Intraoperative Use of a2- Agonists in Neuroanesthesia
文献检索 操作试题及答案

一、CBMweb1.基本检索:砷中毒流行病学方面的文献2.主题检索:砷中毒流行病学方面的文献3.主题词不扩展不加权检索白血病诊断方面的文献4. 主题词扩展加权检索白血病诊断方面的文献5.分类途径:病毒性肝炎病因学方面的文献6. 分类途径:高血压与脑血管疾病的关系先分类检索高血压,再分类检索脑血管疾病,再在检索历史中合并。
基本检索8.查找温州医学院学报的创刊年份以及本刊上发表的有关呼吸衰竭的文献期刊检索、《PubMed》/PubMed 1.基本检索:肺癌和吸烟关系的文献lung cancer,smoke ,smoking,smoked(用截词符*)2.检索2007年以来2岁(即出生至23个月)小儿哮喘的综述文献(asthma,review),并将前两条存储到剪贴板。
4.主题数据库(Mesh Database)检索:艾滋病(AIDS)预防和控制(Prevention and Control)5.期刊数据库(Journals Database)检索:PubMed中收录关于视力测定(Optometry)的期刊有哪些?Advanced-juurnals6.引文匹配器(Single Citation Matcher)Hepatology,2000,32(3):6787.找出肾性高血压(renal hypertension)的主题词,以及其上位主题词和下位主题词。
Search2、找出护理和保健专业(Nursing and Health Professions)07年7-9月最热门的25篇论文,其中被引用次数最多的一篇论文共被引用了多少次,抄下该篇论文的信息。
被引用最多:3、2008年以后发表的关于原发性高血压(primary hypertension、essential hypertension、spontaneous hypertension)病理学(pathology、pathologic...)研究的文献。

右美托咪定的药理特点及其在老年患者术后谵妄中的应用王花慧,赵文香,王建营,徐颖臻 (滨州医学院附属医院麻醉科,山东 滨州 256600)[关键词] 术后谵妄;右美托咪定;老年患者通讯作者:赵文香 术后谵妄是指患者在经历外科手术后出现的谵妄,其最主要的特点是意识水平紊乱和认知功能障碍,病情起伏大而病程相对较短㊂右美托咪啶(dexmedetomidine,DEX)是一种新型镇静催眠药,具有抑制交感神经㊁镇静㊁适度镇痛㊁减少麻醉用药剂量㊁降低术后谵妄等作用㊂近年来,右美托咪定被越来越多的应用于老年患者术后谵妄(postoperative delirium ,POD)的预防和治疗㊂本文就右美托咪定的药理特点及其在老年患者术后谵妄中的相关应用进行总结归纳㊂谵妄是大手术后一种常见的并发症,据文献报道,超过65岁的老年患者术后谵妄的发生率高达54.4%,明显高于心肌梗死和呼吸衰竭等严重术后并发症[1-2]㊂术后谵妄的发生对患者而言可造成一系列不利影响,包括ICU 内停留时间延长㊁住院费用增加㊁围手术期并发症发生率增加㊁认知功能长期下降等㊂右美托咪定是一种高选择性α2受体激动剂,可分别作用于中枢和外周神经系统,发挥良好的抗焦虑㊁镇静催眠㊁适度镇痛等作用,在临床上广泛用作手术患者气管插管㊁麻醉维持和ICU 患者机械通气时的镇静佐剂㊂大量文献证实,右美托咪定有抗炎和脑神经保护等作用,可有效减轻脑缺血再灌注损伤并降低术后谵妄的发生㊂最近一项研究结果表明,右美托咪定和生理盐水安慰剂对照研究中,应用右美托咪定可以使行非心脏大手术的老年患者术后谵妄的发生率相较于对照组降低50%[3]㊂本文就当前的一系列相关资料总结归纳,对盐酸右美托咪定的药理特点及其在老年患者术后谵妄中的应用进行总结,以期在临床工作中给予更全面的指导㊂1 术后谵妄术后谵妄是多种因素导致的脑功能损害,高龄㊁术前存在认知功能损害㊁合并其他疾病㊁创伤应激等均能使术后谵妄的发生率升高㊂术后谵妄主要表现为意识水平紊乱㊁注意力障碍和认知功能损害等㊂其临床表现具有两个明显的特征,即起病急和病程波动㊂起病急是指症状在数小时或数日内突然发生㊂病情波动是指症状常在24h 内出现㊁消失㊁加重或减轻,有明显的波动性,并有中间清醒期㊂老年患者术后谵妄的发生率很高,但是临床研究显示,40%的术后谵妄是可以被预防的[4]㊂对于已经发生术后谵妄的患者,应该秉承早发现㊁早治疗的原则,最大力度减轻谵妄的严重程度,缩短谵妄发生的持续时间㊂目前谵妄的发病机制还没有明确的定论,研究较多且被大众认可的有炎性反应学说㊁应激反应学说㊁生物节律学说和胆碱能学说等㊂2 右美托咪定的药理特点右美托咪定,化学名为4-[(1S)-1-(2,3-二甲基苯基)乙基]-1H-咪唑,为美托咪定的右旋对映体,是临床常用的高选择α2肾上腺素受体激动剂,有抗焦虑㊁镇静㊁催眠和镇痛等作用㊂2.1 对中枢神经系统的作用:右美托咪啶的镇静催眠作用表现为右美托咪定作用于脑干蓝斑α2受体产生类似生理睡眠反应㊂右美托咪定的镇痛作用是通过作用于蓝斑核㊁脊髓以及外周器官的α2受体来实现的[5]㊂一项在颅脑肿瘤手术的研究中表明,右美托咪定的镇静镇痛作用可以降低颅脑肿瘤患者脑代谢率和脑血流量,降低患者颅内压,有助于术后早期拔管,同时还可以减少麻醉药物和阿片类药物的用量[6]㊂右美托咪定除常规的镇静催眠㊁抗焦虑和镇痛作用外,还具有一定的脑神经保护作用(右美托咪定脑神经保护的作用机制将在下文详细阐述)㊂2.2 对呼吸系统的作用:右美托咪定在发挥镇静催眠作用的同时对呼吸系统影响轻微,该镇静催眠类似生理睡眠,通气变化也与正常睡眠相似,因此较少出现呼吸抑制现象[7]㊂在一项比较体内瑞芬太尼与右美托咪定血药浓度的试验中,右美托咪定的血药浓度达到2.4μg /L,仍没有观察到右美托咪定对呼吸的抑制作用[8]㊂但是,右美托咪定可以通过松弛咽部肌肉张力而导致气道闭塞,在临床用药中仍需严密观察,以避免不良事件的发生㊂2.3 对心血管系统的作用:右美托咪定对心血管系统的影响主要表现在心率减慢和全身血管阻力下降,进而导致心输出量减少和低血压㊂右美托咪定对血压的影响可表现为双向作用,即低浓度右美托咪定可降低血压,高浓度右美托咪定可升高血压㊂右美托咪定最常见的不良反应表现为心血管系统不良事件的发生[9],主要包括低血压和心动过缓等的发生㊂究其原因,主要是因为右美托咪定激动心脏α2受体,抑制交感神经从而引起反射性的心动过缓和低血压的发生[10]㊂对于右美托咪啶引起的低血压和心动过缓等不良事件,救治方法主要包括减慢药物输注速度或停止药物输注㊁加快补液㊁抬高下肢和使用升压药物(如阿托品㊁格隆溴铵)等㊂此外研究发现,右美托咪定还对冠脉血流阻断后的缺血心肌有一定的保护作用㊂3 传统药物在老年患者术后谵妄中的应用和不足3.1 抗精神病类药物:早些年的研究曾发现,小剂量氟哌啶醇可以降低术后在ICU的老年患者术后谵妄的发生[11]㊂随着诊断技术的发展和多中心㊁大样本的研究,近几年的研究结果趋于氟哌啶醇不能减少重症老年患者的谵妄发生率,也未能改善已发生术后谵妄的老年患者近期生存率[12]㊂氟哌啶醇在使用中存在中枢神经系统和心血管系统的不良反应,如椎体外系反应㊁QT间期延长㊁心律失常㊁低血压等,故临床上不推荐此类药物作为预防谵妄的常规用药㊂3.2 胆碱酯酶抑制剂:虽然多项研究显示胆碱能缺乏与谵妄发生相关,但是多项研究结果表明,胆碱酯酶抑制剂对于预防老年患者术后谵妄并没有作用[13]㊂目前,并不提倡在临床工作中使用胆碱酯酶抑制剂预防和治疗老年患者术后谵妄㊂3.3 苯二氮卓类药物:对于因酒精戒断或苯二氮卓类药物戒断而产生的谵妄,可以使用本药物,对于非酒精戒断或非苯二氮卓类药物戒断的普通谵妄患者或谵妄高危患者,使用该药物可使谵妄风险增加㊂因此,不推荐使用该类药物用于谵妄的常规治疗㊂4 右美托咪定在老年患者术后谵妄中的应用及优势4.1 脑神经保护:右美托咪啶作为一种新型镇静催眠药,在临床上应用越来越广泛㊂Hoffman等在动物实验中首次发现右美托咪定具有脑神经保护作用,此种作用可以被α2-肾上腺素能拮抗剂阿替美唑逆转[14]㊂Su等的一项随机双盲安慰剂对照试验发现,预防性使用小剂量右美托咪定(每小时0~ 1μg/kg)可以有效降低ICU老年患者术后7d谵妄的发生率[15]㊂Carrasco等发现,相较于氟哌啶醇,右美托咪定可以使在ICU非机械通气的患者停留时间缩短,谵妄发生率下降[16]㊂目前,右美托咪定对脑神经的保护机制研究颇多,大量文献证实,右美托咪定主要通过抑制交感神经活性㊁降低儿茶酚胺浓度㊁抑制谷氨酸释放㊁调控细胞凋亡等机制发挥脑神经保护作用㊂4.1.1 抑制交感神经活性:降低儿茶酚胺浓度:右美托咪定既可以通过抑制交感神经系统的活性又可以直接作用于脑内的单胺神经元胞体及树突上的α2受体,使去甲肾上腺素神经末梢的儿茶酚胺释放减少㊂右美托咪定通过抑制交感神经系统和降低生物体内应激反应,可以减少内毒素所致休克大鼠体内炎性因子及细胞因子的释放[17]㊂右美托咪定通过抑制脑组织中儿茶酚胺释放,可以缓解家兔蛛网膜下腔出血所导致的血管痉挛,对其脑损伤具有保护作用[18]㊂4.1.2 平衡钙离子浓度:抑制谷氨酸释放:缺血缺氧会造成脑的兴奋性氨基酸(如谷氨酸)的释放,高浓度的谷氨酸会使神经元N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体过度兴奋,使钙离子内流,激活钙依赖性蛋白酶引起细胞骨架破坏,产生自由基损伤㊂右美托咪定可以激活突触前膜的α2-AR,抑制N型电压门控性钙通道,直接抑制钙离子内流;同时也可以使外向型钾通道开放,突触前膜去极化,间接抑制钙离子内流,从而抑制谷氨酸的释放[19]㊂4.1.3 调控细胞凋亡:细胞凋亡是多基因控制的多细胞生物程序性的主动死亡,其过程主要有caspase-1㊁caspase-3等参与㊂一项离体实验结果发现,右美托咪定可以通过抑制caspase-3表达,阻止其对长期神经认知功能的影响,减轻大鼠肺缺血的再灌注损伤[20]㊂4.2 减少麻醉药物用量:右美托咪啶在临床上常被用作麻醉辅助性药物,与吸入性麻醉药㊁丙泊酚㊁咪达唑仑以及阿片类药物都具有协同作用,共同使用时可减少其他麻醉药物用量㊂文献报道,七氟醚㊁异氟醚等吸入性麻醉药物可以增加血脑屏障(blood brain barrier,BBB)的通透性,进而促进术后谵妄的发生和进展[21]㊂右美托咪定通过激活中枢α2受体,改善下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal ax⁃is,HPA)功能亢进,削弱应激反应,可以减轻七氟醚麻醉后对感觉运动系统的损伤[22]㊂4.3 维持血流动力学平稳:老年患者,尤其是合并有高血压㊁冠心病等疾病的老年患者,术中应注意维持血流动力学的平稳,避免血压的剧烈波动㊂在开颅手术中,强疼痛刺激可以激活交感神经系统,引起血压和颅内压的明显升高,Sanders等研究显示,行颅内肿瘤切除术的全身麻醉患者给予右美托咪啶,可减少在行锯颅骨㊁剥离头皮等操作时血流动力学的剧烈波动,还可以减少抗高血压药物的用量[23]㊂5 右美托咪定在老年患者术后谵妄中应用的推荐方法和剂量术中辅助镇静或术后ICU镇静应用右美托咪定均有研究证明可以降低老年患者术后谵妄的发生率㊁缩短已发生术后谵妄的持续时间,欧盟已批准右美托咪定可用于成年患者的镇静[24]㊂输注右美托咪定最常见的不良反应为心血管不良事件的发生,主要包括低血压和心动过缓的发生,在临床使用过程中还需密切关注患者低血压和心率过缓的发生,此类情况虽然在临床中发生率低,但仍要引起重视和预防,避免诱发心脏停搏㊂老年人肾功能多有降低,使用主要经过肾脏排泄的右美托咪定时需要考虑缓慢注射负荷量(负荷量0.5μg/kg,输注10min以上)或不使用负荷量来预防[25]㊂6 小结术后谵妄是老年患者术后常见并发症㊂随着高龄手术患者日益增多,国内外加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after sur⁃gery,ERAS)理念的迅速发展,术后谵妄的预防和管理工作日趋重要㊂在临床工作中,需要医生㊁护士㊁患者和患者家属等通力合作;在药物预防和治疗方面,多项研究显示右美托咪啶可以有效预防术后谵妄的发生㊁减少谵妄发生的持续时间,减少ICU停留时间等,在未来老年患者术后谵妄的应用中颇具希望㊂7 参考文献[1] Raats JW,Steunenberg SL,de Lange DC,et al.Risk factors of post-operative delirium after elective vascular surgery in the elderly:A systematic review[J].Int J Surg,2016,35:1-6. 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血清NGAL和Cys C联合检测在诊断2型糖尿病早期肾损伤中的价值

文章编号:1673-8640(2021)03-0281-04 中图分类号:R446.1 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2021.03.010血清NGAL和Cys C联合检测在诊断2型糖尿病早期肾损伤中的价值朱庆华,王伟伟,邹广慧,董志武(上海市第六人民医院金山分院检验科,上海 201599)摘要:目的探讨血清中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)与胱抑素C(Cys C)联合检测在诊断2型糖尿病早期肾损伤中的作用。
方法选取2型糖尿病患者95例,根据24 h尿蛋白排泄率(UAER)分为正常白蛋白尿(NA)组(29例,UAER<30 mg/24 h)、微量白蛋白尿(MA)组(33例,UAER为30~<300 mg/24 h)和临床白蛋白尿(CA)组(33例,UAER>300 mg/24 h)。
检测所有对象的血清尿素、肌酐(Cr)、尿酸(UA)、NGAL、Cys C水平及尿α1-微球蛋白(α1-MG)水平,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线评价各项指标诊断2型糖尿病早期肾损伤的价值。
结果 MA组和CA组血清尿素、Cr、UA、NGAL、Cys C水平及尿α1-MG水平均高于NA组和正常对照组(P<0.05)。
ROC曲线分析结果显示,血清尿素、Cr、UA、NGAL、Cys C及尿α1-MG单项检测诊断2型糖尿病早期肾损伤的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.649、0.713、0.632、0.795、0.869和0.660,NGAL与Cys C联合检测诊断2型糖尿病早期肾损伤的AUC为0.881。
NGAL与Cys C联合检测的AUC高于各项指标单项检测的AUC(P<0.000 1)。

Narcotrend和BIS在老年患者全麻中的临床应用意义摘 要 背景:生物学年龄与实际年龄有时并不平行,导致相同年龄的患者在生理学、药物动力学、药效学间存在明显不同,从而使得不同老年患者对于相同麻醉药物的药效及副作用方面表现出巨大差异,增加了临床医生在使用麻醉药品和其他药物上的难度。
择期行全麻下全髋关节置换或全膝关节置换手术的男性或女性患者45例,年龄65~85岁,ASA I~II级。

通过查阅近年 PubMed、知网等数据库中有关 DEX 对脑、心、肺、肾、肝、肠道等器官功能的影响及机制,并进行总结。
DEX 具有多器官保护作用,但尚需更多、更细致的研究。
【期刊名称】《河北医药》【年(卷),期】2016(000)004【总页数】3页(P601-603)【关键词】右美托咪定;α2 肾上腺素能受体;器官功能的影响【作者】李晓燕;解雅英【作者单位】010010 呼和浩特市,内蒙古医科大学第一附属医院麻醉科;010010 呼和浩特市,内蒙古医科大学第一附属医院麻醉科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R97E-mail:**************DEX是一种高选择性的α2-肾上腺素能受体(α2-AR)激动药(α2∶α1=1 620∶1),通过激动α2-AR发挥镇痛、抗焦虑、抑制交感神经活动性、产生类似于人体自然睡眠的镇静等作用。
1.1 脑功能的影响DEX对脑功能的保护作用是1991年由Hoffman WE等在大鼠短暂全脑缺血模型中首先发现的。
Sanders等[1]研究发现,DEX能够剂量依赖性的提高离体皮质神经元的生存率,特别是0.1~100 μmol/L的DEX能够剂量依赖性的减少渥曼青霉素所导致的细胞凋亡,产生神经保护作用。

•论著:实验研究•姜黄素对高氧诱导的新生小鼠视网膜病变及notch通路的影响张艳莉+,张形2[摘要]目的研究姜黄素对高浓度氧(高氧)诱导的新生小鼠视网膜病变(0IR)的治疗效果及对notch通路的影响%方法建立高浓度氧诱导的C57BL/6J新生小鼠0IR模型,姜黄素组分为高剂量(HCG)、中剂量(MCG)及低剂量(LCG)三个剂量组%按照实验分组处理各组幼鼠,视网膜组织HE染色、内皮细胞核计数、视网膜铺片评价处理后幼鼠0IR缓解情况,蛋白印迹法(WB)测定幼鼠视网膜组织中notch、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)蛋白表达水平%结果(1)组织病理学:与对照组(CG),高氧模型组(H0G)视网膜内膜,有大量血管内皮细胞突破内界膜,血管内皮细胞数显著增加(^=81.42,"=0.000),大血管明变细,分支减少,行走紊乱,视网膜周边及中央可见无灌注区,周边血管密度增加,可见大量,血管;HCG组0IR症状明,缓解程度组(APG)组相当;(2)视网膜内皮细胞核计数:与CG组相比,H0G组突破视网膜内界膜血管内皮细数显著增加(!=81.42,"=0.000)%与H0G组相比,低剂量组(LCG)、中剂量组(MCG)、高剂量组(HCG)个数依次减少(!lcg=27.21,!mcg=44.95,!hcg=55.93,均"=0.000),APG组H0G 组相比显著减少(!=57.39,"=0.000),计;(3)notch蛋白表达:与CG组相比,H0G组表达水著升高(!=28.01,"=0.000);与H0G组相比,LCG组、MCG组、HCG组notch蛋白表达水平依次下降(!lcg=10.57,!mcg=17.69,!hcg=22.36,均"=0.000),APG组表达水平与H0G组相比下降(7=22.61,"=0.000),计;(4)VEGF蛋白表达:与CG 组相比,H0G组表达水平显著升高(7=25.68,"=0.000);与H0G组相比,LCG组、MCG组、HCG组表达水平依次下降(7lcg=5-49,"=0.005;!mcg=14.27,"=0.000;7hcg=18.88,"=0. 000)%APG组表达水平与H0G组著下降(7=19.10,"=0.000),计%结论姜黄素可能通过抑制notch通路活化,降低VEGF表达,减少血管异常增生,缓解高氧诱导的新生小鼠0IR%[关键词]姜黄素;视网膜病变;notch通路;蛋白印迹法中图分类号:R285.5文献标识码:A2章编号:1002-4379(2020)07-0466-07Effects of curcumin on retinopathy and notch pathway in neonatal mice induced by hyperoxia ZHANG Yanli,ZHANG Tong.Aier Eye Hospital of Zhongshan city,Guangdong Province,Zhongshan528400,China[Abstract]OBJECTIVE To study the therapeutic effect of curcumin on hyperoxia-induced retinopathy(0IR)in neonatal mice and its effect on notch pathway.METHODS The0IR model of C57BL/6J neonatal mice induced by hyperoxia was established.The mice were divided into groups according to the experiment.The curcumin group was divided into high dose(hCG),medium dose (MCG)and low dose(LCG)groups.Retinal tissue HE staining,endothelial cell nuclear count andD0I:10.13444/ki.zgzyykzz.2020.07.003基金项目:1国家自然科学基金项目(81570873)2广东省科技计划项目(2014A020*******)作者单位:1广东省中山市爱尔眼科医院,中山528400 2陕西省汉中市三二O—医院,汉中723000通讯作者:张彤,E-mail:*******************retinal stretched preparation were used to evaluate the remission of0IR in young rats,and the expressions of notch and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)in retina of young rats were determined by Western blot(WB).RESULTS(1)Histopathology:compared with thecontrol group(CG),the structure of retinal internal limiting membrane was incomplete in the hy-peroxia model group(HOG),which had a large number of vascular endothelial cells broke through the inner limiting membrane,the number of vascular endothelial cells increased significantly(!= 81.42,"=0.000),the large blood vessels were significantly thinner,the branches were reduced,and the course was disordered.There were no perfusion areas in the periphery and center of retina.The peripheral blood vessel density was increased,a large number of leakage points were seen,and the radial structure of vessels was lost.OIR symptoms in HCG group were significantly improved,and the degree of remission was similar to that in Apadini group(APG).(2)Retinal endothelial cell nuclear count:compared with CG group,the number of vascular endothelial cells breaking through the retinal limiting membrane was significantly increased in the HOG group(!=81.42,"=0.000). Compared with HOG group,the number of low dose group(LCG),medium dose group(MCG)and high dose group(HCG)decreased in turn(q LCG'27.21,q MCG'44.95,q HCG'55.93,all P=0.000).Compared with the HOG group,APG group decreased obviously and the differences were statistically significant(q=57.39,P=0.000).(3)Expression of notch protein:compared with CG group,the expression level of notch protein in HOG group was significantly increased(q=28.01,P=0.000). Compared with HOG group,the expression of notch protein in LCG group,MCG group and HCG group decreased in turn(q lcg'10.57,q mcg'17.69,!hcg=22.36,all P=0.000),the expression level of notch protein APG group was significantly lower than that of HOG group(q=22.61,P=0.000),and the differences were statistically significant.(4)Expression of VEGF protein:compared with CG group,the expression level of VEGF in HOG group was significantly increased(q=25.68,P= 0.000).Compared with HOG group,the expression level of VEGF in LCG group,MCG group and HCG group decreased in turn(q LCG二5.49,P=0.005;!mcg=14.27,P'0.000;q hcg二18.88,P=0.000). The expression level ofVEGF in APG group was significantly lower than that of HOG group(q=19.10, P'0.000).CONCLUSIONS Curcumin may reduce the expression of VEGF and vascular dysplasia by inhibiting notch pathway activation and alleviating the OIR symptoms in neonatal mice.[Keywords]curcumin;retinopathy;notch pathway;western blot早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity, ROP#又称晶状体后纤维增生症,临床上表现为新生血管生成、视网膜缺血、增生性视网膜病变,病情严重者可导致失明,随着近几年早产儿生存率增加, ROP发病率也随之增加,多发于低体重早产儿卩-役目前认为视网膜血管发育异常是ROP的主要病因,因此缓解或阻止视网膜血管异常发育是当前治疗ROP的热点叫姜黄素(Curcumin)是姜黄的主要活性成分,具、、、体能、血脂等药理作用片58%最近研究表明,姜黄素可下调血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)表达水平,抑制血管生成和保视网膜円。

以下是一些相关的生信文章:1. “Identifying the Genetic Risk Factors forAlzheimer's Disease through Genome-Wide Association Studies”. 该文章介绍了基因组关联研究(GWAS)在阿尔茨海默病研究中的应用,了解了遗传因素对该疾病的风险的贡献。
2. “RNA sequencing-based transcriptome profiling of Alzheimer's disease patients”. 该文章介绍了RNA测序技术在阿尔茨海默病研究中的应用,通过对病人和正常人脑组织中RNA表达谱的比较和分析,揭示了该疾病的复杂机制。
3. “Proteomics in Alzheimer's disease: insights into potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets”. 该文章介绍了蛋白质组学在阿尔茨海默病研究中的应用,以期寻找潜在的生物标志物和治疗靶点。
4. “Machine learning approaches for predictingAlzheimer's disease: a review”. 该文章介绍了机器学习技术在阿尔茨海默病的预测方面的应用,探讨该技术在该疾病早期诊断和治疗方面的潜力。
5. “Single-cell analysis of Alzheimer's disease”. 该文章利用单细胞分析技术探讨了阿尔茨海默病中不同细胞类型和亚型的转录组和表观遗传表达差异,以期深入了解该疾病的发病机制和治疗方式。
艾贝宁在术后镇静镇痛中的应用 (1)

这个病例60Kg,常规应该是120ug,考虑艾贝宁的节约阿片类药物作用,给予了100ug) 0.2ug/Kg/h*60*50小时(泵100ml,按50小时算量)=300ug)
纳入30项研究,近1800例患者; CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative systemic alpha2 agonists
decrease postoperative opioid consumption, pain intensity, and nausea. Recovery times are not prolonged. Common
上腺素能通路突触前膜去极化,抑制突触前膜P物质和其他伤害性 肽类的释放,从而抑制脊髓背角伤害性刺激的传递,进而终止疼痛 的信号转导; ④不排除Dex存在类可乐定的局部镇痛机制,通过对α2受体的激动 来调节痛觉过敏作用;
术后疼痛减轻 术后阿片类药物用量减少
Vieira等的研究发现,对开腹胆囊切除患者,硬膜外腔给予Dex 2ug/kg复合0.75%罗哌卡因20 ml,至术后6 h仍维持镇痛效果。
Vieira AM1, Schnaider TB, Brandão AC, Pereira FA, Costa ED, Fonseca CE. [Epidural clonidine or dexmedetomidine for post11 cholecystectomy analgesia and sedation.]. Rev Bras Anestesiol. 2004 Aug;54(4):473-8.

—— 俄罗斯
比较 C.C+FSH,HMG+FSH,GnRHa+ HMG+FSH, GnRHa+C.C+FSH 用GnRHa组效果更好,尤适于中、轻度EM
促性腺激素释素类似物(1) GnRH - analogues
Goserelin Leuprorelin Triptorelin Triptorelin Buserelin Nefarelin
戈舍瑞林 亮丙瑞林 曲普瑞林 曲普瑞林 普舍瑞林 纳法瑞林
4 = Normal 3 = Mildly dysfunctional 2 = Moderately dysfunctional 1 = Severely dysfunctional 0 = Absent or nonfunctional
The Least Function (LF) score was calculated as the sum of the right and left lowest score assigned to the tube, fimbria, or ovary. The score therefore ranges from 0(both sides absent or nonfunctional) to 8 (both sides normal)
对EM不孕者期待是不明智的 积极治疗是值得推崇的

I NDEX329AAbciximab, slow flow and distal embolizationmanagement after carotid stenting, 285ACA,see Anterior cerebral artery ACAS study, 7, 8, 42, 50AccuNet TM , emboli protection, 164ACE inhibitors, see Angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors ACE study, 23ACST study, 42, 50ACT I study, 124ALLHAT study, 14Angiography,see Computed tomographyangiography; Digital subtraction an-giography; Magnetic resonance an-giographyAngioGuard XP TM , emboli protection, 162,163Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)inhibitors, hypertension control and cardiovascular outcome trials, 14–16Anterior cerebral artery (ACA), anatomy,73, 74, 230Aortic arch,anatomy, 65, 66digital subtraction angiography, 101, 102hostile arch in carotid artery stenting, 120left carotid artery stenting with challengingtype III aortic arch, 249–257left internal carotid artery stenting withbovine aortic arch, 295–304ARCHeR study, 56–57, 118Arterial access,carotid artery stenting, 134, 176digital subtraction angiography, 100thrombolytic therapy, 235–237vertebral artery stenting, 221Aspirin,acute ischemic event management,myocardial infarction, 22stroke, 22carotid artery stenting preproceduralmanagement, 134carotid stenosis management, 23intracranial atherosclerosis trials, 193percutaneous intracranial interventionuse, 198primary prevention studies, 24secondary prevention studies, 22, 23vertebral artery stenosis trials, 218BBasilar artery,anatomy, 76, 78, 230intracranial atherosclerosis, see IntracranialatherosclerosisBEACH study, 57, 58Brachial artery, right carotid artery stentingvia right brachial artery approach,305–316Bruit, stroke risks, 6CCABERNET study, 59CABG,see Coronary artery bypass grafting CAMELOT study, 16CAPRIE study, 26CaRESS study, 59, 60Carotid artery stenosis,concomitant intracranial atherosclerosis,4, 6distribution, 4end points for intervention trials, 13epidemiology and risk factors, 3, 11, 12imaging,see Computed tomographyangiography; Digital subtraction angiography; Duplex ultrasound;Magnetic resonance angiography;Transcranial Doppler progression, 7330Carotid artery stenting (CAS),angiography, 124, 136, 143, 144anticoagulation, 134approaches,direct guide approach, 137guide approach, 136, 137selection of approach, 136sheath approach, 137arterial access, 134balloons,technique,postdilatation, 143predilatation, 140types, 152bilateral carotid stenosis patients, 145, 146 carotid endarterectomy comparative trials, CAVATAS study, 54overview, 53, 115–118SAPPHIRE study, 55, 118WallStent Trial, 53, 54case studies,carotid endarterectomy patch restenosisand aneurysm, 275–282internal carotid artery with string sign,265–273left carotid artery stenting withchallenging type III aortic arch,249–257left internal carotid artery stenting withbovine aortic arch, 295–304 right carotid artery stenting via rightbrachial artery approach, 305–316 slow flow and distal embolizationmanagement, 283–287tortuous left internal carotid arterystenting, 259–263catheters,diagnostic catheters, 149guide catheters, 149, 150complications,acute vessel closure, 181arterial access, 176catheterization, 177cerebral ischemia, 178, 179distal cerebral embolization, 179, 180emboli protection devices, 177, 178hyperperfusion syndrome, 182, 184late distal embolization, 184overview, 118, 175, 176reflex bradycardia and hypotension,181restenosis in stent, 185, 186retinal embolization, 180, 181stent deformation, 184stent thrombosis, 184emboli protection device,deployment, 138–140filter devices,AccuNet TM, 164AngioGuard XP TM, 162, 163design, 161, 162EmboShield TM, 164, 165FilterWire EZ TM, 166GuardWire TM for distal balloon occlusion protection, 169Interceptor® PLUS, 166, 168overview of types, 137, 138proximal balloon occlusion emboliprotection devices, 169–171 removal, 143Rubicon Embolic Filter, 168Spider TM, 166trials, 55, 56, 118, 159, 160meta-analysis of trials, 59, 60operator competency, 114, 115, 131–133 patient selection, 111–113, 118, 120–123, 131, 133peripheral guidewires,flexible guidewires, 148hydrophilic guidewires, 148, 149stiff guidewires, 149 postprocedural monitoring,duplex ultrasound, 145follow-up, 145hemodynamic monitoring, 144, 145medications, 145neurological assessment, 145 preprocedural management,antiplatelet therapy, 134neurological assessment, 133noninvasive imaging, 133 prognostic factors, 118, 120–123 prospects, 123, 124registries,ARCHeR, 56–57, 118BEACH, 57, 58CABERNET, 59global carotid artery stent registry, 60MAVeRIC, 59SECURITY, 58, 118sheaths, 151stents,placement, 140, 143RX AccuLink TM, 156331self-expanding stents, 152, 153, 156, 157Xact®, 157trends in United States, 60, 61Carotid endarterectomy (CEA),anesthesia, 34, 38carotid artery stenting comparison trials, see Carotid artery stentingclamping and shunting, 35, 38, 39clinical trials,asymptomatic carotid stenosis, 41, 42,48, 50symptomatic carotid stenosis, 40, 41, 50 closure, 36, 38complications, 39, 53, 118contraindications, 44, 51, 52endarterectomy, 36historical perspective, 33, 34, 48, 113incision and dissection, 34, 35indications, 44, 50, 51, 113, 114outcome factors, 38, 39stenting in patch restenosis and aneurysm, 275–282CAS,see Carotid artery stenting CASANOVA study, 41CAST study, 22CATS study, 25CAVATAS study, 54CCA,see Common carotid arteryCEA,see Carotid endarterectomy Cilostazol, intracranial atherosclerosis trials, 193Circle of Willis, anatomy, 81, 230 Clopidogrel,carotid artery stenting preproceduralmanagement, 134percutaneous intracranial intervention use, 198secondary prevention studies, 26, 27 Common carotid artery (CCA),anatomy, 69carotid artery stenting considerations, 120 origins, 65, 69Computed tomography angiography (CTA), carotid artery stenting follow-up, 90image processing, 88, 89limitations, 90resolution, 88vertebral artery stenosis, 215Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), stroke risks with carotid artery stenosis, 9 Coronary artery disease, carotid artery stenosis association, 6, 7, 9, 118CREST study, 124CTA,see Computed tomography angiography CURE study, 26DDCCT study, 20Diabetes,carotid artery stenosis risks, 20, 21management, 21Digital subtraction angiography (DSA), aortic arch angiogram, 101, 102arterial access, 100complications, 108, 109contrast agent, 100duplex ultrasound comparison studies, 87, 88 heparin anticoagulation, 100indications, 99, 100nonselective vertebral artery angiography, 104–106reverse-curved catheters, 106, 108selective carotid angiography, 102–104vertebral artery stenosis, 217, 218views, 101Dipyridamole, secondary prevention studies, 24, 25DSA,see Digital subtraction angiography Duplex ultrasound (DUS),bilateral carotid stenosis, 85–87carotid artery stenting follow-up, 87digital subtraction angiography compari-son studies, 87, 88intimal–medial thickness measurement,87limitations, 84, 85modes, 84recommendations, 85Duplex ultrasound, vertebral artery stenosis, 213, 214DUS,see Duplex ultrasoundEECA,see External carotid arteryECST study, 17, 41Emboli protection device (EPD),clinical trials, 55, 56, 118, 159, 160complications, 177, 178deployment, 138–140filter devices,AccuNet TM, 164AngioGuard XP TM, 162, 163design, 161, 162EmboShield TM, 164, 165332FilterWire EZ TM, 166Interceptor® PLUS, 166, 168Rubicon Embolic Filter, 168Spider TM, 166GuardWire TM for distal balloon occlusion protection, 169overview of types, 137, 138proximal balloon occlusion emboliprotection devices, 169–171 removal, 143Emboli protection device, vertebral artery stenting, 223EmboShield TM, emboli protection, 164, 165 EPD, see Emboli protection deviceESPS-2 study, 24, 25EUROPA study, 15EVA-3S study, 55External carotid artery (ECA), anatomy,70, 71FFilterWire EX TM, left carotid artery stenting with challenging type III aortic arch,251FilterWire EZ TM,emboli protection, 166innominate artery interventions, 323right carotid artery stenting via rightbrachial artery approach, 310GGemfibrozil, hyperlipidemia control, 20 Gooseneck, mechanical embolectomy, 241, 242, 294GuardWire TM, emboli protection, 169HHOPE study, 14, 15HPS trial, 19Hyperlipidemia,carotid artery stenosis risks, 11, 12, 17control,gemfibrozil, 20statins, 18–20stroke risks, 17, 18Hyperperfusion syndrome,carotid artery stenting complication,182, 184carotid endarterectomy association,121, 122vertebral artery stenting, 225 Hypertension,carotid artery stenosis risks, 11, 12control,angiotensin-converting enzymeinhibitors, 14–16carotid stenosis patient trials, 17comparative trials, 14goals, 16, 17stroke risks, 13, 14IICA,see Internal carotid arteryIMT,see Intimal–medial thickness Innominate artery, ostial stenosis andpercutaneous intervention case study, diagnosis and angiographic findings, 318, 321difficulty, 321, 322history, 317, 318postintervention course, 323technique, 323Interceptor® PLUS, emboli protection, 166, 168Internal carotid artery (ICA),anatomy, 71–73, 230intracranial atherosclerosis, see Intracranial atherosclerosisstenting,considerations, 120, 121left internal carotid artery stenting withbovine aortic arch, 295–304 string sign case study, 265–273tortuous left internal carotid artery,259–263Intimal–medial thickness (IMT),duplex ultrasound, 87prognostic value of carotid evaluation, 6 Intraarterial thrombolysis, see Thrombolytic therapyIntracranial atherosclerosis,antithrombotic therapy, 193bypass surgery, 193cilostazol trials, 193distribution, 190, 192epidemiology, 190natural history, 192percutaneous intervention,angioplasty, 205antithrombotic therapy, 198, 199arch aortography, 199guide/sheath delivery, 199, 201historical perspective, 193, 194lesion wiring, 201, 203, 204outcomes, 194–196, 198333postprocedural care, 207sedation, 198stenting technique, 205–207vertebral artery stenting, 222, 223 stroke risks, 189MMagnetic resonance angiography (MRA), limitations, 91techniques, 90, 91vertebral artery stenosis, 215MATCH study, 26, 27MAVeRIC study, 59MCA,see Middle cerebral artery Mechanical embolectomy,devices, 241, 242limitations, 242thrombolysis adjunct, 294Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral Ischemia (MERCI), mechanicalembolectomy, 241MERCI,see Mechanical Embolus Removal in Cerebral IschemiaMiddle cerebral artery (MCA),anatomy, 73, 230intracranial atherosclerosis, see Intracranial atherosclerosisMO.MA system, emboli protection device, 170, 171MRA,see Magnetic resonance angiography Myocardial infarction, aspirin management, 22NNASCET study, 17, 39, 41, 42, 48, 50, 53, 118PPCA,see Posterior cerebral arteryPEACE study, 15, 16Peripheral arterial disease, carotid artery stenosis association, 6, 7Posterior cerebral artery (PCA), anatomy, 80, 81, 230Posterior circulation, embolism and syndromes, 211, 212PROACT II study, 232RReflex bradycardia, carotid artery stenting complication, 181Retinal embolization, carotid artery stenting complication, 180, 181Rubicon Embolic Filter, emboli protection, 168RX AccuLink TM, carotid artery stenting, 156 SSALT study, 22SAPPHIRE study, 55, 118SECURITY study, 58, 118Smoking,carotid artery stenosis risks, 12, 21cessation, 21Spider TM, emboli protection, 166 SSYLVIA study, 219Statins,hyperlipidemia control, 18–20neuroprotective effects after acute stroke, 20Stenting,see Carotid artery stenting; Intracranial atherosclerosis; Vertebral arteries Stroke,aspirin management, 22carotid bruit association, 6economic burden, 4embolism origins, 211etiology, 4, 231intracranial atherosclerosis risks, 189prevalence, 4, 229risk factors,carotid artery stenosis, 7–9hyperlipidemia, 17, 18hypertension, 13, 14secondary prevention studies,clopidogrel, 26, 27dipyridamole, 24, 25ticlopidine, 25warfarin, 27statin neuroprotective effects, 20treatment,see Mechanical embolectomy;Thrombolytic therapy Subclavian artery, anatomy, 68, 69TTCD,see Transcranial Doppler Thrombolytic therapy,indications and contraindications, 233,234intracranial hemorrhage, 244patient selection, 232, 233percutaneous intervention,adjunctive pharmacotherapy, 239angiography, 234, 235arterial access, 235–237334case study, 289–294clot disruption, 239–241periprocedural medical management,243, 244recanalization technique, 237, 238 PROACT protocol, 232Ticlopidine, secondary prevention studies, 25 TNT study, 19Transcranial Doppler (TCD),limitations, 94microembolic signals, 93, 94principles, 91–93sensitivity and specificity by artery, 93transcranial color-coded duplexsonography, 94, 95UUKPDS trial, 21Ultrasonography,see Duplex ultrasound;Transcranial DopplerVVALUE study, 16Vertebral arteries,anatomy, 76, 212, 213, 230digital subtraction angiography, 104–106 intracranial atherosclerosis, see Intracranial atherosclerosisposterior circulation symptoms, 212stenosis,diagnosis,computed tomography angiography,215digital subtraction angiography,217, 218duplex ultrasound, 213, 214magnetic resonance angiography,215medical treatment, 218surgical management, 218, 219 stenting,arterial access, 221complications,distal embolization, 224, 225hyperperfusion syndrome, 225restenosis in stent, 225spasm, 223, 224stroke, 225emboli protection devices, 223extracranial stenting technique, 221,222indications, 219, 220intracranial stenting technique, 222,223outcomes, 219postprocedural care, 225preoperative preparation, 220prospects, 225, 226WWallStent Trial, 53, 54Warfarin,intracranial atherosclerosis trials, 193secondary prevention studies, 27vertebral artery stenosis trials, 218 WARSS trial, 27WASID study, 193, 218XXact®, carotid artery stenting, 157。

3.1鞘内注射Mohamed Ghanem 等[5]发现NA0.6mg鞘内注射联合硬膜外地塞米松8mg显著延长了腰麻时布比卡因的作用时间,降低了下腹部肿瘤手术中产生牵拉痛的概率。
Tridip Jyoti Borah等人[6]比较了三种不同剂量NA鞘内注射作为辅助药物与罗哌卡因合用于剖宫产术,发现0.8mgNA显著增强了镇痛效果,且增加了感觉及运动阻滞时间,具有较少的副作用。

欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁氉氉氉氉引文格式:高莎,沈玺.腺苷A2A受体(A2AR)拮抗剂ZM241385对视网膜脱离动物模型视网膜光感受器细胞的保护作用[J].眼科新进展,2022,42(7):510 513,519.doi:10.13389/j.cnki.rao.2022.0104【实验研究】腺苷A2A受体(A2AR)拮抗剂ZM241385对视网膜脱离动物模型视网膜光感受器细胞的保护作用△高 莎 沈 玺欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁氉氉氉氉作者简介:高莎(ORCID:0000 0002 4168 2488),女,1987年10月出生,上海人,博士。
E mail:gaosha_1343@126.com通信作者:沈玺(ORCID:0000 0001 9669 6521),男,1970年12月出生,上海人,博士,教授,主任医师。
E mail:carl_shen2005@126.com收稿日期:2022 01 29修回日期:2022 04 27本文编辑:董建军△基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:81970805)作者单位:200025 上海市,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院眼科【摘要】 目的 探讨腺苷A2A受体(A2AR)拮抗剂ZM241385对视网膜脱离(RD)动物模型视网膜光感受器细胞的保护作用。
方法 选取健康雄性SPF级C57BL/6J小鼠48只作为研究对象。

Chongqing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Liang Zhang
Mar 2018
Main contents
1、Physiological Considerations During Thoracic Anesthesia 2、Techniques for One-Lung Ventilation 3、Anesthesia for Lung Resection 4、Anesthesia for Tracheal Resection 5、Anesthesia for Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS) 6、Anesthesia for Diagnostic Thoracic Procedures 7、Anesthesia for Lung Transplantation 8、Anesthesia for Esophageal Surgery
• Factors known to inhibit HPV – Very high or very low pulmonary artery pressures; – Hypocapnia; – High or very low mixed venous PO2; – Vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, phosophodiesterase inhibitors (milrinone and inamrinone), β-adrenergic agonists, calcium channel blockers; – Pulmonary infection; – Inhalation anesthetics.

JOURNAL OF HEZE MEDICAL COLLEGE 第32卷第2期VOL.32NO.2菏泽医学专科学校学报2020年2020稽留流产是指胎儿停止发育两个月尚未自然排出者。
结果观察组临床疗效高于对照组(P <0.05);黄体生成素、孕激素低于对照组(P <0.05),血清雌二醇高于对照组(P <0.05);观察组粘连程度优于对照组(P <0.05)。
关键词:稽留流产;屈螺酮炔雌醇;益母草颗粒;性激素水平中图分类号:R714文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-4118(2020)02-0045-03Effect of drospirenone ethinylestradiol tablet combined with motherwort granules on thesex hormones level and intrauterine adhesion of patients after missed abortionJIA Liping,YUAN Shuling(The Sixth People's Hospital of Anyang,Anyang 455000,Henan)Abstract:Objective To study the effect of drospirenone ethinylestradiol tablet combined with motherwort gran⁃ules on the sex hormones level and intrauterine adhesion of patients after missed abortion.Methods 100patients aftermissed abortion in our hospital were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group,50cases in eachgroup.The control group were treated with motherwort granules and the observation group were treated with drospire⁃none ethinylestradiol tablet on the basis of the control group.The clinical efficacy,sex hormone level and intrauterine ad⁃hesion degree of the two groups were compared.Results The clinical efficacy of the observation group was higher thanthat of the control group (P <0.05);the levels of luteinizing hormone and progesterone in the observation group were low⁃er than those in the control group (P <0.05);the serum estradiol level was higher than that in the control group (P <0.05);the adhesion degree of the observation group was better than that of the control group (P <0.05).Conclusion The dro⁃spirenone ethinylestradiol tablet combined with motherwort granules can effectively improve the sex hormone level andreduce the degree of intrauterine adhesions in patients with missed abortion.Key words:Missed abortion;Drospirenone estradiol;Motherwort granules;Sex hormone levels45JOURNAL OF HEZE MEDICAL COLLEGE 第32卷第2期VOL.32NO.2菏泽医学专科学校学报2020年20201资料和方法1.1一般资料将我院2018年3月—2019年2月期间收治的100例稽留流产清宫术患者分为观察组和对照组,观察组50例,年龄20~30岁,平均(25.78±3.27)岁;停经时间57~68d ,平均(62.81±5.42)d ;孕囊(3.5~4.2)cm ,平均(3.12±0.70)cm 。

aggrecanase-2基 因 的 表 达 从 而 使 aggrecan蛋 白 高 表 对致畸致瘤产生影响,仍需今后进一步探讨。
达,导致这样的原因有可能是因为 shRNA通过抑制 ag grecanase-2的 表 达 来 使 得 aggrecan得 到 高 表 达 。 [10] 同时,既往研究[11]说明在 shRNA通过抑制 aggrecanase -2序列的表达过程中,还有多种序列同样产生抑 制 作用。
JournalofClinicalandExperimentalMedicineVol.17,No.19 Oct.2018
因表达,且最终电泳条带清晰易见,可以说明 mRNA纯 致瘤的研究报道。而体外实验往往是在短时间内开展
度高、质量好。本实验采用采用 mRNA干扰技术以抑制 的,对长时间携带慢病毒载体在人体内转染过程中是否
[3] 周静,张弦,钱 海 兵,等.类 风 湿 性 关 节 炎 发 病 机 制 的 研 究 进 展 [J].贵阳中医学院学报,2014,36(5):44-47.
[4] 范凯健,许颖,王婷玉,等.软骨细胞在类风湿性关节炎中的研究 进展[J].实用药物与临床,2017,20(7):848-851.
[5] 中华医学会风湿病学分会.类风湿关节炎诊断及治疗指南[J].中 华风湿病学杂志,2011,14(4):265-270.

方法:将64例ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级,18~60岁,择期行椎管减压、脊柱融合手术的患者随机分为术前口服可乐定组(200μg)和安慰剂组(维生素C 600 mg)。
麻醉诱导采用芬太尼2μg/kg、异丙酚1~2 mg/kg及维库溴铵0.1 mg/kg。
气管插管后机械通气,调整吸入异氟烷浓度维持BIS 40~50,间断给予维库溴铵维持肌松。
调整呼吸参数维持ETCO235~40 mmHg。
结果:可乐定组患者芬太尼用量少于安慰剂组(2.11±0.87 vs 3.68±0.93,P<0.05),拔管时间早于安慰剂组(9.88±6.12 vs 13.62±9.74,P<0.05),异丙酚用量、低血压及心动过缓发生率组之间没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。
%Objective:To observe the effects of oral clonidine premedication on the general anesthesia and recovery in patients undergoing spinal surgery. Methods:Sixty-four ASA levelⅠ-Ⅱ patients (18-60 years old) undergoing major spine surgery were ran-domly allocated to two groups. One group received oral clonidine (200 μg) and the other received placebo (Vitamin C 600 mg) for premedication. Standard anesthesia protocols were followed for induction Fentanyl 2 μg/kg,Propofol 1~2 mg/kg and Vecuronium Bro-mide 0. 1 mg/kg. The mechanical ventilation was performed after the tracheal intubation. And the concentration of isoflurance was adjus-ted and maintained at the level of BIS 40~50. The Vecuronium Bromide wasgiven inconsistently in order to keep the muscular relaxa-tion. The reference data of breathing is adjusted at the level of ETCO2 35~40 mmHg. Heart rate,blood pressure,and end-tidal concen-trations of isoflurane were monitored. Hypotensive episodes were treated with bolus doses of ephedrine or phenylephrine. Results:The demographic data,duration of anesthesia,propofol requirement were not significant between the two groups. The total dose of fentanyl (2. 11 ± 0. 87 vs. 3. 68 ± 0. 93) and the recovery time (9. 88 ± 6. 12vs. 13. 62 ± 9. 74) were decreased in clonidine group. There was no statistical difference in the change of hemodynamic parameters,the incidence of hypotension or bradycardia between the two groups. Conclusion:Clonidine for premedication can reduce the requirement of opoids,facilitate the recovery from inhaled isoflurane anesthe-sia,and does not increase the incidence of hypotension or bradycardia.【期刊名称】《川北医学院学报》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【总页数】3页(P90-92)【关键词】可乐定;异氟烷;全身麻醉;麻醉复苏【作者】邓嘉陵;李军祥;杨小霖【作者单位】四川省南充市东方医院麻醉科;川北医学院附属医院麻醉科,四川南充 637000;川北医学院附属医院麻醉科,四川南充 637000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R614.2邓嘉陵1,李军祥2,杨小霖2(1.四川省南充市东方医院麻醉科;2.川北医学院附属医院麻醉科,四川南充637000)脊柱手术通常伴随明显的失血和血流动力学的波动,并需要大剂量的阿片类药物来抑制应激反应[1-3]。

来自中国延边大学医学院许妍姬等设定了观察淀粉样类前体蛋白2-C端不同片段(Amyloid Precursor Like Protein 2-C Terminal Fragments,APLP2-CTFs)在BV2细胞中对S100A9表达影响的实验。
Article: " Amyloid precursor-like protein 2 C-terminal fragments upregulate S100A9 gene and protein expression in BV2 cells," by Guangzhe Li1, Hui Chen2, Lin Cheng2, Rongjie Zhao3, Junchang Zhao3, Yanji Xu2 (1 Department of Psychology, Yanbian Brain Hospital, Yanji, Jilin Province, China; 2 Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical College, Yanbian University, Yanji, Jilin Province, China; 3 Department of Pharmacology, Mudanjiang Medical University, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China)Li GZ, Chen H, Cheng L, Zhao RJ, Zhao JC, Xu YJ. Amyloid precursor-like protein 2 C-terminal fragments upregulate S100A9 gene and protein expression in BV2 cells. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(21):1923-1928.欲获更多资讯:Neural Regen ResA novel toxic pathway by which Alzheimer’s disease occursThe murine microglial cell line BV2 has neuroprotective effects, but is toxic to neurons by secreting inflammatory cytokines, and is an important target in the treatment of nerve inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases. Yanji Xu, Yanbian Brain Hospital, China investigated the influences of amyloid precursor like protein 2-C terminal fragments on S100A9 expression in BV2 cells (APLP2-CTFs). Results showed that APLP2-CTFs can up-regulate S100A9 protein and mRNA expression in BV2 cells. These results provide insights for investigating neuronal injury, apoptosis, repair and protection in Alzheimer’s disease. The relevant article was published in Neural Regeneration Research (Vol. 9, No. 21, 2014).Article: " Amyloid precursor-like protein 2 C-terminal fragments upregulate S100A9 gene and protein expression in BV2 cells," by Guangzhe Li1, Hui Chen2, Lin Cheng2, Rongjie Zhao3, Junchang Zhao3, Yanji Xu2 (1 Department of Psychology, Yanbian Brain Hospital, Yanji, Jilin Province, China; 2 Department of Preventive Medicine, Medical College, Yanbian University, Yanji, Jilin Province, China; 3 Department of Pharmacology, Mudanjiang Medical University, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China)Li GZ, Chen H, Cheng L, Zhao RJ, Zhao JC, Xu YJ. Amyloid precursor-like protein 2 C-terminal fragments upregulate S100A9 gene and protein expression in BV2 cells. Neural Regen Res. 2014;9(21):1923-1928.。

结果:与假手术组比较,CCI模型组大鼠PWT值显著性降低;与CCI模型组比较,吗啡处理组、100及300mg/kg Neu-P12组大鼠PWT值显著性升高。
此外,100及300mg/kg Neu-P12组大鼠PWT值显著性高于30mg/kg Neu-P12组大鼠;300mg/kg Neu-P12组大鼠PWT值显著性高于100mg/kg Neu-P12组大鼠。
【关键词】 Neu-P12;褪黑素;镇痛作用;CCI模型;大鼠【中图分类号】R965 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2015)21-0017-03Antinociceptive effects of a novel melatonin receptor agonist Neu-P12 in the chronic constriction injury model of neuropathic pain in rats Deng Yan-ling1, Tian Shao-wen2,Laudon Moshe31:Department of Anesthesiology, Central Hospital of Hunan Yongzhou, Yongzhou,425001, Hunan, PR China. 2:Department of Physiology, Medical School, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001, Hunan, PR China. 3 :Neurim Pharmaceuticals Ltd.,Tel-Aviv,69710,IsraelCorresponding Author: Deng Yang-ling E-mail:1258727398@【Abstract】 Objective In the present study, we assessed the potential antinociceptive effects of a novel melatonin receptor agonist Neu-P12 in the neuropathic pain induced by chronic constriction injury (CCI) in rats. Methods Twelve days after surgery, mechanical hyperalgesia was assessed before and 30 min, 60 min,90 min, 120 min, 180 min after vehicle, morphine (10 mg/kg) or Neu-P12 (30, 100 and 300 mg/kg) administration. Results Compared with the sham rats, the CCI rats showed less levels of the paw withdrawal threshold (PWT). Compared with the CCI rats, rats with morphine at 10 mg/kg showed more levels of the PWT. Neu-P12 increased dose-dependently the levels of the PWT. Conclusion The novel melatonin receptor agonist Neu-P12, like morphine, exert antinociceptive activities in the CCI model in rats.【Keywords】 Neu-P12;Melatonin;Antinociceptive effects;CCI model;Rats褪黑素是一种由松果体及某些外周器官如胃肠道、骨髓等合成和分泌的一种神经内分泌激素;褪黑素受体(MT1与MT2)广泛分布于多个神经系统部位如丘脑、下丘脑、垂体前叶及脊髓背角等。
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• Dex reduces NE level during emergence from anesthesia (2 to 3 times lower than in placebo group)
Talke P et al. Anesth Analg 2000
Context-sensitive Dexmedetomidine recovery times as a function of duration of infusion
Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Cerebral Blood Flow
• Animal models
Dexmedetomidine: Side Effects
Hypotension Transient hypertension Bradycardia Dry mouth Limited amnestic effect Animal studies show reduction in the CBF/CMRO2 ratio • Excessive sedation • • • • • •
Zornow MH et al, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab; 1993
Effect of Dexmedetomidine on ICP
• Animal model – ICP was unchanged despite an increase in systemic blood pressure in rabbits – ICP was decreased in the presence of intracranial hypertension
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Median nerve SSEPs tracings after switching from propofol to Dexmedetomidine infusion
Amplitudes of early and late SSEP waves at various stages of the surgeth Analg 1992
• Human study – Dex has no effect on lumbar CSF pressure in patients undergoing transphenoidal pituitary tumor resection
Pharmacokinetics of IV agents
Dex Vdcc, l Vdss, l Cl, l/min T1/2α, min T1/2β, hr 16 200 0.6 6 2 Propofol Fentanyl 16 350 1.8 4 1.5 30 330 0.8 6 2.5 Alfenta 10 30 0.3 4 1
Qualifications for inclusion into the neuroanesthesia drug club:
• Controllability (e.g. rapid onset and offset of effect) • Stability of intracranial homeostasis • Hemodynamic stability • Noninterference with neurophysiologic monitoring • Neuroprotection • Antinonociception
• Human study (TCD)
– Mean CBF velocity decreased with an increase in plasma concentration of Dex – Pulsatility index increased at higher level of Dex (indicates an increase in CVR)
Law of Conservation of Tsouris
The amount of aggravation in the universe is a constant. If things are going well in one area, they are going wrong in another.
Intraoperative Use of α2− Agonists in Neuroanesthesia
Alex Bekker M.D., Ph.D. Director of Neuroanesthesia New York University School of Medicine
Progress may have been all right once, but it went on too long. Ogden Nash
Dexmedetomidine and Antinociception
• α2 – Agonists attenuate hemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation
Lawrence CJ et al Anaesthesia 1997
• α2 – Agonists decrease perioperative oxygen consumption
E P Am p litu des
R P 25- N3 5 L P 2 5- N3 5 R N2 0- P2 5 L N 20 -P 2 5 R P 15- N2 0 L P 1 5- N2 0
0 10 :17 1 1:33 d d 1 1:39 11 :4 9 12:1 1 T im e 1 2:16 1 2:21 13:0 6 13:0 9 13 :19
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• Dex enhances glutamine disposal by oxydative metabolism in astrocytes
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Dexmedetomidine effect on the EEG
• Dex decreased MPF and 95% PF in cats • Dex increased delta band power • Halothane 2% produced similar EEG changes • Animals on Dex responded to tail clamping purposefully
Bernard et al Anesthesiology 1991
Activation of α2−receptors leads to:
• • • • Dose dependent sedation and anxiolysis Analgesia (supraspinal and spinal sites) Decrease plasma catecholamines Centrally mediated bradycardic and hypotensive effects • Diuresis due to inhibition of ADH release and antagonism of ADH tubular effects • Decongestant and antisialogogue effects
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BIS before and after subjects were asked to perform various tasks
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Neuroprotective effects of Dexmedetomidine
Clinical Experience: Craniotomy
• In patient undergoing craniotomy, premedication with clonidine: reduced anesthetic requirements attenuated hemodynamic responses to intubation and pin fixation Costello T et al Anesth Analg 1998 • Postoperative infusion of Dex in patients recovering from transphenoidal hypophysectomy reduced plasma catecholamines by 70% Talke P et al Anesth Analg 1997
Clinical Experience: Spinal Fusion
• Perioperative administration of clonidine reduced postoperative morphine requirements by a factor of 3 in patients undergoing spinal fusion
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Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Cerebral Blood Flow
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