剑桥雅思机考流程全详解剑桥雅思机考流程主要包括以下几个步骤:1. 报名:考生需要提前通过剑桥雅思官方网站或者认可的考试机构进行报名。
2. 进入考场:考试当天,考生需要携带有效身份证件(通常为护照)和考试确认函到考场。
3. 身份验证:在进入考场之前,考生需要进行身份验证。
4. 安排座位:考生在考场内被安排到指定的座位上,座位号通常是通过邮件或者短信提前告知的。
5. 考试说明:考试开始前,考官会向考生讲解考试顺序和规则。
6. 听力测试:考生需要在规定的时间内完成听力测试。
7. 阅读测试:接下来是阅读测试。
8. 写作测试:写作测试包括两个部分:任务一和任务二。
9. 口语测试:最后是口语测试。
10. 考试结束:完成所有的测试后,考试就结束了。
11. 成绩发布:剑桥雅思成绩通常在考试后10个工作日内发布。
2024年雅思纸笔、机考考试时间2024年1-6月雅思机考报名截止日期、准考证打印日期和成绩单寄送日期考试日期类别场次报名截止日期准考证打印日期在线成绩发布日期02/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场30/12/202331/12/202305/01/2024-07/01/202403/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场31/12/202301/01/202406/01/2024-08/01/2024 04/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场31/12/202302/01/202407/01/2024-09/01/2024 05/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场02/01/202403/01/202408/01/2024-10/01/2024 06/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场03/01/202404/01/202409/01/2024-11/01/2024 07/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场04/01/202405/01/202410/01/2024-12/01/2024 08/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场05/01/202406/01/202411/01/2024-13/01/2024 09/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场06/01/202407/01/202412/01/2024-14/01/2024 10/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场07/01/202408/01/202413/01/2024-15/01/2024 11/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场08/01/202409/01/202414/01/2024-16/01/2024 12/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场10/01/202415/01/2024-17/01/2024 13/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场10/01/202411/01/202416/01/2024-18/01/2024 14/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场11/01/202412/01/202417/01/2024-19/01/2024 16/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场13/01/202419/01/2024-21/01/2024 17/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场14/01/202415/01/202420/01/2024-22/01/2024 18/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场15/01/202416/01/202421/01/2024-23/01/2024 19/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场16/01/202417/01/202422/01/2024-24/01/2024 20/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场17/01/202418/01/202423/01/2024-25/01/2024 21/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场18/01/202419/01/202424/01/2024-26/01/2024 22/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场19/01/202420/01/202425/01/2024-27/01/202423/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场20/01/202421/01/202426/01/2024-28/01/2024 24/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场21/01/202422/01/202427/01/2024-29/01/2024 25/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场22/01/202423/01/202428/01/2024-30/01/2024 26/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场23/01/202424/01/202429/01/2024-31/01/2024 27/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场24/01/202425/01/202430/01/2024-01/02/2024 28/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场25/01/202426/01/202431/01/2024-02/02/2024 29/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场26/01/202427/01/202401/02/2024-03/02/2024 30/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场27/01/202428/01/202402/02/2024-04/02/2024 31/01/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场28/01/202429/01/202403/02/2024-05/02/2024 01/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场30/01/202404/02/2024-06/02/2024 02/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场30/01/202431/01/202405/02/2024-07/02/2024 03/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场31/01/202401/02/202406/02/2024-08/02/2024 04/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场01/02/202407/02/2024-09/02/2024 05/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场02/02/202403/02/202408/02/2024-10/02/2024 06/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场03/02/202404/02/202414/02/2024-16/02/2024 07/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场04/02/202405/02/202415/02/2024-17/02/2024 17/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场14/02/202415/02/202420/02/2024-22/02/2024 18/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场15/02/202416/02/202421/02/2024-23/02/2024 19/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场16/02/202417/02/202422/02/2024-24/02/202420/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场17/02/202418/02/202423/02/2024-25/02/2024 21/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场18/02/202419/02/202424/02/2024-26/02/2024 22/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场19/02/202420/02/202425/02/2024-27/02/2024 23/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场20/02/202421/02/202426/02/2024-28/02/2024 24/02/2024A+G上午场下午场晚间场21/02/202422/02/202427/02/2024-29/02/2024 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听力Section1:一位母亲像主办方询问孩子绘画比赛的规则Section2:待回忆Section3:澳大利亚小镇风力发电(填空题)Section4:电脑教学问题讨论阅读Passage1:磁疗magnetic therapy;Passage2:讲公司高管人才与组织方面问题Passage3:关于减少空气污染各国家的节能方法写作小作文:柱状图,讲五个国家1998年到2008年self employed workers比率的变化大作文:越来越多的.人买车和用车,私家车对于个人影响的好处大于对环境影响的坏处,问advantage和disadvantage.more and more people buy and use their own car.do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals overweigh the disadvantages for environment?口语北京:首经贸Part1:live,sunny days, outdoor activities, weekend;Part 2:a trip you dislike;Part 3:中国人为什么去外国旅游,中国人一般选择什么出行方式,为什么要选择离家远的地方工作,你家附近的交通状况如何河北:石家庄Part 1:Chocolate;Part 2:描述用交通工具的一次旅行;Part 3:讨论Transportation System石家庄Part 1:study/work,bag,喜欢手提包还是背包,丢过包吗,喜欢照相吗,照相还是录像比较好,童年的照片;Part 2:广告的相关问题,广告的创意,广告吸引人的地方;Part 3:中国传播广告的媒介,电视节目为什么能吸引更多人关注,人们热衷电视购物吗,广告通过什么手段吸引观众辽宁:大连教育学院Part1:study/work, major,why this major;Part 2:a big company;Part 3:大公司之所以大的原因,快餐连锁是大公司质量变差的原因吗,为什么不选择小公司内蒙古:内蒙古师大Part1:house/flat,holiday,busy day;Part 2:busy time;Part 3:homework, busy广东:广州仲恺Part1:家在哪,住多久了,noise,生日;Part 2:早起的经历;Part 3:为什么中国人早起,为什么他们有些人不喜欢早起,早起的生理原因,老年人喜欢早起吗陕西:西工大Part1:house/flat,window,teacher;Part 2:preparing a happy event;Part 3:小孩子如何学习预先准备,生活中有准备和没准备哪个更快乐西工大Part1:work,holiday,chocolate;Part 2:team work;Part 3:各种teamwork相关,成年人为什么不注重team work,如何教小孩团队合作,团队合作的益处都有哪些江苏:东南大学Part1:study/work,celebrity;Part 2:一次团队的活动;Part 3:各种teamwork相关浙江:浙江考试中心Part1:住哪里,家乡,喜欢的活动,sunny day,学校的活动;Part 2:第一次吃的食物;Part 3:食物相关问题,大人小孩喜欢吃什么浙江考试中心Part1:work,why this work,sunny day,why,what you will do during sunny day,会在晴天旅游吗,中国人一般什么时候送礼物,送过什么礼物给朋友;Part 2:a skill you have learned in your childhood,who taught you,when and where did you learn it,why it's important to you;Part 3:will you recommend others to learn this skill,who do you think that should teach people practical skills,parents,teachers or friends?which skills are important,academic skills or practical skills;chinese teachersteach practical skills or not?【2016年9月15日雅思考试真题回忆】。
9月15日雅思机经真题回忆Section 1场景:吸尘器购买更换售后服务题型:10填空参考答案:: Dinane Roddick2.Leave a home telephone number3.Address: XX Garden Avenue4.Date of purchase: 31st July5.Original vacuum problem: in the handle6.Price: $ 104 ( in a sale)7.Suggest action: Free repair8.New vacuum has a: reusable bag9.New type price:$ 190(女的说心理价位是100-200,这个价格正合适)10.Color: silver(提到三种颜色,还有red, pink)Section 2场景:大堡礁旅行题型:2单选+2多选+6匹配参考答案:11-12)11.green island is special for its A. water( 还提到了fish,water)12. In what condition can have a good view in the sea?A. No wind (because wind will blow the cloud over )B. no rain(no rain for a week, fantastic)C. High tide13-14)待补充15-20)matchingA. visitors can do all the timeB. visitors can do sometimesC.visitors can do anytime15. 待补充16. Beach activities - Climb mountain (B)Visitors are not encouraged to climb the mountain since it is dangerous toput away clothes at windy and rainy days. So here I thought that visitors cannotclimb mountain anytime.But then it said if it is good weather, you can try itand you climb more you will get used to it.17. Sprivate boats - Feed the fish (B)Sometimes you can feed fish, when there’s few people, but you can only feeda little bit.18. Touch the fish (C)It will bite people19. Taking photos(A)Always20. 待补充Section 3场景:学术旅行题型:暂无参考答案:(待补充)Section 4场景:铅笔的历史Evolution of writing : pencil, ink and marks in paper题型:10填空参考答案:31. Made of bones32. feathers33. Use ink34. And paper35. To make it suitable for writing HB to mark how hard it is.36. Part are fixed by strings or steel.37. Producers marked a name on the pencil to simpler kinds of printing.38. The pencil core is thought to bet lead.39. Made mixture of graphite in a form of clay powder and wax.40. Remove unwanted bose on the oil.【口语】一、考试概述:以下为9月份高频题,请考生扎实准备。
2011年09月15日雅思机经(总分:99.92,做题时间:120分钟)听力1.打电话要求house cleaning service。
答案有:第三间房给children;2间double房;地名是anyes(不确定);最长需要3hours;位置是southern west.(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:2.地图题野营公园全部选择,最后有2个双选题,比较简单。
选择题答案中有BBQ和bike trail。
(分数:10.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:一个学生和老师的对话,关于过去一年的进步和未来一年的计划。
(分数:10.00)(1).擅长reference skills,有助于他do mini-report(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(2).建议是:management of time(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(3).他的presentation很多,较难应付(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(4).虽然essay很麻烦,但是还是觉得很有好处,所以建议加长the length of essay(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(5).想知道下学期的tutor是谁(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(6).还想知道deadline of dissertation(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(7).改进的地方:wider reading(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(8).改进的地方:more honest about weakness(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(9). essay should be more organized(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:(10).more training in IT(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:()解析:3.有关bionomics仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。
雅思阅读机经解析-Flight from reality
![雅思阅读机经解析-Flight from reality](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d46f65d1f61fb7360b4c65c9.png)
雅思阅读机经解析-Flight from reality最近有不少同学在找雅思阅读机经,因为有了机经就可以很好的复习之前考过的试题,这也是有效提高考试成绩的方法,今天新通教育小编就为大家带来一篇雅思阅读机经解析,快来看看吧!Flight from realityMobiles are barred, but passengers can lap away on their laptops to their hearts’content. Is one really safer than the other? In the US, a Congressional subcommittee grilled airline representatives and regulators about the issue last month. But the committee heard that using cellphones in planes may indeed pose a risk albeit a slight one. This would seem to vindicate the treatment of Manchester oil worker Neil Whitehouse, who was sentenced last summer to a year in jail by a British court for refusing to turn off his mobile phone on a flight home from Madrid. Although he was only typing a message to be sent on landing not actually making a call, the court decided that hems putting the flight at risk.A The potential for problems is certainly there. Modern airliners are packed with electronic devices that control the plane and handle navigation and communications. Each has to meet stringent safeguards to make sure it doesn't emit radiation that would interfere with other1devices in the plane-standards that passengers' personal electronic devices don't necessarily meet. Emissions from inside the plane could also interfere with sensitive antennae on the fixed exterior.B But despite running a number of studies, Boeing, Airbus and various government agencies haven't been able to find clear evidence of problems caused by personal electronic devices, including mobile phones. "We've done our own studies. We've found cellphones actually have no impact on the navigation system," says Maryanne Greczyn, a spokeswoman for Airbus Industries of North America in Herndon, Virginia, Not do they affect other critical systems, she says The only impact Airbus found? "Sometimes when a passenger is starting or finishing a phone call, the pilot hears a wry slight beep in the headset," she says.C The best evidence yet of a problem comes from a report released this year by Britain's Civil Aviation Authority. Its researchers generated simulated cellphone transmissions inside two Boeing aircraft. They concluded that the transmissions could create signals at a power and frequency that would not affect the latest equipment, but exceeded the safety threshold established in 1984 and might therefore affect some of the older equipment on board. This doesn’t mean "mission critical" equipment such as the navigation system and flight controls. But the2devices that could be affected, such as smoke detectors and fuel level indicators, could still create serious problems for the flight crew if they malfunction.D Many planes still use equipment certified to the older standards, says Dan Hawkes, head of avionics at the CAA's Safely Regulation Croup. The CAA study doesn't prove the equipment will actually fail when subjected to the signals, but docs show there's a danger. "We've taken some of the uncertainty out of these beliefs," he says Another study later this year will see if the cellphone signals actually cause devices to fail.E In 1996, RTCA, a consultant hired by the Federal Aviation Administration in the US to conduct tests, determined that potential problems from personal electronic devices were "low". Nevertheless, it recommended a ban on their use during "critical" periods of flight, such as take-off and landing. RTCA didn't actually test cellphones, but nevertheless recommended their wholesale ban on flights, But if "better safe than sorry" is the current policy, it's applied inconsistently, according to Marshall Cross, the chairman of Mega Wave Corporation, based in Boylston, Massachusetts. Why are cellphones outlawed when no one considers a ban on laptops? "It's like most things in life. The reason is a little bit technical, a little bit economic and a little bit political,”says Cross.3F The company wrote a report for the FAA in 1998 saying it is possible to build an on-board system that can detect dangerous signals from electronic devices. But Cross's personal conclusion is that mobile phones aren't the real threat. "You'd have to stretch things pretty far to figure out how a cellphone could interfere with a plane's systems," he says. Cellphones transmit in ranges of around 400, 800 or 1800 megahertz. Since no important piece of aircraft equipment operates at those frequencies, the possibility of interference is very low, Cross says. The use of Computers and electronic game systems is much more worrying, lie says. They can generate very strong signals at frequencies that could interfere with plane electronics, especially if a mouse is attached {the wire operates as an antenna or if their built-in shielding is somehow damaged. Some airlines are even planning to put sockets for laptops in seatbacks.G There's fairly convincing anecdotal evidence that some personal electronic devices have interfered with systems. Air crew on one flight found that the autopilot was being disconnected, and narrowed the problem down to a passenger's portable computer. They could actually watch the autopilot disconnect when they switched the computer on. Boeing bought the computer, took it to the airline's labs and even tested4it on an empty flight. But as with every other reported instance of interference, technicians were unable to replicate the problem.H Some engineers, however, such as Bruce Donham of Boeing, say that common sense suggests phones are more risky than laptops. "A device capable of producing a strong emission is not as safe as a device which does not have any intentional emission," lie says. Nevertheless, many experts think it's illogical that cellphones are prohibited when computers aren't. Besides, the problem is more complicated than simply looking at power and frequency. In the air, the plane operates in a soup of electronic emissions, created by its own electronics and byground-based radiation. Electronic devices in the cabin-especially those emitting a strong signal-can behave unpredictably, reinforcing other signals, for instance, or creating unforeseen harmonics that disrupt systems.I Despite the Congressional subcommittee hearings last month, no one seems to be working seriously on a technical solution that would allow passengers to use their phones. That's mostly because no one-besides cellphone users themselves-stands to gain a lot if the phones are allowed in the air. Even the cellphone companies don't want it. They are concerned that airborne signals could cause problems by flooding a number of the networks' base stations at once with the same signal This5effect, called bigfooting, happens because airborne cellphone signals tend to go to many base stations at once, unlike land calls which usually go to just one or two stations. In the US, even if FAA regulations didn’t prohibit cellphones in the air, Federal Communications Commission regulations would.J Possible solutions might be to enhance airliners' electronic insulation, or to fit detectors which warned flight staff when passenger devices were emitting dangerous signals. But Cross complains that neither the FAA, the airlines nor the manufacturers are showing much interest in developing these. So despite Congressional suspicions and the occasional irritated (or jailed) mobile user, the industry's "better safe than sorry" policy on mobile phones seems likely to continue. In the absence of firm evidence that the international airline industry is engaged in a vast conspiracy to overcharge its customers, a delayed phone call seems a small price to pay for even the tiniest reduction in the chances of a plane Crash. But you'll still be allowed to use your personal computer during a flight. And while that remains the case, airlines can hardly claim that logic has prevailed.Question 14-176Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.The would-be risk surly exists, since the avionic systems on modern aircraft are used to manage flight and deal with ___14____. Those devices are designed to meet the safety criteria which should be free from interrupting ___15____ or interior emission. The personal use of mobile phone may cause the sophisticated ___16____ outside of plane to dysfunction. Though definite interference in piloting devices has not been scientifically testified, the devices such as those which detect___17____ or indicate fuel load could be affected.Question 18-22Use the information in the passage to match the Organization (listed A-E) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-E in boxes 18-22 on your answer sheet.A. British Civil Aviation AuthorityB. Maryanne GreczynC. RTCAD. Marshall CrossE. Boeing company18. Mobile usages should be forbidden in a specific fame.719. Computers are more dangerous than cell phones.20. Finding that the mobile phones pose little risk on flight'snavigation devices.21. The disruption of laptops is not as dangerous as cellphones.22. The mobile signal may have impact on earlier devices.Question 23-26Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?In boxes 23-26 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not given23.Almost all scientists accept that cellphones have higheremission than that of personal computers.24.Some people believe that radio emission will interrupt theequipment on plane.25.The signal interference-detecting device has not yet beendeveloped because they are in priority for neither administrative department nor offer economic incentive.26.FAA initialed open debate with Federal CommunicationsCommission.8篇章结构9乎逻辑。
9月15号新托福机经 (1)
![9月15号新托福机经 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e0e8eaed647d27284a735123.png)
9月15号新托福机经来源: 太傻论坛时间: 2007年09月17日网友评论今天心态不好,考完阅读都没心情听听力了。
可以落叶、什么什么supercooling?loss water、还讲了一种树,只能在desert这类环境里生存,这种树从heat ridiation中获得能量度过N冷的晚上。
它们呢用于祭祀之类,是地位的象征,只有noble class&King 才能用?不太确定,快忘了=。
=然后呢,它们的weight和texture(?是这个么)比Ordinary 的要强不少,但是只有用手掂过才会了解。
举的例子是小孩move eyes?我靠崩溃了,这啥啊。
教授说她可能涵盖了太多的material.学生说他想放弃这门课,而且这门课是Advisor 强烈推荐他上他才去的。
他说他以后想学LAW,教授苦口婆心的说,LAWER要LOGICAL SKILL 阿,参加俺的课多好啊!然后又说什么以后可以分组讨论,使学习更有乐趣,然后又说什么图书馆的事,收买了这个学生。
3.有个MANstudent找什么University ??employee,讨论关于Pass on the festival的事,这个工作人员说.Guest on that day 好像有限制。
然后这个student就说他在学校管弦乐团里演奏(有问题,说学生说这个干吗?)后来又说起parking ticket,学生不知道为啥被贴条了,职员说他是一辆车停了两个车位。
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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!雅思阅读机经真题解析--CosmeticsInAncientPast为了帮助大家在备考雅思的时候能够练习到更多的真题材料,下面本店铺给大家带来雅思阅读机经真题解析--Cosmetics In Ancient Past,望喜欢!雅思阅读机经真题解析--Cosmetics In Ancient PastASince cosmetics and perfumes are still in wide use today,it is interesting to compare the attitudes, customs and beliefs related to them in ancient times to those of our own day and age.Cosmetics and perfumes have been popular since the dawn of civilization; it is shown by the discovery of a great deal of pertinent archeological material,dating from the third millennium BC.Mosaics, glass perfume flasks, stone vessels,ovens, cooking-pots, clay jars, etc., some inscribed by the hand of the artisan.evidence also appears in the Bible and other classical writings,where it is written that spices and perfumes were prestigious products known throughout the ancient world and coveted by kings and princes.The written and pictorial descriptions, as well as archaeological findings,all show how important body care and aesthetic appearance were in the lives of the ancient people.The chain of evidence spansmany centuries, detailing the usage of cosmetics in various cultures from the earliest period of recorded history.BIn antiquity, however, at least in the onset, cosmetics served in religious ceremonies and for healing purposes.Cosmetics were also connected with cultic worship and witchcraft: to appease the various gods, fragrant ointments were applied to the statuary images and even to their attendants.From this, in the course of time, developed the custom of personal use, to enhance the beauty of the face and the body, and to conceal defects.CPerfumes and fragrant spices were precious commodities in antiquity, very much in demand, and at times even eXceeded silver and gold in value.Therefore they were luXury products,used mainly in the temples and in the homes of the noble and the wealthy.The Judean kings kept them in treasure houses (2 Kings 20:13).And the Queen of Sheba brought to Solomon "camels laden with spices, gold in great quantity and precious stones."(1 Kings 10:2,10).However, within time, the use of cosmetics became the custom of that period.The use of cosmetics became widespread among the lower classes as well as among the wealthy;in the same way they washed the body, so they used to care for the body with substances that softened the skin and anoint it with fragrant oils and ointments.DFacial treatment was highly developed and women devoted many hours to it.They used to spread various scented creams on the face and to apply makeup in vivid and contrasting colors.An Egyptian papyrus from the 16th century BC contains detailed recipes to remove blemishes, wrinkles, and other signs of age.Greek and Roman women would cover their faces in the evening with a "beauty mask" to remove blemishes, which consisted mainly of flour miXed with fragrant spices, leaving it on their face all night.The neXt morning they would wash it off with asses milk.The very common creams used by women in the ancient Far East,particularly important in the hot climate and prevalent in that area of the globe, were made up of oils and aromatic scents.Sometimes the oil in these creams was eXtracted from olives, almonds, gourds, sesame, or from trees and plants; but, for those of limited means, scented animal and fish fats were commonly used.EWomen in ancient past commonly put colors around theireyes.Besides beautification, its purpose was also medicinal as covering the sensitive skin of the lids with colored ointments that prevented dryness and eye diseases: the eye-paint repelled the little flies that transmitted eye inflammations.Egyptian women colored the upper eyelid black and the lower one green, and painted the space between the upper lid and the eyebrow gray or blue.The women of Mesopotamia favored yellows and reds.The use of kohl for painting the eyes is mentioned three times in the Bible, always with disapproval by the sages (2 Kings, 9:30; Jeremiah 4:30; Ezekiel 23:40).In contrast, Job names one of his daughters “Keren Happukh”—“horn of eye paint” (Job 42:14)FGreat importance was attached to the care for hair in ancient times.Long hair was always considered a symbol of beauty, and kings, nobles and dignitaries grew their hair long and kept it well-groomed and cared for.Women devoted much time to the style of the hair, while not culling, they would apply much care to it by arranging it skillfully in plaits and "building it up" sometimes with the help of wigs.Egyptian women generally wore their hair flowing down to their shoulders or even longer.In Mesopotamia, women cherished long hair as a partof their beauty, and hair flowing down their backs in a thick plait and tied with a ribbon is seen in art.Assyrian women wore their hair shorter, braiding and binding it in a bun at the back.In Ancient Israel, brides would wear their hair long on the wedding day as a sign of their virginity.Ordinary people and slaves, however, usually wore their hair short, mainly for hygienic reasons, since they could not afford to invest in the kind of treatment that long hair required.GFrom the Bible and Egyptian and Assyrian sources, as well as the words of classical authors, it appears that the centers of the trade in aromatic resins and incense were located in the kingdom of Arabia, and even as far as India, where some of these precious aromatic plants were grown."Dealers from Sheba and Rammah dealt with you, offering the choicest spices..." (Ezekiel 27:2(2).The Nabateans functioned as the important middlemen in this trade; Palestine also served as a very important component, as the trade routes crisscrossed the country.It is known that the Egyptian Queen Hatsheput (15th century BC)sent a royal eXpedition to the Land of Punt (Somalia)in order to bring back myrrh seedlings to plant in her temple.In Assyrian records of tribute and spoils of war,perfumes and resins are mentioned; the teXt from the time of Tukulti-Ninurta II (890-884 BC)refers to balls of myrrh as part of the tribute brought to the Assyrian king by the Aramaean kings.The trade in spices and perfumes is also mentioned in the Bible as written in Genesis (37:25-2(6), "Camels carrying gum tragacanth and balm and myrrh".Questions 15-21Reading Passage 2 has 7 paragraphs A-G.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write your answers in boXes 15-21 on your answer sheet.15 recipes to conceal facial defects caused by aging16 perfumes were presented to conquerors in war17 long hair of girls had special meanings in marriage18 evidence eXists in abundance showing cosmetics use in ancient times19 protecting eyes from fly-transmitted diseases20 from witchcraft to beautification21 more eXpensive than goldQuestions 22-27Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?In boXes 22-27 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage22 The written record for cosmetics and perfumes dates back to the third millennium BC.23 Since perfumes and spices were luXury products, their use was eXclusive to the noble and the wealthy.24 In ancient Far East, fish fats were used as cream by women from poor households.25 The teachings in the Bible were repeatedly against the use of kohl for painting the eyes.26 Long hair as a symbol of beauty was worn solely by women of ancient cultures.27 The Egyptian Queen Hatsheput sent a royal eXpedition to Punt to establish a trade route for myrrh.文章题目:古代化妆Cosmetics In Ancient Past篇章结构体裁论说文题目古代化妆结构A段:化妆品和香水在古代就已经非常流行B段:化妆品最早用于宗教和治疗目的C段:香水和香料在古代是奢侈品,但仍被广泛使用D段:古时面部护理十分发达,女性广泛使用面霜和面膜E段:古代女性也将色彩涂在眼睛周围F段:古代人们非常重视头发的保养G段:古代的香料运输及贸易Cosmetics In Ancient Past试题分析Question 1题目类型:题号定位词文中对应点题目解析15 recipe; age D段第四句D段主要在讲古代女性非常重视面部护理,第三句话提到一份埃及莎草纸上记载了去除面部瑕疵的方法,这句话中的recipes to remove blemishes...other signs of age 可以对应题干中的recipe和facial defects caused by aging,故此题选D。
1Q1:Do you live in a house or a flat?你住在一所房子里还是一个公寓?A1:I currently live in a three-bedroom apartment located in Haidian District, Beijing. My apartment is situated on the second floor of a six-story building surrounded by restaurants,banks and supermarkets. there are several rooms in my apartment, including three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and two bathrooms.我现在住在海淀区的北京,一三间卧室的公寓。
Q2:Can you describe your home/accommodation/flat/house?你能描述一下你的家庭/住所/公寓/房子吗?A1:My apartment is approximately seventy-eight square metres and there are some furniture and appliance. In the bedrooms, there are beds to sleep on ,desks to put computers and books and wardrobe to store clothes. In the living room, there are a few sofas and a large-screen television with an excellent sound system. The kitchen has a refrigerator, a stove, and a microwave and in the washrooms are our toilets, sinks and bathtubs.我的公寓大约有七十八平方米,有一些家具和电器。
雅思阅读机经(中英文版)英文文档:Title: IELTS Reading Tips and StrategiesThe IELTS reading test is a crucial component of the IELTS examination, assessing a candidate"s ability to understand and interpret written information.T o excel in this test, it is essential to adopt effective strategies and practice with authentic materials, commonly referred to as "IELTS reading machine" or "IELTS reading jishin."1.Understand the Test Format: The IELTS reading test consists of three sections, each containing a variety of question types such as multiple choice, matching headings, and information summary.Familiarize yourself with the format to manage your time efficiently.2.Develop Reading Skills: Improve your reading speed, vocabulary, and comprehension skills by regularly reading English materials such as newspapers, magazines, and academic texts.This will help you understand different styles and genres of writing.3.Practice with Mock Tests: Utilize IELTS reading machine practice tests to familiarize yourself with the test questions and time constraints.Analyze your mistakes and learn from them to improve your performance.4.Scanning and Skimming Techniques: Master scanning andskimming techniques to quickly locate relevant information within a text.These skills are crucial for answering questions within the given time frame.5.Note-taking: Practice note-taking while reading to improve your retention and summarization skills.This will help you answer questions related to information summary and table completion.6.Understand Question Types: Different question types require different approaches.For example, multiple-choice questions may require you to identify the main idea or evaluate the author"s viewpoint, while matching headings questions require you to understand the structure of the text.7.Manage Your Time: Allocate your time wisely among the three sections of the reading test.Remember to leave some time for reviewing your answers.Remember, the key to success in the IELTS reading test is consistent practice and a strategic approach.Utilize these tips and strategies, and practice with IELTS reading machine materials to improve your chances of achieving a high score.中文文档:标题:雅思阅读机经技巧与策略雅思阅读测试是雅思考试的重要组成部分,评估考生理解和解释书面信息的能力。
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V08120 S1=V06141 S1一个女的打电话问旅游公司不同旅游package 的information1---10)填空题1)几个住处,第一个叫Rose Garden第二个叫Blue Bay, Blue Bay 离海滨多远?300 meters away from the beach.2)第三个住处名字Sun Shade, 第四个是Grand3)Sun Shade这个套餐房间的价格是$3194)每个房间里都有Satellite TV, 还有overlooking great paintings in every room5)Sun Shade娱乐项目是has a view over forest6)如果cancellation, 要付多少钱,男士说至少$10,0007)为航班延时误点missed departure 投的保险8)还有一项保险是在某个情况下允许relative出游9)如出现丢失物品的情况,整件要赔$500, a single item 另行处理10)女的又询问了这个男的名字:Ben Ludlow机经细致解析:话题背景=旅游度假咨询必须认识的单词: package tour 全包游 Rose Garden 玫瑰园 Blue Bay 蓝色港湾cancellation 取消departure 离开 insurance 保险注意事项: Sunshade专有名词要首字母大写Ludlow 专有人名,首字母大写.另外请同学们注意红色的单词,一定要会拼写.V08120 S2比较每个农场的特点.11) A. individual12)B. gift13---16 填表题13) kids favorite; donkeys14) apples15) fig is $616) tomatoes17---20 填地图17)右上角B18)左下角河对岸G19)左下角有树林F20)右下角H机经细致解析: 话题背景=农场果园对比介绍必须认识的单词: barren 贫瘠的 fruit 水果 farmland 农场 orchard 果园 fig 无花果17---20题是选项填地图题. 注意填表题大部分单词都用的复数形式.V08120 S4蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类31---34)选择题31)选C small head32)辨认个体蜜蜂的方法,选B 在蜜蜂身上不同colour的标记33)选: 科学家在蜜蜂身上加了a sign applied to their bodies34) 选: distance35---40) 填空题35) lack of enough warning36) urban37) radar38) speed39) the earth40) water机经细致解析:话题背景=蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类请大家将选择题的答案进行记忆,有时间的话可以看下跟此有关的文章,一可以增加知识量,第二如果将来遇到这种考题可以更加容易理解.V08126 S3墨西哥沙漠实习考察21---25选择题21.参加该项目应该? 选CA. inform tutorB. register in administrationC. fill in an application form22. 学校支持该项目的费用选AA. 450B. 1000C. 2000 (这个题目选的不是中间那个,大家特殊记一下)23. 如何确定沙漠的标准? 选AA. evaporation is more than rainfallB. more than 40 cm rainfallC. rare rainfall24. 他们要去什么地方? 选BA. desert grasslandB. marine forestC. desert…25. 为什么他们选择区沙漠作为课题的研究? 选BA. plantsB. 因为那里有its birdsC. *******26---30 填空题26.this trip available for life science undergraduate students27. 要带上laptop, 每天要写报告journal28. ship作为一个base29. 最古老的植物12,000 years old30. 老师推荐给同学一本书,名字named “ Baked Earth.”(专有的书名,必须大写)机经细致解析: 话题背景=在墨西哥沙漠调研实习的介绍必须认识的单词:application form 申请表scholarship 奖学金loan 贷款evaporate 蒸发rainfall 降雨desert 沙漠grassland 草原marine 海的forest 森林undergraduate 尚未获得学士学位的大学生最容易错的单词, Life Sciences: 生命科学,专有学科名称需要大写,而且都是用的复数形式. laptop 笔记本电脑这个词上课的时候讲过而且考过拼写,希望各位同学引起高度重视.V08121 S2介绍一个老房子博物馆11---14 填空题11.这个人买这栋大房子前这里是: farm12. 关于Chinese wallpaper 的什么是哪个世纪的? 18th13. 某人去世时所在的房间名称: The Birds(专门表示房间的名字,要大写)14. dining room 中有许多什么古董? chairs15---17 选择题15. rare trees16. geese(goose的复数形式,注意积累)17. swan18---20 配对题18. history----gallery19. books---gift shop20. trails---woodland机经细致解析: 一个老房子博物馆必须认识的单词wallpaper 墙纸antique 古董swan 天鹅goose 鹅gallery 画廊woodland 林地trail 小径本题考到了一些动物的名称以及其实平时生活中可以积累的单词,希望同学们继续保持上课时要求的习惯,注意生活中的单词的积累以及场景单词的积累.V08124 S2关于所得税21. provide evidence of information22. penalty up to 3000 pounds23. bank statements24. April25. easy to do calculating26. don’t need any storage space27. the government will assume you make a mistake28. down the form from the website29. health department30. Sports Centre机经细致解析:关于所得税的经济类话题,上课在讲到商业场景的时候提到过这类题目,只要是经济有关的单词不需要记的非常专业,但是一些基本的单词必须要掌握住, 像bank statement 这个词相信大家已经不是第一次见到了吧! 本题在听的过程中还有一些词希望大家可以掌握住income 收入tax 税penalty 惩罚download 下载V08125 S4介绍一种新的水处理系统sea water purify(SW40)31---36 填空题31. 一些地下水可以使用, 而海水因为有太多的salts所以不能使用(salt 在这里表示化学盐,是可数名词, 如果表示食盐的时候就是不可数名词,对于这类单词大家一定要特别注意)32. SW40 可以使用在sea water净化上,甚至是hospitals(曾经一个很幽默的同学跟我讲口语的时候一激动就说成了house potato, 虽然是口误,但是说明了很多同学在背诵多音节单词的时候还是需要稍微注意下,呵呵)33. 虽然这个SW40比较好用,但是他purify water 的速度too slow(这里too必须要加上, 表示程度的)34. 这个设备的推广使用得到了哪个组织的协助: Health International35. SW40 can output 9 litres water in a sunny day.(liters 写成这个写法也可以了)36. A SW40 can support the water use of a family37—40 图解标签题37. 盖子is made of glass38. UV 射线can destroy germs39. SW 40 和水平面的夹角是12.5°40.water tank collect containing water.机经细致解析:太阳能水净化系统,必须认识的单词output 产出clip 夹子UV 紫外的radiation 放射线purify 净化plastic 塑料creature 生物container 容器V08129 S1讲一个人加入俱乐部1. radio program2. 邮箱地址: mj@(电子邮箱的注意点上课已经说过了,标点符号的英文读音,@的读音. 最近非常喜欢考网址和电子邮件的,这里要注意的地方是co 代表的是company不要写成com3. 选择type最小的那种,也就是2年的(数字题目还是写数字会保险很多,因为不占字数要求.)4. Union Bank(专有名词,一定要大写)5. £49(一定要加单位的符号)6. joint account(相信大家对这个词不陌生吧! 讲到银行场景的时候说过,表示联名账户的意思)7. 15th Oct8. reference number(reference 再怎么样都要会拼写.)9. JW142(字幕和数字的组合)10. video机经细致解析: 个人信息表格题---参加俱乐部必须认识的单词subscription 会员费membership 会员资格annual 每年的V08129 S4介绍company ethic31. four decades 40年32. philosophers 哲学家33. Private Property 私有制(书名,首字母大写)34. accountable 负有责任的35. health36. young37. corrupt 腐败的,不道德的38. morality39. global perspective40. issues机经细解:背景=商业道德发展史由于本机经回忆内容有限,题目并不是很清楚,大家要做到以上10道题中的单词拼写必会掌握。
雅思听力词汇机经汇总1. Numbers and Measurements,数字和计量单位。
数字,one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.分数,half, quarter, three-quarters.百分比,percent.重量,kilogram, gram.长度,meter, centimeter.时间,hour, minute, second.2. Describing Trends and Changes,描述趋势和变化。
上升,rise, increase, go up, grow.下降,fall, decrease, drop, decline.稳定,stable, steady, unchanged.急剧的变化,sharp, dramatic, drastic.3. Describing Maps and Locations,描述地图和位置。
方向,north, south, east, west.位置,next to, near, close to, far from.地理特征,river, mountain, valley, coast.4. Describing Processes and Diagrams,描述过程和图表。
步骤,first, then, next, finally.图表类型,bar chart, line graph, pie chart, table.数据关系,correlate, link, connect, relate to.5. Describing People and Relationships,描述人物和关系。
年龄,young, elderly, teenager, middle-aged.性格,friendly, outgoing, shy, confident.关系,family, colleague, acquaintance, neighbor.以上是一些常见的雅思听力词汇机经汇总,希望对你的备考有所帮助。
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Section 1咨询——儿童绘画比赛,10笔记Section 2介绍——兼职工作介绍,5单选+5配对Section 3师生讨论——学生和导师讨论澳大利亚风力发电的,10笔记Section 4社科——计算机对教育的影响, 3单选+7分类二、具体题目分析:Section 1新旧情况:50102场景:咨询——儿童绘画比赛题型:10笔记参考答案:1-10)笔记完成题1.Theme of painting is : Travel2.First daughter join different group (9-12 years) : juniors3.For her elder daughter (12 and up)L young teenagers4.Submit painting deadline:29th August5.Painting size: 80cm*60cm of contact: Andy Kahn7.The postcode of address: HB6 2LJ8.Man said will quickly send her application form by fax9.in order to make sending easier, on her envelop, she need to write three capital letters: on the top envelop,: YPCst rewards: 50 pounds/£50(答案仅供参考)解析:本场考试的section1出现了常规的日期、邮编等考点,需要注意邮编是常见的英国邮编,所以L/O, J/G的辨析等,也有可能会出现常见的词汇拼写错误如juniors.Section 2新旧情况:08266场景:介绍——兼职工作介绍题型:5单选+5配对参考答案:11-14) Multiple choice11.Nowadays which population taking more part time job?A. elderly people B. people with children as it increased12.How to comfirm the length of working for part time job?A. make record for everyday duties13.哪种工作最难?A. job requires working in different locations B. too much work14.What effect of taking more part time?A. decrease the quality of formal job B. no time with familyC. healthy suffered15.what skills can learned frm part-time job?A. time management or organisation skills16-20) matching16.(题干待补充)17.(题干待补充)18.(题干待补充,机构名称)19.(题干待补充,工种)20.(题干待补充,obtain a permit)16. different levels of salaries17.list of working requirements and startingpay18.limited working hours19.will be taxed20.only for foreigners working in UK(答案仅供参考)参考练习:C5T3S2, C7T1S2Section 3新旧情况:06322场景:师生讨论——学生和导师讨论澳大利亚风力发电的题型:10笔记参考答案:Section 321.In the past, wind powers was used to grind flour, and pump water22.The first wind power was used in carrying out research23.the disadvantages of wind power: much noisy24.blade sometimes harms birds25.produce 50%electricity26.a turbine is a large as a plane27.Most euipments are made in Europe28.Citizens were supported by subsidiary loan form government29.when extreme condition weather appears, they can lowers the speed30.fan was made of fiberglass and timber(答案仅供参考)解析:采用了06年的旧卷,10个笔记完成题,需要注意部分的吹的拼写和单复数形式的问题。
Section 4版本号:08417场景:社科——计算机对教育的影响题型:3单选+7分类参考答案:31-33) multiple choices31.what impact "digital access" bring to younger generationA.it alters their think patternsB. it harms their physical developmentC. it limits their brain capacity32.what difference between digital immigrants and other young people?A.they use native languageB. they are less efficient than the youngC. they access for less important information33."Digital accent" - digital immigrantsA.their typing skill is poorerB. they often do things in an old-fashioned wayC. they don't understand the instruction34-40) matchingA.AllenB. JamesC. Vander34.The current thinking mathods don't work - B35.Not all students understand computer - Cputer technology doesn't interest all students - A37.students can still learn in the traditional way - B38.students still need to learn research skills - A39.even video games can apply into teaching - Bputer cannot take place of the traditional educators - C(答案仅供参考)雅思阅读机经一. 考试概述:本次考试的阅读部分文章是两篇旧文章,一篇新文章,难度适中。
二、具体题目分析三、Passage 1:四、题名:磁疗五、题型:段落信息配对题6 + 多选题4 + 单选题3六、题目:新题相似文章:Magnet TherapyAMagnet therapy, magnetic therapy, or magnotherapy is an alternative medicine practice involving the use of static magnetic fields. Practitioners claim that subjecting certain parts of the body tomagnetostatic fields produced by permanent magnets has beneficial health effects. These pseudoscientific physical and biological claims are unproven and no effects on health or healing have been established. Although hemoglobin, the blood protein that carries oxygen, is weakly diamagnetic and is repulsed by magnetic fields, the magnets used in magnetic therapy are many orders of magnitude too weak to have any measurable effect on blood flow.Methods of applicationBMagnet therapy is the application of the magnetic field of electromagnetic devices or permanent static magnets to the body for purported health benefits. Some practitioners assign different effects based on the orientation of the magnet; under the laws of physics, magnetic poles are symmetric.CProducts include magnetic bracelets and jewelry; magnetic straps for wrists, ankles, knees, and the back; shoe insoles; mattresses; magnetic blankets (blankets with magnets woven into the material); magnetic creams; magnetic supplements; plasters/patches and water that has been "magnetized". Application is usually performed by thepatient. Purported mechanisms of actionDPerhaps the most common suggested mechanism is that magnets might improve blood flow in underlying tissues. The field surrounding magnet therapy devices is far too weak and falls off with distance far too quickly to appreciably affect hemoglobin, other blood components, muscle tissue, bones, blood vessels, or organs. A 1991 study on humans of static field strengths up to 1 T found no effect on local blood flow. Tissue oxygenation is similarly unaffected. Some practitioners claim that the magnets can restore the body's theorized "electromagnetic energy balance", but no such balance is medically recognized. Even in the magnetic fields used in magnetic resonance imaging, which are many times stronger, none of the claimed effects are observed.EfficacyESeveral studies have been conducted in recent years to investigate what, if any, role static magnetic fields may play in health and healing. Unbiased studies of magnetic therapy are problematic, since magnetisation can be easily detected, for instance, by the attraction forces on ferrous (iron-containing) objects; because of this, effective blinding of studies (where neither patients nor assessors know who is receiving treatment versus placebo) is difficult. Incomplete or insufficient blinding tends to exaggerate treatment effects, particularly where any such effects are small. Health claims such as longevity and cancer treatment are implausible and unsupported by any research. More mundane health claims,most commonly pain relief, also lack any credible proposed mechanism, and clinical research is not promising.PainFEffects of magnet therapy on pain relief beyond non-specific placebo response have not been adequately demonstrated. A 2008 systematic review of magnet therapy for all indications found no evidence of an effect for pain relief. It reported that small sample sizes, inadequate randomization, and difficulty with allocation concealment all tend to bias studies positively and limit the strength of any conclusions. In 2009 the results of a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial on the use of magnetic wrist straps (a leather strap with a magnetic insert) for osteoarthritis were published, addressing a gap in the earlier systematic review. This trial showed that magnetic wrist straps are ineffective in the management of pain, stiffness and physical function in osteoarthritis. The authors concluded that "reported benefits are most likely attributable to non-specific placebo effects".The History of Magnets.GHistorically it is reported that magnets have been around for an extremely long time. Magnets were first documented around 2500-3000 years BC. Their origins are first noted in Asia Minor in a vast land called Magnesia. The earth there was enriched with iron oxide which attracted metals to it. The locals named it MagnetiteHMagnets have been used in Chinese medicine from around 2000 BCin-conjunction with reflexology and acupuncture. It is still used today as a first line treatment for many common complaints.I3,500 years after they were first discovered, magnets have gained popularity in Europe and the USA. In the 15th century a Swiss physician Paracelsus recognised the therapeutic powers of magnets. He wrote medical papers on the influence of magnets on the inflammatory processes within the body.How Do Magnets Work?JThe human body is not based simply on biochemical reactions, but also electromagnetic interactions. Biological processes, like smooth muscle contractions and nerve signals, are controlled by the balance and movement of chemical ions. These are biochemicals (e.g. calcium, sodium, potassium) that have a positive or negative electric charge. They can be influenced chemically, as with drugs, as well as by external electrical and magnetic fields.KBased on more current studies, researchers believe magnets may make it easier for ions to shift and move through membrances (ion channels),triggering biological processes more efficiently. For example, the body uses calcium ions as a messenger system, causing the smooth muscle walls of capillary blood vessels to either relax or constrict. This increases or decreases the amount of blood flow.LResearchers from Japan, and more recently, the University of Virginia, have observed that when exposing an injured area to a strong magnetic field, changes in blood flow happened much faster. Interestingly, magnetic fields were able to both decrease blood flow to reduce swelling quicker, and later increase blood flow for faster healing. This means the magnets were not causing changes directly, but rather improving the body's own ability to regulate blood flow - likely by improving the ion signal process.MSeparating magnet therapy from almost every other form of alternative or mainstream medicine, both doctors and researchers agree that magnets are safe and do not cause side effects when used properly. This is because instead of changing processes chemically, biomagnetics enhance the body's own abilities to heal itself after injury and reduce pain signals. For this reason, people with chronic conditions, like arthritis, tendonitis and fibromyalgia, are turning to magnets as a safer form of pain relief. Use Around the WorldNToday, magnet therapy is used in Germany, France, Britain, India, Japan, China, Italy, Israel and about 40 other countries. A number of government health systems, such as Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, officially recognize magnet therapy as a safe, viable and cost-effective treatment option. Britain is the most recent to adopt magnetic therapy, where doctors are prescribing magnets to both heal and help prevent the development of leg ulcers - reducing the time and costs of patient care. OWhile magnet therapy is not fully understood, millions of people have benefited from its use for pain relief, improved healing, and better sleep. Of all forms of alternative medicine, magnetic therapy is both the safest and easiest to use. It offers the best opportunity for sustainable, long-term pain relief and better quality of life, without the worry of side effects. This alone makes magnets the ideal first choice for arthritis and chronic pain management, before trying other options. (参考答案暂无,待补充)Passage 2:题名:明星员工和企业题型:判断题 5 + 填空题 4 + 配对题 4题目:旧题文章大意:现在很多报纸报道一些人才在市场上受各大公司争抢,企业往往用高薪福利等诱惑来抢人才并以Enron(安然公司)作为例子。