Clinical Trials Expo 2006 Posters and Demonstrations Abstracts Sponsored by Clinical Trials
共收 录近 20 5 0篇论文 及摘 要 。 并按 2 5个议题 该学 会获奖 的学 者 颁 发 r奖 牌。 令年 的 1 MBEOlo 术的 发展 , F l 分约 20个组 别进 行 r 5 分组报 告 。人会分组 报告分 别以 S h t奖 得主 是来 自抖兰 V T技 术研 究 中心的 Nio c mi t T i l S rn mmi aa u 博士 。 夫会国 际 委 员会副 主 席 Fu hk miio 演讲 硬海 报展 示两 种方式进行 ,报 告内容 涵盖 r 理系 生
『 亍此纶坛
刘音博 ’ 陈霏 z
1 国 港中 文大学 电子工程 系生物 医学 工程联 合研究 中心 中 香 2 中国香 港Βιβλιοθήκη 文大学信 辨高等 工程研 究所
由国际医学 物理 与医学 上程 科学联 合会 (U E M] 1P S 国 际医 学 物理 组 织 /OMP 国 际医 学 生物 工 程 联 合 I ) 会 (F B ) 韩 国 KS IM E , MP和韩 国医 学 生 物 工 程组 织 ( KOS OMB 共 同主办 的 20 E) 06年 世界医学 物理 和生物 医学 工 程 大会 于 20 06年 8月 2 7至 9月 1H在 韩 国 首
都首 尔的 C OEX会 议中心 胜利 召开 。世 界医 学物 理和 生 物 医学 工程 大 会每 三 年举 办一 次 .本 届大 会的 主题
定为 “ 想未来 的医学 ( gn eFtr Mein). 构 I igt uue d ie” ma h c 来 自垒世 界近 3 0I 专家学 者及 展商 代表参 加 r本次 0( 大 会。 大 会主 席 S nI i l u Km 尊十主 持 了开幕 式 井致 开幕 词。此 次 夫会 得到 了韩 国政 府 的大 力支持 .韩 国总 理 Ha en —o k受 邀 出席 了开幕 式 .并 就生 物 医学 nMyo gso r 邀 演 阱。 应
ICH-GCP E6(R2)中文版
E6(R2)人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会ICH协调指导原则ICH指导委员会2016年11月9日当前版本:第四阶段中文编译:中国GCP联盟 & 临床研究大汇E6(R1)译者序公元1996年,ICH-GCP正式发布R1版,彼时之中国,了解GCP的人仅限于当时中国卫生部培养的数百名医学专家,规范的临床试验法规与体系还在起草中。
2016年11月30日,ICH正式颁布了GCP的增补件R2,标志着全球药物临床试验进入到了一个崭新的时代,无独有偶,仅仅过去了2天,2016年12月2日,中国国家食品药品监督管理总局发布了《药物临床试验质量管理规范》的第二次征求意见稿,大量新内容参考了ICH-GCP R1甚至R2,意见稿直接以超30000字的信息量向全中国全世界展现它的雄心:今天的和未来的中国药物临床试验,在经历了蹒跚学步与青春期的躁动之后,正大幅度的向着国际先进水平看齐。
1药品非临床实验管理规范(GLP)/简介药品非临床实验管理规范(GoodLaboratory Practice,GLP),是为了保证新药临床前研究安全性试验资料的优质、真实、完整和可靠,且针对药物非临床安全性评价研究机构制定的基本要求;旨在规范新药非临床安全性研究的规范性、科学性与可重复性。
循证医学历年名解汇总L循证医学(EVidenCe-BaSedMediCille, EBM):是最好的临床研究证据与临床实践(临床经验、临床决策)以及患者价值观(关注,期望,需求) 的结合。
2.动物实验(animal experiment):指在实验室内,为了获得有关生物学、医学等方面的新知识或解决具体问题而使用动物进行的科学研究。
5.严格评价(CritiCal appraisal):指的是对一个研究证据的质量作科学的鉴别,分析它的真实性的程度,即看是否真实可靠。
6. ( 1)系统评价(SyStenIatiC review):针对某一具体的临床问题系统全面地收集全世界所有已发表或末发表的相关的临床研究文章;统一的科学评价标准,筛选出符合标准、质量好的文献,定性或定量的方法进行综合,去粗取精,去伪存真,得出可靠的结论;随着新的临床研究结果的出现及时更新。
7. ( 1) Meta分析(Meta-analysis):广义:针对某个主题,全面收集所有相关研究并逐个严格评价和分析后,再用定量合成的方法对资料进行统计学处理得出综合结论的全过程。
❖ Sousa报道:sirolimus支架对45例患者2年随访未见 再狭窄。冠状动脉造影显示,狭窄程度干预前为61%, 干预后即为4.2%,2年随访1.4%。冠状动脉内超声 显示支架内瘢痕组织增生极为轻微。
❖ Haude报告:600例复发小血管病变的患者随机分为三 组,分别接受经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术(PTCA)、非涂层 JOSTENT Flex支架或肝素涂层的同样支架,6个月时 三组血管腔直径中位数几乎相同,分别为1.34、1. 47和1.45mm。肝素涂层支架对于小血管病变的干预 未见有冠状动脉造影或临床相关获益。
❖ RAVEL研究:210天的随访结果,随机接受 sirolimus-eluting BX Velocity balloonexpandable 支架的120例患者中,无后期管腔丢失, 无再狭窄;而随机接受非涂层支架的118例对照组患者的 后期平均管腔丢失0.8mm,再狭窄率26%。尤其值得 注意的是在糖尿病患者,药物涂层支架组的后期管腔丢失 为0.82mm,再狭窄率42%;1年存活率在药物涂层 支架组为94%,对照组71%。Sirolimus支架临床应用 安全,无应用相关的死亡。
❖ 埋藏式心脏复律除颤器(ICD)作为心脏猝死一级预防的应 用范围明显拓宽。(1大试验)
ʌ临证验案ɔ基于 核心病机观 从脾胃浊毒辨治干燥综合征❋郝新宇1,王彦刚2ә,刘㊀宇1,周平平1,姜㊀茜2(1.河北中医学院,石家庄㊀050200;2.河北中医学院附属医院,石家庄㊀050011)㊀㊀摘要:介绍王彦刚教授运用化浊解毒法从脾胃辨治干燥综合征的临证经验,王彦刚教授从 核心病机观 出发,认为干燥综合征与脾胃关系密切,浊毒侵犯中焦脾胃,气机升降失常,津液输布失司,机体失养是干燥综合征的核心病机,贯穿疾病始末㊂在治疗上以化浊解毒为基本大法,遵循疾病发展之规律,抓住每一阶段主要病机,不忘核心病机,以虚实为纲,着眼于脾胃,佐以解毒㊁行气㊁祛湿㊁清热㊁祛瘀㊁滋阴等法,病证结合,辨证施治,治疗效果显著㊂文末以典型案例佐证,供同道参考借鉴㊂㊀㊀关键词:干燥综合征;核心病机观;脾胃;浊毒;王彦刚㊀㊀中图分类号:R442.8㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1006-3250(2021)01-0158-03Pattern Differentiation and Treatment of Sjogren's Syndrome According to Turbid Toxin of The Spleen and Stomach Based on The Theory of "Core Pathogenesis"HAO Xin-yu 1,WANG Yan-gang 2ә,LIU Yu 1,ZHOU Ping-ping 1,JIANG Qian 2(1.Hebei University of Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050200,China;2.Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University of Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050011,China)㊀㊀Abstract :The article introduces professor WANG Yan-gang's clinical experience of treating Sjogren s syndrome by using resolving turbid and eliminating toxin method of spleen and stomach.My tutor starts from the view of "core pathogenesis"and thinks that Sjogren's syndrome is closely related to the spleen and stomach ,and turbid toxin violating on the spleen and stomach ,leading to the disorder of Qi ,the body fluid ,and the nourishment is the core pathogenesis of Sjogren's syndrome which runs through the whole course of the disease.In the treatment ,my tutor uses resolving turbid and eliminating toxin method as the basic way ,follows the regular of disease development ,grasps the main pathogenesis of each stage and keeps the core pathogenesis in mind ,takes the deficiency and excess as the outline ,focuses on spleen and stomach ,uses methods of eliminating toxin ,moving Qi ,dispelling dampness ,clearing heat ,dispelling stasis and nourishing Yin ,combines the disease and syndrome ,uses the method of syndrome differentiation ,the treatment effect is remarkable.At the end of the article ,typical case is used for reference.㊀㊀Key words :Sjogren's syndrome ;Core pathogenesis ;Spleen and stomach ;Turbid toxin theory ;WANG Yan-gang❋基金项目:河北省临床医学优秀人才培养和基础课题研究项目(361025)-基于浊毒理论对慢性萎缩性胃炎癌变预警及其机制研究作者简介:郝新宇(1990-),女,河北石家庄人,在读博士研究生,从事中西医结合临床与基础研究㊂ә通讯作者:王彦刚(1967-),男,教授,主任医师,博士研究生,从事中西医结合临床与基础研究,Tel :*************,E-mail :piwei001@ ㊂㊀㊀干燥综合征(sjogren s syndrome ,SS )是一种主要累及外分泌腺功能的慢性炎症性自身免疫病,以唾液腺和泪腺受损㊁功能下降而出现的口干㊁眼干为主要表现,同时可累及其他组织器官,表现出皮肤干燥㊁关节疼痛㊁乏力㊁低热等全身症状㊂西医学主要采用糖皮质激素和免疫调节剂治疗[1],但其不良反应较大且疗效未得到普遍认可㊂中医学根据证候将此病归为 燥证 虚劳 渴证 等病证范畴,且在治疗本病能显著改善症状,控制延缓病情进展,提高患者的生活质量,存在一定优势[2-3]㊂王彦刚教授在治疗疑难杂症方面积累了丰富的临床经验㊂同时总结前人经验,结合临床实践,在各种病机理论基础上系统总结,提出 核心病机观 理论,其认为干燥综合征的核心病机为浊毒阻滞中焦,致机体失调诸症由生,治疗上从 浊毒 立论进行辨治,疗效显著㊂现笔者将王彦刚治疗干燥综合征经验总结如下㊂1㊀诸症丛生,责之脾胃,浊毒致病,核心病机王彦刚通过多年的临床实践,在各种病机理论基础上,将哲学理论与中医学理论相结合,提出 核心病机观 理论,认为在疾病的发生㊁发展㊁演变过程中,必定存在一种贯穿疾病始末㊁起决定作用的 基本矛盾 ,是疾病的本质所在,即 核心病机 ㊂而在疾病发展各阶段,常出现不同于核心病机的其他病机,是疾病某一阶段的 主要矛盾 ,即疾病当前所处阶段的主要病机,因此核心病机是推动整个疾病发生发展的内在因素,主要病机则决定了疾病各阶段的表现㊂故在治疗上需抓住疾病某一阶段的主要病机,同时不忘顾及疾病的本质原因,标本兼顾,辨证施治㊂王彦刚在浊毒理论[4]的基础上进行发挥,认为 浊毒 为滞㊁湿㊁热㊁瘀㊁毒[5]等诸邪胶结不解而成,故其认为SS 核心病机为浊毒侵犯中焦脾胃,气机升降失常,津液输布失司,机体失养以致病,851中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年1月第27卷第1期January 2021Vol.27.No.1同时气机不畅㊁气血津液阻滞或运行无力,不能将代谢产物及时排出,蕴积体内以致浊毒内生,浊毒日久,灼伤阴液,从而出现SS典型症状,如眼干㊁口干㊁鼻干,以及全身症状如身痒㊁乏力㊁肢体麻木㊁肌肉疼痛等症状㊂1.1㊀眼㊁口㊁鼻㊁唇干燥脾在窍为口,其华在唇㊂‘灵枢㊃五阅五使“曰: 口唇者,脾之官也 ,同时脾在液为涎, 涎出于脾而溢于胃 ,故若浊毒侵袭中焦,脾胃失健,津液乏源,化生不足,或浊毒日久,多从热化,伤气耗血,灼伤阴液,致阴液亏虚,则见口干㊁唇干㊁舌燥;脾主升清,输布水谷精微与津液濡养全身,若脾主升清功能异常,津液不得上承,则目鼻失养,见眼干㊁鼻干㊂1.2㊀周身乏力㊁肌肤干涩㊁身痒脾胃为气机升降之枢纽,脾主运化,胃主受纳,二者密切合作,维持饮食物的消化及精微㊁津液的传输,机体得以滋养㊂若浊毒外袭或机体失调,浊毒内生,损伤脾胃,脾失健运,胃失和降,气血津液生化乏源,输布失常,机体营养不足则见周身乏力;气血津液不足,一则不能濡养滋润肌肤,二则津伤化燥,燥盛则干,故见肌肤干涩㊁身痒等㊂1.3㊀肌肉疼痛㊁肢体麻木脾在体合肉主四肢,全身肌肉的壮实丰满,有赖于脾胃运化的水谷精微及津液的滋养濡润㊂正如‘素问㊃五脏生成篇“所云: 脾主运化水谷之精,以生养肌肉,故主肉㊂ 若浊毒阻滞中焦气机,脾胃升降失常,水谷精微的生成与输布障碍,肌肉失于营养滋润,不荣不通则痛,可见肌肉软弱无力㊁疼痛㊂四肢同样需要脾胃运化的水谷精微和津液滋养,以维持正常的生理功能㊂‘素问㊃太阴阳明论篇“云: 四肢皆禀气于胃,而不得至经,必因于脾,乃得禀也㊂ 故若脾失健运,不能为胃行其津液,四肢不得水谷之气濡养,则脉道不利,肢体麻木㊂2 浊毒立论,辨证施治基于核心病机观理论㊁SS的临床表现及与脾胃的生理病理关系,王彦刚认为SS的治疗应以化浊解毒为基本大法,遵循疾病发展之规律,抓住主要病机,不忘核心病机,以虚实为纲,着眼于脾胃,以解毒㊁行气㊁祛湿㊁清热㊁祛瘀㊁滋阴等法辨证施治㊂2.1㊀化浊解毒以清胃腑2.1.1㊀清热祛湿以截浊毒之源㊀浊毒因水湿代谢失常凝而成浊,蕴结日久化热而成[6],故当以清热祛湿治法,截断浊毒生成之源泉㊂王彦刚常用黄芩㊁黄连以清热燥湿㊁泻火解毒,用于清中焦湿热;当SS患者出现身痒时,常用苦参㊁白鲜皮㊁地肤子同用,既可清热燥湿㊁除脾胃之湿热,又可止痒以对症治疗;若湿浊较重,症见肢体困重,常用藿香㊁佩兰㊁苍术以燥湿健脾,用于湿阻中焦之证;砂仁为 醒脾调胃之要药 ,既可化湿醒脾又可行气,故王彦刚常用此药治疗脾胃气滞及湿阻中焦证,症见胃脘胀痛㊁大便黏腻不爽等,同时湿和痰常兼夹出现,若患者因胃气上逆出现恶心呕吐㊁头目眩晕等,常用半夏㊁旋覆花燥湿化痰㊁降逆止呕,若因胃热呕吐则当用竹茹清热化痰止呕㊂2.1.2㊀行气导滞以通浊毒之路㊀浊毒之邪易于阻滞气机,亦可随气机升降遍布全身㊂而脾胃为气机升降之枢纽,故当脾胃受邪㊁清阳不升㊁浊阴不降,以致气机升降失调,邪无以出路,积聚体内而致病,故需用行气导滞之药通胃腑㊁畅气机,给邪以出路㊂王彦刚常用陈皮㊁青皮以行气导滞㊁健脾和中,用于偏中焦寒湿之气滞;香橼㊁佛手气香醒脾,辛行苦泄,入脾胃以行气宽中,常用于SS患者出现脘腹胀痛之症状;枳实㊁厚朴同用,二者皆入脾胃经,辛行苦降,既能燥湿消痰又可下气除满,常用于食积气滞;SS患者除典型症状外,常表现出抑郁㊁胁痛㊁不思饮食等症状,故王彦刚常用甘松以芳香行气㊁开郁醒脾㊂‘本草纲目“记载: 甘松,芳香,能开脾郁,少加入脾胃药中,甚醒脾气㊂2.1.3㊀解毒消瘀以化浊毒之物㊀浊毒停滞体内,阻碍气机运行,气不行血则血液瘀滞致血瘀,故浊毒致病常形成瘀血之病理产物㊂‘血证论“中曰: 有瘀血,则气为血阻,不得上升,水津因不得随气上升 ,故当瘀血内停㊁气机受阻,以致津液不能正常输布,除出现SS典型症状眼干㊁口舌干燥㊁口渴等症状外,还常常伴有胃脘部疼痛不适及肌肤甲错㊁面色晦暗㊁舌有瘀点瘀斑等症状,故王彦刚采用活血祛瘀之药,如川芎㊁姜黄㊁郁金㊁延胡索等,既能活血祛瘀又能行气止痛,且延胡索能行血中气滞,气中血滞,专治一身上下诸痛,为活血化气第一要药,诸药合用旨在祛瘀血㊁畅气机㊁通津液㊁养机体;若热毒较深,SS患者可见紫癜㊁荨麻疹㊁结节红斑等血管病变[7],则常用板蓝根㊁青黛以凉血消斑,蒲公英㊁败酱草清热解毒㊁泄降滞气,同时对于解毒除湿效果显著㊂2.2㊀滋阴益气以健脾胃浊毒日久,灼伤阴液,深入脏腑,耗气伤津,导致阴液亏虚㊁正气亏损,以致SS疾病后期病性由实转虚或虚实夹杂㊂在诊治过程中需结合八纲辨证及脏腑辨证,根据证候表现综合考量㊂阴虚津伤是SS后期的主要病机,表现为眼干无泪㊁口唇干燥㊁皮肤干枯㊁舌有裂纹等,故治疗当滋阴生津为主,并着眼于脏腑,既要滋补脾胃之阴以复津液生化之源,又要顾及久病伤肝肾之阴,故王彦刚常选用北沙参㊁麦冬㊁石斛㊁玉竹以养阴益胃生津,此药皆入胃经,可养胃阴㊁清胃热,对于胃阴虚有热之口干多饮㊁大便干结㊁舌红少津效果尤甚㊂同时不忘滋肝肾之阴以护先天之气,故常选用入肝肾经之药枸杞子㊁女贞子㊁旱莲草㊁桑葚以滋补肝肾㊁生津润燥㊂病久则耗气,正气9512021年1月第27卷第1期January2021Vol.27.No.1㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine虚弱,邪气可干,故亦当调护脏腑之气,尤重护脾胃之气㊂若SS患者兼见气短懒言㊁神疲倦怠㊁嗳气㊁面色萎黄㊁食少等,当以黄芪㊁白术㊁山药益气健脾㊂‘医学衷中参西录“记载: 黄芪能补气,兼能升气 ,白术为 脾脏补气健脾第一要药 ㊂‘神农本草经“云: 山药,补中,益气力,长肌肉 ㊂故此三者配伍使用,旨在调护后天之气,使水谷精微生化有源,气血津液输布畅达㊂3 典型病案王某,女,70岁,2017年1月21日初诊:主诉口眼干燥㊁皮肤瘙痒伴肢体麻木6个月,加重1个月㊂患者半年前感到口眼干燥,皮肤瘙痒,口渴欲饮,伴有肢体麻木㊁肌肉疼痛等症状㊂曾于某医院查抗核抗体谱抗SSA㊁抗dsDNA抗体阳性,行腮腺造影㊁唇腺活检等,确诊为干燥综合征㊂电子胃镜示慢性萎缩性胃炎㊂间断服用药物治疗病情改善不明显,后因症状加重就诊于本院㊂刻见口眼干燥,舌干辣,皮肤瘙痒,烧心,反酸,夜间肢体麻木,肌肉疼痛,脐上及下肢发凉,大便干燥,小便尚可,舌紫暗,苔黄腻,脉弦㊂中医诊断燥痹,治宜化浊解毒㊁养阴生津㊂处方:茵陈15g,黄芩12g,黄连12g,栀子12g,知母15g,生石膏30g,生大黄9g,玉竹10g,玄参20g,地肤子15g,白鲜皮15g,石斛9g,赤芍15g,蒲公英30g,海螵蛸15g,枳实15g,厚朴15g,瓦楞粉30 g,元明粉3g,焦槟榔15g,每日1剂,水煎服,分早晚2次温服㊂服药半个月后复诊,口眼干燥,舌干辣症状较前缓解,身痒不明显,肢体麻木较前改善,偶烧心,遂守原方,随症加减,继服6个月,口眼干燥㊁身痒㊁肢体麻木疼痛等症状基本消除,随访半年病情稳定㊂按语:患者以口眼干燥㊁皮肤瘙痒伴肢体麻木为主诉就诊,根据症状㊁舌脉及西医诊断,辨证属浊毒内蕴证㊂浊毒侵犯中焦脾胃,脾胃气机升降失常,气血生化乏源,水谷精微及津液输布障碍,机体失于濡养,出现口眼干燥㊁舌干㊁身痒㊁四肢麻木㊁肌肉疼痛等症状㊂同时浊毒侵犯,胃腑受损,胃失滋养,胃液减少,腺体萎缩,故SS患者常呈现慢性萎缩性胃炎及相关症状㊂浊毒内蕴日久,胃络瘀阻,阳气不能随血液输布于下肢及胃部,故见脐上及双下肢发凉,以黄芩㊁黄连㊁蒲公英化浊解毒共为君药;茵陈㊁栀子清利湿热;石膏㊁知母清热泻火,且知母清润兼备,能滋阴润燥;枳实㊁厚朴㊁焦槟榔行气消积,通降胃腑之气共为臣药;佐以玉竹㊁玄参㊁石斛养阴益胃生津滋养机体,同时防苦寒之药伤及脾胃;生大黄㊁元明粉通腑泄浊,给邪以出路;赤芍清热散瘀;地肤子㊁白鲜皮清热燥湿止痒;海螵蛸㊁瓦楞粉抑酸以对症治疗㊂全方攻补兼施,清润并用,气阴兼顾,补中有通,临床疗效显著㊂参考文献:[1]㊀赵福涛,周曾同,沈雪敏,等.原发性干燥综合征多学科诊治建议[J].老年医学与保健,2019,25(1):7-10.[2]㊀黄钰婷,汲泓.从中医五脏理论论治干燥综合征[J].现代医学与健康研究电子杂志,2018,2(16):132-134.[3]㊀姜兆荣,于静,金明秀.金明秀教授从 燥毒瘀血津枯 辨治干燥综合征的经验[J].时珍国医国药,2015,26(3):716-717. 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[6]㊀王彦刚,田雪娇,李佃贵,等.李佃贵治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎用药规律研究[J].中国中医基础医学杂志,2017,23(5):702-705.[7]㊀L.HERETIU,D.PREDEEANU.Sicca to Lymphoma:SjogrenSyndrome[J].Open Journal of Rheumatology and AutoimmuneDiseases,2013,3(1):26-30.收稿日期:2020-05-16(上接第123页)说“: 尝见一医方开小草,市人不知为远志之苗,而用甘草之细小者㊂又有一医方开蜀漆,市人不知为常山之苗,而另加干漆者㊂凡此之类,如写玉竹为萎蕤,乳香为薰陆,天麻为独摇草,人乳为蟠桃酒,鸽粪为左蟠龙,灶心土为伏龙肝者,不胜枚举㊂ 现代许多医生也常用此法处方保密,古今一致㊂保密 都会留下一些线索㊂裴松之借‘华佗别传“透露: 青黏者,一名地节,一名黄芝,主理五脏,益精气 ㊂据此才有 青蓁 凡蔽之草 凡薮之草 青菾 等线索,先贤洞悉青黏玄机,但看破未说破;叶天士破解漆叶为豺漆,使人知其然;李维贤的考证又点明因何名豺漆,使人知其所以然,都为考证提供了线索与证据㊂参考文献:[1]㊀刘自忠.华佗所传漆叶青黏散考辨[J].浙江中医杂志,1999,34(12):531-532.[2]㊀李永海,熊昌栋.漆叶青黏散治疗慢性腹泻200例[J].湖北中医杂志,1994,16(1):26.[3]㊀程从容,郭泉.古方漆叶青黏散中的青黏之考证[J].基层中药杂志,2001,15(1):48.[4]㊀江苏新医学院.中药大辞典[M].上海:上海科技出版社,1986.[5]㊀王明.新编诸子集成㊃抱朴子内篇校释[M].北京:中华书局,1980.[6]㊀吴征镒,王锦秀,汤彦承.胡麻是亚麻非脂麻辨 兼论中草药名称混乱的根源和‘神农本草经“的成书年代及作者[M].植物分类学报,2007,45(4):458-472.[7]㊀李维贤,曹先兰.古代药用五加品种的探讨[J].新中医,1984(4):55-57.[8]㊀李维贤,曹先兰.古代药用五加品种的探讨(一)[J].自然资源研究,1983(2):31-34.[9]㊀祝之友.青蘘临床注意事项[J].中国中医药现代远程教育,2019,17(6):62.收稿日期:2020-05-23061中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年1月第27卷第1期January2021Vol.27.No.1。
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WHO Model Formulary for ChildrenBased on the Second Model List of Essential Medicines for Children 2009世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准目录WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:WHO model formulary for children 2010.Based on the second model list of essential medicines for children 2009.1.Essential drugs.2.Formularies.3.Pharmaceutical preparations.4.Child.5.Drug utilization. I.World Health Organization.ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (NLM classification: QV 55)世界卫生组织实验室出版数据目录:世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准处方集1.基本药物 2.处方一览表 3.药品制备 4儿童 5.药物ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (美国国立医学图书馆分类:QV55)World Health Organization 2010All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained fromWHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: ******************). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the aboveaddress(fax:+41227914806;e-mail:*******************).世界卫生组织2010版权所有。
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中华人 民共和国科 学技术部批准、 中国分析测试 协会与国药励 展展览有限责任公司共 同主办的 20 ’ 0 6 生命科学仪器 与应用学术报告会暨展览会
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过, 问过读者需要听什么 内容报告, 甚至可以自己 提出报告题 目。 有关这次交流会 的准备。作情况 I = 目前正在筹备之 中, 进一步详情我们会发通知给
你 们 , 同时 也希 望 你 们 能参 加 本会 。
圾 、污水处 理厂 的淤 泥 、果汁 加工 厂 的果皮 、酒
精生产厂的废液等都得到有效的利用, 变成农业 生产上的有机复合肥 。 目前该项 目已经进入建厂
肥厂, 变废 为宝 。 解 了 困扰 该 区 的城市 生活垃 破
8 化学试剂市场 信息平台建设与市场分 . 析 …… … … …… … … … …… … …… …… 国药集
团化学 试剂 有 限公 司 总经 理 张 明 9 , 产 学 研 相 结 合 , 发 展 化 学 试
剂 … …… … …… 广 州化 学 试剂 厂 厂 长须英俊 为这 些 专 题 报 告 事 宜 我们 也 发通 知 调 查
20 06年生命科 学仪器与应用技术学术报告 会暨展示会新闻发布会 已在京召开。《 健康报》 、
我 国 化 学 试 剂 “ 一 五 ” 发 展 探 十
讨…………………科技部条财 司张渝英处长
《 科技 日报》 《 、 化学试剂》 《 、 药物分析杂志》 等
韩国科学院地质研究所用 当地很普遍的矿 石, 生产天然颜料, 以生产 出各种颜色。 可 用于外
安慰剂检验 引用文献
关于安慰剂检验的相关文献有很多,以下是一些引用的文献:1. Hróbjartsson A, Gøtzsche PC. Is the placebo powerless? An analysis of clinical trials comparing placebo with no treatment. N Engl J Med. 2001;344(21):1594-1602.2. Miller FG, Colloca L. The placebo phenomenon and medical ethics: rethinking the relationship between informed consent and risk-benefit assessment. Theor Med Bioeth. 2011;32(4):229-243.3. Finniss DG, Kaptchuk TJ, Miller F, Benedetti F. Biological, clinical, and ethical advances of placebo effects. Lancet. 2010;375(9715):686-695.4. Howick J, Friedemann C, Tsakok M, Watson R, Tsakok T, Thomas J, et al. Are treatments more effective than placebos? A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013;8(5):e62599.这些文献涵盖了安慰剂检验在临床试验中的应用、安慰剂效应与医学伦理学的关系、安慰剂效应的生物学、临床和伦理学方面的进展,以及安慰剂在治疗中的实际效果等方面的研究成果。
林 玉萍 , 爱 霞 , 巩 吕洁 英 (4 4)
根据 P A预测血浆 置换治疗重型肝炎高胆红素血症的疗效 T
… … … … … … … … …
中医科 中风病患者 医院感染 调查分 析
… … … … … … … … …
周激 扬, 刘淑梅 , 雪蕾, 4 ) 李 等(6 刘 坤, 李有信 , 蛄 , 4 ) 冯 等(8
巨细胞病毒 感染 与冠心病急性心肌梗死及其患者
… … … … … … … … …
杰, 国庆 , 周 鹿翠香 , 3 ) 等(9
刘大男, 李金生 , 方
颖, 18 等(0 )
微波治疗慢性宫颈炎的临床研究 …………… … 蒙二虎(2 4) 重症监护室留置导管患者医院感 染调查研究
… … … … … … … … …
血清一 腹水清蛋白浓度梯度与腹水胆 固醇在腹水鉴别
诊断中的意义 …………… 唐世 刚, 杨兵厂 , 莉 () 刘 9
林伟 良, 刘文虎 , 冉行 , (9 ) 徐 等 2 8
血 清 I 一1 L 8与 一1 O在慢性丙 型肝炎发病 中作 用的 临床研究 …………… 贾红宇 , 吉芳, 林福 , (0 ) 盛 周 等 3 3 重 型肝炎患者血清细胞 因子 的变化及其 临床意义
孙顺 平 , 杨双 旺, 赵伯成 , 1) 等( 4
唾 液酸酶法校正和 区分细菌性 阴道病病原菌形态研究
… … … … … … … … …
异 常妊娠者 阴道加德 纳菌和解脲脲原体 D NA检测 结果分 析 …… …………… 张雅英 , 黄瑞萍 , 吴 贤( 7 1) 连续 3年医院感染 现患率调查报告
陈 日荣, 惠冰 , 李 周美容 (0 ) 2 6
械 、医院设备 、康复保健器材。 本届 医博会共有 4 个 国内展团参展 ,分别 由包括台湾在 5
政 府官员 、医学 院校 、技 术人员等 专业人 员 ,其专业化程度
得 到了与会者 的一致 高度评价 。其 中专业 观众来源最多 的是 管理类 和采 购类 观众 ,占相对 比例 的 7 %1 上 ,证明 了这是 0 3 3  ̄
面积 超 过 8 平 方 米 , 比上 届 展 会 增 加 5 0 米 ,为 历 届 展 万 0 0平
医疗市场带来 了更 多的新 产品 ,也为 国内的商业 伙伴带来 了 新 的合作契机与思路。 医博会 的观众主要 来 自医院 、医疗 器械采 购 、经 销商 、
会之首 ,增势强劲 。本届医博会参展企业有 2 0 0 0余家 ,参展
亚太 地 区最 大 的 医疗 器 械 及 相 关 产 品 、服 务 展 览 会
医博会经历 了一个不断创新 ,不断 自我完善 的过程 。 目 前 已步人 了一个 良性 的发展轨道 ,无论是 在 国内还是 国际医 疗器 械业 界 ,医博会 的知名 度 、专业性 、影响力 、辐射力 以
及 自身的品牌 化建设都一如 它所服务 的医疗器械产业一样 地
春季博 览会暨第二届中国国际医疗器械设备与制造技术
会 在雄牡 的鼓点声中开幕:
出席开幕式的领导嘉宾有:国家食品药品监督管理 局长张敬礼先生 .国家食品药品监督管理局医疗器械司 张志军 先生 、国家食品药品监督管理局市场监督 司副司 长生先生、中国人 民解放军总后勤部卫生部器械局局长 茎先生、广东省食 品药品监督管理局局长陈元胜先生、 市人民政府副市长陈应春先生 、深圳市贸易工业 局局 长 为先生 、深圳市 食品药品监督管理局局长益镇强先生 、 市食品药品监督 管理局副局长王夏娜女士 、深圳市卫生 局长许四麓先生 、 、 l 贸易工业局副局长叶健德先 1 市
医疗器械临床试验统计学问题分析医疗器械临床试验统计学问题分析一、引言1.1 背景介绍1.2 研究目的1.3 研究问题二、研究设计2.1 试验设计2.2 研究样本2.3 数据收集方法三、数据分析3.1 数据清理和验证3.2 描述统计3.3 探索性数据分析3.4 假设检验3.5 方差分析3.6 相关分析3.7 回归分析3.8非参数检验3.9信度和效度分析四、结果解释4.1 假设检验结果解释4.2 相关分析结果解释4.3 回归分析结果解释4.4 非参数检验结果解释4.5 信度和效度分析结果解释4.6 结果的临床意义分析五、讨论与结论5.1 结果讨论5.2 患者安全与伦理问题5.3 结论六、附件6.1 数据收集工具6.2 数据清理记录6.3 分析结果表格本文涉及的法律名词及注释:1:伦理委员会:指负责审查和监督临床试验伦理与合规性的组织或机构,确保试验符合伦理要求和法规。
议 [J],
2.2006中医药国际科技博览会即将于蓉城揭幕 [J], 无
3.2006年中国医药科技十大新闻 [J],
4.2006中国医药科技大会-心脑血管病防治医药保健品及医疗器械专题科技会、2006中国医药科技博览会-心脑血管病防治医药保健品及医疗器械专题展览会 [J],
5.2006年中国医药科技十大新闻揭晓 [J],
2006(B) PPT
结论:我们用SPSS模拟的曲线拟合图,从直观上和统计检验 指标上,可以看出拟合及预测的效果较为理想。 通过两种指标含量的模型可以很容易的预测该种疗 法在继续治疗的效果,即只需带入相应的时间值(以周为 单位),利用模型就可以求解。同时通过图形我们可以很明 显看出,大约在第二十七周左右CD4细胞计数出现了一个曲 线峰值,即CD4细胞计数在第二十七周以后出现了明显的滑 坡,从图形可以理解为,该疗法在第二十七周以后在人体的 作用开始大幅减弱,可以认为应该停止用药。同时观察HIV的 浓度变化也可以认为支持了这一观点,即此时HIV浓度几乎达 到最低点。同时根据在现行医疗行业的经验,大都是以CD4 细胞计数来预测艾滋病的病况,在此我们也遵循这一原则, 认为在这种问题上以观察CD4细胞计数为准,同时兼顾HIV和 艾滋病的药价成本问题,我们认为在第二十七周左右应该停 止用药。
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clear clc tic cd4date=[0 3 8 24 40]; temps=[161 220 316 645 451]; h=0:40; t=interp1(cd4date,temps,h,'spline') T=round(t); T' plot(cd4date,temps,'+',h,t,cd4date,temps,'r:') xlabel('date'),ylabel('cd4date') toc
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Clinical Trials Expo 2006 Posters and DemonstrationsAbstractsSponsored byClinical Trials Working Group American Medical Informatics AssociationMonday, November 13, 20065:15 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.Innovation and Information CenterHilton Washington & TowersWashington, DCAMIA Clinical Trials Expo 2006Categories of topics for CTExpo submissions (demonstrations or posters) •Clinical trial protocol authoring and management tools•Multi-center trial infrastructure•Practice-based research networks; Interoperability strategies (messaging, vocabularies, ontologies, etc.)•Recruitment for clinical research•Sharing clinical research data (clinical trial registries, etc)•User tools: collecting and storing data (usability, databases, etc)•Secondary use of clinical data for research (health services research, outcomes research)Members of the CTExpo Review CommitteeJudith R. Logan, MD, MS – ChairAssociate Professor, Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical EpidemiologyOregon Health & Science UniversityPeter Embi, MD, MS; Assistant Professor, General Internal MedicineUniversity of CincinnatiStan Kaufman, MD; President, EpimetricsPhilip R.O. Payne, M. Phil; PhD Candidate, Department of Biomedical Informatics;Columbia University2006 Officers of the AMIA Clinical Trials Working Group Charles E. Barr, MD, MPH, ChairTherapeutic Area Director, Roche Laboratories Inc.Stan Kaufman, MD, Chair-ElectPresident, EpimetricsJudith R. Logan, MD, MS, SecretaryAssociate Professor, Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical EpidemiologyOregon Health & Science UniversityTABLE OF CONTENTS1. Protocol Tracker – An open source toolkit for building Clinical Trials Management Systems (4)2. The Clinical Research Management System (5)3. Towards Semantic Interoperability in a Clinical Trials ManagementSystem (6)4. The World Health Organization's International Clinical Trials RegistryPlatform (7)5. The Trial Bank Project (8)6. CALAEGS: City of Hope Laboratory Adverse Event Grading System (9)7. Clinical research workflow in community practice settings and the role of Information Technology (10)8. OpenClinica 2.0 - Using Open Source in Clinical Research (11)9. Secondary Use of Health Data to Support Evidence-Based Study Design (12)10. A Contact Registry for Persons with Rare Diseases: A Tool for Recruitingand Retaining (13)11. An Infrastructure for Conducting Clinical Trials in Primary Care (14)12. Using Ontology Reasoning to Match Electronic Patient Records to Clinical Trials (15)13. A Web Database Facilitating Quality Improvement of Inpatient Glycemic Control (16)14. Automated Sharing of Workflows (17)15. The PEN is Mightier Than the Sword: Applications of Consumer Health Informatics to Patients with Autoimmune Diseases (18)1. Protocol Tracker – An open source toolkit for building Clinical TrialsManagement Systems.Presenter: Robert Dennis, Director, Computing Technologies Research LabOrganization: David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLAContact: rdennis@; phone: 310-206-2462; FAX: 310-267-5253Topics: Clinical trial protocol authoring and management tools; Multi-center trial infrastructure; User tools: collecting and storing dataOther authors: Khy Huang, Jeff Wang, Jianming He, Alan G. Robinson, M.D.ABSTRACTProtocol Tracker (pTracker) is a toolkit for building clinical trials management systems implemented within the OpenACS (Open Architecture Community System) framework. OpenACS is an open source web application framework. The OpenACS has a dedicated international community of users and contributors, and the software has been used as the basis of some of the busiest web sites.Our poster and demonstration will present pTracker in context of three specific current clinical trials: the Inter-SPORE Prostate Biomarker Study (IPBS), and two separate clinical trials within the Microbicide Development Program (MDP). IPBS is a prospective study involving all 11 NCI supported Prostate SPORE sites. A total of 700 newly diagnosed patients with prostate cancer will be recruited from across the 11 sites to provide tissue and blood samples prior to primary treatment and 5 years of follow-up information. MDP is a multi-project, multi-center collaborative program with the NIH (U-19) to develop an effective rectal microbicide. The context is HIV-AIDS prevention research. Two of the three projects within the MDP involve clinical trials. In addition, our poster will provide an overview of the same pTracker tools used to develop the patient management system supporting the California state-sponsored Improving Access, Counseling, and Treatment (IMPACT) for Californians with prostate cancer, and the Patient Reported Outcomes of Complimentary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine (PROCAIM) system. PROCAIM is a self-registered longitudinal study focused on patients and the interactions with physicians in the general field of alternative, integrative and complimentary medicine.PTracker consists of three main components: a flexible (case report) form builder, a general workflow engine, and a subject management module. Our form builder is a mature question engine that supports complex page flow, logic, and reporting. The pTracker workflow engine is a customization of the basic finite state machine workflow package in the OpenACS. A workflow defines the states and the actions that move subjects through states (transitions). The subject manager is essentially a roster or registry of patients or objects associated to a study within pTracker. Subjects are what are moved through a workflow. Subjects are OpenACS objects. Normally subjects are human patients that move through a well-define workflow (i.e., a protocol). However, in the IPBS one workflow models the handling and inventory of biological specimens at each SPORE site, and so the objects are actually packages of tissues slides and serum vials from many patients that are periodically sent to a central pathology core for later distribution to the biomarker investigators. Support for the development of pTracker has come in part from Dr Alan G. Robinson’s Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems grant from the National Library of Medicine (NLM grant number G08-LM-7851).2. The Clinical Research Management SystemPresenter: Allen Tien, CEO and Research DirectorOrganization: Medical Decision Logic, Inc.Contact: allentien@, phone: 410-262-7869Topics: Clinical trial protocol authoring and management tools; Multi-center trial infrastructure; Interoperability strategies; Recruitment for clinical research; Sharing clinical research data; User tools: collecting and storing data; Secondary use of clinical data for researchOther authors: Steven Beales, Geoff Ott, Alexandra LoveABSTRACTThe Clinical Research Management System (CRMS) is a browser-based Web application with a rich, interactive, user-friendly interface based on Ajax. The CRMS data model builds upon CDISC, HL7 and caBIG models and standards. Developed with an iterative, user-centered design process, the CRMS closely matches research workflow processes and needs. The Subject Registry module handles many research administrative tasks, including eligibility assessment, consent tracking, enrollment, IRB documentation, and reporting. The Protocol Schema module provides a graphical interface and integrated domain specific language (DSL) for building an executable representation of protocol workflow; a dynamic temporal constraint logic engine supports adaptive scheduling. This module also tracks research procedures for billing compliance. The CRMS is easy to configure for a specific protocol. In testing, research staff implemented oncology clinical trial protocols in under eight hours. The CRMS has been deployed at 2 major university research hospitals. Ongoing development will address areas such as tissue banking, adverse events, case report forms, the protocol development process, budgeting, and most generally, knowledge representation, translation, and clinical integration.3. Towards Semantic Interoperability in a Clinical Trials ManagementSystemPresenter: Ravi Shankar, Research StaffOrganization: Stanford UniversityContact: rshankar@, phone: (650) 724-9933, FAX: (650) 725-7944Topics: Clinical trial protocol authoring and management tools; Interoperability strategies Other authors: Susana Martins, Martin O'Connor, Amar Das, Dave ParrishABSTRACTThe lifecycle management of a complex clinical trial typically involves multiple applications facilitating activities such as trial design specification, clinical sites management, laboratory management, and participants tracking. The lack of common nomenclature among the different sources of the tracking information and the unreliable nature of the data generation can lead to significant operational and maintenance challenges. The applications support different but related aspects of a clinical trial, and require clinical trial data flow and knowledge exchange between the applications. Thus, there is a strong impetus to integrate these diverse applications at syntactic, structural and semantic levels so as to improve clarity, consistency and correctness in specifying clinical trials, and in acquiring and analyzing clinical data.We present Epoch, a knowledge-based approach to support a suite of clinical trial management applications. We are adapting this approach to the Immune Tolerance Network (ITN; ), an international consortium that aims to accelerate the development of immune tolerance therapies through clinical trials and integrated mechanistic (biological) studies. The ITN is involved in planning, developing and conducting clinical trials in autoimmune diseases, islet, kidney and liver transplantation, allergy and asthma, and operates more than a dozen core facilities that conduct bioassay services. At the core of our framework is a suite of ontologies that conceptualizes the clinical trial domain. The ontologies along with semantic inferences and rules provide a common protocol definition for the applications to use to interoperate semantically. We use Protégé, a knowledge-acquisition tool, and emerging semantic technologies such as OWL and SWRL languages to build the Epoch ontologies and to encode ITN clinical trials using these ontologies. In this presentation, we will also illustrate the use of the Epoch framework in supporting the semantic interoperability of a subset of the clinical trial management applications to support specimen tracking.4. The World Health Organization's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform Presenter: Ida Sim, Project CoordinatorOrganization: World Health OrganizationContact:, phone: 415-502-4519, FAX: 415-476-7964Topic: Sharing clinical research dataOther authors: An-Wen Chan, Patrick Unterlerchner, Ghassan Karam, A. Metin Gulmezoglu, Tikki PangABSTRACTSelective reporting of clinical trial results is known to be widespread, and recent high-profile cases have demonstrated the potential impact of suppressing negative findings in healthcare. In order to restore public trust in clinical research, it is clear that transparency and accountability must be strengthened through trial registration and results reporting on public electronic databases.The World Health Organization (WHO) established the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform in August 2005 with the primary objective of ensuring that all clinical trials worldwide are uniquely identifiable through a system of public registers, and that a minimum set of results is made publicly available. This presentation will highlight the current policies and progress of the WHO Registry Platform, as well as outline the technical and practical challenges of implementing global trial registration.WHO Registry Platform policies apply to all research studies that prospectively assign humans to one or more interventions, regardless of study design or intervention type. For a trial to be considered fully registered, all 20 items in the WHO Trial Registration Data Set (Version 1.0) must be recorded in a national, regional, or international Primary Register that meets acceptable standards for content, technical capabilities, quality assurance, and administration. A WHO Search Portal to identify trials across Primary Registers will be developed to meet the needs of patients, scientists, and other healthcare workers. The WHO is now also defining a Minimum Trial Report, to be reported for every registered trial.Informatics challenges for the Registry Platform include the standardization of data fields and clinical vocabulary across international registers, the identification of duplicate registration entries and the assignment of a Universal Trial Reference Number (UTRN) to each globally unique trial, and the definition of a data interchange standard. The WHO is working with CDISC to define this interchange standard, and to test the standard with , PDQ, the Trial Bank Project, and several NIH NECTAR and CTSA projects.Finally, global compliance, oversight, and capacity building must be considered in WHO Registry Platform policies, which will be re-evaluated and refined periodically as the complex field of trial registration continues to evolve.5. The Trial Bank ProjectPresenter: Ida Sim, Associate ProfessorOrganization: University of California San FranciscoContact: ida.sim@, phone: 415-502-4519, FAX: 415-476-796Topics: Interoperability strategies; Sharing clinical research dataOther authors: Ben Olasov, Simona CariniABSTRACTRandomized controlled trials (RCTs) are a key source of evidence for medical practice. However, RCT results are published as text, which computers cannot read. Computers are therefore illiterate of the evidence they could help clinicians apply. The Trial Bank project captures over 160 unique information items about the design, execution, and results of RCTs into a structured knowledge base called RCT Bank.The Trial Bank Project encompasses work in several related grants that:1. extend the ontology of RCTs to include cluster-randomized trials, and a standard representation of eligibility rules2. work with funding agencies (VA, Canadian Institutes of Health Research) and journals (PLoS, BMJ) to capture trials into Trial Bank3. integrate trial registration and reporting into the Electronic Primary Care Research Network4. visualize and analyze HIV trials as a Driving Biological Project of the National Center for Biomedical OntologyBy capturing all the information needed for critically applying a trial to clinical care, Trial Bank explores and demonstrates the challenges and opportunities for an open-access, machine-understandable repository of RCT evidence for computer-assisted evidence-based medicine. The Trial Bank Project is the research foundation for AMIA's Global Trial Bank initiative on open data for clinical trial data reporting. It also incorporates and extends the trial registration and reporting recommendations of the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. This exhibit will access the trial-bank server at / to demonstrate: 1) Bank-a-Trial, a website for entering RCT design, execution and summary information into our trial bank with an integrated dynamic UMLS term selector; and 2) RCT Presenter, a website for searching and browsing trials in the trial bank.Items for discussion include standardization of data models for clinical trial activities, integration of RCT evidence into decision support tools at the point of care, and new models of electronic publication of science.6. CALAEGS: City of Hope Laboratory Adverse Event Grading SystemPresenter: Joyce Niland, Chair and Professor, Information SciencesOrganization: City of Hope National Medical CenterContact: jniland@, phone: 626 359-8111 x63032, FAX: 626 301-8802Topic: Clinical trial protocol authoring and management toolsOther authors: Doug Stahl, David Ko, Jennifer Neat, Jack Lee, Susan PannoniABSTRACTThe monitoring of adverse events (AEs) is a critical component of clinical trial management. The standard tool for AE grading in oncology is the Common Terminology Criteria for AE (CTCAE). A significant portion of the CTCAE grading is based on quantitative laboratory data. Under current practice, Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) transcribe laboratory results for clinical trials patients into a flowsheet, and then use these to interpret the AE grades. At City of Hope a system has been developed to automate the algorithms for grading of laboratory based AEs, greatly improving the efficiency and accuracy of detecting and assessing lab-based toxicities. This system, titled CALAEGS: City of Hope Laboratory Adverse Event Grading System, is now being ported to an open source version for distribution to any institution center requiring such decision support for AE grading.7. Clinical research workflow in community practice settings and the role of Information TechnologyPresenter: Sharib Khan, Project CoordinatorOrganization: Columbia UniversityContact: sharib.khan@, phone: 646-932-6757Topics: Practice-based research networksOther authors: Rita Kukafka, Philip RO Payne, Stephen B. Johnson, J Thomas Bigger ABSTRACTIntroduction: This pilot study was undertaken as part of the InterTrial Project to understand the clinical research workflow, the role of information technology (IT) in clinical research tasks and to identify barriers and attitudes of key stakeholders (research coordinators and principal investigators) towards increased IT adoption by community practices. The findings have informed the development of a web-based application to increase digitization of research data and processes and to improve clinical research information exchange. In addition, follow up studies are being conducted to develop a detailed workflow process models and a behavioral model to predict IT adoption by end users.Methods: Six community practices were selected for the study. Each was administered two surveys followed by a semi-structured interview and a two-hour long observation visit. Survey data was analyzed to determine the daily activities performed by research coordinators, the tools they use to complete the activities and their satisfaction with the current systems available to perform those tasks. The coordinator’s satisfaction with the current processes was also assessed. The interviews were transcribed and coded using the grounded theory methodology to identify important themes related to unmet needs and IT adoption. Observations were used to provide supplementary data.Results: Systematic analysis reveals that research coordinators are over burdened with mostly paper-based tasks leading to redundancy and inefficiency. There is a lack of appropriate systems, tools and infrastructure to support clinical research. Considerable individual, site and industry-related barriers will have to be overcome to achieve a vision of connected communities engaged in clinical research.8. OpenClinica 2.0 - Using Open Source in Clinical ResearchPresenter: Cal Collins, CEOOrganization: Akaza ResearchContact: ccollins@, phone: 617-621-8585 x 11, FAX: 617-621-0065 Topics: Multi-center trial infrastructure; Interoperability strategies; Sharing clinical research data; User tools: collecting and storing dataABSTRACTAs clinical research becomes more informatics intensive organizations are beginning to look towards open source to meet the challenges of flexibility, and interoperability, and cost. In the search for low-cost, adaptable technologies to enhance clinical and translational research, open-source software is being embraced by government, academia, and the private sector to drive and accelerate discovery. Open-source solutions are sustained by developer communities and also by commercial vendors who promote agility and choice while easing concerns about data availability, lock-in, interoperability, and regulatory compliance.OpenClinica is an open source software (OSS) platform for clinical data capture and trial management. The OpenClinica stakeholder community drives innovation, identifies priorities, and sustains rapid development while keeping the platform at low cost. Commercial backing for the platform provides functions for quality management and regulatory compliance within the framework of ICH Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines and FDA 21 CFR Part 11 regulations on electronic records.Open Source Software provides an innovative way to address many of the complex challenges of data management, compliance, and interoperability in the modern clinical research environment. OSS developed under a collaborative development model can drive the adoption of standards that can cost-effectively enable interoperability in clinical and translational research, particularly in smaller facilities. The paradigm encourages innovation, risk taking, transparency, and collaboration in development.In this poster, we look at how current OpenClinica 2.0 development activities are leading to reduced costs and driving innovation in areas such as:- Automated data exchange with other systems in the healthcare and clinical research enterprises - Efficiencies in electronic data capture (EDC) using common data element libraries, semantically harmonized domain models and vocabularies, and messaging interfaces- Improving research management and monitoring- Integration of research data across distributed heterogeneous data sources.- Collaborative community development teaming commercial, government, and academic informatics professionals developing on a common open platform- Enabling fully standards-based clinical trial management operations9. Secondary Use of Health Data to Support Evidence-Based Study DesignPresenter: Charles Barr, Therapeutic Area DirectorOrganization: Roche Laboratories IncContact: charles_e.barr@, phone: 973-562-3158Topic: Secondary use of clinical data for researchOther authors: Deborah Marshall and William CrownABSTRACTGiven the high level of investment in clinical trials, both in terms of time and expense, there has been a movement towards establishing data standards for clinical trials that has been estimated to generate considerable savings to the industry. In a similar manner, the secondary use of health data can assist in the planning and implementation of clinical trials and post-launch economic studies to increase the likelihood of successful study results, which critically affect the future of the drug product.“Real world” health data have the advantages of large sample sizes and represent a broad range of patients. For example, by applying the proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria of clinical trials to large retrospective databases, one can assess whether there are enough patients with the condition of interest to enable the trial to be conducted, the statistical power to detect differences in clinical and economic outcomes, where the patients are located geographically, and their profiles in terms of medical comorbidities, concomitant medications, demographics, and health care expenditures, expected enrollment rate and appropriate length of follow up, as well as the profile of physician specialties treating the patients. Trials that focus on the collection of health economic data present a number of unique challenges – for example, health care expenditure data tend to be highly skewed, which generally requires that health economic trials be substantially larger than efficacy trials.This session will describe the kinds of secondary health data available and how these data can be applied to expedite and enhance the planning and design of clinical and health economic research trials through simulation models. We will then discuss metrics for evaluating the impact of these data on key business processes and outcomes. Finally, we will build a business case study evaluating the potential ROI for evidence-based design of clinical and health economic research with secondary use of health data.10. A Contact Registry for Persons with Rare Diseases: A Tool for Recruiting and RetainingPresenter: Rachel Richesson, Assistant ProfessorOrganization: University of South FloridaContact: richesrl@, phone: 813-396-9522, FAX: (813) 396-9601Topic: Recruitment for clinical researchOther authors: Ken Young, Jamie Malloy, Heather Guillette, Jeffrey KrischerABSTRACTa) Objective: The Rare Disease Clinical Research Network (RDCRN) consists of 10 clinical research consortia and a central Data and Technology Coordinating Center (DTCC). The RDCRN supports many studies in diverse and rare diseases, and tools and methods that enhance recruitment and retention are particularly valuable in this network.b) Methods: The DTCC maintains a registry of patients who self-identify with a particular diagnosis and express a willingness to be contacted by the RDCRN to enroll in clinical studies. The registry is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). To protect the privacy of those in the registry, identifying information is not shared with individual investigators. Rather, RDCRN investigators use the DTCC as a vehicle to push information to potential research subjects on disease treatment updates and upcoming trials.c) Results: As of October 2006, over 2,700 individuals representing over 40 different rare diseases were enrolled in the RDCRN Contact Registry. This high number of rare disease registrants is impressive considering that the network is new, opened first research protocols to enrollment in March 2006, and has undertaken no formal marketing. Most of the registry enrollees to date joined via the Internet, although in February 2006 the RDCRN Contact Registry began allowing individuals to enroll by mail or by telephone. These individuals overwhelmingly prefer to be contacted about future studies via email (68%) versus mail (15%) or telephone (15%). This poster and demonstration will outline strategies for maintaining valid contact information and for sustaining the interest of those enrolled. Updated data on the number and characteristics of individuals registered will be presented.d) Conclusions: The Contact Registry offers a means to accumulate potential study participants and has the potential to increase participation in RDCRN studies.11. An Infrastructure for Conducting Clinical Trials in Primary CarePresenter: Stuart Speedie, ProfessorOrganization: University of MinnesotaContact: speed002@, phone: 612-624-4657, FAX: 612-6264200Topics: Clinical trial protocol authoring and management tools, Multi-center trial infrastructure, Practice-based research networks, Interoperability strategies, Recruitment for clinical research, User tools: collecting and storing dataOther authors: Theodoros N. Arvanitis, Kevin A. Peterson, Brendan Delaney, Ida Sims ABSTRACTThe electronic Primary Care Research Network (ePCRN) is an NIH Roadmap funded project designed to explore the feasibility of conducting clinical trials in the community – specifically in primary care settings. It is a collaboration of investigators from the University of Minnesota, University of Birmingham (UK), University of California, San Francisco and 12 primary care research networks across the US. These research networks consist of groups of primary care practices that have administratively organized for the purpose of conducting research studies. The ePCRN electronically links a variety of primary care practices from these research networks and facilitates secure communication with those practices. Therefore, such communication protects the privacy and confidentiality of the patient. In its present physical form, the system consists of a highly secure Citrix computing environment that requires the combined use of an RSA-based token and password for access. The ePCRN consists of three primary components: a trialist’s workbench for designing clinical trials, a clinical trials management system for conducting and managing clinical research studies and a translation system of research into practice component. The workbench allows an investigator to formulate and test eligibility criteria for feasibility by anonymously identifying the numbers of eligible patients within the practices that are members of the network. It facilitates simulation of various research designs through a similar mechanism. Once a design is finalized and approved, the same system can be used to notify the practices that specific patients are eligible for the study and should be targeted for recruitment. After a patient has been recruited and met eligibility criteria, they are enrolled in the clinical trials management system (CTMS) and proceed through the planned study under the supervision of that system. One simple trial with 100 participating physicians has been successfully conducted to test the feasibility of the system. The ePCRN project will provide the necessary infrastructure to meet the NIH Roadmap goal of expanding and extending the conduct of clinical trials into community settings, by promoting and facilitating the use of primary care research networks for that purpose.。