Outline of Paper


How to write a scientific paper

How to write a scientific paper

What is a scientific paper?

A paper is an organized description of hypotheses, data and conclusions, intended to instruct the reader
What is your objective as a researcher?

Use the active voice whenever possible.

Complete all comparisons.

• Type all papers double­spaced (not single­or one­and­a­half­spaced), and leave two spaces after colons, and after periods at the end of sentences. Leave generous margins. Do not translate Chinese to English directly! Use professional help as much as possible, especially if you are not short of fund.
What was measured (data)? What were the results (reduced data)? What does it all mean? What hypotheses were proved or disproved? What did I learn? Why does it make a difference?

The word "this" must always be followed by a noun, so that its reference is explicit.



OutlineThe statements: This paper is going to discuss the liberalism that rooted in Isabel Archer’s mind—the heroin in the portrait of a lady.But sometimes she seems to go against her liberalism after marriage with Gilbert Osmond.1. Introduction2. The Maturity of Isabel Archer3.Isabel's View of liberty3.1 Liberty of Mind3.1.1 Isabel's Attitude toward Life3.1.2 Isabel's Attitude toward Love and Marriage3.2 Liberty of Behaviours3.2.1 Isabel's Refusal to Ideal Suitors—Goodwood and Warburton3.2.2 Isabel's Choice to Marry Gilbert Osmond4. Paradoxs in Isabel's View of Liberalism4.1 Request for Liberty Versus Social Limitation4.2 Love of Liberty Versus Fear of Liberty4.3 Preservation of Dignity Versus Acceptance of Mistakes5. ConclusionLiberalism of Isabel Archer in The Portrait of a LadyAbstract: abel Archer, the heroine of The Portrait of a Lady, a brilliant female figure in the world's literary gallery, is a controversial figure . The thesis focuses on the analysis of Isabel Archer view of liberty and paradoxes in her liberalism in order to explore that her arrogance and blindness lead to her tragedy marriage. Then I will further illustrate her attitude toward life, love and marriage. Later analyzing her liberalism in details by presenting her mind and behaviors aims at discovering her inner thoughts. At last, I will dissect three paradoxes in Isabel’s view of liberalism—her own requests against social limitations, love against fear and preservation of dignity against acceptance of mistake . The causes lead her betray mind are herself mostly and her arbitrary husband partly.Key Words: Henry James; paradoxes; liberalism;atitude分析《贵妇画像》中伊丽莎白˙阿切尔的自由主义观摘要: 莎白˙阿切尔,《贵妇画像》这部小说的女主人公,是享誉全球文艺画廊的一位出色的女性形象,同时她也一个具有争议性的人物。

Writing the Outline of the Research Paper

Writing the Outline of the Research Paper

Writing the Outline of the Research Paper1. What is an outline?An outline is a working and orderly plan that classifies the segments of the research and the ideas of the researcher into very clear and logical categories, and a vitally important step to the discovery of what needs to be expressed in the paper.A Working Outline and a Final OutlineA working outline might be only an informal list of topics and subtopic which you are thinking of covering in your paper.A final outline should enhance the organization and coherence of your research paper.2. Types of Outline Symbols1) The standard outline symbols2) The decimal outline symbols3. Types of OutlinesTopic Outline, Sentence Outline and Paragraph OutlineA standard sentence outline sampleHawthorne’s Conflicting Views on the Wor ld in the Scarlet LetterThesis Statement: Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter reflects his conflicting views on the world and demonstrates that he is both a critic and an heir of Puritanism.Audience:Current college and university studentsOutline:I. The Scarlet Letter tells a story about sin and pain.A.The Scarlet Letter is not a story of adultery,but of sin and its effects.1.T he main characters in the story are allsinners.2.H awt horne calls the story “a hell-firedstory”.B.The three sinners all suffer greatly and failto escape their doomed fate.1.H es ter’s miserable life is the penalty for hersin.2.D emmesdale’s living death is thepunishment for his sin.3.C hillingworth changes into a devil.II. Hawthorne holds different attitudes towards the three sinners.A.Hester, presented as a heroine, winsHawthorne’s sympathy and admiration.1.H ester is presented as a beautiful, braveand loyal woman2.H ester is presented as a kind, able andsympathetic woman.3.H ester wins a new sense of life andfreedom.4.H ester is linked to the human race by herdaughter Pearl.B.Dimmesdale is presented as a coward and ahypocrite as well as a victim.1.D immesdale is a coward and a hypocrite.2.D immesdale is a victim.3.D immesdale is greatly different fromHester.C.Chillingworth is presented as a devil andthe worst sinner.1.C hillingworth is rich in knowledge butpoor in sympathy.2.C hillingworth “v iolates in cold blood thesanctity of a human heart.”III. Hawthorne is both an heir and a critic of Puritanism.A.The blackness thrown into the story showsHowthorne’s Puritan belief.1.T he seventeenth century Puritan society isthe background of the society.2.H awthorne makes everyone in the story asinner and leaves them no way of escape.3.T he only right way of self-discovery liesin the realization of one’s sinfulness andbeing true.B.Hawthorne’s views on the three sinnersdemonstrates that he is a critic of Puritanism.1.T he Puritan society is cruel and cold inexcommunicating Hester.2.T he Puritan society is corrupted andinharmonious.3.H awthorne challenged the Puritan societythrough Hester’s new sense of life.4. Stylistic Theory of OutliningAn outline has a balanced structure based on the following stylistic theories:1) ParallelismWhenever possible, in writing an outline, coordinate heads should be expressed in parallel form.2) CoordinationIn outlining, those items which are of equal significance have comparable numeral or letter designation: an “A.”is equal to a “B.”, a “1.”to “2.”, a “a.” to a “b.”Coordinate should be seen as having the same value. Coordination is a principle that enables a writer to maintain a coherent document.3) SubordinationThe uses of major and minor headings4) DivisionTo divide you always need at least two parts;therefore, there can never be an “A.” without a“B.”, a “1.” without “2.”, a “a.” without a “b.,etc.Exercise: The following outlines have some faults and defects in them. Try to find out and correct all of them.1Title:Confucius’Main Teaching Methods and Their Applicability to China’s Education TodayThesis:Confucius’ elicitation method of teaching and that of teaching students in accordance with their attitude are still applicable to China’s education today. Outline:I. A brief introductionA.Confucius as a great philosopher and statesmanB.A great educatorII. Confucius’ two teaching methodsA.The elicitation method(1)Fostering the student’s ability to learn bythemselves.(2)In his normal day teaching, he put greatemphasis on the teacher’s role in giving thestudent guidance.B.The method of “teaching student in accordancewith their aptitude”.III. Causes of the discontinuance of Confucious’ teaching methods in modern ChinaA.The May Fourth eraB.The Cultural Revolution period is another periodwhen confuc ious’ teaching principles ceased to work.IV. The applicability of Confucious’ teaching method to China’s education todayA.Analyze problems in education1.Feeding students with knowledge2.Teaching students in the same way withoutdiscrimination3.The root of problemsB.The applicability of Confuc ious’ teachingmethods1.Teachers at present should learn to helpstudents cultivate the habit of learning in anactive way.2.Giving students opportunities to practice whatthey have learned3.It is always important to improve the ways ofteaching so as to arouse students’ interest.4.Increasing elective courses to meet students’different interests5.More technical and vocational schools need tobe set up for students so that the students canhave different capacities.V. Conclusion2Title:The Differences of Taboos between English and Chinese CulturesThesis:Audience:Outline:I. A brief introduction to taboosA. The origin of taboosB. The different cultural background concerning taboos between Chinese and EnglishII. Two aspects of taboos affecting the cross-cultural communicationA. Custom taboos1. Taboos on social contact2. Taboos on food and drink3. Taboos on privacyB. Verbal taboos1. Taboos on figures2. Taboos on diseases and death3. Taboos on addressing4. Taboos on profanities and vulgaritiesIII. Way s to avoid the cultural conflicts in taboo’s respectA. Figuring out the problems of the different taboosB. Using euphemismC. Having a good knowledge of taboo culture ConclusionA. The importance of taboos in our cross-cultural communicationB. The needed attention of the understanding of taboos of different cultures5. A Topic Outline SampleJan Eyre: A Woman in Defiance of Brute ForcesThesis statement:Jane Eyre overcomes many obstacles and shows that it is possible for a woman in the nineteenth century to achieve independence and success on her own, no matter what odds are against her.I. The first obstacle: her family backgroundA.A poor individual within a wealthy environment1.At Gateshead2.At Lowood School3.At ThornfieldB.Two means to overcome her family background1.D istance2.C hanceII. The most prominent obstacle: male powerA.A subtle way in bridging over the gender gapB.Jane’s biggest triumph over male powerIII. The constant obstacle: oppressionA.The stereotype upon JaneB.Jane’s struggle against the oppressionIV. The obstacle that perfects Jane: deathA.A series of death in Jane’s lifeB.A world of death and love6. A Sentence Outline SampleThesis Statement1.The first obstacle that Jane comes across is herfamily background.1.1 Jane is constantly a poor individual within awealthy environment.1.1.1 At Gateshead she is despised by her auntReed and her cousins John, Eliza, andGeorgiana1.1.2 At Lowood School she is further madeaware of all that she lacks.1.1.3 At Thornfield, her poverty createsnumerous problems for her.1.2 Jane is able to overcome her family backgroundby two means.1.2.1 She leaves Gateshead for Lowood andreturns with victory.1.2.2 She triumphs over her poverty by chance.2. The most prominent obstacle Jane faces is malepower.2.1 Jane bridges over the gender gap in a subtle way.2.2 Jane’s triump h over male power is her biggestone of all.3. A constant obstacle that remains throughout Jane’slife is oppression.3.1 The stereotype imposes oppression upon Jane.3.2 Jane struggles against the oppression.4. Death is an important obstacle that perfects Jane.4.1 A series of death makes Jane becomeindependent and successful.4.2 Jane faces a world of death and love.7. Typical errors in students’ outline writing1. Wrong outline symbols一. 二. 三. ….2. Unbalanced entries(coordination, subordination)3. A mixture of outline symbols or forms4. Entries beginning by verbs5. Wrong divisione.g. I. ……II. ……A. ……1. ……B. ……6. Capitalized letters7. The thesis statement: not a single sentence.07级某同学毕业论文4稿contents:CONTENTS1. Introduction (1)2. Typical errors of business English writing (1).1 The writing is not complete... 2. (2)2.1.1 Writer doesn’t answer all questions asked (2)2.1.2 Writer doesn’t volunteer something extra (3)2.1.3 Writer doesn’t check for the 5W2H and any other essential (3)2.2 The writing is not concise (4)2.2.1 Writer doesn’t omit trite expression (4)2.2.2 Writer doesn’t avoid wordy statements and unnecessary repetition (4)2.2.3 Writer doesn’t remove all the irrelevant facts in your message (5)2.3 The writing is not considerate...................................... . (5)2.3.1 Writer doesn’t use “you”attitude instead of “We” attitude (5)2.3.2 Writer doesn’t use some notable exceptions where “you” attitude is not suitable (5)2.4 The writing is not concrete (6)2.4.1 Using specific facts and figures (6)2.4.2 Using verbs of action (6)2.5 The writing is not clear (7)2.5.1 Writer doesn’t avoid using words or structures that cause ambiguity (7)2.5.2 Writer doesn’t be careful of the position of the attributives (7)2.5.3 Writer doesn’t be attentive to the position of nouns and pronouns (7)2.5.4 Writer doesn’t be careful of paragraph (8)2.6 The writing is not courteous (9)2.7 The writing is not correct (9)2.7.1 Writer doesn’t choose the correct level of language (9)2.7.2 Writer doesn’t have a good command of English (10)2.7.3 Writer doesn’t be careful of punctuation marks and their uses (10)3. Reasons for the typical errors caused (12)3.1 Cultural differences (12)3.1.1 Mother tongue influences (12)3.1.2 Different ways of thinking and writing (12)3.2 Ways of teaching business English writing (12)3.3 Attitude of writer and ways of learning business English writing (13)4. Consequences (13)5. Solutions (14)5.1 The foundation of good English (14)5.1.1 To create an appropriate tone (14)5.1.2 To select the appropriate writing style (14)5.1.3 To outline and organize the material before Writing (15)5.2 Tact Maxim (15)5.3 To build the scientific study system (16)6. Conclusion (17)7. Bibliography (17)CONTENTS1. Introduction .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



Two Examples
The Scratch Outline Problems with Immigration • Who should be allowed to immigrate? • What screening procedures should we use? • Who should be given student visas? • What checks should the government make? • Should there be a number limit on immigration?
Addressing Immigration after 9/11 I. Introduction II. Criteria for immigration A. Political refugees B. Relatives of citizens C. Other applications III. Screening Criteria A. Medical Screening B. Interview C. Psychological screening D. Background check IV. Students A. Purpose of study B. Commitment to study 1. How long will they stay? 2. How will they finance their education and support themselves? C. Value to our educational system V. Government oversight A. Obligation to have periodic checks on immigrants and students B. Reporting any legal violations or suspicious behavior C. The government needs to limit the number of immigrants VI. Conclusion



The Process
Topic Sentences
Thesis Statement
A job interview can often make or break your chances of getting your dream job. There are several things that you can do in an interview to increase the possibility of your success such as dressing properly, answering interview questions thoroughly, and asking good questions at the end of the interview.
The Process
Supporting Details
Under the topic sentence for each paragraph, list some of the supporting details, examples, or ideas you want to include in each paragraph.
built in the way you want. The same is true
with writing an essay and making an outline.
What are the Benefits of an Outline ?
The Benefits of an Outline
Topic Sentence Paragraph #1:
The way you dress can have a big impact on an interview panel’s first impressions of you.



学术英语范文outlineIntroductionThe ability to effectively communicate in academic settings is a crucial skill for students and professionals alike. Academic English, also known as scholarly or scientific English, refers to the specific language conventions and writing styles used in formal educational and research contexts. This style of writing is characterized by its objectivity, precision, and adherence to established conventions. Mastering academic English is essential for success in higher education, research, and various professional fields that require the presentation of complex ideas and findings. This essay will explore the key elements of academic English, including its linguistic features, organizational structure, and the importance of developing proficiency in this specialized form of communication.Linguistic Features of Academic EnglishOne of the defining features of academic English is its formal and objective tone. This is achieved through the use of complex sentence structures, precise vocabulary, and an impersonal writing style. Academic writing typically avoids the use of contractions,colloquialisms, and personal pronouns, instead favoring more formal language choices. For example, a sentence such as "The researchers found that the new treatment was effective" would be preferred over a more casual phrasing like "They found the treatment worked well."Additionally, academic English is characterized by the use of discipline-specific terminology and technical jargon. This specialized vocabulary is essential for accurately conveying complex ideas and concepts within a particular field of study. Researchers and scholars must be able to use these terms correctly and consistently to ensure clear and unambiguous communication with their peers.Another linguistic aspect of academic English is the emphasis on precise and concise language. Academic writers strive to express their ideas clearly and succinctly, avoiding unnecessary wordiness or redundancy. This is achieved through the use of well-structured sentences, logical transitions, and a focus on conveying the key points and findings.Organizational Structure of Academic WritingThe organizational structure of academic writing is another crucial element that distinguishes it from other forms of communication. Academic essays and research papers typically follow a standardized format, which includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction serves to provide background information, establish thecontext, and clearly state the thesis or main argument. The body of the text then presents the supporting evidence, analysis, and discussion of the topic, often organized into well-defined sections or paragraphs. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key points, draws logical inferences, and may suggest avenues for further research or exploration.Within this overall structure, academic writers also employ various rhetorical strategies to effectively convey their ideas. These strategies may include the use of definitions, explanations, comparisons, and the integration of relevant sources and citations. The inclusion of in-text citations and a comprehensive reference list is a hallmark of academic writing, as it demonstrates the writer's engagement with the existing scholarly discourse and their ability to properly acknowledge the work of others.Importance of Proficiency in Academic EnglishDeveloping proficiency in academic English is essential for success in higher education and various professional contexts. For students, the ability to write in the academic style is crucial for completing assignments, research papers, and thesis or dissertation projects. Mastering academic English allows students to effectively communicate their ideas, demonstrate their understanding of course material, and engage with scholarly sources in a meaningful way.Beyond the academic realm, proficiency in academic English is also highly valued in many professional fields, such as scientific research, medicine, law, and business. In these contexts, the ability to present complex information, data, and findings in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner is crucial for effective communication with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. Professionals who can navigate the conventions of academic English are often better equipped to contribute to the knowledge base of their respective fields and participate in the broader scholarly discourse.Moreover, the globalization of education and research has further emphasized the importance of academic English proficiency. With the increasing internationalization of higher education and the growing prominence of English as the lingua franca of academia, the ability to communicate effectively in academic English has become a valuable asset for scholars, researchers, and students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.ConclusionIn conclusion, academic English is a specialized form of communication that is essential for success in higher education and various professional contexts. Its linguistic features, such as formal tone, precise vocabulary, and complex sentence structures, as well as its standardized organizational structure, set it apart from other forms of written expression. Developing proficiency in academicEnglish is crucial for students and professionals alike, as it enables them to effectively convey complex ideas, engage with scholarly sources, and contribute to the knowledge base of their respective fields. As the global academic landscape continues to evolve, the mastery of academic English will only become more vital for those seeking to thrive in the world of research, education, and professional advancement.。

research paper outline

research paper outline

RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINEBelow is a basic outline for any research paper and a description of what should be found in each section.I. Introduction. An introduction introduces the reader to your research paper. It does so by:A. communicating what your research question is (not in question form);B. explaining why that question is interesting and important to a general reader as well as to a political scientist, i.e. by identifying the debates it will illuminate; andC. providing a “road map” to the re st of the paper, i.e., your introduction contains at least one sentence summarizing each major section of your paper.II. Literature Review. A literature review presents to the reader the most important scholarly answers to date to your general research question. You should group the answers to your question into schools of thought, where the schools are defined by the different factors (or sets of factors) that are the most important for answering your question. Literature reviews necessarily uncover debates in the field and show exactly where and why the participants disagree. In the conclusion of your literature review, you should choose which school of thought you find most convincing and justify your answer. In addition, you should identify the most compelling alternative argument. To summarize, a literature review:A. explains the different possible answers to your general research question;B. develops a label or name for each school of thought;C. concludes by explaining to the reader which approach appears best and which seems second best. These choices are clearly justified.There are several common mistakes students make when writing the literature review:i) “I can’t find any literature….” How to find the “right places?” Make sure that you’ve stated the general form of your question properly. Once you’re satisfied that you have, a good place to start is ALWAYS your introductory textbook If, for example, the general question is why or under what conditions has voter participation in the U.S. declined, go to the table of contentsand/or index and look up voting and voter participation and see what your textbook authors say, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, what sources they cite. Your textbook authors will, undoubtedly, identify the schools of thought for you and tell you who the leading proponents of these views are. Then you need to read those works for yourself to get a better understanding of the arguments and debates.ii) “There is only one answer….” Students often think that their job in writing a research paper is to show that they have found THE ANSWER to the question. Therefore, when they find the answer they’re looking for, they stop looking for others. Very few questions in political science, however, are settled; there is almost always debate. Moreover, our understanding of any phenomenon improves when we acknowledge that debate exists and try to learn from the various participants in it. Again, if you go to your textbook, you’ll be able to find the debate easily; otherwise, if you happen upon a good scholarly article or book, you can use that author’s literature review to help you understand what the different possible answers to your question are. iii) Perspectives but not answers. As you may have noticed from some of your courses or your research, there are several general perspectives out there – institutionalism, the political culture school, constructivism, materialism, the rational choice perspective, or realism, to name a few. Any one of these general perspectives might be helpful to you in answering your question. But if you choose to put forth an answer consistent with one of these perspectives, be sure that you do more than simply explain the philosophical underpinnings of that approach. You must answer your question in a manner consistent with the perspective.iv) Summary of sources. Sometimes students take the first few sources they find on the subject,write a paragraph summary of each source, and call that a literature review. There are a couple of problems with that approach. First, while there may be one leading exponent of a particular view, most of the time you want to cite several sources for each approach. Remember, you’re looking for a school of thought. That phrase implies that several different people share a particular view. Second, sometimes in presenting summaries, students don’t realize that several of their articles actually make similar arguments and belong in the same school. A good way to avoid the literature-review-as-summary mistake is to give your schools of thought names that focus attention on the key explanations. For instance, in the case of voter decline, you could identify “The Satisfied Citizen,” “The Disgusted Citizen,” and “The Registration is Too Easy” schools. III. Model and Hypothesis. The ideas developed in this section follow directly from the Literature Review. For your preferred school of thought and the most compelling challenger, you need to generate a model. In other words, you need to determine what causes (independent variables) lead to what outcomes (dependent variable). You can actually indicate your model in the text as:Model for the Abstract School:XYZ(or less abstractly for a paper on ethnic conflict):Model of the “Clash of Civilizations” Schoollevels of globalization in a stateintensity of ethnic conflictgeographical closeness of different ethnic groupsThe hypothesis then provides in words the way in which these variables are related.Continuing with the example above, the hypothesis would be: the higher the levels ofglobalization within a state and the geographically closer are its different ethnic groups, the more intense is ethnic conflict. You must develop a model and hypothesis for your preferred school of thought and its best challenger. To summarize, the Model and Hypothesis section:A. identifies two different models. Each share the same dependent variable (outcome), butoffer different independent variables (causes). You should actually include flow diagrams or causal chains in your paper.B. develops two competing hypotheses. Each explains how variations in the independentvariables from competing models affect the dependent variable. (Typically, the statement of a hypothesis looks something like “the more of X, the more of Y” or “the less of X, the less o f Y.”)III. Research Design. In this section, you explain exactly how you are going to conduct your research and why your research strategy will help you answer your question as accurately as possible. In this section, social science researchers often acknowledge the imperfections in their definitions, data, or cases and explain why these choices were the best possible given real-world constraints. For our purposes, you research design section will consist of the followingA. Variables: Exactly what are you trying to explain (dependent variable) and what factors (independent variables) do you think cause or are correlated with this outcome.B. Measurement: How are you going to measure your variables? Not necessarily a simple question to answer. If national income or inflation or voter participation rates are your variables, you’ve got an easy job, but what if you are trying to measure levels of power in the international system or citizen efficacy? You need to come up with ways to measure these variables. Most of the time you’ll borrow a measurement strategy from an established scholar, but you still need toexplain it and justify your choice in your own words.C. Case Selection: What case(s) are you studying and why? (In other words, exactly what instances of the general phenomenon are you going to study. If your question is about voting behavior, for example, which elections, which voters, etc. and why . If your question is about the conflict and peace process in Northern Ireland, exactly what time periods and why.) To what extent does this choice help you understand the general phenomenon under investigation? (Will your study allow you to apply your insights to related cases? Why or why not?)D. Data Sources: Where are you going to get your information? What kinds of information are you going to seek? Why are you confident that these are the best possible sources of data on your topic?IV. Data Analysis. In this section, you evaluate the performance of your hypothesis and its best competitor across th e cases you have identified. This is the “meat” of the paper, what you are used to spending most of your time on. For instance, if you are investigating why the Gulf War occurred, the data analysis section would be where you explained exactly what happened on the eve of the Gulf War. But what is different in this paper from what you are used to doing is that here you are evaluating the quality of two different hypotheses. In other words, you are looking to see whether the factors you’ve identified as the mo st important really are correlated with the outbreak of war and whether the logical connection appears to hold. Moreover, you also look to see whether the challenger could be correct. So, to write this section you need to find out the “values” (these need not be quantitative) for your variables (independent and dependent). This can entail tracking down information from government or international agencies (inflation rates, poverty rates, income levels, numbers of wars) or it can mean examining the historical record and determining (given your measurement strategy) these factors (levels of violence, citizen efficacy) during a particular time period. Then, you need to present this data to the reader to show clearly how (or whether) factors are related to resul ts. You should use text to tell the “story” and charts, where possible, to summarize your findings.V. Conclusion. What can you conclude from all your work? What did you learn? In other words: A. Which answer/hypothesis looks best to you now? Examine how hard you had to work to make the data/facts “fit” the different hypotheses. The one in which the data fits with the least work is your better explanation. While you may find that one is clearly better, you may also discover that neither is very good, both are good, or that one works in some cases and the other works in others. This is OK. Just think carefully about why what you found is so and explain it.B. What are the implications of your findings? If your findings are right, what does that mean for other similar instances? (Can you extend your findings to other time periods, other states, elections, parts of the world, etc?)C. What are the limitations of your findings? What about your research design and access to data raises questions about the generalizability of your findings?D. If you had the time, money, and/or desire, what other questions would you ask to continue this line of research in a fruitful and interesting manner?。



英语作文outline范例Outline:I. Introduction。

A. Background information on the topic。

B. Importance of the topic。

C. Thesis statement。

II. The Negative Effects of Social Media。

A. Cyberbullying。

B. Addiction。

C. Decreased face-to-face communication skills。

D. Negative impact on mental health。

III. The Positive Effects of Social Media。

A. Increased connectivity。

B. Access to information and resources。

C. Opportunities for self-expression and creativity。

D. Positive impact on mental health。

IV. Balancing the Negative and Positive Effects of Social Media。

A. Setting limits and boundaries。

B. Using social media for positive purposes。

C. Seeking support and help when needed。

V. Conclusion。

A. Restate thesis statement。

B. Summarize main points。

C. Final thoughts on the topic。

The Positive and Negative Effects of Social Media。

I. Introduction。



模型参数不确定条件下的自主水下航行器(AUV)自适应编队控制研究Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background and motivation1.2 Research objectives1.3 Contribution of the study1.4 Outline of the paperChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Overview of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)2.2 Formation control of AUVs2.3 Adaptive control for AUVs2.4 Uncertainty analysis in AUVsChapter 3 Mathematical Modelling and Control Design3.1 Modelling of AUVs3.2 Formation control of AUVs3.3 Feedback linearization control design3.4 Adaptive control design3.5 Robust control designChapter 4 Simulation and Experimental Setup4.1 Simulation setup4.2 Experimental setup4.3 Results and analysisChapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work5.1 Summary of the study5.2 Limitations and future work5.3 Significance and contributions of the study5.4 Implications for future research.Chapter 1: IntroductionIn recent years, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have gained significant attention as they are capable of performing various underwater tasks, including environmental monitoring, underwater exploration, and mapping. The AUVs offer several key advantages over human-operated vehicles, including their ability to work efficiently in hazardous and inaccessible locations. However, the development of AUVs' reliable and adaptive control during real-time operation still remains a significant challenge.The motivation behind this research is to address the limitations and extend the capabilities of AUVs through the implementation of a self-adaptive formation control method. The study aims to investigate and develop an adaptive control algorithm that allows AUVs to maintain a desired formation without relying on accurate information about the model parameters of the system. The proposed control design will enhance the autonomy, reliability, and robustness of AUVs, and it is expected to have significant implications for future underwater exploration.The research objectives can be broken down into four primary areas. Firstly, to analyze the uncertainties in AUVs' mathematical models and evaluate how they affect the system's dynamics. Secondly, to propose an adaptive control method that can manage the uncertainties without relying on perfect knowledge of the models' parameters. Thirdly, to design a robust control scheme that will ensure the stability and performance of the system, even in the presence of external disturbances or model uncertainties. Finally, to evaluate the proposed control methods using a combination ofsimulation and experimental tests.The contribution of this study is to develop a self-adaptive formation control strategy that can be applied to any AUV system using only limited information about the model parameters. The proposed control method will allow AUVs to operate autonomously and perform various underwater tasks more efficiently, with greater reliability, and with reduced intervention from human operators. The research findings have significant implications for applications in underwater exploration, ocean monitoring, and other related areas.The paper's outline is organized as follows. Chapter 2 provides an overview of autonomous underwater vehicles, formation control, adaptive control, and uncertainty analysis for AUVs. Chapter 3 discusses mathematical modeling of AUVs, control design, and sensitivity analysis. Chapter 4 describes the simulation and experimental setup for evaluating the algorithm's performance. Chapter 5 concludes the study, summarizes the contributions, and outlines future directions for research.Chapter 2: Literature Review2.1 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are unmanned vehicles capable of operating in underwater environments. They are designed to perform various tasks, including environmental monitoring, mapping, and underwater exploration. AUVs offer several advantages over human-operated vehicles, including their ability to work efficiently in hazardous and inaccessible locations, providing a cost-effective solution for ocean exploration.2.2 Formation ControlFormation control refers to the ability of multiple vehicles or robots to maintain a specific geometric configuration while performing a task. In underwater applications, this involves controlling multiple AUVs to move and operate in a predetermined formation to complete a task collectively. Formation control research has applications in various fields, including agriculture, aerospace, and underwater systems.2.3 Adaptive ControlAdaptive control is a branch of control theory that deals with the development of control systems that can adjust themselves in real-time based on changes in the system's behavior. This makes adaptive control an ideal choice for systems with changing dynamics, such as AUVs operating in complex underwater environments. Adaptive control designs often have features such as parameter estimation, self-tuning, and fault tolerance.2.4 Uncertainty Analysis for AUVsAUVs are subject to a variety of uncertainties, including environmental disturbances and vehicle dynamics. The uncertainties can result in inaccurate control of the AUVs, which can limit their effectiveness in performing tasks. Uncertainty analysis involves evaluating the impact of these uncertainties on the AUV's dynamics and developing control systems robust enough to manage their effects.2.5 Related WorkVarious control methods have been proposed for AUVs. Researchers have developed adaptive control algorithms using various techniques, including neural networks, fuzzy logic, and reinforcement learning. Other studies have investigated formation control for AUVs using centralized and decentralized control strategies. However, few studies have combined formation control and adaptive control for AUVs.2.6 ConclusionThis chapter provided an overview of the relevant literature related to the research topic. Specifically, it explored the concepts of autonomous underwater vehicles, formation control, adaptive control, and uncertainty analysis for AUVs. The chapter also highlighted related work, identifying gaps in existing research and setting the foundation for this study's proposed methodology. Chapter 3 will delve into the mathematical modeling of AUVs, control design, and sensitivity analysis.Chapter 3: Methodology3.1 Mathematical Modeling of AUVsThe first step in developing a control system for AUVs is to create a mathematical model of the system that describes its dynamics. The model must include the vehicle's physical properties, such as mass, drag, and buoyancy, as well as the environmental disturbances acting on the vehicle. In this study, we will use the six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) model to represent the AUV'sdynamics. This model includes equations of motion for the vehicle's translational and rotational motion.3.2 Control DesignThe next step in developing a control system for AUVs is to design a control algorithm that emulates the desired behavior. We will use an adaptive control algorithm that can adjust its parameters to account for changing dynamics in real-time. The adaptive control algorithm will be based on the backstepping control method, which is a nonlinear control technique that can handle uncertainties in the system.3.3 Formation ControlAfter designing the adaptive control algorithm, we will incorporate it into the formation control system. Formation control involves coordinating the movements of multiple AUVs to maintain a predetermined geometric pattern while performing a task. We will use a centralized formation control approach where a leader AUV provides the reference trajectory, and the follower AUVs adjust their position and heading to maintain the formation.3.4 Sensitivity AnalysisTo evaluate the effectiveness of the control system, we will perform sensitivity analysis on the system parameters. Sensitivity analysis involves studying the response of the system to small variations in the input parameters. By examining the system's sensitivity to different parameters, we can determine the criticalparameters that affect the system's performance and optimize their values.3.5 ValidationAfter building and simulating the control system, we will validate its effectiveness through experiments. We will use a simulator to simulate the AUVs' dynamics and simulate scenarios in which the AUVs operate in varying oceanic conditions. The validation process will involve comparing the performance of the control system with traditional control systems in various scenarios.3.6 ConclusionThis chapter outlined the methodology used to develop a formation control and adaptive control system for AUVs. The methodology involved creating a mathematical model of the AUV's dynamics, designing an adaptive control algorithm, incorporating formation control, performing sensitivity analysis, and validating the control system through simulations. Chapter 4 will present the results of the simulations and sensitivity analysis.Chapter 4: Results and Analysis4.1 Simulation SetupThis chapter presents the results and analysis of the simulations performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed formation control and adaptive control system for AUVs. The simulations were performed using Matlab Simulink software, and the AUVs were modeled using the 6-DOF mathematical model.The simulations were carried out in a large water tank, where the AUVs had to perform two tasks: (1) move in a straight line at a constant speed, and (2) follow a circular trajectory. The formation pattern used was a line formation, where the leader AUV moved straight ahead, and the follower AUVs adjusted their position and heading to maintain a constant distance from each other.4.2 ResultsThe simulations were carried out under varying oceanic conditions such as current and wave disturbances. The results show that the proposed formation control and adaptive control system were effective in maintaining the desired formation pattern and completing the tasks successfully.Under ideal conditions, the AUVs moved in a straight line at a constant speed without any deviation from the desired trajectory. The follower AUVs adjusted their position and heading to maintain a constant distance from each other without colliding with the leader AUV.Under oceanic disturbances, the control system adjusted its parameters in real-time to compensate for the disturbances and maintain the formation pattern. The simulations showed that the adaptive control algorithm was effective in handling uncertainties in the system and maintaining stability.4.3 Sensitivity AnalysisSensitivity analysis was performed by varying the control parameters and observing the effect on the system's performance. The parameters varied were the gain values of the adaptive control algorithm, the distance between the leader and follower AUVs, and the velocity of the leader AUV.The results showed that the gain values of the adaptive control algorithm had a significant impact on the system's performance, and optimal values needed to be selected for different tasks and oceanic disturbances. The distance between the leader and follower AUVs and the velocity of the leader AUV also affected the system's performance, with smaller distances and faster velocities resulting in better performance.4.4 AnalysisThe simulations and sensitivity analysis showed that the proposed formation control and adaptive control system were effective in maintaining the desired formation pattern and completing tasks under varying oceanic conditions. The adaptive control algorithm was effective in handling uncertainties in the system and maintaining stability.The system's performance was sensitive to the control parameters, with different optimal values required for different tasks and oceanic disturbances. The results showed that the control system's performance could be improved by selecting optimal values for the control parameters.4.5 ConclusionThis chapter presented the results and analysis of the simulations performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed formation control and adaptive control system for AUVs. The simulations showed that the control system was effective in maintaining the desired formation pattern and completing tasks under varying oceanic conditions.Sensitivity analysis showed that the system's performance was sensitive to the control parameters, and optimal values needed to be selected for different tasks and oceanic disturbances. The next chapter will provide a summary of the study's findings and recommendations for future research.Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future Directions5.1 Summary of FindingsThis study presented a formation control and adaptive control system for AUVs to maintain a desired formation pattern under varying oceanic conditions. The simulations showed that the proposed control system was effective in achieving the desired formation pattern and completing tasks successfully.The adaptive control algorithm was effective in handling uncertainties in the system and maintaining stability. Sensitivity analysis showed that the system's performance was sensitive to the control parameters, and optimal values needed to be selected for different tasks and oceanic disturbances.5.2 ContributionsThis study contributes to the field of underwater robotics by proposing a formation control and adaptive control system for AUVs that can handle uncertainties in the system and maintain stability under varying oceanic conditions. The proposed control system can be used in a variety of underwater applications, such as underwater surveillance, exploration, and maintenance.The sensitivity analysis conducted in this study provides insight into the effect of control parameters on the system's performance and highlights the importance of selecting optimal values for different tasks and oceanic disturbances.5.3 Future DirectionsFuture research can be conducted to further improve the proposed control system. One area of research is to investigate the use of machine learning algorithms to optimize the control parameters based on real-time data from the sensors. This approach can improve the control system's performance and accuracy in handling uncertainties in the system.Another area of research is to investigate the use of different formation patterns, such as circular or triangular formations, and different control algorithms to achieve the desired formation pattern. This can provide more flexibility in the control system's application and expand its capabilities in underwater tasks. Finally, more experimental studies can be conducted in real-world underwater environments to evaluate the proposed control system'seffectiveness and robustness. This can provide further validation of the control system's performance and its practical application in underwater tasks.5.4 ConclusionThis study proposed a formation control and adaptive control system for AUVs to maintain a desired formation pattern under varying oceanic conditions. The simulations showed that the control system was effective in achieving the desired formation pattern and completing tasks under different oceanic disturbances.Sensitivity analysis showed that the control system's performance was sensitive to the control parameters, and optimal values needed to be selected for different tasks and oceanic disturbances.Future research can focus on further improving the proposed control system using machine learning algorithms, investigating different formation patterns and control algorithms, and conducting experimental studies in real-world underwater environments.。



o u t l i n e范本(总6页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--OutlineThe statements: This paper is going to discuss the liberalism that rooted in Isabel Archer’s mind—the heroin in the portrait of a lady. But sometimes she seems to go against her liberalism after marriage with Gilbert Osmond.1. Introduction2. The Maturity of Isabel Archer3.Isabel's View of libertyLiberty of MindIsabel's Attitude toward LifeIsabel's Attitude toward Love and MarriageLiberty of BehavioursIsabel's Refusal to Ideal Suitors—Goodwood and WarburtonIsabel's Choice to Marry Gilbert Osmond4. Paradoxs in Isabel's View of LiberalismRequest for Liberty Versus Social LimitationLove of Liberty Versus Fear of LibertyPreservation of Dignity Versus Acceptance of Mistakes5. ConclusionLiberalism of Isabel Archer in The Portrait of a LadyAbstract: abel Archer, the heroine of The Portrait of a Lady, a brilliant female figure in the world's literary gallery, is a controversial figure . The thesis focuses on the analysis of Isabel Archer view of liberty and paradoxes in her liberalism in order to explore that her arrogance and blindness lead to her tragedy marriage. Then I will further illustrate her attitude toward life, love and marriage. Later analyzing her liberalism in details by presenting her mind and behaviors aims at discovering her inner thoughts. At last, I will dissect three paradoxes in Isabel’s view of liberalism—her own requests against social limitations, love against fear and preservation of dignity against acceptance of mistake . The causes lead her betray mind are herself mostly and her arbitrary husband partly.Key Words: Henry James; paradoxes; liberalism;atitude分析《贵妇画像》中伊丽莎白˙阿切尔的自由主义观摘要: 莎白˙阿切尔,《贵妇画像》这部小说的女主人公,是享誉全球文艺画廊的一位出色的女性形象,同时她也一个具有争议性的人物。

Outline ( 1 )

Outline ( 1 )

III. 拟定提纲;OutlineCreating an outline for your article makes you prepared. You have an idea of what to do first and make a plan for your succeeding steps. Being prepared makes the job easier and faster. Being organized will allow for disorientation to be shunned away.An outline can act as the design or blueprint for your article. This will guide you in creating the introduction, body and conclusion of your article. Here in this point, you can write down some of the ideas and sentences that you feel will look good in your article. This could be some of the focal point that could help make your article creative, interesting and appealing to a reader.1. An outline aids in the process of writinghelps you organize your ideaspresents your materials in a logical formshows the relationships among ideas in your writing constructs an ordered overview of your writingdefines boundaries and groups2. How do I create an outline?Brainstorm: list all the ideas that you want to include in your paper.Organize: group related ideas together.Order: arrange materials in subsections fromgeneral to specific or from abstract toconcrete.Label: create main and sub-headings.3. Four Main Components for Effective OutlinesIdeally, you should follow these 4 suggestions to create an effective outline.1.Parallelism :Each heading and subheading should preserve parallel structure. If the first heading is a verb, the second heading should be a verb.Example: Why I Apply To This University1.Choose Desired Colleges2.Find out the advantages and disadvantages3.Prepare Application("Choose" ,“find out”and "Prepare" are all verbs.)2.Coordination (协调)All the information contained in Heading 1 should have the same significance as the information contained in Heading 2. The same goes for the other subheadings (which should be less significant than the previous headings).Example:1.Visit and evaluate college campuses2.Visit and evaluate college websites1.Note important statistics2.Look for interesting classes(Campus and website visits are equally significant, as are statistics and classes found on college websites.)3.SubordinationThe information in the headings should be more general, while the information in the subheadings should be more specific.Example:Describe influential persons in your life1.Favorite high school teachers2.Grandparent(A favorite teacher and grandparent are specific examples of influential people.)DivisionEach heading should be divided into 2 or more parts.提纲的种类( 1 ) 句子提纲:sentence outline( 2 ) 主题提纲:topic/point outline Sample Outline ( sentence outline )Title :Foreign Trade Is Beneficial to and Indispensablefor All NationsI. Introduction : The utilization of different economic resources and the development of different skills form the foundation of foreign trade.II. Trade in commodities ( visible trade ) is necessary between nations.A. No nation has all the commodities it needs..B. A nation may not have enough of certaincommodities.C. A nation may sell certain commodities at a profit.test innovations and different styles ofcommodities may make foreign trade necessary. E. All nations strive to maintain favorable balance oftrade so as to be assured of the means to buy necessary goods.III. Exchange of services between nations ( invisible trade ) is part of foreign tradeA. Nations vie in providing transportation for foreigntrade.B. Prudent exporters purchase insurance for theircargoes.C. Tourism brings a nation huge profits.D. Technology is also exported and imported.IV. Conclusion : The purpose of foreign trade is to earn money for necessary imports and it is important to keep the balance of payments.A topic outlineI. Introduction : The foundation of foreign tradeII. The necessity of foreign tradeA. Lack of certain commoditiesB. Insufficiency of particular items.C. Comparative advantage in certain itemstest innovations and different styles ofcommoditiesE. The importance of a favorable balance of trade III. The necessity of invisible trade------exchange of services between nationsA. Transportation1.A23B. InsuranceC. TourismD. TechnologyIV. Conclusion: The purpose of foreign trade and the importance of the balance of payments两种格式不能混为一谈。

paper outline格式

paper outline格式

paper outline格式





Unit 1 Outline

Write an outline (sentence or topic) according to the title “Should Private Cars Be Encouraged?”
Suggested outline Thesis: Private cars shouldn’t be encouraged. Ⅰ Introduction: a sign of modernization

Ⅱ Three reasons 1. the most populous country 2. air pollution and sound pollution 3. various kinds of trouble a: high maintenance fees b: petrol fees c: traffic accidents
Ⅲ Conclusion: government policy
Ⅱ. Trade in commodities (visible trade) is necessary between nations. A. No nation has all the commodities it needs. B. A nation may not have enough of certain commodities. C. A nation may sell certain commodities at a profit. D. Latest innovations and different styles of commodities may make foreign trade necessary.
Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations.

Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写

Topic 5 How to Write an Outline论文提纲怎么写

A thesis statement is usually put in front of your outline in a declarative form that summarizes the central idea of the paper you will write.
Samples of thesis statement
Sample of the decimal system
1.The two reasons for… 1.1 The first reason… 1.1.1 The women… would… could… 1.1.2 The men… 1.2 The second reason… 2.The reasons against…
Exercise of Outline Writing
Direction: Below is a part of an outline from a student’s paper. Read the following headings carefully and try to find what’s wrong with them and then correct the mistakes.
Topic 5 How to Write an Outline for Research Paper
When you build a house you should have a ground plan first and an outline is your ground plan for “building” your research paper.
Sample 2



Tough & solid work



What makes a good paper?
to find good problems? What makes a bad paper?

How to write a good paper?

Significant and interesting problem

No Perfect work
十全十美的事,让人怀疑这个 问题是否值得研究 一下子就解决光的问题,往往 可研究性存疑 研究需要有一定的可持续性

Clear statement/formulation of the problem Why it is interesting/important, always back up with real apps/systems Why existing solutions can't work 拍脑袋的idea,要不得
for collaborations, change approaches
Read, think, discuss
What makes a good paper

Good writing
abstract/introduction Complete and concise related work Clean problem description and assumptions with justifications Good balance of analysis, proofs and/or protocol/system description Smooth flow (forward/backward references), good illustrations More than 5 polishing rounds before submission



教学大纲课程名称英语写作课程类型专业课总学时数64开课专业英语航空任课教师王艳梅2017年 3月《英语写作》教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称:英语写作开课学期:1学时/学分:64 / 4课程类型:专业课开课专业:英语航空专业本科生二、课程简介英语写作是英语专业本科阶段一门重要的实践课程,是专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。







2.突出本课程的实践性3.正确认识本课程的特殊性4.正确处理基础知识和应用能力的关系5. 正确处理一般和重点的关系(三)教学方法注重培养学生的思维能力,采用理论与实践相结合,以实践为主,注重语言应用能力的培养。




(三)教学内容1. The balanced composition of a book report2. A subjective summary of the central theme of the book3. Personal interpretation and historical signification of the book. (三)教学重点和难点Information about the writerSummary of the bookComments on the book第二章完整的文章(一)学时:4(二)教学目的与要求了解一篇完整的文章应该包括的几个主要部分,文章的格式应该注意的事项,掌握英语文章的四种写作方式----记叙文、描写文、说明文和议论文。



作文小标题稿纸格式模板英文回答:Research Paper Outline Template。

Title: The Influence of Technology on Education。

Introduction:Hook: Begin with a captivating statement that grabs the reader's attention.Background: Provide context and establish the significance of the topic.Thesis statement: State the main argument or claim of the paper.Body Paragraphs:Topic sentence 1: Discuss the positive impacts of technology on education.Examples and evidence to support the claim.Topic sentence 2: Examine the challenges and potential drawbacks of using technology in education.Examples and evidence to illustrate the concerns.Topic sentence 3: Analyze the implications of technology for the future of education.Predictions and potential long-term effects.Topic sentence 4: Provide specific examples or case studies to illustrate the key points discussed in the body paragraphs.Topic sentence 5: Offer insights and perspectives on best practices for integrating technology into education.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of the paper.Restate the thesis statement.End with a call to action or a thought-provoking statement.Works Cited:Cite all sources used in the paper according to the required style (e.g., APA, MLA).中文回答:小标题论文模板。



英文答辩稿英文答辩稿 1Good morning, all appraises mittee members. I am XXX and my supervisor is XXX.With his constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper.Now it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and wele any correction.The title of my paper is Comparative Study between English and Chinese idioms.With the developing globalization, munication demand precise language.Idioms are not a separate part of the language, we cannot omit. Studying the similarities and differences between English and Chinese idioms would be helpful to cross-cultural understanding and it’s also a good advance to our future if we can learn well.For the above facts, I select the subject of “parative study between English and Chinese idioms” as the title of my paper.In the main part of this paper, I divide it four parts.Part one presents general introduction to the basic concept and the studying purpose.Part two presents overview of the Chinese and English idioms; it concludes similar origins andsimilar functions. Part three emphasize differences between English and Chinese idioms.Through contrast analysis of well-known Chineseand English language, found the differences cultural discrepancy and the translation of animal words. Part four draws some conclusions that characteristics of English and Chinese idioms. And it is helpful tocross-culture .It’s necessary for a better understanding of international promotional munication. OK, that’s all. Thank you.英文答辩稿 2Good morning,Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense.I am XX. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and ments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistance that I have finally acplished this thesis.My topic is On the tragedy figures athistorical turning points(Comparison of KongYiji and Rip Van )The whole thesis consists of 6 parts. Thefirst part will give a brief introduction of the negative, evasive and conservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as well as the topic s significance in thereal society. And the second part is going to analyzethe figures background to show the historicalnecessity of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragic heroes failing in the character according to their living environment will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tendency of dispositions and behaviors in the society. Then the author will dig into the root causes of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the wholepaper to reveal the ideological weak points of the two countries separately in the last part.英文答辩稿 3Good afternoon, all appraiser mittee members. I’m Zhang Da and my supervisor is Professor Zhang Jingcai. With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and wele any correction.The title of my paper is On the Significance of Drama Method in the Improvement of English Learning in Chinese Rural Junior High School. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. First of all, I really want to be a teacher, so during the four years, I have read many books about how to bee a good teacher. Secondly, when I was a freshman in the summer of 2008, I was chosen as a teaching assistant of the summer camp which was organized by the New Oriental English School in Shijiazhuang. In the summer camp, I rewrotea script of an English drama to be one of the programs of the open ceremony. It was very popular among those students. They thought it was very interesting. In2010, I was practiced as an English teacher at Chenguantun Middle School in Qinhuangdao, I found that the students have little interest towards English learning, so I hoped I could help them. So I use the Drama Method as my teaching method. Almost all of the students were highly motivated by the interesting teaching method and they have made great progress in the exam one month later. So the research proved that the Drama Method can be used as an effective teaching method. For the above facts, I select the subject of On the Significance of Drama Method in the Improvement of English Learning in Chinese Rural Junior High School as the title of my paper. I hope by studying this topic we can find an effective teaching method to help all the students’ English learning in junior high school.Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts.Part one presents an introduction to identify the major problem of junior high school students’ English learning problemsPart two overviews all relevant researches in drama application in teaching oral English.Part three is the research design, the research hypothesis, the subjects of the research, the research methods and the research procedures are conducted.Part four is the findings from research data.After analyzing the data with Excel 2007, pedagogicalfindings and implications are delivered before the conclusion of the thesis.Part five draws some conclusions about the research. As what has been shown in the research, there are a lot of benefits from drama performance; the Drama Method can be used as an effective teaching method. In addition, there are some suggestions for forthing researches.OK! That is all. Thank you! Please ask questions.英文答辩稿 4Good evening, all the appraiser mittee members. I e from HUST, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. With her sincere and intellectual guidance, for nearly one whole year's hard work, I have finished my paper. Finally, it is the show time. This evening I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully wele any correction.The title of my paper is A Study of the Causes of the Gothic Stylein from a Feminist Perspective. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. Firstly, I am fond of literature works , especially gothicliterature works. Secondly, I am quite familiar with this short story as this is one of the texts in our intensive teaching course and I have taught this text for more than 3 times . Last but not the least ,as a female , I am keen on the study of feminism. For theabove facts, I select the subject of as the title of my paper.I hope by studying this short story we can know more about American southern women in certain history and culture and more importantly help women in modern society get a deeper understanding aboutourselves ,help us raise our independence and confidence and show more concern for our mental health.Next , I will present it to you. Here is anoutline of my presentation. They are literature review, gothic tradition , the gothic style in the story and the causes of the gothic style .This paper consists of six parts. Part onepresents an introduction to the author WilliamFaulkner and by pointing out the purpose and significance of this study. Part two is literature review which introduces the relevant research aboutthis novel at home and abroad and then points out the theoretical basis and methods. Part three gives a timeline of the gothic tradition in literature and explains the main characteristics of gothic works.Part four explains the three aspects of the gothicstyle in the novel,that is, the death theme, grotesque characters and mystic atmosphere. Part five then explains in detail the causes of the gothic style in this novel: patriarchal oppression, the myth of southern ladyhood and Emily’s attitude towards love. Finally, in the conclusion, the author summarizes theprevious parts and emphasizes the significance of the argument of the thesis again.Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions !I am ready! Thank you英文答辩稿 5I will present my efforts to you and wele any correction.the title of my paper is on transformation of parts of speech in translation. i choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. different languages have different standards to distinguish parts of speech. each language has its own special structure. and there are no equivalent parts of speech between different languages. in order to make the target version more idiomatic and standard, the transformation of parts of speech is always used by translators. so the transformation of parts of speech is playing a more important role in english to chinese based on different characteristics of english and chinese. for the above facts, i select the subjectof“on transformation of parts of speech”as the title of my paper.i hope by studying this topic we can know the importance of the transformation of parts of speech in english to chinese translation. through transformation, we can get the better version and improve the translation skills.the way of thinking and expressing is quite different between chinese and english. english is a kind of static languages which tends to use more nouns. while chinese is a dynamic one in which verbs are often used.so when we maketranslation in english to chinese, we should know this point and shift the parts of speech.next, it is an outline of my paper. in the main part of this paper, i divide it into five parts.part one presents an introduction to the basic concepts of parts of speech and transformation.part two discusses the definitionof translation and emphasizes the importance of transformation of parts of speech in the course of translation.part three gives four basic ways of transformation of parts of speech through illustrative examples. there are transformed english words into chinese verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.part four presents some problems about transformation and gives some advise to solve the problems.part five draws some conclusions that transformation between parts of speech is necessary for us to achieve good translation. it is demonstrated that we can have a good master of transformation and improve the translation. in addition, we must continuously study and explore inall kinds of translation practices.ok! that is all. thank you!英文答辩稿 6Good morning,Distinguished professors and teachers, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the oral defense. (或Wele to attend the oral defense.) :I am XX. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, professorXX, for his intellectual guidance, invaluable instructions and ments on my thesis. It is with his valuable assistancethat I have finally acplished this thesis.My topic is On the tragedy figures at historical turning points (Comparison of KongYiji and Rip Van )The whole thesis consists of 6 parts. The first part will give a brief introduction of the negative, evasive and conservative attitudes of Kong and Rip as well as the topic s significance in the real society. And the second part is going to analyze the figures background to show the historical necessity of the tragedies. In the third part, the tragic heroes failing in the character according to their living environment will be further discussed and the fourth part is to talk about their different tendency of dispositions and behaviors in the society. Then the author will diginto the root causes of the tragedies in the fifth part, and sum up the whole paper to reveal the ideological weak points of the two countries separately in the last part.英文答辩稿 7stant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper. Now, it's show time. You and I will work hard to wele any correction.The topic of my thesis is 《Angela carter to mythology research - the female archetype in “new eve passion”, for example》。

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On the Feminism n Pride and Prejudice Chapter I Introduction Chapter II An initial look at feminism 2.1 The background of feminism 2.2 The significance of studying feminism Chapter III Feminism consciousness in Pride and Prejudice 3.1 The affirmation of women’s intelligence 3.2 The affirmation of women’s self-respect in marriage Chapter IV. Feminism limitation in Pride and Prejudice 4.1 The restriction of women’s social functions 4.2 The stereotyped patterns of courtship Chapter V. Conclusion
Outline of Paper
• On the Pride and Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice • An Analysis of the Pride and Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice
• Chapter 1 Introduction • Chapter 2 The Pride of Darcy • 2.1 Darcy's pride • 2.1.1 His pride to Elizabeth
A. Elizabeth’s attitude toward love
B Jane’s attitude toward love
4. Comparison of Elizabeth’s and Jane’s Roads to Marriage
A. Elizabeth’s road to marriage B.Jane’s road to marriage 5. Conclusion
• 3.2 The reasons for her prejudice • 3.2.1 Personal aspects ( Internal reasons) • 3.2.2 Social aspects ( External reasons) • Chapter 4 The Function of the Pride and Prejudice • 4.1 Its function in characterization • 4.2 Its function in plot development • Chapter 5 Conclusion •
• Comparison of Elizabeth and Jane
1.Introduction parison of Elizabeth’s and Jane’s Character
A. Elizabeth’s character B. Jane’s character
3. Comparison of Elizabeth’s and Jane’s Attitudes toward Love
• Analysis of characters on the main roles I . Introduction I I. The character of Elizabeth 2.1 prejudice against Mr.Darcy 2.2 kind to her elder sister 2.3 keen to the people who around her I I I. The character of Darcy 3.1 pride to Elizabeth and her family 3.2 noble and gentle to his friends and servants 3.3 broad-hearted to bad person I V. The change of their characters 4.1 Elizabeth changed her prejudice against Darcy 4.2 Darcy changed his pride to Elizabeth and her family 4.3 love is the key to the change V. Conclusion
• 2.1.2 His pride to the family
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2.2 The reasons for his pride
2.2.1 Personal aspect 2.2.2 Social aspect
• Chapter 3 The Prejudice of Elizabeth • 3.1 Elizabeth’s prejudice
1.Introduction 1.1 The content of Pride and Prejudice in brief 1.2 Outlining the thesis 2. An initial look at feminism 2.1 The background of feminism 2.2 The significance of studying feminism 3. The awakening of feminist consciousness in Pride and Prejudice 3.1 The affirmation of women’s intelligence 3.2 The affirmation of women’s self-respect in marriage 3.2.1 The purpose of marriage in most cases 3.2.2 Austen’s appeal for real felicity of marriage 4. Feminist limitations in Pride and Prejudice 4.1 The restriction of women’s social functions 4.2 The stereotyped patterns of courtship 4.2.1 The “Cinderella” mode 4.2.2 Women’s passiveness 5. Conclusion
On Jane Austen’s Complexity Revealed in Pride and Prejudice Introduction Ⅰ.Aspects of her complexity 1.1 Her conservativeness 1.1.1 the depiction of an ideal feudal society 1.1.2 the traditional moralization of women 1.2 Her progressiveness 1.2.1 the severe criticism of defects of some gentries 1.2.2 the positive description of class mobility 1.2.3 the awakening feminist consciousness Ⅱ.Reasons of her complexity 2.1 personal factors 2.2 social factors conclusion
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On the Pride and Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice Introduction Chapter I The Pride of Darcy 1.1 Darcy's pride 1.1.1 His pride to Elizabeth 1.1.2 His pride to the family 1.2 The reasons for his pride 1.2.1 Personal aspect 1.2.2 Social aspect Chapter II The Prejudice of Elizabeth 2.1 Elizabeth’s prejudice 2.2 The reasons for her prejudice 2.2.1 Personal aspects ( Internal reasons) 2.2.2 Social aspects ( External reasons) Chapter III The Function of the Pride and Prejudice 3.1 Its function in characterization 3.2 Its function in plot development Conclusion
• 1. Title • 2. Subtitles • numbers, words • Chapter 1 / Chapter I/ Chapter One • 1.1 • 1.1.1 • 1.12 • 1.2
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On the feminism in Pride and Prejudice 1. Introduction 2. An initial look at feminism 2.1 The background of feminism 2.2 The significance of studying feminism • 3. The awakening of feminist consciousness in Pride and Prejudice 3.1 The affirmation of women’s intelligence 3.2 The affirmation of women’s self-respect in marriage • 4. Feminist limitations in Pride and Prejudice 4.1 The restriction of women’s social functions 4.2 The stereotyped patterns of courtship • 5. Conclusion