A Comparative Study of Different Pharmacological Stress




系统医学 2023 年 12 月第 8 卷第 24期分析三联、四联药物方案治疗胃溃疡的临床效果王昌盛1,陈兰2,廖小红21.广东药科大学附属第一医院药学部,广东广州510062;2.广东三九脑科医院药剂科,广东广州510510[摘要]目的探讨胃溃疡患者选择四联药物治疗后的临床效果。


结果研究组治疗总有效率为97.37%,明显高于参照组,差异有统计学意义(χ2= 6.176,P<0.05)。



[关键词]胃溃疡;三联药物;四联药物;疗效[中图分类号]R573 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]2096-1782(2023)12(b)-0175-03 Clinical Effect of Triple and Quadruple Drug Regimens in the Treatment of Gastric UlcerWANG Changsheng1, CHEN Lan2, LIAO Xiaohong21.Department of Pharmacy, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou, Guang⁃dong Province, 510062 China;2.Department of Pharmacy, Guangdong Sanjiu Brain Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510510 China[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical effect of quadruple drug therapy in patients with gastric ulcer. Methods Seventy-six patients with gastric ulcer admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceuti⁃cal University from January 2022 to August 2023 were selected as the research object and divided into groups ac⁃cording to coin tossing method. The reference group (38 cases) received triple drug therapy, and the study group (38 cases) received quadruple drug therapy. The total effective rate, the score of heartburn pain, the area of gastric ulcer, the score of upper abdominal pain and the improvement time of clinical symptoms were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of the study group was 97.37%, which was significantly higher than that of the reference group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2=6.176, P<0.05). After treatment, the score of heartburn pain, the area of gastric ulcer, the score of upper abdominal pain and the improvement time of clinical symptoms in the study group were lower than those in the reference group, and the differences were statistically sig⁃nificant (all P<0.05). Conclusion Compared with triple drug, quadruple drug treatment for gastric ulcer patients can significantly improve the clinical effect, effectively improve the disease symptoms, and promote the good prognosis of patients with gastric ulcer.[Key words] Gastric ulcer; Triple drug; Quadruple drugs; Curative effect对于胃溃疡疾病而言,其属于一种胃肠道高发病[1-2]。



聚乙二醇-牛血红蛋白停搏液对离体心脏功能和超微结构的影响【摘要】目的观察含聚乙二醇-牛血红蛋白(polyethylene glycol-bovine hemoglobin, PEG-bHb)的心脏停搏液对离体心脏功能的影响。

方法 32只成年雄性S-D大鼠根据停搏液不同随机分为4组,麻醉后开胸取心,建立Langendorff离体心脏灌注模型,平衡20 min后灌注冷St. Thomas液或三种不同浓度的PEG-bHb停搏液,30℃保持60 min后恢复灌注。





【关键词】聚乙二醇-牛血红蛋白停搏液心脏功能血流动力学超微结构Abstract: OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of polyethyleneglycol-bovine hemoglobin (PEG-bHb)-containing cardioplegic solution on cardiac function in isolated animal hearts. METHODS The hearts of 32 male S-D rats were harvested and transferred to langendorff circuit. They were pided into 4 groups according to cardioplegia: St.Thomas or 3 different concentrations of PEG-bHb in St.Thomas solution. After 20 min balance period,hearts were perfused with cold (4℃) cardioplegic solutions,and preserved at 30℃ for 60 min, then reperfused. RESULTS After reperfusion, left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP),derivative of pressure (±dp/dtmax) and coronary flow (CF) were higherin PEG-bHb groups (P<0.05). Ultrastructures were better preserved inPEG-bHb groups. There was no difference among 3 PEG-bHb groups except CF. CONCLUSION PEG-bHb in cardioplegic solutions can improve hemodynamic values and ultrastrctures in hearts after ischemia.Key words: Polyethylene glycol-bovine hemoglobin; Cardioplegic solution;Myocardial function;Hemodynamics;Ultrastructure70年代晶体停搏液成功用于心脏手术,随后Follette等[1]提出了含血心脏停搏液。



ZYVOX 产品说明书信息 Distributed by Pfizer Pharmacia&Upjohn Company Divison of Pfizer Inc,NY,NY10017 LAB-
linezolid versus Vancomycin or Teicoplanin
ECCMID 2009, 1637
% 30
0 利奈唑胺
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(n=5981) (n=10409)
肖永红,王 进,赵彩云等,2006—2007年Mohnarin细菌耐药监测,中华医院感染学杂志2008,18(8):1051-1056


content of F los Lonicerae po lysaccharide w as studied w ith su lfur ic ac id pheno l m ethod. R esu lts The optimum technic of
医药导报 2006年 11月第 25卷第 11期
表 4 双氯芬酸二乙胺盐凝胶对豚鼠皮肤变态反应的影响
n = 10
变态反应平均分值 /分 0 h 24 h 48 h 72 h
0. 1 0
阳性对照组 1. 3 1. 2 1. 0 0. 7
基质对照组 0. 1 0
致变态反应率 /% 0 h 24 h 48 h 72 h
lications, 1995. 1191- 1193. [ 2] 方鸾兄, 邵志高. 扶他林肠溶片与乳胶剂 [ J]. 中 国新药杂
志, 1997, 6( 2) : 111- 112. [ 3] 国家卫生 部 药 政 局. 新 药 (西 药 ) 临 床 前研 究 指 导 原则
[ S]. 1993. 124- 136.
H erald of M edicine Vo l 25 N o 11 Novem ber 2006
表 2 双氯芬酸二乙胺盐凝胶单次 涂药对家兔皮肤的刺激作用
分, n = 3
完整皮肤红斑 0 h 24 h 48 h 72 h
基质对照组 0
空白对照组 0



[作者简介] 周艺军,女,主治医师,E-mail: zhouyjfj@ 163. com
·2ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ50·
中国医院药学杂志 2014 年 12 月第 34 卷第 24 期 Chin Hosp Pharm J,Dec 2014,Vol 34,No. 24
1 研究对象和方法 1. 1 研究对象 选择 2005 年 1 月 - 2007 年 12 月间在泉州市第一医院就诊的 VSA 患者。纳入标 准为清晨或静息时出现心绞痛的症状排除之外, 患者还要符合下列条件: ( 1) 冠状动脉造影中乙酰 胆碱测验诱导冠状动脉痉挛同时会出现缺血性心 电图( electrocardiogram,ECG) 变 化; ( 2 ) 冠 状 动 脉 造影显示没有明显狭窄,门诊患者 ECG 检测中缺 血性 ST 段变化与静息胸痛结果一致。排除标准: 冠状动脉固定性狭窄大于管腔直径的 50% ( 冠心 病) 的患者; 对于二氢吡啶或苯二氮钙离子拮抗剂 过敏的患者; 怀孕或可能怀孕以及临床医师判断 由于心力衰 竭、心 律 失 常 等 疾 病 而 不 适 于 参 与 试 验的患者。总共有 168 例患者符合标准。试验前 所有患者均 签 署 了 知 情 同 意 书,本 实 验 得 到 医 院 伦理委员会的批准。 1. 2 药物 苯磺酸氨氯地平片( 汇仁药业有限公 司) 是临床上常用的一种长效钙离子拮抗剂,通常 每日 1 次剂量。盐酸贝尼地平片( 华夏药业集团有 限公司) 。 1. 3 方案 采用随机数字表法将试验患者分为 2 组,贝尼地平组( 剂量 4 mg,qd,在早晨和睡前用药) 和氨氯地平组( 剂量 5 mg,qd,睡前用药) 。分别在 第 5,10,15 周对患者进行随访,记录患者心绞痛发 病情况。根据患者的发病记录,检查患者心绞痛的 发病频率和服用速效硝酸甘油的用量。在治疗开始 时以及治疗的 5,10,15 周观察患者血压和心律变 化。在治疗开始时和治疗 15 周后,对患者进行 24 h 动态 ECG 检测。同时由参加试验的医生对每例患 者按 5 分标准对治疗效果进行评估: 1 分: 显著改 善; 2 分: 改善; 3 分: 轻微改善; 4 分: 没有效果; 5: 恶 化。在治疗期间,我们同时对药物安全性进行评估, 当患者出现新发症状以及可能与试验用药相关的并 发症均认定为不良反应。如果主管医生判定试验药 物效果不佳或由于不良反应严重而无法继续服用则 及时终止用药。考虑到钙离子拮抗剂对冠状动脉痉 挛引起的心绞痛在 7 d 内就能产生明显的治疗作 用,因此我们将试验期定为 15 周,同时这个时间段 也足以观察药物不良反应的发生以及血压和心律的 变化。在随访期间患者不能使用除本实验药物以外 其他的冠状动脉扩张药物。 1. 4 近期预后评价方法 从确诊至 2013 年 12 月 期间的生存情况和心脑血管事件发生率进行了电话 随访。心脑血管事件包括致命性心脑血管事件和非 致命性心脑血管事件,致命性心脑血管事件包括中



对比论证英文作文怎么写英文回答:A comparative essay is a type of academic writing that compares and contrasts two or more subjects. It is acritical analysis of similarities and differences between the subjects, which can be anything from literary works to historical events to scientific theories.The first step in writing a comparative essay is to choose your subjects. The subjects should be similar enough to make a meaningful comparison, but they should also be different enough to make the comparison interesting. Once you have chosen your subjects, you need to develop a thesis statement. The thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of your argument, and it should state the main similarities and differences between your subjects.The next step is to write the body of your essay. The body of the essay should be divided into paragraphs, eachof which focuses on a different similarity or difference between your subjects. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph, and it should provide evidence to support the topic sentence. The evidence can come from your own research, from the sources you have read, or from your own experiences.The conclusion of your essay should restate your thesis statement and summarize the main points of your essay. It should also provide a final thought or reflection on the comparison.中文回答:对比论证英文作文是一种学术写作类型,用来比较和对比两个或多个主题。



38China Pharmaceuticals2015年7月20日第24卷第14期Vol.24,No.14,July 20,2015表1两组患者一般资料比较(n =52)COPD 肺功能分级(例)>0.05Ⅰ级22Ⅱ级3837Ⅲ级1011Ⅳ级22组别A 组B 组P性别(男/女,例)46/646/6>0.05年龄(X ʃs ,岁)84.2ʃ6.683.1ʃ8.3>0.05病程(X ʃs ,年)24.9ʃ7.725.7ʃ8.0>0.05反复的慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重(AECOPD )可加速COPD 病情进展,特征是呼吸系统症状恶化,超出日常变异范围,并需要改变药物治疗方案[1]。

AECOPD 严重发作时,气道分泌物显著增多,气道痉挛,患者的肺功能损害进行性加重,发生呼吸衰竭,甚至死亡[2]。

吸入短效β2-受体激动剂单用或联合短效抗胆碱能药物是AECOPD 推荐的解除支气管痉挛首选措施。

硫酸特布他林与硫酸沙丁胺醇目前已广泛应用于COPD 尤其是AECOPD 的临床治疗[3]。


为此,笔者比较了2种药物治疗高龄AECOPD 患者的疗效,现报道如下。

1资料与方法1.1一般资料选择2012年至2013年我院老年病科收治的高龄AECOPD患者104例,均符合AECOPD 诊断标准[1],神志清楚,能配合雾化吸入治疗,排除需接受机械通气治疗及存在原发性代谢性酸碱失衡的患者。

将患者按接受治疗的先后顺序随机分为A 组与B 组,各52例。

两组患者一般资料比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),具有可比性,见表1。


A 组患者加用硫酸特布他林雾化液(商品名博利康尼,阿斯利康制药公司)2.5mg (1mL ),B 组患者加用硫酸沙丁胺醇溶液(商品名万托林,英国葛兰素医药公司)2.5mg (0.5mL ),均加入0.9%氯化钠注射液4.5mL 中高频震荡雾化吸入,每日2次,疗程均为1周。



A comparative study on food culture between China and western countryAs we know,“Food is the paramount necessity of the people”is a truth. People regard food as fundamental importance. Every country has them own food culture and Chinese and western diet cultures have different advantages and disadvantages. The point is that we can let them fuse in the crash. Let them make progress in the fusion and provide more health food for human. So this thesis mainly introduces the differences between China and Western culture from culture and differences.The different structure of dietChina‟s diet is mainly grain products. for example, rice, noodles jiaozi and so on. Non-staple food is Vegetable and meat. According to the investigation of the western scholars, the vegetable Chinese eat have more than 600 kinds. it is six times more than western. Western‟s food is mainly meat and milk. They must eat dessert after a meal, drinking tea or coffee adding sugar and ice. Someone according to the western‟s diet object obvious difference, this is called the Chinese plant character, the western person for the animal disposition.The different ways of cookingChinese has a lot of cooking method. Steaming, stew, frying and soon. Different cook has different cooking method. The same cook also cooks disparate taste of dish. Cooking is a kind of art, the ever changing is compliance with science, reflects the unity of rigor and timeliness. However, western cook stresses exquisite norm. In the actual operation of cooking, they pay much attention to the cooking time and how much the seasoning put. Their kitchen is like a chemical laboratory.The different dining etiquetteAccording to the Chinese tradition, when you are invited to have dinner, you should take some presents, especially nutritional health productions. Further more, the more you carry things, the better you can feel. The more expensive the things you carry, the more superiority you can feel. It is Chinese characteristics. But, as for American people, they usually take some wise or flowers when they are invited.They do not take too much attention like Chinese people. At table, Chinese banquet will depend on the standard …Respect for seniority, respect for elders‟ to arrange the seat. Elders are usually arranged to seat at first. Only when the host ask everybody to eat, can show that the party starts. The master often gives the guests the food, asking guests not to hesitate. Certainly, the host helps the guests to pour wine and persuades them to eat much. After dinner, guests do not clear away bowl chopsti cks. Western…s standard is …ladies first‟. The men should help women to pull their chairs. When in serving, women should be gave the dish first, then men‟s turn. When the ladies take the napkins, forks, men can begin to eat. When the meat finished, until the hostess leaves, can others leave.The different Dining cultureChinese and Western diet is quite different from each other; such differences also have effect on national character. In China, no banquet, no matter what purpose, there will be only one form which we were sitting around, sharing one seat. Banquet must use round-table, the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares Delicious food is on the table‟s centre, it is a table of people appreciates the taste of the object, and a table of emotional exchanges medium. People drink a toast dishes for each other, persuaded food for each other. In front of the good things, it embodies the virtue of mutual respect and comity between people. By the way, if the host in china invite people to have dinner, the relationship is polite to semi-polite, they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests. If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish. Although the diet may have some obvious shortcomings, it is consistent with our national …reunion‟ mentality. Buffet is very popular in western. People are not fixed in position and everyone can move around. Everyone has their own plate of food. The host only supplies wine, fruits, French fries and so on. It is like a small party. The way shows that westerns respect the individual character and self. However, it is lack of happy atmosphere like Chinese.The different ProhibitionsTraditionally speaking, there are many prohibitions at Chinese tables, but these days not many people pay attention to them. However, there are a few things to keep in mind, especially if you are a guest at a private home. But you‟d better remember these things:1) Elders said that don't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. Instead, lay them on your dish. That the reason for this is that when somebody dies, the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!2) Don‟t put the extra rice into the pot; do not pick the dish we like in pan and do not monopolize delicious dish.3) make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.4) Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite. Also, in a restaurant, if the food is coming too slow people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone's home, it is like insulting the cook.There are many prohibitions at western‟s tables. Thus, we should take care of them.1)Do not give them food. As everyone knows, the westerners eat with the eatingsystem. They can not bear the leftovers. So they like to choose the dish that they like by themselves and they are very repugnant others pick the dish for them.2)Avoid misplacing. After supper, knives and forks in the plate should be put awayaccording to the rules.3)Avoid Teething in public.4)Taboo spilling salt. Because people think that it will bring bad luck; if it is spilled,people should pick up a handful of salt and throw it toward the left shoulder. Do it three times.5)Avoid various animal head, feet, visceral food .they also reject to eat dog meat,snake meat. Because they used to treat them as pet.6)Avoid eating the food with too strong smell like garlic.XJ。



• 产品简介
• 作用机制 • 临床应用 •总 结
1.1 奥勃兰®——纯天然植物提取小分子单体
• 通 用 名:长春胺缓释胶囊 • 有效成分:长春胺(吲哚类生物碱) • 分 子 式:C21H26N2O3 • 分 子 量:354.45(小分子单体) • 性 状:本品为硬胶囊,内容物为白色球形微丸。
球形体、其制备方法及药物组合物 专利号:WO9926608A1(ZL98812427)
延迟定点释放 提高服药依从性 改善患者生活质量
服用方便 改善口感 无须饮水
生物利用度增强技术 注射调释技术 纳米技术 舌下含服
爱的发核心优势源自创新DDS 爱的发创新DDS源自独特的处方工艺设计
1.4 奥勃兰®——拥有四大国际专利
Dekoninck WJ, Jocquet P, Jacquy J et al. Comparative study of the clinical effects of vincamine + glycerol versus glycerol + placebo in the acute phase of stroke. Arzneimittelforschung. 1978;28(9):1654-7. Jürgen Rassat, Horst Robenek, and Hermann Themann. Changes in Mouse Hepatocytes Caused by Vincamine A Thin-Sectioning and Freeze-Fracture Study. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol (1982) 318:349- 357.





【关键词】富血小板血浆;膝关节骨性关节炎;半月板损伤;交叉韧带损伤;膝关节滑膜炎【Abstract】Platelet-rich-plasma is a high-concentration platelet plasma obtained by centrifugation with different characteristics of sedimentation coefficients of all components of the whole blood.It is widely used in the field of orthopedics because it is rich in a variety of growth factors to promote tissue repair and is easy to make and use,especially in the treatment of knee diseases in recent years.In this paper,the treatment of knee osteoarthritis,meniscus,cruciate ligament injury and knee synovitis are reviewed to provide reference for clinical treatment of common knee diseases.【Key words】Platelet-rich-plasma;Knee osteoarthritis;Meniscus injury;Cruciate ligament injury;Knee synovitis富血小板血浆(platelet-rich-plasma,PRP)是自体外周血离心而得到以血小板和白细胞为主的血浆,研究发现[1],PRP中含有转化生长因子β(transforming growth factor-β,TGF-β),成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor,FGF),血小板衍化生长因子(platelet-derived growth factor,PDGF),血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)等多种细胞因子和介质,通过PRP注射到受损组织等方式能够促进损伤组织的修复与再生[2]。



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3类洗涤法处理不同质量精液标本的效果比较及在IUI中的应用选择目的:通過比较密度梯度离心法(density-gradient centrifugation,DGC)、上游法(swim-up,SU)和简单洗涤法(simple washing,SW)处理不同质量精液标本的效果,优选出最合适的宫腔内人工授精(Intrauterine insemination,IUI)精液洗涤方法。

方法:选取男科实验室行精液常规检查的患者中收集精液量≥3 mL的精液标本90份,其中精子浓度10×106个,精子标本不适合过多次数的洗涤处理,宜采用简单洗涤法;而只有当精液体积较大时,在保证IUI精子终浓度的同时,密度梯度离心法较简单洗涤法能更好地去除白细胞和不成熟生殖细胞等杂质,而更适宜被采用;在处理浓度活力正常精液标本时,密度梯度离心法和上游法较之简单洗涤法能获得更高的精子活力(P<0.05)而更适宜被采用;同时,密度梯度离心法因较之上游法具有更高的回收率(P<0.05),且具备操作易标准化和操作时间短等特点而更具实用价值。

宫腔内人工授精(Intrauterine insemination,IUI)因具有低侵入性、操作简单、并发症少、费用低等特点而成为诸多辅助生殖技术(Assisted reproductive technology,ART)中最为常用的助孕方式之一,但一直以来,其成功率始终不高[1-6]。







氯化钾的沸点升高常数概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述本篇文章旨在探讨氯化钾的沸点升高常数,该常数是指将溶质(氯化钾)溶解在溶剂中时,溶液的沸点相对于纯溶剂的升高量。


1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍沸点升高常数的定义,并讨论影响其数值大小的因素。



1.3 目的本文旨在增加对氯化钾沸点升高常数这一现象的了解,并为相关领域的研究者提供参考和启示。


2. 正文:2.1 沸点升高常数的定义:沸点升高常数是指当溶质溶解在溶剂中时,溶液的沸点相对于纯溶剂而言的增加量。


2.2 影响沸点升高常数的因素:沸点升高常数受到多个因素的影响,包括以下几个主要因素。










2.3 氯化钾的沸点升高常数:氯化钾(KCl)是一种常见的无机盐,它与水形成氯化钾溶液时,会导致沸点升高。




陕西农业科学2021,67(04):35-39Shaanxi Journal of AgDcultural Sciences淫羊0不同部位有效成分含量比较研究邓寒霜▽,杨文怡3,贺博3,李月1(1.商洛学院生物医药与食品工程学院,陕西商洛726000;2.陕西秦岭特色生物资源产业技术研究院,陕西商洛726000;3.陕西天士力植物药业有限公司,陕西商洛726000)摘要:为探索增加淫羊餐药材药用部位的可行性,验证药典关于淫羊餐药材来源的规定是否合理,为拓宽淫羊餐药材资源奠定基础,随机采集8批淫羊餐药材样晶,按根、茎、叶柄、叶片分为4个不同部位,应用HPLC法对其中的淫羊}K、朝}定A、朝}定B、朝}定C、宝I等5种成分进行含量测定。



关键词:淫羊};药用部位;有效成分;含量比较中图分类号:R282.6文献标识码:A文章编号:0488-5368(2021)04-0035-05Comparative Study on Contert of Active Componentsin Differeet Parts of EpimediumDENG Hanshuang1,2,YANg Wenyi3,HE Bo3,LI Yue1(1.College of Biopharmaceutal and Foof Enginering,Shangluo University,Shangluo, Shaanxi726000,China;2.Shaanxi Qinling Industrial Technology Research Instituta o Special Biological Resources,Shangluo,Shaanxi726000,China;3.Shaanxi Tasly Plant Pharmaceutical Co.,Lti,Shangluo Shaanxi726000,China)Abstract:In order ta explore the feasibility for incmasing the medicinal pots of epimedium,ta veDfy source of epimedium in Phamiacopoeia,and lay a foundation for expanding the source of epimedium.Eight batches of epimedium were randomly collected and divided into4pots according ta tUeir mots,stems,petioles and Naves. The content of icaDin,epimedin A,chaohuoding B,chaohuoding C and baohuoside I were detemiined by HPLC.The results showed that tUa cenmnts of icaDin,chaohuoding B,chaohuoding C and baohuo/n I in the Navas of Epimedium were the highest,which tUa average value was1.60%, 1.10%,2.14%and0.16%,re­spectively.The total cenmnts of icaDin,chaohuoding A,chaohuoding B and chaohuoding C in the Naves were higher tUan those in the Phamiacopoeia.The content of epimedine A in the mot of epimedium was the highest, its ayerge value was1.46%.The total content of active components in tUe mot of epimedium was higher tUan tUat of Phomacopoem.The content of active components in stems and petioles of epimedium was basical l y less tUan0.10%-The results showed tUat the current Phamiacopoeia about the medicinal parts of epimedium is rea­sonable,but the mot of epimedium has tUa potential for medicinal development.Key woris:Epimedium;Medicinal parts;Efective components;Content compaDson收稿日期:2020-07-02修回日期:2020-07-20基金项目:中央引导地方科技发展专项(2019ZY-FP-02);商洛市科技项目(SK2019-79);商洛学院科技专项(JY2019-01)(第一作者简介:邓寒霜(1977-),男,湖南怀化人,副教授,硕士,主要从事中药质量控制研究。










亦有研究分析斯坦福微阵列数据库(Stanford Microarray Database)中的人类肿瘤数据,建立了一个功能性癌症图,该图可将数以百计的基因表达谱转化为相应的肿瘤特异性通路活性谱。








双相障碍与抑郁症住院患者缓解期血清尿酸水平的比较张喜梅;王绍礼;王志仁;范宏振;石夏明;李净;张房坊;谭云龙【摘要】目的:探讨住院双相障碍与抑郁症患者缓解期血清尿酸水平及其影响因素.方法:检测165例缓解期双相障碍患者(双相障碍组)、70例缓解期抑郁症患者(抑郁症组)及128名健康对照者(健康对照组)血清尿酸水平,分析患者高尿酸血症发生的临床因素.结果:血清尿酸水平双相障碍组[(356.88±107.05)umol/L]及抑郁症组[(325.33±80.82)umol/L]显著高于健康对照组[(298.23±83.55)umol/L](P均<0.05);且双相障碍组显著高于抑郁症组(P<0.05);双相障碍组高尿酸血症发生率(34.5%)显著高于抑郁症组(20.0%)和健康对照组(14.1%)(P均<0.05);其高尿酸血症发生率与性别、用药种类、起病年龄及病程均不相关.结论:双相障碍及抑郁症患者缓解期血清尿酸水平明显升高;双相障碍疾病本身可能是高尿酸血症发生的风险因素.【期刊名称】《临床精神医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2018(028)004【总页数】3页(P263-265)【关键词】双相障碍;抑郁症;血清尿酸;高尿酸血症【作者】张喜梅;王绍礼;王志仁;范宏振;石夏明;李净;张房坊;谭云龙【作者单位】100096 北京回龙观医院;100096 北京回龙观医院;100096 北京回龙观医院;100096 北京回龙观医院;100096 北京回龙观医院;100096 北京回龙观医院;100096 北京回龙观医院;100096 北京回龙观医院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R749.4双相障碍及抑郁症的病因及发病机制目前仍不完全清楚,已有大量研究[1-2]支持嘌呤系统功能紊乱在双相障碍的病理生理机制中起着重要作用,并认为尿酸水平可能是区分单相抑郁和双相障碍的生物学标志物[3]。



进口甘露醇与国产甘露醇在分散片生产中应用的对比唐娜许文东密善武李莉徐琳琳(山东齐都药业有限公司山东淄博 255400)摘要:目的对比进口甘露醇与国产甘露醇对分散片质量的影响,为分散片的生产选择辅料提供参考。





关键词甘露醇;分散片;应用Abstract: Objective To compare the effection of domestic and imported mannitol on dispersible tablets quality ,to provide reference on choice of dispersion tablet production excipients. Methods Two kinds of some physical properties were compared with mannitol. In two kinds of mannitol are trial of Roxithromycin dispersible tablets as anexample,two mannitol difference are compared and analysised through the granulation and tabletting particulate nature of the quality of tablets. Results Two mannitol has a great influence and a larger difference for Roxithromycin dispersible tablets and the particulate nature of quality of tablets. Conclusions Imported mannitol can be used for directly pressing technology, and the effect of tablet is better than domestic mannitol used for directly pressing technology.Key words:Mannitol; Dispersible tablet; Application甘露醇(Mannitol ),又称D-甘露糖醇,应用于临床上,是良好的利尿剂,肾功能诊断剂,急性肾衰竭治疗的辅助剂,也可用来降低颅内压、眼内压的治疗剂及用作脱水剂。



新型抗过敏药富马酸卢帕他定安全性与有效性研究进展王焱;冯慧;严晓燕;汪六顺;汪六英【期刊名称】《中华保健医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2013(015)002【总页数】2页(P204,206)【关键词】富马酸卢帕他定;抗过敏【作者】王焱;冯慧;严晓燕;汪六顺;汪六英【作者单位】100034 北京,解放军309医院旃坛寺门诊部;100034 北京,解放军309医院旃坛寺门诊部;100034 北京,解放军309医院旃坛寺门诊部;江苏省高淳县人民医院;扬子江药业集团南京海陵药业【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R969.3富马酸卢帕他定是由西班牙Uriach制药公司研发的新型、强效抗过敏药,国内批准适应证为季节性、常年性过敏性鼻炎。

其作用机制具有双重性:(1)长效、非镇静的组胺能神经 H1 受体拮抗药:(2)血小板活化因子(PAF)拮抗药[1]。

1 安全性评价1.1 心脏方面选择健康人临床试验中,志愿者375例,慢性鼻炎和荨麻疹患者2650例在接受2~100mg卢帕他定治疗量时,心电图没有显著的改变。



1.2 中枢神经系统在交叉、随机、双盲实验中,连续7d服用10mg卢帕他定、安慰药,在第5天和第7天卢帕他定血浆浓度稳态,分别联合用劳拉西泮2mg或单独服用劳拉西泮2mg。


1.3 特殊人群年轻与老年患者比较,老年人的药时曲线下面积(AUC)和最大血药浓度(Cmax)比年轻人高,这可能是由于老年人的肝首过效应代谢降低,但在代谢产物分析中没有找到差别。



药学通识英语考试的作文In the era of globalization, the exchange of medical knowledge and pharmaceutical products has become increasingly significant. As an English teacher with a focus on pharmaceutical studies, I would like to emphasize the importance of understanding the terminology and concepts related to this field in English. This essay will explore the reasons why English proficiency is crucial for pharmacists and medical professionals, the impact of pharmaceutical knowledge on public health, and the role of English in advancing medical research and patient care.Firstly, English has become the lingua franca in the field of medicine, facilitating communication among healthcare professionals from different countries. A strong command of English enables pharmacists to access a wealth of medical literature, engage in international conferences, and collaborate with global peers. This is particularly important in the pharmaceutical industry, where new drugs and therapies are constantly being developed and where internationalclinical trials are the norm.Secondly, the impact of pharmaceutical knowledge on public health cannot be overstated. English proficiency allows healthcare providers to stay informed about the latest advancements in drug treatments, which can lead to better patient outcomes. For instance, understanding the English descriptions of drug interactions, side effects, andadministration guidelines is essential for ensuring patient safety and the effective use of medications.Moreover, English plays a pivotal role in advancing medical research. Many of the world's leading medical journals are published in English, and research findings are often first shared in English-language conferences. By being proficientin English, pharmaceutical scientists can contribute to the global body of knowledge, participate in groundbreaking research, and disseminate their findings to a wider audience.Lastly, the role of English in patient care should not be underestimated. In multicultural societies, healthcare professionals often encounter patients who speak different languages. English can serve as a common language to bridge communication gaps, ensuring that patients receive accurate medical advice and understand their treatment options.In conclusion, the ability to communicate effectively in English is indispensable for anyone working in the pharmaceutical sector. It is a key that opens doors to international collaboration, access to cutting-edge research, and the opportunity to provide the highest standard ofpatient care. As the world becomes more interconnected, the importance of pharmaceutical knowledge in English will only continue to grow, making it a vital skill for the future of global health.。

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C 2009,the AuthorsJournal compilation C 2009,Wiley Periodicals,Inc.DOI:10.1111/j.1540-8175.2008.00853.xWhich Protocol for Which Segment:A Comparative Study of Different Pharmacological Stress Echocardiography Protocols for Predicting Viability in Segments with Varying Degrees of DyssynergyZainab Abdel-Salam,M.D.and Wail Nammas,M.D.Department of Cardiology,Faculty of Medicine,Ain Shams University Hospitals,Ain Shams University,Cairo,EgyptObjective:Pharmacological stress echocardiography is widely accepted for identifying potential con-tractile recovery after revascularization.We sought to compare the prognostic power of three phar-macological stress protocols for predicting contractile recovery of myocardial segments at varying degrees of dyssynergy.Methods:We enrolled100consecutive patients with significant coronary steno-sis amenable for revascularization and regional wall motion abnormality in the distribution of the affected artery.All patients underwent an assessment of regional wall motion according to the stan-dard16-segment model.The patients underwent three stress echocardiography protocols in separate sessions:low-dose dobutamine,infra-low-dose dipyridamole,and combined protocol.The patients underwent thereafter coronary revascularization either by percutaneous coronary angioplasty or by surgical bypass grafting.A follow-up echocardiography was performed8weeks after revasculariza-tion to assess regional wall motion abnormality.The predicted recovery by any of the three protocols for each category of segments was compared with actual contractility improvement.Results:The combined protocol had a significantly higher sensitivity for predicting contractility recovery in all segment categories compared with the other two protocols.In addition,it had a similar specificity in hypokinetic and dyskinetic segments,though with a lower specificity in akinetic segments when com-pared with the low-dose dobutamine protocol,and a similar specificity in dyskinetic segments,though with a lower specificity in hypokinetic and akinetic segments when compared with the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocol.Conclusion:In patients with predominantly akinetic/dyskinetic segments,the combined pharmacological stress protocol would better predict functional recovery after revascular-ization,as compared with the low-dose dobutamine and the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocols. (ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY,Volume26,May2009)stress echocardiography,viability,coronary artery diseaseWith the enormous progress in thefield of myocardial revascularization over the last two decades,the differentiation of viable from non-viable myocardium has acquired paramount clinical importance,particularly in patients All authors have no conflict of interest to declare. Address for correspondence and reprint requests:Wail Nammas,M.D.,Department of Cardiology,Faculty of Medicine,Ain Shams University Hospitals,Ain Shams University,Abbassia,Cairo,Egypt.Fax:+2-02-24820416; E-mail:wnammas@ considered for interventional treatment.1My-ocardial viability represents impairment in contractile function that is potentially re-versible if blood supply is adequately restored.2 Presumably,improving blood supply to dys-functional but viable regions results in sub-sequent improvement of regional and global left ventricular function,heart failure symp-toms,functional capacity,and long-term sur-vival.Thus,an important consideration is whether hypokinetic or akinetic myocardial ar-eas represent viable myocardium with criticallyABDEL-SALAM AND NAMMASendangered blood supply,or irreversibly dam-aged necrotic scar tissue.3This scenario was supported by the results of several studies where only patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction who harbored viable myocardium gained benefit from revascularization.4 Pharmacological stress echocardiography has gained wide acceptance for the identifica-tion of viable myocardium,chiefly because of its feasibility,safety,diagnostic accuracy,and prog-nostic power.5Low-dose dobutamine echocar-diography has emerged as an attractive and increasingly used method of identifying viable myocardium through its ability to elicit a beta-adrenoreceptor-mediated increase in myocar-dial thickening.Low-dose dobutamine response can accurately predict improvement of dysfunc-tional yet viable myocardial regions,and thus identify a subset of patients whose left ventric-ular function will improve following success-ful coronary revascularization.6The problem of inter-and intraobserver variability can be min-imized by stronger adherence to common and new methodological standards.7Dobutamine-responsive wall motion was found specific for predicting reversible dysfunction,but still,its sensitivity is less than ideal.8Experimental and clinical studies showed that coronary va-sodilator stress can recruit an inotropic reserve in viable segments through a newly designated infra-low-dose dipyridamole regimen that se-lectively explores myocardial viability and has virtually no ischemic potential.Despite being highly specific for predicting reversible dys-function,it is still limited by unsatisfactory sensitivity.9So a theoretically attractive way of in-creasing pharmacological stress echocardiog-raphy sensitivity would be the combination of infra-low-dose dipyridamole and low-dose dobutamine.The two agents act by different—but potentially synergic—mechanisms to re-cruit inotropic reserve in dyssynergic but viable segments.10Combined infra-low-dose dipyri-damole and low-dose dobutamine regimen is gaining increasing acceptance because of its ex-cellent tolerability,low cost,widespread avail-ability,and no radiation involvement,be-sides its superior diagnostic accuracy compared with either forms of stress administered sep-arately.10In a prospective study design,we sought to compare the diagnostic accuracy of the three pharmacological stress protocols for predicting functional recovery after revascular-ization of myocardial segments at varying de-grees of dyssynergy.Patients and Methods PopulationWe included100consecutive patients re-ferred from our catheterization laboratories with significant coronary stenosis during the period from January2004to December2007. The patients were considered eligible for in-clusion if they had regional wall motion ab-normality in the anatomical distribution of the affected artery,as explained later,an affected artery amenable for revascularization,and ev-idence of prior myocardial infarction.Signifi-cant coronary stenosis was defined as at least 70%luminal obstruction of at least one sizable coronary artery(measuring2.5mm or more in diameter),seen in two different projections, or at least50%luminal obstruction of the left main coronary artery.Prior myocardial infarc-tion was defined based on a12-lead electrocar-diogram showing abnormal Q-waves(≥1mm in width)in at least two contiguous leads or labo-ratory evidence of elevated cardiac biomarkers: creatine kinase MB fraction(CK MB)and/or troponin more than twice the upper limit of nor-mal laboratory reference.We excluded patients with postinfarction unstable angina or severe hemodynamic instability,protruding fresh left ventricular thrombus,significant valvular or congenital heart disease,any myocardial dis-ease apart from ischemia,contraindication to dobutamine(e.g.,history of complex ventric-ular arrhythmias and uncontrolled hyperten-sion with blood pressure>180/110),contraindi-cation to dipyridamole(e.g.,bronchial asthma and second-or third-degree heart block),and patients with limited life expectancy due to co-existent disease(e.g.,malignancy).Before in-clusion,an informed consent was obtained from each patient,and the study protocol was re-viewed and approved by our local institutional human research committee,as it conforms to the ethical guidelines of the1975Declaration of Helsinki.Definitions of Risk FactorsThe presence of hypertension was defined as systolic blood pressure≥140mmHg and/or di-astolic blood pressure≥90mmHg,previously recorded by repeated noninvasive office mea-surements,which lead to lifestyle modification or antihypertensive drug therapy.The pres-ence of diabetes mellitus was defined as fast-ing plasma glucose≥126mg/dl,2-hour post-glucose load≥200mg/dl,or specific antidiabeticSTRESS ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY AND VARYING DYSSYNERGYdrug therapy.Dyslipidemia was defined as LDL cholesterol>100mg/dl,serum triglycerides >150mg/dl,and/or HDL and/or cholesterol<40 mg/dl in men and<50mg/dl in women. MethodsThe assessment of regional and global left ventricular systolic function was performed in all patients by transthoracic echocardiography within48hours of admission.Doppler echocar-diography was performed using a Hewlett Packard Sonos5500cardiac ultrasound ma-chine(Hewlett Packard,Andover,MA,USA) equipped with harmonic imaging capabilities. A2.5-MHz phased array probe was used to ob-tain standard two-dimensional,M-mode,and Doppler images.The patients were examined in the left lateral recumbent position using standard parasternal and apical views.The im-ages were digitized in cine-loop format and saved for subsequent playback and analysis. The views were analyzed by a single echocar-diographer employing the software program of the echocardiography machine.Global left ventricular systolic function was assessed in apical four-chamber view using the modified Simpson’s rule.Regional wall motion was as-sessed according to the standard16-segment model recommended by the American Society of Echocardiography.11Individual segments were then subgrouped based on the known vascu-lar distribution into left anterior descending territory,left circumflex territory,right coro-nary artery territory,and overlap segments.11 Regional wall motion was visually assessed for each segment individually,considering both endocardial excursion and systolic thickening, and each segment was graded according to the semiquantitative scoring system described by Knudsen et al.12Segments with poorly de-fined endocardial borders for50%or more of their length were considered nonvisualized and assigned a score of0.13Wall thicken-ing was assessed at a distance of at least 1cm from the adjacent segment to minimize the effect of tethering.14Wall motion in a vascular territory was considered abnormal if wall thick-ening was abnormal in at least two contiguous nonoverlap segments.11Wall motion score in-dex was derived by dividing the sum of indi-vidual segment scores by the number of inter-pretable segments.Stress Echocardiographic ProtocolsThe patients underwent the following stress echocardiographic protocols in separate ses-sions:1.Low-dose dobutamine:dobutamine wasinfused starting at5μg/kg/min,and thenincreased to10μg/kg/min in3-minutestages.2.Infra-low-dose dipyridamole:dipyri-damole was given intravenously at a doseof0.28mg/kg over4minutes.bined protocol:infra-low-dose dipyri-damole was given,immediately followedby low-dose dobutamine infusion as before. Standard views were recorded at baseline, during each stage of the infusion protocol,as well as during recovery.Visual assessment of wall motion and thickening was performed by the same echocardiographer as before.Global left ventricular systolic function and wall mo-tion score index were evaluated at rest and at the end of each stage.Viability was defined by improvement of regional wall motion score by at least one grade in at least two contiguous nonoverlap segments along with at least20% reduction in global wall motion score index com-pared with baseline evaluation.14Our stress test protocols were performed with the patients on their full anti-ischemic and antifailure medications,and before infra-low-dose dipyridamole,all caffeine beverages and theophylline-containing preparations were stopped for at least24hours.Coronary RevascularizationAll patients underwent coronary revascular-ization either by percutaneous coronary angio-plasty or by surgical bypass grafting,according to the operator’s decision.The operator’s de-cision was based on the clinical presentation, coronary anatomy,and evidence of ischemia, but not on the presence or absence of contrac-tile reserve by any of the stress test protocols. Echocardiographic Follow-UpA follow-up echocardiographic reassessment was performed(by the same operator)8weeks after revascularization to evaluate regional and global left ventricular systolic function,asABDEL-SALAM AND NAMMASTABLE IBaseline Clinical,Echocardiographic,and AngiographicCharacteristics of the Study GroupsStudy Cohort (n =100)Age (years)52.6±8.8Males 85(85)Smoking 77(77)Diabetes33(33)Hypertension 50(50)Dyslipidemia 75(75)FH of IHD 23(23)Infarction site Anterior 52(52)Inferior 40(40)Lateral 8(8)Echo data LV EF 38.5±8.1WMSI2.04±0.38Mitral regurgitation 33(33)Angiographic data SVD 37(37)DVD 28(28)MVD35(35)All continuous variables are presented as mean ±SD,whereas categorical variables are presented as numbers (percentage).FH =family history;IHD =ischemic heart disease;LV EF =left ventricular ejection fraction;WMSI =wall motion score index;SVD =single-vessel disease;DVD =double-vessel disease;MVD =multivessel disease.described before.The viability was defined as before.Significant improvement of global left ventricular systolic function was defined as a 5%or more increase in the ejection fraction at follow-up compared with baseline evalua-tion.During follow-up,the patients were inter-rogated for the occurrence of new myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure by clinical visits,telephone calls,hospital chart reviews,or personal communication with the referring physician.TABLE IISensitivity ,Specificity ,Positive and Negative Predictive Values,and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Three PharmacologicalStress Echocardiography Protocols for Predicting Recovery of Basally Dyssynergic Segments Stress ProtocolSensitivitySpecificity PPV NPV Accuracy Low-dose dobutamine76%94%96%67%82%Infra-low-dose dipyridamole 72%97%98%64%80%Combined protocol95%87%94%90%92%Statistical AnalysisAll continuous variables were presented as mean ±standard deviation (SD),if they were normally distributed.Differences in the normally distributed variables were assessed using the t -test and the paired t -test for depen-dent variables.Categorical variables were de-scribed with absolute and relative (percentage)frequencies.The sensitivity ,specificity ,positive and negative predictive values,and diagnos-tic accuracy were calculated according to the standard definitions for each of the three stress echocardiography protocols to predict viability (contractility improvement after revasculariza-tion).The segments were subdivided accord-ing to the severity of dyssynergy into three subgroups,namely ,hypokinetic,akinetic,and dyskinetic.The above statistical values were then calculated individually for each of the three stress echocardiographic protocols in each subgroup of segments.Differences between the three stress echocardiography protocols regard-ing these values were compared using the Pear-son chi-square test.Twenty cases were ran-domly selected for the analysis of intraobserver variability .An assessment of variability was performed using a linear regression analysis.A probability value of P <0.05was considered statistically significant.The analyses were per-formed with SPSS version 12.0statistical pack-age (SPSS,Inc.,Chicago,IL,USA).ResultsA total of 100consecutive patients with ev-idence of prior myocardial infarction were in-cluded in the current study who underwent coronary revascularization for significant coro-nary stenosis.The baseline characteristics of the cohort are shown in Table I.The mean age was 52.6±8.8years,85%being male.Table II shows the sensitivity ,specificity ,positive and negative predictive values,andSTRESS ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY AND VARYING DYSSYNERGYTABLE IIISensitivity ,Specificity ,Positive and Negative Predictive Values,and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Three PharmacologicalStress Echocardiography Protocols for Predicting Recovery of Basally Hypokinetic Segments Stress ProtocolSensitivitySpecificity PPV NPV Accuracy Low-dose dobutamine86%88%96%66%86%Infra-low-dose dipyridamole 82%93%97%61%85%Combined protocol98%86%96%92%95%diagnostic accuracy of the three stress echocar-diographic protocols to predict viability (con-tractility improvement after revasculariza-tion).The sensitivity of the combined protocol was significantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols (P <0.001for each),whereas the difference was insignifi-cant between the low-dose dobutamine and the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocols.Yet,the specificity of the combined protocol was lower when compared with either of these two proto-cols (P >0.05vs low-dose dobutamine,and P <0.05vs infra-low-dose dipyridamole).The pos-itive predictive value was similar between the three protocols;however,the negative predic-tive value of the combined protocol was signifi-cantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols (P <0.001for both).Finally ,the diagnostic accuracy of the combined pro-tocol was significantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols (P <0.05for both).Table III shows the sensitivity ,specificity ,positive and negative predictive values,and diagnostic accuracy of the three stress echocar-diographic protocols to predict viability (con-tractility improvement after revascularization)individually for the hypokinetic segments.The sensitivity of the combined protocol was signifi-cantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols (P <0.05for both),whereas the difference was insignificant between the low-dose dobutamine and the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocols.Yet,the specificity of TABLE IVSensitivity ,Specificity ,and Positive and Negative Predictive Values,and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Three PharmacologicalStress Echocardiography Protocols for Predicting Recovery of Basally Akinetic Segments Stress ProtocolSensitivitySpecificity PPV NPV Accuracy Low-dose dobutamine61%98%97%65%77%Infra-low-dose dipyridamole 58%99%99%64%75%Combined protocol91%87%91%87%89%both the low-dose dobutamine and the com-bined protocols was significantly lower when compared with the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocol (P <0.05for both).The positive predic-tive value was similar between the three proto-cols;however,the negative predictive value of the combined protocol was significantly higher when compared with either of the other two pro-tocols (P <0.05for both).Finally ,the diagnostic accuracy of the combined protocol was signifi-cantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols (P <0.05for both).Table IV shows the sensitivity ,specificity ,positive and negative predictive values,and di-agnostic accuracy of the three stress echocar-diographic protocols to predict viability (con-tractility improvement after revascularization)individually for the akinetic segments.The sen-sitivity of the combined protocol was signifi-cantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols (P <0.001for both),whereas the difference was insignificant be-tween the low-dose dobutamine and the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocols.Yet,the speci-ficity of the combined protocol was significantly lower when compared with either the low-dose dobutamine or the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocol (P <0.05for both).Similarly ,the pos-itive predictive value of the combined protocol was significantly lower and its negative predic-tive value was significantly higher when com-pared with either of the other two protocols (P <0.05for all).Finally ,the diagnostic accuracy of the combined protocol was significantly higherABDEL-SALAM AND NAMMASTABLE VSensitivity,Specificity,and Positive and Negative Predictive Values,and Diagnostic Accuracy of the Three Pharmacological Stress Echocardiography Protocols for Predicting Recovery of Basally Dyskinetic SegmentsStress Protocol Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV Accuracy Low-dose dobutamine60%100%100%90%91% Infra-low-dose dipyridamole40%100%100%86%87% Combined protocol100%100%100%100%100%when compared with either of the other two protocols(P<0.05for both).Table V shows the sensitivity,specificity, positive and negative predictive values,and diagnostic accuracy of the three stress echocar-diographic protocols to predict viability(con-tractility improvement after revascularization) individually for the dyskinetic segments.The sensitivity of the combined protocol was signifi-cantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols(P<0.001for each),and the difference was also significant between the low-dose dobutamine and the infra-low-dose dipyri-damole protocols(60%vs40%,respectively,P <0.05).Yet,both the specificity and the posi-tive predictive value were similar between the three protocols(P>0.05for all).Neverthe-less,the negative predictive value of the com-bined protocol was significantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols (P<0.05for both).Finally,the diagnostic accu-racy of the combined protocol was significantly higher when compared with either of the other two protocols(P<0.05for both).The analysis of intraobserver variability re-vealed a close correlation between repeated measurements of regional wall motion by the single operator,with a correlation coefficient r=0.92.DiscussionOur results suggest that contractile improve-ment in akinetic/dyskinetic segments in re-sponse to pharmacological stress testing is highly specific but moderately sensitive for pre-dicting functional recovery in these segments after revascularization,whereas improvement in hypokinetic segments is less specific but more sensitive.Thefinding that hypokintic segments are more likely to manifest contractile improve-ment in response to pharmacological stress testing is consistent with histopathology stud-ies showing that these segments harbor a mix-ture of scar tissue and normal and hibernat-ing myocardium in variable proportions,where fibrosis is usually minimal and myocardial vi-ability is more common.15Nevertheless,some hypokinetic segments that improved with phar-macological stress testing did not recover con-tractile function following revascularization. This coincides with the hypothesis that hypoki-netic segments may not always represent hiber-nating myocardium,but instead,they might be the result of a nontransmural infarction,leav-ing a heterogeneous mixture of necrotic and al-ready well perfused,functioning myocardium that would not further improve its contractility after revascularization.Alternatively,hypoki-netic segments may represent tethering of a severely dysfunctional region by an adjacent well-perfused,functioning segment,or might reflect an area of subendocardial scar with the overlying middle and epicardial layers of the myocardium being well perfused and well func-tioning.16These factors would contribute to a higher false-positive response rate,and conse-quently,a lower specificity for predicting func-tional recovery in hypokinetic segments follow-ing revascularization.In contrast,pharmacological stress testing demonstrated a lower sensitivity to predict via-bility in akinetic/dyskinetic segments.This can be attributed to thefinding that these segments are mostly supplied by critically stenosed or to-tally occluded coronaries with such exhausted coronaryflow reserve that even at low lev-els of pharmacological stress they fail to im-prove their contractility,despite the presence of viable myocardium that would actually im-prove its contractility after revascularization.17 Furthermore,the prediction of reversible con-tractile dysfunction in akinetic/dyskinetic seg-ments might be difficult with the standard dosage of dobutamine and the standard dura-tion of infra-low-dose dipyridamole owing to the usual presence of a large infarct size in these regions.18,19Few previous studies segregated myocardial segments according to the severity of theirSTRESS ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY AND VARYING DYSSYNERGYbaseline dyssynergy(hypokinesis,akinesis,or dyskinesis)when reporting functional recov-ery after revascularization.Yet,all of them ad-dressed the predictive accuracy of dobutamine stress echocardiography.To our knowledge,no studies to date have reported similar data for the infra-low-dose dipyridamole or the com-bined protocols.In concordance with our re-sults,many reported that the low-dose dobu-tamine protocol exhibits a higher sensitivity and lower specificity for predicting functional recovery after revascularization in hypokinetic segments as compared with akinetic ones.19–22 Our results showed a modest sensitivity for dobutamine stress echocardiography for pre-dicting functional recovery after revascular-ization of akinetic and dyskinetic segments (61%and60%,respectively).Many previous reports observed an even worse sensitivity (range from11%to47%)for predicting func-tional recovery by dobutamine stress echocar-diography in akinetic segments.17,19,23–25Fur-thermore,one study even reported a modest specificity(68%)for dobutamine stress echocar-diography in these segments.26Finally,our data showed that the combined protocol had a significantly higher sensitivity for predicting functional recovery in all seg-ment categories compared with the low-dose dobutamine protocol,in addition to a simi-lar specificity in hypokinetic and dyskinetic segments,though with a lower specificity in akinetic segments.ConclusionIn patients with predominantly akinetic and dyskinetic segments,the combined pharmaco-logical stress echocardiography protocol would offer a better diagnostic accuracy for predict-ing functional recovery after revascularization, as compared with the low-dose dobutamine and the infra-low-dose dipyridamole protocols.Limitations of the StudyOurfindings are based on a single center study with a relatively small sample size of the cohort,a fact that makes it difficult to general-ize our results to all patients undergoing risk stratification for predicting functional recov-ery after revascularization.Multicenter stud-ies using the same protocol and examining a larger number of patients are needed.More-over,the follow-up period of8weeks might have been inadequate to allow recovery of some dyssynergic but viable segments,thereby un-derestimating the specificity of the observed functional recovery.Delayed recovery can fur-ther occur in a substantial number of segments up to a median of14months following revas-cularization,a fact that warrants repeated assessment after longer periods of follow-up. 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