







三、cat级别表内容万豪cat级别表文库中包含以下内容:1. 酒店名称和位置对于每个酒店,cat级别表首先列出了它的名称和地理位置。


2. cat级别在每个酒店名称和位置之后,cat级别表列出了该酒店的cat级别。


3. 酒店特色接下来,cat级别表对每个酒店的特色进行了简要介绍。



4. 房间类型和价格cat级别表还提供了每个酒店提供的不同房型和价格范围。


5. 餐饮和娱乐设施在cat级别表中,会员还可以找到关于每个酒店提供的餐饮和娱乐设施的信息。



6. 地理位置最后,cat级别表中还包含了关于每个酒店地理位置的信息。





Classification of Hotel
Burj Al Arab
the commercial or transient hotel
商务酒店,是以商务客人而非旅游度假客人为主的酒店,一 般认为商务客人的比例应该不低于70%。与度假者相比,商 务客人对于酒店的选择更挑剔,但同时也愿意为服务支付高 价格。度假者希望的是在酒店找到家的感觉,追求的是“宾 至如归”,而对于日理万机的商务客来说,酒店还要有宴会 厅、会议室和商务中心。一家好的商务酒店通常具备以下特 点:位置好,距离商务活动中心比较近,酒店的商务设施齐 全;不低于四星级,由酒店管理集团统一管理。
Meeting room, banquet hall. Coffee shop
Vacationers and Usual hotel services
recreation-minded and guest
Free of the large city clamor
People who develop the habit of living permanently in hotels
The person travelling for pleasure with his family
Maid service, a dining room, room meal service, and possibly a cocktail lounge
the residential hotel
公寓旅馆(公寓式酒店/酒店式公寓)。所谓公寓式酒店, 简单地说,就是设置于酒店内部,以公寓形式存在的酒店套 房。这种套房的显著特点在于,其一,它类似于公寓,有居 家的格局和良好的居住功能,有厅、卧室、厨房和卫生间; 其二,它配有全套家具与家电,能够为客人提供酒店的专业 服务,如室内打扫、床单更换及一些商务服务等。


Concierge services
The Concierge can assist with any requests or information you may need during your stay
Hotel Catering English
Western Restaurant English
Chinese Restaurant English
Recommended dishes: Familiar with the dishes on the menu, able to recommend suitable dishes based on the customer's taste and needs, and provide corresponding introductions and explanations.
Ordering service: Familiar with the dishes on the menu, able to accurately describe the characteristics and flavors of each dish, and provide ordering suggestions.
Express checkout
The front desk staff should be able to handle express checkout to ensure a smooth and effective process for guests in a timely manner
Hotel English 1
Basic knowledge of hotel English Hotel front desk English Hotel Room English Hotel Catering English English for other hotel services



酒店功能分区英文版酒店功能介绍:1F:服务总台(Reception)总台办公室(Storage Front Desk)大堂副理(Lobby Managr)贵重物品存放(Safe Derosit)团队接待,团队休息(Conierge Couge)行李间(Luggage)电话吧(Tel)茶吧(Tea Bar)精品店(Shop)书店(Book Shop)大堂吧(Looby Bar)全日制西餐厅(All Day Dining Deli Dest Aurant) →咨客(Pece Ption)→咖啡吧/果汁吧 Coffer Bar/Juice Bar)→展示厨房(Show Kitxhen)→厨房(Kitchen)→煎扒(Actidn Coking Staion)→比萨炉(Fired Plzza)→面食/饺子(Noosd/Dunpling)消防控制室及监控室(Fire Control Center)2F:中餐厅日本料理厨房3F:会议室(Neeting Rooms)商务中心(Commercial area)出租办公(Rental Office)文印室(Copy Room)贵宾接待室(VIP Recep Tion Room)休息大厅(Lobby Lounge)化妆间(Dressing Room)宴会厅(Banquet Room)厨房(Kitchen)库房(Store Room)后勤通道(Logistics Corridor)4F:KTV电脑设备房(Computer Room)同声传译员工休息(Statf Room)5F:SPA台球室(Billiards Room)乒乓球室(Ping Pong Room)棋牌室(Chess And Card Room)健身/跳操(Hfaith Ciub/Jump Gymnastics Area)游泳池(Swimming Pool)美发室设备层:设备6F.7F.8F.9F.10F.11F.12F.15F.16F.17F.18F.19 F.20F.21F.22F(由于忌讳取消了数字13.14两层):标准客房层(Superior Floor)包括:标准单人房(Superior King) 97套标准双人房(Superior Twin) 112套标准好莱坞房(Superior Hoiiywood) 42套标准套房(Superior Suite) 14套残疾人房(Handicap) 1套避难层:设备23F—31F:商务客房层(Business Floor)包括:商务单人房(Business King) 100套商务双人房(Business Twin) 36套商务好莱坞房(Business Hoiiywood) 18套商务套房(Business Suite) 8套商务套房1(Business Suite1) 4套31F—37F:行政客房层Executive Floor包括:行政单人房(Executive King) 71套行政豪华单人房(Executive Deluxe King) 3套行政套房(Executive Suite) 5套行政套房1(Executive Suite1) 8套行政豪华套房(Executive Deluxe Suite) 2套行政酒廊(Executive Lounge) 2个38F:西餐厅(Western Restaurant) 1个酒吧(Bar) 1个39F:总统套房(Presidential Suite) 1套39F以上:观光,设备。


绿色环球21认证是一个国际性的酒店和旅游业可持续发展标准,旨在推动 酒店和旅游业实现可持续发展。
该认证要求酒店和旅游业符合环境保护、社会责任和经济可行性等方面的 标准,以确保其可持续发展。
通过绿色环球21认证的酒店和旅游业将获得一定的信誉和市场份额,提高 其竞争力。
旅游五星钻石奖是一个国际性的酒店和旅游业奖项,旨在表彰在酒店和旅游业方面 表现卓越的企业和个人。
全球酒店业协会(Global Hotel Association)是一个国际 性的酒店行业组织,旨在促进酒店业的发展和合作。该组织 制定了一系列酒店标准与规范,以确保酒店的服务质量和运 营效率。
洲际酒店集团是全球最大的酒店管理公司 之一,旗下拥有洲际、皇冠假日、假日酒 店等多个品牌。其认证标准涵盖了酒店设 施、服务质量和运营管理等多个方面,注 重细节和顾客体验,以确保酒店能够满足 不同顾客的需求。
加强与其他国家和地区的酒店合作,实现资源共 享和互利共赢。
世界旅游组织的标准涉及酒店设施、服务质量、环境保护 等方面,为全球范围内的酒店和旅游业提供了一套统一的 规范和标准。这些标准有助于提高酒店行业的整体水平, 并促进旅游业的可持续发展。
国际酒店与餐厅联盟(International Hotel and Restaurant Association)是 一个国际性的酒店和餐饮行业组织,旨在促进酒店和餐饮业的发展和合作。该组 织制定了一系列酒店和餐饮行业的标准和规范,以确保服务质量和运营效率。



酒店各职位英语称呼酒店各职位英语名称董事长:Director 收银主管:Cashier Officer总经理:General Manager 信贷主管: Loan Officer总经办:Executive Office 应付主管:Payable Officer总经办主任:Director of Executive Office 应收主管:Receivable Officer车队长:Chief Driver 会计主管: Accounting Officer行政干事:Executive Affairs 成本主管:Cost Control Officer医生:Doctor 仓库主管:Storeroom Officer司机:Driver 收货主管:Receiver Officer文员:Clerk 采购主管:Purchasing Officer护士:Nurse 电脑工程师:Computer Engineer查核员:Auditor财务部:Financial Division 收货员:Receiver财务部总监:Financial Controller 收银员: Cashier财务部经理:Chief Accountant 信贷员:Creditor电脑部经理:EDP Manager 应付员;Payable Clerk查核部经理: Auditing Manager 会计:Accouter会计部经理: Accounting Manager 出纳员:Teller成本部经理:Cost Controller 工资员:Payroll Control采购部经理:Purchasing Manager 成本员:Cost Control查核主管:Auditing Officer 仓管员:Storeman电脑操作员:Computer Operator 采购员:Purchaser人事培训部Human Resources & Training Division人事培训部总监:Human Resources Director 市场营销部;Sales & Marketing Division 人事部:Personnel Department 市场营销部总监:Director of Sales and Marketing 培训部:Training Department 销售部经理; Sales Manager人事部经理:Personnel Manager 销售部副经理:Asst. Sales Manager培训部经理:Training Manager 高级客户经理:Senior Clients Manager人事助理兼后勤总务: Personnel Officer 策划经理:Planning Manager培训部主任(人事干事): Training Officer 公关部经理; Public Relations Manager人事文员:Clerk 销售主任: Sales Officer翻译兼英语教师:English Translator & Teacher 公关主任: Public Relations Officer文员:Clerk员工餐厅主管: Staff Canteen Supervisor员工餐厅领班: Staff Canteen Captain 房务总监:Rooms Division Director厨师:Cook 前厅部:Front Office Department厨师助理:Cook Assistant 管家部:Housekeeping Department员工宿舍领班: Staff Dormitory Captain 前厅部经理:Front Office Manager宿舍管理员: Staff Dormitory Keeper 接待处经理:Reception Manager更衣室管理员:Staff Lockers Rooms Keeper 大堂副理:Assistant Manager各部门、岗位名称英汉对照总机主管:Operators Supervisor 楼面经理:Service Manager礼宾部主管:Chief Concierge DJ部高级工程师:DJ Senior Engineer接待处主管:Chief Receptionist 康乐主管:Recreation Center Supervisor接待处领班: Receptionist Captain DJ部主管:DJ Supervisor预定部领班: Reservation Captain 舞台主任:Stage Performance Supervisor总机领班: Operators Captain 康乐领班(楼面部长):Captain礼宾部领班: Concierge Captain DJ部长:DJ Captain接待员:Receptionist 舞厅服务员:Waiter/Waitress预定员:Reservationist 健身房服务员:Gymnasium Attendant行李员:Bellboy 桌球服务员:Billiard Attendant门僮:Doorman 主持:Preside管家部经理:Executive Housekeeper 演员:Actor& Actress管家总管:Asst. Executive Housekeeper 服务员:Waiter & Waitress洗衣房经理:Laundry Manager DJ员:DJ楼层高级主管:Senior Floor Supervisor 咨客:Hostess楼层主管:Floor Supervisor公卫主管:PA Supervisor洗衣房主管:Laundry Supervisor 工程部:Engineering Department布草主管:Uniforms Supervisor 总工程师:General Engineer服务中心领班:Service Center Captain 工程部经理:Chief Engineer楼层领班:Floor Captain 高级工程师:Senior Engineer公卫领班:PA Captain 值班工程师:Duty Engineer水洗领班:Laundry Captain 主管工程师:Supervisor Engineer干洗领班:Dry Clean Captain 强电维修高级技工:Senior Electrician布草领班:Uniforms Captain 电梯高级技工:Lift Senior Technical服务中心文员: Service Center Clerk 空调高级技工:Air-conditioning Technical 仓管员:Storeman 锅炉高级技工:Senior Boilerman清洁工:P.A. Man 强电值班技工:Duty Electrician客房服务员:Room Attendant 强电维修技工:Electrician缝纫工:Seamstress 电梯技工:Lift Man熨烫工:Presser 机修技工:Machination洗涤工:Washer 木工油漆高级技工:Carpenter &painter弱电值班维修技工:Duty Electrician娱乐部:Recreation Department 保安部:Security Department娱乐总监;Recreation Director 保安部经理:Security Manager舞台总监:Stage Performance Director 高级主管:Security Senior Supervisor艺术总监:Arts Director消防员:Fireman 主管: Security Supervisor拓展部经理:Marketing Manager 消防主任: Fire Center Officer各部门、岗位名称英汉对照保安员: Security Guard 领班:Security Captain服务员:Waiter & Waitress 咨客:Hostess餐饮部:Food & Beverage Department 传菜员:Pantryman 中餐厅:Chinese Restaurant 实习生:Trainee西餐厅:Western Restaurant餐饮总监;F & B Director餐饮部经理:F & B Manager行政总厨:Executive Chef助理行政总厨:Asst. Executive chef中厨总厨:Master Chef Chinese Food中厨主厨:Sous Chef (Chinese Kitchen)西厨总厨;Master Chef .Western Food西厨主厨:Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主厨:Chief Baker点心工:Pastry Cook烧味厨师:Grill Chef厨工:Cook Assistant管事部:Steward Department总管事:Chef Steward主管:Steward Supervisor碗工:Dishwasher管事清洁工:Cleaner宴会销售部经理:Banquet Sales Manager宴会销售主任:Banquet Sales Officer中餐部经理:Chinese Restaurant Manager西餐部经理:Western Restaurant Manager营业部经理:Sales Manager酒水部经理:Beverage Manager调酒师:Bartender酒吧服务员:Barman咖啡厅主管:Coffee Shop Supervisor高级主管;Senior Supervisor领班:Captain高级服务员:Senior Waiter & Waitress酒店部门英语名称1.Executive Officet行政办公室2.Human Resources Dept.人力资源部3.Front Office前厅部4.Housekeeping Dept.管家部5.Food & Beverage Dept.餐饮部6.Recreational Dept.康乐部7.Financial Dept.财务部8.Sales Dept.市场营销部9.Security Dept.保安部10.Engineering Dept.工程部11.Waiting list等候名单12.Average room rate平均房价13.DND=Do Not Disturb请勿打扰14.VIP=Very Important Person贵宾15.Package包价服务16.No-show订房不到17.Message留言18.Cancellation取消19.Walk-in无预订散客20.Morning call叫醒服务21.Complain投诉22.Over booking超额预订23.OOO=Out of Order维修房24.Lost and found 失物招领25.Room status 房间状态26.Check in 登记入住27.Check out 结帐离店28.Reservation预订29.Reception接待30.Operator总机话务员31.Business centre商务中心32.DDD=Domestic Direct Dial国内直拨33.IDD=International Direct Dial国际直拨34.LDD=Local Direct Dial市话35.Suite套房36.Standard room标准间37.Double room大床间38.Mini-bar小酒吧39.Laundry service洗衣服务40.Room service送餐服务41.Menu菜单42.PA=Public Area公共区域43.DJ=Disk Jockey音控员44.Tips=To Insure Prompt Service小费45.AM=Assistant Manager大堂副理总经理general manager外方总经理Expatriate General Manager副总经理deputy general manager财务总监Finance Controller销售总监Director of Sales市场总监Director of Marketing客务总监Director of Rooms Divsion行政总厨Executive Chef部门经理department manager;division manager;section manager 经理助理assistant manager主管supervisor领班captain酒店设备、用品escalator 自动楼梯bookshelf 书架ground floor (英)底,层,一楼cabinet 橱柜switch 开关venetian blind 百叶窗帘curtain 窗帘wastebasket 字纸篓tea trolley 活动茶几night table 床头柜first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼folding screen 屏风hanger 挂钩plug 插头wall_plate 壁上挂盘Chinese painting 国画elevator, lift 电梯drawer 抽屉second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼spring 弹簧cushion 靠垫,垫子socket 插座,插口sitting_room 起居室voltage 电压floor 楼层,地板carpentry (总称)木器tea table 茶几bedclothes 床上用品quilt 被子mattress 床垫thermos 热水瓶transformer 变压器服务台常用词汇management 经营、管理market price 市价cashier's desk 兑换处coin 硬币accounting desk 帐务处check_out time 退房时间voucher 证件price list 价目表check, cheque 支票sign (动)签字interest 利息form 表格reservation 预订reception desk 接待处tip 小费reservation desk 预订处luggage office 行李房…per thousand 千分之…spare (形)多余的postpone (动)延期cancel (动)取消traveller's cheque 旅行支票pay (动)付款fill (动)填写administration 管理、经营note 纸币registration desk 入宿登记处lobby 前厅luggage rack 行李架visit card 名片identification card 身份证rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率charge (动)收费bill 帐单change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序information desk 问询处luggage label 行李标签overbooking 超额订房…per cent 百分之…reasonable (形)合理的cash (动)兑换keep (动)保留、保存bank draft 汇票accept (动)接受procedure fee 手续费fill in the form 填表电讯服务operator 电话员house phone 内部电话special line 专线dial a number 拨号码hold the line 别挂电话can't put somebody through 接不通ordinary telegram 普通电话receiver 听筒city phone 城市电话telephone number 电话号码replace the phone 挂上电话Line, please. 请接外线。






























酒店的分类英语作文The Classification of Hotels.Hotels, an integral part of the tourism industry, cater to the accommodation needs of travelers worldwide. These establishments vary in size, services, and amenities, providing a range of options for guests with different budgets and preferences. The classification of hotels is typically based on several criteria, including the numberof rooms, average room rate, facilities offered, and the overall level of service.One of the most common classification systems is thestar rating system. This system assigns hotels a rating ranging from one to five stars, depending on variousfactors such as the quality of facilities, level of service, and amenities offered. Five-star hotels, also known asluxury hotels, offer the highest level of comfort, service, and amenities. These hotels usually feature extensive facilities like spas, fitness centers, multiple restaurants,and high-end rooms with all the modern conveniences. Guests can expect to pay a premium for this level of luxury and excellence.Four-star hotels are considered upper-mid-range hotels. They offer a good balance of comfort and amenities without the extremely high prices of five-star hotels. These hotels provide quality facilities and services, including well-appointed rooms, restaurants, and business centers. Four-star hotels cater to discerning travelers seeking a comfortable and enjoyable stay.Three-star hotels are mid-range hotels, offering basic but comfortable accommodation. These hotels provide essential services and facilities, such as clean rooms, a restaurant or cafe, and possibly a limited number of amenities like a gym or swimming pool. Three-star hotels are popular with travelers on a budget who still want a comfortable and convenient stay.Two-star hotels are budget hotels, offering basic accommodation with limited facilities and services. Thesehotels are typically more affordable, making them popular with travelers seeking a cost-effective option. While they may not offer the same level of luxury or amenities as higher-rated hotels, they provide a clean and safe place to stay for those on a tighter budget.One-star hotels are the lowest-rated hotels, offering limited accommodation and basic services. These hotels are typically small and basic, with few amenities or facilities. They are suitable for travelers who are looking for themost affordable accommodation possible, often sacrificing comfort and convenience for price.In addition to the star rating system, hotels can also be classified based on their ownership and management structure. Independent hotels are privately owned and operated, often with a unique identity and style. Chain hotels, on the other hand, are part of a larger hotel company or franchise, offering a consistent level ofservice and amenities across multiple locations.Moreover, hotels can be categorized based on theirlocation. City hotels are situated in urban areas, offering convenient access to shopping, entertainment, and othercity attractions. Resort hotels, on the other hand, are located in scenic or recreational areas, such as beaches, mountains, or ski resorts. These hotels offer guests the chance to relax and unwind in a beautiful setting, often providing additional amenities like spas, golf courses, or tennis courts.In conclusion, the classification of hotels is a complex task that takes into account various factors, including star rating, ownership, management, and location. Understanding these classifications can help travelers choose the hotel that best suits their needs and budget, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay. From luxuryfive-star hotels to budget one-star accommodations, the range of options available ensures that there is a hotel to suit every traveler's requirements.。




Hotel Classification in an international perspecti

Hotel Classification in an international perspecti

Hotel Classification - an international perspectiveUp to 1996 Scandinavia and Germany were the only countries that did not have an official hotel classification scheme. In 1996, both Germany and Denmark brought in a national hotel classification scheme. In 2003 Sweden adopted the Danish hotel classification - with some minor modifications - as the preliminary step towards the establishment of a Scandinavian hotel classification scheme. As a result, with the introduction of these systems in the most important tourism market, the "missing gaps” in hotel classifications in Europe disappeared. Yet, despite this, there are still many voices demanding a European-wide harmonization or standardization of existing national classification systems as next step.HOTREC – the European federation of hotels, restaurants and cafés - decided at its general assembly of October 9th, 2004 in Bergen, Norway, to develop suggestions for the harmonization and consequent adjustment of existing national classification systems. All European hotel federations are convinced that only a "bottom-up" strategy has a chance of success and a "top-down-strategy" is doomed to failure because of the heterogeneity of the classification schemes in Europe.Existing national hotel classification schemes, such as in Germany, must cope with considerable problems arising from the differences between regions and groups of guests. Following the experience with the standardization project DIN EN ISO 18513 on Tourism Terminology it is probable that a European classification scheme would not be useful or in the interest of guests. A world-wide standard, given its very scope, would not work and could even cause undesired confusion if it were used as an additional standard alongside existing national classification schemes.What is more, the cost of the production of such a standard would be extremely high - and the cost of the classification process and the regular reviews even higher. Furthermore these costs would be passed on to consumers and/or travellers. And finally, there is no reasonable relationship between the expenditure and the return on investment.Most accommodation markets are dominated by domestic guests, particularly in Germany, France and Italy as well as in Japan or the USA. Therefore it is desirable and economically correct that national classification systems focus on the specific preferences of domestic guests and other regional/local conditions.Think of this. While Greek consumers demand air conditioning, in Austria consumers expect a four-course menu to be offered in 4 and 5 star hotels. On the other hand the British requirea "cooked breakfast" – but the Portuguese do not. They want a good selection of tobacco and cigars right at the reception desk, while the French attach great importance to having a bidet in the bathroom. Dutch regulations require a large number of towels, but do not acknowledge the American wish for an ice machine on the floor, etc., etc. Southern Europeans usually place less value on the length of the bed than Northern Europeans. In densely populated Tokyo the rooms, in particular, the bathrooms of a 5-star-hotel, can be smaller than in a lower category country motel in the USA. Not even the size and condition of the bed, the size of the rooms or the facilities in a bathroom are defined, because travellers from different countries in the world have different personal requirements and conceptions. An international standard would create false expectations which could not be fulfilled.A Greek 3-star beach-hotel can hardly be compared to a Swedish city-hotel of the same category where even rooms without windows are accepted. The differences are much greater between less developed countries, such as Uganda or Mali, and the USA or Canada. For the hotel market in Uganda it is unreasonable to be classified according to North American criteria et vice versa. And for both it is not reasonable to find a compromise in the middle.In view of these differences one single 5-star-system cannot possibly capture the entire diversity of hotels world-wide. However to ignore the 1 to 5-star-scheme causes more confusion than clarity because this 5-star-system is internationally used. And this “common sense” approach to hotel classification cannot be changed, even if marketing claims - particularly in the Middle East - repeatedly refer to dream properties and ever escalating star classification scales.The alternative – limiting a European or a world-wide classification system to just a share of hotels – automatically gives rise to one elementary question: Which share? 20%, 50% or 80% of the total offer? Which criteria would guide the choice of hotels? Those of the rich, industrialized countries or those of the developing world? And for which group ofconsumer/guests would this standard exist? For international business travellers or international holiday-makers or for individual family-travellers? And all this even though we know that hotel markets are dominated by domestic customers?It is precisely for these very good reasons that there is no international hotel classification scheme in existence today.(kindly forwarded by Markus Luthe, CEO, IHA-D, Germany)。



Classification of Hotel
Aiming at
Commercial People who travel on business
A room with a private bath, a telephone , a radio , and a television set
The food and beverage department is small and convenient Free parking on the premises
the resort hotel
假日旅馆(度假酒店)。度假酒店是以接待休闲度假游客 为主,为休闲度假游客提供住宿、餐饮、娱乐与游乐等多 种服务功能的酒店。与一般城市酒店不同,度假酒店不像 城市酒店多位于城市中心位置,大多建在滨海、山野、林 地、峡谷、乡村、湖泊、温泉等自然风景区附近,而且分 布很广,辐射范围遍及全国各地,向旅游者们传达着不同 区域、不同民族丰富多彩的地域文化、历史文化等。
Usual hotel services and guest entertainment Maid service, a dining room, room meal service, and possibly a cocktail lounge Similar to commercial or resort hotels.
Meeting room, banquet hall. Coffee shop
Free of the large city clamor
Vacationers and recreation-minded people People who develop the habit of living permanently in hotels The person travelling for pleasure with his family

The hotel's grading standards酒店的分级标准

The hotel's grading standards酒店的分级标准

Star division of
conditions out of 610 points, the star should have a minimum score of a star70 points, two stars 120 points, 220 points three-star, fourstar 330 points, five-star 420 points.
Facilities and equipment
Hygiene evaluation criteria
Evaluation of service quality standards
Service Level
Evaluation criteria guest comments
1 2
Including lobby and main desk
Hotel layout is reasonable, easy access in the hotel's normal activities
Graph of public accommodation with in the hotel meet LB/T001
Good hotel architecture, interior and
exterior decoration High-end, luxury building materials, rational layout, Appearance Specific style, or has a prominent place ,national style.
The magnificent lobby
The style of the decoration



Tourism Hotel StandardThe world is various, for the hotel quite outward push and convenience for passengers choose hotels, governments or tourism organizations, according to the hotel luxurious degree, facilities level, service scope and service quality condition, the hotel is divided into different levels, and symbols (star, Diamond, plum, etc.), digital (1, 2, 3), letter (A, B and C etc.) and text description (luxury, comfort, modern, etc) to distinguish.At present, on international division hotel level did not have a formal uniform standard, but some standard is the accepted, such as cleaning, facilities level, furniture quality and maintenance, service and luxurious degree. Countries and areas of the hotel in division level has its standard. For example, Taiwan china ,division hotel level by the number of plum blossoms ,four and five plum blossoms for international tourism hotels, three plum flower for travel and hotels; Swiss hotel association adopts five-star level system, American automobile association uses the grade system of five diamond, the system divided hotels into good, fine, excellent and prominent ranks; Austrian adopt "Al, A, B, C, D" in order to distinguish the different levels of hotel.The People's Republic of China tourism hotel standard 《The tourist hotel of partition and assess》sets stars divide into five levels, with the number of stars and color shows tourist hotel's level,namely ,One-star,two-star,three-star,four-star,five-star(includin g platinum five-star).One-star: basically reasonable layout, equipment is basically reasonable complete, can provide the accommodation, and other basic services, all sorts of indication and service with at least violation in both Chinese and English ;To provide services in mandarin, Facilities maintenance is good, achieve neat, health and effective.Two-star: basically reasonable layout, equipment basically complete, can provide accommodation and other basic service and some comprehensive service, Various instructions with tags and service at least in both Chinese and English , equipment maintenance, good health, environment, safety meets relevant regulations; can provide English services.Three-star: hotel rational layout, appearance has certain characteristics; instructions with tags clearly. With an air conditioner facilities, regional well ventilated, temperature,and humiditysuitable; With the adaptation of the computer management system adapt this star; Each management system is perfect, all the guest services regional can provide services in English and mandarin; Featured service projects ,in the evaluation standard listed in the choice to have at least ten of the project.Three-star: hotel rational layout, appearance has certain characteristics; instructions with tags clearly. With an air conditioner facilities, regional well ventilated, temperature,and humidity suitable; With the adaptation of the computer management system adapt this star; Each management system is perfect, all the guest services regional can provide services in English and mandarin; Featured service projects ,in the evaluation standard listed in the choice to have at least ten of the project.Four-star: the hotel layout and function division is reasonable, Decoration uses high-grade materials inside and outside, exquisite craft, unique style;Have the public acoustic retransmission system, background music repertoire the suitable volume ,and the sound quality is good; Facilities is convenient and safety to use , maintenance is good, noiseless and achieve neat, health and effective; Can provide services in English and mandarin, when necessary, can provide services by second foreign ;featuredservice projects, in the evaluation standard listed in the select project have at least 26 items.Five-star: hotel layout and function division reasonable, Inside and outside decoration USES high-grade materials, exquisite craft, unique style; Instructions with tags clear, practical, beautiful; Facilities is convenient to use and safety, maintenance is good, noiseless and achieve complete, tidy and effective; Can provide services in English and mandarin, when necessary, can provide services by second foreign ;In the evaluation standard listed choice must have at least 33 items .Platinum five-star: Has the qualification of five-star hotel in the city more than 2 year, the geographical position is in central business zone or busy district, the transportation is extremely convenient; The theme of bright architectural is bright, unique surface, which are good for the traveling destination; Internal function layout and decorate adornment can combine with local history, culture, natural environment, proper performance and foil atmosphere; The main body except its gorgeous porch and outside the entrance, has extremely luxurious atmosphere , all kinds of facilities with high quality; The hotel main area has temperature and humidity automatic control system, have position reasonable, the function isall ready, elegant, decorate luxuriant executive floor and special service areas for administration floor, provide 24 hours housekeeper type service, In the evaluation standard listed in the select project have at least 37 items, and possess five items in project provisions.。






二、酒店资质管理1. 酒店等级划分国外酒店等级划分体系较为完善,如美国AAA酒店评级、英国四星评级等。


2. 酒店资质审批国外酒店在开业前需向相关部门申请资质审批,包括消防、卫生、环保等。


3. 定期检查与年审国外酒店需定期接受相关部门的检查,确保酒店设施、服务质量符合规定。


三、酒店安全管理1. 酒店设施安全国外酒店对设施安全要求较高,包括消防设施、应急照明、疏散通道等。


2. 酒店人员安全培训国外酒店对员工进行安全培训,包括消防安全、紧急疏散、应对突发事件等。


3. 酒店安全应急预案国外酒店制定安全应急预案,包括火灾、地震、恐怖袭击等突发事件。


四、酒店卫生管理1. 酒店卫生标准国外酒店对卫生标准要求较高,包括客房、餐厅、卫生间等。


2. 食品安全国外酒店对食品安全管理严格,包括食品采购、加工、储存、销售等环节。


3. 卫生消毒国外酒店对客房、公共区域等进行定期消毒,包括地面、家具、卫生间等。


五、酒店服务质量管理1. 酒店服务规范国外酒店制定服务规范,包括前台接待、客房服务、餐饮服务、健身房等。




公共区域Public Area公共区域请勿吸烟Public Area No Smoking观光电梯Sightseeing Lift洗手间Toilet(Gentlemen/Ladies)茶水房Watering Room灭火箱Fire Extinguisher安全出口Exit一区客房电梯Guest Elevator to Block 1二区客房电梯Guest Elevator to Block 2三区客房电梯Guest Elevator to Block 3一区客房Guest Rooms in Block 1二区客房Guest Rooms in Block 2三区客房Guest Rooms in Block 3总经理办公室General Manager Office总经理办公室General Manager Office行政办公室Executive Office人力资源部Human Resource Department人力资源总监办公室Director of HR Dept。

应聘填表处For Application员工通道示意图Employee Access Sketch Map 员工培训室Staff Training Room员工更衣室Staff Locker Room员工食堂Staff Canteen 紧急救助室First Aid Room员工打卡处Card Printing财务部Accounting Department财务总监办公室Director of ACC Dept。

财务主管办公室Supervisor of ACC Dept.出纳室Cashier采购部Purchasing Dept。

文具仓库Stationery Storehouse电脑部EDP Office程控机房PABX Office机房重地.非工作人员禁止入内Machine House. Do Not Enter Without Permission前厅部Front Office Department酒店大堂Hotel Lobby大堂副理Assistant Manager接待Reception团队接待Group Reception结账Settle Accounts外币兑换Foreign Currency礼宾部Concierge问询Information行李寄存Left Luggage商务中心Business Center书店Bookstore鲜花店Flower商店Shopping Area精品店Boutique酒店平面示意图Hotel Plane Sketch宾客意见箱Guest Question Naire公用电话Public Phone自动提款机A TM总机房Operator操作间。

hotel classification

hotel classification

2) Suite Hotels
▪ The fast-growing segment of the lodging industry.
▪ Guest suites have separate bedroom and living room, including a compact kitchenette with refrigerator and wet bar.
in Chicago, over 2000 rooms; the Hotel Rossya in Moscow, 5300 rooms)
2.According to Hotel Target Markets
▪ Commercial hotels ▪ Airport hotels ▪ Suite hotels ▪ Residential hotels ▪ Resort hotels ▪ Conference centers
Such category contains the largest number of hotels. Many city hotels and motels fall into this group. Eg: the Ritz-Carlton Hotels; Guilin Lijiang waterfall Hotel; Guilin Royal Garden Hotel.
▪ Less public space, fewer guest services.
3) Airport Hotels
▪ Objective: to serve business clientele, airline passengers with overnight layovers or canceled flights, and airline personnel.



AAA评级是美国及加拿大旅游业内对酒店物业最全面可靠的分类系统之一,可在Apollo/Galileo 及AAA的会刊查阅。








自AAA五颗钻石分级制度于1977年推出以来,共有五家物业可以长期维持最高级别,包括位于阿亚桑那州Scottsdale 的万豪Comelback Inn 宾馆。

至1998年,共有57间酒店,包括12间丽嘉酒店(Ritz Corlton)获授五钻评级。






英国酒店等级评定标准 PPT课件

英国酒店等级评定标准 PPT课件
2011年12月读者调查结果显示,多数酒店 业者对2012年充满信心,但欧元区的存废则 可能对酒店业产生重大影响。
尽管认识到当前的经济困难,但超过 65%的被调查者表示对2012年充满信心。 60%的被调查者认为如果欧元区分崩离析, 将对英国酒店业的发展产生最大的消极影响。
另外,还有一些经济因素成为酒店经营者的心头之 忧。接受调查的酒店经营者中,ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ3%担心经济衰退, 23%担忧消费者信心下降,29%认为英国对酒店业征 收的高增值税率是一个大问题。2011年,酒店经营者 对20%的增殖税率争论不休,而业界领导仍然认为, 价格竞争力不足制约着英国酒店业的发展。根据世界 经济论坛的《旅游及旅游业竞争力指标》,英国在 139个国家中排135名。在欧洲,目前只有两个国家仍 未降低住宿及景点的增值税。
某些国家采用自己的官方评级制度,其中包 括中国、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、英国、 法国、希腊、印尼、义大利、墨西哥、荷兰、 新西兰、西班牙及瑞士。评级可确保一定水平 的设施和服务,但却难以比较国与国之间的评 级标准。例如,巴黎的一间四星级酒店可能与 雅典的一家四星级大相迳庭。目前在美国及加 拿大并无此评级制度。英国:英国汽车协会( AAGB),住宿以“星星”为标帜,从一颗星 、两颗星、三颗星、四颗星到五颗星,餐饮则 以“蔷薇”为标帜。
另外,有34%的被调查者表示其关注点 在于寻求新的合作关系,31%表示会关注营 销及公关工作,28%表示会增加员工培训。
酒店业对2012年充满信心的一大原因 可能是将到来的奥运会,因为酒店经营 者从中看到了前所未有的商机。在调查 中,47%的被调查者认为,英国酒店业 已蓄势待发借奥运获益。据预测,2012 年伦敦奥运将会使英国酒店业增收1.23 亿英镑,而餐饮方面将增收8000万英镑 。

中职教育-酒店英语(北大版)课件:Unit 2 Hotel Classification.ppt

中职教育-酒店英语(北大版)课件:Unit 2   Hotel Classification.ppt
占用期 e.g. During her occupancy the garden was transformed.
Slide 8 of 15
▪ primary adj.
1. earliest in time or order of development (在时间或发展顺序上)初始的,最早 的,起步阶段的
Exploring Hotel Knowledge
▪The Venetian Las Vegas
Casino 24-Hour In-Suite
Dining Luxury Suites Nightlife
Slide 12 of 15
Slide 13 of 15
Video Watching
Slide 7 of 15
▪ occupancy n.
1. action or fact of occupying a house, land, etc (房屋、土地等)占有,占领,占 用,占据
a change of occupancy 2. period of occupying a house, etc as an owner or a tenant (房子等的) 占有期,
▪ About Different Types of HotelsSlide 14 of 5Thank you!
Slide 15 of 15
Slide 10 of 15
Global Reading Questions
▪ What are the general factors influencing the classification of hotels?
▪ What is the benchmark for the categorization of hotel in the factor of property size?
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Hotel Classification System Summary of articles and Information on Hotel Classification SystemProduced byResearch Department of the Caribbean Tourism Organization2002Hotel Classification SystemsThe grouping together of hotels providing a given range of services and facilities is an inexact science. The distinction between availability and quality is often blurred.Early hotels and inns were little more than an available bed and something barely palatable to eat. The emergence of tourism in the latter half of the 19th century brought with it an improvement of the standards of the early inns. Some pressure was placed on these facilities to offer some minimum standards where the consumer was able to identify a property with specific amenities. The rating system emerged out of efforts by the Automobile and cycling clubs in Europe, who in their tour books displayed hotels, which they recommended to their membership, based on the guaranteed facilities which these hotels/inns offered.This led to the establishment of rating systems such as the Automobile Association (AA) and its American counterpart the (AAA) and the Michellin tyre company’s – Michellin Red Guide and other mobile guides.After World War II National Tourist Boards began to consider some form of hotel registration/classification system. There was some difficulty in doing so. By 1970 only five European countries had national classification systems, by 1980 this number increased to 22 European countries and 60 countries worldwide.The criteria applied by the classification systems were, and still are not uniformed. There were various meanings attached to registration, classification and grading.Registration: Form of licensing which, may or may not demand a minimum standard. Signifies some conformation with health fire safety legislation. Implies a minimum criteria. Classification: separation of different types and ranges of accommodation into several categories based on a range of criteria. Hotel accommodations can allow for five to sevencategories to be applied. – Other forms of accommodation e.g. motels, guest-houses and self catering apartments seldom justify more than two or threeclasses.Grading: Often combine with classification, this is a quality assessment awarding a symbol to denote an above average service to an accommodation facility. E.g Greenglobe classification systems for environmentPopular Classification SystemsOfficial Hotel and Resort Guide (OHRG)Travel Industry classification system ratings are deemed as being comparable around the world, making it easier for professionals in the travel trade.Ten Quality levels which can be divided as followsDeluxe:Super Deluxe, Deluxe, Moderate Deluxe,First ClassSuperior First Class, First Class, Limited Service First Class, Moderate First classTouristSuperior tourist class, tourist class, moderate tourist classThese rating combine two elements1. quality of quest accommodationsa. room size, quality of furnishings2. Extent of hotel facilitiesa. Number and size of public rooms and meeting facilities.Refer to the copy of the ORG rating systemAA rating system (British System)This system focuses on a consumer’s perspective on accommodation properties. The objective was to introduce a classification system easily understood by the consumer. This system is part of the description of properties seen in travel books. The American version is the AAA system. Minimum Requirements for AA RecognitionOne Star HotelsHotels in this classification are likely to be small and independently owned, with a family atmosphere. Services may be provided by the owner and family on an informal basis. There may be a limited range of facilities and meals may be fairly simple. Lunch, for example, may not be served. Some bedrooms may not have en suite bath/shower rooms. Maintenance, cleanliness and comfort should, however, always be of an acceptable standard.Two Star HotelsIn this classification hotels will typically be small to medium sized and offer more extensive facilities than at the one star level. Some business hotels come into the two star classification and guests can expect comfortable, well equipped, overnight accommodation, usually with an en-suite bath/shower room. Reception and other staff will aim for a more professional presentation than at the one star level, and offer a wider range of straightforward services, including food and drink.Three Star HotelsAt this level, hotels are usually of a size to support higher staffing levels, and a significantly greater quality and range of facilities than at the lower star classifications. Reception and the other public rooms will be more spacious and the restaurant will normally also cater for non-residents. All bedrooms will have fully en suite bath and shower rooms and offer a good standard of comfort and equipment, such as a hair dryer, direct dial telephone, toiletries in the bathroom. Some room service can be expected, and some provision for business travelers.Four Star HotelsExpectations at this level include a degree of luxury as well as quality in the furnishings, decor and equipment, in every area of the hotel. Bedrooms will also usually offer more space than atthe lower star levels, and well designed, coordinated furnishings and decor. The en-suite bathrooms will have both bath and fixed shower. There will be a high enough ratio of staff to guests to provide services like porterage, 24-hour room service, laundry and dry-cleaning. The restaurant will demonstrate a serious approach to its cuisine.Five Star HotelsHere you should find spacious and luxurious accommodation throughout the hotel, matching the best international standards. Interior design should impress with its quality and attention to detail, comfort and elegance. Furnishings should be immaculate. Services should be formal, well supervised and flawless in attention to guests' needs, without being intrusive. The restaurant will demonstrate a high level of technical skill, producing dishes to the highest international standards. Staff will be knowledgeable, helpful, well versed in all aspects of customer care, combining efficiency with courtesy.Red Star AwardsAA star classifications are usually depicted in black on signs and in the AA's guides and electronic products. However, at each of the five classification levels, the AA recognizes exceptional quality of accommodation and hospitality by awarding Red Stars for excellence.A hotel with Red Stars, therefore, has been judged to be the best in its star classification and recognizes that the hotel offers outstanding levels of comfort, hospitality and customer care. Country House HotelsCountry House Hotels offer a relaxed, informal atmosphere, with an emphasis on personal welcome. They are usually, but not always, in a secluded or rural setting and should offer peace and quiet regardless of location.Town House AccommodationThis classification denotes small, personally run hotels which afford a high degree of privacy, concentrate on luxuriously furnished bedrooms and suites, with high-quality room service rather than the public rooms or formal dining rooms usually associated with hotels, but they are usually in areas well served by restaurants. All fall within the Four or Five Star classification.Travel Accommodation (Lodges)This classification denotes budget accommodation, suitable for an overnight stay usually in purpose-built units close to main roads and motorways, often forming part of motorway service areas. They provide consistent levels of accommodation and service, matching today's expectations.Guesthouse/Private HotelsThe term guest-house can lead to some confusion, particularly when many include the word hotel in their name.For AA purposes, small and private hotels are included in this category when they cannot offer all the services required for the AA hotel star rating system. The term does not imply that guest-houses are inferior to hotels, just that they are different. Many, indeed, offer a very high standard of accommodation.It is not unusual to be offered en suite bathrooms, for instance, or to find a direct-dial telephone and a colour television in your room. Some guest-houses offer bed and breakfast only, so guests must go out for the evening meal. These facilities should state clearly if there are any restrictions to your access to the house, and whether they offer any meals. This should be communicated to the customer when booking.FarmhouseFarmhouse accommodation is particularly noted for being relatively inexpensive and cosy, with good home-cooking where appropriate. Some are working farms, Guest are at times allowed to participate or view farm activities, there are cases where guest accommodation is run as a separate concern from the farm, and visitors are discouraged from venturing on to the working land. Standards will vary considerably, Some of farmhouses are grand ex-manor houses furnished with antiques and offering a stylish way of life, whereas others offer more simply furnished accommodation, and in others guests may have to share the family bathroom and sitting/dining room.Pubs and InnsWe all know what we can expect to find in a traditional inn a cosy bar, a convivial atmosphere, decent beer and pub food. Nevertheless, there are a few extra criteria which must be met for the AA classification: breakfast is a must, in a suitable breakfast room, and the inn should also serve at least light meals during licensing hours. A number of small, fully licensed hotels are classified as inns, and the character of the properties will vary according to whether they are traditional country inns or larger establishments in towns.AA Rosette AwardsThe AA makes annual rosette awards on a rising scale of one to five for the quality of food served in restaurants and hotel restaurants. Only those offering the highest international standards of cuisine and service will merit the AA's top awards of four or five rosettes.Outstanding Quality (5 and 4 Rosettes)Five rosettes is the supreme accolade, made to chefs at the very top of their profession. This award recognizes superlative standards of cuisine at an international level, evident at every visit in every element of the meal. Creativity, skill and attention to detail will produce dishes cooked to perfection, with intense, exciting flavours in harmonious combinations and faultless presentation. Menus may be innovative or classical, and may use luxury ingredients like lobster, truffles, foie gras, etc. often in unexpected combinations and with secret ingredients that add an extra dimension of taste and interest.At this level, cuisine should be innovative, daring, highly accomplished and achieve a noteworthy standard of consistency, accuracy and flair throughout all the elements of the meal. Excitement, vibrancy and superb technical skill will be the keynotes.High QualityOnly cooking of the highest national standard receives three or more rosettes. Menus will be imaginative; dishes should be accurately cooked, demonstrate well developed technical skills and a high degree of flair in their composition. Ingredients will be first-class, usually from a range of specialist suppliers, including local produce only if its quality is excellent. Most items - breads, pastries, pasta, petits fours - will be made in the kitchens, but if any are bought in, for example, breads, the quality will be excellent.Good Quality (2 and 1 Rosettes)Two rosettes denote cooking that displays a high degree of competence on the part of the chef. The menus should include some imaginative dishes, making use of very good raw ingredients, as well as some tried and tested favourites. Flavours should be well balanced and complement or contrast with one another, not over-dominate.One rosette denotes simple, carefully prepared food, based on good quality, fresh ingredients, cooked in such a way as to emphasize honest flavours. Sauces and desserts will be home-made and the cooking will equate to first-class home cooking.General Information should be clearly statedRestricted ServiceSome hotels operate a restricted service during less busy months. This may be a reduction of the restaurant service, or some leisure facilities may be unavailable. Please check when booking.No DogsNo dogs allowed in bedrooms. Guide dogs for the blind may be accepted as an exception to this rule. However, even where hotels allow dogs, they may exclude some breeds, and may exclude dogs from certain areas of the hotel, especially the dining room. It is essential to check the conditions before booking.Night PorterAt some hotels, the night porter may be there only between certain hours or on certain nights . However, four and five star hotels must have a night porter always on duty.EntertainmentIndicates that entertainment should be available at least once a week throughout the year. However, some hotels may provide entertainment in the summer season or at other specified times, so even if the entry indicates nothing, it is worth checking when you book.No childrenThis indicates that children cannot be accommodated. A minimum age may be specified (e.g. No children 4yrs - no children under four years old). If this does not appear in the entry, it means that the hotel will accommodate children, but may have no special facilities for them (e.g. no cots or high chairs). It is essential to check when booking.Special Facilities for ChildrenIndicates establishments with special facilities for children, which will include baby intercom or possibly baby-sitting, playroom or playground, laundry facilities, drying and ironing facilities, cots, high chairs and special meals.Conference FacilitiesDenotes that conference facilities are available with maximum numbers that can be accommodated theatre style; classroom style; boardroom style and the minimum overnight delegate rate.Facilities for Travellers with DisabilitiesIntending guests with any form of disability should notify proprietors in advance so that arrangements can be made to minimize difficulties, particularly in the event of an emergency.MealsDetails of the style of food, last dinner orders, and likely price range are given. If there is a fixed-price menu or menus, this is the price range quoted.V meals indicates that a choice of vegetarian dishes is normally available (it is advisable to check before booking).In some parts of Britain, particularly in Scotland, high tea (i.e., a savoury dish, followed by bread and butter, scones, cake, etc.), is served in the early evening instead of dinner. However, the alternative of dinner may be available on request. The last time at which high tea or dinner may be ordered is shown, but there may be some variation at weekends. On Sunday some hotels serve the main meal at lunch time, and only a cold supper in the evening.Morning Coffee/Afternoon TeaIndicates that morning coffee and/or afternoon tea are served to chance callers. All four and five star hotels serve morning coffee and, normally, afternoon tea to resident guests.Credit and Charge Cards Other PaymentThe payment policies of hotels should be made clear to patrons on the point of booking. Not all hotels will accept travellers' cheques, even those from leading banks and agencies. If a hotel accepts credit or charge cards, the information is shown in its entry. It is advisable to publish and notify customer the policy regarding the use of credit cards.Booking and cancellation proceduresThese should be noted to all customers, inclusive of confirmation numbers. The cancellation policy of the facility also have to be clearly stated.ComplaintsCrisis management procedures is a must especially in the case of guest complaints. Fire and bad weatherSmoking RegulationsHotel should state clearly its policy on smoking. Ensure that where smoking is allowed there are designated areas for non-smokers inclusive of rooms away from smokers.Licence to Serve AlcoholMost Hotels and other accommodations with bars are licensed to serve alcohol. On many properties this permission is clearly stated on entry to the bar area. Where there are exclusions for minors under 18 or 21 this should be pointed out to the relevant patronsThe AAA system has some variation in eth classification system from the English system. There are some notable conditions for the rating system of the AAA.Only establishment which are non-residential (transient) operations qualify for AAA approval. Other specifications are as follows;• A responsible person must always be readily available. While a management representative is not required to be in office around the clock there should always be a notice where someone can be reached.• If the office is closed at night a night bell or similar device is required outside the office door. The exception is in a B and B or a country inn.• In-coming telephone calls should receive and delver messages immediately to guest 24 hours a day.• If an answering machine is used after hours, an alternative number must be available so that emergency messages can be immediately relayed to guest.• B&B home stay properties that are exclusively time share operations would not be listed. Caribbean National/ Regional Classification SystemsThe advantage of adopting international classifications system is that the travel trade and international consumers can easily recognize the codes and or ranking systems developed. Consumers expect certain accommodation standards regardless of the locations of the property. Another arguments point to the difficulty of regional properties to receive top international rankings because of the geographical/climatic location of their properties. For example beach front properties may find it more durable and rational to have tiled floors rather than plush carpets. For those destinations challenging themselves to adopt a national classification system the following guidelines can prove useful.Classification systems developed by governments are usually designed to set1. minimum operational standards2. counteract generalizations in international standards which sometimes ignore differencein climate, geography, variance in hotel legislation,3. offset the cost of training and maintaining inspectors who qualify to internationalstandards and ensure standardization in inspectionNational Systems are designed to be1. Simple2. Assist government planning by supplying statistics on occupancy of varying classes ofaccommodation and identifies the need to develop more of a particular category of establishment3. Aid in the marketing strategy as it provide a profile of the tourist who stay are particularestablishment (small hotels vs resorts)a. Assist hotels to target their promotions to selected groupsb. Encourage hoteliers to improve standards and range of facilities by pinpointingweaknesses in their operating systems and servicesc. Eliminates bad properties which impacts negatively on the reputation of thedestination and of the better hotelsFor national systems to be effective the systems• Should be designed in close collaboration with government agencies, National Tourism Organizations and Hotel Associations.• The requirements of the system should be clear and periodically reviewed• Provisions should be made for special types of accommodations e.g (Paradores, guest-houses, and villas, camps and apartments.• The establishment of penalties for non-compliance• The independence of the classification systems from the system of hotel taxation (best that taxation systems be based on performance rather than on categories)• Establishment of methods inspection and classification• A separate assessment for the standard of cuisine.。
