Haw To Recognize Globalization Properly
Kernel SHAP 0.4.1 说明书
Package‘kernelshap’December3,2023Title Kernel SHAPVersion0.4.1Description Efficient implementation of Kernel SHAP,see Lundberg and Lee(2017),and Covert and Lee(2021)<http://proceedings.mlr.press/v130/covert21a>.Furthermore,for up to14features,exact permutation SHAP values can be calculated.Thepackage plays well together with meta-learning packages like'tidymodels','caret'or'mlr3'.Visualizations can be done using theR package'shapviz'.License GPL(>=2)Depends R(>=3.2.0)Encoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.2.3Imports foreach,stats,utilsSuggests doFuture,testthat(>=3.0.0)Config/testthat/edition3URL https:///ModelOriented/kernelshapBugReports https:///ModelOriented/kernelshap/issuesNeedsCompilation noAuthor Michael Mayer[aut,cre],David Watson[aut],Przemyslaw Biecek[ctb](<https:///0000-0001-8423-1823>)Maintainer Michael Mayer<************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-12-0314:20:02UTCR topics documented:is.kernelshap (2)is.permshap (3)12is.kernelshapkernelshap (3)permshap (9)print.kernelshap (11)print.permshap (12)summary.kernelshap (13)summary.permshap (14)Index15 is.kernelshap Check for kernelshapDescriptionIs object of class"kernelshap"?Usageis.kernelshap(object)Argumentsobject An R object.ValueTRUE if object is of class"kernelshap",and FALSE otherwise.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:2,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])is.kernelshap(s)is.kernelshap("a")is.permshap3 is.permshap Check for permshapDescriptionIs object of class"permshap"?Usageis.permshap(object)Argumentsobject An R object.ValueTRUE if object is of class"permshap",and FALSE otherwise.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:2,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])is.permshap(s)is.permshap("a")kernelshap Kernel SHAPDescriptionEfficient implementation of Kernel SHAP,see Lundberg and Lee(2017),and Covert and Lee (2021),abbreviated by CL21.For up to p=8features,the resulting Kernel SHAP values are exact regarding the selected background data.For larger p,an almost exact hybrid algorithm involving iterative sampling is used,see Details.Usagekernelshap(object,...)##Default S3method:kernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=stats::predict,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,exact=length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree=1L+length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling=TRUE,m=2L*length(feature_names)*(1L+3L*(hybrid_degree==0L)),tol=0.005,max_iter=100L,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class rangerkernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=function(m,X,...)stats::predict(m,X,...)$predictions, feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,exact=length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree=1L+length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling=TRUE,m=2L*length(feature_names)*(1L+3L*(hybrid_degree==0L)),tol=0.005,max_iter=100L,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class Learnerkernelshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun =NULL,feature_names =colnames(X),bg_w =NULL,exact =length(feature_names)<=8L,hybrid_degree =1L +length(feature_names)%in%4:16,paired_sampling =TRUE,m =2L *length(feature_names)*(1L +3L *(hybrid_degree ==0L)),tol =0.005,max_iter =100L,parallel =FALSE,parallel_args =NULL,verbose =TRUE,...)Argumentsobject Fitted model object....Additional arguments passed to pred_fun(object,X,...).X(n ×p )matrix or data.frame with rows to be explained.The columns should only represent model features,not the response (but see feature_names on how to overrule this).bg_XBackground data used to integrate out "switched off"features,often a subset of the training data (typically 50to 500rows)It should contain the same columns as X .In cases with a natural "off"value (like MNIST digits),this can also be a single row with all values set to the off value.pred_funPrediction function of the form function(object,X,...),providing K ≥1predictions per row.Its first argument represents the model object ,its second argument a data structure like X .Additional (named)arguments are passed via ....The default,stats::predict(),will work in most cases.feature_names Optional vector of column names in X used to calculate SHAP values.By de-fault,this equals colnames(X).Not supported if X is a matrix.bg_w Optional vector of case weights for each row of bg_X .exactIf TRUE ,the algorithm will produce exact Kernel SHAP values with respect to the background data.In this case,the arguments hybrid_degree ,m ,paired_sampling ,tol ,and max_iter are ignored.The default is TRUE up to eight features,and FALSE otherwise.hybrid_degreeInteger controlling the exactness of the hybrid strategy.For 4≤p ≤16,the default is 2,otherwise it is 1.Ignored if exact =TRUE .•0:Pure sampling strategy not involving any exact part.It is strictly worse than the hybrid strategy and should therefore only be used for studying properties of the Kernel SHAP algorithm.•1:Uses all 2p on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,p −1}for the exact part,which covers at least 75%of the mass of the Kernel weight distribution.The remaining mass is covered by random sampling.•2:Uses all p (p +1)on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,2,p −2,p −1}.This covers at least 92%of the mass of the Kernel weight distribution.The remaining mass is covered by sampling.Convergence usually happens in the minimal possible number of iterations of two.•k>2:Uses all on-off vectors withz ∈{1,...,k,p −k,...,p −1}.paired_samplingLogical flag indicating whether to do the sampling in a paired manner.This means that with every on-off vector z ,also 1−z is considered.CL21shows its superiority compared to standard sampling,therefore the default (TRUE )should usually not be changed except for studying properties of Kernel SHAP algo-rithms.Ignored if exact =TRUE .m Even number of on-off vectors sampled during one iteration.The default is 2p ,except when hybrid_degree ==0.Then it is set to 8p .Ignored if exact =TRUE .tolTolerance determining when to stop.Following CL21,the algorithm keeps iter-ating until max (σn )/(max (βn )−min (βn ))<tol,where the βn are the SHAP values of a given observation,and σn their standard errors.For multidimen-sional predictions,the criterion must be satisfied for each dimension separately.The stopping criterion uses the fact that standard errors and SHAP values are all on the same scale.Ignored if exact =TRUE .max_iter If the stopping criterion (see tol )is not reached after max_iter iterations,the algorithm stops.Ignored if exact =TRUE .parallelIf TRUE ,use parallel foreach::foreach()to loop over rows to be explained.Must register backend beforehand,e.g.,via ’doFuture’package,see README for an example.Parallelization automatically disables the progress bar.parallel_argsNamed list of arguments passed to foreach::foreach().Ideally,this is NULL (default).Only relevant if parallel =TRUE .Example on Windows:if object is a GAM fitted with package ’mgcv’,then one might need to set parallel_args =list(.packages ="mgcv").verbose Set to FALSE to suppress messages and the progress bar.DetailsPure iterative Kernel SHAP sampling as in Covert and Lee (2021)works like this:1.A binary "on-off"vector z is drawn from {0,1}p such that its sum follows the SHAP Kernel weight distribution (normalized to the range {1,...,p −1}).2.For each j with z j =1,the j -th column of the original background data is replaced by the corresponding feature value x j of the observation to be explained.3.The average prediction v z on the data of Step 2is calculated,and the average prediction v 0on the background data is subtracted.4.Steps 1to 3are repeated m times.This produces a binary m ×p matrix Z (each row equals one of the z )and a vector v of shifted predictions.5.v is regressed onto Z under the constraint that the sum of the coefficients equals v 1−v 0,where v 1is the prediction of the observation to be explained.The resulting coefficients are the Kernel SHAP values.This is repeated multiple times until convergence,see CL21for details.A drawback of this strategy is that many (at least 75%)of the z vectors will havez ∈{1,p −1},producing many duplicates.Similarly,at least 92%of the mass will be used for the p (p +1)possible vectors withz ∈{1,2,p −2,p −1}.This inefficiency can be fixed by a hybrid strategy,combining exact calculations with sampling.The hybrid algorithm has two steps:1.Step 1(exact part):There are 2p different on-off vectors z withz ∈{1,p −1},covering a large proportion of the Kernel SHAP distribution.The degree 1hybrid will list those vectors and use them according to their weights in the upcoming calculations.Depending on p ,we can also go a step further to a degree 2hybrid by adding all p (p −1)vectors with z ∈{2,p −2}to the process etc.The necessary predictions are obtained along with other calculations similar to those described in CL21.2.Step 2(sampling part):The remaining weight is filled by sampling vectors z according to Kernel SHAP weights renormalized to the values not yet covered by Step 1.Together with the results from Step 1-correctly weighted -this now forms a complete iteration as in CL21.The difference is that most mass is covered by exact calculations.Afterwards,the algorithm iterates until convergence.The output of Step 1is reused in every iteration,leading to an extremely efficient strategy.If p is sufficiently small,all possible 2p −2on-off vectors z can be evaluated.In this case,no sampling is required and the algorithm returns exact Kernel SHAP values with respect to the given background data.Since kernelshap()calculates predictions on data with MN rows (N is the background data size and M the number of z vectors),p should not be much higher than 10for exact calculations.For similar reasons,degree 2hybrids should not use p much larger than 40.ValueAn object of class "kernelshap"with the following components:•S :(n ×p )matrix with SHAP values or,if the model output has dimension K >1,a list of K such matrices.•X :Same as input argument X .•baseline :Vector of length K representing the average prediction on the background data.•SE :Standard errors corresponding to S (and organized like S ).•n_iter :Integer vector of length n providing the number of iterations per row of X .•converged :Logical vector of length n indicating convergence per row of X .•m :Integer providing the effective number of sampled on-off vectors used per iteration.•m_exact :Integer providing the effective number of exact on-off vectors used per iteration.•prop_exact :Proportion of the Kernel SHAP weight distribution covered by exact calcula-tions.•exact :Logical flag indicating whether calculations are exact or not.•txt :Summary text.•predictions :(n ×K )matrix with predictions of X .Methods(by class)•kernelshap(default):Default Kernel SHAP method.•kernelshap(ranger):Kernel SHAP method for"ranger"models,see Readme for an exam-ple.•kernelshap(Learner):Kernel SHAP method for"mlr3"models,see Readme for an exam-ple.References1.Scott M.Lundberg and Su-In Lee.A unified approach to interpreting model predictions.Proceedings of the31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.2.Ian Covert and Su-In Lee.Improving KernelSHAP:Practical Shapley Value Estimation Us-ing Linear Regression.Proceedings of The24th International Conference on Artificial Intel-ligence and Statistics,PMLR130:3457-3465,2021.Examples#MODEL ONE:Linear regressionfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)#Select rows to explain(only feature columns)X_explain<-iris[1:2,-1]#Select small background dataset(could use all rows here because iris is small)set.seed(1)bg_X<-iris[sample(nrow(iris),100),]#Calculate SHAP valuess<-kernelshap(fit,X_explain,bg_X=bg_X)s#MODEL TWO:Multi-response linear regressionfit<-lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:2])~Petal.Length+Petal.Width+Species,data=iris) s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:4,3:5],bg_X=bg_X)summary(s)#Non-feature columns can be dropped via feature_namess<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:4,],bg_X=bg_X,feature_names=c("Petal.Length","Petal.Width","Species"))spermshap Permutation SHAPDescriptionExact permutation SHAP algorithm with respect to a background dataset,see Strumbelj and Kononenko.The function works for up to14features.Usagepermshap(object,...)##Default S3method:permshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=stats::predict,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class rangerpermshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=function(m,X,...)stats::predict(m,X,...)$predictions,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)##S3method for class Learnerpermshap(object,X,bg_X,pred_fun=NULL,feature_names=colnames(X),bg_w=NULL,parallel=FALSE,parallel_args=NULL,verbose=TRUE,...)Argumentsobject Fitted model object....Additional arguments passed to pred_fun(object,X,...).X(n×p)matrix or data.frame with rows to be explained.The columns should only represent model features,not the response(but see feature_names on howto overrule this).bg_X Background data used to integrate out"switched off"features,often a subset of the training data(typically50to500rows)It should contain the same columnsas X.In cases with a natural"off"value(like MNIST digits),this can also be asingle row with all values set to the off value.pred_fun Prediction function of the form function(object,X,...),providing K≥1 predictions per row.Itsfirst argument represents the model object,its secondargument a data structure like X.Additional(named)arguments are passed via....The default,stats::predict(),will work in most cases.feature_names Optional vector of column names in X used to calculate SHAP values.By de-fault,this equals colnames(X).Not supported if X is a matrix.bg_w Optional vector of case weights for each row of bg_X.parallel If TRUE,use parallel foreach::foreach()to loop over rows to be explained.Must register backend beforehand,e.g.,via’doFuture’package,see READMEfor an example.Parallelization automatically disables the progress bar.parallel_args Named list of arguments passed to foreach::foreach().Ideally,this is NULL (default).Only relevant if parallel=TRUE.Example on Windows:if object isa GAMfitted with package’mgcv’,then one might need to set parallel_args=list(.packages="mgcv").verbose Set to FALSE to suppress messages and the progress bar.ValueAn object of class"permshap"with the following components:•S:(n×p)matrix with SHAP values or,if the model output has dimension K>1,a list of K such matrices.•X:Same as input argument X.•baseline:Vector of length K representing the average prediction on the background data.•m_exact:Integer providing the effective number of exact on-off vectors used.•exact:Logicalflag indicating whether calculations are exact or not(currently TRUE).•txt:Summary text.•predictions:(n×K)matrix with predictions of X.print.kernelshap11Methods(by class)•permshap(default):Default permutation SHAP method.•permshap(ranger):Permutation SHAP method for"ranger"models,see Readme for an ex-ample.•permshap(Learner):Permutation SHAP method for"mlr3"models,see Readme for an ex-ample.References1.Erik Strumbelj and Igor Kononenko.Explaining prediction models and individual predictionswith feature contributions.Knowledge and Information Systems41,2014.Examples#MODEL ONE:Linear regressionfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)#Select rows to explain(only feature columns)X_explain<-iris[1:2,-1]#Select small background dataset(could use all rows here because iris is small)set.seed(1)bg_X<-iris[sample(nrow(iris),100),]#Calculate SHAP valuess<-permshap(fit,X_explain,bg_X=bg_X)s#MODEL TWO:Multi-response linear regressionfit<-lm(as.matrix(iris[,1:2])~Petal.Length+Petal.Width+Species,data=iris) s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:4,3:5],bg_X=bg_X)s#Non-feature columns can be dropped via feature_namess<-permshap(fit,iris[1:4,],bg_X=bg_X,feature_names=c("Petal.Length","Petal.Width","Species"))sprint.kernelshap Prints"kernelshap"ObjectDescriptionPrints"kernelshap"Object12print.permshapUsage##S3method for class kernelshapprint(x,n=2L,...)Argumentsx An object of class"kernelshap".n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])sprint.permshap Prints"permshap"ObjectDescriptionPrints"permshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class permshapprint(x,n=2L,...)Argumentsx An object of class"permshap".n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.summary.kernelshap13See Alsopermshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])ssummary.kernelshap Summarizes"kernelshap"ObjectDescriptionSummarizes"kernelshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class kernelshapsummary(object,compact=FALSE,n=2L,...)Argumentsobject An object of class"kernelshap".compact Set to TRUE for a more compact summary.n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values etc.to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsokernelshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-kernelshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])summary(s)14summary.permshap summary.permshap Summarizes"permshap"ObjectDescriptionSummarizes"permshap"ObjectUsage##S3method for class permshapsummary(object,compact=FALSE,n=2L,...)Argumentsobject An object of class"permshap".compact Set to TRUE for a more compact summary.n Maximum number of rows of SHAP values etc.to print....Further arguments passed from other methods.ValueInvisibly,the input is returned.See Alsopermshap()Examplesfit<-lm(Sepal.Length~.,data=iris)s<-permshap(fit,iris[1:3,-1],bg_X=iris[,-1])summary(s)Indexforeach::foreach(),6,10is.kernelshap,2is.permshap,3kernelshap,3kernelshap(),2,3,7,12,13permshap,9permshap(),13,14print.kernelshap,11print.permshap,12stats::predict(),5,10summary.kernelshap,13summary.permshap,1415。
glob.glob 正则表达式
文章标题:深入理解Python中的glob.glob和正则表达式1. 引言在Python编程中,我们经常会遇到需要对文件进行操作和处理的情况。
2. 对glob.glob的理解glob.glob是Python中用来查找文件路径和文件名的函数。
3. glob.glob的高级用法除了基本的匹配模式,glob.glob还支持一些高级的用法,比如使用通配符来匹配不同的文件名。
4. 正则表达式的基本概念正则表达式是一种用来描述字符串特征的方法,可以用来匹配、查找和替换字符串。
5. 正则表达式在文件匹配中的应用在文件匹配中,正则表达式可以帮助我们更精确地匹配文件名。
6. 综合应用:glob.glob结合正则表达式在实际项目中,我们经常会需要对文件进行更加复杂的匹配操作。
Perl 模块安装及cpan 初始设置2009-11-13 08:30:33标签:perl关于Perl 模块Authen::SASL 的安装方法。
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其中smtp验证的时候需要Authen::SASL 模块。
以下转载安装的方式:安装Perl模块Authen::SASL (optional Perl module for SVN::Notify)# wget/CPAN/authors/id/G/GB/GBARR/Authen-SASL-2.12.tar.gz# chmod a+x Authen-SASL-2.10.tar.gz# tar zxvf Authen-SASL-2.10.tar.gz# cd Authen-SASL-2.10# perl Makefile.pl==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [n] y // 首次执行的时候,需要CPAN 初始化设置。
==> Auto-install the 1 optional module(s) from CPAN? [n] y //之后一路按回车# make test# make install //安装完成#############################################CPAN 初始设置Posted in perl by wanguan2000 on the 02月13th, 2009在安装Koha的时候,需要提前安装perl的相关模块,这里用到了CPAN,刚开始不知道是什么东东,现把Google来的东西整理在此,以作备份。
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4. 如何使用protobuf解析文档进行数据解析?在使用protobuf解析文档进行数据解析时,开发人员可以根据文档提供的消息描述和字段描述,按照特定的顺序和方式访问和解析数据。
Package‘provParseR’October14,2022Title Pulls Information from Prov.Json FilesVersion1.0Date2022-08-08Description R functions to access provenance information collected by'rdt'or'rdtLite'.The information is stored inside a'ProvInfo'object and can beaccessed through a collection of functions that will return the requesteddata.The exact format of the JSON created by'rdt'and'rdtLite'is describedin<https:///End-to-end-provenance/ExtendedProvJson>.Depends R(>=3.3)License GPL-3|file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8Imports jsonlite,methodsSuggests testthatURL https:///End-to-end-provenanceRoxygenNote7.2.0NeedsCompilation noAuthor Orenna Brand[aut],Joseph Wonsil[aut],Emery Boose[aut],Barbara Lerner[cre]Maintainer Barbara Lerner<*********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2022-08-1522:20:05UTCR topics documented:get.environment (2)prov.parse (7)ProvInfo-class (7)Index91get.environment Provenance access functionsDescriptionThese functions extract information from a ProvInfo object created by the prov.parse function and return this information as a data frame.Usageget.environment(prov)get.libs(prov)(prov)get.args(prov)get.scripts(prov)get.saved.scripts(prov)get.proc.nodes(prov)get.data.nodes(prov)get.stdout.nodes(prov)get.error.nodes(prov)get.func.nodes(prov)get.proc.proc(prov)get.data.proc(prov)get.proc.data(prov)get.func.proc(prov)get.func.lib(prov)get.input.files(prov,only.files=FALSE)get.urls(prov)get.output.files(prov)get.preexisting(prov)get.variables.set(prov)ed(prov)d(prov,)get.val.type(prov,node.id=NULL)Argumentsprov a ProvInfo object created by calling prov.parse.only.files If true,the output of get.input.files contains justfiles.If false,it contains both files and URLs. a string containing the name of a variable used in the script the provenance is for node.id A vector of node id.ValueAll access functions return NULL if there is no parsed provenance.If parsed provenance exists,but there is no provenance for the type of information requested,such as no inputfiles,an empty data frame is returned.get.environment returns a data frame containing information about how the provenance was col-lected.The data frame has2columns:label and value.The labels are:•name-whose value will always be"environment"•architecture•operatingSystem•language•langVersion•script-the absolute path to the script executed•scriptTimeStamp-when the script was last modified•workingDirectory•provDirectory-where the provenance is stored•provTimeStamp-when the provenance was collected•hashAlgorithmget.libs returns a data frame describing the libraries used by the script.It contains3columns:id, name,and version. returns a data frame describing the tool that collected the provenance.It contains3 columns:,tool.version and json.version.get.args returns a named list describing the arguments that were passed to prov.run or prov.init when the provenance was collected.Each element is the value of an argument in its original type,each element name is the name of the arguemnt the value corresponds to.get.scripts returns a data frame identifying all the scripts executed.The main script will befirst, followed by all sourced scripts.The data frame contains2columns:name and timestamp(when the script was last modified).get.saved.scripts returns a data frame identifying the location of saved copies of all the scripts executed.The main script will befirst,followed by all sourced scripts.The data frame contains2 columns:name and timestamp(when the script was last modified).get.proc.nodes returns a data frame identifying all the procedural nodes executed.These are repre-sented in PROV-JSON as activities and include nodes corresponding to lines of code,start orfinish nodes that surround blocks of code,and nodes to represent the binding of function arguments to parameters.The data frame contains8columns:•id-a unique id•name-a description of what the node represents.Often this is a line of code from the script, perhaps shortened•type-one of Operation,Binding,Start,Finish,or Incomplete•elapsedTime-when this executed relative to the start of the script•scriptNum-a number identifing the script it comes from,with script1being the main script •startLine-the line in the script this corresponds to,which may be NA,and the following other position infofmation•startCol•endLine•endColget.data.nodes returns a data frame with an entry for each data node in the provenance.The data frame contains the following columns:•id-a unique id•name-the descriptive name for the node,which is generally a variable name,file name,or URL•value-either a text value(possible shortened)or the name of afile where the value is stored •valType-a description of the value’s type,including its container(such as list,vector,etc.), dimensions and member types(such as character,numeric,etc.)•type-the type of the node,one of Data,Snapshot,File,URL,Exception,Device,Standard-Output,or StandardOutputSnapshot•scope-a hex number identifying the scope.This is only used for node’s with type Data or Snapshot•fromEnv-a logical value.If true,it means the variable had a value before the script began execution•hash-the hash value for File nodes•timestamp-the time at which the node was created•location-forfile nodes,the absolute path to thefileget.stdout.nodes returns a data frame with an entry for each standard output node in the provenance. The data frame contains the following columns:•id-a unique id•value-either a text value(possible shortened)or the name of afile where the value is stored •timestamp-the time at which the node was createdget.error.nodes returns a data frame with an entry for each error node in the provenance.The data frame contains the following columns:•id-a unique id•value-either a text value(possible shortened)or the name of afile where the value is stored •timestamp-the time at which the node was createdget.func.nodes returns a data frame containing information about the functions used from other libraries within the script.The data frame has2columns:id(a unique id)and name(the name of the function called).get.proc.proc returns a data frame containing information about the edges that go between two procedural nodes.These edges indicate a control-flow relationship between the two activities.The data frame has3columns:id(a unique id),informant(the tail of the edge),and informed(the head of the edge).get.data.proc returns a data frame containing information about the edges that go from data nodes to procedural nodes.These edges indicate an input relationship where the data is used by the activity. The data frame has3columns:id(a unique id),entity(the input data),and activity(the procedural node that uses the data).get.proc.data returns a data frame containing information about the edges that go from procedural nodes to data nodes.These edges indicate an output relationship where the data is produed by the activity.The data frame has3columns:id(a unique id),entity(the output data),and activity(the procedural node that produces the data).get.proc.func returns a data frame containing information about where externally-defined functions are used in the script.The data frame has3columns:func_id(the id of the function node),activity (the procedural node that calls the function)and function(the function’s name).get.func.lib returns a data frame containing information about what libraries externally-defined functions come from.The data frame has3columns:func_id(the id of the function node),li-brary(a library node)and function(the name of a function).get.input.files returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond tofiles that are read by the script.If only.files is False,the data frame contains information about both input files and URLs.get.urls returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to urls used in the script.get.output.files returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond tofiles that are written by the script.get.preexisting returns a data frame containing variables in the global environment that are used but not set by a script or a console session.get.variables.set returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to vari-ables assigned to in the script.ed returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to variables whose values are used in the script.d returns a data frame containing a subset of the data nodes that correspond to variables with the specified name.A data frame containing the valType of the specified data node,or the valTypes of all data nodes ifno data node is specified.Return NULL if there are no data nodes or if the specified data node is not found.If not NULL,the data frame will contain4columns in the following order:•id-The data node id.•container-The type for the data’s container,such as list,vector,etc.NA in cases such asenvironment and function where the original valType is not a json object.•dimension-The size of the data,represented as a string list when there are2or more dimen-sions.NA in cases such as environment and function where the original valType is not a jsonobject.•type-The type(s)contained within the container,represented as a string list in containers suchas data frames when there are multiple types.NA in cases like lists where the type of eachelement can be complex.See Alsoprov.parseExamplesprov<-prov.parse(system.file("testdata","prov.json",package="provParseR",mustWork=TRUE)) get.proc.nodes(prov)get.input.files(prov)get.urls(prov)get.output.files(prov)get.variables.set(prov)ed(prov)d(prov,"z")get.data.nodes(prov)get.error.nodes(prov)get.func.nodes(prov)get.proc.proc(prov)get.data.proc(prov)get.proc.data(prov)get.func.proc(prov)get.func.lib(prov)get.libs(prov)get.scripts(prov)get.environment(prov)get.val.type(prov,"d1")(prov)get.args(prov)get.stdout.nodes(prov)prov.parse7 prov.parse Provenance parserDescriptionThe prov.parse function parses the provenance collected by rdt or rdtLite.This provenance can be stored in a prov.jsonfile or passed to prov.parse as a string.The provParseR package also defines a number of functions that extract and return information from the parsed provenance.Usageprov.parse(prov.input,isFile=T)Argumentsprov.input A path to a jsonfile that has been created by rdt or rdtLite or a string that is inprov.json format.isFile A logical value that indicates whether the provenance information is stored in afile(isFile=T)or in a string(isFile=F).ValueA ProvInfo object that can be passed to the access functions provided by the provParseR package.See AlsoThe access functions,including get.environmentExamplesprov<-prov.parse(system.file("testdata","prov.json",package="provParseR",mustWork=TRUE)) ProvInfo-class Collection of information gathered from parsing a PROVfileDescriptionThis is the class that stores provenance information.It is created by prov.parse.Rather than access the slots directly,it is better to use the access functions the package provides.8ProvInfo-classSlotsproc.nodes the procedure nodesdata.nodes the data nodesfunc.nodes the function nodesproc.proc.edges controlflow edgesproc.data.edges output data edgesdata.proc.edges input data edgesfunc.proc.edges function use edgesfunc.lib.edges function library edgesagents tool that created the provenanceargs arguments passed when provenance was createdenvi environmental informationlibs librariesscripts scripts executedSee AlsoThe parse function,which creates the ProvInfo object,prov.parseThe access functions,including get.environmentIndexget.args(get.environment),2get.data.nodes(get.environment),2get.data.proc(get.environment),2get.environment,2,7,8get.error.nodes(get.environment),2get.func.lib(get.environment),2get.func.nodes(get.environment),2get.func.proc(get.environment),2get.input.files(get.environment),2get.libs(get.environment),2get.output.files(get.environment),2get.preexisting(get.environment),2get.proc.data(get.environment),2get.proc.nodes(get.environment),2get.proc.proc(get.environment),2get.saved.scripts(get.environment),2get.scripts(get.environment),2get.stdout.nodes(get.environment),2(get.environment),2get.urls(get.environment),2get.val.type(get.environment),2d(get.environment),2 get.variables.set(get.environment),2ed(get.environment),2 prov.parse,3,6,7,8ProvInfo(ProvInfo-class),7ProvInfo-class,79。
perl 使用方法
perl 使用方法Perl是一种高级编程语言,它被广泛应用于Web开发、系统管理、数据处理等领域。
一、Perl的安装与配置1. 下载Perl的最新版本,官方网站提供了多种操作系统的安装包。
2. 双击安装包,按照提示完成安装过程。
3. 配置环境变量,将Perl的安装路径添加到系统的PATH变量中。
二、Perl的基本语法1. 注释:在Perl中,以"#"开头的行表示注释,不会被解释执行。
2. 变量:Perl中的变量使用"$"符号进行标识,可以存储各种类型的数据。
3. 标量:标量变量存储单个值,可以是字符串、数字等。
4. 数组:数组变量存储一组值,使用"@"符号进行标识,可以通过下标访问其中的元素。
5. 哈希:哈希变量存储键值对,使用"%"符号进行标识,可以通过键访问对应的值。
6. 控制结构:Perl支持if-else、for、foreach、while等常见的控制结构,用于实现条件判断和循环操作。
三、Perl的字符串处理1. 字符串连接:使用"."符号可以将两个字符串连接起来。
2. 字符串截取:使用substr函数可以截取字符串的一部分。
3. 字符串替换:使用s///操作符可以替换字符串中的某个子串。
4. 字符串分割:使用split函数可以将一个字符串按照指定的分隔符拆分成多个子串。
5. 字符串匹配:使用正则表达式可以进行强大的字符串匹配操作。
四、Perl的文件操作1. 打开文件:使用open函数可以打开一个文件,并返回文件句柄。
2. 读取文件:使用<>操作符可以从文件句柄中读取一行内容。
3. 写入文件:使用print函数可以向文件句柄写入内容。
4. 关闭文件:使用close函数可以关闭文件句柄。
五、Perl的模块和包管理1. 模块安装:Perl的CPAN(Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)提供了大量的第三方模块,可以使用cpan命令安装。
1. 命令行使用:在终端输入以下命令:
vep [options] input_file.vcf [other_input_files]
-a <file>:指定数据库文件,如SNP、INDEL、CNV等。
-c <file>:指定注释信息文件,如GRCh38、GRCh37、hg38等。
-f <file>:指定FASTA格式的转录本序列文件。
-o <file>:指定输出文件名。
-r <file>:指定参考基因组文件,如GRCh38、GRCh37、hg38等。
-s <file>:指定SV数据库文件。
-t <file>:指定SV类型数据库文件。
-w <file>:指定输出文件名。
2. 使用VEP API:可以使用VEP提供的API接口进行变异数据的分析和注释。
mygpt用法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述随着人工智能技术的不断发展,自然语言处理模型也在不断地进行改进和完善。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分主要包括以下几个方面:1. 引言部分:介绍文章的主题和目的,为读者提供一个整体的概念。
2. 正文部分:包括什么是mygpt、mygpt的应用场景、以及如何使用mygpt等内容。
3. 结论部分:总结mygpt的优势,并展望其未来的发展。
1.3 目的撰写这篇文章的目的在于介绍mygpt的用法,并帮助读者更好地了解如何利用这一工具。
2.正文2.1 什么是mygptmygpt是一种基于OpenAI的GPT模型的改进版,它具有更强大的生成能力和更智能的语言理解能力。
二、PCRE正则表达式引擎PCRE(Perl Compatible Regular Expressions)是一款功能强大的正则表达式库,兼容Perl语法。
Cat.No.NB 系列V106-CN5-01PNSPO!可编程终端NB-Designer用户手册1前言承蒙您惠购可编程终端NB 系列,谨致谢意。
NB 系列是指在FA 生产现场等地所产生的各种信息的可编程终端(PT)。
具备电气知识(电气工程师或具备同等知识),且 y 负责引进FA 设备的人员; y 设计FA 系统的人员;y 安装、连接FA 设备的人员; y 管理FA 生产现场的人员。
●使用须知y 本手册除了对NB 系列的连接和设定进行说明之外,还介绍了其它必要的信息。
●关于“使用时的承诺事项”1. 保修内容①保修期本公司产品的保修期为自购买之日或交付至指定场所之日起1年。
a)未按照产品目录或使用说明书等资料中说明的条件、环境、操作方法使用时; b)非本公司产品自身的原因时; c)未经本公司授权而改造或维修时; d)未按照本公司产品应有的方法使用时;e)以本公司产品出厂时的科技水平无法对故障进行预测时; f)因自然灾害等其它非本公司责任的不可抗力而导致故障时。
2. 责任限制①因本公司产品而引起的特别损失、间接损失或消极损失,本公司概不负责。
23. 适用条件①将本公司产品与其它产品组合使用时,请确认适用的标准、法规或限制。
considered recognized identified -回复
considered recognized identified -回复问题:“为什么环境保护被视为全球性的挑战?”环境保护被认为是全球性的挑战,是因为在全球范围内都存在着共同的环境问题,这些问题不仅会对一个国家或地区产生长期的负面影响,而且会对整个地球造成潜在的灾难性后果。
perl glob 函数 匹配大小写
perl glob 函数匹配大小写
如果想要匹配时区分大小写,可以使用Perl的文件查找模块File::Glob提供的另外一个函数 bsd_glob。
use File::Glob ':glob';
print "$file\n";
在上述代码中,bsd_glob函数的第一个参数是匹配的模式 "某.t某t",该模式表示匹配所有以".t某t"结尾的文件名。
cpan File::Glob
promql label_copy 用法
promql label_copy 用法1. 什么是promql?PromQL是Prometheus的查询语言,用于从Prometheus时间序列数据库中提取和处理数据。
2. label_copy的作用是什么?在PromQL中,label_copy函数用于复制或重命名时间序列的标签。
3. label_copy函数的语法label_copy函数的语法如下:示例代码star:编程语言:label_copy(vector instant-vector, stringdestination_label, string source_label)示例代码end参数说明: - vector instant-vector:要复制标签的时间序列向量。
- string destination_label:目标标签的名称。
- string source_label:源标签的名称。
4. label_copy函数的示例下面是一些使用label_copy函数的示例:示例1:复制标签假设我们有一个名为http_requests_total的指标,它具有以下标签:job、instance和status_code。
示例代码star:编程语言:promqllabel_copy(http_requests_total{job="api-server"}, "code", "status_code")示例代码end上述查询将返回一个新的时间序列向量,其中包含http_requests_total的所有标签,并且具有一个新的标签code,其值与原始标签status_code的值相同。
qcamera用法 -回复
qcamera用法-回复Apache Hadoop 3.x是一个开源的分布式计算框架,它提供了对大数据的存储和处理能力。
其中,Hadoop分布式文件系统(HDFS)是Hadoop 的核心组件之一,用于存储和管理大规模数据集。
本文将深入探讨Apache Hadoop 3.x中HDFS的数据写入流程。
HDFS的数据写入流程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 客户端向NameNode发起写入请求:当一个应用程序需要将数据写入HDFS时,首先会与NameNode建立联系,向其发起写入请求。
2. NameNode检查写入请求:一旦收到写入请求,NameNode会检查文件是否存在以及权限是否满足要求。
3. 客户端与DataNode建立联系:在数据写入HDFS之前,客户端需要与DataNode节点建立联系。
4. 客户端分割数据:在将数据写入HDFS之前,客户端会将数据分割为固定大小的数据块。
5. 客户端向NameNode请求数据块位置:在向DataNode写入数据之前,客户端需要向NameNode请求每个数据块的位置信息。
6. 客户端与DataNode建立数据传输管道:客户端根据数据块位置列表,与所有的DataNode建立数据传输管道。
7. 客户端向DataNode写入数据:一旦数据传输管道建立好,客户端就可以向DataNode写入数据了。
pol-tl custompolicy 正则 -回复
pol-tl custompolicy 正则-回复您的要求是使用中括号内的内容作为主题,写一篇1500-2000字的文章,并一步一步地回答问题。
在这篇文章中,我们将探讨"poltl custompolicy"的正则表达式。
现在让我们回到您提出的问题,"poltl custompolicy"的正则表达式。
根据您提供的内容,我们可以推断出,"poltl custompolicy"是由两个单词组成的短语。
假设我们有以下示例数据:1. "poltl custompolicy"2. "poltlcustompolicy"3. "poltl_custompolicy"4. "custompolicy poltl"我们将基本模式应用于以上示例数据。
一种可能的修正是:\b[^ ]+\b\s\b[^ ]+\b在上述修正中,我们使用了[^ ]+来匹配至少一个非空格字符。
Package‘globals’November21,2022Version0.16.2Depends R(>=3.1.2)Imports codetoolsTitle Identify Global Objects in R ExpressionsDescription Identifies global(``unknown''or``free'')objects in R expressionsby code inspection using various strategies(ordered,liberal,orconservative).The objective of this package is to make it as simple aspossible to identify global objects for the purpose of exporting them inparallel,distributed compute environments.License LGPL(>=2.1)LazyLoad TRUEByteCompile TRUEURL https://,https:///HenrikBengtsson/globalsBugReports https:///HenrikBengtsson/globals/issuesRoxygenNote7.2.2NeedsCompilation noAuthor Henrik Bengtsson[aut,cre,cph],Davis Vaughan[ctb]Maintainer Henrik Bengtsson<*****************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2022-11-2121:10:02UTCR topics documented:cleanup.Globals (2)findGlobals (2)Globals (4)globalsByName (5)packagesOf.Globals (5)Index61cleanup.Globals Drop certain types of globalsDescriptionDrop certain types of globalsUsage##S3method for class Globalscleanup(globals,drop=c("missing","base-packages","nativesymbolinfo"),...) Argumentsglobals A Globals object.drop A character vector specifying what type of globals to drop....Not usedfindGlobals Get all global objects of an expressionDescriptionGet all global objects of an expressionUsagefindGlobals(expr,envir=parent.frame(),...,attributes=TRUE,tweak=NULL,dotdotdot=c("warning","error","return","ignore"),method=c("ordered","conservative","liberal"),substitute=FALSE,unlist=TRUE,trace=FALSE)globalsOf(expr,envir=parent.frame(),...,method=c("ordered","conservative","liberal"),tweak=NULL,locals=NA,substitute=FALSE,mustExist=TRUE,unlist=TRUE,recursive=TRUE,skip=NULL)Argumentsexpr An R expression.envir The environment from where to search for globals....Not used.attributes If TRUE(default),attributes of‘expr‘are also searched.If FALSE,they are not.If a character vector,then attributes with matching names are searched.Note,the attributes of the attributes elements are not searched,that is,attributes are notsearched recursively.Also,attributes are searched with‘dotdotdot="ignore".tweak An optional function that takes an expression and returns a tweaked expression.dotdotdot TBD.method A character string specifying what type of search algorithm to use.substitute If TRUE,the expression is substitute():ed,otherwise not.unlist If TRUE,a list of unique objects is returned.If FALSE,a list of length(expr) sublists.trace TBD.locals Should globals part of any"local"environment of a function be included or not?mustExist If TRUE,an error is thrown if the object of the identified global cannot be lo-cated.Otherwise,the global is not returned.recursive If TRUE,globals that are closures(functions)and that exist outside of names-paces("packages"),will be recursively scanned for globals.skip(internal)A list of globals not to be searched for additional globals.Ignored unless recursive is TRUE.DetailsThere currently three strategies for identifying global objects.The method="ordered"search method identifies globals such that a global variable preceding a local variable with the same name is not dropped(which the"conservative"method would).The method="conservative"search method tries to keep the number of false positive to a mini-mum,i.e.the identified objects are most likely true global objects.At the same time,there is a risk that some true globals are not identified(see example).This search method returns the exact same result as the findGlobals()function of the codetools package.The method="liberal"search method tries to keep the true-positive ratio as high as possible,i.e.the true globals are most likely among the identified ones.At the same time,there is a risk that some false positives are also identified.With recursive=TRUE,globals part of locally defined functions will also be found,otherwise not.4GlobalsValuefindGlobals()returns a character vector.globalsOf()returns a Globals object.See AlsoInternally,the codetools package is utilized for code inspections.Examplesb<-2expr<-substitute({a<-b;b<-1})##Will_not_identify b (because it s also a local)globalsC<-globalsOf(expr,method="conservative")print(globalsC)##Will identify bglobalsL<-globalsOf(expr,method="liberal")print(globalsL)Globals A representation of a set of globalsDescriptionA representation of a set of globalsUsageGlobals(object,...)Argumentsobject A named list....Not used.ValueAn object of class Globals,which is a named list of the value of the globals,where the element names are the names of the globals.Attribute where is a named list of the same length and with the same names.See AlsoThe globalsOf()function identifies globals from an R expression and returns a Globals object.globalsByName5 globalsByName Locates and retrieves a set of global variables by their namesDescriptionLocates and retrieves a set of global variables by their namesUsageglobalsByName(names,envir=parent.frame(),mustExist=TRUE,...)Argumentsnames A character vector of global variable names.envir The environment from where to search for globals.mustExist If TRUE,an error is thrown if the object of the identified global cannot be lo-cated.Otherwise,the global is not returned....Not used.ValueA Globals object.packagesOf.Globals Identify the packages of the globalsDescriptionIdentify the packages of the globalsUsage##S3method for class GlobalspackagesOf(globals,...)Argumentsglobals A Globals object....Not used.ValueReturns a character vector of package names.Index[.Globals(Globals),4as.Globals(Globals),4cleanup(cleanup.Globals),2cleanup.Globals,2codetools,4findGlobals,2,3Globals,4,4,5globalsByName,5globalsOf,4globalsOf(findGlobals),2names(Globals),4packagesOf(packagesOf.Globals),5 packagesOf.Globals,56。
flink cep pattern字符串 aviator规则 -回复
flink cep pattern字符串aviator规则-回复Flink CEP(Complex Event Processing)是一种基于流数据的复杂事件处理技术,可以实时地从海量数据中识别出符合特定模式的事件。
而在Flink CEP中,模式的表达则采用了一种称为Aviator规则的字符串表示方法。
本文将详细地介绍Flink CEP模式字符串以及Aviator规则,以及它们如何在复杂事件处理中发挥作用。
首先,我们来了解一下Flink CEP模式字符串的基本概念和语法。
Flink CEP 模式字符串是一种用于描述事件序列模式的语言,通过定义一系列规则和约束条件来描述所需的事件模式。
Aviator规则是一种在Flink CEP中使用的模式字符串语法,它借鉴了Aviator表达式解析引擎的设计思想。
接下来,我们将一步一步地回答以下问题,以便更深入地理解Flink CEP 模式字符串和Aviator规则在复杂事件处理中的应用。
问题一:什么是Flink CEP模式字符串?Flink CEP模式字符串是一种用于描述事件序列模式的语言,通过定义规则和约束条件来确定所需的事件模式。
问题二:Aviator规则在Flink CEP中的作用是什么?Aviator规则在Flink CEP中用于定义和解析模式字符串,并提供了丰富的语法和运算符来支持复杂的逻辑判断和计算。
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Haw To Recognize Globalization Properly 2008 Beijing Olimpic Game left so many excited and amazed memorise for people all of the world.From now on,the song is quite popular amone different national people,it is “You and Me”sung by Liuhuan and Sarah birqhtamn.
The song is telling us that globalization is more and more popular.With the science developing and economy increasing in every nations,globalization has been showed not only in economy but also culture and polity.
However,how do we recognize globalization properly? Coin has two sides.On the one hand,it purs labor and capital mobility between nations and some
countries’economy boom from it,especially developed ones.On the other hand,it enhances and increasese the poverty and inequality.Indeed,most countries are richer than last,but morden poverty and inequality means the income gap is wider between developing countries and the developed.What’s more,the wide gap doesn’t tell us the whole story,distribution becomes unequal.Take china for example,our country supply the
location and numerous labor to produce products for foreign enterprises,but the income is much lower than these enterprises.
In fact,globalization is a trend that none of us has ability to stop it.What we would do is take advantage it to push the economy to
develop.Especially,government should take some actions including reducing tax rates,attracting investment,increasing output and so on to adapt the trend positively.