
《大学实用英语综合教程》第二册课后练习与练习册练习答案Unit1.Listening & Speaking1, what has been said, mentioned earlier, two-way interaction, a breakdown, even confusion, a native speaker, going on3,1), be fun, I don’t think, it depends, What’s that, what you mean, got it, what would you say;Tom Chang.It depends.He’ll tell them a little white lie.It’s an innocent social fib or excuse.Not mentioned.2), serious hearing problems, to hear 100%, is perfect, hear again, listen to the conversations, three times; What did you say? Would you speak louder please?No. I’ve been having serious hearing problems for years. I can’t hear people well. That’s why I’m here.What do you mean by hearing aid? What’s that?Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations.You know what? I’ve changed my will three times!5, BADCA 6, DACCB 7, FTTFF8, complaining about, does everything, every 10 hours, every 2 hours, every 24 hours, in one hour, damn near, from down the hall, I just realized9, They are talking about Nurse Nancy.Because she did everything absolutely backwards.1)One doctor told her to give a patient 2 milligrams of morphine every 10 hours. She gave him 10milligrams every 2 hours.2)The other doctor told her to give a petient an enema every 24 hours. She tried to give him 24 enemas inone hour.They heard a blood-curdling scream from down the hall.She was boiling a patient.Text A5/ 1.passengers 2.immediately 3.similar 4.wonder 5.continent 6.traffic 7.misunderstanding 8.emba rrassed 9.flights mon 11.serious 12.searched6/ 1.got on 2.head for 3.on the shoulder 4.pull over 5.resulted in 6.feel like 7.By the time 8.turn out all right 9.in the end 10.instead of71. By the time I got home, I was too tired to do anything active.2. The two girls look too similar for people outside the family to tell them apart from each other.3. What in the world does mm stand for? The abbreviations that people use on the BBS are too confusing for me to understand.4. Because of TV, most people have become too lazy to make the effort to go to the cinema.5. Anne made a serious mistake yesterday because the test gave her too little time to decide on the correct choice.1. until I have really learnt the basics of the language.2. until the end of the book3. until they have finished their speeches4. until my teacher explained them in class with several examples5. until I saw Sam Ward leave the building6. until he got on a city bus91. Because of the heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped.2. Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhoul.3. Similar-sounding English words often result in misunderstandings among English-speaking people.4. The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end.5. Mr. Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second language.6. Mary felt like learning English and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.101. giving us heat and light2. ranging in age from 4 to 163. Being invited to speak here4. your encouraging words5. sitting between Mary and Tom6. leaving today’s work for Tomorrow7. playing in the playground8. taking a break9. leaving me alone10. taking mechanical things apart111. Mr. LiXinyang, the president of Nanjing Technical College.2. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of Nanjing Technical College.3. At the Guest Center of NTC.4. On July2, 2004 from 12:30 to 13:30 p.m.5. On Wednesday, may12, 2004.6. To celebrate Mr. David Brown’s retirement from McMillan Investment Company.7. At the Grand Hall.12Dear WuJi,You are invited to attend a graduation party at my house on Sunday, June27. The party will start immediately after our graduation ceremony, at about 4:00. Your parents and friends are welcome, too.I do hope you can come.Sincerely,WangJun Text B141. mysteries2. mysterious3. meanings4. stared5. estimate6. imagined7. figured 8. board 9. pronounce 10. weighed 11. presented 12. object151. Take a look2. get right3. objected to4. at least5. makes no sense6. beside himself7. dawn on8. think ofText C16/ 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C17/ 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.CExercise BookPart I Text ExercisesIfortune—misfortune judge—misjudge lead –mislead leading--misleadingprint -- misprint pronounce—mispronounce spell -- misspell use--misuse1. misprint2. mislead3. misleading4. Misuse5. had misjudged6. have mispronounced7. misfortune8. misspellingcourage - courageous fame–famous glory--glorious humor--humorousmountain – mountainous space--spacious9. courageous 10. glorious 11. mountainous 12.spacious13. famous 14. humorousII.1. head straight for2. have a meal without paying3. be passed from person to person4. stay far away5. cause trouble for sb.6. be south of Beijing7. hear one's flight announced 8. sound similar9. result in highways being closed 10. wonder what in the world has happened11. please be on time 12. feel like cryingIII.1. G2. 13. A4. H5. D6. E7. F8. B9. C 10. JIV.1. uncommon2. in3. flying4. Most5. serious6. English7. like 8. or 9. that 10. can't 11. especially 12. asV.Passage 1 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. APassage 2 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. DVI.I. not perfect 2. alter tomorrow 3. they 4. different meanings 5. small differencesPart IIISection A1. C2. A3. D4. B5. ASection B6. B7. C8. C9. B10. CSection C11.phone12.refuse13.busy with14.wonderful15.rather boringII1 B 2D 3D 4D 5D 6 A 7C 8 B 9 C 10A11B 12A 13D 14 B 15C 16C 17 C 18 D 19 A 20 B21 misunderstanding 22.similar 23.helpful 24.flights 25 playing26.mystery 27.confusion 28 leaving 29 doing 30 was sleepingIIIl C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B6.(S)(W) 7.(L)(U) 8.(I)(c) 9.(F)(H) 10. (O)(J)IVl.事情正如教授所预见的那样2.该跨国公司用5万美元买下了这家商号,用2000美元买下了它的信誉3.你酒后驾车等于去闯祸4.泰德不知道为什么警察局要他去,但他昨天还是去了5.寻夹克衫5月12日,我不慎在操场丢失一件绿色、领口有拉链的夹克衫,拾到者请把夹克衫还给失主克鲁奇。

大学英语综合教程2课后答案Unit 1: Finding Time for EverythingSection Anguage focus:1.Stress is a major problem that affects manystudents.2.As a student, you may find it stressful tomanage your time effectively.3.One way to overcome stress is to prioritizeyour tasks and create a schedule.4.By doing this, you can allocate specific timeslots for different activities.5.It is important to set realistic goals and avoidoverworking yourself.2.Vocabulary:–allocate: to assign or distribute something–prioritize: to determine the order ofimportance of tasks or activities–manage: to handle or control–stress: pressure or tension caused bydemanding circumstances–overwork: to work excessively or too hardprehension questions:1.Why is stress a major problem for students?2.What is one way to overcome stress?3.How can creating a schedule help manage timeeffectively?4.Why is it important to set realistic goals?5.What can happen if you overwork yourself? Section Bnguage focus:1.I regret not taking advantage of all theopportunities to learn.2.My biggest challenge is time management.3.In order to succeed, I need to prioritize mytasks.ck of sleep affects my performance in class.5.It is important to strike a balance between academics and extracurricular activities.2.Vocabulary:–regret: to feel sorry or remorseful about something–take advantage of: to make use of opportunities or benefits–challenge: a difficult task or situation–prioritize: to determine the order of importance of tasks or activities–lack: the absence or insufficiency of something–strike a balance: to achieve a harmonious combination of different elementsprehension questions:1.What do you regret about your learning experience?2.What is your biggest challenge as a student?3.How can prioritizing tasks help you succeed?4.How does lack of sleep affect your performancein class?5.Why is it important to strike a balance betweenacademics and extracurricular activities?Unit 2: Communication StrategiesSection Anguage focus:1.Effective communication requires goodlistening skills.2.Paying attention to nonverbal cues isimportant.3.To show active listening, you can maintain eyecontact.4.Asking clarifying questions can help youunderstand the speaker’s message.5.Paraphrasing is a useful technique to ensureaccurate understanding.2.Vocabulary:–effective: producing the desired outcome or result–communication: the act of exchanging information or ideas–listening skills: the ability to receive and interpret verbal and nonverbal messages–cues: signals or indications–active listening: fully concentrating on and engaging with the speaker–clarifying: seeking additional information or explanation–paraphrasing: restating information or ideas using different wordsprehension questions:1.What are the requirements for effective communication?2.How can you show active listening?3.What is the purpose of asking clarifying questions?4.How can paraphrasing help ensure accurate understanding?Section Bnguage focus:1.I find it difficult to express my ideas clearly inEnglish.2.Nonverbal communication plays a vital role inconveying emotions.3.I sometimes struggle with understandingcolloquial expressions.4.Clarifying misunderstandings is important toavoid conflicts.ing appropriate body language can enhancecommunication.2.Vocabulary:–express: to convey or communicate thoughts or feelings–ideas: thoughts or concepts–clearly: in a way that is easy to understand–nonverbal communication: communication through gestures, facial expressions, etc.–vital: crucial or essential–convey: to communicate or transmit–emotions: feelings or moods–struggle: to have difficulty or face challenges–understanding: comprehension or awareness–colloquial: informal or everyday language–misunderstandings: incorrect interpretations or perceptions–conflicts: disagreements or disputes–body language: nonverbal signals expressed through posture, gestures, etc.prehension questions:1.What do you find difficult in expressing your ideas in English?2.What role does nonverbal communication play in conveying emotions?3.Why do you sometimes struggle with understanding colloquial expressions?4.Why is it important to clarify misunderstandings?5.How can appropriate body language enhancecommunication?Unit 3: Cultural DifferencesSection Anguage focus:1.Cultural differences can lead tomisunderstandings between people.2.Respecting and understanding other cultures isimportant for effective communication.3.Learning about cultural norms and customscan help bridge the gap.4.It is important to be open-minded and toleranttowards different perspectives.5.Being aware of cultural sensitivities canprevent unintentional offenses.2.Vocabulary:–cultural differences: variations in customs, behavior, and beliefs between cultures–misunderstandings: incorrect interpretations or perceptions–respect: admiration and consideration for others’ rights and beliefs–understanding: comprehension or awareness–cultural norms: accepted standards of behavior within a particular culture–customs: traditions or practices–bridge the gap: to diminish differences or connect different cultures–open-minded: receptive to new ideas or perspectives–tolerant: accepting and showing understanding towards differences–perspectives: viewpoints or opinions–aware: conscious or knowledgeable about something–cultural sensitivities: awareness of cultural issues and potential offensesprehension questions:1.What can cultural differences lead to between people?2.Why is it important to respect and understandother cultures?3.How can learning about cultural norms andcustoms help bridge the gap?4.What attitudes are necessary when dealingwith different perspectives?5.How can being aware of cultural sensitivitiesprevent unintentional offenses?Section Bnguage focus:1.I have encountered cultural barriers whilecommunicating with international students.ck of awareness about cultural differencescan lead to misunderstandings.3.I make an effort to learn about differentcultural practices and customs.4.Being open-minded has helped me appreciatediverse perspectives.5.Respecting others’ cultural sensitivities isessential for effective communication.2.Vocabulary:–encountered: experienced or come across–cultural barriers: obstacles or challenges related to cultural differences–lack of awareness: insufficient knowledge or understanding–efforts: attempts or endeavors–practices: customary actions or behaviors–customs: traditions or habits–open-minded: receptive to new ideas or perspectives–appreciate: to value or recognize the worth of something–diverse: different or varied–perspectives: viewpoints or opinions–respecting: showing consideration or admiration–essential: necessary or crucialprehension questions:1.Have you ever encountered cultural barriers while communicating with others?2.What can lack of awareness about cultural differences lead to?3.How do you make an effort to learn about different cultural practices and customs?4.What benefits have you gained from being open-minded?5.Why is it essential to respect others’ cultural sensitivities?。
新编实用英语综合教程2(第二版)练习答案 (unit4-unit6)

Payment: in cash
Tel. Number: 0086-431-568-9672
Fax: 0086-431-568-9675
Email address: dong@
6. firefighters
7. burns
8. hospital
9. guests
10. cause
A篇 迈阿密大学克莱姆宾馆住宿指南
4. How are you going to pay , in cash or by credit card ?
5. Here is the change , $ 23
P58- 3
1. fire
2. 3:10
3. reporters
4. on fire
5. at the windows
8. inconvenience
9. comfortably
10. available

实用英语综合教程2课后习题答案Unit1Listen and Decode1. tomorrow ball game skiing for a long time very warm agree2.1. No, she doesn't. 2. Going to the ball game and skiing3. She heard it on the radio4. No, he doesn't5. He will give Claire a call3. the time and place fine formal written in writing at the bottom attend in person or by phone comfortable4.DCAB。
Unit3Listen and Decode1.Dr. An early airport hotel ten-minute2.1. Dr. An 2. Miami University3. He took the earlier flight4. Very nice 5 The hotel.3.a telephone message a memo phone at home personal skills a message expect who called "What was the message?" friends and family questions WHEN they called the person calling reach4.BDPassage11.(1). . Because people stopped talking face to face to one another.(2). Because his friend was busy talking on his cell phone, completely forgetting his presence.(3). Because they can be used anywhere and anytime.(4).With e-mail, we can communicate without seeing or talking to one another; and with voice mail, we can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone.(5). People lose their intimacy of interaction.(6). He thinks it's great, but worries about its unintended consequences2. disconnected setback Internet talking reaching answer contact goes up phone automated3.(1). the communications revolution (2). their cell phones (3). electronic voice (4). e-mail (5). voice-mail (6).Directory assistance (7). great4. burden advances lonely invisible insert attendants pets chain preferable depositinterrupted Evidently5.(1). Please dial home and tell them I'm on the way to the company.(2). Since then there has never been any setback in production.(3). I saw him insert the key into the lock.(4). I suggest that you make a deposit at/with the bank(5). Yesterday Mr. Wang checked out from that hotel6.1. The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview.The square of the village was filled with people watching the football match of the World Cup2. We used to grow beautiful roses Peter used to go to the small town3. Why is it that this conclusion is wrong? Why is it that she can sing better than I?4.As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impression of him had been/was right.We get wiser as we get older.5. Why use wood when you can use plastic? Why ask me to do it when you can do it yourself?6. Pretty soon you won't have the burden of cooking breakfast for him. Pretty soon you won't take the trouble to send her to go to school every morning.Passage27.TFTTTFTTFTTT9.1. 尽管有时是字母与数字混合使用,所有的电话号码都是7位数字。

Unit 2 Communication by Email Unit GoalsWhat you should learn to do1.Chat onlinee abbreviations and slangs in communicating online3.Write an emailWhat you should know about1.Surfing online for:InformationShopping2.Good or bad of chatting online3.Noun clausesSection I Talking Face to Face1.Imitating Mini-Talks2.Acting out the Tasks3.Studying Email Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech / TalkSection III Trying your Hand1.Practicing Applied Writing2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarSection IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 :Information Related to the Reading PassageIt’s no understatement to say that e-mail has had a profound effect on our professional and personal lives. People thousands of miles away from each other can send and receive detailed documents within mere seconds. This allows us to take on projects that wouldn’t have been practical or possible only a few years ago. It has become routine for us to correspond and exchange files with people overseas. The only obstacle is the difference in time zones.But on the other hand, e-mail can eat up a substantial portion of our workday. Most of the time and effort involved is going through unsolicited messages and separating the good from the bad. But not all unsolicited messages are spam.Text E-mail, a Blessing and AnnoyanceFor the blessing:E-mail is a conversation that does not require an immediate response (like a telephone). If someone calls you on the telephone, you pick it up (unless you have an answering machine, voice mail or you are just plain rude) and the conversation begins. This is an interactive conversation. With e-mail, you send a message and then wait for a response. The response may come in five minutes or it may come in five days. Either way, it’s not an interactive conversation.If a hundred people send you e-mails in one day, so what? You don’t have to talk with all one hundred. Just think of all the hellos, goodbyes and other unnecessary chit-chat you can avoid. With e-mail, you only deal with their messages (which usually omit hellos, goodbyes and such) and you deal with them on your own time. That’s the blessing.Now for the annoyance:Too many e-mail users assume that the minute someone receives ane-mail, the person will read it. Bad assumption.If you schedule a meeting for an hour from now and send an e-mail to each participant, the chance that all the participants will read that message within the hour will be pretty small. On the other hand, if you schedule the meeting for the next day, the chance that they will read the message will be pretty high. Remember, e-mail is not designed for immediate response (that’s why you have a telephone), it’s designed for convenience.Some (not all) e-mail systems have features that try to combat this problem. These features (usually called “notification”) will notify you when a person has received your e-mail and may also tell you when the person has read it (really all it can do is assure you that the person has looked at the first screen of the message — it has no way to know if the person has read the message word for word). Referring back to the example in the previous paragraph, you could check to see who has checked their e-mail before the meeting and then telephone those who have not read it.Attachment: SmiliesSince there are no facial and voice cues to help e-mail, users have come up with something called “smilies”. They are simple series of symbols that are pieced together in the e-mail text to help express the writer’s feelings. The most common example is :-) (a smiling face). Here are some more examples.They are typically found at the end of sentences and will usually refer back to the previous statement.Language Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 3) If a hundred people send you e-mail in one day, so what?Analysis: so what? is an informal expression, which means “ Why should I care?”Translation: 如果在一天内有一百个人给你发邮件,那又怎么样呢?2. (Para. 3) Just think of all the hellos, good-byes and other unnecessary chit-chat you could avoid.Analysis: Just is used to make a statement or command stronger, meaning in Chinese “只是,仅仅”。
新编实用英语2Unit 2

Passage Listening
1. Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in blanks with the exact words you have heard.
Mr. Phanourakis was eighty-five years old when he said goodbye to his Greek mountain village and took an American ship for . His sons had done well in the restaurant business there and wanted him to spend his years with them. The old man knew no language his own. He his way easily about the foreign ship. When it was lunch time on his first day he found the of his table on the passengerlist outside the dining room and went to it. Together with other passengers, he waited for the chief steward to tell him where to sit.
Dialogue 1 4. What food is NOT mentioned in the dialogue? A. Beer. B. Roast chicken. C. Sea cucumber. D. Roast duck. 5. What beverage does Zhou drink? A. Coca cola. B. Wine. C. Beer. D. Tea.

新编实用英语综合教程2Unit 2答案P21-11)I am confused 2)what they all mean 3)can tell you some 4) how interesting5) I'll be grateful 6)came across 7)does it meanP21-21) Chatting on line looks like fun , have you ever tried it ?2) How do you feel about it ?3) Oh , really ? what 's the fun of it ?4) Wow , can you name some of them ?5) How interesting ! I should find some time to try it .P22-31) You really go online a lot , don't you ?2) I really do love browsing the internet .3) You get to enter a completely different world without going anywhere at all .4) The most interesting things is that you can do shopping online .5) The most stimulating example is the virtual car show rooms .6) so what can people do there ?P22-11)BBS 2) Users 3) way 4) keepers 5) personalP23-21) It's about college BBS2) It stands for Bulletin Board system .3) It's a good way for college students to exchange information .4) It want to show the problem of personnal attacks .5) It is suggested that the users provide real names and more strict watch be carried out over the content of BBS information .P23-31) Internet shopping 2)most popular 3)online 4) 1996 5) videos6) make use of 7) every book 8) at the webset 9) publish a new book10) sample 11) ten times 12) usual bookshops 13) credit card14) its business 15) in the past few yearsP24-41) C 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) BP26_1.1) It can share information , conduct business and communicate withpeople .2) About 55 million Americans .3) It is an auction site4) It allows families and friends to communicate at a low price and more frequently .P26-21) constant 2) sped up 3) conduct 4) benefit 5) privacy 6) education7) access 8) digitalP27-31) 22 million members2) increasingly merging with3) online growth4) broadbandlinks5) their own homesP27- 41) conducted 2) speeding up 3) merge 4) innovation 5) constant6) makes it clear 7) respective 8) slow downP27-51. They told the story through the medium of dance .2. The temperature will increase greatly into the eighties Fahrenheit over the weekend .3. We have succeeded in speeding up the production rate in the last few months .4. Once the payment has been made , the goods will be delivered at your convenience .5. They have complete access to the company 's files .6.Originally , it was a bed room , but we have turned it into a study now .P28-61. In just six years , email has become the most popular means for communication .In just a few years , cars will become the necessity of many families .2. This argument become increasingly bitter , almost becoming personal attacks .It has been made increasingly clearly that the air pollution in this city is becoming more and more serious.3. As with the previous plan , we'll carry this one through to the end .As with the flight schedules , the bus schedule are also strictly followed .4. In spite of repeated assurances that the product is safe , the sales do not appear to be increasingly at any time soon .In spite of the efforts by the search party , there was not hope of finding the missing boy soon .5. Another factor is that children living in the countryside can get a bettereducation , with the web technology providing new technical possibilities .Another factor is that there are more opportunities for young people to find a job .6. This type of car , originally affordable , only by millionairs , is rapidly becoming available to average people .This kind of lap-top , originally used by only a few , is rapidly becoming available to many people .P30-71F 2T 3T 4T 5F 6T 7T 8T 9F 10FP30-91.我发现, 花上一个晚上与新朋友聊天是非常轻松的。
新标准大学英语综合教程二 Unit2 课后题答案

综合教程二Unit2 课后题答案Active reading(1)Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words for actions in the box with their definitions.1 to gently move your hand over skin, hair or fur (stroke)2 to move along the ground on your hands and knees (crawl)3 to copy someone’s actions, words or behaviour (imitate)4 to touch someone gently several times with a flat hand to show that you care about them. (pat) Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.(a) My father patted me on the head to show he was pleased with me.(b) Children learn a lot by imitating their parents.(c) Babies start learning to crawl at about six months old.(d) She was sitting quietly in the corner, stroking the cat.5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes.1 (distinct)2 (Infants)3 (sympathetic)4 (stem from)5 (trace; discipline)6 (an overall; distress)改写:A lot of my childhood memories have faded now, but I have an overall impression that I often felt a vague sense of distress.6 Answer the questions about the words and phrases.1.a2.a3.a4.a5.b6.b7.a8.a9.bActive reading 23 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1.c2.b3.b4.d5.c6.c7.b8.c4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 (honorable)2 (drama)3 (beam)4 (catalog)5 (volume)6 (knot)7 (couch)8 (clip)9 (mostly)5 Complete the summary with the words in Activity 4.(1)honorable(2)beam(3)mostly(4)catalog(5)clip(6)knot(7)couch(8)volume(9)drama6 Answer the questions about the words and phrases.1.b2.a3.a4.a5.b6.a7.a8.b9.bLanguage in useComplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets and the suffix -ant or -ancy.1. About 800,000 illegal enter the US every year. (immigrate)Correct answer immigrants2. She says her dream is to be one of the on a TV reality show like "Big Brother". (contest)Correct answer contestants3. I want to get a job as a teacher, but there aren't many at the moment. (vacant)Correct answer vacancies4. I have a friend who runs a management in London. (consult)Correct answer consultancy5. The trial lasted three days, during which time the never opened her mouth. (defend)Correct answer defendant6. Mel can't make his mind up about anything. His is a bit worrying. (hesitant)Correct answer hesitancy7. I don't know the way out of the building. Perhaps you should ask the over there. (attend)Correct answer attendant8. A normal lasts for about 40 weeks. (pregnant)Correct answer pregnancy9. He worked as an headteacher for two years before coming here. (assist)Correct answer assistantComplete the answers with the correct form of the underlined words and the prefix mis-.1. What happens if you don't understand something properly?You it. Correct answer misunderstand2. What have you done with something if it's in the wrong place?You have it. Correct answer misplaced3. What is the opposite of good fortune?It is . Correct answer misfortune4. If you have made an incorrect judgement of someone's character, what have you done?You have made a . Correct answer misjudgement5. If you have not been correctly informed about something, what has happened?You have been about it. Correct answer misinformedNow rewrite the sentences using by the time. Follow the example.Example:I accumulated a fixed circle of people. Then I lost my hearing.By the time I lost my hearing, I'd already accumulated a fixed circle of people.1. I arrived at the party. Almost everyone had already left.Suggested answer:By the time I arrived at the party, almost everyone had already left.2. At the age of two, children know about 100 words.Suggested answer:By the time children are two, they have known about 100 words.3. In the end he realized what was happening, but it was too late to ask for help.Suggested answer:By the time he realized what was happening, it had been too late to ask for help.4. When I finally got my degree, most of my friends already had jobs.Suggested answer:By the time I finally got my degree, most of my friends already had jobs.5. Children learn a lot of useful skills before they leave primary school.Suggested answer:By the time they leave primary school, children have learnt a lot of useful skills.6. Courtney finished writing the essay. The deadline had already passed.Suggested answer:By the time Courtney finished writing the essay, the deadline had already passed.Rewrite the sentences using as if / as though. Follow the example.Example:Hope crawled off to be comforted by her mother. She was the one who seemed to have been hurt (and not the other baby).Hope crawled off to be comforted by her mother, as though it were she who had been hurt.1. I didn't make the mistake, but the old man shouted at me.Suggested answer:The old man shouted at me, as if / as though it were me who had made the mistake.2. The girl didn't fall over, but she started crying.Suggested answer:The girl started crying, as if / as though it were she who had fallen over.3. It wasn't Lucy's party, but she stood at the door welcoming everyone.Suggested answer:Lucy stood at the door welcoming everyone, as if / as though it were her party.4. David wasn't making the noise, but Sylvia closed the door of his room.Suggested answer:Sylvia closed the door of David's room, as if / as though it were him that was making the noise.Translate the sentences into Chinese.1. Such motor mimicry, as it is called, is the original technical sense of the word empathy as it was first used in the 1920s by E. B. Titchener, an American psychologist. Titchener's theory was that empathy stemmed from a sort of physical imitation of the distress of another, which then evokes the same feelings in oneself.这种所谓的运动神经模仿就是“同感”的原始技术含义,而“同感”这个词于20世纪20年代由美国心理学家E.B.铁钦纳首次使用。

新编实用英语综合教程2(第二版)练习答案(unit4-unit6)P56-11. day2. staying3. a week4. a room5. charge6. hotel cost7. deposit8. beforeP56-21. I have a reservation with you2. may I have a look at your passport3. would you please fill out the registration from4. Here is the key to Romm 5012 and the key card5. The bell -man will show you the wayP57-31.I would like to check out2. You checked in three days ago3. How much is the rate per night4. How are you going to pay , in cash or by credit card ?5. Here is the change , $ 23P58- 31. fire2. 3:103. reporters4. on fire5. at the windows6. firefighters7. burns8. hospital9. guests10. causeA篇迈阿密大学克莱姆宾馆住宿指南欢迎您入住克莱姆宾馆,我们荣幸地向迈阿密大学尊贵的客人提供优美的住宿条件。
在我们向您提供服务期间,我们提醒您注意以下事项:* 客房部经理住在大厅入口旁的129室,您可以拨打9-5226与他联系。
* 休息区开放时间:每天造成6:00至晚上11:00点。

前景实用英语综合教程2unit2Unit 2: Finding a JobIn this unit, we will focus on the topic of finding a job. We will discuss the different steps involved in the job search process, including creating a resume and cover letter, preparing for job interviews, and networking. We will also explore strategies for finding job opportunities and improving your chances of landing a job. By the end of the unit, you should have a better understanding of how to navigate the job market and increase your chances of finding employment.Lesson 1: Writing a Resume and Cover LetterIn this lesson, we will learn how to create an effective resume and cover letter. We will discuss the key components of a resume, including contact information, work experience, and skills. We will also explore different resume formats and discuss strategies for tailoring your resume to specific job opportunities.Lesson 2: Preparing for Job InterviewsIn this lesson, we will explore strategies for preparing for job interviews. We will discuss how to research a company and prepare answers to common interview questions. We will also learn about the importance of body language and professional demeanor during an interview.Lesson 3: Networking for Job OpportunitiesIn this lesson, we will discuss the importance of networking in the job search process. We will learn how to build professional relationships and utilize networking platforms such as LinkedIn. We will also explore strategies for expanding your network and maximizing your networking opportunities.Lesson 4: Finding Job OpportunitiesIn this lesson, we will explore different strategies for finding job opportunities. We will discuss traditional methods such as job boards and newspaper classifieds, as well as more modern methods such as online job search platforms. We will also discuss the importance of utilizing personal connections and professional organizations in finding job opportunities.Lesson 5: Improving Your Chances of Landing a JobIn this final lesson, we will discuss strategies for improving your chances of landing a job. We will explore the importance of continuous learning and professional development. We will also discuss the benefits of volunteering, internships, and part-time jobs in gaining experience and making valuable connections.By the end of this unit, you should have a better understanding of the job search process and strategies for finding employment. You should also have the necessary skills to create a strong resume and cover letter, prepare for job interviews, and network effectively. Finding a job can be a challenging and competitive process, but with the right skills and strategies, you can increase your chances of success.。

新编实用英语综合教程2unit 1课后习题答案P4-1①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's rightP4—21)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ?2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ?:3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ?4) Lemonade if you must bring sth 。
P4-31) what are you going to do this weekend ?2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend .3) the early or the late show4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop 。
5) i 'd rather go to KFC6) when and where shall we meet ?P5—1①tomorrow②ball game③skiing④for a long time ⑤very warm⑥agreeP6—2① No ,she doen’t ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No , he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a callP6-3① the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④ in writing ⑤ at the bottom ⑥ attend ⑦ in person or by phone ⑧ comfortableP7-41) d 2) C 3) a 4) bP8—11) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation .3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant 。

实用英语第六版综合教程二答案1、It ______ me half an hour to return to school.()[单选题] *A. takes(正确答案)B. spendsC. costsD. brings2、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When3、77.You can watch TV when you finish________ your homework. [单选题] * A.to doB.doC.to doingD.doing(正确答案)4、A lot of students in our school were born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since5、Jim is a(n) _______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers. [单选题] *A. secretaryB. tour guideC. accountant(正确答案)D. English teacher6、The car is _______. It needs washing. [单选题] *A. cleanB. dirty(正确答案)C. oldD. new7、Will you be able to finish your homework _______? [单选题] *A. by the timeB. in time(正确答案)C. once upon a timeD. out of time8、The people’s Republic of China _______ on October 1, 1 [单选题] *A. foundB. was founded(正确答案)C. is foundedD. was found9、This girl is my best friend, Wang Hui. ______ English name is Jane.()[单选题] *A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her(正确答案)10、We need two ______ and two bags of ______ for the banana milk shake.()[单选题]*A. banana; yogurtB. banana; yogurtsC. bananas; yogurt(正确答案)D. bananas; yogurts11、How lovely a day,()? [单选题] *A. doesn't itB. isn't it(正确答案)C.shouldn't itD.hasn't it12、His father always _______ by subway. [单选题] *A. go to workB. go to schoolC. goes to bedD. goes to work(正确答案)13、The street was named _____ George Washington who led the American war for independence. [单选题] *A. fromB. withC. asD. after(正确答案)14、14.He is cutting the apple ________ a knife. [单选题] *A.inB.toC.with(正确答案)D.by15、Our teacher was very happy because _______ failed the exam. [单选题] *A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobody(正确答案)D. everybody16、Jim, we have _______ important to tell you right now . [单选题] *A. someB. something(正确答案)C. anyD. anything17、The scenery is so beautiful. Let’s _______. [单选题] *A. take photos(正确答案)B. take mapsC. take busD. take exams18、Don’t swim in the river. It’s too _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. easyC. difficultD. dangerous(正确答案)19、In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours. [单选题] *A. didB. doC. had doneD. have been doing(正确答案)20、You’d ______ give up smoking. [单选题] *A. goodB. wellC. better(正确答案)D. best21、It _______ him ten minutes to solve the problem. [单选题] *A. spentB. took(正确答案)C. costD. paid22、I hope Tom will arrive _______ to attend the meeting. [单选题] *A. in timesB. on time(正确答案)C. at timesD. from time to time23、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as24、It took a long time to _______ Tom to go shopping with me. [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. persuade(正确答案)D. talk25、40.Star wars is ______ adventure film and it is very interesting. [单选题] *A.aB.an (正确答案)C.theD./26、40.—________ apples do we need to make fruit salad?—Let me think…We need three apples. [单选题] *A.How longB.How oftenC.How muchD.How many(正确答案)27、Guilin is _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. famous for(正确答案)B. interested inC. fond ofD. careful with28、“I think you are wonderful,”she said, “You are so patient with your little George.”[单选题] *A. 耐心(正确答案)B. 细心C. 关心D. 偏心29、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] *A. happilyB. nearlyC. loudly(正确答案)D. hardly30、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解。

实用英语第六版综合教程2课后答案1、45.—Let's make a cake ________ our mother ________ Mother's Day.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.with; forB.for; on(正确答案)C.to; onD.for; in2、I like booking tickets online,because it is _______. [单选题] *A. boringB. confidentC. convenient(正确答案)D. expensive3、How can I _______ the nearest supermarket? [单选题] *A. get offB. get upC. get to(正确答案)D. get on4、Jane and Tom _______ my friends. [单选题] *A. amB. isC. are(正确答案)D. was5、--The last bus has left. What should we do?--Let’s take a taxi. We have no other _______ now. [单选题] *A. choice(正确答案)B. reasonC. habitD. decision6、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] *A. 由…引发的B. 与…有牵连C. 给…带来麻烦D. 与…不相干(正确答案)7、They took _____ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. [单选题] *A.efficientB.beneficialC.validD.effective(正确答案)8、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about9、43.How much did you ________ the man for the TV? [单选题] * A.pay(正确答案)B.takeC.spendD.buy10、--Can I _______ your dictionary?--Sorry, I’m using it. [单选题] *A. borrow(正确答案)B. lendC. keepD. return11、He studied harder to _______ his reading skills. [单选题] *A. improve(正确答案)B. rememberC. memorizeD. forget12、( ) ________ large the library is! [单选题] *A. WhatB. What aC. How(正确答案)D. How a13、--What are the young people doing there?--They are discussing how to _______?the pollution in the river. [单选题] *A. come up withB. talk withC. deal with(正确答案)D. get on with14、Li Lei often takes a walk early ______ the morning.()[单选题] *A. atB. onC. in(正确答案)D. for15、Grandpa pointed to the hospital and said, “That’s _______ I was born?”[单选题] *A. whenB. howC. whyD. where(正确答案)16、Alice is a ______ girl. She always smiles and says hello to others.()[单选题] *A. shyB. strictC. healthyD. friendly(正确答案)17、You must pay more attention to your pronunciation. [单选题] *A. 词汇B. 拼写C. 发音(正确答案)D. 语法18、On Mother’s Day, Cathy made a beautiful card as a ______ for her mother. [单选题] *A. taskB. secretC. gift(正确答案)D. work19、What do you think of the idea that _____ honest man who married and brought up a large family did more service than he who continued single and only talked of _____ population. [单选题] *A. a, /B. an, /C. a, theD. an, the(正确答案)20、I’m not sure whether we’ll go on ______ foot or by _____ bike? [单选题] *A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /(正确答案)D. the; /21、The hall in our school is _____ to hold 500 people. [单选题] *A. big enough(正确答案)B. enough bigC. very smallD. very big22、21.Design a travel guide for Shanghai! ________ the competition and be the winner! [单选题] *A.JoinB.AttendC.EnterD.Take part in (正确答案)23、1——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.——_______ , thanks. Ithink I can manage. [单选题] *A. All rightB. No problemC. It’s all right(正确答案)D. There’s no way24、Have you done something _______ on the weekends? [单选题] *A. special(正确答案)B. soreC. convenientD. slim25、The little boy saved his money ______ he could buy his mother a gift on Mother’s Day.()[单选题] *A. butB. such thatC. in order toD. so that(正确答案)26、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at27、_______ your help, I can’t finish my job. [单选题] *A. withB. without(正确答案)C. inD. into28、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)29、You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of(). [单选题] *A. dateB. shape(正确答案)C. orderD. balance30、29.______ my free time, I like listening to music. [单选题] *A.AtB.OnC.In(正确答案) D.About。

Unit 2 Communication by Email Unit GoalsWhat you should learn to do1.Chat onlinee abbreviations and slangs in communicating online3.Write an emailWhat you should know about1.Surfing online for:InformationShopping2.Good or bad of chatting online3.Noun clausesSection I Talking Face to Face1.Imitating Mini-Talks2.Acting out the Tasks3.Studying Email Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech / TalkSection III Trying your Hand1.Practicing Applied Writing2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarSection IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 :Information Related to the Reading PassageIt’s no understatement to say that e-mail has had a profound effect on our professional and personal lives. People thousands of miles away from each other can send and receive detailed documents within mere seconds. This allows us to take on projects that wouldn’t have been practical or possible only a few years ago. It has become routine for us to correspond and exchange files with people overseas. The only obstacle is the difference in time zones.But on the other hand, e-mail can eat up a substantial portion of our workday. Most of the time and effort involved is going through unsolicited messages and separating the good from the bad. But not all unsolicited messages are spam.Text E-mail, a Blessing and AnnoyanceFor the blessing:E-mail is a conversation that does not require an immediate response (like a telephone). If someone calls you on the telephone, you pick it up (unless you have an answering machine, voice mail or you are just plain rude) and the conversation begins. This is an interactive conversation.With e-mail, you send a message and then wait for a response. The response may come in five minutes or it may come in five days. Either way, it’s not an interactive conversation.If a hundred people send you e-mails in one day, so what? You don’t have to talk with all one hundred. Just think of all the hellos, goodbyes and other unnecessary chit-chat you can avoid. With e-mail, you only deal with their messages (which usually omit hellos, goodbyes and such) and you deal with them on your own time. That’s the blessing.Now for the annoyance:Too many e-mail users assume that the minute someone receives an e-mail, the person will read it. Bad assumption.If you schedule a meeting for an hour from now and send an e-mail to eachparticipant, the chance that all the participants will read that message within the hour will be pretty small. On the other hand, if you schedule the meeting for the next day, the chance that they will read the message will be pretty high. Remember, e-mail is not designed for immediate response (that’s why you have a telephone), it’s designed for convenience.Some (not all) e-mail systems have features that try to combat this problem. These features (usually called “notification”) will notify you when a person has received your e-mail and may also tell you when the person has read it (really all it can do is assure you that the person has looked at the first screen of the message —it has no way to know if the person has read the message word for word). Referring back to the example in the previous paragraph, you could check to see who has checked their e-mail before the meeting and then telephone those who have not read it.Attachment: SmiliesSince there are no facial and voice cues to help e-mail, users have come up with something called “smilies”. They are simple series of symbols that are pieced together in the e-mail text to help express the writer’s feelings. The most common example is :-) (a smiling face). Here are some more examples.They are typically found at the end of sentences and will usually refer back to the previous statement.Language Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 3) If a hundred people send you e-mail in one day, so what?Analysis: so what? is an informal expression, which means “Why should I care?”Translation: 如果在一天内有一百个人给你发邮件,那又怎么样呢?2. (Para. 3) Just think of all the hellos, good-byes and other unnecessary chit-chat you could avoid.Analysis: Just is used to make a statement or command stronger, meaning in Chinese“只是,仅仅”。

Background Information Video Clip Group Discussion Spot Dictation
Conduits for electricity, gas, compressed air or drinking water are laid in the upper layer of soil in the first five meters underground.
Spot Dictation
In a news program, Greenpeace _______ people to find out new called on methods in ________ so that we could live in a safer environment. The production researchers had collected dust hidden in the ____ and carpets from 100 rugs
Further Understanding Questions:
1. Why was the cab different?
Part Division of the Text Further Understanding
Because the cab was clean and decorated. The floor was covered with a rug. There were small reproductions of paintings by Van Gogh and Gauguin inside the cab. And the windows were spotless.

适用英语综合教程2 答案【篇一:新编适用英语综合教程2unit4-6 课后练习答案】nit6)p56-11.day2.staying3.a week4.a room5.charge6.hotel cost7.deposit8.beforep56-21.i have a reservation with you2.may i have a look at your passport3.would you please fill out the registration from4.here is the key to romm 5012 and the key card5.the bell -man will show you theway p57-31.i would like to check out2.you checked in three days ago3.how much is the rate per night4.how are you going to pay , in cash or by credit card ?5.here is the change , $ 23p58- 31.fire2.3:103.reporters4.on fire5.at the windows6.firefighters7.burns8.hospital9.guests10.causea 篇迈阿密大学克莱姆旅店住宿指南欢迎您入住克莱姆旅店,我们有幸地向迈阿密大学尊贵的客人供给优美的住宿条件。
在我们向您供给服务时期,我们提示您注意以下事项:*客房部经理住在大厅进口旁的 129 室,您可以拨打 9-5226 与他联系。
平常每天下午 5:00 此后,以及周末时期,您若有问题和要求,请与客房部经理联系。
*休息区开放时间:每天造成 6:00 至夜晚 11:00 点。
实用英语综合教程 第二册 book 2 Unit 10 Legal systems around the world优化

Information on the new idea: It’s an on-line website system for (1) __________called The Great Ideas Directory, (2) __________for short, which has been developing for almost (3) __________. People inventing new (4) __________ can get finance on this website. Discussing process: At first, (5) __________will be talked about. Then, (6) __________. Last, development costs and (7) __________will be talked.
9、 What are the workmen doing? A.Repairing the fire door B.Repairing the kitchen C.Repairing the fire alarm 10、 What is the guest’s name? A.Mark Black B.Mike Black C.Mark Block
PART TWO:Questions 8-15 You will hear a long dialogue on checking in. For each question (8-15), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. After you have listened once, replay the recording. 8、Why has Luke been busy? A.Lots of guests have been checking out. B.He’s had lots of guests’ complaints. C.Lots of conference delegates have been checking in.
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1、While studying abroad, he financially depended()his wife. [单选题] *
A. on(正确答案)
B. of
C. to
D. from
2、—_____ will the bus arrive? —In four minutes. [单选题] *
A. How long
B. How often
C. How soon(正确答案)
D. How far
3、Amy and her best friend often ______ books together.()[单选题] *
A. read(正确答案)
B. reads
C. is reading
D. to read
4、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *
A. how
B. which
C. that(正确答案)
D. what
5、The house is well decorated _____ the disarrangement of a few photos. [单选题] *
A. except
B. besides
C. except for(正确答案)
D. in addition to
6、You can _______ Bus 116 to get there. [单选题] *
A. by
B. take(正确答案)
C. on
D. in
7、Our teacher was very happy because _______ failed the exam. [单选题] *
A. somebody
B. anybody
C. nobody(正确答案)
D. everybody
8、Online shopping _______ very popular now. [单选题] *
A. is(正确答案)
B. are
C. was
D. were
9、The book is _______. You’d better buy it. [单选题] *
A. useful(正确答案)
B. useless
C. use
D. careful
10、It' s a pity that we have to stay at home when we are having()weather. [单选题] *
A. so fine
B. so fine a
C. such fine(正确答案)
D. such a fine
11、His father always _______ by subway. [单选题] *
A. go to work
B. go to school
C. goes to bed
D. goes to work(正确答案)
12、He used to get up at six in the morning,()? [单选题] *
A. used he
B. did he
C. didnt he (正确答案)
D. should he
13、The storybook is very ______. I’m very ______ in reading it. ()[单选题] *
A. interesting; interested(正确答案)
B. interested; interesting
C. interested; interested
D. interesting; interesting
14、Jack can speak Japanese, and his brother can _______ speak Japanese. [单选题] *
A. too
B. also(正确答案)
C. either
D. as well
15、We should have breakfast every day to keep ______. [单选题] *
A. health
B. healthy(正确答案)
C. healthily
D. the healthy
16、Tom sits _______ Mary and Jane. [单选题] *
A. among
B. between(正确答案)
C. on
D. next
17、There is not much news in today's paper,_____? [单选题] *
A. is it
B. isn't it
C.isn't there
D. is there(正确答案)
18、Becky is having a great time ______ her aunt in Shanghai. ()[单选题] *
A. to visit
B. visited
C. visits
D. visiting(正确答案)
19、I haven’t met him _____ the last committee meeting. [单选题] *
A. for
B. since(正确答案)
C. at
D. before
20、John will go home as soon as he _______ his work. [单选题] *
A. finish
B. will finish
C. finished
D. finishes(正确答案)
21、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *
A. What(正确答案)
B. When
C. Where
D. How
22、( ) No matter _____ hard it may be, I will carry it out. [单选题] *
A what
B whatever
C how(正确答案)
D however
23、—These shoes look cool. ______ are they?—They are on sale, only $()[单选题] *
A. How much(正确答案)
B. How long
C. How many
D. How soon
24、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *
A. lent
B. borrowed(正确答案)
C. kept
D. returned
25、Mom, I need you ______ me a pencil box.()[单选题] *
A. buy
B. buying
C. to buy(正确答案)
D. to buying
26、Bliss, who worked in an information centre, began to work on the book in 1 [单选题] *
A. 策划
B. 上班
C. 写作(正确答案)
D. 销售
27、As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. [单选题] *
A. arrived, writes
B. arrived, written
C. arrived, wrote(正确答案)
D. arrives, write
28、The family will have _______ good time in Shanghai Disneyland. [单选题] *
A. the
B. a(正确答案)
C. an
D. /
29、He made ______ for an old person on the bus. [单选题] *
A. room(正确答案)
B. rooms
C. a room
D. some rooms
30、She returns home every year to _______ the Spring Festival. [单选题] *
A. celebrate(正确答案)
B. share
C. watch
D. congratulate。