建筑工程图集名称大全(01SG516)轻型屋面钢天窗架(86D563)接地装置安装00D101-7 预制分支电力电缆安装00DX001-建筑电气工程设计常用图形和文字符号00G514 吊车轨道联结及车挡00G514(六)-吊车轨道联结及车挡》01D203-2-6~10kV配电所二次接线(直流操作部分)》01D303-3 常用水泵控制电路图01G123 贮水罐选用及安装01R405 压力表安装图集01R406温度仪表安装图01R409 管道穿墙、屋面防水套管01R415 室内动力管道装置安装(热力管道)01S125 开水器(炉)选用及安装01S201 室外消火栓安装01S302 雨水斗01SJ914 住宅卫生间01SS105 常用小型仪表及特种阀门选用安装01架空输电线路图集---低压杆型及设备安装图02.和灰机、搅拌机防护棚示意图.dwg0205R103 热交换站工程设计施工图集0298S102 98S102 卧式水泵隔振及其安装02BGP03 阳光板图集02D501-2 等电位联结安装02DT-102门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构标准图集-檩条、墙梁分册02J003-室外工程图集02J121-1外墙外保温建筑构造(一)02J301+地下建筑防水构造02J401钢梯图集02J915 公共建筑卫生间02R110 燃气(油)锅炉房工程设计施工图集02R111 小型立、卧式油罐图集02R112 拱顶油罐图集02S101 矩形给水箱02S106 中小型冷却塔选用及安装02S403 钢制管件02S404 防水套管02S515 排水检查井图集02S701 砖砌化粪池02SG518-1门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构02SS104 二次供水消毒设备选用与安装02SS405-1 硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)给水管安装02SS405-2 无规共聚聚丙乙烯(PP-R)给水管安装02SS405-3 铝塑复合给水管安装02SS405-4 交联聚乙烯(PE-X)给水管安装02X201-1空调系统控制03(04)SG519 多、高层钢结构图集修改说明03D501-3 利用建筑物金属体做防雷接地装置03D501-4 接地装置安装03G101-1+溷凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法03G101-2 现浇混凝土板式楼梯03G101-203G101图集答问.doc03G329-2建筑物抗震构造详图03J012-1环境景观-室外工程细部构造[1]03J502-2内装修吊顶03J609防火门窗03J930-1 住宅建筑构造03K132 风管支吊架图集03K501-1 燃气红外线辐射供暖系统设计选用及施工安装03R102 蓄热式电锅炉房工程设计施工图集03S401 管道和设备保温、防结露及电伴热03S402 室内管道支架及吊架图集(pdf格式)03S407-1 建筑给水金属管道安装-铜管03S702钢筋混凝土化粪池03SG409预应力混凝土管桩03SG435-1预应力混凝土圆孔板(预应力钢筋为螺旋肋钢丝,跨度2.1m~4.8m)03SG519-1多、高层建筑钢结构节点连接(次梁与主梁的简支螺栓连接;主梁的栓焊拼接)03SG520-2钢吊车梁103SG520-2实腹式钢吊车梁(中轻级工作制A1~A5 Q345钢跨度6.0m、7.5m、9.0m)03SG610-1建筑结构隔震构造详图03SG611砖混结构加固与修复03SG615配筋混凝土砌块砌体建筑结构构造03SG715-1蒸压轻质加气混凝土板(NACL)构造详图03SR417-2 装配式管道吊挂支架安装图03SS408 住宅厨、卫给排水管道安装03X101-4综合布线系统工程设计实例(作废,被08X103-3替代)03X102移动通信室内信号覆盖系统03X201-2建筑设备监控系统设计与安装03X301-1广播与扩声03X401-2有线电视系统03X502 空气采样早期烟雾探测系统03X602智能家居控制系统设计施工图集03X801-1建筑智能化系统集成设计图集04.安全通道示意图(高层).dwg04CD01 双电源自动转换装置设计图集04CJ01-2变形缝建筑构造(二)04CJ01-3变形缝建筑构造(三)04D701-1 电气竖井设备安装04D701-3 电缆桥架安装04D702-1 常用低压配电设备安装04DX003 民用建筑工程电气施工图设计深度图样04FD01 防空地下室电气设计示例04FD02 防空地下室电气设备安装04FK02 防空地下室通风设备安装图集04FS01 防空地下室给排水设计图集04FS02 防空地下室给排水设施安装04G101-3 筏形基础平法配筋图集04G101-3混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(筏形基础)04G101-4 现浇砼楼面与屋面板》04G101-4混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(现浇混凝土楼面与屋面板:适用于主体结构为混凝土结构及砌体结构)04G101-4现浇混凝土楼面与屋面板图集04G325 吊车轨道联结及车挡(适用于混凝土结构)04G337吊车梁走道板04G353-1钢筋混凝土屋面梁(6m单坡)04G353-2钢筋混凝土屋面梁(9m单坡)04G353-3钢筋混凝土屋面梁(12m单坡)04G353-6钢筋混凝土屋面梁(15m双坡)04G361预制钢筋混凝土方桩04G362埋件图集04G410-1 1.5mX6.0m预应力混凝土屋面板(预应力混凝土部分)04G415-1预应力混凝土折线型屋架(预应力钢筋为钢绞线跨度18m~30m)04G426 6m后张法预应力混凝土吊车梁04G612砖墙结构构造(烧结多孔砖与普通砖、蒸压砖)04S4-1 室内给水排水管道及附件安装(2004年合订本)-104S516 混凝土排水管道基础及接口04S520 埋地塑料排水管道施工04SG307现浇钢筋混凝土板式楼梯04SG309钢筋焊接网混凝土楼板与剪力墙构造详图04SG330混凝土结构剪力墙边缘构件和框架柱构造钢筋选用04SG518-3 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构(有吊车)04X501—1火灾报警及消防控制05.总、分配电箱防雨棚做法示意图Ⅰ.dwg05D702-4 用户终端箱05G359-1悬挂运输设备轨道(适用于钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土折线型屋架)05G359-2悬挂运输设备轨道(适用于钢筋混凝土屋面梁和预应力混凝土工字形屋面梁)05G359-3悬挂运输设备轨道(适用于一般混凝土梁)05G359-4悬挂运输设备轨道(适用于梯形钢屋架)05G414-1~5预应力混凝土工字形屋面梁05G511梯形钢屋架.part1.rar05G514-4 12m实腹式钢吊车梁重级工作制(A6、A7)Q345钢05G525 吊车轨道联结及车挡(适用于钢结构)05J3.4-加气混凝土砌块墙05J4-1常用门窗05J621-3通风天窗05J624-1百叶窗(一)05J909工程做法图集05J910-1钢结构住宅(一)05J910-2钢结构住宅(二)05J927-1汽车库(坡道式)建筑构造05K232 分(集)水器分汽缸05K405 新型散热器选用与安装05MR101 城市道路施工图设计深度图样05MR102+城市道路-立体交叉施工图设计深度05MR103 +城市道路-立体交叉可行性研究、初步设计深度图样05MR104 城市道路--路拱05MR104城市道路- 路拱图集05MR201+城市道路-沥青路面05MR202+城市道路-水泥混凝土路面05MR203+城市道路-人行道铺砌05MR301+城市道路-软土地基处理05MR401城市道路附属工程05MR404+城市道路-路缘石05MR501+城市道路-无障碍设计05MR601 城市道路—交通标志和标线05MR601+城市道路-交通标志和标线05MR602+城市道路-安全防护设施05R103(a) 热交换站工程设计施工图集05RM0404 城市道路路缘石(2005年新标准)05S108 倒流防止器安装05SDX006 建筑电气常见问题分析及图示05SDX006 民用建筑工程设计常见问题分析及图示(电气专业)》05SDX007_建筑电气实践教学及见习工程师图册05SFK10 《人民防空地下室设计规范》图示--通风专业05SG110见习工程师图册05SG616混凝土砌块系列块型05SG811条形基础05SJ806 民用建筑工程设计互提资料深度及图样-建筑专业05SK605 暖通空调实践教学及见习工程师图册》05SS907-4砖砌给水阀门井及水表井05X101-2地下通信线缆敷设05ZJ103 蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙体构造05系列建筑标准设计图集05J13无障碍设施05系列建筑标准设计图集05J2地下工程防水p05系列建筑标准设计图集05J3-1外墙外保温05系列建筑标准设计图集05J6外装修05系列建筑标准设计图集05N1采暖工程05系列建筑标准设计图集05N1采暖工程p06CG01蒸压轻质砂加气混凝土(AAC)砌块和板材结构构造06CG08悬挂运输设备轨道设计计算(附计算软件)06D401-4+洁净环境电气设备安装06DX008-1+电气照明节能设计06DX008-2+电气设备节能设计06G101-6混凝土结构施工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图(独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台)06G901-1 混凝土结构施工钢筋排布规则与构造详图(现浇混凝土框架、剪力墙、框架-剪力墙)(精简版)06G901-1钢筋溷凝土结构施工钢筋排布06K105屋顶自然通风器选用与安装06K131风管测量孔和检查门06K503太阳能集热系统设计与安装06K610(b) 冰蓄冷系统设计与施工图集06R403 锅炉房风烟道及附件06SG331-1混凝土异形柱结构构造(一)06SG429后张预应力混凝土结构施工图表示方法及构造详图06SG432-1预应力混凝土双T板(坡板宽度2.4m)06SG501民用建筑钢结构防火构造06SG515-1轻型屋面梯形钢屋架(圆钢管、方钢管).rar06SX503安全防范系统设计与安装06X701体育建筑专用弱电系统设计安装06窗井、设备吊装口、排水沟、集水坑07_住宅采暖设计及施工说明(下分双管式).dwg07CJ10聚合物水泥防水涂料建筑构造-RG防水涂料07FS02防空地下室给排水设施安装07J205玻璃采光顶07K133++薄钢板法兰风管制作与安装07MR402+城市道路(装配式挡土墙)+07MR403+城市道路-护坡08G101-11 G101系列图集施工常见问题答疑图解08X101-3综合布线系统工程设计与施工09CJ18 09CG11钢框轻型屋面板09G901-2钢筋排布规则与构造详图(现浇砼框、剪力墙、框架剪力墙、框支剪力墙结构)09G901-3砼结构施工钢筋排布规则与构造详图(筏形基础、箱形基础、地下室结构、独立基础、条形基础、桩基承台) 09G901-4 混凝土结构施工钢筋排布规则与构造详图(现浇砼楼面与屋面板)09G901-5 混凝土结构施工钢筋排布规则与构造详图(现浇混凝土板式楼梯)1017-02经典建筑构造资料图集经典10kV及以下电力电缆线路施工图集10kV及以下供配电设计与安装图集(上册)10KV及以下配电装置工程图集:设计·加工·安装10kV开闭所配电站箱式变电站电缆分接箱典型方案图集2003全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施暖通空调动力》2003全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施-结构.rar2004浙J20沉管灌注桩2006浙J44烟道图集3041-暖通空调工程设计方法与系统分析3042-暖通空调设计通病分析手册-李娥飞3046-水暖管道工实用手册3051-排水工程标准图集S1(上)35~110KV送电线路工程图集:设计·加工·安装.(上、下册)35~110KV小型化无人值班变电站标准工程图集6-10千伏配电所二次连线86D170 380(220V)架空线路安装86D171 6-10KV瓷横担架空线路安装86D173 6-10千伏山区架空线路安装86D265 杆上变压器台86D266 落地式变压器台86D468 钢管明配线安装86SD566 利用建筑物金属体作防雷和接地装置安装87J432 作业台钢梯及栏杆87S159 管道和设备保温87SR416-1 室外热力管道安装-地沟敷设87SR416-2 室外热力管道地沟88D263 变配电所常用设备构件安装(10KV及以下)88D264 变压器室布置(200~1600KV A)88D369 电气设备在轻钢龙骨隔墙及吊顶上的安装88JZ3 变型缝89D174 35KV瓷横担架空线路89D364 吊车移动电缆安装89D462 钢索配线安装90D367 常用低压配电设备安装90D370 交流380伏鼠笼型电动机控制原理图90D401-1 塑料防护式安全滑触线安装90D701-1《电气竖井设备安装》(原90SD180)90D763 水箱及水池水位自动控制安装90S319水池附件90S346 冷却塔90T911(二)R型离心热水泵基础及安装90T911(一)IS型离心水泵基础及安装91D363 吊车裸滑触线安装91D701-2 封闭式母线安装91SB6-1通风与空调工程191SB6-1通风与空调工程291SB6-1通风与空调工程392DQ13 防雷与接地装置图集92DQ5-1建筑电气通用图集:内线工程92S220 排水设备附件92S220 排水设备附件构造及安装92S220排水设备附件92S303 医院卫生设备安装92X101-1架空通信线路和墙壁电缆的安装93D166 户外电力电缆终端头93G436 预应力混凝土空心板93J007-1道路(行驶普通车的柔性路面)标准图集93K110-1 风机入口阀93SD168 电力电缆终端头及接头93T921-1 汽-水换热器94D164 35KV及以下电缆敷设94D801 爆炸和火灾危险环境电气线路和电气设备安装94J622-6 窗帘电动启闭设备94J623-2 Π型混凝土天窗架建筑构造94K101-1 轴流式通风机安装图94K101-2 玻璃钢屋顶风机基础及安装94K302 卫生间通风器安装图集94R404 动力管道焊制管件设计选用图94T903 集气罐制作及安装94X104 地下通讯电缆敷设94X401-1 工业电视系统安装图95(03)G325 吊车轨道联结95G358-1钢筋混凝土V形折板(总说明和结构构造)95G358-2钢筋混凝土V形折板(折板构件)95G358-3钢筋混凝土V形折板(悬挑构件)95G358-4钢筋混凝土V形折板(悬挂集中荷载折板)95G358-5钢筋混凝土V形折板(托梁和三脚架)95G425先张法预应力混凝土吊车梁95G428 12m预应力混凝土鱼腹式吊车梁95G437-1预应力V形折板(总说明和结构构造)95G437-2预应力V形折板(冷拔低碳钢丝折板构件)95R402 室内热力管道支吊架95R418 热力设备及管道保温(憎水膨胀珍珠岩制品)95S124自控恒温装置95S222 排水管道基础及接口95S235 雨水口95S517排水管道出水口95S518-1 雨水口(一)铸铁井圈95S518-2 雨水口(二)混凝土井圈95SS103 立式水泵隔振及其安装95(03)G325 吊车轨道联结03局部修改96D702-2 常用灯具安装96EG404 空心板图集96G443(一)预应力混凝土空腹屋架(12m)96K150-1 筒形风帽及附件96K150-3 圆锥形风帽96K402-2 散热器及管道安装(原96TT922改号)96R311 燃油拱顶储罐选用图96S341 建筑排水用PVC管安装96S341 建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管道安装96SD181 线槽配线安装96SD469 常用灯具安装96SX501 火灾报警及消防控制97D267 附设式变压器室布置(35kV)97D374 低压母线分段断路器二次接线97R407 热力设备与管道疏水装置97SD576 等电位联结安装97X700 智能建筑弱电工程设计施工图集(上、下册)98D467 硬塑料管配线安装98G359(三) 悬挂运输设备轨道98K101-3 离心通风机安装图(A式在钢支架上安装)98R109 常压密闭水箱98R419 管道及设备保冷98S176 气压给水98S176 增压稳压设备国标图集98S205 消防增压稳压设备选用及安装(隔膜式气压罐)98T901 管道及设备保温98T902管道及设备保冷98ZJ001 中南地区建筑配件图集合订本98系列建筑标准设计图集---防雷与接地工程98系列建筑标准设计图集---燃气工程99D163 矿物绝缘电缆敷设99D176 6-10kV以下铁横担架空绝缘线路安装99D268 干式变压器安装99D270 35变6(10)KV变配电所二次接线(交流操作部分)99D303-2 常用风机控制电路图99D501-1、99(03)D501-1建筑物防雷设施安装99K103 防排烟设备安装图集99R101 燃煤锅炉房工程设计施工图集99S202 室内消火栓安装99S203 消防水泵接合器安装99S304 给排水卫生设备安装图集99s304卫生设备安装图集_secret.doc99SD767 液位测量装置安装99X601住宅智能化电气设计施工图集99ZG408(附册二)SP板/砌块居住建筑设计指南99ZG408(附册一)SP预应力空心板技术手册CDI02J 钢结构建筑构造图集CDI02J钢结构建筑构造图集CR312.1 粗燃油过滤器CR312.2 中燃油过滤器CR312.3 细燃油过滤器CR315 中间油箱CR316.1 油罐保温D301-1~2 室内管线安装2002年合订本D565 独立避雷针D701-1~3 封闭式母线及桥架安装(2004年合订本)DBJT03-22-200505 系列建筑标准设计图集DFHRV系列导流浮动盘管型半容积式水加热器选用及安装01S122-10 DQ1 金属管敷设FK01-02 防空地下室通风设计2004年合订本G01-2003建筑结构常用节点图集GB 50165-1992_古建筑木结构维护与加固技术规范GBT4750-2002用户沼气池标准图集GC02 民用建筑抗震加固图籍GY0102-01-04整体布局(paper)090209-平面GY0102-01-04整体布局(paper)090209-剖面345GY0102-01-04整体布局(paper)090209-剖面67891011GY0102-01-04整体布局(paper)090209-轴测示意图HG 21545-2006-T 地脚螺栓(锚栓)通用图HGT 21544-2006 预埋件通用图HGT21581-95自控安装图册HGT21629-99管架标准图HRV系列导流型半容积式水加热器选用及安装01S122-2JB 4737-95-T 椭圆形封头JB-T 6296.1-92汽轮机管道附件弯头、三通、缩节JB-T 6296.2-92汽轮机管道附件多焊衬环JB-T 6296.3-92汽轮机管道附件氩弧焊多焊衬环JB-T 6296.4-92汽轮机管道附件压力表针阀JB-T 6296.6-92汽轮机管道附件螺塞JB4710-92(钢制塔式容器)JISA0101-2003 土木工程制图通则JS1-1 给水工程标准图集JSJT139电气设备在轻钢龙骨隔墙及吊顶上的安装K110-1~3 通风机附件安装200年合订本K120-1~2(2002合订本) 风管蝶阀N105 水泵进出口软性接头PS1-1 排水工程标准图集R108(二)圆形开式水箱R108(一)方形开式水箱R901 弹簧压力表安装图R902 工业用玻璃水银温度计安装图RFJ01-2005 人防工程防护设备图集S01 给水图集S1 给排水标准图集合订本(下)S143 元形立式阀门进及阀门套筒S144 阀门井S144 矩形卧式阀门井S145 水表井S147 井盖铁爬梯及阀门开关把图集S151(一) 水箱S160 栓室水栓S1(上)排水工程标准图集S2 给排水标准图集合订本(上)S2 给排水标准图集合订本(下)S203 消防水泵接合器安装2003年局部修改版S231 圆形雨水井S3 给排水标准图集合订本(上)S305 小型潜水排污泵选用与安装S312 防水套管S515 排水检查井2003年局部修改版S517 排水管道出水口2003年局部修改版S775 40吨无阀滤池SI系列弹性管束型半即热式水加热器选用及安装01S122-4STT-10作业台钢梯及栏杆图集SW、WW系列浮动盘管型半即热式水加热器选用及安装01S122-6 T905 圆形膨胀水箱TGT系列浮动盘管型半即热式水加热器选用及安装01S122-8TJ16 单轨吊车梁通用图集TJ16 单轨吊车梁通用图集《03G101-1》《03G101-2》《04G101-3》2006.05版《04G101-4》《常用建筑结构节点设计施工详细图集》《城乡住宅优秀设计图集锦》《防雷与接地装置》92DQ13图集《建筑钢结构工程设计施工实像与图集》(2441页)《民用与工业建筑各类水泵自动控制图集》《农家庄院建筑图集》《智能建筑设计与施工系列图集2 消防系统》(05MR301)城市道路-软土地基处理薄钢板法兰风管制作与安装冰蓄冷系统设计与施工图集玻璃钢屋顶风机基础及安装波形沥青瓦、波形沥青防水板建筑构造07CJ15采暖空调循环水系统定压常用低压电器设备与成套装置外形安装尺寸及接线方案标准工程图集常用低压配电设备安装+04D702-1常用建筑结构节点设计施工详细图集常用水泵控制电路图常用小型仪表及特种阀门选用安装01SS105城市居住区建筑电话通信设计安装图集YD5010-95倒流防止器安装05S108低温热水地板辐射供暖系统施工安装(含2005年局部修改版) 03K404、03(05)K404 低温热水地板辐射供暖系统施工安装地暖图集变配电站工程设计与安装图集吊车轨道联结及车挡二次供水消毒设备选用与安装02SS104防、排烟设备安装图99K103防空地下室给排水设施安装07FS02防水套管02S404分(集)水器+分汽缸分体式空调器安装(壁挂式、吊顶式)风阀选用与安装风管支吊架风管支吊架图集03K132风机安装甘肃02G05钢筋混凝土过梁赣02J802 内外墙及天棚饰面图集赣88J201 屋面图集赣90J601 围墙大门图集赣94J703 建筑构配件(三)赣04J701《室外构配件》赣0J301楼地面图集赣91J301-楼地面图籍赣98J606-硬聚氯乙稀塑料门窗图籍赣99J902—ZRF住宅烟气集中排放系统钢结构的连接构造及实例与图集钢结构工程设计施工与图集钢结构详图设计实例图集高层建筑设计图集高等级公路建筑设计图集高等学校图书馆建筑设计图集个性化装饰设计图集布置与配色个性化装饰设计图集墙饰与壁炉给排水标准图集合订本S3给水工程标准图集给水排水制图标准工艺管道安装设计施工图册(第三分册管道支吊架)关于给排水国家标准设计图集号调整的情况观感质量细部选编图集管道和设备保温、防结露及电伴热03S401管架标准图管网叠压供水设备选用与安装06SS109广播音响系统设计施工安装图集国标建筑结构图集国外建筑设计详图图集2 楼梯河南02G09 预应力混凝土空心板化粪池计算与标准图集选择化粪池结构图.dwg化工设备结构图集化工设备图册贮罐、计量罐环境景观04J012-1[3]机械加工工艺图集冀02G03墙下条形基础计算机防雷图集计算机防雷图集计算机防雷图集家庭常用电子电器产品电路图集建安图集建设部废止的国家建筑标准设计图集.xls建筑安装工程施工图集管道工程(第二版)建筑安装工程施工图集(第二版)01 消防、电梯、保温、水泵、风机工程建筑安装工程施工图集(第二版)04 给水排水卫生煤气工程建筑安装工程施工图集(第二版)06 弱电工程建筑安装工程施工图集(第二版)06 弱电工程建筑安装工程施工图集(第一版)03 电气工程建筑安装工程图集建筑安装施工图集建筑安装施工图集(第二版)建筑电气安装工程图集——设计·施工·材料第一集(第二版)建筑电气设计实例图册(1)建筑电气设计图集建筑电气设计图集(三)建筑电气通用图集92DQ-1建筑电气图集3建筑钢结构工程设计施工实例与图集[共八卷]建筑钢结构工程设计施工实例与图集建筑钢结构工程设计实施工实例与图集成建筑工程各类水泵电气控制图集建筑工程设计施工安装图解全集建筑工程设计施工系列图集土建工程(上下册)建筑工程设计施工详细图集防水工程建筑工程设计施工详细图集钢结构工程建筑工程设计施工详细图集混凝土结构工程建筑工程设计施工详细图集基础工程建筑工程设计施工详细图集模板与脚手架工程建筑工程设计施工详细图集:基坑支护工程建筑环境快速设计图集建筑门墙图集建筑门墙图集建筑排水工程标准图集建筑排水用聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管道安装96S406建筑排水用柔性接口铸铁管安装04S409建筑室内装饰工程设计施工详细图集建筑室内装饰工程设计施工详细图集建筑小区塑料排水检查井08SS523江苏省排水工程通用图江西05ZJ201 平屋面节能灯,电子镇流器电路图集节能住宅设计实例图集洁净手术部和医用气体设计与安装矩形钢筋混凝土清水池国标图集开水器(炉)选用及安装01S125凯泉水泵系列安装图大样(16个)老外的收边包角图集冷却塔的组成和分类离心通风机安装图(A式在钢支架上安装)98K101-3 辽SJ802-2 2002厨房卫生间垂直排烟系统辽SJ802-2 2002厨房卫生间垂直排烟系统林德标准的管道支吊架图集鲁班奖细部做法集锦安装部分美国加州公路标志图集2004年版美饰书籍全集民用电气设计分析及图例农房建筑图集暖通空调常用标准图集暖通空调实践教学及见习工程师图册暖通空调实践教学及见习工程师图册暖通空调新技术设计实例图集暖通空调新技术设计实例图集》排水工程标准图集排水工程标准图集S1(下)排水工程标准图集S1(上)排水检查井图集轻型房屋钢结构构造图集轻型房屋钢结构构造图集》轻型钢结构设计指南:实例与图集全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施节能专篇-电气人民防空地下室设计规范》图示--通风专业05SFK10散热器安装.dwg山西02G04管沟及盖板山西02G07 钢筋混凝土住宅阳台设备平台梯子通用图石油化工装置工艺管道安装设计施工图册(第3分册管道支吊架)石油化工装置工艺管道安装设计施工图册(第2分册小型设备)石油化工装置工艺管道安装设计施工图册(第4分册管道与设备隔热)实用电工电路通用图集实用电气控制线路图册实用电气控制线路图册世界名园百图室内消火栓安装修编简介水源热泵设计图集_11624961苏G04-2003 钢筋混凝土雨蓬、挑檐苏G07-2003 小截面预制钢筋砼方桩苏J9506 卫生间、洗池通用图集苏JT16-2004(二) 建筑外保温构造图集天津02G06 钢筋混凝土住宅楼梯通信管道人孔和管块组群图集皖2002S203硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)、聚乙烯(PE)双壁波纹管埋地排水管道工程安装图集皖99G304民用建筑物抗震构造图集卫生工程标准图集术条件与措施.doc小品大样.dwg小型水利水电工程设计图集倒虹吸管分册小型水利水电工程设计图集跌水与陡小型水利水电工程设计图集小型水闸小型住宅设计图集新编电动机绕组布线接线彩色图集·第二版》园林景观设计详细图集增强聚丙烯(FRPP)管室外排水管道设计通用图智能建筑设计与施工系列图集3 通信网络系统中华古地图集珍中央液态冷热源环境系统设计施工图集住宅电气安装图集全套住宅户型图集.dwg住宅庭园设计图集2005年版装饰装修工程工程量清单计价应用手册。
目次1 概述2 工作程序3 文件组成及深度说明4 采用的标准、规范、规定5 电信专业工程设计统一规定6 电信专业对外专业条件7 工程设计中的注意事项8 附图、附表1 概述1.1 本规定适用于本公司所承担的石化工程设计的电信专业的工程设计。
1.2 本规定在上述各项设计范围内,仅就其主要技术原则作出明确规定。
1.3 若具体工程与本规定出入不大,仅需作少量修改及增删时,则可直接采用本规定作为该工程的电信专业工程设计规定使用,再将需要修改及增删的部份在具体工程的《电气、电信设计方案书》中编写成设计规定汇总表,一并使用即可。
1.4 若具体工程与本规定有较大出入,则可用本规定为蓝本,进行删改重新编写,此时应将标题改为“XXXX工程电信专业设计规定”。
1.5 本规定一般只适用于国内设计项目。
2 工作程序详见7.1 附图3 文件组成3.1 设计前期阶段3.1.1 文件组成化工厂或化工装置的可研或方案设计应包括下列文件:3.2 初步设计阶段3.2.1 文件组成化工厂或化工装置的初步设计或基础设计应包括下列文件:以上文件组成可根据工程具体情况修改或增减3.3 施工图设计阶段3.3.1 文件组成化工厂或化工装置的施工图或详细工程设计应包括下列文件:(1)电信全厂性设计文件,内容包括:(2)电信站(综合楼)设计文件,内容包括:(3)电信单体设计文件,内容包括:(4)电信施工通用图(当该部分图纸较少时,可汇入总体设计)(5)电信厂商图纸(与本项目有关的,随设备成套供应的电信设备的相关条件图)以上文件组成可根据工程具体情况修改或增减3.4 设计文件的编号3.4.1 图签:(1)项目名称:(项目名称)(2)项目编号:(项目编号)(3)分项名称:中文名称(工序代号)(全厂性设计文件该栏填写“电信全厂性设计”)(4)设计阶段:施工图(注意:以上内容应与项目设计统一规定保持一致)3.4.2 图号:XXXX-XX-XXXX-XX项目编号-专业代号-工序代号-文件序号专业代号:电信----71工序代号:全厂性设计文件该项填写“ZT”;消防站、电信站设计文件该项用中文填写;如“消防站”、“电信站”等。
珠海市建安集团有限公司电缆沟、通信沟工程施工方案虹阳路、金湖路、清溪路道路改造工程和金湾一中西侧道路工程二标段(虹阳路、清溪路、金湾一中西侧道路)电缆沟、通信沟工程专项施工方案编制人:编制单位:珠海市建安集团有限公司珠海市建安集团有限公司电缆沟、通信沟工程施工方案目录一、工程概况 (1)二、编制依据 (1)1) 施工顺序 (2)2) 施工过程 (2)3) 电缆沟排管 (2)4) 过路预留沟 (3)5) 电缆沟人井 (3)三、电信工程 (3)1)施工顺序 (3)2)施工过程 (3)3)排管安装 (4)四、质量标准及管理措施 (4)4.1 质量管理措施 (4)五、安全保护 (6)六、工期安排计划 (6)电缆沟、通信沟工程施工方案一、工程概况本标段主要包括:电缆沟工程、通信沟工程电缆沟具体概况如下:电缆沟采用YBJG002(试行)通用图集修订会议纪要所要求的甲型电缆沟(净宽×高=1.0米×0.9米),电缆沟盖板荷载等级均为B级,电缆沟选用固定盖板下沉8cm(活动盖板与人行道面平)型式,电缆沟盖板采用现浇盖板、预制活动盖板两种形式。
二、编制依据1)珠海华金开发建设有限公司提供的图纸(珠1007SG-2-S-07、珠1007SG-2-S-08、珠1007SG-2-S-20、珠1007SG-2-S-22、珠1007SG-2-S-25、珠1007SG-2-S-30等)2)《通信管道与通道工程设计规范》(GB50373-2006)3)《城市地下通信塑料管道工程设计规范》(CECS165:2004)4)《城市地下通信塑料管道工程施工及验收规范》(CECS 177:2005)5)《通信管道工程施工及验收规范》(GB50374-2006)6)《珠海市市政电缆沟通用图集》【YBJG002(试行)】及其修订会议纪要7)《通信管道人孔和手孔图集》(YD5178-2009)8)《通信管道人孔和手孔图集》YD 5178-20099)《接地装置安装》03D501-410)《地下通信线缆敷设》05X101-2一、电缆沟施工1)施工顺序测量放线开挖沟槽沟底处理石粉垫层混凝土垫层混凝土底板砌电缆沟、埋排水管及电缆支架(过路管包封)内外抹灰沟内隐蔽验收安装盖板隐蔽验收回填夯实交验。
目录第一章概况 (1)1。
1 编制依据 (1)1.2 工程概况 (1)第二章施工安排 (2)2。
1 前期准备 (2)2。
2 人员组织 (2)2。
3 技术准备 (3)2.4主要设备配置 (3)第三章施工工艺及技术措施 (4)3。
1 测量放样 (4)3。
2 沟槽开挖 (4)3。
3 基础垫层施工 (5)3.4 管道敷设 (6)3.5 管道包封 (6)3。
6人(手)孔井砌筑 (7)3。
7 沟槽回填 (8)第四章质量保证措施 (9)4.1 组织保证措施 (9)4.2 制度保证措施 (9)4。
3 技术保证措施 (10)第五章工期计划及保证措施 (10)5。
1 工期计划 (10)5。
2 工期保证措施 (10)第六章安全、文明及其他保证措施 (11)6。
1安全生产保证措施 (11)6。
2 文明施工措施 (12)第一章概况1。
1 编制依据1。
1.2 工程概况1.2.1 施工内容文通路为新建道路工程,设计范围北起豫兴大道,南至郑开大道,全长2044。
1. 如果不会受到大的冲击,直接敷设是可以的。
2. 如果可能受到一些比较大的冲击,但强度可以控制在一定范围,可以考虑铠装直埋。
3. 如果外力更大,就需要采用保护套管了,这个在局部(比如通过公路的地方)设置就可以。
通信直埋施工方案 (自动保存的)
21.1 编制依据。
. 21.2 工程概况 .。
. .。
2第二章施工安排 .。
1 前期准备。
. (3)2。
2 人员组织。
. 32.3 技术准备。
. 42.4主要设备配置。
4第三章施工工艺及技术措施 .。
. (5)3.1 测量放样 ..。
(5)3.2 沟槽开挖 .。
53.3 基础垫层施工 ...。
3 |141
1.05X101-2《地下通信线缆安装》 .......................................................................... 56 2.08X101-3《综合布线系统工程设计与施工》....................................................... 57 3.03X102《移动通信室内信号覆盖系统》 ............................................................... 58 二、建筑设备监控系统 ......................................................................................................... 59 1.02X201-1《空调系统控制》 .................................................................................. 59 2.03X201-2《建筑设备监控系统设计与安装》....................................................... 60 三、广播与扩声系统............................................................................................................. 61 1.03X301-1《广播与扩声》 ...................................................................................... 61 四、电视系统......................................................................................................................... 62 1.94X401-1《工业电视系统安装图》 ...................................................................... 62 2.03X401-2《有线电视系统》 .................................................................................. 63 五、安全防范系统................................................................................................................. 64 1.04X501《火灾报警及消防联动》 ........................................................................... 64 2.03X502《空气采样早期烟雾探测系统》 ............................................................... 65 3.06SX503《安全防范系统设计与安装》 ................................................................. 66 4.10CX504《消防设备电源监控系统》 (参考图集) ............................................... 67 5.14X505-1《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》图示................................................... 68 六、住宅智能系统................................................................................................................. 69 1.03X602《智能家居控制系统设计施工图集》 ....................................................... 69 七、公共建筑智能化系统 ..................................................................................................... 70 1.09X700(上)《智能建筑弱电工程设计与施工》 上册 ........................................ 70 2.09X700(下)《智能建筑弱电工程设计与施工》 下册 ........................................ 71 3.06X701《体育建筑专用弱点系统设计安装》 ....................................................... 72 八、建筑智能化系统............................................................................................................. 73 1.03X801-1《建筑智能化系统集成设计图集》....................................................... 73
目录第一章编制依据 (1)1.1编制说明 (1)1.2编制依据 (1)第二章工程概况 (1)2.1工程概述 (1)2.2标准横断面 (2)2.3技术标准 (2)2.3.1主要工程量 (2)2.3.2工期进度安排 (3)第三章施工部署 (4)3.1施工准备 (4)3.2施工现场主要人员配备表 (4)3.3技术准备 (4)3.4料场及材料准备 (4)3.5主要施工机械、设备配置 (5)第四章施工方法 (6)4.1施工工艺流程 (6)4.2施工要点 (6)4.2.1测量放线 (6)4.2.2沟槽开挖 (7)4.2.3基础垫层 (7)4.2.4管道敷设 (8)4.2.5管道包封 (10)4.2.6检查井浇筑 (10)4.2.7沟槽回填 (12)第五章质量保证措施 (13)5.1组织保证措施 (13)5.2质量管理措施 (14)5.3技术保证措施 (14)第六章工期进度保证措施 (15)6.1工期计划 (15)6.2工期保证措施 (15)第七章施工安全保证措施 (16)7.1建立安全保证体系 (16)7.2落实安全责任制 (17)7.3安全生产管理措施 (17)第八章环境保护措施及文明施工 (18)8.1雨季施工措施 (19)第一章编制依据1.1编制说明本方案主要就本工程的道路电力、通讯管线的工程概况、主要施工方法、采取的主要技术措施、需投入的主要资源计划、质量安全及文明施工管理中需采取的主要管理措施等方面进行了阐述。
1.2编制依据1、天府新区信息安全产业园配套基础设施工程PPP项目施工图,光华8线图纸;2、《建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50303-2002);3、《电缆线路施工及验收规范》(GB50168-2006);4、《电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范》(GB50169-2006);5、《公路工程质量检验评定标准》(JTG F80/1-2004);6、《电力电缆井设计与安装》(07SD101-8);7、《接地装置安装》(15D504);8、《地下通信线缆敷设》(05X101-2);9、本公司现有的技术水平,机械设备,类似工程施工经验。
铺设七孔xx 管的注意事项七孔梅花管是以pvc 粒子为主要材料加上其他配方经过独特的模具而形成的一种梅花状的通信管材,又称七孔梅花管和蜂窝管,此种管材内壁光滑,直接可穿光缆,可节省工时,其结构合理,使用价值高,寿命长。
七孔梅花管使用寿命在埋深条件下大于30 年以上。
七孔xx 管铺设的注意事项:(1)管道的埋设地沟应按设计要求和施工操作尽可能平直,如沟底不平可铺上一层细沙。
开始埋管时,应将多孔管预留10-15CM 在人井,以便穿缆。
( 3)初次安装使用本产品者,可在铺设第一段〈两个人井之间的距离时〉先不要回填土。
( 4)管子铺设好之后,应先用细沙或细土回填到侵没管的高度,不可使管子悬空状态,然后回填其它泥土,禁止将大石头,大的干土块砸向管子。
1. 穿管敷设时,在线路转弯角度较大、或者直线段距离较长的时候都需要考虑设置电缆井。
2. 电缆数量较少,线径较小的情况下,可以采用电缆手井;3. 电缆较多,线径较大的情况下,需要考虑设置电缆人井。
4. 穿管的管材现在比较多的有铸铁管、钢管、聚乙烯管、尼龙管、碳素管等,可以根据需要选用。
问题1:多少根电缆才需要用电缆沟敷设?答:根据“措施2009 6.10节8根以下建议采用直埋,8~12根建议采用排管,12~18根建议采用电缆沟,18根以上建议采用电缆隧道。
具体方案确定可以参考GB50217-2007 P28 5.2节的相关内容。
)2:(载流量的相关系数可以参考GB T16895.15-2002 《建筑物电气装置第5部分第523节布线系统载流量》,个人认为,按照梯架的系数来考虑较合适。
二、设计依据:《民用建筑设计统一标准》GB 50352-2019《建筑设计防火规范》GB50016-2014 (2018年版)《智能建筑设计标准》GB50314-2015《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》GB50116-2013《安全防范工程技术标准》GB50348-2018《视频安防监控系统工程设计规范》GB50395-2007《入侵报警系统工程设计规范》GB50394-2007《综合布线系统工程设计规范》GB50311-2016《数据中心设计规范》GB 50174-2017建筑、结构、给排水、暖通空调等专业提供的技术条件及要求。
ĦU W:现在的弱电工程施工工艺要求越来越高了,尤其做管穿线等工作,施工工艺的好坏,不单单是美观上面,还有施工质量的要求。
1 .穿管敷设时,在线路转弯角度较大、或者直线段距离较长的时候都需要考虑设置电缆井。
2 .电缆数量较少,线径较小的情况下,可以采用电缆手井;3 .电缆较多,线径较大的情况下,需要考虑设置电缆人井。
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GUOJIJIANZHUBIAOZHUNSHEJI 05×101-2地下通讯电缆敷设The Laying of the Underground Communication Wires and Cables Published by China Architecture Standard Research and Design InstituteThe laying of the underground communication wires and cables Approved by: The Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China Making unit: Wuzhou Engineering Design and Research Institute Implementation on: March 1, 2005 Approval Number: J Z [2005] No.14 The unified number: GJBT – 8244 The atlas number 05X101-2 The principal of the making unit:The technical principal of the making unit: The technical approver:The design principal:The instruction for the standard making1.The design rationale1.1The document released by the Ministryof Construction: J Z No [2004] 46,The Notification on Issuing TheWorking Plan of the Making of theNational Construction DesignStandard of 20041.2The current national and industrialstandards and regulations1.2.1The Regulation on the Project Designof the User Lines of the LocalTelephone Network, YD5006 – 2003;1.2.2The Regulation on the Acceptanceand Checking of the CommunicationLine Project of the Local Network,YD5051 – 97;1.2.3The Regulation on the Design of theCommunication Pipeline and ChannelEngineering; YD5007 – 2003;1.2.4The Technical Regulation on theConstruction and Acceptance andChecking of the Communication PipeEngineering, YD5103 – 2003;1.2.5The Regulation on the Design of theCommunication for the IndustrialEnterprises; GBJ42 – 81;1.2.6The Regulation on the Design of theUrban Engineering of theUnderground Plastic Pipes forCommunication, CECS 165:20041.2.7The Regulation on the Load of theConstruction Structure, GB50009 –2001;1.2.8The Regulation on the Design of theMarshalling Structure, GB50003 –2001.2 The range of applicationThis atlas is applied in the constructionand installation of the outdoor underground communication lines of the civil building and industrial enterprises of the newly-construction, re-construction and enlargement engineering under the normal conditions. The construction and installationof the outdoor underground lines of other weak electricity rooms can refer to this atlas.3. Main content3.1 This atlas is the revised edition of the atlasof The Installation of the Underground Communication Lines (94X101 - 2)3.2 This atlas adds the new content on the basis of The Installation of the Underground Communication Lines (94X101 - 2) so as to meet the demands in the various engineering.The newly-added content mainly contains the laying method of the optical cables and the content dealing with the new-type pipes (double wall wave plastic pipe, silicon chip plastic pipes, grid plastic pipes, cell plastic pipes and multi-hole plastic pipes) and the small scale manhole.3.3 The common small scale manhole in the atlas of The Installation of the Underground Communication Lines (94X101 - 2) is kept inthis atlas, and the uncommon large scale manhole is deleted. When such middle and large scale manholes are needed in the engineering, the constructing method can be referred to in The Atlas of the Manhole and Pipe and Block Group in the CommunicationGJBT – 8244:05×101-2Pipes (YDJ - 101).3.4 For the constructing method of the cablechannel, please refer to The Laying of theCable of 35kv and Lower Voltage (94D101-5).3.5 The main content of the atlas3.5.1 The directly buried cable line3.5.2 The directly buried optical cable line3.5.3 The pipe cable line3.5.4 The pipe optical cable line4. The selection of the equipmentsThe cement pipes, steel pipes, PVC pipes,grid plastic pipes, double-wall wave plasticpipes, silicon chip plastic pipes, cell plasticpipes and multi-hole pipes can be selected asthe pipelines. When the conditions permit, thePVC pipes, double-wall wave plastic pipes,silicon chip plastic pipes, cell plastic pipes andmulti-hole pipes should be used as much aspossible.5. Manhole5.1 The manholes in this atlas is only appliedfor the common constructing method in theenvironment of the types of 2a and 2b, and therequirements in the special conditions such asanti-corrosion and the collapsible loess area,etc. If there are the special conditions, theengineering designing unit will designaccording to the relative regulations.5.2 This atlas is applied in the area with theseismic intensity of 7.5.3 On the designed manhole, the casing soil(excluding the small scale manhole) is 400 –800, and the living load is level -20.5.4 The manhole can be divided into threekinds according to the waterproof level:Water level Fundus –below1.0mFundus 0.5– 1.0mFundus over0.5mType ofthe sapCommon Anti-damp Waterproof 5.5 MaterialThe intensity level of the bricks: MU10The intensity level of the mortar: refer to the detailed drawingThe intensity level of the reinforced concrete:C30The steel bar: HPB235(Q235); HRB335(20mMnSi)The steel bar protective layer: 25The cement used in the cushion coat: C155.6 The holes should be opened at the sidewalls of the manhole, the sizes and standard height should be determined by the engineering design. When the distance between the top of the hole and the bottom ofthe board h is less than the width of the hole(A or B), the lintel (A or B) should be added.5.7 There are two kinds of diameters of theholes on the cover, D=800 and D=710, the selection of the diameter should be determinedby the engineering design.5.8 The feature value of the bearing capacityof the foundation is 130 kPa, and the coefficient of compaction of the foundation should be larger than The amount of the pipes accommodatedby the manholesThe maximum amount of theaccommodated pipes (hole)TypeStandard pipe(the diameter is90 mm)The multi-holepipe (thediameter is 28mm to 32 mm)The small scalemanhole18 54 The hand hole 4 12The small scalehand hole2 66 Other indications6.1 All the iron components in the atlas shouldbe galvanized.6.2 Besides special indication, all the unit ofthe size in the atlas are mm.The table on the minimum net distance between the communication pipe and otherunderground pipelines and the buildingsThe name of other underground pipelines and buildings The parallelNet distance(m)The crossing net distance (m)The existing building 2.0 - The red line of the buildings inplanning1.5 -d < 300mm 0.5300mm < d < 500mm 1.0The watersupply piped > 500mm 1.50.5Sewage drainage pipe 1.0[1]0.15[2] Thermal pipe 1.0 0.25 P < 0.3MPa 1.0Gas pipe 0.3MPa < P <0.8MPa 2.00.3[3]Less than 35KV 0.5Electric cable 35KV and over35KV 2.00.5[4]Foundation side of thehigh-pressure tower2.5 -Communication pipe 0.5 0.25Arbor 1.5AfforestationBush 1.0- Rod above the ground 0.5 – 1.0 - curb 1.0 -Rail 2.0 - Ditch (foundation base) - 0.5 Culvert (foundation base) - 0.5 Rail foot for the trolley bus - 1.0 Rail foot for the train - 1.0The table on the minimum net distance between the directly buried cables, optical cables and other underground pipelines and the buildingsThe name of other underground pipelines andbuildings The parallel netdistance (m)The crossing netdistance (m)d < 300mm 0.5300mm < d < 500mm 1.0The water supplypiped > 500mm 1.50.5Sewage drainage pipe 1.0 0.5 Thermal pipe 1.0 0.5P < 0.4MPa 1.0Gas pipe0.4MPa < P <1.6MPa2.00.5Communication pipe 0.75 0.25Suburb arbor 2.0 -Urban arbor 0.75Construction red line (or foundation) 1.0 -Gutter 0.80.5Less than 35KV 0.5Electric cable35KV and over35KV 2.00.5Note:1.When the branch drainage pipe is laid latter, the horizontal net distance between theconstruction border and the pipes should not be less than 1.5m.2.When the pipes are crossing under the drainage pipe, the net distance should not be less than0.4m, and the communication pipes should be enveloped.3.In the range of 2m of the crossing site, there should be no jointing devices and accessories forthe gas pipes; if the condition above can not be avoided, the communication pipes should be enveloped.4.If the protective pipes should be added to the electric cables, the net distance can be reducedto 0.15m.The protective measures taken to the directly buried cables and optical cables against themechanical damagesDevice ProtectivemeasuresSteel pipe Used in the place where the pipe should cross the railway and must cross the road (with the pipe bushing), the steel pipe should be selected.Plastic pipe Used in the place where the pipe should cross the road or the gravels or other simple road, the PVC pipe can be used.Conduit The routine of the directly buried cable is beside the road, which can endure the passing-by of the heavy duty vehicles, and the place of which the foundation soil is very soft. Such placeshould be protected by the conduit, it can only be used to cross the road. The conduit iscomposed of the consecutively laid protective tile-style structures. In the urban area the cementprotective tile should be used, in the suburb, the protective conduit made up of the glass steelcan be used. For the place where it is difficult to prepare the devices, it can also use the brickwalls to protect.Planes of the reinforced concrete (it can be replaced by the stone planes in the area with abundant stones) If the excavation is difficult for some reasons, and the buried depth can’t reach the regulated value, or there is the place where the covering earth on the optical cable might be scoured by the flood, or for the gutters and ponds of dredging up and mud excavation, the planes of the reinforced concrete should cover on the optical cable.Water-preventing wall, founder slope For the place where the cable crosses the slopes or ponds or scoured by the floor, it should be consolidated or blocked, or the measures of distributaries can be taken, or the water-preventing walls or the founder slope can be constructed.S-shape laying The optical cables covered by the steel pipe can be laid at the place with the gradient over 20°, if the gradient of the place is over 30°,the optical cable can be protected by the aluminum pipesor the steel wire suite. When the length of the slope is over 30 cm, the cables can be laid in an Sshape, if it cannot be laid in an S shape because of the restrictions of the conditions, the opticalcables can be fixed with the method used for the traditional metal consolidation, such as pittingor ledger. When passing the small river, the place should be reserved.Fitting sap The plastic tile or plastic pipe can be used in the optical cable fitting pipe, or the cement board can be covered on the cables, the fitting sap can also be used for the protection the width of thefitting sap is 1.1m and the length is 2m. The depth should meet the requirement of the burial ofthe optical cables, and it should be covered by the cement covering board.The protective measures taken to the pipe optical cables against the mechanical damages Device ProtectivemeasuresSnake-shaped soft pipe Protect the optical cables in the manhole:(1)When conduct out the optical cables from the optical cable drum, the soft pipe should beused for protection so as to avoid that the nozzle is damaged by fraction.(2)When the optical cable driven by the winch passes the corner point and the bending zone,it should be protected by the soft PE pipe.(3)When the optical cable driven by the winch passes the holes with the different altitude inthe manholes, it should be protected by the soft PE pipe.Pipe socket The protection of the holes of the optical cable:(1)The optical cable passes the hole, it should be protected by the two interconnecting softmetal pipes, the lengths of the metal pipes are 1m and 2m respectively, and the pipe socket(2)The optical cable enters another hole via the manhole, and the pipe socket is installed atthe hole fo the direction of traction.When the optical cable passes the hole of the pipe, the neutral lubricant should be painted on,when driving the PE protective optical cable, the paraffin oil is a kind of good lubricant, it hasno long-term effects to the protective suite of PE, and the following are the fractioncoefficients:Type of pipes Static, nolubrication Static, liquidlubricationDynamic,lubricationDynamic,non-lubricationPVC 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.13Non-PVC 0.5 0.2 0.16 0.12 LubricantBesides, the lubricant made up of the nylon ball (the diameter is 0.2 – 0.5 mm) can also beused, put the nylons balls in the pipes or put them in the paraffin oil to paint on the optical cableso as to reduce the fraction coefficient during the traction.The end of the plug pipe Block the holes of the pipes or sub-pipes so as to avoid the damage caused by the mud and ratsThe drawing of sapThe table on the size of the general sapThe size of the sapBThe number of the cable or optical cablesAH<800 800<H<1200 1200<H<15001 - 2400 550550 600 3 450 550 600650 4 500 600 650700Note:1. The table on the size of the general sap isapplied in the hard soil (for example, the clay or clayey loam with the mediate temperature), the depth of the sap is less than 1.5, and the sap wall may not support the earth-retaining board. If the soil is very soft and there might be the landslide, the earth-retaining board must be used.The size of the sap A and B must increase the thickness of the earth-retaining boards at the both sides.2. When the cables and the optical cables arelaid in the corrosive soil, such as the red soil with the acidic chloride or other alkaline soil, besides the thin sand with the thickness of 100 mm, otheranti-corrosion measures should be taken around the cables and optical cables. For the details, please refer to the design ofengineering.3. The pre-fabricated cement board is usedfor the protective boards.The table on the arrangement method of theprotective boardsNumber of the cables and optical cables The arrangement method of the bricks 12 - 3Brick or protective boardCable or optical cableFine soil or sandThe constructing method of the underground cables and optical cables introducing into the buildings (一) Note:1. For the selection of the steel pipes, please refer to page 64.2. The burrs inside the steel pipes should be eliminated and the asphalt should be painted on.3. The cables or optical cables passing through the steel pipe should have their suites andrestrictive coatings removed.4. The gradient of the steel pipe stretching out of the room should be larger than 0.4 percent.Introduced the surface mounted sub-line deviceIntroduce the surface mounted subline devices (pass the ground beam )To sub-line devicesTo sub-line devicesRound Pipe strapIndoorCable (optical cable)Steel pipeBrick or the wall of rainforced concreteRound pipe trapeIndoorCable (optical cable) Steel pipeOutdoorBrick or the wall of the reinforced concreteoutdoorGround beamTo the sub-line devicesIndoor Brick or the wall of reinforced concreteCable (optical cable)Steel pipeOutdoorIntroduce the concealed installed sub-line devicesBrick or the wall of reinforced concreteOutdoorWaterproof mortarProtective pipe passing the wall The plugging oil, asphalt or other waterproofmaterial should be usedThe method of introducing to basement (1)The constructing method of the underground cables and optical cables introducing into thebuildings (二)The method of introducing to the basement (2)Note:1 The waterproofing work must be performed for the introducing pipe of the directly buried cables passing the wall, the distance between the buried depth and the outdoor ground should not be less than 0.7m, and the waterproof gradient should be larger than 0.4%; besides the indication, the stretching apron length of the cable-protective pipe should be larger than 500.2 The cables or optical cables passing through the steel pipe should have their suites and restrictive coatings removed.Brick or the reinforced concreteOutdoorConcrete wall 6 Thick steel plateWeldingProtective pipe passing the wall The plugging oil, asphalt or other waterproof material should be usedBrick or the wall of the reinforced concreteOutdoorConcrete wall 6 thick steel plateWeldingProtective pipe passing the wallThe plugging oil, asphalt or other waterproof material should be usedThe method of introducing to the basement (3)The drawing on the sizes of the welding steel boards and the steel pipe passing the wallThe drawing on the sizes of the welding steel boards and the steel pipe passing the wallThe constructing method of the underground cables and optical cables introducing into the buildings (3)The table on the size of the type II wing planeDN (mm) 40 50 65 80 D1 48 60 75.5 89D2 110 120 135 150 D3 210 220 235 250 b10 10 10 10Weight (kg) 0.61 0.67 0.78 0.91The table on the size of the type II suiteHard PVBSteel pipeMaterial (mm)D90 D110 DN50 DN65DN80D1 90 110 60 75.5 89 D2 140 168 80 95 110 D3 141 169 114 121 140 D4251 289 225 230 250d 4.5 5 3.5 3.75 4 b 10 10 10 10 10 h 4 5 4 4 4 Weight (kg) 5.67 7.41 4.49 4.66 5.33 Note:1. The type I robust waterproof suite is applied to the hard PVC pipe and the steel pipe, the typeII robust wing panel is applied to the steel pipe.2. After the processing of the wing panel and the steel pipe is completed, the primer should bepainted on the outer wall (the primer includes minium or the adhesive bitumen primer.3. The weight of the material of in the table on the sizes of the type II wing panel is the weightof the wing panel, the weight of the material of size of the type I suite is the steel suite (the length of the suite is counted as 200m), and the weight of the wing panel and the retainer ring. The steel suite and the wing panel is made by Q235 steel, and they are welded with the E43 welding rods.4. When the type I suite is passing the wall, if the wall is made up of the non-cement material,the range of the casted cement should be 200mm larger than the diameter of the wing panel (D4), and the suite must be casted inside the wall all at once, the filling material inside the suite must be stirred tightly and compactly. L (it is as thick as the wall, and the thickness is not less than 200)L (it is as thick as the wall, and the thickness is not less than 200)Wing panel Steel suiteEternitySteel pipePVC pipe or steel pipeBatched juteThe type I robust waterproof suite Batched juteType II robust waterproof wing panel5. The thickness of the cement wall where the type I and type II pipes pass should not be lessthan 200mm, otherwise, we should thicken one side or two sides of the cement walls.The constructing method of the underground cables and optical cables introducing into the buildings (4)The table on the selection of the fixing of the protective pipesCurve channel steel (YB98 – 63) Welded steel pipe (GB3091 - 82) The variable size of the pipe strap The specification of thefastening piecemode h d Nominal diameter Exterior diameter Thicknessof the wallA r d RB Round wooden bolt Plug bolt Burialdepth 3.2 32 3 25 33.5 3.25 30671730 5 x 50 6 x 60 50 4.0 40 3 32 42.25 3.25 38672140 5 x 50 6 x 60 50 5.0 50 3 40 48.0 3.5 48672446 5 x 50 6 x 60 50 6.0 60 4 50 60.0 3.5 56893056/ 6 x 60 60 8.0 80 4 70 75.5 3.7576893872/6 x 6060The form of the curve channel steel is the equal-leg, that is, b = h Note:1. The cable and optical cable being protected should have their exterior cover as well as therestrictive coating removed, the asphalt should be casted at the both sides.2. The welded steel pipe or the curve channel steel used for protection should be painted with theasphalt for twice.3. The protective pipe or the curve channel pipe should be fixed with the metal plug bolt, and theround wooden bolt should be used along with the plastic expanded tubes.4. The pipe straps and the fastening pieces should be galvanized, when using the plug bolts, itshould be fixed before the installation of the pipe straps.The method of conducting the directly buried cables and optical cables into the exterior walls of the buildings (一)Cable (Optical cable)The fixing of the curve channel steelWasher Expansion bolt Cable optical cable Chuck plateCable(Optical cable)Steel pipeCable (optical cable)Flat pipe strapThe fixing of steel pipeThe table on the selection of the angle iron and the cardSerial number The capacity of the cableThe specification of the angle iron b value of the card1150 x 2 x 0.5 200 x 2 x 0.5 200 x 2 x 0.4 70 x 70 x 6702 100 x 2 x 0.5 150 x 2 x 0.4 60 x 60 x 5 60 310 x 2 x 0.5 – 50 x 2 x 0.5 10 x 2 x 0.4 – 50 x 2 x 0.450 x 50 x 550Note:1. The cable and optical cable being protected should have their exterior cover as well as therestrictive coating removed.2. The angle iron should be painted with the asphalt for twice.3. The angle iron can be fixed with the M6 x 60 plug bolt, before installing the angle iron, thebolt should be fixed firstly.4. The card can be made up for 30 x 2 steel flat, then it should be galvanized.The method of conducting the directly buried cables and optical cables into the exterior walls of the buildings (二)Cable (optical cable) Chuck plateCable (optical cable)Expansion boltAngle steelChuck plate Cable (steel cable)The drawing on parts of chuck plateCable, optical cableCable (optical cable)BrickCable optical cable Cable, optical cableDry sandElectric cableBrickCable optical cableDry sand brickElectric cableBrickElectric cableElectric cableBrickBrickBlock the pipe with Teel oilSteel pipeBrickSteel pipe Electric cableBrickElectric cableThe drawing on the crossing between the directly buried cables oroptical cables with electric cables (1)The drawing on the crossing between the directly buried cables or optical cables with electric cables (2)Note: For the distance between the cable or optical cable and the electric cable, please refer to the date in page five.The water supply pipe, the drainage pipe,the thermal pipe (enveloped)Dry sandBrickCable, optical cable Steel pipe Block the pipe with theteel oilThe water supply pipe, the drainage pipe, the thermal pipe (enveloped)The gas pipe and other pipesDry sandDry sandCable Optical cableBrick Steel pipeCable,optical cable Block the pipe withthe teel oilBrickCable optical cableThe water supply pipe, the drainage pipe, the thermalpipe (enveloped) The water supply pipe, the drainage pipe, thethermal pipe(enveloped)The protective pipes (steel pipe and hard PVC pipe)Silver sand or fine soilBricks or cement boardsDirectly buried cables or optical cablesCulvert (round)CulvertBlock the pipe with the teel oilSilver sand or fine soilThe directly buried cables and optical cables pass above the culvertThe directly buried cables and optical cables pass above the culvert (protected by the bricks or cement boards)The protective pipes (steel pipe and hard PVC pipe)protective pipes (select according to the thickness of the filled soil and theconstruction structure of the culvert)Block the pipe with the teel oilBlock the pipe with the teel oilSilver sand or fine soilCulvertDirectly buried cables or optical cables Directly buried cables or optical cablesThe directly buried cables and optical cables pass above the culvertSilver sand or fine soilCulverDirectly buried cables or optical cablesThe protective pipes As aboveThe directly buried cables and optical cables pass under the culvertThe directly buried cables and optical cables pass above the culvert (protected by the protective pipes)Culver (round)RodeWithout drainsDrainDrain Protection with the bricksProtection board Cable optical cable Sand or fine soilDrainProtective board Cable or optical cable Sand or fine soilProtective board Cable or optical cable Sand or fine soilProtective board Cable or optical cable Sand or fine soilIn buildingApronIn buildingThe paralleling laying of the cable or optical cable and the drainThe paralleling laying of the cable or optical cable and building foundationThe paralleling laying of the cable or optical cable and building apronSuburban arborUrban arborProtection boardCable or optical cableSand or fine soilThe paralleling laying of the cable or optical cable and the woods (2)The specification and size of the protection method of the fitting socket made by the bricks andthe number of the bricks neededThe sizes of the various parts (mm) NoteThe number of the fittingsHeight (h) Length (L) Width (b)Distancebetween thecables (d)Single fitting 240 480 240 -Double fitting 240 480 480 240When the socket is made by the bricks and mortars, after the asphalt is filled in the socket, it should be covered by the bricksNote: it shall be sealed with PVC cement at plastic strip lapping.The protection of the fitting of the directly buried cablesCable fittingNote:1. The depth of the fitting sap should meet the requirements of the burial depth of the opticalcable, and the size of the fitting sap should meet the regulation on the sizes.2. The cement cover should be covered on the fitting, and the thickness of the refilled fine soil orsand should not be less than 300mm; if the bottom of the fitting sap is made up of the stones, sands or hard frozen earth, the fine soil or sand with the thickness of 100mm should be filled firstly before placing the fitting.3.The introducing and connection of the supervision cable should be performed according to theengineering design.4.The values of H and L should be determined according to the engineering design.The layout drawing on the directly buried cables, the fittings sap of the optical cables andthe fittingsThe disk remain method of the optical cableFitting boxOpticalcableFitting sapThe soil of this place can not be excavatedSupervision cableThe device for protecting cable fittingsThe designated width of sapCableThe arc-shape disk remain method of the optical cableThe device for protecting cable fittingsCableThe S-shape disk remain method of the optical cableRefill soilFine soil or sandCement cover CableCableFitting box Supervision cableThe symbol pileAt the side of facing the station, the accumulateddistance should be indicated (to the interface in the station, the unit is km)The symbol number is given at the starting side of the station, and it is written on the side facing the optical cable or the cable with the red lacquerThe sketch map on the reinforcing bars of the reinforced concrete bar pileΦ3 stirrup SpacingThe red paint enamel is painted on the indentThe sketch map on the position of the burial of the optical cable (or cable) symbol pileThe wooden plate symbol (or Iron plate withδ2.0)Symbol pileThe fitting of the cable (or optical cable)Painting red paint enamelThe white paint enamel is painted on the grounding4holes ofΦ6The distance between the optical cable (or the cable) and the wall is meters。