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unit3 TextA
Fred Smith and FedEx: The vision that changed the world
1 Every night several hundred planes bearing a purple, white, and orange design touch down at Memphis Airport, in Tennessee. What precedes this landing are package pick-ups from locations all over the United States earlier in the day. Crews unload the planes' cargo of more than half a million parcels and letters. The rectangular packages and envelopes are rapidly reshuffled and sorted according to address, then loaded onto other aircraft, and flown to their destinations to be dispersed by hand —many within 24 hours of leaving their senders. This is the culmination of a dream of Frederick W. Smith, the founder, president, chief executive officer, and chairman of the board of the FedEx Corp. —known originally as Federal Express —the largest and most successful overnight delivery service in the world. Conceived when he was in college and now in its 28th year of operation, Smith's exquisite brainchild has become the standard for door-to-door package delivery.
2 Recognized as an outstanding entrepreneur with an agreeable and winning personality, Smith is held in high regard by his competitors as well as his employees and stockholders. Fred Smith was just 27 when he founded FedEx. Now, so many years later, he's still the "captain of the ship". He attributes the success of the company simply to leadership, something he deduced from his years in the military, and from his family.
7 Smith completed two tours in Vietnam, eventually flying more than 200 missions. "In the military, leadership means getting a group of people to subordinate their individual desires and ambitions for the achievement of organizational goals," Smith says, fusing together his military and business experiences. "And good leadership has very measurable effects on a company's bottom line."
12 Although Smith avoids the media and the trappings of public life, he is said to be a friendly and accessible employer. He values his people and never takes them for granted. He reportedly visits FedEx's Memphis site at night from time to time and addresses sorters by name. For years he extended an offer to any courier with 10 years of service to come to Memphis for an "anniversary breakfast". That embodies Fred Smith's philosophy: People, Service, Profit (P-S-P). Smith says, "The P-S-P philosophy is like an unbroken circle or chain. There are no clearly definable points of entry or exit. Each link upholds the others and is, in turn, supported by them." In articulating this
philosophy and in personally involving himself in its implementation, Frederick Smith is the forerunner of the new sphere of leadership that success in the future will demand.
In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet technology, the Internet economy has becom e a hot issue. As represented by the promising E-commerce, the Internet economy has become a stro ng driving force for the economic development. Our government attaches great importance to devel oping the Internet economy and proposes the concept of "Internet Plus", aiming to integrate Internet with other industries, such as health care, transportation, education, finance, and public service. Thi s will create great potential and broad prospects for the development of the Internet economy. With the implementation of the "Internet Plus" strategy, the Internet is certain to be integrated with more traditional industries and help build "the upgraded version of the Chinese econom y".
unit4 TextA
Achieving sustainable environmentalism
2 There is a simple way. First, differentiate between environmental luxuries and environmental necessities. Luxuries are those things that would be nice to have if costless. Necessities are those things we must have regardless. Call this distinction the definitive rule of sane environmentalism, which stipulates that combating ecological change that directly threatens the health and safety of people is an environmental necessity. All else is luxury.
9 I like the caribou as much as the next person. And I would be rather sorry if their mating patterns were disturbed. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. And in the standoff of the welfare of caribou versus reducing an oil reliance that gets people killed in wars, I choose people over caribou every time.
10 I feel similarly about the spotted owl in Oregon. I am no enemy of the owl. If it could be preserved at a negligible cost, I would agree that it should be —biodiversity is after all necessary to the ecosystem. But we must remember that not every species is needed to keep that diversity.
Sometimes aesthetic aspects of life have to be sacrificed to more fundamental ones. If the cost of preserving the spotted owl is the loss of livelihood for 30,000 logging families, I choose the families (with their saws and chopped timber) over the owl.
11 The important distinction is between those environmental goods that are fundamental and those that are not. Nature is our ward, not our master. It is to be respected and even cultivated. But when humans have to choose between their own well-being and that of nature, nature will have to accommodate.
1997年,苏州园林被联合国教科文组织列入“世界遗产名录”Suzhou gardens are the most outstandingrepresentatives of classical Chinese gardens.Most of them were privately-owned. The gardensfirst appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period,developed in the Song and Yuan dynasties, andflourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Bythe late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou had got as manyas over 170 gardens of diverse styles, Winning itthe name “The City of Gar dens”. Now, over 60gardens are kept in good condition, of which morethan 10 are Open to the publi c. The Surging WavePavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the HumbleAdministrator’s Garden and the Lingerin g Gardenare called the four most famous gardens in Suzhourepresenting the artistic styles of the Song, Yuan,Ming and Qing dynasties respectively.Suzhougardens are assemblies of residenc es and gardens,which makes them suitable places for living, visitingand appreciating. The architectu ral principles of lthe gardens are a demonstration of the lifestylesand social customs of the ancient C hinese peoplein the south of the Lower Yangtze River. Suzhougardens are not onlya product of Chi nese historyand culture, but also a carrier of traditional Chinese ideology and culture.In 1997,Suzho u gardens were inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.
unit5 TextA
Speaking Chinese in America
12 As any child of immigrant parents knows, there is a special kind of double bind attached to knowing two languages. My parents, for example, spoke to me in both Chinese and English; I spoke back to them in English.
20 Having listened to both Chinese and English, I'm suspicious of comparisons between the two languages, as I notice the reciprocal challenges they each present. English speakers say Chinese is
extremely difficult because different words can be denoted by very subtle variations in tone. English is often bracketed with the label of inconsistency, a language of too many broken rules.
22 I worry that the dominant society may see Chinese people from a limited perspective, hedging us in with the stereotype. I worry that the seemingly innocent stereotype may lead to actual intolerance and be part of the reason why there are few Chinese in top management positions, or in the main judiciary or political sectors. I worry about the power of language: If one says anything enough times, it might become true, with or without malicious intent.
Chinese civilization once had a significant influenceon world civilization. With the development of ourcountry’s e conomy and the rise of her internationalstatus in recent years, Chinese culture, which hasa long history, is once again attracting globalattention. More and more Chinese cultural element sprovide inspiration for and become popular subjectsof fashions, literature and movies around the w orld.This shows that the world needs Chinese culture. Itwas in this context that China decided to im plementthe “Culture Exporting” strategy so as to enhanceher cultural exchanges with the rest of the world.After several years’ efforts, great achievements havebeen made in this respect. “Culture Expo rting” hasgreatly promoted the development of our culturalindustries. It is becoming an effective ap proachthrough which China enhances her nationalimageand comprehensive strength.
unit8 TextA
A meaningful life
3 I left New York soon after that, but one day got a call from Henry. He talked with me about his work. I knew that for over a century, the animal rights movement had been putting out graphic brochures, leaflets, and audio propaganda, alerting people to the dreadful experiments on animals. But in all that time, the number of animals used in experiments had risen from a small batch of a few hundred to more than 30 million. No activist had managed to stop a single experiment or improve the lives of animals living in tiny, constricted enclosures. Henry changed that. One of his earliest campaigns permanently closed down a laboratory conducting experiments with toxic vapor on about 60 rabbits.
6 We often assume that society has become too big and too bureaucratic for individuals to make a difference. How could one individual, however humane and passionate, possibly bring about change in the face of powerful global corporations, ministerial indifference and complicated parliamentary rules?
13 One essential mark of living well is to be satisfied with one's accomplishments when taking a retrospective look at life, and to be able to accept death and face infinity calmly. Henry's life seemed to lack many of the things that most of us take for granted as essential to a good life. He never married, or had a long-term, live-in relationship. He had no children or successors. He never went to concerts, to the theater, or to fine restaurants. He didn't bring antibiotics to the needy or vaccinate the poor. He was never called a hero like the caped crusaders of our comic books. There
is no fancy stone for him at the cemetery after his death. He just cared for the weakest creatures in his society. What gave Henry Spira's life depth and purpose? What did he —and others —find meaningful in the way he lived his life?
In recent years, the social development andchanges in employment situation have put higherrequirements on college students. Instead ofconfining themselves to the knowledge in books,more and more college students are stepping-outof the “Ivory Tower” and taking an active partin social practice in their spare time. Throughsocial practice, college students can have a deeperunderstanding of society, increase their sense ofsocial responsibility, and improve their analyticaland problem-solving abilities. Meanwhile, takingpart in social practice can also help studentsrecognize their own shortcomings and have a clearidea about where they are to go in the future. Allthese benefits will help them build up social andwork experience, which will lay a solid foundationfor them in finding jobs or starting their ownbusinesses in the future.。