Lesson planning


专题六 lesson planning

专题六  lesson planning

专题六Lesson planningIn this unit, we have learnt one of the most important components of language teacher's work, lesson planning. We have focused on the following topics:1. What is lesson planning?2. Why is lesson planning important? (语言教学设计的重要性)3. What are principles for good lesson planning?4. What are macro planning and micro planning?5. What are the components of lesson plan?6.How to begin、develop and finish a class in the process of teaching activities?一.What 备课的概念与内涵A lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it. In other words, teachers need to think about the aims to be achieved, materials to be covered, activities to be organized, and techniques and resources to be used in order to achieve the aims of the lesson.※The difference between lesson plan and lesson planning动态概念静态概念Lesson planning lesson plana process of planning a final planning productKey words: aims, materials, contents, activities, method and strategyIn summary, proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and experienced teachers.教案,即教学过程的具体规划,教学内容和课堂活动的具体安排。

6. Lesson planning

6. Lesson planning
Lesson planning
Lesson planning
Lesson planning begins with THINKING…
备课 从思考开始……
Why do we plan lessons?
•to ensure that our teaching is matched to specific learning objectives •to help us manage our time during each lesson •so we know what to teach when in the classroom •to know what we have taught when we consider a series of lessons备课 Nhomakorabea1.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
自由型练习(给予纠正性的反馈意见): 单个练习、结对练习、小组练习 新学习内容的介绍(示范、讨论、解释说 明等) 学习成果展示(角色扮演、问答、哑剧 等) 复习上节课的学习内容来评估学生的学习 常规内容(学生人数,年级,主题等) 学习目标(通过海报或黑板展示) 回顾总结(回顾本节课学习内容) 热身活动(故事、游戏等) 控制型学生练习 把握时间
Remember: You teach students with a variety of learning styles, so it’s good to change the style of learning to accommodate all learners.


What to achieve:
aims, objectives
How to achieve:
materials, activities, techniques, resources, etc.
How do you judge whether your teacher is prepared or not?
4.2 Principles for Good Lesson
1. Aim: the realistic goals for the lesson; what students are able to do by the end of the lesson;
2. Variety: different types of activities; a wide selection of materials;
Before the lesson ????
After the lesson ????
Before the lesson
aims contents teaching aids activities techniques time potential problems
After the lesson
4.1 Importance of Lesson Planning备课
Q: What is a lesson plan? (教案) What is planned for the lesson?
“A lesson plan is a framework of a lesson in which teachers make advance decisions about what they hope to achieve and how they would like to achieve it.”(51)

unit 6.1 lesson planning

unit 6.1 lesson planning

2) Human factors
a.Different personalities of teachers decide different styles of teaching. b.Varied needs and attitudes of students make teachers readjusts the teaching plan. c.The students present level makes teachers readjust the objectives. d. The students’ language learning background influence the choice of teaching techniques and even that of lesson objectives.
--- a particular topic --- a structure --- a function --- a skill or skills What will the students be able to do at the end that they are not be able to do at the beginning? That is your objective.

II. Factors influencing a Lesson Plan
Brainstorm some of the factors influencing a
lesson plan( group work )

1) Physical conditions 2) Human factors 3) NEC & testing
What the teaching aims should be like?

英语教学法-lesson planning课件

英语教学法-lesson planning课件

The contents and tasks planned should be within the learning capability of the students. Doing things that are beyond or below the students’ coping ability will diminish their motivation (Schumann, 1999)
a job on a piece of paper, and the others guess by asking questions. Teacher
demonstrates first.
b) Use PPT to show some celebrities and ask students to name their jobs. Such as
time duration for each stage is necessary and helpful
Stages and procedures:
➢ stages :the major chunks of activities ➢ Procedures: the detailed steps in each
by the end of the lesson.
Teaching aims:
➢ Contents: structures (grammar), vocabulary, functions, topics etc.
➢ Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The realistic goals for the lesson; what students are able to do

unit 4 Lesson Planning

unit 4 Lesson Planning

Task 4 in p57
Study the contents carefully and write a few objectives for the lesson
language contents and skills : task 5 in p58 Know exactly what language contents will be taught (structures, vocabulary, functions, topics ), and what language skills will be practiced in the lesson( communicative skills such as 4 skills). How to deal with new vocabularies and new structures?
Learnability : the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students Linkage : the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement.
Teaching stages and procedures
Detailed steps in each teaching stage. Warm-up exercises/ a starter Its functions, methods and principles


• Although the main teaching contents may be the same, the students are different, the time is different, and the mood is different.
• Language teachers benefit from lesson planning in :
lesson planning?p.52-53 • What types of lessons do you know?
• Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class.
• ● Size of classroom: restricts some types of
• ● Teaching aids: sufficient or not • ● Time of day: influences the types of
activities used (p.m. or a.m.)
• Procedures are the detailed steps in each teaching stage.
What teaching model is the easiest procedure to teach a new
structure-based lesson?
• PPP model, which includes presentation, practice and production.

lesson planning

lesson planning

Lesson PlanBackground information:Students: 40 senior high school studentsLesson duration: 45 minutesTeaching objectives:By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1.learn and consolidate the new words;2.learn about the duty of some jobs which are unfamiliar to them;3.remember important wordsTeaching contents: vocabulary of unit 16(names of jobs, words relevant to the jobs)Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, PPT, picturesTypes of lesson: vocabulary, speakingTeaching procedures:Step1. Review(3 mins)a)Warm up: ask students what the names of jobs they already know and the teacher writesthem on blackboard.b)The teacher summarizes, and turns to the point(vocabulary of unit 16)Step2. Learn the vocabulary(30 mins)a)The teacher shows the PPT in which there are some pictures about the jobs and relevantnew words and let students read after the teacher.b)Use synonyms or antonyms to explain the meaning of the adjectives of this unit.c)Use gestures or pictures to show the meaning of the verbs of this unit.d)The rest of words are explained by talking about the context in the real life where theymight be used.e)Students go over new words by themselves.Step3. Consolidate the vocabulary(7 mins)Pair-work: students work in pairs and choose at least three items to complete the conversation.Student A: ask student B what the job does her / him like and ask the reason.Step4. Drills (students work in groups of 5 and have a competition) (5mins)Students look at the PPT and complete sentences with the proper form of the words from the unit. The first letter is given.Teacher summarizes and evaluates.Optional activities: ask students to category a list of words.Homework: review the new wordsReflection: (to be written immediately after the lesson)。

4.lesson planning

4.lesson planning

Unit 4 Lesson Planning
• I.Why is lesson planning necessary?
Advantages of planning a lesson
make the teacher aware of the aims and contents.
distinguish various stages of a lesson and see the relationships between them.
• Design a lesson plan for the text.
IV. Lesson Planning & the Curriculum
• • • • • • Learner-centredness Competence TBLT Formative assessment Independent learning ability Resources
Main Aspects of a Lesson Plan
1.Background information 2.Teaching objectives nguage contents and skills 4.Teaching methods 5.Teaching aids 6. Teaching process 7. Assignments & optional activities 8. after lesson reflection
1.将英语教师对英语教材、教法和学法的 • 理解由个体活动转化为群体活动
陈 述 和 交 流
2.更有利于英语教师对教学过程的反思和 调整
调 整

unit 4Lesson Planning

unit 4Lesson Planning

Too general to be qualified as a specific lesson objective
Behavioral verbs
a to z
Analyze, apply, arrange Build Categorize, choose, classify, compare Deduce(推论), define, demonstrate Estimate, evaluate, explain Generate, graph Identify, indicate Label, locate
2 Teaching aims and demands 3 Knowledge Affect Skill 4 Teaching purpose
5 Knowledge aims Ability aims Moral education aims

Task 3 (p56)
Sample 1
pronunciation role-play writing Topic of the lesson Cross-curricular activities arts maths
Activities matching
sequencing pictures listen and joining in Resources needed Learning outcomes pictures tape recorder wallpaper word worksheets cards role-play a survey telling a story

Sample 3

Original version:Help students learn to read science writing and know about scientists and their work Revised version: Through reading and explanation (C), students (A) will be able to summarize the main contents of the passage (B), orally/in writing (C), from memory (C).


4. Learning strategies
(1) The students will be able to guess and reason the presumption by the information collected from the reading of the invitation.
in a proper way.
(3) The students will be aware of the word choices used among good friends.
力发展出发? (3)教学目标是否合理、可行,并具有可检
测性? (4)教学目标是写出来应付差事的,还是为
1、对象(Audience)的表述,也就是解决“由谁来完成行为”的 问题,可以采用三种方法表述:
2. What can teachers benefit from lesson planning? (P. 52)
3. What are principles for good lesson planning ? ( P. 53~54 )
1.备课标: 教师在授课以前必须认真学习、钻研课标。
Unit 7
Lesson ing
▪ 广义的备课是对整个学期、学年、学程的教
▪ 狭义的备课是指教师钻研课标、教材,了
解学生的思想实际和学习实际,选择教学方 法,安排教学进度和编写教案的全过程。


5) By lesson planning, teachers also become aware of the teaching aids that are needed.
6) Lesson planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism.
PEP BOOK3 Unit Two ( P从ar教t B师: L的et’角s ta度lk)出发,“使学生…” “发
展学生的…” “训练学生的…” “培养学
Teaching aims: 1. Aims on the
knowled生ge 的…”,目标主体均为教师
(1) To enable the children to grasp the usage of the single and
1) Aim: the realistic goals for the lesson.
2) Variety: planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.
It may involves the aims, materials, activities, techniques and resources.
2. The Importance of Lesson Planning
Teaching is a dynamic activities performed in and out of class, so a well-prepared lesson plan can aid language teachers in a number of the following ways:



It is a presentation of the aims and contents of a lesson.
It guides, reminds an at-a-glance check both before and during a class.
It can be used to evaluate what has happened in class.
5. Linkage: the stages and the steps within each stage are linked with one another.
A plan is just a plan.
Things often do not happen according to our plan no matter how experienced we are.
Before the lesson ????
After the lesson ????
Before the lesson
aims contents teaching aids activities techniques time potential problems
After the lesson
Principles, purposes, requirements, targets specified, methodological suggestions, assessment requirement, etc.
5. Knowing about the textbook
Philosophy of teaching, organization of learning contents, major topics, ways of assessment, etc.


1. macro planning 2. micro planning
Macro planning
— is planning over a long period of time. This is
often done at the beginning of the term by a group of teachers.
There are five major principles behind good lesson planning . aim variety flexibility learnability linkage
The teacher should have a clear idea of what he /she would like to achieve for the lesson or what outcomes are expected from the lesson.
3. What can language teachers benefit from a proper lesson planning ?
4. What should teachers do after the class ?
1. What is lesson planning ?
Lesson planning is a general guidance for teachers to follow in the class. It means before the lesson, teachers should make a decision in advance about — what aims will be achieved; — what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class.

Lesson Planning 上课准备工作

Lesson Planning   上课准备工作

Lesson PlanningLesson planning refers to the amount and quality of preparation you do before class. It is your “map” to reach your day-to-day goals as well as your long-term goals both in what you teach, and for the improvement of your students. Effective lesson planning means being organized, drawing on the resources available to you, communicating well with your co-teacher and keeping a record of what you want to teach and how you want to teach it. Important Points to Remember1. The amount of preparation you do is obvious to everyone: not just your boss andco-teachers, but also, most importantly, your students. With good preparation, you can very clearly see where your students are weak and constantly review and improve.Watch their grades improve as a result of your efforts. Weak or little preparation will cause your major headaches in the classroom and will ultimately affect your ability to continue working as a teacher. A good preparation session is not hard to do, in fact, it is an easy habit to get into.2. With good preparation, you will develop as a teacher, think faster on your feet andkeep from burning our.3. We always encourage you to prepare at home. A relaxed environment is helpful forclear thinking.4. NEVER prepare between classes! You usually only have ten minutes, and thisprecious time should be reserved for gathering teaching materials, talking with your co-teacher, and “re-focusing” yourself and checking your attitude before going into the classroom. Do all of your preparation before your teaching day begins.5. Overprepare! This means preparing more than you can teach. Write down some extrapractice drills. Write down a few more activities. It’s much better to keep your class busy from start to finish and maybe miss an activity than to grope for something to do with remaining time.6. Share good ideas with co-teachers. If something works well, TELL PEOPLE!How to Plan Your LessonsThe most crucial step to success in the classroom is how you prepare and plan outside of class; lesson planning is also your key to growth and development as a teacher.●Factors should be considered for a new class:1.Personality2.Class Size3.Age4.Sex5.Seats●Factors should be considered for an old class:1.Books2.Contents3.Teaching Goals4.Methods5.PropertiesProcedurese in earlyObviously, as a new teacher, it will take you more time to prepare than it takes an experienced teacher. Even experienced teachers, however, when teaching an unfamiliar leveled on text item will have to spend more time preparing.2.Know the main points of the lesson.The most important and longest step of the preparation process.Read the syllabus and the unit you will be teaching carefully, what is the new vocabulary?What is the grammar point? What else is in the unit? What can/ should you review for this unit? What games/activities can you work into your class?3.Anticipate problemsAs you think about the main points of the lesson try to anticipate the problems your students may have with grammar, pronunciation or understanding meaning and plan specifically how you will assist your students.4.Take notes.Take notes on the answer to the questions in 2 above. Keeping a record of what you will do in ( and what you want to take into ) class is essential. It will help you to organize your thoughts and presentation, help you to be quicker on your feet, and give you a standing record of what you have done. Every teacher may develop his/her own format for lesson plans.5.Get your things and go.What teaching materials do you need? Cards? Dice? Now it’s time to get them. Take a last look at your plan. Organize your thoughts. Go into the classroom and keep your plan notes ina handy place in the classroom, where you can take a glance easily to keep yourself organized.。

unit 4 Lesson planning

unit 4 Lesson planning

1。出发点是好的,采取的方法简单粗暴,伤害学生自 尊心,引起逆反心理; 2。发现学生说话,先记下来,联系学生最近的表现综 合分析,找个合适的时间和地点(最好不在办公室) 以谈心的方式,与学生交流。 3.先请学生自己说说最近的表现,例如上课情况,作 业完成情况,值日等,让他自己给自己做个评价。 4.老师再评价, 首先肯定优点,再说不足,强调每个 孩子都有缺点,告诉学生因为对他喜爱和关心,对他 有更高的希望。 (尊重学生情感态度)
Principles for good lesson planning Aim Variety Flexibility Learnability Linkage
The realistic goals for the lesson. (三维目标:知识与技能,过程与方法,情感 态度与价值观 ) 课改:
The second period
Questions for revision: What is a starter? What is the purpose of it? And the forms of it? PPP and P-W-P (form, meaning, structure, presentarion, practice, production, skill, pre-, while-, post) Controled practice(eg. Blank filling/ sentence writing/combination/substitution, guided practice eg. extension / summary writing etc.and free practice eg. Making up

英语教学法教程Unit 4 Lesson Planning

英语教学法教程Unit 4 Lesson Planning

Macro planning involves the following:
1) Knowing about the profession: The teacher should get to know which language areas and language skills should be taught or practised in the course, what materials and teaching aids are available, and what methods and techniques can be used. 2) Knowing about the institution: The teacher should get to know the institution’s arrangements regarding time, length, frequency of lessons, physical conditions of classrooms, and exam requirements.
Benefits that teachers get from their teaching plan
1) To make the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson. 2) To help the teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them so that the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another. 3) Proper lesson planning gives the teacher opportunity to anticipate potential problems that may arise in class so that they can be prepared with some possible solutions or other options for the lesson. 4) Lesson planning gives teachers, especially novice teachers, confidence in class.


different ways of writing their own lesson plans.
(usually lasts 40 or 50 minutes respectively).
The relationship between macro and micro planning
It means planning to use a number of different methods and techniques.
It means the contents and tasks planned should be within the learning capability of the students .
In order to achieve the aims of the lesson, teachers need to think about:
1. The aims to be achieved
2. The materials to be covered 3. The activities to be organized 4. The techniques and resources to be used 5. How to make the lesson transit from one stage
❖ Knowing about the institution ❖ Knowing about the learners ❖ Knowing about the curriculum/syllabus ❖ Knowing about the objectives



II. Principles for good lesson planning
• Aim: the realistic goals for the lesson.
• Variety: different types of activities and a wide selection of materials.
• Linkage: the stages and steps are somehow liked with one another.
Ⅲ. Macro planning vs. micro planning.
• Lesson planning should be done at two levels:
Ⅰ. Why is lesson planning important?
• Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class.
Lesson planning
Macro planning vs. micro planning
What’s Macro planning?
• Macro planning is for over a longer period of time: a whole programme or a whole-years course.
Ⅳ. Components of a lesson plan
1) understanding the aims and language contents of the lesson;

Lesson 2 Lesson Planning

Lesson 2 Lesson Planning

Question No. 4:
What are the factors which may influence your lesson planning?
Physical conditions
Class size, length of a lesson, time of the day, size of the classroom and insufficient teaching aids
What will it achieve?
How will students have changed as a result of the activity? (aims) e.g. It might give the students a greater understanding of an area of vocabulary. It might give them greater fluency in one particular topic area, or it might have the effect of providing students with better strategies for coping with long and difficult stories told orally.
A modified lesson plan can also provide a useful starting point the next time you teach students of a similar level. It enables the teacher to think clearly about what she hopes to achieve in the lesson and how the target will be met in the most appropriate and efficient way.
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Considering the number of minutes in the class hour, the lesson should be appropriately timed. This is one of the most difficult aspects of lesson planning to control. It is not unusual for new teachers to plan a lesson so tightly that they actually complete their lesson plan early, or so loosely that they sometimes are not able to complete their lesson within the planned time allotment. Therefore timing is an element that you should build into a lesson plan.
The stages and steps within each stage are planned in such a natural and transitional way that they are somehow linked with one another. Thus recycling and reinforcement can be achieved in language learning. It can make the teaching process move more smoothly.
Adaptability means the lesson plan should be able to be adjusted as lesson goes on in the actual class. The students could be different from those from other classes and the students may behave in an unexpected way in the teacher’s class. So the teacher should be alert to the changes in the class and be ready to change the plan.
Learnability means that the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learner’s abilities. At least the designed contents must be relatively and mostly learnable.
Different types of activities and a wide available selective materials, along with more interesting and pleasant styles for both teacher and students, are more likely for a wider range of learning styles and strategies.
Focus on learning. Only heuristic questions and syllabus modification can lead to an effective and deep understanding. That may also involve some classroom activities.
Why is lesson planning important?
Lesson planning helps teachers to think about the relative value of different activities and how much time should be spent on them . It helps teachers to keep on target, and feel confident and organized. Planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism. Lesson plans are also an aid to continuing development.
Principles for lesson planning

Timing Heuristic Learnability Variety Flexibility Linkage Adaptability Reflection
It means the realistic goals for the lesson. The teacher needs to have a clear idea of what he/she would like to achieve for the lesson or what outcomes are expected from the lesson. One lesson may have a number of aims. Aims are not the things teachers intend to do during the lesson, but the things that students are able to do by the end of the lesson. With clear aims in mind, the rest of the lesson planning will be based on how such aims are going to be achieved.
Why is lesson planning important?
A clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson. It helps teachers distinguish the different stages of a lesson. Proper lesson planning gives teachers the opportunity to anticipate potential problems. The teacher can think about how the students can be fully engaged in the lesson . The teacher becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed for the lesson .
Background information or Prerequisites
The students The course The class size Resources-books Prior knowledge of students Recent language activities Time duration of the lesson
Through practical teaching experience and selfreflective assessment and also the assessment of students, the teacher can go on to improve the drawbacks in his teaching process, thus making his teaching become more and more effective.
Teaching Aims or Goals
A overall purpose that a teacher should attempt to accomplish by the end of the class period. Be quite generalized, but it serves as a unifying theme for the lesson. For example, “understanding conversations at an airport” and “Learn to greet people properly”. Include: What language components to present What communicative skills to practice What activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used What you are trying to enable the students to do Divide these up into one main aim and smaller, subsidiary aims
Different levels of planning
Macro planning
Micro planning
Macro planning Micro planning
Macro planning
Macro planning is planning over a long period of time, for instance, planning for a whole programme or a whole-year course. This is often done by a group of teachers who are to teach the same course. It involves knowing about (the profession; the institution; the learners; the curriculum/syllabus; the textbook; the objectives).