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医师论坛 卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿的超声表现及误诊分析

唐丽娜 尚志红 阎若元 沈友洪 任永富

摘要! 目的 探讨卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿二维及彩色多普勒超声特征性表现,分析超声误诊原因。方法 对手术病理证实为卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿93例患者的术前超声表现进行回顾性分析并行超声分型。结果 93例107个囊肿超声分型表现:∀型囊肿(正常卵巢型)表现为稍增大卵巢内可见小无回声区,术前超声均未检出(0/3),仅提示卵巢稍增大或含液性改变;#型囊肿(单纯囊肿型)表现为无回声区,边界清晰,伴后方回声增强;术前超声仅检出1个囊肿,误诊10个囊肿(10/11);∃型囊肿(囊内点状高回声型)表现为无回声区,内部见均匀点状高回声,似云雾状;术前超声检出26个囊肿,仅误诊2个囊肿(2/28);%型囊肿(多囊型)表现为无回声区,内部见带状间隔或伴密集点状高回声;术前超声检出16个囊肿,误诊13个囊肿(13/29);&型囊肿(混合型)表现为无回声区内见稍高回声或伴密集点状高回声及带状间隔,或表现分层征;术前超声检出22个囊肿,误诊11个囊肿(11/33);∋型囊肿(实质型)表现为低回声,内部可见稍高回声;术前超声均未检出囊肿(0/3)。107个囊肿术前超声以∃型囊肿检出个数居多(26/28),误诊个数少(2/28);6型中共误诊42个囊肿(39.3%),分别为∀型(3/3)、#型(10/11)、%型(13/39)、&型(11/33)和∋型(3/3)。其中误诊为卵巢单纯囊肿15个、卵巢囊腺瘤7个、卵巢畸胎瘤2个、卵巢肿瘤6个、子宫浆膜下肌瘤2个、炎性包块2个、囊肿性质待定5个,卵巢稍大或含液性改变3个。结论 ∃型卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿声像图表现为无回声区,边界清晰,壁毛糙或稍增厚,内部可见点状高回声,结合临床表现超声易于作出正确诊断;∀、#、%、&及∋型卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿均易误诊,需与卵巢单纯囊肿、畸胎瘤、囊腺瘤、子宫浆膜下肌瘤及盆腔炎性肿块声像图相鉴别。

关键词! 卵巢囊肿;超声检查

The ultrasonic m anifestati on and m isdiagnosis anal ysis of ovarian endo m etrial cysts TANG L i na,S HANG Zhi hong,Y AN Ruo yuan,SH EN You hong,REN Yong fu.D epart m ent of U ltrasound D i agnosis,Fuji an Provinci al Tu m or H os p ital,Fuzhou 350001,China

Abstract! Objective To i n vestigate sonographic features of ovari an endo m e tri al cysts(OEC)and diagnosis value of t w o d i m ensi onal and color D opp ler flo w i m a g i ng and anal yse the reasons o fm isd i agnosis.M ethods A t o tal of n i net y t hree(107)

作者单位:350014 福州,福建省肿瘤医院超声科

cases patients w it h pat hol ogicall y proved OEC w ere retrospecti ve l y eval uated by the sonograph ic i m ages and pre operati on d i agnosis.R esults The107OEC sonograph ic represents w ere cl assifi ed as si x types:type1(3nor m a l ovary types were sho wn as s m all anecho ic zones w it h i n a littler b i g ovary;type2(11si m p le cyst types were sho wn as w ell defi ned anecho i c zones;type3(28ho m ogeneous dot hyperecho ic i nsi de cyst t ypes were shown as anecho i c zone w it h ho m ogeneous dot hyperecho;t ype4(29m u lti bursa t ypesw ere shown as anecho ic zonesw ith zona l i nterval or dot hyperecho;t ype5( 33m i xed t ypes were sho wn as hyperecho i c anecho i c zones;type6(3so li d t ypes w ere sho wn as anterior l o w echo zone w ith hyperecho.The type3w it h rel ati ve typ i ca l fea t ures had h i gher d i agnostic accuracy(92.9%,26/28).The other typesw ere d ifficu lt to be di agnosed.Fort y t w o cases i n107OEC w ere m isd i agnosed as15ovary cysts,7 cystadeno m as,2terato m a,6ovari an tu m ors,2subserous m yo m as,2i nfla mm at ory m asses,5non confir m ed m asses,3littl e bi g ovary or li qui dti c lesions before opera ti on,respectivel y.Conclusi ons The re l ative typical features of t ype3w as sho wn as anechoic zone w it h ho m ogeneous dot hyperecho and w ell defi ned and had h i gher d i ag nostic accuracy.The other types were d ifficu lt to be d i agnosed and should be d ifferen ti ated fro m other ovary lesions,such as ovari an si m ple cys,t terato m a,cystadeno m a, subserousm yo m a and i nfla mm atory m ass i n pelvic cav ity.

K ey w ords! O varian cysts;U ltrasonography






使用Ph ili p sHD I5000、U i22和N a m i10彩色多普勒及二维超声诊断仪,经腹
