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choose t he correct meaning;
Байду номын сангаас
(4) to correct the typos;
(5) so the chil d write wor ds (ABA B, and AABB);
(6) in accor dance with written wor ds;
(7) the complete wor d, and explai n the meani ng of the w ord;
(8) collocation;
(9) make sentenc es with t he wor d;
(10) the written lang uage as re quire d. (C) the main se ntence type s (1) complete se ntences ; (2) write down t he meani ng of a sente nce or expres sion of thoughts a nd feeli ngs; (3) write sente nce s as required; (4) finish malalignme nt of the se ntence; (5) modified sente nce s. 2, knowle dge cla ssificati on (1) the comm on conj unctions coor dinate : ... .. . 一 面 …… ... 1, to examine the topi c, ide ntify probl ems ass ociate d with tw o 2, ana lysis, alter native question two is i n dire ct proporti on to t he amount of the as sociated relati ons hip i s inversely proportional relati ons hip. 3, and set unknown, col umn proporti on type 4, and s olutions proportion type 5, a nd test, wrote answer lang uage pl enar y, and subje ct: applicati on probl em (1) --simpl e applicati on pr oblem a nd composite a ppli cation problem review conte nt simple a ppli cation problem composite applicati on pr oblem a nswer s application pr oble m of general steps 1, a nd figure out
meaning --thr oug h examines the, find k now n conditions and by se eking pr oblem 2, a nd a nalysi s num ber relations hip --a nalysi s known conditions Zhi jian, a nd conditi ons a nd problem Zhijia n of relationshi p, determi ne pr oblem -solvi ng method and pr oblem -s olving steps. 3, a nd col umn type calculati on --list s formula, is out s ubdivisions 4, a nd test, a nd wr ote answer--check , and checki ng, and wrote a nswers ty pical a ppli cation problem 13, a nd s ubj ect: a ppli cation problem (3) --col umn e quati on s oluti ons a ppli cation pr oblem review conte nt overvie w problem -solvi ng steps 1 , and figure out mea ning, find by seeki ng of unk now n and x said 2, and accordi ng to meani ng find equival ent relations hip, li sts Equation 3 , and sol utions e quation 4, a nd test, a nd wr ote answ ers accor ding to mea ning find equivalent relati ons hip of common method 1 , And accordi ng to common of number relationshi p ty pe, establi she d equivalent relati ons hip 2, and accordi ng to ha s learn had of calculation formula, 3, a nd a ccording t o problem in th e of focus de scri bed s entence from overall Shang determine ba sic of equivale nt relationshi p 4, a nd using s egment figure, a nd list m ethod, met hod analysi s number