



龟兔赛跑英语作文带翻译范文10份龟兔赛跑英语作文带翻译 1The classic tale of the tortoise and the hare reminds us that different people take life at different speeds and that one way is not necessarily superior to another.In fact, in the story it is the slower animal that ends up arriving at the destination first. In the same way, some of us seem to move very quickly through the issues and obstacles we all face in our lives.Others need long periods of time to process their feelings and move into new states of awareness.For those of us who perceive ourselves as moving quickly, it can be painful and exasperating to deal with someone elses slower pace. Yet, just like the tortoise and the hare, we all arrive at the same destination, together, eventually.People who take their time with things are probably in the minority in most of the world today. We live in a time when speed and productivity are valued above almost anything else.herefore, people who flow at a slower pace are out of sync with the world and are often pestered and prodded to go faster and do more.This can be not only frustrating but also counterproductive becausethe stress of being pushed to move faster than one is able to move actually slows progress.On the other hand, if a persons style is honored and supported, they will find their way in their own time and, just like the tortoise, they might just beat the speedier, more easily distracted person to the finish line.Its important to remember that we are not actually in a race to get somewhere ahead of someone else, and it is difficult to judge by appearances whether one person has made more progress than another.Whether you count yourself among the fast movers or as one of the slower folks, we can all benefit from respecting the pace that those around us choose for themselves.This way, we can keep our eyes on our own journey, knowing that we will all end up together in the end.乌龟和兔子的经典故事提醒我们,不同的人在不同的速度,一种方法是把生活不一定优于另一种。



龟兔赛跑故事英文简单范文English: Once upon a time, there was a turtle and a rabbit who decided to have a race. The turtle was known for being slow and steady, while the rabbit was known for his speed and agility. As the race started, the rabbit quickly zoomed ahead, confident in his ability to win easily. He soon became complacent and decided to take a nap under a shady tree while the turtle continued plodding along. When the rabbit woke up and saw the turtle far behind, he sprinted to catch up. However, it was too late as the turtle crossed the finish line just before him. The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race, teaching us the importance of perseverance and humility.中文翻译: 从前有一只乌龟和一只兔子决定参加一场比赛。







龟兔赛跑的故事中英文The Tortoise and The HareThere is an old fable about a race between a tortoise and a hare. The hare teased the tortoise and said that he could never win a race against him because he was too slow. The tortoise, determined to prove the hare wrong, challenged him to a race.The race began and the hare quickly took off, leaving the tortoise far behind. The hare felt so confident in his ability to win that he decided to take a nap halfway through the race. When he woke up, he saw that the tortoise was only a few meters away from the finish line.The hare quickly jumped up and ran as fast as he could to catch up to the tortoise, but it was too late. The tortoise had won the race despite being slow and steady.This fable teaches us that it is not always the fastest or the strongest who win, but those who persevere and stay consistent in their efforts.In our daily lives, we may face challenges and setbacks. It is important to remember that success does not come overnight and that hard work and dedication are key to achieving our goals.龟兔赛跑有一个古老的寓言,讲述了一只乌龟和一只兔子之间的竞赛。



龟兔赛跑的故事英文版和中文The Story of the Tortoise and the HareOnce upon a time, there was a race between a tortoise and a hare. The hare was known for his speed and agility while the tortoise was known for his slow and steady pace. The hare was confident that he would easily win the race and even bragged to his friends about it.The race began and the hare quickly took off, leaving the tortoise far behind. However, the hare soon became complacent and decided to take a nap in the shade of a nearby tree. Meanwhile, the tortoise continued to plod along, steadily making his way closer and closer to the finish line.When the hare finally woke up from his nap, he realized that the tortoise was already near the end of the race. He sprinted as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise had already crossed the finish line, winning the race.The moral of the story is that slow and steady wins the race. The hare was too confident in his abilities and became careless, allowing the tortoise to take advantage of his mistake and win the race.龟兔赛跑的故事从前,有一次比赛中,龟和兔子同时参赛。



龟兔赛跑英语故事:The Tortoise and the HareThe Hare was once boasting of his speed before other animals. "I have never been beaten," said he, "when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race with me."从前有一只兔子,他在其它动物面前吹嘘自己跑得是如何如何的快。

“当我全速奔跑的时候,我从来没有被打败过,”他说,“谁敢跟我比一比?”The T ortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge."“我来跟你跑一场”,一只乌龟沉着地说。

"That is a good joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way."“快笑死我了,” 兔子说,“我一边跑一边围着你跳舞都能赢你”。

"Keep your boasting till you've won," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race?"“你跑赢了再吹牛吧”,乌龟说,“我们可以开始比赛了吗?”So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his contempt for the T ortoise, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.于是,他们确定了一条比赛路线和起点。



龟兔赛跑英语故事带翻译完整版Once upon a time, there was a very boastful rabbit who lived in a forest. He was known for his incredible speed and loved to show off to all the other animals. One day, he challenged a slowmoving tortoise to a race.The tortoise, being known for his wisdom and patience, accepted the challenge. The other animals in the forest gathered to watch the race, which was to take place on a long, winding path through the forest.The race began, and as expected, the rabbit quickly took the lead. He was so confident in his victory that he decidedto take a nap halfway through the race, thinking that hecould easily catch up to the tortoise later.Meanwhile, the tortoise plodded along steadily, never stopping or giving up. He kept his eyes on the finish lineand focused on his goal.When the rabbit finally woke up, he was shocked to seethat the tortoise was just a few steps away from the finish line. The rabbit tried his best to catch up, but it was too late. The tortoise crossed the finish line first, winning the race.The other animals cheered for the tortoise, who had wonthe race not because of his speed, but because of hisdetermination and perseverance. The rabbit learned a valuable lesson that day: even the slowest person can win if theydon't give up.这个故事讲述了一只自负的兔子和一只稳重的乌龟之间的比赛。



龟兔赛跑英语故事带翻译完整版文件编码(GHTU-UITID-GGBKT-POIU-WUUI-8968)龟兔赛跑Intheforest,thereisafastrabbit.Helikestoraceotheranimals.Healwayswins."Iamvery fast,"hesays."Icanwinanyrace."Oneday,therabbitseesaturtle."Youaresoslow.Iamfasterthanyou,"hesays."Doyouwantt oraceme?""Yes,"saystheturtle."Ha,ha.Itwillbeeasytowin,"laughstherabbit."Youwilllose.You rlegsaretooshort.""Tomorrowwewillhavearace,"saystherabbit.Alloftheanimalsareexcited.Theywanttose etherace."Theturtlewilllose.Heistooslow,"theyallsay. Theturtlegetsupearlyinthemorning.Theraceistoday.Therearemanyanimalsattherace.T heturtlewalkstothestartingline.Alltheanimalslaughathim. Therabbitiswaitingfortheturtle."Iwillwin,"laughstherabbit."Iwilltrymybest,"say stheturtle.Theracebegins.Alloftheotheranimalsareexcited."Go,go,go,"theysay.Therabbitrunsv eryquickly.Theturtlewalksslowly.Therabbitturnsaround.Theturtleiswalkingsoslowly."Ha,ha,youwillneverwinthisrace ,"therabbitsays.Theturtleisslowerthantherabbit.Therabbitlaughsattheturtle. Thentherabbitseesatree."Theturtleissoslow.Iwilltakeanap.Icanstillwintherace,"s aystherabbit.Hegoestosleepunderthetree.Theturtlekeepswalking.Heistiredandhislegshurt.Therabbitissleepingunderatree.Th eturtlequietlywalkspasttherabbit.Heisveryquietbecausehedoesn'twanttowakeupther abbit."Icandoit!Icandoit!"saystheturtle."MylegsareshortandIamslow,butIcanwinthisrace ."Theturtlecanseethefinishline.Suddenly,therabbitwakesup.Theturtleisfaraway."Hewillwin!"hesays.Therabbitruns, butitistoolate.Theturtlewinstherace."Yeah!Youarethebest,"saytheotheranimals."Youaregreat!"Theturtleishappy.Therabb itfeelssad.Alloftheanimalsnowlaughattherabbit."Ha,ha,ha,"theylaugh."Yousayyouarethebest,buttheslowturtleisthewinner,"theysay ."Heisthebest!Theturtleisgreat!""Iamslow.Ihaveshortlegs.Iamnotfast,butIdidit!"saystheturtle.Therabbitisquiet.H eslowlywalkshome.。





店铺分享龟兔赛跑英语故事带翻译,希望可以帮助大家!龟兔赛跑英语故事带翻译版本1In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."森林里有一只跑得很快的兔子。





”One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you," he says. "Do you want to race me?"有一天,兔子看到了乌龟。



”你要不要跟我赛跑呀?”"Yes," says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win," laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short."“好呀,”乌龟说。





”"Tomorrow we will have a race," says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow," they all say.“明天我们就来比赛,”兔子说。

The Tortoise and the Hare(中英文对照)

The Tortoise and the Hare(中英文对照)

英语短剧:The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)旁白:Good morning everyone. Now, we will tell you a story about Mr. Tortoise and Miss Hare. In a very big forest, there lives many different kinds of animals, like monkeys, chicks, a Hare and an honest Tortoise. Miss Hare is very proud of her long legs and she looks down upon Mr. Tortoise. Today, near the river, an interesting thing is happening.旁白:大家早上好。





兔子:Hi! Mr. Tortoise. What are you doing?兔子:嗨!乌龟先生。

你在做什么?乌龟:Hi! Miss Hare. I am walking.乌龟:嗨!兔小姐。


兔子:Why do not you put four wheels on your feet? You will run much faster than now. 兔子:你为什么不把四个轮子在你的脚下?你会跑得比现在快多了。

乌龟:No, I would run with my feet step by step. I’m sure I can win. I could be the winner.乌龟:不,我会用我的脚一步一步。




店铺分享龟兔赛跑的英语故事及翻译,希望可以帮助大家!龟兔赛跑的英语故事及翻译版本1The Hare was once boasting of his speed before other animals. "I have never been beaten," said he, "when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race with me."从前有一只兔子,他在其它动物面前吹嘘自己跑得是如何如何的快。

“当我全速奔跑的时候,我从来没有被打败过,”他说,“谁敢跟我比一比?”The T ortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge."“我来跟你跑一场”,一只乌龟沉着地说。

"That is a good joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way."“快笑死我了,” 兔子说,“我一边跑一边围着你跳舞都能赢你”。

"Keep your boasting till you've won," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race?"“你跑赢了再吹牛吧”,乌龟说,“我们可以开始比赛了吗?”So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his contempt for the T ortoise, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.于是,他们确定了一条比赛路线和起点。




下面是店铺整理的英语版龟兔赛跑小故事,希望大家会喜欢这些英文版的龟兔赛跑!英语小故事龟兔赛跑篇一In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you," he says. "Do you want to race me?""Yes," says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win," laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short.""Tomorrow we will have a race," says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow," they all say.The turtle gets up early in the morning. The race is today. There are many animals at the race. The turtle walks to the starting line. All the animals laugh at him.The rabbit is waiting for the turtle. "I will win," laughs the rabbit. "I will try my best," says the turtle.The race begins. All of the other animals are excited. "Go, go, go," they say. The rabbit runs very quickly. The turtle walks slowly.The rabbit turns around. The turtle is walking so slowly. "Ha, ha, you will never win this race," the rabbit says. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit laughs at the turtle.Then the rabbit sees a tree. "The turtle is so slow. I will take a nap. I can still win the race," says the rabbit. He goes to sleep under the tree.The turtle keeps walking. He is tired and his legs hurt. Therabbit is sleeping under a tree. The turtle quietly walks past the rabbit. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake up the rabbit. "I can do it! I can do it!" says the turtle. "My legs are short and I am slow, but I can win this race." The turtle can see the finish line.Suddenly, the rabbit wakes up. The turtle is far away. "He will win!" he says. The rabbit runs, but it is too late. The turtle wins the race."I am slow. I have short legs. I am not fast, but I did it!" says the turtle. The rabbit is quiet. He slowly walks home.乌龟与兔为他们俩谁跑得快而争论不休。




下面是店铺整理的英语版龟兔赛跑小故事,希望大家会喜欢这些英文版的龟兔赛跑!英语小故事龟兔赛跑篇一In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you," he says. "Do you want to race me?""Yes," says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win," laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short.""Tomorrow we will have a race," says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow," they all say.The turtle gets up early in the morning. The race is today. There are many animals at the race. The turtle walks to the starting line. All the animals laugh at him.The rabbit is waiting for the turtle. "I will win," laughs the rabbit. "I will try my best," says the turtle.The race begins. All of the other animals are excited. "Go, go, go," they say. The rabbit runs very quickly. The turtle walks slowly.The rabbit turns around. The turtle is walking so slowly. "Ha, ha, you will never win this race," the rabbit says. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit laughs at the turtle.Then the rabbit sees a tree. "The turtle is so slow. I will take a nap. I can still win the race," says the rabbit. He goes to sleep under the tree.The turtle keeps walking. He is tired and his legs hurt. Therabbit is sleeping under a tree. The turtle quietly walks past the rabbit. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake up the rabbit. "I can do it! I can do it!" says the turtle. "My legs are short and I am slow, but I can win this race." The turtle can see the finish line.Suddenly, the rabbit wakes up. The turtle is far away. "He will win!" he says. The rabbit runs, but it is too late. The turtle wins the race."I am slow. I have short legs. I am not fast, but I did it!" says the turtle. The rabbit is quiet. He slowly walks home.乌龟与兔为他们俩谁跑得快而争论不休。

龟兔赛跑 英语故事带翻译完整版精编版

龟兔赛跑 英语故事带翻译完整版精编版

龟兔赛跑In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you," he says. "Do you want to race me?""Yes," says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win," laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short.""Tomorrow we will have a race," says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow," they all say.The turtle gets up early in the morning. The race is today. There are many animals at the race. The turtle walks to the starting line. All the animals laugh at him.The rabbit is waiting for the turtle. "I will win," laughs the rabbit. "I will try my best," says the turtle.The race begins. All of the other animals are excited. "Go, go, go," they say. The rabbit runs very quickly. The turtle walks slowly.The rabbit turns around. The turtle is walking so slowly. "Ha, ha, you will never win this race," the rabbit says. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit laughs at the turtle.Then the rabbit sees a tree. "The turtle is so slow. I will takea nap. I can still win the race," says the rabbit. He goes to sleep under the tree.The turtle keeps walking. He is tired and his legs hurt. The rabbit is sleeping under a tree. The turtle quietly walks past the rabbit. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake up the rabbit."I can do it! I can do it!" says the turtle. "My legs are short and I am slow, but I can win this race." The turtle can see the finish line.Suddenly, the rabbit wakes up. The turtle is far away. "He will win!" he says. The rabbit runs, but it is too late. The turtle wins the race."Yeah! You are the best," say the other animals. "You are great!" The turtle is happy. The rabbit feels sad. All of the animals now laugh at the rabbit."Ha, ha, ha," they laugh. "You say you are the best, but the slow turtle is the winner," they say. "He is the best! The turtle is great!""I am slow. I have short legs. I am not fast, but I did it!" says the turtle. The rabbit is quiet. He slowly walks home.。



80词英语作文龟兔赛跑篇一:龟兔赛跑英语故事带翻译完整版龟兔赛跑In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast,he says. "I can win any race.One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you,he says. "Do you want to race me?""Yes,says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win,laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short.""Tomorrow we will have a race,says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow,they all say.The turtle gets up early in the morning. The race is today. There are many animals at the race. The turtle walks to the starting line. All the animals laugh at him.The rabbit is waiting for the turtle. "I will win,laughs the rabbit. "I will try my best,says the turtle.The race begins. All of the other animals are excited. "Go, go, go,they say. The rabbit runs very quickly. The turtle walks slowly.The rabbit turns around. The turtle is walking so slowly. "Ha, ha, you will never win this race,the rabbit says. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit laughs at the turtle.Then the rabbit sees a tree. "The turtle is so slow. I will take a nap. I can still win the race,says the rabbit. He goes to sleep under the tree.The turtle keeps walking. He is tired and his legs hurt. The rabbit is sleeping under (转载自: 千叶帆文摘:80词英语作文龟兔赛跑)a tree. The turtle quietly walks past the rabbit. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake up the rabbit. "I can do it! I can do it!says the turtle. "My legs are short and I am slow, but I can win this race.The turtle can see the finish line.Suddenly, the rabbit wakes up. The turtle is far away. "He will win!he says. The rabbit runs, but it is too late. The turtle wins the race."Yeah! You are the best,say the other animals. "You are great!The turtle is happy. The rabbit feels sad. All of the animals now laugh at the rabbit."Ha, ha, ha,they laugh. "You say you are the best, but the slow turtle is the winner,they say. "He is the best! The turtle is great!""I am slow. I have short legs. I am not fast, but I did it!says the turtle. The rabbit is quiet. He slowly walks home.篇二:小学英语看图作文:龟兔赛跑3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境!优尼全能英语:小学英语看图作文:龟兔赛跑The Tortoise And The HareThe classic tale of the tortoise and the hare reminds us that different people take life at different speeds and that one way is not necessarily superior to another.In fact, in the story it is the slower animal that ends up arriving at the destination first. In the same way, some of us seem to move very quickly through the issues and obstacles we all face in our lives. Others need long periods of time to process their feelings and move into new states of awareness.For those of us who perceive ourselves as moving quickly, it can be painful and exasperating to deal with someone else’s slower pace. Yet, just like the tortoise and the hare, we all arrive at the same destination, together, eventually.People who take their time with things are probably in the minority in most of the world today. We live in a time when speed and productivity are valued above almost anything else. herefore,people who flow at a slower pace are out of sync with the world and are often pestered and prodded to go faster and do more.This can be not only frustrating but also counterproductive because the stress of being pushed to move faster than one is able to move actually slows progress.On the other hand, if a person’s style is honored and supported, they will find their way in their own time and, just like the tortoise, they might just beat the speedier, more easily distracted person to the finish line.It’s important to remember that we are not actually in a race to get somewhere ahead of someone else, and it is difficult to judge by appearances whether one person has made more progress than another.Whether you count yourself among the fast movers or as one of the slower folks, we can all benefit from respecting the pace that those around us choose for themselves.This way, we can keep our eyes on our own journey, knowing that we will all end up together in the end.篇三:龟兔赛跑英语故事阅读及英语绕口令Read for our good spoken English!(读出好英语!)The Rabbit And The TurtleOne day, a turtle is climbing. A rabbit sees the turtle. It asks theturtle: “Hi, turtle. What are you doing?”“I’m running.”The turtle says. “Haha, you are running? How slowly! Let’s have a race. Let’s see who runs fast.”The rabbit laughs at the turtle. “OK. I believe I will beat you”The turtle says.The next day is a sunny day. The turtle and the rabbit are ready for a game. Many animals are watching. “Three! Two! One! Start!”monkey says. The rabbit and the turtle run to the end. The rabbit runs very fast. The turtle is climbing with a slow but steady pace to the goal. It’s behind the rabbit. The rabbit runs to a tree. It sees the turtle is behind. It thinks: “The turtle is very slow. I can sleep under the tree.”So the rabbit finds a comfortable place, lie down and falls fast asleep.The turtle climbs to the tree. It sees the rabbit is sleeping anddoesn’t stop. In the end it gets to the end and is very happy! Now the rabbit wakes up. It thinks the turtle is still behind. The rabbit runs to the end. When the rabbit reaches the end, it sees the turtle there. “Haha, I win!”the turtle says. The rabbit is very sad. It is crying.This story tells us: we can’t be pridePractice makes perfect. 熟能生巧!Talk more, walk farther! (张开嘴,迈开腿!)1. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗?2. Ann sent Andy ten hens and Andy sent Ann ten pens。



龟兔赛跑英语故事带翻译完整版The Tortoise and the HareOnce upon a time, there was a tortoise and a hare who decided to have a race. The hare, being very confident in his abilities, was sure that he would win easily. The tortoise, on the other hand, was slow and steady, and knew that he would not be able to match the hare's speed.The day of the race arrived, and all the animals gathered to watch. The tortoise and the hare took their places at the starting line, andthe race began. The hare immediately sprinted ahead, leaving thetortoise far behind. He was so fast that he soon disappeared from sight.Feeling confident, the hare decided to take a nap under a shady tree. "There's no way the slow tortoise can catch up to me," he thought. Meanwhile, the tortoise kept plodding along, determined to finish the race. He knew he couldn't match the hare's speed, but he was determined to do his best。



龟兔赛跑寓言故事中英翻译龟兔赛跑寓言故事中英翻译Bird: Friends, friends, come here and have a look. (伙伴们,伙伴们,快来看啊!)The hare and the tortoise will have a match again. (小兔和乌龟又要比赛了。

) Monkey: The hare and the tortoise will have a match? (小兔和乌龟又要比赛了?)Didn’t the hare lose last year? Why do that again? (小兔不是输了吗?怎么还要比呀?)Bird: Yes, the hare lost the match last year, and her mother was too angry to eat anything in two days. (是的,小兔去年输了,兔妈妈气得两天没吃任何东西。

)Mother hare order them to have a match again this year.(兔妈妈命令他们今年再比一次。

)Monkey: Oh, so it is. (原来是这样。

)Together: ( Music)...!Monkey: Everybody, the match begins. (各就各位,比赛开始了。

)I’m the referee. (我是裁判)Hare and tortoise, ready? (小兔乌龟,准备好了吗?)Mother hare: Honey! Honey! Come on! (亲爱的!亲爱的!快过来!) Have some coffee. (喝些咖啡。

)Hare: Mom, oh, I can’t drink it all. (妈妈,哦,我喝不下了。

)Mother hare: It can help you keep alert on the way. (它可以让你精精神神的。




下面是店铺整理的英语版龟兔赛跑小故事,希望大家会喜欢这些英文版的龟兔赛跑!英语小故事龟兔赛跑篇一In the forest, there is a fast rabbit. He likes to race other animals. He always wins. "I am very fast," he says. "I can win any race."One day, the rabbit sees a turtle. "You are so slow. I am faster than you," he says. "Do you want to race me?""Yes," says the turtle. "Ha, ha. It will be easy to win," laughs the rabbit. "You will lose. Your legs are too short.""Tomorrow we will have a race," says the rabbit. All of the animals are excited. They want to see the race. "The turtle will lose. He is too slow," they all say.The turtle gets up early in the morning. The race is today. There are many animals at the race. The turtle walks to the starting line. All the animals laugh at him.The rabbit is waiting for the turtle. "I will win," laughs the rabbit. "I will try my best," says the turtle.The race begins. All of the other animals are excited. "Go, go, go," they say. The rabbit runs very quickly. The turtle walks slowly.The rabbit turns around. The turtle is walking so slowly. "Ha, ha, you will never win this race," the rabbit says. The turtle is slower than the rabbit. The rabbit laughs at the turtle.Then the rabbit sees a tree. "The turtle is so slow. I will take a nap. I can still win the race," says the rabbit. He goes to sleep under the tree.The turtle keeps walking. He is tired and his legs hurt. Therabbit is sleeping under a tree. The turtle quietly walks past the rabbit. He is very quiet because he doesn't want to wake up the rabbit. "I can do it! I can do it!" says the turtle. "My legs are short and I am slow, but I can win this race." The turtle can see the finish line.Suddenly, the rabbit wakes up. The turtle is far away. "He will win!" he says. The rabbit runs, but it is too late. The turtle wins the race."I am slow. I have short legs. I am not fast, but I did it!" says the turtle. The rabbit is quiet. He slowly walks home.乌龟与兔为他们俩谁跑得快而争论不休。




龟兔赛跑A long time ago, between the turtle and the rabbit controversy, they claimed that they run faster than the other side fast. So they decided to play through to showdown. Determined route, they began to run. Rabbit a stride rushed to the front, and leading the way. See the turtle was far left behind the rabbit feel, they should take a break under a tree, and then continue the game. So, it sat under a tree down, and soon fell asleep. The turtle slowly over it, and completed the entire race, arguably the championship. The rabbit woke up, found himself lost。








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