中考补全对话答题技巧及练习题-(含答案) (2)

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1. 仔细审题。明确大意首先要仔细审题,即在对话不完整的情况下,尽量弄懂该篇对话的大意和情景。

2. 分析对话。试填答案在解题过程中,要根据具体语境和上下文,分析对话中所缺部分、判断所缺的句子。

3. 全文复读。融会贯通在试填好答案之后,应从头至尾再把对话读一遍,按照对话情境,中心内容,推理判断。


Peter: Excuse me. sir? Could you tell me the wav to the nearest bank?

Li Hua: 41 You can ask the lady over there

Peter: Thank you all the same ( A moment later)

Peter: Excuse me. 42

Wang Mei: No. there isn't a bank near here, but there

is one near the People's Hospital.

Peter: 43

Wang Mei: It's about fifteen minutes' bus ride

Peter: 44

Wang Mei: The No. 10 bus

Peter: 45

Wang Mei: It is across from the bookstore

Peter: Thank you very much.

Wang Mei: You're welcome.



阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从方框内选择恰当的选项补全对话,使对话完整、符合逻辑。(其中有两项为多余选项) 注:请将此题答案填涂在答题卡选择题部分的相应位置上。W: Hi,Peter! You look terrible! What's the matter with you?

M: __81__

W: Sorry to hear that. __82__

M: I cut myself by accident while I was making dinner.

W: That sounds bad. __83__

M: Yes, it’s kind of serious.

W: Have you seen a doctor?

M: Yes. __84__

W: What did the doctor do with the cut?

M: __85__

W: Oh! Don't touch water. And you will be better soon.

M: OK.Thank you!

W: You are welcome.


A:Hi,Tom! You look very happy today.

B:Oh,yes.Guess what?My best friend Ben is coming.

A:Oh,really? 61

B:Tomorrow.I can't wait to see him.

A: 62

B:For two weeks.

A: 63

B:He is really friendly.I'm sure you will like him when you see him.

A:What does he look like?

B: 64 He plays football well.

A:Could you introduce him to me?

B: 65



Lingling: Good morning, Daming Daming:71.

Lingling: May I ask you a question?Daming:72.

Lingling: What's this in English?Daming:73.

Lingling: How do you spell"ruler"?Daming:74.

Lingling: Thank you very much.Daming:75.


B.Good morning,lingling.

C.I'm 12.

D.You're welcome.

E. Yes, of course

F. It's a ruler.



2017 天津卷


A: Hi, Jason. Would you like to come over to my home this weekend?

B: 66 What are we going to do together?

A: We are going to play chess on Saturday morning and I am going to cook noodles for you.

B: Are you joking? 67

A: Of course I can. I’ve learned cooking on TV.

B: 68

A: For two days. My parents have been away on business so I cook by myself.

B: When will they come back?

A: 69 During these days, I have to do a lot of things alone.

B: I’m s ure you will have a special experience.

A: Yes. 70 I like trying new things.

B: You bet! See you then.

A: See you.

2017 黄冈卷


(Li Mei meets her friend Xiao Ming on the way to school. Li Mei = L Xiao Ming = X)

L: Hello Xiao Ming! You look a little upset. 72

X: It’s just my mom. She always nags (唠叨) me.

L: Really? 73

X: She nags me about almost everything. “Get up now... Everything must be in place... Don’t forget to... Don’t listen to music...”

L: Well, all the mothers like saying these words to their kids.

X: Also, I am interested in musi c, but she doesn’t like it.74

L: Maybe you are right. But I should say she nags you because she loves you.

X: 75 I’ll try to understand her.
