaped by centuries of immigration,the city‟s size and variety,and its status as the cultural……1) sheer 2) subject 3) contradictory 4) worldly 5) chaotic6) sophisticated 7) violence 8) glamorous 9) crime 10) safest阅读理解汇总(一)阅读理解Traits of the key players(核心员工的特征)1.What exactly is a key player?2.this is part of a pep talk…3.”it‟s an educated guess…4.trait1:theselfless collaborator5.many postdocs and grad..6.trait2:a sense of urgency 7.”business happens 24/7/365…8.trait3:risk tolerance..9haut agrees.10.another important piece of fisk…11.trait4:strength in interpersonal12.itwould be a mistake,however,..1.we hold them up to the…. B we evaluate them..2.if it looks like they have…. A if it looks…of hiring them.3.the business environment is… D the business…..be easily recognized4.haut heads strategy and business….B haut is in charge of …5.this needs to run throughout… D this requires the….management level6.he or she must be able to…… B he or she…complete the task7.putting your neck on the ……. C all employers expect..tolerant.8.this create a disconnect for….. B this makes many….research.9.the scient who is transitioning… B scients transitioning to industry…10.to suddenly be valued and measured…..B for a person who has…..relationships.(二)阅读理解Culinary delights in china(中国美食)1.chinese cuisine is2.it is widely3.sichuan,known as4.guangdong province5.zhejiang cuisine6.the names of …7.take goubuli steamed8.there is an interesting9.in Zhejiang cuisine 10.fujian cuisine boasts 11.buddha jumping over 12.in the eyes 13.a hostess or 14 such culinary 15.in china,food1.sichuan,known as nature ….. C Sichuan ,blessed by2.if you only translate the …. D it‟s silly to only3.as hardworking as dog….. A though dog worked4.impatient ,some people….. B sme people ….work faster\5.this eccentric name…. D the food sold well6.goubuli is now a time ….. B now goubuli ….a long history7.fujian cuisine boasts a famous…. B fujian cuisine possesses8.in the eyes of Chinese…. D chinese like meals to be9.the young make toasts…. A the young salute the10.a hostess or host …. B a hostess or …hospitality(三)阅读理解Why harry’s hot?《哈利波特》风行之迷1.in her wildest dreams ,she …… A the propest of…2.harry potter and the goblet…… B while it will be fun3.when the book finally went ….. A the matter claimed4.the only sour note in all …… B there is an unmistakable5.but perhaps the most cueious….. B mr.brown‟s give name6.p.l. travers ,the mary poppins …. B you can‟t put that7.what my daughter really….. C those expensive restaurants8.time and again ,rowling…. A it is the school‟s duty….(四)阅读理解Love and loving relationships(爱和情感连系)1.love-as both an2.much research shows3.love for oneself,or4.love is an elusive5.love has many dimensions6.in any type of love7.love,expecially long-term love8.some partners9.what attracts individuals 10.beginning in childing,parents,11.regan and berscheid(1999) 12.one should not….1.children who are raised in ……. B children from….skills2.among other things ,people who…… A people who ….tolerant of others.3.love is like an avalanche….. B love is dangerous and….4.love has been a soure of….. C love has caused people..5.many researchs feel that love defies a….. D it is very difficult to provide6.love,expecially long-term love….. C lasting love is not as..7.some partners take turns…. D in some families,….care of kids.8.empirical studies show that… B people come together because…9in early adolescence,peer norms…. C young people‟s choice of dates10.once desire diminishes,….. B romantic love often disappears…(五)阅读理解Stress and health 压力与健康(自己阅读)1.stress affects everyone to.2.at moderate levels,3.this section will review4.the first step in5.stress has a6.emotional stressors are..7.stressors vary in…8.negative,9.ambiguous stressors.10.another factor..11.the nature and..12.college presents…13.in addition to….1.stress can compromise ……. B stress may cause the malfunction2.although all humans have the……. A though human bodies are…..3.a stress overload of too………. C when a person has too many….4.because stressors vary in …………… D some stressors are more…….5.ambiguous stressors are …………… C it is easier to cope with………6.these situations are more……….. C if we don‟t know the cause……7.if the stressor is something………… A stress may be reduced if you……….8.drastic changes in a person‟s ……… B young adults go through………9.although the nature of ………. A stress always exists……..10.youg people entering college….. D college students have to be……(六)阅读理解On human nature 论人性1.human nature is2.the basic nature3.moreover no one4.every man unfolds5.the constancy of6.although man is7.man is perfect8.man‟s majesty9.man‟s inherent 10.human nature does1.it is that indestructible matrix…… A human character is built2.each man sees himself as…. D each man ……other individual3…..but each must interpret….. C …but each…….life pattern4.the outer man,too,was….. B man‟s physical body has5.human nature is ever….. A human nature…teachings.6.each holds to the structure…. C a person‟s nature is…7.man‟s majesty and nobility…. D human beings have so…….8.daily one reads of men…… B everyday,we all read about men……翻译汇总“Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting …there‟ faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where …there‟ is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run th roughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.”‚一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,‛豪特说,‚公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。
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科目代码:241 科目名称:法语
试卷满分为100分,其中填空选择题占60%,翻译题占20%, 写作题