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【摘要】根据2014年11月南海珠江口沿岸张网渔业的海上调查资料,应用丰度生物量比较曲线( ABC曲线)分析张网渔业资源群落结构特征。

结果显示:调查中共捕获渔获种类46种,其中鱼类38种,虾类5种,蟹类2种,虾蛄类1种;运用相对重要性指数( IRI)作为鱼种优势度的度量指标,IRI大于1000的定为优势种,有4种,即康氏小公鱼(Anchoviella commersonii)、风鲚(Coilia mystus)、直额鲟(Charybdis truncate)和近缘新对虾(Metapenaeus affinis),占总渔获量的14.8%;ABC曲线显示群落的数量优势度曲线高于生物量优势度曲线,根据ABC曲线计算的W统计值为-0.179,表明南海珠江口沿岸张网渔业资源群落处于严重干扰状态( Warwick 1986),小型鱼类或者大型渔获的幼体占绝对优势。


%Based on the data collected from the stow-net fishery surveys in the Pearl River Estuary coastal waters of the South China Sea, this paper analyzed the resources community structure of stow-net fishery using abundance-biomass comparison curve.The result indicated that there were 46 species collected in the surveys, including 38 species of fish, 5 species of shrimps, 2 species of crab, and 1 species of squillid.The index of relative importance( IRI) was used in measuring dominance of species to
decide the role each species plays in the community.The species with index of relative importance ( IRI) above 1000 were defined as the dominant species.There were four dominant species in the surveys, included Anchoviella commersonii, Coilia mystus, Charybdis truncate, and Metapenaeus affi-nis, which accounted for 14.8%abundance.The k-dominance curve of abundance was above the biomass curve, and the W-statistic value was-0.179 caculated by ABC curves.This phenomenon indicated that the present resources community of stow-net fishery in the Pearl River Estuary coastal waters of the South China Sea was disturbed based on the theory of Warwick (1986).And most of the dom-inant species was the small fish or the juvenile of the large fish.Juveniles occupy a relatively high proportion of the catches by stow-net which damages the commercial larval resource rather seriously.We suggested that eco-fishing gear and methods should be utilized and the mesh size of cod-end should be increased, and enhanced the management for the traditional fishing gear, and then stainable devel-opment of the inshore fishery will be realized.
1.珠江口南沙海域秋季渔业资源群落结构特征 [J], 袁梦;汤勇;徐姗楠;陈作志;杨玉滔;江艳娥
2.基于张网渔业休渔前后的黄茅海河口渔业资源群落比较 [J], 晏磊;谭永光;杨炳忠;张鹏;李杰;杨吝
3.基于张网渔业休渔前后的黄茅海河口渔业资源群落比较 [J], 晏磊;谭永光;杨炳忠;张鹏;李杰;杨吝;
4.杭州湾北部张网渔业资源种类组成及群落多样性初步分析 [J], 王淼;张丹;张玉平;孙振中
5.南海区拖网和张网渔具对渔业资源的影响 [J], 杨吝
