



5. Influence 影响 have an influence on 对……有影响 EG:TV has a bad influence on our health and mind. 看电视过多对我们的身心发展不利 【译】我的高中老师对我的人生有着重要影响。
Saxophone(萨克斯): 是以发明者的名字命名的木管 乐器,音色介于木管乐器和铜 管乐器之间。生活在十九世纪 的萨克斯先生(1814-1894) 是比利时著名的乐器生产者和 发明家。
Lute(琵琶): 琵琶是中国历史悠久的主要 弹拨乐器。琵和琶原是两种 弹奏手法的名称,琵是右手 向前弹,琶是右手向后弹。 琵琶音域广阔、演奏技巧繁 多,具有丰富的表现力。
Guitar吉他: 被称为乐器中的王子。 属于弹拨乐器,通常有六条 弦,形状与提琴相似。吉他 在流行音乐、摇滚音乐、蓝 调、民歌、费拉门戈中,常 被视为主要乐器。
手风琴声音宏大,音色变化 丰富,手指与风箱的巧妙结 合,能够演奏出多种不同风 格的乐曲,这是许多乐器无 法比拟的 (Bass) 贝斯: Bassist 是乐队中一般必不可少的乐器 之一。传统爵士乐一般都采用 原声贝司(即低音提琴)来体现 它的原始风味。而在现代爵士 乐(特别是融合爵士)中经常运 用电贝斯或电子合成器中的合 成贝摇滚,重金属等等。
POP-music Contry music Rap
Classic music Rhythm and Blues
Jazz Rock and Roll
Warming up
Name the musical instruments
Piano(钢琴):pianist 被称为乐器之王,是西洋古 典音乐中的一种键盘乐器, 由88个琴键(52个白键, 36个黑键)和金属弦音板组成。



音乐类英文单词Music - A Glossary of English Words in the Field of MusicIntroduction:Music is a universal language that transcends borders and cultures. It has the power to evoke emotions, create memories, and bring people together. In this article, we will explore a glossary of English words commonly used in the field of music. From musical genres to musical instruments, this comprehensive guide will help expand your vocabulary and enhance your understanding of the wonderful world of music.1. Genres:1.1 Pop - A popular style of music characterized by catchy melodies and accessible lyrics.1.2 Rock - A genre of music that originated in the 1950s, featuring electric guitars, drums, and powerful vocals.1.3 Classical - Music that follows a formal structure and is often performed by orchestras or chamber ensembles.1.4 Jazz - An improvisational genre of music with roots in African American communities, characterized by syncopation and swing rhythms.1.5 Hip-hop - A genre of music that emerged in the 1970s, featuring rapping and beats created using sampling and electronic instruments.2. Musical Instruments:2.1 Piano - A large keyboard instrument that produces sound by striking strings with hammers.2.2 Guitar - A stringed instrument played by plucking or strumming, featuring a flat body and a neck with frets.2.3 Violin - A bowed string instrument with four strings, played with a bow across the strings.2.4 Drum - A percussion instrument consisting of a hollow shell and a stretched membrane, producing sound when struck.2.5 Trumpet - A brass instrument with a flared bell and three valves, played by blowing air into a cup-shaped mouthpiece.3. Musical Terms:3.1 Melody - A sequence of musical notes arranged in a pleasing and memorable way.3.2 Harmony - The combination of different musical notes played together to create a rich and balanced sound.3.3 Tempo - The speed at which a piece of music is played.3.4 Dynamics - The variations in volume, ranging from soft (piano) to loud (forte).3.5 Crescendo - A gradual increase in volume.3.6 Decrescendo - A gradual decrease in volume.3.7 Chorus - A section of a song that is repeated after each verse.3.8 Solo - A musical piece or passage performed by a single musician.3.9 Bridge - A section of a song that connects two different sections together.4. Performance:4.1 Concert - A live musical performance in front of an audience.4.2 Orchestra - A large ensemble of musicians playing various instruments, typically led by a conductor.4.3 Choir - A group of singers performing together.4.4 Soloist - A musician who performs alone, often accompanied by an orchestra or band.4.5 Recital - A performance by an individual musician showcasing their skills and repertoire.Conclusion:This glossary provides a glimpse into the vast terminology used in the field of music. By familiarizing yourself with these words, you can better appreciate and engage in discussions about music. Whether you are a music enthusiast, a student or a professional musician, expanding your musical vocabulary will enable you to communicate effectively and deepen your understanding of this beautiful art form. Let the language of music inspire and connect us all.。

音乐英文简介 Music

音乐英文简介 Music

This is achieved through exploiting musical stereotypes we have all grown up with, and which have become part of our musical history, and also through repeatedly hearing the music. Discuss the powerful associations we have with the music in the following extracts: Extract 1 Extract 2 Extract 3 Extract 4

A by-product of this is where music forms a vital part of a sub-culture, (particularly for young people), where the group members listen to a similar style of music / follow a particular dress code etc. This is an important social function of music. Can you think of any subcultures based on musical taste? On the following slide are various pictures of people. On your sheet, see if you can identify what kind of music each person could be into, based purely on their style of dress!




例句:His music of that period fused the rhythms of Jazz with classical forms.他那个时期的音乐将爵士乐的韵律和古典音乐的形式融合在了一起。

一、pop music
abbr.popular music流行音乐
1、Pop music doesn't have to be trash, it can be art.

2、When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe, we lead the world.

二、jazz music
And why did the black American composers of sad jazz music call
their songs "blues"?
1、appreciate music欣赏音乐
2、compose music作曲
3、enjoy the music欣赏音乐
4、get to music配曲
5、listen to the music 听音乐。



Representatives of music 代表音乐
Like a Virgin Ray of Light Lucky Star Borderline Burning Up I Know It Holiday Think Of Me
Andy Lau
Chen Xiang
Sng EeTze 孙燕姿
Representatives of music 代表音乐
King of the Whole Wide World Return to Sender One Broken Heart for Sale Bossa Nova Baby They Remind Me Too Much of You Kissing Cousins
轻音乐,指介于古典音乐和流行音乐之间的一种通俗音乐形式。轻音乐以通俗方式诠释乐 曲,其来源可以是原创,也可以是对古典音乐、流行音乐或者民谣进行改编而成。轻音乐 一般以小型乐队加以演奏,结构简单、节奏明快、旋律优美。轻音乐可以营造温馨浪漫的 情调,带有休闲性质,因此又得名“情调音乐”(Mood Music) 轻音乐起源于一战后的英国,在20世纪中后期达到鼎盛,时至今日尚有一定影响力。
Light music is my favorite type of music, and Bandari is the god of music in my heart. Hou do you think about light music,do you like it .why or why not ?
A Your Smile 你的笑靥 B Three Times A Lady 钟爱一生 C The Daylight 曙光 A the first snowflakes(雪之梦)



歌曲分类及风格歌曲可以根据多种分类方法进行分类,在音乐界常见的分类包括:1. 音乐流派分类:- 流行音乐(Pop music):以简单易懂、易上口的曲调和歌词为主,追求商业化成功。

- 摇滚音乐(Rock music):具有强烈的电吉他、鼓点和突出的节奏感,力求表达个性和反叛。

- 嘻哈音乐(Hip-hop music):以逐字逐句的说唱和节奏为主,强调街头文化和个人表达。

- 电子音乐(Electronic music):通过电子乐器和电子音效创造出独特的音乐风格。

- 乡村音乐(Country music):以民谣和乡村民歌为基础,表现农村和牧区生活的音乐风格。

- 拉丁音乐(Latin music):以南美和加勒比地区的音乐风格为主,节奏感强烈。

- 古典音乐(Classical music):具有严谨的作曲结构和演奏技巧,通常是由管弦乐团演奏的音乐。

- 爵士音乐(Jazz music):融合了非洲音乐和欧洲音乐的元素,以即兴和复杂的和声为特点。

- 基督教音乐(Christian music):以宗教信仰和价值观为基础的音乐。

- 印度音乐(Indian music):具有独特的印度文化特色,包括印度古典音乐和印度流行音乐等。

- 世界音乐(World music):包括各种不同地区和文化的音乐风格,通常是跨文化和融合的。

2. 曲风分类:- 情歌:以表达情感和爱情为主题的歌曲。

- 舞曲:具有强烈的节奏感和舞蹈性质的歌曲。

- 摇滚:重型吉他和强烈鼓点为特色的音乐风格。

- 民谣:以独立和自然的音乐风格为主,通常使用吉他等乐器伴奏。

- 说唱:以快速的口语表达和节奏为主要特征的音乐风格。

- 流行:在当下流行的音乐风格和元素。

- 古典:具有优雅和严谨的作曲结构、演奏技巧等特征的音乐风格。

- 电子:通过合成器、电子鼓等电子设备创作的音乐风格。

- 爵士:以即兴和复杂的和声为特色的音乐风格。






在创作专辑《Ray of Light》的时候,麦当娜感觉自己就像是置身于一片安静的空间,可以有多余的时间来省思自己过去所有的经历。





music的英文歌:歌词Hey, Mr DJ put a record onI wanna dance with my babyDo you like to Boogie woogie, do you like to Boogie woogie,do you like to Boogie woogie, do you like my dancing?Hey Mr. DJ put a record on I wanna dance with my baby And when the music startsI never wanna stop, it's gonna drive me crazyMusic, musicMusic makes the people come togetherMusic mix the bourgeoisie and the rebelDon't think of yesterday and I don't look at the clockI like to boogie woogieIt's like ridin' on the wind and it never goes awayBut she's everything I'm in got to have it everydayMusic makes the people come togetherMusic mix the bourgeoisie and the rebelHey Mr. DJDo you like toBoogie woogie, do you like toBoogie woogie, do you like toBoogie woogie, do you like my dancingHey Mr. DJ put a record on I wanna dance with my babyAnd when the music startsI never wanna stop, it's gonna drive me crazy Music makes the people come togetherMusic mix the bourgeoisie and the rebelMusic makes the people come togetherMusic mix the bourgeoisie and the rebel中文嘿,DJ先生放张唱片吧我要和我的宝贝跳舞你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗还是想来点我的酸摇滚DJ先生放张唱片吧我要和我的宝贝跳舞音乐一旦响起我就停止不了一直让我舞到疯狂音乐音乐音乐音乐让大家聚在一起音乐激起了压迫与反抗别想昨天也别看时间我就想跳布吉舞感觉就像乘着风这感觉从未消失轻抚过我身边每天都要好好享受DJ先生你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗还是想来点我的酸摇滚DJ先生放张唱片吧我要和我的宝贝跳舞音乐一旦响起我就停止不了一直让我舞到疯狂嗯啊,嗯啊,嗯啊嗯啊,嗯啊,嗯啊你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗还是想来点我的酸摇滚你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗你想跳布吉舞吗还是想来点我的酸摇滚。

高考英语 必考话题分类解析 话题11 音乐(Music)(含解析)

高考英语 必考话题分类解析 话题11 音乐(Music)(含解析)





【相关词汇】话题单词1. instrument [ˈɪnstrʊmənt] n.乐器 2. folk [fəʊk] adj.民间的3. applause [əˈplɔːz] n.鼓掌欢迎4. musician [mjuːˈzɪʃ(ə)n] n.音乐家5. concert ['kɒnsәt] n. 音乐会6. perform [pəˈfɔːm] v.表演7. performance [pəˈfɔːməns] n.表演 8. classical [ˈklæsɪk(ə)l] adj.古典的9. influence [ˈɪnflʊəns] vt.影响10. record [ˈrekɔːd] vt.& vi.录音;纪录n.记录;唱片11. relaxed [rɪˈlækst]adj.放松的12. depressed [dɪˈpres]adj. 压抑的13.interpret [ɪnˈtɜːprɪt] v. 解释;说明14. honour ['ɒnә] v.尊敬;敬重15. present [ˈprez(ə)nt] v.赠送;颁发16. collection [kəˈlekʃ(ə)n] n. 收藏17. earn [ɜːn] vt. 赚钱,获得,博得18. hit [hɪt] n.成功19. appreciate [əˈpriːʃɪeɪt] v. 欣赏20. attractive [əˈtræktɪv] adj.吸引人的话题1. make contact with与……进行来往 2. all of a sudden 突然3. give life to赋予……生命(生命力,活力)4. dance to the music伴着音乐跳(一)The Language of Music音乐的语言A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it untilit is performed. Professional singers andplayers have great responsibilities, forthe composer is utterly dependent on them.A student of music needs as long and asarduous a training to become a performer asa medical student needs to become a doctor.Most training is concerned with technique,for musicians have to have the muscularproficiency of an athlete or a balletdancer. Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. String players practice moving the fingers of the left hand up and down, while drawing the bow and to and fro with the right arm –two entirely different movements. Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get every not perfectly in tune. Pianists are spared this particular anxiety, for the notes are already there, waiting for them, and it is the piano tuner’s responsibility to tune the instrument for them. But they have their own difficulties: the hammers that hit the strings have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion, and each overlapping tone has to sound clear. This problem of getting clear texture is one that confronts student conductors: they have to learn to know every note of the music and how it should sound, and they have to aim at controlling these sounds with musical knowledge and understanding. Great artists are those who are so thoroughly at home in the language of music that they can enjoy performing works written in any century.画家将已完成的作品挂在墙上,每个人都可以观赏到。



Folk music 民谣
Country music乡村音乐Light music 轻音乐Classic music古典音乐Sacred music 宗教音乐Hip-hop music嘻哈音乐Pop music 流行乐Dance music 舞曲Electronic music电子音乐Band乐队
Live concert现场音乐会Conductor乐队指挥Baton乐队指挥棒Instrument乐器
Lead singer主唱
Major key大调
Minor key 小调Orchestra管弦乐队Organist 风琴演奏者Sound effect 音响效果Tune旋律
Tuning fork 音叉
Solo concert 个人演唱会Solo独唱,独奏
Chinese lute琵琶
Electric piano电子琴Accordion手风琴Guitar吉他
Bass drum大鼓Side drum 小鼓Drum set 架子鼓Flute笛子

15《Music》 PPT教学课件 (第1课时)

15《Music》 PPT教学课件 (第1课时)

I like
best for the following reasons:
First: .
Second: .
Third: .
Fourth: .
阅读课文 THE BAND THAT WASN’T,匹配各段大意
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4
课文填空 按照课文的内容和句子结构的语法性,在空格处填入一个合适的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。
If we are honest with ourselves,most of us have dreamed of__ b_e_ing (be) famous sometimes in our lives.Most musicians often meet and form a band.Sometimes they play in the street to passers-by so that they can earn some money and this also gives (give) them a chance to realize their dreams.There was once a band started in a different way.The musicians (music) of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music, whose music and jokes were based (base) loosely on the Beatles.



National music 民族音乐
民族音乐就是产自于民间,流传在民间的,表 现民间生活,生产的歌曲或乐曲.中国的民族 音乐是世界上非常具有特色的一种艺术形式 包括民间歌曲,民间歌舞音乐,民间器乐, 民间说唱音乐和民间戏曲音乐。 来源:中原音乐,四域音乐和外国音乐 主要乐器:二胡,琵琶,古筝,唢呐等 主要代表:《二泉映月》,《高山流水》, 《十面埋伏》
Folk music
又称民谣, 民歌,民乐或民曲 经过口传过程发展起来的普罗大众的音乐 春秋时期最早的民歌集《诗经》中的《国 风》,汉魏六朝的“乐府民歌”,唐宋的 “曲子词”,元代的“散曲”,”小令”,明 清的“歌谣”,“小曲” 主要乐器:二胡,笛子,扬琴,腰鼓,锣等 主要代表:《茉莉花》《龙船调》
Classical music 古典音乐
泛指西洋古典音乐,那些从西方中世纪开始 至今的,在欧洲主流文化背景下创作的音乐。 杰出代表:海顿,莫扎特,和贝多芬 主要乐器:短笛piccolo, 长笛flute, 双簧管 oboe, 萨克斯 saxophone, 小号 trumpet,三角铁triangle,竖琴 harp 钢琴 piano,小提琴 violin
Country music 乡村音乐
一种具有美国民族特色的流行音乐,于20世 纪20年代兴起于美国南部,其根源来自英国 民谣,是美国白人民族音乐代表。乡村音乐 的特点是曲调简单,节奏平稳,带有叙事性, 具有较浓的乡土气息 代表人物:Jone Denver 约翰.丹佛 Take me home, country road Taylor swift 泰勒.斯威夫特
Light music 轻音乐
指介于古典音乐和流行音乐之间的一种通俗 音乐形式 。轻音乐一般以小型乐队加以演 奏,结构简单、节奏明快、旋律优美。轻音 乐可以营造温馨浪漫的情调,带有休闲性 质 。轻音乐起源于一战后的英国,在20世 纪中后期达到鼎盛

































词目:音乐音乐[1] 拼音:yīn yuè 英语:music 韩文:음악日文:音楽法文:Musique基本解释有节奏、旋律或和声的人声或乐器音响等配合所构成的一种艺术。







《三国志·吴志·周瑜传》:“ 瑜少精意於音乐,虽三爵之后,其有阙误,瑜必知之,知之必顾。


” 温承训《动人的音乐》诗:“真的,音乐是人们感情的语言。
















类似于歌曲写作(song writing)。




古典音乐:1、西方传统音乐(classical music),历史范畴而言,指的是中世纪至印象主义之间,在欧洲主流文化背景下创作的音乐。

主要特征:调式运用主要为大小调体系、和声强调功能性、相对严谨的作曲手法与曲式结构、音色的选用一般为原声音色、作曲时严格按照乐器的乐器法、演奏法、发声原理进行创作等等…… 2、古典主义时期的西方传统音乐。



现代音乐(modernist music):1、音乐领域中一般指现代主义音乐,历史范畴而言,指的是19世纪末印象主义以后,20世纪中非传统作曲技法,非功能和声体系作为理论支撑的,用新的作曲手法、音乐理论、音乐语言创作的音乐。

主要特征:调式不限于大小调体系或人工音阶而产生的人工调式、和声的运用不限于功能或无功能、调性感模糊、多调性、泛调性、无调性、作曲手法与曲式结构严谨自由并置、音色选用没有局限性、除电子音乐外,运用物理乐器时严格按照乐器的乐器法、演奏法、发声原理进行创作等等…… 2、指带有现代音乐风格流派的音乐作品。

流行音乐(popular music):2、历史范畴而言,指的是19世纪末20世纪初以美国黑人的Blues音乐为基础,最初以商业为目的,发展至今有着众多风格及多方面融合的调性音乐。





关于音乐的相关短语classical music;古典音乐folk music;民间音乐light music;轻音乐dance music;舞蹈音乐absolute music;总标题音乐sacred music;宗教音乐delight in music;喜欢音乐render music;演奏音乐entertain sb. with music;请某人听音乐I have no ear for music.我不懂音乐。

音乐表情 musical expression;音乐茶馆 music teahouse;音乐茶座music cafè;音乐池 orchestra pit;音乐电传机 teleharmonium;音乐电视 MTV; music television;音乐改革 music reform;关于音乐的相关单词musicmusical关于音乐的相关例句1. "It's not one of my favourite forms of music." — "No."“这不是我喜欢的音乐形式。


”2. Pragmatically, MTV's survival depends on selling the youth market to advertisers.从务实角度来说,音乐电视网的生存依赖于把年轻人市场卖给广告商。

3. Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music.父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。

4. "Does it sound like music?" — "I wouldn't go that far."“这听上去像音乐吗?”——“我可不那样认为。




那你们想知道music 的用法吗?今天给大家带来了music的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。

music的意思n. 音乐,乐曲,乐谱,乐队music用法music可以用作名词music是抽象名词,不可数,可作“音乐,乐曲”解。


“一首乐曲”是a piece of music,“几首乐曲”是several pieces of music。



music用作名词的用法例句He is interested in music.他对音乐有兴趣。

Listening to the music has a calming influence on her.听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。

I was enchanted with the sweet music.这美妙的音乐使我心醉。

music用法例句1、He once told an interviewer that he didnt even like rock music.他曾告诉一位采访者,他甚至都不喜欢摇滚乐。

2、"Its not one of my favourite forms of music." — "No."“这不是我喜欢的音乐形式。


”3、Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music.父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。

music词组| 习惯用语pop music 流行音乐classical music 古典乐music education 音乐教育;音乐教诲folk music 民俗音乐listen to music 听音乐vocal music 声乐;通过口头传唱的音乐background music 背景音乐;[电]陪衬音乐country music 乡村音乐(美国的)popular music n. 流行音乐;通俗音乐rock music 摇滚乐music festival 音乐节piano music 钢琴曲modern music 现代音乐play music 播放音乐;奏乐face the music 勇敢地面对困难;接受应得的惩罚listen to the music 听音乐music teacher 音乐老师music video 音乐录影带;音乐视频片;音乐视讯片live music 现场音乐;实况音乐music therapy 音乐疗法,音乐治疗。

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R ock m usic is a g e n re o f p o p u la r m u s ic th a t e n te re d th e m a in s tre a m in th e 1960s . It h a s its ro o ts in 1940s a n d 1950s ro c k a n d ro ll , rh y th m a n d b lu e s , c o u n try m u s ic a n d a ls o d re w o n fo lk
young age, he showed a great talent in sing and dance. He's the symbol of pop culture, and he's a highly influential singer, composer, dancer, record producer as well as a fashion leader. he is known as the king of pop.
Styles of Music
Jazz R&B Rock Hip hop/ rap Pop Country music
Ja z z is a sty le o f m u s ic th a t o rig in a te d a t th e b e g in n in g o f th e 20th ce n tu ry in A fric a n A m e ric a n co m m u n itie s in th e S o u th e rn U n ite d S ta te s fro m a co n flu e n c e o f ro Am fricits a n ea d E ep am n e n t u n til F an rly du e ro v ep lo me u s ic tra d itio n s . th p re s e n t ,Hip hop Nhomakorabea Rap
E m in e m Ig g y A z a le a Snoop D ogg P h a rre ll W illia m s K anye W est W ill .I .A m
E m in e m is p ro b a b ly th e m o s t su c c e s s fu l w h ite ra p p e r . H e a c h ie v e d m a n y th in g s th a t m o s t a rtis ts ca n 't : w in n in g th e g ra m m y a w a rd , 5 m u lti -p la tin u m se llin g C D s , e tc , w h ic h a ls o b rin g s h im to n s o f d is s e s . D is c rim in a tio n a g a in s t h o m o s e x u a l in h is ly ric s m a d e h im su rro u n d e d b y co n s ta n t
T h e B e a tle s w e re a n E n g lis h ro c k b a n d th a t fo rm e d in L iv e rp o o l , in 1960. W ith Jo h n Lennon, Paul M c C a rtn e y , G e o rg e H a rris o n , a n d R in g o S ta rr , th e y b e c a m e w id e ly re g a rd e d a s th e g re a te s t a n d m o s t in flu e n tia l a c t o f th e ro c k e ra .
Make Me Wanna Die
H ip h o p firs t e m e rg e d a m o n g yo u n g u rb a n b la c k s in N e w Y o rk C ity d u rin g th e la te 1970’s /e a rly 1980’s . It a ls o re fe rrin g to ra p . H ip h o p fo u r cu ltu re in c lu d e s ra p , D J , b re a k in g d a c e a n d g ra ffiti a rt . S o ra p is ju s t a kin d o f cu ltu re w ith o th e r e le m e n ts , d a n c e , clo th in g , life a ttitu d e to c o n s titu te a co m p le te h ip h o p - te x t .
M ic h a e l J a c k s o n
M a d o n n a C ic c o n e B ritn e y S p e a rs Lady G aga
Michael Jackson • Michael Jackson was born in 1958. At a
You Are Not Alone
Country Music
o rig in a te d a m o n g w h ite s in ru ra l a re a s o f th e so u th e rn a n d w e s te rn U .S . m o s t p o p u la r in th e U S co u n try s id e a n d so m e w h a t p o p u la r in th e citie s b u t n o t ve ry p o p u la r o u ts id e th e U S . C o m m o n th e m e s : life in ru ra l A m e ric a , lo v e , crim e , a n d p ris o n life .
P re cursors T h e p re c u rs o rs o f rh y th m a n d b lu e s ca m e fro m ja z z a n d b lu e s . La te 1940s In 1948, R C A V ic to r w a s m a rk e tin g b la c k m u s ic u n d e r th e n a m e "B lu e s a n d R h y th m ". In 1949, th e te rm "R h y th m a n d B lu e s " re p la c e d th e
U sher
M a ria h C a re y J u s tin T im b e rla k e R ih a n n a B eyonce D a v id Z e e T a o Jay C hou Leehom W ang
R ih a n n a w a s b o rn in B a rb a d o s o n F e b . 20th , 1988. S h e 's a B a rb a d ia n R &B s in g e r , m o d e l a n d fa s h io n d e s ig n e r . In 2008, s h e w o n th e 50th G ra m m y A w a rd . A n d s h e 's th e firs t B a rb a d o s fe m a le s in g e r th a t w o n
ja z z h a s in c o rp o ra te d m u s ic fro m 19th a n d 20th ce n tu ry A m e ric a n p o p m u s ic .
A fric a n m u s ic w a s la rg e ly fu n c tio n a l , fo r w o rk o r ritu a l , a n d in c lu d e d w o rk so n g s a n d fie ld h o lle rs T h e A fric a n tra d itio n m a d e u s e o f a s in g le -lin e m e lo d y a n d ca ll a n d -re s p o n s e p a tte rn , b u t w ith o u t th e E u ro p e a n co n c e p t o f h a rm o n y . R h y th m s re fle c te d A fric a n sp e e c h p a tte rn s , a n d th e A fric a n u s e o f p e n ta to n ic sc a le s le d to
L o u is A rm s tro n g G oodm an Benny C h a rlie P a rk e r D a v id B ru b e c k S ta n G e tz
What A Wonderful World