


伯明翰市维多利亚女王广场上的市政厅大楼 迫签署大宪章,王权遭抑制。1337 年至 1453 年英法进行“百年战争”,
英国先胜后败。1536 年威尔士与英格兰合并。1588 年击败西班牙“无 敌舰队”,树立海上霸权。1640 年英国在全球第一个爆发资产阶级革 命,成为资产阶级革命的先驱。1649 年 5 月 19 日宣布成立共和国。 1660 年王朝复辟,1688 年发生“光荣革命”,确定了君主立宪制。1707 年英格兰与苏格兰合并,1801 年又与爱尔兰合并。18 世纪后半叶至 19 世纪上半叶,成为世界上第一个完成工业革命的国家。19 世纪是 大英帝国的全盛时期,1914 年占有的殖民地比本土大 111 倍,是第 一殖民大国,自称“日不落帝国”。第一次世界大战后开始衰败。英国 于 1920 年设立北爱兰郡,并于 1921 年至 1922 年允许爱尔兰南部脱 离其统治,成立独立国家。1931 年颁布威斯敏斯特法案,被迫承认 其自治领在内政、外交上独立自主,大英帝国殖民体系从此动摇。第 二次世界大战中英国经济实力大为削弱,政治地位下降。随着 1947 年印度和巴基斯坦的相继独立,到 60 年代,英帝国殖民体系瓦解。 1973 年 1 月英国加入欧洲共同体。 历史上,英格兰,苏格兰,威尔 士和爱尔兰是四个国家。后来英格兰和威尔士由联姻合并,再后来, 都铎王朝的最后一个国王伊里莎白一世无后,便传位给她的外甥,苏 格兰国王詹姆士,于是苏格兰和英格兰合并。后詹姆士的儿子查理被 克伦威尔的革命军推翻,克伦威尔统治期间武力征服了爱尔兰。1923 年,英国国会决定将爱尔兰分为 2 部分,南部的 23 个郡独立为爱尔 兰共和国,北部的 4 个郡作为北爱尔兰仍留在英国。虽然英国在第二 次世界大战后国力减弱和经济不景,但在丘吉尔、艾德礼等首相的领 导下逐渐恢复了元气。保守党“铁娘子”撒切尔夫人在 1979 年当选为





(二)英格兰行政区划:较为复杂,其类型和数量如下1、郡 Administrative county 34个2、(1)(伦敦的)区 London borough 29 个(2)(伦敦的)市级区 London borough (city) 2 个(3)(伦敦的)皇家区 London borough (royal) 2个3、(1)(都市郡的)区 Metropolitan borough 25个(2)(都市郡的)市级区 Metropolitan borough (city) 11个4、(1)自治市镇(不冠类型) Unitary authority 36个(2)自治市镇(市标记) Unitary authority (city) 10个(3)自治市镇(郡标记) Unitary authority (county) 1个(三)具体情况如下: 注11、伦敦 London 注2 其中:内伦敦 Inner London(14区);外伦敦 Outer London(19区)2、坎布里亚 Cumbria 郡治:卡莱尔 Carlisle3、兰开夏 Lancashire 郡治:普雷斯顿 Preston较大城市:伯恩利 Burnley 布莱克本 Blackburn with Darwen 布莱克浦 Blackpool4、默西塞德 Merseyside 郡治:利物浦 Liverpool (都市郡)较大城市:伯肯黑德 Birkenhead 南波特 Southport5、大曼彻斯特 Greater Manchester 郡治:曼彻斯特 Manchester (都市郡)较大城市:威根 Wigan6、柴郡 Cheshire 郡治:切斯特 Chester哈尔顿 Halton 沃灵顿 Warrington7、诺森伯兰 Northumberland 郡治:莫珀斯 Morpeth8、泰恩—威尔 Tyne and Wear 郡治:纽卡斯尔 Newcastle (都市郡)较大城市:桑德兰 Sunderland9、达勒姆 Durham 郡治:达勒姆 Durham达灵顿Darlington 哈特尔浦Hartlepool 蒂斯河畔斯托克Stockton-on-Tees 米德尔斯堡Middlesborough 里德卡-克里夫兰 Redcar and Cleveland 注310、北约克郡 North Yorkshire 郡治:诺萨勒顿 Northallerton约克市 York 约克郡东区 East Riding of Yorkshire 赫尔河畔金斯敦市 Kingston upon Hull11、西约克郡 West Yorkshire 郡治:韦克菲尔德 Wakefield (都市郡)较大城市:利兹 Leeds12、南约克郡 South Yorkshire 郡治:巴恩斯利 Barnsley (都市郡)较大城市:谢菲尔德 Sheffield 唐开斯特 Doncaster13、东北林肯郡 North East Lincolnshire14、北林肯郡 North Lincolnshire15、林肯郡 Lincolnshire 郡治:林肯 Lincoln16、诺丁汉郡 Nottinghamshire 郡治:诺丁汉 Nottingham较大城市:曼斯菲尔德 Mansfield17、德比郡 Derbyshire 郡治:马特洛克 Matlock较大城市:切斯特菲尔德 Chesterfield 德比市 Derby18、莱斯特郡 Leicestershire 郡治:莱斯特 Leicester莱斯特市 Leicester 拉特兰 Rutland 注419、北安普敦郡 Northamptonshire 郡治:北安普敦 Northampton20、斯塔福德郡 Staffordshire 郡治:斯塔福德 Stafford特伦河畔斯托克市 Stoke—on—Trent21、西米德兰 West Midlands郡治:伯明翰 Birmingham (都市郡)较大城市:考文垂 Coventry22、沃里克郡 Warwickshire郡治:沃里克 Warwick较大城市:纽尼顿 Nuneaton23、什罗普郡 Shropshire 郡治:什鲁斯伯里 Shrewsbury特尔福德—里金 Telford & Wrekin24、伍斯特郡 Worcestershire郡治:伍斯特 Worcester赫里福德郡 Herefordshire 注525、诺福克 Norfolk 郡治:诺维奇 Norwich26、萨福克 Suffolk 郡治:伊普斯威奇 Ipswich27、剑桥郡 Cambridgeshire 郡治:剑桥 Cambridge彼得伯勒 Peterborough28、埃塞克斯 Essex 郡治:切姆斯福德 Chelmsford较大城市:巴兹尔登 Basildon 柯彻斯特 Colchester 绍森德 Southend—on-Sea 瑟罗克 Thurrock29、贝德福德郡 Bedfordshire郡治:贝德福德 Bedford卢顿 Luton30、赫特福德郡 Hertfordshire 郡治:赫特福德 Hertford较大城市:圣奥尔本斯 St Albans31、白金汉郡 Buckinghamshire 郡治:艾尔斯伯里 Aylesbury较大城市:海威考姆勃 High Wycombe 米尔顿凯恩斯 Milton Keynes32、牛津郡 Oxfordshire 郡治:牛津 Oxford雷丁 Reading 注6,斯劳 Slough 布拉克内尔森林 Bracknell Forest 西巴克夏 West Berkshire 温莎梅登黑德 Windsor & Maidenhead 沃金厄姆 Wokingham33、萨里 Surrey 郡治:泰晤士河畔金斯敦Kingston upon Thames34、肯特 Kent 郡治:梅德斯通 Maidstone较大城市:马尔盖特 Margate 梅德韦 Medway 249,502 19235、东萨塞克斯 East Sussex 郡治:刘易斯 Lewis较大城市:黑斯廷斯 Hastings 布赖顿—霍伍 Brighton and Hove36、西萨塞克斯 West Sussex 郡治:奇切斯特 Chichester较大城市:克劳利 Crawley 伊斯特本 Eastbourne37、汉普郡 Hampshire郡治:温切斯特 Winchester较大城市:奥尔德肖特 Aldershot 朴次茅斯市 Portsmouth 南安普敦市 Southampton 怀特岛 Isle of Wight 注738、洛斯特郡 Gloucestershire 郡治:格洛斯特 Gloucester较大城市:切尔滕纳姆 Cheltenham39、南格洛斯特郡 South Gloucestershire 注8布里斯托尔市 Bristol 注840、威尔特郡 Wiltshire 郡治:特罗布里奇 Trowbridge斯温顿 Swindon41、萨默塞特 Somerset郡治:汤顿 Taunton巴思-东北萨默塞特 Bath & North East Somerset 注8,北萨默塞特 North Somerset 注842、多塞特 Dorset 郡治:多尔切斯特 Dorchester伯恩茅斯 Bournemouth 普尔 Poole43、德文 Devon 郡治:埃克塞特 Exeter 106,772普利茅斯市 Plymouth 托培 Torbay44、康沃尔和锡利群岛 Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly 郡治:特鲁罗 Truro 注9注①:不同种类区划:坎布里亚郡,默西赛德都市郡,托培自治市镇(包括伦敦)注②:大伦敦为独立行政单位,1964-1965间成立大伦敦郡。


国名: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 行政区划: 分为英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士, 北爱尔兰四个地区 首都:伦敦 London 主要城市:
伯明翰 Birmingham 布里斯托 Bristol 利兹 Leeds
利物浦 Liverpool 曼彻斯特 Manchester 纽卡斯尔 Newcastle
科研质量评估反映英国各大学各专业的研究水平,其原始数据来源于英国高等 教育研究机会委员会(HERO),高等教育拨款委员会等几大政府机构联合 进行的研究评估RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)。RAE评估一次一般需 时4至5年,满分为5*,之后由5分依次递减到1分。政府依据大学各专业的评 估结果分配科研经费。专业得分越高,分配到的科研经费就越多,学校研发 的项目也就越多。
人 口 : 6800万 人 , 河 北省 人 口 7000万左右。
英国与中国的时差: 中国属于东七区,英国在 零时区。中国比英国早8 小时( 十月最后一个星期 日—第二年三月最后一个 星期日),其它时间为7 小时。
英国的货币:英镑(目前 的汇率约为1:10.5)
英国是世界上教育质量最高的国家之一,英国教育制度经历数百年 的发展,以高水准的教学质量而名扬四海。世界排名前十名的大学 中英国占了4所。世界排名前一百的大学,英国占了23所。
1-6年级其实就是幼儿园的等级,所以并没有具体教学。 7-9年级为一档次。与中国小学类似,开始学习所有科
10、11年级被称为GCSE,类似中国 初中。此时已经开始注重学生自己的 兴趣培养,除必修课程外,学生还要 按照自己兴趣,选修3门科目。其范 围非常广泛,美名










第 1 页共1 页。



伦敦介绍1. 基本概况London, capital of Great Britain, SE England, on both sides of the ThamesRiver. Greater London (1991 pop. 6,378,600), c.620 sq mi (1,610 sq km), consists of the Corporation of the City of London (1991 pop. 4,000), usually called the City, plus 32 boroughs. The City is the old city of London and is the modern city's commercial center; it is also referred to as the “Square Mile” because of its area. The 12 inner boroughs that surround the City are Westminster, Camden, Islington, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark, Lambeth, Wandsworth, Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea. The 20 outer boroughs are Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Havering, Barking and Dagenham, Newham, Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Sutton, Merton, Kingston upon Thames, Richmond upon Thames, Hounslow, Hillingdon, Ealing, Brent, Harrow, Barnet, Haringey, and Enfield. Greater London includes the area of the former county of London, most of the former county of Middlesex, and areas that were formerly in Surrey, Kent, Essex, and Hertfordshire. Each of the boroughs of Greater London elects a council.The Greater London Council administered the larger London area until 1986, when it was abolished by the Thatcher government, making London unique as a world metropolis without a central governing unit. In 1999 the Greater London Authority Act reestablished a single local governing body for the Greater London area, consisting of an elected mayor and the London Assembly. Elections were held in 2000, and Ken Livingstone became London's first elected mayor.2.EconomyLondon is one of the world's foremost financial, commercial, industrial, and cultural centers. The Bank of England, Lloyd's, the stock exchange, and numerous other banks and investment companies have their headquarters there, primarily in the City, but increasingly at Canary Wharf. The financial services sector is a major source of overall employment in London.London still remains one of the world's greatest ports. It exports manufactured goods and imports petroleum, tea, wool, raw sugar, timber木材,木料, butter, metals, and meat. Consumer goods, clothing, precision精密的instruments, jewelry, and stationery are produced, but manufacturing has lost a number of jobs in the once-dominant textile, furniture, printing, and chemical-processing industries as firms have moved outside the area. Engineering and scientific research are also important to the economy, as is tourism. The city is a hub for road, rail, and air (its airports include Heathrow and Gatwick), and it is now linked to the Continent by a high-speed rail line under the English Channel.Points of InterestThe best-known streets of London are Fleet Street, the Strand, Piccadilly, Whitehall, Pall Mall, Downing Street, and Lombard Street. Bond and Regent streets and Covent Garden are noted for their shops. Buckingham Palace is the royal family's London residence. Municipal市政的,自治区的parks include Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Regent's Park (which houses the London Zoo), and St. James's and Green parks. Museums include the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Gallery, the Tate Gallery, the Wallace Collection, the Institute of Contemporary Art, and the Saachi Gallery. London also has numerous commercial art galleries and plays a major role in the international art market.The British Library, one of the world's great reference resources, is located in London. The city is rich in other artistic and cultural activities. Its approximately 100 theater companies reflect the importance of drama, and it has several world-class orchestras, a well-known opera house, performance halls, and clubs. A working replica复制品of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre opened in 1997. The Univ. of London is the largest in Great Britain, and there are other universities and colleges in the city. The state-owned BBC (British Broadcasting Company) is headquartered in London, and most of the country's national newspapers are published there. The New Scotland Yard, synonymous with criminal investigation, is located in the city. Sporting events draw large support fromLondoners who follow cricket, soccer (at Wimbley Stadium), and tennis (including the Wimbledon championship).3. HistoryLittle is known of London prior to A.D. 61, when, according to the Roman historian Tacitus塔西佗(古罗官员和历史学家), the followers of Queen Boadicea rebelled and slaughtered the inhabitants of the Roman fort Londinium. Roman authority was soon restored, and the first city walls were built, remnants 残余of which still exist. After the final withdrawal of the Roman legions in the 5th cent., London was lost in obscurity. Celts, Saxons, and Danes contested the general area, and it was not until 886 that London again emerged as an important town under the firm control of King Alfred, who rebuilt the defenses against the Danes and gave the city a government.London put up some resistance to William I in 1066, but he subsequently treated the city well. During his reign the White Tower, the nucleus 核心,中心of the Tower of London, was built just east of the city wall. Under the Normans and Plantagenets (see Great Britain), the city grew commercially and politically and during the reign of Richard I (1189–99) obtained a form of municipal government from which the modern City Corporation developed. In 1215, King John granted the city the right to elect a mayor annually.The guilds公会,协会of the Middle Ages gained control of civic公民的affairs and grew sufficiently strong to restrict trade to freemen of the city. The guilds survive today in 80 livery 肝的companies, of which members were once the voters in London's municipal elections. Medieval London saw the foundation of the Inns of Court and the construction of Westminster Abbey. By the 14th cent. London had become the political capital of England. It played no active role in the Wars of the Roses (15th cent.).The reign of Elizabeth I brought London to a level of great wealth, power, and influence as the undisputed 无可置辨的center of England's Renaissance culture. This was the time of Shakespeare (and the Globe Theatre) and the beginnings of overseas trading companies such as the Muscovy Company. With the advent (1603) of the Stuarts to the throne, the city became involved in struggles with the crown on behalf of its democratic privileges, culminating in the English civil war.In 1665, the great plague took some 75,000 lives. A great fire in Sept., 1666, lasted five days and virtually destroyed the city. Sir Christopher Wren played a large role in rebuilding the city. He designed more than 51 churches, notably the rebuilt St. Paul's Cathedral. Other notable churches include the gothic哥特式的Southwark Cathedral, St. Paul's Church (1633; designed by Inigo Jones), St. Martin-in-the-Fields (18th cent.), and Westminster Cathedral. Much of the business of London as well as literary and political discussion was transacted in coffeehouses, forerunners of the modern club. Until 1750, when Westminster Bridge was opened, London Bridge, first built in the 10th cent., was the only bridge to span the Thames. Since the 18th cent., several other bridges have been constructed; the Tower Bridge was completed in 1894.In the 19th cent., London began a period of extraordinary growth. The area ofpresent-day Greater London had about 1.1 million people in 1801; by 1851, the population had increased to 2.7 million, and by 1901 to 6.6 million. During the Victorian era, London acquired tremendous prestige as the capital of the British Empire and as a cultural and intellectual center. Britain's free political institutions and intellectual atmosphere made London a haven for persons unsafe in their own countries. The Italian Giuseppe Mazzini, the Russian Aleksandr Herzen, and the German Karl Marx were among many politically controversial figures who lived for long periods in London.Many buildings of central London were destroyed or damaged in air raids during World War II. These include the Guildhall (scene of the lord mayor's banquets宴会(BOUQUET 花束)and other public functions); No. 10 Downing Street, the prime minister's residence; the Inns of Court; Westminster Hall and the Houses of Parliament; St. George's Cathedral; and many of the great halls of the ancient livery companies. Today there are numerous blocks of new office buildings and districts of apartment dwellings constructed bygovernment authorities. The growth of London in the 20th cent. has been extensively planned. One notable feature has been the concept of a “Green Belt” to save certain areas from intensive urban development. In 1982, a tax-free zone in the Docklands in the East End's Tower Hamlets borough was created to stimulate development. Although the Canary Wharf financial center (with Lloyd's futuristic building, opened in 1986) was initially slow to fill, it now rivals the City.London has an ethnically and culturally diverse population, with large groups of immigrants from Commonwealth nations. South Asian, West Indian, African, and Middle Eastern peoples account for much of the immigrant population. The city is the site of one of the largest Hindu temple complexes 混合体and the largest Sikh temple outside India; there also are many mosques清真寺, including one of the largest in Europe. With the reestablishment of the city's central government (2000), London built its egg-shaped City Hall (2002), on the south bank of the Thames opposite the Tower of London. The city was the site of the 1908 and 1948 summer Olympic games and will be the site of the 2012 summer games.伦敦,首都大不列颠,东南英格兰,双方的泰晤士河。

London introduction 英国名胜介绍(英文版)

London introduction  英国名胜介绍(英文版)

London introductionLondon,the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Europe's largest city, one of the world's two major(主要)center city, is one of the most prosperous(繁荣的)global city. London is the center of economic(经济的)financial(财务的)and trade (贸易)in Europe and the United States of New York, tied for the world's most important financial center.The Big Ben, Tower BridgeBig Ben is Elizabeth Tower.London's famous ancient(报时)bell, the palace of Westminster clock. The British Parliament (英国国会)meeting hall clock tower, built in 1859.Tower bridge is the Tower Bridge of London.Tower Bridge of London is the first bridge the river Thames from where it begins, is a symbol (象征)of London, "London front gate", was built in 1886.The London EyeThe London Eye, The London Eye, British Airways, also known as the Millennium(千禧)Wheel, is located(位于)the banks of the river Thames in London, is the world's fourth largest Ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks(标志)of London, is one of the most attractive(具有吸引力的)tourist attractions(旅游景点)in London.Thames RiverThames River is a famous British mother river, rising in southwest Coates Ward Hills(科茨沃特丘陵)of England, 338 kilometers in length.Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace is the Royal Palace(王宫), built in 1703 and named for the Duke of Buckingham(以白金汉公爵命名).Westminster CathedralWestminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂)is located in the North Bank of the Thames River, was a Benedictine monastery(修道院), founded(成立)in the year 960 ad(公元960年), was expanded(扩建)in 1045, built in 1065.Tate Museum of Contemporary ArtThe Tate Museum of Contemporary Art(泰特现代美术馆)is located in the South Bank of Thames River, face each other across the river and the St.Paul's Cathedral, connecting(连接)them is the Millennium Bridge across Thames River.St.Paul's CathedralSt.Paul's Cathedral located in London, a representative(代表)of Baroque style architecture (巴洛克风格的建筑), is the world's second largest dome(圆顶)of the church, it imitated(模仿的)Papal Basilica(教皇的教堂)of Saint Peter in Rome(整体为罗马圣彼得大教堂), is the representative of British classical architecture.University of OxfordThe University of Oxford is a public university located in the city of Oxford, founded in 1167, is the oldest university in the English speaking world.StratfordEvan upon Avon Ford (埃文的斯特拉特福德)(Stratford) is located on the banks of the Evan River, a beautiful city is the greatest playwright(剧作家)of England, the hometown of Shakespeare(莎士比亚).ManchesterManchester(曼彻斯特)is the third largest city of Britsh, is the largest outside(以外)London Financial Center city.Albert squareAlbert square is the heart of the city of Manchester, in honor(敬意)of Queen Victoria's husband Albert named.London City HallLondon City Hall(伦敦市政厅)is one of the most important British capital for new buildings symbolic(象征性的), provides nearly 18000 square meters of usable area.Windermere LakeWindermere lake(温德米尔湖)is the largest in England lake, the lake has many small islands, but only one inhabited(有人居住).EdinburghEdinburgh(爱丁堡)is a famous British culture(文化)of the ancient(古老的)city, the capital of Scotland, is located in the central Scotland bay south of lowland(苏格兰湾南部中央低地).Edinburgh CastleEdinburgh Castle(爱丁城堡)was built in the year sixth Century(建于公元第六世纪), in the Scotland area Edinburgh city of Castle hill(城堡山).Scotland National MuseumScotland National Museum is located in the capital of Scotland Edinburgh, a total(总)of 36 exhibition halls(36个展览厅), exhibits more than 20000 pieces(展出超过两万件文物).Edinburgh Carleton HillThere are two monuments(纪念碑)in Carleton Hill(卡尔顿山), is the National Memorial Chorten(国家纪念碑), another is the Nelson monument(纳尔逊纪念碑).Windsor CastleWindsor Castle(温莎古堡)is located in the southeast of England area in Windsor(位于英格兰东南部的温莎), England Burke - Maidenhead borough(伯克-梅登黑德镇)of Windsor royal head(温莎公爵), is the world's largest inhabited castle.CambridgeThere is a River Cam, built many bridges, so that the city named Cambridge(剑桥), also known as Cambridge(康桥).University of CambridgeUniversity of Cambridge is a British England Cambridge City Public Research University(公立研究型大学), was founded in 1209, is the second oldest university in the English speaking world.GreeceGreece is located at the southern tip(南部)of southeastern Europe Balkan Peninsula(巴尔干半岛), is known as the birthplace of Western civilization(西方文明的发源地), has a long history, and the historical development of three continents have sig()nifi()c(k)ant influence (对三大洲的历史发展有重大的影响).Country nameThe Hellenic Republic(希腊共和国)(Greek: epsilon lambda lambda ETA Nu iota kappa delta ETA Omicron kappa Rho alpha tau alpha mu), referred to as the greek(简称希腊).Nation(民族)About 98% of the Greeks, more than for the Turks(土耳其人), Macedonian(马其顿人, 保加利亚人等)Bulgarian etc..Religion(宗教)Orthodox Christianity(东正教),.Islamism(伊斯兰教).The Greek Orthodox Church (希腊正教)(Orthodox) as the state religion(国教).LanguageGreek (belong to the India-European family)(属于印欧语系).CapitalAthens.National Anthem(国歌)"Song of freedom"(自由颂), as the world's longest national anthem(世界上最长的国歌).中文翻译伦敦简介伦敦,是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的首都。







(二)英格兰行政区划:较为复杂,其类型和数量如下1、郡Administrative county 34个2、(1)(伦敦的)区London borough 29 个(2)(伦敦的)市级区London borough (city) 2 个(3)(伦敦的)皇家区London borough (royal) 2个3、(1)(都市郡的)区Metropolitan borough 25个(2)(都市郡的)市级区Metropolitan borough (city) 11个4、(1)自治市镇(不冠类型) Unitary authority 36个(2)自治市镇(市标记)Unitary authority (city) 10个(3)自治市镇(郡标记)Unitary authority (county) 1个(三)具体情况如下:注11、伦敦London 注2 其中:内伦敦Inner London(14区);外伦敦Outer London(19区)2、坎布里亚Cumbria 郡治:卡莱尔Carlisle3、兰开夏Lancashire 郡治:普雷斯顿Preston较大城市:伯恩利Burnley 布莱克本Blackburn with Darwen 布莱克浦Blackpool4、默西塞德Merseyside 郡治:利物浦Liverpool (都市郡)较大城市:伯肯黑德Birkenhead 南波特Southport5、大曼彻斯特Greater Manchester 郡治:曼彻斯特Manchester (都市郡)较大城市:威根Wigan6、柴郡Cheshire 郡治:切斯特Chester哈尔顿Halton 沃灵顿Warrington7、诺森伯兰Northumberland 郡治:莫珀斯Morpeth8、泰恩-威尔Tyne and Wear 郡治:纽卡斯尔Newcastle (都市郡)较大城市:桑德兰Sunderland9、达勒姆Durham 郡治:达勒姆Durham达灵顿Darlington 哈特尔浦Hartlepool 蒂斯河畔斯托克Stockton-on-Tees 米德尔斯堡Middlesborough 里德卡-克里夫兰Redcar and Cleveland 注310、北约克郡North Yorkshire 郡治:诺萨勒顿Northallerton约克市York 约克郡东区East Riding of Yorkshire 赫尔河畔金斯敦市Kingston upon Hull11、西约克郡West Yorkshire 郡治:韦克菲尔德Wakefield (都市郡)较大城市:利兹Leeds12、南约克郡South Yorkshire 郡治:巴恩斯利Barnsley (都市郡)较大城市:Sheffield 唐开斯特Doncaster13、东北林肯郡North East Lincolnshire14、北林肯郡North Lincolnshire15、林肯郡Lincolnshire 郡治:林肯Lincoln16、诺丁汉郡Nottinghamshire 郡治:诺丁汉Nottingham较大城市:曼斯菲尔德Mansfield17、德比郡Derbyshire 郡治:马特洛克Matlock较大城市:切斯特菲尔德Chesterfield 德比市Derby18、莱斯特郡Leicestershire 郡治:莱斯特Leicester莱斯特市Leicester 拉特兰Rutland 注419、北安普敦郡Northamptonshire 郡治:北安普敦Northampton20、斯塔福德郡Staffordshire 郡治:斯塔福德Stafford特伦河畔斯托克市Stoke-on-Trent21、西米德兰West Midlands郡治:伯明翰Birmingham (都市郡)较大城市:考文垂Coventry22、沃里克郡Warwickshire郡治:沃里克Warwick较大城市:纽尼顿Nuneaton23、什罗普郡Shropshire 郡治:什鲁斯伯里Shrewsbury特尔福德-里金Telford & Wrekin24、伍斯特郡Worcestershire郡治:伍斯特Worcester赫里福德郡Herefordshire 注525、诺福克Norfolk 郡治:诺维奇Norwich26、萨福克Suffolk 郡治:伊普斯威奇Ipswich27、剑桥郡Cambridgeshire 郡治:剑桥Cambridge彼得伯勒Peterborough28、埃塞克斯Essex 郡治:切姆斯福德Chelmsford较大城市:巴兹尔登Basildon 柯彻斯特Colchester 绍森德Southend-on-Sea 瑟罗克Thurrock29、贝德福德郡Bedfordshire郡治:贝德福德Bedford卢顿Luton30、赫特福德郡Hertfordshire 郡治:赫特福德Hertford较大城市:圣奥尔本斯St Albans31、白金汉郡Buckinghamshire 郡治:艾尔斯伯里Aylesbury较大城市:海威考姆勃High Wycombe 米尔顿凯恩斯Milton Keynes32、牛津郡Oxfordshire 郡治:牛津Oxford雷丁Reading 注6,斯劳Slough 布拉克内尔森林Bracknell Forest 西巴克夏West Berkshire 温莎梅登黑德Windsor & Maidenhead 沃金厄姆Wokingham33、萨里Surrey 郡治:泰晤士河畔金斯敦Kingston uponThames34、肯特Kent 郡治:梅德斯通Maidstone较大城市:马尔盖特Margate 梅德韦Medway 249,502 19235、东萨塞克斯East Sussex 郡治:刘易斯Lewis较大城市:黑斯廷斯Hastings 布赖顿-霍伍Brighton and Hove36、西萨塞克斯West Sussex 郡治:奇切斯特Chichester较大城市:克劳利Crawley 伊斯特本Eastbourne37、汉普郡Hampshire郡治:温切斯特Winchester较大城市:奥尔德肖特Aldershot 朴次茅斯市Portsmouth 南安普敦市Southampton 怀特岛Isle of Wight 注738、洛斯特郡Gloucestershire 郡治:格洛斯特Gloucester较大城市:切尔滕纳姆Cheltenham39、南格洛斯特郡South Gloucestershire 注8布里斯托尔市Bristol 注840、威尔特郡Wiltshire 郡治:特罗布里奇Trowbridge斯温顿Swindon41、萨默塞特Somerset郡治:汤顿Taunton巴思-东北萨默塞特Bath & North East Somerset 注8,北萨默塞特North Somerset 注842、多塞特Dorset 郡治:多尔切斯特Dorchester伯恩茅斯Bournemouth 普尔Poole43、德文Devon 郡治:埃克塞特Exeter 106,772普利茅斯市Plymouth 托培T orbay44、康沃尔和锡利群岛Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly 郡治:特鲁罗Truro 注9注①:不同种类区划:坎布里亚郡,默西赛德都市郡,托培自治市镇(包括伦敦)注②:大伦敦为独立行政单位,1964-1965间成立大伦敦郡。



《V字仇杀队》讲述了一个关于自由、民主、对人民洗脑 改造、独裁政府的故事。故事假定在一次世纪瘟疫危机后, 极端政党通过阴谋赢得选举,英国沦为类似法西斯一样的 独裁专政的国家,人民生活在看似美好的社会,有种种权 利,社会稳定,物资充足。实则却是没有政治和人身自由。 一个戴着盖伊·福克斯面具的神秘人物、一位试图创造社会 政治变迁,同时暗自推动激烈私人复仇的自由斗士“V”, 试图唤醒人们的反抗意识,让人民觉醒过来,并把英国从 独裁者的魔掌下解救出来的故事。2012年12月14日晚, CCTV-6破天荒播出电影《V字仇杀队》,引起热议。
阿森纳足球俱乐部 (Arsenal Football Club),简称阿森纳队, 位于英国首都伦敦西北部, 成立于1886年,是英格兰 顶级联赛英格兰超级联赛 二十个足球俱乐部球队之 一。
热刺是二十世纪首支 成为联赛及英格兰足 总杯双料冠军的球队。 是三支可以连夺两届 英格兰足总杯的球队 之一,亦是唯一曾两 度实现这一成绩的球 队。在1963年夺得欧 洲优胜者杯宝座,是 英国首支取得欧洲赛 事锦标的队伍。
截止到2012年5月20日,切尔西共赢得过4次顶 级联赛冠军(包括3次英超冠军以及1次英甲冠 军),7次英格兰足总杯冠军,4次英格兰联赛杯 冠军以及1次欧洲冠军联赛冠军和1次欧洲足联欧 洲联赛冠军、2次欧洲优胜者杯冠军。

弗朗西斯科·法 布雷加斯(1987 年5月4日—), 西班牙足球运动 员,现效力于切 尔西,司职组织 型中场。法布雷 加斯曾在世青赛 上被评为最佳球 员同时还获得金 靴奖,也曾是枪 手的队长,英超 史上最年轻的队 长之一。


英 国
• • • • • • • • 中文名称: 中文名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 简称: 简称:英国 所属洲: 所属洲:欧洲 首都: 首都:伦敦 主要城市: 主要城市:伦敦、曼彻斯特、利物浦等 国歌:《天佑女王》 国歌: 政治体制: 政治体制:议会制君主立宪制 国庆: 国庆:六月的第二个星期四
• 泰迪熊 • 泰迪熊有着浑圆丰满的身材和四肢,蓬松 温厚的安哥拉羊毛,简素的材料和绣线, 憨厚的表情,以及百分之百的手工缝制和 填塞作业。在白宫的一次宴会上,有几只 玩具熊被打扮成猎人、渔夫的模样陈列在 桌上当作装饰品,罗斯福总统,对这批小 熊着迷不已。恰巧英国国王爱德华七世小 名也叫泰迪,很快泰迪熊也成为英国家喻 户晓的宠物,泰迪熊。如今的泰迪熊就像 芭比娃娃一样,已经不再是一般玩具的概 念了,更多的,它们被赋予了各种特殊的 纪念意义,担负起了传承某种文化的作用。 尤其是在欧美,一只泰迪熊可以被当作家 庭一员,甚至陪伴一家三代人成长。
• 主要民族:英格兰人、 主要民族: 苏格兰人、爱尔兰人 • 主要宗教:天主教、 主要宗教: 佛教、印度教、犹太 教、伊斯兰教等 • 国土面积:244,820平 国土面积: 方公里 • 国家格言:天有上帝, 国家格言: 我有权利 • 国花:玫瑰 国花:
• 英国国旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比 为2:1。为“米”字旗,由深蓝底 色和红、白 色“米”字组成。旗中 带白边的红色正十字代表英格兰守 护神圣乔治,白色交叉十字代表苏 格兰守护神圣安德鲁,红色交叉十 字代表爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。 此旗产生于1801年,是由原英格兰 的白底红色正十旗、苏格兰的蓝底 白色交叉十字旗和北爱尔兰的白底 红色交叉十字旗重叠而成。
• 英农牧渔业主要包括畜牧、粮食、园艺、渔业, 可满足国内食品需求总量的近2/3。目前,英农业 占国内生产总值的比重不到1%,从业人数约45万, 不到总就业人数的2%,低于欧盟国家5%的平均 水平,低于其它主要工业国家。农用土地占国土 面积的77%,其中多数为草场和牧场,仅1/4用于 耕种。农业人口人均拥有70公顷土地,是欧盟平 均水平的4倍。近年来除由于农产品价格下降及英 镑坚挺导致英农业收入减少外,疯牛病、口蹄疫 和农药引发的食品安全问题也使农业发展受到严 重影响。

























英国行政区划精编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】英国行政区划英国全国划分为英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰4部分。




(二)英格兰行政区划:较为复杂,其类型和数量如下1、郡 Administrative county 34个2、(1)(伦敦的)区 London borough 29 个(2)(伦敦的)市级区 London borough (city) 2 个(3)(伦敦的)皇家区 London borough (royal) 2个3、(1)(都市郡的)区 Metropolitan borough 25个(2)(都市郡的)市级区 Metropolitan borough (city) 11个4、(1)自治市镇(不冠类型) Unitary authority 36个(2)自治市镇(市标记) Unitary authority (city) 10个(3)自治市镇(郡标记) Unitary authority (county) 1个(三)具体情况如下:注11、伦敦 London 注2 其中:内伦敦 Inner London(14区);外伦敦Outer London(19区)2、坎布里亚 Cumbria 郡治:卡莱尔 Carlisle3、兰开夏 Lancashire 郡治:普雷斯顿 Preston较大城市:伯恩利 Burnley 布莱克本 Blackburn with Darwen 布莱克浦Blackpool4、默西塞德 Merseyside 郡治:利物浦 Liverpool (都市郡)较大城市:伯肯黑德 Birkenhead 南波特 Southport5、大曼彻斯特 Greater Manchester 郡治:曼彻斯特 Manchester (都市郡)较大城市:威根 Wigan6、柴郡 Cheshire 郡治:切斯特 Chester哈尔顿 Halton 沃灵顿 Warrington7、诺森伯兰 Northumberland 郡治:莫珀斯 Morpeth8、泰恩-威尔 Tyne and Wear 郡治:纽卡斯尔 Newcastle (都市郡)较大城市:桑德兰 Sunderland9、达勒姆 Durham 郡治:达勒姆 Durham达灵顿 Darlington 哈特尔浦 Hartlepool 蒂斯河畔斯托克 Stockton-on-Tees 米德尔斯堡 Middlesborough 里德卡-克里夫兰 Redcar and Cleveland 注310、北约克郡 North Yorkshire 郡治:诺萨勒顿 Northallerton约克市 York 约克郡东区 East Riding of Yorkshire 赫尔河畔金斯敦市Kingston upon Hull11、西约克郡 West Yorkshire 郡治:韦克菲尔德 Wakefield (都市郡)较大城市:利兹 Leeds12、南约克郡 South Yorkshire 郡治:巴恩斯利 Barnsley (都市郡)较大城市: Sheffield 唐开斯特 Doncaster13、东北林肯郡 North East Lincolnshire14、北林肯郡 North Lincolnshire15、林肯郡 Lincolnshire 郡治:林肯 Lincoln16、诺丁汉郡 Nottinghamshire 郡治:诺丁汉 Nottingham较大城市:曼斯菲尔德 Mansfield17、德比郡 Derbyshire 郡治:马特洛克 Matlock较大城市:切斯特菲尔德 Chesterfield 德比市 Derby18、莱斯特郡 Leicestershire 郡治:莱斯特 Leicester莱斯特市 Leicester 拉特兰 Rutland 注419、北安普敦郡 Northamptonshire 郡治:北安普敦 Northampton20、斯塔福德郡 Staffordshire 郡治:斯塔福德 Stafford特伦河畔斯托克市 Stoke-on-Trent21、西米德兰 West Midlands郡治:伯明翰 Birmingham (都市郡)较大城市:考文垂 Coventry22、沃里克郡 Warwickshire郡治:沃里克 Warwick较大城市:纽尼顿 Nuneaton23、什罗普郡 Shropshire 郡治:什鲁斯伯里 Shrewsbury特尔福德-里金 Telford & Wrekin24、伍斯特郡 Worcestershire郡治:伍斯特 Worcester赫里福德郡 Herefordshire 注525、诺福克 Norfolk 郡治:诺维奇 Norwich26、萨福克 Suffolk 郡治:伊普斯威奇 Ipswich27、剑桥郡 Cambridgeshire 郡治:剑桥 Cambridge彼得伯勒 Peterborough28、埃塞克斯 Essex 郡治:切姆斯福德 Chelmsford较大城市:巴兹尔登 Basildon 柯彻斯特 Colchester 绍森德 Southend-on-Sea 瑟罗克 Thurrock29、贝德福德郡 Bedfordshire郡治:贝德福德 Bedford卢顿 Luton30、赫特福德郡 Hertfordshire 郡治:赫特福德 Hertford较大城市:圣奥尔本斯 St Albans31、白金汉郡 Buckinghamshire 郡治:艾尔斯伯里 Aylesbury较大城市:海威考姆勃 High Wycombe 米尔顿凯恩斯 Milton Keynes32、牛津郡 Oxfordshire 郡治:牛津 Oxford雷丁 Reading 注6,斯劳 Slough 布拉克内尔森林 Bracknell Forest 西巴克夏 West Berkshire 温莎梅登黑德 Windsor & Maidenhead 沃金厄姆Wokingham33、萨里 Surrey 郡治:泰晤士河畔金斯敦Kingston upon Thames34、肯特 Kent 郡治:梅德斯通 Maidstone较大城市:马尔盖特 Margate 梅德韦 Medway 249,502 19235、东萨塞克斯 East Sussex 郡治:刘易斯 Lewis较大城市:黑斯廷斯 Hastings 布赖顿-霍伍 Brighton and Hove36、西萨塞克斯 West Sussex 郡治:奇切斯特 Chichester较大城市:克劳利 Crawley 伊斯特本 Eastbourne37、汉普郡 Hampshire郡治:温切斯特 Winchester较大城市:奥尔德肖特 Aldershot 朴次茅斯市 Portsmouth 南安普敦市Southampton 怀特岛 Isle of Wight 注738、洛斯特郡 Gloucestershire 郡治:格洛斯特 Gloucester较大城市:切尔滕纳姆 Cheltenham39、南格洛斯特郡 South Gloucestershire 注8布里斯托尔市 Bristol 注840、威尔特郡 Wiltshire 郡治:特罗布里奇 Trowbridge斯温顿 Swindon41、萨默塞特 Somerset郡治:汤顿 Taunton巴思-东北萨默塞特 Bath & North East Somerset 注8,北萨默塞特North Somerset 注842、多塞特 Dorset 郡治:多尔切斯特 Dorchester伯恩茅斯 Bournemouth 普尔 Poole43、德文 Devon 郡治:埃克塞特 Exeter 106,772普利茅斯市 Plymouth 托培 Torbay44、康沃尔和锡利群岛 Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly 郡治:特鲁罗Truro 注9注①:不同种类区划:坎布里亚郡,默西赛德都市郡,托培自治市镇(包括伦敦)注②:大伦敦为独立行政单位,1964-1965间成立大伦敦郡。

tourist attractions of london

tourist attractions of london

• 负责钟塔工程的人叫做本杰明· 霍尔,人们便以他名字的 爱称尊称这座时钟塔楼为“大本钟”。最初这个名字只是 赋予塔中那座13吨重的大钟,如今却已成为整个塔楼的名 字了。建造之初,英国皇家天文馆就要求大钟每个钟点的 第一响准确到误差不超出一秒钟,对于这个带着笨重的机 械敲击装置、指针暴露在风吹雨打之中的巨钟来说,这个 要求似乎是太苛刻了。不过,最终大本钟还是按照要求建 造完毕,并且表现良好。仿照剑桥的大圣玛丽教堂,每个 准点敲响的钟声,配合了如下的词句:“愿这个钟头的分 分秒秒,上帝导我前行,以主之能,佑吾民平安。
• 选择黄昏时分去乘坐,可以欣赏到美丽的夕阳。而夜间的 伦敦眼更有一种梦幻气质,巨大的蓝色光环把泰晤士河映 衬得更加美丽。
塔桥 Tower Bridge
• • • • 此桥完工于1894年,具有维多利亚时期的独特风 雅气质。当轮船还作为重要交通工具的时候,一 天之中桥身不得不起落过50次之多。不过,现在 一周也就一、两次,运气好才能有幸一睹其风采。
大英博物馆British Museum
• 大英博物馆是英国最大的博物馆,又名不 列颠博物馆。大英博物馆也是世界上历史 最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,收 藏了世界各地的许多文物和图书珍品,藏 品之丰富、种类之繁多为全世界博物馆所 罕见。大英博物馆和纽约的大都会艺术博 物馆、巴黎的卢浮宫同列为世界三大博物 馆。
• sent to the Tower 入狱 • 珍宝馆。其中藏有世上最大的一块钻石, 称为“非洲之星”(重530克拉)。此外还 有东印度公司赠送给维多利亚女王的科希 内尔钻石等等。不在此一饱眼福,就很难 有第二次机会与之见面了。
威斯敏斯特教堂(西敏寺) Westminster Abbey
tourist attractions of london










除了我们经常说道的英国王子和英国童话般的城堡,还有哪些呢?1、闻名世界的大英博物馆/英国国家博物馆(British Museum),又名不列颠博物馆,或者人们经常叫它大英博物馆。





交通:地铁Tottenham Court Road或Holborn站门票:免费开放时间:每日10:00-17:30,周五延长至20:30(1月1日、12月24、25、26日闭馆)用时参考:3-5小时大英博物馆与必游景点的距离塔桥:约3.8公里伦敦眼:约1.8公里/白金汉宫:约2.3公里大英博物馆与附近其他景点的距离海德公园:约3公里泰晤士河:约1.4公里2、英语课本封面:塔桥还记得人教版英语课本有一册的封面麽?对啦,就是它啦。



交通:地铁Tower Hill或London Bridge站门票:成人9镑,5-15岁3.9镑,学生及60岁以上6.3镑,5岁以下免费开放时间:塔桥展览夏季:4月-9月10:00-18:00;冬季10月-次年3月9:30-17:30(12月24-26日关闭)用时参考:2小时/3、一起数时光:伦敦眼伦敦眼(The London Eye)又称千禧之轮,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世界第四大摩天轮,是伦敦的地标之一,也是伦敦最吸引游人的观光点之一。



英国/英格兰/大不列颠是几回事?还没搞清楚UK、England、Britain到底是不是一回事的赶紧恶补起来!关于UK我们说的英国,从政治上看,其实是United Kingdom (缩写为UK),全称是The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)。

而UK之所以叫联合王国,因为ta不是一个孤零零的国家,而是由4个独立国家组成的:- England(英格兰),首府London(伦敦)也是整个UK的首都;- Scotland(苏格兰),首府Edinburgh(爱丁堡);- Wales(威尔士),首府Cardiff(卡迪夫);- Northern Irish(北爱尔兰),首府Belfast(贝尔法斯特)。

所以如果在说英国的时候用Great Britain或者Britain,严格来说是不对的。

关于Britain从地理上看,英国地处的British Isles(不列颠群岛)包括了island of Great Britain(大不列颠岛)、 island of Ireland(爱尔兰岛)以及零零碎碎的一些小岛。

英国是由整个island of Great Britain和 island of Ireland的东北部组成的。

而island of Ireland的其他部分则是另一个国家the Republic of Ireland(爱尔兰共和国)。

.关于British你可以把所有英国人都称为British,但是English=英格兰人,Scottish=苏格兰人,Wales=威尔士人,Northern Irish=北爱尔兰人。

需要注意的是,Northern Irish(北爱尔兰人)是British(英国人), Irish(爱尔兰人)就是爱尔兰人。






















































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London is a famous city with a long history. The beautiful scenes, mild climate, old culture, advanced education and flourishing business in London attracts many foreigners every year.
If you wa nt to take a trip to London, you shouldn’t miss these places.
Buckingham Palace: It’s the perman-
ent residence of the royal family. It was built in 1703 and during the later years, many buildings were added to it. In the Palace, there are large sums of art works. The Palace is open to public for two months each summer.
Big Ben: The famous London Clock is at the north end of the House of Parliament. The clock is very big. The tower is 320 feet high and the clock is 23 feet wide. The minute hands are 14 feet long. It was completed in 1859.
Westminster Cathedral: People used eight years to build the Westminster Cathedral (1895-1903). It has one of the finest choirs in Britain. On the Bell Tower, which is 273 feet high, people can see most parts of London.
Tower Bridge: It’s London’s most famous landmark. Inside the twin towers, there are exhibitions about the stories of the bridge.
London Zoo: Children must be interested in it!It was opened in 1828 and it’s the mo st famous zoo in the world. You can see 650 animal species in the zoo.









威斯敏斯特大教堂:威斯敏斯特大教堂建于1895~1903年间,历时 8年。






