2-Traffic Engineering
交通工程专业课程篇一:《交通工程专业》课程教学大纲_...交通运输学院本科专业大纲汇总(交通工程专业规划设计与施工方向)二o一四年十一月目录第一部分理论课程教学大纲............................................................................ . (1)《城市道路规划设计及施工》课程教学大纲 (1)《城市轨道交通线路及站场设计》课程教学大纲 (4)《城市慢行交通系统》课程教学大纲 (8)《技术创新工程》课程教学大纲............................................................................ (10)《道路交通安全工程》课程教学大纲 (12)《道路交通法规与安全事故》课程教学大纲 (15)《电工与电子技术c》课程教学大纲 (18)《高速公路管理》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .22《高速公路收费系统理论与方法》课程教学大纲 (26)《工程cad》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .. (29)《工程项目招投标》课程教学大纲 (32)《公共交通运营非政府》课程教学大纲 (35)《公路工程质量监测与管理》课程教学大纲 (38)《公路网规划》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .. (42)《公路养护与管理》课程教学大纲 (46)《轨道交通规划与设计》课程教学大纲 (50)《轨道交通运营组织》课程教学大纲 (53)《交通安全系统分析》课程教学大纲 (58)《交通产业经济学》课程教学大纲 (61)《交通枢纽规划与设计》课程教学大纲 (67)《交通工程导论》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .70《交通工程概预算及施工非政府》课程教学大纲 (75)《交通工程建设监理》课程教学大纲 (78)《交通工程设施设计与施工》课程教学大纲 (81)《交通工程专业导论》课程教学大纲 (85)《交通工程专业英语》教学大纲............................................................................ .87《交通管理信息系统》课程教学大纲 (90)《交通管理与掌控》课程教学大纲 (93)《交通规划原理》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .97《交通环境工程》课程教学大纲 (1)02《交通机电系统》教学大纲............................................................................ .......106《交通景观设计》课程教学大纲 (1)09《交通美学》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .......112《交通区位理论》课程教学大纲 (1)15《交通设计》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .......119《交通调查与分析》课程教学大纲.. (122)《交通系统工程》课程教学大纲 (1)26《交通心理学》课程教学大纲............................................................................ (130)《交通影响分析》课程教学大纲 (1)34《客运交通系统》课程教学大纲 (1)38《区域经济》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .......141《停车场规划与设计》课程教学大纲...................................................................146《物流系统规划原理与应用领域》教学大纲...............................................................149《运筹学d》课程教学大纲............................................................................ .......152《运输经济学》课程教学大纲............................................................................ ...156《交通工程前沿技术讲座》课程教学大纲...........................................................159《智能交通系统》课程教学大纲 (1)61《交通建设项目经济与评价》课程教学大纲.......................................................164《计算方法b》课程教学大纲............................................................................ ....169第二部分实验课程教学大纲............................................................................ ...172《道路交通安全工程》实验教学大纲...................................................................172《工程cad》课程实验教学大纲.. (17)4《公共交通运营非政府》课程实验教学大纲...........................................................176《运筹学d》课程实验教学大纲 (1)78《交通工程设施设计与施工》实验教学大纲.......................................................180《交通设计》实验教学大纲............................................................................ .......182《交通系统工程》课程实验教学大纲...................................................................184《交通调查与分析》课程实验教学大纲...............................................................186《物流系统规划原理与应用领域》课程实验大纲.......................................................189《交通环境工程》课程实验教学大纲...................................................................191《交通管理与掌控》课程实验教学大纲...............................................................193《交通机电系统》课程实验教学大纲...................................................................195第三部分课程设计教学大纲............................................................................ ...197交通工程专业毕业设计教学大纲 (1)97《交通设计综合实验》教学大纲 (2)02《交通规划》课程设计教学大纲 (2)05《交通工程设施课程设计》教学大纲...................................................................208《城市道路课程设计》教学大纲 (2)10第四部分进修课程教学大纲............................................................................ ...213交通工程专业毕业进修教学大纲 (2)13《交通仿真软件综合实验》进修教学大纲 (216)第一部分理论课程教学大纲《城市道路规划设计及施工》课程教学大纲一、课程说明1、课程代码:05240092、课程名称(中英文):城市道路规划设计及施工designandconstructionofurbanroads3、学时学分:48学时理论教学,3学分4、适用专业:交通工程5、开学学院:交通运输学院6、课程负责人:宋永朝二、课程地位本课程授课对象为交通运输类交通工程专业本科生开设的专业必修课程,也是该专业的主干专业课程之一。
第33卷第4期2003年7月 东南大学学报(自然科学版)JOURNA L OF S OUTHE AST UNIVERSITY (Natural Science Edition )V ol 133N o 14July 2003公路交通流车速流量实用关系模型王 炜(东南大学交通学院,南京210096)摘要:针对常用的公路交通流车速流量关系模型不能进行交通流超饱和状态下交通分析的不足,本文首先应用大量的交通观测数据建立了各级公路车速流量关系理论模型,通过对公路高峰小时超饱和状态下交通流消散过程的机理分析,研究了各级公路在不同交通负荷条件下的车速流量关系通用模型的结构,并通过与大量观测数据的拟合,建立了各级公路在任何交通负荷条件下的车速流量关系通用模型的函数表达式,提出了各级公路在不同设计车速下的实用模型参数.该模型成功地解决了高峰小时超饱和状态下的交通流速度预测问题,为公路网络规划类、经济分析类项目的开展提供了理论基础.关键词:公路;交通流;速度;流量;模型中图分类号:U491 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-0505(2003)0420487205Practical speed 2flow relationship model of highw ay traffic 2flowWang Wei(C ollege of T ransportation ,S outheast University ,Nanjing 210096,China )Abstract : Aiming at the shortcoming in generally used speed 2flow relationship m odel ,the theoretical m odels of speed flow relationship for each highway class are established based upon a large number of col 2lected traffic data.The speed flow relationship m odel structure under different traffic load conditions is re 2viewed by analyzing the traffic flow dissipation mechanism under peak hour over saturated traffic condition.A general speed 2flow relationship m odel under any traffic load conditions is established through curve fitting of large number of observed data.The practical m odel parameters for each highway class under different de 2sign speed are als o put forward.This m odel success fully s olves the speed 2forecasting problem of the traffic flow under peak hour over saturated condition.K ey w ords : highway ;traffic 2flow ;speed ;v olume ;m odel 收稿日期:2002209205. 作者简介:王 炜(1959—),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,wang 2wei @. 在公路网络的交通分析中,车速流量模型非常关键,是预测路段平均车速和平均出行时间的基本模型,是进行网络交通分配、网络交通质量评价和网络经济评价的基础,在公路网络交通规划、公路工程建设项目可行性研究、公路建设项目后评估和公路交通管理与交通控制中广泛应用[1].1 公路交通流车速流量理论模型在连续交通流中,速度U 、流量V 及密度K 之间存在着如下关系:V =UK (1)这就是著名的交通流三参数关系,通常假设密度K 与流量V 呈线性关系(G reenshields 假设),便可推导得速度U 与流量V 的二次抛物线关系模型,如图1及式(2)所示,即V =K j U -U 2U 0(2)式中,K j 为阻塞密度;U 0为零流量时的平均车速.理论上说,当交通流量达到最大V m 时,交通流平均速度U m 为零流速度U 0的一半,而这时的最大流量V m 就是道路通行能力.尽管该模型的前提假设(G reenshields 假设)并不非常合理,但由于它十分简单,至今仍有学者以图1 U 2V 典型图式此为基础进行流量车速关系模型的探讨[2,3].2 公路交通流车速流量关系实测模型 在交通部组织的国家“九五”科技重点攻关项目《公路通行能力研究》中,项目承担单位在河南、河北、广东、四川、辽宁、新疆、江苏、北京等省市进行了大规模的各级公路流量、车速调查,历时4a ,观测了279个路段及20个交叉口、21个收费站的交通流状况,积累了3万个分析样本量,通过对这些样本数据的分析,建立了各级公路的车速流量的实测模型及标准模型.图2~图4为各级公路在不同设计车速下的部分模型Ξ.图2 高速公路车速流量实测模型图3 一级公路车速流量实测模型图4 双车道公路车速流量实测模型通过大量实测数据建立的实测模型经过标准化处理后,可得表1、表2所示的各级公路各设计车速下的标准化车速流量模型,典型的流量速度曲线族如图5所示.表1 高等级公路标准化车速流量模型公路等级设计车速/(km ・h -1)基本通行能力(单车道)/(pcu ・h -1)标准化车速(U )流量(V )关系模型高速公路1202200V =-01611U 2+731320U 1002200V =-01880U 2+881000U 802000V =-11250U 2+100100U 601800V =-21000U 2+1201000U 一级公路1002100V =-01840U 2+841000U 801950V =-11219U 2+971520U 601650V =-11833U 2+1101000U表2 双车道公路车速流量模型公路类型自由流速/(km ・h -1)通行能力(双向)/(pcu ・h -1)车速(U )流量(V )实测模型7m 路面731400U =73exp (-0100042V )9m 路面852500U =85exp (-01000225V )14m 路面953700U =95exp (-0100021V )图5 高速公路车速流量曲线族3 公路交通流超负荷时车速流量关系模型 无论是交通流车速流量理论模型还是上述分析的标准化车速流量实测模型,它们有一个共同的特点是不能预测交通流量大于通行能力(V/C >1)时的车辆行驶平均速度.理论上说,当交通量大于通行能力时,路段交通阻塞,此时,即使到达车辆数增加,能通过的交通流量仍只能是通行能力,即路段流量不能大于通行能力,剩余车辆数(到达车辆数(V )-通行能力(C ))会排队等候.但在实际的交通网络分析中(如交通网络方案分析、道路建设多方案比选等等),仍需要预测当路段上的交通需求量(即车辆到达数)超过通行能力时,这些车辆的平均行驶速度,该速度是进行方案比较(特别是经济效益分析)必不可少的,但上述模型却无能为力了[4~6].884东南大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷Ξ交通部公路科学研究所,交通部公路规划研究院,东南大学,北京工业大学.公路通行能力研究———高速公路通行能力研究分报告、一般公路通行能力研究分报告.2000206.当某时段内路段上的交通需求量超过该时段内的通行能力时,该时段内通过与通行能力相同的车辆数,按标准化的车速模型,这些车辆以U m (零流车速的一半)通过,剩余车辆也按此车速排队通过,但增加了排队时间,直至排队疏散(如图6所示).那么,该时段内到达的所有车辆(车辆数大于通行能力)的平均通过速度应小于U m ,也就是说,车速流量模型应该是S 型曲线,如图7所示.图6 交通需求量大于通行能力时的排队积累与消散图图7 实用的车速流量模型当路段到达车辆数超过通行能力(V/C >1)时,车辆的排队积累与消散过程如图6所示.可见,当单位时间T 内到达的车辆数TV 超过该时段T 能通过的通行能力TC 时,在该时段T 内到达的车辆排队积累,至T 时段末排队最长,最长排队长度为TV -TC.假设T 时段后到达的车辆只能在T 时段内到达的排队车辆后等候通行,并不影响前面车辆,在排队消散过程中不发生因车流不稳定而造成的阻塞,则在整个排队消散过程中,路段上的交通流以U m 通过(标准模型中流量为通行能力时所对应的车速).设在T 时段内到达的排队车辆的消散总时间为d ,则在T 时段内到达的车辆总数为N =TV所有在T 时段内到达的车辆总延误(图6中阴影三角形面积)为D =12TVd由图6中的相似三角形可得T d d =TVTV -TCT +d d =VV -C d =TVC-1(3)所有在T 时段内到达车辆通过路段的平均延误时间为d =D N =12TVd TV =12TV/C -1(4)在T + d 时间内实际行驶距离为l =TU m所有在T 时间内到达的车辆的平均行驶速度为U =l T + d=2U m 1+V/C=U 01+V/C(5)式中,U 为车辆平均行驶速度;U 0为交通量为零时的车辆平均行驶速度.用式(5)预测V/C >1时的路段行驶车速往往是偏大的,如当V/C =2时,预测的平均车速仍有零流车速的33%.造成偏大的原因是假设了在整个排队消散过程中车流以U m 匀速通过,但实际上交通量以通行能力通过时,已是不稳定车流,任何道路与交通条件的影响都会引起更大的延误,甚至阻塞.因此,需对式(5)进行修正,由于交通流稳定状况与交通负荷有关,通常的做法是对交通负荷(V/C )引进2个系数,将式(5)修正为U =U 01+α(V/C )β(6)式中,α,β为修正系数.式(6)与著名的美国联邦公路局交通阻抗模型是一致的.4 公路交通流车速流量实用模型从上述分析可以看出,实测模型在V/C <018时,有很好的预测精度,V/C >018时,会有误差(因为建立模型的大部分数据实测于V/C ≤018),但不能预测交通负荷大于1的路段行驶车速,V/C>1时,需用式(6)进行预测.由于用不同的模型预测,在V/C =1附近,预测车速不连续.实际上,路段通行能力并不是非常严格的,它可以是一个区间,在交通量达到通行能力的前后速度变化不会太大.通过分析发现,V/C <018时,二次抛物线、指数曲线与S 曲线有很相似的线形,因此,可以对式(6)的S 曲线与二次抛物线、指数曲线在V/C ≤018时的线形拟合,对式(6)进行修正,用修正后的连续模型来预测各种交通负荷下的路段车速,既可大大简化预测模型,也可以保证V/C =1时车速的984第4期王 炜:公路交通流车速流量实用关系模型连续性.修正后的车速流量模型为U=α0U s1+γ(V/C)β(7)式中,U s为各等级公路的设计车速;γ为修正系数.修正系数α,β,γ通过实测数据回归分析获得或与实测模型所对应的曲线拟合确定,表3为通过对实测模型在V/C≤1数据段进行曲线拟合后确定的各参数.在拟合过程中发现,γ是控制参数,当γ=1时,标准化模型和S曲线模型在流量达到通行能力时相等并且速度等于U0的一半,所以,γ= 1是2个模型同化的控制点.当β取常数时,标准化模型、S曲线模型在V/C≤1段拟合程度较差,通过模拟发现,要使S曲线能与二次抛线(标准化模型)很好拟合,β是V/C的非线性函数,表示为β=α2+α3VC3(8)可通过标准化模型和S曲线模型在V/C≤1段的拟合确定.因此,任意等级任意交通负荷下的车速流量通用模型为U=α1U s1+(V/C)ββ=α2+α3VC3(9)式中,α1,α2,α3为回归参数.表3 各等级公路车速流量通用模型参数表公路类型设计车速U s/(km・h-1)通行能力CΞ(单车道)/(pcu・h-1)α1α2ΞΞα3ΞΞ高速公路1202200019311884185 1002200019511884186 802000110011884190 601800112011884188一级公路1002100019311884193 801950019811884188 601650111011894185二级公路801400019511886197 40900114011886197三级公路601100110011887100 30700115011887100四级公路40600110011887102 20400115011887102Ξ单车道基本通行能力,道路条件、交通条件不满足标准时要修正;ΞΞα2,α3根据实测模型拟合确定,平均相对拟合误差未超过1%.由表3可见,α2,α3变化不大,为方便计,可取α2=1188,α3=4190(高等级公路,包括:高速公路、一级公路)或7100(一般公路,包括:二、三、四级公路).α1是交通流的实际自由流车速与道路设计车速之比.α1与道路等级(设计车速高低)及大型车比例有关.一般情况下,由于司机的驾驶习惯及车辆性能的影响,当设计车速高于习惯行驶车速时(高等级公路),自由流车速可能会低于设计车速,同样,当设计车速低于习惯行驶车速时(低等级公路),自由流车速可能会高于设计车速,司机习惯的行驶车速受道路条件、车辆性能影响较大.α1同样受大型车混入率影响,表3为我国通常的大型车混入率(大中型车占45%,小型车占55%)下的取值,当小型车比例增加或减少时,建议按以下方法修正:小型车比例增加或减少10%,α1增加或减少1%.由式(9)确定的各等级公路不同设计车速下的车速流量曲线如图8~图10所示.图8 高速公路车速流量关系曲线图9 一级公路车速流量关系曲线图10 一般公路车速流量关系曲线5 结 论公路交通流车速流量关系模型是公路网络交094东南大学学报(自然科学版)第33卷通分析的最基本模型,尽管国内外学者都投入了很多关注,提出了不少研究成果,但多数局限于对非饱和状态下交通流的速度分析,而在公路交通网络规划或公路建设多方案比选中,仍需要预测当路段上的交通需求量(即车辆到达数)在短时间内(如高峰小时)超过通行能力时,这些车辆的平均行驶速度,上述模型却无能为力了.本文提出的公路交通流车速流量关系实用模型,通过对公路高峰小时超饱和状态下交通流消散过程的机理分析,能进行各级公路在任何交通负荷条件下的车速预测,该模型已经在河北省高等级公路管理、山东省公路网络规划建设与管理一体化、江苏省公路运输发展规划、京石高速公路后评估及常州、镇江、无锡、苏州、连云港、淮阴、盐城、南通、绍兴等市域的公路网络规划中应用.参考文献(R eferences)[1]王 炜,邓 卫,杨 琪.公路网络规划建设与管理方法[M].北京:科学出版社,2001.96102.[2]Addis on ,Low Paul S ,David J.Order and chaos in the dy 2namics of vehicle platoons [J ].Traffic Engineering &Con 2trol ,1996,37(78):456459.[3]Daganzo C F ,Cassidy M J ,Bertini R L.P ossible explana 2tions of phase transitions in highway traffic [J ].Transporta 2tion Research ,Part A ,1999,33(5):365379.[4]Jiang Y.T raffic capacity speed and queue 2discharge rate ofIndiana ’s four 2lane freeway w ork zones[A].In :Transporta 2tion Research Record 1657,TRB ,National Research Council[C].Washington D C ,1999.3944.[5]Schon feld P ,Chien 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30th Highest Hourly Volume,30HV 第30 最高小时交通量3-Leg Interchange 三路立体交叉3-Leg Intersection 三路交叉AA.M. Peak Period 早高峰Absolute speed limit 绝对速限Abutting property 邻街建造物Acceleration Lane 加速车道Access 出入口Access Control 出入管制;进出管制Access ramp 出入引道Accessibility 可及性Accident 肇事;事故;意外事件Accident (Crash) Rate 事故率Accident (Crash) Severity 事故严重性Accident Analysis 事故分析;意外分析;肇事分析Accident Assessment 事故鉴定Accident Casualty 事故伤亡Accident Cause 事故原因Accident Characteristics 肇事特性Accident Hazardous Location 易肇祸路段Accident Investigation 事故调查Accident Prone Location 易肇事地点Accuracy 精度Actual travel time 实际行驶时间Adaptive route choice 适应性路线选择Advanced driver information system ADIS 先进驾驶员信息系统Advanced Traffic Management Services ATMS 先进交通管理服务Advanced Traveler Information Services ATIS 先进路人信息服务Advanced vehicle control system 先进车辆控制系统Aerial Map 航测图Aerial perspective 鸟噉图;空中透视Overload, Overloading 超载Air resistance 空气阻力Alignment Design 路线设计;定线设计Algorithm 运算法则All-day Service 全天候服务Alley 巷;道Allowable Bearing Capacity 容许承载量Allowable load 容许载重Alternate Method 替代方法Alternative(s)替代(换)方案American Concrete Institute ACI 美国混凝土学会;美国混凝土研究会American Federal Highway Administration FHWA 美国联邦公路总署American Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 美国交通工程师学会American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 美国土木工程师协会Amplification effect 放大效应Amplifier 扩大器Annual Average Daily Traffic, AADT 年平均日交通量Annual budget 年度预算Annual Traffic 年交通量Appropriate measures 适当防制措施Arc 弧线Arrival time 到达时间Arterial 主要干道Asphalt, Asphalt Cement, Asphalt Binder 沥青(美国用语);沥青胶泥At-Grade Intersection 平面交叉Advanced traffic management system ATMS 先进的交通管理系统;高等交通管理系统Automated toll system 自动化收费系统Automatic Cargo Identification, ACI 自动货物辨识Automatic Vehicle Classification, AVC 自动车辆分类Automatic Vehicle Identification, AVI 自动车辆辨识Automatic Vehicle Location, AVL 自动车辆定位Automatic Vehicle Monitoring, AVM 自动车辆监视Auxiliary Lanes 辅助车道Average Delay Time 平均延滞时间Average Waiting Time 平均等候时间BBalance Cut and Fill 均衡挖填Barrier, Noise barrier, Noise barrier wall 防音墙Birds' eye view 鸟噉图Blast 开炸Bleeding (沥青路面)泛油; (水泥混凝土表面)泛浆Blood alcohol concentration 血液中酒精浓度Bottleneck 瓶颈Bottleneck Road 瓶颈路段Brake failure, Defective brake 煞车失灵Brake light 煞车灯Brake Reaction time 煞车反应时间;制动反应时间Braking Distance 剎车视距(停车视距)Braking system 煞车系统Breakdowns 故障Breath alcohol concentration 呼气酒精含量Brick Pavement 砖铺路面;砖铺面Bridge 桥梁Bridge expansion joint 桥面伸缩缝Bridge inspection 桥梁检测Bridge Management System 桥梁管理系统Bridge span 桥跨Brightness contrast 辉度对照比Brittle fracture 碎裂Gravel Road 碎石路Broken Stone Surface 碎石路面Budget 预算经费Budgetary estimate 经费概算Buffer 缓冲剂;缓冲器Buffer distance 缓冲距离Buffer reach 缓冲段Buffer time 缓冲时间Buffer zone 缓冲带Building Code 建造规则;建造法规Bumper 保险杆Bus Exclusive Lane 公交专用道Bus operation 公交营运Bus Rapid Transit 公交捷运Bus route inquiring system 公交路线查询系统Bus scheduling 公交排班Bus station 公交停靠站Bus Terminal 公交终站;公交总站;公交场站Business District 商业区CCab, Taxi 出租车Capacitated freight distribution 零担货物运输Capacity analysis 容积分析Capacity and level of service analysis 容量与服务水准分析Capacity constraint, Capacity restriction 容量限制Capacity estimation 容量估计Capacity limitation 容量极限值Car accident, Traffic accident 交通事故Car detector, Vehicular detector 车辆侦测器Car following model 跟车模式;自动跟车系统Car navigation system 汽车导向系统Car Ownership 汽车持有;汽车持有权Car Pooling, Carpool 汽车共乘Carbon Dioxide CO2 二氧化碳Casualty 伤亡Caution Light 警告灯Caution Sign 警告标;警告标志Caution Signal 注意信号;警告号志Concrete Pavement 混凝土路面Critical Speed 临界速率Census 普查Center Island 中央岛Centerline 中心线Central Business District CBD 中心商业区Charging system 收费系统Children-only Bus 幼童专用车Circulation 通风;交通Circumferential street (road)外环(环状)道路City Rebuilding 都市重建Classification Count 分类调查Classification of road 道路分类Classification of Soil 土壤分类Clear distance 净距Clear height 净空高Clear Span 净跨距Climate Conditions 气候情况Close System Toll Station 封闭制收费站Closed Loop 封闭环路CO Detector 一氧化碳侦测器Code 规范;数值Coefficient of friction, Friction coefficient, Frictional coefficient 磨擦系数Collision Accident 碰撞事故Collision Warning Systems 碰撞预警系统Commercial Center 商业中心Commercial District 商业区Community Center 杜区中心Community Planning 社区规划Commuter 通勤者Commuter Rail, Commuter Train 通勤火车Commuting Distance 通勤距离Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 征收补偿Complex intersection 复合适交叉路口Composition of Traffic 交通组成Comprehensive Planning 综合性计划Compressibility of Soil 土壤压缩性Computer-Aided Dispatching System 计算机辅助派车系统Concave-convex 凹凸形Concrete barrier (New Jersey) 新泽西(混凝土)护栏Concrete pavement 混凝土铺面Conflicting point 冲突点Congestion degree 拥挤度Congestion pricing 拥挤定价Congestion Time 拥挤时间Congestion toll 拥挤费Construction Sign 施工标志Construction Specification 施工规范Construction/Maintenance Zone 施工维修区Contour Line 等高线Contour Map 等高线图Control of Access 出入管制Convex Function 凸函数Corridor 交通通廊Cost of Service 服务成本Count-down pedestrian signal 行人倒数计时显示器Counter flow 对向车流Country road 乡道Crash 冲撞;碰撞Critical Path 要径Critical Point 临界点Cross road 十字路口;交叉路;十字路Crown 路拱;路冠Crude Oil 原油Curb 缘石;路边石;护角Curve 曲线;曲线板;弯道Cushion material 缓冲材料Cushioning effect 缓冲效应DDaily Rainfall 日降水量Daily variation diagram 日变化图Deceleration 减速度Defective brake 煞车失灵Deformation 变形Defrosting 解冻Degree of Saturation 饱和度Delivery area 卸货区Delivery system 配送系统Delivery time 递送时间;送货时间Demand volume 需求流量Demand-Capacity Control 需求容量控制Demand-supply of parking spaces 停车空间的供需问题Demographic Data 人口资料Density of Traffic 交通密度;车流密度Design Capacity 设计容量Design curve 设计曲线Destination 目的地Destination zone 讫点区Detector 侦测器Deterioration 变质;恶化Diagonal crosswalk lines 班马纹行人穿越道Diesel Fuel 柴油Diffuse 扩散Digital image processing 数字影像处理Digital Map 数字地图Dining area 餐饮区Direction Factor 方向系数Disabled parking lots 残障停车位Dispatching efficiency 调度效率Distance 距离Distance-Measuring Equipment DME 测距仪Distribution center 配运中心Distribution center, Goods distribution center 物流中心Diverging area 分流区;分流区域Diverging point 分流点Dividing Strip 分隔带Domestic 本土的;区域的Door to door service 及门服务;及户服务Double decked bus 双层巴士Double-deck ramp 双层匝道Down Grade 下坡Downstream 下游Downtown street 闹市街道Dozer 推土机Drafting Room 制图室Drain Ditch 排水沟Drain Pipe 排水管Drainage Facilities 排水设施Driver behavior model 驾驶员行为模式Driver Information System 驾驶信息系统Driver Perception Reaction Distance 驾驶员反应距离Driver's License 汽车驾驶执照;汽车驾照Driving Simulator 驾驶仿真器Driving under the influence of alcohol 酒后驾驶Dynamic characteristics 动态特性Dynamic route choice 动态路径选择Dynamic system-optimum control model 动态系统最佳控制模式Dynamic traffic characteristic 动态交通特性Dynamic traffic signal control 动态交通号志控制系统EEarth Embankment 土堤Earth Excavation 挖土Earth Fill 填土Earthquake 地震East-West Expressway 东西向快速公路Economic benefits analysis 经济效益分析Elastic Deformation 弹性变形Elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡Electronic distance measurement instrument 电子测距仪Electronic gate 电子门;电动门Electronic Toll Collection 电子收费Elevated Highway 高架公路Elevation 标高;高程Elevator 电梯E-map of highway 公路电子地图Embankment 路堤Emergency delivery 紧急输送Emergency Escape Ramps 紧急出口匝道Emergency evacuation 紧急疏散Enforcement 执法,执行Engineering Economic Analysis 工程经济分析En-Route Driver Information 途中驾驶员信息En-Route Transit Information 途中运输信息Entrance (entry), ingress 进口路段Entrance exit 出入口Environment factor 环境因素Environmental impact assessment 环境影响评估Environmental sensitive area 环境敏感地带(环境敏感区位) Escalator 电扶梯Excavation Work 挖土工程Excess Fuel Consumption 超额燃油消耗Exclusive bike lane/Bikes only 脚踏车专用道Exclusive lane 专用车道Exit Ramp Closure 出口匝道关闭Exit Ramp Control 出口匝道控制Expansion Factor 膨胀因素;扩展系数Expansion Joint 伸,接缝Explosive 炸药Express slow traffic divider 快慢分隔岛Expressway 快速道路(进出管制或者半进出管制)Glare control 眩光控制Glare screen 防眩设施Glare shield 眩光遮蔽物Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统Goods delivery problem 货物配送问题Grade 坡度;纵向坡度Graphical analysis 图解分析法Gravel Road 砾石路Gravity Model 重力模式Greenhouse effect 温室效应Guidance information 导引信息Guide Sign 指示标志HHazardous materials 危(wei)险物品Head light 前灯;车前大灯Head On Collision 车头对撞Heavy weight transportation management 大载重运输管理High beam 远光灯High capacity buses 高容量巴士High Occupancy Vehicle HOV 高乘载车辆High-Occupancy Vehicle Priority Control 高承载率车优先行驶控制High Speed Rail 高速铁路Highway aesthetics 公路美学Highway alignment design 公路线形设计Highway Construction and Maintenance Cost 公路建设维护成本Highway Supervision and Administration 公路监理Histogram 直方统计图Hit-and-run driving 肇事逃逸;闯祸逃逸Holding Line Marker 等候线标记Home interview 家庭访问Horizontal Clearance 侧向净宽Horizontal Curve 平曲线Hourly variation 时变化图Human characteristics 人类特性Human factor 人为因素;人事行为因素Hydrophilic 亲水性Hydrophobic 厌水性IIdeal Condition 理想状况Illegal parking 违规停车Impact 冲击Improving Highway Traffic Order and Safety Projects 道路交通秩序与交通安全改进方案Indemnity of Damage 伤害赔偿Intensity of Rainfall 雨量强度Index system, Indicator system 指标体系Indirect observation 间接观测Individual difference 个人禀性的差异Infrastructure 内部结构;基础建设Inspection of Vehicle 汽车检验Intelligent Transportation System ITS 智能运输系统Intensity and Duration of Rainfall 降雨时间与密度Intercepting Drain 截水管Intercity bus industry 长途客运(业)Intersection design 交叉路口设计Interview technique 访问法;访谈法Intoxicated driving 酒后驾车JJoint Operation of Transport 联运Junction 路口LLag time 延迟时间Landscape design 景观设计Landslide/Slump 坍方Lane, traffic lane 车道Lane Width 车道宽度Latent travel demand 潜在旅次需求Lateral clearance 侧向净距Laws of randomness 随机定理Left turn lane 左转车道Left turn waiting zone 左转待转区Left turning vehicle 左转车辆Length of grade 坡长Level Crossing 平面交叉Level of Service 服务水准License Plate 汽车号牌License Suspension 吊扣驾照License Termination 吊销License Plate Recognition 车牌辨识Light Rail Rapid Transit LRRT 轻轨捷运Load limit 载重限制Loading & unloading zone 上下旅客区段或者装卸货物区段Local Area Network, LAN 局域网络Logical Architecture 逻辑架构Long tunnel 长隧道Longitude 经度Longitudinal Drain 纵向排水Longitudinal Grade 纵坡度Long-Range Planning 长程规划Loop 环道(公路方面);回路(电路方面)Lost Time 损失时间MMacro or mass analysis 汇总分析;宏观分析Magnetic Levitation Maglev 磁浮运输系统Magnetic loop detector 磁圈侦测器Mainline 主线Management Information System MIS 管理信息系统Manual counts 人工调查法Marking 标线Maximum allowable gradient 最大容许坡度Maximum capacity 最大容量Maximum Density 最大密度Maximum Likelihood Function 最大概似法Maximum Peak Hour Volume 最尖峰小时交通量Measure of Effectiveness MOE 绩效评估指针Mechanical garage 机械式停车楼(间)Merge 合并;并流;进口匝道;并入Merging area 并流区域Merging point 并流点Metropolitan Planning Area 大都会规划区Minimum Grade 最小纵断坡度Minimum sight triangle 最小视界三角形Minimum turning radius 最小转弯半径Mixed flow 混合车队Mixed traffic 混合车队营运Mixed traffic flow 混合车流Monitoring 监测Monorail 单轨铁路Mortality 死亡数Motivation 动机Mountain road 山区道路Multilayer 多层Multileg Interchange 多路立体交叉Multileg Intersection 多路交叉NNational freeway 国道National System Architecture 国家级架构Natural ventilation 自然通风Navigation 引导;导航Net Weight 净重No left turn 不许左转;请勿左转No parking 禁止停车Noise barrier, Sound insulating wall 隔音墙Noise pollution 噪音污染Noise sensitive area 噪音敏感地区Nonhomogeneous flow 不同流向的车流;非均质车流Nonskid Surface Treatment 防滑处理Nonsynchronous controller 异步控制器Novelty 新鲜性Number of Passengers 客运人数Number of Registered Vehicle 车辆登记数Nurture room 育婴室OOccupational Illness 职业病Off parking facilities, Off street parking garage 路外停车场Off Season 运输淡季Off street parking 路外停车One-way arterial street 单向主要干道One-way Street 单行道One-way Ticket 单程票Operating Cost 营运成本Operating Time 营运时间Optimal path 最佳路径Optimal spacing 最适间距Optimum asphalt content 最佳沥青含量Optimum Moisture Content 最佳含水量Ordinance 条例Origin and destination study 起讫点研究Outlet Control 出口控制Overall travel time 全程行驶时间Overburden 超载;覆盖Overloaded vehicle 超载车辆Overloading experiment 超载实验Overpass 天桥;高架道Ozone layer 臭氧层PParameter 参数Parcel distribution industry 包裹配送业Park and ride system 停车转乘系统Parking behavior 停车行为Parking capacity 停车容量Parking demand 停车需求Parking discount 停车折扣Parking facility 停车设施Parking Lot 停车场Parking prohibition 禁止路边停车Parking restriction 停车限制Parking supply 停车供给Passing Sight Distance 超车视距Patrolling 巡逻Pavement aging 铺面老化Pavement Condition 铺面状况Pavement Drainage 路面排水Pavement maintenance 铺面维护Pavement rehabilitation 铺面翻修Pavement roughness 铺面糙度Pavement strength 铺面强度Pavement-width transition marking 路宽渐变段标线Peak Season 运输旺季Pedestrian Crossing 行人穿越道线Pedestrian Signals 行人号志Pedestrian 行人Pedestrian factor 行人因素Pedometer 步测计Perception distance 感识距离Perception Time 认识时间Performance 绩效;功能Permeability Coefficient 透水系数Permeability test 透水试验Photoelectric detector 光电侦测器Platform 平台Pore 孔隙Priority 优先权Private Vehicle 自用车辆Provincial Highway 省道QQualitative 定性Quantification 定量Queue Length 等候线长度Queuing time 等候时间Queuing model 等候模式RRadar meter, speed gun 雷达测速仪Radial street 辐射式道路Radius of curvature 曲率半径Rainfall Frequency 降雨频率Rainfall Intensity 降雨强度Ramp closure 匝道封闭Ramp control 匝道管制;匝道仪控Reaction time 反应时间Real-time 实时Real time scheduling 实时排程Real-time Traffic Information 实时交通信息Rear-end collision 尾撞Reasonable or prudent speed limit 合理速限Reckless driving 驾驶疏忽Reliability 可靠性Remote Area 偏远地区Residential District, Residential Area 住宅区Resistance Value, R-Value 阻力值;R-值Rest Area, Rest Site 歇息区Restricted curb parking 规定时限的路边停车Retail district 零售区Reversible one-way street 调拨式(可变)单行道Revocation 注销驾照Ride sharing 车辆共乘Ride Sharing Program 车辆共乘计划Right of ingress or egress 进出权Road bed, Roadbed, Subgrade 路基Road capacity 道路容量Road closure 道路封闭Road construction 道路建设Road design 道路设计Road Functional Classification 道路功能分类Road geometric factor 道路几何因素Road improvement 道路改善Road landscape, Roadscape 道路景观Road maintenance 道路维护Road pricing 道路定价Road roughness 路面粗糙度Road safety, Traffic safety 道路安全Road surface thickness, Thickness of pavement 路面厚度Road survey 道路测量Road toll 道路收费Road widening 道路拓宽Roadside interview 路旁(边)访问调查Round Trip Ticket 来回票Route choice, Route selection 路线选择Route familiarity 路径熟悉度Route Guidance 路径导引SSafe-passing sight distance 安全超车视距Safe-stopping sight distance 安全停车视距Sample 试样Sample size 抽样大小Sampling 取样Saturation capacity 饱和容量Saturation flow 饱和流量Scale 尺度;比例尺Scanning 扫描Scheduled Service 定时服务班次Scheduled Signal Control 定时号志控制Scheduling 排班School Bus 校车Seat belt (座椅)安全带Semi-actuated signal 半触动号志Semi-actuated Signal Control 半感应号志控制Semicircular 半圆式Semidynamic route guidance 准动态路径导引Sensitivity Analysis 敏感度分析Sensitivity Parameter 敏感度参数Service Area 服务区Sharp Turn 急弯Shear force 剪力Shopping center 购物中心Shortest path 最短路径Shortest path algorithm 最短路径算则Short-Range Planning 短程规划Shoulder 路肩Sidewalk 人行道Sight Triangle 视线三角形Sign 标志Signal 信号;号志Signalized intersection 号志化路口Simulation 仿真Single Journey Ticket 单程票Slope stability analysis 边坡稳定分析Slump 坍方Smart Card 智能卡Soil Stability Analysis 土壤稳定分析Sound barriers 隔音墙Specifications 规范Speed, Velocity 速度Speeding 超速Stability 稳定性Stage construction 分期施工Standard deviation 标准差Static characteristics 静态特性Static Load 静止荷重Stochastic congested network 随机性拥挤路网Strictly Decrease Monotonically 严格单调递减Strictly Increase Monotonically 严格单调递增Subcenter 次中心Superelevation 超高Suspension Bridges 吊桥Suspension from toll 暂停收费Swampy Areas 沼泽区Swerve 偏离正常行车方向;逸出常轨Synchronization 同步Synchronized watch (timer) 同步定时器Synchronous controller 同步控制器System Architecture SA 系统架构TTerminal 场站Time limit 时间限制Time-and-space restriction 时间和空间限制Toll collection station, Toll gate, Toll plaza, Toll station 收费站Tolling equity 收费公平性Topographic maps 地形图Topographic surveys 地形测量Total deformation 总变形Track of vehicle 车辆轨迹Track width 轮距宽度;轨宽Tractive Force 牵引力Trade-off 取舍权衡Traffic Accident 交通事故Traffic accident investigation form 交通事故调查表Traffic administration 交通行政管理Traffic Assignment 交通量指派Traffic Composition 交通组成Traffic congestion, Traffic jam 交通壅塞Traffic control and management 交通控制与管理Traffic Control Center TCC 交通控制中心Traffic corridor 交通走廊Traffic count (survey) 交通量调查Traffic counting program 交通量调查计划Traffic data collection system 交通资料采集系统Traffic demand 交通需求Traffic Demand Management TDM 运输需求管理Traffic Density 车流密度Traffic engineering 交通工程Traffic equilibrium 交通均衡Traffic evacuation 交通疏散Traffic facility, Transportation facility 交通设施Traffic Flow 车流;交通流Traffic impact assessment, Traffic impact evaluation 交通冲击评估Traffic improvement 交通改善Traffic light, Traffic signal 交通号志Traffic Marker 标线Traffic Mitigation Measures 交通疏缓措施Traffic monitoring facility 交通侦测设备Traffic ordinance 交通条例Traffic regulation 交通规则;道路交通安全规则Traffic simulation 交通仿真Traffic Volume/Flow 交通量/流量Transfer station 转运站Transition 渐变段Travel time 行驶时间Traveler Services Information 路人服务信息Trip Generation 旅次发生Trip purpose 旅次目的Truck terminal 货车场站Tunnel 隧道Tunnel Entrance 隧道入口Tunnel excavation 隧道开挖Turning prohibition 禁止转弯运行Turning radius 转弯半径Two lanes 双车道UUnderground Water 地下水Unit price 单价Unrestricted curb parking 未加限制的路边停车Unsignalized intersection 非号志化路口Unstable flow 不稳定车流;不稳定流动状态Uphill way 上坡路段Upstream section 上游段;上流段Urban expressway 都巿快速道路Urban Planning 都市计划VVans 厢式车Vehicle classification 车种分类Vehicle tracing system, Vehicle tracking system 车辆追踪系统Ventilation shaft 通风竖井WWeaving length 交织长度Weaving section 交织区段Weight-in-Motion WIM 行进间测重;动态地磅ZZebra Lines 斑马线。
Cisco MPLS-TE 配置实例
拓扑结构:原理说明:流量工程中tunnel的创立过程分为四步,分别为:1.开启全局和interface上面的mpls traffic engine tunnel,这一步为一个开关的作用。
2.配置端口的rsvp bandw idth,分别为各个interface指定一定的预留带宽用于分给上面的tunnel。
4.创建mpls traffic-engine tunnel,配置其带宽,优先级,recor route等属性。
在PE1上面建立dynamic tunnel和explicit r oute tunnel,看在大于或者小于等于链路所剩余带宽的情况下,是否能够成功创建mpls traffic-engine tunnel。
//CE1//ip cefmpls label protocol ldpinterface Loopback0ip address GigabitEthernet1/0ip address iprouter ospf 1router-id area 0network area 0//PE1//ip cefmpls label protocol ldpmpls traffic-eng tunnelsinterface Loopback0ip address Tunnel1ip unnumbered Loopback0tunnel destination mode mpls traffic-engtunnel mpls traffic-eng autoroute announcetunnel mpls traffic-eng priority 7 7tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth 5000tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 5 dynamic tunnel mpls traffic-eng record-routeinterface GigabitEthernet1/0ip address ipinterface GigabitEthernet2/0ip address traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 10000interface GigabitEthernet3/0ip address traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 20000router ospf 1mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0mpls traffic-eng area 0router-id area 0network area 0network area 0network area 0ip explicit-path name 10m_link enablenext-address cefmpls label protocol ldpmpls traffic-eng tunnelsinterface Loopback0ip address GigabitEthernet1/0ip address autompls traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 10000interface GigabitEthernet2/0ip address autompls traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 10000router ospf 1mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0 mpls traffic-eng area 0router-id area 0network area 0network area 0//P2//ip cefmpls label protocol ldpmpls traffic-eng tunnelsinterface Loopback0ip address interface GigabitEthernet1/0ip address autompls traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 20000interface GigabitEthernet2/0ip address autompls traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 20000router ospf 1mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0 mpls traffic-eng area 0router-id area 0network area 0network area 0//PE2//ip cefmpls label protocol ldpmpls traffic-eng tunnelsinterface Loopback0ip address GigabitEthernet1/0ip address autotag-switching ip!interface GigabitEthernet2/0ip address autompls traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 10000interface GigabitEthernet3/0ip address autompls traffic-eng tunnelstag-switching ipip rsvp bandwidth 20000router ospf 1mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0mpls traffic-eng area 0router-id area 0network area 0network area 0network area 0network area 0//CE2//ip cefmpls label protocol ldpinterface Loopback0ip address GigabitEthernet1/0ip address autotag-switching iprouter ospf 1network area 0network area 0Cisco MPLS流量工程TE隧道的基本配置(转)前言:mpls网络正在成为运营商主流网络趋势,目前国内运营商大上3G,同时也在部署更高效的mpls网络,电信的CN2(中盈承建),移动的CMnet(亚信承建),联通的集团IP承载网(中盈承建),CCIE的路由交换考试也加入了mpls可见一般,转载一篇mpls高级应用,供大家参考1 流量工程简介TE:Traffic Engineering的缩写,即流量工程的意思。
1、乘客的交通需求心理:希望便捷、省时、省力、舒适、 安全等; 2、乘车反应:道路的条件(平整性、线形等)及车厢环 境(卫生、整洁及人文环境等)会导致乘客的不同反 应; 3、社会影响:乘车安全性、舒适性、满意性不仅对乘客 个人的生理、心理有影响,同时可能对社会也产生预 想不到的影响。上下班时间过长,多次换乘,过分的 拥挤给职工造成旅途疲劳、心理压力、情绪烦燥。
交通工程学( Traffic Engineering )
2-1 道路交通三要素(人、车、路)特性
因素 年龄 性别 出行 目的 行人速度 成年人正常的步行速度 为 1.0~1.3m/s 之间,儿 童的步行速度随机性较 大,老年人较慢 男性比女生快 工作、事务性出行,步 行速度较快,生活性出 行较慢 个人空间 成年人步行时个人空间为 0.9~2.5m2 / 人,儿童个人空间 要求比较小,老年人则要求比 较大 男性大、女性小 复杂 受教育程度高的一人一般要求 高,为自己,也为别人。反之, 则要求低,也不太顾及他人 心情闲遐时个人空间要求正常, 心情紧张时要求较小,烦恼时 要求较大 街景丰富时个人空间小,单调 时个人空间大 行人注意力 成年人比较重视交通安全, 注意根据环境高速步伐和 视线,儿童喜欢任意穿梭 大致相当 工作、事务性出行,注意 力比较集中,生活性出行 注意力分散 受教育程度高的人一般对 空间要求高,也比较注意 文明走路和交通安全 心情闲遐时注意力容易分 散,紧张时比较集中 街景丰富时注意力分散, 单调时集中 拥挤时,注意力集中 城里人步行时注意力比较 集中,乡村人比较分散
交通工程学( Traffic Engineering )
2-1 道路交通三要素(人、车、路)特性
交通工程课后题答案—Traffic Engineering
Homework of chapter two2-1. Answer: Basically apply Equation (2-1) on page 33:ft St d r 72.2582.35547.147.1=⨯⨯==2-2. Answer: when t = 0.5s : ft t S d i r 10.445.06047.147.1=⨯⨯==as s d fi b 222-=So ()()h mi s ft ad S S b i f /48.17/71.251.444001026047.1222≈≈-⨯⨯-⨯=-=Also, the same to others :t = 1.0s: ft d r 20.88= h mi s ft S f /73.26/28.39≈≈ t = 1.5s: ft d r 30.132= h mi s ft S f /47.33/25.49≈≈ t = 2.0s: ft d r 40.176= h mi s ft S f /12.39/51.57≈≈ t = 2.5s: ft d r 50.220= h mi s ft S f /03.44/72.64≈≈ t = 3.0s: ft d r 60.264= h mi s ft S f /44.48/21.71≈≈ t = 3.5s: ft d r 70.308= h mi s ft S f /49.52/16.77≈≈ t = 4.0s: ft d r 80.352= h mi s ft S f /24.56/68.82≈≈ t = 4.5s: ft d r 90.396= h mi s ft S f /76.59/85.87≈≈ t = 5.0s: ft d r 00.441= s d r > and h mi S f /60= So we can see, the faster reaction, the smaller loss. Example for t =2.5s()()hmi s ft ad S S aS S d ft t S d b i f fi b i r /03.44/72.645.2204001026047.1225.2205.26047.147.12222≈≈-⨯⨯-⨯=-=⇒-==⨯⨯==2-3. Answer: Initial speed on the grass-stabilized shoulder:()()()2221121/250035301.020.02503001.030h mi S G F d S fi =+⨯-⨯⨯=+-=Initial speed just before pavement skid begins:()()()hmi h mi SS h mi S G F d S i i i i /32.61/3760/37602500301.045.01003001.030222212222≈===+⨯-⨯⨯=+-=2-4. Answer: From Table 2-6, we can see that for a Condition C match the problem. Therefore, Equation (2-10) should be used, and the corresponding reaction and maneuver times can be determined.()()ft S t t d i m r 63.1512705.32.1147.147.1=⨯+⨯=+=Thus, we have the distance for the location of the sign:ft 63.141210063.1512=- 2-5. Answer: Apply Equation (2-9), we have:()sy ftd 42.33547.194.17594.175201.0348.0300350.13547.122≈⨯=≈⨯-⨯-+⨯⨯=2-6. Answer: ()ft d 83.84304.0348.0300805.28047.122≈+⨯-+⨯⨯=2-7. Answer: By applying Equation (2-3), we have:()()ft f e S R 47.20411.006.0157001.01522≈+⨯=+=Homework of Chapter Three3-1. Answer: Based on the fundamental relationship of circle, we can obtain the length of the curve:D =90058.5729= 6.3662° ft R T ft R L L R 96.43826tan 9002tan 81.816180529001415.31803602=︒⨯=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∆==⨯⨯=∆=⇒∆=ππThe station of the P.I. is given as 1,500 + 20.The distance from the origin to ..C P is : 1520 - T = 1520 - 438.96 = 1081.04 ft Thus, the station of ..C P is : 1000 + 81.04The distance from the origin to ..C P is : 1081.04 + L = 1081.04 + 816.81 = 1897.85 ftThus, the station of ..C P is : 1800 + 97.85ftM T E ft R M ftR C L 34.10109.9126sin 96.4382sin 09.91)26cos 1(9002cos 107.78926sin 90022sin 2..=-︒⨯=-⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∆==︒-⨯=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∆-==︒⨯⨯=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∆=3-2.Answer: ft D R 51.818758.572958.5729===The length of the spiral transition curve is : ft R S L s 35.24451.818506.16.133=⨯==Superelevation rate: %4.614.051.81815501001510022=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=des des f R S e The lengths of the superelevation and tangent runoffs are :ftL e e L ftb e n w L r d NC t w d x 00.3640.2304.6140.23050.075.04.6212=⨯===⨯⨯⨯=∆⋅⋅⋅=So, the length of the spiral is greater than the length of the superelevation runoff.ftR L R L R R R T ftD D L s ss s s s 21.4626.8sin 51.81835.2445.22tan 51.818635.24451.8186.8cos 51.8185.22tan 51.818sin 2tan 6tan 2tan 14.39778.27100100L 8.276.824526.8200735.24420022c =︒⨯-+︒⨯⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⨯+-︒⨯+︒⨯=-+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∆⋅⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∆==⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛∆=︒=⨯-=-∆=∆︒=⨯==δδδδThe distance between the origin and T.S. is : 1280 - s T =1280 - 462.21 = 817.79 ft The station of T.S. is 800+17.79The distance between the origin and S.C. is : 817.79 + s L = 817.79 + 244.35 = 1062.14 ftThe station of S.C. is 1000 + 62.14The distance between S.C. and C.S. isft D s 14.39778.27100100=⨯=∆ Thus the station of S.C. is 1400 + 59.28The distance between C.S. and S.T is s L , thus the station of S.T. is 1700 + 3.63 3-3.Answer:ft D d D M ftd s s 44.32200559.546cos 1558.5629200cos 158.572959.546)02.0348.0(30605.26047.12=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯-⨯=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-==+⨯+⨯⨯=3-4. Answer: %6%2.713.0100015551001510022>=⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⨯⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=des des f R S e Thus the appropriate superelevation rate is 6%.3-5. Answer: ft b e n w L w d r 00.60340.067.010312=⨯⨯⨯=∆⋅⋅⋅=3-6. Answer: (a) 6%, 760ft (b) 5.5%, 875 ft (c) 7%, 630 ft a) From Figure 3.16(a), for a rural freeway in mountainous terrain with a design speed of 60 mi/h, the maximum allowable grade is 6%. Entering Figure 3.19 with 6% on the verti cal axis, moving to the “10 mi/h” curve, the critical length of grade is seen to be approximately 760 ft.b) For a rural arterial in rolling terrain with a design speed of 45 mi/h, the maximum allowable grade is 5.5%, the critical length of grade is seen to be approximately 860ft. c) For an urban arterial in level terrain with a design speed of 40 mi/h, the maximum allowable grade is 7%, the critical length of grade is seen to be approximately 610 ft. 3-7.Answer: )(a V .P.C. Station : 1555 - 100L/2 = 1055(1000 + 55) V .P.T. Station : 1555 - 100L/2 = 2055(2000 + 55)44.44510455.48348014145.0)(4754801041045.0480445.0480410245248021045002)(121212 (2)2012121.....=--⨯-=--==+⨯+⨯-==+⨯+⨯-=++-=++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯--=++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-==⨯-=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=G G L G x Y c Y x x x x Y x G x L G G Y L G Y Y b T P V x I P V C P V)(d High point at 444 ft, with the elevation of :89.48848044.4444.445.0244.4=+⨯+⨯-=Y3-8. Answer: (a) ft d s 88.468)301.0348.0(30555.25547.12=⨯+⨯+⨯⨯=Assuming that L d s <:s d L <=⨯-=50.407215888.468|37|2The assumption is invalid. Thus,ft G G d L s 26.398|37|215888.4682||2158212=--⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--= (b) ft d s 18.623)501.0348.0(30605.26047.12=⨯-⨯+⨯⨯=Assuming that L d s <:s d L >=⨯+⨯+=21.105318.6235.340018.623|52|2(c) ft d s 88.770)301.0348.0(30705.27047.12=⨯-⨯+⨯⨯=Assuming that L d s <:s d L >=⨯--=87.1376215888.770|23|23-9. Answer: ft d s 55.787)401.0348.0(30705.27047.12=⨯+⨯+⨯⨯=Assuming that L d s <:s d L >=⨯+⨯+=50.98255.7875.340055.787|41|2The minimum length is 983 ft. The station of V .P.C. is 4600 + 31 The station of V .P.T. is 5600 + 14 Elevation of V .P.C. is49.21465.22983.9483.925.065.229425.04631483.924165.2292825.9421022 (2)21...0=+⨯-⨯=+-=+-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯+==⨯+=-=T P V x I P V Y x x x x Y L G Y YHigh point:90.22565.22914125.065.21365.229864.74864.725.0864.74183.94212121=+⨯-⨯==+⨯-⨯==+⨯=--=Y Y G G L G x high Homework of chapter four4-4. Answer :Warning signs must be placed far enough in advance of the hazard to allow drivers adequate time to perform the required adjustments. The Table 4.2(Guidelines for Advance Placement of Warning Signs) gives the recommended advance placement distances for three conditions. So we can check the Table 4.2. Condition A :High judgment required. Typical applications are warning signs for merging, lane drop, and similar situation.Condition B :Stop condition. Typical applications are stop ahead, yield ahead, and signal ahead warnings.Condition C :Deceleration to the listed advisory speed for the condition. (a) Belong to Condition B. 375ft.(b) Belong to Condition C. 250ft. (c) Belong to Condition A. 400ft.Homework of chapter five5-1. Answer :Use the following equation :PHFVv =(h veh V /900=) h veh PHF V v h veh PHF V v /112580.0900/90000.190031======h v e h h v e h P H F V v h v e h P H FVv /1286/7.128570.0900/100090.090042≈======The Comment on the results :When the V is fixed, with the decrease of the PHF , the v increases.5-2. Answer :Basically apply Equation (5‐9) and (5-11) on Page 145、146:Rate of flow :ah v 3600=Density :S v D =Rate of flow :h veh h veh h v a /1636/36.16362.236003600≈≈== Density :mi veh S v D /72.32501636===5-3. Answer :Basically apply Equation (5‐7) on Page 145: Density :dv L L OD +⋅=5280ft L v 20= ft L d 5.3= 255.0=O So the density is :ln //3.575.320255.052805280mi veh L L O D d v =+⨯=+⋅=5-4. Answer :Density :ln //40401600mi veh S v D === 5-5.Answer :Basicallyapply Equation (5‐1) on Page 139:D K A A D T DDHV **=Check Table 5-2 to find the “General Ranges for K and D Factors ”:Facility Type is Urban Radial Route, so :K-Factor=0.07 – 0.12 ;D-Factor=0.55 – 0.60h veh D K AADT DDHV h veh D K AADT DDHV dayveh AADT HIGH LOW /180060.012.025000/5.96255.007.025000/25000max max min min =⨯⨯=⋅⋅==⨯⨯=⋅⋅== So, the range of directional design hour volumes is 962.5 – 1800 veh/h. 5-6. Answer :Basically apply Equation (5‐5) and (5-6) on Page 143: Time mean speed :()nt d TSM ii∑=/;Space mean speed :∑∑==iiii t ndn t d SMS /)( d=10560ft n=6sft SMS s ft TSM /9.72132126168144144156105606/5.736132105601261056016810560144105601441056015610560=+++++⨯==+++++=5-7. Answer :(a) The hourly volume :h veh V V i/63016016515515015=+++== (b) Peak rate of flow :h veh V v /6604max 15=⨯= (c) The peak hour factor :955.0660630===v V PHF 5-8.Answer :According to the table, we can see:AADT=Total4/Total3=2365000/365=6479.45veh/day ≈6479veh/day AAWT=Total5/Total2=2067000/260=7950veh/day 5-9. Answer :(a) Free-flow speed : When D =0, S =57.5(1-0.008⨯0)=57.5 mi/h⇒ SFREE =57.5 mi/h(b) Jam density : When S =0, 57.5(1-0.008D)=0⇒ D =57.5/(57.5⨯0.008)=125 veh/mi(c)Speed-flow relationship :12517.246.05.57)008.01(5.57+-=⇒-=-=S D D D SWe can use the following Equation :D S v ⨯= So, S S S S D S v 12517.2)12517.2(2+-=+-⨯=⨯=(d) Flow-density relationship :D D S 46.05.57)008.01(5.57-=-= We can use the following Equation :Dv S = So,D D v D Dv5.5746.046.05.572+-=⇒-= (e) Capacity :Because of D D v 5.5746.02+-= So,5.6292.05.57092.05.57==⇒=-=D D dD dv veh/mi h mi D S /75.285.6246.05.5746.05.57=⨯-=-=h veh h veh D S v /1797/875.17965.6275.28≈=⨯=⨯=So, C =1797 veh/h5-10. Answer :(a) Free-flow speed :When D =0, S =61.20015.0⨯-e =61.2mi/h ⇒ SFREE =61.2 mi/h(b) Jam density : When S =0, 61.2D e ⨯-015.0=0 ⇒ D doesn ’t exist (c) Speed-flow relationship : 2.611ln 015.012.61015.0-=⇒=⨯-D e S D We can use the following Equation : D S v ⨯=So, 2.61ln 015.0)2.611ln 015.01(SS S D S v -=-⨯=⨯= (d) Flow-density relationship : D e S ⨯-=015.02.61 We can use the following Equation : Dv S = So,D D De v e Dv015.0015.02.612.61--=⇒= (e) Capacity :Because of D De v 015.02.61-= So,mi veh D De e dDdvD D /67.660918.02.61015.0015.0=⇒=-=-- h mi e e S D /51.222.612.6167.66015.0015.0≈⨯==⨯-⨯-h veh D S v /150167.6651.22≈⨯=⨯=So, C =1501 veh/hHomework of chapter seven7-1. Answer :From table 7.3, F (1.04) = 0.85 m p h m p h x x z 9.64904.646.75704.1≈=⇒-== Therefore, 85% of the vehicles are traveling under 64.9 mph.7-2. Answer :For 95% confidence we can infer that the travel time is bounded between the following interval :[][][][]186,118908.185,902.1183.1796.1152,3.1796.115296.1,96.1≈=⨯+⨯-=+-σμσμWith the Central Limit Theorem, we can conclude that the average of travel time tends to normal distribution, but it is unable to determine the shape of distribution of travel time . 7-3. Answer :(a) This table is a set of grouped data : 65.21030401201053044031202=+++⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=xUsing Equation (7-5), we have :()91.0120065.220051043034021201-2222222≈-⨯-⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=-=∑N xN fms95% confidence interval :[][][]4336.4,8664.,,96.1=⨯+⨯-=+-σμσμ(b) Average people carried : h persons a Xi i Y /238565.2900=⨯==∑μμ So, h persons x p /2385=Applying Equation (7-13): ∑=222Xii Y a σσ h p e r s o n s s p /81991.090022=⨯= So, h person Y /819=σ 95% confidence interval :[][][][]3990,78024.3990,76.77981996.12385,81996.1238596.1,96.1≈=⨯+⨯-=+-σμσμ(c) 95% confidence bound is : []3990,780Additional assumption needed: Independently Identical Distribution.7-4.Answer : NA7-5. Answer : Because of 9)1/(>-p npSo, normal distribution approximates the Binomial distribution.nn npq q nnp⨯=====μσμ95% confidence interval is :[][][]n n n n n n 7116.0,1116.,,96.1-=⨯+⨯-=+-σμσμ7-6. Answer :(a) 218.2=s 20=N The standard error : 496.020218.2==EFor a 0.05 level of significance, the decision point is 8184.0496.065.1*=⨯=Y With an observed difference of veh sec/218.2, the null hypothesis of “no difference” is clearly rejected .The procedure do yield different results, with Procedure 1 resulting in higher delay than Procedure 2.(b) Paired - t test is better than t test in part a, since only differences are important for this problem.LBMeanUB7-7. Answer :(a) H0: The true mean of Y is 57 mphH1: The true mean of Y is 50 mph89524.75.36645.1222≈=⨯≥n (b) Decision :The true mean of Y is 50 mph. Type I error may occur.2119.07881.016572.52=-=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=z α (c) Decision: The true mean of Y is 50 mph. Type I error may occur.1867.08133.014.65572.52=-=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-=z αHomework of chapter eight8-1. Answer :From the table, we can see : The peak hour is :5:15 - 6:15 Basically apply the equation : 154m V VPHF *=The lane 1 hourly volume is :197+213+208+203=821 ⇒ PHF=821/4*213=0.96 The lane 2 hourly volume is :219+215+210+203=847 ⇒ PHF=847/4*219=0.97 8-2. Answer :Count period at signalized intersections however must be equal multiples of the cycle length.(a)When the signal cycle length is 60s in intersections, then the count period is 5 minutes.(b)When the signal cycle length is 90s in intersections, then the count period is 15 minutes.(c)When the signal cycle length is 120s in intersections, then the count period is 30 minutes. 8-3. Answer :Because CFV= Estimated count for the full counting period, vehs) V iV*CP=(CPthus:From the table, we can find that:The average number of axle per vehicle at this location is:2250/1000=2.258-4.Answer:Calibration of daily variation factors the table is:8-5.Answer:From the table, we can know this suggests that the proposed grouping is not appropriate. In this case, station 3 has peak traffic (DF<1.00) occurring during the week while the other stations have their peak traffic on weekends. Thus, station 3 is deleted from the proposed grouping and new averages are computed as:All factors at individual station are within 0.10 of the average for the group .this would be an appropriate grouping of control station.8-6. Answer:1. A count of 8765 vehicles was observed on a TUE in March. From table 8.13. Thedaily factor for Tuesday is 1.121 and the factor for march is 1.100, then:AADT=8756*1.121*1.100=10808 veh/dayVMT365=AADT*L*365=10808*2.0*365=78898402. A count of 11432 vehicles was observed on a Mon in September. From table 8.13. The daily factor for Mon is 1.072 and the factor for September is 0.884, then:AADT=11432*1.072*0.884=10834 Veh/dayVMT365=AADT*L*365=10834*3.0*365=118632303. A count of 15376 vehicles was observed on a Fri in August from Table 8.13. The daily factor for Fri is 1.015 and the factor for August is 0.882, then:AADT=15376*1.015*0.882=13765Veh/dayVMT365=AADT*L*365=13765*2.5*365=125605634. A count of 20010 vehicles was observed on a Sat in May from Table 8.13. The daily factor for Sat is 0.899 and the factor for May is 0.949, then:AADT=20010*0.899*0.949=17072Veh/dayVMT365=AADT*L*365=17072*4.0*365=249251205. A count of 8111 vehicles was observed on a Wed in December from Table 8.13. The daily factor for Wed is 1.108 and the factor for December is 1.114, then:AADT=8111*1.108*1.114=10012Veh/dayVMT365=AADT*L*365=10012*2.0*365=73087606. A count of 10520 vehicles was observed on a Wed in January from Table 8.13. The daily factor for Wed is 1.108 and the factor for January is 1.215, then:AADT=10520*1.108*1.215=14162Veh/dayVMT365=AADT*L*365=14162*1.6*365=82706088-7.Answer:(a) field data and factor for iteration O(b) initial expansion of O—D matrix(c)first iteration of O—D matrix(d) second iteration of O —D matrixHomework of chapter ten10-1. Answer :(1)、Exposure-based accident and fatality rates :① Deaths and Accidents per 100,000,000 Vehicle-miles Traveled125000,000,12000,000,10015000,000,100/=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛*=VMT Deaths(deaths per 000,000,100miles vehicle -traveled )3000000,000,12000,000,100360000,000,100/=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛*=VMT Accidents(accidents per 000,000,100miles vehicle -traveled )② Deaths and Accidents per 10,000,000 Vehicle-hours TraveledVehicle-hours traveled :h hmi mid AnnualSpee AnnualVMT 000,400/30000,000,12=375000,400000,000,1015000,000,10/=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛*=VHT Deaths(deaths per 000,000,10hours vehicle -traveled )000,9000,400000,000,10360000,000,10/=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛*=VHT Accidents(accidents per 000,000,10hours vehicle -traveled ) (2)、Population-based accident and fatality rates :① Deaths and Accidents per 100,000 Population :30000,50000,10015000,100/=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛*=pop Deaths deaths per 000,100population720000,50000,100360000,100/=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛*=pop Accidents accidents per 000,100population② Deaths and Accidents per 10,000 Registered Vehicles286.4000,35000,1015Re 000,10/≈⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛*=Veh Deaths(deaths per 000,10registered vehicles )857.102000,35000,10360Re 000,10/≈⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛*=Veh Accidents(accidents per 000,10registered vehicles )Compare :2005 national rates include fatality rates of 1.8 per 100,000,000 Vehicle-miles traveled and 14.3 per 100,000 Population. The rates above are higherthan the nation statistic.10-2. Answer :Using the normal approximation test, the statistic z is computed as :581.140102515152511≈=+-=⇒+-=z f f f f z BA A BFrom the standard normal distribution table of Chapter 7: Prob []1z z ≤= Prob []95.09429.0581.1<≈≤zThe reduction in accidents observed is not statistically significant.(If Prob []1z z ≤95.0≥, The reduction in accidents observed is statistically significant. Because of the number of accidents is small, sample size may not be sufficient to prove using the normal approximation.) 10-3.Homework of chapter eleven11-1. Answer :From table 11.2 (Typical Parking Generation Rates) for high-rise apartment, the average peak parking occupancy is 0.88 per dwelling unit, or in this case,52860088.0=⨯ parking spaces.A more precise estimate might be obtained using the equation related to facility size :0.3090.10560034.00.10534.0=+⨯=+=X P spacesThis presents a significant range to the engineer – from 309 to 528 parking spaces needed. 11-2. Answer :From Table 11.3 (Recommended Parking Ratios (Parking Spaces per 1,000 sq ft of GLA) from a 1998 Study), the center as descried would require a parking ratio of 4.50 spaces per 1,000 sq ft GLA, or 270060050.4000,1000,60050.4=⨯=⨯ parking spaces.11-3. Answer :Zoning requirements are generally set 5% to 10% higher than the 85th percentile demand expectation.① Problem1:32545.324)05.01(309≈=+⨯ to 3409.339)10.01(309≈=+⨯ parking spaces② Problem2:2835)05.01(2700=+⨯ to 2970)10.01(2700=+⨯ parking spaces11-4. Answer :Basically apply Equation (11‐1) on Page 316:OprNKRP D *= From the issue we know that :N=2,000 K=35%=0.35 P=100%﹣7%=93%=0.93 O=1.3 R=1.0 pr=1.0So, the peak parking demand will be estimated as :501769.5003.*≈=*⨯⨯⨯==O pr NKRP D parking spaces 11-5. Answer :Basically apply Equation (11‐2) on Page 321:F D NT P n *⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=∑From the issue we know that :1001=N , 1502=N , 2003=N , 3004=N 141=T , 82=T , 63=T ,104=T90.0%90==Fh m D 603535== So, parking supply in this study area is computed as :vehs F D NTP n492,10429.491,1090.0*6035103006200815014100*≈=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=∑ This result means that 10,492 vehicles could be parked in the study area over the 14-hour period of the study. It does not mean that all 10,492 vehicles could be parked at the same time. 11-6. Answer :(c). Basically apply Equation (11‐3) on Page 324: The average parking duration :TxxN I X ND ∑=)**(So :hN I X ND Txx05.11051101054095.7833255.2310334222547)5.0*8*1()5.0*6*3()5.0*5*3()5.0*4*4()5.0*3*22()5.0*2*25()5.0*1*47()**(≈=+++++++=+++++++++++++==∑(d). The overtime rate = %9.1019.01052=≈ The parking violation rate =0(e). Basically apply Equation (11‐4) on Page 325: The parking turnover rate :SS TT P N TR *=h stall veh T P N TR S S T //625.07*24105*===Homework of chapter twelve12-1. Answer :The free-flow speed for a multilane highway is computed using the following Equation :A M LC LW f f f f BFFS FFS ----= As the describe in the 12-1, we can know that :h mi f M /6.1=, h mi BFFS /55=, h mi f LC /8.1=, h mi f A /0.5=, h mi f LW /9.1= Then :h mi FFS /7.4456.18.19.155=----=12-2. Answer :The free-flow speed of a freeway may be estimated using the following Equation :ID N LC LW f f f f BFFS FFS ----= As the describe in the 12-2, we can know that :h mi f ID /3.1=, h mi BFFS /70=, h mi f LC /8.0=, h mi f N /0.3=, h mi f LW /0.0= Then :h mi FFS /9.643. Answer :(a) Rise on 4% Grade :750*0.04 = 30 ft Rise on 2% Grade :1,500*0.02 = 30 ft Rise on 3% Grade :1,000*0.03 = 30 ft Total Rise on Composite :30 + 30 + 30 = 90 ftThe average grade is then computed as the total rise divided by the total length of the grade, or :%77.202769.0325090500,1000,175090≈==++=AV GThe appropriate values would now be entered to find passenger – car equivalents using a 2.77% grade, 3250 ft in length. (b)(c) 3,000 ft of 3% grade is equivalently to 1450 ft of 5% grade. 1450 + 4000 = 5450 ftThe appropriate values would now be entered to find passenger – car equivalents using a 5% grade, 5450 ft in length.12-4. Answer :Basically apply Equation (12‐9) on Page 21: )1()1(11-+-+=R R T T HV E P E P fWhere : 1.0=T P , 05.0=R P , 5.2=T E , 0.2=R E So :833.0)10.2(05.0)15.2(1.011=-⨯+-⨯+=HV fh pc V pce /4202833.03500==12-5. Answer : Step 1:The Free-flow speed of the facility is found using Equation (12-5):ID N LC LW f f f f BFFS FFS ----=Where :h mi BFFS /70= (urban freeway)h mi f ID /5.7= h mi f LC /8.0= h mi f N /5.1= h mi f LW /9.1= Then :h mi FFS /3.585. 2:Determine the Maximum Service Flow Rates for Each Level of Service. Maximum Service Flow (MSF) rates for each Level of are drawn from Table 12.3. Values are obtained for freeways with Free Flow Speed of 60 mi/h and 55 mi/h Straight-line interpolation may be used to obtain maximum service flow rate for the intermediate free-flow speed of 58.3 mi / h. This is illustrated in Table1Table 1:Values of MSF for Example 12-5Determine the Heavy-Vehicle Factor. The heavy-vehicle factor is computed as :)1()1(11-+-+=R R T T HV E P E P fWhere : 05.0=T P , 00.0=R P , 5.21=T E , 5.12=T E Then : 930.0)15.2(05.0111=-⨯+=HV f976.0)15.1(05.0112=-⨯+=HV fStep 4:Determine the Service Flow Rates and Service V olumes for Each Level of Service. Service Flow Rates and Service V olumes are computed using Equations(12-2) and (12-3):P H FSF SV f f N MSF SF i i p HV i i ⨯=⨯⨯⨯=Where :i MSF =as determined in step 2 N=4(given)HV f =0.930, HV f =0.976 p f =1.00(regular users) PHF=0.85These computations are dore in the spreadsheet show in Table12-6. Answer : Step 1:Determine the Heavy-Vehicle Factor. The heavy-vehicle factor is computed as : )1()1(11-+-+=R R T T HV E P E P fWhere :15.0=T P , 00.0=R P , 5.2=T E So :816.0)15.2(15.011=-⨯+=HV fStep 2:Determine the Demand Flow Rates in Equivalent pce Under Base Conditions The demand volume may be converted to an equivalent flow rate under base conditions using Equation (12-1): pHV p f f N PHF Vv ⨯⨯⨯=Where :h veh V /4000=, 90.0=PHF , 3=N , 816.0=HV f , 00.1=p f Then :ln //18161*816.0*3*90.04000h pc v p ==Step 3:Find the Level of Service and the Speed and Density of the Traffic Stream.The demand flow of 1816 veh/h would be used to enter Figure 12.4 to find the Level of Service and speed. It can also be seen that the Level of Service for this multilane highway is E.The density on the multilane highway maybe estimated as the demand flow rate divided by the speed, or :ln //4.40451816mi pc SD vp===This value can be used to enter Table 12.2 to confirm the Level of Service, which is E, falling within the defined bound areas of 35-45 pc/mi/ln for LOS E. 12-7. Answer : Assure 2=NStep 1:Determine the FFSID N LC LW f f f f BFFS FFS ----= Where :75=BFFS mi/h (suburban freeway) 0.0=LW f mi/h (Table 12.5, 12-ft lanes)0.0=LC f mi/h (Table 12.6, ≥6-ft lateral clearance) 5.4=N f mi/h (Table 12.7, 2 lanes in one direction) 0.0=ID f mi/h (Table 12.8, ≤0.5 interchanges/mi) h mi FFS /5.705.475=-=Step 2:Determine the MSF for levels of service C, with a minimum acceptable level of service C, it is necessary to determine the maximum service flow rates that would be permitted if these levels of service are to be maintained. These are found from Table 12.3 for a 70.5 mi/h free-flow speed :ln //17761.0)17701830(1770h pc MSF C =⨯-+=Step 3:Determine the Number of lanes required for the Level, Upgrade, and Downgrade Freeway Sections.The required number of lanes is found using Equation (12-4): pHV C i f f MSF PHF DDHVN ***=Where :h veh DDHV /2500= (given) 92.0=PHF (given)ln //1776h pc MSF C = (determine in step 2) 00.1=p f (regular users assumed)There different heavy-vehicle factors must be considered: one for level terrain, one for the upgrade, and one for the downgrade. )1()1(11-+-+=R R T T HV E P E P fWhere :10.0=T P (given) 03.0=R P (given)T E (level) = 1.5 (Table 12.13, level terrain) R E (level) = 1.2 (Table 12.13, level terrain)T E (up) = 2.5 (Table 12.14, 5% grade, 1.5 mile in length) R E (up) = 2.5 (Table 12.15, 5% grade, 1.5 mile in length) T E (down) = 1.5 (Table 12.16, 5% grade, 1.5 mile in length) R E (down) = 1.2 (Table 12.13, level terrain) Then :947.0)12.1(03.0)15.1(1.011),(=-⨯+-⨯+=down level f HV837.0)15.2(03.0)15.2(1.011)(=-⨯+-⨯+=up f HVand :62.11947.0176692.02500),(=⨯⨯⨯=down level N lanes83.11837.0176692.02500)(=⨯⨯⨯=up N lanes This suggests that the level, downgrade and upgrade sections require two lanes in each direction. So the assuming that there are 2 lanes is established. 12-8. Answer :Step 1:The free-flow speed of the facility is found using Equation (12-5): ID N LC LW f f f f BFFS FFS ----= Where :70=BFFS mi/h (urban freeway) 9.1=LW f mi/h (Table 12.5, 11-ft lanes) 6.3=LC f mi/h (Table 12.6, 0-ft lateral clearance) h mi FFS /5.525. 2:Determine the Maximum Service Flow Rates for Each Level of Service.rates MSF for each level of service are draw from Table 12.3 Values are obtained for freeways with free-flow speed of 50mi/h, and 55mi/h straight-line interpolation may be used to obtain maximum service flow rates for the intermediate free-flow speed of 64.5mi/h. This is illustrated in Table 12.1:Values of MSF for Example 12-8.Table 12.1:Values of MSF for Example 12-8Step 3:Determine the Heavy-Vehicle Factor The heavy-vehicle factor is computer as : )1()1(11-+-+=R R T T HV E P E P fWhere : 05.0=T P (given)。
道路桥梁与渡河工程《理论力学A》课程简介课程编号:090213201中文名称:理论力学A英文名称:Theory Mechanics A学分学时:5.0-80开课学期:秋季先修课程:《材料力学》、《工程地质》、《弹性力学》、《水力学》适应专业:土木工程及水利工程类课程类别:本专业大类课程课程性质:必修考核形式:考试教材:《理论力学》哈尔滨工业大学理论力学教研室主编高等教育出版社主要参考书:1《静力学》谢传峰主编高等教育出版社《动力学》谢传峰主编高等教育出版社.内容简介:《理论力学》分为I II 两册。
《材料力学A》课程简介课程编号:090213204中文名称:材料力学A英文名称:Materiol Mechanics A学分学时:4.5-72开课学期:春季课程类别:本专业大类课程课程性质:必修考核形式:考试教材:《材料力学I》刘鸿文主编高等教育出版社主要参考书:《材料力学学习指导书》内容简介:本教材第一册包含了材料力学课程中的基本内容,内容包括:绪论,拉伸,压缩与剪切,扭转,弯曲内力,弯曲应力,弯曲变形,应力和应变分析,强度理论,组合变形,压杆稳定,动载荷,交变应力,平面图形的几何性质等。
《工程测量A》课程简介课程编号:060313004中文名称:《工程测量A》英文名称:Engineering SurveyA学分学时:3.5-56开课学期:春季课程类别:本专业大类课程课程性质:必修考核形式:考试教材:《测量学》许娅娅应主编人民交通出版社内容简介:本课程介绍了测量学的基本概念与理论,阐述了测量学的基本知识和测量仪器(包括常规和新型仪器)的使用方法,介绍了测量误差的基本知识,小区域控制测量,包括平面控制测量和高程控制测量的施测与计算,大比例尺地图测绘的传统方法和数字化测图方法,大比例尺地形图应用及数字地面模型在公路工程中的应用,施工测量的基本工作,道路中线测量、纵横断面测量,桥梁测量、隧道测量,“3S”技术及其应用。
交通词汇-- 交通术语的英文说法Stop-line 停车线A congested link 阻塞路段Weighting factor 权重因子Controller 控制器Emissions Model 排气仿真the traffic pattern 交通方式Controller 信号机Amber 黄灯Start-up delay 启动延误Lost time 损失时间Off-peak 非高峰期The morning peak 早高峰Pedestrian crossing 人行横道Coordinated control systems 协调控制系统On-line 实时Two-way 双向交通Absolute Offset 绝对相位差Overlapping Phase 搭接相位Critical Phase 关键相位Change Interval 绿灯间隔时间Flow Ratio 流量比Arterial Intersection Control 干线信号协调控制Fixed-time Control 固定式信号控制Real-time Adaptive Traffic Control 实时自适应信号控制Green Ratio 绿信比Through movement 直行车流Congestion 阻塞,拥挤The percentage congestion 阻塞率The degree of saturation 饱和度The effective green time 有效绿灯时间The maximum queue value 最大排队长度Flow Profiles 车流图示Double cycling 双周期Single cycling 单周期Peak 高峰期The evening peak periods 晚高峰Siemens 西门子Pelican 人行横道Fixed time plans 固定配时方案One-way traffic 单向交通Green Ratio 绿信比Relative Offset 相对相位差Non-overlapping Phase 非搭接相位Critical Movement 关键车流Saturation Flow Rate 饱和流率Isolated Intersection Control 单点信号控制(点控)Area-wide Control 区域信号协调控制Vehicle Actuated (VA) 感应式信号控制The Minimum Green Time 最小绿灯时间Unit Extension Time 单位绿灯延长时间The Maximum Green Time 最大绿灯时间Opposing traffic 对向交通(车流)Actuation Control 感应控制方式Pre-timed Control 定周期控制方式Remote Control 有缆线控方式Self-Inductfanse 环形线圈检测器Signal spacing 信号间距Though-traffic lane 直行车道Inbound 正向Outbound 反向第一章交通工程 Traffic Engineering 运输工程 Transportation Engineering 铁路交通 Rail Transportation航空交通 Air Transportation水上交通 Water Transportation管道交通 Pipeline Transportation 交通系统 Traffic System 交通特性 Traffic Characteristics人的特性 Human Characteristics车辆特性 Vehicular Characteristics 交通流特性 Traffic Flow Characteristics 道路特性 Roadway Characteristics 交通调查 Traffic Survey 交通流理论 Traffic Flow Theory交通管理 Traffic Management交通环境保护 Traffic Environment Protection 交通设计 Traffic Design交通统计学 Traffic Statistics交通心理学 Traffic Psychology汽车力学 Automobile Mechanics交通经济学 Traffic Economics 汽车工程 Automobile Engineering 人类工程 Human Engineering 环境工程 Environment Engineering 自动控制 Automatic Control应用数学 Applied Mathematics电子计算机 Electric Computer第二章公共汽车 Bus无轨电车 Trolley Bus有轨电车 Tram Car大客车 Coach小轿车 Sedan载货卡车 Truck拖挂车 Trailer平板车 Flat-bed Truck动力特性 Driving Force Characteristics牵引力 Tractive Force空气阻力 Air Resistance滚动阻力 Rolling Resistance坡度阻力 Grade Resistance 加速阻力 Acceleration Resistance 附着力 Adhesive Force 汽车的制动力 Braking of Motor Vehicle自行车流特性 Bicycle flow Characteristics 驾驶员特性 Driver Characteristics刺激 Stimulation感觉 Sense判断 Judgment行动 Action视觉 Visual Sense听觉 Hearing Sense嗅觉 Sense of Smell味觉 Sense of Touch 视觉特性 Visual Characteristics视力 Vision视野 Field of Vision色彩感觉 Color Sense眩目时的视力 Glare Vision视力恢复 Return Time of Vision 动视力 Visual in Motion亮度 Luminance照度 Luminance反应特性 Reactive Characteristics刺激信息 Stimulant Information驾驶员疲劳与兴奋 Driving Fating and Excitability 交通量 Traffic Volume交通密度 Traffic Density地点车速 Spot Speed瞬时车速 Instantaneous Speed时间平均车速 Time mean Speed空间平均车速 Space mean speed头时距 Time headway车头间距 Space headway交通流模型 Traffic flow model自由行驶车速 Free flow speed阻塞密度 Jam density速度-密度曲线 Speed-density curve流量-密度曲线 Flow-density curve最佳密度 Optimum concentration流量——速度曲线 Flow-speed curve最佳速度 Optimum speed连续流 Uninterrupted traffic间断流 Interrupted traffic第三章交通调查分析 Traffic survey and analysis交通流调查 Traffic volume survey车速调查 Speed survey通行能力调查 Capacity survey车辆耗油调查 Energy Consumption Survey居民出行调查 Trip Survey车辆出行调查 Vehicle Trip Survey停车场调查 Parking Area Survey交通事故调查 Traffic Accident Survey交通噪声调查 Traffic Noise Survey车辆废气调查 Vehicle Emission Survey平均日交通量 Average Daily Traffic(ADT)周平均日交通量 Week Average Daily Traffic月平均日交通量 Month Average Daily Traffic年平均日交通量 Annual Average Daily Traffic高峰小时交通量 Peak hour Volume年最大小时交通量 Highest Annual Hourly Volume年第30位最高小时交通量 Thirtieth Highest Annual Hourly Volume高峰小时比率 Peak Ratio时间变化 Time Variation空间变化 Spatial Variation样本选择 Selection Sample样本大小 Size of Sample自由度 Freedom车速分布 Speed Distribution组中值 Mid-Class Mark累计频率 Cumulative Frequency频率分布直方图 Frequency Distribution Histogram85%位车速 85% Percentile Speed限制车速 Regulation Speed服务水平 Level of Service牌照对号法 License Number Matching Method跟车测速 Car Following Method浮动车测速法 Moving Observer Speed Method通行能力调查 Capacity Studies饱和流量 Saturation Flow第四章泊松分布 Poisson Distribution交通特性的统计分布 Statistical Distribution of Traffic Characteristics 驾驶员处理信息的特性 Driver Information Processing Characteristics跟车理论 Car Following Theory交通流模拟 Simulation of Traffic Flow间隔分布 Interval Distribution二项分布 Binomial Distribution拟合 Fitting移位负指数分布 Shifted Exponential Distribution排队论 Queuing Theory运筹学 Operations Research加速骚扰 Acceleration Noise停车波 Stopping Wave起动波 Starting Wave城市交通规划 Urban Traffic Planning土地利用 Land-Use可达性 Accessibility起讫点调查 Origin –Destination Survey出行端点 Trip End期望线 Desire Line主流倾向线 Major Directional Desire Line调查区境界线 Cordon Line分隔查核线 Screen Line样本量 Sample Size出行发生 Trip Generation出行产生 Trip Production出行吸引 Trip Attraction发生率法 Generation Rate Method回归发生模型 Regression Generation Model类型发生模型 Category Generation Model出行分布 Trip Distribution现在型式法 Present Pattern Method重力模型法 Gravity Model Method行程时间模型 Travel Time Model相互影响模型 Interactive Model分布系数模型 Distribution Factor Model交通方式划分 Model Split , Mode Choice转移曲线 Diversion Curve交通量分配 Traffic Assignment最短路径分配(全有全无) Shortest Path Assignment(All-or-Nothing) 多路线概率分配 Probabilistic Multi-Route Assignment线权 Link Weight点权 Point Weight费用——效益分析 Cost –benefit Analysis现值法 Present Value Method交通安全 Traffic Safety交通事故 Traffic Accident交通死亡事故率 Traffic Fatal-Accident Rate 交通法规 Traffic Law 多发事故地点 High accident Location交通条例 Traffic Regulation交通监视 Traffic Surveillance 事故报告 Accident Report冲撞形式 Collision Manner财产损失 Property Damage事故档案 Accident File 事故报表 Accident Inventory 固定目标 Fixed Object事故率 Accident Rate事故数法 Accident Number Method质量控制法 Quality Control Method人行横道 Pedestrian Crosswalk 行人过街道信号 Pedestrian Crossing Beacon人行天桥 Passenger Foot-Bridge人行地道 Passenger Subway栅栏 Gate立体交叉 Underpass(Overpass)标线 Marking无信号控制交叉口 Uncontrolled Intersection让路标志 Yield Sign停车标志 Stop Sign渠化交通 Channelization traffic单向交通 One-Way禁止转弯 No Turn Regulation禁止进入 No-Entry禁止超车 Prohibitory Overtaking禁止停车 Prohibitory Parking禁止通行 Road Closed安全带 Life Belt第七章交通控制与管理 Traffic Control and Management交通信号 Traffic Signal单点定时信号 Isolated Pre-timed Signal信号相位 Signal Phase周期长度 Cycle Length绿信比 Split优先控制 Priority Control延误 Delay流量比 Flow Ratio有效绿灯时间 Effective Green Time损失时间 Loss Time绿灯间隔时间 Intergreen Interval信号配时 Signal Timing (or Signal Setting)交通感应信号 Traffic Actuated Signal城市交通控制系统 Urban Traffic Control System联动控制 Coordinated Control区域控制 Area Control时差 Offset同时联动控制 Simultaneous Coordinated Control交变联动控制 Alternate Coordinated Control绿波带 Green Wave连续通行联动控制 Progressive Coordinated Control中心控制器 Master Controller局部控制器 Local Controller实时 Real Time联机 On-line脱机 Off-line爬山法 Hill-Climbing“小型高效”区域控制系统 Compact Urban Traffic Control System 道路控制系统 Corridor Control System交通仿真 Traffic Simulation时间扫描法 Time Scanning事件扫描法 Event Scanning第八章交通环境污染 Traffic Environmental Pollutions 交通噪声 Traffic Noise 车辆废气 Automobile Emission 声波 Sound Wave声压 Sound Pressure 声压等级 Sound Pressure Level 声强 Sound Intensity 响度级 Loudness Level 纯音 Pure Sound “A”级计权声级“A” Weighted Sound Level 声级计 Sound Level Meters等效声级 Equivalent Sound Level 交通噪声指数 Traffic Noise Index 噪声污染级 Noise Pollution Level 噪声标准 Noise Criterion 一氧化碳 Carbon Monoxide (Co) 碳氢化合物 Hydrocarbons (HCS)氮氧化合物 Nitrogen Oxides (NOS)光化学烟雾 Photochemical Smog第九章停车场 Parking Garage地面停车场 Floor Parking地下停车场 Underground Parking多层式停车场 Multi-Story Car Parking交通调查:1)试验车技术 the test car technique浮动车法 the floating car method平均速度法 the average speed method2)车辆牌号对照法 the license plate technique 3)摄像技术 the photographic technique4)会见技术 the interview technique道路:道路 road公路 highway城市道路 city road, urban road厂矿道路 factories and mines road林区道路 forest road乡村道路 country road道路工程 road engineering道路网 road network道路网密度 density of road network 道路技术标准 technical standard of road设计车辆 design vehicle特种车辆 special road计算行车速度(设计车速)design speed道路建筑限界 boundary line of road construction净空 clearance等级道路 classified road辅道 relief road高速公路 freeway, motor way等级公路 classified highway干线公路 arterial highway支线公路 feeder highway国家干线公路(国道) national trunk highway 省干线公路 provincial trunk highway县公路(县道)county road乡公路(乡道) township road绕行公路 bypass公路自然区划 climatic zoning for highway(城市)快速路 expressway(城市)主干路 arterial road(城市)次干路 secondary road(城市)支路 branch road街道 street郊区道路 suburban road居住区道路 residential road工业区道路 industrial district road自行车道 cycle track, cycle path畜力车道 cattle pass驮道 bridle road道路交通:交通组成 traffic composition混合交通 mixed traffic交通流 traffic flow车流 vehicle stream交通密度 traffic density车头间距 space headway车头时距 time headway车(辆)间净距 vehicular gap延误 delay点速度 spot speed行驶速度 running speed区间速度 overall speed运行速度 operating speed临界速度 optimum speed, critical speed时间平均速度 time mean speed空间平均速度 space mean speed经济车速 economic speed自由车速 free-flow speed交通量 traffic volume年第30位最大小时交通量 thirtieth highest annual hourly volume 年最大小时交通量 maximum annual hourly volume高峰小时交通量 peak hourly volume设计小时交通量 design hourly volume通行能力 traffic capacity基本通行能力 basic traffic capacity可能通行能力 possible traffic capacity设计通行能力 design traffic capacity道路服务水平 level of service交叉口通行能力 capacity of intersection道路交通规划 traffic planning交通调查 traffic survey交通量调查 traffic volume survey交通量观测站 traffic volume observation station 起讫点调查 origin-destination study出行 trip境内交通 local traffic过境交通 through traffic出境交通 outbound traffic入境交通 inbound traffic交通发生 traffic generation交通分布 traffic distribution交通方式划分 traffic model split交通量分配 traffic assignment交通量预测 traffic volume prognosis路网通行能力 capacity of network道路网规划 road network planning棋盘式道路系统 gridiron road system环形辐射式道路系统 ring and radial road system 自由式道路系统 free style road system混合式道路系统 combination-type road system (城市)道路面积率 road area ratio (城市)人均道路面积 road area per citizen道路组成与附属设施:路幅 roadway车行道(行车道) carriage way内侧车道 fast lane中间车道 center lane外侧车道 nearside lane附加车道 auxiliary lane变速车道 speed-change lane加速车道 acceleration lane减速车道 deceleration lane超车车道 overtaking lane爬坡车道 climbing lane停车车道 parking lane紧急停车带 emergency parking strip, lay-by错车道 passing lane回车道 turn around loop专用车道 accommodation lane专道宽度 lane-width人行道side walk ; Foot way分隔带 central reserve; Separator路缘带 marginal strip路肩 shoulder ; Verge路缘石 curb路侧带 curb side strip绿化带 green belt横坡 cross slope路拱 crown路拱曲线 camber curve视线 sight line视距 sight distance停车视距 stopping sight distance超车视距 overtaking sight distance视距三角形 sight triangle路口视距 sight distance of intersection(平曲线)横净距 lateral clear distance of curve (路口)截角 cut corner for sight line视野 field of vision道路(路线)交叉 road intersection交叉角 intersection angle(铁路)道口 railroad grade crossing平面交叉 at-grade intersection; Grade intersection 多岔交叉 multiple-leg intersection 环形交叉 rotary intersection ; Roundabout微型环交 mini-roundabout十字形交叉 cross intersection错位交叉 staggered junction立体交叉 grade- separated junction匝道 ramp单向匝道 one-way ramp双向匝道 two-way ramp环形匝道 loop ramp(平面)交叉口 intersection; Road crossing交叉口进口 intersection entrance交叉口出口 intersection exit渠化交通 channelization加宽转角式交叉口 intersection with widened corners 拓宽路口式交叉口 flared intersection 分道转弯式交叉口 channelization intersection交织 weaving交织路段 weaving section合流 converging分流 diverging冲突点 conflict point交织点 weaving point交通岛 traffic island导流岛 channelization island中心岛 center-island安全岛 refuge island道口铺面 paved crossing道口限界架 boundary frame on crossing 交通安全设施 traffic safety device人行横道 cross walk人行地道 pedestrian underpass人行天桥 pedestrian overcrossing分隔设施 separate facilities护栏 guard raid护墙 guard wall标注 guard post防护栏safety fence防眩屏 anti-dizzying screen隔音墙 acoustic barrier防沙设施 sand protection facilities 道路照明设施 lighting facilities交通广场 traffic square停车场 parking lot公交(车辆)停靠站 bus bay; Parking station 里程牌 kilometer stake百米桩 hectometer stake方位角 azimuth angle象限角 bearing angle。
WASHINGTON COUNTY (MN)invites applications for the position of:Engineer IISALARY:$36.94 - $47.57 HourlyOPENING DATE: 01/05/16CLOSING DATE: 01/22/16 11:59 PMJOB TYPE: Full TimeDEPARTMENT: Public WorksLOCATION: StillwaterJOB SPECIFICS:MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:•Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering•Four years of experience, two of which are in highway design or traffic engineering•Registration as a Professional Engineer in the State of MinnesotaMust have own means of reliable transportation for business purposes; individuals operating a motor vehicle for county business must possess a valid driver's license.DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE:•Experience managing the development and design of highway construction projects, meeting Minnesota Department of Transportation design guidelines and specifications•Experience working with the Minnesota Department of Transportation on state aid, federal aid, and cooperative agreement highway design projects•Experience obtaining and ensuring compliance with regulatory permits and approvals, including permits from: the Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or other State Natural Resources Department, Minnesota Department of Transportation or other State DOT, watershed districts, or local units of government•Experience with pavement management systems and developing an annual pavement rehabilitation program•Experience with preliminary design and project planning, public engagement, NEPA documentation, environmental remediation, traffic engineering, water resources design, municipal engineering, final design, right of way acquisition, and construction engineeringSELECTION TECHNIQUE: Your training and experience will be rated based on the required application material submitted and the top scoring candidates will be forwarded to the hiring department for further consideration.HOURS / DAYS: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Mon-Fri. Work schedules (hours and days) and location are subject to change based on department needs.ANTICIPATED HIRING RANGE: $36.94-$47.57/hourJOB SUMMARY:The Engineer II provides complex highway design or traffic engineering and analysis in the development of highway construction and traffic engineering plans and specifications.EMPLOYMENT CRITERIA:MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from an accredited university or college with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and registered as a Professional Engineer in the State of Minnesota with four years of experience, or equivalent. Experience must include two years in highway design or traffic engineering.PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Experience in PC based design programs and CAD are desirable.CORE COMPETENCIES, JOB SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES REQUIRED FOR SUCCESSFUL JOB PERFORMANCECore Competencies outline essential business and professional traits necessary to perform this job.• Promote a diverse, culturally competent, and respectful workplace;• Demonstrates strong knowledge of principles and practices of highway engineering,• Demonstrates knowledge of current design methods and programs, practices’• Demonstrates knowledge of techniques of highway design, hydrology, hydraulics, pavement design, signal design, signing and striping layouts, environmental policies, preparing environmental permits and reports;• Demonstrates familiarity with current developments, literature, and sources of information in highway and traffic engineering;• Demonstrates knowledge of pertinent codes, rules, and regulations;• Ability to communicate engineering analysis to technicians;• Ability to communicate technical jargon in non-technical manner.DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES:General engineering duties:• Provide assistance, training, advice, guidance and mentoring to engineering technicians, transportation coordinators and Engineer I, in advanced engineering design; and teach complex engineering principles, design procedures and practices as they relate to the County’s policy goals;• Develop and implement complex design procedures, programs, and processes;• Determine, communicate, monitor and ensure data collection needs for complete analysis during design;• Present project proposals to county commissioners, city councils, planning commissions and the general public;• Provide professional and complex engineering elements to satisfy accepted engineering principles, regulatory constraints, County financial limits, and public participation needs;• Participate in consultant selection; reviews consultant plans for County compliance; and• Approve design studies;• Participate in consultant selection; and• Review consultant plans for County compliance;Highway Design:• Performs and reviews complex professional engineering calculations and designs for County infrastructure improvements, including horizontal and vertical alignments, cross-sections, hydraulics and right of way;• Participates in public project involvement process; attends public and landowner meetings to understand public concerns and explains department design;• Reviews and prepares construction plan documents, project cost estimates and special provisions;• Determines project hydrology and designs hydraulic and water quality systems;• Review, prepare, and acquires all regulatory permits and approvals required for project initiation; meets and confers with permitting officials in the field or office as needed;• Coordinates right of way needs, both permanent and temporary, for project completion;• Provides technical and professional support to field construction change requests and generalactivities to ensure project construction will provide desired design results.Traffic Engineering:• Prepares standard traffic engineering studies needed by the department, including accident reviews, stop sign and signal warrant analysis, and traffic projection estimates; coordinates and reviews studies prepared by consultants and MN/DOT; supports local units of government with traffic needs;• Prepares traffic control plans for engineering, maintenance and operation projects;• Recommends traffic engineering budget;• Prepares and reviews traffic signal plans and specifications; performs signal optimization studies and interconnect plans;• Responsible for plat review required by the department; reviews and recommends comments on local government development plans and traffic studies; responsible for approval of highway permits;• Directs preparation of County maps, including but not limited to, general highway map, annual traffic map, annual weight restriction map and annual accident map.Perform other duties as assigned.WORK ENVIRONMENTWork performed is semi-sedentary in nature, and typically performed within the Government Center, a satellite office or other field work location. Lifting requirement of up to 50 pounds on an occasional basis. Equipment used may include, but is not limited to, computer, typewriter, calculator, telephone, camera, and , cash register, and copy and fax machine, power and hand tools, and other maintenance equipment.Work interruptions are frequent. There is some pressure associated with dealing with individuals who may be emotionally charged and with project or activity deadlines and details. Driving or riding to work at a service center, attend meetings, participate in or lead training sessions, etc. may be required. May involve exposure to environmental conditions.Additional physical/mental requirements that occur may not be listed above, but are inherentin performing the position’s essential functions.This job description is intended to describe the kinds of tasks and level of work difficulty being performed by people assigned to this classification. The list of responsibilities is not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required of personnel so classified. The County retains the discretion to add or change the contents of this job description at any time.APPLICATIONS MAY BE FILED ONLINE AT: 14949 62nd Street NorthStillwater, MN 55082651-430-6081**************************** Position #15-00384ENGINEER IITHWashington County recognizes that diversity enriches the workplace and encourages individuals with bilingual and/or bicultural skills/experience to apply for positions for which they meet the qualifications.If you need special assistance with any portion of the recruitment process due to a disability or language difficulty, please contact the Department of Human Resources.An Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative Action EmployerEngineer II Supplemental Questionnaire* 1. Do you have a completed bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering?Yes* 2. Are you registered as a Professional Engineer in the State of Minnesota?Yes* 3. Do you have four years of experience, with at least two years of full-time work experience in highway design or traffic engineering?Yes* 4. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, you must provide a brief summary of your experience and the name of the employer(s) where you gained that experience. (If you answered "No" to the above question, enter "NA" in the text box.)* 5. Do you have experience managing the development and design of highway construction projects, meeting Minnesota Department of Transportation design guidelines andspecifications?Yes* 6. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, you must provide a brief summary of your experience and the name of the employer(s) where you gained that experience. (If you answered "No" to the above question, enter "NA" in the text box.)* 7. Do you have experience working with the Minnesota Department of Transportation on state aid, federal aid, and cooperative agreement highway design projects?Yes* 8. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, you must provide a brief summary of your experience and the name of the employer(s) where you gained that experience. (If you answered "No" to the above question, enter "NA" in the text box.)* 9. Do you have experience obtaining and ensuring compliance with regulatory permits and approvals, including permits from: the Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or other State Natural Resources Department, Minnesota Department of Transportation or other State DOT, watershed districts, or local units of government?Yes* 10. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, you must provide a brief summary of your experience and the name of the employer(s) where you gained that experience. (If you answered "No" to the above question, enter "NA" in the text box.)* 11. Do you have experience with pavement management systems and developing an annual pavement rehabilitation program?Yes* 12. If you answered "Yes" to the above question, you must provide a brief summary of your experience and the name of the employer(s) where you gained that experience. (If you answered "No" to the above question, enter "NA" in the text box.)* 13. Indicate what specific elements of transportation engineering you have experience with (check all that apply):Preliminary design and project planningPublic engagementNEPA documentationEnvironmental remediationTraffic engineeringWater resources designMunicipal engineeringFinal designRight of way acquisitionConstruction engineeringNone of the above* Required Question。
道路工程专业词汇英语翻译桥梁 bridge公路干道 highway工程工程学 engineering公路工程 highway engineering路基 roadbase路面 pavement构造物建造构成制造 construct施工(名) construction试验室 laboratory现场检测 field test(名)试验检验(不)进行试验 experiment 试验检测测量 test质量上流社会的 quality合格,取得资格 qualify材料 material沥青柏油以沥青铺(一般指沥青路)asphalt 沥青(指原材料) bitumen沥青的 bituminous沥青混合料 bituminous mixture混凝土 concrete钢筋混凝土 rc (reinforced concrete)信誉信用贷款 credit进度快慢 tempo计划 plan评定 evaluation检查(名)检验 inspection标准水准规格标准的合格的 standard技术性的工业的 technical技术技巧技术的工艺的专门的 technic水泥 cement碎石路碎石路 macadam砂砾碎石砂砾层 gravel钢筋 reinforcing steel bar或reinfored steel 石石头石场石的石制的 stone检查员 inspector测量(名) measuring测量(及)检测(及)勘测测绘(名)survey 设备仪器装置 device申请 application铺路工人 paver经理 manager加强 reinforce(被加强的 reinforced )sign 签字署名通知list 表名册目录列举tabulation 制表列表表格mapping 绘图制图camera 照相机photo 照片给。
拍照拍照lime 石灰petrol 汽油diesel-oil 柴油planer 计划者planed 有计划的根据计划的pile 柱桩把桩打入用桩支撑weld 焊接焊牢焊接点welder 焊接者焊工laborer 劳动者劳工辅助工manpower 人力劳动力人力资源雇佣使用利用 employ职业租用受雇 employment项目条款 item关税税款税 impostresign 放弃辞去辞职document 公文文件证件time limit from project 工期weighbridge 地磅台秤transbit 经纬仪mention 提到说起表扬career 职业经历skill 技术技能trade 行业商业owe 欠债organization 组织机构团体traffic 交通交往通行交易买卖spend 预算花钱浪费interest 股息股份兴趣cost 费用成本花费wage 薪水报酬earning 工资收入利润cash 现金现款把...兑现tax 税负担向...纳税deficit 赤字不足额业主owner(北美用)、employer(英语国用)发展商(房屋等业主)client 或 developer承包商contractor总承包商prime contractor或general contractor 分承包商nominated contractor专业承包商specialist contractor咨询公司consulting firm 或 consultants 咨询工程师consulting engineer建筑师architect建筑工程经理constraction manager项目经理program manager材料供应商supplier建筑经济学contraction economics亚洲开发银行asian development bank 世界银行集团 world bank group学会 institute协会association组织结构organizational styucture基础设施infrastructure环境environment质量管理体系qulity management system 质量方针quality policy质量目标 quality objective职能,函数,职务function计量的metrological鉴定qualification评审review效率efficiency验证verification顾客,消费者customer过程process产品product项目,预计的,计划的project程序procedure特性characteristic记录record检验inspection文件document信息information能力capabitily 满意satisfaction投标邀请书invitation for bids公开招标unlimited competitive open biding 投标者须知instruction to bidders银行保函bank guarantee担保公司security company支付保函 payment guarantee资质说明statement of qualification单位成本 cost per unit成本计划cost plan成本价 price cost业主要求client´s requirements投标书tender 或 bid 或 proposal合同条件condition of contract合同协议书 agreement图纸drawings工程量表bill of quantities投标保证bid security保价offer开标tender 或 bid评标bid evaluation施工项目work items总价合同lump sum contract专题报告subjective report审核audit 审核员auditor测量控制measurement control测量设备measureing equipment技术专家technical expert 习惯,惯例custom选择selection确定,决定definition合格conformity不合格nonconformity缺陷defect预防措施preventive action 纠正措施corrective action 返工rework降级regrade返修repair报废serap让步concession放行release。
[][]流量⼯程trafficengineering (TE )什么是流量⼯程 流量⼯程是指根据各种数据业务流量的特性选取传输路径的处理过程。
流量⼯程的内容 流量⼯程在复杂的中,不同的业务流⾛不同的路径,关键的业务⾛可靠的路径并保证服务质量,并且在某段的情况下,动态调整路由,整个⽹络如同⼀个“可控的城市交通系统”。
其原理是在环境中,充分利⽤交换系统来为不同的业务流着⾊,通过LDP 来传递中间链路⽹络状态,不同颜⾊的业务流,根据不同的⽹络中间状态,动态地在⽹络中间传递,并且LSP 能够传递RSVP ⽹络控制信令,因此可以实现的QoS 或Diff-Service 服务。
流量⼯程的应⽤ 将映射到现有物理拓扑上的任务被称作流量⼯程。
⽬前,流量⼯程作为⼀个课题在Internet ⼯作组和⼀些⼤型ISP 内部被热烈地讨论。
如果⼀个流量⼯程的“应⽤”能够实现⼀组正确的功能,它将使ISP 在其路由域内对业务流的分布实现精确的。
特别地,流量⼯程还可以在ISP 内实现将业务流从通过选择的最短路径,转移⾄另⼀条潜在的、具有更少阻塞的物理路径上去 流量⼯程是ISP 的⼀个强有⼒的⼯具,ISP 通过它可以在⽹络中不同的链路、和交换机之间平衡业务负荷,使所有这些成分即不会过度使⽤,也不会未充分使⽤。
这样,ISP 可以有效利⽤整个⽹络所提供的带宽资源。
泊松分布—— Poisson Distribution
交通特性的统计分布—— Statistical Distribution of Traffic Characteristics
驾驶员处理信息的特性 Driver Information Processing Characteristics
管道交通—— Pipeline Transportation
交通系统—— Traffic System
交通特性—— Traffic Characteristics
人的特性—— Human Characteristics
车辆特性—— Vehicular Characteristics
交通流特性—— Traffic Flow Characteristics
Absolute Offset——绝对相位差
Overlapping Phase——搭接相位
Critical Phase——关键相位
Change Interval——绿灯间隔时间
Flow Ratio——流量比
Arterial Intersection Control——干线信号协调控制
亮度—— Luminance
照度—— Luminance
反应特性—— Reactive Characteristics
刺激信息—— Stimulant Information
驾驶员疲劳与兴奋—— Driving Fating and Excitability
交通量—— Traffic Volume
大客车—— Coach
小轿车—— Sedan
载货卡车—— Truck
交通⼯程专业词汇中英术语对照(1)中英术语对照公路highway道路road公路⼯程highway engineering公路⽹highway network公路⽹密度highway density公路等级highway classification公路⾃然区划climatic zoning for highway公路⽤地highway right-of-way⾼速公路freeway; expressway等级公路classified highway辅道relief road⼲线公路arterial highway⽀线公路feeder highway专⽤公路accommodation highway国家⼲线公路(国道)national trunk highway省级⼲线公路(国道)provincial trunk highway 县公路(县道)county road乡公路(乡道)township road辐射式公路radial highway环形公路ring highway绕⾏公路bypass交通结构traffic structure交通组成traffic composition混合交通mixed traffic交通流traffic flow交通流理论traffic flow theory车流vehicle stream交通密度traffic density车头间距space headway车头时距time headway车间净距vehicular gap延误delay地点速度spot speed⾏驶速度running speed运⾏速度operating speed临界速度critical speed平均速度average speed计算⾏车速度(设计车速)design speed交通量traffic volume年平均⽇交通量annual average daily traffic ⽉平均⽇交通量monthly average daily traffic 年第30位最⼤⼩时交通量thirtieth highest annualhourly volume年最⼤⼩时交通量maximum annual hourly设计⼩时交通量design hourly volume 通⾏能⼒traffic capacity基本通⾏能⼒basic traffic capacity可能通⾏能⼒possible traffic capacity设计通⾏能⼒design traffic capacity道路服务⽔平level of service公路交通规划traffic planning交通调查traffic survey交通量调查traffic volume survey交通量观测站traffic volume observation station起迄点调查(OD调查)origin-destination study 出⾏trip境内交通local traffic过境交通through traffic交通发⽣traffic generation交通分布traffic distribution交通分配traffic assignment交通预测traffic prognosis⾏车道carriageway分离式⾏车道divided carriageway车道lane变速车道speed-change lane加速车道acceleration lane减速车道deceleration lane爬坡车道climbing lane停车道parking lane错车道turn-out lane⾃⾏车道cycle path路侧⼈⾏道sidewalk分隔带lane separator中央分隔带median divider中间带central strip路肩shoulder;verge路缘带marginal strip路缘⽯kerb;curb侧向余宽lateral clearance路拱camber;crown路拱横坡crown slope公路建筑限界clearance of highway公路路线highway route公路线形highway alignment平⾯线形horizontal alignment纵⾯线形vertical alignment线形要素alignment elements平曲线horizontal curve极限最⼩平曲线半径limited minimum radius of horizontal curve 复曲线compound curve反向曲线reverse curve断背曲线broken-back curve回头曲线switch-back curve缓和曲线transition curve竖曲线vertical curve弯道加宽curve widening加宽缓和段transition zone of curve超⾼superelevation超⾼缓和段superelevation runoff纵坡longitudinal gradient最⼤纵坡maximum longitudinal gradient最⼩纵坡minimum longitudinal gradient变坡点grade change point平均纵坡average gradiant坡长限制grade length limitation⾼原纵坡拆减highland grade compensation缓和坡段transition grading zone合成坡度resultant gradient视距sight distance停车视距non-passing sight distance,stopping sight distance超车视距passing sight distance道路交叉road intersection;道⼝railroad grade crossing平⾯交叉at-grade intersection;gradecrossing正交叉right-angle intersection斜交叉skew intersection环形交叉rotary intersection⼗字形交叉"+"T形交叉T intersection错位交叉offset intersection; staggered junctionY形交叉Y intersection⽴体交叉grade separation分离式⽴体交叉simple grade separation, separate grade crossing互通式⽴体交叉interchange苜蓿叶形⽴体交叉full cloverleaf interchange 部分苜蓿叶形⽴体交叉cloverleaf interchange 菱形⽴体交叉diamond interchange定向式⽴体交叉directional interchange喇叭形⽴体交叉three-Leg interchange环形⽴体交叉rotary interchange匝道ramp 交叉⼝road crossing;intersection交叉⼝进⼝intersection entrance交叉⼝出⼝intersection exit加铺转⾓式交叉⼝intersection with widened corners拓宽路⼝式交叉⼝flared intersection分道转弯式交叉⼝channelized intersection渠化交通channelization交织weaving交织路段weaving section合流converging分流diverging冲突点conflict point交通岛traffic island导流岛channelization island中⼼岛central island安全岛refuge island沿线设施roadside facilities交通安全设施traffic safety device⼈⾏横道crosswalk⼈⾏地道pedestrian underpass⼈⾏天桥pedestrian overcrossing护栏guard fence防护栅guard fence,safety barrier遮光栅anti-dizzling screen应急电话emergency telephone反光标志reflective sign反光路钮reflective button弯道反光镜traffic mirror道路交通标志road traffic sign警告标志warning sign禁令标志regulatory sign指⽰标志guide sign指路标志information sign辅助标志auxiliary sign可变信息标志changeable message sign 路⾯标线pavement marking防雪设施snow protection facilities防沙设施sands protection facilities隔⾳墙acoustic barrier停车场parking area踏勘reconnaissance可⾏性研究feasibility study线形设计highway alignment design公路景观设计highway landscape design选线route selection路线控制点control point定线location⽐较线alternative line展线line development初测preliminary survey定测location survey地貌topographic feature地物culture地形topography台地terrace垭⼝pass;saddle back平原区plain terrain微丘区rolling terrain重丘区hilly terrain⼭岭区mountainous terrain沿溪线valley line⼭脊线ridge line⼭坡线hill-side line越岭线ridge crossing line⼟⽅调配cut-fill transition⼟⽅调配图cut-fill transition program⼟⽅调配经济运距economical hauling distance 导线traverse 导线测量traverse survey中线center line中线测量center line survey施⼯测量construction survey竣⼯测量final survey(路线)平⾯图plan交点intersection point虚交点imaginary intersection point转点turning point转⾓intersection angle⽅位⾓azimuth angle象限⾓bearing⽅向⾓direction angle切线长tangent length曲线长curve length外(⽮)距external secant测站instrument station测点observation point中桩center stake加桩additional stake护桩reference stake断链broken chainage⽔准测量leveling survey⽔准点bench mark绝对基⾯absolute datum⾼程elevation 地⾯⾼程ground elevation设计⾼程designed elevation(路线)纵断⾯图profile中桩填挖⾼度cut and fill at center stake 地形测量topographic survey 基线base line地形图topographic map等⾼线contour line横断⾯测量cross-sectional survey横断⾯图cross-section坑探pit test钻探boring摄影测量photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerial photogrammetry地⾯⽴体摄影测量ground stereophoto grammetry地⾯控制点测量ground control-point survey 航摄基线aerophoto base 影像地图photographic map像⽚索引图(镶辑复照图)photo index航摄像⽚判读aerophoto interpretation综合法测图planimatric photo全能法测图universal photo微分法测图differential photo像⽚镶嵌图photo mosaic路基subgrade路堤embankment路堑cutting半填半挖式路基part cut-part fill subgrade 台⼝式路基benched subgrade路基宽度width of subgrade路基设计⾼程design elevation of subgrade (路基)最⼩填⼟⾼度minimum height of fill 边坡side slope 边坡坡度grade of side slope(边)坡顶top of slope(边)坡脚toe of slope护坡道berm边坡平台plain stage of slope碎落台berm at the foot of cutting slope护坡slope protection挡⼟墙retaining wall重⼒式挡⼟墙gravity retaining wall衡重式挡⼟墙balance weight retaining wall 悬臂式挡⼟墙cantilever retaining wall扶壁式挡⼟墙counterfort retaining wall柱板式挡⼟墙column-plate retaining wall锚杆式挡⼟墙anchored retaining wall by tierods锚碇板式挡⼟墙anchored bulkhead retaining wall⽯笼rock filled gabion抛⽯riprap路基排⽔subgrade drainage边沟side ditch截⽔沟intercepting ditch排⽔沟drainage ditch急流槽chute跌⽔drop water蒸发池evaporation pond盲沟blind drain渗⽔井seepage well透⽔路堤permeable embankment过⽔路⾯ford填⽅fill挖⽅cut借⼟borrow earth弃⼟waste取⼟坑borrow pit弃⼟堆waste bank回填⼟back-filling黄⼟loess软⼟soft soil淤泥mud泥沼moor泥炭peat盐渍⼟salty soil膨胀⼟expansive soil冻⼟frozen soil多年冻⼟permafrost流砂quicksand软弱地基soft ground强夯法dynamic consolidation预压法preloading method反压护道loading berm砂井sand drain路基砂垫层sand mat of subgrade压实compaction压实度degree of compaction(标准)最⼤⼲容重maximum dry unit weight相对密实度relative density⽑细⽔capillary water⼟⽯⽅爆破blasting procedure抛掷爆破blasting for throwing rock爆破漏⽃blasting crater松动爆破blasting for loosening rock 爆破作⽤圈acting circles of blasting路⾯pavement弹性层状体系理论elastic multilayer theory (回弹)弯沉deflection加州承载⽐(CBR)California bearing ratio,(CBR) 路⾯宽度width of pavement路槽road trough刚性路⾯rigid pavement柔性路⾯flexible pavement路⾯结构层pavement structure layer⾯层surface course磨耗层wearing course联结层binder course基层base course垫层bed course隔⽔层aquitard隔温层thermal insulating course封层seal coat透层prime coat保护层protection course补强层strengthening layer⾼级路⾯high type pavement次⾼级路⾯sub-high type pavement中级路⾯intermediate type pavement低级路⾯low type pavement⽔泥混凝⼟路⾯cement concrete pavement沥青路⾯bituminous pavement沥青混凝⼟路⾯bituminous concrete pavement 沥青碎⽯路⾯bituminous macadam pavement 沥青贯⼊碎(砾)⽯路⾯bituminous penetration pavement沥青表⾯处治bituminous surface treatment块料路⾯block pavement⽯块路⾯stone block pavement泥结碎⽯路⾯clay-bound macadam pavement⽔结碎⽯路⾯water-bound macadam pavement级配路⾯graded aggregate pavement稳定⼟基层stabilized soil base course⼯业废渣基层industrial waste base course块⽯基层Telford base层铺法spreading in layers拌和法mixing method⼚拌法plant mixing method路拌法road mixing method热拌法hot mixing method冷拌法cold mixing method热铺法hot laid method冷铺法cold laid method贯⼊法penetration method铺砌法pitching method缩缝contraction joint胀缝expansion joint真缝true joint假缝dummy joint横缝transverse joint纵缝longitudinal joint施⼯缝construction joint传⼒杆dowel bar拉杆tie bar路⾯平整度surface evenness路⾯粗糙度surface roughness路⾯摩擦系数friction coefficient of pavement 附着⼒adhesive force ⽔滑现象hydroplaning phenomenon桥梁bridge公路桥highway bridge公铁两⽤桥highway and rail transit bridge⼈⾏桥pedestrian bridge跨线桥overpass bridge⾼架桥viaduct永久性桥permanent bridge半永久性桥semi-permanent bridge临时性桥temporary bridge钢筋混凝⼟桥reinforced concrete bridge预应⼒混凝⼟桥prestressed concrete bridge钢桥steel bridge圬⼯桥masonry bridge⽊桥timber bridge斜交桥skew bridge弯桥curved bridge坡桥bridge on slope斜桥skew bridge正桥right bridge上承式桥deck bridge中承式桥half-through bridge下承式桥through bridge梁桥beam bridge简⽀梁桥simple supported beam bridge连续梁桥continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever beam bridge联合梁桥composite beam bridge板桥slab bridge拱桥arch bridge 双曲拱桥two-way curved arch bridge空腹拱桥open spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥filled spandrel arch bridge系杆拱桥bowstring arch bridge桁架桥truss bridge刚构桥rigid frame bridgeT形刚构桥T-shaped rigid frame bridge连续刚构桥continuous rigid frame bridge斜腿刚构桥rigid frame bridge with inclined legs 斜拉桥(斜张桥)cable stayed bridge 悬索桥suspension bridge漫⽔桥submersible bridge浮桥pontoon bridge开启桥movable bridge装配式桥fabricated bridge装拆式钢桥fabricated steel bridge涵洞culvert管涵pipe culvert拱涵arch culvert箱涵box culvert盖板涵slab culvert压⼒式涵洞pressure culvert半压⼒式涵洞partial pressure culvert倒虹吸涵siphon culvert上部结构superstructure主梁main beam横梁floor beam纵梁longitudinal beam, stringer挂梁suspended beam拱圈archring拱上结构spandrel structure腹拱spandrel arch拱上侧墙spandrel wall桥⾯系floor system, bridge decking桥⾯铺装bridge deck pavement伸缩缝expansion and contraction joint桥⾯伸缩装置bridge floor expansion and contraction installation 安全带safety belt桥头搭板transition slab at bridge head下部结构substructure桥墩pier墩⾝pier body墩帽coping盖梁bent cap破冰体ice apron重⼒式桥墩gravity pier实体桥墩solid pier空⼼桥墩hollow pier柱式桥墩column pier排架桩墩pile bent pier柔性墩flexible pier制动墩braking pier单向推⼒墩single direction thrusted pier桥台abutment台⾝abutment body翼墙wing walls台帽coping锥坡conical slope⽿墙wing wallsU形桥台U-shaped abutment⼋字形桥台flare wing wall abutment⼀字形桥台head wall abutment, straight abutment 重⼒式桥台gravity abutment埋置式桥台buried abutment扶壁式桥台counterforted abutment锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead abutment⽀撑式桥台supported type abutment地基subsoil加固地基consolidated subsoil天然地基natural subsoil基础foundation扩⼤基础spread foundation沉井基础open caisson foundation管柱基础cylindrical shaft foundation桩基础pile foundation桩pile预制桩precast pile就地灌注桩cast-in-place concrete pile摩擦桩friction pile⽀承桩bearing pile承台bearing platform⽀座bearing固定⽀座fixed bearing活动⽀座expansion bearing索塔cable bent tower索鞍cable saddle调治构造物regulating structure丁坝spur dike顺坝longitudinal dam桥梁全长total length of bridge 主桥main bridge 引桥approach span跨径span桥涵计算跨径computed span桥涵净跨径clear span⽮跨⽐rise span ratio计算⽮⾼calculated rise of arch桥下净空clearance of span桥⾯净空clearance above bridge floor桥梁建筑⾼度construction height of bridge荷载load永久荷载permanent load可变荷载variable load偶然荷载accidental load荷载组合loading combinations车辆荷载标准loading standard for design vehicle 设计荷载design load施⼯荷载construction load梁beam简⽀梁simple-supported beam连续梁continuous beam悬臂梁cantilever beam板slab拱arch桁架truss刚构rigid frame柱column强度strength刚度stiffness rigidity抗裂度crack resistance稳定性stability位移displacement变形deformation挠度deflection流域catchment basin集⽔⾯积runoff area径流runoff⽔⽂测验hydrological survey河床river bed河槽river channel主槽main channel边滩side shoal河滩flood land河床宽度bed width河槽宽度channel width过⽔断⾯discharge section⽔位water level最⾼(或最低)⽔位maximum (minimum)water level 通航⽔位navigable water level 设计⽔位design water lever⽔⾯⽐降water surface slope河床⽐降gradient of river bed湿周wetted perimeter糙率coefficient of roughness⽔⼒半径hydraulic radius⽔⽂计算hydrological computation设计流量designed discharge设计流速designed flow velocity⾏近流速approach velocity洪⽔调查flood survey洪⽔频率flood frequency设计洪⽔频率designed flood frequency潮汐河流tidal river悬移质suspended load推移质bed material load⽔⼒计算hydraulic computation⽔头water head冲刷scour桥下⼀般冲刷general scour under bridge⾃然演变冲刷natural scour冲刷系数coefficient of scouring淤积silting壅⽔back water流冰ice drift先张法pretensioning method后张法post-tensioning method缆索吊装法erection with cableway悬臂拼装法erection by protrusion悬臂浇筑法cast-in-place cantilever method移动⽀架逐跨施⼯法span by span method纵向拖拉法erection by longitudinal pulling method顶推法incremental launching method转体架桥法construction by swing浮运架桥法erecting by floating顶⼊法jack-in method围堰cofferdam护筒pile casing隧道tunnel洞门tunnel portal衬砌tunnel lining明洞open cut tunnel围岩surrounding rock 隧道建筑限界structural approach limit of tunnels 明挖法open cut method矿⼭法mine tunnelling method盾构法shield tunnelling method沉埋法(沉管法)immersed tunnel导坑heading隧道⽀撑tunnel support构件⽀撑element support喷锚⽀护lock bolt support with shotcrete隧道通风tunnel ventilation隧道照明tunnel lighting养护maintenance巡回养护patrol maintenance⼤中修周期maintenance period ⼩修保养routine maintenance中修intermediate maintenance⼤修heavy maintenance改善⼯程road improvement抢修emergency repair of road加固strengthening of structure回砂sand sweeping罩⾯overlay of pavement路⾯翻修pavement recapping路⾯补强pavement strengthening 车辙rutting路⾯搓板surface corrugation路⾯⽹裂net-shaped cracking路⾯龟裂alligator cracking路⾯碎裂pavement spalling反射裂缝reflection crack路⾯坑槽pot holes路⾯冻胀surface frost heave路⾯沉陷pavement depression 路⾯滑溜surface slipperiness露⾻surface angularity啃边edge failure泛油bleeding拥包upheaval拱胀blow up错台faulting of slab ends错法slab staggering滑坡slide坍⽅land slide崩塌collapse碎落debris avalanche沉降settlement泥⽯流mud avalanche(振动)液化liquefaction翻浆frost boiling岩溶karst沙害sand hazard雪害snow hazard⽔毁washout好路率rate of good roads养护质量综合值general rating of maintenance quality 路容road appearance路况road condition路况调查road condition survey路政管理road administration民⼯建勤civilian labourers working on public project 养路费toll of road maintenance养路道班maintenance gang粒料granular material集料(⾻料)aggregate矿料mineral aggregate矿粉mineral powder砂sand砾⽯gravel砂砾sand gravel卵⽯cobble stone碎⽯broken stone, crushed stone⽚⽯rubble块⽯block stone料⽯dressed stone⽯屑chip⼯业废渣industrial solid waste结合料binder有机结合料organic binding agent沥青bitumen地沥青asphalt⽯油沥青petroleum asphalt煤沥青coal tar乳化沥青emulsified bitumen氧化沥青oxidized asphalt路⽤沥青road bitumen有机结合料inorganic binding agent粉煤灰fly ash混合料mixture沥青混合料bituminous mixture 沥青混凝⼟混合料bituminous concrete mixture 沥青碎⽯混合料bituminous macadam mixture 沥青砂asphalt sand沥青膏asphalt mastic⽔泥砂浆cement mortar⽯灰砂浆lime mortar⽔泥混凝⼟混合料cement concrete mixture⽔泥混凝⼟cement concrete钢筋混凝⼟reinforced concrete预应⼒(钢筋)混凝⼟prestressed concrete早强混凝⼟early strength concrete⼲硬性混凝⼟dry concrete贫混凝⼟lean concrete轻质混凝⼟light-weight concrete纤维混凝⼟fibrous concrete外掺剂admixture减⽔剂water reducing agent加⽓剂air entraining agent早强剂early strength agent缓凝剂retarder钢筋steel bar预应⼒钢材prestressing steel⾼强钢丝high tensile steel wire钢铰线stranded steel wire冷拉钢筋cold-stretched steel bar冷拔钢丝cold-drawn steel wire⾼强螺栓high strength bolt孔隙⽐void ratio粒径grain size颗粒组成grain composition细度fineness筛分sieve analysis级配gradation级配曲线grading curve最佳级配optimum gradation含⽔量water content最佳含⽔量optimum water content稠度界限consistency limit液限liquid limit塑限plastic limit缩限shrinkage limit塑性指数plasticity index⽔泥标号cement mark⽔泥混凝⼟标号cement concrete mark⽔泥混凝⼟配合⽐proportioning of cement concrete ⽔灰⽐water cement ratio和易性workability坍落度slump硬化hardening⽔硬性hydraulicity⽓硬性air hardening离析segregation徐变creep⽼化ageing(沥青)稠度consistency(of bitumen)针⼊度penetration粘(滞)度viscosity软化点softening point延度ductility闪点flash point溶解度dissolubility热稳性hot stability⽔稳性water stability油⽯化asphalt-aggregate ratio含油率bitumen content压碎率rate of crushing磨耗度abrasiveness弹性模量modulus of elasticity回弹模量modulus of resilience劲度(模量)stiffness modulus模量⽐modulus ratio泊松⽐Poisson's ratio疲劳试验fatigue test劈裂试验splitting test三轴试验triaxial test击实试验compaction test触探试验cone penetration test弯沉试验deflection test环道试验circular track test承载板试验loading plate test透⽔性试验perviousness test车辙试验wheel tracking test马歇尔试验Marshall stability test压实度试验compactness test铺砂法sand patch method硬练胶砂强度试验earth-dry mortar strengthtest 软练胶砂强度试验plastic mortar strengthtest (⽔泥)安定性试验soundness test(of cement)击实仪compaction test equipment长杆贯⼊仪penetration test equipment承载板loading plate杠杆弯沉仪beam lever deflectometer 路⾯曲率半径测定仪surface-curvature apparatus 路⾯平整度测定仪viameter路⾯透⽔度测定仪surface permeameter五轮仪fifth-wheel tester制动仪skiddometer速度检测器speed detector万能试验机universal testing machine三轴(剪切)仪triaxial shear equipment加州承载⽐(CBR)测定仪California bearing ratiotester标准筛standard sieves(沥青)针⼊度仪penetrometer(沥青)粘度仪viscosimeter(沥青)延度仪ductilometer(沥青)软化点仪(环-球法)softening point tester(ring-ball method)闪点仪(开⼝杯式)flash point tester (open cup method)马歇尔稳定度仪Marshall stability apparatus (沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen extractor砂浆稠度仪mortar penetration tester坍落度圆锥筒slump cone标准⼯业粘度计standard concrete consistometer 饱和⾯⼲吸⽔率试模saturated-surface-dried moisture retention tester 撞击韧度试验机impact toughness machine圆盘耐磨硬度试验机wear hardness machine狄法尔磨耗试验机Deval abrasion testing machine 洛杉矶磨耗试验机Los Angeles abrasion testing machine压碎率试模crushing strength tester单⽃挖掘机single-bucket excavator推⼟机bulldozer除根机rootdozer铲运机scraper平地机grader挖沟机trencher耕耘机cultivator松⼟机ripper松⼟搅拌机pulvi-mixer稳定⼟拌和机stabilizer凿岩机rock breaker碎⽯机stone crusher碎⽯撒布机stone spreader装载机loader⽺⾜压路机sheep-foot roller⼿扶式单轮压路机walk behind single drum蛙式打夯机frog rammer内燃夯实机internal combustion compactor铁夯(铁撞柱)tamping iron压路机roller振动压路机vibratory roller沥青加热器asphalt heater沥青泵asphalt pump沥青洒布机asphalt sprayer沥青洒布车asphalt distributor沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt paver散装⽔泥运输车cement deliver truck⽔泥混凝⼟混合料拌和设备concrete mixing plant (⽔泥混凝⼟混合料)搅拌concrete deliver truck 运输车⽔泥混凝⼟混合料摊铺机concrete paver振捣器concrete vibrator⽔泥混凝⼟混合料整⾯机concrete finisher真空泵vacuum pump⽔泥混凝⼟路⾯切缝机concrete joint cutter⽔泥混凝⼟路⾯锯缝机concrete saw⽔泥混凝⼟路⾯清缝机concrete joint cleaner⽔泥混凝⼟路⾯填缝机concrete joint sealer⽔泵pump泥浆泵mud pump张拉钢筋油泵prestressed steel bar drawing oil pump砂浆泵mortar pump⽔泥混凝⼟混合料泵concrete pump钢筋切断机bar shear钢筋冷轧机cold-rolling mill钢筋冷拉机steel stretcher钢筋冷拔机steel bar cold-extruding machine钢筋冷镦机steel bar heading press machine钢筋拉伸机steel extension machine钢筋弯曲机steel bar bender钢筋调直机steel straighten machine对焊机butt welder钻孔机boring machine打桩机pile driver拔桩机pile extractor千⽄顶jack张拉预应⼒钢筋千⽄顶prestressed steel bar drawing jack⼿拉葫芦chain block起重葫芦hoisting block卷扬机hoister缆索吊装设备cableway erecting equipment起重机crane架桥机bridge erection equipment砂筒sand cylinder盾构shield全⽓压盾构compressed air shield半盾构roof shield 隧道掘进机tunnel boring machine全断⾯隧道掘进机tunnel boring machine for full section 喷枪shotcrete equipment装碴机mucker盾构千⽄顶main jack拉合千⽄顶pull-in jacks复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer路⾯铣削机pavemill回砂车sand sweeping equipment除雪机snow plough装雪机snow Loader洗净剂喷布车detergent spray truck清扫车sweeper洒⽔车water truck划标线机Line maker振动筛vibrating screen撒布机spreader输送机conveyer提升机elevator翻⽃车dump-body car⾃卸汽车dumping wagon牵引车tow truck拖车头tractor truck挂车trailer平板车flat truck⼯程车shop truck万能杆件fabricated universal steel members 交通规则traffic rules交通事故traffic accident交通事故率traffic accident rate⼈⼝事故率population accident rate车辆事故率vehicle accident rate运⾏事故率operating accident rate交通控制traffic control中央控制台central control unit点控制spot control线控制line control⾯控制area control交通信号traffic signal交通信号灯traffic signal lamp 信号周期signal cycle绿信⽐split ratio信号相位signal phase 相位差phase difference绿波green wave交通监视系统traffic surveillance 交通公害vehicular pollution英汉术语对照索引abrasiveness磨耗度absolute datum绝对基⾯abutment桥台abutment pier制动墩acceleration lane加速车道accidental load偶然荷载accommodation lane专⽤车道acoustic barrier隔⾳墙acting circles of blasting爆破作⽤圈additional stake加桩adjacent curve in one direction同向曲线admixture外加剂adverse grade for safety反坡安全线aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量aerophoto base航摄基线aerophoto interpretation航摄像⽚判读ageing⽼化aggregate集料(⾻料)air hardening⽓硬性alignment design(城市道路)平⾯设计,线形设计alignment element线形要素alligator cracking路⾯龟裂allowable rebound deflection容许(回弹)弯沉alternative line⽐较线anchored bulkhead abutment锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead retaining wall锚锭板式挡⼟墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods锚杆式挡⼟墙anionic emulsified bitumen阴离⼦乳化沥青annual average daily traffic年平均⽇交通量anti-creep heap(⼚矿道路)挡车堆anti-dizzling screen防炫屏(遮光栅)antiskid heap(⼚矿道路)防滑堆approach span引桥aquitard隔⽔层arch bridge拱桥arch culvert拱涵arch ring拱圈arterial highway⼲线公路arterial road(⼚内)主⼲道,(城市)主⼲路asphalt distributor沥青洒布车asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt paver沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt sand沥青砂asphalt sprayer沥青洒布机asphaltic bitumen地沥青at-grade intersection平⾯交叉auxiliary lane附加车道average consistency(of soil)(⼟的)平均稠度average gradient平均纵坡azimuth angle⽅位⾓balance weight retaining wall衡重式挡⼟墙base course基层base line基线basic traffic capacity基本通⾏能⼒beam bridge梁桥beam level deflectometer杠杆弯沉仪bearing⽀座bearing angle象限⾓bearing pile⽀承桩bearing platform承台bed course垫层bench mark⽔准点benched subgrade台⼝式路基bending strength抗弯强度Benkelman beam杠杆弯沉仪(贝克曼弯沉仪) bent cap盖梁berm护坡道binder结合料binder course联结层bitumell沥青bitumen extractor(沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen-aggregate ratio油⽯⽐bituminous concrete mixture沥青混凝⼟混合料bituminous concrete pavement沥青混凝⼟路⾯bituminous macadam mixture沥青碎⽯混合料bituminous macadam pavement沥青碎⽯路⾯bituminous mixture沥青混合料bituminous pavement沥青路⾯bituminous penetration pavement沥青贯⼊式路⾯bituminous surface treatment(沥青)表⾯处治blasting crater爆破漏⽃blasting for loosening rock松动爆破blasting for throwing rock抛掷爆破blasting procedure⼟⽯⽅爆破bleeding泛油blind ditch盲沟blind drain盲沟block pavement块为路⾯block stone块⽯blow up拱胀boring钻探boring log(道路)地质柱状图boring machine钻孔机borrow earth借⼟borrow pit取⼟坑boundary frame on crossing道⼝限界架boundary frame on road道路限界架boundary line of road construction道路建筑限界bowstring arch bridge系杆拱桥box culvert箱涵branch pipe of inlet⾬⽔⼝⽀管branch road(城市)⽀路,(⼚内)⽀道bridge桥梁bridge decking桥⾯系bridge deck pavement桥⾯铺装bridge floor expantion and contraction installation桥⾯伸缩装置bridge girder erection equipment架桥机bridge on slope坡桥bridge site桥位bridge road驮道broken chainage断链broken stone碎⽯broken back curve断背曲线buried abutment埋置式桥台bus bay公交(车辆)停靠站bypass公交绕⾏公路cable bent tower索塔cable saddle索鞍cable stayed bridge斜拉桥(斜张桥)cableway erecting equipment缆索吊装设备california bearing ratio(CBR)加州承载⽐(CBR) california bearing ratio tester加州承载⽐(CBR)测定仪camber curve路拱曲线cantilever beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡⼟墙capacity of intersection交叉⼝通⾏能⼒capacity of network路⽹通⾏能⼒capillary water⽑细⽔carriage way车⾏道(⾏车道)cast-in-place cantilever method悬臂浇筑法cationic emulsified bitumen阳离⼦乳化沥青cattle-pass畜⼒车道cement concrete⽔泥混凝⼟cement concrete mixture⽔泥混凝⼟混合料cement concrete pavement⽔泥混凝⼟路⾯center-island中⼼岛center lane中间车道center line of road道路中线center line survey中线测量center stake中桩central reserve分隔带channelization渠化交通channelization island导流岛channelized intersection分道转弯式交叉⼝chip⽯屑chute急流槽circular curve圆曲线circular road环路circular test环道试验city road城市道路civil engineering fabric⼟⼯织物classified highway等级公路classified road等级道路clay-bound macadam泥结碎⽯路⾯clearance净空clearance above bridge floor桥⾯净空clearance of span桥下净空climatic zoning for highway公路⾃然区划climbing lane爬坡车道cloverleaf interchange苜蓿叶形⽴体交叉coal tar煤沥青cobble stone卵⽯coefficient of scouring冲刷系数cohesive soil粘性⼟cold laid method冷铺法cold mixing method冷拌法cold-stretched steel bar冷拉钢筋column pier柱式墩combination-type road system混合式道路系统compaction压实compaction test击实试验compaction test apparatus击实仪compactness test压实度试验composite beam bridge联合梁桥composite pipe line综合管道(综合管廊) compound curve复曲线concave vertical curve凹形竖曲线concrete joint cleaner(⽔泥混凝⼟)路⾯清缝机concrete joint sealer(⽔泥混凝⼟)路⾯填缝机concrete mixing plant⽔泥混凝⼟(混合料)拌和设备concrete paver⽔泥混凝⼟(混合料)摊铺机concrete pump⽔泥混凝⼟(混合料)泵concrete saw(⽔泥混凝⼟)路⾯锯缝机cone penetration test触探试验conflict point冲突点conical slope锥坡consistency limit(of soil)(⼟的)稠度界限consolidated subsoil加固地基consolidation固结construction by swing转体架桥法construction height of bridge桥梁建筑⾼度construction joint施⼯缝construction load施⼯荷载construction survey施⼯测量continuous beam bridge连续梁桥contour line等⾼线contraction joint缩缝control point路线控制点converging合流convex vertical curve凸形竖曲线corduroy road⽊排道counterfort retaining wall扶壁式挡⼟墙counterfort abutment扶壁式桥台country road乡村道路county road县公路(县道),乡道creep徐变critical speed临界速度cross roads⼗字形交叉cross slope横坡cross walk⼈⾏横道cross-sectional profile横断⾯图cross-sectional survey横断⾯测量crown路拱crushed stone碎⽯crushing strength压碎值culture地物culvert涵洞curb路缘⽯curb side strip路侧带curve length曲线长curve widening平曲线加宽curved bridge弯桥cut挖⽅cut corner for sight line(路⼝)截⾓cut-fill transition⼟⽅调配cut-fill transition program⼟⽅调配图cutting路堑cycle path⾃⾏车道cycle track⾃⾏车道deceleration lane减速车道deck bridge上承式桥deflection angle偏⾓deflection test弯沉试验degree of compaction压实度delay延误density of road network道路(⽹)密度depth of tunnel隧道埋深design elevation of subgrade路基设计⾼程design frequency(排⽔)设计重现期design hourly volume设计⼩时交通量design of elevation(城市道路)竖向设计design of vertical alignment纵断⾯设计design speed计算⾏车速度(设计车速) design traffic capacity设计通⾏能⼒design vehicle设计车辆design water level设计⽔位designed elevation设计⾼程designed flood frequency设计洪⽔频率dislicking treatment防滑处理Deval abrasion testing machine狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机) diamond interchange菱形⽴体交叉differential photo微分法测图direction angle⽅向⾓directional interchange⽅向式⽴体交叉diverging分流dowel bar传⼒杆drain opening泄⽔⼝drainage by pumping station(⽴体交叉)泵站排⽔drainage ditch排⽔沟dressed stone料⽯drop water跌⽔dry concrete⼲硬性混凝⼟ductility(of bitumen)(沥青)延度ductilometer(沥青)延度仪dummy joint假缝dynamic consolidation强夯法economic speed经济车速economical hauling distance⼟⽅调配经济运距element support构件⽀撑elevation⾼程(标⾼)embankment路堤。
traffic engineering读书笔记
PrefaceThe text is organized in four major functional parts:Part I: Components(要素) of the Traffic System(2-6)Part 11: Traffic Studies and Programs(7-11)Part 111: Applications to Freeway and Rural Highway Systems(12-15)Part IV Applications to Urban and Suburban Street Systems(16-27)1 交通工程概述2 道路使用者和车辆特性3 道路及其几何特性4 交通控制装置概述5 交通流特性6 智能运输系统7 统计在交通工程中的应用8 交通量研究及特性9 速度和运行时间及延误研究10 交通事故研究和统计11 停车特性及设施12 高速公路和多车道公路的通行能力与服务水平分析13 高速公路及多车道公路的交织及分流合流14 双向双车道乡村公路15 高速公路及乡村公路的信号标志16 交叉口控制概述17 交叉口信号控制基本原理18 信号配时与设计基础19 交叉口设计元素及方案20 实际信号控制和检测21 信号控制交叉口分析22 信号控制交叉口分析的应用23 无信号控制交叉口分析24 干线及网络的信号协调25 干线性能分析26 干线规划与设计27 城市道路网络交通规划与运营1 Introduction to traffic engineering1.1 conceptionsTransportation engineering(交通运输系统)is the application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation, and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods.Traffic engineering(交通工程)is that phase of transportation engineering which deals with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets, and highways, theirnetworks, terminals, abutting lands, and relationships with other modes of transportation.1.1.1 safety-the primary objectiveDUI(driving under the influence)酒驾DWI(driving while intoxicated)醉后驾驶1.1.2 other objectivesSpeed/comfort/convenience/economy/environmental compatibility1.1.3 responsibility, ethics, and liability in traffic engineeringapply the most current standardsan complete analysisdue carenot arbitrary1.2 transportation system and its functiona major component of the country's economy and have an enormous impact on the shape of the society and the efficiency of the economy1.2.1 the nature of transportation demand1.2.2 concepts of mobility and accessibilityIn highway systems,mobility is provided by high-type facilities, such as freeways, expressways, and primary and secondary arterials. Accessibility is generally provided by local street networks.A good transportation system must provide for both mobility and accessibility and should be designed to s eparate the functions to the extent possible to ensure both safety and efficiency.1.2.3 people, goods, and vehicles1.2.4 transportation modes城市、城际客运、货运系统(各种运输模式,如汽车、公交、火车、火车等)1.3 highway legislation and history in America1700s 私人道路1811 第一条national pike(联邦政府管理)1832 Supreme Court决定由各个州自己管理道路1916, 1934,1944,1956, 1970, 1983 Federal-Aid Highway Act1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21)central business districts (CBD)1.4 elements of traffic engineering1.Traffic studies and characteristics2.Peirformance evaluation3.Facility design4.Traffic control is a central function of traffic engineers and involves the establishment of traffic regulations and their communication to the driver through the use of traffic control devices, such as signs, markings, and signals.5.Traffic operations involves measures that influence overall operation of traffic facilities, such as one-way street systems, transit operations, curb management, and surveillance and network control systems.6.Transportation systems management optimizing, strategies7.Integration of intelligent transportation system(ITS) technologies refers to the application of modern telecommunications technology to the operation and control of transportation systems. Such systems include automated highways, automated toll-collection systems, vehicle-tracking systems, in-vehicle GPS and mapping systems, automated enforcement of traffic lights and speed laws, smart control devices, and others. This is a rapidly emerging family of technologies with the potential to radically alter the way we travel as well as the way in which transportation professionals gather information and control facilities. While the technology continues to expand, society will grapple with the substantial “big brother” issuesthat such systems invariably create.1.5 modern problems for engineersUrban congestionGrowth managementReconstruction of existing highway facilities also causes unique problemssecurity of transportation facilities1.6 standard reference for engineers权威组织in U.S.1 the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)2 the Transportation Research Board (TRB)交通运输研究委员会TRB is a branch of the National Academy of Engineering and is a major source of research papers and reports.3 The Transportation Group of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)美国土木工程师学会交通运输组4 ITS America参考书目Tra.c Engineering Handbook [I]Uniform Vehicle Code and Model Trafic Ordinance[2]Manual on Uniform Trafic Control Devices [3]Highway Capacity Manual [4]A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets[5]参考网站各组织的官方网站2 road user and vehicle characteristics2.1 overview and traffic stream componentsRoad users-drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and passengersVehicles-private and commercialStreets and highwaysTraffic control devicesThe general environment2.1.1 dealing with diversity85% percentilelicensing criteria and federal and state standards on vehicle design and operating characteristics.2.1.2 addressing diversity with uniformity2.2 road user个性、心理、视觉、反应对司机而言很重要,而听觉、身体力量等不重要2.2.1 visual characteristics of drivers2.2.2 important visual deficitscataracts, glaucoma, peripheral vision deficits, ocular muscle imbalance, depth perception deficits, and color blindness2.2.3 perception-reaction time(PRT)认知反应时间在不同情况下,不同路段条件下的值不同,The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) mandates the use of 2.5 seconds for most computations involving braking reactionsThe PRT under the “expected”situation was consistently about 0.5 seconds faster than under the “unexpected” situation其他的可能影响PRT的因素有是否酒驾、年龄、性别等2.2.4 pedestrian characteristics步行速度、行人对交通标志的认可以及理解2.2.5 impacts of drugs and alcohol on road usersRecognizing this is important for individuals to ensure safe driving, and is now causing many states to reduce their legal limits on alcohol to0.08%, and for some to consider “zero tolerance” criteria (0.01 %) for new drivers for the first year or two they are licensed.Blood-Alcohol Level(BAC)只有加强教育而别无他法??????2.2.6 impact of aging on road usersIncreased consideration of their needs,particularly in the design and implementation of controldevices and traffic regulations.2.2.7 psychological and personality and related factors“Road rage”is the extreme expression of a driver’s psychological and personal displeasure over the traffic situation he or she has encountered2.3 vehicles2.3.1 concepts of the design vehicle2.3.2 turning characteristics of vehicles2.3.3 braking characteristics2.3.4 acceleration characteristics2.4 total stopping distance and applications2.4.1 safe stopping sight distance2.4.2 decision sight distance2.4.3 other sight distance applications2.4.4 Change (Yellow) and Clearance (All Red) Intervals for a Traff ic SignalThe yellow interval for a traffic signal is designed to allow a velhicle that cannot comfortably stop when the green is withdrawn to enter the intersection legally. Consider the situation shown in Figure 2.5. In Figure 2.5, d is the safe stopping distance. At the time the green is withdrawn, a vehicle at d or less feet from the intersection line will not be able to stop, assuming normal design values hold. A vehicle further away than d would be able to stop without encroaching into the intersection area. The yellow signal is timed to allow a vehicle that cannot stop to traverse distance d at the approach speed (S). A vehicle may legally enter the intersection on yellow.Having entered the intersection legally, the all-red period must allow the vehicle to cross the intersection width (W) and clear the back end of the vehicle (L) past the far intersection line. Thus, the yellow interval must be timed to allow a vehicle to traverse the safe stopping distance. Consider a case in which the approach speed to a signalized intersection is 40 mi/h. How long should the yellow interval be?The safe stopping distance is computed using a standard reaction time of 1.0 s for signal timing and level grade: In actual practice, the yellow interval is computed using a direct time-based algorithm算法and a standard deceleration rate. The principle, however, is the same. This example shows how the concept of safe stopping distance is incorporated into signal timing methodologies, which are discussed in detail in Chapter 20.一英尺等于0.3048米一英里(mi)等于1609米3 roadways and their geometriccharacteristics3.1 highways function and classification3.1.1 trip functionAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)美国国家公路与运输协会six distinct travel movements that may be present in a typical trip:Main movementTransitionDistributionCollectionAccessTermination3.1.2 highway classificationLimited-access facilitiesArterialsCollectorsLocal streets3.1.3 preserving the function of a facilityThe importance of providing designs and controls that are appropriate to the intended function of a facility cannot be understated.(主要是通过四种道路的布局分配实现城市期望的运输功能,网格型其实容易造成人车混行,从而造成拥堵)3.2 highway design elements(想想有什么新的东西,记下来,其他的不必记了)3.2.1 introduction to horizontal alignment3.2.2 vertical alignmentLayout 布局3.2.3 introduction to cross-sectional elements3.2.4 surveying and stationing3.3 平曲线3.4 竖曲线3.5 横断面P.I. = point of intersection; point at which theP.C. = point of curvature; point at which theP.T. = point of tangency; point at which theT = length of tangentTS. =transition station from tangent to spiralS.C. =transition station from spiral to circular curveC.S. =transition station from circular curve to spirals.t =transition station from spiral to tangentA =angle of deflection (central angle) of original circular curve without spiral A, = angle of deflection (central angle) of circular portion of curve with spiral4 introduction to traffic control devices4.1 the manual on uniform traffic control devices4.1.1 history and backgroundManual on Uniform Trafic Control Devices (MUTCD)small amounts of blue and yellow pigment have been added to “green” and “red”lenses to enhance their visibility to color-blind drivers.4.1.2 general principles of MUTCDRequirements1. Fulfill a need2. Command attention3. Convey a clear, simple message4. Command respect of road users5. Give adequate time for a proper response4.1.3 contents of MUTCD1. Detailed standards for the physical design of the device, specifying shape, size, colors, legend types and sizes, and specific legend.2. Detailed standards and guidelines on where devices should be located with respect to the traveled way.3. Warrants, or conditions, that justify the use of a particular device.4.1.4 legal respect of MUTCD4.1.5 communicating with driversLegend 文字4.2 traffic marking4.2.1 colours and patterns黄白红绿黑实线禁止变道4.2.2 longitudinal marking4.2.3 transverse marking4.2.4 object makers4.2.5 Delineators (轮廓标)4.3 traffic signsRegulatory signs.Warning signs.Guide signs.4.4 traffic signalsTraffic control signalsEmergency vehicle traffic control signalsTraffic control signals for one-lane, two-wayTraffic control signals for freeway entranceTraffic control signals for moveable bridgesLane-use control signalsFlashing beaconsIn-roadway lights4.5 Special Types of ControlSchool zonesRailroad crossingsConstruction and maintenance zonesPedestrian and bicycle controls4.6 summary and conclusionMUTCD 包含了有关交通控制设施的规定,该规定不断更新,我们可以登录/knomillennium. htm或者5 traffic stream characteristic5.1 types of facilityUninterrupted flowInterrupted flow(更复杂)5.2 traffic stream parametersThe three principal macroscopic(宏观的) parameters that describe a traffic stream are (1) volume or rate of flow, (2) speed, and (3) density.Microscopic(微观的)parameters include(1)the speed of individual vehicles, (2) headway, and (3) spacing.5.2.1 volume and rate of flow124。
《交通工程(Traffic Engineering)》目录(Contents)翻译
书名:《TRAFFIC ENGINEERING》原书第3版作者:ROGER P.ROESSELENA S.PRASSASWILLIAM R.MCSHANE简介:交通工程是典型的新兴交叉学科,交通工程作为国家的“生命血液循环系统”涵盖了广泛的工程应用领域。
本书是美国英文原版教材,有Pearson Education公司2004年出版第3版。
前言(Preface)第1章交通工程介绍(Introduction to Traffic Engineering)第1部分交通系统构成和特性(Components of the Traffic System and Their Characteristics)第2章道路使用者和车辆的特性(Road User and Vehicle Characteristics)第3章道路和道路的几何特性(Roadways and Their Geometric Characteristics)第4章交通控制策略介绍(Introduction to Traffic Control Devices)4.1 统一交通控制手册(The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices MUTCD)4.2 交通标线(Traffic Markings)4.2.1 颜色与模式(Colors and Patterns)4.2.2 纵向标线(Longitudinal Markings)4.2.3 横向标线(Transverse Markings)4.2.4 标记(Object Markers)4.2.5 反光导标(Delineators)4.3 交通标志(Traffic Signs)4.3.1 禁止标志(Regulatory Signs)4.3.2 警告标志(Warning Signs)4.3.3 指示标志(Guide Signs)4.4 交通信号(Traffic signals)4.5 特殊类型的控制(Special Types of Control)4.6 小结(Summary and Conclusion)A4 中国交通管理与控制第5章交通流特性(Traffic Stream Characteristics)第6章智能运输系统(Intelligent Transportation Systems)第2部分交通研究和要点(Traffic Studies and Programs)第7章统计学在交通工程中的应用(Statistical Application in Traffic Engineering)第8章交通量研究及其特性(Volume Studies and Characteristics)第9章速度、行驶时间和延误研究(Speed, Travel Time, and Delay Studies)第10章事故:研究、统计和要点(Accidents: Studies, Statistics, and Programs)第11章停车:研究、特性、设施和要点(Parking: Sudies, Characteristics, Facilities, and Programs)第3部分高速路和乡间公路系统应用(Applications to Freeway and Rural Highway Systems)第12章高速路和多车道公路通行能力和服务水平分析(Capacity andLevel-of-Service Analysis for Freeways and Multilane Highways)第13章高速路和多车道公路车流的的交织、汇流以及分流(Weaving, Merging, and Diverging Movements on Freeways and Multilane Highways)第14章双向2车道乡间公路(Two-Lane, Two-Way Rural Highways)第15章高速路和乡间公路的标志和标线(Signing and Marking for Freeways and Rural Highways)第4部分城市和郊区道路系统应用(Applications to Urban and Suburban Street Systems)第16章交叉口控制介绍(Introduction to Intercection Control)第17章交叉口信号的基本原则(Basic Principles of Intersection Signalization)第18章信号配时和设计的基本原理(Fundamentals of Signal Timming and Design)第19章交叉口设计和布局基础(Elements of Intersection Desing and Layout)19.1 交叉口设计的目的和注意事项(Intersection Design Objectives and Consideration)19.2 一个基本出发点:制定交叉口的标准(A Basic Starting Point: Sizing the Intersection)19.2.1 非信控交叉口(Unsignalized Intersections)19.2.2 信控交叉口(Signalized Intersections)19.3 交叉口渠划(Intersection Channelization)19.3.1 一般原则(General Principles)19.3.2 一些例子(Some Examples)19.4 特殊交叉口(Special Situations at Intersection)19.4.1 斜交交叉口(Intersections at Skewed Angles)19.4.2 T形交叉口:创造的机会?(该句翻译说不通,该如何翻译呢?)(T-Intersections: Opportunities for Creativity)19.4.3 错位交叉口(Offset Intersections)19.4.4 大流量左转车流的特殊处理(Special Treatments for Heavy Left-Turn Movements)19.5 信控交叉口的道路硬件(Steet Hardware for Singnalized Intersections)19.6 小结(Closing Comments)参考文献(References)问题(Problems)第20章感应式信号控制和检测(Actuated Signal Control and Detection)第21章信号交叉口分析(Analysis of Signalized Intersections)第22章信号交叉口分析应用(Applications of Signalized Intersection Analysis)第23章非信控交叉口分析(Analysis of Unsignalized Intersections)第24章干路和网络信号协调(Signal Coordination for Arterials and Networks)第25章干线性能分析(Analysis of Arterial Performance)第26章干线规划和设计(Arterial Planning and Design)第27章城市路网交通规划和运行(Traffic Planning and Operations for Urban Street Networks)。
交通信息工程及控制英语English:Traffic information engineering and control involve the application of various technologies and strategies to manage and optimize traffic flow, enhance safety, and reduce congestion on road networks. This field encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including traffic data collection, analysis, and dissemination, as well as the design and implementation of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and traffic control devices. Traffic engineers utilize advanced sensors, communication networks, and data processing algorithms to gather real-time information about traffic conditions, such as vehicle speeds, volumes, and densities. This data is then analyzed to identify traffic patterns, predict congestion, and develop effective strategies for traffic management and control. Furthermore, advanced control algorithms are employed to regulate traffic signals, variable message signs, and other traffic control devices in real-time, aiming to optimize traffic flow and minimize delays. Additionally, traffic information engineering plays a crucial role in supporting emerging technologies such as connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), which rely on accurate and timely traffic information to operatesafely and efficiently. By integrating innovative technologies and data-driven approaches, traffic information engineering and control contribute to creating more efficient, safer, and sustainable transportation systems.中文翻译:交通信息工程及控制涉及各种技术和策略的应用,以管理和优化交通流量,提高安全性,并减少道路网络上的拥堵。
交通运输网络分析 专业英语(3) 国际贸易与运输 交通管理与控制 智能交通港站与枢 纽 城市公交与轨道交 通运营 高速公路运营与管 理
要课程英文翻译 英文 课时数 Advanced Mathematics General Physics Linear Algebra Probability and Mathematical Statistics Mechanical Drafting Engineering Material and Fundamentals of Machine Manufacturing Electronics in Electrical Engineering Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission Engineering Mechanics Construction of automobile Fundamentals of Mechanical Design Operations Research Traffic Engineering Transportation Engineering Modern Design Method Automotive Electrical Equipment Automobile Application Engineering
汽车服务工程方向 Automobile Service Engineering
交通运输管理方向 Transportation Management
汽车检测与维修技 术 专业英语(1) 发动机原理与汽车 理论 汽车电子控制技术 汽车再生技术 西方经济学 汽车电气设备 汽车服务管理信息 系统 汽车服务工程 专业英语(2) 会计学原理 国际贸易 商务谈判 汽车供应链管理 西方经济学 交通运输组织学 交tion and Maintenance Technology Specialty English(1) Engine and Automobile Theory Automobile Electronic Control Technology Automobile Regeneration Technology Principle of Economics Automotive Electrical Equipment Automotive Service Management Information System Automobile Service Engineering Specialty English(2) Principles of Accounting International Trade Business Negotiations Automotive SCM Principle of Economics Organisation of Transportation Transportation Planning
总结:交通工程学是以人(驾驶员和行人等)为主体、以 交通流为中心、以道路为基础,将这三方面有关的内容统一在道 路交通系统中进行研究,综合处理道路交通中人、车、路、环境 之间的时间与空间关系的科学。它寻求的是道路通行能力最大、 交通事故最少、能源机件损耗与公害程度最低、运输效率最高而 费用最省的科学措施,从而达到安全、迅速、经济、舒适和低公 害的目的。 根据交通工程学涉及的内容,有人将交通工程学称之为包 括执法(Enforcement)、教育(Education)、工程 (Engineering)、和环境(Environment)的“4E”科学。后又 加能源(Energy)。
phase of transportation engineering that deals with the planning, geometric design and traffic operations of roads, streets and highways, their networks, terminals, abutting lands, and relationships with other modes of transportation.
交通工程学是运输工程学的一个分支,它涉及到规划、 几何设计、道路街道及高速公路等方面的交通管理、道 路网、终点站、毗连用地以及与其他运输方式的关系。
英国学者这样定义交通工程学:道路工程学中研 究交通运营与控制、交通规划、线形设计的那一部 分叫交通工程学。(强调内容) 澳大利亚著名的交通工程学教授布伦敦给交通 工程学下的定义是:交通工程学是关于交通和旅行 的量测科学,是研究交通流和交通发生基本规律的 科学。为了使人和物安全有效移动,把这些科学知 识应用于交通系统的规划、设计和运营。(学科的 内涵) 前苏联交通工程学专家将交通工程学定义为: 交通工程学是研究交通过程的规律和交通对道路结 构、人工构造物的影响的科学。 (学科的内涵) 日本渡边新三、佐佐木纲等学者认为:交通工 程学研究的是结合客、货运输的安全、方便与经济, 探讨公路、城市道路及其相连接的整体用地规划、 几何线形设计和运营管理等问题。
英汉术语对照索引abrasiveness 磨耗度absolute datum 绝对基面abutment 桥台abutment pier制动墩acceleration lane加速车道accidental load 偶然荷载accommodation lane 专用车道acoustic barrier 隔音墙acting circles of blasting 爆破作用圈additional stake 加桩adjacent curve in one direction 同向曲线admixture 外加剂admixture 反坡安全线aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量aerophoto base 航摄基线aerophoto interpretation 航摄像片判读ageing 老化aggregate 集料(骨料)air hardining 气硬性alignment design (城市道路)平面设计,线形设计alignment element 线形要素alligator cracking 路面龟裂allowable rebound deflection 容许(回弹)弯沉alternative line 比较线anchored bulkhead abutment 锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead abutment 锚锭板式挡土墙anchored retaining wall 锚杆式挡土墙anionic emulsified bitumen 阴离子乳化沥青annual average daily traffic 年平均日交通量anti-creep heap (厂矿道路)挡车堆anti-dizzling screen 防炫屏(遮光栅)antiskid heap (厂矿道路)防滑堆approach span 引桥aquitard 隔水层arch bridge 拱桥arch culvert 拱涵arch ring 拱圈arterial highway 干线公路arterial road (厂内)主干道,(城市)主干路asphalt distributor 沥青洒布车asphalt mixing plant 沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt remixer 沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer 复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt sand 沥青砂asphalt sprayer 沥青洒布机asphaltic bitumen 地沥青at-grade intersection 平面交叉auxiliary lane 附加车道average consistency (of soil) 土的)平均稠度average gradient 平均纵坡aximuth angle 方位角balance weight retaining wall 衡重式挡土墙base course 基层base line 基线basic traffic capacity 基本通行能力beam bridge 梁桥beam level deflectometer 杠杆弯沉仪bearing 支座bearing angle 象限角bearing pile 支承桩bearing platform 承台bed course 垫层bench mark 水准点benched subgrade 台口式路基bending strength 抗弯强度Benkelman beam 杠杆弯沉仪(贝克曼弯沉仪) bent cap 盖梁berm 护坡道binder 结合料binder course 联结层bitumen 沥青bitumen (沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen-aggregate ratio 油石比bituminous concrete pavement 沥青混凝土混合料bituminous concrete mixture 沥青混凝土路面bituminous concrete moxture 沥青碎石混合料bituminous macadam pavement 沥青碎石路面bituminous moxture 沥青混合料bituminous pavement 沥青路面bituminous penetration pavement 沥青贯入式路面biuminous surface treatment (沥青)表面处治blasting crater 爆破漏斗blastion for loosening rock 松动爆破blasting for throwing rock 抛掷爆破blasting procedure 土石方爆破bleeding 泛油blind ditch 盲沟blind drain 盲沟block pavement 块料路面block stone 块石blow up 拱胀boring 钻探boring log (道路)地质柱状图boring machine 钻孔机borrow earth 借土borrow pit 取土坑boundary frame on crossing 道口限界架boundary frame on road 道路限界架boundary line of road construction 道路建筑限界bowstring arch bridge 系杆拱桥box culvert 箱涵branch pipe of inlet 雨水口支管branch road (城市)支路,(厂内)支道bridge 桥梁bridge decking 桥面系bridge deck pavement 桥面铺装bridge floor expantion and contraction installation traction installation 桥面伸缩装置bridge gerder erection equpment 架桥机bridge on slope 坡桥bridge site 桥位bridle road 驮道broken chainage 断链broken stone 碎石broken back curve 断背曲线buried abutment 埋置式桥台bus bay 公交(车辆)停靠站bypass 绕行公路cable bent tower 索塔cable saddle 索鞍cable stayed bridge 斜拉桥(斜张桥)Cableway erecting equipment 缆索吊装设备California bearing ratio (CBR) 加州承载比(CBR)California bearing ratio tester 加州承载比(CBR)测定仪camber cruve 路拱曲线cantilever beam bridge 悬臂梁桥cantilever beam bridge 悬臂式挡土墙capacity of intersection 交叉口通行能力capacity of network 路网通行能力capillary water 毛细水carriage way 车行道(行车道)cast-in-place cantilever method 悬臂浇筑法cationic emulsified bitumen 阳离子乳化沥青cattle-pass 畜力车道cement concrete 水泥混凝土cemint concrete pavement 水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete pavement 水泥混凝土路面center-island 中心岛center lane 中间车道center line of raod 道路中线center line survey 中线测量center stake 中桩central reserve 分隔带channelization 渠化交通shannelization island 导流岛channelized intrersection 分道转弯式交叉口chip 石屑chute 急流槽circular curve 圆曲线circular curve 环路circular test 环道试验city road 城市道路civil engineering fabric 土工织物classified highway 等级公路classified highway 等级道路clay-bound macadam泥结碎石路面clearance 净空clearance above bridge floor 桥面净空clearce of span 桥下净空climatic zoning for highway 公路自然区划climbing lane 爬坡车道cloverleaf interchange 苜蓿叶形立体交叉coal tar 煤沥青cobble stone 卵石coefficient of scouring 冲刷系数cohesive soil 粘性土cold laid method 冷铺法cold mixing method 冷拌法cold-stretched steel bar 冷拉钢筋column pier柱式墩combination-type road system 混合式道路系统compaction 压实compaction test 击实试验compaction test apparatus 击实仪compactmess test 压实度试验composite beam bridge 联合梁桥composite pipe line 综合管道(综合管廊)compound curve 复曲线concave vertical curve 凹形竖曲线concrete joint cleaner (水泥混凝土)路面清缝机concrete joint sealer (水泥混凝土)路面填缝机concrete mixing plant 水泥混凝土(混合料)拌和设备concrete paver 水泥混凝土(混合料)摊铺机concrete pump 水泥混凝土(混合料)泵concrete saw (水泥混凝土)路面锯缝机附录英汉术语对照索引cone penetrantion test 触探试onflict point 冲突点conical slope 锥坡consistency limit (of soil) (土的)稠度界限consolidated subsoil 加固地基consolidation 固结construction by swing 转体架桥法construction height of bridge 桥梁建筑高度construction joint 施工缝construction load 施工荷载construction survey 施工测量continuous beam bridge 连续梁桥contourline 等高线contraction joint 缩缝control point 路线控制点converging 合流convex vertining wall 凸形竖曲线corduroy road 木排道counterfout retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙counterfort abutmen 扶壁式桥台country road 乡村道路county road 县公路(县道),乡道creep 徐变critical speed 临界速度cross roads 十字形交叉cross slope 横坡cross walk 人行横道cross-sectional profile 横断面图cross-sectional survey 横断面测量crown 路拱crushed stone 碎石crushing strength 压碎值culture 地物culvert 涵洞curb 路缘石curb side strip 路侧带curve length 曲线长curve widening 平曲线加宽curved bridge 弯桥cut 挖方cut corner for sight line (路口)截角cut-fill transition 土方调配cut-fill transition 土方调配图cutting 路堑cycle path 自行车道cycle track 自行车道deceleration lane 减速车道deck bridge 上承式桥deflection angle 偏角deflection test 弯沉试验degree of compaction 压实度delay 延误density of road network 道路(网)密度edpth of tunnel 隧道埋深edsign elevation of subgrade 路基设计高程design frequency (排水)设计重现期edsign hourly volume 设计小时交通量design of evevation (城市道路)竖向设计design of vertical alignment 纵断面设计design speed 计算行车速度(设计车速)design traffic capacity 设计通行能力design vehicle 设计车辆design water level 设计水位desiged dldvation 设计高程designed flood frequency 设计洪水频率deslicking treatment 防滑处理Deval abrasion testion machine 狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机)diamond interchange 菱形立体交叉differential photo 微分法测图direction angle 方向角directional interchange 定向式立体交叉diverging 分流dowel bar 传力杆drain opening 泄水口drainage by pumping station (立体交叉)泵站排水drainage ditch 排水沟dressed stone 料石drop water 跌水dry concrtet 干硬性混凝土ductility (of bitumen) (沥青)延度ductilometer (沥青)延度仪dummy joint 假缝dynamic consolidation 强夯法economic speed 经济车速econnomical hauling distance 土方调配经济运距element support 构件支撑elevation 高程(标高)embankment 路堤emergency parking strip 紧急停车带emulsified bitumen 乳化沥青erecting by floating 浮运架桥法erection by longitudinal pulling method 纵向拖拉法erection by protrusion 悬臂拼装法erection with cableway 缆索吊装法evaporation pond 蒸发池expansion bearing 活动支座expansive soil 膨胀土expantion joint 胀缝expressway (城市)快速路external destance 外(矢)距fabricated bridge 装配式桥fabricated steel bridge 装拆式钢桥factories and mines road 厂矿道路factory external transportation line 对外道路factory-in road 厂内道路factory-out road 厂外道路fast lane 内侧车道faulting of slab ends 错台feeder highway 支线公路ferry 渡口fibrous concrete 纤维混凝土field of viaion 视野fill 填方filled spandrel arch bridge 实腹拱桥final survey 竣工测量fineness 细度fineness modulus 细度模数fixed bearing 固定支座flare wing wall abutment 八字形桥台flared intersection 拓宽路口式交叉口flash 闪点flash point tester (open cup method) 闪点仪(开口杯式)flexible pavement 柔性路面flexible pier 柔性墩floor system 桥面系flush curb 平缘石foot way 人行道ford 过水路面forest highway 林区公路forest road 林区道路foundation 基础free style road system 自由式道路系统free way 高速公路free-flow speed 自由车速freeze road 冻板道路freezing and thawing test 冻融试验frost boiling 翻浆frozen soil 冻土full depth asphalt pavement 全厚式沥青(混凝土)路面function planting 功能栽植general scour under bridge opening 桥下一般冲刷geological section (道路)地质剖面图geotextile 土工织物gradation 级配gradation of stone (路用)石料等级grade change point 变坡点grade compensation 纵坡折减grade crossing 平面交叉grade length limitation 坡长限制grade of side slope 边坡坡度grade separation 简单立体交叉grade-separated junction 立体交叉graded aggregate pavement 级配路面brader 平地机grain composition 颗粒组成granular material 粒料gravel 砾石gravity pier (abutment) 重力式墩、台gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙green belt 绿化带gridiron road system 棋盘式道路系统ground control-point survey 地面控制点测量ground elevation 地面高程ground stereophotogrammetry 地面立体摄影测量guard post 标柱guard rail 护栏guard wall 护墙gully 雨水口gutter 街沟(偏沟)gutter apron 平石gutter drainage 渠道排水half-through bridge 中承式桥hard shoulder 硬路肩hardening 硬化hardness 硬度haul road 运材道路heavy maintenance 大修hectometer stake 百米桩hedge 绿篱height of cut and fill at ceneter stake 中桩填挖高度high strength bolt 高强螺栓high type pavement 高级路面highway 公路highway landscape design 公路景观设计hill-side line 山坡线(山腰线)hilly terrain 重丘区horizontal alignment 平面线形horizontal curve 平曲线hot laid method 热铺法hot mixing method 热拌法hot stability (of bitumen) (沥青)热稳性hydraulic computation 水力计算hydraulic computation 水硬性imaginary intersection point 虚交点immersed tunnelling method 沉埋法inbound traffic 入境交通incremental launching method 顶推法industrial district road 工业区道路industrial solid waste (路用)工业废渣industrial waste base course 工业废渣基层inlet 雨水口inlet submerged culvert 半压力式涵洞inlet unsubmerged culvert 无压力式涵洞inorganic binder 无机结合料instrument station 测站intensity of rainstorm 暴雨强度intercepting detch 截水沟interchange 互通式立体交叉interchange woth special bicycle track 分隔式立体交叉intermediate maintenance 中修intermediate type pavement 中级路面intersection (平面)交叉口intersection angle 交叉角,转角intersection entrance 交叉口进口intersection exit 交叉口出口intersection plan 交叉口平面图intersection point 交点intersection with widened corners 加宽转角式交叉口jack-in method 顶入法kilometer stone 里程碑land slide 坍方lane 车道lane-width 车道宽度lateral clear distance of curve (平曲线)横净距lay-by 紧急停车带level of service 道路服务水平leveling course 整平层leveling survey 水准测量light-weight concrete 轻质混凝土lighting facilities of road 道路照明设施lime pile 石灰桩line development 展线linking-up road 联络线,连接道路liquid asphaltic bitumen 液体沥青liquid limit 液限living fence 绿篱load 荷载loading berm 反压护道lading combinations 荷载组合loading plate 承载板lading platetest 承载板试验local scour near pier 桥墩局部冲刷local traffic 境内交通location of line 定线location survey 定测lock bolt support woth shotcrete 喷锚支护loess 黄土longitudinal beam 纵梁longitudinal gradient 纵坡longitudinal joint 纵缝loop ramp 环形匝道Los Angeles abrasion testion machine 洛杉矶磨耗试验机machine (搁板式磨耗试验机)low rype pavement 低级路面main beam 主梁main bridge 主桥maintenance 养护maintenance period 大中修周期manhole 检查井marginal strip 路缘带marshall stability apparatus 马歇尔稳定度仪Marshall stability test 马歇尔试验masonry bridge 圬工桥maximum annual hourly volume 年最大小时交通量maximum dry unit weight (标准)最大干密度maximum longitudinal gradient 最大纵坡mine tunnelling method 矿山法mineral aggregate 矿料mineral powder 矿粉mini-roundabout 微形环交minimum height of fill (路基)最小填土高度minimum longitudinal gradient 最小纵坡minimum radius of horizontal curve 最小平曲线半径minimum turning radius 汽车最小转弯半径mixed traffic 混合交通mixing method 拌和法mixture 混合料model split 交通方式划分modulus of elasticity 弹性模量modulus of resilience 回弹模量modulus ratio 模量比monthly average daily traffic 月平均日交通量motor way 高速公路mountainous terrain 山岭区movable bridge 开启桥mud 淤泥multiple-leg intersection 多岔交叉mational trunk highway 国家干线公路(国道) matural asphalt 天然沥青natural scour 自然演变冲刷natural subsoil 天然地基navigable water level 通航水位nearside lane 外侧车道net-shaped cracking 路面网裂New Austrian Tunnelling Method 新奥法observation point 测点one-way ramp 单向匝道open cut method 明挖法open cut tunnel 明洞open spandrel arch bridge 空腹拱桥opencast mine road 露天矿山道路operating speed 运行速度iptimum gradation 最佳级配iptimum moisture conter 最佳含水量optimum speed 临界速度organic binder 有机结合料origin-destination study 起迄点调查outbound traffic 出境交通outlet submerged culvert 压力式涵洞outlet inlet main road 城市出入干道overall speed 区间速度overlay of pavement 罩面overpass grade separation 上跨铁路立体交叉overtaking lane 超车车道overtaking sight distance 超车视距paper location 纸上定线paraffin content test 含蜡量试验parent soil 原状土parking lane 停车车道parking lot 停车场parking station 公交(车辆)停靠站part out-part fill subgrade 半填半挖式路基pass 垭口passing bay 错车道patrol maintenance 巡回养护paved crosing 道口铺面pavement 路面pavement pression 路面沉陷pavement recapping 路面翻修pavement slab pumping 路面板唧泥pavement spalling 路面碎裂pavemengthening 路面补强pavement structure layer 路面结构层附录英汉术语对照索引pavemill 路面铣削机(刨路机)peak hourly volume 高峰小时交通量pedestrian overcrossing 人行天桥pedestrian underpass 人行地道penetration macadam with coated chips 上拌下贯式(沥青) chips 路面penetration method 贯入法penetration test apparatus 长杆贯入仪penetration (of bitumen) (沥青)针入度penetrometer (沥青)针入度仪periodical maintenance 定期养护permaf rost 多年冻土permanent load 永久荷载perviousness test 透水度试验petroleum asphaltic bitumen 石油沥青photo index 像片索引图(镶辑复照图)photo mosaic 像片镶嵌图photogrammetry 摄影测量photographic map 影像地图pier 桥墩pile and pland retaining wall 柱板式挡土墙pile bent pier 排架桩墩pile driver 打桩机pipe culvert 管涵pipe drainage 管道排水pit test 坑探pitching method 铺砌法plain stage of slope 边坡平台plain terrain 平原区plan view (路线)平面图plane design (城市道路)平面设计plane sketch (道路)平面示意图planimetric photo 综合法测图plant mixing method 厂拌法plasticity index 塑限plasticity index 塑性指数poisson’s ratio 泊松比polished stone value 石料磨光值pontoon bridge 浮桥porosity 空隙率porotable pendulum tester 摆式仪possible traffic capacity 可能通行能力post-tensioning method 后张法pot holes 路面坑槽preliminary survey 初测preloading method 预压法prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土prestressed concrete bridge 预应力混凝土桥prestresed steel bar drawing jack 张拉预应力钢筋千斤顶pretensioning method 先张法prime coat 透层productive arterial road 生产干线productive branch road 生产支线profile design 纵断面设计profilometer 路面平整度测定仪proportioning of cement concrete 水泥混凝土配合比protection forest fire-proof road 护林防火道路provincial trunk highway 省干线公路(省道) railroad grade crossing (铁路)道口ramp 匝道rebound deflection 回弹弯沉reclaimed asphalt mixture 再生沥青混合料reclaimed bituminous pavement 再生沥青路面reconnaissance 踏勘red clay 红粘土reference stake 护桩referencion crack 反射裂缝refuge island 安全岛regulating structure 调治构造物reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete bridge 钢筋混凝土桥reinforced concrete pavement 钢筋混凝土路面reinforced earth retaining wall 加筋土挡土墙relative moisture content (of soil) (土的)相对含水量relief road 辅道residential street 居住区道路resultant gradient 合成坡度retaining wall 挡土墙revelling of pavement 路面松散reverse curve 反向曲线reverse loop 回头曲线ridge crossing line 越岭线ridge line 山脊线right bridge 正交桥right bridge 正桥rigid frame bridge 刚构桥rigid pavement 刚性路面rigid-type base 刚性基层ring and radial road system 环形辐射式道路系统ripper 松土机riprap 抛石road 道路road alignment 道路线形road appearance 路容road eara per sitizen (城市)人均道路面积road area ratio (城市)道路面积率road axis 道路轴线road bed 路床road bitumen 路用沥青road condition 路况road condition survey 路况调查road crossing (平面)交叉口road crossing design 交叉口设计road engineering 道路工程road feasibility study (道路工程)可行性研究road improvement 改善工程road intersection 道路交叉(路线交叉)road mixing method 路拌法road netword 道路网road network planning 道路网规划road planting 道路绿化road project (道路工程)方案图road trough 路槽road way 路幅rock breaker 凿岩机rock filled gabion 石笼roller 压路机rolled cementoncerete 碾压式水泥混凝土rolling terrain 微丘区rotary interchage 环形立体交叉rotary intersection 环形交叉roundabout 环形交叉route development 展线rout of road 道路路线route selection 选线routine maintenance 小修保养rubble 片石running speed 行驶速度rural road 郊区道路saddle back 垭口safety belt 安全带safety fence 防护栅salty soil 盐渍土sand 砂sanddrain (sand pile) 砂井sand gravel 砂砾sand hazard 沙害sand mat of subgrade 排水砂垫层sand patch test 铺砂试验sand pile 砂桩sand ratio 砂率sand sweeping 回砂sand sweeping equipment 回砂机sandy soil 砂性土saturated soil 饱和土scraper 铲运机seal coat 封层secondary trunk road (厂内)次干道,(城市)次干路seepage well 渗水井segregation 离析semi-rigid type base 半刚性基层separate facilties 分隔设施separator 分隔带sheep-foot roll 羊足压路机(羊足碾)shelter belt 护路林shield 盾构(盾构挖掘机)shield tunnelling method 盾构法shoulder 路肩shrinkage limit 缩限side ditch 边沟side slope 边坡side walk 人行道sieve analysis 筛分sight distance 视距sight distance of intersection 路口视距sight line 视线sight triangle 视距三角形silty soil 粉性土simple supported beam bridge 简支梁桥singl direction thrusted pier 单向推力墩single-sizeaggregat 同粒径集料siphon culvert 倒虹涵skew bridge 斜交桥skew bridge 斜桥skid road 集材道路slab bridge 板桥slab culvert 盖板涵slab staggerting 错位slide 滑坡slope protection 护坡slump 坍落度snow hazard 雪害snow plough 除雪机soft ground 软弱地基soft soil 软土softening point tester (ring ball) (沥青)软化点议仪method (环—球法)softening point (of bitumen) 沥青)软化点solubility (of bitumen) (沥青)溶解度space headway 车头间距space mean speed 空间平均速度span 跨径span by span method 移动支架逐跨施工法spandrel arch 腹拱spandrel structure 拱上结构special vehicle 特种车辆speed-change lane 变速车道splitting test 劈裂试验spot speed 点速度spreading in layers 层铺法springing 弹簧现象stabilizer 稳定土拌和机stabilized soil base course 稳定土基层stage for heating soil and broken rock 碎落台stagered junction 错位交叉stand axial loading 标准轴截steel bridge 钢筋冷墩机steel bridge 钢桥steel exention machie 钢筋拉伸机stiffness modulus 劲度stone coating test 石料裹覆试验stone crusher 碎石机stone spreader 碎石撒布机stopping sight distance 停车视距stopping truck heap (厂矿道路)阻车堤street 街道street draianage 街道排水street planting 街道绿化street trees 行道树strengthening layer 补强层strengthening of structure 加固stringer 纵梁striping test for aggregate 集料剥落试验structural approach limit of tunnel 隧道建筑限界sub-high type pavement 次高级路面subgrade 路基subgrade drainage 路基排水submersible bridge 漫水桥subsidence 沉陷subsoil 地基substructure 下部结构superelevation 超高superelevation runoff 超高缓和段superstructure 上部结构supported type abutment 支撑式桥台surface course 面层surface evenness 路面平整度surface frostheave 路面冻胀surface permeameter 路面透水度测定仪surface roughness 路面粗糙度surface slipperinness 路面滑溜surface water 地表水surface-curvature apparatus 路面曲率半径测定仪surrounding rock 围岩suspension bridge 悬索桥swich-back curve 回头曲线Tintersection 丁字形交叉(T形交叉)T-shaped rigid frame bridge 形刚构桥tack coat 粘层tangent length 切线长tar 焦油沥青technical standard of road 道路技术标准Telford 锥形块石Telford base (锥形)块石基层terrace 台地thermal insulation berm 保温护道thermal insulation course 隔温层thirtieth highest annual hourly 年第30位最大小时volume 交通量through bridge 下承式桥through traffic 过境交通tie bar 拉杆timber bridge 木桥time headway 车头时距time mean speed 时间平均速度toe of slope (边)坡脚tonguel and groove joint 企口缝top of slope (边)坡顶topographic featurc 地貌topographic map 地形图topographic survey 地形测量topography 地形township road 乡公路(乡道)traffic assignment 交通量分配traffic apacity 通行能力traffic composition 交通组成traffic density 交通密度traffic distribution 交通分布traffic flow 交通流traffic generation 交通发生traffic island 交通岛traffic mirror 道路反光镜traffic planninng 道路交通规划traffic safety device 交通安全设施traffic square 交通广场traffic stream 车流traffic survey 交通调查traffic volume 交通量traffic volume obserbation station 交通量观测站traffic volume 交通量预测traffic volume survey 交通量调查transition curve 缓和曲线transition slab at bridge head 桥头搭板transition zone of cross section 断面渐变段transition zone of curve widening 加宽缓和段transitional gradient 缓和坡段transverse beam 横梁transverse joint 横缝traverse 导线traverse sruvey 导线测量trencher 挖沟机triaxial test 三轴试验trip 出行true joint 真缝trumpet interchange 喇叭形立体交叉trunk highway 干线公路truss bridge 桁架桥tunnel (道路)隧道trnnel boring machine 隧道掘进机tunnel ling 衬砌tunnel portal 洞门tunnel support 隧道支撑turnaround loop 回车道,回车场turning point 转点two-way curved arch bridge 双曲拱桥two-way ramp 双向匝道type of dry and damp soil base 土基干湿类型U-shaped abut ment U形桥台under-ground pipes comprethensive design 管线综合设计underground water 地下水underground water level 地下水位underpass grade separation 下穿铁路立体交叉universal photo 全能法测图urban road 城市道路valley line 沿溪线variable load 可变荷载vehicle stream 车流vehicular gap 车(辆)间净距verge 路肩vertical alignment 纵面线形vertical curb 立缘石(侧石)vertical curve 竖曲线vertical profile map (路线)纵断面图viameter 路面平整度测定仪vibratory roller 振动压路机viscosimeter (沥青)粘度仪viscosity (of bitumen) (沥青)粘(滞)度voidratio 孔隙比washout 水毁waste 弃土waste bank 弃土堆water cement ratio 水灰比water content 含水量water level 水位water reducing agent 减水剂water stability 水稳性water-bound macadam水结碎石路面wearing course 磨耗层weaving 交织weaving point 交织点weaving section 交织路段wheel tracking test 车辙试验width of subgrade 路基宽度workability 和易性Y intersection 形交叉。
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新型公共网络中的流量工程介绍 (2)流量工程 (2)流量工程的应用 (3)展望 (3)过去:传统的路由器核心网络 (3)流量工程的性能 (4)传统路由器核心网络流量工程的局限 (4)现在:IP覆盖型网络 (5)IP覆盖型网络的运行 (5)IP-over-ATM模型在服务提供商网络中的优势 (7)IP-over-ATM在OC-48光互联网中的局限 (7)未来:Juniper网络公司的流量工程体系 (9)流量工程解决方案中的组成部分 (9)包转发部分 (10)基于标记交换的LSR包转发 (10)数据包在MPLS骨干网中传输的例子 (11)MPLS的优势 (12)信息发布部分 (12)路径选择部分 (13)信令部分 (15)灵活的LSP计算及配置 (16)成功流量工程解决方案在操作上的要求 (17)Juniper网络公司的流量工程体系的优势 (18)结论 (19)参考 (20)介绍Internet服务提供商面临的挑战主要来自于如何使他们的客户满意并保持高速增长。
换句话说,ISP 必须配置一个能够使他们的客户连接到他们网络上的物理拓扑结构。
目前,流量工程作为一个课题在Internet 工作组和一些大型ISP 内部被热烈地讨论。
如果一个流量工程的“应用”能够实现一组正确的功能,它将使ISP 在其路由域内对业务流的分布实现精确的控制。
特别地,流量工程还可以在ISP 网络内实现将业务流从通过IGP 选择的最短路径,转移至另一条潜在的、具有更少阻塞的物理路径上去(图1)。
图1:服务提供商网络中的流量工程路径与IGP 最短路径比较流量工程是ISP 的一个强有力的工具,ISP 通过它可以在网络中不同的链路、路由器和交换机之间平衡业务负荷,使所有这些成分即不会过度使用,也不会未充分使用。
这样,ISP 可以有效利用整个网络所提供的带宽资源。
流量工程的应用由于客户对网络资源需求的空前增长、IP 应用中的重要任务的性质,以及Internet 市场中不断增加的竞争性,使流量工程在ISP 内成为一个重要的问题。
现有的IGP 在建立转发表时,并未将带宽的可用性和业务特点考虑进去,因此会使网络出现阻塞。
ISP 清楚流量工程可有效地增强网络的运行和性能。
他们希望流量工程具有以下功能:▪ 对主路径进行路由时,绕过网络中已知的瓶颈和阻塞点。
旧金山从旧金山至纽约的IGP 最短路径从旧金山至纽约的流量工程路径纽约▪当主路径发生一个或多个故障时,为业务如何进行重新路由提供明确控制。
▪为客户提供更多的选择、更低的费用和更好的服务展望就在ISP们努力使自己跟上不断增长的Internet业务量的同时,流量控制已成为ISP 们一个非常重要的工具。
在讨论完现在普遍使用的配置解决方案后,白皮书将介绍一种专门为运行在光Internet -一个由密波分复用(DWDM)、OC-48和OC-192速率的接口、IP-over-SONET、IP -over-glass和Internet骨干网路由器组成基础结构的骨干网环境-而设计的流量工程实现方法。
从这一点上看,流量工程对ISP 变得越来越重要了,因此,当存在多条并行或备选路径时,ISP 们可有效地使用集成网络带宽。
因为那时无论从路由器数量、链接数及业务流量来讲,Internet 骨干网都是非常小的,所以,基于度量的控制在那时是足以胜任的。
同时,在万维网普遍流行之前,Internet 拓扑层次也强制业务通过网络中较为确定的路径及事件,不会产生临时的热点。
假设网络A 发送了大量业务给网络C 和网络D 。
参考图2所示的量度值,链接1和链接2可能发生阻塞,因为网络A -网络C 和网络A -网络D 的业务都将流过这些链路。
如果链接4的量度值变为2,网络A -网络D 的流量将转移至链接4,但网络A -网络C 的业务将继续留在链接1和2。
但从那以后,ISP 的网络规模越来越大,他们无法再通过使用基于量度的流量控制和基于传统路由器的核心网来继续发展自己的网络。
同时,对于基于传统路由器的核心网,当ISP 计划增大他们的核心网时,路由器无法提供ISP 们所需的高速接口和确定的性能。
2 网络 A网络 C 网络 D 网络 B 路由器 A 路由器 B路由器 C路由器 D传统路由核心网流量工程的局限性传统的路由核心网在为流量工程提供可扩展性的支持上存在着许多局限:▪由于传统路由器的汇集带宽和包处理能力有一定的局限性,因此,传统的、基于软件的路由器在高负荷的情况下可能成为潜在的瓶颈。
IGP 并不发布类似于带宽可用性和业务特征等信息。
一些ISP将他们的网络从DS-3点到点连接转移至在网络边缘使用带有OC-3速率ATM接口的路由器,而在网络核心部分使用OC -3速率的ATM交换机的网络结构。
当他们开始从帧中继转移至ATM 时,他们在网络边缘使用OC -3链接,但不久便在核心部分配置了OC -12速率的交换机间的连接。
(见图3)图3:1997年和1998年典型的大型ISP 核心网物理拓扑结构IP 覆盖型网络的运行当IP 运行在ATM 网络上时,路由器在ATM 网络的边缘环绕。
每个路由器通过一系列经由ATM 物理拓扑配置的永久虚电路(PVC )与其它路由器通信。
PVC 就象逻辑电路一样工作,为边缘路由器提供连接。
路由器并不能直接访问ATM 结构中PVC 的具体物理拓扑信息。
路由器仅了解特定的PVC 就象出现在两个路由器之间的简单的点到点电路。
图4说明了ATM 核心网物理拓扑与逻辑IP 覆盖拓扑的区别。
图4:ATM 物理拓扑与第三层覆盖拓扑比较对于大型ISP ,ATM 核心网由ISP 完全拥有,并专用于支持Internet 骨干网业务。
因为网络由ISP 完全拥有并专门OC -3 OC -12第三层逻辑拓扑PVC 1 PVC 2PVC 3用于 IP业务,所有的业务通过ATM核心时使用不确定比特率(UBR)ATM服务等级-没有策略,没有业务整形,没有峰值信元率,没有维持信元率。