



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译译文:Java I/O 系统[1]对编程语言的设计者来说,创建一套好的输入输出(I/O)系统,是一项难度极高的任务。





坦率地说,Java I/O系统的类实在太多了,以至于初看起来会把人吓着(但是,具有讽刺意味的是,这种设计实际上是限制了类的爆炸性增长)。


为了提高性能,完善功能,JDK1.4又加了一个nio(意思是“new I/O”。


这么以来,如果你想对Java 的I/O类库有个全面了解,并且做到运用自如,你就得先学习大量的类。



本文会介绍Java 标准类库中的各种I/O类,及其使用方法。

File 类在介绍直接从流里读写数据的类之前,我们先介绍一下处理文件和目录的类。



如果它表示的是一组文件,那么你还可以用list( )方法来进行查询,让它会返回String数组。





一是不带参数调用list( )。




英文原文:Title: Business Applications of Java. Author: Erbschloe, Michael, Business Applications of Java -- Research Starters Business, 2008DataBase: Research Starters - BusinessBusiness Applications of JavaThis article examines the growing use of Java technology in business applications. The history of Java is briefly reviewed along with the impact of open standards on the growth of the World Wide Web. Key components and concepts of the Java programming language are explained including the Java Virtual Machine. Examples of how Java is being used bye-commerce leaders is provided along with an explanation of how Java is used to develop data warehousing, data mining, and industrial automation applications. The concept of metadata modeling and the use of Extendable Markup Language (XML) are also explained.Keywords Application Programming Interfaces (API's); Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB); Extendable Markup Language (XML); HyperText Markup Language (HTML); HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS); Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA); Java Cryptography Extension (JCE); Java Programming Language; Java Virtual Machine (JVM); Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE); Metadata Business Information Systems > Business Applications of JavaOverviewOpen standards have driven the e-business revolution. Networking protocol standards, such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Web standards have enabled universal communication via the Internet and the World Wide Web. As e-business continues to develop, various computing technologies help to drive its evolution.The Java programming language and platform have emerged as major technologies for performing e-business functions. Java programming standards have enabled portability of applications and the reuse of application components across computing platforms. Sun Microsystems' Java Community Process continues to be a strong base for the growth of the Java infrastructure and language standards. This growth of open standards creates new opportunities for designers and developers of applications and services (Smith, 2001).Creation of Java TechnologyJava technology was created as a computer programming tool in a small, secret effort called "the Green Project" at Sun Microsystems in 1991. The Green Team, fully staffed at 13 people and led by James Gosling, locked themselves away in an anonymous office on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, cut off from all regular communications with Sun, and worked around the clock for18 months. Their initial conclusion was that at least one significant trend would be the convergence of digitally controlled consumer devices and computers. A device-independent programming language code-named "Oak" was the result.To demonstrate how this new language could power the future of digital devices, the Green Team developed an interactive, handheld home-entertainment device controller targeted at the digital cable television industry. But the idea was too far ahead of its time, and the digital cable television industry wasn't ready for the leap forward that Java technology offered them. As it turns out, the Internet was ready for Java technology, and just in time for its initial public introduction in 1995, the team was able to announce that the Netscape Navigator Internet browser would incorporate Java technology ("Learn about Java," 2007).Applications of JavaJava uses many familiar programming concepts and constructs and allows portability by providing a common interface through an external Java Virtual Machine (JVM). A virtual machine is a self-contained operating environment, created by a software layer that behaves as if it were a separate computer. Benefits of creating virtual machines include better exploitation of powerful computing resources and isolation of applications to prevent cross-corruption and improve security (Matlis, 2006).The JVM allows computing devices with limited processors or memory to handle more advanced applications by calling up software instructions inside the JVM to perform most of the work. This also reduces the size and complexity of Java applications because many of the core functions and processing instructions were built into the JVM. As a result, software developersno longer need to re-create the same application for every operating system. Java also provides security by instructing the application to interact with the virtual machine, which served as a barrier between applications and the core system, effectively protecting systems from malicious code.Among other things, Java is tailor-made for the growing Internet because it makes it easy to develop new, dynamic applications that could make the most of the Internet's power and capabilities. Java is now an open standard, meaning that no single entity controls its development and the tools for writing programs in the language are available to everyone. The power of open standards like Java is the ability to break down barriers and speed up progress.Today, you can find Java technology in networks and devices that range from the Internet and scientific supercomputers to laptops and cell phones, from Wall Street market simulators to home game players and credit cards. There are over 3 million Java developers and now there are several versions of the code. Most large corporations have in-house Java developers. In addition, the majority of key software vendors use Java in their commercial applications (Lazaridis, 2003).ApplicationsJava on the World Wide WebJava has found a place on some of the most popular websites in the world and the uses of Java continues to grow. Java applications not only provide unique user interfaces, they also help to power the backend of websites. Two e-commerce giants that everybody is probably familiar with (eBay and Amazon) have been Java pioneers on the World Wide Web.eBayFounded in 1995, eBay enables e-commerce on a local, national and international basis with an array of Web sites-including the eBay marketplaces, PayPal, Skype, and -that bring together millions of buyers and sellers every day. You can find it on eBay, even if you didn't know it existed. On a typical day, more than 100 million items are listed on eBay in tens of thousands of categories. Recent listings have included a tunnel boring machine from the Chunnel project, a cup of water that once belonged to Elvis, and the Volkswagen that Pope Benedict XVI owned before he moved up to the Popemobile. More than one hundred million items are available at any given time, from the massive to the miniature, the magical to the mundane, on eBay; the world's largest online marketplace.eBay uses Java almost everywhere. To address some security issues, eBay chose Sun Microsystems' Java System Identity Manager as the platform for revamping its identity management system. The task at hand was to provide identity management for more than 12,000 eBay employees and contractors.Now more than a thousand eBay software developers work daily with Java applications. Java's inherent portability allows eBay to move to new hardware to take advantage of new technology, packaging, or pricing, without having to rewrite Java code ("eBay drives explosive growth," 2007).Amazon (a large seller of books, CDs, and other products) has created a Web Service application that enables users to browse their product catalog and place orders. uses a Java application that searches the Amazon catalog for books whose subject matches a user-selected topic. The application displays ten books that match the chosen topic, and shows the author name, book title, list price, Amazon discount price, and the cover icon. The user may optionally view one review per displayed title and make a buying decision (Stearns & Garishakurthi, 2003).Java in Data Warehousing & MiningAlthough many companies currently benefit from data warehousing to support corporate decision making, new business intelligence approaches continue to emerge that can be powered by Java technology. Applications such as data warehousing, data mining, Enterprise Information Portals (EIP's), and Knowledge Management Systems (which can all comprise a businessintelligence application) are able to provide insight into customer retention, purchasing patterns, and even future buying behavior.These applications can not only tell what has happened but why and what may happen given certain business conditions; allowing for "what if" scenarios to be explored. As a result of this information growth, people at all levels inside the enterprise, as well as suppliers, customers, and others in the value chain, are clamoring for subsets of the vast stores of information such as billing, shipping, and inventory information, to help them make business decisions. While collecting and storing vast amounts of data is one thing, utilizing and deploying that data throughout the organization is another.The technical challenges inherent in integrating disparate data formats, platforms, and applications are significant. However, emerging standards such as the Application Programming Interfaces (API's) that comprise the Java platform, as well as Extendable Markup Language (XML) technologies can facilitate the interchange of data and the development of next generation data warehousing and business intelligence applications. While Java technology has been used extensively for client side access and to presentation layer challenges, it is rapidly emerging as a significant tool for developing scaleable server side programs. The Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) provides the object, transaction, and security support for building such systems.Metadata IssuesOne of the key issues that business intelligence developers must solve is that of incompatible metadata formats. Metadata can be defined as information about data or simply "data about data." In practice, metadata is what most tools, databases, applications, and other information processes use to define, relate, and manipulate data objects within their own environments. It defines the structure and meaning of data objects managed by an application so that the application knows how to process requests or jobs involving those data objects. Developers can use this schema to create views for users. Also, users can browse the schema to better understand the structure and function of the database tables before launching a query.To address the metadata issue, a group of companies (including Unisys, Oracle, IBM, SAS Institute, Hyperion, Inline Software and Sun) have joined to develop the Java Metadata Interface (JMI) API. The JMI API permits the access and manipulation of metadata in Java with standard metadata services. JMI is based on the Meta Object Facility (MOF) specification from the Object Management Group (OMG). The MOF provides a model and a set of interfaces for the creation, storage, access, and interchange of metadata and metamodels (higher-level abstractions of metadata). Metamodel and metadata interchange is done via XML and uses the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) specification, also from the OMG. JMI leverages Java technology to create an end-to-end data warehousing and business intelligence solutions framework.Enterprise JavaBeansA key tool provided by J2EE is Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), an architecture for the development of component-based distributed business applications. Applications written using the EJB architecture are scalable, transactional, secure, and multi-user aware. These applications may be written once and then deployed on any server platform that supports J2EE. The EJB architecture makes it easy for developers to write components, since they do not need to understand or deal with complex, system-level details such as thread management, resource pooling, and transaction and security management. This allows for role-based development where component assemblers, platform providers and application assemblers can focus on their area of responsibility further simplifying application development.EJB's in the Travel IndustryA case study from the travel industry helps to illustrate how such applications could function. A travel company amasses a great deal of information about its operations in various applications distributed throughout multiple departments. Flight, hotel, and automobile reservation information is located in a database being accessed by travel agents worldwide. Another application contains information that must be updated with credit and billing historyfrom a financial services company. Data is periodically extracted from the travel reservation system databases to spreadsheets for use in future sales and marketing analysis.Utilizing J2EE, the company could consolidate application development within an EJB container, which can run on a variety of hardware and software platforms allowing existing databases and applications to coexist with newly developed ones. EJBs can be developed to model various data sets important to the travel reservation business including information about customer, hotel, car rental agency, and other attributes.Data Storage & AccessData stored in existing applications can be accessed with specialized connectors. Integration and interoperability of these data sources is further enabled by the metadata repository that contains metamodels of the data contained in the sources, which then can be accessed and interchanged uniformly via the JMI API. These metamodels capture the essential structure and semantics of business components, allowing them to be accessed and queried via the JMI API or to be interchanged via XML. Through all of these processes, the J2EE infrastructure ensures the security and integrity of the data through transaction management and propagation and the underlying security architecture.To consolidate historical information for analysis of sales and marketing trends, a data warehouse is often the best solution. In this example, data can be extracted from the operational systems with a variety of Extract, Transform and Load tools (ETL). The metamodels allow EJBsdesigned for filtering, transformation, and consolidation of data to operate uniformly on datafrom diverse data sources as the bean is able to query the metamodel to identify and extract the pertinent fields. Queries and reports can be run against the data warehouse that contains information from numerous sources in a consistent, enterprise-wide fashion through the use of the JMI API (Mosher & Oh, 2007).Java in Industrial SettingsMany people know Java only as a tool on the World Wide Web that enables sites to perform some of their fancier functions such as interactivity and animation. However, the actual uses for Java are much more widespread. Since Java is an object-oriented language like C++, the time needed for application development is minimal. Java also encourages good software engineering practices with clear separation of interfaces and implementations as well as easy exception handling.In addition, Java's automatic memory management and lack of pointers remove some leading causes of programming errors. Most importantly, application developers do not need to create different versions of the software for different platforms. The advantages available through Java have even found their way into hardware. The emerging new Java devices are streamlined systems that exploit network servers for much of their processing power, storage, content, and administration.Benefits of JavaThe benefits of Java translate across many industries, and some are specific to the control and automation environment. For example, many plant-floor applications use relatively simple equipment; upgrading to PCs would be expensive and undesirable. Java's ability to run on any platform enables the organization to make use of the existing equipment while enhancing the application.IntegrationWith few exceptions, applications running on the factory floor were never intended to exchange information with systems in the executive office, but managers have recently discovered the need for that type of information. Before Java, that often meant bringing together data from systems written on different platforms in different languages at different times. Integration was usually done on a piecemeal basis, resulting in a system that, once it worked, was unique to the two applications it was tying together. Additional integration required developing a brand new system from scratch, raising the cost of integration.Java makes system integration relatively easy. Foxboro Controls Inc., for example, used Java to make its dynamic-performance-monitor software package Internet-ready. This software provides senior executives with strategic information about a plant's operation. The dynamic performance monitor takes data from instruments throughout the plant and performs variousmathematical and statistical calculations on them, resulting in information (usually financial) that a manager can more readily absorb and use.ScalabilityAnother benefit of Java in the industrial environment is its scalability. In a plant, embedded applications such as automated data collection and machine diagnostics provide critical data regarding production-line readiness or operation efficiency. These data form a critical ingredient for applications that examine the health of a production line or run. Users of these devices can take advantage of the benefits of Java without changing or upgrading hardware. For example, operations and maintenance personnel could carry a handheld, wireless, embedded-Java device anywhere in the plant to monitor production status or problems.Even when internal compatibility is not an issue, companies often face difficulties when suppliers with whom they share information have incompatible systems. This becomes more of a problem as supply-chain management takes on a more critical role which requires manufacturers to interact more with offshore suppliers and clients. The greatest efficiency comes when all systems can communicate with each other and share information seamlessly. Since Java is so ubiquitous, it often solves these problems (Paula, 1997).Dynamic Web Page DevelopmentJava has been used by both large and small organizations for a wide variety of applications beyond consumer oriented websites. Sandia, a multiprogram laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration, has developed a unique Java application. The lab was tasked with developing an enterprise-wide inventory tracking and equipment maintenance system that provides dynamic Web pages. The developers selected Java Studio Enterprise 7 for the project because of its Application Framework technology and Web Graphical User Interface (GUI) components, which allow the system to be indexed by an expandable catalog. The flexibility, scalability, and portability of Java helped to reduce development timeand costs (Garcia, 2004)IssueJava Security for E-Business ApplicationsTo support the expansion of their computing boundaries, businesses have deployed Web application servers (WAS). A WAS differs from a traditional Web server because it provides a more flexible foundation for dynamic transactions and objects, partly through the exploitation of Java technology. Traditional Web servers remain constrained to servicing standard HTTP requests, returning the contents of static HTML pages and images or the output from executed Common Gateway Interface (CGI ) scripts.An administrator can configure a WAS with policies based on security specifications for Java servlets and manage authentication and authorization with Java Authentication andAuthorization Service (JAAS) modules. An authentication and authorization service can bewritten in Java code or interface to an existing authentication or authorization infrastructure. Fora cryptography-based security infrastructure, the security server may exploit the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) and Java Cryptography Extension (JCE). To present the user with a usable interaction with the WAS environment, the Web server can readily employ a formof "single sign-on" to avoid redundant authentication requests. A single sign-on preserves user authentication across multiple HTTP requests so that the user is not prompted many times for authentication data (i.e., user ID and password).Based on the security policies, JAAS can be employed to handle the authentication process with the identity of the Java client. After successful authentication, the WAS securitycollaborator consults with the security server. The WAS environment authentication requirements can be fairly complex. In a given deployment environment, all applications or solutions may not originate from the same vendor. In addition, these applications may be running on different operating systems. Although Java is often the language of choice for portability between platforms, it needs to marry its security features with those of the containing environment.Authentication & AuthorizationAuthentication and authorization are key elements in any secure information handling system. Since the inception of Java technology, much of the authentication and authorization issues have been with respect to downloadable code running in Web browsers. In many ways, this had been the correct set of issues to address, since the client's system needs to be protected from mobile code obtained from arbitrary sites on the Internet. As Java technology moved from a client-centric Web technology to a server-side scripting and integration technology, it required additional authentication and authorization technologies.The kind of proof required for authentication may depend on the security requirements of a particular computing resource or specific enterprise security policies. To provide such flexibility, the JAAS authentication framework is based on the concept of configurable authenticators. This architecture allows system administrators to configure, or plug in, the appropriate authenticatorsto meet the security requirements of the deployed application. The JAAS architecture also allows applications to remain independent from underlying authentication mechanisms. So, as new authenticators become available or as current authentication services are updated, system administrators can easily replace authenticators without having to modify or recompile existing applications.At the end of a successful authentication, a request is associated with a user in the WAS user registry. After a successful authentication, the WAS consults security policies to determine if the user has the required permissions to complete the requested action on the servlet. This policy canbe enforced using the WAS configuration (declarative security) or by the servlet itself (programmatic security), or a combination of both.The WAS environment pulls together many different technologies to service the enterprise. Because of the heterogeneous nature of the client and server entities, Java technology is a good choice for both administrators and developers. However, to service the diverse security needs of these entities and their tasks, many Java security technologies must be used, not only at a primary level between client and server entities, but also at a secondary level, from served objects. By using a synergistic mix of the various Java security technologies, administrators and developers can make not only their Web application servers secure, but their WAS environments secure as well (Koved, 2001).ConclusionOpen standards have driven the e-business revolution. As e-business continues to develop, various computing technologies help to drive its evolution. The Java programming language and platform have emerged as major technologies for performing e-business functions. Java programming standards have enabled portability of applications and the reuse of application components. Java uses many familiar concepts and constructs and allows portability by providing a common interface through an external Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Today, you can find Java technology in networks and devices that range from the Internet and scientific supercomputers to laptops and cell phones, from Wall Street market simulators to home game players and credit cards.Java has found a place on some of the most popular websites in the world. Java applications not only provide unique user interfaces, they also help to power the backend of websites. While Java technology has been used extensively for client side access and in the presentation layer, it is also emerging as a significant tool for developing scaleable server side programs.Since Java is an object-oriented language like C++, the time needed for application development is minimal. Java also encourages good software engineering practices with clear separation of interfaces and implementations as well as easy exception handling. Java's automatic memory management and lack of pointers remove some leading causes of programming errors. The advantages available through Java have also found their way into hardware. The emerging new Java devices are streamlined systems that exploit network servers for much of their processing power, storage, content, and administration.中文翻译:标题:Java的商业应用。



9.4 翻译The Java I/O SystemCreating a good input/output (I/O) system is one of the more difficult tasks for the language designer.This is evidenced by the number of different approaches. The challenge seems to be in covering all eventualities. Not only are there different sources and sinks of I/O that you want to communicate with (files, the console, network connections, etc.), but you need to talk to them in a wide variety of ways (sequential, random-SQLServer2000, buffered, binary, character, by lines, by words, etc.).The Java library designers attacked this problem by creating lots of classes. In fact, there are so many classes for Java’s I/O system that it can be intimidating at first (ironically, the Java I/O design actually prevents an explosion of classes). There was also a significant change in the I/O library after Java 1.0, when the original byte-oriented library was supplemented with char-oriented, Unicode-based I/O classes. In JDK 1.4, the nio classes (for “new I/O,” a name we’ll still be usi ng years from now) were added for improved performance and functionality. As a result, there are a fair number of classes to learn before you understand enough of Java’s I/O picture that you can use it properly. In addition, it’s rather important to unders tand the evolution history of the I/O library, even if your first reaction is “don’t bother me with history, just show me how to use it!” The problem is that without the historical perspective, you will rapidly become confused with some of the classes and when you should and shouldn’t use them.This chapter will give you an introduction to the variety of I/O classes in the standard Java library and how to use them.The File classBefore getting into the classes that actually read and write data to streams, we’ll look at a utility provided with the library to assist you in handling file directory issues.The File class has a deceiving name; you might think it refers to a file, but it doesn’t. It can represent either the name of a particular file or the names of a set of files in a directory. If it’s a set of files, you can ask for that set using the list( ) method, which returns an array of String. It makessense to return an array rather than one of the flexible container classes, because the number of elements is fixed, and if you want a different directory listing, you just create a different File object. In fact, “FilePath” would have been a better name for the class. This section shows an example of the use of this class, including the associated FilenameFilter interface.A directory listerSuppose you’d like to see a directory listing. The File object can be listed in two ways. If you call list( ) with no arguments, you’ll get the full list that the File object contains. However, if you want a restricted list—for example, if you want all of the files with an extension of .java—then you use a “directory filter,” which is a class that tells how to select the File objects for display.The DirFilter class “implements” the interface FilenameFilter. It’s useful t o see how simple the FilenameFilter interface is:public interface FilenameFilter {boolean accept(File dir, String name);}It says all that this type of object does is provide a method called accept( ). The whole reason behind the creation of this class is to provide the accept( ) method to the list( ) method so that list( ) can “call back” accept( ) to determine which file names should be included in the list. Thus, this structure is often referred to as a callback. More specifically, this is an example of the Strategy Pattern, because list( ) implements basic functionality, and you provide the Strategy in the form of a FilenameFilter in order to complete the algorithm necessary for list( ) to provide its service. Because list( ) takes a FilenameFilter object as its argument, it means that you can pass an object of any class that implements FilenameFilter to choose (even at run time) how the list( ) method will behave. The purpose of a callback is to provide flexibility in the behavior of code.DirFilte r shows that just because an interface contains only a set of methods, you’re not restricted to writing only those methods. (You must at least provide definitions for all the methods in an interface, however.) In this case, the DirFilter constructor is also created.The accept( ) method must accept a File object representing the directory that a particular file is found in, and a String containing the name of that file. You might choose to use or ignore either of these arguments, but you will probably at least use the file name. Remember that the list( ) method is calling accept( ) for each of the file names in the directory object to see which one should be included; this is indicated by the boolean result returned by accept( ).To make sure the element you’re working with is only the file name and contains no path information, all you have to do is take the String object and create a File object out of it, then call getName( ), which strips away all the path information (in a platform-independent way). Then accept( ) uses a regular expression matcher object to see if the regular expression regex matches the name of the file. Using accept( ), the list( ) method returns an array.Input and outputI/O libraries often use the abstraction of a stream, which represents any data source or sink as an object capable of producing or receiving pieces of data. The stream hides the details of what happens to the data inside the actual I/O device.The Java library classes for I/O are divided by input and output, as you can see by looking at the class hierarchy in the JDK documentation. By inheritance, everything derived from the InputStream or Reader classes have basic methods called read( ) for reading a single byte or array of bytes. Likewise, everything derived from OutputStream or Writer classes have basic methods called write( ) for writing a single byte or array of bytes. However, you won’t generally use these methods; they exist so that other classes can use them—these other classes provide a more useful interface. Thus, you’ll rarely create your stream object by using a single class, but instead will layer multiple objects together to provide your desired functionality. The fact that you create more than one object to create a single resulting stream is the primary re ason that Java’s stream library is confusing.It’s helpful to categorize the classes by their functionality. In Java 1.0, the library designers started by deciding that all classes that had anything to do with input would be inherited from InputStream, and all classes that were associated with output would be inherited from OutputStream.Types of InputStreamInputStream’s job is to represent classes that produce input from different sources. These sources can be:1.An array of bytes.2. A String object.3. A file.4. A “pipe,” which works like a physical pipe: You put things in at one end and they come outthe other.5. A sequence of other streams, so you can collect them together into a single stream.6.Other sources, such as an Internet connection. (This is covered in Thinking in EnterpriseJava.)Each of these has an associated subclass of InputStream. In addition, the FilterInputStream is also a type of InputStream, to provide a base class for "decorator" classes that attach attributes or useful interfaces to input streams. This is discussed later.Types of OutputStreamThis category includes the classes that decide where your output will go: an array of bytes (no String, however; presumably, you can create one using the array of bytes), a file, or a “pipe.”In addition, the FilterOutputStream provides a base class for "decorator" classes that attach attributes or useful interfaces to output streams.Adding attributes and useful interfacesThe use of layered objects to dynamically and transparently add responsibilities to individual objects is referred to as the Decorator pattern. (Patterns are the subject of Thinking in Patterns (with Java) at .) The decorator pattern specifies that all objects that wrap around your initial object have the same interface. This makes the basic use of the decorators transparent—you send the same message to an object whether it has been decorated or not. This is the reason for the existence of the “filter” classes in the Java I/O library: The abstract “filter” class is the base class for all thedecorators. (A decorator must have the same interface as the object it decorates, but the decorator can also extend the interface, which occurs in several of the “filter” classes).Decorators are often used when simple subclassing results in a large number of classes in order to satisfy every possible combination that is needed—so many classes that it becomes impractical. The Java I/O library requires many different combinations of features, and this is the justification for using the decorator pattern.There is a drawback to the decorator pattern, however. Decorators give you much more flexibility while you’re writing a program (since you can easily mix and match attributes), but they add complexity to your code. The reason that the Java I/O library is awkward to use is that you must create many classes—the “core” I/O type plus all the decorators—in order to get the single I/O object that you want.The classes that provide the decorator interface to control a particular InputStream or OutputStream are the FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream, which don’t have very intuitive names. FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream are derived from the base classes of the I/O library, InputStream and OutputStream, which is the key requirement of the decorator (so that it provides the common interface to all the objects that are being decorated).Reading from an InputStream with FilterInputStreamThe FilterInputStream classes accomplish two significantly different things. DataInputStream allows you to read different types of primitive data as well as String objects. (All the methods start with “read,” such as readByte( ), readFloat( ), etc.) This, along with its companion DataOutputStream, allows you to move primitive data from one place t o another via a stream. These “places” are determined by the classes in TableThe remaining classes modify the way an InputStream behaves internally: whether it’s buffered or unbuffered, if it keeps track of the lines it’s reading (allowing you to ask for line numbers or set the line number), and whether you can push back a single character. The last two classes look a lot like support for building a compiler (that is, they were probably added to support the construction of the Java compiler), so you proba bly won’t use them in general programming.You’ll need to buffer your input almost every time, regardless of the I/O device you’re connecting to, so it would have made more sense for the I/O library to make a special case (or simply a method call) for unbuffered input rather than buffered input.Writing to an OutputStream with FilterOutputStreamThe complement to DataInputStream is DataOutputStream, which formats each of the primitive types and String objects onto a stream in such a way that any DataInputStream, on any machine, can read them. All the methods start with “write,” such as writeByte( ), writeFloat( ), etc.The original intent of PrintStream was to print all of the primitive data types and String objects in a viewable format. This is different from DataOutputStream, whose goal is to put data elements on a stream in a way that DataInputStream can portably reconstruct them.The two important methods in PrintStream are print( ) and println( ), which are overloaded to print all the various types. The difference between print( ) and println( ) is that the latter adds a newline when it’s done.PrintStream can be problematic because it traps all IOExceptions (You must explicitly test the error status with checkError( ), which returns true if an error has occurred). Also, PrintStream doesn’t internationalize properly and doesn’t handle line breaks in a platform-independent way.Readers & WritersJava 1.1 made some significant modifications to the fundamental I/O stream library. When you see the Reader and Writer classes, your first thought (like mine) might be that these were meant to replace the InputStream and OutputStream classes. But that’s not the case. Although some aspectsof the original streams library are deprecated (if you use them you will receive a warning from the compiler), the InputStream and OutputStream classes still provide valuable functionality in the form of byte-oriented I/O, whereas the Reader and Writer classes provide Unicode-compliant,character-based I/O. In addition:1.Java 1.1 added new classes into the InputStream and OutputStream hierarchy, so it’s obviousthose hierarchies weren’t being replaced.2.There are times when you must use classes from the “byte” hierarchy in combination withclasses in the “character” hierarchy. To accomplish this, there are “adapter” classes:InputStreamReader converts an InputStream to a Reader and OutputStreamWriter converts an OutputStream to a Writer.The most important reason for the Reader and Writer hierarchies is for internationalization. The old I/O stream hierarchy supports only 8-bit byte streams and doesn’t handle the 16-bit Unicode characters well. Since Unicode is used for internationalization (and Java’s native char is 16-bit Unicode), the Reader and Writer hierarchies were added to support Unicode in all I/O operations. In addition, the new libraries are designed for faster operations than the old.As is the practice in this book, I will attempt to provide an overview of the classes, but assume that you will use the JDK documentation to determine all the details, such as the exhaustive list of methods.Sources and sinks of dataAlmost all of the original Java I/O stream classes have corresponding Reader and Writer classes to provide native Unicode manipulation. However, there are some places where the byte-oriented InputStreams and OutputStreams are the correct solution;in particular, the libraries are byte-oriented rather than char-oriented. So the most sensible approach to take is to try to use the Reader and Writer c lasses whenever you can, and you’ll discover the situations when you have to use the byte-oriented libraries, because your code won’t compile.Off by itself: RandomSQLServer2000FileRandomSQLServer2000File is used for files containing records of known size so that you can move from one record to another using seek( ), then read or change the records. The records don’t have to be the same size; you just have to be able to determine how big they are and where they are placed in the file.At first it’s a litt le bit hard to believe that RandomSQLServer2000File is not part of the InputStream or OutputStream hierarchy. However, it has no association with those hierarchies other than that ithappens to implement the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces (which are also implemented by DataInputStream and DataOutputStream). It doesn’t even use any of the functionality of the existing InputStream or OutputStream classes; it’s a completely separate class, written from scratch, with all of its own (mostly native) methods. The reason for this may be that RandomSQLServer2000File has essentially different behavior than the other I/O types, since you can move forward and backward within a file. In any event, it stands alone, as a direct descendant of Object.Essentially, a RandomSQLServer2000File works like a DataInputStream pasted together with a DataOutputStream, along with the methods getFilePointer( ) to find out where you are in the file, seek( ) to move to a new point in the file, and length( ) to determine the maximum size of the file. In addition, the constructors require a second argument (identical to fopen( ) in C) indicating whether you are just randomly reading (“r”) or reading and writing (“rw”). There’s no support for write-only files, which could suggest that RandomSQLServer2000File might have worked well if it were inherited from DataInputStream.The seeking methods are available only in RandomSQLServer2000File, which works for files only. BufferedInputStream does allow you to mark( ) a position (whose value is held in a single internal variable) and reset( ) to that position, but this is limited and not very useful.Most, if not all, of the RandomSQLServer2000File functionality is superceded in JDK 1.4 with the nio memory-mapped files.Input streams1. Buffered input fileTo open a file for character input, you use a FileInputReader with a String or a File object as the file name. For speed, you’ll want that file to be buffered so you give the resulting reference to the constructor for a BufferedReader. Since BufferedReader also provides the readLine( ) method, thisis your final object and the interface you read from. When you reach the end of the file, readLine( ) returns null so that is used to break out of the while loop.The String s2 is used to accumulate the entire contents of the file (including newlines that must be added since readLine( ) strips them off). s2 is then used in the later portions of this program. Finally, close( ) is called to close the file. Technically, close( ) will be called when finalize( ) runs, and this is supposed to happen (whether or not garbage collection occurs) as the program exits. However, this has been inconsistently implemented, so the only safe approach is to explicitly call close( ) for files.Section 1b shows how you can wrap for reading console input. is an InputStream, and BufferedReader needs a Reader argument, so InputStreamReader is brought in to perform the adaptation.2. Input from memoryThis section takes the String s2 that now contains the entire contents of the file and uses it to create a StringReader. Then read( ) is used to read each character one at a time and send it out to the console. Note that read( ) returns the next byte as an int and thus it must be cast to a char to print properly.3. Formatted memory inputTo read “formatted” data, you use a DataInputStream, which is a byte-oriented I/O class (rather than char-oriented). Thus you must use all InputStream classes rather than Reader classes. Of course, you can read anything (such as a file) as bytes using InputStream classes, but here a String is used. To convert the String to an array of bytes, which is what is appropriate for a ByteArrayInputStream, String has a getBytes( ) method to do the job. At that point, you have an appropriate InputStream to hand to DataInputStream.If you read the characters from a DataInputStream one byte at a time using readByte( ), any byte value is a legitimate result, so the return value cannot be used to detect the end of input. Instead, you can use the available( ) method to find out how many more characters are available. Here’s an example that shows how to read a file one byte at a time://: Testing for end of file while reading a byte at a time.import*;public class TestEOF {// Throw exceptions to console:public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException {DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("")));while(in.available() != 0)System.out.print((char)in.readByte());}} ///:~Note that available( ) works differently depending on what sort of medium you’re reading from; it’s literally “the number of bytes that can be read without blocking.” With a file, this means the whole file, but with a different kind of stream this might not be true, so use it thoughtfully.You could also detect the end of input in cases like these by catching an exception. However, the use of exceptions for control flow is considered a misuse of that feature.4. File outputThis example also shows how to write data to a file. First, a FileWriter is created to connect to the file. You’ll virtually always want to buffer the output by wrapping it in a BufferedWriter (try removing this wrapping to see the impact on the performance—buffering tends to dramatically increase performance of I/O operations). Then for the formatting it’s turned into a PrintWriter. The data file created this way is readable as an ordinary text file.As the lines are written to the file, line numbers are added. Note that LineNumberInputStream is not used, because it’s a silly class and you don’t need it. As shown here, it’s trivial to keep track of your own line numbers.When the input stream is exhausted, readLine( ) re turns null. You’ll see an explicit close( ) for out1, because if you don’t call close() for all your output files, you might discover that the buffers don’t get flushed, so they’re incomplete.Output streamsThe two primary kinds of output streams are separated by the way they write data; one writes it for human consumption, and the other writes it to be reacquired by a DataInputStream. The RandomSQLServer2000File stands alone, although its data format is compatible with the DataInputStream and DataOutputStream.5. Storing and recovering dataA PrintWriter formats data so that it’s readable by a human. However, to output data for recovery by another stream, you use a DataOutputStream to write the data and a DataInputStream to recover the data. Of course, these streams could be anything, but here a file is used, buffered for both reading and writing. DataOutputStream and DataInputStream are byte-oriented and thus require the InputStreams and OutputStreams.If you use a DataOutputStream to write the data, then Java guarantees that you can accurately recover the data using a DataInputStream—regardless of what different platforms write and read the data. This is incredibly valuable, as anyone knows who has spent time worrying aboutplatform-specific data issues. That problem vanishes if you have Java on both platforms.When using a DataOutputStream, the only reliable way to write a String so that it can be recovered by a DataInputStream is to use UTF-8 encoding, accomplished in section 5 of the example using writeUTF( ) and readUTF( ). UTF-8 is a variation on Unicode, which stores all characters in two bytes. If you’re working with ASCII or mostly ASCII characters (which occupy only seven bits), this is a tremendous waste of space and/or bandwidth, so UTF-8 encodes ASCII characters in a single byte, and non-ASCII characters in two or three bytes. In addition, the length of the string is stored in the first two bytes. However, writeUTF( ) and readUTF( ) use a special variation of UTF-8 for Java (which is completely described in the JDK documentation for those methods) , so if youread a string written with writeUTF( ) using a non-Java program, you must write special code in order to read the string properly.With writeUTF( ) and readUTF( ), you can intermingle Strings and other types of data using a DataOutputStream with the knowledge that the Strings will be properly stored as Unicode, and will be easily recoverable with a DataInputStream.The writeDouble( ) stores the double number to the stream and the complementary readDouble( ) recovers it (there are similar methods for reading and writing the other types). But for any of the reading methods to work correctly, you must know the exact placement of the data item in the stream, since it would be equally possible to read the stored double as a simple sequence of bytes, or as a char, etc. So you must either have a fixed format for the data in the file, or extra information must be stored in the file that you parse to determine where the data is located. Note that object serialization (described later in this chapter) may be an easier way to store and retrieve complex data structures.6. Reading and writing random SQLServer2000 filesAs previously noted, the RandomSQLServer2000File is almost totally isolated from the rest of the I/O hierarchy, save for the fact that it implements the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces. So you cannot combine it with any of the aspects of the InputStream and OutputStream subclasses. Even though it might make sense to treat a ByteArrayInputStream as a random-SQLServer2000 element, you can use RandomSQLServer2000File only to open a file. You must assume a RandomSQLServer2000File is properly buffered since you cannot add that.The one option you have is in the second constructor argument: you can open a RandomSQLServer2000File to read (“r”) or read and write (“rw”).Using a RandomSQLServer2000File is like using a combined DataInputStream and DataOutputStream (because it implements the equivalent interfaces). In addition, you can see that seek( ) is used to move about in the file and change one of the values.With the advent of new I/O in JDK 1.4, you may want to consider using memory-mapped files instead of RandomSQLServer2000File.Piped streamsThe PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream, PipedReader and PipedWriter have been mentioned only briefly in this chapter. This is not to suggest that they aren’t useful, but their value is not apparent until you begin to understand multithreading, since the piped streams are used to communicate between threads.Standard I/OThe term standard I/O refers to the Unix concept (which is reproduced in some form in Windows and many other operating systems) of a single stream of information that is used by a program. All the program’s input can come from stan dard input, all its output can go to standard output, and all of its error messages can be sent to standard error. The value of standard I/O is that programs can easily be chained together, and one program’s standard output can become the standard input fo r another program. This is a powerful tool.Reading from standard inputFollowing the standard I/O model, Java has, System.out, and System.err. Throughout this book, you’ve seen how to write to standard output using System.out, which is already prewrapped as a PrintStream object. System.err is likewise a PrintStream, but is a raw InputStream with no wrapping. This means that although you can use System.out and System.err right away, must be wrapped before you can read from it.译文:Java I/O 系统对编程语言的设计者来说,创建一套好的输入输出(I/O)系统,是一项难度极高的任务。



毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译学学 院:专指导教师:2014 年 6 月软件学院 软件工程Thinking in JavaAlthough it is based on C++, Java is more of a “pure” object-oriented C++ and Java are hybrid languages, but in Java the designers felt that the hybridization was not as important as it was in C++. A hybrid language allows multiple programming styles; the reason C++ is hybrid is to support backward compatibility with the C language. Because C++ is a superset of the C language, it includes many of that language’s undesirable features, which can make some aspects of C++ overly complicated. The Java language assumes that you want to do only object-oriented programming. This means that before you can begin you must shift your mindset into an object-oriented world (unless it’s already there). The benefit of this initial effort is the ability to program in a language that is simpler to learn and to use than many other OOP languages. In this chapter we’ll see the basic components of a Java program and we’ll learn that everything in Java is an object, even a Java program.Each programming language has its own means of manipulating data. Sometimes the programmer must be constantly aware of what type of manipulation is going on. Are you manipulating the object directly, or are you dealing with some kind of indirect representation (a pointer in C or C++) that must be treated with a special syntax?All this is simplified in Java. You treat everything as an object, using a single consistent syntax. Although you treat everything as an object, the identifier you manipulate is actually a “reference” to an object. You might imagine this scene as a television (the object) with your remote control (the reference). As long as you’re holding this reference, you have a connection to the television, but when someone says “change the channel” or “lower the volume,” what you’re manipulating is the reference, which in turn modifies the object. If you want to move around the room and still control the television, you take the remote/reference with you, not the television.Also, the remote control can stand on its own, with no television. That is, just because you have a reference doesn’t mean there’s necessarily an object connected to it. So if you want to hold a word or sentence, you create a String reference:But here you’ve created only the reference, not an object. If you decided to send a message to s at this point, you’ll get an error (at run time) because s isn’t actually attached to anything (there’s no television). A safer practice, then, is always to initialize a reference when you create it.However, this uses a special Java feature: strings can be initialized with quoted text. Normally, you must use a more general type of initialization for objectsWhen you create a reference, you want to connect it with a new object. You do so, in general, with the new keyword. The keyword new says, “Make me a new one of these objects.” So in the preceding example, you can say:Not only does this mean “Make me a new String,” but it also gives information about how to make the String by supplying an initial character string.Of course, String is not the only type that exists. Java comes with a plethora of ready-made types. What’s more important is that you can create your own types. In fact, that’s the fundamental activity in Java programming, and it’s what you’ll b e learning about in the rest of this bookIt’s useful to visualize some aspects of how things are laid out while the program is running—in particular how memory is arranged. There are six different places to store data: Registers. This is the fastest storage because it exists in a place different from that of other storage: inside the processor. However, the number of registers is severely limited, so registers are allocated by the compiler according to its needs. You don’t have direct control, nor do you see any evidence in your programs that registers even exist.The stack. This lives in the general random-access memory (RAM) area, but has direct support from the processor via its stack pointer. The stack pointer is moved down to create new memory and moved up to release that memory. This is an extremely fast and efficient way to allocate storage, second only to registers. The Java compiler must know, while it is creating the program, the exact size and lifetime of all the data that is stored on the stack, because it must generate the code to move the stack pointer up and down. This constraint places limits on the flexibility of your programs, so while some Java storage exists on the stack—in particular, object references—Java objects themselves are not placed on the stack. The heap. This is a general-purpose pool of memory (also in the RAM area) where all Java objects live. The nice thing about the heap is that, unlike the stack, the compiler doesn’t need to know how much storage it needs to allocate from the heap or how long that storage must stay on the heap. Thus, there’s a great deal of flexibility in using storage on the heap. Whenever you need to create an object, you simply write the code to create it by using new, and the storage is allocated on th e heap when that code is executed. Of course there’s a priceyou pay for this flexibility. It takes more time to allocate heap storage than it does to allocate stack storage (if you even could create objects on the stack in Java, as you can in C++). Static storage. “Static” is used here in the sense of “in a fixed location” (although it’s also in RAM). Static storage contains data that is available for the entire time a program is running. You can use the static keyword to specify that a particular element of an object is static, but Java objects themselves are never placed in static storage.Constant storage. Constant values are often placed directly in the program code, which is safe since they can never change. Sometimes constants are cordoned off by themselves so that they can be optionally placed in read-only memory (ROM), in embedded systems.Non-RAM storage. If data lives completely outside a program, it can exist while the program is not running, outside the control of the program. The two primary examples of this are streamed objects, in which objects are turned into streams of bytes, generally to be sent to another machine, and persistent objects, in which the objects are placed on disk so they will hold their state even when the program is terminated. The trick with these types of storage is turning the objects into something that can exist on the other medium, and yet can be resurrected into a regular RAM-based object when necessary. Java provides support for lightweight persistence, and future versions of Java might provide more complete solutions for persistenceOne group of types, which you’ll use quite often in your programming, gets special treatment. You can think of these as “primitive” types. The reason for the special treatment is that to create an object with new—especially a small, simple variable—isn’t very efficient, because new places objects on the heap. For these types Java falls back on the approach taken by C and C++. That is, instead of creating the variable by using new, an “automatic” variable is created that is not a reference. The variable holds the value, and it’s placed on the stack, so it’s much more efficient.Java determines the size of each primitive type. These sizes don’t change from one machine architecture to another as they do in most languages. This size invariance is one reason Java programs are portableJava编程思想“尽管以C++为基础,但Java是一种更纯粹的面向对象程序设计语言”。



THE TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF JSPBy:Kathy Sierra and Bert BatesSource: Servlet&JSPThe Java Server Pages( JSP) is a kind of according to web of the script plait distance technique, similar carries the script language of Java in the server of the Netscape company of server- side JavaScript( SSJS) and the Active Server Pages(ASP) of the Microsoft. JSP compares the SSJS and ASP to have better can expand sex, and it is no more exclusive than any factory or some one particular server of Web. Though the norm of JSP is to be draw up by the Sun company of, any factory can carry out the JSP on own system.The After Sun release the JS P( the Java Server Pages) formally, the this kind of new Web application development technique very quickly caused the people's concern. JSP provided a special development environment for the Webapplication that establishes the high dynamic state. According to the Sun parlance, the JSP can adapt to include the Apache WebServer, IIS4.0 on themarket at inside of 85% server product.This chapter will introduce the related knowledge of JSP and Databases, and JavaBean related contents, is all certainly rougher introduction among them basic contents, say perhaps to is a Guide only, if the reader needs the more detailed information, pleasing the book of consult the homologous JSP.1.1 GENER ALIZEThe JSP(Java Server Pages) is from the company of Sun Microsystems initiate, the many companies the participate to the build up the together of the a kind the of dynamic the state web the page technique standard, the it have the it in the construction the of the dynamic state the web page the strong but the do not the especially of the function. JSP and the technique of ASP of the Microsoft is very alike. Both all provide the ability that mixes with a certain procedure code and is explain by the language engine to carry out the procedure code in the code of HTML. Underneath we are simple of carry on the introduction to it.JSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriatein all scenarios. The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other. After all, anything you can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language you could also do in assembly language. But it still matters which youchoose.JSP provides the following benefits over servlets alone: • It is easier to write and maintain the HTML. Your static code is ordinary HTML: no extra backslashes, no double quotes, and no lurking Java syntax.• You can use standard Web-site development tools. Even HTML tools that know nothing about JSP can be used because they simply ignore the JSP tags. • You can divide up your development team. The Java programmers can work on the dynamic code. The Web developers can concentrate on the presentation layer. On large projects, this division is very important. Depending on the size of your team and the complexity of your project, you can enforce a weaker or stronger separation between the static HTML and the dynamic content. Now, this discussion is not to say that you should stop using servlets and use only JSP instead. By no means. Almost all projects will use both. For some requests in your project, you will use servlets. For others, you will use JSP. For still others, you will combine them with the MVC architecture . You want the apGFDGpropriate tool for the job, and servlets, by themselves, do not completeyour toolkit.1.2 SOURCE OF JSPThe technique of JSP of the company of Sun, making the page of Web develop the personnel can use the HTML perhaps marking of XML to design to turn the end page with format. Use the perhaps small script future life of marking of JSP becomes the dynamic state on the page contents.( the contents changesaccording to the claim of)The Java Servlet is a technical foundation of JSP, and the large Web applies the development of the procedure to need the Java Servlet to match with with the JSP and then can complete, this name of Servlet comes from the Applet, the local translation method of now is a lot of, this book in order not to misconstruction, decide the direct adoption Servlet but don't do any translation, if reader would like to, can call it as" small service procedure". The Servlet is similar to traditional CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI etc. Web procedure development the function of the tool in fact, at use the Java Servlet hereafter, the customer neednot use again the lowly method of CGI of efficiency, also need not use only the ability come to born page of Web of dynamic state in the method of API that a certain fixed Web server terrace circulate. Many servers of Web all support the Servlet, even not support the Servlet server of Web directly and can also pass the additional applied server and the mold pieces to support the Servlet. Receive benefit in the characteristic of the Java cross-platform, the Servlet is also a terrace irrelevant, actually, as long as match the norm of Java Servlet, the Servlet is complete to have nothing to do with terrace and is to have nothing to do with server of Web. Because the Java Servlet is internal to provide the service by the line distance, need not start a progress to the each claimses, and make use of the multi-threading mechanism can at the same time for several claim service, therefore the efficiency of Java Servlet is very high.But the Java Servlet also is not to has no weakness, similar to traditional CGI, ISAPI, the NSAPI method, the Java Servlet is to make use of to output the HTML language sentence to carry out the dynamic state web page of, if develop the whole website with the Java Servlet, the integration process of the dynamic state part and the static state page is an evil-foreboding dream simply. For solving this kind of weakness of the Java Servlet, the SUN released the JSP.A number of years ago, Marty was invited to attend a small 20-person industry roundtable discussion on software technology. Sitting in the seat next to Marty was James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language. Sitting several seats away was a high-level manager from a very large software company in Redmond, Washington. During the discussion, the moderator brought up the subject of Jini, which at that time was a new Java technology. The moderator asked the manager what he thought of it, and the manager responded that it was too early to tell, but that it seemed to be an excellent idea. He went on to say that they would keep an eye on it, and if it seemed to be catching on, they would follow his company's usual "embrace and extend" strategy. At this point,Gosling lightheartedly interjected "You mean disgrace and distend." Now, the grievance that Gosling was airing was that he felt that this company would take technology from other companies and suborn it for their ownpurposes. But guess what? The shoe is on the other foot here. The Java community did not invent the idea of designing pages as a mixture of static HTML and dynamic code marked with special tags. For example, Cold Fusion did it years earlier. Even ASP (a product from the very software company of theaforementioned manager) popularized this approach before JSP came along and decided to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, JSP not only adopted the general idea, it even used many of the same special tags as ASP did.The JSP is an establishment at the model of Java servlets on of the expression layer technique, it makes the plait write the HTML to become more simple.Be like the SSJS, it also allows you carry the static state HTML contents and servers the script mix to put together the born dynamic state exportation. JSP the script language that the Java is the tacit approval, however, be like the ASP and can use other languages( such as JavaScript and VBScript), the norm of JSP alsoallows to use other languages.1.3JSP CHARACTERISTICSIs a service according to the script language in some one language of the statures system this kind of discuss, the JSP should be see make is a kind of script language. However, be a kind of script language, the JSP seemed to be too strong again, almost can use all Javas in the JSP.Be a kind of according to text originally of, take manifestation as the central development technique, the JSP provided all advantages of the Java Servlet, and, when combine with a JavaBeans together, providing a kind of make contents and manifestation that simple way that logic separate. Separate the contents and advantage of logical manifestations is, the personnel who renews the page external appearance need not know the code of Java, and renew the JavaBeans personnel also need not be design the web page of expert in hand, can use to take the page of JavaBeans JSP to define the template of Web, to build up a from have the alike external appearance of the website that page constitute. JavaBeans completes the data to provide, having no code of Java in the template thus, this means that these templates can be written the personnel by a HTML plait to support. Certainly, can also make use of the Java Servlet to control the logic of the website, adjust through the Java Servlet to use the way of the document of JSP to separate website of logic and contents.Generally speaking, in actual engine of JSP, the page of JSP is the edit and translate type while carry out, not explain the type of. Explain the dynamic state web page development tool of the type, such as ASP, PHP3 etc., because speed etc. reason, have already can't satisfy current the large electronic commerce needs appliedly, traditional development techniques are all at to edit and translate the executive way change, such as the ASP → ASP+;PHP3 → PHP4.In the JSP norm book, did not request the procedure in the JSP code part( be called the Scriptlet) and must write with the Java definitely. Actually, have some engines of JSP are adoptive other script languages such as the EMAC- Script, etc., but actually this a few script languages also are to set up on the Java, edit and translate for the Servlet to carry out of. Write according to the norm of JSP, have no Scriptlet of relation with Java also is can of, however, mainly lie in the ability and JavaBeans, the Enterprise JavaBeanses because of the JSP strong function to work together, so even is the Scriptlet part not to use the Java, edit and translate of performance code also should is related with Java.1.4JSP MECHANISMTo comprehend the JSP how unite the technical advantage that above various speak of, come to carry out various result easily, the customer must understand the differentiation of" the module develops for the web page of the center" and"the page develops for the web page of the center" first.The SSJS and ASP are all in several year ago to release, the network of that time is still very young, no one knows to still have in addition to making all business, datas and the expression logic enter the original web page entirely heap what better solve the method. This kind of model that take page as the center studies and gets the very fast development easily. However, along with change of time, the people know that this kind of method is unwell in set up large, the Web that can upgrade applies the procedure. The expression logic write in the script environment was lock in the page, only passing to shear to slice and glue to stick then can drive heavy use. Express the logic to usually mix together with business and the data logics, when this makes be the procedure member to try to change an external appearance that applies the procedure but do not want to break with its llied business logic, apply the procedure of maintenance be like to walk the similar difficulty on the eggshell. In fact in the business enterprise, heavy use the application of the module already through very mature, no one would like to rewrite those logics for their applied procedure.HTML and sketch the designer handed over to the implement work of their design the Web plait the one who write, make they have to double work- Usually is the handicraft plait to write, because have no fit tool and can carry the script and the HTML contents knot to the server to put together. Chien but speech, apply the complexity of the procedure along with the Web to promote continuously, the development method that take page as the center limits sex to become to get up obviously.At the same time, the people always at look for the better method of build up the Web application procedure, the module spreads in customer's machine/ server the realm. JavaBeans and ActiveX were published the company to expand to apply the procedure developer for Java and Windows to use to come to develop the complicated procedure quickly by" the fast application procedure development"( RAD) tool. These techniques make the expert in the some realm be able to write the module for the perpendicular application plait in the skill area, but the developer can go fetch the usage directly but need not control the expertise of this realm.Be a kind of take module as the central development terrace, the JSP appeared. It with the JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans( EJB) module includes the model of the business and the data logic for foundation, provide a great deal of label and a script terraces to use to come to show in the HTML page from the contents of JavaBeans creation or send a present in return. Because of the property that regards the module as the center of the JSP, it can drive Java and not the developer of Java uses equally. Not the developer of Java can pass the JSP label( Tags) to use the JavaBeans that the deluxe developer of Java establish. The developer of Java not only can establish and use the JavaBeans, but also can use the language of Java to come to control more accurately in the JSP page according to the expression logic of the first floor JavaBeans.See now how JSP is handle claim of HTTP. In basic claim model, a claim directly was send to JSP page in. The code of JSP controls to carry on hour of the logic processing and module of JavaBeanses' hand over with each other, and the manifestation result in dynamic state bornly, mixing with the HTML page of the static state HTML code. The Beans can be JavaBeans or module of EJBs.Moreover, the more complicated claim model can see make from is request other JSP pages of the page call sign or Java Servlets.The engine of JSP wants to chase the code of Java that the label of JSP, code of Java in the JSP page even all converts into the big piece together with the static state HTML contents actually. These codes piece was organized the Java Servlet that customer can not see to go to by the engine of JSP, then the Servlet edits and translate them automatically byte code of Java.Thus, the visitant that is the website requests a JSP page, under the condition of it is not knowing, an already born, the Servlet actual full general that prepared to edit and translate completes all works, very concealment but again andefficiently. The Servlet is to edit and translate of, so the code of JSP in the web page does not need when the every time requests that page is explain. The engine of JSP need to be edit and translate after Servlet the code end is modify only once, then this Servlet that editted and translate can be carry out. The in view of the fact JSP engine auto is born to edit and translate the Servlet also, need not procedure member begins to edit and translate the code, so the JSP can bring vivid sex that function and fast developments need that you are efficiently. Compared with the traditional CGI, the JSP has the equal advantage. First, on the speed, the traditional procedure of CGI needs to use the standard importation of the system to output the equipments to carry out the dynamic state web page born, but the JSP is direct is mutually the connection with server. And say for the CGI, each interview needs to add to add a progress to handle, the progress build up and destroy by burning constantly and will be a not small burden for calculator of be the server of Web. The next in order, the JSP is specialized to develop but design for the Web of, its purpose is for building up according to the Web applied procedure, included the norm and the tool of a the whole set. Use the technique of JSP can combine a lot of JSP pages to become a Webapplication procedure very expediently.JSP的技术发展历史作者:Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates来源:Servlet&JSPJava Server Pages(JSP)是一种基于web的脚本编程技术,类似于网景公司的服务器端Java脚本语言——server-side JavaScript(SSJS)和微软的Active Server Pages(ASP)。



毕业设计外文资料翻译学院:信息科学与工程学院专业:软件工程姓名: XXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXX外文出处: Think In Java (用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。














15.1 机器的标识当然,为了分辨来自别处的一台机器,以及为了保证自己连接的是希望的那台机器,必须有一种机制能独一无二地标识出网络内的每台机器。




IP以两种形式存在着:(1) 大家最熟悉的DNS(域名服务)形式。





1 . Introduction To Objects1.1The progress of abstractionAll programming languages provide abstractions. It can be argued that the complexity of the problems you’re able to solve is directly related to the kind and quality of abstraction。

By “kind” I mean,“What is it that you are abstracting?” Assembly language is a small abstraction of the underlying machine. Many so—called “imperative” languages that followed (such as FORTRAN,BASIC, and C) were abstractions of assembly language。

These languages are big improvements over assembly language,but their primary abstraction still requires you to think in terms of the structure of the computer rather than the structure of the problem you are trying to solve。

The programmer must establish the association between the machine model (in the “solution space,” which is the place where you’re modeling that problem, such as a computer) and the model of the problem that is actually being solved (in the “problem space,” which is the place where the problem exists). The effort required to perform this mapping, and the fact that it is extrinsic to the programming language,produces programs that are difficult to write and expensive to maintain,and as a side effect created the entire “programming methods” industry.The alter native to modeling the machine is to model the problem you’re trying to solve。



JAVA学习过程论文中英文资料对照外文翻译文献Java Learning Path processEach person's study method is different, a person's method suits another person not necessarily, I only can discuss own study method. Because I study Java am study independently completely, has not asked others, therefore the study process basically is completely oneself tries to find out. I did not know whether this method is the quite good method, only could give everybody to provide refers.Studies Java first step installs good JDK, writes Hello World? Actually the JDK study is not so simple, has two questions about JDK is very easy to puzzle the Java programmer continuously the place: Is the CLASSPATH question, actually said from the principle, is how must make clear JRE ClassLoader increase Class; Another question is package and the import question, how seeks the kind of way question. These two questions tried to find out clear, eliminated has studied Java and uses JDK the biggest barrier. The recommendation looked Wang Sen "the Java Depth Experiences dangers", has carried on the thorough discussion to these two questionsSecond step is studies Java the grammar. The Java grammar is kind of C++, the basically mainstream programming language is not kind of C, is kind of C++, does not have what new thing, therefore the grammar study, probably was the quite a while time is enough. Only needs to pay attention is has the key words usage which several is not easy to make clear, public, protected, private, static, when uses, why has to use, how uses, this possible need some people to direct, I initially was own ponder over completely, has spent the very long time. But afterwards I saw above this book spoke these concepts to "Thinking in Java".Third step is studies Java the object-oriented programming language characteristic place. For instance inherits, structure, abstract class, the connection, the method are many condition, heavy load, cover, Java exception handling mechanism. Said regarding a not object-oriented language background person that, I thought this process needs to spend the very long very long time, because studies in front of Java does not have C++ the experience, only then the C experience, I was have probably spent for a month, all made clear only then thoroughly these concepts, book example above repeatedly estimating, the revision, the attempt, repeatedly looked at that several chapter of contents, looked, looked has not gotten down 5, comprehended only then thoroughly. But I thought if has the C++ experience, should 12 days time be enough. Then in this process, may have a look "Thinking in Java" this book, opposite is extremely thorough to the object explanation. What a pity is I studies, has not seen to this book, therefore own have spent the massive time, and estimates through own attempt learns.Fourth step starts a familiar Java kind of storehouse. The Java foundation class storehouse actually is JDK installs under the table of contentsjre\Lib\Rt.Jar this package. The study foundation class storehouse studies rt.Jar. Inside the foundation class storehouse kind are extremely extremely many. It is said some more than 3,000, I have not counted. But said the most core truly regarding us only then 4, respectively isng.*;Java.Io.*;Java.Util.*;Java.Sql.*;These four packages study, each package study all may write thick teaching material, but O'reilly also truly is does this. I thought if time quite tight, is impossible through to read four books to study. I thought the quite good study method is such:First must read through entire package the frame, understood entire package class, interface, the exception constitution, should better be can find the introduction entire package frame the article. These introduced specially package of books the first several chapters should be these overall frame content introductions. Is not must be familiar with each kind of usage to the package of overall frame assurance, which attributes remembers it have, the method. Wants to record also cannot remember. But is must know which aspects the package does have a kind of constitution, these kind of uses are any, most core several classifications maybe complete any function. I in the time which trains to the human generally is a class speaks a package, therefore not impossible detailed introduction each kind of usage, but I repeatedly stress, how do I speak these packages to you am must tell you a kind of method am transfer, also does not request you to remember the kind of method transfer, but wants you tounderstand, which kinds Java has provided to us, each kind is uses in any situation, when I meet the question the time, I knew which kind, or which several kind of combinations can solve my problem, That'all! When we write the procedure specifically time, so long as you knew which kind should complete your work with to be enough. Codes, the concrete method transfer, writes the code, Documentation, all things all inside Documentation, will not request you certainly to remember, are actual you also not to be able to remember more than 3,000 kinds altogether the nearly 100,000 methods transfers. Therefore changes to each package overall frame assurance extremely importantly.Fifth step, through above study, if study the quite solid speech, built the Java foundation, is left over the work which had to do is sweeps clean inside Documentation besides above 4 packages other some comparisons to have the use the kind. Believed progressed to this step, Java studies independently the ability already to raise, might to study Documentation directly horizontal. Besides must make the GUI programming, inside JDK other can have the use the package is these:Java.Text.*;.*;Javax.Naming.*;These packages of inside real correct uses quite many kinds very are actually few, only then several, therefore does not need to spend the very much time.Sixth step, Java Web programmingThe Web programming core is the HTTP agreement, the HTTP agreement and Java irrelevant, if not familiar HTTP agreement, although also may learnServlet/JSP programming, but cannot achieve extrapolates, by knowing one method you will know all boundary. Therefore the HTTP agreement study is necessary. If has been familiar with HTTP agreement, also had the Java programming good foundation, studies Servlet/JSP is simply easy as pie, I study Servlet/JSP has used not to week-long time, then started with JSP to make the project. In Servlet/In the JSP study, heavy still was Servlet Documentation. Servlet the API most commonly used kind are very few, the flowered quite few time might grasp. These kinds all looked at, writes several examples to try. Servlet/The JSP programming essence is transferring these kinds to come repeatedly through the HTTP agreement converses between Web Server and Brower. Moreover to JSP, but also needs to be familiar with several commonly used JSP the mark, the concrete mode of writing cannot remember the speech, looks up temporarily and that's the end of.In addition Java the Web programming study must place Web Application with emphasis in the design pattern, how carries on the service logic the analysis, and carries on the reasonable design, according to the MVC design pattern request, completes the different logical level separately using Servlet and JSP, how grasps carries on the flow between Servlet and JSP the control and data sharing, as well as how Web should Application dispose and the deployment.Seventh step, J2EE programmingThe above study process if is quite smooth, carries on to this step, the difficulty enhances suddenly. Because the above knowledge content all only involves an aspect, but likes EJB, JMS, core the and so on JTA J2EE standard often is several kind of Java technology synthesis utilization crystallization, therefore grasps the difficulty quite to be big.First certainly must study good JNDI, JNDI is App the Server localization server resources (the EJB module, Datasouce, JMS) searches the method, if to JNDI not familiar, EJB, JMS these things cannot study nearly. JNDI actually is javax.Naming.* This package, utilizes is very simple. The difficulty lies in the server resources document the disposition. Regarding the server resources document disposition, needed to have a look the special documents to be standard, for instance web.Xml mode of writing, ejb-jar.Xml mode of writing and so on. In view of each kind of different App Server, but also has own service resources disposition document, also is needs to be familiar with.Then may study JTA, mainly is must understand JTA regarding business control method, as well as should use JTA in any situation. Here may simple cite an example, we knew the ordinary circumstances may carry on business regarding a database connection (conn.SetAutoCommit (false)....,mit ()), does is an atomic operation, but the supposition my service demand is needs to hold artificially to two different databases is an atomic operation, you can do to? At this time only could use JTA. The supposition operating process inserts a record first toward the A database, then deletes the B database another record, we wrote the code are cannot control entire hold artificially are an atomic operation. With the JTA speech, completes the control by App Server.In studies in front of EJB must study the object sequence and RMI, RMI is the EJB foundation. Then studies JMS and EJB, said regarding EJB, most is essential is must understand how EJB is realizes through RMI to the far-end object transfer, as well as must use in any situation to EJB.In studies EJB, after JMS these things, you possibly can realize must extremely anxiously study two domains the knowledge, is UML, another isDesign Pattern. The Java enterprise software design takes the frame extremely (Framework) the design, a good software frame is the software develops the successful essential condition. In this time, should start the study key point to place the design pattern and in the frame study, experiences through the study and the actual programming grasps EJB the design pattern and the J2EE core pattern.Inside J2EE standard, except EJB, JMS, JTA, Servlet/JSP, outside JDBC also has the very many very many enterprises technology, here 11 did not carry on introducedMoreover also has newest domain Web Services. Web Services also completely does not have any new thing, it likes is one kind of adhesive, may unify the different service provides a unified transfer connection, said as the user, I so long as obtain the service provider for mine WSDL (to service description), has sufficed, I did not know completely the server tenderer provides actually the service is the EJB module,The Net module, any CORBA module, other any realizations, I do not need to know. Web the Services greatest place lies in through the unified service provides the way and the transfer way, has realized the entire Internet service sharing, is an extremely excited area of technology. Web Services resembles at present not to have any very good books, but may through look up the material above the network the way to study.JA V A学习过程每个人的学习方法是不同的,一个人的方法不见得适合另一个人,我只能是谈自己的学习方法。



英文文献及翻译(计算机专业)The increasing complexity of design resources in a net-based collaborative XXX common systems。

design resources can be organized in n with design activities。

A task is formed by a set of activities and resources linked by logical ns。

XXX managementof all design resources and activities via a Task Management System (TMS)。

which is designed to break down tasks and assign resources to task nodes。

This XXX。

2 Task Management System (TMS)TMS is a system designed to manage the tasks and resources involved in a design project。

It poses tasks into smaller subtasks。

XXX management of all design resources and activities。

TMS assigns resources to task nodes。


3 Collaborative DesignCollaborative design is a process that XXX a common goal。

In a net-based collaborative design environment。

n XXX n for all design resources and activities。



职场大变样社区():下载毕业设计成品全套资料,全部50元以下毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班姓学 专 指导教师:2014年6月JSP TechnologyLevel: IntroductoryBrett D. McLaughlin, Sr. (brett@), Author and Editor, O'ReillyAn old Java technology hand and new Enhydra partisan, the author urges developers to consider alternatives to JavaServer Pages (JSP) servlets when choosing an approach to coding Web applications. JSP technology, part of Sun's J2EE platform and programming model, serves as a solution to the common dilemma of how to turn drab content into a visually appealing presentation layer. The fact is, Web developers aren't uniformly happy with JSP technology. Since many variations on the Sun technology are now available, you can choose from a number of presentation technologies. This article takes an in-depth look at JSP coding and explores some attractive alternatives.Presentation technology was designed to transform plain ol' raw Web content into content wrapped in an attractive presentation layer. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, Sun's presentation model and part of the J2EE platform, has received significant attention. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using JSP technology, and Web developers should be aware of the good and the bad -- and know that they don't have to be limited to this single technology. In fact, these days a number of presentation technologies are available. This article begins by defining the problems presentation technologies were designed to solve. It then examines the specific strengths and weaknesses of the JSP model. Finally, it introduces some viable alternatives to Sun's presentation technology.The premiseToday, a decade beyond those fledgling Windows applications, we are still dealing with this huge shift in the presentation paradigm. The woeful Visual Basic and C programmers who remain now find themselves working either on back-end systems or Windows-only applications, or they have added a Web-capable language such as the Java language to their toolbox. An application that doesn't support at least three of four ML-isms -- such as HTML, XML, and WML -- is considered shabby, if not an outright failure. And, of course, that means we all care very deeply about the ability to easily develop a Web presentation layer.As it turns out, using the new Internet, and all the languages we have at our disposal -- Java, C, Perl, Pascal, and Ada, among others -- hasn't been as easy as we might have hoped. A number of issues creep up when it comes to taking the programming languages everyone used for back-end systems and leveraging them to generate markup language suitable for a client. With the arrival of more options on the browser (DHTML and JavaScript coding, for example), the increase in graphic artist talent in the Web domain, and tools that could create complex interfaces using standard HTML, the demand for fancy user interfaces has grown faster than our ability to develop these front ends to our applications. And this has given rise to presentation technology.Presentation technology was designed to perform a single task: convert content, namely data without display details, into presentation -- meaning the various user interfaces you see on your phone, PalmPilot, or Web browser. What are the problems that these presentation technologies claimed to solve? Let's take a look.A bit of historyBefore diving into an explanation of presentation technology, it's helpful to fill in some details on the situation that led to the birth of the technology. Just 10 short years ago, the term thin client was a novelty. We still lived in a world of desktop applications, powered by wimpy 286 microprocessors with 14-inch monitors that we squinted at. Boy, have times changed! Now my desktop does nothing but power a Web browser, while servers from Sun, IBM, HP, Compaq, and the rest churn out computations, business logic, and content. And that little monitor? Replaced by flat-screen, plasma, whopping 21- and 25-inch beauties. Why? So we can see the intricate and complex HTML displays that serve as a front-end to these powerful applications. No longer does a clunky interface suffice; now we expect flashy graphics, moving images, color-coordinated presentations that would look good in any room in the house, and speedy rendering to boot.The promise of JSP technologyNow, on to the specifics of JSP coding. The promise of JSP technology is to supply the designer and developer the only presentation technology they will ever need. JSP technologyis part of the J2EE platform, which is the strongest show of support Sun can give one of its Java products. To give you an idea of how prevalent this solution is, try running a search on 'JSP' at ; you'll find more books devoted to JSP technology than about almost any other single Java API. Before I dive into the specific problems that JSP technology presents, you need a clear understanding of what it claims to do.The problemsI've spelled out what a good presentation technology should provide, as well as the specific problems that JSP technology seeks to address. Now, I'm ready to cut to the chase: JSP technology, while built on good ideas, presents quite a few problems. Before you choose to use JSP coding in your applications (which you might still do), you should at least be aware of possible pitfalls.You should also be aware of a facet of the J2EE programming platform that is often ignored: just because an API comes with the platform doesn't mean you have to use it. As silly as this sounds, many developers are struggling with the JSP, or EJB, or JMS APIs, thinking if they don't use these APIs, their applications somehow won't really be "J2EE applications." In fact, the platform boasts more APIs than most applications need. If you have problems with or doubts about JSP technology, you don't have to use it! Take a close look at both the positives and the negatives before choosing to use JSP technology in your applications. Let's take a look at some of the negatives.SummaryI hope that I have opened your eyes a bit about the advantages and disadvantages of JSP technology and that now you can look at JSP coding as one alternative among many presentation technologies. At this point, you might also be a bit skeptical about the entire J2EE programming model. If you're convinced to further investigate the platform options, look for alternatives to JSP coding in Apache Cocoon, Enhydra, and the various templating engines.Finally, keep in mind that, despite all appearances to the contrary, this article isn't about recommending you use JSP or that you avoid it. I do intend to encourage you to peel back the layers of any technology to make sure it's right for you. Programming models are likeexamples; sometimes they make sense, and sometimes they don't. Look around, find out what works best for you, and make the informed decision, rather than the quick fun, and see you on the Web!JSP技术作为一名Java 技术老手和新的Enhydra 拥护者,作者力劝开发人员在选择设计Web 应用程序的途径时,考虑一下JavaServer Pages (JSP) servlet 以外的其他方法。



xxxx大学xxx学院毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译系部xxxx专业xxxx学生姓名xxxx 学号xxxx指导教师xxxx 职称xxxx2013年3 月Introducing the Spring FrameworkThe Spring Framework: a popular open source application framework that addresses many of the issues outlined in this book. This chapter will introduce the basic ideas of Spring and dis-cuss the central “bean factory” lightweight Inversion-of-Control (IoC) container in detail.Spring makes it particularly easy to implement lightweight, yet extensible, J2EE archi-tectures. It provides an out-of-the-box implementation of the fundamental architectural building blocks we recommend. Spring provides a consistent way of structuring your applications, and provides numerous middle tier features that can make J2EE development significantly easier and more flexible than in traditional approaches.The basic motivations for Spring are:To address areas not well served by other frameworks. There are numerous good solutions to specific areas of J2EE infrastructure: web frameworks, persistence solutions, remoting tools, and so on. However, integrating these tools into a comprehensive architecture can involve significant effort, and can become a burden. Spring aims to provide an end-to-end solution, integrating spe-cialized frameworks into a coherent overall infrastructure. Spring also addresses some areas that other frameworks don’t. For example, few frameworks address generic transaction management, data access object implementation, and gluing all those things together into an application, while still allowing for best-of-breed choice in each area. Hence we term Spring an application framework, rather than a web framework, IoC or AOP framework, or even middle tier framework.To allow for easy adoption. A framework should be cleanly layered, allowing the use of indi-vidual features without imposing a whole worldview on the application. Many Spring features, such as the JDBC abstraction layer or Hibernate integration, can be used in a library style or as part of the Spring end-to-end solution.To deliver ease of use. As we’ve noted, J2EE out of the box is relatively hard to use to solve many common problems. A good infrastructure framework should make simple tasks simple to achieve, without forcing tradeoffs for future complex requirements (like distributed transactions) on the application developer. It should allow developers to leverage J2EE services such as JTA where appropriate, but to avoid dependence on them in cases when they are unnecessarily complex.To make it easier to apply best practices. Spring aims to reduce the cost of adhering to best practices such as programming to interfaces, rather than classes, almost to zero. However, it leaves the choice of architectural style to the developer.Non-invasiveness. Application objects should have minimal dependence on the framework. If leveraging a specific Spring feature, an object should depend only on that particular feature, whether by implementing a callback interface or using the framework as a class library. IoC and AOP are the key enabling technologies for avoiding framework dependence.Consistent configuration. A good infrastructure framework should keep application configuration flexible and consistent, avoiding the need for custom singletons and factories. A single style should be applicable to all configuration needs, from the middle tier to web controllers.Ease of testing. Testing either whole applications or individual application classes in unit tests should be as easy as possible. Replacing resources or application objects with mock objects should be straightforward.To allow for extensibility. Because Spring is itself based on interfaces, rather than classes, it is easy to extend or customize it. Many Spring components use strategy interfaces, allowing easy customization.A Layered Application FrameworkChapter 6 introduced the Spring Framework as a lightweight container, competing with IoC containers such as PicoContainer. While the Spring lightweight container for JavaBeans is a core concept, this is just the foundation for a solution for all middleware layers.Basic Building Blockspring is a full-featured application framework that can be leveraged at many levels. It consists of multi-ple sub-frameworks that are fairly independent but still integrate closely into a one-stop shop, if desired. The key areas are:Bean factory. The Spring lightweight IoC container, capable of configuring and wiring up Java-Beans and most plain Java objects, removing the need for custom singletons and ad hoc configura-tion. Various out-of-the-box implementations include an XML-based bean factory. The lightweight IoC container and its Dependency Injection capabilities will be the main focus of this chapter.Application context. A Spring application context extends the bean factory concept by adding support for message sources and resource loading, and providing hooks into existing environ-ments. Various out-of-the-box implementations include standalone application contexts and an XML-based web application context.AOP framework. The Spring AOP framework provides AOP support for method interception on any class managed by a Spring lightweight container.It supports easy proxying of beans in a bean factory, seamlessly weaving in interceptors and other advice at runtime. Chapter 8 dis-cusses the Spring AOP framework in detail. The main use of the Spring AOP framework is to provide declarative enterprise services for POJOs.Auto-proxying. Spring provides a higher level of abstraction over the AOP framework and low-level services, which offers similar ease-of-use to .NET within a J2EE context. In particular, the provision of declarative enterprise services can be driven by source-level metadata.Transaction management. Spring provides a generic transaction management infrastructure, with pluggable transaction strategies (such as JTA and JDBC) and various means for demarcat-ing transactions in applications. Chapter 9 discusses its rationale and the power and flexibility that it offers.DAO abstraction. Spring defines a set of generic data access exceptions that can be used for cre-ating generic DAO interfaces that throw meaningful exceptions independent of the underlying persistence mechanism. Chapter 10 illustrates the Spring support for DAOs in more detail, examining JDBC, JDO, and Hibernate as implementation strategies.JDBC support. Spring offers two levels of JDBC abstraction that significantly ease the effort of writing JDBC-based DAOs: the org.springframework.jdbc.core package (a template/callback approach) and the org.springframework.jdbc.object package (modeling RDBMS operations as reusable objects). Using the Spring JDBC packages can deliver much greater pro-ductivity and eliminate the potential for common errors such as leaked connections, compared with direct use of JDBC. The Spring JDBC abstraction integrates with the transaction and DAO abstractions.Integration with O/R mapping tools. Spring provides support classesfor O/R Mapping tools like Hibernate, JDO, and iBATIS Database Layer to simplify resource setup, acquisition, and release, and to integrate with the overall transaction and DAO abstractions. These integration packages allow applications to dispense with custom ThreadLocal sessions and native transac-tion handling, regardless of the underlying O/R mapping approach they work with.Web MVC framework. Spring provides a clean implementation of web MVC, consistent with the JavaBean configuration approach. The Spring web framework enables web controllers to be configured within an IoC container, eliminating the need to write any custom code to access business layer services. It provides a generic DispatcherServlet and out-of-the-box controller classes for command and form handling. Request-to-controller mapping, view resolution, locale resolution and other important services are all pluggable, making the framework highly extensi-ble. The web framework is designed to work not only with JSP, but with any view technology, such as Velocity—without the need for additional bridges. Chapter 13 discusses web tier design and the Spring web MVC framework in detail.Remoting support. Spring provides a thin abstraction layer for accessing remote services without hard-coded lookups, and for exposing Spring-managed application beans as remote services. Out-of-the-box support is inc luded for RMI, Caucho’s Hessian and Burlap web service protocols, and WSDL Web Services via JAX-RPC. Chapter 11 discusses lightweight remoting.While Spring addresses areas as diverse as transaction management and web MVC, it uses a consistent approach everywhere. Once you have learned the basic configuration style, you will be able to apply it in many areas. Resources, middle tier objects, and web components are all set up using the same bean configuration mechanism. You can combine your entireconfiguration in one single bean definition file or split it by application modules or layers; the choice is up to you as the application developer. There is no need for diverse configuration files in a variety of formats, spread out across the application.Spring on J2EEAlthough many parts of Spring can be used in any kind of Java environment, it is primarily a J2EE application framework. For example, there are convenience classes for linking JNDI resources into a bean factory, such as JDBC DataSources and EJBs, and integration with JTA for distributed transaction management. In most cases, application objects do not need to work with J2EE APIs directly, improving reusability and meaning that there is no need to write verbose, hard-to-test, JNDI lookups.Thus Spring allows application code to seamlessly integrate into a J2EE environment without being unnecessarily tied to it. You can build upon J2EE services where it makes sense for your application, and choose lighter-weight solutions if there are no complex requirements. For example, you need to use JTA as transaction strategy only if you face distributed transaction requirements. For a single database, there are alternative strategies that do not depend on a J2EE container. Switching between those transac-tion strategies is merely a matter of configuration; Spring’s consistent abstraction avoids any need to change application code.Spring offers support for accessing EJBs. This is an important feature (and relevant even in a book on “J2EE without EJB”) because the u se of dynamic proxies as codeless client-side business delegates means that Spring can make using a local stateless session EJB an implementation-level, rather than a fundamen-tal architectural, choice.Thus if you want to use EJB, you can within a consistent architecture; however, you do not need to make EJB the cornerstone of your architecture. This Spring feature can make devel-oping EJB applications significantly faster, because there is no need to write custom code in service loca-tors or business delegates. Testing EJB client code is also much easier, because it only depends on the EJB’s Business Methods interface (which is not EJB-specific), not on JNDI or the EJB API.Spring also provides support for implementing EJBs, in the form of convenience superclasses for EJB implementation classes, which load a Spring lightweight container based on an environment variable specified in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor. This is a powerful and convenient way of imple-menting SLSBs or MDBs that are facades for fine-grained POJOs: a best practice if you do choose to implement an EJB application. Using this Spring feature does not conflict with EJB in any way—it merely simplifies following good practice.Introducing the Spring FrameworkThe main aim of Spring is to make J2EE easier to use and promote good programming practice. It does not reinvent the wheel; thus you’ll find no logging packages in Spring, no connection pools, no distributed transaction coordinator. All these features are provided by other open source projects—such as Jakarta Commons Logging (which Spring uses for all its log output), Jakarta Commons DBCP (which can be used as local DataSource), and ObjectWeb JOTM (which can be used as transaction manager)—or by your J2EE application server. For the same reason, Spring doesn’t provide an O/R mapping layer: There are good solutions for this problem area, such as Hibernate and JDO.Spring does aim to make existing technologies easier to use. For example, although Spring is not in the business of low-level transactioncoordination, it does provide an abstraction layer over JTA or any other transaction strategy. Spring is also popular as middle tier infrastructure for Hibernate, because it provides solutions to many common issues like SessionFactory setup, ThreadLocal sessions, and exception handling. With the Spring HibernateTemplate class, implementation methods of Hibernate DAOs can be reduced to one-liners while properly participating in transactions.The Spring Framework does not aim to replace J2EE middle tier services as a whole. It is an application framework that makes accessing low-level J2EE container ser-vices easier. Furthermore, it offers lightweight alternatives for certain J2EE services in some scenarios, such as a JDBC-based transaction strategy instead of JTA when just working with a single database. Essentially, Spring enables you to write appli-cations that scale down as well as up.Spring for Web ApplicationsA typical usage of Spring in a J2EE environment is to serve as backbone for the logical middle tier of a J2EE web application. Spring provides a web application context concept, a powerful lightweight IoC container that seamlessly adapts to a web environment: It can be accessed from any kind of web tier, whether Struts, WebWork, Tapestry, JSF, Spring web MVC, or a custom solution.The following code shows a typical example of such a web application context. In a typical Spring web app, an applicationContext.xml file will reside in the WEB-INF directory, containing bean defini-tions according to the “spring-beans” DTD. In such a bean definition XML file, business objects and resources are defined, for example, a “myDataSource” bean, a “myInventoryManager” bean, and a “myProductManager” bean. Spring takes care of their configuration, their wiring up, and their lifecycle.<beans><bean id=”myDataSource” class=”org.springframework.jdbc. datasource.DriverManagerDataSource”><property name=”driverClassName”> <value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value></property> <property name=”url”><value>jdbc:mysql:myds</value></property></bean><bean id=”myInventoryManager” class=”ebusiness.DefaultInventoryManager”> <property name=”dataSource”><ref bean=”myDataSource”/> </property></bean><bean id=”myProductManager” class=”ebusiness.DefaultProductManage r”><property name=”inventoryManager”><ref bean=”myInventoryManager”/> </property><property name=”retrieveCurrentStock”> <value>true</value></property></bean></beans>By default, all such beans have “singleton” scope: one instance per context. The “myInventoryManager” bean will automatically be wired up with the defined DataSource, while “myProductManager” will in turn receive a reference to the “myInventoryManager” bean. Those objects (traditionally called “beans” in Spring terminology) need to expos e only the corresponding bean properties or constructor arguments (as you’ll see later in this chapter); they do not have to perform any custom lookups.A root web application context will be loaded by a ContextLoaderListener that is defined in web.xml as follows:<web-app><listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class></listener>...</web-app>After initialization of the web app, the root web application context will be available as a ServletContext attribute to the whole web application, in the usual manner. It can be retrieved from there easily via fetching the corresponding attribute, or via a convenience method in org.springframework.web. This means that the application context will be available in any web resource with access to the ServletContext, like a Servlet, Filter, JSP, or Struts Action, as follows:WebApplicationContext wac = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(servletContext);The Spring web MVC framework allows web controllers to be defined as JavaBeans in child application contexts, one per dispatcher servlet. Such controllers can express dependencies on beans in the root application context via simple bean references. Therefore, typical Spring web MVC applications never need to perform a manual lookup of an application context or bean factory, or do any other form of lookup.Neither do other client objects that are managed by an application context themselves: They can receive collaborating objects as bean references.The Core Bean FactoryIn the previous section, we have seen a typical usage of the Spring IoC container in a web environment: The provided convenience classes allow for seamless integration without having to worry about low-level container details. Nevertheless, it does help to look at the inner workings to understand how Spring manages the container. Therefore, we will now look at the Spring bean container in more detail, starting at the lowest building block: the bean factory. Later, we’ll continue with resource setup and details on the application context concept.One of the main incentives for a lightweight container is to dispense with the multitude of custom facto-ries and singletons often found in J2EE applications. The Spring bean factory provides one consistent way to set up any number of application objects, whether coarse-grained components or fine-grained busi-ness objects. Applying reflection and Dependency Injection, the bean factory can host components that do not need to be aware of Spring at all. Hence we call Spring a non-invasive application framework.Fundamental InterfacesThe fundamental lightweight container interface is org.springframework.beans.factory.Bean Factory. This is a simple interface, which is easy to implement directly in the unlikely case that none of the implementations provided with Spring suffices. The BeanFactory interface offers two getBean() methods for looking up bean instances by String name, with the option to check for a required type (and throw an exception if there is a type mismatch).public interface BeanFactory {Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException;Object getBean(String name, Class requiredType) throws BeansException;boolean containsBean(String name);boolean isSingleton(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;String[] getAliases(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;}The isSingleton() method allows calling code to check whether the specified name represents a sin-gleton or prototype bean definition. In the case of a singleton bean, all calls to the getBean() method will return the same object instance. In the case of a prototype bean, each call to getBean() returns an inde-pendent object instance, configured identically.The getAliases() method will return alias names defined for the given bean name, if any. This mecha-nism is used to provide more descriptive alternative names for beans than are permitted in certain bean factory storage representations, such as XML id attributes.The methods in most BeanFactory implementations are aware of a hierarchy that the implementation may be part of. If a bean is not foundin the current factory, the parent factory will be asked, up until the root factory. From the point of view of a caller, all factories in such a hierarchy will appear to be merged into one. Bean definitions in ancestor contexts are visible to descendant contexts, but not the reverse.All exceptions thrown by the BeanFactory interface and sub-interfaces extend org.springframework. beans.BeansException, and are unchecked. This reflects the fact that low-level configuration prob-lems are not usually recoverable: Hence, application developers can choose to write code to recover from such failures if they wish to, but should not be forced to write code in the majority of cases where config-uration failure is fatal.Most implementations of the BeanFactory interface do not merely provide a registry of objects by name; they provide rich support for configuring those objects using IoC. For example, they manage dependen-cies between managed objects, as well as simple properties. In the next section, we’ll look at how such configuration can be expressed in a simple and intuitive XML structure.The sub-interface org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory supports listing beans in a factory. It provides methods to retrieve the number of beans defined, the names of all beans, and the names of beans that are instances of a given type:public interface ListableBeanFactory extends BeanFactory {int getBeanDefinitionCount();String[] getBeanDefinitionNames();String[] getBeanDefinitionNames(Class type);boolean containsBeanDefinition(String name);Map getBeansOfType(Class type, boolean includePrototypes,boolean includeFactoryBeans) throws BeansException}The ability to obtain such information about the objects managed by a ListableBeanFactory can be used to implement objects that work with a set of other objects known only at runtime.In contrast to the BeanFactory interface, the methods in ListableBeanFactory apply to the current factory instance and do not take account of a hierarchy that the factory may be part of. The org.spring framework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryUtils class provides analogous methods that traverse an entire factory hierarchy.There are various ways to leverage a Spring bean factory, ranging from simple bean configuration to J2EE resource integration and AOP proxy generation. The bean factory is the central, consistent way of setting up any kind of application objects in Spring, whether DAOs, business objects, or web controllers. Note that application objects seldom need to work with the BeanFactory interface directly, but are usu-ally configured and wired by a factory without the need for any Spring-specific code.For standalone usage, the Spring distribution provides a tiny spring-core.jar file that can be embed-ded in any kind of application. Its only third-party dependency beyond J2SE 1.3 (plus JAXP for XML parsing) is the Jakarta Commons Logging API.The bean factory is the core of Spring and the foundation for many other services that the framework offers. Nevertheless, the bean factory can easily be used stan-dalone if no other Spring services are required.Derivative:networkSpring 框架简介Spring框架:这是一个流行的开源应用框架,它可以解决很多问题。



Java毕设论文英文翻译Java and the InternetIf Java is, in fact, yet another computer programming language, you mayquestion why it is so important and why it is being promoted as a revolutionarystep in computer programming. The answer isn’timmediately obvious if you’re coming from a traditional programming perspective. Although Java is very useful for solving traditional standalone programming problems, it is also important because it will solve programming problems on the World Wide Web.What is the Web?The Web can seem a bit of a mystery at first, with all this talk of “surfing,”helpful to step back and see what it realland “homepages.”It’s“presence,”y is, but to do this you must understand client/server systems, another aspecfull of confusing issues.t of computing that’sClient/Se rver computingThe primary idea of a client/server system is that you have a central repositoryof information—some kind of data, often in a database—that you want todistribute on demand to some set of people or machines. A key to the client/server concept is that the repository of information is centrally located so that it an be changed and so that those changes will propagate out to the information consumers. Taken together, the information repository, the software that distributes the information, and the machine(s) where the information and software reside is called the server. The software that resides on the remote machine, communicates with the server, fetches the information, processes it, and then displays it on the remote machine is called the client.The basic concept of client/server computing, then, is not so complicated. The problems arise because you have a single server trying to serve many clientsat once. Generally, a database management system is involved, so the designer the layout of data into tables for optimal use. In addition, systems oft “balances”en allow a client to insert new information into a server. This means you mustnew datwalk over another client’snew data doesn’tensure that one cl ient’slost in the process of adding it to the database (this is called a, or that data isn’ttransaction processing). As client software changes, it mustbe built, debugged,and installed on the client machines, which turns out to be more complicatedespecially problematic to support muand expensive than you might think. It’sthe all-impoltiple types of computers and operating systems. Finally, there’srtant performance issue: You might have hundreds of clients making requestsof your server at any one time, so any small delay is crucial. To minimize latency, programmers work hard to offload processing tasks, often to the client machine, but sometimes to other machines at the server site, using so-called middleware. (Middleware is also used to improve maintainability.)The simple idea of distributing information has so many layers of complexitcrucial: Cliy that the whole problem can seem hopelessly enigmatic. And yet it’sent/server computing accounts for roughly half of all programming activities. It’s responsible for everything from taking orders and credit-c ar d transactions tothe distribution of any kind of data—stock market, scientific, government, youname it. What we’ve come up with in the past is individual solutions to individual problems, inventing a new solution each time. These were hard to create and hard to use, and the user had to learn a new interface for each one. The entire client/server problem needs to be solved in a big way.The Web asagiant s ervera bit worse than thThe Web is actually one giant client/server system. It’sat, since you have all the servers and clients coexisting on a single network atneed to know that, because all you care about is connecting to a once. You don’tnd interacting with one server at a time (even though you might be hopping around the world in your search for the correct server). Initially it was a simple one-way process. You made a request of a server and it handed you a file, which y browser software (i.e., the client) would interpret by formatting o our machine’snto your local machine. But in short order people began wanting to do morethan just deliver pages from a server. They wanted full client/server capability so that the client could feed information back to the server, for example, to do database lookups on the server, to add new information to the server, or to place an order ( which required more security than the original systems offered). These are thechanges we’ve been seeing in the development of the Web.The Web browser was a big step forward: the concept that one piece of information could be displayed on any type of computer without change. However, br owsers were still rather primitive and rapidly bogged down by the demands plaparticularly interactive, and tended to clog up bothced on them. They weren’tthe server and the Internet because any time you needed to do something that required programming you had to send information back to the server to be pro cessed. It could take many seconds or minutes to find out you had misspelled perf something in your request. Since the browser was just a viewer it couldn’torm even the simplest computing tasks. (On the otherexecute any programs on your local machi hand, it was safe, because it couldn’tne that might contain bugs or viruses.)To solve this problem, different approaches have been taken. To begin with, gr aphics standards have been enhanced to allow better animation and video within browsers. The remainder of the problem can be solved only by incorporating the ability to run programs on the client end, under the browser. This iscalled client-side programming.Client-side programmingThe Web’sinitial server-browser design provided for interactive content, but the interactivity was completely provided by the server. The server produced static pages for the client browser, which would simply interpret and display them. Basic HyperText Markup Language (HTML) contains simple mechanis ms for data gathering: text-entry boxes, check boxes, radio boxes, lists and drop-down lists, as well as a button that can only be programmed to reset the dataon the form or “submit”the data on the form back to the server. This submissio n passes through the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) provided on all Web servers. The text within the submission tells CGI what to do with it. The most common action is to run a program located on the server in a directory th typically called “cgi-b in.” (If you watch the address window at the top ofat’syour browser when you push a button on a Web page, you can sometimes see “cgi-bin” within all the gobbledygook there.) These programs can be written in most languages. Perl has been a common choice because it is designed for text manipulation and is interpreted, so it can be installed on any server regardlessof processor or operating system. However, Python (my favorite—see www.Pyt /doc/4110905303.html,) has been making inroads because of its greater power and simplicity. Many powerful Web sites today are built strictly on CGI, and you can in fact do nearly anything with CGI. However, Web sites built on CGI programs can rapidly become overly complicated to maintain, and there is alsothe problem of respo nse time. The response of a CGI program depends on how much data must be s ent, as well as the load on both the server and the Internet. (On top of this, sta rting a CGI program tends to be slow.) The initial designers of the Web did notforesee how rapidly this bandwidth would be exhausted for the kinds of applic ations people developed. For example, any sort of dynamic graphing is nearly i mpossible to perform with consistency because a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) file must be created and moved from the server to the client for each ve rsion of the graph. And you’ve no doubt had direct experience with somethingas simple as validating the data on an input form. You press the submit button on a page; the data is shipped back to the server; the server starts a CGI pro gram that discovers an error, formats an HTML page informing you of the error, and then sends the page back to you; you minelegant. The so ust then back up a page and try again. Not only is this slow, it’slution is client-side programming. Most machines that run Web browsers are powerful engines capable of doing vast work, and with the original static HTML approach they are sitting there, just idly waiting for the server to dish up thenext page. Client-side programming means that the Web browser is harnessedto do whatever work it can, and the result for the user is a much speedier andmore interactive experience at your Web site. The problemwith discussionsvery different from discussionsof client-side programmi ng is that they aren’tof programming in general. The parameters are almost the same, but the platform is different; a Web browser is like a limited operating system. In the end,you must still program, and this accounts for the dizzying array of problems and solutions produced by client-side programming. The rest of this section pro vides an overview of the issues and approaches in client-side programming.Plug-insOne of the most significant steps forward in client-side programming is the development of the plug-in. This is a way for a programmer to add new funct ionality to the browser by downloading a piece of code that plugs itself into the appropriate spot in the browser. It tells the browser “from now on you can perf (You need to download the plug-in only once.) Some fast orm this new activity.”and powerful behavior is added to browsers via plug-ins, but writing a plug-inwant to do as part ofsomething you’dis not a trivial task, and isn’tthe process of building a particular site. The value of the plug-in for client-side programming is that it allows an expert programmer todevelop a new language and add that language to a browser without the permission of the browser manufacturer. Thus, plug-ins provide a “back d oor” that allows the creation of new client-side programming languages (although not all languages are implemented as plug-ins).ScriptinglanguagesPlug-ins resulted in an explosion of scripting languages. With a scripting language, you embed the source code for your client-side program directlyinto the HTML page, and the plug-in that interprets that language is automatically activated while the HTML page is being displayed. Scripting languages tend to be reasonably easy to understand and, because they are simply text that is part of an HTML page, they load very quickly as part of the single server hit required to procure that page. The trade-off is that your code is exposed fordoing amazingly so everyone to see (and steal). Generally, however, you aren’tphisticated things with scripting languages, so this is not too much of a hardship.This points out that the scripting languages used inside Web browsers are really intended to solve specific types of problems, primarily the creation of richerand more interactive graphical user interfaces (GUIs).However, a scripting language might solve 80 percent of the problems encountered in client-side prog ramming. Your problems might very well fit completely within that 80 percent,and since scripting languages can allow easier and faster development, you should probably consider a scripting language before looking at a more involved s olution such as Java or ActiveX programming.The most commonly discussed browser scripting languages are JavaScript (named that way just to grab some of Ja which has nothing to do with Java; it’smarketing momentum), VBScript (which looks like Visual BASIC), and Tcl/va’sTk, which comes from the popular cross-platform GUI-building language. There are others out there, and no doubt more in development.JavaScript is probably the most commonly supported. It comes built into bothNetscape Navigator and the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). Unfortunately,the flavor of JavaScript on the two browsers can vary widely (the Mozilla browser, freely downloadable from /doc/4110905303.html,, supports the ECMAScript standard, which may one day become universally supported). In addition, there are probably more JavaScript books available than there arefor the other browser languages, and some tools automatically create pages using JavaScript. However, if you’re already fluent in Visual BASIC or Tcl/Tk, you’ll be more pr oductive using those scripting languages rather than learning a new one. (You’ll have your hands full dealing with the Web issues already.)ja va和因特网既然Jav a不过另一种类型的程序设计语言,大家可能会奇怪它为什么值得如此重视,为什么还有这么多的人认为它是计算机程序设计的一个里程碑呢?如果您来自一个传统的程序设计背景,那么答案在刚开始的时候并不是很明显。



Java Management System DesignIntroductionIn today’s fast-paced world, efficient management systems play a crucial role in the success of businesses and organizations. One such management system is a Java-based solution that offers great flexibility, scalability, and reliability.Design PrinciplesThe design of a Java management system involves various principles that ensure its effectiveness and robustness. Some key design principles are:ModularityModularity is an important aspect of the design, allowing different components of the system to be developed, tested, and maintained independently. It enables easier troubleshooting and future modifications without impacting the entire system.ScalabilityIn order to cater to the changing needs of an organization, the management system should be scalable. This means that it should be able to handle a growing amount of data and users without compromising on performance. Scalability can be achieved by using distributed architectures and technologies that support horizontal scaling.SecurityAny management system must prioritize security to protect the sensitive data it handles. Java provides robust security features like encryption, authentication, and authorization, ensuring that only authorized users can access and modify the system’s resources.User-friendly InterfaceA Java management system should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface to enhance usability. The interface should provide easy navigation, clear documentation, and error handling to minimize user frustrations and improve overall efficiency.IntegrationIntegration with other systems is often crucial for a successful management system. The Java ecosystem offers multiple libraries, APIs, and frameworks thatallow seamless integration with various databases, web services, and external tools. This enables efficient data exchange and synchronization between systems.Performance OptimizationEfficient performance is essential for a management system to handle large data sets and complex operations promptly. Java provides various optimization techniques, such as caching, indexing, and parallel processing, to enhance system performance and responsiveness.Architecture OverviewThe architecture of a Java management system typically follows a layered approach, separating different concerns and promoting reusability. Some common layers in the architecture are:Presentation LayerThe presentation layer is responsible for the user interface and interaction with the system. It includes components like web pages, forms, and user controls. Java frameworks like JavaFX and Spring MVC can be used to develop user-friendly interfaces.Business Logic LayerThe business logic layer contains the core functionalities of the management system. It handles data processing, validation, and manipulation based on the business rules and requirements. Java provides various frameworks like Spring and EJB for implementing business logic efficiently.Data Access LayerThe data access layer handles the interaction with the underlying database. It provides methods for retrieving, storing, and manipulating data. Java Persistence API (JPA) and frameworks like Hibernate can be used to simplify data access and provide object-relational mapping capabilities.Infrastructure LayerThe infrastructure layer includes components like servers, networks, and external services required for the system’s operation. It manages system configuration, logging, and other low-level tasks. Java frameworks like Spring Boot and Apache Tomcat can be used to facilitate the development and deployment of the system.ConclusionA Java management system design offers a robust and reliable solution for various businesses and organizations. By following design principles like modularity, scalability, security, and performance optimization, developers can create a management system that effectively meets the requirements of the organization. With the flexibility and abundance of Java libraries and frameworks, building a Java management system can be a rewarding experience for developers.。



附录A 外文原文(出处: Malcolm Davis. Struts--an open-source MVC implementation [J]. IBM Systems Journal, 2006,44(2):33-37.)Struts——an open-source MVC implementationMalcolm DavisThis article introduces Struts, a Model-View-Controller implementation that uses servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Struts can help you control change in your Web project and promote specialization. Even if you never implement a system with Struts, you may get some ideas for your future servlets and JSP page implementation.IntroductionKids in grade school put HTML pages on the Internet. However, there is a monumental difference between a grade school page and a professionally developed Web site. The page designer (or HTML developer) must understand colors, the customer, product flow, page layout, browser compatibility, image creation, JavaScript, and more. Putting a great looking site together takes a lot of work, and most Java developers are more interested in creating a great looking object interface than a user interface. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides the glue between the page designer and the Java developer.If you have worked on a large-scale Web application, you understand the term change. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern put together to help control change. MVC decouples interface from business logic and data. Struts is an MVC implementation that uses Servlets 2.2 and JSP 1.1 tags, from the J2EE specifications, as part of the implementation. You may never implement a system with Struts, but looking at Struts may give you some ideas on your future Servlets and JSP implementations.Model-View-Controller (MVC)JSP tags solved only part of our problem. We still have issues with validation, flow control, and updating the state of the application. This is where MVC comes to therescue. MVC helps resolve some of the issues with the single module approach by dividing the problem into three categories:•ModelThe model contains the core of the application's functionality. The modelencapsulates the state of the application. Sometimes the only functionality it contains is state. It knows nothing about the view or controller.•ViewThe view provides the presentation of the model. It is the look of theapplication. The view can access the model getters, but it has no knowledge of the setters. In addition, it knows nothing about the controller. The viewshould be notified when changes to the model occur.•ControllerThe controller reacts to the user input. It creates and sets the model.MVC Model 2The Web brought some unique challenges to software developers, most notably the stateless connection between the client and the server. This stateless behavior made it difficult for the model to notify the view of changes. On the Web, the browser has to re-query the server to discover modification to the state of the application. Another noticeable change is that the view uses different technology for implementation than the model or controller. Of course, we could use Java (or PERL, C/C++ or what ever) code to generate HTML. There are several disadvantages to that approach:•Java programmers should develop services, not HTML.•Changes to layout would require changes to code.•Customers of the service should be able to create pages to meet their specific needs.•The page designer isn't able to have direct involvement in page development.•HTML embedded into code is ugly.For the Web, the classical form of MVC needed to change. Figure 4 displays the Web adaptation of MVC, also commonly known as MVC Model 2 or MVC 2.Struts detailsDisplayed in Figure 6 is a stripped-down UML diagram of theorg.apache.struts.action package. Figure 6 shows the minimal relationshipsamong ActionServlet (Controller), ActionForm (Form State), and Action (Model Wrapper).Figure 6. UML diagram of the relationship of the Command (ActionServlet) to the Model (Action & ActionForm)The ActionServlet classDo you remember the days of function mappings? You would map some input event to a pointer to a function. If you where slick, you would place the configuration information into a file and load the file at run time. Function pointer arrays were the good old days of structured programming in C.Life is better now that we have Java technology, XML, J2EE, and all that. The Struts Controller is a servlet that maps events (an event generally being an HTTP post) to classes. And guess what -- the Controller uses a configuration file so you don_t have to hard-code the values. Life changes, but stays the same.ActionServlet is the Command part of the MVC implementation and is the core of the Framework. ActionServlet (Command) creates and uses Action, an ActionForm, and ActionForward. As mentioned earlier, the struts-config.xml file configures the Command. During the creation of the Web project, Action and ActionForm are extended to solve the specific problem space. The filestruts-config.xml instructs ActionServlet on how to use the extended classes. There are several advantages to this approach:•The entire logical flow of the application is in a hierarchical text file. This makes it easier to view and understand, especially with large applications.•The page designer does not have to wade through Java code to understand the flow of the application.•The Java developer does not need to recompile code when making flow changes.Command functionality can be added by extending ActionServlet.The ActionForm classActionForm maintains the session state for the Web application. ActionForm is an abstract class that is sub-classed for each input form model. When I say input form model, I am saying ActionForm represents a general concept of data that is set or updated by a HTML form. For instance, you may have a UserActionForm that is set by an HTML Form. The Struts framework will:•Check to see if a UserActionForm exists; if not, it will create an instance of the class.•Struts will set the state of the UserActionForm using corresponding fields from the HttpServletRequest. No more dreadful request.getParameter()calls. For instance, the Struts framework will take fname from request stream and call UserActionForm.setFname().•The Struts framework updates the state of the UserActionForm before passing it to the business wrapper UserAction.•Before passing it to the Action class, Struts will also conduct form state validation by calling the validation() method on UserActionForm. Note:This is not always wise to do. There might be ways of using UserActionFormin other pages or business objects, where the validation might be different.Validation of the state might be better in the UserAction class.•The UserActionForm can be maintained at a session level.Notes:•The struts-config.xml file controls which HTML form request maps to which ActionForm.•Multiple requests can be mapped UserActionForm.•UserActionForm can be mapped over multiple pages for things such as wizards.The Action classThe Action class is a wrapper around the business logic. The purpose of Action classis to translate the HttpServletRequest to the business logic. To use Action, subclass and overwrite the process() method.The ActionServlet (Command) passes the parameterized classes to ActionForm using the perform() method. Again, no more dreadful request.getParameter() calls. By the time the event gets here, the input form data (or HTML form data) has already been translated out of the request stream and into an ActionForm class.Figure 4. MVC Model 2Struts, an MVC 2 implementationStruts is a set of cooperating classes, servlets, and JSP tags that make up a reusable MVC 2 design. This definition implies that Struts is a framework, rather than a library, but Struts also contains an extensive tag library and utility classes that work independently of the framework. Figure 5 displays an overview of Struts.Figure 5. Struts overviewStruts overview•Client browserAn HTTP request from the client browser creates an event. The Web container will respond with an HTTP response.•ControllerThe Controller receives the request from the browser, and makes thedecision where to send the request. With Struts, the Controller is a command design pattern implemented as a servlet. The struts-config.xml fileconfigures the Controller.•Business logicThe business logic updates the state of the model and helps control the flow of the application. With Struts this is done with an Action class as a thinwrapper to the actual business logic.•Model stateThe model represents the state of the application. The business objectsupdate the application state. ActionForm bean represents the Model state ata session or request level, and not at a persistent level. The JSP file readsinformation from the ActionForm bean using JSP tags.•ViewThe view is simply a JSP file. There is no flow logic, no business logic, and no model information -- just tags. Tags are one of the things that make Struts unique compared to other frameworks like Velocity.Note: "Think thin" when extending the Action class. The Action class should control the flow and not the logic of the application. By placing the business logic in a separate package or EJB, we allow flexibility and reuse.Another way of thinking about Action class is as the Adapter design pattern. The purpose of the Action is to "Convert the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect. Adapter lets classes work together that couldn_t otherwise because of incompatibility interface" (from Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable OO Software by Gof). The client in this instance is the ActionServlet that knows nothing about our specific business class interface. Therefore, Struts provides a business interface it does understand, Action. By extending the Action, we make our business interface compatible with Struts business interface. (An interesting observation is that Action is a class and not an interface. Action started as an interface and changed into a class over time. Nothing's perfect.)The Error classesThe UML diagram (Figure 6) also included ActionError and ActionErrors. ActionError encapsulates an individual error message. ActionErrors is a containerof ActionError classes that the View can access using tags. ActionError s is Struts way of keeping up with a list of errors.Figure 7. UML diagram of the relationship of the Command (ActionServlet) to the Model (Action)The ActionMapping classAn incoming event is normally in the form of an HTTP request, which the servlet Container turns into an HttpServletRequest. The Controller looks at the incoming event and dispatches the request to an Action class. The struts-config.xml determines what Action class the Controller calls. The struts-config.xml configuration information is translated into a set of ActionMapping, which are put into container of ActionMappings. (If you have not noticed it, classes that end with s are containers)The ActionMapping contains the knowledge of how a specific event maps to specific Actions. The ActionServlet (Command) passes the ActionMapping to the Action class via the perform() method. This allows Action to access the information to control flow.ActionMappingsActionMappings is a collection of ActionMapping objects.Struts pros•Use of JSP tag mechanismThe tag feature promotes reusable code and abstracts Java code from the JSPfile. This feature allows nice integration into JSP-based development toolsthat allow authoring with tags.•Tag libraryWhy re-invent the wheel, or a tag library? If you cannot find something you need in the library, contribute. In addition, Struts provides a starting point if you are learning JSP tag technology.•Open sourceYou have all the advantages of open source, such as being able to see thecode and having everyone else using the library reviewing the code. Manyeyes make for great code review.•Sample MVC implementationStruts offers some insight if you want to create your own MVCimplementation.•Manage the problem spaceDivide and conquer is a nice way of solving the problem and making theproblem manageable. Of course, the sword cuts both ways. The problem ismore complex and needs more management.Struts cons•YouthStruts development is still in preliminary form. They are working towardreleasing a version 1.0, but as with any 1.0 version, it does not provide all the bells and whistles.•ChangeThe framework is undergoing a rapid amount of change. A great deal ofchange has occurred between Struts 0.5 and 1.0. You may want to download the most current Struts nightly distributions, to avoid deprecated methods.In the last 6 months, I have seen the Struts library grow from 90K to over270K. I had to modify my examples several times because of changes inStruts, and I am not going to guarantee my examples will work with theversion of Struts you download.•Correct level of abstractionDoes Struts provide the correct level of abstraction? What is the proper level of abstraction for the page designer? That is the $64K question. Should weallow a page designer access to Java code in page development? Someframeworks like Velocity say no, and provide yet another language to learn for Web development. There is some validity to limiting Java code access inUI development. Most importantly, give a page designer a little bit of Java, and he will use a lot of Java. I saw this happen all the time in Microsoft ASP development. In ASP development, you were supposed to create COMobjects and then write a little ASP script to glue it all together. Instead, the ASP developers would go crazy with ASP script. I would hear "Why wait for a COM developer to create it when I can program it directly with VBScript?"Struts helps limit the amount of Java code required in a JSP file via taglibraries. One such library is the Logic Tag, which manages conditionalgeneration of output, but this does not prevent the UI developer from going nuts with Java code. Whatever type of framework you decide to use, you should understand the environment in which you are deploying andmaintaining the framework. Of course, this task is easier said than done. •Limited scopeStruts is a Web-based MVC solution that is meant be implemented with HTML, JSP files, and servlets.•J2EE application supportStruts requires a servlet container that supports JSP 1.1 and Servlet 2.2 specifications. This alone will not solve all your install issues, unless you are using Tomcat 3.2. I have had a great deal of problems installing the library with Netscape iPlanet 6.0, which is supposedly the first J2EE-compliantapplication server. I recommend visiting the Struts User Mailing List archive (see Resources) when you run into problems.•ComplexitySeparating the problem into parts introduces complexity. There is noquestion that some education will have to go on to understand Struts. With the constant changes occurring, this can be frustrating at times. Welcome to the Web.•Where is...I could point out other issues, for instance, where are the client sidevalidations, adaptable workflow, and dynamic strategy pattern for thecontroller? However, at this point, it is too easy to be a critic, and some of the issues are insignificant, or are reasonable for a 1.0 release. The way the Struts team goes at it, Struts might have these features by the time you read this article, or soon after.Future of StrutsThings change rapidly in this new age of software development. In less than 5 years, I have seen things go from cgi/perl, to ISAPI/NSAPI, to ASP with VB, and now Java and J2EE. Sun is working hard to adapt changes to the JSP/servlet architecture, just as they have in the past with the Java language and API. You can obtain drafts of the new JSP 1.2 and Servlet 2.3 specifications from the Sun Web site. Additionally, a standard tag library for JSP files is appearing.附录B 外文译文(译自: Malcolm Davis. Struts--an open-source MVC implementation [J]. IBM Systems Journal , 2006,44(2):33-37.)Struts——MVC 的一种开放源码实现Malcolm Davis本文介绍 Struts,它是使用 servlet 和 JavaServer Pages 技术的一种Model-View-Controller 实现。



毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班级:学号:姓名:软件学院学专业:指导教师:2014 年 6 月JSP and WEB technology1 JSP IntroductionJSP (JavaServer Pages) is a Java-based scripting technology. Is advocated by Sun Microsystems Inc., together with a number of companies involved in the establishment of a dynamic web page technology standards. JSP technology is somewhat similar to ASP technology, It is a traditional HTML page file (*. htm, *. html) to insert Java program segment (Scriptlet) and JSP tag (tag), To form the JSP file(*jsp). Web development with JSP is a cross-platform applications that can run under Linux, but also in other operating systems. In the JSP of the many advantages, one of which is that it will be HTML encoded Web page from the business logic separated effectively. JSP access with reusable components, such as S ervlet, JavaBean and Java-based Web applications. JSP also supports directly in the Web page embedded Java code. JSP can be used two ways to access documents: JSP documents sent by the browser request, the request sent to the Servlet. JSP technology uses Java programming language, XML-type tags and scriptlets, to have a package deal with the logic of dynamic pages. Page tags and scriptlets can also exist in the server access to the resources of the application logic. JSP logic and Web page design and displa y isolated and support reusable component-based design, Web-based applications more quickly and easily developed.The Web server when meets visits the JSP homepage the request, first carries out segment, will then carry out the result code to return together with JSP in the document HTML for the customer. The insertion Java segment may operate the database, again the directional homepage and so on, realizes the function which the establishment dynamic homepage needs. JSP and Java Servlet are the same, is in the server end execution, usually returns to this client side is a HTML text, therefore client side, so long as has the browser to be able to glance over.The JSP page is composed of the HTML code and the inserting Java code. The server in the page by the client side was requested that later will carry on processing to these Java code, will then produce the HTML pa ge will return gives the client side the browser. Java Servlet is the JSP technology base, moreover the large-scale Web application procedure's development needs Java Servlet and the JSP coordination can complete. JSP had the Java technology simply easy to use, complete object-oriented, had the platform independency, and safe reliable, mainly faced Internet's all characteristics.2 JSP computing techniqueTo carry on the dynamic website conveniently fast the development, JSP has made the improvement in the following several aspects, causes it to become builds the cross platform fast the dynamic website first choice plan.carries on the content production and the demonstration separates With the JSP technology, the Web page development personnel may use HTML or the XML marking design and the formatted final page, and uses the JSP marking or the tootsy produces on page's dynamic content originally. Production content's logic is sealed in marks and in the JavaBeans module, and ties up in the script, all scripts in server end movement. Because core logic is sealed in marks and in JavaBeans, therefore the Web administrative personnels and the page designer, can edit and use the JSP page, but does not affect the content the production. In the server end, the JSP engine explained that the JSP marking and the script, produce the content which requested, and (or XML) page's form transmits the result by HTML the browser. This both are helpful in the author protects own code, and can guarantee any based on the HTML Web browser's complete usability.may entrust with heavy responsibility the moduleThe overwhelming majority JSP page relies on may entrust with heavy responsibility, the cross platform module (JavaBeans or Enterprise the JavaBeans module) carries out complex processing which the application procedure requests. The development personnel can share and exchange the execution ordinary operation the module, or causes these modules uses for more users and the customer association. Has accelerated the overall development process based on module's method, and causes each kind of organization obtains balanced in their existing skill and in the optimized result development endeavor.uses markingThe Web page development personnel will not be the familiar script language programmers. The JSP technology has sealed many functions, these functions are easy to use, marking to carry on the dynamic content production with JSP in the related XML to need. The standard JSP marking can visit and the instantiation JavaBeans module, the establishment or the retrieval module attribute, downloads Applet, as well as the execution difficulty with codes and the time-consuming function with other methods. adapts the platformNearly all platforms support Java, JSP+JavaBeans to be possi ble to pass unimpeded nearly under all platforms. Transplants from a platform to other platform, JSP and JavaBeans does not even need to translate, because the Java byte code is standard has nothing to do with the platform. database connectionIn Java connects the database the technology is the JDBC, Java procedure is connected through the JDBC driver and the database, operations and so on execution inquiry, extraction data. Sun Corporation has also developed JDBC-ODBC bridge, uses this technical Java procedure to be possible to visit has the ODBC driver database, at present themajority database systems have the ODBC driver, therefore the Java procedure can visit such as Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server and databases and so on MS Access. In addition, through the development marking storehouse, the JSP technology may further expand. The third party development personnel and other personnel may found their marking storehouse for the commonly used function. This enables the Web page development personnel to be able to use the familiar tool and to be similar to marking same carries out the specific function component to carry on the work. The JSP technology very easy conformity to many kinds of application architecture, to use the extant tool and the skill, and ca n expand to the support enterprise distributional application.3 Eclipse function synopsisMore and more Java development personnel already started the productivity which and the quality income appreciates Eclipse JDT to provide. It was the Java editor provides grammar Gao Liang to demonstrate that the formatting, the fold, the content were auxiliary, code template and so on many functions. It grows unceasingly available restructuring and the code generation function set permits you in a higher rank the op eration code, and automated usual code intensity duty and easy wrong duty. Moreover, in develops the code and uses JDT to compile and to carry out the JUnit test built-in support carries on the unit testing after the code, may use Eclipse the first-class Java debugger debugging when the movement meets any question. Besides JDT, Eclipse SDK- the most popular downloading - also contains Plug-in Development Environment(PDE). PDE used the specific function to expand JDT to construct the Eclipse plug-in unit - based on the Eclipse application procedure basic construction agglomeration. In fact, uses the tool which provides by Eclipse itself to be able to surmount the Java development, may expand the existing Eclipse application procedure, or even founds the brand-new application procedure.Eclipse by a script level constitution, contains in many functional modules or the Eclipse terminology so-called “the plug-in unit”. Theplug-in unit is provides all functions in the Eclipse application procedure the module. They cooperate through its API to pay the final outcome together. In Eclipse, even the most foundation's function, for instance the search and the start installment's plug-in unit, seals in the plug-in unit. In order to expand the existing Eclipse function or carry on the construction in above, the plug-in unit the concrete expansion contribution for the expansion spot which will expose by other plug-in units. Usually, theplug-in unit concentrates the specific region responsibility, and gives through or a many expansion way other responsibility designation other plug-in units. For example, a plug-in unit allows you parallel to compare two documents visibly the contents, but it will not care how to read these documents even how to explain these document structure; This is other plug-in unit's work. When compared with two documents, this plug-in unit first inspects whether to have another plug-in unit to be possible to explain these document structure. If found one, it to the plug-in unit inquiry related file organization information which found, and used this information in the comparison process.May see that the modular construction was Eclipse has provided the huge flexibility, and provided one to be possible to support the massive application procedure platform which the original design has not expected.4 CSS synopsisThe CSS edition method is the same with HTML, may also be any text editor or the homepage edition software, but also has uses for to edit CSS specially the software. If you write the CSS sentence regards the exterior cascading style sheet, but transfers in the HTML document, then its extension saves .css to be possible. Initially the technical personnel found out HTML, mainly stresses on the definition content, for instance expressed that a paragraph, indicates the title, but excessively has notdesigned HTML the typesetting and the contact surface effect.Along with the Internet rapid development, HTML is widely applied, the surfer people hoped certainly that the homepage makes attractive, therefore the HTML typesetting and the contact surface effect's limitation exposes day by day. In order to solve this problem, the people also took many tortuous paths, has used some not good method, for instance increases many attribute results to HTML becomes the code very extremely fat, turns the picture the text, excessively many comes the typesetting using Table, expresses the white space with the blank picture and so on. Appears until CSS.CSS may be a homepage design breakthrough, it has solved the homepage contact surface typesetting difficult problem. May such say that HTML Tag is mainly defines the homepage content (Content), but CSS decided how these homepage content does demonstrate (Layout). The CSS English is Cascading Style Sheets, Chinese may translate the tandem cascading style sheet. CSS may divide into three kinds according to its position: In inlays the style (Inline Style), internal cascading style sheet (Internal Style Sheet), exterior cascading style sheet (External Style Sheet).5 HTML function synopsisHyper Text Markup the Language hypertext mark language is one kind uses for to manufacture the hypertext documents the simple mark language. The hypertext documents which compiles with HTML are called the HTML documents, it can the independence in each kind of operating system platform (for example UNIX, WINDOWS and so on). HTML has served as since 1990 on World Wide Web the information to express the language, uses in describing the Homepage form design and it and on WWW the other Homepage linked information.The HTML documents (. the Homepage source document) was one has laid aside the mark ASCII text document, usually it had .html or the .htmdocument extension. Produces HTML documents mainly to have the following three ways: 1. the manual direct compilation (. ASCII text editor which or other HTML edition tool likes with you). 2. will have other form documents through certain format conversion tool (for example the WORD documents) to transform the HTML documents. 3. by the Web server (or said that the HTTP server) one only then real-time dynamic produces. the HTML language is through uses each kind of mark (tags) to mark the documents the structure as well as marks the ultra chain (Hyperlink) the information.Although the HTML language described the documents structure form, but how can't define the documents information to precisely demonstrate and arrange, but is only suggested how the Web browser (for example Mosiac, Netscape and so on) should demonstrate and arrange these information, is decided finally in front of user's demonstration result by the Web browser's demonstration style and to the mark explanatory ability. Why is the identical documents the effect which demonstrated in the different browser meets is dissimilar. At present the HTML language's edition is , it is based on SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language, standard sets at sign language generally, as soon as is applies mechanically describes digitized documents structure and manages its co ntent complex standard) a subset to evolve comes. Although in next edition's standard (is also called HTML+) to draw up, but some the partial experimental nature draft standard widely has been used, the mostly outstanding Web browser (for example Netscape and so on) can explain in the part new mark, therefore introduced in this chapter some new mark has been accepted by the most browsers.6 Js script language synopsisJS is javascrip, Javascript is one kind the script language which comes by the Netscape LiveScript development, the main purpose is to solve the server terminal language, for instance Perl, carry-over speed question. Atthat time served the end to need to carry on the confirmation to the data, because the network speed was quite slow, only then , the confirmation step waste's time were too many. Therefore Netscape browser Navigator has joined Javascript, has provided the data confirmation basic function.The JavaScript official name is “ECMAScript”. This standard by ECMA organization development and maintenance. ECMA-262 is the official JavaScript standard. This standard based on JavaScript (Netscape) and JScript (Microsoft). Netscape (Navigator ) Brendan Eich has invented this language, started from 1996, already appeared in all Netscape an d in the Microsoft browser. The ECMA-262 development began in 1996, in 1997 July, the ECMA general meeting has accepted its first edition.Script script uses one specific descriptive language, rests on certain form compilation to be possible the execution document, is also called as great or the batch run document. The script usually may transfer temporarily by the application procedure and carry out. Each kind of script present widely is applied in the homepage design, because the script not only may reduce the homepage the scale and raises the homepage browsing speed, moreover may enrich the homepage performance, like animation, sound and so on. Cites a most common example, when we click in the homepage the E-mail address can transfer Outlook Express or the Foxmail this kind of mail software automatically, is realizes through the script function. Also because of script these characteristics, the human who harbors ulterior motives by some are often using. For example joins some destruction computer system's order in the script, like this works as the user browsing homepage, once transfers this kind of script, will then cause the user the system to come under the attack. Therefore the user should act according to visits homepage the trust degree selective sec urity rank, specially regarding these itself content on the illegal homepage, do not permit the use script easily. Through “the safe establishment” the dialog box, the choice “the script” under option each kind of establishment maywith ease realize to script being forbid and begins using.Present's script language is quite many, script language execution generally only with concrete explanation actuator related, so long as therefore on the system has the corresponding language interpreter to be possible to achieve the cross platform. Script (Script), is includes order and so on bind and alias sets, you may save this set are an independent document then in the time which needs carries out, like this may facilitate you in the CS use. The script may save for the suffix named .cfg document places under the cstrike folder, when execution in control bench input: exec (script filename) .cfg then. For instance saves a script is the document, inputs in the control bench: may realize the function which we need. Must realize an order, so long as is good this process definition (alias), and assigns a key position for this order, so long as later according to will assign the good key position, may realize this process. All scripts are realize through this method.JSP及其WEB技术1 JSP简介JSP(JavaServer Pages)是一种基于Java的脚本技术。



JAVA课程设计报告课题名称:设备管理系统目录1 项目总体规划12 系统需求分析42.1用户管理基本功能分析5 2.2设备管理基本功能分析62.3数据管理基本功能分析23 数据库设计14 关键技术和难点14.1 数据库连接34.2 SQL语句的使用25 系统详细设计与实现15.1用户管理设计与实现55.2设备管理设计与实现65.3数据管理设计与实现26 项目测试17 参考文献1摘要:随着社会生产活动中自动化水平越来越高,设备的监控及其数据的存储越来越重要。


关键词:设备管理系统数据库技术JDBC SQL语句1.项目总体规划随着社会生产活动中自动化水平越来越高,设备的监控及其数据的存储越来越重要。




本系统使用JAVA 语言,结合实际编写了该设备管理系统,可以实现对数据库的准确操作,完成用户的登录、修改密码、添加用户、删除用户,及设备的添加和删除,设备数据的添加、删除和查询等一系列功能。





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毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班级:学号:姓名:学院:软件学院专业:软件工程指导教师:2014 年 6 月An Overview of Servlet and JSP TechnologyNagle and Wiegley,Aug. 2008,953 – 958.Abstract: Servlet program running in the server-side, dynamically generated Web page with the traditional CGI and many other similar compared to CGI technology, Java Servlet with a more efficient, easier to use, more powerful and has better portability, more savings to invest .Key words: JSP Technology, Servlet, HTTP serverA Servlet's JobServlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Their job is to perform the following tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.Figure 1-11.Read the explicit data sent by the client.The end user normally enters this data in an HTML form on a Web page. However, the data could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program.2.Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the browser.Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the client to the Web server (the layer where servlets and JSP execute), but there are really two varieties of data: the explicit data that the end user enters in a form and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Both varieties are critical. The HTTP information includes cookies, information about media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so on.3.Generate the results.This process may require talking to a database, executing an RMI or EJB call, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. Your real data may be ina relational database. Fine. But your database probably doesn't speak HTTP or return results in HTML, so the Web browser can't talk directly to the database. Even if it could, for security reasons, you probably would not want it to. The same argument applies to most other need the Web middle layer to extract the results inside a document.4.Send the explicit data (., the document) to the client.This document can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF images), or even a compressed format like gzip that is layered on top of some other underlying format. But, HTML is by far the most common format, so an important servlet/JSP task is to wrap the results inside of HTML.5.Send the implicit HTTP response data.Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the Web middle layer (the servlet or JSP page) to the client. But, there are really two varieties of data sent: the document itself and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Again, both varieties are critical to effective development. Sending HTTP response data involves telling the browser or other client what type of document is being returned (., HTML), setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks.Why Build Web Pages Dynamically?many client requests can be satisfied by prebuilt documents, and the server would handle these requests without invoking servlets. In many cases, however, a static result is not sufficient, and a page needs to be generated for each request. There are a number of reasons why Web pages need to be built on-the-fly:1.The Web page is based on data sent by the client.For instance, the results page from search engines and order-confirmation pages at online stores are specific to particular user requests. You don't know what to display until you read the data that the user submits. Just remember that the user submits two kinds of data: explicit (., HTML form data) and implicit (., HTTP request headers). Either kind of input can be used to build the output page. In particular, it is quite common to build a user-specific page based on a cookie value.2.The Web page is derived from data that changes frequently.If the page changes for every request, then you certainly need to build the response at request time. If it changes only periodically, however, you could do it two ways: you could periodically build a new Web page on the server (independently of client requests), or you could wait and only build the page when the user requests it. The right approach depends on the situation, but sometimes it is more convenient to do the latter: wait for the user request. For example, a weather report or news headlines site might build the pages dynamically, perhaps returning a previously built page if that page is still up to date.3.The Web page uses information from corporate databases or other server-side sources.If the information is in a database, you need server-side processing even if the client is using dynamic Web content such as an applet. Imagine using an applet by itself for a search engine site:"Downloading 50 terabyte applet, please wait!" Obviously, that is silly; you need to talk to the database. Going from the client to the Web tier to the database (a three-tier approach) instead of from an applet directly to a database (a two-tier approach) provides increased flexibility and security with little or no performance penalty. After all, the database call is usually the rate-limiting step, so going through the Web server does not slow things down. In fact, a three-tier approach is often faster because the middle tier can perform caching and connection pooling.In principle, servlets are not restricted to Web or application servers that handle HTTP requests but can be used for other types of servers as well. For example, servlets could be embedded in FTP or mail servers to extend their functionality. And, a servlet API for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) servers was recently standardized (see ). In practice, however, this use of servlets has not caught on, and we'll only be discussing HTTP servlets.The Advantages of Servlets Over "Traditional" CGIJava servlets are more efficient, easier to use, more powerful, more portable, safer, and cheaper than traditional CGI and many alternative CGI-like technologies.1.EfficientWith traditional CGI, a new process is started for each HTTP request. If the CGI program itself is relatively short, the overhead of starting the process can dominate the execution time. With servlets, the Java virtual machine stays running and handles each request with a lightweight Java thread, not a heavyweight operating system process. Similarly, in traditional CGI, if there are N requests to the same CGI program, the code for the CGI program is loaded into memory N times. With servlets, however, there would be N threads, but only a single copy of the servlet class would be loaded. This approach reduces server memory requirements and saves time by instantiating fewer objects. Finally, when a CGI program finishes handling a request, the program terminates. This approach makes it difficult to cache computations, keep database connections open, and perform other optimizations that rely on persistent data. Servlets, however, remain in memory even after they complete a response, so it is straightforward to store arbitrarily complex data between client requests.2.ConvenientServlets have an extensive infrastructure for automatically parsing and decoding HTML form data, reading and setting HTTP headers, handling cookies, tracking sessions, and many other such high-level utilities. In CGI, you have to do much of this yourself. Besides, if you already know the Java programming language, why learn Perl too? You're already convinced that Java technology makes for more reliable and reusable code than does Visual Basic, VBScript, or C++. Why go back to those languages for server-side programming?3.PowerfulServlets support several capabilities that are difficult or impossible to accomplish with regular CGI. Servlets can talk directly to the Web server, whereas regular CGI programs cannot, at least not without using a server-specific API. Communicating with the Web server makes it easier to translate relative URLs into concrete path names, for instance. Multiple servlets can also share data, making it easy to implement database connection pooling and similar resource-sharing optimizations. Servlets can also maintain information from request to request, simplifying techniques like session tracking and caching of previous computations.4.PortableServlets are written in the Java programming language and follow a standard API. Servlets are supported directly or by a plugin on virtually every major Web server. Consequently, servlets written for, say, Macromedia JRun can run virtually unchanged on Apache Tomcat, Microsoft Internet Information Server (with a separate plugin), IBM WebSphere, iPlanet Enterprise Server, Oracle9i AS, or StarNine WebStar. They are part of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE; see ), so industry support for servlets is becoming even more pervasive.5.InexpensiveA number of free or very inexpensive Web servers are good for development use or deployment of low- or medium-volume Web sites. Thus, with servlets and JSP you can start with a free or inexpensive server and migrate to more expensive servers with high-performance capabilities or advanced administration utilities only after your project meets initial success. This is in contrast to many of the other CGI alternatives, which require a significant initial investment for the purchase of a proprietary package.Price and portability are somewhat connected. For example, Marty tries to keep track of the countries of readers that send him questions by email. India was near the top of the list, probably #2 behind the . Marty also taught one of his JSP and servlet training courses (see ) in Manila, and there was great interest in servlet and JSP technology there.Now, why are India and the Philippines both so interested? We surmise that the answer is twofold. First, both countries have large pools of well-educated software developers. Second, both countries have (or had, at that time) highly unfavorable currency exchange rates against the . dollar. So, buying a special-purpose Web server from a . company consumed a large part of early project funds.But, with servlets and JSP, they could start with a free server: Apache Tomcat (either standalone, embedded in the regular Apache Web server, or embedded in Microsoft IIS). Once the project starts to become successful, they could move to a server like Caucho Resin that had higher performance and easier administration but that is not free. But none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. If their project becomes even larger, they might want to move to a distributed (clustered)environment. No problem: they could move to Macromedia JRun Professional, which supports distributed applications (Web farms). Again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. If the project becomes quite large and complex, they might want to use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) to encapsulate their business logic. So, they might switch to BEA WebLogic or Oracle9i AS. Again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. Finally, if their project becomes even bigger, they might move it off of their Linux box and onto an IBM mainframe running IBM WebSphere. But once again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten.6.SecureOne of the main sources of vulnerabilities in traditional CGI stems from the fact that the programs are often executed by general-purpose operating system shells. So, the CGI programmer must be careful to filter out characters such as backquotes and semicolons that are treated specially by the shell. Implementing this precaution is harder than one might think, and weaknesses stemming from this problem are constantly being uncovered in widely used CGI libraries.A second source of problems is the fact that some CGI programs are processed by languages that do not automatically check array or string bounds. For example, in C and C++ it is perfectly legal to allocate a 100-element array and then write into the 999th "element," which is really some random part of program memory. So, programmers who forget to perform this check open up their system to deliberate or accidental buffer overflow attacks.Servlets suffer from neither of these problems. Even if a servlet executes a system call (., with or JNI) to invoke a program on the local operating system, it does not use a shell to do so. And, of course, array bounds checking and other memory protection features are a central part of the Java programming language.7.MainstreamThere are a lot of good technologies out there. But if vendors don't support them and developers don't know how to use them, what good are they? Servlet and JSP technology is supported by servers from Apache, Oracle, IBM, Sybase, BEA, Macromedia, Caucho, Sun/iPlanet, New Atlanta, ATG, Fujitsu, Lutris, Silverstream, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and many others. Several low-cost pluginsadd support to Microsoft IIS and Zeus as well. They run on Windows, Unix/Linux, MacOS, VMS, and IBM mainframe operating systems. They are the single most popular application of the Java programming language. They are arguably the most popular choice for developing medium to large Web applications. They are used by the airline industry (most United Airlines and Delta Airlines Web sites), e-commerce (), online banking (First USA Bank, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico), Web search engines/portals (), large financial sites (American Century Investments), and hundreds of other sites that you visit every day.Of course, popularity alone is no proof of good technology. Numerous counter-examples abound. But our point is that you are not experimenting with a new and unproven technology when you work with server-side Java.Before diving into an explanation of presentation technology, it's helpful to fill in some details on the situation that led to the birth of the technology. Just 10 short years ago, the term thin client was a novelty. We still lived in a world of desktop applications, powered by wimpy 286 microprocessors with 14-inch monitors that we squinted at. Boy, have times changed! Now my desktop does nothing but power a Web browser, while servers from Sun, IBM, HP, Compaq, and the rest churn out computations, business logic, and content. And that little monitor? Replaced by flat-screen, plasma, whopping 21- and 25-inch beauties. Why? So we can see the intricate and complex HTML displays that serve as a front-end to these powerful applications. No longer does a clunky interface suffice; now we expect flashy graphics, moving images, color-coordinated presentations that would look good in any room in the house, and speedy rendering to premiseToday, a decade beyond those fledgling Windows applications, we are still dealing with this huge shift in the presentation paradigm. The woeful Visual Basic and C programmers who remain now find themselves working either on back-end systems or Windows-only applications, or they have added a Web-capable language such as the Java language to their toolbox. An application that doesn't support at least three of four ML-isms -- such as HTML, XML, and WML -- is considered shabby, if not an outright failure. And, of course, that means we all care very deeply about the ability to easily develop a Web presentation it turns out, using the new Internet, and all the languages we have at our disposal -- Java, C, Perl, Pascal, and Ada, among others -- hasn't been as easy aswe might have hoped. A number of issues creep up when it comes to taking the programming languages everyone used for back-end systems and leveraging them to generate markup language suitable for a client. With the arrival of more options on the browser (DHTML and JavaScript coding, for example), the increase in graphic artist talent in the Web domain, and tools that could create complex interfaces using standard HTML, the demand for fancy user interfaces has grown faster than our ability to develop these front ends to our applications. And this has given rise to presentation technology was designed to perform a single task: convert content, namely data without display details, into presentation -- meaning the various user interfaces you see on your phone, PalmPilot, or Web browser. What are the problems that these presentation technologies claimed to solve? Let's take a vs. reworkBesides the separation of content and presentation, another measure of a presentation technology's usefulness is the amount of rework that it eliminates. The divergence of presentation and content enforces a divergence in the roles of those developing the content. A programmer can focus on the raw content presented in the examples above, and a graphic artist or webmaster can attend to the presentation. A slight overlap of roles remains, however, in the process of taking the presentation -- or markup -- designed by the artist and applying it to the content the programmer's code the simplest case, the artist supplies the markup, and the developer provides code and also plugs the markup into the presentation technology. The application is "started up," and the content magically becomes a user interface. Of course, as we all know, development rarely ends there. Next come revisions and changes to the interface and new business rules that must be coded. This is where the true test of the presentation technology's flexibility comes into play. While it is usually simple to update the raw content being fed into the presentation layer, rarely can the graphic artists easily edit their original work. Changes to the presentation layer are common (we've all been victim to marketing departments changing this or that). So now a problem arises: what do the designers change to tweak their work? The original markup language page they gave to the developer? Probably not, as that page has most likely had custom tags or code inserted (JSPpages, template engines), converted to a Java servlet, or changed into something totally the designer must rework the original page and resubmit this page to the developer. Then the developer has to reconvert this page to the specificformat needed for use in the presentation technology. Alternatively, the designer has to learn a scripting language or at least know that which areas of the page's source code from the developer are off limits. Of course, this is an error-prone, dangerous way to operate. Once you've determined that a presentation technology allows a clean split between content and presentation, you should try to ensure that a minimum amount of rework is necessary in order to make presentation promise of JSP technologyNow, on to the specifics of JSP coding. The promise of JSP technology is to supply the designer and developer the only presentation technology they will ever need. JSP technology is part of the J2EE platform, which is the strongest show of support Sun can give one of its Java products. To give you an idea of how prevalent this solution is, try running a search on 'JSP' .you'll find more books devoted to JSP technology than about almost any other single Java API. Before I dive into the specific problems that JSP technology presents, you need a clear understanding of what it claims to vs. presentationAbove all, JSP technology is about separating content from presentation, foremost in Sun's published set of goals for JSP pages. In fact, JSP design stemmed directly from the complaints of developers who were tired of typing into their servlet code. This mixing of hard-coded content with runtime variables presented a horrible burden on servlet developers. It also made making even minor changes to the presentation layer difficult for the technology addresses this situation by allowing normal HTML pages (and later, WML or other markup language pages) to be compiled at runtime into a Java servlet, essentially mimicking the () paradigm, without requiring the developer to write this code. And it allows you to insert variables into the page that are not interpreted until vs. markupSecond on the JSP technology's list of features is something that might raise a bit of concern. JSP coding lets you insert Java code directly into a page of markup. To understand why this decision was made, recall that when the JSP specification was being developed, Sun's competition from Microsoft was at an all-time high, primarily due to the success of Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). The similarity of the name JavaServer Pages to Active Server Pages was not merely coincidental. And the ability to mimic many of ASP's features was also intentional. So JSP authors were given the option to add Java code into their vs. developerA final (and admirable) goal of JSP technology worth mentioning is that it seeks to establish clearly defined roles in the applicationdevelopment process. By ostensibly breaking content from presentation, JSP technology creates a clearer distinction between the designer and developer. The designer creates markup, using only standard HTML, WML, or whatever language is appropriate, and the developer writes code. Of course, many designers today have learned JavaScript, so it should come as no surprise that many of these same designers have begun to learn JSP coding. Often, instead of just doing pure markup, they encode a complete JSP page and hand it over to the developer. Then the usual tweaking takes place, and the developer puts the JSP page into place as a front-end for some portion of the overall application. The key, though, is that many designers do not learn JSP coding, so it must also be workable in that vs. XMLOne of the most significant disadvantages of JSP technology, and one of the most overlooked, is its incompatibility with XML. More precisely, and particularly in the HTML realm, JSP pages are not required to be XHTML-compatible. XHTML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specification that is now replacing HTML . XHTML defines the HTML tagset in terms of a well-formed XML document. For example, the &lt;br&gt; tag must be converted toto ensure XML compliance. (If this doesn't make much sense, you can check out the XML specification and the developerWorks article about XHTML, listed in Resources.) Similar rules are applied to image tags, and in XHTML (recently coming of age) most font properties and other styling move into CSS stylesheets. Still, most standard HTML documents convert easily to XHTML , which means they can be read directly with any XML-compliant parser, such as Apache Xerces, and manipulated as XML."What's the big deal?" you ask. The big deal is that XML quickly is becoming the global standard for inter- and intra-application communication. Passing data around in an XML format lets any other application that employs basic XML data-handling facilities use your application's data easily. Imagine being able to communicate with credit card companies for e-commerce simply by moving your data into an XML format! Many times, your presentation of data needs to be exchanged with other companies as well. The most common case is the portal application, which receives content from a variety of providers (weather, stock quotes, and news, for example), often with branding from the provider. JSP pages, however, with their mix of code and custom tag libraries, cannot function well in this pages are rarely well-formed XML documents, never mind conforming toXHTML, a markup language that doesn't allow the various JSP custom tag libraries. More important, though, is that the code snippets inserted in JSP pages are not any form of markup and will create loads of parser errors once they are processed by another you go quoting me on this, let's get the whole story out there. If the application were to allow the JSP page to be evaluated by the original client, the result would be pure HTML (or WML, V oXML, and so on). Most applications that request this data, however, employ some form of caching, as network round-trips are very expensive. In these cases, the cached page returns stale data. In those cases, then, you'd probably prefer to return pure XML-compliant results, preferably in a static form. And it is in those cases that JSP technology cannot help; JSP pages must always be evaluated at runtime to remove the JSP code scriptlets and tag the litmus test: Can some other presentation technology do this? The answer is yes. The decided leader in this arena is the Apache Cocoon project, which is based entirely on XML and an application of XSLT stylesheets (which can be applied either at runtime or statically). Because XML Server Pages (called XSP in the Cocoon framework) are actually XML documents, they are always XML-conformant. Other technologies like Tea and Enhydra XMLC that allow the input of a pure markup language page also allow this, although they do not mandate it. In these cases, the user can use XHTML or standard HTML. Still, this is better than the JSP case, where well-formed XML cannot be accomplished statically.Servlet和JSP技术简述Nagle and Wiegley,Aug. 2008,953 – 958.摘要:Servlet程序在服务器端运行,动态地生成Web页面与传统的CGI和许多其他类似CGI的技术相比,Java Servlet具有更高的效率,更容易使用,功能更强大,具有更好的可移植性,更节省投资。
