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Module 1 Book 3



1. belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past —______.

2. a type of shoe that covers all of your foot and part of your leg —______.

3. the group of people who are elected to make and change the laws of a country —______.

4. In the center of the garden stands the s______ of the famous physicist—Albert Einstein.

5. — How do you usually spend your free time on holidays, Martin?

— I spend my free time visiting g______ and museums.

6. The 2004 Summer Olympic Games were held in A______, Greece.

7. The European Union is an o______ of European countries.

8. The Eiffel Tower is also ______(位于) in the capital city of France—Paris.

9. Every year, thousands of ______ (游客) come to see the Milu deer in Dafeng, Jiangsu province.

10. The Empire State Building (帝国大厦) is a famous l______ of New York.

11. New Orleans is the __________ (发源地) of jazz.

12. Wet weather is a __________ (特点) of life in this area.

13. My cousin sells her garden _________ (农产品) in the market.

14. Fe is the chemical __________ (符号) for iron.

15. His house is _________( 在… 的对面) ours.


because of work on little by little ever since

have a population of be known as in terms of

be home to in the centre of on the other hand

1. It is difficult to express it _________science.

__________ the rain.

2. They’re not playing baseball today

3. The Rockies __________ bears and mountain lions.

4. It’s cheap, but __________ it isn’t good.

5. __________ he became accepted by the family.

6. We’ve been friends __________ we met at school.

7. He has spent the last two years __________ a book about childcare.

8. India __________ more than 1 billion.

9. The hotel is right __________ the village.

10. He __________ a scientist, but in everyday life he is very ordinary.


1. We each ____ strong points, but on the other hand, each of us ____ weak points.

A. have; has

B. have; have

C. has; has

D. has; have


2. In China’s traditional culture and art, the fish and water designs are ____ of prosperity

and harvest. A. examples B. signs C. marks D. symbols

3. All flights had been called off ____ the terrible weather, so they had to go there by train.

A. in case of

B. in spite of

C. instead of

D. because of

4. The boys, ____ with this somewhat terrifying figure, had lost their tongues.

A. to face

B. having faced

C. faced

D. facing

5. See that well-dressed man ____ the room? That’s Mr. Green. Let’s go ____ the crowd of people
