大学英语2 课后题

新视野大学英语Book II课后练习题答案Unit 1Section ALanguage focus3.Words in use1.condense2.exceed3.deficit4.exposure5.asset6.adequatepetent8.adjusting9.precisely 10.beneficial4.Word buildingWords learned new words formed-al/ialmanager managerialeditor editorialsubstantial substancesurvive survivaltraditional traditionmarginal margin-cyConsistent consistencyAccurate accuracyEfficiency efficient-yRecover recoveryMinister ministryassemble assembly5.1.editorial2.recovery3.accuracy4.substance5.managerial6.margin7.assembly8.Ministry9.survival10.tradition11.consistency12.efficient6.Banked cloze1.L2.C3.J4.A5.I6.O7.N8.E9.H10.F7.Expressions in use1.feel obliged to2.be serious about3.run into4.distinguish between5.thrust upon6.was allergic to7.get lost8.be attracted to9.make sense10.looked upon as9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.人们普遍认为英语是一种世界语言,经常被许多不以英语为第一语言的国家使用.与其他语言一样,英语也发生了很大的变化.英语的历史可以分为三个主要阶段,古英语,中古英语和现代英语.英语起源于公元5世纪,当时三个日耳曼部落入侵英国,他们对于英语语言的形成起了很大的作用.在中世纪和现代社会初期,英语的影响遍及不列颠群岛.从17世纪初,它的影响力开始在世界各地显现.欧洲几百年的探险和殖民过程导致了英语的重大变化.今天,由于美国电影,电视,音乐,贸易和技术,包括互联网的大受欢迎,美国英语的影响力尤其显著.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishChinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world.The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. In this long evolutionary process,Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form.Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers’ personal feeling, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that"seeing the calligraphers’handwriting is like seeing the person".As one of the treasures of Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world’s treasure house of culture and art.Section B4.words in use1.mysterious2.desperate3.devise4.negotiate5.recalled6.specifically7.depict8.ignorance9.expand10.confusion5.Expressions in use1.apply to2.in a bid to3.end up4.Speaking of5.get hold of6.appealed to7.Leaving behind8.focus on6.Sentence structure1.Even though it is important for the students to have a deep understanding of the texts,it doesn’t make any sense to read texts word for word from the beginning to the end.2.As it is a matter of little importance to us,it doesn’t make much sense to argue out whic h is wrong or which is better or worse.3.It makes no sense to compel children to obey their parents;instead, we should try to tell them what is righ and what is wrong.7.1.If l had known it was so hot yesterday,l might as well have stay at home.2.Since we waited for so many hours at the airport lat night,we might as well have taken the train home.3.I already knew the secret,so he might as well have told me all about it.Collocationwarm up1.essential framework2.distinctive difference3.high standards4.valuable possession5.considerable frustration6.acquire knowledge7.overcome deficiencies8.sketch thoughts9.devise a scheme8.1.essential framework2.proper vocabulary3.excellent controlnguage deficit5.high standardsnguage proficiency7.acquire petent communication9.overcome deficiencies10.sketch thoughts11.effective communication 12.advanced vocabularyUnit 2Section A3.Words in use1.promotes2.accelerate3.mystery4.insight5.boost6.analysis7.calculate8.barriers9.destruction 10.prospect4.Words buildingWords learned New words formed-ingpromise promisingbear bearinghouse housing-iveobject objectiveoffensive offendexclusive excludeexcessive excessexecutive execute-ifyintense intensifyidentify identity5.1.excess2.bearing3.objective4.intensify5.execute6.promising7.exclude8.identity9.offend 10.housing6. Banked cloze1.C2.H3.D4.J5.B6.L7.M8.G9.F10.A9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.慕课是一种网络课程,它旨在通过网络实现广泛参与和开放接入.慕课是远程教育迈出的最新一步,现已在高等教育领域迅速引领潮流.通过这些课程,大学可以扩大影响的范围,从影响成千上万住在城里付学费的学生,扩展到惠及全球上百万的学生.除了拥有传统的课程资料,慕课还给使用者提供互动论坛,支持学生和讲师之间的交流.慕课能够促进参与者之间的交流,使得多种观点、知识和技能涌现到课堂上来;它鼓励人们尝试之前不可能尝试的课程,甚至是尝试新的教育方式;它提供多种学习课程资料的方式,鼓励多模式学习,以各种学习风格满足学习者的需求;另外,慕课促进教学的改善,使技术在面对面授课中得以更好地应用.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishIn recent years, with the development of Internet technology, the construction of digital education resources of our country has made great achievement. Many universities have set up their own digital learning platforms,and digital teaching is playing an increasingly important role in education. Compared with the traditional way of teaching, the digital wayhas a lot of advantages. On one hand, digital teaching makes global sharing of teaching resource possible; on the other hand, it expands the learner’s study time and space to learn, allowing people to get access to the digital virtual schools though the Internet anytime and anywhere. These advantages make it possible for people to shift from one-time learning to lifelong learning.Section B4.words in use1.enroll2.revise3.accumulate4.accorded5.evaluate6.prime7.confirm8.shrinking9.sufficient10.recruit5.Expressions in use1. bother to2. is available to3. been compelled to4. described...as5. Exposed...to6. rather than7. have something to do with8. for its own sake6.Sentence structure1. A teacher, no matter how knowledgeable he is, cannot teach his students everything they want to know.2. No matter where you travel, you can always find someone to communicate with in English since English is an important language.3. No matter what work a person is doing, if he gives his best each day,he creates lots of happiness for himself.7.1. Although the number of applications is small, there is little doubt that the program will help the students who really need financial aid.2. There is no doubt that computer crime is a very serious problem, so people think that all hackers need to be punished for their actions.3. Though the boy worked very hard and finally successfully passed the exam, there is no doubt that overwork and too much worry caused his illness.CollectionWarm-up1. sufficient/promising jobs2. well-rounded human beings3. develop identity4. shrinking job market5. dominant pillars6. reform system7. specialized fields8. general consensus81.promising2.worsens3.shrinking4.dominantnd6.great7.well-rounded8.creative9.elegant 10.constructive 11.skills 12.makeUnit 3Section ALanguage focus3.Words in use:1. peculiar2. radical3. phase4. sensible5.predict10.parallels6. labeled7. resent8.witnessed9.equivalent4.Word buildingWords learned New words formed-icchaos chaoticdrama dramaticacademic academy-iondepress depressiondetect detectionerode erosionclassify classificationconfusion confusecooperation cooperatedictation dictate-istright rightistjournalist journal5.1.journal2.chaotic3.cooperate4.erosion5.dramatic6. confuse7.academy8.rightists9.depression10.dictate 11.detection12.classification6.Banked cloze1.K2.E3.A4.C5.L6.I7.G8.N9.H10.O7.Expressions in use1. saddled with2. back off3.gives way to4.resorted to5.make allowances for6. wonder at7. prior to8.based upon/on9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.作为美国文化价值体系的一个重要组成部分,"个人主义"受到大多数美国人的推崇.美国人认为家庭作为一个群体,其主要目的是促进家庭各成员的幸福.与许多其他文化相比,美国家庭成员的主要职责,不是在社会上或经济上提高整个家庭的地位.人们通常认为,什么是对个人最好的要比什么是对家庭最好的更为重要.与自由相伴而来的是照顾自己的责任,因为所选择的自由承载了责任,即必须接受自己的选择所带来的后果.许多美国人给他们的孩子更多的自由,因为他们希望孩子们能够独立和自力更生.在美国人强调个人自由的同时,父母与孩子间平等的信念也对美国家庭产生了巨大的影响.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishFilial piety is the basic code of ethics in the ancient Chinese society.Chinese peopleconsider filial piety as the essence of a person’s integrity,family harmony,and the nation’s well-being.With filial piety being the core of Confucian ethics,it has been the moral standard for the Chinese society to maintain the family relationship for thousands of years.It’s undoubtedly a traditional Chinese virtue.The culture of filial piety is a complex concept,rich in content and wide in range.It includes not only cultural ideas but also institutional etiquettes. Generally speaking,it refers to the obligation of children to their parents required by the society,including respect,care,support for the elderly and so forth.Filial piety is fundamental to the ancient"Oriental civilization".Section BLanguage focus4.Words in use1.hollow2. restless3.demonstrate4.exiled5.miserablemercial7. hesitated8.erupt9.refine 10.feasible5.Expressions in use1. are tired of2.fall into3.be strict with4.not amount to mach5.drifted off6.bonded with7.resign himself to8.surrender themselves to6.Sentence structure1.The man walk slowly,with one hand pulling with effort at his coat and the other holding tightly on to his trousers.2. With more and more students joining it,the new club soon expanded and became thelargest one on the campus.3.With the Internet becoming increasingly popular for young people to connect with their friends,7.1.With the traditional values in their heads,most parents found it hard to accept their child’s thinking.2.With this kind of jeans out of fashion,young people do not like to wear them any more now.3.With the differences in their skills and abilities,the young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds.CollocationWarm-up1.fluid journey2.enormous pressure3.contemporary generation4.rebellious attitude5.peculiar challenge6.equivalent need7.radical change8.traditional aspirations8.1.fluid2.contemporary3.radical4.enormous5.pridefulpetitive7.rebellious8.transition9.unavoidable10. traditional11.unique12.peculiarUnit4Section ALanguage focus3.Words in use:1. confess2. tempting3. commence4. Coordinating5. granted6. deserved7. displayed8. Consequently9. lodged10. proceed4.Word buildingcontented compress complicate identification justification qualificationillustration exhibit extension interpretation plantation perception1.qualifications2.perception3.plantationspressed5.exhibit6. contented7.interpretationplicate9.illustration10.identification11. identification12. justification6.Banked cloze1. N2.B .3.G4. I5. H6.L7. E8. M9. K10. C7.Expressions in use1. on her behalf2. took the liberty of3. immune to4. were filled with5. fall in love with6. Expelled from7. been pessimistic about8. go along with9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.美国和欧洲各国都会庆祝2月14日的情人节,这是一个充满爱情和浪漫的节日,恋人之间通常都会交换情人结和爱情信物.关于这个节日的起源有着不同的说法.一个传说是罗马人马一个叫圣瓦伦丁的神父关进了监狱,因为他拒绝相信罗马神.2月14日那天,瓦伦丁被处死,不仅因为他是基督徒,而且因为他曾治愈了一位监狱看守双目失明的女儿.他在被处死的前一天晚上给她写了一封"你的瓦伦丁"的告别信.后来,2月14日就成了一个人们可以为他们的情人展示感情的节日.现在,人们以不同的方式庆祝情人节他们发送贺卡、鲜花,赠送巧克力或其他礼品,或共进浪漫的晚餐.现在这个节日已流行世界各地.在中国,这个节日也正越来越受年轻人的欢迎.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishJuly 7th on the Chinese calendar is Chinese Qixi Festival, the most romantic of all the traditional Chinese holidays.Every year,some big businesses organize various activities,and young people send gifts to their lovers.As a result,the QiXi Festival is considered to be Chinese "Valentine’s Day". The QiXi Festival is derived from the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid. The legend holds that on this particular night every year the Cowherd and Weaving meeting in the Milky Way on the night of QiXi. On this night, girls would also beg Weaving Maid for some wisdom for a happy marriage. But, with the changing of times, this activities are diminishing. All that remains is the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid, a sign of faithful love, continuously circulate among the folk.Section BLanguage focus4.Words in use1. conveying2. forged3. thriving4. abnormal5. frowning6. thrilled7. reckoned8. clarified9. conquer10. concealing5.Expressions in use1. contact with2. took the initiative3. are inclined to4. thrive on5. indifferent to6. whip out7. in the pit of her stomach8. chip in6.Sentence structure1. With online learning, there is less study in a regular classroom and more time to spend by yourself.2. With regular exercise,you will have less mental stress and more physical strength.3. With the new high way, there is less traffic and more comfort for drivers on the road.7.1. Ambitious as he is,he has never been able to accomplish his goal and made his parents feel proud of him.2. Embarrassed as they were,they remained positive throughout their travels and learned from the mistakes they made along the way.3. Hard as she tried, Jane failed to introduce her father to the joys of rock music. CollocationWarm-up1.casual attraction2. healthy friendship3. romantic relationship4. dynamic personality5. mature love6. mutual friends8.1.college sweetheart2.take the initiative3.romantic relationship4.steady boyfriend5. casual attraction6. fairy-tale romance7. exceedingly embarrassed8. madly in love9. healthy friendship10. traditional upbringing11. mature love12. mutual friendsUnit5Section ALanguage focus3.Words in use:1.contradict2.paradox3.perspective4.explicit5.suspended6.derive7.defy8.retains9.manipulating10.tackle4.Word buildingbrowse browsermessage messengerconsumer consumenegotiate negotiationobject objectionreact reactionconstitute constitutioncultivate cultivationdefine definitionexpand expansionconcentration concentratecivilization civilize5.1.concentrated2.messenger3.Civilized4.constitution5.browser6.objection7.expansion8.consume9.definition10.cultivation11.reaction12.negotiation6.Banked cloze1.B2.D3.O4.E5.F6.C7.K8.H9.N10.I7.Expressions in use1. referred to2.at odds with3.put off4.consulting with5.do their utmost6.took stock7.of on track8.take in9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.大发现年代,也被称为大勘探年代,是欧洲进行全球勘察的一个历史时期,始于15世纪初并一直持续到18世纪.这一时期通常被认为是中世纪和近代之间的桥梁,当时西方帝国主义刚兴起,欧洲各王国之间正在经济上互相竞争,他们想通过建立贸易路线和殖民地来寻找财富.在这一时期众多伟大的探险家中,最杰出的是克里斯托弗.哥伦布,因为他发现了新大陆.欧洲的海外扩张导致了殖民帝国的崛起,旧大陆与新大陆的接触也促成了两边的互相交换:大量的财务、动物、食物、文化等得到了迁移.这代表了历史上生态、农业和文化在全球范围内最重大的活动之一.欧洲大勘探让绘制全球性的世界地图称为可能,从而使人们看到了一个新的世界与古老的文明正遥相呼应.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishThe Silk Road is a traffic route in the ancient times connecting China and Eurasia.This trade route focuses on the trade of silk,hence the name"the Silk Road".As an international trade channel and a bridge of cultural exchanges,the Silk Road effectively improved the economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West,exerting a profound impact on the progress of the world civilization.Nowadays, under the new historical circumstances,our country proposes the strategy of"One Belt,One Road"<namely the Silk Road Economic Belt and the21st-century Maritime Silk Road>.The strategy of "One Belt,One Road"focuses on cooperation and mutual benefits,emphasizing mutual benefits,win-win,as well as common development of the related countries.Once proposed,the strategy has received positive responses from the related countries along the road.Section BLanguage focus4.Words in use1. conveying2.prohibited3.submit4.remedied5.imposed6.feature7.crisis8. artificial9.principal10.issued11.isolated5.Expressions in use1.suffering from2.in accordance with3.be entitled to4.care about5.ear at6.access to out of the question6.Sentence structure1.It seems you got a bad coughFollow your doctor’s advice or your cough will get worse.2.The oil painting hanging on the wall is too high.Stand over there and you’ll be able to seeit better.3.Because of the rain,the road is extremely slipper.Watch your step if you go out or youmight fall.1.There is nothing more important than being honest with everyone at shool and at work.2.There is nothing more helpful than using the Internet to improve my English skils.3.There is nothing more encouraging and stimulating than communicating successfullywith your colleagues.CollocationWarm-up1>seemingly free2>barely enough3>easily accessible4>absolutely needed5>financially bankrupt6>completely charmed7>truly autonomous8>staggeringly expensive9>emotionally crippled8.1.financial distress2.financial trouble3.financially bankrupt4.seemingly tree5.suspend desires6.easily accessible7.emotionally crippled8.artificial sense9.truly pletely charmed11.staggeringly expensive12.buyingdecisionsUnit6Section ALanguage focus3.Words in use:1. implement2. rival3. motivating4. discarded6. prejudiced7. restore8. enlightening9. profit 4.Word building-icstrategy strategicsympathy sympathetic-ionconfirm confirmationlocate locationreflect reflectionprovide provisioninstall installationregister registrationquotation quote 10.investigate 5. fluctuating-izesympathy sympathizecritic criticizeindustrial industrialize5.1.sympathize2.confirmation3.strategic4.installation5. quote6.sympathetic7. criticize8.location9.reflection10.industrialize11.provision12.registration 6.Banked cloze1.M2.D3.H4.O5.F6.L7.I8.C9.J10.A7.Expressions in use1. Was attached to2.be measured ine in handy4.clinging to5.pay a bigprice6.are exhausted from7.imposed on8.revolve around9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.极简主义是去掉多余的,仅保留需要的部分.用最简单的话来说,极简的生活方式,就是生活得越简单越好,直到获得心灵的平静,这种简单既是精神上的,也是身体上的.这样的生活方式会减轻压力,带来更多自由时间,并增强幸福感.极简主义者会说,他们生活的更有意义了,更从容了.极简的生活方式让他们着眼于生活中更重要的事物:朋友、爱好、旅游和体验.当然,极简主义并不意味着拥有物质财富从本质上来讲有什么不对.现在的问题似乎在于,我们往往太重视所拥有的东西,而常常抛弃了健康、人与人之间的关系、我们的热情、个人成长,以及帮助他人的愿望.极简主义除了在我们的日常生活中可以得到应用,还存在于很多创意领域,包括艺术、建筑、设计、舞蹈、电影、戏剧、音乐、时尚、摄影和文学等.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishNational Happiness Index<NHI> is an index that measures how happy people are. It is alsoa tool that measures the levels of economic development and people’s livelihood andhappiness in a country or region. With the fast growth of Chinese economy, the Chinese government has been playing more and more attention to people’s living quality and the increase of happiness index. The government stresses improvement of its people’s livelihood,striving to improve their economic conditions and meet their growing material and cultural needs.Currently,the Chinese government advocates the unleashing of more reform dividends with the aim of offering more real benefits to its people. All these measures will combine to effectively increase the NHI of our people.Section BLanguage focus4.Words in use1. concerning2.specified3.controversy4.rendered5.enforced6.distribute7.highlighted8. implication9.penetrating10.subtract5.Expressions in use1.played a role2.turned out3.are depressed about4.settle for5.rushed into6.out of control7.transferred to8. rely on6.Sentence structure1.The more carefully he thought about it, the clearer it became to him that this was a jobfor someone with experience.2.The more exercise you do, the more energetic you will become, and the easier youreveryday tasks will seem.3.The more interesting the plot is, the more appealing the film will become to the audience.7.1.He is normally a quiet person, but when it comes to sports, he becomes a completely different man.2.When it comes to computers and the Internet, all the students become excited, each eagerto say something about his experience.3.AFrenchman may be ready to start a chat with a stranger on a train or in a cafe, but whenit comes to friendship, the French seem to be more cautious than the British.8.CollocationWarm-up1>conscious effort2>winning strategy3>limited choice4>remotest ideas5>temporary pain6>primary role9.1.rival options2.painful choices3.carefully chosen4.multiple options5.winning strategy6.predictably irrational7.temporary painplex decision9.limited choices10.conscious effort11.naturally prejudiced12.accumulatingevidenceUnit7Section ALanguage focus3.Words in use:1. harness2. symbolic3. disposed4. flourishing5. violated6. accommodation7. infer8. compose9. plausible10. tolerance4.Word buildingWords learned New words formed-al/-ialfate fatalhorizon horizontalmechanic mechanicaloccasion occasionalproportion proportionallogical logicdeny denialcommercial commerce-ityrelative relativityprior prioritycontinue continuityactual actuality5.1.actuality2.mechanical3.logic4.denial5.Occasional6.fatal7.continuity8.relativitymerce11.proportional12.horizontal6.Banked cloze1.D2.J3.M4.H5.A6.O7.F8.L9.I10.C7. Expressions in usees down to2.take exception to3.make concessions to4.burst into5.feel at ease with6.on both counts7.took over8.stemmed from9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.婚纱礼服的颜色和款式可取决于婚礼参与者的宗教和文化.例如,在西方文化中新娘通常会选择白色的婚纱,而在中国,传统的结婚礼服是红色的.虽然白色已成为当今婚纱礼服在世界各地最受青睐的颜色,可是这在维多利亚时期之前并不是一个普遍的潮流.白色在1840年成为了一个受欢迎的选择,那年维多利亚女王在她的婚礼上穿了一件白色的礼服.官方的婚礼照片被广泛刊登后,很多新娘都仿效女王选择白色.很多人相信白色象征着童贞,尽管这不是她们选择白色的初衷.就款式而言,婚纱礼服曾一度是前面短短的、后面是长长的裙摆.这种趋势一直持续到20世纪60年代后期,那个时期全长裙边的设计恢复了流行.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishChina is home to silk,thereby having a variety of arts related to silk,one of which is embroidery. Embroidery, with at least two or three thousand years of history, is one of the Chinese traditional folk arts and crafts. Since most embroiderers are women, it’s also called "women’s needlework". Embroidery has been much-loved by the Chinese people. It can be used to beautify clothing and things. For example, clothes, quilts, pillowcases etc. can be embroidered with beautiful designs, or a piece of embroidery can be made for a special ornament. There are four most famous types of embroidery in China: Suxiu from Suzhou, Yuexiu from Guangdong, Xiangxiu from Hunan, and Shuxiu from Sichuan, each having its own style and theme.Among the four,Suzhou embroidery has enjoyed the highest reputation.Section BLanguage focus4.Words in use1.bounced2.tolerate3.supplement4.condemn5.overflowed6.swear7.resemblepounded9.disgusting10.trim5.Expressions in use1.convert to2.was revolted by3.was comprised of4.busied himself with5.fussed over6.is unique in7.exerting themselves8.substituted for6.Sentence structure1.Having no idea about their thoughts and opinions, I would rather give up the attempt toguess what their reaction will be.2.To avoid making mistakes, I would rather be home alone and not communicate withanybody.3.The old man would rather be living in the past, for things are much more different todaythan they were in the past.7.1.I couldn’t stand bad manners and thought my leaving was anything but rude, so I got thenext train back home and left him there.2.They usually look very nice and even generous, but in terms of integrity, they are anythingbut honest.3.When the two young people got married, many people attended the wedding ceremony,yet it was anything but modern.CollocationWarm-up1. strong urge2. particularly difficult3.demanding job4.make concessions5.social context6.management style8.1.plausible2.context3.management4.pleasantly5.great6.strong7.subtle8.conflicting9.personal10.typically11.diplomatically12.vaguelyUnit 8Section ALanguage focus3.Words in use1.arresting2.omits3.optional4.transplanted5.hence6.twisted7.stung8.minute9.imitate 10.evil4.Word buildingWords learned New words formed-enceinterfere interference-erthrill thriller-lyscarcely scarcespecifically specific-ionconsume consumptiondeceive deceptioninvade invasionproceed procession5.1.interference2.invasion3.Consumption4.procession5.specific6.deception7.scarce8.thrillers6.Banked cloze1.B2.G3.L4.K5.F6.D7.H8.N9.E10.I7.Expressions in use1.persisted in2.have relevance to3.becoming aware of4.isolated from5.in the name of6.make a contribution7.been occupied with8. tip the scales9.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.世界自然基金会<WWF>是一个致力于有关保护、研究和修复环境议题的国际性非政府组织.该组织最初于1961年被命名为世界野生动物基金会.1986年,它更名为世界自然基金会,以更好地反映其活动范围.它是世界上最大的、独立的自然保护组织,拥有世界各地超过500万的支持者,在100多个国家开展工作,并援助约1300个与自然和环境保护有关的项目.它的任务是阻止破坏地球的生态环境,建立一个能使人类与自然和谐相处的未来.目前,其大部分工作都集中在对海洋和海岸、森林、淡水的保护.在其他问题上,它也关注濒危物种,污染和气候变化.现在他们最需要的是资金,以履行其使命和处理与自然保护有关的突发事件.10.Translate the following paragraph into EnglishSince the founding of New China, especially since the economic reform and door-openingto the world, the Chinese government has made considerable efforts in eco-environmental protection and achieved effective progress. The government has taken a series of important measures to protect and improve the ecological environment, such as actively promoting key ecological projects, enhancing ecosystem construction and biodiversity conservation, establishing a number of nature reservations, ecological demonstration zones, scenic spots and forest parks. One of the important goals of building a socialist harmonious society is to strengthen ecological protection and construction and to achieve harmony between man and nature. Environmental protection and ecological civilization construction have provided a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China’s economy and society.Section BLanguage focus4.Words in use1.emitted2.shoved3.symbol 5.wakened 6.ditch8.countdown9.discharged 10.rotated5.Expressions in use1.out2.with3.in4.between5.from6.of7.with8.over6.Sentence structure1. People with sleeping disorder cannot sleep much, as is the case with the people who get older.2. The new irrigation system would require farmers to apply for a planning permission, as is.the case with other commercial or industrial developments.3. We have seen encouraging signs of improvement in our financial conditions, as is the case with the overall economy according to the media reports.7.1.Samuel is good at filmmaking, and he is still as enthusiastic and curious about it as he was at the start of his career.2.He seemed to assume that she was as interested in these questions as he was when he first read them online.3.She recognized that her son had not always been as attentive toward his wife or children as she had expected.CollocationWarm-up1.severely restricted2. terrifying effects3.subsequent advances4.damaging impact5.remain undiscovered8.1.entire field2.subsequent advances3.reasonable argument4.severely restricted5.terrifying effects6.suitable alternatives7.well-understood principles8.Medicalresearch9.supreme desire10.moral compass11.remain undiscovered12.innocent animals31/31。

UNIT 1陌生人的善意1 一年夏天,我从家乡加利福尼亚州的塔霍城开车前往新奥尔良。
2 开过了几个州以后,我还在想着那个想搭便车的人。
我很想知道,现在还有人会停车吗?3 我想到我此行的目的地——新奥尔良。
”4 陌生人的善意。
如今这年头还有谁能指望陌生人的善意吗?5 要验证这一点,一个办法是一个人从东海岸旅行到西海岸,不带一分钱,完全依靠美国同胞的善意。
他会发现一个什么样的美国?谁会给他饭吃、让他歇脚、捎他一程呢?6 这个念头激起了我的好奇心。
但谁会这么不切实际、愿意去尝试这样一次旅行呢?好吧,我想,那不如我来试试?7 满37岁那个星期,我意识到我这辈子还从没冒过什么险呢。
8 1994年9月6日,我早早起床,背起一个50磅重的包,朝金门桥走去。

Unit one1. struggle g. battle2. intimidating f. threatening3. racial c. ethnic4. scattered b. separated5. attach e. connect6. trap h. catch7. panic a. fear 8. unsteady d. shaky1. I heard his scream and felt my blood f reeze with fear.2. Some teachers tend to s tereotype students who are from rural areas.3. His first i nstinct was to call 911 when he realized there was a burglar in his house.4. The building c ollapsed during the earthquake. It went all to pieces.5. We promise that the products will be d elivered on time.1. As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men already aboard. 她正要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位男乘客。
2. Her hesitation about joining them in the elevator was alltoo obvious now. Her face was flushed. 要不要进去和他们同乘一部电梯?她迟疑不决的态度已经太过明显了。
3. The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily to hold in a belly laugh. 说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑。

一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
Unit2 课后习题及答案 董亚芬 大学英语2(精读)

3. Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a word or phrase. Change the forms whee necessary.
hesitate threaten owe...to judgment go out of her way
in the morning. ③ What other things were invented in ancient China ___b_e_s_id_e_s___ the compass
2)accept /receive ① So far the gardener __h_a_s__re_c_e_i_v_ed___ no instructions as to what to do next. ② Mrs. Brown asked me to go to her daughter's concert and I __a_c_ce_p_t_e_d_ her
hesitate threaten owe...to judgment go out of her way
humble leave...behind origin be...appointed in existence
act on criticize
④ Once he realized that it is his mistake, Jim never ___h_es_i_ta_t_e_d___ to admit and correct it.
Fill in the blanks with the adjectives given above. ① The two brother are only _a_l_ik_e___ in appearance. ② Mother found Mike still _a_s_le_e_p_ when she came into his room at eight in the morning. ③ In spite of the hard winter, the roses in our garden are still ___a_l_iv_e___. ④ I got a splitting headache( 剧烈的头疼). It kept me __a_w_a_k_e__ all night. ⑤ Mrs. Stone was really quite __a_l_o_n_e__ in the world except an aged aunt in Philadelphia. ⑥ The whole nation was ___as_t_ir____ when news came that China's Shenzhou-6 aircraft had

1. A tiny baby soon learns to (disting uish) its ......faces2. A good photograph can often (convey)........words.3.After two days of questioning by the police,....(confessed)4.At the press conference he (declined/decreased) to.........successes.5.Although you have graduated.........(qualify) you to teach english6.After a while as an .......(harden) to what you see.............7.After the party,..............(volunteers)to help with ..............kitchen.8.By the late 1950s,......(accumulated) enough information to show.......cancer.9.Bill (enrolled) in a four~year.............10.Cool foresight and a quick mind ...(react) swiftly in an emergency11.Children should be ...(compromise).....others want.12.Day and night martin could not (drag) his mind ...............13.Differences of opinion are often the most difficult problem to (resolve)14.Don’t (swear) at other ............you are.15.Having studied business at college and knowing...........(competent) for he job.16.Hearing his comforting words,.....(warmth)........crying.17.He was an enthusiastic amateur..................(professional)18.He is always ready to (render) help to others,......neighborhood19.He was awarded the .....(contribution) to world peace.20.How (puzzling)! The male student.........this time.21.I would like to find a job in a(n) (promising) company after i graduate.22.I cannot tell the exact number, (approximately) 100student.........excellence.23.I firmly believe that this agreement will be for our (mutual) benefit.24.I am supposed to be ......(bunch).......happened.25.I would be (grateful) if you would mail this package for me.26.I have a packed timetable this week.could you (substitute) for me ......office?27.It is very important to (confine) your speech to the subject.28.It is really (unfair)..............of her skin color.29.It is a very popular play,and....(r eserve)seats in advance/30.It will only (weaken) his.........ideas.31.It is a matter of (convention) that male businesspeople.................................32.If we take all........(slim).33.If you have no (objection),.........marry me.34.Internet games have proved very (popular) with young people.35.Julian says he hopes to get a job and find a way to (obtain) a college........36.Looking at the old photos of his mother (stirred) feelings ,,,,.....years.wyers (charge) such high fees,but they never seem to be short of clients.38.(Literally) thousands of people ..............39.My sole object was to get (shelter) from the snow,.......warm.40.Should it be a failure ,as many .....(rank)as one of the worst man~made disasters.41.She was very glad to see the (presence) of many ....party.42.She (attributed) her broken .......temper.43.Peking university and Tsinghua ........(institutions) in china.44.People have bought these houses under the (illusion)....rising.45.These people are very (efficient),very organized............................................46.The leading economists of the country have been (assessing) the........economy.47.The general public did not have.....(fulfill) this difficult job.48.The company is ( conducting) a survey to find out.....product49.The rain was heavy and (consequentry)the land was flooded.50.The discovery of the oilfield is of great(significance)to the ...region.51.The mother ......(amusing)appearance.52.The tall man (lowered)his head so that he could enter the room.53.Though the plan ........(persisted)in following it.54.The project has been (camceled) by .......resources.55.The clerk must have (overlooked) your name,........here.56.The speaker said something......(proceeded).......film.57.The discovery seems to (confirm) that....10,000 years ago.58.The book was first published in 1994 and was (subsequently)nguages.59.The management (forbid) their workers...............customers.60.The picture is (identical) to the .....................york.61.The factory has now .........(overseas)......few years.62.The university (resisted)................departments.63.Thanks to the great.............(decrease/decline) in the past few years.64.The most (noticeabled) change..................third~grader.65.The young man was (hooked ) on heroin and.....................66.The actor’s performanc e in hamlet has been (impressive)67.The young girl is (refined) in her manners.........fork.68.The new project is expected to start.......(approval) of the board.69.The doctor (recommended) that he should ..........hospital.70.The crisis had a (destructive) effect on the economy.71.The program can only be .......(perceive) training as important.72.The (emphasis) was to be laid ......areas.73.This is an important matter,so we must give it (priority)..........74.The activities are designed to (stimulate) classroom discussions.75.Why are you (frowning) all the time ?try to look happy!76.When he looked.........(prejudice).....forty.77.We don’t serve anything (fancy).............78.Where unemployment and crime rates are high,it.......(latter)......79.With foreigners and tourists .......(diverse) cities in the world.80.You seem awfully (tense)...........relax?二1。
全新版大学英语综合教程2-unit 1--unit 4课后练习答案

Unit 1:1、VocabularyPromote 促进summarize 总结make up for 弥补investigate 调查Performance性能not…in the least 至少initial 最初的on occasion 有时Emerge 出现critical 关键的phenomenon现象insert 插入Attach 附上in retrospect 回顾await 等待in due course在适当的时候1.To use the machine, first insert the correct coins, then select the drink you want and button.使用这台机器,首先插入正确的硬币,然后选择你想喝和按钮。
2.Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also, on occasion, from the Polish.史密斯教授翻译不仅从法国来,有时,来自波兰。
3.Food chemists will investigate the health food on sale to see if it really does give the benefitsclaimed.食品化学家将调查在销售保健食品是否真的剂量给人的利益。
4.In retrospect, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city.回想起来,那是打开新的数据处理中心在这个城市,错误的时间。
5.My initial reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry.听到这个消息我最初的反应是如释重负,但我想一下我开始感到愤怒。

新编大学英语2课后题答案Unit One (P13)He walks slowly because of his bad leg.He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.He saw to it that the same mistake didn’t happen again.Now that they’ve got to know each other a little better, they get along just fi ne.Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.P331) support a big family2) care for her children and parents3) pay for his children’s education4) after years of diligent research5) the financial burden on his shoulders6) She has a golden heart/ a heart of gold and loves people around her.7) My father has never bought any toys and candies for my younger brother and me, but I know he loves us.8) My parents do their best to meet our needs and always keep their promises.1) 他从来不感到疲劳,非常喜欢干活,而且说话不多。
2) 有她陪在身边我很高兴并感到安全,尤其是在天气不好的时候。

Vocabulary1. 1) urged 2) halted 3) bother 4) embarrassed 5) adjusted 6) complain7) kid 8) engage 9) subject 10) saw to it that 11) coordinate 12) participate2. Word-Buildingpatient---patience enter---entrancebitter---bitterness complain---complaintfortunate---fortune envy---enviousknowledge---knowledgeable memory---memorablereluctance---reluctant frustrate---frustration1) bitter 2) fortunate 3) patience 4) memorable5) reluctant6)entrance 7) complaints 8) envious 9) knowledgeable 10) frustrationTranslation1. He walks slowly because of his bad leg.2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.3. He saw to it that the same mistake didn't happen again.4. Now that they've got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine.5. Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.Vocabulary1. 1) mess 2) repeat 3) mislead 4) intends 5) tend 6) exaggerates7)frustrating 8) misinterpreted 9) acceptance 10) trust2.STEP ONE 1) F 2) C 3) A 4) K 5) I 6) E 7) H 8) J 9) G 10) B 11) D STEP TWO 1) conveyed/conveys 2) assistance 3) encounter 4) conflict 5) emphasis 6) reacted 7) recognize 8)manner 9)assumed/assume10) emerged/emerges 11) ignore3. 1) out 2) on 3) with 4) of 5) In 6) in 7) to 8) on 9) At 10) of Translation1)I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulledout.2)The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes.3)All roads lead to Rome.4)I meant to give you that book today, but I forgot to bring it withme.5)I was on the verge of accepting his advice.6)Divorce is not a matter you can afford to take lightly.Unit 3:Vocabulary1.1) appreciateA. be thankful or grateful for 感激B. recognize and enjoy the good qualities or worth of 欣赏,赏识2) capacityA. the amount that something can hold or contain 容量,容积,容纳力B. ability or power 能力,才能,力量3) channelA. n.a particular television station 频道B. v.direct something towards a particular purpose 把……导向,引导,集中4) contributeA. join with others in giving 捐献,捐赠,贡献出B. help in causing a situation, event, or condition 有助于,促成5) flexibleA. that can bend or be bent easily 有弹性的,柔韧的B. that can change or be changed to be suitable for new needs 灵活的,可变通的6) guiltA. the fact of having broken a moral rule or official law 罪,罪行B. the feelings produced by knowledge or belief that one has done wrong 内疚,自责,悔恨7) potentialA. adj. likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future 潜在的,可能的B.n. the inherent ability for growth and development 潜力,潜能8) rigidA. stiff, not easy to bend 硬的,不易弯曲的B. firm or fixed, difficult to change or unwilling to change 严格的,刻板的2.achieve— achievement depend—dependence cruel—cruelty genuine—genuineness aware—awareness capable—capability expect—expectation limit—limitation / limit unique—uniqueness respond—response disappoint—disappointment behave―behavior1) expectations 2) limitations 3) capability 4) achievement 5) response6) awareness 7) behavior 8) disappointment 9) cruelty 10) dependence 3. 1) entered into 2) channeled…into 3) holds/held back 4) unaware of 5) separates… from 6) referred to… as 7) lived up to 8) calls for 9) contributes to 10) sees/saw… asTranslation1. Lack of confidence contributed to his failure.2. She has shown great courage in the face of her serious illness.3. We came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth.4. His secretary failed to tell him about the meeting.5. Learning languages isn’t just a matter of memorizing words.6. Once she has made her decision, no one can hold her back.7. It’ll be difficult to live up to the standards set by our former captain.8. The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.Unit 5Vocabulary1. 1) explanation 2) enthusiasts 3) frustrating 4) popularity 5) unconscious 6) electrical 7) movements 8) recognizable 9) interpretation 10) countless2. Part A1) asleep 2) sleepless 3) sleep 4) sleepy 5) asleep 6) slept 7) sleeping, sleep 8) sleeperPart B1) submerged: go below the surface of the sea, river or lake (使)浸没,淹没2) subculture: the behavior, practices, etc. associated with a group within a society 亚文化3) submarine: a special type of ship which can travel under water 潜水艇4) subway: the passage under ground along which pedestrians can pass 地铁5) subzero: (of temperatures) below zero 零度以下的6) Subtropical: belonging to or relating to parts of the world that have very hot weather 副热带的,亚热带的7) subspecies: a subdivision of a species (物种的)亚种8) subnormal: below an average or expected standard, especially of intelligence 低于正常的3. 1) progressed 2) puzzled 3) process 4) reflected 5) predict 6) advances 7) symbol 8) ancient 9) error 10) conscious 11) analysis 12) innerTranslation1. You will see that what I am saying now will come true.2. The lecture was so boring that half (of) the students fell asleep.3. The problem of unemployment is tied up with the development of newtechnology.4. His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.5. The castle dates back to the 14th century.6. She has never done anything for them, whereas they have done everything they can for her.Unit 6Vocabulary1. 1) common 2) appropriate 3) forbidden 4) supplies 5) related6) evidence 7) requires 8) raise 9) spread 10) sufficiently2. 1) disgusting 2) habit 3) insects 4) reasonable 5)relatively6) animals 7) harvested 8) grow 9) nearly 10) other 11) altogether 12) consumed 13) avoided 14) popular 15) offers 16) served 17) would 18) enjoyed 19) considered 20) reject 3. 1) G 2) F 3) B 4) C 5) H 6) E 7) I 8) D 9) A 10) JTranslation1. We regard him as one of the best players in the game.2. The scientist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully put them into a box.3. The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States.4. The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy.5. She was standing by the window, apparently quite calm and relaxed.6. Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales.7. She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.8. He could no longer be trusted after that incident.Unit 7Vocabulary1.1) saveA. help someone by making it unnecessary for them to do something unpleasantor inconvenientB. keep money so that you can use it later, especially when you gradually add moremoney over a period of time2) missionA. an important job that someone has been given to do especially when they aresent to another placeB. a group of important people who are sent by their government to anothercountry to discuss something or collect information3) doA. be suitable or acceptableB. cook4) exposeA. leave something no longer covered or protectedB. make known (something secret), reveal5) modestya. behavior in which one avoids talking about one’s abilities, qualities, orpossessionsb. the quality or state of being not large in size or amount, or not expensive6) observeA. watch carefully, especially to learn more about itB. obey (a law, rule or custom)7) flightA. a set of stairs between one floor and the nextB. a journey in a plane or space vehicle8) bowA. bend your body over something, especially in order to see it more clearlyB. a knot of cloth or string with a curved part on either side, used especially fordecoration 蝴蝶结9) pick upA. lift somethingB. learn something by watching or listening to other people10) takeA. need or requireB. understand or interpret in a particular way 理解或解释某事2. expose: reveal abrupt: sudden accomplish: achieve surpass: exceed feasible: workable assure: convince discourage: dissuade inevitable: unavoidable farewell: goodbye caution: warning compliment: praise honor: respect proposal: suggestion modify: change frustration: disappointment3. 1) with 2) arranged 3) majority 4) proportion/percentage 5)similar6) reaches 7) including 8) background 9) parents 10) if/whether 11) who 12) both 13) meetings 14) families 15) dating 16) before 17) decision 18) parents 19) marriage 20) rateTranslation1. If you sing the song several times, your children will (begin to) pick up the words.2. We tried to assure the nervous old man that flying/air travel was safe.3. An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to night blindness.4. I can use a computer, but when it comes to computer repairing, I know nothingabout it.5. Many a mother tries to act out her dreams through her daughter.Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.6. The bad weather discouraged people from attending the parade.7. I gave him some pills to ease his pain.8. The job involves traveling/working abroad three months each year.Unit 8Vocabulary Practice1. 1) at the top 2) cut back on 3) free from 4) all but 5) in light of6) do us/her any good 7) keep…up 8) rather than 9) adds… to 10) pointed out 11) plowed back into 12) has much to do with2. 1) stockA. a supply of something for use or sale 存货,库存物B. money lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest 公债,证卷2) orderA. (a person in authority) tell someone to do something 命令B. ask for (something) to be made, supplied or delivered, especially in a restaurantor shop 订制;订购;点菜等3) consumeA. fill the thoughts or feelings continuously, especially in a damaging way 为某种思想/感情不断受折磨B. use (something) up 用完4) breedA. keep (animals or plants) for the purpose of producing young animals or plants繁殖, 培植B. a particular type of animal or plant 品种5) rawA. inexperienced 不熟练的,无经验的B. in the natural state, not yet treated for use 未经加工的6) stressA. extra force used in speaking a particular word or syllable 重读,重音B. great worry caused by a difficult situation 痛苦,压力7) philosophyA. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, truth, good and evil, etc. 哲学B. set of beliefs or an outlook on life that is a guiding principle for behavior 生活的信念或原则8) recallA. bring (something/somebody) back into the mind 回忆B. order somebody to return (from a place) 召回9) netA. remaining when nothing more is to be taken away 净的B. something that is made of threads woven across each other with regularspaces between them 网10) putA. write 写B. convey one’s ideas 传递思想11) confirmA. check that a possible arrangement is now definite 确认B. show that something is definitely true 证实12) spinA. (make something) turn round and round extremely quickly (使……)旋转B. make cotton, wool etc. into thread by twisting it 纺纱,纺线3. Story-TellingThe teacher may divide the classinto groups and tell them that foreach word or phrase a group gives, $1will be deposited in its name in thebank, and that for each word orphrase that is properly used in thestory, $5 will be added to the bank. Atthe end of the activity, the wholeclass will see which group has earnedthe most.Words or phrases related to money:From the text: sum, financial, wealthy, fund, penniless, dollar, save, purchase, spend, stock market, fortune, poor, rich, income, paycheck, afford,consumer,bankrupt, bankruptcy, debtOutside the text: salary, pocket money, profit, investment, loan, installment, expense, bank, property, bill, pay, millionaire, to spend money like water, silver, etc.SampleHu Ning hoped to become rich. In fact, he dreamed of being a millionaire with a large fortune that he could use to pay back all his debts, to purchase expensive gifts for his friends and relatives, and to buy a property for his children. Unfortunately, Hu Ning was penniless, and had the bad habit of spending money like water. He was incapable of saving money. He never even had enough pocket money. With his small salary, he lived from paycheck to paycheck. To realize his dreams, he needed a really big income. He felt the best way to become wealthy was to study the stock market and learn how to invest in stocks. But first he had to figure out how to convince his family that he could make a large sum of money by investing in stocks. Then he had to borrow money from his friends or relatives. If he could get money from any of them, do you believe he could become a millionaire?!Translation1. I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.2. Their opinion will not affect my decision.3. When it comes to modern art, few people know more than Tom does.4. When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire.5. The cough medicine tastes nice, but it doesn’t do me much good.6. If we can’t sell more goods, we’ll have to cut back on the production.7. The film is all but three hours long.8. I assure you that it is true, lest anyone (should) think my story strange.。
大学英语综合教程2 第三版 课后习题

大学英语综合教程2 第三版课后习题Unit 1Passage A课文翻译牛津大学牛津大学是英国最古老的大学,也是世界最著名的高等学府之一。
牛津大学有16 300多名学生(1999 — 2000),其中留学生占将近四分之一,来自130多个国家。
英国政府为在牛津和其他英国境内的大学求学的美国公民提供“马歇尔奖学金”牛津师生员工积极参与主动招生的活动,2001年这种活动有55项以上,包括走访3 700所中学和学院,以鼓励优秀学生报考牛津大学,而不管其背景如何。
新时代大学英语 2》1-8单元课后新时代大 2》1-8单元作

新时代大学英语 2》1-8单元课后新时代大 2》1-8单元作In the 1960s and ‘70s, teams of engineers and computer scientists worked to build the foundation for a network of networks. (Para. 1)a. fundingb. findingsc. basisThe last few years have pointed toward mobile computing. (Para. 2)a. calculatingb. using a computerc. doing mathematicsSome devices remain perpetually connected unless you turn them off or set them to airplane mode. (Para. 2)a. settingb. coveragec. distanceThe machines … will rely upon high-speed physical connections capable of transmitting data at a blistering speed. (Para. 3)a. sending outb. implantingc. inputtingSending the equivalent of a Blu-ray disc full of data across a network in the blink of an eye will be the norm. (Para. 3)a. formb. backbonec. standardBy 2050, it‘s not unreasonable to guess that we could have eye implants allowing us to see the digital world without the need for a display. (Para. 4)a. screenb. recognitionc. recommendationEven if we decide that altering ourselves is ethically questionable, we can achieve a similar effect just by building display capabilities into a pair of glasses. (Para. 4)a. morallyb. privatelyc. pervasivelyImagine looking around you and activating a digital overlay that gives you volumes of information about your surroundings. (Para. 5)a. many booksb. large amountsc. a lot of contentA pervasive Internet coupled with the right mobile technology could make it happen. (Para. 5)a. connectedb. matchedc. welcomedDo you see the Internet becoming part of our perception of the real world around us or do you believe the two will forever remain separate concepts? (Para. 7)a. executionb. awarenessc. transmissionReading 1 > Language Enhancement > 2AScan for the verbs used in Reading 1 and complete the collocations.1)trace Its roots back to (Para. 1)2)build The foundation (Para. 1)3)set Them to airplane mode (Para. 2)4)view This world in dozens of different ways (Para. 4)5)achieve A similar effect (Para. 4)6)perform Routine tasks (Para. 5)7)grab A bite to eat (Para. 5)8)execute A quick command (Para. 6)9)have Instant access to (Para. 6)10)take A great interest in (Para. 7)BUse the collocations in Step A to complete the sentences.1)This set of books aims to familiarize students with the basic knowledge in physics so as to build the foundation For further specialized science.2)The new mobile phones allow safe access to games, music and address books during flights even if you set them to airplane mode**.3)Sure, you may achieve a similar effect by sending emails to your colleagues, but it adds a more personal touch if you deliver the news to them in person.4)In fact, many American giant corporate enterprises tracetheir roots back to Small, family-owned businesses.5)In normal times, thousands of workers perform routine tasks Of reactor (反应堆) maintenance at the nuclear power station.6)By moving the pointer to the icon (图标) and pressing a mouse button, you can execute a quick command Or convert the icon into a window.7)Internet-based products like online news, social media, web games, e-commerce enable their users to view this world in dozens of different ways8)People want to have instant access to Reports or books that promise to solve their technical problems in the blink of an eye.9)The technology company recruits those who have Internet work experience and take a great interest in Internet products.10)The staff were willing to work around the clock, sleep in the office, grab a bite to eat And battle each other over strategy and technical decisions.Reading 1 > Language Enhancement > 3AWord Building Skill(s)Match the following words with the corresponding meanings in the box.1)predecessor sth. Formerly used2)predict say sth. Will happen3)pretend take on a false or misleading appearance4)precaution careful thought in advance to avoid risk5)perception the state of being aware of sth.6)permanent lasting for all time in the future7)pervasive existing in or spreading through every part of sth.8)perform play the part of; carry outBFill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing the proper words with the prefix “pre-” or “per-” from the box. Change the form where necessary.Predecessor Predict Pretend PrecautionPerception Permanent Pervasive Perform1)She began to raise money for her dream of a permanent,non-profit school for the higher education of women.2)You should be warm-hearted and pretend That this new colleague is one of your best friends.3)When changing the point of observation, we also change our understanding and perception Of the surrounding world.4)By using this test, the teacher could predict Whether the students are capable of doing this task.5)The car is some 40mm shorter than its predecessor.6)Jane admitted she was a bit worried about having to perform The leading female role after only a year of opera studies.Reading 1 > Language Enhancement > 4Translate into Chinese the following sentences from the text, leaving out the words in bold type.Translating Skill(s)1)In the 1960s and ‘70s, teams of engineers and computer scientists worked to build the foundation for a network of networks. (Para. 1)20世纪60年代和70年代,一些工程师和计算机科学家团队合作打下了将子网络再联结成网的基础。

B2 U5-ExSection AIII.1. hardened2. shelter3. slim4. weaken5. Literally6. noticeable7. bunch8. drag9. grateful 10. hookedIV.1. leaned on2. close at hand3. die of4. are starved of5. coupled with6. is directed … at7. are … dressed in8. grateful to9. struggling to 10. a bunch ofV.J G K M E O D H A CVI.1.Under the present situation the property prices are just beginning to harden again.2.In the past few years, theses inside conflicts have weakened the government’s position.3.Every Sunday the father takes his child to libraries, museums, exhibitions or natural parks, ashe believes that this helps to broaden the children’s mind.4.The days are lengthening as summer approaches.5.As she was waiting for the result to come out, her excitement heightened.6.The taking on of a new secretary lightened his workload considerably.7.As he listened to his assistant reporting on the process of the project, the manager’s facedarkened with anger.8.Before night fell, the setting the sun redden the clouds.VII.1. arrival2. expectations3. understandable4. Visitors5. freedom6. profitable7. lucky8. gatheringVIII.1.John went to the cinema with his brother, which surprised me.2.The boy broke the window, for which he was criticized by the teacher.3.He tore up my photo, by which I was angered very much.4.It was raining hard, for which the team stayed indoors.5.Connie changed her mind for the second time, which came as no surprise to us.IX.1.The teacher spoke so quietly that the students could hardly hear her.2.The lecture was so boring that many listeners fell asleep.3.The student has so many books that he does not know what to do with them.4.The old man was so ill that his neighbors had to send for a doctor.5.Her remarks are so funny that everyone laughs to tears.X.1. He spoke confidently, which impressed me most.2. My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.3. I’m very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.4. The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made driving very difficult.5. Being starved of funds, they had to cancel their plan to start a business.6. They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.XI.1.飞机可能会晚点几个小时,要是那样,我们等着就没什么意义了。

UNIT 1陌生人的善意1 一年夏天,我从家乡加利福尼亚州的塔霍城开车前往新奥尔良。
2 开过了几个州以后,我还在想着那个想搭便车的人。
我很想知道,现在还有人会停车吗?3 我想到我此行的目的地——新奥尔良。
”4 陌生人的善意。
如今这年头还有谁能指望陌生人的善意吗?5 要验证这一点,一个办法是一个人从东海岸旅行到西海岸,不带一分钱,完全依靠美国同胞的善意。
他会发现一个什么样的美国?谁会给他饭吃、让他歇脚、捎他一程呢?6 这个念头激起了我的好奇心。
但谁会这么不切实际、愿意去尝试这样一次旅行呢?好吧,我想,那不如我来试试?7 满37岁那个星期,我意识到我这辈子还从没冒过什么险呢。
8 1994年9月6日,我早早起床,背起一个50磅重的包,朝金门桥走去。

大学英语自学考试教程下册0015自考英语二课后习题答案 unit1Unit 1(英语二)Text AExercises for the TextI.1.d 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.dII.1.alternative 2.fundamental 3.accompany4.implement5.preccedent6.attain7.objectives 8.vary 9.multiple10.isolateIII.1.c 2.d 3.i 4.j 5.g 6.e 7.h 8.a 9.f 10.bIV.our ; helped ; form ; front; to; passed; it; same;V.1.Decision makers should be able to make the best guess at the future.2.Some people think that everything managers do involves decision making.(or Some people think that everything managers do has something to do with decision making.)3.If there are no correct alternatives ,there are no correct decisions to be made.4.Since different people have different ideas about the same problem ,so the approaches to it vary from person to person.5.Decision makers usually hold the key to the business development of the company.Vocabulary ExercisesI.1.a.be organized anizational anization2.a.simple b.simplified c.simply d.simplification3.a.profit b.profitable c.profitability4.a.intention b.intended c.unintendedII.1.preccdent2.skilled3.achievement4.implement5.optimal6.goal7.accomplish 8.accompanies 9.tendency10.ongoingIII.1.His friend accompanied him to a concert.2.He has argued her out of her decision.3.he owed his success in part to luck.4.According to his suggestion ,the formalities have been much simplified.5.The broadcasting station predicts that it will turn cold tomorrow.6.Motion is defined as a change in position or place.Text BExercises for the TextI.1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.F 10.TII.1.preparation; confidence2.idea3.unattractive indifference4.hardworking; personality; interest5.speechless6.holidays; pay7.clean; neat; conservative9.politely; naturally10."I beg your pardon?" or "Could you please repeat it?" etc. Vocabulary ExercisesI.1.at a disadvantage2.conservative3.indifference4.make sure5.vague6.clutched7.turned down 8.to your advantage 9.neat10.prospects 11.take the trouble to 12.place Grammar ExercisesI.1.连词;让步状语从句。

1. 他走得慢是因为他腿有毛病。
1. He walks slowly because of his bad leg.2. 他尽管病得很重,但还是来参加会议了。
2. He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.3. 他确保同样得错误今后不再发生了。
3. He saw to it that the same mistake didn't happen again.4. 现在他们之间的了解多了一些,他们相处得就好些了。
4. Now that they've got to know each other a little better they get along just fine.5. 此时我发现自己被五六个男孩子围住了。
5. Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.6. 在这幸福的时刻,我向你致以最美好的祝愿。
6. I send you my best wishes on this happy occasion.7. 昨天我去牙科医生那儿将我的一颗蛀牙拔掉了。
7. I went to the dentist yesterday to have a bad/decayed tooth pulled out.8. 事物的发展从根本上讲是由内因决定了。
8. The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes.9. 条条道路通罗马。
9. All roads lead to Rome.10. 我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘记把书带来了。
10. I meant to give you that book today but I forgot to bring it with me.11. 我差点儿接受他的建议。
大学英语2 课后练习答案

UNIT11. 年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。
(communicate with)Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents.2. 能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。
(to take up residence)It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。
(survive)Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。
(overtake)He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression.5. 我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过去。
(figure)I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for I’ve waited for 30 minutes without seeing one passing by.1. Choice SentenceI say he, though I really don’t have a clue if she is a he or vice versa. Simulated ReproductionThere is no reason for anyone to threaten us or vice versa.Simulated Translation尽管存在贸易摩擦,美国离不开中国,反之亦然。

大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impulse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

Unit 1Part two post-reading Reading Comprehension1.1—4-c 5—7-a 8—11-b 12—13-d 2. 1)People would stare at them 2)He felt embarrassed and ashamed. 3)He never let on. 4)He would walk to the subway station under the help of his son. 5)His children would put him on the sleigh and pull him to the subway station. 6)His hobbies included baseball, dances and parties. 7)He asked others to sit down and fight with him. 8)He was pround of his son. 9)He felt sorry for what he used to do. 10)He learned from his father the importance of having a good heart. 3.1)CACBD 6)ABCDA 4. 1)the difficulty in coordinating the steps 2)whether a person has a good heart 3)a good heart 4)the basketball team 5)sat down to fight 6)what the son has achieved 7)sensed 8)the reluctance to walk with him Vocabulary1. 1)urged 2)halted 3)bother 4)embarrassed 5)adjusted 6)complain 7)kid 8)engage 9)subject 10)saw to it that 11)coordinate 12)participate 2.patience entrance bitterness complaint fortune envious knowledgeable memorable reluctant frustration 1)bitter 2)fortunate 3)patience 4)memorable 5)reluctant 6)entrance 7)complaints 8)envious 9)knowledgeable 10)frustration Translation1)He walk slowly because of the problem on his leg. 2)He attended the meeting despite his server illness. 3)He saw to it that the same kind of mistake wouldn't happen again. 4)Now that they knew more about each other,they got along with each other better. 5)Then I found myself surrounded by five to six boys. 6)I'd like to give my best withes to you on this happy occasion. Part ThreeFURTHER Development3.1)causes 2)offers 3)to 4)not 5)tell 6)calls 7)attracted 8)discovers 9)weak 10)disappointed 11)distance 12)out Unit 2Part onepreparation1.CADB Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)different 2)problems 3)communication 4)translator 5)trust 6)acceptance 7)exaggerate 8)superlatives 9)metaphors 10)generalizations 11)unsupportive 12)literally 13)rethink 14)translate 2. 1)FTFTT 6)FTTTT Vocabulary1. 1)mess 2)repeat 3)mislead 4)intends 5)tend 6)exaggerates 7)frustrating 8)misinterpreted 9)acceptance 10)trust 2.Step One 1)f c a k i 6)e h j g b 11)d Step Two 1)conveyed 2)assistance 3)encounter 4)conflict 5)emphasis 6)reacted 7)recognize 8)manner 9)assume 10)emerges 11)ignore 3.1)out 2)on 3)with 4)of 5)In 6)in 7)to 8)on 9)At 10)of Translation1)I went to the dentist yesterday to have my bad tooth pulled out. 2)The development of a matter in nature depended on the internal cause. 3)Every road leads to Rome. 4)I intended to bring you the book today,but I forget. 5)I am on the verge of accepting his suggestion. 6)Divorce shouldn't be taken lightly.Unit 3Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)Each person has the potential to win in his own way. 2)responds genuinely by being trustworthy and responsive. fails to respond genuinely.4)B.A winner is not afraid to do his own thinking and to use his own knowledge. C.A winner is flexible. E.A winner cares about the world and its people. 5)Poor nutrition,cruelty,unhappy relationships,disease,continuing disappointment,and inadequate physical care. A.A loser lacks an ability to appropriately express himself through a full range of possible behavior. B.A loser has difficulty giving and receiving love. 2. CDABC Vocabulary1. 1)A.感谢能力 3)A.频道频道 B.引导到……赏识 2)A.容积感谢 B.赏识容积 B.能力4)A.出力,作出贡献出力,作出贡献 B.起作用,有助于,促成起作用,有助于,促成5)A.(身体)灵活的罪行 B.内疚,自责内疚,自责(身体)灵活的 B.(处事)灵活的(处事)灵活的 6)A.罪行7)A.潜在的,可能的坚硬的 B.严格的严格的潜能 8)A.坚硬的潜在的,可能的 B.潜能2.achievement expectation dependence limitation/limit cruelty uniqueness genuineness response awareness disappointment capability behavior 1)expectations 2)limitations 3)capability 4)achievement 5)response 6)awareness 7)behavior 8)disappointment 9)cruelty 10)dependence 3.1)entered into 2)channeled...into 3)holds/held back 4)unaware of 5)separate...from 6)referred to...as 7)lived up to 8)calls for 9)contributes to 10)sees/saw...as Translation1)Lack of confidence contributed to his failure. 2)In the face of the serious illness,she showed great courage. 3)We came to an conclusion that she told the truth. 4)His secretary failed to tell him of the meeting. 5)Language learning is not a matter of memorizing words. 6)Once she decided on something,no one can hold her back. 7)It's different to live up to our captain's standard. 8)The scientist referred to this discovery as the most exciting new development in this area. Unit 4Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)placebo 2)i)The placebo works because the human mind fools itself ii)The placebo makes the wish to get better become reality iii)the doctor 70 percent of the people only 25 percent of the people 3)seasickness,coughs,colds,pain after an operation nothing at all The first group showed no changes from the way old people in that village had always been. placebo The second group had much better health and a lower death rate. a real drug which was intended to help with the problem of old age. The third group showed much the same results as the group that took the placebo. 4)if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used. 5)It is suggested that human mind is stronger than we think it is. 2. 1)Y es 2)No 3)Maybe 4)Y es 5)Y es 6)No 7)Y es 8)Maybe Vocabulary1. 1)A药,药物宇宙飞船座舱 B.胶囊胶囊皮下注射 3)A.宇宙飞船座舱射击 B.皮下注射药,药物 B.医学医学 2)A.射击4)A.恢复健康,治疗对待 B.处理,治疗处理,治疗恢复健康,治疗 B.使(某人)精神恢复健康使(某人)精神恢复健康 5)A.对待6)A.外科手术间接地表明 B.建议事例 8)A.间接地表明建议操作 7)A.病例病例 B.事例外科手术 B.操作2. 1)a e f d g 6)h c b Translation. 1)All I say is that we are very sorry2)In many case,rules alone can't work. 3)He is likely to succeed because of his intelligence and diligence. 4)She stares at me as if she didn't know me. 5)It is reported that three people were injured in yesterday's traffic accident. 6)The way he treated me made me angry. 7)The condition of the patient this morning is much the same as yesterday. 8)Tonight I'd like to say at home rather than go out. Unit 5Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.II)i)When we are in REM sleep. ii)To give us rest and to allow us to dream. III)i)Physiological. ii)inner fears. IV)i)drinking wine to indicate a short life,drinking water to indicate a long life ii)right hand(father),left hand(mother),dolphin(a good omen)iii)treat with care 2. 1)TTTTF 6)TTTFF Vocabulary1. 1)explanation 2)enthusiasts 3)frustrating 4)popularity 5)unconscious 6)electrical 7)movements 8)recognizable 9)interpretation 10)countless 2.Task A 1)asleep 2)sleepless 3)sleep 4)sleepy 5)asleep 6)slept 7)sleeping,sleep 8)sleeper Task B 1)submerged 2)subculture 3)submarine 4)subway 5)subzero 6)Subtropical 7)subspecies 8)subnormal 3.1)progressed 2)puzzled 3)process 4)reflected 5)predict 6)advances 7)symbol 8)ancient 9)error 10)conscious 11)analysis 12)inner Translation1)Y ou may see that what I said will come true. 2)This lecture was so boring that half of the students fell asleep.3)The problem of unemployment is closely tied up with the development of the new technology. 4)His appearance changed so greatly that you might well not recognize him. 5)The history of the castle can date back to the 14th century. 6)She never did anything for them,whereas they did all that can be done. Part ThreeFURTHER Development1.1)A.natural B.neutral C.natural D.neutral 2)A.shattered B.crashing C.cracked D. crash E.crack 3)A.ancient B.early C.previous 4)A.sign B.symbol C.signal D.signs/symbols 5)A.view B.vision C.visions D.outlook E.view 6)A.errors/mistakes B.fault C.error D.fault E.mistake 7)A.confused B.confusing 8)A.conscious B.unconscious C.subconscious D.consciousness Unit 6Part onepreparation1.V egetable:cabbage、carrot、pepper、lettuce、pea、onion、spinach、turnip、broccoli、mushroom、garlic、cucumber、tomato、potato、etc. Fruit:apple、orange、pear、banana、mango、watermelon、lemon、grape、strawberry、cherry、peach、apricot、lychee、etc. Meat:pork、beef、lamb、mutton、bacon、chicken、duck、turkey、fish、shrimp、lobster、crab、clam、etc. Cereal:rice、wheat、corn、barley、noodles、dumpling、pizza、etc. Other:egg、cake、cookie、biscuit、nut、etc. Drink:tea、beer、coffee、wine、whiskey、brandy、milk、juice、lemonade、mineral、water、etc. 2.1)ABCCB 6)ACBCA Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1. T aboo Reasoncow 1)Cows can help people plow the fields. 2)Cow manure can be used as fertilizer. 3)Cow manure can be dried and burned to make a cooking fire. dog 1)Dogs can be as companions for people. 2)Dogs serve as protection against thieves. pork 1)Pork cooked insufficiently may spread disease. 2)Nomadic people did not want to stay in one place to raise pigs. 2. 1)nutrition ,religion ,the ways of life of different people 2)butterflies ,rats ,termites 3)calories ,protein 4)there is plenty of land for raising cattle and the meat can be shipped for long distances by railway road 5)they can go anywhere they want to in the streets ;they can eat anything from the supplies of the food sellers in the streets Vocabulary1. 1)common 2)appropriate 3)forbidden 4)supplies 5)related 6)evidence 7)requires 8)raise 9)spread 10)sufficiently 2. 1)disgusting 2)habit 3)insects 4)reasonable 5)relatively 6)animals 7)harvested 8)grow 9)nearly 10)other 11)altogether 12)consumed 13)avoid 14)popular 15)offers 16)served 17)would 18)enjoyed 19)considered 20)reject 3.1)g f b c h 6)e i d a j Translation1)We all regard him as one of the best players in this match. 2)The scientist picked up those small pieces of stones and put them into a box carefully. 3)The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States. 4)The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to that little boy. 5)She is standing by the window ,apparently quite calm and relaxed. 6)Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. 7)She put on her dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. 8)After that people no longer trust him. Part ThreeFURTHER Development1.STEP ONE 1)Pear 2)Mushroom 2.d e b f g c a Unit 7Part onepreparation1. ChineseAmerican to show anger to show impatience or anger normal/acceptable immodest to express one's respect to express one's respect irrelevant practice irrelevant practice insulting to show sympathy ,affection or encouragement Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.B.1)i)smooth over the visitors' leaving;they will be welcome to come again;tongue-tied;the words and phrases ii)those less important or younger visitors discourage the host and hostess from seeing her off accept the inevitable 2)i)giving “nothing”even slightly edible not showing enough honor by providing proper dishes Oh,I'm so glad that you like it. I cooked it especially for you ii)always so “naughty”,never studying,never listening to their elders achievement iii)the first time “no”C. cultural differences 2. 1)TTFFF 6)TTT Vocabulary1. 1)A.免除,省去B.储存,储蓄代表团 3)A.得体B.生产,制造生产,制造储存,储蓄 2)A.任务B.代表团4)A.使暴露B.揭露庆祝简朴 6)A.观测B.庆祝揭露 5)A.谦逊,谦虚B.简朴7)A.一段楼梯B.航程蝴蝶结 9)A.捡起B.(偶尔、无意间)学会(偶尔、无意间)学会航程 8)A.压弯B.蝴蝶结10)A.所需B.接受,相信接受,相信2. 1)reveal 2)sudden 3)achieve 4)exceed 5)workable 6)convince 7)dissuade 8)unavoidable 9)goodbye 10)warning 11)praise 12)respect 13)suggestion 14)change 15)disappointment 3.1)with 2)arranged 3)majority 4)proportion/percentage 5)similar 6)reaches 7)including 8)background 9)parents 10)if/whether 11)who 12)both 13)meeting 14)families 15)dating 16)before 17)decision 18)parents 19)marriage 20)rate Translation1)If you sing this song several times,children will then pick up the words. 2)We tried our best to assure the nervous old man that flying travel was safe. will cause night blindness. 3)An inadequate supply of vitamin A4)I can use a computer,but when it comes to repairing it,I have no idea about it. 5)Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter. 6)The nasty weather discouraged people from attending the parade. 7)I gave him some pills to ease his pain. 8)This job involves working abroad three months per year. Unit 8Part onepreparation1.Money Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)We are a people consumed by financial stress. 2)A.Money is a raw material to be used rather than amassed. B.Earn all you can,save all you can,give all you can 3)root of a evil The couple in “Elias”lived a simple but happy life when they become poor 4)A.can panic,hoard B.a raw material to be plowed back into something else 2. 1)FFFOO 6)FOO Vocabulary1. 1)at the top 2)cut back on 3)free from 4)all but 5)in light of 6)do us/her any good 7)keep...up 8)rather than 9)adds...to 10)pointed out 11)plowed back into 12)has much to do with 2. 1)A.存货B.股票消费订货 3)A.使全神贯注B.消费股票 2)A.发布命令B.订货4)A.养育B.种类,类型原始的,未处理的种类,类型 5)A.生疏的,无经验的B.原始的,未处理的6)A.重音B.压力叫回人生观,价值观 8)A.回想,回忆B.叫回压力 7)A.哲学B.人生观,价值观9)A.纯的B.网10)A.写B.表达,陈述真实 12)A.快速旋转B.纺表达,陈述 11)A.确认B.真实Translation1)I think I should point out how dangerous it is. 2)Their opinion will not affect my decision. 3)When it comes to talking about modern art,few people know more than Tom does. 4)When being asked,she confirmed that she was going to retire. 5)The cough medicine tastes not bad,but it doesn't do me mush good. 6)If we can't sell more goods,we'll have to cut back on the production. 7)The film is all but three hours long. 8)I assure you that it is true,lest anymore should think my story strange. Part ThreeFURTHER Development1.1)A.nothing but B.all but C.anything but 2)A.rare B.scarce C.rare 3)A.assume B.consumes C.consumed 4)A.conscious B.conscience C. conscious 5)A.breed B.breeds C.breeding 6)A.factor B.facts C.factor 7)A.excessive B.excess C.excess 8)A.resolution B.solution C.resolution Unit 9Part onepreparation1.1)basement 2)first floor 3)third floor 4)ground floor 5)ground floor 6)ground floor 7)basement 8)second floor 9)third floor 10)second floor 11)ground floor 12)third floor 2.STEP ONE ①d ②a ③b ④c Part twopost-readingReading Comprehension1.market importance(para.1)primary purchasers of certain items(para.2-3)products and brand choices of their parents(para.4-6)brand loyalties(para.7)e.g.clothes,CDs,stereo equipment,entertainment,travel Example:Apple,Kraft e.g.Thirty percent 2. 1)personal sources 2)media 3)(relatively low influence from)parents and peers 4)(more from)friends and (less from)parents 3.1)FTFTT 6)TFT Vocabulary1. 1)b a a a b 6)b b a 2. 1)survey 2)consideration 3)perceive 4)tend 5)campaign 6)relatively 7)primary 8)criteria 3. 1)A.bands B.band 2)A.economy B.economics 3)A.adolescents B.Adults 4)A.campaign B.movement 5)A.contemporary B.modern 6)A.ripe B.mature Translation1)All the arrangements should be finished prior to your departure. 2)Such kind of behavior may result in the manager's being fired. 3)Our products can compete with those of other companies in terms of quality,liability and especially for variety. 4)The heavy rain affected the performance of the team greatly. 5)I can appreciate the reasons why you opposed the suggestion. 6)To some extent,she should be responsible for the accident. 7)I feel very uncomfortable at the very thought that life is just too comfortable. 8)Women tend to live longer than men. Part ThreeFURTHER Development2.e d f a c b Unit 10Part onepreparation1.Man 1—Picture C Man 2—Picture A Man 3—Picture B Part twoPost-readingReading Comprehension1.1)Peace of mind 2)A. poor health i. newlywed couples ii. immunecells,produce fewer B. fighting disease i.certain mind-body techniques relaxation therapies,other behavioral techniquesii.blood pressure,heat rate,respiration sense of well-being 3)i.negative,unpleasant events ii.a stressful experience iii.support iv.Belly v.a slow walk vi.Dancing 2. 1)TFTTF 6)TTT Vocabulary1. 1)A.公文,文件B.证明反转,扭转使远离,使疏远 3)A.相反B.反转,扭转证明 2)A.距离,间距B.使远离,使疏远4)A.作用,功能B.起作用,行使职责化学品起作用,行使职责 5)A.化学的B.化学品6)A.关键的意义重大的B.关键关键2. 1)ABBAB 6)ABBBB 11)AB 3.1)fit 2)technology 3)efficient 4)chance 5)aspect 6)anxious 7)decreasing 8)depend on Translation1)We can go to the seven o'clock performance or the eight—whichever suits you better. 2)Men are generally considered as being tough,but most women know that the reverse is often true. 3)He was released from the prison soon after serving two years of his five-year sentence. 4)Y ou look equally nice in both clothes,and I don't know which one to advise you to buy. 5)This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and experience. 6)The child suddenly let go of her hand and ran across the street. 7)The result of the competition will depend largely on the opinions of the judges. 8)I'm tried of you telling me what to do all the time.。
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1. As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men already aboard.她正要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位男乘客。
2.Her hesitation about joining them in the elevator was all too obvious now. Her face was flushed.要不要进去和他们同乘一部电梯?她迟疑不决的态度已经太过明显了。
3. The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily to hold in a belly laugh.说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑。
4.How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable gentlemen for behaving as though they were going to rob you?把两位绝对体面正派的绅士看作劫匪,如何请求他们的谅解?5. The woman brushed herself off. She pulledherself together and went downstairs for dinner with her husband.她掸了掸灰,定了定神,便来到楼下与丈夫一起用餐。
1.bid goodbye to everything in the garden (向花园里的一草一木道别) as he wept tears.2.She was clear-headed (头脑清醒的) and never made a spectacle of herself (从不出洋相).3.He looked at the funny-looking man, biting his lip(咬着嘴唇强忍住不笑出声).4.Gazing at his clipboard, he murmured, “Itdoesn’t look like you’re going to make it (看来你恐怕不行了).”5. Panic consumed the survivors(幸存者都无比惊恐) after the tragedy of a disastrous plane crash.1.The father just laughed and shook his head, showing no faith in his son or his dream.他父亲只是笑了笑,摇了摇头,对儿子和儿子的梦想没有什么信心。
1.The kids at school also made fun of him, so much so that he stopped sharing his thoughts and desires and kept them hidden within his heart… 在学校里,同学们也拿他开玩笑,以至于他再也不愿和他们交流想法和愿望,而是把这些想法和愿望埋藏在心底……2.It seemed that the world’s thumb was pressing the boy down throughout his adolescence.在他少年时期,好像全世界都不支持他的想法。
3.They were surprised, to say the least, and wished him well, while never admitting they were wrong.他们很惊讶,这样说毫不夸张,但他们还是祝他一切顺利,然而绝不承认自己是错的。
5. The harbormaster waved his arms and yelledfor the young man to stop, that there was a storm coming.港务长挥舞着手臂,高喊着暴风雨即将来临,要年轻人停下来。
1.Instead of making fun of him (他们没有取笑他), they became touchingly protective.2.When all things are finalized in February(等到二月份一切定下来之后), we will announce if his next work will be a movie or TV drama.3. Every preparation was being made (所有准备工作正在进行中)to meet the typhoon and for the fishermen to dock at the port.4. Prew had a bad day: he lost his cell phone on the way back, then he had a bad fall, and when he found his wallet missing,that was the last straw and he began to cry(他就再也忍不住哭了起来).5. When he was/came of age(成年后), he took a job selling newspapers at a Brooklyn subway exit.Unit 31.A nd we were not going to live in a dorm, no sir, we figured that we were smart, mature fellows and so we arranged to rent a house.我们没打算住在宿舍,从来没想过。
2. It reduced the value of the bathroom for the rest of us, yet we got no compensation.因此对我们其他人而言,洗手间的作用就大打折扣了,然而我们并未因此得到补偿。
4.The rest of us picked up after Charlie, but we got no compensation for doing so.我们其他人只好在查理用完洗手间后彻底收拾一番,但干这些什么补偿也得不到。
4. The rest of us would be waiting around to usethe bathroom, pleading, urging, and begging.我们其他人要用洗手间只能在外面干等,不停地呼喊、催促、哀求,但无济于事。
5Those who take, monopolize, and pollute, are imposing costs on the rest of us and on the economy in general那些占有者、垄断者和污染者正将他们的成本强加到我们其他人身上,强加到整个经济上。
1. Although the cost was reduced, it did no good (但还是没有用).2. He did come here yesterday(他昨天确实来过这儿); I saw him in the office.3.Electricity flows a wire,just as water flows through a pipe(就像水流过水管一样).4. As an important genetic index, blood type has been brought into broad use(已经得到了广泛运用) in the scientific research on sports.5. The rule should be vetoed because it restricted our access to public facilities(限制了我们对公共设施的使用).Unit 51.The old fellow grabbed my tray with a smile and was off, limping heavily on one leg that was obviously shorter than the other.这位老伙计笑着一把抢下我的盘子就走了。
2.Pulling back my chair as I hurriedly retrieved three one-dollar bills from my pocket, he smiled and said, “God bless you.”他把椅子往后拉的时候,我匆忙从兜里掏出三张一美元的纸币,他笑着说:“上帝保佑你!”3.I was curious to see if this was a new service the airport had put in place.我感到很新奇,想知道这是不是机场新的服务项目。
4. At that point, one of them would disengage from the group, clear any trash left on the table, wipe it down, and return to their co-workers.那个时候,他们中才会有一人从扎堆中出来,清理留在桌上的垃圾,把桌子上上下下擦干净,然后又回到那群工友身边。
5. I never once suspected Mr. Foster wasmaking a play for tips.我从未怀疑福斯特先生是为了小费而作秀。
1. Standing by and chatting with her fellow waitresses, she was waiting without enthusiasm for him to finish his meal(毫无热情地等着他用完餐).2. Cheering, laughing and dancing like a butterfly(一边高喊欢笑,一边像蝴蝶一样翩翩起舞), she waited for the wedding moment.3. I was deeply impressed by the girl(深深地被这个女孩打动了) who looked so weak, yet ran like the wind in the race.4. Whether you gave her tips or not (不管你给不给小费), she just served you warm-heartedly with smiles.5. Faced with the big problem at work, we are in urgent need of help from the other departments.(我们迫切需要其他部门的帮助).Unit 61.That’s especially true of the majority of high school graduates who go on to college or trade school, where people commonly get student loans and credit cards, even if they don’t have jobs.尤其对大多数高中毕业就上大学或职业学校的学生来说,情况更是如此。