thesis statement and outline







所以说,如果你写不好essay的thesis statement,那么A+就与你遥遥无期!那么如何写好主题句呢?其实很简单,做到以下四点就可以了。





















英语学术写作-New-thesis statement and outline

英语学术写作-New-thesis statement and outline

4. Ways of Organizing Content
Some subjects dictate the best order to use or problem to solution; The thesis statement points the way toward organizing the content of your paper.

A question cannot serve as a thesis statement. Compare:
♦ ♦ ♦
What are Leni Riefenstahl's contributions to film? Leni Riefenstahl's methods gave new perspective to filming sports. Leni Riefenstahl's use of unconventional camera angles and dramatic editing introduced an artistic perspective to the filming of sporting events.
A promise or statement of purpose cannot serve as a thesis statement.
Compare: In this paper I am going to show how the ancient Egyptians were able to build so many huge temples and tombs.
A comparison / contrast essay usually follows one of these two patterns: the point-by-point pattern or the subject-bysubject pattern.



The Process
Topic Sentences
Thesis Statement
A job interview can often make or break your chances of getting your dream job. There are several things that you can do in an interview to increase the possibility of your success such as dressing properly, answering interview questions thoroughly, and asking good questions at the end of the interview.
Here is an example of how a blank outline might look:
Essay Outline
I. Introduction
Thesis: _____________________
Body Paragraph #1- Topic Sentence: _____________ A. supporting idea B. supporting ideduction
Thesis: ____________________
II. Body Paragraph #1- Topic Sentence: _________ A. supporting idea B. supporting idea
III. Body Paragraph #2- Topic Sentence: _________ A. supporting idea B. supporting idea

Thesis Statement and Outline

Thesis Statement and Outline

Thesis Statement and OutlineThesis Statement1Definition: A thesis statement in an essay is a sentence that explicitly identifies the purpose of the paper or previews its main ideas. (Quite often you will revise your thesis statement while you are writing your essay, because you discover what your main points and the purpose of your paper is as you go.)***Ask yourself two questions: What are you trying to prove? How are you going to prove it?Characteristics of a good thesis statement:1) A thesis statement is an assertion, not a statement of fact or an observation.2) A thesis takes a stand rather than announcing a subject.3) A thesis is the main idea, not the title. It must be a complete sentence that explains in some detail what you expect to write about.4) A thesis statement is narrow, rather than broad. If the thesis statement is sufficiently narrow, it can be fully supported.5) A thesis statement is specific rather than vague or general.6) A thesis statement has one main point rather than several main points. More than one point may be too difficult for the reader to understand and the writer to support.Example: How to develop your thesis statementSubject (broad): women in Scandinavian literatureTopic (narrower): Analysis of romantic female figures in Scandinavian literature Research question(specific focus of paper):What is the development of the romantic female figure, focusing on Elise (Tardy Awakening), Cecilia (The Hosier), and Nora (A Doll’s House)?Thesis statement: In analyzing the social norms of Scandinavia between 1800 and 1890, one can trace the emancipation of the woman through three romantic figures: Elise, Cecilia, and Nora.OutlineThe Outline should consist of your major points organized into the structure you are planning to use for your paper (this can, and often does, change once you start writing). Below each of your main points you should list minor points that help to support each argument. The outline does not need to be in complete sentences, but does need to be comprehensible.Example Outline (refers to example thesis statement: How to develop your thesis statement)Thesis Statement: In analyzing the social norms of Scandinavia between 1800 and1890, one can trace the emancipation of the woman through three romantic figures: Elise, Cecilia, and Nora.I. Women’s issues became a widely discussed issue in Scandinavia around 1860.A. Women demanded equal pay.B. Women demanded independence.C. Women demanded the right to vote.II. One finds many examples of female figures who struggle for emancipation from bourgeois restraints in Scandinavian literature.A. Blicher exposes the difficult situations, in which women found themselves.B. Henrik Ibsen, although not openly, opened the door to women’semancipation throughout Europe and Northern America.III. EliseA. Living a life in small, petit bourgeois society, forces Elise to keep a secretfor 20 years.1. She thrives on secrets, as a means to keep a small part of herself.2. She is portrayed as “cold” by the pastor, but he is envious of herability to overcome the restraints of society.B. (examples/evidence)2C. (examples/evidence)IV. CeciliaA. (examples/evidence)B. (examples/evidence)V. NoraA. (examples/evidence)B. (examples/evidence)VI. Blicher’s female figures are the forerunners of Ibsen’s Nora, forging their way in a patriarchal society dominated by social mores and norms.ConclusionNote: The more detailed your outline is, the easier it will be for you to write your paper in the end. But nothing is written in stone. You can change and switch things around as you start writing your paper.A thesis statement for a literary analysis should meet the following guideline:•It should provide a FOCUS for your essay, meaning it should narrow your field of discussion from a broad topic to a specific line of reasoning/argumentation within thattopic area.Topic too broad: Austen’s Pride and Prejudice offers readers a unique illustration of marriage in 19th Century England.Narrowed topic: The marriage between Lydia and Mr. Wickham in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice serves as the work’s primary method of deconstructing England’s 19th Century marriage customs.Sample Thesis Statements1. Though the effect of Steinbeck's life on his literary works, along with his character and metaphoric symbolism, Steinbeck conveys the themes of leadership and heroism, the relationships of people in different generations, and the importance of the working class population in the short story, "The Leader of the People."2. The numerous works of literature that are incorporated into T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" and the editing of Ezra Pound open the poem up to a wide variety of interpretations.3. Nathaniel Hawthorne's story "My Kinsman, Major Molineux" explores realism and melodrama, and human preoccupation with darkness, Gothic imagery, and mysteries of human behavior, while presenting an issue of authority and revolt; the story's content is the result of the influence of upbringing and isolation during his childhood years, his literary friends, and the state of the society during the early and middle 1800's.4. In an attempt to educate the young and the common men of Russia, Leo Tolstoy wrote numerous short stories, on of which is "The Prisoner of the Caucasus." Simplicity, morality, and advocated theme of universal brotherhood of this story provides for an easy reading, as well as a moral lesson, for a young and common person.5. Robert Frost attempts to conceal the troubles of his life through the use of symbolism, metaphors and other literary devices in his writings. His tragic vision of man is disguised through the themes of love, friendship, family, and social relationship. He wrote to ease the tensions of his struggle for survival, individuality and happiness.6. Edgar Allen Poe's work was effected greatly by the current events of his life, covering his family life. his childhood, and his career; these events changed his style and subject of his works.7. When analyzing two of Thomas's poems "Do not go gentle into that good night," and "Then was my neophyte," one can see his portrayal of death through the use of symbolism, metaphors, and tone, as well as the importance of time, and its role as death's agent. One can also see Thomas's fear of death, as it is affected by his religious beliefs, and his acceptance of adult reality.Comments.1. Through the effect of Steinbeck's life on his literary works, along with his character and metaphoric symbolism, Steinbeck conveys the themes of leadership and heroism, the relationships of people in different generations, and the importance of the working class population in the short story, "The Leader of the People."This statement is fairly strong, and clear. It articulates what the reader willexplore and how s/he will accomplish this exploration. The student identifies the author and works to be explored, the literary devices s/he will examine, and whats/he intends to prove by looking at these devices. The writer has not identifiedwhat aspects of Steinbeck's life will be explored. N.B.2. The numerous works of literature that are incorporated into T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" and the editing of Ezra Pound open the poem up to a wide variety of interpretations.This statement is vague and underdeveloped. The reader is uncertain about what works have been incorporated into Eliot's poem, and about what purpose these inclusions serve. In addition, none of the "variety of interpretations" is identifiedor even suggested. Pound's editing is a topic that might constitute a paper initself.3. Nathaniel Hawthorne's story "My Kinsman, Major Molineux" explores realism and melodrama, and human preoccupation with darkness, Gothic imagery, and mysteries of human behavior, while presenting an issue of authority and revolt; the story's content is the result of the influence of upbringing and isolation during his childhood years, his literary friends, and the state of the society during the early and middle 1800's.The author has provided a great deal of information, but has not clearly organizedhis/her ideas and tends simply to list them. From this statement it is difficult to distinguish between the method of exploration and what the author hopes to discover. The phrases "an issue of authority and revolt," and "the state of society ..." are vague.4. In an attempt to educate the young and the common men of Russia, Leo Tolstoy wrote numerous short stories, one of which is "The Prisoner of the Caucasus." Simplicity, morality, and advocated theme of universal brotherhood of this story provides for an easy reading, as well as a moral lesson, for a young and common person.suffers from a lack of clarity and completeness. One is left to wonder about the relevance of "easy reading" to literary analysis, as well as the meaning of "ayoung and common person."5. Robert Frost attempts to conceal the troubles of his life through the use of symbolism, metaphors and other literary devices in his writings. His tragic vision of man is disguised through the themes of love, friendship, family, and social relationship. He wrote to ease the tensions of his struggle for survival, individuality and happiness.This thesis statement is overly vague. It does not identify the works to beexplored, the "troubles of his (Frost's) life" or the "other literary devices." The meaning of "his tragic vision of man is disguised through the themes of ..." isalso unclear.6. Edgar Allen Poe's work was affected greatly by the current events of his life, covering his family life, his childhood, and his career; these events changed his style and subject of his works.This statement leaves the reader with far more questions than answers: whatworks will be explored?, what current events?, what childhood or career events?how did Poe's style change and why was this change important?7. When analyzing two of Dylan Thomas's poems "Do not go gentle into that good night," and "Then was my neophyte," one can see his portrayal of death through the use of symbolism, metaphors, and tone, as well as the importance of time, and its role as death's agent. One can also see Thomas's fear of death, as it is affected by his religious beliefs, and his acceptance of adult reality.This statement is fairly clear, although the term "his acceptance of adult reality" could, perhaps, be narrowed down somewhat.。

Thesis Statements论文陈述

Thesis Statements论文陈述

Although most people believe otherwise, bats are harmless and highly beneficial.
Directions: 1) Find the opinion words in the statement. If there are no opinion words, it is not a thesis statement. 2) Tell if the statement is a good thesis statement.
Better The climate in Asheboro is ideal for outdoor sports.
Which sentence would not be a good thesis statement because it is a fact?
A. The recycling of one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours. B. Recycling is one of the most important jobs a person can do to protect our environment.
A Fact
The recycling of one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours.
More Practice
Directions: 1) Find the opinion words in the statement. If there are no opinion words, it is not a thesis statement. 2) Tell if the statement is a good thesis statement.

thesis statement 主题陈述

thesis statement 主题陈述

thesis statement 主题陈述全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:thesis statement(主题陈述)在学术论文中扮演着至关重要的角色,它是整个论文的核心观点和总纲。













第二篇示例:在撰写一篇论文时,最重要的一部分就是thesis statement(主题陈述)。

thesis statement是论文的核心,是整篇文章的基石,是作者要为读者证明或说明的中心思想。

一个明确清晰的thesis statement 可以帮助读者理解文章的主题,引导作者在整个文章中保持一致的思路。

thesis statement通常出现在文章的开头部分或是第一段末尾,它应该简明扼要地概括整篇文章的主题,并阐明作者要论证的观点或支持的论据。

一个好的thesis statement应当具有以下特点:thesis statement应该具有针对性。




如何撰写essay的thesisstatement?Thesis statement因为就是摘要是essay的核心思想,它表明了其在国外撰写essay时的重要性。


实际上,为国际学生撰写essay的关键是抓住thesis statement,以提高essay的质量。

本文主要分享如何撰写essay的thesis statement。

一篇好的thesis statement应具有以下特点:1.thesis statement是一种断言而不是事实的陈述;2.一篇好的essay要有明确的主题和观点;3.thesis statement必须是一个完整的句子来进行整篇文章的内容总结;4.thesis statement内容不应宽泛;5.thesis statement要具体,不能模棱两可;6.每篇文章只有一个thesis statement。

thesis statement的主要功能是解释本文主题的含义,即本文的引言。


thesis statement是整篇文章的灵,只有撰写essay陈述时,才能对如何完成文章有更好的认识。

在写thesis statement时需要有以下思考:1.这篇文章的重点是什么?2.为什么要写这篇文章?3.导师想从你的文章中读出什么?4.你想给作者怎样的启发?要记住thesis statement必须是完整的句子,以表明essay的结论以及为什么存在该结论。

作品的thesis statement通常在文章前部,是一个需要长期思考的段落,在撰写essay时不应一上来就写它。



thesis statement是否足以令人信服这个问题最好与自己的导师讨论,并请导师提供一些实用的意见。

thesis statement

thesis statement

Thesis Statement
Key Features
States an Opinion or Attitude
Good thesis statements often express a writer’s opinion or attitude on a particular topic. This makes the thesis statement more specific and requires the writer to explain or prove his/her opinion in the essay. Look at the examples below.
thesis statement and outline
This lesson will give you instructions on how to: write a thesis statement that will guide the content of your essay create an outline for your essay
当然我们还可以继续缩小我们研究的 范围,使我们的文章更为具体,例如 具体研究哪些动物的行为
stage)。定稿阶段(thefinalizingstage): In a number of earthquake-prone countries, such as China and Algeria, systematic and careful analysis of recorded observations of all abnormal dog, snake, and insect behavior prior to an earthquake is helping in successful earthquake predictions.






(三)字体:“时代新罗马(Times New Roman)”字体。


(五)页边距:采用Windows XP默认页边距:上2.54厘米,下2.54厘米,左3.17厘米,右3.17厘米。










(十四)层次编码:依次使用I, II, III…; A, B, C,…1. 2. 3….; 1), 2), 3)…。

也可以采用第一级1,2,3,第二级1.1、1.2、1.3;第三级1.1.1,1.1.2, 1.1.3 (依此类推)格式。

(十五)例子:正文中例句较多时,宜按顺序用(1)(2)(3)…或a. b.c. …将所有的例句编号。


二、论文组成部分第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page)第二部分:论文题目,摘要页(Title and Abstract Page)第三部分:论文目录页(Outline Page)第四部分:论文正文(Body)第五部分(optional):论文尾注(Endnotes) (语言学类论文推荐采用夹注,故此部分可省略)第六部分:论文参考文献(References)第七部分(optional):附录(Appendix)三、毕业论文装订装订顺序应为:论文封面页、论文题目页、论文目录页、论文正文、论文尾注(语言学可以不作尾注)、论文参考书目,论文附录。

thesis and outline解读

thesis and outline解读

II. Thesis statement
• Topic: Confucius' Main Teaching Methods and Their Applicability to China's Education Today • Thesis statement: Confucius' elicitation method of teaching and that of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude are still applicable to China's education today.
II. Thesis statement
Topic: 浅谈《暮光之城》系列作品的流行因素
Thesis statement: From the combination of the ultimate expression of romanticism, the modern interpretation of Cinderella mode and the innovation and transcendence of the traditional gothic literature, Twilight Saga wins its notable popularity.
II. Thesis statement
• In your thesis statement, you should only state the central idea of your paper. Words like "I intend to· · · ", "The purpose of this paper is to· · · ", or "The method of research this paper is to adopt is· · · " should NOT appear in your thesis statement.

thesis statement例子

thesis statement例子

thesis statement例子当写论文或学术文章时,论文陈述句(thesis statement)是非常重要的一部分,它概括了整篇文章的主要观点或论点。

以下是一些论文陈述句的例子,以帮助你更好地理解:1. "The increasing use of social media has resulted in a decline in face-to-face communication skills among teenagers."(社交媒体的普及导致青少年面对面交流能力的下降。

)2. "Climate change is a global crisis that requires immediate action from governments, industries, and individuals."(气候变化是一场需要政府、产业和个人立即采取行动的全球危机。

)3. "Legalizing marijuana can have positive economic impacts and contribute to reducing the strain on the criminal justice system."(合法化大麻可以产生积极的经济影响,并有助于减轻刑事司法系统的压力。

)4. "The portrayal of women in the media perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes and contributes to the objectification of women."(媒体对女性的描绘延续了有害的性别刻板印象,并对女性的物化起到了推波助澜的作用。

)5. "The education system should prioritize the development of critical thinking skills to better prepare students for the demands of the modern workforce."(教育系统应将发展批判性思维能力置于优先地位,以更好地为学生应对现代职场的要求做好准备。



全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:原来平常也可贵英语作文审题思路步骤全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Invaluable Process of Unpacking an English Essay PromptAs students, we often find ourselves staring at those dreaded essay prompts, feeling a mixture of confusion andanxiety. However, what many fail to realize is that the process of understanding and analyzing the prompt is a crucial step towards crafting a compelling essay. It's like embarking on a journey, where the prompt serves as the map, guiding us through the intricate terrain of critical thinking and effective communication.Step 1: Read, Reread, and UnderstandThe first step in this odyssey is to read the prompt thoroughly, not once, but multiple times. Each reading may unveil new layers of meaning or nuances that were previously overlooked. It's akin to peeling an onion, revealing the intricate layers that lie beneath the surface. Truly comprehending the prompt is like unlocking a secret code, allowing us to decipher the expectations and requirements of the essay.Step 2: Identify Key Words and PhrasesAs we delve deeper into the prompt, it's crucial to identify the key words and phrases that hold the essence of the task at hand. These words act as signposts, guiding us towards the specific direction and focus of our essay. For instance, words like "analyze," "compare," or "evaluate" signal different approaches and expectations. Overlooking these critical terms could lead usdown a path of irrelevance, resulting in an essay that misses the mark entirely.Step 3: Deconstruct the PromptWith a firm grasp of the key terms, it's time to deconstruct the prompt, breaking it down into its constituent parts. This process involves identifying the main components, such as the topic, specific questions or tasks, and any additional guidelines or constraints. Visualizing the prompt as a puzzle, where each piece contributes to the overall picture, can be an effective strategy for understanding its complexities.Step 4: Contextualize and BrainstormOnce we have a clear understanding of the prompt's components, it's time to contextualize and brainstorm. This step involves drawing upon our existing knowledge, experiences, and observations to generate relevant ideas and perspectives. Engaging in this process not only enriches our understanding of the topic but also sparks creative thinking, enabling us to approach the essay from unique and insightful angles.Step 5: Organize and OutlineWith a wealth of ideas at our disposal, the next step is to organize and outline our thoughts. This process involvesstructuring our arguments, sorting through evidence, and establishing a logical flow that will guide the reader seamlessly through our essay. An outline serves as a blueprint, ensuring that our ideas are coherent, well-supported, and aligned with the prompt's requirements.Step 6: Write, Revise, and PolishArmed with a comprehensive outline, we embark on the writing process itself. This stage demands a delicate balance between creative expression and adherence to the prompt's guidelines. As we weave our thoughts into a cohesive narrative, it's essential to continuously refer back to the prompt, ensuring that our essay remains focused and addresses all aspects of the task.Throughout the writing process, revision and polishing are indispensable. Much like a sculptor meticulously chiseling away at a block of marble, we must refine our ideas, sharpen our arguments, and enhance the clarity and flow of our essay. This iterative process often involves seeking feedback, whether from peers, instructors, or trusted mentors, as fresh perspectives can illuminate areas for improvement.ConclusionIn the end, approaching an English essay prompt is not merely a academic exercise but a journey of self-discovery and intellectual growth. By embracing the process of unpacking, analyzing, and responding to prompts, we hone our critical thinking abilities, sharpen our communication skills, and develop a deeper appreciation for the art of effective writing.Remember, the journey may seem daunting at first, but with patience, perseverance, and a willingness to learn, what initially appeared as a formidable obstacle can transform into a rewarding and enriching experience. Embrace the process, trust your abilities, and let the prompt be your guide towards unlocking the full potential of your literary prowess.篇2The Precious Art of Unpacking an English Essay PromptAs students, we've all been there – staring at that blank page or document, the ominous essay prompt glaring back at us, daring us to make sense of its convoluted wording. The stakes feel high, the pressure immense, and the temptation to procrastinate almost irresistible. But fear not, my fellow scholarly companions, for I have uncovered a secret art that shall guide usthrough the treacherous waters of English essay writing: the art of unpacking the prompt.Step 1: Breathe and Read SlowlyBefore you even begin to contemplate the prompt, it's crucial to take a deep breath and clear your mind. Approach the prompt with a calm, focused demeanor, and read it slowly, savoring every word like a fine wine. Resist the urge to skim or make hasty assumptions; the devil truly is in the details when it comes to essay prompts.Step 2: Identify the Key ElementsOnce you've read the prompt thoroughly, it's time to dissect it like a literary surgeon. Identify the key elements: the topic, the task, and any specific instructions or limitations. The topic is the subject matter you'll be exploring, the task is what you're being asked to do (analyze, argue, compare, etc.), and the instructions are the guidelines you must follow.Step 3: Define Unfamiliar TermsChances are, the prompt will contain a few fancy words or phrases that make you feel like you've stumbled into a foreign language class. Don't panic! This is where a trusty dictionary becomes your best friend. Look up any unfamiliar terms andensure you fully understand their meanings and connotations within the context of the prompt.Step 4: Brainstorm and OrganizeWith a firm grasp of the prompt's components, it's time to let your brilliant mind run wild. Brainstorm ideas, examples, and potential arguments or angles you could explore. Jot down anything that comes to mind, no matter how random it may seem at first. Then, start organizing your thoughts into a coherent structure, separating main points from supporting details.Step 5: Develop a Thesis StatementThe thesis statement is the backbone of your essay, the central argument or claim you'll be making. Craft a clear, concise statement that directly addresses the prompt and encapsulates the main idea you plan to explore. This statement will guide the rest of your writing and help you stay focused.Step 6: Outline Your EssayWith your thesis in hand, it's time to create an outline. Determine the key points you'll make to support your thesis, and organize them into a logical flow. Consider counterarguments or alternative perspectives you might need to address. Sketch outan introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion to give your essay structure.Step 7: Gather Supporting EvidenceA well-argued essay requires solid evidence to back up your claims. Depending on the prompt, this could involve researching credible sources, drawing upon personal experiences, analyzing literary works, or citing expert opinions. Gather a variety of supporting materials to strengthen your arguments.Step 8: Write with Clarity and PurposeNow comes the hard part: putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). As you write, keep your thesis statement and outline in mind, ensuring each paragraph directly supports and reinforces your central argument. Use clear, concise language and varied sentence structures to keep your reader engaged. And remember, quality always trumps quantity – focus on making strong, well-supported points rather than aiming for a specific word count.Step 9: Revise and PolishOnce you've completed your first draft, it's time for the crucial revision process. Read through your essay with a critical eye, checking for logical flow, coherence, and adherence to theprompt's instructions. Strengthen weak arguments, clarify muddled points, and ensure your evidence is properly integrated and cited.Step 10: Proofread and FinalizeThe final step is to meticulously proofread your essay, catching any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors that may have slipped through. Read it aloud if possible, as this can help you identify awkward phrasing or unclear sentences. Once you're satisfied, give your essay one last polish, and voilà – a masterpiece worthy of academic acclaim!Remember, my fellow students, the art of unpacking an English essay prompt is not a mere skill but a precious treasure that shall serve you well throughout your academic journey. Embrace the process, savor the challenge, and revel in the satisfaction of crafting a well-argued, thoughtful piece of writing. For in the end, it is not the prompt that holds power over us, but our ability to dissect, analyze, and conquer it with our indomitable intellects.篇3The Valuable Process of Analyzing Essay PromptsAs a student, one of the most daunting tasks we face is writing essays, especially in English class. The mere sight of an essay prompt can send shivers down our spines, leaving us feeling lost and unsure of where to begin. However, I've learned that by following a structured approach, we can transform these seemingly intimidating prompts into opportunities for showcasing our creativity and critical thinking skills.The first step in this process is to read the prompt carefully, multiple times if necessary. It's essential to understand precisely what the prompt is asking, as this will serve as the foundation for our entire essay. Often, prompts contain specific instructions or requirements that we must adhere to, such as addressing a particular aspect of a literary work or incorporating a specific quotation. Missing these details can lead to a misguided essay that fails to answer the prompt effectively.Once we've grasped the prompt's core requirements, it's time to delve into the analysis phase. This is where we dissect the prompt, breaking it down into its constituent parts and identifying any key terms or concepts that require further exploration. For instance, if the prompt asks us to discuss the theme of courage in a novel, we would need to define whatcourage means in that particular context and how it manifests throughout the story.During this analysis stage, it's crucial to engage our critical thinking skills. We should ask ourselves probing questions that challenge our initial assumptions and push us to consider alternative perspectives. For example, "Is courage always a positive trait, or can it sometimes lead to reckless behavior?" Questioning the prompt in this manner helps us uncover the complexities and nuances that can elevate our essays from mere summaries to insightful explorations.With a solid understanding of the prompt and its underlying concepts, we can begin the prewriting process. This is where we brainstorm ideas, jot down notes, and organize our thoughts in a cohesive manner. Some students prefer to create outlines, while others find mind maps or freewriting exercises more effective. The goal is to generate as many relevant ideas as possible, without censoring ourselves or worrying about structure just yet.As we brainstorm, it's essential to refer back to the prompt regularly, ensuring that our ideas align with the prompt's requirements and expectations. This ongoing dialogue between our ideas and the prompt helps us stay focused and on track,preventing us from veering off course and producing an essay that misses the mark.Once we have a solid collection of ideas, it's time to start structuring our essay. This involves arranging our thoughts into a logical flow, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The introduction should capture the reader's attention and provide a concise thesis statement that encapsulates our main argument or perspective.In the body paragraphs, we'll flesh out our ideas, supporting them with relevant evidence, examples, and quotations from the literary work or other sources. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of our argument, building upon the previous one and guiding the reader through our thought process.Finally, the conclusion should synthesize our main points, reinforce our thesis, and leave the reader with a lasting impression. It's an opportunity to demonstrate the significance of our analysis and perhaps offer a broader perspective or call to action.Throughout this process, it's essential to keep the prompt in mind, continuously referring back to it to ensure that our essay remains focused and aligned with the prompt's requirements. This constant dialogue between our ideas and the prompt iswhat transforms a mere response into a well-crafted, insightful exploration of the topic at hand.Moreover, as we write, we should strive to use precise language and maintain a formal, academic tone appropriate for an English essay. Clear and concise writing, coupled with proper citation and formatting, not only demonstrates our command of the English language but also our ability to communicate complex ideas effectively.Ultimately, the process of analyzing an English essay prompt and developing ideas for writing is a valuable exercise that extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. It cultivates essential skills such as critical thinking, analysis, and effective communication – skills that will serve us well in our academic pursuits and future careers.By embracing this structured approach and treating each prompt as an opportunity for intellectual growth, we can transform the daunting task of essay writing into a rewarding and enriching experience. So, the next time an English essay prompt looms before us, let's approach it with confidence, curiosity, and a willingness to engage in the valuable process of analysis and idea development.。



社会现象英语作文模板英文回答:Social Phenomena Essay Outline。

I. Introduction。

Begin with a brief hook to capture the reader's attention, stating the topic of social phenomena.Definition of social phenomena and its significance in understanding society.Thesis statement: Outline the main arguments or points that will be discussed in the essay.II. Types of Social Phenomena。

Discuss different types of social phenomena, such as:Social movements。

Social norms。

Cultural norms。

Deviance and social control。

Provide specific examples to illustrate each type.III. Causes and Consequences of Social Phenomena。

Explore the factors that contribute to the emergence and persistence of social phenomena:Social, economic, and political influences。

Cultural values and beliefs。

Analyze the effects of social phenomena on individuals, groups, and society as a whole.IV. The Role of Individuals in Social Phenomena。



用首先然后再然后接下来最后造英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1First of all, let's discuss the importance of planning before writing an English essay. Planning is essential because it helps you organize your thoughts and ideas in a logical manner. This will make your essay more coherent and easier for the reader to understand.Once you have a solid plan in place, the next step is to start writing the introduction. The introduction should grab the reader's attention and introduce the topic of your essay. It should also provide a brief overview of what will be discussed in the body of the essay.After writing the introduction, you can move on to the body paragraphs of the essay. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point or argument that supports your thesis statement. Make sure to provide evidence and examples to support each point you make.Next, you should write a conclusion that summarizes the main points of your essay and reinforces your thesis statement.The conclusion should leave a lasting impression on the reader and tie everything together.Finally, make sure to edit and proofread your essay before submitting it. This will help you catch any errors or inconsistencies in your writing and ensure that your essay is polished and ready for submission.In conclusion, by following these steps – planning, writing the introduction, developing the body paragraphs, writing the conclusion, and editing – you can create a well-structured and cohesive English essay. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep writing and honing your skills to become a better writer.篇2First of all, let's talk about the importance of using transitional words and phrases in English writing. Transitional words and phrases help to improve the flow and coherence of a piece of writing, making it easier for the reader to follow the author's ideas and arguments.Then, it is important to understand the different types of transitional words and phrases that can be used in English writing. There are several categories of transitions, including additive transitions (e.g. in addition, furthermore), adversativetransitions (e.g. however, on the other hand), causative transitions (e.g. therefore, consequently), and sequential transitions (e.g. first, second, finally).Next, it is essential to know how to use transitional words and phrases effectively in English writing. Transitional words and phrases can be placed at the beginning of a sentence, in the middle of a sentence, or at the end of a sentence, depending on the author's intentions. It is also important to use a variety of transitional words and phrases to avoid repetition and create a more engaging piece of writing.Furthermore, using transitional words and phrases can help to create a smooth and logical progression of ideas in a piece of writing. By using transitional words and phrases, the author can connect one idea to another, leading the reader through the text in a clear and coherent manner.Finally, it is important to practice using transitional words and phrases in English writing to improve one's writing skills. By incorporating transitional words and phrases into their writing, authors can enhance the overall quality of their work and make it more engaging and accessible to readers.篇3First of all, let's talk about the importance of brainstorming before writing an English essay. Brainstorming helps to generate ideas and organize thoughts in a logical manner. It allows us to explore different angles and perspectives on a topic, which can lead to a more comprehensive and well-rounded piece of writing. Furthermore, brainstorming helps to overcome writer's block and keeps the writing process flowing smoothly.Then, once you have completed the brainstorming process, it is time to create an outline for your essay. An outline serves as a roadmap for your writing, guiding you through the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. It helps to ensure that your essay is well-structured and cohesive, with a clear thesis statement and supporting arguments.Next, it is important to focus on writing a strong introduction that grabs the reader's attention and sets the tone for the rest of the essay. The introduction should provide background information on the topic, introduce the thesis statement, and outline the main points that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.Following the introduction, the body paragraphs should be well-developed and support the thesis statement with evidence, examples, and analysis. Each paragraph should focus on a singlepoint or idea, and transitions should be used to connect one paragraph to the next.Lastly, the conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay, restate the thesis statement, and provide a closing thought or reflection on the topic. It is important to leave the reader with a lasting impression and a sense of closure.In conclusion, by following these steps - brainstorming, outlining, writing a strong introduction, developing the body paragraphs, and crafting a solid conclusion - you can create a well-written English essay that effectively communicates your ideas and engages the reader. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your writing skills and you will continue to improve over time.。



关于如何写thesisstatementHow Do I Write a Thesis Statement?What is a thesis statement?A thesis statement is a very specific argument that guides your paper. Generally, a thesis statement consists of two parts:1. a clearly identifiable topic or subject matter, and2. a succinct summary of what you have to say about that topicA thesis functions like the case a lawyer has to make to the judge and jury in a courtroom. An effective thesis statement explains to your reader the case you are going to make and how you are going to make it. Your thesis also helps to keep you focused as writer and determine what information you do (or don’t) need to include in your analysis.Traditionally, the thesis statement is found near the end of your introduction, though this may change depending on the assignment. Don’t be afraid to draft a thesis statement that is more than one sentence.Note also: You do not need a perfect thesis statement before you draft the rest of the paper. In fact, you will likely need to modify your thesis once you have a complete draft to make sure that your paper does what your thesis says it will. Honing and tweaking a thesis statement during the revision process is ultimately more important than having it exact and precise during the drafting processCharacteristics of a WEAK thesis statement:Vague: Raises an interesting topic or question but doesn’t specify an argumentOffers plot summary, statement of fact, or obvious truths instead of an argumentOffers opinion or conjecture rather than an argument (cannot be proven with textual evidence)Is too broad or too complex for the length of the paperUses meaningful‐sounding words but doesn’t say anythingDisclaimer: This is not a complete list! You can probably think of many more characteristics of a weak thesis statement. Characteristics of a STRONG thesis statement:Answers a specific questionTakes a distinct position on the topicIs debatable (a reasonable person could argue an alternative position)Appropriately focused for the page length of the assignmentAllows your reader to anticipate the organization of your argumentIf you’re having trouble drafting a thesis, try filling in the blanks:In this paper, I argue that _____, because/by _____.While critics argue _____, I argue _____, because _____.By looking at _____, I argue that _____, which is important because _____.The text, _____, defines _____ as _____, in order to argue _____.Disclaimer: These are only models. They’ll be useful to help you to get started, but you’ll have to do quite a bit of tweaking before your thesis is ready for your paper.THESIS statement checklist!Ask yourself the following questionsas you work your way through the writing process:Does my thesis address a debatable topic?Almost every paper assignment requires you to make an argument. In order to do this, you must first have a topic about which one could reasonably make at least two different arguments. If it isn’t debatable, why spend the time to write about it?Does my thesis make a specific claim on a topic?The thesis statement is the central claim of your paper, so it must be a complete sentence that explainsthe argument or purpose of your paper. It is not a general topic or question; rather, it takes a stand onthe topic at handDoes my thesis offer a roadmap for the reader, containing organizational cues as to how to arrange the various parts of my argument in the pages that follow?Your thesis should not only state your argument but offer a roadmap for your readers, as to how thepaper as a whole will proceed. This will often require one or two sentences beyond the single sentencethat states your thesis.Does my thesis contain the key words or central idea that focuses my argument?Including the key words of your analysis in your thesis statement allows your reader to better understand the important points of your argument in the following paragraphs. Defining your key words also helpsto keep you focused on your argument as you write the body of your paper.Is my thesis focused enough or complex enough to satisfy the page length of the assignment?Remember: Part of your task in writing a paper is not only to state what you will argue, but also to make the argument itself. If you cannot complete the argument in the space required, then you must narrowthe scope of your topic. Similarly, if your thesis is too narrow, you will have to brainstorm ways tobroaden your argument.Can I support my thesis with the material available?If you cannot support your claim, then you cannot make an argument. If your thesis cannot be supported with the material available in your text/s, you will have to reframe your argument in provable terms.Does my thesis really reflect my final argument?If your thesis statement does not accurately express your claim, your readers will be confused. Thetricky part is that often in the course of writing a paper, our ideas change or we modify our opinions onthe topic. This means that it is vitally important to continuously check that your thesis statement is themost accurate expression of your argument possible. When you’re finished with a draft, revise yourthesis so that it reflects what you’re really saying, or revise the rest of the paper so that it proves yourthesis.。








ﻭ 7个写五段式essay与outline的步骤让你写出出色的essayStep 1:确定你的主题(topic)通常,你的老师在给你留一篇五段式的时也会一并给你的topic。


ﻭ举个例子,老师给你的topic通常会是下面这样的:Whatare the argumentsfor oragainst writing a 5—paragraph essay? Shouldteachers continue reuesting thiswriting method from students?Step2:确定你的立场你要从中找到你的立场,当你确定你的立场后,你就要从你学校的资料库或者网上材料找到足够的论据来支持你的论点。

要注意的是你在写essay之前一定要确认你的立场(比如你是否同意这个观点,一定是是或者否,或者一定从topic的两个观点中选出其中一个),否则,你的将无法继续.ﻭ我还要借用上面给出的例子,我要选取的观点是against the 5-paragraph writing。

ﻭStep 3:写出一个清晰的thesis statement依然借用例子,我刚才所选择的观点是against the 5-paragraphw riting。



怎样写topic outline and sentence outline我只知道outline,不过应该包括你说的这些了一般为五段式结构1.introductory paragraph 介绍段-hook 引出话题;概述,大概1-2句-thesis statement 你的论点 1句-main points 一般是3点 1句以下3段分别论述这3点2.3.4段结构一样,我只写1段的做参考2.body paragraph 正文段-topic sentence 你的分论点,也就是你在第一段说的3点中的第1点,只不过要更具体一点 1句-quotation 引证.可以是数据,举例,文章节选等等-explain 解释你的例证是如何支持你的topic sentence-conclusion 对本段的总结5.concluding paragraph 总结段-restate thesis 再次强调你的论点-restate main points 再次强调你的3个分论点英语系论文得outline怎么写?步骤等,谢谢outline 有三种很简约的说1.topic outlinethesis:XXXXX(是一句话,要打句点)(下面的都是单词和短语不打句点)Ⅰ.XXXXⅡ.XXXXA.XXXX1.XXX2.XXXB.XXXXⅢ.XXXXX2.sentence outline (格式和TOPIC OUTLINE 是一样的,但是下面的小点和层次都是一句话的形式)thesis和下面的层次是一排起头的3.mixed outline 格式也是一样的但是第一层是要是一句话的,一下的都是短语和单词组成,是前面2种的混合体英语论文的outline具体格式是什么呀V. Thesis Outline:I. Introduction.II. On Developing English Reading Skills in Junior High School.2.1. Current Situation and Problems of Junior High School Students in English Reading.2.2. Reasons of Currents Problems in English Reading.Ⅲ. Ways to develop Students' English Reading Skills.3.1. Developing Students' Reading Habits.3.2. Specific Measures in developing Reading Skills.3.2.1 Broadening Students' Vocabulary.3.2.2 Improving Students' Reading Interests.3.2.3 Training Students' Reading Speed While Reading.3.2.4 Choose Proper Reading Materials and Strategies.Ⅳ. Extending Students' Eye Shot in Extracurricular Reading.Ⅴ. Conclusion.定义和用法注释:轮廓线不会占据空间,也不一定是矩形。

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A Report on On-line Shopping in Wuhan 武汉网购状况调查报告 A Report on the Development of Fast Food Industry in Optic Valley 光谷周边地区快餐行业发展报告 A Report on the Role of Package in Foreign Trade 外贸行业包装作用调查 Etiquettes in *** Business Activities 某某行业商业活动中的社交礼仪状况
Comparison of Different Means of Transportation in International Trade 国际贸易中的多种运输方式对比研究 A Report on Comparison of Different Means of Payment in International Trade 国际贸易中多种支付方式对比研究 Business Euphemism in Economist 《经济学人》杂志中的商务隐喻现象研究
summarize Deal with a complex subject by giving the main points
focus of a paper sets forth the proposition of the main point of view the paper is going to prove or maintain It is usually in one single declarative sentence It should have an argumentative edge.
a clear, concise, complete, comprehensible declarative sentence; predict the major divisions in the structure of a paper commit the writer to an unmistakable course, argument or point of view.
A Report on Purposes of Going Abroad for Further Study --- A Case Study in HUE 湖北二师学生出国深造情况调查 A Report on On-line Cosmetic Sales Strategies of Market Positioning 在线化妆品销售市场定位 A Report on Impacts of Social-cultural Differences on Marketing *** 社会文化差异影响下的某某产品营销情况调查 A Report on Ways of Improving Campus Culture 提高校园文化氛围的有效策略
commit the writer to a single line of argument not be worded in figurative language not be vaguely worded
Cigarette smoking wreaks havoc on the body. Poor: merely the fact, no argumentative point Revised: Cigarette smoking harms the body by constricting the blood vessels, accelerating the heartbeat, paralyzing the cilia in the bronchial tubes, and activating excessive gastric secretions in the stomach. Tip: Be more specific and can hold water
e.g. This paper will analyze the present management system with Lenovo and its procedures are listed as follows…

Note down key points Title: The state should play no part in the organization of industry.
Note: Some research papers have no thesis, but instead have a statement of purpose, which is merely an announcement of what the writer proposes to do.
A Report on Organizing a Live Business Conference 商务会议策划报告 On the Translation Public Signs in Wuhan 武汉地区公示blicity Materials 旅游宣传资料翻译状况研究 On the Importance of Cross-Cultural Comparison to English Study 英语学习过程中跨文化对比的重要性研究
• •
•Key points:
Introduction various economic theories, Marxist, Keynesian, free market Disadvantages State protects workers from exploitation, e.g. children; consumers protected from dangerous products, e.g. medical drugs
Determining a topic/ title Debatable and argumentative topic/ title e.g. The state should play no part in the organization of industry
Is it a proper topic/ title?
the writer in writing the paper --- enable the readers to grasp the main points of the paper at a glance
A single declarative sentence that expresses the main point of view toward the topic. --- a guideline to the paper What the author is going to write should center around it, support it, bear it out, and disprove arguments against it.
On the Relationship between Culture and ELT Csilla Sárdi
Abstract: In the literature, there are two widely spread and opposing views regarding the relationship between culture and English language teaching (ELT). One is that, since culture and language are inseparable, English cannot be taught without the culture (or rather, one of the cultures) in which it is embedded. The other one is that English language teaching should be carried out independently of its cultural context. It is often suggested that, instead of the context of the target culture, ELT should make use of contexts familiar to language learners. Taking this debate as a starting point, the paper reports on a survey carried out at a university college in Hungary investigating students’ attitudes to the cultural content of their EFL courses. The aims of the survey were to find out respondents’ attitudes towards the cultural elements of their EFL courses, and to define their perceived needs.
Analyze Describe Examine State Suggest
Look at the various parts and their relationships
Divide into sections and discuss each critically
Give a detailed account Give a clear and simple account Make a proposal and support it
A Report on the Importance of Staff Training in ABC Company ABC公司员工培训状况调查 A Report on Promotion of A New Brand 新品牌营销策略 A Report on Impact of Customer Satisfaction to Sales Volume 顾客满意度调查对**百货商场销售量的影响 A Report on How to Establish Relationship with Potential Customers 与潜在客户打交道的有效途径 A Report on Keeping Balance Between Part-time Jobs and On-campus Study 在兼职工作与在校学习间如何保持平衡的报告