



注:在你分析完之后,无论在什么时间你改变一个类或类 的数目,WinRHIZO 将问你是否更新分析。如果你点击否, 图表将更新但是图像中框架的颜色将不会。如果你点击是, 图像也会更新。
2.2 分析一个示例图像
这段是如何去用 WinRHIZO 的介绍没有图像获取是为了便于学习。
2.2.1 图像采集
WinRHIZO 软件分析过程通过点击 Acquisition icon 按钮进行,或者激活图像。
示图像形态的文件夹。Rhiz200.tif 是
一个简单的根和 Root.tif 是一个更复杂

注:WinRHIZO 只能加载 tif,jpeg,bmp 文件的三种类型图像。
每个像素 1 位黑白图像。每个像素 8 位灰度图像。每个像素 24 位彩色图像。每个像素
1.3WinRHIZO 和示例图片
WinRHIZO 软件和厂商名称和版本号在 CD-ROM 光盘上。CD 中有两个文件夹。一个含有 产品名称和程序(WinRHIZO.exe),Scanner.cal 校准文件(如果你从 Regent 买了扫描仪)和 它的演示图片。复制这个文件夹到您自己的硬盘,所有这些都会在安装软件或软件升级的时 候用到。如果你在进行升级操作,除了复制这个文件夹,你还要重新复制一下 scanner.cal 文件作为下一部分的拓展。这个 CD 上的第二个文件夹包含了密钥的驱动程序。
压缩的 tiff 文件格式。WinRHIZO 仅用 tiff 格式保存图像。
当您单击打开,WinRHIZO 加载图像,显示在图像领域,并作出了暂停。这使您可以核

Dell P2421DC 24 USB-C显示器用户指南说明书

Dell P2421DC 24 USB-C显示器用户指南说明书

Dell 24 USB-C 显示器 - P2421DC 用户指南显示器型号:P2421DC注:“注”表示可以帮助您更好使用显示器的重要信息。



版权所有 © 2020–2021 Dell Inc.或其子公司。


Dell、EMC以及其他商标是Dell Inc.或其子公司的商标。


2021 – 09Rev. A04目录关于您的显示器 (6)物品清单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6产品特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8识别部件和控制按钮 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9前部概览. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9后部概览. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10侧视图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11底视图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12显示器规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13分辨率规范 (14)支持的视频模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15预设显示模式 (15)MST多流传输(MST)模式 (16)电气规范. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16物理特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18环境特性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 DisplayPort接口 (20)即插即用功能. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24液晶显示器质量和像素政策 (24)维护指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24清洁显示器 (24)安装显示器 (25)安装底座 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25│ 3连接显示器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27连接 DP 线. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27连接显示器以使用DP多流传输(MST)功能. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27连接USB Type-C线 (28)连接显示器以使用USB-C多流传输(MST)功能 . . . . . . . 29整理线缆 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30卸下底座 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31壁挂安装(选购) (32)操作显示器 (33)打开显示器电源 (33)USB-C 充电选项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34使用控制按钮. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 OSD控制按钮 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35使用屏幕显示(OSD)菜单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36使用OSD菜单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36菜单和电源按钮锁定. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 OSD警告消息 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50首次调整亮度时,以下信息显示: (50)设置显示器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55设置最大分辨率 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55如果您使用的是Dell台式机或Dell便携电脑且可访问Internet . . . . 55如果您使用的不是Dell台式机、便携电脑或显卡 (55)使用倾斜、旋转和纵向展开 (56)倾斜、转动 (56)纵向展开 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4 │转动显示器 (57)故障排除 (59)自检 (59)内置诊断 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 USB-C充电设置为“关机模式时开”时设置USB-C优先级.62常见问题 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63产品特有的问题 (65)附录 (67)安全说明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 FCC声明(仅限美国)和其他管制信息 (67)中国能源效率标识 (68)电器电子产品有害物质限制使用要求. . . . . . . . . . . . 68联系Dell (69)│ 56 │ 关于您的显示器关于您的显示器物品清单此显示器在出厂时包括如下所示的物品。























AVID C|24Guide 中文说明书一、简介1、C|24功能控件功能• 24个声道条,每个声道条都有以下控件: • 触敏机动推子 • 多功能旋转编码器和开关• 自动化模式选择器• 专用EQ和Dynamics开关• 专用Insert和Send开关• 专用Input和RecEnable开关• 声道Solo和Mute开关• 声道选择开关• 双排多功能显示器• 全局自动化模式和启动开关• 走带和导航控件• 编辑和功能控件• ProTools窗口和全局控制开关模拟音频功能• 16麦克风/线路/DI前置放大器具有以下功能:• 无级变速输入增益控件• 有开关控制的高通滤波器• 削波指示器• 幻象电源(8个声道分2组,每组都有)• 8x2辅助混音器具有以下功能:• 8 个输入装置都配有独立的增益控件• 立体声混音输出配有主音量控件• C|24 监控器分区输出装置有开关控制• 6声道监控器分区具有以下功能:2 个 (主要的和辅助的)环绕声输出音源2 个外部立体声输入音源配有选择器开关和电平控件的主要监控器输出装置 (5.1、LCRS 或立体声)和辅助监控输出装置(立体声)提示输出的2个声道 配有电平控件和提示监控功能的耳机输出装置 配有内置或外部音源和电平控件的对讲电话 配有外部输入和电平控件的对听机二、启动和关闭 Pro Tools 系统 基于 D-Command 的系统必须按照特定顺序启动和关闭。

按照此顺序打开系统电源:1、 首先打开外置硬盘。

等待 10 至 15 秒,让它们达到所需的转速。

2 、打开 C|243、 如果计划使用 MIDI 设备工作,打开 MIDI 接口和其他MIDI 装置。

4 、打开全部 Pro Tools 音频接口。

5、 打开计算机。

6 、打开监听音箱放大器或有源音箱。

按照此顺序关闭系统:1、 关闭监听音箱放大器或有源音箱。

2 、关闭全部 Pro Tools 音频接口。

3 、关闭计算机。

KROHNE OPTIWAVE 5400 C 24 GHz FMCW雷达液位计操作手册说明书

KROHNE OPTIWAVE 5400 C 24 GHz FMCW雷达液位计操作手册说明书

适用于基本过程工艺的24GHz FMCW 雷达液位计OPTIWAVE 5400 C操作手册© KROHNE 05/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh保留所有权。

未经KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH 公司事先书面授权,不得复制此文件及其任何部分。


205/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh版权所有 2018KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH - Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5 - 47058 Duisburg (德国): 版本说明305/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh 1 安全须知61.1 软件历史.................................................................61.2 用途.....................................................................71.3 认证.....................................................................71.4 无线电批准证书.. (8)1.4.1 欧盟 (EU)...................................................................81.4.2 美国和加拿大 (10)1.5 来自制造厂家的安全须知 (13)1.5.1 版权及数据保护.............................................................131.5.2 免责条款...................................................................131.5.3 产品责任及质保.............................................................141.5.4 有关文档的信息.............................................................141.5.5 警告与符号使用.............................................................151.6 操作者的安全须知 (15)2 设备描述162.1 供货范围................................................................162.2 仪表说明................................................................172.3 外观检查................................................................182.4 铭牌.. (19)2.4.1 铭牌 (示例) (19)3 安装203.1 通用安装提示............................................................203.2 存储....................................................................203.3 运输....................................................................213.4 安装前要求..............................................................213.5 压力和温度范围..........................................................223.6 推荐的安装位置. (22)3.6.1 通用说明...................................................................233.6.2 具有盘状和锥形底部的储罐 (25)3.7 安装限制 (25)3.7.1 通用说明...................................................................253.7.2 过程连接...................................................................283.7.3 LPR 仪表:对于在井坑和非导电材质罐体的安装建议.............................323.7.4 立管(导波管和旁通管).....................................................333.8 如何连接天线延长管......................................................383.9 如何旋转或移除显示模块(选件)..........................................413.10 防护罩.. (42)3.10.1 如何将防护罩连接至仪表上..................................................423.10.2 如何打开防护罩 (44)4 电气连接454.1 安全须知................................................................454.2 常规注意事项............................................................454.3 电气安装:两线制,回路供电. (45)内容405/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh4.4 电流输出的电气连接 (49)4.4.1 非防爆仪表.................................................................494.4.2 用于危险区域的仪表 (49)4.5 防护等级................................................................494.6 网络.. (50)4.6.1 基本信息...................................................................504.6.2 点到点连接.................................................................504.6.3 多点网络. (51)5 启动525.1 启动检查列表............................................................525.2 如何启动仪表............................................................525.3 操作概念................................................................525.4 数显屏幕. (53)5.4.1 显示屏布局.................................................................535.4.2 键盘按钮. (54)5.5 通过PACTware ™远程通讯.................................................565.6 通过AMS ™设备管理器进行远程通讯. (57)6 操作586.1 用户模式................................................................586.2 常规模式................................................................596.3 程序模式. (62)6.3.1 常规注意事项...............................................................626.3.2 仪表设置保护(访问级别)...................................................626.3.3 如何访问快速设置菜单.......................................................646.3.4 键盘功能...................................................................656.3.5 如何保存程序模式中更改的设置...............................................686.3.6 菜单一览...................................................................696.3.7 功能说明...................................................................756.4 程序模式下仪表配置的更多信息 (91)6.4.1 标准设置...................................................................916.4.2 空频谱记录.................................................................946.4.3 HART ® 网络设置............................................................966.4.4 距离测量...................................................................976.4.5 物位测量...................................................................986.4.6 如何设置仪表测量体积或质量................................................1006.4.7 如何在弯曲或锥形底部的储罐中进行正确测量..................................1016.4.8 如何制作滤波器以去除雷达信号干扰 (102)6.5 状态消息和诊断数据 (103)7 服务1097.1 周期性维护 (109)7.1.1 常规注意事项..............................................................1097.1.2 维护外壳盖的O 形圈........................................................1097.1.3 如何清洁仪表的顶部表面....................................................1107.1.4 如何在过程条件下清洁喇叭天线..............................................1107.2 服务保修 (110)505/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh 7.3 备件可用性.............................................................1117.4 可提供的服务...........................................................1117.5 仪器送返生产厂家. (111)7.5.1 基本信息..................................................................1117.5.2 送返仪器时附带的表格(可复印).. (112)7.6 处理 (112)8 技术数据1138.1 测量原理...............................................................1138.2 技术数据...............................................................1158.3 测量精度...............................................................1218.4 最小供电电压...........................................................1228.5 最大操作压力指令.......................................................1238.6 尺寸和重量. (125)9 HART 接口1339.1 综述...................................................................1339.2 软件历史...............................................................1339.3 连接变量 (134)9.3.1 点到点连接 - 模拟/数字模式...............................................1349.3.2 多点连接 (2线制连接) (134)9.4 HART ® 仪表变量.........................................................1349.5 手操器 475 (FC 475)....................................................1359.5.1 安装......................................................................1359.5.2 操作. (135)9.6 资产管理系统 (AMS ®) (135)9.6.1 安装......................................................................1359.6.2 操作......................................................................1369.6.3 基本设置参数..............................................................1369.7 现场仪表工具 / 仪表类型管理器 (FDT / DTM) (136)9.7.1 安装......................................................................1369.7.2 操作. (136)9.8 过程设备管理(PDM)....................................................1369.8.1 安装......................................................................1369.8.2 操作. (136)9.9 AMD 的HART ®菜单结构 (137)9.9.1 AMS 菜单结构总览(菜单结构中的位置)......................................1379.9.2 AMS 菜单结构(具体设置)..................................................1379.10 PDM 的HART ® 树形菜单.. (140)9.10.1 PDM 菜单树总览(菜单树中的位置).........................................1409.10.2 PDM 菜单结构(具体设置). (141)10 附录14410.1 订货代码..............................................................14410.2 备件..................................................................15010.3 附件..................................................................15310.4 术语表. (153)1605/2018 - 4006972101 - MA OPTIWAVE 5400 R01 zh1.1 软件历史“固件版本符合”NAMUR NE 53。





2、使用条件2.1 周围空气温度:上限为+40℃,下限为-35℃;2.2 相对湿度:月平均值不大于90%;2.3 外壳防护等级IP4X;2.4 海拔高度:2000m及以下;2.5 风压不超过700Pa(相当于风速34m/s);2.6 无经常性剧烈震动的场所;2.7 安装场所:户外或户内。

3、技术参数3.1 储能电机为交直流两用电机,其技术参数如表一:表一3.2 手动储能采用一特制摇把,其长度为380mm,储能时最大操作力为200N;3.3 合闸电磁铁采用螺管式电磁铁,其技术参数如表二:表二3.4 分闸电磁铁采用螺管式电磁铁,其技术参数如表三表三3.5机构输出角度:55-57度3.6 机构合闸功调整范围大,可在2800N.m至3640N.m之间调节。

3.7 机构净重:280kg。

4、结构及动作原理4.1 结构:机构由于安装方式的不同分为端挂式和中挂式两种,它们之间只有机构箱不同,其机芯部分完全一样。





卡西欧指针系列手表中文说明书目录(提示:在下述型号数字上,按住“CTRL”并单击鼠标左键,可转到所在页码)适用型号:SHN-3006D (3)适用型号:MTP三眼/LTP三眼/EF-305/EF-306/EF-316/EF-317/EF-322 (6)适用型号:EF-311/EF-312/EF-324 (8)适用型号:EF-500/EF-502/EF-513/EF-530/SHN-5系列 (10)适用型号:EF-512D (13)适用型号:EF-520D/EF-506 (17)适用型号:EF-507D/EF-519D/EF-526D/BEM-501 (22)适用型号:EF-509/EF-517/EF-527 (26)适用型号:EF-518D (30)参考资料 (34)用户维修保养须知 (35)适用型号:SHN-3006D适用型号:MTP三眼/LTP三眼/EF-305/EF-306/EF-316/EF-317/EF-322适用型号:E适用型号:EF-311/EF-312/EF-324适用型号:EF-500/EF-502/EF-513/EF-530/SHN-5系列适用型号:EF-512D适用型号:EF-520D/EF-506适用型号:EF-507D/EF-519D/EF-526D/BEM-501适用型号:EF-509/EF-517/EF-527适用型号:EF-518D具体的使用方法可以参考CASIO的官方网站说明:/support/wat/faq/faq.php?locID=1132#6966参考资料用户维修保养须知教你如何用WORD文档(2012-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?2. 问:请问word 中怎样让每一章用不同的页眉?怎么我现在只能用一个页眉,一改就全部改了?答:在插入分隔符里,选插入分节符,可以选连续的那个,然后下一页改页眉前,按一下“同前”钮,再做的改动就不影响前面的了。



Keithley 2400 Source Meter∙電壓源、電流源、電壓錶、電流錶四合一新型儀器,適用於快速直流測試∙可選高電壓型(1100V)、大電流型(3A) 或大電流脈衝型(10A) 電源/測量∙最大功率:20W (2400和2410),60W (2420),100W (2425/2430 直流模式),1kW (2430 脈衝模式)∙五位半數字電錶, 0.012%準確度∙可作六線式歐姆測量∙程式控制電流/電壓,並可設定箝制準位∙最快速度可達1000點/秒(GPIB介面)∙內建快速「通過/失效」比較器,適用於自動化品質管制∙數位I/O可直接與其他儀器溝通∙IEEE-488和RS-232介面∙除量測電壓、電流外,並可直接量測電阻、功率、百分率、補償電阻(Offset Compensated Ω)、變阻器α值(Varistor α)、電壓係數,如需做接觸檢測(ContactCheck),可選用2400C 系列1美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司Keithley 2400系列(2400,2410,2420,2430)多功能電源電錶簡易操作手冊一、功能:二、面板簡介:123.456 uA( 量測值) ON(輸出開/關)Vsrc: +00.0000V (電源輸出值)Cmpl:105.000uA(箝位值)2美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司圖2-1 2400螢幕顯示圖螢幕顯示:如圖2-1所示,螢幕左上方所顯示為「量測值」,右上方為「輸出開/關」顯示,左下方為「電源輸出值」,右下方為「箝位值」顯示。

圖2-2 2400正面圖圖2-3 2400背面圖Power:電源開關MEAS選擇鍵:選擇所欲量測的訊號(1) V量測電壓(2) I量測電流(3) Ω量測電阻(4) FCTN量測功率, 補償電阻,電壓係數, 變電阻ALPHA值,百分率(初3美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司始設定為功率)SOURCE選擇鍵:選擇電源輸出型式(1) V輸出電壓(2) I輸出電流(3)▲和▼增加或減少輸出值或箝位值(Cmpl)操作鍵:(1) EDIT選擇設定電源輸出值或箝位值(2) TOGGLE切換輸出值與量測值位置(3) LOCAL取消遠端電腦控制,回到儀器面板控制(4) REL開啟/取消參考數值比較(5) FILTER開啟/取消數位濾波(6) LIMIT開啟/取消限制值測試(7) TRIG從面板觸發開始量測(8) SWEEP開始輸出設定好的掃瞄電壓或電流(9) DIGITS改變量測顯示數位(10) SPEED改變量測速度及精準度(11) STORE設定記憶數量並開始儲存(12) RECALL顯示儲存的量測數值(13) CONFIG設定(加上其他按鍵,如CONFIG + SWEEP 可設定掃瞄輸出)(14) MENU進入可儲存設定值,更改通訊方式(IEEE-488 or RS232),或校正(15) EXIT跳出(16) ENTER確認RANGE:範圍選擇4美商吉時利儀器股份有限公司台灣分公司(1)▲更改為較大的範圍(2)▼更改為較小的範圍(3)AUTO自動切換至最佳範圍OUTPUT:(1) ON/OFF開啟/取消電源輸出三、操作入門A.輸出電壓,量測電流1.接線如圖3-1。




月) →切换→数字(2位日期) →切换4、月累计查询:查询→单价→数字(年。

月) →单价5、时间设置:设置→数字(年.月)→单价→数字(日时. 分) →设置6、单价设置:单价→数字--锁17、密度设置:单价→切换→数字→锁18、当班累计清零:单价→切换→ 1234 →锁19、版本号查询:单价→单价10、查询系数:单价→累计11、设置系数:单价→累计→重显→1234→数字→单价12、设置齿数:单价→累计→重显→1234→数字(3、4)→单价 30齿输入3,60齿输入413、主阀提前量:单价→累计→累计→数字→锁114、查询出厂用油累计:查询→1→累计15、查询计量用油累计:查询→2→累计软件锁机解锁:单价→累计→1234→单价→锁 1 (44444)加锁:设置→单价→锁2解锁:设置→切换→锁2(22222)数据重显(31001版本):清零→重显→重显→……可查255次数据,分别为0、1、2、3…按清零-单价-重显1234-锁1,可取消此功能,再次操作可恢复此功能正星IC卡加油机系列操作1、累计数显示:累计--切换--切换2、加油数据重显:重显3、IC卡退卡:退卡4、单价修改:单价--数字(新单价)--锁15、密度修改:单价--切换--数字(新密度)--锁16、机提前量修改:单价-确认-单价-数字(新提前量)-锁37、电磁阀1提前量输入:单价-确认-确认-数字(新提前量)-锁38、电磁阀2提前量输入:单价-确认-切换-数字(新提前量)-锁39、显示版本号:单价-单价 10、当班累计清零:单价-确认-锁311、显示时间:确认-切换12、查询税控总累:查询-累计13、查询税控时间:查询-时间14、查询税控日累:查询-切换-年。

创维 彩色液晶电视机 中文使用说明书

创维 彩色液晶电视机 中文使用说明书




1 使用产品前请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并请保留使用。

2 本说明书中的屏幕显示和图解可能与实物中的有所不同,请以实物为准。

3 必须严格遵守本机及其使用说明书上的警告指示。

4 更多产品,请登录酷开网()。

第一部分:液晶电视的安全与注意事项 (1)第二部分:液晶电视操作引导随机附件 (3)控制面板按键及侧、背面端子介绍 (3)连接信号设备 (4)查看遥控器 (7)第三部分:液晶电视介绍电视基本功能、电视产品特性提示、开机与关机 (9)第四部分:液晶电视的功能操作天赐、云视听 (10)云搜索 (11)云生活 (12)云浏览 (14)云应用 (15)本地媒体、我的收藏、我的历史 (16)第二屏、信号源、设置 (17)首页 (21)菜单 (22)彩色功能键、天赐输入法 (24)语音博士 (25)导视、数字电视 (26)温馨提示 (29)第五部分:故障检修 (30)第六部分:规格参数 (31)第七部分:安全与环保注意事项 (32)1不正确的使用会导致触电或火灾事故。



警告▪机内有高压,非专业人员切勿打开后盖,以防发 生电击危险。

▪为避免产品损坏,在雷雨、闪电的情况下,应不 要使用本机,并拔掉电源插头、天线或电线回路。

▪凡具有危险带电端子警告标识和说明,以及与危 险带电端子连线的外部导线,需要由经过指导的 人员来安装。

▪为了预防火灾,本产品外壳上不应放置裸露的火 焰源,如点燃的蜡烛。

▪设备不得受水滴或水溅,设备上不应放置诸如花 瓶一类的等装满液体的物品。

▪电视机使用中发现异常(如有异味等)或不慎将 异物落入机内,应立即关闭电视机并拔出插头, 尽快与保修单位联系检修。



目 录前 言 (2)(1)、购入时注意事项 (2)(2)、C 系列铭牌说明 (2)一、安全使用注意事项 (3)(1)、送电前 (3)(2)、送电中 (3)(3)、运转中 (4)二、产品标准规格 (5)(1)、产品个别规格 (5)(2)、产品通用规格 (6)三、储存及安装 (7)(1)、储存 (7)(2)、安装场所及环境 (7)(3)、安装空间与方向 (7)四、配 线 (8)(1)、主回路配线图 (8)(2)、接线端子说明 (9)(3)、基本配线图 (10)(4)、配线注意事项 (12)五、数位操作器说明 (14)(1)、数位操作器说明 (14)(2)、显示项目说明 (15)(3)、操作说明 (16)六、试运行 (17)(1)、运行前检查 (17)(2)、试运行方式 (17)七、功能一览表 (18)八、功能说明 (24)九、保养维护、故障信息及排除方法 (62)(1)、保养检查注意事项 (62)(2)、定期检查项目 (62)(3)、故障信息及排除方法 (62)(4)、故障及分析 (64)十、周边设施选用及配置 (66)(1)、选件 (66)(2)、配置 (66)十一、附 录 (70)附录一:简单应用举例 (70)附录二:机器外型及安装尺寸 (76)附录三:例C-A变频器参数设置说明附录 (80)因公司产品更新,本册内容若有更改,恕不另行通知。

*本手册为1.0 版本前 言承蒙您惠顾C系列多功能,高性能通用变频调速器。




本手册中有 危险 !注意 等符号提醒您于搬运、安装、运转、检查变频器时之安全防范事项,请您配合,使变频器使用更加安全,若有疑虑,请联络本公司各地的代理商洽询,我们的专业人员乐于为您服务。



海纳电子资讯网: www.fpga-arm.com
1 只有在总线空闲时才允许启动数据传送
2 在数据传送过程中 当时钟线为高电平时 数据线必须保持稳定状态 不允许有跳变 时
钟线为高电平时 数据线的任何电平变化将被看作总线的起始或停止信号
时钟线保持高电平期间 数据线电平从高到低的跳变作为 I2C 总线的起始信号
应答信号后 主器件发送 CAT24WC01/02/04/08/16 的字节地址 主器件在收到从器件的另一个应答信号
后 再发送数据到被寻址的存储单元 CAT24WC01/02/04/08/16 再次应答 并在主器件产生停止信号后 开始内部数据的擦写 在内部擦写过程中 CAT24WC01/02/04/08/16 不再应答主器件的任何请求
写保护操作特性可使用户避免由于不当操作而造成对存储区域内部数据的改写 当 WP 管脚接高时 整个寄存器区全部被保护起来而变为只可读取 CAT24WC01/02/04/08/16 可以接收从器件地址和字节地 址 但是装置在接收到第一个数据字节后不发送应答信号从而避免寄存器区域被编程改写

m tWR
写周期时间是指从一个写时序的有效停止信号到内部编程/擦除周期结束的这一段时间 在写周期期
r 总线接口电路禁能 SDA 保持为高电平 器件不响应外部操作
w 各管脚承受电压 -2.0 Vcc+2.0V



净水器中文说明书Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT反渗透水质处理器主要功能家用反渗透水质处理器,协调完成纯水制造的自动化过程。

















PNOZ X9P C 24DC安全继电器(独立)说明书

PNOZ X9P C 24DC安全继电器(独立)说明书
Optional accessories
101.0 mm 121.0 mm 610 g 600 g -10 - 55 °C
PNOZ X Set spring loaded terminals P3+P4
PNOZ X Set spring loaded terminals P5+P5
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Strasse 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
Page 1/2
Height dimension: Depth dimension: Gross weight: Net weight: Ambient temperature:
Technical details
Certifications: Application options:
Operating modes:
Product standard: Standards: Supply voltage (V): Supply voltage type: Supply voltage type 2: Supply voltage 2 (V): Terminal style: Terminal type: Number of instantaneous safety contacts: Number of auxiliary contacts: Number of semiconductor outputs: Stop category: Max. current at DC13 I (6 cycles/min): Max. current at AC15: Width dimension:



Peace of mind: Dell Premium Panel Exchange allows a free panelreplacement during the Limited Hardware Warranty 6 period even if only one bright pixel is found.Minimize downtime: Your monitor comes with a 3-year Advanced Exchange Service 7 so that if a replacement becomes necessary, it will be shipped to you the next business day during your 3-year Limited Hardware Warranty.6 Get a higher level of support: Upgrade to 24x7, in-region technical phone support from qualified engineers with Dell ProSupport option.8THANK YOU FOR MAKING DELL MONITORS #1 WORLDWIDE *Sleek, stylish and organized: Hide cords in the monitor riser to keep things organized. This sleek monitor has a three-sided ultrathin bezel, small base and an improved, easy-to-use cable management system.Comfort is key: Tilt, swivel, pivot and adjust the height of your monitor (150 mm height adjustment range) for a comfortable working experience. Designed with you in mind: Navigate the menu and adjust screen settings with the easy-to-use joystick control. Snap on the optional Dell Slim Soundbar (SB521A) and elevate your listening experience.OPTIMIZED WORKSPACEA productivity hub: Transform your monitor into a productivity hub with RJ45 for wired Ethernet connectivity and USB-C providing up to 65W power delivery — all in one clutter-free setup.Enhanced manageability: MAC Address pass thorugh 2, PXE boot and wake-on-LAN are conveniently built in.Single-cable convenience: Reduce cable clutter with USB-C connectivity, which offers the flexibility of connecting to multi-vendor USB-C systems 3 and saves up to 72% of workspace setup time.4Jumpstart productivity: Simply press the monitor power button and the power sync feature seamlessly starts your monitor and connected Dell PC, even when the laptop lid is closed. Compatible with select Dell PCs.5Expand your efficiency: Boost productivity by up to 21% with a dual monitor setup.4 via Dell Express Daisy Chaining — a feature that allows automatic detection of the second display, skipping the manual step of changing OSD settings.CONNECT TO PRODUCTIVITYComfort without sacrificing color: Optimize eye comfort on this 23.8” FHD monitor with ComfortView Plus 1, an always-on, built-in screen that reduces potentially harmful blue light emissions while delivering excellent color accuracy.Color consistency comes standard: See consistent, vibrant colors across a wide viewing angle enabled by In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology. With 99% sRGB coverage, you get precise colors right out of the box.COMFORT WITHOUT SACRIFICING COLORMonitorDell 24 USB-C Hub Monitor – P2422HE Diagonal Viewing Size 604.70 mm (23.80 inches)Active Display Area Width Height527.04 mm (20.75 inches)296.46 mm (11.67 inches)Maximum Preset Resolution 1920 x 1080 at 60 Hz Aspect Ratio 16:9Pixel Pitch0.2745 mm x 0.2745 mm Pixel Per Inch (PPI)93Brightness 250 cd/m² (typical)Color Support Color gamut: sRGB 99% (typical)Color depth: 16.7 million colors Contrast Ratio 1000:1 (typical)Viewing Angle 178°/178°Response Time5 ms typical (Fast) (gray to gray)8 ms (Normal mode) (gray to gray)Panel TypeIn-Plane Switching Technology Display Screen Coating Anti-GlareBacklight TechnologyWhite LED edgelight system ComfortView Plus with Flicker-free screen Yes Dell Display Manager Compatibility YesRemote Asset Management Yes, via Dell Command I Monitor GSA/TAAYes Optional SoundbarSB521AConnectivityConnectors1 x HDMI port version 1.4 (HDCP 1.4)1 x DisplayPort version 1.2 (HDCP 1.4)1 x DisplayPort (Out) with MST (HDCP 1.4)1 x USB T ype-C ® upstream port (Alternate mode with DisplayPort 1.2, Power Delivery up to 65 W)**4 x SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps (USB 3.2 Gen1) downstream port 1 x RJ45 port HDCP SupportHDMI HDCP 1.4DP HDCP 1.4Design FeaturesAdjustability Height adjustable stand (150 mm), Tilt (-5° to 21°), Swivel (-45° to 45°), Pivot (-90° to 90°)SecuritySecurity lock slot (cable lock sold separately)Flat Panel Mount InterfaceVESA (100 mm x 100 mm)PowerAC inputvoltage/frequency/current100 VAC to 240 VAC / 50 Hz or 60 Hz ± 3 Hz / 1.5 A (typical)Power Consumption (Operational)0.2 W (Off mode)90.3 W (Standby Mode)914.5 W (On mode)9118 W (Max.)10Power Consumption Stand by / SleepLess than 0.3W Dimensions (with stand)Height 496.11 mm (19.53 inches)Width 537.80 mm (21.17 inches)Depth179.57 mm (7.07 inches)WeightWeight (panel only - for VESA mount/ no cables)3.81 kg (8.40 lb)Weight (monitor and cables with stand) 6.00 kg (13.23 lb)Weight (with packaging)8.38 kg (18.47 lb)Standard Service Plan Premium Panel Exchange, 3 Years Advanced Exchange Service 7 & Limited Hardware Warranty 6Optional Service Plan Dell ProSupport 8Environmental ComplianceENERGY STAR ® certified monitor, EPEAT ® Gold registered where applicable 11, RoHS-compliant, TCO Edge Certified Displays, BFR/PVC free monitor (excluding external cables), Arsenic-free glass and Mercury-free for the panel only.What's in the box?Components• Monitor with standCables• Power cable• DisplayPort to DisplayPort cable (1.8m)• USB T ype-C cable (1.8m)• Cable tieDocumentation • Quick Setup Guide• Safety and regulatory informationRECOMMENDED ACCESSORIESWorld’s slimmest and lightest soundbar12o ers exceptional audio clarity andmagnetically attaches to Dell monitors13o ering a clean desk experience.DELL SLIM SOUNDBAR |SB521AQuickly install this Dell Dual Monitor Arm –MDA20 for a comprehensive monitor andsystem mounting solution. This virtually tool-free installation makes deployment simple.DELL DUAL MONITOR ARM |MDA20MMENDED ACCESSElevate productivity with this wirelessfull size narrow bezel keyboard andambidextrous mouse combo with 3 yearsof battery life.DELL PRO WIRELESS KEYBOARDAND MOUSE COMBO | KM5221W4881235679ConnectivityEasily adjust the panel to your preferred viewing position.21°5°15mm45°45°Tilt and height adjustableBack view -Cable management slotSwivel90° 90°Pivot1Security lock slot2Power connector3HDMI port4Stand lock5DisplayPort (in)6DisplayPort (out)7USB Type-C upstream port8SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps (USB3.2 Gen1)Type-A downstream port (4)9RJ45 port。

Cisco SR2024C 迷你版24口10 100 1000千兆以太网交换机产品简介说明书

Cisco SR2024C 迷你版24口10 100 1000千兆以太网交换机产品简介说明书

Data SheetCisco SR2024C Compact 24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit SwitchCisco Small Business Unmanaged SwitchesHigh-Performance, Easy-to-Use Switch for Small BusinessesHighlights●Connects up to 24 network devices, with high-speed ports optimized to support bandwidth-intensive applications such as video streaming, complex graphics, animation, high-resolution imaging, and data storage●Reduces transfer times for large data files from minutes to seconds●Provides faster access to business-critical information and resources on the network●Works right out of the box, with no software to configureFigure 1. Cisco SR2024C Compact 24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit SwitchProduct OverviewThe Cisco® SR2024C Compact 24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch (Figure 1) provides nonblocking, wire-speed switching for your 10, 100, and 1000 megabit network clients. Use this switch to replace your current workgroup hub or switch, and you can upgrade your high-requirement workstations to full Gigabit speeds as necessary, while continuing to service other clients at their current speeds. Or build your network from the ground up, with appropriate link speeds for each user’s requirements. Either way, it’s ideal for graphics, multimedia, and other applications that have to move large files across the network quickly. And when you need to expand your network even further, the two mini Gigabit Interface Converter (mini-GBIC) ports let you add fiber-optic capability easily and cost-effectively.With the Cisco SR2024C, you can connect your existing 10/100 Ethernet network to a Gigabit server backbone without any additional equipment. All ports have automatic medium dependent interface (MDI) and MDI crossover (MDI-X) cable detection, so you don't have to worry about the cable type. Each port independently and automatically negotiates for best speed and whether to run in half- or full-duplex mode. Address Learning and Aging is supported, as well as 802.3x flow control with head-of-line (HOL) blocking prevention to keep your high-speed clients from boggingdown in lower-speed traffic. Fast store-and-forward switching prevents damaged packets from being passed on to the network.World-famous Cisco reliability gives you peace of mind, and the rack-mount form factor integrates smoothly into your network infrastructure. Let the Cisco SR2024C Compact 24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch kick your network into high gear.Features●24 RJ-45 ports for 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-TX connections●Auto negotiation of half-duplex and full-duplex mode for all ports●Auto MDI/MDI-X support on all ports for easy cable detection●Efficient MAC address learning engine supports up to 8000 MAC addresses●Store-and-forward forwarding scheme●Standard width and mounting kit (included) for easy installation into a rack●Two mini-GBIC ports for easy expansion to other mini-GBIC-equipped switches●Integrated 256-KB packet buffer memory●Supports jumbo frames of 9 KB●Supports IEEE 802.3x full-duplex operation●Complies with European Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)SpecificationsTable 1 gives the specifications, minimum requirements, and package contents for the CiscoSR2024C Compact 24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch.Table 1. Specifications for the Cisco SR2024C Compact 24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch SpecificationsStandards IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3x, and 802.3abPorts 24 RJ-45 10/100/1000 + 2 mini-GBIC portsCabling type Category 5 Ethernet or betterLEDs System, 1 through 24EnvironmentalDimensions W x H x D 10.98 x 1.75 x 9.45 in.(279 mm x 44.45 mm x 240 mm)Unit weight 4.78 lb (2.17 kg.)Power 110–120V AC, 100W Certification FCC Class A, CEOperating temperature 32º to 104ºF (0º to 40ºC) Storage temperature -40º to 158ºF (-40º to 70ºC) Operating humidity 20% to 95% relative humidity Storage humidity 5% to 95% noncondensing Package Contents●Cisco SR2024C Compact 24-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Switch ●AC power cord●User guide with online registration card●Set of rack-mounting bracketsMinimum Requirements●Category 5 Ethernet network cable●TCI/IP installed on each computer within the network●Network adapter installed in each computer●Network operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X)Product WarrantyLimited lifetime hardware warranty with return to factory replacement and 1-year limited warranty for fans and power suppliesCisco Limited Lifetime Hardware WarrantyCisco Small Business products offer a limited lifetime hardware warranty with return to factoryreplacement and a 1-year limited warranty for fans and power supplies. In addition, Cisco offerssoftware application updates for bug fixes and telephone technical support at no charge for the first12 months following the date of purchase. To download software updates, go to:/go/smallbiz.Product warranty terms and other information applicable to Cisco products are available at/go/warranty.For More InformationFor more information on Cisco Small Business products and solutions, visit:/smallbusinessPrinted in USA C78-504116-00 11/08。

Belimo CQ24A-SR 区域温度调节器旋转阀门电动驱动器说明书

Belimo CQ24A-SR 区域温度调节器旋转阀门电动驱动器说明书

CQ24A-SR ArrayRotary actuator for zone valves• Torque motor 1 Nm• Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 V• Control modulating 2...10 V• Position feedback 2...10 V• Snap-assembly of the actuator• Flow setting variableTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 VPower consumption in operation0.3 WPower consumption in rest position0.3 WPower consumption for wire sizing0.6 VAConnection supply / control Cable 1 m, 4 x 0.34 mm²Parallel operation Yes (note the performance data)Functional data Torque motor1 NmOperating range Y 2...10 VInput impedance100 kΩPosition feedback U 2...10 VManual override with actuator (clicked out)Running time motor75 s / 90°Sound power level, motor35 dB(A)Position indication MechanicalFlow setting see product featuresSafety data Protection class IEC/EN III, Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV)Degree of protection IEC/EN IP40EMC CE according to 2014/30/EUCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-14Type of action Type 1Rated impulse voltage supply / control0.8 kVPollution degree2Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingAmbient temperature 5...40°C [41...104°F]Storage temperature-40...80°C [-40...176°F]Servicing maintenance-freeWeight Weight0.21 kgCQ24A-SR••••••Mode of operationSimple direct mountingManual overrideAdjustable angle of rotation High functional reliabilityFlow settingSafety notesThis device has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Outdoor application: only possible in case that no (sea) water, snow, ice, insolation or aggressive gases interfere directly with the device and that it is ensured that the ambient conditions remain within the thresholds according to the data sheet at any time.Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.The device may only be opened at the manufacturer's site. It does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.Cables must not be removed from the device.The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposed of as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must be observed.Product featuresThe actuator is connected with a standard control signal of 0...10 V and drives to the position defined by the control signal. Measuring voltage U serves for the electrical display of the valve position 0.5...100% and as control signal for other actuators.Tool-free snap assembly.The actuator can be plugged on the valve by hand (Caution! Just vertical movements). Pins must match the holes on the flange.The mounting orientation in relation to the valve can be selected in 180° increments. (Possible two times)Click out the actuator and rotate the valve spindle with the help of the actuator.The angle of rotation of the actuator can be changed by clip in 2.5° increments. This is used to set the maximum flow rate of the valve.The actuator is overload protected, requires no limit switches and automatically stops when the end stop is reached.Adjustable kv-values (C2..Q-.., C4..Q-..) are given in the respective zone valve data sheets.2-way valve: Remove end stop clip and place at desired position.3-way valve: Remove end stop clip (change-over application).6-way valve: Remove end stop clip (cooling and heating application).After every change of the flow setting by means of end stop clip, an adaptation must betriggered on the modulating actuators.AccessoriesMechanical accessoriesDescriptionType Spindle extension CQZCQ-E Housing cover CQ, Colour: white (RAL 9010)ZCQ-W End stop clip, Multipack 5 pcs.ZCQ-C End stop clip, Multipack 20 pcs.Z-ESCMCQ24A-SRWire colours:1 = black 2 = red 3 = white 5 = orangeElectrical installationSupply from isolating transformer.Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.Wiring diagramsAC/DC 24 V, modulatingOverride control (frost protectioncircuit)Operating controls and indicatorsPush-button Press button:Triggers angle of rotation adaptation, followed by standard modeDimensionsFurther documentation• The complete product range for water applications • Data sheet for zone valves• Installation instructions for zone valves and actuators • General notes for project planning1。





电化学发光免疫测定试剂“ECLIA”,适用于罗氏Elecsys 和cobas e免疫测定分析仪。














AT24C1024 中文说明书

AT24C1024 中文说明书

AT24C10242线串行EEPROM特性低电压操作:2.7(Vcc=2.7V to 5.5V)内部组织:131,072*8位=1M2线串行接口施密特触发器,噪声抑制滤波输入双向数据传输协议时钟速率:400kHz(2.7V)和1MHz(5V)硬件写保护引脚和软件数据保护256字节页写模式(允许部分页面写入)随机和顺序读写模式自定义写周期(5ms)高可靠性:耐久力:写周期/页100,000次数据保留:40年8引脚PDIP,8引脚有铅SOIC封装,8引脚无铅阵列和8引脚球状dBGA封装描述AT24C1024提供1,048,567位的串行可电擦除和可编程只读存储器(EEPROM),它的每8位组成一个字节,共131,072个字节。













安特尔AT24C32D 32K Serial EEPROM数据手册说明书

安特尔AT24C32D 32K Serial EEPROM数据手册说明书

AT24C32DI2C-Compatible (2-Wire) Serial EEPROM32-Kbit (4,096 x 8)DATASHEET Features●Low-voltage and Standard-voltage OperationV CC = 1.7V to 5.5V●Internally Organized as 4,096 x 8 (32K)●I2C-compatible (2-Wire) Serial Interface●Schmitt Trigger, Filtered Inputs for Noise Suppression●Bidirectional Data Transfer Protocol●400kHz (1.7V) and 1MHz (2.5V, 2.7V, 5.0V) Compatibility●Write Protect Pin for Hardware Protection●32-byte Page Write ModePartial Page Writes Allowed●Self-timed Write cycle (5ms Max)●High ReliabilityEndurance: 1,000,000 Write CyclesData Retention: 100 Years●Lead-free/Halogen-free devices Available●Green Package Options (Pb/Halide-free/RoHS Compliant)8-lead JEDEC SOIC, 8-lead TSSOP, 8-pad UDFN, 8-pad XDFN, 5-leadSOT23, 5-ball WLCSP, and 8-ball VFBGA packages●Die Sale Options: Wafer Form, Waffle Pack, and Bumped Wafers DescriptionThe Atmel® AT24C32D provides 32,768 bits of Serial Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) organized as 4,096 words of 8 bits each. The device’s cascading feature allows up to eight devices to share a common 2-wire bus. The device is optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low-power and low-voltage operation are essential. The devices are available in space-saving 8-lead JEDEC SOIC, 8-lead TSSOP, 8-pad UDFN, 8-pad XDFN, 5-lead SOT23, 5-ball WLCSP, and 8-ball VFBGA packages. In addition, this device operates from 1.7V to 5.5V.AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_12201621.Pin Configurations and PinoutsTable 1-1.Pin Configuration Note:When using the 5-lead SOT-23 or the 5-ball WLCSP , the software bits A2, A1, and A0 must be set to Logic 0 to properly communicate with the device.2.Absolute Maximum Ratings*8-pad UDFN/XDFNV CC WP SCL SDAA 0A 1A 2GND123487658-ball VFBGABottom View8-lead SOIC8-lead TSSOPTop View12348765A 0A 1A 2GNDV CC WP SCL SDATop View Top ViewA 0A 1A 2GND V CC WP SCL SDA87651234SCL GND SDA123545-lead SOT23WPV CC* Note: Drawings are not to scale5-ball WLCSPBall Side View(1)A 0A 1A 2GNDV CC WP SCL SDA12348765(1)Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . .-55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to + 150°C Voltage on any pinwith respect to ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-1.0 V +7.0V Maximum Operating Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.25V DC Output Current. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.0mA*Notice:Stresses beyond those listed under “AbsoluteMaximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification are not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions forextended periods may affect device reliability.3AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_1220163.Block Diagram4.Pin DescriptionsSerial Clock (SCL): The SCL input is used to positive-edge clock data into each EEPROM device and negative-edge clock data out of each device.Serial Data (SDA): The SDA pin is bidirectional for serial data transfer. This pin is open drain driven and may be wire-ORed with any number of other open-drain or open-collector devices.Device Addresses (A 2, A 1, A 0): The A 2, A 1, and A 0 pins are device address inputs that are hard wired (directly to GND or to V CC ) for compatibility with other Atmel AT24C devices. When the pins are hard wired, as many as eight 32K devices may be addressed on a single bus system. (Device addressing is discussed in detail in Section 7., “Device Addressing” on page 9). A device is selected when a corresponding hardware and software match is true. If these pins are left floating, the A 2, A 1, and A 0 pins will be internally pulled down to GND. However, due to capacitive coupling that may appear during customer applications, Atmel recommends always connecting the address pins to a known state. When using a pull-up resistor, Atmel recommends using 10k Ω or less.Write Protect (WP): The Write Protect input, when connected to GND, allows normal write operations. When WP is connected directly to V CC , all Write operations to the memory are inhibited. If the pin is left floating, the WP pin will be internally pulled down to GND; however, due to capacitive coupling that may appear during customerapplications, Atmel recommends always connecting the WP pins to a known state. When using a pull-up resistor, Atmel recommends using 10k Ω or less.Table 4-1.Write ProtectV CC GND WP SCL SDAA 2A 1A 0AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_12201645.Memory OrganizationAT24C32D, 32K Serial EEPROM : The 32K is internally organized as 128 pages of 32-bytes each. Random word addressing requires a 12-bit data word address.5.1Pin CapacitanceTable 5-1.Pin Capacitance (1)Note:1.This parameter is characterized and is not 100% tested.5.2DC CharacteristicsTable 5-2.DC CharacteristicsNote:1.V IL min and V IH max are reference only and are not tested.Applicable over recommended operating range from: T A = 25°C, f = 1.0MHz, V CC = 5.5V.Applicable over recommended operating range from: T AI = -40°C to +85°C, V CC = 1.7V to 5.5V (unless otherwise noted).5AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_1220165.3AC CharacteristicsTable 5-3.AC Characteristics (Industrial Temperature)Notes:1.This parameter is ensured by characterization and is not 100% tested.2.AC measurement conditions:●R L (connects to V CC ): 1.3k Ω (2.5V, 5.5V), 10k Ω (1.7V)●Input pulse voltages: 0.3V CC to 0.7V CC ●Input rise and fall times: ≤ 50ns ●Input and output timing reference voltages: 0.5 x V CCApplicable over recommended operating range from: T AI = -40°C to +85°C, V CC = 1.7V to 5.5V, CL = 100pF (unless otherwise noted). Test conditions are listed in Note 2.AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_12201666.Device OperationClock and Data Transitions: The SDA pin is normally pulled high with an external device. Data on the SDA pin may change only during SCL low time periods. Data changes during SCL high periods will indicate a Start or Stop condition as defined below.Figure 6-1.Data ValidityStart Condition : A high-to-low transition of SDA with SCL high is a Start condition that must precede every command.Stop Condition: A low-to-high transition of SDA with SCL high is a Stop condition. After a Read sequence, the Stop condition will place the EEPROM in a standby power mode.Figure 6-2.Start Condition and Stop Condition DefinitionSDASCLData ChangeData StableData StableSDASCLStart Condition Stop Condition7AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_122016Acknowledge: All addresses and data words are serially transmitted to and from the EEPROM in 8-bit words. The receiving device sends a zero during the ninth clock cycle to acknowledge that it has received each word. This zero response is referred to as an Acknowledge.Figure 6-3.Output AcknowledgeStandby Mode: AT24C32D features a low-power standby mode that is enabled upon power-up and after the receipt of the Stop condition and the completion of any internal operations.Software Reset : After an interruption in protocol, power loss or system reset, any 2-wire part can be protocol reset by following these steps:1.Create a Start condition (if possible).2.Clock nine cycles.3.Create another Start condition followed by Stop condition as shown below.The device should be ready for the next communication after above steps have been completed. In the event that the device is still non-responsive or remains active on the SDA bus, a power cycle must be used to reset the device.Figure 6-4.Software ResetSCLData InData OutStart ConditionAcknowledge981SCLSDAAT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_1220168Figure 6-5.Bus TimingFigure 6-6.Write Cycle TimingNote: 1.The Write cycle time t WR is the time from a valid Stop condition of a Write sequence to the end ofthe internal Clear/Write cycle.SCLSDA InSDA OutSCLSDAStop ConditionStart Condition9AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_1220167.Device AddressingThe 32K EEPROM requires an 8-bit device address word following a Start condition to enable the chip for a Read or Write operation. The device address word consists of a mandatory ‘1010’ sequence for the first four most significant bits which is known as the device type identifier. These four bits are bit 7, bit 6, bit 5, and bit 4 as seen in Figure 7-1. This is common to all 2-wire Serial EEPROM devices.The next three bits are the A2, A1, and A0 hardware address select bits which allow as many as eight devices on the same bus. These bits must compare to their corresponding hard wired input pins, A 2, A 1, and A 0. The A 2, A 1, and A 0 pins use an internal proprietary circuit that biases them to a logic low condition if the pins are allowed to float.When utilizing the 5-ball WLCSP or the 5-lead SOT-23 packages, the A 2, A 1, and A 0 pins are not available. The A 2, A 1, and A 0 pins are internally pulled to ground and thus the A2, A1, and A0 device address bits must always be set to a Logic 0 to communicate with the device. This condition is depicted in Figure 7-1 below.The eighth bit of the device address is the Read/write operation select bit. A Read operation is initiated if this bit is a Logic 1, and a Write operation is initiated if this bit is a Logic 0.Upon a successful comparison of the device address, the EEPROM will output a zero during the following clock cycle. If a compare is not made, the device will not acknowledge and will instead return to a standby state.Figure 7-1.Device AddressingData Security: The AT24C32D has a hardware data protection scheme that allows the user to write protect the whole memory when the WP pin is at V CC .AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_122016108.Write OperationsByte Write : A Write operation requires two 8-bit data word addresses following the device address word and acknowledgment. Upon receipt of this address, the EEPROM will again respond with a zero then clock in the first 8-bit data word. Following receipt of the 8-bit data word, the EEPROM will output a zero. The addressing device, such as a microcontroller, must then terminate the write sequence with a Stop condition. At this time, the EEPROM enters an internally-timed Write cycle, t WR , to the nonvolatile memory (See Figure 6-6). All inputs are disabled during this Write cycle and the EEPROM will not respond until the Write is complete.Figure 8-1.Byte WriteNote:* = Don’t care bit.Page Write: The 32K EEPROM is capable of 32-byte Page Writes.A Page Write is initiated the same way as a Byte Write, but the microcontroller does not send a Stop condition after the first data word is clocked in. Instead, after the EEPROM acknowledges receipt of the first data word, the microcontroller can transmit up to 31 more data words. The EEPROM will respond with a zero after each data word received. The microcontroller must terminate the Page Write sequence with a Stop condition.The data word address lower five bits are internally incremented following the receipt of each data word. The higher data word address bits are not incremented, retaining the memory page row location. When the word address, internally generated, reaches the page boundary, the following byte is placed at the beginning of the same page. If more than 32 data words are transmitted to the EEPROM, the data word address will roll-over and the previously loaded data will be altered. The address roll-over during Write is from the last byte of the current page to the first byte of the same page.Figure 8-2.Page WriteNote:* = Don’t care bit.Acknowledge Polling : Once the internally-timed Write cycle has started and the EEPROM inputs are disabled, acknowledge polling can be initiated. This involves sending a Start condition followed by the device address word. The Read/Write bit is representative of the operation desired. Only if the internal Write cycle has completed will the EEPROM respond with a zero, allowing the Read or Write sequence to continue.S T A R TW R I T ES T O PDevice Address FirstWord Address Second Word AddressDataSDA LineM S BA C KR /W A C KA C KA CKSDA LineS T A W R I BK/W KKKKS T9.Read OperationsRead operations are initiated the same way as Write operations with the exception that the Read/Write select bit in the device address word is set to one. There are three Read operations:●Current Address Read ●Random Address Read ●Sequential ReadCurrent Address Read : The internal data word address counter maintains the last address accessed during the last Read or Write operation, incremented by one. This address stays valid between operations as long as the chip power is maintained. The address roll-over during read is from the last byte of the last memory page, to the first byte of the first page.Once the device address with the Read/Write select bit set to one is clocked in and acknowledged by theEEPROM, the current address data word is serially clocked out. The microcontroller does not respond with an zero but does generate a Stop condition.Figure 9-1.Current Address ReadRandom Read: A Random Read requires a dummy Byte Write sequence to load in the data word address. Once the device address word and data word address are clocked in and acknowledged by the EEPROM, the microcontroller must generate another Start condition. The microcontroller now initiates a Current Address Read by sending a device address with the Read/write select bit high. The EEPROM acknowledges the device address and serially clocks out the data word. The microcontroller does not respond with a zero but does generate a Stop condition.Figure 9-2.Random ReadNote:* = Don’t care bit.SDA LineS T A R TDevice AddressR E A DS T O PM S BA C KR /W N O A C KDataSDA LINES T A R TS T A R TR E A DW R I T ES T O PDevice Address Second Word Address Device AddressFirst Word Address Data (n)M S BA C KA C KAC KL S B A C KN O A C KR /W Dummy WriteR /W12Sequential Read: Sequential Reads are initiated by either a Current Address Read or a Random Address Read. After the microcontroller receives a data word, it responds with an acknowledge. As long as the EEPROM receives an acknowledge, it will continue to increment the data word address and serially clock out sequential data words. When the memory address maximum address is reached, the data word address will roll-over and the Sequential Read will continue from the beginning of the array. The Sequential Read operation is terminated when the microcontroller does not respond with a zero but does generate a Stop condition.Figure 9-3.Sequential ReadNote:* = Don’t care bit.SDA LINESTARTSTARTREADWRITESTOP DeviceAddressSecond WordAddressDeviceAddressFirst WordAddressData (n + 1)Data (n + 2)Data (n + x)Data (n)MSBACKACKACKLSBACKACKACKACKNOACKR/WDummy Write. . .. . .R/AT24C32D [DATASHEET]10.Ordering Code DetailAtmel DesignatorProduct FamilyDevice DensityDevice RevisionShipping Carrier OptionOperating VoltagePackage Option32 = 32K24C = Standard I 2C-compatibleSerial EEPROMB = Bulk (Tubes)T = Tape and Reel, Standard Quantity Option E = Tape and Reel, Expanded Quantity OptionM = 1.7V to 5.5VSS = JEDEC SOIC X = TSSOP MA = UDFN ME = XDFN ST = SOT23U = 5-ball, 3x3 Grid Array, WLCSP C = VFBG A WWU = Wafer UnsawnWDT = Die in Tape and ReelPackage Device Grade or Wafer/Die ThicknessH = Green, NiPdAu Lead Finish, Industrial Temperature Range (-40°C to +85°C)U = Green, Matte Sn Lead Finish or SnAgCu Solder Ball Finish, Industrial Temperature Range (-40°C to +85°C)11= 11mil Wafer ThicknessA T 24C 32D -S S H M -TAT24C32D [DATASHEET]1411.Part MarkingsNotes: 1.WLCSP Package: CAUTION: Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can degrade the data stored in the EEPROM cells. Therefore, customers who use a WLCSP product must ensure that exposure to ultraviolet lightdoes not occur.2.Contact Atmel Sales for Wafer sales.13.18S1 — 8-lead JEDEC SOICAT24C32D [DATASHEET]1613.28X — 8-lead TSSOP13.38MA2 — 8-pad UDFNAT24C32D [DATASHEET] 1813.48ME1 — 8-pad XDFNAT24C32D [DATASHEET]2013.55TS1 — 5-lead SOT2321AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_12201613.65U-3 — 5-ball, WLCSPAT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_1220162213.78U2-1 — 8-ball VFBGA23AT24C32D [DATASHEET]Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_12201614.Revision HistoryX X X X X XAtmel Corporation1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USAT: (+1)(408) 441.0311F: (+1)(408) 436.4200|© 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-8866D-SEEPROM-AT24C32D-Datasheet_122016.Atmel ®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities ®, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U.S. and other countries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.DISCLAIMER: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended,authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: Atmel products are not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such products would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”) without an Atmel officer's specific written consent. Safety-Critical Applications include, without limitation, life support devices and systems, equipment or systems for the operation of nuclear facilities and weapons systems.Atmel products are not designed nor intended for use in military or aerospace applications or environments unless specifically designated by Atmel as military-grade. Atmel products are not designed nor intended for use in automotive applications unless specifically designated by Atmel as automotive-grade.。

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AVID C|24Guide 中文说明书一、简介1、C|24功能控件功能• 24个声道条,每个声道条都有以下控件: • 触敏机动推子 • 多功能旋转编码器和开关• 自动化模式选择器• 专用EQ和Dynamics开关• 专用Insert和Send开关• 专用Input和RecEnable开关• 声道Solo和Mute开关• 声道选择开关• 双排多功能显示器• 全局自动化模式和启动开关• 走带和导航控件• 编辑和功能控件• ProTools窗口和全局控制开关模拟音频功能• 16麦克风/线路/DI前置放大器具有以下功能:• 无级变速输入增益控件• 有开关控制的高通滤波器• 削波指示器• 幻象电源(8个声道分2组,每组都有)• 8x2辅助混音器具有以下功能:• 8 个输入装置都配有独立的增益控件• 立体声混音输出配有主音量控件• C|24 监控器分区输出装置有开关控制• 6声道监控器分区具有以下功能:2 个 (主要的和辅助的)环绕声输出音源2 个外部立体声输入音源配有选择器开关和电平控件的主要监控器输出装置 (5.1、LCRS 或立体声)和辅助监控输出装置(立体声)提示输出的2个声道 配有电平控件和提示监控功能的耳机输出装置 配有内置或外部音源和电平控件的对讲电话 配有外部输入和电平控件的对听机二、启动和关闭 Pro Tools 系统 基于 D-Command 的系统必须按照特定顺序启动和关闭。

按照此顺序打开系统电源:1、 首先打开外置硬盘。

等待 10 至 15 秒,让它们达到所需的转速。

2 、打开 C|243、 如果计划使用 MIDI 设备工作,打开 MIDI 接口和其他MIDI 装置。

4 、打开全部 Pro Tools 音频接口。

5、 打开计算机。

6 、打开监听音箱放大器或有源音箱。

按照此顺序关闭系统:1、 关闭监听音箱放大器或有源音箱。

2 、关闭全部 Pro Tools 音频接口。

3 、关闭计算机。

4 、如果计划使用 MIDI 设备,则关闭 MIDI 接口和其他 MIDI 装置。

5 、关闭 C|24。

6 、关闭外置硬盘。

三、C|24 和 Pro Tools 之间建立通信在 C|24 和 Pro Tools 之间建立通信 可通过命名 Pro Tools 中的 C|24 装置来设定 C|24 和 Pro Tools 之间的通信。

在 Pro Tools 中命名 C|24:1、选择 Setups (设置) > Peripherals (外设),然后单击 Ethernet Controllers (以太网控制器)。

Peripherals (外设)对话框显示 Ethernet Controllers (以太网 控制器)一页2、选择 Enable (启用)。

Pro Tools 为任何连接到系统的 以太网控制器扫描以太网连接。

3、从控制器 #1 的弹出窗口选择 C|24。

如果您的网络已连接,则网络上任何可用的以太网控制器都会按以下方式显示在弹出菜单上: u 粗体表示已连接的装置。

u 斜体表示脱机或断开的装置。

u 暗灰色表示所选单元正在被另一个 Pro Tools 系统使用。

4 、单击 OK(确定)关闭 Peripherals(外围设备)对话框。

建立通信时, Pro Tools 显示彩色外边框用以区别C|24上 的音轨。

四、C|24 Pro Tools 控件输入监听开关输入监听开关的功能取决于声道条中显示的轨道类型。

音频轨录音锁定 (仅适用于 Pro Tools HD)输入监听模式开关 在 Auto Input(音频输入)和 InputOnly(轨道输入) 模式之间切换该声道的输入监控模式。

声道处于 Input Only(仅输入)模式时,Input Monitor(输入监听器) 开关亮起。

乐器轨 输入监听器开关对输送到推子的 MIDI音量、输送到旋转编码器 MIDI 声像和输送到声道静音开关的MIDI 静音进行传输控制。

这还更改输入和输出分配模式,以适用于乐器轨道上的 MIDI 输入和输出。

声道推子和编码器上显示 MIDI 控件时,输入监听器开关闪烁。


轨道录音启用和 Pro Tools 闲置或播放时,录音启用开关闪烁。

录音期间, 录音启用开关持续亮起。

录音安全模式 要安全录音轨道,按住 Command/Ctrl 放大器开关并按轨道的录音启用开关。



控制台视图 根据启用的控制台视图,旋转编码器控制声道声像、发送电平和分配(声像视图或发送视图)。

如果系统包括 PRE、从控制台视图中的旋转编码器可以话筒预设电平。

声道视图 根据启用的声道视图,旋转编码器控制插件、声像、发送或插件设置和分配 (声像 / 发送视图或插入选择视图)。

如果系统包括 PRE,大多数话筒前置控件可以在声道视图中控制。

翻转模式 Flip (翻转)模式启用时,旋转编码器控制轨道音量或发送声像位置。

旋转编码器 LED每个旋转编码器都有一个由 11 个 LED 组成的环,用来标示该编码器所控制的数据值。

声像位置或频率等离散或分步信息由一个 LED 显示。

发送电平、增益或滤波器带宽等连续可变化的值由一系列扩展 LED 显示。

编码器 LED 环可以显示发送电平、声像位置和插件参数值。

在 Flip (翻转)模式中,这些环可以显示轨道电平或发送声像位置。


编码器开关的功能包括:• 发送控制台视图:切换发送静音或发送前/后状态• 声像/发送声道视图:切换发送静音或发送前/后状态• 参数视图:循环分步的插件参数,设置多个单声道插件操作。

• 话筒前置视图:如果系统包括 PRE,控制话筒前置设置• 组视图:为新建组选择组ID,启用或选择当前组。

• 自定义功能键视图:循环首选项或执行操作• 默认开关:将参数设置为默认值。

• 窗口配置视图:创建、编辑和调用窗口配置• 记忆位置视图:创建、编辑和调用记忆位置。


自动选择 / 自动开关只有 C|24 处于 Parameter (参数)视图时,才可以使用选择 / 自动开关。

选择选择 / 自动开关亮起时,其处于 Select (选择)模式。


自动选择 / 自动开关亮起时,其处于 Auto(自动)模式。

在 此模式中,编码器开关执行以下操作之一:• 如果 Pro Tools 闲置或播放,编码器开关启用用于自动化的相应插件参数。


• 如果自动化通过正在进行中,编码器开关闪烁指示正在写入插件自动化。


前/后开关只有 C|24 进入 Sends Console (发送控制体)视图,才可以使用前 / 后开关。

前 / 后开关亮起时,编码器开关在前后推子操作之间切换相应发送。

编码器开关未亮起时,Send(发送)设置为后置推子操 作。


按下前 / 后开关时,显示全部发送的前 / 后状态。

发送静音开关只有 C|24 进入 Sends Console (发送控制体)视图,才可以使用发送静音开关。





开关亮起指示声道上至少有一个非 EQ、非动态插件。

按亮起的插件开关时,C|24 进入 Insert Select(插入选择) 视图,并在整个液晶显示屏上显示声道的插入。

从 Insert Select (插入选择)视图,可以将一个插件的全部控件显示 到 Parameter (参数)视图。

在 Parameter (参数)视图中,按住亮起的插入开关,液晶显示器在当前焦点插入上显示信息。



按亮起的发送开关时, C|24 进入 Pan/Send Channel (声像 / 发送声道)视图,并在整个液晶显示屏幕上显示声道的发送。

按两次发送开关时,C|24 进入 Expanded Pan(扩展声像) 视图,并显示轨道的声像控件。

EQ 开关和动态开关各声道都有可以对讲分配给该声道的相应类型的任何插件的 EQ 和动态。

EQ 或动态开关亮起指示声道上至少有一个相应类型的插件。

按亮起的 EQ 或动态开关时,C|24 进入参数视图,并在液晶显示屏幕上显示插件的控件。

请参在 Parameter(参数)视图中,按住亮起的 EQ 或动态开关, 液晶显示屏幕在当前焦点插件上显示信息。

EQ 和动态旁通开关 EQ 和动态旁通开关更改全部声道的 EQ 和动态开关的功能,使其进入 Bypass (旁通)模式。

EQ 开关 EQ 和动态旁通开关亮起时,EQ 开关切换声道上全部 EQ 插件的旁通状态。

在 Bypass (旁通)模式中,旁通 轨道上的 EQ 插件时,轨道 EQ 开关亮起。

动态开关 EQ 和动态旁通开关亮起时,动态开关切换声道上全部动态插件的旁通状态。

在 Bypass (旁通)模式中,旁通轨道上的动态插件时,轨道动态开关亮起。

自动化模式开关和指示器各声道都有自动化模式开关和一系列自动化模式指示器 (Write (写入)、 Touch (触摸)、 Latch (栓连)、Trim (修整)和 Read (读取))。

自动化模式开关通过以下 Pro Tools 自动化模式循环声道:•Write (写入)•Touch (触摸)•Latch (拴连)•Touch/Latch (触摸 / 栓连)(仅适用于 Pro Tools HD以及带Complete Production Toolkit 2 的 Pro Tools)•Read (读取)使用自动化模式开关,可以在播放期间通过 Touch(触控)、 Latch (栓连)、 Touch/Latch (触摸 / 栓连)、 Read (读取)和 Off(关闭)模式循环声道,而且该开关还防止用户在播放期间进入 Write of Off (关闭写入)模式。


处于触控、栓连模式和触摸 / 栓连时,相应指示器持续亮起,直到自动化写入开始。



