
英语生词积累500个初中1、roof n.屋顶2、forever adv.永远,总是,老是3、theme n.题目;词干;主旋律4、amuse vt.逗…乐,给…娱乐5、predict vt.预言,预测6、select vt.选择vi.挑选7、aspect n.方面,样子,外表8、expand vt.扩大,使膨胀9、misunderstand vt.误解,误会10、flood n.洪水11、tough adj.坚韧的;健壮的12、nowadays adv.现今,现在n.现今,当今13、jungle n.丛林,密林14、alcohol n.酒精,乙醇15、rough adj.表面不平的;粗略的;大致的16、mineral n.矿物a.矿物的17、elect vt.选举,推选18、corn n.谷物,小麦19、title n.标题,题目;称号,头衔20、television n.电视,电视机21、inform vt.通知,向…报告22、awful adj.令人不愉快的23、complex adj.结合的,复杂的24、league n.同盟,联盟25、ordinary adj.平常的,平凡的26、brand n.商品,烙印vt.铭刻27、powder n.粉末;火药28、schedule vt.安排n.时间表,计划表29、motor n.发动机,机动车30、reading n.阅读;读物31、cycle n.循环32、journalist n.记者,新闻工作者33、phrase n.短语,习惯用语34、pure adj.纯洁的35、thus adv.如此,这样;因而36、literature n.文学(作品)37、ignore vt.不顾,不理,忽视38、especially adv.特别,尤其,格外39、tear n.泪滴,眼泪vt.撕开,撕裂40、willing adj.心甘情愿的41、puzzle n.难题;谜vi.使迷惑42、sew vt.缝制43、feather n.羽毛,翎毛,羽状物44、anger n.怒,愤怒vt.使发怒45、brake n.闸,刹车vi.制动46、hunger n.饥饿,渴望47、mass n.大量;群众48、communist n.共产党员49、per prep.每,每一50、calm adj.平静的51、candidate n.候选人,投考者52、apart adv.相隔,分开,除去53、understanding n.理解,理解力54、grocery n.杂货店55、certainly adv.一定,必定,当然56、entire adj.全部的,彻底的57、crop n.农作物,庄稼58、recover vt.恢复,痊愈59、quantity n.数量;大量60、biology n.生物学,生态学61、album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片62、cupboard n.碗柜63、graduation n.毕业64、concrete n.混凝土a.具体的,实在的65、award n.奖,奖品,判定66、unfair adj.不公平的67、exploit vt.剥削,利用,开拓68、shot n.射击,发射;投篮69、decrease vi.n.减少70、institute n.研究所,学院71、brief adj.简短的vt.作简报72、power n.能力;电力;权力73、tap vt.轻打,轻敲n.塞子,龙头;轻叩,轻拍74、access n.接近,通道,入口75、relative adj.有关系的;相对的n.亲戚,亲属76、fasten vt.扎牢,扣住,使固定77、reply vi.回答,答复n.答复78、adapt vt.使适应,改编79、attach vt.缚,系,贴,附加80、greet vt.问候,招呼,反应81、mourn vi.哀痛,哀悼82、explanation n.解释,说明,辩解83、loose adj.宽松的;自由的84、tip vt.轻击vi.给小费n.小费85、policy n.政策,方针86、accurate adj.准确的,正确无误的87、extraordinary adj.非同寻常的,特别的88、graduate n.大学毕业生vi.毕业89、absorb vt.吸收,使专心90、carpet n.地毯,毡毯,毛毯91、sincerely adv.真诚地92、flight n.航班,飞行,逃跑93、sympathy n.同情,同情心94、universe n.宇宙,世界95、throat n.咽喉96、frequently adv.时常,频繁地97、agent n.代理人,代理商98、ray n.光线;射线99、chain n.链,链条,项圈100、movement n.动作;活动;移动101、handle n.柄,把手vt.处理102、congratulation n.祝词,贺辞103、exchange vt.交换,交流n.交换104、crowd n.群,大众,一伙人105、tendency n.趋向,趋势106、rob vt.抢劫,劫掠vi.抢劫,劫掠107、cock n.公鸡,龙头108、tense adj.紧张的;拉紧的n.时态109、birthplace n.出生地110、worthwhile adj.值得的111、actor n.男演员112、account n.记述,解释,账目113、sum n.总数;金额vi.共计114、reception adj.接待;接待处115、diagram n.图解,图表,简图116、hunt n.vt.打猎,搜寻117、symbol n.象征;符号118、professor n.教授119、sharp adv.(时刻)整a.锋利的;敏锐的;刺耳的120、male adj.男的,雄的121、lawyer n.律师122、downtown adv.在市区,往市区123、process n.过程vt.处理124、relate vt.联系125、multiply vt.增加;乘126、shoot vt.发射;射门,投篮n.发芽127、noisy adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的128、gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地129、worst adj.最坏的ad.最坏地130、housewife n.家庭主妇131、peaceful adj.和平的;平静的132、former adj.在前的n.前者133、electricity n.电,电流134、react vi.反应135、atmosphere n.大气,气氛136、appearance n.出现,来到,外观137、diamond n.钻石,菱形138、strength n.力量,力气139、counter n.柜台,计数器140、merely adv.仅仅,只不过141、majority n.多数142、forecast n.预测,预报vt.预示143、abstract adj.抽象的n.摘要144、self n.自我,自己145、download n.下装,卸载146、measure vt.量,测量n.测量;措施147、equipment n.装备,设备,配备148、studio n.工作室,播音室149、dot n.点,圆点vt.打点于150、bargain n.交易vi.议价,成交151、diet n.饮食,食物152、comb n.梳子vt.梳理153、nation n.民族,国家154、independent adj.独立的,自主的155、bath n.洗澡,浴缸156、playmate n.玩伴,游伴157、steady adj.稳固的vt.使稳定158、official adj.官方的n.官员,行政人员159、extra adj.额外的ad.特别地160、sheet n.被单;纸张,薄片161、accuse vt.指责,归咎于162、vote n.选举,投票163、academic adj.学院的,学术的164、repair vt.修理,修补n.修理165、fence n.栅栏166、flame n.火焰,光辉,热情167、calculate vt.计算,估计,计划168、staff n.全体工作人员169、bush n.灌木170、benefit n.利益,恩惠,津贴171、balance vt.使平衡,称n.天平172、navy n.海军173、arrange vt.筹备,整理,调解174、trap n.陷阱;诡计vt.诱骗175、aim vi.瞄准,针对,致力176、companion n.同伴177、tire vi.疲劳;厌倦n.轮胎178、crew n.全体船员179、platform n.站台,讲台180、unique adj.唯一的181、parrot n.鹦鹉182、scan vt.浏览;扫描183、happiness n.幸福;满足184、recognize vt.认出,识别185、manner n.方式,态度;礼貌186、tight adj.紧的;紧身的ad.紧紧地187、conductor n.售票员,(乐队)指挥188、attack vt.vi.n.攻击,进攻189、reserve vt.储备,保留;预定190、paragraph n.(文章的)段,节191、menu n.菜单192、revise vt.校订,修改193、united adj.一致的;联合的194、website WWW(环球网)的站点195、suitable adj.适宜的;恰当的196、beginning n.开始,开端,起源197、reflect vt.反射,反映;思考198、creature n.生物,创造物199、various adj.各种各样的200、remind vt.提醒201、drawing n.绘画202、occupation n.占领,占据;职业,工作203、infer vt.推论,推断,猜想204、reliable adj.可靠的205、entertainment n.娱乐,款待,娱乐表演206、enjoyable adj.使人快乐的,有乐趣的207、worse adj.更坏的ad.更坏208、ash n.灰,灰末,骨灰209、fade vi.褪色,逐渐消失210、fault n.缺点,过失,故障211、unite vi.联合vt.使联合212、file n.档案vt.把…归档213、politics n.政治214、operate vi.操作;施行手术215、loss n.遗失;失败;损失216、agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学217、painful adj.痛苦的218、handkerchief n.手帕219、billion num.十亿220、particular adj.特殊的,特定的221、punishment n.惩罚222、distinguish vt.区别,辨别223、aside adv.在旁边,到旁边224、mailbox n.邮箱225、relevant adj.有关的;中肯的226、burst vt.使爆裂vi.n.爆炸227、original adj.最初的;新颖的n.创新228、partly adv.部分地229、pillow n.枕头230、familiar adj.熟悉的231、scene n.情景;景色232、appointment n.任命,约定,约会233、admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏234、pack vt.捆扎,打包;挤满n.包235、chimney n.烟囱236、insect n.昆虫237、anyhow adv.无论如何238、voyage n.航海vi.航海,航空239、spy n.间谍,特务vt.侦察,监视240、blank adj.空白的n.空白241、figure n.数字,外形,人物242、reform n.改革,改良vt.改革,革新243、exact adj.确切的,精确的244、organize vt.组织,安排;筹办245、rude adj.粗野的,残暴的246、typical adj.典型的,代表性的247、admit vt.承认,准许…进入248、hesitate vi.犹豫,踌躇249、cigarette n.香烟250、grasp vt.抓紧,掌握n.抓251、altogether adv.完全,总而言之252、dull a.枯燥的,阴暗的253、faith n.信任,信心,信仰254、description n.描述;形容255、speak的过去分词256、sigh vi.叹气,叹息n.叹息257、judge n.法官,裁判员258、valuable adj.值钱的,有价值的n.贵重物品259、favor n.好感,赞同,恩惠260、lung n.肺261、stress n.压力;重音vt.着重,强调262、emergency n.紧急情况,突然事件263、artist n.艺术家,美术家264、valley n.山谷,流域265、remove vt.移动;搬迁266、rank n.军衔vt.归类于267、skyscraper n.摩天大楼268、straight adj.直的;正直的ad.直接地269、oral adj.口头的270、court n.法庭271、weed n.杂草,野草vi.除草272、discriminate vt.vi.区别对待,歧视273、earthquake n.地震274、guide n.导游vt.指导275、clothing n.衣服276、fireworks n.[pl.]爆竹,烟花277、exit n.出口,退场vi.退出278、niece n.侄女,外甥女279、later adv.后来280、sunset n.日落281、living-room n.起居室282、fairly adv.相当,公平地283、guilty adj.内疚的,有罪的284、bench n.长凳,条凳,工作台285、lightning n.闪电286、digital adj.数字的287、grain n.谷物,谷粒,颗粒288、comfort n.舒适,安慰vt.安慰289、telegraph n.电报(机)v.发电报290、bake vt.烤,烘,烧硬291、senior adj.年长者;资格老的292、soul n.灵魂,精神;人293、nuclear adj.原子核的;核心的294、wave n.波,波涛;起伏vi.波动;挥手295、kindergarten n.幼儿园296、float vi.漂浮vt.使漂浮297、urban adj.都市的298、pole n.杆,柱299、custom n.习惯,风俗,海关300、quit vt.离开,停止;辞职301、hire vt.雇用302、content adj.满意的,满足的303、press vi.压,按vt.压;压榨n.印刷;新闻,报刊;出版社304、opposite adj.对面的n.对立物305、fierce adj.凶猛的,狂热的306、modest adj.谦虚的307、declare vt.断言,声明308、band n.乐队,带,波段309、risk n.风险,危险vt.冒险310、evidence n.根据,证据,证人311、challenge n.挑战312、budget n.预算313、bucket n.水桶,吊桶314、donate vt.vi.捐赠315、impress vt.给…深刻印象316、better adj.较好的ad.更好地317、dial n.钟面,拨号盘vt.拨号318、mine pron.我的n.矿,矿山;地雷,水雷vt.开采319、blanket n.毯子320、farther adv.更远地a.更远的321、digest vt.消化,领会n.文摘322、volunteer n.志愿者vt.志愿323、explode vt.使爆炸vi.爆炸324、tobacco n.烟草,烟叶325、pattern n.式样,模型326、aircraft n.飞机,飞行器327、wooden adj.木制的;呆板的328、typewriter n.打字机329、clerk n.店员,办事员,职员330、outstanding adj.突出的,杰出的331、solar adj.太阳的,日光的332、section n.切片;部门;章节333、tolerate vt.忍受,容忍334、fee n.费,酬金,赏金335、dust n.灰尘336、disadvantage n.缺点,弱点337、dormitory n.集体寝室,宿舍338、satellite n.卫星339、affair n.事情,事件,事务340、identity n.身分,相同vt.确定身份341、absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏342、generation n.一代,一代人,产生343、desire vt.相望,要求n.愿望344、fortunately adv.幸运地,幸亏345、district n.地区,区域346、reject vt.拒绝;丢掉;驳回347、firm adj.坚定的n.公司,商号348、bend vt.使弯曲vi.弯曲349、gravity n.重力,引力,严重性350、conflict n.争论,冲突,斗争351、stable adj.稳定的,安定的n.马厩,马棚352、honey n.蜜,蜂蜜,甜,甜蜜353、fax n.vt.传真354、wool n.羊毛,毛线355、fist n.拳头356、announce vt.宣布,发表357、civil adj.公民的,文职的358、system n.系统;制度359、pain n.痛苦;疼痛360、baggage n.行李361、boil vi.沸腾,汽化vt.煮沸362、audience n.听众,观众363、hammer n.锤子vt.锤击364、credit n.信用,分数365、province n.省366、tradition n.传统,惯例367、wind n.风368、inspire vt.鼓舞,给…以灵感369、suit n.起诉,诉讼vt.适合370、track n.行踪,路径;轨道371、indicate vt.标示,表示,表明372、lorry n.卡车373、profit n.利润vi.得益374、assistant n.助手,助教375、urgent adj.紧急的376、pence n.penny的复数377、powerful adj.强有力的378、compete vi.比赛,竞争,对抗379、alarm n.惊恐,忧虑,警报380、justice n.正义,公正,司法381、adult n.成年人adj.成年的382、shock n.冲击;震惊;电击vi.震动383、soil n.土壤;土地384、hard-working adj.勤劳385、suffer vt.遭受,忍受vi.受害,受损失386、rely vi.依赖,依靠;信赖387、average n.平均数adj.平均的388、poison n.毒药vt.毒害;投毒389、button n.扣子,按钮vt.扣紧390、lack vt.缺乏,不足n.短缺的东西391、passive adj.被动的,消极的392、cattle n.牛,牲口,家畜393、glance vi.看一下n.一瞥394、finance n.财政,金融,财源395、nest n.巢,窝396、length n.长度397、immediate adj.立即的,直接的398、transport n.运输vt.运输399、minimum n.最小量a.最小的400、employ vi.雇用401、trend vi.伸向;倾向n.倾向402、sex n.性别,性403、central adj.中心的,主要的404、adopt vt.收养,采用,采取405、anniversary n.周年纪念日406、possibly adv.可能地,也许407、opinion n.意见,看法408、partner n.伙伴,搭挡,合伙人;配偶409、instant n.瞬间a.立即的410、affect vt.影响,感动411、musical adj.音乐的412、decorate vt.装饰413、bother vt.烦扰,迷惑n.麻烦414、jar n.罐子,坛子,广口瓶415、would aux.将;愿意416、harmony n.协调,和谐417、librarian n.图书馆馆员418、settle vt.安排,安放;解决vi.定居419、repeat vt.重说,重做n.重复420、harm n.伤害,损害vt.损害421、roll vi.滚动,转动n.一卷;名册422、envy vt.n.妒忌,羡慕423、republic n.共和国424、battery n.电池425、expression n.词句,表达,表情426、otherwise adv.另外,要不然427、journey n.旅行,旅程428、degree n.程度,度,学位429、remote adj.遥远的430、youth n.青春;青年431、beg vt.vi.乞求,请求432、escape vi.逃跑,逸出n.逃跑433、technique n.技巧,技能434、tailor n.裁缝vt.裁制衣服435、import vt.n.输入,进口436、principle n.原则,原理437、plough n.犁vt.犁,耕438、player n.表演者,比赛者439、midnight n.午夜440、project n.计划;工程;项目vi.伸出vt.设计,规划441、defence n.防御,辩护442、chapter n.章,回,篇443、detect vt.察觉,发觉,侦察444、waitress n.女侍者,女服务员445、software n.软件446、reality n.现实;真实447、slightly adv.轻微地448、grand adj.宏伟的,重大的449、scold vt.责骂450、maximum n.最大量a.最大的451、female n.a.女性的,雌性的452、astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊453、harbour n.港454、likely adj.可能的ad.很可能455、rescue vt.援救,营救456、root n.根(部);根源vi.生根,扎根457、meanwhile adv.同时,当时458、local adj.地方的n.局部459、shave vt.剃,刮vi.修面n.刮脸460、slim adj.细长的,微小的461、rate n.比率;速度;价格vt.评价,估价462、retire vi.退休463、obvious adj.显而易见的464、temple n.神殿,庙宇;太阳穴465、innocent adj.清白的,幼稚的466、bury vt.埋葬,埋藏467、beer n.啤酒468、consist vi.由…组成469、latter adj.(两者中)后者的470、failure n.失败,失败的人471、merry adj.欢乐的,愉快的472、whisper vt.低声地讲vi.低语n.耳语,私语473、ancestor n.祖宗,祖先474、jam n.果酱475、anxious adj.忧虑的,渴望的476、jazz n.爵士音乐,爵士舞曲477、pill n.药丸478、discount n.折扣479、medal n.奖章,纪念章480、arrival n.到达,到达者481、parcel n.包裹,邮包482、export vt.输出,出口483、religion n.宗教信仰484、oxygen n.氧,氧气485、eastern adj.东方的,朝东的486、broad adj.宽的,阔的,广泛的487、analyze vt.分析,分解,解析488、available adj.可利用的,通用的489、mobile adj.运动的,移动的490、mix vt.使混合;混淆491、apartment n.一套公寓房间492、blame vt.责备,把…归咎于493、theory n.理论,学说494、defend vt.保卫,防守495、basin n.盆子,盆地496、signal n.信号vi.发信号497、precious adj.珍贵的,宝贵的498、sunshine n.阳光499、vehicle n.车辆500、load vt.装,装满n.负载;负担。

2024年初中高频英语词汇1、athlete n.运动员2、plough n.犁vt.犁,耕3、foggy adj.有雾的,模糊的4、platform n.站台,讲台5、slim adj.细长的,微小的6、partner n.伙伴,搭挡,合伙人;配偶7、recycle vt.重复利用8、central adj.中心的,主要的9、brand n.商品,烙印vt.铭刻10、nowhere adv.任何地方都不11、destination n.目的地,终点,目标12、niece n.侄女,外甥女13、medal n.奖章,纪念章14、ahead adv.在前,向前,提前15、float vi.漂浮vt.使漂浮16、indeed adv.真正地,确实17、accuse vt.指责,归咎于18、delight n.快乐vt.使高兴19、gradual adj.逐渐的,渐进的20、petrol n.汽油21、soul n.灵魂,精神;人22、badly adv.坏,差,严重地23、determine vt.决定,决心24、adventure n.冒险,惊险活动25、suit n.起诉,诉讼vt.适合26、expand vt.扩大,使膨胀27、due adj.预期的,应给的28、entrance n.入口,进入29、onto prep.到…上30、appreciate vt.欣赏,领会,感谢31、astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊32、throughout prep.遍及ad.到处33、grain n.谷物,谷粒,颗粒34、fool n.傻子vt.欺骗,愚弄35、unite vi.联合vt.使联合36、disagree vi.不同意;不一致37、chain n.链,链条,项圈38、harbour n.港39、view vt.看待;看n.见解;风景40、straight adj.直的;正直的ad.直接地41、speak的过去分词42、paragraph n.(文章的)段,节43、innocent adj.清白的,幼稚的44、seed n.种(子),籽45、broadcast n.广播,播音46、essay n.短文,散文,小品文47、firm adj.坚定的n.公司,商号48、impress vt.给…深刻印象49、assistant n.助手,助教50、clinic n.诊所,医务室,会诊51、shock n.冲击;震惊;电击vi.震动52、tight adj.紧的;紧身的ad.紧紧地53、interpreter n.翻译54、comb n.梳子vt.梳理55、apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错56、fortunate adj.幸运的57、technical adj.技术的,工艺的58、thief n.窃贼,偷窃犯59、summary adj.简短的,扼要的n.摘要,总结60、carpet n.地毯,毡毯,毛毯61、amuse vt.逗…乐,给…娱乐62、convince vt.使确信,使信服63、appearance n.出现,来到,外观64、wooden adj.木制的;呆板的65、reform n.改革,改良vt.改革,革新66、survive vt.幸免于vi.活下来67、complex adj.结合的,复杂的68、hunt n.vt.打猎,搜寻69、movement n.动作;活动;移动70、unknown adj.未知的,不知名的71、congratulation n. 祝词,贺辞72、volunteer n.志愿者vt.志愿73、download n. 下装,卸载74、process n.过程vt.处理75、quit vt.离开,停止;辞职76、mountainous adj.多山的77、ordinary adj.平常的,平凡的78、possibly adv.可能地,也许79、dawn n.黎明,开端80、upward adj.向上的,上升的ad.向上,往上81、brick n.砖块82、shortcoming n.短处,缺点83、target n.靶;目标84、partly adv.部分地85、frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬86、lightning n.闪电87、seaside n.海边88、construction n.建造,建筑物89、fellow n.人,家伙,伙伴90、spoken adj. 口头讲的,口语的91、disappoint vt.使失望92、menu n.菜单93、universe n.宇宙,世界94、principle n.原则,原理95、panic n.恐慌,惊慌96、equipment n.装备,设备,配备97、title n.标题,题目;称号,头衔98、dull a.枯燥的,阴暗的99、angle n.角,角度100、highway n.公路,大路101、wage n.工资,报酬102、practical adj.实用的103、escape vi.逃跑,逸出n.逃跑104、nephew n.侄子,外甥105、owe vt.欠;归功于106、concrete n.混凝土a.具体的,实在的107、fence n.栅栏108、splendid adj.壮丽的,显著的109、lung n.肺110、average n.平均数adj.平均的111、headmaster n. 英国中小学校长,男舍监112、embarrass vt.使窘迫,使为难113、mass n.大量;群众114、update vt.更新,使现代化n.现代化,更新115、reflect vt.反射,反映;思考116、multiply vt.增加;乘117、entire adj.全部的,彻底的118、jar n.罐子,坛子,广口瓶119、observe vt.观察,注意到120、actor n.男演员121、reject vt.拒绝;丢掉;驳回122、adapt vt.使适应,改编123、dormitory n.集体寝室,宿舍124、merry adj.欢乐的,愉快的125、television n.电视,电视机126、desert n.沙漠vt.离弃,擅离127、deed n.行为,功绩,契约128、salary n.薪水129、fortune n.命运,运气,财产130、policy n.政策,方针131、exhibition n.展览,陈列,展览会132、extraordinary adj.非同寻常的,特别的133、especially adv.特别,尤其,格外134、artist n.艺术家,美术家135、sunshine n.阳光136、envy vt.n.妒忌,羡慕137、slave n.奴隶,苦工138、familiar adj.熟悉的139、frequently adv.时常,频繁地140、stadium n. 露天大型运动场141、scream vi.尖叫n.尖叫声142、mineral n.矿物a.矿物的143、expert n.专家a.熟练的144、aid n.帮助,救护,助手145、suck vt.吸,吮146、reception adj.接待;接待处147、operate vi.操作;施行手术148、staff n.全体工作人员149、repeat vt.重说,重做n.重复150、struggle n.斗争;奋斗vi.斗争;奋斗151、self n.自我,自己152、graduation n.毕业153、anniversary n.周年纪念日154、bleed vi.流血155、revise vt.校订,修改156、exactly adv.的确如此157、regular adj.规则的,整齐的;定期的,常规的158、feather n.羽毛,翎毛,羽状物159、agriculture n.农业,农艺,农学160、journey n.旅行,旅程161、noun n.名词162、abstract adj.抽象的n.摘要163、support vt.支持;供养;承受164、flow vi.流动,飘扬,涨潮165、province n.省166、hire vt.雇用167、harm n.伤害,损害vt.损害168、prefer vt.宁可,宁愿169、case n.情况,事实,病例170、electricity n.电,电流171、harvest n.收获,收成vt.收割172、climate n.气候173、depth n.深度,深处174、ban n. 禁令vt. 禁止,取缔175、type n.类型vi.打字176、variety n.多样化,种类177、anniversary n.周年纪念日178、relevant adj.有关的;中肯的179、block n.街区vt.堵塞,拦阻180、urban adj.都市的181、exploit vt.剥削,利用,开拓182、eastern adj.东方的,朝东的183、infer vt.推论,推断,猜想184、grocery n.杂货店185、litre n.公升186、secure adj.安全的187、rough adj.表面不平的;粗略的;大致的188、miserable adj.痛苦的,悲惨的189、typist n.打字员190、band n.乐队,带,波段191、opinion n.意见,看法192、adult n.成年人adj.成年的193、regular adj.规则的,整齐的;定期的,常规的194、professor n.教授195、weed n.杂草,野草vi.除草196、possession n.财产197、favor n.好感,赞同,恩惠198、inspire vt.鼓舞,给…以灵感199、decrease vi.n.减少200、tough adj.坚韧的;健壮的201、male adj.男的,雄的202、deliver vt.投递,送交203、musical adj.音乐的204、curtain n.帘,窗帘,幕(布) 205、behave vi.表现,举止206、misunderstand vt.误解,误会207、explore vt.vi.探险,探索208、fairly adv.相当,公平地209、concentrate vt.集中,聚集,浓缩210、unusual adj.不平常的,独特的211、adopt vt.收养,采用,采取212、beginning n.开始,开端,起源213、diagram n.图解,图表,简图214、account n.记述,解释,账目215、interrupt vt.打断,打扰,中止216、devote vt.将…奉献,致力于217、oral adj.口头的218、potential adj.潜在的n.潜能219、apartment n.一套公寓房间220、roof n.屋顶221、slight adj.细长的;轻微的222、challenge n.挑战223、cottage n.村舍,小屋224、wipe vt.揩,擦n.揩,擦225、broad adj.宽的,阔的,广泛的226、access n.接近,通道,入口227、agent n.代理人,代理商228、boil vi.沸腾,汽化vt.煮沸229、otherwise adv.另外,要不然230、reliable adj.可靠的231、exchange vt.交换,交流n.交换232、civil adj.公民的,文职的233、handkerchief n.手帕234、transport n.运输vt.运输235、relative adj.有关系的;相对的n.亲戚,亲属236、player n.表演者,比赛者237、downtown adv. 在市区,往市区238、legal adj.合法的239、belly n.腹部,胃240、respect vt.尊敬,尊重n.尊敬241、certainly adv.一定,必定,当然242、humour v. 纵容,迁就243、judge n.法官,裁判员244、combine vt.使结合,兼有245、base n.基础,底层,基地246、ashamed adj.惭愧(的),羞耻(的)247、reduce vt.减少,减小248、cheek n.面颊,脸蛋249、grocer n.杂货商250、occur vi.发生251、pause n.中止vi.中止,暂停252、institute n.研究所,学院253、drawing n.绘画254、quarrel vi.争吵n.争吵,吵架255、foolish adj.愚蠢的256、carrot n.胡萝卜257、dial n.钟面,拨号盘vt.拨号258、pray vt.请求;祈祷259、well-known adj.众所周知的260、range vi.变动,变化n.范围261、remove vt.移动;搬迁262、appointment n.任命,约定,约会263、bath n.洗澡,浴缸264、steam n.蒸汽vi.蒸发vt.蒸煮265、basis n.基础,根据266、poison n.毒药vt.毒害;投毒267、debt n.债务,欠债268、strength n.力量,力气269、novel n.小说a.新奇的,新颖的270、belt n.带,腰带,区271、hard-working adj. 勤劳272、farther adv.更远地a.更远的273、disadvantage n.缺点,弱点274、tyre n.轮胎275、neat adj.整洁的;简洁的276、oppose vt.反对,反抗277、scholarship n.奖学金278、amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊愕279、voyage n.航海vi.航海,航空280、stress n.压力;重音vt.着重,强调281、fry vt.油煎,油炸,油炒282、announce vt.宣布,发表283、minority n.少数派;少数民族284、cave n.山洞,洞穴,窑洞285、satisfaction n.满意286、shopping n.购物287、request n.请求,要求vt.请求,要求288、sincerely adv.真诚地289、stare vi.凝视290、manner n.方式,态度;礼貌291、comedy n.喜剧,喜剧场面292、topic n.题目;论题,话题293、pipe vt.用管道输送n.管子,导管;烟斗294、burst vt.使爆裂vi.n.爆炸295、female n.a.女性的,雌性的296、symbol n.象征;符号297、generation n.一代,一代人,产生298、minister n.部长,大臣299、blank adj.空白的n.空白300、oxygen n.氧,氧气301、battery n.电池302、reality n.现实;真实303、insect n.昆虫304、cigar n. 雪茄305、apply vt.应用,实施,使用306、united adj.一致的;联合的307、navy n.海军308、fold vt.折叠,合拢n.褶309、liberate vt.解放,释放310、gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地311、religion n.宗教信仰312、pattern n.式样,模型313、constant adj.经常的,永恒的314、optimistic adj.乐观的315、grand adj.宏伟的,重大的316、album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片317、generally adv.一般地,通常地318、disaster n.灾难319、engine n.发动机,引擎320、pin n.别针,钉子vt.钉住321、crop n.农作物,庄稼322、forever adv.永远,总是,老是323、conduct n.举止,行为,指导324、valuable adj.值钱的,有价值的n.贵重物品325、consume vt.消耗,消费326、kindergarten n.幼儿园327、repair vt.修理,修补n.修理328、steel n.钢329、comfort n.舒适,安慰vt.安慰330、handle n.柄,把手vt.处理331、cart n.二轮运货马车332、participate vi.参与,参加333、mourn vi.哀痛,哀悼334、entertainment n. 娱乐,款待,娱乐表演335、admire vt.钦佩,羡慕,赞赏336、conductor n.售票员,(乐队)指挥337、cream n.奶油338、advance vi.前进,提高n.进展339、respond vi.回答;响应340、per prep.每,每一341、seize vt.抓住;夺取,占据342、fist n.拳头343、slightly adv.轻微地344、bare adj.赤裸的,仅仅的345、bite vt.咬,叮,螫346、afterward (s) adv. 后来,以后,随后347、grasp vt.抓紧,掌握n.抓348、eager adj.渴望的,热切的349、burden n.担子,负担,装载量350、beg vt.vi.乞求,请求351、better adj.较好的ad.更好地352、seek vt.寻找,探索353、press vi.压,按vt.压;压榨n.印刷;新闻,报刊;出版社354、communist n.共产党员355、distance n.距离,远处356、instrument n.仪器,工具,乐器357、modest adj.谦虚的358、less adj.更少的ad.更少地359、attract vt.吸引,诱惑360、nest n.巢,窝361、bargain n.交易vi.议价,成交362、pan n.平底锅363、anxious adj.忧虑的,渴望的364、senior adj.年长者;资格老的365、packet n.小包366、castle n.城堡367、attempt vt.尝试,试图n.企图368、district n.地区,区域369、happiness n.幸福;满足370、positive adj.确定的;积极的;正的371、million num.百万372、honey n.蜜,蜂蜜,甜,甜蜜373、billion num.十亿374、bone n.骨,骨骼375、glance vi.看一下n.一瞥376、thus adv.如此,这样;因而377、shore n.滨,岸378、nutrition n.营养379、custom n.习惯,风俗,海关380、ladder n.梯子381、jungle n.丛林,密林382、noisy adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的383、cycle n.循环384、revolution n.革命;旋转385、trick n.诡计;窍门vt.哄骗386、steady adj.稳固的vt.使稳定387、sincere adj.真诚的,真挚的388、skyscraper n.摩天大楼389、delay vt.推迟,耽搁,延误390、scare vt.惊吓vi.受惊391、rank n.军衔vt.归类于392、sailor n.海员,水兵393、fond adj.喜爱的,溺爱的394、lifetime n.终身395、pot n.锅396、brief adj.简短的vt.作简报397、graduate n.大学毕业生vi.毕业398、pain n.痛苦;疼痛399、ought aux.应该400、website WWW(环球网)的站点401、drown v.溺死402、recognize vt.认出,识别403、centimeter n.厘米404、petrol n.汽油405、balance vt.使平衡,称n.天平406、approach vt.向…靠近n.靠近407、finance n.财政,金融,财源408、hunger n.饥饿,渴望409、luggage n.行李,皮箱410、means n.方法,手段411、fax n.vt. 传真412、evidence n.根据,证据,证人413、calculate vt.计算,估计,计划414、differ vi.不同,相异415、opposite adj.对面的n.对立物416、gas n.煤气,气体417、curious adj.好奇的,稀奇古怪的418、guilty adj.内疚的,有罪的419、pleased adj.高兴的420、socialism n.社会主义421、liquid n.液体a.液体的,流动的422、income n.收入,收益423、spot vt.认出,发现n.点,斑点;地点424、waitress n.女侍者,女服务员425、profession n.职业426、promote vt.促进,提升;推销427、quantity n.数量;大量428、immediate adj.立即的,直接的429、shallow adj.浅的,浅薄的n.浅滩430、league n.同盟,联盟431、theory n.理论,学说432、recover vt.恢复,痊愈433、inform vt.通知,向…报告434、typical adj.典型的,代表性的435、stair n.楼梯436、react vi.反应437、goal n.球门,得分,目的438、apart adv.相隔,分开,除去439、specific adj.特有的;具体的440、lip n.嘴唇441、fierce adj.凶猛的,狂热的442、clerk n.店员,办事员,职员443、shelter n.掩蔽处vt.遮蔽,掩护444、affair n.事情,事件,事务445、vote n.选举,投票446、loaf n.一条面包447、worst adj.最坏的ad.最坏地448、atmosphere n.大气,气氛449、forecast n.预测,预报vt.预示450、bathe vt.给…洗澡,弄湿451、aspect n.方面,样子,外表452、outdoors adv.在户外n.户外453、stage n.舞台;阶段,时期454、skin vt.剥皮n.皮,皮肤;兽皮455、flight n.航班,飞行,逃跑456、arrange vt.筹备,整理,调解457、telegram n.电报458、trial n.试验;审判459、exist vi.存在,生存460、living-room n.起居室461、figure n.数字,外形,人物462、forbid vt.禁止463、jazz n.爵士音乐,爵士舞曲464、fortnight n.两星期,十四天465、republic n.共和国466、tap vt.轻打,轻敲n.塞子,龙头;轻叩,轻拍467、customer n.顾客,主顾468、independent adj.独立的,自主的469、distant adj.在远处的,疏远的470、liquid n.液体a.液体的,流动的471、moral adj.合乎道德的n.道德,品行472、rely vi.依赖,依靠;信赖473、midnight n.午夜474、failure n.失败,失败的人475、frequent adj.经常的476、gravity n.重力,引力,严重性477、explanation n.解释,说明,辩解478、drill n.钻头,操练vi.钻孔479、expression n.词句,表达,表情480、material n.材料,原料;素材a.物质的481、sympathy n.同情,同情心482、mix vt.使混合;混淆483、maximum n.最大量a.最大的484、instant n.瞬间a.立即的485、sneaker n. 鬼鬼祟祟做事的人,卑鄙者,运动鞋486、profit n.利润vi.得益487、parrot n.鹦鹉488、contain vt.包含,容纳489、register vt.登记,注册n.登记,注册490、solar adj.太阳的,日光的491、exciting adj.令人兴奋的492、pence n. penny的复数493、exit n.出口,退场vi.退出494、wild adj.野生的;野蛮的n.荒地495、casual adj.偶然的,随便的496、obvious adj.显而易见的497、worthwhile adj.值得的498、tradition n.传统,惯例499、accurate adj.准确的,正确无误的500、victim n.牺牲者,受害者。

一、基本语法1. 句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、表语等。
2. 时态:现在时、过去时、将来时。
3. 祈使句:表示命令、请求、建议。
4. 陈述句:表达陈述性意义。
5. 疑问句:表示疑问性意义。
二、基本句型1. 主谓结构:主语+谓语。
2. 主谓宾结构:主语+谓语+宾语。
3. 主语+系动词+表语。
4. There be句型:表示存在,有。
5. 祈使句:表示命令、请求、建议。
三、词汇积累1. 人称代词:I、you、he、she、it、we、they等。
2. 物主代词:my、your、his、her、its、our、their等。
3. 数字:one、two、three、four、five等。
4. 颜色:red、green、blue、yellow等。
5. 食物:bread、rice、noodles、milk、cheese等。
四、日常用语1. 问候语:Hello、Hi、Good morning、Good afternoon、Good evening等。
2. 致谢语:Thank you、Thanks、You're welcome。
3. 道歉语:I'm sorry、Excuse me、Pardon me等。
4. 禁止用语:Don't、No、Not等。
五、交际用语1. 自我介绍:Hello、I'm…、My name is…。
2. 问路:Excuse me、Where is…、How can I go to…。
3. 询问时间:What time is it?、Can you tell me the time?。
4. 约会邀请:Would you like to…?六、阅读理解1. 选择题:根据所给的问题和选项选择最合适的答案。

football pool
the pools赌注,奖池
My dadwon40yuanon the football pool.
2. I think Li Mingwill win(win)the running race tomorrow.
3.What prizedidtheywin(win)at the game?
Theywona golden medal. It’s amazing.
4.Who is thewinnerof the pools? (win)
---Are you going to the Taishan Mountain this week?
---B. I’m not sure about the weather.
A.My pleasure. B. It depends.
C. I’d love to. D. Sorry, I can’t.
IfI am sad, Iwillgo shopping.
IfI fail the exam, Iwillstudy hard.
IfI’m hungry, Iwilleat meat.
Ifit rains tomorrow, Iwillstay at homeand Iwon’tgo out.
Ifit doesn’t rain tomorrow,Iwillgo to the parkand Iwon’tstay at home.

【知识点讲解】 (一)单词扩展1)football n. 足球 踢足球就是play football ,前面不用加任何冠词。
2)world n. 世界Which is the largest city in the world? 世界上最大的城市是哪一个?world 也可以表示某地域(或民族、历史时期)的人类社会 the French-speaking world 讲法语的地区 也可表示生活环境,阅历,生活圈子比如说:Parents are the most important people in a child's world. 父母是孩子的天地里最重要的人。
Lesson137June: Are you doing the football pools(赌注), Brian? Brian: Yes, I ’ve nearly finished, June. I ’m sure we will win something this week.June: You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money?Brian: If I win a lot of money , I shall buy you a mink coat. June: I don ’t want a mink coat! I want to see the world.(见世面)Brian: All right. If we win a lot of money, we shall travel around the world and we shall stay at the best hotels. Then we shall return home and buy a big house in the country. We shall have a beautiful garden and …June: But if we spend all that money we shall be poor again. What shall we do then?Brian: If we spend all the money, we shall try and win the football pools again.June: It ’s a pleasant dream, but everything depends on “if ”! 朱 莉:布赖恩,你正在下足球赛的赌注吗? 布赖恩:是的。

7A M1U1知识点复习词汇:1. invite v.邀请n. invitation adj. inviting 吸引人的eg. an invitation to a party.一个晚会的邀请eg: The food on the table looks inviting.桌上的食物看上去令人垂涎。
句型:invite sb. to do sth 邀请某人做某事invite sb to one’s party 邀请某人参加聚会2.expensive adj.昂贵的n. expense 花费反义词:cheap, inexpensive3.talk v.交谈adj. talkative 健谈的talk to sb. 和某人说….talk about sth 谈论关于某事talk with sb: 和某人说话4. agent n. 代理人,代理商agency n. 代理处5. soon prep. 很快,不久一般soon所在的句型时态用一般将来时eg. I will come back soon. 我很快就会回来词组:as soon as 一…..就…..eg. I will write to you as soon as I get there. 我一到那儿就写信给你how soon 多久以后He will cme back in five minutes. (划线提问) How soon will he come back ?6. end v/n结束ending n. 结局endless adj.无尽的eg. His life ended. 他的生命结束了(此处end为动词)eg. At the end of August. 在八月底。
(此处end为名词)eg. I like films with happy endings best. 我最喜欢圆满结局的电影Travelling give me endless pleasure 旅游给了我无尽的快乐词组:at the end of 在…的尽头At the end of August 八月末She waited for me at the end of the street 她在街角处等我7.raise vt. 及物动词:使升起词组:raise one’s hand 举手辨析:rise vi.不及物动词升起rise upThe balloon rose up slowly into the air 气球在空中缓缓升起。

初中重点英语词汇1、mathematics n.数学2、emergency n.紧急情况,突然事件3、discriminate vt.vi.区别对待,歧视4、debt n.债务,欠债5、gas n.煤气,气体6、soul n.灵魂,精神;人7、positive adj.确定的;积极的;正的8、flesh n.肉,肌肉,肉体9、represent vt.描绘;代表,象征10、sunset n.日落11、risk n.风险,危险vt.冒险12、pause n.中止vi.中止,暂停13、figure n.数字,外形,人物14、attempt vt.尝试,试图n.企图15、appointment n.任命,约定,约会16、drunk a.醉的,陶醉的17、central adj.中心的,主要的18、political adj.政治上的19、declare vt.断言,声明20、rate n.比率;速度;价格vt.评价,估价21、beginning n.开始,开端,起源22、brand n.商品,烙印vt.铭刻23、professor n.教授24、actor n.男演员25、misunderstand vt.误解,误会26、extraordinary adj.非同寻常的,特别的27、mineral n.矿物a.矿物的28、forever adv.永远,总是,老是29、birthplace n.出生地30、commercial adj.商业的,商品化的31、generally adv.一般地,通常地32、evaluate vt.评价,估…的价33、button n.扣子,按钮vt.扣紧34、beg vt.vi.乞求,请求35、chapter n.章,回,篇36、endless adj.无止境的37、leak vi.漏;泄露n.漏洞38、found vt.创立,创办39、suit n.起诉,诉讼vt.适合40、cushion n.垫子,坐垫,靠垫41、advance vi.前进,提高n.进展42、exactly adv.的确如此43、sailor n.海员,水兵44、lifetime n.终身45、housewife n.家庭主妇46、uniform adj.一样的n.制服47、cart n.二轮运货马车48、willing adj.心甘情愿的49、base n.基础,底层,基地50、absence n.缺席,不在场,缺乏51、valuable adj.值钱的,有价值的n.贵重物品52、librarian n.图书馆馆员53、elect vt.选举,推选54、best adj.最好的55、handkerchief n.手帕56、pump n.泵vt.用泵抽,打气57、athlete n.运动员58、schedule vt.安排n.时间表,计划表59、jungle n.丛林,密林60、specific adj.特有的;具体的61、alarm n.惊恐,忧虑,警报62、block n.街区vt.堵塞,拦阻63、reliable adj.可靠的64、bury vt.埋葬,埋藏65、character n.性格,特性,角色66、splendid adj.壮丽的,显著的67、ladder n.梯子68、devote vt.将…奉献,致力于69、employ vi.雇用70、baggage n.行李71、quit vt.离开,停止;辞职72、per prep.每,每一73、shock n.冲击;震惊;电击vi.震动74、resist vt.抵抗,抵制75、haircut n.理发;发型,发式76、astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊77、lung n.肺78、envy vt.n.妒忌,羡慕79、diagram n.图解,图表,简图80、especially adv.特别,尤其,格外81、expense n.花费,消费,费用82、angle n.角,角度83、summary adj.简短的,扼要的n.摘要,总结84、dusty adj.多灰尘的,灰蒙蒙的;粉末状的;灰色的85、chain n.链,链条,项圈86、interrupt vt.打断,打扰,中止87、butcher n. 屠夫,屠户88、forbid vt.禁止89、scan vt.浏览;扫描90、defend vt.保卫,防守91、player n.表演者,比赛者92、garbage n.垃圾,污物,废料93、balance vt.使平衡,称n.天平94、soil n.土壤;土地95、female n.a.女性的,雌性的96、delight n.快乐vt.使高兴97、performance n.履行;表演;表现98、bar n.酒吧间,条,杆99、insect n.昆虫100、happiness n.幸福;满足101、phenomenon n.现象102、sympathy n.同情,同情心103、suddenly adv.突然104、cage n.笼,鸟笼,囚笼105、thus adv.如此,这样;因而106、slave n.奴隶,苦工107、comrade n.同志108、various adj.各种各样的109、steam n.蒸汽vi.蒸发vt.蒸煮110、disadvantage n.缺点,弱点111、freedom n.自由112、variety n.多样化,种类113、worthwhile adj.值得的114、desire vt.相望,要求n.愿望115、remove vt.移动;搬迁116、argue vi.争论,争辩,辩论117、studio n.工作室,播音室118、cottage n.村舍,小屋119、press vi.压,按vt.压;压榨n.印刷;新闻,报刊;出版社120、parrot n.鹦鹉121、unfair adj.不公平的122、throat n.咽喉123、channel n.海峡,渠道,频道124、ancestor n.祖宗,祖先125、mass n.大量;群众126、relevant adj.有关的;中肯的127、victim n.牺牲者,受害者128、champion n.冠军129、certainly adv.一定,必定,当然130、rank n.军衔vt.归类于131、purchase vt.购买n.购买;赃物132、outstanding adj.突出的,杰出的133、quarrel vi.争吵n.争吵,吵架134、miserable adj.痛苦的,悲惨的135、due adj.预期的,应给的136、horrible adj. 可怕的,极可憎的,极可厌的137、accordingly adv.因此,依照138、merry adj.欢乐的,愉快的139、sponsor n.发起者vt.发起140、pot n.锅141、comedy n.喜剧,喜剧场面142、outdoor adj./ad.户外的,野外的143、profit n.利润vi.得益144、noisy adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的145、plough n.犁vt.犁,耕146、meanwhile adv.同时,当时147、constant adj.经常的,永恒的148、crossing v. 横越n. 交叉口149、concern n.关心,挂念,关系150、differ vi.不同,相异151、literature n.文学(作品)152、rescue vt.援救,营救153、outline n.轮廓;大纲154、musical adj.音乐的155、well-known adj.众所周知的156、convince vt.使确信,使信服157、nuclear adj.原子核的;核心的158、secure adj.安全的159、attract vt.吸引,诱惑160、grey n./a.灰色(的)161、tap vt.轻打,轻敲n.塞子,龙头;轻叩,轻拍162、customer n.顾客,主顾163、journey n.旅行,旅程164、greatly adv.大大地,非常地;伟大地,崇高地165、consist vi.由…组成166、indeed adv.真正地,确实167、cheek n.面颊,脸蛋168、tense adj.紧张的;拉紧的n.时态169、bargain n.交易vi.议价,成交170、explode vt.使爆炸vi.爆炸171、vast adj.巨大的,广阔的172、bake vt.烤,烘,烧硬173、chimney n.烟囱174、failure n.失败,失败的人175、depth n.深度,深处176、sacrifice vt.牺牲,献祭177、weakness n.弱点178、reality n.现实;真实179、fairly adv.相当,公平地180、matter n.事情;物质vi.要紧,有关系181、material n.材料,原料;素材a.物质的182、upward adj.向上的,上升的ad.向上,往上183、packet n.小包184、fond adj.喜爱的,溺爱的185、original adj.最初的;新颖的n.创新186、passive adj.被动的,消极的187、local adj.地方的n.局部188、shoot vt.发射;射门,投篮n.发芽189、intelligence n.智力,理解力,情报190、decrease vi.n.减少191、fortunate adj.幸运的192、participate vi.参与,参加193、income n.收入,收益194、goal n.球门,得分,目的195、enjoyable adj.使人快乐的,有乐趣的196、motor n.发动机,机动车197、obtain vt.获得198、carpet n.地毯,毡毯,毛毯199、trap n.陷阱;诡计vt.诱骗200、production n.产品;产量201、hard-working adj. 勤劳202、fiction n.小说,虚构,杜撰203、belong vi.属于,附属204、communist n.共产党员205、cream n.奶油206、within prep.在…里面;不超过207、partly adv.部分地208、analyze vt.分析,分解,解析209、courtyard n. 庭院,院子210、occupy vt.占领,占有;忙碌211、remark vi.评论n.评论;备注212、sharp adv.(时刻)整a.锋利的;敏锐的;刺耳的213、citizen n.公民,市民,居民214、apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错215、appearance n.出现,来到,外观216、pack vt.捆扎,打包;挤满n.包217、happiness n.幸福;满足218、thinking n.思考;想法,见解219、jar n.罐子,坛子,广口瓶220、foggy adj.有雾的,模糊的221、powerful adj.强有力的222、selfish adj.自私的,利己的223、cigar n. 雪茄224、awful adj.令人不愉快的225、pour vt.流,倾盆大雨vi.倾泻226、promote vt.促进,提升;推销227、harmony n.协调,和谐228、type n.类型vi.打字229、gay adj.快乐的,鲜明的230、bite vt.咬,叮,螫231、shore n.滨,岸232、urgent adj.紧急的233、charge vt.索价,控告n.费用234、hardship n.艰难,困苦235、hunger n.饥饿,渴望236、drawing n.绘画237、optimistic adj.乐观的238、policy n.政策,方针239、track n.行踪,路径;轨道240、extra adj.额外的ad.特别地241、waitress n.女侍者,女服务员242、importance n.重要性243、biology n.生物学,生态学244、wipe vt.揩,擦n.揩,擦245、earthquake n.地震246、district n.地区,区域247、ordinary adj.平常的,平凡的248、broad adj.宽的,阔的,广泛的249、nut n.坚果250、content adj.满意的,满足的251、section n.切片;部门;章节252、scare vt.惊吓vi.受惊253、essay n.短文,散文,小品文254、operate vi.操作;施行手术255、concrete n.混凝土a.具体的,实在的256、discount n.折扣。

人教版七年级英语下册Unit1-Unit4基础知识点练习一.本节知识Ⅰ.重点词组:1. 英语俱乐部2. 结交朋友3. 讲故事4. 在周末5. 洗淋浴6. 刷牙7. 到达 8. 穿上衣服9. 要么…要么… 10. 散步11. 许多,大量 12. 到达学校13. 乘地铁 14. 多远15. 认为 16. 在…和…之间17. 一个11岁的男孩 18. 实现19. 不得不 20. 准时,按时21. 做……迟到 22. 保持安静23. 外出 24. 清洗餐具25. 铺床 26. 吵闹27. 留短发 28. 和某人一起玩29. 玩得高兴 30. 制订规则II. 重点句型1. Can you play the guitar ?肯定回答:否定回答:can 用法总结_______________________________________________________________may+动词的原形May I know your name?肯定回答是:Yes ,主语 +may 。
否定回答是:No ,主语+mustn't 。
或please don't 。
拓展回顾:情态动词相关内容,提建议的句型及回答2. What club do you want to join?join 用法总结___________________________________________________________区分: join ,join in ,take part in ,attend 学习课题七下unit 1-4基础 学习目标 掌握中考考察语法点:1.情态动词用法;2. 祈使句;3. 时间的表达;4.交通方式表述。
学习重点与难点 中考综合题型训练3. what time/ when/ how often(1)对时间提问用what time,也可以用when。
询问钟点时用what time,询问日期、月份、年份时用when。
初中英语中考外研版 专题13 情景交际

考点1 考点2 考点3
·说明计划或情况 ①I plan/am going to...我计划…… ②I'm thinking about doing... 我正考虑做…… ③I haven't made up my mind. 我还没决定好。 应答 ·谈论感受 ①It was interesting/bad/boring...它很有趣/糟糕/无聊 …… ②I was not that happy. The service there was terrible. 我 没有那么高兴。那里的服务真差劲。
考点1 考点2 考点3
①Is there a post office near here? 这附近有邮局吗? ②Where's the supermarket, please? 请问超市在哪儿? ③Do you know the way to the park?你知道去公园的路吗? 问 ④Which is the way to the bank? 去银行怎么走? 询 ⑤How can I get to the post office? 我如何才能到达邮局? ⑥Can you tell me the way to the bank?你能告诉我去银行 的路吗?
考点1 考点2 考点3
·询问计划 ①What are you going to do? 你准备做什么? ②What's your plan for the weekend? 这个周末你有什么计划? ③Who will you go with?你和谁一起去? 发起 ④How long will you stay there? 你准备在那里待多久? ·询问经历 ①How was your day off? 你的休息日过得怎样? ②Did you have fun/have a good time? 你玩得高兴吗? ③Is/Are there any...in the park? 公园里有……吗?

【知识点讲解】 (一)单词扩展1)football n. 足球 踢足球就是play football ,前面不用加任何冠词。
2)world n. 世界Which is the largest city in the world? 世界上最大的城市是哪一个?world 也可以表示某地域(或民族、历史时期)的人类社会 the French-speaking world 讲法语的地区 也可表示生活环境,阅历,生活圈子比如说:Parents are the most important people in a child's world. 父母是孩子的天地里最重要的人。
Lesson137June: Are you doing the football pools(赌注), Brian? Brian: Yes, I ’ve nearly finished, June. I ’m sure we will win something this week.June: You always say that, but we never win anything! What will you do if you win a lot of money?Brian: If I win a lot of money , I shall buy you a mink coat. June: I don ’t want a mink coat! I want to see the world.(见世面)Brian: All right. If we win a lot of money, we shall travel around the world and we shall stay at the best hotels. Then we shall return home and buy a big house in the country. We shall have a beautiful garden and …June: But if we spend all that money we shall be poor again. What shall we do then?Brian: If we spend all the money, we shall try and win the football pools again.June: It ’s a pleasant dream, but everything depends on “if ”! 朱 莉:布赖恩,你正在下足球赛的赌注吗? 布赖恩:是的。

情景交际姓名:1、道歉①做错事A:Sorry!/I'm sorry / I'm sorry to…对不起B:It doesn't matter.没关系②有礼貌地打扰别人Excuse me,Could you pass me the salt?打扰了,请问你可以给我递盐吗?2、提出邀请A:Would you like to go for a walk? 你想去散步吗?B:愿意时:Yes, I'd like / love to.是的,我很乐意。
不愿意时: I'd like / love to, but I have to…我想,但是我不得不做…3、委婉请求①A:Can / could I borrow your dictionary? 我可以借你的字典吗?B:Sure / Certainly / Of course / OK / No problem. 当然可以②A:Would you mind my opening the door? 你介意我打开门吗? B:不介意时:Of course not/Not at all.当然不介意介意时: You'd better not…你最好不要…③A:Would you please give me some advice?你可以给我一些建议吗?B:Of course / Sure / Certainly / No problem.当然可以。
4、祝愿、祝贺①A:Have a good time / journey. 祝你旅途愉快.B:Thank you.②A:Enjoy yourself / yourselves. 愿你过得开心B:Thank you.③A:Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐B:Thank you.④A:Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!B:Merry Christmas! / The same to you. 把同样的祝福送给你⑤A:Congratulations! 祝贺你/Well done! 你干得不错/Good luck 祝你好运/ Best wishes to you! 把最好的祝福送给你B:Thank you.⑥A:Enjoy yourself / yourselves at the party.愿你在聚会上玩得开心B:Thank you5、赞赏A:Your new skirt looks very beautiful. 你的新裙子看起来很漂亮 B:Thank you.6、提供帮助①A:Let me help you.让我帮助你。

仁爱英语七年级上册Unitoi知识点讲解及随堂练习仁爱英语七年级上册U n i t o i知识点讲解及随堂练习Revised as of 23 November 2020知识点梳理一、词组与短语:to the zoo去动物园something best 最喜欢谋事 you next time.下次见lunch吃午饭sports进行体育运动to bed去睡觉home回家to school上学school开始上课TV看电视up起床one`s homework做作业the morning"afternoon"evening 在早上"下午"晚上one’s way home找到回家的路’s time to do sth.该是做某事的时候二、重点句型:animal do you like best=What`s your favorite animal time is it=What`s the time=Could you tell me the time`s time to do something.`s wrong with you=What`s up=What`s the matter with you `t cry.`s very kind of you to help us.we are.三、语法:时刻表达法1:00 one o`clock1:05 one--o--five five past one1:15 one fifteen a quarter past one1:30 one thirty half past one1:40 one forty twenty to two1:45 one forty-five a quarter to two例题讲解一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Her idea ______ (sound) great.2. Some animals are very _______ (friend) to people.3. Which do you like _______ (well), a cat, a dog or a pig4. There are lots of _______ (horse) on the farm.5. Can you see those _______ (monkey) in the zoo二、单项选择6. _______ Sunday, some people come to the zoo.A. InB. OnC. At7. There is _______ elephant in the zoo.A. aB. anC. the8. I don’t li ke lions _______ elephants at all.A. orB. andC. so9. _______ you free tomorrow morningA. CanB. AreC. Do10. I like tigers very much. _______ youA. What areB. Which areC. How about三、句型转换11. I’ll have some time then. (改为一般疑问句)_______ you _______ _______ time then12. Are the elephants so big (作否定回答)No, _______ _______.13. I like pandas best. (对划线部分提问)_______ _______ _______ you like best14. I can see only one lion in the picture. (对划线部分提问)_______ _______ _______ can you see in the picture 15. His favorite animals are cats. (改为同义句)He _______ cats _______.四、用所给动词的适当形式填空16. Would you like ______ (go) to the zoo with us17. Can I ______ (give) the food to the animals18. My mother often ______ (take) me to the zoo on Sundays.19. What _______ (be) your favorite animals20. Let’s _______ (drive) to the zoo this afternoon.当堂练习A:一、单项选择1. Mike watch is here. Please _______.A. give him itB. give it to himC. to give it to him2. —_______ —It’s nine.A. Where is my watchB. Whose is this watchC. What’s the time3. —Can you tell me the time —_______.A. Yes, I can’tB. No, I canC. No, I can’t4. Is it time _______ to bedA. goB. to goC. going5. I’m sorry. I have ______ watch.A. noB. not anyC. not二、句型转换6. She has a new watch. (改为复数句)They _______ some new _______.7. It’s twelve o’clock now. (对划线部分提问)_______ the _______ now8. It’s ten thirty.(改为同义句)It’s _______ _______ _______.9. It’s time for lunch. (改为同义句)It’s time _______ _______ lunch.10. Do you often get up at five forty(改为同义句)Do you often get up at _______ _______ _______ 三、补全对话选择正确的句子完成对话,有两项剩余Tom:Look! Ann! What’s under the deskAnn: It’s a watch. It’s a black one.Tom: (11) _______Ann: Yes, is it yoursTom: No, mine is old. (12) _______Ann: It looks like Bob’s.Tom: Look, he is under the tree.Ann: (13) _______Tom: Excuse me, Bob. What’s the timeBob:Oh, sorry. I don’t know. I can’t find my watch Ann: Your watch Is it your watchBob:Let me see. Yes, it’s mine. Where is itAnn: (14) _______Tom: Here you are.Bob: Thanks a lot.Tom: (15) _______B:一、根据句意及首字母提示填写正确的单词1. There are many a_______ in the zoo.2. I can’t find my w_______ home.3. Monkeys like e_______ bananas.4. The tiger is in B_______ Monkey’s home.5. It is very c_______. It only lives in China.二、单项选择6. She can’t fi nd her way _______.A. homeB. to homeC. at home7. —What’s the time—It’s _______.A. thirty-five to tenB. eleven a quarterC. twenty past nine8. I’m afraid I may be _______ late.A. a fewB. a littleC. little9. All the teachers are friendly. We love _______ very much.A. herB. theyC. them10. It’s very kind _______ you to help me.A. ofB. forC. with三、句型转换11. It lives with us. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_______ it _______ with us No, it _______.12. That is Tom’s home.(对划线部分提问)_______ home _______ that13. The new zoo is over there.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ the new zoo14. We usually have supper at about six forty-five.We usually have supper at about _______ _______ _______ seven.15. You help us. You are very kind.(合并成一个句子)_______ kind _______ you _______ _______ us.四、用适当的句子完成对话16. —I’m sorry I can’t help you.—_______________.17. —_______________. Could you tell me the time, please —It’s eight twenty.18. —I like lions very much. _______________—I like monkeys.19. —Let’s go to the zoo tomorrow.—_______________.20. —_______________ the shirt—It’s eighty yuan.五、作业题一、单项选择1. —Would you like to play with us—_______, but I have no time.A. I’d likeB. I likeC. I’d like to2. _______ late. We must leave now.A. Don’tB. Don’t beC. Can’t be3. It’s Sunday today. Why not _______A. to go to the zooB. watch TV at homeC. flying a kite4. I don’t like the shirt. Please give me _______ one.A. anyB. someC. another5. There are _______ tigers in the zoo. Would you like to see them this afternoonA. a fewB. anyC. few6. May I ask you _______ questionsA. aB. anyC. some7. There is a watch on the floor (地板). Please _______.A. pick up itB. pick it upC. pick one up8. Does your sister get up _______ six o’clock _______ the morningA. in, onB. at, inC. at, on9. I can’t _______ my ruler.A. findB. findsC. finding10. —Thank you very much. —_______.A. All rightB. Not at all.C. Thank you all the same二、完成句子,每空一词11. 你怎么了,罗伯特_______ _______ _______ you, Robert12. 谢谢你帮助了我。

初中英语28个必考话题交际英语1.问候GreetingsGood morning/afternoon/evening.Hello/Hi!How are you?Fine, thank you. And you?Very well, thank you.2.介绍IntroductionsThis is Mr. MRS.Ms... /These are... and they are...How do you do?Nice /Glad to see /meet you.My name is... I’m a student/worker etc.3.告别FarewellsI think it’s time for us to leave now./I’m afraid I must go now.Goodbye (Bye-bye!)See you later/Tomorrow.(see you )4.打电话making telephone callsHello! May I speak to you?Is that ...(speaking )?Hold on, please.This is ...speaking .He /She isn’t here right now/at the moment.Can I take a message for you?I called to tell/ask you...Goodbye.5.感谢和应答Thanks and responsesThank you (very much)Thanks a lotMany thanks.Thanks for...That’s very nice of you.It’s very kind of you to say so/do it.Thank you all the same.Not at all.That’s all right./It’s my pleasure.You are welcome./That’s OK.6.祝愿、祝贺和应答Good wishes , congratulations and responsesA.Good luck!Best wishes to you.Have a nice/good time.Congratulations!Happy birthday to you.Thank you.7.意愿IntentionsI’m going to ...I will...I’d like to ...I want /hope to...8.道歉和应答Apologies and responsesI’m sorry.(Sorry.)I’m sorry for/about...Excuse me.That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.Never mind.9.遗憾和同情Regrets and sympathyI’m sorry to hear that.10 邀请和应答Invitations and responsesWill you come to...?Would you like to...?Yes, I’d like to...Yes, It’s very kind/nice of you.I’d love to .But...10.提供帮助和应答Offers and responsesCan I help you?/May I help you?What can I do for you?Here, take this/my.../Here you are.Let me... for you.Would you like some...?Thanks. That would be nice/fine.Thank you very much for your help./Thank you for helping me. Yes, please.No, thanks/thank you.That’s very kind of you, but...11.请求同意和不同意Asking for permission and responses. May I ...?Yes/Certainly.Yes, do please.Of course(you may)That’s OK/all right.I’m sorry, 不同……You’d better not.12.表示同意和不同意Expressing agreement and disagreement Certainly/Sure/Of course.Yes, I think so.That’s true.All right/OK.That’s a good idea.I agree (with you).No, I don’t think so.I’m afraid not.I really can’t agree with you.Yes, maybe.You may be right.13.表示肯定与不肯定Expressing certainty and uncertainty I’m sure.I’m sure (that)...I’m not sure.I’m not sure if /whether...Maybe/Perhaps14.喜好和厌恶Likes and dislikesI like/love ...(very much)I like /love to...I don’t like (to)I hate (to)...15.谈论天气Talking about the weatherWhat’s the weather like today?How’s the weather in...?It’s fine/cloudy/rainy...It’s rather warm/cold /hot etc. Today, isn’t it?16.购物ShoppingWhat can I do for you?May/Can I help you?I want /I’d like .../Let me have...kilo/box...How much is it?That’s too much/expensive, I’m afraid.That’s fine. I’ll take it.How many /much do you want?What colour/ size/kind ... do you want?Do you have any other kind/size/colour?17.问路和应答Asking the way and responsesExcuse me, which is the way to ...?How can i get to...? I don’t know the way.Go down this street.Turn right/left at the first /second crossing.It’s about...meters from here.18.时间或日期和应答Asking the time or date and responses What day is (it) today?What’s the date today?What time is it?What’s the time, please?It’s Monday.It’s January 10th.It’s five o’clock/half past five /a quarter to five /five thirty.It’s time for...19.RequestsCan /Could you...for me?Will/Would you please...?May I have...?Please give /pass me...Please wait (here/a moment).Please wait (for) your turn.Please stand in line /line up.Please hurry.Don’t rush/crowd.No noise, please.No smoking, please.20.劝告和建议Advice and suggestions You’d better...You should...You need (to)...Shall we...?Let’s...What/How about...?21.禁止和警告Prohibitions and warning You can’t/mustn’t...If you ...you’ll...A.Take care!Be careful!Look out!Watch out!Watch it!Mind(out)!22.表达感情Expressing emotions喜悦Pleasant, JoyI’m glad/pleased/happy to...That’s nice.That’s wonderful/great.焦虑AnxietyWhat’s wrong?What’s the matter (with you)?I’m worried.Oh, what shall I/we do?惊奇SurpriseReally?Oh dear!Is that so?23.就餐Taking mealsWhat would you like to have?Would you like something to eat/drink?I’d like ...C. Would you like some more...?Help yourself to some...Thank you. I’ve had enough./Just a little. 24.约会Making appointmentsAre you free this afternoon?How about tomorrow morning?Shall we meet at 4:30...?Yes, that’s all right.Yes, I’ll be free then.No, i won’t be free then. But I’ll be free... All right. See you then.25.传递信息Passing on a message.Will you please give this note /message to...? ... asked me to give you this note.Thanks for the message.26.看病Seeing the doctorThere’s something wrong with...I’ve got a cough.I feel terrible(bad).I don’t feel well.I’ve got a pain here.This place hurts.Take this medicine three times a day. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. It’s nothing serious.You’ll be all right/well soon.27.求救Calling for helpHelp!What’s the matter?28.语言困难language difficulties Pardon.Please say that again/more slowly.What do you mean by...?I’m sorry I can’t follow you.I’m sorry I know only a little English.。

初一英语国际礼仪单选题40题1.When you meet someone in the UK for the first time,what should you say?A.Hello!Nice to meet you!B.How are you?C.What's your name?答案:A。
在英国,初次见面通常说“Hello!Nice to meet you!”表示很高兴认识对方。
选项B“How are you?”通常用于认识的人之间的问候。
选项C“What's your name?”一般在认识之前的询问,不太适合作为初次见面的问候语。
2.In Japan,when you meet someone for the first time,what is a proper greeting?A.Bow deeply.B.Shake hands firmly.C.Hug each other.答案:A。
选项B 用力握手不是日本常见的初次见面问候方式。
选项C 互相拥抱也不是日本的传统问候方式。
3.In the US,when you meet someone for the first time,you can say________.A.Good morning!B.How old are you?C.What's your job?答案:A。
在美国,初次见面可以说“Good morning!”等日常问候语。
选项B“How old are you?”和选项C“What's your job?”属于比较私人的问题,不适合初次见面时询问。
4.When meeting someone in France for the first time,you can________.A.Kiss on both cheeks.B.Bow slightly.C.Nod and smile.答案:A。

初一英语邀请表述单选题30题及答案1.Would you like to come to my party?A.Yes,I do.B.Sure,I'd love to.C.No,I am not.答案:B。
A 选项“Yes,I do.”是用来回答“Do you...”的一般疑问句;C 选项“No,I am not.”是用来回答“Are you...”的一般疑问句。
本题是询问对方是否愿意来参加聚会,正确的回答是“Sure,I'd love to.”。
2.Do you want to play basketball with me?A.Yes,I want.B.Yes,I do.C.Sure.答案:C。
A 选项“Yes,I want.”表达不恰当;B 选项“Yes,I do.”是用来回答“Do you...”的一般疑问句,比较生硬。
3.Would you like to go swimming with us?A.Yes,please.B.No,thanks.C.Sure,I'd like to.答案:C。
A 选项“Yes,please.”一般用于接受别人的服务等;B 选项“No,thanks.”是拒绝邀请,但本题问的是是否愿意去游泳,正确回答是“Sure,I'd like to.”。
4.Can you come to my birthday party?A.Yes,I can.B.Sure.C.No,I don't.答案:B。
A 选项“Yes,I can.”比较生硬;C 选项“No,I don't.”是用来回答“Do you...”的一般疑问句。

七年级英语邀请表达单选题20题(答案解析)1.Would you like to go to the park with me?A.Yes, I do.B.Yes, I'd like.C.Yes, I'd love to.D.No, I am not.答案:C。
A 选项“Yes, I do.”用于回答“Do you...”的一般疑问句,不适合回答此邀请。
B 选项“Yes, I'd like.”后面缺少“to”。
C 选项“Yes, I'd love to.”是接受邀请的常见表达,正确。
D 选项“No, I am not.”用于回答“Are you...”的一般疑问句,不适合回答邀请。
2.Can you come to my birthday party?A.Sure, I can't.B.Sorry, I can.C.Sure, I'd love to.D.No, I don't.答案:C。
A 选项“Sure, I can't.”逻辑错误。
B 选项“Sorry, I can.”逻辑错误。
C 选项“Sure, I'd love to.”是接受邀请的恰当表达,正确。
D 选项“No, I don't.”用于回答“Do you...”的一般疑问句,不适合回答邀请。
3.Would you like to have dinner with us?A.Yes, I have.B.No, I not.C.Yes, please.D.Yes, I'd love to.答案:D。
A 选项“Yes, I have.”用于回答“Do you have...”的一般疑问句,不适合回答邀请。
B 选项“No, I not.”表达错误。
C 选项“Yes, please.”通常用于回答“Would you like...?”的疑问句,但是在这里不够完整。

早上用语Goodmorning!下午用语Goodafternoon! 晚上〔下午5点之后,晚上九点以前〕用语Goodevening!晚上九点以后要说“Goodnight!晚安!〞例如:(1) Bob: Goodmorning,Helen!Helen: Goodmorning,Bob!。
例如:1〕Helen:Hi,Bob!Bob:Hi,Helen!〔2〕Helen:Hello,Bob! Bob:Hello,Helen!二、几个功能句型1、问答“身体健康〞用语Bob: Hi,Helen!Howareyou? 喂,海伦!你好吗?Helen:Hi,Bob! I’mfine,thanks.Howareyou?Bob:I’mfine,too.我也很好。
Howareyou? 可以用简略语言:Andyou?I’mfine=I’mOK=I’mwell,表示“我很好!〞Thanks=Thankyou! 谢谢!2、问一个东西的“英语名字〞的常用句型Helen:What’s this/that inEnglish? 这个∕那个用英语怎么说?↘(答句中,一定用 it 代替this/that)Bob: It’sa/an+ 英语名称。
Helen:Spellit,please. 请拼写它。
〔=Howdoyouspellit? 你怎样拼写它?〕Bob: K-E-Y.〔拼写单词,用大写字母,并且字母与字母之间用连字符连接〕3、问一个东西颜色的常用句型:Helen:Whatcolorisit?Bob:Itis+颜色。

Unit 1-3my [mai] 我的my book \my desk\my mother\my pen name ['neim] 名字,名称my name is....is[iz] 是(be的此刻式第三人称)clock [klɔk] 时钟The clock rings. 时钟响了watch [wɔtʃ] n. 腕表v,看watch TVI[ai] 我am [æm]是I am...nice [nais] 美好的;令人愉快的nice to meet youto [tu:] prep.用于与动词原形一路组成动词不定式To do work meet [mi:t] 遇见,重逢you [ju:] 你(们)what [wɔt] 什么What’s your name?your [jɔ:] 你(们)的hello [he'ləu] 喂,哈罗hi [hai] 嗨!(用作问候语)his [hiz] pron. 他的and [ænd] conj. 和,与her [hə:] pron. 她的question ['kwestʃən] n. 问题,疑问Please answer the question. answer ['ɑ:nsə] v. 回答look [luk] v. 看first [fə:st ] a. 第一的first name [fə:st neim] 名字=given name 全名:full namelast [lɑ:st ] a. 最后的;最近的last name [lɑ:st neim] 姓氏=family nameGeorge Bush 乔治·布什Tom Smith 汤姆·史密斯西方:称号为uncle Tom ;Mr Smith中国人:Li Ming :Li 是last name;Ming是first name。
称号为uncle Li;Mr Li boy [bɔi ] n. 男孩girl [gə:l] n. 女孩zero ['ziərəu] num. 零one [wʌn] num. 一two [tu:] num. 二three [θri:]num. 三four [fɔ:] num. 四;five [faiv] num. 五;six [siks] num. 六seven['sevən] num. 七eight [eit] num. 八;nine [nain] num. 九;Ten [ten] num. 十telephone['telifəun] n.May I use your telephone?我能借用你的吗?number ['nʌmbə] n. 号码;数字telephone number [telifəun nʌmbə] 号码询问号码:—What’s your/his/her telephone number?—It’s xxxxxxx.May I have your telephone number?我能够记下您的号码吗?phone[fəun] n.phone number[fəun nʌmbə] 号码it [it] pron. 它card [kɑ:d] n. 卡片ID card (ID=identification) [ai'di: kɑ:d] n. 身份证family ['fæmili] n. 家庭family name ['fæmili neim] 姓氏=last namethis [ðis] pron. 这,那个→复数these [ði:z] pron. 这些例子:_What’s this? _This is a pen.\This is an English book(五个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo U u )(a 加辅音音素开头的单词或字母an 加元音音素开头的单词或字母)(an eraser\an English book\a girl\a boy\a card\a book \a dictionary) he [ðə] art.表示特指的人、物、事或群.(定冠词)play the piano/the sun/the moonthat[ðæt] pron. 那,那个→复数those [ðəuz] pron. 那些例子:一、—Is this\that an English book?—Yes,it is.\No,it isn't.二、—Are these\ those pencils?—Yes,they are.\No,they aren't. pencil ['pensəl] n. 铅笔pencil box 铅笔盒pen [pen] n. 钢笔book[buk] n. 书eraser [ɪ'reisə] n. 橡皮擦erase v. 擦掉,抹去,清除→eraser n.ruler ['ru:lə] n. 尺子rule v. 判定,裁决→ruler n.computer [kəm'pju:tə] n. 运算机compute v.计算→computer n.game [geim] n. 游戏;竞赛computer game [kəm'pju:tə geɪm] 电脑游戏Play computer game玩电脑游戏case [keis] n. 盒;箱;橱=boxpencil case [pensəl keis] 铅笔盒backpack ['bækpæk] n. 双肩背包Your backpack is very beautiful.pencil sharpener [pensəl ʃɑ:pənə] 转笔刀dictionary ['dikʃənəri] n. 词典,字典yes [jes] adv. 是no[nəu] a. 没有;不是not [nɔt] adv. 不isn't =is not ['iznt] 不是aren't=are not 不是excuse[ik'skju:z] v. 原谅excuse me [ik'skju:z mi:] 对不起,打搅一下例子:E xcuse me,can you tell me your name?thank[θæŋk]int. 谢谢OK ['əu'kei,] int. 好.不错in[in] prep. 在. . . 之内in a roomEnglish ['iŋgliʃ] n. 英语in English用英语说\in Chinese 用汉语说例子:—What’s this in English?用英语说,这是什么?—It’s a pen.a[ə] art. 一(不定冠词:a \ an)how [hau] adv. 如何,如何—How are you?—I’m fine./Fine./I’m OK.Thanks.And you?do[du:] v. 做to do homework做家庭作业spell [spel] vt. 拼写Could you spell your name?/Can you spell the word?How do you spell it?=Spell it ,please. 拼写时要用大写字母,如:W-A-T--C-H baseball ['beisbɔ:l] n. 棒球ball 球key [ki:] n. 钥匙;关键Where is my key?notebook['nəutbuk] n. 笔记簿note v.记录ring [riŋ]n. 环;戒指The Lord of the rings 指环王call[kɔ:l] v. 呼唤;打=telephone v.Can you call/telephone me tomorrow?at [æt] prep. 在(里面或周围);在(点,刻) at six o’clock/at homelost [lɔst] a. 失去的;迷惑的; a lost ring /a lost key/feel lost/get lost(迷路)found[faund] vt. 成立,创建例子:The PRC was founded On October 1,1949lost and found [lɔst ænd faund] 失物招领In the lost and found 在失物招领处please [pli:z] int. 请school [sku:l] n. 学校a set [ə set əv] 一套;一副;一对 a set of wings一对翅膀 a set of keys一串钥匙例子:Please give me a set.of [əv] prep. …的,表示所属(无生命的变所有格用of)a photo of my familysister ['sistə] n. 姐妹mother ['mʌðə] 母亲father ['fɑ:ðə] n. 父亲parent['peərənt] n. 父(母)亲brother ['brʌðə] n. 兄弟grandmother ['ɡrænd'mʌðə] n. 奶奶,外婆grandfather ['ɡrænd'fɑ:ðə] n. 爷爷,外公friend [frend] n. 朋友grandparent ['ɡrænd,pεərənt] n. (外)祖父母are [ɑ:] v. 是(be的第二人称单复数That’s [ðæts] 那是(=that is) That’s my grandmother.she [ʃi:] pron. 她he [hi:] pron. 他He’s[hi:z] 他是(=he is)aunt[ɑ:nt] n. 阿姨son [sʌn] n. 儿子cousin ['kʌzən] n. 堂(表)兄弟姐妹daughter ['dɔ:tə] n. 女儿uncle['ʌŋkəl] n. 叔叔picture['piktʃə] n. 图画;照片dear[diə] a. 亲爱的;贵的for [fɔ:] prep. 为了thanks for [θæŋks fɔ:] 为…而感激=thank you forthanks for help=thank you for helpphoto['fəutəu] n. 照片a photo of /two photos of一张/两张。
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1.—It’s a fine day today. Shall we go swimming?
—______ But we need to be home before six o’clock.
A. Have a nice time!
B. Not at all.
C. You are right.
D. Good idea!
A项意为“玩得高兴”一般用于朋友远行时送别语;B项意为“不客气”一般用在回答thank you, thanks 之类的感谢的话的时候的意思是不用客气;C项意为“你是对的”常用“答对了,你是正确的!”;D项意为“好主意”。
2.----Would you like to attend China's Got Talent?
------_________ But I'm busy revising for my test.
A. Don't mention it.
B. I'd love to.
C. That's all right.
D. My pleasure.
Don't mention it.意为“不要提它”;I'd love to意为“我愿意”,回答would you like……?引导的问句;That's all right意为“没关系”;My pleasure.意为“没关系;不客气”。
3.—Would you like to dance with me?
—.I have too much homework.
A. Sorry, I can’t.
B. Of course not.
C. That’s OK.
D. I’d like to.