Resolution enhancement of monochrome and color video using motion compensation


图像测量软件 iSolution Lite 使用手册说明书

图像测量软件 iSolution Lite 使用手册说明书

Features included in iSolution LiteInclude:Live Measurement and Overlay SettingsUsers can perform measurements on the live preview image, using the crosshair or grid masks to center and count. The grid masks include calibration data. Calibration marker (scale bar) can be placed on the live preview image. The marker (scale bar) can also be burned on each captured image automatically. Any standard file format image can be chosen to see it above live preview image.Calibration (Auto, Manual)All measurements start with an accurate calibration. Auto, Semi-Auto calibration functions allow the software to calculate the pixels-per-unit value automatically. Only setting the unit for the calibration scale and the distance between the scale marks is needed. This feature greatly improves the accuracy and repetition of measurements. Manual calibrations are easily added and saved for recall from a drop down menu. All calibrations can be saved as files, which let the calibration be retrieved by simply opening the saved files later.Calibration can be protected by password option. Two password options, one in calibration menu itself and the other in camera resolution option, protect calibration by unexpected change. A scale bar can be permanently added to each image. Scale bar properties for color, size and text are simple to optimize for any image background.Z-Axis Extended Focus Imaging (EFI), with displacement compensation for stereo microscopesSamples with curves or of varying heights are difficult to bring into focus under highly magnified conditions. And more a stereomicroscope takes images with tilting due to its own structural characteristics. Thus, each image is out of its supposed position when you move microscope to the Z-axis getting the right focus. Our displacement compensation function allows you to rearrange these images automatically and manually.Software can combine a stack of images sequentially captured at different levels of focus and combine them into a single in-focus image. You can count on our software not to leave any trace of the composites.3D Visualization. . . clearly view complex structuresA Three-dimensional picture can be created from any image. The 3-D presentation is based upon intensity values of the image and can be displayed as a normal or wire frame image. Z axis information can easily be adjusted to optimize the 3-D effect. To better visualize an image in 3-D, software offers full 360 degrees of rotation on X-Y-Z axis. A 3D image can then saved in JPG, TIF or BMP format.Image Stitching. . . create a mosaic of the “Big Picture”With our software, you can create auto and manual composites of continuously captured images in order to minimize the reduction in the field-of-view that typically comes with increased magnification. Combined images are automatically corrected for brightness without leaving any stitching mark. Live Image Comparison. . . for fast inspection and size verificationFor QA testing or quick go/no-go inspections any stored image can be used as a reference image onto which the live preview image is projected.Time Lapse Capture and Movie File Production. . . Import into Power PointSoftware features a Time Lapse Capture function that supports TIF, BMP and JPG file formats. The Time Lapse Capture function also includes an Auto Save feature byyyyy/mm/dd/hour/minute/second. You can save video movie recordings in AVI, MPG, MPEG, and MOV formats.Combine Image Planes - Fluorescence ImagingMerge and pseudo color monochrome images into a single RGB composite.Export Into Excel® - with one mouse clickA single mouse click exports the original image with measurement, calibration, annotation overlay,measurement data, statistics, and chart.Manual Measurement Tools - Including Various Perpendicular DistanceSoftware’s versatile manual measurement features include tools for measuring lengths, areas, and angles and can even auto detect an object's outline and then make specified measurements. The software is equipped with a wide choice of powerful measurement tools including 3-point circle functionality, Npoint circle measurement functionality, parallel line distance measurement, perpendicular distance measurement and object distance measurement. In addition, a zoom-in window can be used to determine the accurate measuring point of an object.Once you've measured a specimen you can easily export all of the images, measurement data and statistics to an Excel® file. With iSolution Lite, comprehensive statistics and data are just one effortless mouse click away.Line ProfilingSingle, multiple, parallel and polyline commands provide Gray/Red/Green/Blue intensity values for specific lines within an image. The profile data of each pixel on the line can be exported to MS Excel. Auto TraceUsing an automatic edge detection algorithm, our software will perform an auto trace measurement function around a closed object. This function greatly increases accuracy and saves time when making measurements of complex shapes.Image ProcessingManual Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Background Subtraction, Shading Correction, Histogram, Clone, Crop, AOI, Resize, Rotate, Split, Merge Monochrome series into RGB Color, Combine different exposure Images for highlight reduction, Image Mode Change, Grayscale, RGB, HSB, YUV Pseudo Color view, Full range of enhancement and morphology filters 8bit and 16bit per channel Manual MeasurementsPoint Count, Straight Line, Circle by radius, Circle by N points, Circle by diameter, Circle by 3 points, rectangle, polygon, polyline, splice lines from a common point, auto trace, angle parallel lines, perpendicular width, perpendicular from common line, angle between 2 lines, distance, perpendicular distance.Shading CorrectionThe edge parts of captured image by low magnification have background shading frequently, which can be removed by the shading correction function. The color of the original image remains the same though. A standard image is acquired from a blank space on the slide glass, or from an out of focus image in a metallurgical specimen. Such a standard image is used to correct the background shading of all other captured images.AnnotationLine, arrow, polyline, spline, rectangle, ellipse, textRegion of Interest- ROI. . . . with unique add/subtract capabilityRectangle, arbitrary rectangle, circle, arbitrary ellipse, polyline, spline, magic wand ROI itself can be saved to work with other images. The saved ROI can be placed on the exact same location of other images.View and Zoom ImageManual zoom In-Out, User Defined, Fit to Window, 1600% Zoom in Window for Accurate Edge Detect, sizeable context Window to view all open ImagesImage EditingUndo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Paste New, Delete, Delete All, Annotate, Image InformationSave OptionsTXT File Format, image and measurement data together in Proprietary .img File Format for future editing and data collectionSupported Image File Formatsjpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, bmp, gif, pcx, tga, mpg, mpeg, avi, mov, img, rpt, txt and etc.Report GeneratorCreate Report, Insert Image and Data, Insert other OLE ObjectsWindow ViewSplit Horizontal, Split Vertical, Cascade, Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, Arrange icons, Dynamic User Interface (UI), Classic, ModernTime Lapse Sequence ControlPlay Forward, Backward, Making Movie File (mpg, avi, mov) with Still Images, Split Single Image from Sequence FilePerfect Focus EnhancementiSolution FL implements a perfect function of focus compensation irrespective of the status of lights and specimen.Reflected Light SubtractioniSolution FL creates clear, evenly illuminated images by removing the bright saturated light from a highly reflective sample.System Requirements• PC with a Pentium-class processor; Pentium 300MMX or higher recommended• Microsoft Windows Win7/Vista/WinXP/2000/ME/Win98SE operating system• 32 MB of RAM or more (128 MB recommended)• 15 MB or more hard-disk space (50 MB recommended)• CD-ROM drive• VGA or higher-resolution monitor; Super VGA recommended (1024 x 768 pixel and 24 bit and more color support video card is recommended)• Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device• USB- or LPT-port for hardware key (depends on delivery).Supported imaging devices1. TWAIN Driver2. DirectShow/ WDM (Windows driver mode) driver3. i-Link DevicesAll PixeLINK cameras.Optronics digital cameras- MicroFire- MacroFire- QuantiFire and QuantiFire XI- Microcast- All MPX series cameras- All QPX series camerasJenoptik ProgRes digital cameras- C3 (cooled and non-cooled)- C5 (cooled and non-cooled)- C14- ProgRes CF and CFScan (cooled, non-cooled, and scan)- ProgRes MF (cooled, non-cooled, and scan)-ProgRes all CMOS cameras.Nikon digital cameras- DS-U2 Fi1- DS 5M/2M-U2- DS 5M/2M-U1- DXM 1200C- DXF 1200FPixera digital camera- Penguin series all models- Pro series all modelsScion corporation digital camera-CFW series all modelsMatrix vision-mvBlueFox digital cameraArtray- ARTCAM-500MI- ARTCAM-300MI- ARTCAM-200MI- ARTCAM-130MI (color, mono, and NIR) - ARTCAM-036MI (color, mono, and TWIN) - ARTCAM-500P- ARTCAM-200SH- ARTCAM-150P-II (color and mono)- ARTCAM-098 (color and mono)- ARTCAM-34MCLumenera- Infinity 1 series all models- Infinity 2 series all models- Infinity 3 series all models- Infinity X and Infinity X-21XLi camera- M series cameras- DC series cameras- DX series camerasSpot digital camera- Insight- FlexQimaging digital cameras- MicroPublisher- RetigaAll Leica digital cameras by TWAINCarl Zeiss AxioCam by TWAINFlashBus frame grabber- Spectrim Lite- Spectrim Pro- MV LiteMatrox frame grabber- Meteor IIAvermedia frame grabber- EZMakerConsumer digital camerasIMT i-Solution Inc. 。



基于去尘估计和多重曝光融合的煤矿井下图像增强方法郝博南1,2,3(1. 煤炭科学技术研究院有限公司,北京 100013;2. 煤矿应急避险技术装备工程研究中心,北京 100013;3. 北京市煤矿安全工程技术研究中心,北京 100013)摘要:煤矿井下粉尘和暗光等因素导致采集的图像质量低,而现有图像增强方法存在图像细节丢失、局部特征不清晰、无法消除噪声、去尘效果不理想等问题。



实验结果表明:相较于直方图均衡法、带色彩恢复的Retinex (MSRCR )方法、改进Retinex 方法,该方法在去尘及暗光增强方面效果较好,颜色还原度较高,白边和过曝等现象得到抑制,且增强后的图像平均对比度分别提升了169.00%,42.50%,10.88%,平均图像熵分别提升了51.80%,16.45%,8.99%,平均亮度顺序误差(LOE )分别降低了31.01%,16.94%,7.83%,同时该方法运算耗时最短。

关键词:图像增强;去尘;多重曝光融合;暗光增强;透射率;曝光比中图分类号:TD67 文献标志码:ACoal mine underground image enhancement method based on dust removal estimation andmultiple exposure fusionHAO Bonan 1,2,3(1. CCTEG China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, China ; 2. Engineering Research Center forTechnology Equipment of Emergency Refuge in Coal Mine, Beijing 100013, China ;3. Beijing Engineering and Research Center of Mine Safe, Beijing 100013, China)Abstract : Factors such as dust and dim light in coal mines lead to low quality of collected images. The existing image enhancement methods have problems such as loss of image details, unclear local features, inability to eliminate noise, and unsatisfactory dust removal effects. In order to solve the above problems, a coal mine underground image enhancement method based on dust removal estimation and multiple exposure fusion is proposed. This method uses a simplified model of dust image and dark primary color theory, and introduces an adaptive attenuation coefficient to estimate the image transmittance. Based on the transmittance distribution, the original image of the object is restored using the simplified model of dust image to remove dust from the coal mine underground image. The method uses a multiple exposure fusion algorithm to generate a set of images with收稿日期:2023-08-28;修回日期:2023-11-15;责任编辑:盛男。



OPERATION MANUAL FOR AVM-USB22016/04/11Watec Co., Ltd.REVISION HISTORYRevision Date Changed1.0 2016.3.7 1st Release2.0 2016.4.11 2nd Release*Renamed the jig board to “AVM-USB2”CONTENTSREVISION HISTORY (1)INTRODUCTION (3)Including (3)Support camera (3)Equipment (3)PC REQUIREMENTS (3)USB CABLE REQUIREMENT (3)INSTALL (4)UNINSTALL (4)DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION (5)Menu (6)File (7)Tool (8)Help (9)Connection Mode (6)DISCONNECTED MODE (6)CONNECTED MODE (6)Parameter Setting (10)AE (10)BLC (11)SETUP (12)BRIGHTNESS (13)WB (14)ENHANCE (15)MIRROR (16)COLOR/MONO (17)GAMMA (18)ERROR MESSAGE (19)OPERATION PROCEDURE (20)Caution (20)INTRODUCTION IncludingAVM-USB2 1pcSupport camera WAT-240E/FS model onlyEquipment PC REQUIREMENTS OS :Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 USB :USB standard 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 USB CABLE REQUIREMENTCABLE TYPE :A (PC side) - micro-B ([AVM-USB2] side) CABLE LENGTH :Less than 5m micro-B (Camera)INSTALLUnzip AVM-USB2_ControlSoftware_(R)_E120.zipAVM-USB2_ControlSoftware_(R)_E120.exeSLABHIDDevice.dllSLABHIDtoSMBus.dllei_agc_max.csvinitial_rom.csvshut_agc_max.csvinitial.txt …WAT-240E/FS factory default fileUNINSTALLDelete unzipped files.DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATIONMenu Connection ModeParameter settingConnection ModeDISCONNECTED MODENot connected to the camera. The software starts up in this mode.It will not be reflected in the camera if you change the parameters.You can use to create a parameter file without a camera connection. When you press the [disconnected] button, and then move to [connected] mode.CONNECTED MODEIt connected to the camera.It will be reflected in the camera if you change the parameters.When you press the [connected] button, and then move to [disconnected] mode.FileLoadLoad the parameter file.In the case of the CONNECTED MODE, the parameter settings are sent to the camera and software window.In the case of the DISCONNECTED MODE, the parameter settings are sent to the software window only.SaveSave the parameters on the current software window to a file.ExitExit this software.Initialize EEPROMRewrite the parameters of the camera to the factory default settings.All ROM writeWrite the parameters on the current software window to the connected camera.All ROM readRead from the parameters on the connected camera to the current software window.VersionShow the version of this software.Parameter SettingAESet the exposure mode.E.I + AGCAdjust the exposure with the electronic shutter and the automatic gain control. The maximum electronic shutter speed and the maximum gain can be selected.SHUT + AGCAdjust the exposure with fixed electronic shutter and the automatic gain control. The electronic shutter speed can be selected in OFF or FL. The range of the maximum gain can be selected.SHUT. + MGCFixed exposure mode.The electronic shutter speed and the gain can be selected arbitrarily.BLC Select the backlight compensation mode.■:Weighted Area. BLC LEVEL Adjust a compensation level.When the value is increased, the correction becomes stronger. OFF Center Default-VCenter+UnderUnderSETUPBRIGHTNESS100IREPreset [100IRE]75IREPreset [75IRE]ManualSelect brightness level manually.WBSet the white balance mode and tuning the R and B gain.ATWThe RGAIN and the BGAIN will be controlled automatically by camera.3200KUse for the Incandescent light bulb.4400KUse for the reddish fluorescent lamp.5100KUse for the bluish fluorescent lamp.8200KUse for the extremely bluish lamp.RGAIN/BGAINIn the mode of non- ATW, you can fine-tune the RGAIN and BGAIN.ENHANCESetting for the edge enhancement of vertical and horizontal directionsOFFSOFT (H/V)NORMAL (H/V) : DefaultHARDMIRRORSet the mirror image modeOFF : Default HorizontalVerticalHorizontal / VerticalCOLOR/MONOColorMonochromeBurst ONIf checked, Output a monochrome video signal with the color burst.GAMMA0.45Correct with a gamma of about 0.45 for CRT gamma with a gamma of about correction (linear)ERROR MESSAGEMESSAGE SOLUTION AVM-USB2 was not detected. Please check the connection of the USB cable.Multiple AVM-USB2 have been detected. Please connect only one.Unable to connect to AVM-USB2 and the camera. Please re-check the connection between the camera and AVM-USB2.OPERATION PROCEDURE1. How to Connect the Camera(1) Turn on the camera.(2) Connect AVM-USB2 and the camera.(3) Connect the PC and AVM-USB2.2. How to Disconnect the Camera(1) Make sure the power supply to the camera is off.(2) Disconnect the camera from AVM-USB2. Caution20。



R e t a i l S c a l e sA logical merger of PC and scaleThe UC3-CT-A is a high-performance scale of the latest generation of UCs, focusing on users and customers. touchscreen, which is freely customisable in all respects, incorporates these aspects Our flat series saves space and provides UC3-CT-ATechnical dataUC3-CT-ACapability CharacteristicsOnline help: Operative assistance via text displays Competence text for the operatorReceipt reversal via the receipt number Extensive taring options Proof of origin (optional)Promotions (optional)Receipt enhancement (optional)Cash register modules (optional)• Cash register functions • Coin count**DisplayMonochrome STN display, VGA resolution 320 x 240 pixels Colour STN display, VGA resolution 320 x 240 pixels (optional)The display is made for the operator via a 10.4-inch colour touch-screen (resolution 800 x 600)Weight display with 5 characters 5-character tare displayFlat rate display with 8 charactersTotal amount display with 9 characters3-line text display, 20 characters per line (customer page)Coloured texts advertising on the customer displayOperation typesOperation, labelling, bulk, operation with receipt and total label, receipt and article label, stick-on total receipts, receipt with/without counterfoil Classic – by inputting the PLU number, via presets or via alphanumeric search functions, hits can be posted immediately Freely definable user layoutsPrinterChoose from a 2“ or 3“ label printer and 2“ receipt printer (standard)Possible as a 2“ linerless printer Fast label printer, up to 125 mm/s Logo printing onto receipt or labelFreely definable labels (for free designing of the labels on the PC, we offer our WYSIWYG program UC3 Label)Data MemoryMin. 40 GB hard disk256 MB RAM, 512 MB optionalSecurityPassword protection for important functions Local core database** only in combination with cash register functions/retailMore InformationQuality management certificate ISO 9001Environmental management certificate ISO 14001Internet: Worldwide ServiceSubject to technical changes ©082007 Mettler-Toledo GmbH Printed in Germany 22014468MCG MarCom GreifenseeMultimedia web support Flash Player (optional)InterfacesEthernet TCP/IP 10/1001 x RS232 serial interface1 x RJ11 interface for triggering of a cash register drawer2 x USB 2.0 connections Optional:Wireless solution according to IEEE 802.11b/g Remote service/control and data supply FTP VNCData communication via Trans UC3Data supply and disposal via XML interfaceOperating SystemMicrosoft Windows Embedded for Point Of Service (WEPOS)Linux (optional)Weighing area 6kg 15kg 3kg/6kg6kg/15kg 12kg 30kg Division 2g 5g 1g/2g 2g/5g 2g 5g Min. load* 40g 100g20g40g40g100g* EC: Printing is possible for the minimum load, however not when labelling. Taring comparison throughout the entire weighing area; automatic zeroposition.• Outstanding ergonomics – thanks to adjustment options for the customer display and touchscreen• Alphanumeric searching – just a few letters to the target of generating additional sales• Cross-selling at a high level universal networking capability; via wifi (WLAN) optionally available。



TEM: Subject indexAberration 像差chromatic 色差spherical 球差astigmatic像散Absorption coefficient 吸收系数abnormal 反常吸收系数uniform 均匀吸收系数Aperture 光阑objective aperture 物镜光阑selective area aperture 选区光阑condenser lens aperture 聚光镜光阑size 光阑尺寸Astigmatism 像散Anomalous absorption coefficient 反常吸收系数Alignment of electron microscope电子显微镜的对准Antiphase domains反相畴Antiphase domain boundaries 反相畴界Artefacts in specimens 样品中的人为缺陷Atomic scattering amplitude 原子散射振幅Back focal plane 后焦面Beam current density 束流密度Beam direction 电子束方向Bend contours 弯曲条纹Bend center 弯曲中心Bend extinction contours 弯曲消光条纹Bright field 明场Bright field image 明场像Burgers vector determinations柏氏矢量确定Calibration of electron microscope电子显微镜的校准Camera constant 相机常数Camera length 相机长度Cavities 空洞Characteristic images from a perfect crystal完整晶体特征图像thickness fringes 厚度消光条纹bend extinction contours 弯曲消光条纹bend contours 弯曲条纹bend center 弯曲中心Chemical polishing for specimen preparation试样的化学抛光Chromatic abberation色差Coherency of precipitates 沉淀相的共格性Coherency strain contrast 共格应变衬度Column approximation 晶柱近似Condenser lens 聚光镜Constrained strain 约束应变Dark field 暗场Dark-field images 暗场像Defocus 欠焦Deformation of specimen 试样变形Depth of field 景深Depth of focus 焦深Deviation parameter 偏移参量effective value of 有效偏移参量Diffraction contrast 衍射衬度Diffraction function 衍射函数Diffraction mode 衍射模式Diffraction pattern 衍射花样Diffraction theory 衍射理论Direct lattice images直接点阵像Dislocations 位错contrast from 位错衬度density of 位错密度determination of Burgers vector of位错柏氏矢量的确定displacement fields around 围绕位错的位移场nodes 位错结perfect (whole) 完全位错partial 不全位错Displacement fringe contrast from precipitates沉淀相粒子的位移条纹衬度Domain boundaries 畴界Double condenser lens 双聚焦透镜Double diffraction 双衍射Dynamical theory of electron diffraction电子衍射的动力学理论Edwald sphere 厄瓦尔德球Effective value 有效(值)deviation parameter 有效偏移参量extinction distance 有效消光距离Electron beam 电子束transmitted 透射(电子)束diffracted 衍射(电子)束Electron diffraction 电子衍射Electron diffraction patterns 电子衍射花样accuracy of 电子衍射花样的精度calibration of 电子衍射花样的校准effects of crystal shape电子衍射花样的形状效应indexing of 电子衍射花样的标定Kikuchi lines 菊池线花样polycrystalline ring 多晶环状衍射花样single crystal spot 单晶斑点衍射衍射streaks on 电子衍射花样的芒线Electron gun 电子枪Electron microscope 电子显微镜analytical 分析电镜attachments for 电子显微镜的附件high resolution 高分辩电镜magnification of 电子显微镜的放大倍数ray diagrams for 电子显微镜的光路图resolving power of 电子显微镜的分辩力transmission 透射电镜Electron microscopy 电子显微学(术) analytical 分析电子显微学(术) conventional 常规电子显微学high resolution 高分辩电子显微学(术) transmission 透射电子显微学Electron wavelengths 电子波长Electropolishing for specimen preparation电解抛光制备电镜试样Extinction 消光Extinction contours 消光条纹Extinction distance 消光距离Extrinsic插入型的Faults 缺陷Focus distance 焦距Foil thickness 薄膜厚度measurement of 膜厚测量Fringes 条纹displacement 位移条纹magnetic domain wall 磁畴壁条纹moire Moirre条纹precipitates, from 由沉淀相粒子引起的条纹stacking fault 层错条纹thickness 厚度条纹Goniometer stage 测角台Heating stages 加热台High order Laue Zone 高阶劳厄区High resolution electron microscopy 高分辩电镜Identification of precipitates沉淀相鉴别Illumination of specimen 试样照明contamination by 试样照明引起的污染damage by 试样照明引起的破坏Image 图像bright field 明场像dark field 暗场像intermediate 中间像rotation of 像转Image contrast 图像衬度origin of 图像衬度的来源antiphase domains, from 反相畴图像衬度antiphase domain boundaries, from反相畴界图像衬度cavities, from 空洞图像衬度dislocations, from, 位错的衬度dipoles 位错偶极子的衬度double images 位错双线衬度edges 刃型位错衬度general dislocation 一般位错的衬度inclined 倾斜位错的衬度invisibility criteria for 位错不可见位错loops 位错圈的衬度oscillation effects at 位错衬度的振荡效应partial 不全位错的衬度screws 螺型位错的衬度superdislocations 超位错的衬度surface relaxation effects位错衬度的表面松弛效应visibility rules for 位错不可见规律width of images 位错图像宽度partial dislocations 不全位错的衬度Frank Frank位错的衬度Schockley Schockley位错的衬度precipitates,from, 沉淀相粒子的衬度coherency strain field images沉淀相粒子的共格应变场衬度dislocation ring contrast沉淀相粒子的位错圈衬度displacement fringe contrast沉淀相粒子的位移条纹衬度matrix contrast 沉淀相粒子的基体衬度moire fringes 沉淀相粒子的Morrie条纹衬度orientation contrast 沉淀相粒子的取向衬度structure factor contrast沉淀相粒子的结构因子衬度visibility of 沉淀相粒子的可见性stacking faults, from, 层错引起的衬度determination of nature of 层错性质的确定twin boundaries, from 孪晶界的衬度Image force 镜像力Image formation 图像形成(成像) Ab by’s theory of Abby成像理论Image function 像函数Image mode 图像模式Image plane 像平面Image rotation 像转Inclusions 夹杂Indexing of electron patterns 电子衍射花样标定trier and error 尝试校核法known camera constant 已知相机长度standard diffraction patterns 标准衍射谱法computer simulation 计算机标定法ambiguous 不唯一性Inelastic scattering 非弹性散射Interface contrast 界面衬度Intermediate image 中间像Intermediate image plane 中间像平面Intrinsic 抽出型的Ion bombardment technique for specimen preparation 离子束轰击制样法Kikuchi pattern 菊池线花样Kikuchi lines 菊池线Kikuchi maps 菊池线图Kinematical theory of diffraction contrast运动学衍衬理论Lattice image 点阵像two beam 双束点阵(平面)像many beam 多束点阵像structure image 结构像Lattice plane spacing 点阵面间距Laue circle 劳厄园Laue zones 劳厄区high order 高阶劳厄区Line defect 线缺陷Line of no contrast 无衬度线Magnetic lens 电磁透镜aberrations of 电磁透镜的像差focal length of 电磁透镜的焦距pole-piece of 电磁透镜的极靴Many-beam effects 多束效应Measurements of; dislocation density,位错密度测量elastic strain fields of precipitates沉淀相粒子弹性应变场测量foil thickness 膜厚测量precipitate size, 沉淀相粒子尺寸测量stacking fault energy 层错能测量nodes, by 用位错结测量层错能ribbon widths, by 用层错带宽度测量层错能Microanalysis 微区分析Moire patterns Moire花样from precipitates 沉淀相粒子Moire花样mixed 混合Moire条纹parallel 平行Moire条纹rotation 旋转Moire条纹spacing of Moire条纹间距Nodes, extended threefold, 三维扩展位错结stacking fault energy from三维扩展位错结测量层错能Objective wave function 物波函数Objective lens物镜Operating vector 操作矢量Operation reflection 操作反射Orientation determination 取向确定Orientation relationship 取向关系Parallel moire patterns 平行Moire条纹Partial dislocations, contrast from平行位错的衬度determination of Burgers vectors of位错柏氏矢量的确定Frank Frank位错柏氏矢量确定Shockley Shockley位错柏氏矢量确定Particles 粒子Planar defect 面缺陷Point defects in specimen 试样中的点缺陷Pole-piece of magnetic lens 电磁透镜极靴Precipitates 沉淀相粒子contrast from 沉淀相粒子衬度size of 沉淀相粒子尺寸visibility of 沉淀相粒子可见性Precipitation contrast 沉淀相衬度Projective lens投影镜Reciprocal lattice 倒易点阵construction 倒易点阵的构筑definition of 倒易点阵的定义properties of 倒易点阵的性质Replica 复型Resolution 分辩率Ring diffraction patterns 环状衍射花样Rotation moirre patterns 旋转Moirre花样Satellites on electron diffraction patterns衍射花样卫星斑点Scattering amplitude 散射振幅Scattering of electrons 电子散射Second phase particles 第二相粒子Selected area diffraction 选区电子衍射accuracy of 选区电子衍射的精度Shape effect 形状效应Single crystal diffraction patterns单晶电子衍射花样Specimen 试样contamination of 试样污染cooling of 试样冷却deformation of 试样变形heating of 试样加热microanalysis of 试样微区分析orientation of 试样的取向preparation of 试样制备chemical machining 试样加工chemical polishing, by 用化学抛光制备试样ion bombardment, by 离子轰击制备试样electropolishing 电解抛光制备试样jet machining, by, 电解双喷制样法Specimen holder 试样台top enrty 顶插式试样台side entry 侧插式试样台Spherical aberration 球差Spinodal decomposition 拐点分解Stacking faults 层错contrast of 层错的衬度determination of nature of 确定层错的性质energy of 层错能types of 层错类型Sterogram 极图Stereomicroseopy 体视显微术Stigmator 消像散器Strain fields 应变场Streaks on electron diffraction patterns衍射花样的星芒线Structure factor 结构因子contrast from, 结构因子衬度Subsidiary fringe 副条纹Superlattice 超点阵reflections 超点阵反射Theory of diffraction contrast 衍射衬度理论kinematic 运动学衍衬理论dynamic 动力学衍衬理论Two beam approximation 双束近似Uniform absorption coefficient 反常吸收系数Viewing screen 荧光屏Weak beam technique 弱束技术Weak beam dark field image 弱束暗场象Zone 晶带Zone law晶带定理Zone axis 晶带轴Zone axis patterns 晶带轴花样HREMAiry disc Airy园(盘) Amplitude object 振幅物Amplitude contrast 振幅衬度Astigmatism 像散Astigmator 消像散器Axial 轴向照明Axial alignment 合轴调整Chromatic aberration coefficient色差系数Chromatic aberration 色差Chromatic aberration limited resolution色差限制的分辩率Cluster 偏聚区Coherence 相干性Defocus 欠焦Diffraction contrast 衍射衬度Diffraction limit 衍射极限Diffraction limited resolution 衍射限制的分辩率Diffused circle 弥散园Exact focus 准确聚焦Experimental condition 实验条件Exsolution 脱溶Focus 聚焦, 焦距, 焦点Focal length 焦距Frensnel fringes 菲捏尔条纹Grain boundaries晶界small angle 小角度晶界high angle 大角度晶界symmetrical 对称晶界asymmetrical 不对称晶界tilt 倾斜晶界Guinier-Preston zones GP区HREM images高分辩电镜图像interpretation 高分辩电镜图像的解释information available 高分辩电镜图像的信息image analysis of 图像分析computer simulation of 计算机模拟Illumination 照明axial 轴向照明tilted 倾斜照明Illumination semi-angle 照明半角Image analysis 图像分析Imaging mode 图像模式lattice plane 点阵平面像many beam 多束点阵像structure 结构像Image restoration 图像修复Incident wave 入射波Interaction constant 交互作用常数Interplanar spacing 面间距Internal standards 内标Line to line resolution 线分辩率Multi-slice approximation 多片近似Optical diffraction 光学衍射Optimum defocus 最佳欠焦(量) Optimum resolution 最佳分辩率Optimum illumination semi-angle 最佳照明半角Optimum aperture size 最佳光阑尺寸Order/disorder transition 有序/无序转变Orientation 取向Bragg Bragg取向Laue Laue取向Over focus 过焦Phase change 相位变化induced by defocus 欠焦引起的相位变化by spherical aberration 球差引起的相位变化Phase contrast 相位衬度Phase contrast transfer function 相位衬度传递函数Phase grating 相位光栅Phase grating approximation 相位光栅近似Phase object 相位物Phase object approximation 相位物近似Phase shift 相位变化Phase transition 相转变Phase transformation 相变Point source 点源Point to point 点分辩率Projected potential 投影势Propagation function 传递函数Polymorphism 多型性(转变) Resolution 分辩率line to line 线分辩率point to point 点分辩率Resolution limit 分辩率极限Scattered wave 散射波Spherical aberration 球差Spherical aberration coefficient 球差系数(C S) Spherical aberration limited resolution球差限制的分辩率Weak phase approximation 弱相位近似Tilted illumination 倾斜照明Through focus series 聚焦系列Two beam lattice plane imaging双束点阵平面像Two beam lattice fringe imaging双束点阵条纹像AEMAamorphous carbon 非晶碳EELS absolute quantification 用于EELS绝对定量analytical electron microscope 分析电镜alignment 对中calibration for EELS or EDS EELS或EDS定标analytical electron microscopy 分析电子显微学annular dark-field imaging 环状暗场像annular detector 环状探头apertures 光阑2nd condenser lens (C2) 第二聚光镜光阑effect on microanalysis 对微区分析的影响effect on microdiffraction 对微束衍射的影响effect on probe convergence 对探针会聚性的影响objective 物镜光阑selected area (SA) 选区光阑ultra-thick 超厚光阑Auger electrons俄歇electron spectroscopy 俄歇谱Bbackground spectrum 本底(背底)谱in EELS EELS背底谱subtraction in EDS 扣除EDS谱背底subtraction in EELS 扣除EDS谱背底X-rays 扣除X-射线背底(请参见bremsstrahlung 和continuum)backscattered electrons 背散射电子detector 背散射电子探头images 背散射电子像beam 电子束beam damage 电子束损伤beam-sensitive specimens 电子束敏感试样beam-specimen interactions 电子束-试样交互作用beam spreading 电子束扩展beryllium window 铍窗bremsstrahlung X-rays 背底辐射X-射线bright field detector 明场探头bright field image in STEM STEM 明场像brightness of electron source 电子源亮度Ccalibration 校准, 定标cathode ray tube 阴极射线管cathodoluminescence 阴极荧光(辐射)Cliff-Lorimer equation Cliff-Lorimer 公式condenser lens —first (C1) 第一聚光镜condenser lens —second (C2) 第二聚光镜condenser objective lens 聚光镜物镜contamination 污染use to determine thickness 用于厚度测定continuum X-rays 连续(背底)X-射线convergent beam diffraction 会聚束衍射use to determine thickness 用于厚度测定convergent beam diffraction patterns (CBDP)会聚束衍射花样convergent electron probe 会聚电子探针crystal point group (晶体)点群Ddark field detector 暗场探头dark field image in STEM STEM暗场像deconvolution 解谱, EDS或EELS of EDS spectrum, of EELS spectrumdiad symmetry 二次对称diffraction groups 衍射群diffraction maxima 衍射极大值EEDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy) 能谱(能量色散谱)EDS defector能谱探头EELS spectrometer 电子能量损失谱仪EELS 电子能量损失谱 (electron energy loss spectrum) zero loss peak 零损失峰 plasmon peak 等离子振荡峰 energy loss peaks 能量损失峰 ionization edge 电离损失峰(边) background subtraction 背底扣除elastic scatter 弹性散射electron detectors 电子探头 collection angle 收集角electron energy loss spectrometer 电子能量损失谱仪electron energy loss spectrometry 电子能量损失谱 energy loss processes 电子能量损失过程 imaging/mapping 电子能量损失成象 ionization losses 电离损失 limitations 极限 plasmon losses 等离子振荡损失 spatial resolution 空间分辨率electron-hole pairs 电子-空位对electron probe 电子探针 brightness 亮度 convergence angle 会聚角 current 电流 diameter 直径energy dispersive spectrometer 能谱仪 (See X-ray energy dispersive 58spectrometer)energy filtered images 能量过滤图像extended absorption fine structure 广延吸收精细结构extraction replica 萃取复型 Ffirst order laue zone (FOLZ) 一阶劳厄区fine structure in ionization edge 电离峰(边)精细结构 post-edge (EXAFS) 峰后(EXAFS) pre-edge 峰前forbidden reflections禁止反射full width half maximum 半高宽Gg vector g 矢量Gaussian 高斯Hhard X-rays 硬X-射线higher order laue zone (HOLZ)高阶劳厄区indexing 标定lines高阶劳厄区线 reflections 高阶劳厄区反射 rings高阶劳厄区环HOLZ lines 高阶劳厄区线Iillumination system 照明系统imaging in STEM STEM 成像image enhancement 图像增强Indexing 标定 HOLZ lines 高阶劳厄区线 HOLZ patterns 高阶劳厄区花样 ZOLZ patterns 零阶劳厄区花样inelastic scatter 非弹性散射(See also electron energy loss) effect on EDS 对EDS 的影响 effect on EELS 对EELS 的影响ionization 电离ionization edges 电离损失峰(边) post-edge fine structure 峰后精细结构 pre-edge fine structure 峰前精细结构KKossel patterns (conditions) Kossel 花样Kossel-Möllenstedt fringes use to determine thickness K-M 条纹9用于确定试样厚度)Kossel-Möllenstedt (K-M) patterns K-M花样Llanthanum hexaboride gun 六硼化镧电子枪lattice parameter determination 点阵常数确定lattice strain 点阵应变effect on HOLZ lines 对高阶劳厄区线的影响lenses 透镜auxiliary 辅助透镜condenser 聚光镜condenser-objective 聚光镜-物镜intermediate 中间镜objective 物镜projector投影镜light element analysis by EDS EDS轻元素分析by EELS EELS轻元素分析limitations to X-ray analysis X-射线分析极限low loss electrons 低能量损失电子Mmicrodiffraction 微束衍射microprobe mode 微区探针模式minimum detectable mass 最小可探测质量minimum mass fraction 最小质量分数Nobjective aperture 物镜光阑objective lens 物镜Ppeak to background ratio 峰/背比in EDS spectrum EDS谱in EELS spectrum EELS谱(See also signal to noise ratio) 参见信/噪比phonon energy loss 声子能量损失plasmon energy losses 等离子振荡能量损失probe convergence angle 探针会聚角Qqualitative analysis 定性分析using EDS EDS定性分析using EE LS EE LS定性分析quantitative analysis 定量分析using E DS EDS定量分析using EE LS EE LS定量分析Rradial distribution function 径向分布函数radiation damage 辐射损伤resolution 分辨率of EDS spectrometer EDS谱仪分辨率ot EELS spectrometer EELS谱仪分辨率of STEM image STEM图像分辨率Riecke microdiffraction Riecke法微束衍射Sscanning electron microscope 扫描电镜scanning images 扫描图像scanning transmission electron microscope扫描透射电镜screw axis 螺旋轴second order laue zone (SOLZ) 二阶劳厄区secondary electrons 二次电子detectorsensitivity limits灵敏度极限in EDS EDSin EE LS EE LSspace group 空间群spurious effects 杂散效应signal processing 信号处理signal to noise ratio(See also peak to background ratio) 信/噪比spatial resolution 空间分辨率in EDS EDS in EE LS EE LSin microdiffraction 微束衍射in STEM image STEM图像spurious effects 杂散效应in EDS spectrum EDS谱杂散效应stationary diffraction pattern 稳定衍射花样strain measurements 应变测量symmetry (crystal) (晶体)对称changes 对称变化determination 对称确定systematic absences 系统消光Tterminology of CBDPs 会聚束衍射术语thickness determination 厚度确定transmitted electrons 透射电子triad symmetry 三重(次)对称tungsten hairpin filament 钨灯丝Uultra-thin window 超薄窗ultra-thick condenser apertures 超厚聚光镜光阑Vvalence electron interactions 价电子交互作用wwavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS)波谱仪weak beam imaging 弱束暗场成象x X-ray(s) X-射线Absorption 吸收fluorescence generation 荧光的产生images/maps 像/成份分布ionization cross section 电离截面microanalysis 微区分析X-ray energy dispersive spectrometerX-射线能谱仪Calibration 校准, 定标collection angle 接收角dead layer 死层dead time 死时间efficiency 效率X-ray peak X-射线峰peak fitting in EDS 能谱峰位拟合X-ray spectrum X-射线谱background subtraction 背底扣除deconvolution 解谱digital filtering 数字过滤Yyttrium-aluminum garnet 钇铝石榴石yttrium-aluminum perovskite 钇铝钙钛矿zZ-contrast 原子序数衬度ZAF correction ZAF校正zero loss peak 零损失峰zero order laue zone (ZOLZ) 零阶劳厄区indexing 标定pattern symmetry 对称性zone axis 晶带轴patterns 晶带轴花样symmetry 对称性。



26CyclodextrinsKatia Martina and Giancarlo CravottoCONTENTS26.1 Introduction (593)26.2 Inclusion Complex Formation (595)26.3 Applications of CD in Food (596)26.4 Analysis of CD (597)26.4.1 Characterization of CD-Inclusion Complex (597)26.4.2 Determination of CD Content (598) The Colorimetric Method (598) Chromatography (599) Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis (600)26.5 Conclusion (600)References (601)26.1 I ntroductionCyclodextrins (CDs) are unique molecular complexation agents. They possess a cage-like supramolecular structure, which involves intra- and intermolecular interactions where no covalent bonds are formed between interacting molecules, ions, or radicals. It is mainly a “host–guest” type phenomenon. CDs are definitively the most important supramolecular hosts found in the literature. As a result of molecular complexation, CDs are widely used in many industrial fields (cosmetics, pharmaceutics, bioremediation, etc.) and in analytical chemistry. Their high biocompatibility and negligible cytotoxicity have opened the doors to their uses such as drug excipients and agents for drug-controlled release (Stella and Rajewski 1997, Matsuda and Arima 1999), in food and flavors (Mabuchi and Ngoa 2001), cosmetics (Buschmann and Schollmeyer 2002), textiles (Buschmann et al. 2001), environment protection (Baudin et al. 2000), and fermentation and catalysis (Koukiekolo et al. 2001, Kumar et al. 2001).CDs are cyclic oligosaccharides consisting of at least six glucopyranose units which are joined together by a (1 → 4) linkage. CDs are known as cycloamyloses, cyclomaltoses, and historically as Schardinger dextrins. They are produced as a result of an intramolecular transglycosylation reaction from the degra-dation of starch which is performed by the CD glucanotransferase enzyme (CGTase) (Szetjli 1998). The first reference to the molecule, which later proved to be CD, was published by Villiers in 1891. Digesting starch with Bacillus amylobacter, he isolated two crystalline products, probably α- and β-CDs. In 1903, Schardinger reported the isolation of two crystalline products that he called α- and β-dextrin, in which the helix of amylose was conserved in fixed-ring structures.From the x-ray structures, it appears that the secondary hydroxyl groups (C2 and C3) are located on the wider edge of the ring and the primary hydroxyl groups (C6) on the other edge. The apolar –CH (C3 and C5) and ether-like oxygens are on the inside of the truncated cone-shaped molecules (Figure 26.1). This results in a hydrophilic structure with an apolar cavity, which provides a hydrophobic matrix, often described as a “microheterogeneous environment.” As a result of this cavity, CDs are able to form inclu-sion complexes with a wide variety of hydrophobic guest molecules. One or two guest molecules can be entrapped by one, two, or three CDs.593594 Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional FoodsAlthough CDs with up to 12 glucose units are known, only the first three homologues (α-, β-, and γ-CD) have been extensively studied and used. β-CD is the most accessible due to its low price and high versatility. The main properties of the aforementioned CDs are given in Table 26.1.The safety profiles of the three most common natural CDs and some of their derivatives have recently been reviewed (Irie and Uekama 1997, Thompson 1997). All toxicity studies have demonstrated that orally administered CDs are practically nontoxic due to the fact that they are not absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract.Pioneer country in the industrial applications of CDs was Japan, since 1990 it become the largest con-sumer in the world. Eighty percent of the annual consumption was used in the food industry and over 10% in cosmetics, <5% was used in the pharmaceutical and the agrochemical industries. The industrial usage of CDs progresses somewhat slower in Europe and America. The constant annual growth of the number of scientific papers and patents indicates the scale of research and industrial interest in this field. From a regulatory standpoint, a monograph for β-CD is available in both the US Pharmacopoeia/National Formulary (USP 23/NF 18, 1995) and the European Pharmacopoeia (3rd ed., 1997). All native CDs are listed in the generally regarded and/or recognized as safe (GRAS) list of the US-FDA for use as a food additive. β-CD was recently approved in Europe as a food additive (up to 1 g/kg food). In Japan, the native CDs were declared to be enzymatically modified starch and, therefore, their use in food prod-ucts has been permitted since 1978.FIGURE 26.1 Chemical structure of α, β, and γ-CD.Cyclodextrins 595Apart from these naturally occurring CDs, many derivatives have been synthesized so as to improve solubility, stability to light or oxygen and control over the chemical activity of guest molecules (Eastburnand and Tao 1994, Szente and Szejtli 1999). Through partial functionalization, the applications of CDs are expanded. CDs are modified through substituting various functional compounds on the pri-mary and/or secondary face of the molecule.26.2 I nclusion Complex FormationThe most notable feature of CDs is their ability to form solid inclusion complexes (host–guest complexes) with a very wide range of solid, liquid, and gaseous compounds by molecular complexation (Szejtli 1982).Since the exterior of the CDs is hydrophilic, they can include guest molecules in water solution. As depicted in Figure 26.2, the guest can be either completely or partially surrounded by the host molecule. The driving force in complex formation is the substitution of the high enthalpy water molecules by an appropriate guest (Muñoz-Botella et al. 1995). One, two, or more CDs can entrap one or more guest molecules. More frequently the host–guest ratio is 1:1; however, 2:1, 1:2, 2:2 or even more complicated associations and higher-order equilibria have been described. The packing of the CD adducts is related to the dimensions of the guest and cavity. Several factors play a role in inclusion complex formation and several interactions have been found:a. Hydrophobic effects, which cause the apolar group of a molecule to fit into the cavity.b. Van der Waals interactions between permanent and induced dipoles.c. Hydrogen bonds between guest molecules and secondary hydroxyl groups at the rim of the cavity.d. Solvent effects.TABLE 26.1Physical Properties of α-, β-, and γ-CDsPropertyα-CD β-CD γ-CD Number of glucose units678Mol wt. (anhydrous)97211351297V olume of cavity (Å3 in 1 mol CD)174262427Solubility in water (g 100 mL −1 r.t.)14.5 1.8523.2Outer diameter (Å)14.615.417.5Cavity diameter (Å) 4.7–5.3 6.0–6.57.5–8.3′R ″CD derivatives R R ′ R ″Native CD R R ′ R ″ = H1:1 and 1:2 inclusion complexes with a naphthalene derivativeFIGURE 26.2 1:1 and 1:2 host–guest CD complexes.596Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods Regardless of what kind of stabilizing forces are involved, the geometric characteristics and the polar-ity of guest molecules, the medium and temperature are the most important factors for determining the stability of the inclusion complex. Geometric rather than the chemical factors are decisive in determin-ing the kind of guest molecules which can penetrate the cavity. If the guest is too small, it will easily pass in and out of the cavity with little or no bonding at all. Complex formation with guest molecules signifi-cantly larger than the cavity may also be possible, but the complex is formed in such a way that only certain groups or side chains penetrate the CD cavity.Complexes can be formed either in solution or in the crystalline state and water is typically the solvent of choice. Inclusion complexation can be accomplished in cosolvent systems, also in the presence of any nonaqueous solvent. Inclusion in CDs exerts a strong effect on the physicochemical properties of guest molecules as they are temporarily locked or caged within the host cavity giving rise to beneficial modi-fications which are not achievable otherwise (Dodziuk 2006).Molecular encapsulation can be responsible for the solubility enhancement of highly insoluble guests, the stabilization of labile guests against degradation and greater control over volatility and sublimation. It can also modify taste through the masking of flavors, unpleasant odors, and the controlled release of drugs and flavors. Therefore, CDs are widely used in food industry (Shaw 1990), in food packaging (Fenyvesi et al. 2007), in pharmaceuticals (Loftsson and Duchene 2007, Laze-Knoerr et al. 2010), and above all in cosmetics and toiletries (Szejtli 2006).26.3 A pplications of CD in FoodToday the nontoxicity of β-CD is well proven, the same tenet is generally accepted for the other CDs. The regulatory statuses of CDs differ in Europe, the United States, and Japan, because official processes for food approval are different. In the United States α-, β-, and γ-CD have obtained the GRAS status and can be commercialized as such. In Europe, the approval process for α-CD as Novel Food has just started and is expected to legalize the widespread application of α-CD to dietary products, including soluble fiber. In Japan, α-, β-, and γ-CDs are recognized as natural products and their commercialization in the food sector is restricted only by purity considerations. In Australia and New Zealand, α- and γ-CD have been classified as Novel Foods since 2004 and 2003, respectively.Nowadays the application of CD-assisted molecular encapsulation in foods offers many advantages (Cravotto et al. 2006):• Improvement in the solubility of substances.• Protection of the active ingredients against oxidation, light-induced reactions, heat-promoted decomposition, loss by volatility, and sublimation.• Elimination (or reduction) of undesired tastes/odors, microbiological contamination, hygro-scopicity, and so on.Typical technological advantages include, for example, stability, standardized compositions, simple dosing and handling of dry powders, reduced packing and storage costs, more economical, and man-power savings. CDs are mainly used, in food processing, as carriers for the molecular encapsulation of flavors and other sensitive ingredients. As CDs are not altered by moderate heat, they protect flavors throughout many rigorous food-processing methods such as freezing, thawing, and microwaving. β-CD preserves flavor quality and quantity to a greater extent and for a longer time compared to other encap-sulants (Hirayama and Uekama 1987).CDs can improve the chemical stability of foods by complete or partial inclusion of oxygen-sensitive components. They can be used to stabilize flavors against heat that can induce degradation and they can also be employed to prolong shelf-life by acting as stabilizers.CDs are used for the removal or masking of undesirable components; for example, trimethylamine can be deodorized by the inclusion of a mixture of α-, β-, and γ-CDs. CDs are also used to free soybean products from their fatty smell and astringent taste. Even the debittering of citrus juices with β-CD is a long pursued goal.Cyclodextrins 597 CDs have an important use in the removal of cholesterol from animal products such as milk, butter, and egg yolks and have recently been studied as neutraceutics carriers to disperse and protect natural lipophylic molecules such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) and Vitamin K3.26.4 A nalysis of CD26.4.1 C haracterization of CD-Inclusion ComplexWhen molecules are inserted within the hydrophobic interior of the CDs, several weak forces between the host and guest are involved, that is, dipole–dipole interaction, electrostatic interactions, van der Waals forces, and hydrophobic and hydrogen bonding interactions. An equilibrium exists between the free and complexed guest molecules. The equilibrium constant depends on the nature of the CD and guest molecule, as well as temperature, moisture level, and so on. The inclusion complexes formed in this way can be isolated as stable crystalline substances, and precise information on their topology can be obtained from the structural x-ray analysis of single crystals (Song et al. 2009). The topology of the inclusion complex can also be determined in solution. The interactions between host and guest may lead to characteristic shifts in the 1H and 13C NMR spectra (Dodziuk et al. 2004, Chierotti and Gobetto 2008). Nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) provide more precise information since their magnitudes are a mea-sure of the distance between host and guest protons. Circular dichroism spectra give information on the topology of the adduct, when achiral guests are inserted into the chiral cavity (Silva et al. 2007). Potentiometry, calorimetry, and spectroscopic methods including fluorescence, infrared, Raman, and mass spectrometry have also been used to study inclusion complexes (Daniel et al. 2002).The molecular encapsulation of natural essential oils, spices, and flavors such as cheese, cocoa, meat, and coffee aromas with β-CD has been known since several years. The literature has dealt with the improved physical and chemical stability of these air-, light-, and heat-sensitive flavors (Szente et al. 1988; Qi and Hedges 1995) and investigated the interaction of these compounds with CDs.UV absorbance spectroscopy was applied to investigate hyperchromic effects induced by the addition of β-CD to a water solution of caffeine (Mejri et al. 2009). The spectroscopic and photochemical behav-ior of β-CD inclusion complexes with l-tyrosine were investigated by Shanmugam et al. (2008). UV–vis, fluorimetry, FT-IR, scanning electron microscope techniques, and thermodynamic parameters have been used to examine β-CD/l-tyrosine complexation.Nishijo and Tsuchitani (2001) studied the formation of an inclusion complex between α-CD and l-tryp-tophan using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Linde et al. (2010) investigated the complexation of amino acids by β-CD using different NMR experiments such as diffusion-ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) and rotating frame Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY). This study provided molecular level infor-mation on complex structure and association-binding constants and advanced the sensorial knowledge and the development of new technologies for masking the bitter taste of peptides in functional food products. The preparation of stable, host–guest complexes of β-CD with thymol, carvacrol, and oil of origanum has been described by LeBlanc et al. (2008). The complex was characterized by NMR and the inclusion constant was measured by fluorescence spectroscopy where 6-p-toluidinylnaphthalene-2-sulfonate was in competitive binding and acted as a fluorescent probe.Caccia et al. (1998) provide the evidence of the inclusion complex between neohesperidin dihydrochalcone/β-CD by x-ray, high resolution NMR and MS spectroscopy. The association constant was determined by NMR via an iterative nonlinear fitting of the chemical shift variation of H3 in β-CD. The geometry of the binding was studied by nuclear NOEs between the proton directly involved in the host/guest interaction as well as by ROESY. The use of fast atom bombardment (FAB) gave comple-mentary information on specific host–guest interaction, while x-ray diffractometry patterns could define the complex in solid state.Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), or nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) were employed by Marcolino et al. (2011) to study the stability of the β-CD com-plexes with bixin and curcumin. Owing to the huge industrial applications of natural colorants, this study aimed to compare different methods of complexes formation and evaluate their stability.598Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods Natural and synthetic coffee flavors were included in β-CD and the complexes were analyzed by x-ray diffraction by Szente and Szejtli (1986). By thermofractometry and the loss of a volatile constitu-ent, it was demonstrated that the volatility of these complexed flavors diminished in such a way that they could be stored for longer periods. Various spectroscopic methods have been compared, by Goubet et al. (1998, 2000), to study the competition for specific binding to β-CD. The substrates were a group of flavors which show different physicochemical properties, such as vapor pressure, water solubility, and log P.Inverse gas chromatography was recently used for the direct assessment of the retention of several aroma compounds of varying chemical functionalities by high amylose corn starch, wheat starch, and β-CD (Delarue and Giampaoli 2000). The inclusion selectivity of several monoterpene alcohols with β-CD in water/alcohol mixtures was studied by Chatjigakis et al. (1999) using reverse-phase HPLC. Flavor r etention in α-, β-, and γ-CDs was compared, by Reineccius et al. (2002), by the GC analysis of the released flavor compounds; quantification was accomplished using standard internal protocols.GC-MS was used for the identification of the volatile constituents of cinnamon leaf and garlic oils before and after the microencapsulation process with β-CD (Ayala-Zavala et al. 2008). The profile of volatile substances in the β-CD microcapsules was used to evaluate the competitive equilibrium between β-CD and all volatile substances. The eugenol and allyl disulfide content of cinnamon leaf and garlic oils were used as a pattern to evaluate the efficiency in the microencapsulation process. The IR spectra of the microcapsules was employed to demonstrate the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds between the guest and host molecules.Samperio et al. (2010) investigated the solubility in water and in apple juice of 23 different essential oils and 4 parabens. The study was focused on the β-CD complexes of few essential oil components (o-methoxycinnamaldehyde,trans, trans-2,4-decadienal, and citronellol), evaluating the increase of solubility in water and the storage stability. UV absorption spectrophotometry was performed to quan-tify the compound in solution. Linear regression analysis was used to calculate the concentration of test compounds in solution from day 0 to day D etermination of CD ContentTraditionally, a variety of techniques have been developed to analyze CDs and their derivatives.Few analytical methods for the quantification of β-CD are described in the literature. Among them are colorimetric methods, LC methods based on the use of indirect photometric detection, pulse ampero-metry, or refractive index experiments, affinity capillary electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry are able to provide qualitative and quantitative data when analyzing the complex CD mixtures. T he Colorimetric MethodThe colorimetric method may be used as an alternative to chromatography especially at low CD concen-trations, this also works in the presence of linear oligosaccharides. The colorimetric method, based on the complexation of phenolphthalein, was employed by Higuti et al. (2004) to carry out sensitive and relatively specific quantification of β-CD. A decrease in absorbance at 550 nm, due to phenolphthalein–CD complex formation, was exploited to study the optimization of the CGTase production in Bacillus firmus. A highly reproducible and selective α-CD determination method had already been described by Lejeune et al. (1989). This involves the formation of an inclusion complex between the α-CD and methyl orange under conditions of low pH and low temperature. The metal indicator calmagite (1-(1-hydrohy-4-methyl-phenylazo)-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid) interacts selectively with γ-CD and was described by Hokse (1983) to quantify a standard solution of γ-CD.Kobayashi et al. (2008) observed that various kinds of hydrophobic food polyphenols and fatty acids could be dispersed in water containing starch by the action of GTAse (CD-producing enzyme). NMR and spectrophotometric methods were used to confirm the presence of CDs as solubilizing agents. The for-mation of inclusion complexes was demonstrated by using Congo Red as a model molecule in the pres-ence of GTAse or α-, β-, and γ-CD, respectively. Major changes in the 1H NMR profile of Congo Red were observed in the presence of γ- and β-CD.Cyclodextrins 599On the other hand, a spectrophotometric and infrared spectroscopic study of the interaction between Orange G, a valuable clastogenic and genotoxic acid dye used as a food colorant, and β-CD has been described by Wang et al. (2007) as a method for the quantitative determination of this dye. Based on the enhancement of the absorbance of Orange G when complexed by β-CD, the authors proposed a ratiomet-ric method, carried out spectrophotometrically, for the quantitative determination of Orange G in bulk aqueous solution. The absorbance ratio of the complex at 479 and 329 nm in a buffer solution at pH 7.0 showed a linear relationship in the range of 1.0 × 10−5 to 4.0 × 10−5 mol L−1. IR spectroscopy of the com-plex was described to confirm the inclusion complex formation. C hromatography26. T hin-Layer ChromatographyOne reference in the literature refers to the use of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) technique as an inexpensive, simple, and very informative method for the analysis and separation of CD inclusion com-plex food components. Prosek et al. (2004) isolated the inclusion complex between coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and β-CD and described its analysis and separation by one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and multidimensional TLC. The article described different TLC supports, mobile phases, and visualization methods in detail and the authors evaluated that 70% of the complex remained unchanged during the first semipreparative chromatography run and only a small amount of CoQ10 was lost from the complex dur-ing the TLC procedure. The results were confirmed by the use of other separation techniques such as HPLC, HPLC-MS, and NMR. L iquid Chromatography, LC-MS, HPLC-MSLiquid chromatography (LC) methods are employed for the analysis and separation of CDs and their derivatives. The separation of the complex samples containing CDs in mixture with linear oligosaccha-ride residual starch as well as protein salts and other substances may suffer from poor sensitivity, resolu-tion, and long separation times. Good results can be achieved where differences in mass or polarity are found or, otherwise, will require extensive sample preparation.Several stationary phases have been described, for example, resins modified with specific adsorbents and reverse-phase media used in combination with either refractive index detection (Berthod et al. 1998), evaporative light scattering (Caron et al. 1997, Agüeros et al. 2005), indirect photometric detection (Takeuchi et al. 1990), postcolumn complexation with phenolphthalein (Frijlink et al. 1987, Bassappa et al. 1998), polarimetric detection (Goodall 1993), or pulsed amperometric detection (Kubota et al. 1992).López et al. (2009) described the application of LC and refractive index detection to estimate the amount of residual β-CD (>20 mg per 100 g of product) present in milk, cream, and butter after treat-ment with β-CD. The analyses were performed with a C18 reversed-phase silica-based LC column, α-CD was defined as an internal standard. The repeatability of the analytical method for β-CD was tested on commercial milk, cream, and butter spiked with known amounts of β-CD.The detection limit in milk was determined to be >0.03 mg mL−1 of β-CD which is similar to that found by LC using amperometric detection (Kubota et al. 1992) and its reproducibility was comparable to that found in a colorimetric method for the estimation of β-CD using phenolphthalein (Basappa et al. 1998, Frijlink et al. 1987).LC-MS coupling has led to the development of new interfaces, extending the automation of various procedures and increasing the sensitivity for high-polar and high-molecular mass compounds. New ion-ization techniques such as electron spray (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) (Bartsch et al. 1996, Sporn and Wang 1998) on quadrupole, magnetic sector, or time-of-flight (TOF) instruments or coupled with instruments with tandem MS (MS-MS) capabilities have also been funda-mental in food applications. By coupling HPLC to isotope-ratio, MS has been proven valuable in provid-ing precise isotopic measurements for nonvolatile species such as carbohydrates. For these reasons, the number of reported applications of LC-MS in the analysis of CD in food is rapidly increasing.HPLC/MS analyses for the detection of minute amounts of CDs in enzyme and heat-treated, s tarch-containing food products were proposed by Szente et al. (2006). A suitable sensitive and selective600Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods analytical method was studied with the aim of verifying the presence of parent β- and γ-CDs and all the three, α-, β-, and γ-branched CDs with different degrees of glycosylation in appropriately preconcen-trated and purified food samples (beer samples, corn syrups, and bread). Both the HPLC-retention times and mass-spectral data were used for the identification of CDs. As the expected concentrations of CDs were very low, selected ion monitoring (SIM) was preferred to the routinely used refractive index and evaporative light scattering detection techniques as the only reliable detection method. The malto-oli-gomer mixture was analyzed with a detection window opened at the masses of CD sodium salts in order to enable the detection of any malto-oligomer side products.Wang et al. (1999) proposed the efficient qualitative and quantitative analysis of food oligosaccharides by MALDI-TOF-MS. In order to optimize the method, matrices, alkali–metal adducts, response inten-sity, and sample preparation were all examined individually. A series of experiments were carried out by the authors to study analyte incorporation in the matrix. In a first phase of experiments, maltohexanose and γ-CD were used as reference samples to verify the suitability of 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), 3-aminoquinoline (3-AQ), 4-hydroxy-a-cyanocinnamic acid (HCCA), and 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB), 1-hydroxy-isoquinoline (HIC), (1:1) as the matrix material. Spot-to-spot or sample-to-sample repeatability tests and the ability to achieve a good quality spectrum with a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio and the best resolution were compared. Good quality spectra and acceptable repeatability were achieved with DHB but many interfering matrix peaks were observed in the low mass region. The best results were achieved using a 2,4,6-trihydroxy-acetophenone monohydrate (THAP) matrix. The authors exploited the high solubility of THAP in acetone, its fast evaporation to fine crystals, and the homo-geneous incorporation of the sample to avoid low-quality results which may be due to irregular crystal-lization when the substance is used directly in water. A ffinity Capillary ElectrophoresisAffinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) techniques have been introduced more recently and are currently in rapid development. CDs have played a central role in the development of a wide variety of analytical methods based on ACE in the separation of chiral molecules. ACE also provides a powerful analytical tool for the analysis of CDs and their derivatives.The electrophoretic separation and analysis of α-, β-, and γ-CDs have been carried out recently without modification. CDs that are charged at very high pH can be separated by the formation of inclu-sion complexes. Their complexes, with a large range of aromatic ions, facilitate detection by indirect UV absorbance (Larsen and Zimmermann 1998, 1999). In addition, fluorescent molecules such as 2-anilinonaphthalene-6-sulfonic have been used for the separation and detection of CDs in a ACE system (Penn et al. 1994).Furthermore, the indirect electrophoretic determination of CD content has recently been described using periodate oxidation. The amount of produced iodate was monitored by ACE and reproducible quantitative results were obtained for α-, β-, and γ-CDs (Pumera et al. 2000). Nevertheless, ACE has not been yet exploited for the analysis of CDs in food. The major advantages of ACE compared to other analysis methods are their short analysis times and high versatility. An exhaustive review of this topic was published in 1999 (Larsen and Zimmermann 1998, 1999).26.5 C onclusionThe use of native CDs for human consumption is growing dramatically due to their well-established safety. CDs are effective in protecting lipophilic food components from degradation during cooking and storage. In this context, several methodologies have been developed to detect, identify, and quantify CDs in food extracts and to study molecular inclusion complexes. X-ray and NMR spectroscopy afford valuable and detailed insight into the structure and the dynamics of a wide range of complexes which are not amenable to study by other analytical techniques. HPLC coupled with refractive index and evaporative light scattering detection technique is routinely used in CD food analysis and LC-MS data in this respect are particularly useful in detecting minute amounts of CDs in complex food samples.。

LTC 0350 Series 1 3 英寸单色CCD摄像头说明书

LTC 0350 Series 1 3 英寸单色CCD摄像头说明书

The LTC 0350 Series are compact, rugged,1/3-inch image format monochrome CCD cameras.Their high sensitivity and reliability provide optimal performance in all environments.Both the CCIR and EIA RS-170 versions are available for direct mains voltage supply and ac/dc low voltage supply.Each offering wide power supply voltage range allowing flexible installation.These cameras are provided with a standard CS-mount for use with a wide variety of lenses.They can be used with fixed iris lenses,manual iris lenses,DC-iris lenses,andvideo-iris lenses.Their excellent scene reproduction issupported by automatic black level,symmetrical contour enhancement andback-light compensation.Theautomatic black level feature enhancescontrast by removing veiling glare fromthe picture.With user selectablebacklight compensation,the cameraresponds to the average content of theentire video signal,or can be activatedto establish a central area forautomatic light control.If an objectfalls within this area,the camera willautomatically adjust to set optimumcontrast.This is particularly useful inapplications having bright light such asdoorways,loading docks,windows,andATMs (automatic teller machines).Enhanced picture quality andoutstanding reliability make them anexcellent choice for professional,commercial,and industrial surveillancesystems in both indoor and outdoorapplications.L TC 0350/x1 Series Monochrome Camerasn1/3-inch Format CCDImagern High Sensitivityn High Resolutionn Backlight Compensationn Electronic Shuttern Video and DC IrisControln Line Lock With ExternalPhase Adjustmentn Models for Mains Supplyand AC/DC Low VoltagePhilipsCommunicationSecurity & ImagingLens optional。



表面增强拉曼光谱英文全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful technique for the detection and identification of molecules at very low concentrations. It is based on the surface enhancement of the Raman scattering signal, which is achieved by adsorbing the molecules of interest onto rough metallic surfaces or nanoparticles. This leads to an enhancement of the Raman signal by many orders of magnitude, making it possible to detect even single molecules.第二篇示例:Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful analytical technique that allows for the detection and identification of molecules at very low concentrations. This innovative method combines the sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy with the enhanced signal provided by nanostructured surfaces, resulting in a technique that is capable of detecting single molecules.第三篇示例:Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful technique that combines the high sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy with the enhancement effect of plasmonic nanostructures. It has been widely used in various fields such as chemistry, materials science, biology, and environmental science. In this article, we will discuss the principles of SERS, its applications, and recent advances in the field.Principle of SERSRecent Advances in SERS第四篇示例:Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) is a powerful analytical technique that allows for the detection and identification of molecules at extremely low concentrations. By utilizing plasmonic substrates to enhance the Raman scattering signal, SERS is able to provide highly sensitive and selective detection of analytes.。



机器视觉英文词汇机器视觉英文词汇Aaberration 像差accessory shoes 附件插座、热靴accessory 附件achromatic 消色差的active 主动的、有源的acutance 锐度acute-matte 磨砂毛玻璃adapter 适配器advance system 输片系统ae lock(ael) 自动曝光锁定af illuminatoraf 照明器af spotbeam projectoraf 照明器af(auto focus) 自动聚焦algebraic operation 代数运算一种图像处理运算,包括两幅图像对应像素的和、差、积、商。

aliasing 走样(混叠)当图像象素间距和图像细节相比太大时产生的一种人工痕迹。

alkaline 碱性ambient light 环境光amplification factor 放大倍率analog input/output boards 模拟输入输出板卡analog-to-digital converters 模数转换器ancillary devices 辅助产品angle finder 弯角取景器angle of view 视角anti-red-eye 防红眼aperture priority(ap) 光圈优先aperture 光圈apo(apochromat) 复消色差application-development software 应用开发软件application-specific software 应用软件apz(advanced program zoom) 高级程序变焦arc 弧图的一部分;表示一曲线一段的相连的像素集合。

area ccd solid-state sensors 区域ccd 固体传感器area cmos sensors 区域cmos传感器area-array cameras 面阵相机arrays 阵列asa(american standards association) 美国标准协会asics 专用集成电路astigmatism 像散attached coprocessrs 附加协处理器auto bracket 自动包围auto composition 自动构图auto exposure bracketing 自动包围曝光auto exposure 自动曝光auto film advance 自动进片auto flash 自动闪光auto loading 自动装片auto multi-program 自动多程序auto rewind 自动退片auto wind 自动卷片auto zoom 自动变焦autofocus optics 自动聚焦光学元件automatic exposure(ae) 自动曝光automation/robotics 自动化/机器人技术automation 自动化auxiliary 辅助的Bback light compensation 逆光补偿back light 逆光、背光back 机背background 背景backlighting devices 背光源backplanes 底板balance contrast 反差平衡bar code system 条形码系统barcode scanners 条形码扫描仪barrel distortion 桶形畸变base-stored image sensor (basis) 基存储影像传感器battery check 电池检测battery holder 电池手柄bayonet 卡口beam profilers 电子束仿形器beam splitters 光分路器bellows 皮腔binary image 二值图像只有两级灰度的数字图像(通常为0和1,黑和白)biometrics systems 生物测量系统blue filter 蓝色滤光镜blur 模糊由于散焦、低通滤波、摄像机运动等引起的图像清晰度的下降。



对比度增强算法的英文Contrast enhancement algorithms are commonly used in image processing to improve the quality and clarity of images by increasing the difference in brightness and color between different parts of the image. These algorithms work by stretching or compressing the intensity levels of the image to achieve a better contrast ratio.There are several different types of contrast enhancement algorithms, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most popular contrast enhancement algorithms include Histogram Equalization, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE), Retinex, and Brightness and Contrast adjustments.Histogram Equalization is a basic algorithm that redistributes the intensity levels of the image to cover the full range of pixel values. This can be effective in improving the overall contrast of the image, but it may also lead to the loss of some details in the image.Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) is an improved version of Histogram Equalization that limits the contrast enhancement in localized regions of the image. This helps to prevent the over-enhancement of noise in the image and produces better results in terms of image quality.Retinex is a more advanced contrast enhancement algorithm that uses a multi-scale approach to enhance the contrast of the image. It separates the image into different scales and adjusts the contrast of each scale individually, resulting in a more natural and visually pleasing enhancement.Brightness and Contrast adjustments are simple and intuitive contrast enhancement algorithms that allow users to manually adjust the brightness and contrast levels of the image. While these adjustments can be effective in improving the contrast of the image, they are not as sophisticated as the other algorithms mentioned above.Overall, contrast enhancement algorithms play a crucial role in image processing and can significantly improve the quality and visual appeal of images. By understanding the different types of contrast enhancement algorithms available, users can choose the mostappropriate algorithm for their specific needs and achieve the desired enhancement results.。



User GuideAxiocam 506 color/monoMicroscope CameraCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbHCarl-Zeiss-Promenade 1007745 Jena, Germany********************/microscopyCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbHKönigsallee 9-2137081 GöttingenGermanyEffective from: 06 / 2016© Jena 2016 by Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH - all rights reservedThis document or any part of it must not be translated, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information or retrieval system. Violations will be prosecuted.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, etc. in this document does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Software programs will fully remain the property of ZEISS. No program, documentation, or subsequent upgrade thereof may be disclosed to any third party, unless prior written consent of ZEISS has been procured to do so, nor may be copied or otherwise duplicated, even for the customer's internal needs, apart from a single back-up copy for safety purposes.ZEISS reserves the right to make modifications to this document without notice.1About this guide 51.1Introduction5 1.2Safety notes conventions6 1.3Text formats and conventions62Safety 82.1Safety Notes8 2.2Limitation of liability9 2.3Warranty93Technical Data 10 3.1Axiocam 506 color/mono103.1.1Binning Mode and Frame Rate123.1.2Live Frame Rates133.1.3Spectral Sensitivity14 4Shipment 15 5Connecting the camera 175.1Camera Overview17 5.2Building in the interface card18 5.3Mounting the camera on the microsope18 5.4Connecting the camera to the PC19 5.5Connecting the trigger cable20 5.6Function indicator226Installing Software and drivers 23 6.1Installing software and drivers23 7Trouble-shooting 24 7.1Software247.1.1The camera does not appear in the menu of selectablecameras247.1.2You don't see a camera image on your screen247.1.3The color of my image does not correspond to the impressionthrough the ocular24 7.2Hardware257.2.1Vibrations258Maintenance 268.1Optical System26 8.2Cleaning the infrared filter or protective glass269Disposal and Recycling 271 About this guide | 1.1 Introduction1About this guide1.1IntroductionWelcome Welcome to the user documentation.The camera is a professional digital camera for universal light microscopy with ahigh resolution sensor and a USB 3.0 interface. The camera can be ordered as colorcamera ( color) or monochrome camera ( mono).As setting up the two camera models is the same, this guide stands for bothcamera models. The differences in the specs can be found in the chapter TechnicalData [} 10]. To set up the camera correctly, follow the instructions in this guidestep by step.Content1 About this guide | 1.2 Safety notes conventions1.2Safety notes conventionsThe safety notes in this document follow a system of risk levels, defined in thefollowing manner:1.3Text formats and conventionsBold textsBold is used for texts within the software like names of GUI elements (e.g. buttons,sections, tools, menus), buttons on a device, and product names (e.g. MTB 2011).Font type "Courier"Used for programming code, e.g. macro code as well asfor anything that you would type literally whenprogramming, including keywords, data types, constants,method names, variables, class names, and interfacenames.Shortcuts and key commandsShortcuts are written like Crtl+C, meaning you should press Crtl-Key and C-Keysimultaneously.1 About this guide | 1.3 Text formats and conventionsProceduresThe following formats are used for procedures (instructive sequences):Prerequisites¢stands for a condition which must be fulfilled before starting with the action.Procedure1stands for a single step the user is asked to perform.Web-LinksWeb links appear in blue text. To open the linked website, simply click on the link.Please make sure you have an internet connection established before opening theweb link.2 Safety | 2.1 Safety Notes2Safety2.1Safety NotesThe has been manufactured and tested by ZEISS according to the regulationsspecified in CE and has left the manufacturer’s premises in perfect working order.In order to ensure that this condition is maintained and to avoid any risks whenoperating the system, the user must comply with any notes and warningscontained in this manual. The manufacturer shall be exempt from statutory liabilityfor accidents should the operator fail to observe the safety regulations.2 Safety | 2.2 Limitation of liability2.2Limitation of liabilityNo warranty shall be assumed by ZEISS during the warranty period if the equipmentis operated without observing the safety regulations. In any such case, ZEISS shallbe exempt from statutory liability for accidents resulting from such operation.2.3WarrantyZEISS shall be exempt from any warranty obligations should the user fail to observethe safety regulations. ZEISS only guarantees the safety, reliability, and performanceof the system if the safety notes are closely observed.3 Technical Data | 3.1 Axiocam 506 color/mono3Technical Data3.1Axiocam 506 color/mono3.1.1Binning Mode and Frame Rate3.1.2Live Frame RatesAxiocam 506 color Max. Ratings at optimum settings; Hardware and color enhancement off:Axiocam 506 mono Max. Ratings at optimum settings3.1.3Spectral SensitivityAxiocam 506 colorFig. 3.1: Axiocam 506 color incl. Hoya C5000 IR Cut FilterAxiocam 506 monoFig. 3.2: Spectral Sensitivity Axiocam 506 mono4ShipmentFig. 4.1: Camera, data cableAccessory (optional)Fig. 4.2: Axiocam trigger cable5 Connecting the camera | 5.1 Camera Overview5Connecting the camera5.1Camera OverviewCamera connectionsFig. 5.1: Camera back5 Connecting the camera | 5.2 Building in the interface card5.2Building in the interface cardThis chapter describes how to build in the PCI express interface card (4 x USB 3.0)into your PC.Prerequisites¢You have read the documentation of the interface card and of your computerbefore you build in the interface card.Procedure1Switch off your PC and all connected peripherals.2Disconnect the PC and the peripherals from the mains and open the computercase.3Examine your PC’s power supply to see if it has Molex type connectors or SATAtype connectors. Choose the appropriate power connector cable for thefollowing steps. If your PC’s power supply has both connector types, chooseonly one cable.4Connect the appropriate power connector cable to one of the openconnectors from your computer’s power supply.5Connect the other end of the power cable to the PCIe interface card.6Insert the PCIe interface card into the appropriate slot on your computer.7Close the computer case and reconnect the peripherals.You can now mount the camera on the microscope and connect it to the PC viathe USB 3.0 interface, see Connecting the camera with PC.5.3Mounting the camera on the microsopeTo mount the camera onto your microscope’s TV port, use a C-mount adapter. Theadapter is not included in the shipment. You will find some suitbale examples foradapters in the list below:5 Connecting the camera | 5.4 Connecting the camera to the PCProcedure1Remove the dust cap from the camera’s C-mount port.2Screw the adapter in as far as it will go.3Mount the camera onto the microscope’s TV port. Ensure that no dust entersthe opening of the camera or the microscope’s TV port.5.4Connecting the camera to the PCProcedure1Lay the USB cable (2 in 1) carefully between the camera and the PC.2Connect the USB cables to the USB 3.0 interface card of the PC.3Connect the USB cables with the camera.4If you switch on the PC, the camera will be also switched on.Power is supplied via the USB 3.0 cable. The USB 2.0 cable supplies the peletiercooling. By switching off the PC, the camera will be switched of as well. If thecamera is assembled correctly, the status LED will light red. If you start the softwarethe LED will turn blue. You`ll find a detailed description of the LED status light in thechapter Function indicator5 Connecting the camera | 5.5 Connecting the trigger cable5.5Connecting the trigger cableIn this chapter you will learn how to connect the trigger cable (optional) to thecamera and the SVB (signal distribution box).Fig. 5.2: Trigger cableProcedure1Plug the connector Commercial Micro D (7) in the trigger connector on theback of the camera, see Camera Overview [} 17].2Plug the connector Trigger (1) in the socket Trigger Out of the SVB (Signaldistribution box).5 Connecting the camera | 5.5 Connecting the trigger cableFig. 5.3: Signal distribution box (SVB) backside3Plug the connector GPO 0 (2) in the socket Trigger In 1 of the SVB (Signaldistribution box).4Plug the connector GPO 1 (3) in the socket Trigger In 2 of the SVB.5Connect the connectors GPOPWR (5) and AUXPWR (6) of the trigger cabletogether.GPO 2 (4) is not connected.5 Connecting the camera | 5.6 Function indicator5.6Function indicator6 Installing Software and drivers | 6.1 Installing software and drivers6Installing Software and drivers6.1Installing software and driversPrerequisites¢To acquire images with the on a PC, you must install ZEISS software (e.g. ZENor AxioVision). You will find the software installation on the DVD delivered.The camera drivers will be installed automatically during the installation of thesoftware.¢Before starting the installation of the software and drivers, the camera must beconnected to the PC, see chapter Connecting the camera to a PC.Procedure1Install the software according to the installation guide delivered with thesoftware.2During the installation you will be asked to install the camera drivers. Followthe procedure by confirming the upcoming messages.3Restart your PC after the installation.4You can check in the device manager if the driver installation was successful.You have installed the software and the camera drivers. You can now startacquiring images with your camera using ZEISS software. For more information,please read the software documentation.7Trouble-shooting7.1Software7.1.1The camera does not appear in the menu of selectablecameras¢Make sure that you have connected the camera and installed the software and drivers in accordance to the instructions in this manual.¢Make sure that you installed the software and drivers with administrative rights. Install the driver with administrative rights again if necessary.7.1.2You don't see a camera image on your screen¢Check the light path setting of the microscope.¢Is the status LED on the camera on? If not, check the cable connections between camera and computer.¢Execute a reset of the camera.¢Execute an automatic exposure measurement.¢Check the display adjustments for the live image.¢Check the aperture diaphragm of the microscope.¢Check the position of the beam splitter between the ocular and the TV port.7.1.3The color of my image does not correspond to theimpression through the ocularIn case of color cameras:¢Check white balance and, if necessary, repeat white balance.¢Check the monitor’s color temperature setting. If necessary, reduce this to the lowest value that can be set (usually 5200 K).In case of monochrome cameras:¢Images of monochrome cameras are displayed by using overlay colors to represent the colors of fluorescence dyes on the monitor. If the color isdifferent to the visual impression in the eyepiece, select a different overlaycolor.7.2Hardware7.2.1VibrationsSudden jolt, vibration or moving objects during the acquisition can detract theimage quality. The intensity of light during exposure time can change as well.¢To avoid jolt use damping systems on your microscope.¢Repeat the shot and take care to ensure the conditions remain calm.8 Maintenance | 8.1 Optical System8Maintenance8.1Optical SystemThe internal optical components of the camera should always be protected. If nolens, or TV adapter with optics, is screwed into the camera's C-Mount thread, thecamera's sensor and protective glass must be protected by screwing the protectivecap onto the camera's C-Mount thread.8.2Cleaning the infrared filter or protective glassContamination of the IR filter (for color cameras only) or the protective glass has anadverse effect on the quality of the resulting image (dark points, cloudy structuresin the image). If there is dry dust on the front side of the infrared filter or protectiveglass, you can remove it with a soft brush or with cotton (wool). Use cleaning fluidfor optics/lenses only to clean the IR filter. Do not use tap water to clean the IRfilter.9 Disposal and Recycling9Disposal and RecyclingThis product has been developed, tested and manufactured in accordance with theapplicable environmental provisions and directives of the European Union:¢The product and its accessories comply with EU directives 2002/95/EC (RoHS)and 2002/96/EC (WEEE), insofar as these apply to this product.¢ZEISS has implemented a take-back and recycling process that ensures thatproper recycling is carried out in accordance with the aforementioned EUdirectives.¢Please contact your ZEISS sales/service organization for details relating todisposal and recycling.¢This product must not be disposed of with domestic waste or using municipalwaste disposal services. In the event of resale, the seller must inform the buyerof the need to dispose of the product appropriately.Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbHCarl-Zeiss-Promenade 1007745 Jena, Germany********************/microscopyCarl Zeiss Microscopy GmbHKönigsallee 9-2137081 GöttingenGermanyZEISS reserves the right to make modifications to this document without notice.© Jena 2016 by Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH - all rights reserved。



光电英语词汇(L1)光电英语词汇(L1)光电英语词汇(L1)label 标示语,标号labelled compound 标记化合物labelling (1)标记(2)示踪laboratory 实验室lacquer (1)漆(2)喷漆lacquer coating 漆涂层lad running 负载逸行ladder diagram 梯形图ladder filter 梯形滤波器laead wire 引线laer calorimeter 激光量热器laer interferometr manometer 激光千涉气压计laer isotope separation 激光同位素分离laer machnie 激光加工机laer mapping equipment 激光测绘机laer material processing 激光加工laer medium 激光媒质laer microannalysis 激光微量分析laesr satellite tracking installation 激光卫星跟踪装置laevorotatory 左旋光的laevorotatory substance 左旋物质lag (1)移後(2)落後(3)滞lag characteristic 滞後特性lag curve 滞後曲线lagging circuit 滞後电路lagrange's identity 拉格朗日恒等式lagrange's invariant 拉格朗日不变量lagrangian (1)拉氏函数(2)拉氏算符lagrangian desity 拉格朗日密度lagrangke's equation 拉格朗日方程lalsing threshold 激光阈值lamb dip 兰姆凹陷lamb dip frequency stabilization 兰姆凹陷稳频lamb shift 兰姆移动lamb's semiclassical theory 兰姆半经典理论lamber's consine relatino 朗伯余弦关系式lamber't's law radiator 朗伯律辐射体lambert 朗伯lambert's cosine law 朗伯余弦定律lambert's (absorption)law 朗伯(吸收)定律lambertian distrbution 朗伯分布lambertian emitter 朗伯发射体lambertian extened source 朗伯扩展光源lambertian reflector 朗伯反射体lambertian source 朗伯源lambertian source plane 朗伯光源平面lambertian surface source 朗伯表面光源lamella 薄片,薄层lamellar grating 层状光栅lamellar grating interferometer 层状光栅干涉仪lamina (1)薄片,薄板(2)层状体laminar film 片状膜laminar flow dye laser 层流染料激光器laminar grating 层式光栅laminarization 片状化,层状化laminated 分层的,叠片的laminated cell 叠层电池laminated glass 叠层玻璃laminated media 分层媒质lamination (1)分层(2)叠片(3)纹理laminographyx 射线分层法lamp 灯lamp base 灯座lamp black 灯炱lamp bulb 灯泡lamp cord 灯线lamp disply panel 灯光显示盘lamp efficiency 灯发光效率lamp holder 灯座lamp housing 灯罩壳lamp plug 灯插头lamp socket 灯插座lamp switch knbo 灯开关旋钮lamp wire (1)灯线(2)灯丝lamp-house 灯罩land 地land surveying 大地测量landasat 陆地侦察卫星landau shift 兰道移动landing angle 降落角,着陆角landing light system 空降导航灯组landolt band 兰杜特带landolt ring 兰杜特环lang camera 兰氏照相机langley 兰利langmuir dark space 朗缪尔暗区langmuir probe 朗缪尔探针languir turbulence 朗缪尔湍流lanscape lens 取景镜头lantern (1)信号灯(2)幻灯lanthanide 镧lanthanide elements 镧旋元素lanthanum (la)镧lanthanum beryllate laser 铍酸镧激光晶体lanthanum crown glass 镧冕玻璃lanthanum flint glass 镧火石玻璃lanthanum fluoride 氟化镧lanthanum fluoride active medium 氟化镧激活媒质lanthanum glass 镧玻璃lanthanum oxysulfide laser (los laser)氧化硫化镧激光器lanthanum titanate 钛酸镧lanthanum titanate single crystal 錩酸镧单品lanthar lens 兰泰尔镜头lanu montonic scattering 劳厄单色散射lanuchvehicel 运载火箭lap joint 搭接,叠接laparoscope 腹腔镜laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换laplacian edge enhancement 拉卜拉士算符边缘增强laplacian operator 拉普拉斯算符lapping (1)抛光,研磨(2)搭接,重叠(3)余面lapping machine 精研机lapping plate 精研板lapping powder 研磨粉laps 磨刀large aperture lenses (150mm) 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上)large area tansmittance density 大面积透射系统large field speckle interferometery 大视场光斑干涉测量法large interference microscope 大型干涉显微镜large matrix store 大容量矩阵存储器large optical cavity 大光学共振腔large otpical cavity laser 大光腔激光器large projection display 大型投影显示large radius rsonator 大半径共振腔large resarch microscope 大型科研显微镜large scale digital computer 大型数字计算机large scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路large scale metrology 大尺寸测量法large screen disply 大屏幕显示large signal amplifier 大信号放大电路large toolmaker's measuring microscope 大型工具测量显微镜large-angle scanning 广角扫描large-aperture optical system 大孔径光学系统large-capacity communication 高容量通信large-core fiber 粗光纤large-diameter lens 大口径透镜large-displacement holography 大位移全息照相术large-fresnel-number optical resonator 大菲涅耳数光学共振器large-scale integration (lsi)大型积体电路larmor prescession frequency 拉莫尔进动频率laryngoscope 喉头镜lasability 可激射性lasable 可激射的lasable dye 可激射染性lasant 激射物lasar oscillator-amplifier system 激生振荡放大系统lascr 光启矽控整流器lascs 光启矽控开关lase 光激射lase crystal 激光激晶体lasecon 激光转换器laser 雷射laser (light amplification by stimulated emssion of radiation)(1)激光(2)激光器laser absolute gravimeter 激光绝对重力计laser absorption spectroscopy 雷射吸收光谱学laser absortion 雷射切削laser accelerator 激光加速器laser accelerometer 激光加速度计laser accumulation 激光能量聚集laser acoustic signal 激光一声学信号laser acquistion system 激光搜索系统laser action 激光作用laser activation 激光引发laser activity 激光性能laser aerocamera 激光航空照相机laser aid 激光装置laser aiming (1)激光瞄准(2)激光引导laser aligner 激光准直器laser alignment error 激光准直误差laser alignment telescope 激光瞄准望远镜laser altimeter 激光高度计laser amplifier 激光放大器laser anemometer 激光风速计laser anemometer signal 激光风速计信号laser anemometry 激光风速计量laser annealing 激光退火laser annealing equipment 雷射退火装置laser appliation in ophthalmology 眼科激光应用laser arrangment 激光装置laser array 激光阵列laser arrray source package 激光阵列源件laser arry axis 激光阵列轴laser automatic tracking system 激光自动跟踪系统laser back scatter device 激光後向射装置laser baem follower 激光束跟踪装罝laser bandwith 激光带宽laser bar 激光棒laser basic mode 雷射器基模laser beam (1)激光指向标(2)激光信标laser beam aplitter 激光分光镜laser beam danger 激光束laser beam disflection sensor 激光束损伤危险laser beam expander 激光束偏转传感器laser beam flying 激光束望远镜laser beam focus 激光束扫描laser beam foucing 激光束焦点laser beam profile measuring equipment 雷射光束波形量测器laser beam tracker 激光跟踪器laser beam trapping 激光束俘laser beam welding 激光束焊接laser beam-expanding telescope 激光束扩展器laser bioeffect 激光生物效应laser bleaching 激光漂白laser boring 激光打孔laser callimator 激光准直仪laser cammera 激光摄像机laser carrier 激光载波laser cavity 激光器腔laser cavity configuration 激光腔体结构laser cavity dumper 激光腔倒空器laser ceilmeter 激光测云仪,激光云高计laser ceilomenter 雷射云罩测高仪laser cell sorting 雷射式细胞析出laser cells 雷射用盒laser channel capacity 激光信道容量laser coagulators (ar, yag)雷射光凝固设备(argon,yag) laser coagulators (ar, yag)雷射光凝固设备(argon,yag) laser coating 激光镀膜laser coelosate 激光定向仪laser color printers 彩色雷射印表机laser colorimeter 激光色度仪laser colour film recorder 激光彩色胶片记录器laser computing machine 激光计算机laser cone calorimeter 激光锥形量热器laser control equipment 雷射控制设备laser controlled area 雷射控制区laser cooling 雷射冷却laser correlation spectroscopy 激光相关光谱学laser criber 激光划线器laser cross-beam velocimeter 交叉激光束速度计laser crystal orientatin instrument 激光晶体定向仪laser cutting 激光切割;雷射切割laser damage 雷射破坏laser damage in crystal 晶体激光损伤laser damage in optical coating 玻璃激光损伤laser damage threshold 光学镀层激光损伤laser defect inspection equipment 雷射缺陷检查设备laser deflection 激光损伤阈laser defletor 激光偏转laser demdulator 激光偏转器laser density probe 激光媒质密度探针laser designator 激光指示器laser detector 激光探测器laser diagnostics 激光诊断laser digital color copy machines 彩色雷射数位影印机laser digital monochrome copy machines 单色雷射数位影印机laser diode 激光二极管laser diode array 雷射二朽体阵列laser diode coupler 雷射二极体偶合器laser diodes 雷射二极体laser disc (ld)playersld 影碟机laser discsld 影碟片laser displacement meters 雷射移位计laser display 激光显示laser displays 雷射显示器laser distance detecotr 激光测距仪laser dopple homodyne detection 激光多普勒零拍检测laser doppler velocimeter 激光多普勒测速计laser doppler anemometer 激光多普勒风速计laser doppler blood current velocity meters 雷射都卜勒血流计laser doppler radar 激光多普勒雷达laser doppler rotational speed meters 雷射都卜勒转速仪laser doppler spectrometer 激光多普勒分光计laser doppler velocimeter 雷射都卜勒速度计laser doppler velocimeters 雷射都卜勒测速计laser doppler velocimetry (ldv)激光多普勒测速法laser dppler veloicty meassuremtn 激光多普勒测速laser drill 雷射钻孔laser dust monitors 雷射粉尘监视器,粒径量测器laser dyanamic balancing 激光动平衡laser dye 激光染料laser dyes 雷射用染料laser enrichment 激光浓缩laser entertainment equipment 雷射娱乐器材laser enxtensometer 激光延伸计laser equipment for printing 印刷制版用雷射装备laser etalon 激光标准具laser evaporation and deposition 激光蒸发与淀积laser exciation 激光激发laser exciter 激光激发源laser extension meter 雷射拉伸计laser eye protection 眼的激光防护laser eyewear 雷射护目镜laser facsimile printing 激光传真印刷laser facsimiles 雷射传真机laser fiber-optic transmission system 雷射光纤传输系统laser fingerprint detectors 雷射指纹检测器laser flow cyto meters 雷射流体细胞仪laser flowmeter 激光流量计laser focal shift monitor 激光焦点移测器laser focusing system 激光聚焦系统laser footprint 雷射足迹laser frequency 激光频率laser frequency doubling 激光倍频laser frequency measurement 雷射频率测量laser frequency stability 激光频率稳定性laser frequency switch 雷射频率开关laser fusion 激光核聚变laser gain switching 激光增益开关laser gear 激光设备laser generated secod harmonic wave 激光辐射二次谐波laser generation 激光振荡laser generator 激光发生器laser geodynamic satellite 激光地球动力卫星laser glass 雷射玻璃laser gravimeter 激光重差计laser grooving 激光刻槽laser guidancel 激光制导laser guided weapon 激光制导武器laser gun 激光炮laser gyro axis 激光陀螺轴laser gyro package 激光陀螺装置laser gyroscope 激光陀螺laser gyroscope (or gyro)雷射回转器,雷射陀螺仪laser harmonic 激光谐波laser hazard 雷射危害laser head 雷射头laser head assembly 激光头装置laser head of plasma 激光加热等离子体laser heterodyne acoustic sensor 激光外差式声学传感器laser heterodyne system 激外差拍系统laser heterodynes measurement 激光外差测量laser hologram (1)激光全息图(2)激光全息照片laser holographic camera 雷射全像照相机laser homing equipment 激光寻的装置laser homing head axis 寻的头轴laser host material 激光基质材料laser illumination 激光照明laser illuminator 激光照明器laser image-speckle interferometer 激光像斑干涉仪laser imagery rectoder 图像记录器laser imate converter (lic)激光图像转换器laser implosion 激光向心爆炸laser induced 激光感生的,激光感应的,激光引发的laser induced alignment 激光感生准直laser induced breakdown 激感生击穿laser induced chemical reasction 激光致化学反应laser induced crack 激光致裂纹laser induced damage 激光致损伤laser induced fluorescence 激光感生荧光laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy 激光感生荧光光谱学laser induced fluorescene spectrum 激光感生荧光光谱laser induced gas 激光感生气体laser induced photodissociation 激生感生光解laser induced spark light source 激光感生火花光源laser initiated 激光引发的laser instrumentation 激光计测laser intelligence data 激光信息数据laser interfermetry 激光干涉测量laser interferometer 雷射干涉计laser interferometer camera 激光干涉仪照相机laser interferometer with autophoto-electrial conunting 自动光电记数激光干涉数laser intergfermeter 激光干涉仪laser interplanetar communication 行星际激光通信laser intersatellite communication 卫景间激光通信laser intra-acvity technique 激光内腔技术laser irradiated surface 激光辐照面laser irradiation 激光辐照laser isotope sparation 雷射同位素分离laser job shops 雷射加工代工中心laser kerr cell 激光克尔盒laser laryer 激射层laser length measuring machine 激光测长机laser length standar 激光长度基准laser lenses 雷射透镜laser level 激光能级laser level meter 激光水平仪laser leveler 激光水平仪laser levels 雷射水平仪laser leviation 激光悬浮laser levver 激光器杠杆laser lighthouse 激光灯塔laser ligth demodulating system 激光解调系统laser ligthing 激光照明laser line 激光线laser line filter 雷射线滤器laser line-scanning sensor 激光线扫描传感器laser linear comparator 激光线性比较仪laser linewidth 雷射光谱线宽laser linewith 激光线宽laser local oscillator 激光本机振荡器laser locator (1)激光定位器(2)激光探测器laser locking 激光同步laser lockon (1)激光跟踪(2)激光锁定laser lunar ranging 激光月球测距laser machining 激光加工机laser marking-off equipment 雷射标线设备laser material 激光材料laser medicine 激光医学laser medium 雷射介质laser melt quenching 激光熔融猝灭laser memory 激光存储器laser micromachining 激光微型工laser microscope 激光显微镜laser microscopes 雷射显微镜laser microscopy 雷射显微术laser mirror 激光器反射镜laser mirrors 雷射面镜laser missile tracker 激光导弹跟踪仪laser modulation 激光调制laser modulation distance meters 雷射调变测距方式距离感测器laser modulator 激光调制器laser monochrome printers 单色雷射印表机laser needles for acupuncture 雷射针(针灸用)laser noise 激光噪声laser nozzle 激光喷嘴laser onding 激光焊接laser opthalmoscope 激光检眼镜laser optical bench 激光光具座laser optics 激光光学laser optoacoustic detection 激光生声探测laser optoacoustic method 激光光声法laser oscillation condiation 激光器的振荡条件laser oscillator 激光振荡器laser outer diameter measuring sensors 雷射外径测定器laser output spectrum 激光输出光谱laser pattern generation 雷射图形产生器laser pen 雷射笔laser phased array 激光相控阵列laser photochemistry 雷射光化学laser photocoagulator 激光凝聚器laser photography 激光照相术laser photometer 激光光度计laser photometry 激光光度学laser phtolysis 激光光解laser physics 激光物理学laser piercing power 激光穿透能力laser pipe fibre optics 激光管纤维光学laser plasma tube 激光器等离子管laser platform 激光平台laser plume 激光羽laser pointers 雷射指示器laser pollution detective devices 雷射公害检测设备laser positioning equipment 雷射定位设备laser power 激光功率laser powered engine 激光动力引擎laser precision length measurement 激光精密测长laser printer 激光印刷机laser probbility 激光跃迁概率laser probe 激光探针laser probing 激光探测laser processing 激光加工laser projection microscope 激光投影显微镜laser protective eyewave 激光护目镜laser protective housing 雷射安全(保护)罩laser pulment level 激光锤准器laser pulse length 激光脉冲长度laser pump (1)激光泵(2)激光抽运laser pumping 激光抽运laser pyrolysis gas chromatography 激光热解气体色谱法laser q-spoiler, q-spoiler 雷射抑制器laser q-switchesq 开关laser radar 激光雷达laser ramn specrophotometer 激光喇曼分光光度计laser range finder 测光测距仪laser rangefinder 雷射测距仪laser rangefinding 激光测距laser rangepole 激光测距竿laser ranging station 激光测距站laser rate equation 激光速率方程laser recevier system 激光接收系统laser reconnaissance camera 激光侦察照相机laser recorder 激光记录器laser reflector 激光反射器laser reflow soldening 雷射动流焊接laser rendezvous technique 会合用激光技laser resistor trimming 雷射电阻微修整laser resonator 激光器共振腔laser rifle 激光桧laser rligth 激光laser rod 激光棒laser rods 雷射棒laser safety standard 激光安全标准laser satellite 激光卫星laser satellite tracking station 激光卫星跟踪站laser satellite-to-satellilte communication 卫星间激光通信laser saturation spectrocopy 激光饱和光谱学laser scalper 激光手术刀laser scanner-plotter 激光扫描绘图器laser schieren photography 激光纹影照相术laser schlieren apparatus 激光纹影仪laser searchlight 激光探照灯laser security/surveillance equipment 人体检知感测器,雷射保全设备laser seismometer 激光地震仪laser sensor 激光传感器laser service connection 雷射连接件laser sihgt 激光瞄准器laser skin protection 皮肤的激光防护laser slabs 雷射板laser solution 激光溶解laser spac-to-ground voce link 激光空对地通话系统laser spacraft comunication 宇宙飞船激光通信laser spec communicaion 空间激光通信laser speckle 激光斑点laser speckle interfermetry 激光斑干涉量度术laser spectral output 激光光谱输出laser spectrograph 激光摄谱仪laser spectroscopy 激光光谱学laser spectrum 激光光谱laser spiking 激光尖峰laser squib 激光引爆器laser star-up system 激光起动系统laser stark spectroscopy 激光斯塔克光谱学laser strainmeter 激光应变计laser streak velocimeter 激光条纹速度计laser streemetry 激光测体积术laser stylus 激光唱针laser surface inspection equipment 雷射表面检查设备laser surveillance 激光监视laser switch 激光开关laser system 激光系统laser target 激光靶laser technique in computers 计算机激光技术laser technology in agriculture 农业激光技术laser televison 激光电视laser televison camera 激光电视摄影机laser terrain avoidance sensor 激光防撞传感器laser terrain-clearance indcator 激光测高计laser theodlites/transits 雷射经纬仪laser theodolite 激光经纬仪laser thermal constants measurement equipment 雷射热常数量测设备laser thickness gauges 雷射厚度计laser threshold 激光阈值laser tracked satellite 激光跟踪卫星laser tracker 激光跟踪装置laser trackign head 激光跟踪头laser tracking 激光跟踪laser tracking axis 激光跟踪轴laser tracking subnet 激光跟踪分网laser tracking system 激光跟踪系统laser transfer printing 激光转换印刷laser transit telescope 激光经纬仪laser transition 激光跃迁laser transition frequency 激光跃迁频率laser transmission 激光传剸laser transmitter 激光发射机laser trimmer 激光微调器laser trimming 激光微调laser tube 激光管laser tubes and bores 雷射管laser underwater comunication 水下激光通信laser vaporization 激光汽化laser vector velocimeter 激光矢量速度计laser velocimeter 激光速度计laser velocimetry 激光速度学laser vibration probe 激光振动探针laser videodisk system 激光录盘系统laser voice link 激光通话线路laser watch-dog 激光监视器laser waveform generator 激光波形发生器laser weapon 激光武器laser welder 雷射焊器laser welding 激光焊接laser window 激光窗laser with strip geometry 激光垂直型激光器laser zenith meter 激光垂直仪laser-activated fusion 激光引发聚变laser-based airborne measurement system 激光机载测量系统laser-callibrated 激光校准的laser-doppler anemometry 激光多普勒风速测定法laser-drilling 激光钻孔laser-edp seetup 激光电子数据处理装置laser-electroptic technology 激光电光技术laser-gated 激光选通laser-gated ringt vision sight 激光选通夜视瞄准器laser-guided bomb 激光制导炸弹laser-impack crater 激光冲击口laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy 雷射激发萤光光谱学laser-irradiated layered target 激光轴照分层靶laser-micro-strin guage 激光微应变计laser-microwave 激光微波laser-mode control 激光模控制laser-plane targe 激光平面靶laser-powered space vehicle 激光动力宇宙飞船laser-produced plasma 激光产产的等离子体laser-quenching 激光淬火laser-scope 激光观察器,激光显示器laser-seeker (1)激光制导导弹(2)激光寻的器laser-target indicator 激光指示器laser-target plasma 激光靶等离子体laser-target positioner 激光靶定位装置laser-triggered spark gap 激光触发火花隙laser-triggered switch 激光触发开关laser-triggered switching (lts)雷射触动开关laser-trimming 雷射微修整laser-welding machine 激光焊接器lasercom (laser communictation)激光通信lasergraphy 激光照相术lasering (1)激光作用(2)产生激光laserium 激光天象仪laserphoto 激光照片传真laservessel 激光器容器lash system 激光半主动寻的系统lasing (1)激光作用(2)产生激光的lasing ability 光激射率lasing action 激光作用lasing diode 激光二极管lasing light emitter (1)激光源,激光发射体(2)相干光源lasing linewidth 激光线宽lasing mode 激光模lasing safety 激光防护lasing threshold 发雷射底限lasing time 激光振荡时间lasr microspectral analyzer 激光显微光谱分析仪lasting ehavior 激光性能latch circuit 闩定电路latching circuit 闭锁电流latching relay 闩定继电路latck 锁闩,插销latensification 潜影加强,潜影强化latent astiggmatism 潜在像散latent color 横向色latent heat 潜热latent image 潜像latent light 潜光latent squint 潜在斜视latent sub-image 亚潜像latent vector 本征矢量later magnification 横向放大lateral adjuster 横向调整器lateral axis 横轴lateral chromatic aberration 横向色像差lateral clinometer 横向测斜仪lateral coherence 横向相干性lateral color aberration 横向色像差lateral discorder 横向无序lateral displaceent loss 横向位移损耗lateral extensometer 横向伸长计lateral interferometry 横向干涉术lateral magnification 横向放大率lateral magnifying power 横向放大率lateral mode (1)横向型(2)横模lateral mode selection 横模选择lateral movement 侧向移动lateral offset loss 横向补偿损失lateral plan 侧视图lateral refraction 横向折射lateral shaear interferometry 横向剪切干涉术lateral shearing interferometer 横向剪切干涉仪lateral shearing interferometric technique 横向剪切干涉计量技术lateral slide 横向带板lateral spherical aberration 横向球面像差lateral view 侧像图lateral vision 横向视觉lateral wave 横向波lateranl aberation 横向像差laternal spherical aberration 横条球面像差latex film 乳胶膜,乳液膜lath 板条lathe 车床latitude (1)纬度,纬度(2)宽容度(3)曝光范围latitude of exposure 曝光宽容度lattic (1)点阵(2)格子lattice 晶格,点阵lattice asymmetry 点阵不对称lattice constant 点阵常数lattice disorder 点阵无序lattice energy 晶格能lattice function 点阵函数lattice matching 点阵匹配lattice point 阵点lattice relaxation 点阵弛豫lattice scattering 点阵散射lattice structure 点阵结构lattice theory 点阵理论lattice vacancy 点阵空位lattice vibration 点阵振动lattice vibrational spectrum 点阵振动光谱lattice wave 点阵波laue camera 劳型x 射线照相机laue diffraction 劳厄衍射laue diffraction equation 劳厄衍射方程laue diffraction pattern 劳厄衍射图样laue interference 劳厄干涉laue method 劳厄法laue phtograph 劳厄照相laue point 劳厄点laue spot 劳厄斑laue symmetry 劳劳厄对称laue's conditions 劳厄条件laue's equation 劳厄方程launch (1)发动,起动(2)激发,激励launch angle 发射角launch escape system 发射逃逸系统launch numerical aperture (lna)发射数值孔径launcher 发射装置,起动装置launching charcteristic 发射特性launching fiber 发射纤维laurent half shade plate 洛冉半影片laurent polarimeter 劳朗偏振计laval nozzle 拉瓦尔喷嘴lavevorotaion 左旋law (1)定律(2)规律law of beer 比耳定律law of brewster 布儒斯特定律law of combination of errors 误差合成定律law of extreme path 极端光程定律law of photoelectricity 光电律law of reciprocity 倒易律,反比律law of reflection 反射定径law of refraction 折射定径law of refraction, snell's law 斯乃耳折射律law of reversibility 可逆律lawson criteria 劳逊判据lawson criterion 劳生判据layer 层,涂层layer optics 薄膜光学layer-to-layer transfer 层间转换layered laser 层状激光器layered target 层状靶laying 瞄准layout (1)设计(2)划线(3)设计图案lc liquid crystal 液晶lcating pin 定位销lcd monitors 液晶监视器lcd projectors 液晶投影机lcd tvs 液晶电视lcos liquid crystal on silicon 单晶矽液晶显示面板leach 沥滤器leaching 沥滤作用,浸析作用lead (1)导线,引线(2)超前,导前(3)前置量lead (pb)铅lead angle (1)前置角(2)超前角lead battery 铅蓄电池lead bem 引导光束lead borate glass 硼酸铅玻璃lead brass 铅黄铜lead bronze 铅青铜lead chloride 氯化铅lead cvered wire 铅包线lead flouride 氟化铅lead gauge 导程检查仪,螺距规lead glass 铅玻璃lead oxide vidicon 氧化铅摄像管lead salts 铅盐类lead screw 丝杆lead screw tester 丝杆检查仪lead selenide 硒化铅lead selenide detector 硒化铅探测器lead silicate glass 硅酸铅玻璃lead strontium photophate crystal 磷酸铅锶晶体lead sulfide detecror 硫化铅检测器lead sulfide film 硫化铅薄膜lead sulfide phtodetector 硫化铅光电探测器lead sulphide 硫化铅lead telluride 碲化铅lead tester 导程检查仪lead vapour tlaer 铅蒸气激光器lead zirconate-titante 锆钛酸铅lead-baffled collimator 铅闸准直差lead-in 引入线lead-lanthanum 铅镧合金lead-tin sulfide exitaxial film 硫化锡铅周附生膜,硫化鍚铅外延膜lead-tin-telluide 铅鍚碲化物lead-tin-telluride crystal 铅鍚碲晶体lead-tin-telluride detector 铅鍚碲探测器leader (1)导杆(2)引出线leading axle 导轴leading edge 前沿leading edge time 前沿时间leadkage impedance 漏泄阻抗leadkage loss 漏泄损失,漏损leaf (1)薄片(2)瓣leaf ofjk diaphragm (1)光阑薄片(2)光圈瓣leaf otpical aystem 薄片光学系统leaf shutter 叶片快门leaf spring 片簧leaf type shutters 叶片式快门leak 泄漏leak detector 检漏仪leak gas 漏气leak-free 不漏的leak-proof 密封的,防漏的leak-tight 密封的,防漏的leakage (1)漏出(2)漏出量leakage current 漏流leakage detector 探漏仪leakage of ligth 漏光leakance 漏电,漏泄电导leaky mode 漏模leaky wave 漏波leaky-mode buried-heterostructure 漏模掩埋式异质结构least circle of aberration 最小像差圈least circle of confusion 明晰圈least distance of ditnice vision 最小明视距离least square 最小二乘方least time principle 最小时间原理leatheretter 人造革lebedfeff polarisin interferometer 列别捷夫偏光干涉仪led chips for communication 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(通信用) led chips not for communication 发光二极体晶片、晶粒(非通信用)led color printers 彩色led 印表机led display systems 发光二极体显示(幕)系统led displays 发光二极体显示器led facsimiles 发光二极体传真机led light emitting diode 发光二极体led monochrome printers 单色led 印表机led reverse mounting type 薄晶片led, 反向黏着型薄晶片led wafers for communication 发光二极体晶圆(通信用)led wafers not for communication 发光二极体晶圆(非通信用)ledsight 预先瞄准lee hologram 李型全息图left circularly polarized light 左旋圆偏振光left-hand circular polarization 左旋圆偏振left-hand polarized electromagnetic wave 左旋偏振电磁波left-hand thread 左旋螺纹left-handed (1)左边的(2)左旋的left-handed circular polarization 左旋圆偏振left-handed circular polarized wave 左旋圆偏振波left-handed mirror iamge 左旋反射镜像left-handed quartz 左旋石英,左旋水晶left-handed rotation (1)左旋,左转(2)左旋光left-handed system 左旋系统leg (1)腿(2)管脚legal measuring instrument 法定测量仪器legal unit of measurement 法定计量单位legendr function 勒让德函数legendre's polynomiials 勒让德多项式legendre's transformation 勒让德变换leiberkuhn illumination 来伯科因照明leiss prism 莱兹棱镜leitez inerference microscope 莱茨干涉显微镜leith-upatnicks hologram 利思-乌帕特尼克斯全息图leitz sector shutter 莱茨扇形快门lelens factor 透镜因数leman prism 莱曼棱镜lenard phosphor 勒钠磷光质lenard ray 勒纳射线lenard tube 勒纳管lenard wiindow 勤纳窗length 长度length bar 量棒length of arc 弧长length of life 寿命length of run 运程length-measuring instrument (1)长度计量仪器(2)测长仪length-measuring machine 测长机lengthwise 纵向的lengthwise modulated laser recording 纵向调制激光纪录lens 透镜lens aberration 透镜像差lens angle 透镜场角lens aperture 透镜有效孔径lens arra 透镜阵列lens barrel 透镜镜筒lens bench (1)透镜组(2)透镜座lens blank 透镜毛坏lens blocking 透坏胶盘lens blooming 透镜敷霜lens board 透镜板lens center 透镜中心lens centering 透镜对中lens centrementer 透镜中心仪lens coating 透镜镀膜lens combgination 透镜组合lens corrected horn 激光校正喇叭lens coupling 透镜藕合lens covering a small angle of field 耦合取景器lens covering a wide agnle of field 窄视角透镜lens curvature 透镜曲率lens detector 透镜探测器lens diaphragm opening 透镜光阑孔lens disk 透镜盘lens doublet 双透镜物镜lens element 透镜元件lens errecting 透镜正像lens fflange 物镜凸缘lens field illumination 透镜视场照明lens holder 透镜架lens isis 透镜可变光阑,物镜光阑lens jacket 透镜套lens light guide 透镜导光管lens measure 透镜量具lens measuring instrument 透片测量器lens meridian 透镜子午线lens molding 透镜模造lens mount 透镜架lens of extreme apeterture 最大孔径物镜lens of variable focal length 可变焦聚透镜lens of wide aperture 大孔径物镜lens opimization comuter program 透镜最优化计算程序lens paper 镜头纸lens pillar 柱状透镜lens power 透镜光学能lens retainer 透护圈lens seat 透镜座lens shade 镜头罩lens speed 透镜速率lens stop 透镜光阑lens surface 透镜表面lens system 透镜组lens sytem 透镜组lens tester 透镜检验器lens testing chart 透镜测式表lens testing equipment 透镜测试设备lens tissue 拭镜纸lens transmission 透镜传递lens tube 透镜管lens turret 透镜转动架lens watch 透镜仪lens wave-beam device 透镜波束装置lens wave-beam guide 透镜光导管lens with automatic diaphragm 自动光阑透镜lens-brush 镜头刷lens-cap 镜头盖lens-carries 镜头析板lens-coated 镀膜透镜lens-copuled viewfinder 透镜lens-errecting telescope 透镜正像望远镜lens-grinding machine 透镜研磨机lens-hood 透镜遮光罩lens-like 类透镜的lens-like medium 类透镜媒质lens-mirror combination 透镜-反射镜组合lens-roughing machine 透镜粗磨机lens-to-image distance 透镜-像间距离lens/optical design consultants 镜头/光学设计顾问lensing 透镜作用lensless 无透镜的lensless aperture 无透镜孔径lensless fourier transform hologram 无透镜傅里叶变换全息图lensless imaging 无透镜成像法lensless matched filter 无透镜匹配滤波器lensless photogrpahy 无透镜照相术lensless real-image camera 无透镜实像照相机lenslet (1)小透镜(2)小晶体lensometer 焦度计lenticular 镜品及射面lenticular color photography 透镜状彩色摄影术lenticular film 两面凸状胶片lenticular image dissection 双凸像解剖lenticular screen 两面凸动屏幕lenticular stereo photography 透镜状立体摄影术lenticular stereograms 透镜状立体图lenticulation (1)透镜光栅(2)双凸镜形成(3)透镜光栅制造法lenz's law 楞次定律lepton 轻子;轻粒子;微子lesn mount 透镜座lesn spectrometer 透镜分光计lesn tensino meter 透镜引力仪lethal weapon 死光死器letterpress printing 凸版印刷leuocscope (1)光学高温计(2)感色计(3)色光光度计level (1)水平面,水平线(2)水准(3)永准差(4)级level ajustemet 水平调准level crosssing method 能级交叉法level de-excitation 能级去激发level deplection 能级耗尽level detector 能级检示器level gage 液面指示器,水准仪level life 能级寿命level line 水准线level meter 液位计level multiplicity 能级多重性level of feeling 感觉级level of significance (1)有水平(2)有效级level sensitivity 水准灵敏度level surface 水准面level surve 水准测量level tester 校水准器level tryer 水平试验器leveling (1)水准测量(2)校平,调平(3)矫正,矫直leveling buble 水准气泡leveling head 校平头leveling instrument 水准仪器leveling screw 校平螺钉levelkey 调平键levelness 水平度levels 水平仪lever (1)杆(2)杠杆(3)柄lever arm 杆臂lever crank mechanism 摆杆曲柄连杆机构lever-arm ratlo 标臂比lever-type dial indicator 杠杆式千分表levgeling mirror 调平镜leviation 浮置levorotation (1)左旋(2)左旋光levortary 左旋levortator (1)左旋的(2)左旋光的lgith gide 光导li-nd phosphate glass 锂钕磷酸盐玻璃liar 光学物镜,光学镜头liberation 释放,放出libraary automotion 程序库自动化libratrion (1)摆动(2)平衡lid 盖,罩lidar 激光雷达life 寿命lifht choppers 斩光器liganed field 配位场ligh microgudide 微型光导管ligh sensitivity (1)光敏性(2)光敏度light (1)光,光线(2)灯(3)光学(4)轻的light absorption 光吸收light absorption line 光吸收线light actiated swicth (las)光敏开关light activated scr 光激可控硅整流器。

博世 DINION AN 5000 高解析度分辨率960H true day night 王座隐形摄

博世 DINION AN 5000 高解析度分辨率960H true day night 王座隐形摄

960Hu Ultra high resolution 960H sensoru High Dynamic Range to see bright and dark detailssimultaneouslyu Detail enhancementu Bilinx communication for remote set-up and controlu Easy to installThe DINION 5000 family combines high resolution withhigh dynamic range in a true day/night analog camera.The high performance 960H 1/3-inch CCD sensor witha resolution of 720TVL, the high dynamic range engine,and the advanced image processing technologycombine together to provide a detailed image withoutstanding accuracy in color reproduction even underharsh lighting conditions. True day/night performanceensures the highest image quality possible at any time,day or night. The camera is easy to install and offersthe best solution for demanding scene conditions.System overviewThe camera is supplied ready to operate – simplyattach the separately available lens, connect video andthen power. Six distinct pre-programmed operationalmodes are stored in the camera. Recall the mode thatsuits your application for optimized performance. Thelens wizard ensures accurate back-focusing forperfectly sharp pictures at all times. For especiallychallenging situations where fine tuning or specialsettings are required, the camera parameters can beindividually set using the control buttons on the sideof the camera and an Onscreen Display (OSD).FunctionsDetail in extreme lightingIn harsh lighting, the difference between the brightestand the darkest parts of a scene can be extreme. Toproduce a clear picture in these conditions, the CCDsensor in the camera generates two images; one longexposure to resolve details in the scene’s darkestareas, and one short exposure to resolve details in thescene’s brightest areas. The advanced imageprocessing technology in the camera combines thesedual shutter images, mixing pixels from each exposureto produce the most detailed image possible. Thesuperior wide dynamic range for all lighting conditionsreveals details previously unseen.Day/Night modeThe day/night mode provides enhanced night viewingby increasing the IR sensitivity. The IR filter can switchfrom color to monochrome automatically by eithersensing the illumination level or via the alarm input.The filter can be switched manually via the alarminput, through the camera menu or via the Bilinxcoaxial control interface. An internal through-the-lensIR detector enhances the monochrome mode stability,as it prevents reverting to the color mode when IRillumination is dominant. IR contrast is also measuredand used to handle reflected IR light in outdoorscenes.Ease of installationThe lens wizard helps focus the lens at the maximum opening to ensure proper back-focus is maintained throughout the 24-hour cycle. No special tools or filters are required.Six independent, pre-programmed operating modes support typical applications, but are fully programmable for individual situations. Switching between modes is easy via Bilinx or the external alarm input.Several other features are available that make installation easy:•Power and alarm cable connectors which can beremoved even when the camera is mounted.• A built-in test pattern generator produces signals totest and fault-find cables.• A multi-language On-Screen Display (OSD).• A high efficiency power supply improves maximumoperating temperatureCable compensation is used to avoid the need for amplifiers in long distance coaxial connections up to 1000 m (3000 ft). It can prevent the image quality degradation caused by signal losses from long cable lengths.Bilinx technologyBilinx is a bidirectional communication capability embedded in the video signal of this camera. Installers can check status, change camera settings and even update firmware from virtually anywhere along the video cable. Bilinx reduces service and installation time, provides for more accurate set-up and adjustment, and improves overall performance. In addition, Bilinx uses the standard video cable to transmit alarm and status messages, providing superior performance without additional installation steps.Ideal picture performanceThere are many settings available to help fine-tune the picture performance to match your installation environment. These include:•Smart BLC – automatically and dynamicallycompensates for strong backlight•Peak White Invert – reduces glare from highlightareas•Contrast and sharpness – enhance details in bright or misty scenes•SensUp – sensitivity is dramatically enhanced by afactor of 10•Default shutter – improves the motion performance in auto exposure mode•Dynamic noise reduction – dynamically reduces noise in the picturePrivacy maskingFifteen different privacy zones allow specific parts of a scene to be blocked. Pre-program any part of the scene to be masked.Video Motion DetectionThe built-in video motion detector allows you to select four programmable areas with sensitivity thresholds. When motion is detected, alarms can be displayed in the video signal, the output relay can be closed or an alarm message can be transmitted via Bilinx.Typical applications:•Entrance foyer or lobby with glare•Outdoor perimeters–low light–IR light•Traffic monitoring–highway–traffic intersections–emergency response coordination•Tunnels•Car parks (outdoor)•Restricted access locations such as:–prisons–ports / freight terminals–military facilities–border control and homeland•Casino and gambling centersDimensionsmm (in)Technical specificationsElectricalSensitivity (3200K, scene reflectivity 89%, F1.2)MechanicalEnvironmentalOrdering informationDINION AN 5000960H analog indoor WDR box camera. True day/night;720 TVL; 4-zone motion detect; 15-zone privacy mask;12VDC/24VAC; 50 Hz; PALOrder number VBN-5085-C11DINION AN 5000960H analog indoor WDR box camera. True day/night;720 TVL; 4-zone motion detect; 15-zone privacy mask;12VDC/24VAC; 60 Hz; NTSCOrder number VBN-5085-C21DINION AN 5000960H analog indoor WDR box camera. True day/night;720 TVL; 4-zone motion detect; 15-zone privacy mask;230VAC; 50 Hz; PALOrder number VBN-5085-C51AccessoriesLVF-5000C-D2811 Varifocal Lens960H varifocal IR-corrected lens. 1/3" sensor; CS-mount; 4-pin DC-iris; F1.4-360; 2.8 to 11 mmOrder number LVF-5000C-D2811LVF-5000C-D0550 Varifocal Lens960H varifocal IR-corrected lens. 1/3" sensor; CS-mount; 4-pin DC-iris; F1.6-360; 5 to 50 mm; high resolution; low distortionOrder number LVF-5000C-D0550LTC 3664/31 Varifocal Lens960H varifocal IR-corrected lens. 1/3" sensor; CS-mount; 4-pin DC-iris; F1.0-360; 3 to 8 mmOrder number LTC 3664/31EX12LED‑3BD‑8M Infrared IlluminatorMini IR 850 nm illuminator. LED array; 3D Diffuser;black; 17 m HFOV; 30º beam patternOrder number EX12LED-3BD-8MEX12LED‑3BD‑8W Infrared IlluminatorMini IR 850 nm illuminator. LED array; 3D Diffuser;black; 16 m HFOV; 60º beam patternOrder number EX12LED-3BD-8WEX12LED‑3BD‑9M Infrared IlluminatorMini IR 940 nm illuminator. LED array; 3D Diffuser;black; 17 m HFOV; 30º beam patternOrder number EX12LED-3BD-9MEX12LED‑3BD‑9W Infrared IlluminatorMini IR 940 nm illuminator. LED array; 3D Diffuser;black; 16 m HFOV; 60º beam patternOrder number EX12LED-3BD-9WTC8235GIT Ground Loop Isolation Transformer Order number TC8235GIT UPA-2430-60 Power SupplyPower supply for camera. 120 VAC, 60 Hz; 24 VAC,30 VA OutOrder number UPA-2430-60UPA-2420-50 Power SupplyPower supply for cameras. 220 VAC, 50 Hz In; 24 VAC,20 VA OutOrder number UPA-2420-50UPA-2450-50 Power Supply, 220 V, 50 HzIndoor power supply for camera. 220 VAC, 50 Hz In;24 VAC, 50 VA OutOrder number UPA-2450-50UPA-2450-60 Power Supply, 120 V, 60 HzIndoor power supply for camera. 120 VAC, 60 Hz In;24 VAC, 50 VA OutOrder number UPA-2450-60S1374 AdapterAdapter to convert C mount lens to CS mount cameraOrder number S1374Software OptionsVP‑CFGSFT Configuration SoftwareConfiguration software for cameras using Bilinx. VP-USB adaptorOrder number VP-CFGSFTRepresented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.203 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2015 | Data subject to change without notice 10162979339 | en, V11, 24. Nov 2015。

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Resolution Enhancement of Monochrome and Color Video Using Motion CompensationBrian C.Tom,Member,IEEE,and Aggelos K.Katsaggelos,Fellow,IEEEAbstract—In this paper,we propose an iterative algorithm for enhancing the resolution of monochrome and color image sequences.Various approaches toward motion estimation are investigated and compared.Improving the spatial resolution of an image sequence critically depends upon the accuracy of the motion estimator.The problem is complicated by the fact that the motion field is prone to significant errors since the original high-resolu-tion images are not available.Improved motion estimates may be obtained by using a more robust and accurate motion estimator, such as a pel-recursive scheme instead of block matching.In processing color image sequences,there is the added advantage of having more flexibility in how the final motion estimates are obtained,and further improvement in the accuracy of the motion field is therefore possible.This is because there are three different intensity fields(channels)conveying the same motion information. In this paper,the choice of which motion estimator to use versus how the final estimates are obtained is weighed to see which issue is more critical in improving the estimated high-resolution sequences.Toward this end,an iterative algorithm is proposed, and two sets of experiments are presented.First,several different experiments using the same motion estimator but three different data fusion approaches to merge the individual motion fields were performed.Second,estimated high-resolution images using the block matching estimator were compared to those obtained by employing a pel recursive scheme.Experiments were performed on a real color image sequence,and performance was measured by the peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR).Index Terms—High-resolution video,motion compensation,res-olution enhancement.I.I NTRODUCTIONH IGH-RESOLUTION images and sequences of images(video)are useful and often critical in many existing itary surveillance is such an application where a high level of detail in enemy formations,convoys, critical and by its nature is made purposefully difficult to obtain by the enemy.An approach toward obtaining high-resolution images is to increase the number of charge coupled devices (CCD)image sensors,typically corresponding to a decrease in their size.While this approach may be feasible for someManuscript received May6,1998;revised August4,2000.This work was presented in part at the1996European Signal Processing Conference[1]and the1996IEEE International Conference of Image Processing[2].The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publica-tion was Dr.Michael R.Frater.B. C.Tom is with the Center for MR Research,Evanston North-western Healthcare Research Institute,Evanston,IL60201(e-mail: briant@).A.K.Katsaggelos is with the Department of Electrical and Com-puter Engineering,Northwestern University,Evanston,IL60208(e-mail: aggk@).Publisher Item Identifier S1057-7149(01)00820-X.applications,often the cost and physical requirements involved may prove inviable.For example,in astronomical applications, image sequences are often obtained from cameras launched into space,where the cost,size,and weight of the sensors are critical in payload allowances.Another disadvantage of this approach is that the signal to noise ratio decreases with decreasing size of the CCD[3].In addition,there exists a theoretical lower limit on the size of the CCDs,due to the presence of shot noise [4].An alternate approach toward resolution enhancement is to use signal processing algorithms,and obtain a high-resolution image sequence from the corresponding observed low-reso-lution image sequence.The advantages of such an approach are the lower costs involved and the fact that a number of low-resolution images are already available and they cannot be re-acquired,even if high-resolution capabilities existed.A compression application can be envisioned,according to which instead of transmitting or archiving high-resolution sequences, low-resolution sequences are used,and then processed to a higher resolution when needed.The general approach for improving the resolution of a video signal consists of several steps.First,a degradation model de-scribing the relationship between the low-and the high-res-olution images needs to be developed.Second,the low-reso-lution images must be compensated for their motion.Third, the enhancement approach for obtaining the high-resolution im-ages needs to be derived,which depends upon the particular degradation model.It is the subpixel motion among low-resolu-tion frames which provides additional information about a given frame,enabling the increase of its spatial resolution.If the mo-tion field is exactly known,then using the appropriate number of low-resolution frames,a high-resolution frame(and therefore sequence)can be exactly reconstructed[5].Thus,the most im-portant step in estimating high-resolution sequences is that of motion estimation.However,it is well known that motion esti-mation is a very difficult problem due to1)its ill-posedness[6], 2)the aperture problem,and3)the presence of covered and un-covered regions.A number of algorithms for the resolution enhancement of video have appeared in the literature.Such algorithms differ in any of the three steps outlined above.Most of the algorithms deal with the increase of resolution of monochrome images and video[4],[7]while the application to color image sequences has not been widespread[1],[8].In[9]–[11],a nonrecursive ap-proach using maximum a posteriori(MAP)estimation was pre-sented,using a Gibbs prior.A linear model was used to describe the relationship between the low-and high-resolution images, and the motion was estimated by a block matching algorithm. In[12],a binary validity map is proposed to discourage use of1057–7149/01$10.00©2001IEEEthose motion vectors which are deemed erroneous due to inac-curacies in motion estimates,occluded regions,and newly in-troduced regions.An object of interest is selected and tracked.In [8],several “candidates”of motion estimates are selected,which are carried throughout the remainder of the algorithm,until the very end,when one set of motion estimates is chosen.The main reason for this approach is that a simple optimality criterion such as the mean absolute error (MAE),may not yield the most visually appealing result.In this paper an iterative video resolution enhancement algo-rithm is proposed,based on the multiple input restoration al-gorithm of [5].The low-resolution frames,appropriately com-pensated for the motion and upsampled,represent the multiple observations of a high-resolution frame.The iterative algorithm recovers the high-resolution frame from these multiple degraded versions.Various ways to estimate the motion and to compen-sate for it are investigated.Particular attention is paid to the use of the color channels in estimating the motion.The main premise behind using all of the color channels in motion estima-tion is that together they yield more accurate motion estimates [13].This was demonstrated in [14],where lower bit rates of a color sequence could be achieved if color motion estimation was used.The paper is organized as follows.Section II introduces the problem,the multiple input algorithm of [5]is briefly presented,and the proposed iterative algorithm for the resolution enhance-ment of monochrome video is described and analyzed.Sec-tion III discusses three different data fusion approaches for uti-lizing the color channels in order to improve the accuracy of the motion estimates.Experimental results are presented in Sec-tion IV ,and conclusions are drawn in Section V .II.R ESOLUTION E NHANCEMENT OF M ONOCHROME V IDEO A.Multiple Input Restoration AlgorithmIn [5],an approach to restoring an observed (degraded)image given multiple degraded versions of the same image is presented,based on a set theoretic regularization technique.In this subsection,this algorithm for image restoration is briefly described and notation is also introduced.We assume that thereare(1)whereth known distortion matrix and observed (de-graded)image,respectively;vectors);additive noise.Note that (1)assumes that there are different degradation op-erators,,toyield restricts it to lie in aset,-dimensional space.In order to make the problem tractable,ellipsoids are used,definedby(2)wheredescribes the center of the ellipsoid,andis a high-pass filterand.In comparing (2)and (3),it is clearthatand .Likewise,is the set of candidate solu-tion images given the observedimage.These sets are givenby(4)whereis the upper bound of the noise variancedescribing .The two constraints in (3)and (4)represent respectively the smoothness of the resulting image and its fidelity to the data.The intersection ofthese.This intersection is convexand can be described by another ellipsoid which bounds it.The center of this bounding ellipsoid is chosen as the solution to the original problem and is described by [5],[15](5)Thesolution,attheis a scalar controlling the convergence as well as therate of convergence of the iteration.B.Problem FormulationThe multiple input algorithm of Section II-A was originally developed for image restoration.However,it can be applied to the problem at hand,namely,that of increasing the spatial reso-lution of an image sequence.In this case,the multiple observed input images are the adjacent frames of the image sequence,and thedegradationthobserved low-resolution frame andthedenotestheFig.1.Relationship between low-and high-resolution frames. high-resolution frame atthepixels andeach high-resolution frameis is aninteger determining the degree of subsampling,thenCCD’s.The transposeof(Fig.2).The estimationof(8)whereto frameto framexxthe caseofin Fig.1.The image degradation model correspondingto (1)is now given by (9),where the degradationoperator(11)where the residualterm,(12)and.In [5],the contribution ofeach residual image,controlledby.In analyzing (11),it can be seen that the high-resolution es-timate at each iteration step consists of two components.The first component is the high-resolution estimate at the previous iteration step filtered by the low-passfilterno low-passfiltering is performed).The second component is the weighted sum of residuals which corrects and improves the current esti-mate.Each residual is formed first in the low-resolutiongrid;,according to(12).It is then upsampledby,is required.In addition,the DVF be-tweentheare used in estimating therequired DVFs;whileare used in estimating the requiredDVFs.III.R ESOLUTION E NHANCEMENT OF C OLOR V IDEO A.Advantages of Using Color SequencesAs mentioned earlier,the most important step in estimating good quality high-resolution sequences is that of motion estima-tion [16].Motion estimation is a challenging problem in itself,but it becomes more acute for the application under considera-tion,since the high-resolution frames required for motion esti-mation are not available.The two problems of motion estimation and improving the spatial resolution are inter-dependent.Accu-rate motion estimates cannot be found unless good quality (i.e.,with no significant artifacts)high-resolution frames are avail-able.On the other hand,these high-resolution frames are what is desired in the first place,and are not initially available.In general,it was found in [17]that it was sufficient to es-timate the motion field of a color sequence based on the lumi-nance component only,and use these parameters for motion-based prediction of both the luminance as well as the chromi-nance components.In [13],it was found that performing motion estimation using both the luminance and chrominance channels yielded savings in bit rate over that of using motion parameters estimated from the luminance channel alone.It was found ex-perimentally that,on the average,composite coding (using lu-minance and chrominance components)resulted in a savings of 11.6%in bit rate compared to luminance coding alone,for the same signal to noise ratio (SNR).However,this comes with ap-proximately 40%more computations.Thus,it was concluded that the trade-off between improvements in compression and computational complexity was case dependent,but in general,luminance coding was sufficient.In addition to these findings,the use of the chrominance components is investigated in this paper.Similarly to [14],we argue that the reason for using the luminance component only in today’s compression standards,is that of computational complexity,which,however,can be mitigated by advances in VLSI technology.In addition,the chief objective addressed in this paper is not compression(in real-time),which was the goal of the aforementioned papers,but increasing the spatial resolution of a video sequence(which can be done off-line). The three color channels provide more information than a single channel,which leads to improved accuracy of the motion field(measured in terms of mean squared error and smoothness of the field)[2],[8].The underlying premise is that for any color image sequence,the motion between adjacent frames for each color channel is exactly the same.In other words,there is only one actual motion field which describes the motion of an object from one frame to the next.This provides additional constraints for the motion estimator.In practice,however,when motion estimation is performed on each channel independently(using a block matching or a pel-re-cursive approach),the motion fields will differ among the chan-nels.The degree of(dis)similarity among these motion fields depends upon both the complexity of the image sequence(in terms of motion)as well as the motion estimator itself.In any event,it is desired and advantageous to have only one motion field representing the motion for all three channels.Toward this end,the following algorithms use all three color channels to es-timate a single motion field.Subsection III-B presents two ap-proaches which estimate the motion in two steps.In the first step,the DVF is estimated for each channel,similar to that of a monochrome sequence.In the second step,these three DVFs are combined via data fusion to yield a single DVF.Subsection III-C presents an optimal solution by simultaneously estimating the motion in a single step,given all three channels.B.Independent Channel Motion Estimation of a Color SequenceOnce motion has been estimated for each color channel at each frame,the question of which DVFs to actually use arises. The simplest choice would be to use those three(different)es-timated DVFs for motion compensation.However,this paper will focus on choosing a representative motion field to use for all three channels(data fusion).The motivation behind this ap-proach is that there only exists one true motion field for all three channels.Straightforward examples of data fusion is the use of a pre-specified vector,such as the one corresponding to the green channel(henceforth referred to as the single channel,SC,ap-proach),the vector median and the vector mean.Vectors can be ordered according to the approach presented in[18],where it was shown that the median of a sequence of values is the Max-imum Likelihood(ML)estimate of a bi-exponential probability density function,assuming that the data originated from such a source.In a similar manner,the vector mean is the ML esti-mate for a Gaussian distribution.The vector median of a series ofvectors,suchthatis chosen from theset of possible motion estimates(14),providedthatis even,then there can be an infinite number of possibilitiesfor[18].In thispaper,(16)whereFig. 3.Frame#28:(UL)original;(UR)bilinearly interpolated;(LL) observed;(LR)high-resolution frame,simultaneous motion estimation using block matching(BM),and no temporal recursion(NTR). independently and using their vector median(vector median approach),and3)finding the field simultaneously by equally weighting each color channel(simultaneous channel approach). In these experiments,the block matching estimator was used. The second set of experiments focused on the role of the mo-tion estimator by comparing the results obtained from a block matching algorithm with that of a pel-recursive approach.Re-sults were measured by finding the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR),which was calculated according to(17)where.In all experiments,the first forty frames of the color Mo-bile sequence were used,using the R-G-B color space,withpixels andrepresents a subsampled version of the Mobile sequence of ini-tial resolutionpixels is shown in Fig.3(LL).It wasobtained using(7).For comparison purposes,bilinear interpo-lation was performed on these low-resolution frames,resulting in the frame shown in Fig.3(UR).In comparing the top two im-ages of Fig.3,note the loss of detail around the edges,especially around the numerals of the calendar and also in the crosswalk and awning of the calendar picture.B.Data Fusion ApproachesIn all experiments,(11)was used withFig.5.PSNR versus frame number,NTR,blockmatching.Fig.6.PSNR versus frame number,TR,block matching.compared to their NTR counterparts.This is due to the propaga-tion of motion estimation errors.Since the block matching mo-tion estimator contains significant errors,these errors are prop-agated through the entire sequence due to the temporally recur-sive nature of the algorithm.If the errors were insignificant,then the errors would not be compounded.This will be discussed in the next section.As expected,all data fusion approaches yield higher PSNR values than the bilinear approach,ranging from 1to 1.5dB.One interesting finding is that the different data fusion approachesFig.7.High-resolution frames using a pel-recursive motion estimator:(UL) single channel(SC),no temporal recursion(NTR);(UR)single channel(SC), temporal recursion(TR);(LL)vector median(VM),no temporal recursion (NTR);(LR)vector median(VM),and temporal recursion(TR).behave more similarly in the green channel than the other two channels,as seen by the closer“spread”among the PSNR per-formance of the three different approaches.C.Pel-Recursive Motion EstimatorIn the second set of experiments,the pel-recursive motion es-timation algorithm of[22]was used.This algorithm yields more accurate motion estimates,though at the expense of increased computational cost.In this paper,only the single channel ap-proach and the vector median approaches were implemented. In the first two experiments of this set the single channel(SC) approach was used.The reconstructed high-resolution frames resulting from the application of the NTR and TR algorithms are shown respectively in Fig.7(UL)and(UR).The improvement in the legibility of the numbers“11”through“15”,over that of Fig.4(UL)and(UR)is clearly visible.Even more dramatic improvement can be seen when comparing this image with the bilinearly interpolated frame.The increased accuracy in the mo-tion estimates can be seen along the top of the train near the smoke stack.There are fewer artifacts for the pel recursive case when compared to the block matching estimator.In the next two experiments the vector median approach was used,with the same pel-recursive estimator.The reconstructed high-resolution frames resulting from the application of the NTR and TR algorithms are shown respectively in Fig.7(LL) and(LR).There is a noticeable improvement in these images over their SC counterparts,as seen by the increase in detail and edges.The SC images look a little more blurry than the bottom images.In comparing the NTR and TR versions of the same approach and same motion estimator,there is little visible difference.The PSNR plots for the pel recursive estimators are shown in Fig.8,for both the temporally recursive and the non tempo-rally recursive cases.A comparison of the PSNR values between the block matching and the pel-recursive methods,is shown in Fig.9.This plot clearly shows that with block matching al-gorithms,the use of temporal recursion degrades(in terms of PSNR)the results,while with pel-recursive algorithms,the use of temporal recursion improves the results.This is due to the in-creased accuracy of the motion estimates provided by the pel-re-cursive algorithm.D.DiscussionThe above experiments demonstrate that no data fusion ap-proach was a clear winner in terms of PSNR.From the charts in Figs.5and6,the differences in PSNR values among the three different data fusion approaches were small,for all color channels.In addition,the differences were hardly visible.How-ever,a general conclusion is that the data fusion approaches combining motion information from all three channels offered higher PSNR’s than the single channel approaches.The best overall data fusion approach for block matching was the simul-taneous method,followed closely by the vector median,and then the single channel algorithm.For pel-recursive estimators, the vector median performed better than the single channel al-gorithms,in terms of both PSNR and visual quality. Comparing the NTR and TR approaches,the choice of the motion estimator becomes an important factor.With a block matching motion estimator,the NTR approach should be used to prevent motion error propagation.With a pel-recursive motion estimator,the motion estimates are accurate enough to improve future time estimates,and therefore the TR method should be used.The cost of employing pel-recursive estimators,though,is an issue that cannot be ing a pel-recursive estimator for the experiments described earlier increased the processing time by approximately a factor of five.Depending on the applica-tion and the resources available,pel-recursive motion estima-tion schemes should be used only if the best results are desired, and the computational cost is not an issue.Otherwise,the block matching simultaneous NTR algorithm should be employed.V.C ONCLUSIONIn this paper,the problem of increasing the spatial resolution of an observed low-resolution sequence is investigated.Two im-portant findings were made.First,the accuracy of the motion estimator and to a lesser extent the fusion method used in color sequences were critical to the quality of the estimated high-res-olution sequence.In particular,pel-recursive schemes yielded higher PSNR values and sharper images,while the visual dif-ference between the results obtained from the“temporally re-cursive”and“nontemporally recursive”approaches was small. The choice of the motion estimator determines whether or not TR should be used,as discussed earlier.Visibly,the pel-recur-sive algorithm produced sharper edges and more details than the block matching approaches.Second,the inclusion of the color channels also improved the quality of the estimated high-resolution sequence,when com-pared to the single channel approach.By estimating the mo-tion fields corresponding to the three color channels,and then extracting a single motion field,higher PSNRs,and slightlyFig.8.PSNR versus frame number,pel-recursive.Fig.9.PSNR versus frame number,block matching and pel-recursive.sharper image sequences were obtained.The vector median ap-proach performed better than its single channel counterparts,for both block matching and pel-recursive schemes.Good resolution enhancement depends critically upon the ac-curacy of the motion field.The DVF can be improved in two ways:1)by using a more sophisticated motion estimator and 2)choosing the right data fusion approach.However,there ap-peared to be an interesting inter-relationship among the different methods involved.This was demonstrated by the difference in performance by the NTR and TR approaches when pel-recur-sive and block matching motion estimators were ing all three color channels significantly improved the results over that obtained from single channel methods,with varying de-grees of success,depending upon how data fusion was imple-mented(vector median versus simultaneous minimization).If computational cost is the main issue,then the NTR method with simultaneous block matching should be used.In all experiments performed,however,all approaches outperformed bilinear inter-polation,as expected.R EFERENCES[1] B.C.Tom and A.K.Katsaggelos,“Resolution enhancement of colorvideo,”Proc.Eur.Signal Processing Conf.,vol.1,pp.145–148,Sept.1996.[2],“Resolution enhancement in video by motion compensation ofadjacent frames,”Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.Image Processing,vol.1,pp.713–716,Sept.1996.[3]H.Stark and P.Oskoui,“High-resolution image recovery from image-plane arrays,using convex projections,”J.Opt.Soc.Amer.A,vol.6,pp.1715–1726,Nov.1989.[4]K.Aizawa,T.Komatsu,and T.Saito,“A scheme for acquiring very highresolution images using multiple cameras,”Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.Acous-tics,Speech,Signal Processing,vol.3,pp.289–292,1992.[5] A.K.Katsaggelos,“A multiple input image restoration approach,”J.mun.Image Represent.,vol.1,pp.93–103,Sept.1990.[6]T.Poggio,V.Torre,and C.Koch,“Computational vision and regulariza-tion theory,”Nature,vol.317,no.26,pp.314–319,1985.[7] A.J.Patti,M.I.Sezan,and A.M.Tekalp,“Superresolution video re-construction with arbitrary sampling lattices and nonzero aperture time,”IEEE Trans.Image Processing,vol.6,pp.1064–1076,Aug.1997.[8]N.R.Shah and A.Zakhor,“Resolution enhancement of color videosequences,”IEEE Trans.Image Processing,vol.8,pp.879–885,June 1999.[9]R.R.Schultz and R.L.Stevenson,“A Bayesian approach to image ex-pansion for improved definition,”IEEE Trans.Image Processing,vol.3,pp.233–242,May1994.[10],“Improved definition video frame enhancement,”Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.Acoustics,Speech,Signal Processing,vol.4,pp.2169–2171,May 1995.[11],“Extraction of high resolution frames from video sequences,”IEEE Trans.Image Processing,vol.5,pp.996–1011,June1996. 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During the1986–1987academic year,he was an Assistant Professor with theDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Polytechnic Uni-versity,Brooklyn,NY.His current research interests include image and video recovery,video compression,motion estimation,boundary encoding,computa-tional vision,and multimedia signal processing and communications.He is the editor of Digital Image Restoration(Berlin,Germany:Springer-Verlag,1991),co-author of Rate-Distortion Based Video Compression(Norwell,MA:Kluwer, 1997),and co-editor of Recovery Techniques for Image and Video Compressionand Transmission(Norwell,MA:Kluwer,1998).He is the the coinventor of seven international patents.Dr.Katsaggelos is an Ameritech Fellow,a member of the Associate Staff,Department of Medicine,Evanston Hospital,and a member of SPIE.He is a member of the Board of Governors and the Publication Board of the IEEESignal Processing Society,the IEEE TAB Magazine Committee,the IEEE Tech-nical Committees on Visual Signal Processing and Communications and Multi-media Signal Processing,and is Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.He has served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSCATIONS ON S IGNAL P ROCESSING(1990–1992),area editor for the journal Graphical Models and Image Processing(1992–1995),a member of the Steering Commit-tees of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I MAGE P ROCESSING(1992–1997)and theIEEE T RANSACTIONS ON M EDICAL I MAGING(1990–1999),and a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Image and Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing (1992–1998).He has served as the General Chairman of the1994Visual Com-munications and Image Processing Conference(Chicago,IL),and as technical program co-chair of the1998IEEE International Conference on Image Pro-cessing(Chicago,IL).He is the recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal (2000).。
