基于ARM 和nRF2401 的无线自动抄表系统
并行数据接口,读写时序适配6800系列时序,可直接与 送系统相类似,系统在工作之前要进行初始化,按照程
8位微处理器相连。其中2管脚与单片机PB6链接,控制 序设计开始读取接收到的数据,判定后进行数据处理与
OLED12864 12C总线的SCL功能。1管脚与单片机PB7链 显示,在显示屏上显示HC-SR04超声波检测传感器测的
接,控制OLED12864 12C总线的SDA功能。
首先对发送和接收部分分别进行系统初始化,然后 数据则继续检测。
数据未到达报警值时,程序直接进入OLED显示模块显示 初始化后等待无线数据传输发送系统采集端采集到的数
作者简介: 曲镇帮、田江伟,男,沈阳工学院。郑琳(通讯作者),
卫星电视与宽带多媒体 15
卫星电视2019第5期正文.indd 15
2019/6/3 14:36:06
(二)HC-SR04超声波测距电路子程序设计 HC-SR04超声波测距电路在工作之前会对串口1进行
Absr c : On te b sso re nr d cin t u t n fARM n RF 4 c p,te c n tu tn ten,h r wa e cr ut n ot re ta t h a i fb fito u to o fnci so i o a d n 2 01 hi h o sr ci gpatr ad r ic i a d sfwa s
niain me i fte pa o .ma trsa e sr cu e i a o td b t e o q p ns Th s trn d c to da o h lf m se —lv tu t s d pe we n n dee uime t. r e e ma e o e,mirc nrle 3 4B co o t lrS C4 OX ,r — o e
李春 林 程 健
( 中国科学技 术 大学信 息科 学技 术 学院 , 合肥 20 2 ) 30 7
Байду номын сангаас
要 :在简述 A M 和 n F4 1 R R 20 芯片 功能 的基础 上 , 描述 了基 于 A M 和 n F4 1 R R 20 的嵌 入 式 网络 测控 平 台 的构 成方 式 、 硬件 电路 和
软 件设计 。该 平 台以 Ehre作 为通 信 的主要媒 介 , t nt e 在节点 设备 间采 用 了主 从式 结 构 , 节点 采 用 SC4 O 主 3 4 B X作 为微 控制 器 , 过 以 通
太网接 1接 收 P : 3 C机 的命 令 并与 之进行 数据 交换 , 通过 n F 4 1 各从 节点 进 行数 据 交换 和命 令 的转 发 下 达 。系统采 用 了有 中心 的 R 20 与
与 蓝牙 不 同的是 ,R 2 0 n F 4 1没有 复杂 的通 信 协议 , 它完
全 对用 户透 明 , 种 产 品 同
之 间可 以 自由通信 。更重
要 的 是 ,R 2 0 n F 4 1比蓝 牙
械 表头 读数 出现 误差 。 基 于 上 述 原 因 , 计 一 种 长 期 稳 定 可 靠 、 装 维 设 安
无线 收发 一体 芯 片 。 它将 射频 、0 1 U、 8 5 MC 9通道 l 2位
AD 、 围元 件 、 感 和滤 波 器全 部 集 成 到单 芯 片 中 , C外 电
制, 因此成 本 和空 间 大小 都减 少 了很 多 。2 0 4 1也 能达
到 l s M/ 的传输 速率 ,它使 用 芯片 上 FF I O允许 微处 理 器 以一个 低 的 速率 传 输 而在 R F收 发 时 以很 高 的速 率 传输 数据 。这个 特 征 叫做 猝 发 (h cb rt, sok us) 它能 解决
读方 式 的 首选 , 项技 术 采 用无 线 的方 式 传 输 表具 读 该
数 , 具 与 数 据 集 中 器 之 间 不 需要 任何 连 线 , 具 的 表 表
级 芯片 。n F 4 1的引脚 图 1 n 2 01 引 脚 排 列 图 R 20 RF 4 的 排列如 图 l ( 视 图) 顶 所
设 计 , 种 新 型 无 线 抄 表 可 以在 很 大程 度 上 改 现 有 的抄 表 方 式 和 提 高 抄 读 效 率 。 这
【 关键词 】 n F 4 1 无线 ;智能抄表 R 20 ; 【 中图分类号】 T 2 1 P 1 【 文献标识码】 A 【 文章编号 】 10 — 7 X{0 7 0 — 0 2 0 0 3 7 3 2 0 )6 0 7 ~ 2
关键字:单片机 AT89S52 无线传输 nRF24l01 DS18B20AbstractTemperature is a very important parameters. In the industrial, medical and military and life and many other place, it needs to use the temperature measurement device to detect temperature. The traditional direct measurement wiring does not meet the requirements, especially in some environmental bad industrial environment and outdoor environment, through the direct wiring measurement is not practical. So using wireless transmission temperature testing is necessary.At present some design can realize the wireless temperature gathering, but the price is too high, its biggest weakness. In the actual temperature control process requires both system has stability, real-time and the need to reduce power consumption. So the design of a kind of low power consumption wireless temperature detection system is very meaningful. This paper presents a USES the monolithic integrated circuit AT89S52 control DS18B20 of the realization of the wireless temperature measuring system. Through the simple wireless communication protocol, realize the reliability and power balance, the system can realize to the temperature detection, can simultaneously determine the temperature, can be realized the wireless remote control temperature detection system. Low power consumption, real-time wireless temperature detection is the biggest characteristic of the design. Wireless transmission using nRF24L01 module transmission.The system structure is simple, reliable, low power consumption, low cost, it is a kind of wireless sensor solutions.Key word:MCU AT89S52 wireless transmission nRF24l01 DS18B20目录摘要IAbstractII目录IV前言11系统方案分析与选择论证31.1 系统方案设计31.1.1 主控芯片方案31.1.2 无线通信模块方案31.1.3 温度传感方案41.1.4 显示模块方案41.1.5 单片机与PC机通信模块51.2 系统最终方案52 主要芯片介绍和系统模块硬件设计72.1 AT89S5272.1.1 单片机控制模块112.2 单片2.4GHz nRF24L01无线模块122.2.1 nRF24L01芯片概述122.2.2 引脚功能与描述122.2.3 工作模式132.2.4 工作原理142.2.5 配置字152.2.6 nRF24L01模块原理图172.3 温度传感器 DS18B20172.3.1 DS18B20管脚配置和部结构182.3.2 DS18B20的工作原理202.3.3 DS18B20的硬件设计222.4 显示模块232.4.1 接收端显示模块232.4.2 发送端显示模块232.5 报警电路232.6 接收端与PC机通信242.7 电源电路设计242.8 其他外围电路253 系统软件设计263.1 单片机软件设计263.1.1 发送端软件设计263.1.2 接收端软件设计274 系统仿真284.1 电源电路的仿真284.1.1 +5V电源电路仿真284.2 发送端温度采集与显示仿真284.3 接收端LCD1602显示温度仿真295 硬件电路板设计315.1 系统硬件原理图315.1.1 发送端原理图315.1.2 接收端原理图325.2 系统PCB图345.2.1 发送端PCB图345.2.2 接收端PCB图355.3 硬件制作355.4 硬件调试375.5 硬件调试结果376 nRF24L01应用于无线组网396.1 无线组网的意义与研究价值396.2 通信模型与协议设计39总结41致43参考文献44前言随着社会的进步和生产的需要,利用无线通信进行温度数据采集的方式应用已经渗透到生活各个方面。
硬件平台设计以三星公司的ARM920T核的S3C2440A为微处理器,根据系统要求完成S3C2440A外围器件的设计,包括64M NAND Flash、64MSDRAM、SD卡以及USB,串口通信的电路设计,射频无线通讯和视频采集的设计。
五是对Windows CE操作系统的移植。
平台移植过程中Boot Loader开发,OAL 层修改,串口和LCD驱动程序的开发,内核的定制过程。
基 于 n F 4 1无线 监控 系统 的应 用 与 实 现 R 20
季行健 , 等
P2 3 P 1 2
PW R . P U DR—
n F4 1 R 2 0 在突发传递模式下 的数据 帧格式 如图 3
所示 。
P3 P1 7 P3 3 Ml So M oS - ]J I _c=
下工作 电流 2 0 ) 5 A 工作模式下 工作。数字控制 的振 荡器唤醒器时 间少于 6 , s从而延 长 了待 机时 间并使
启动更加迅速 , 降低了电池的功耗 。 本 系 统设 计 方 案选 用 M P 3 F 2 S 40 13作 为 主控 芯
时,R 2 一旦检测 到符合本机硬件地址的数据帧, n F ̄I 便 将数据帧解包 ,R信号置 1通知控制器读取数据。 D ,
关键 词 :单 片机 n F4 1 R 2 0 芯片 无线 传输 系统 数 据采集 监 控系统
中图分类号 :T 2 7 P7
文献标 志码 :B
Ab t a t: T e wie e sdaa ta s s in s se c mp s d o r l s gt lta s s i n c p a d a sn l h p c mp t ri n r d c d.T e sr c h r l s t r n miso y t m o o e fa wie e sdiia r n miso hi n i g e c i o u e s i to u e h hr a dwa e a d s f r ft i y t m r e ine h e p nc p e o r l s a a ta miso t r l s i ia r n mis o h p a d c n r n o t e o h s s se a e d sg d.T r i l fwie e s d t r ns s i n wi wiee s d gt l ta s s in c i n o — wa i h
shockBurst删接收主要使用Mcu接口引脚cE、 DRl、cIJ(1和DArrA来实现。当正确设置射频包输 入载荷的地址和大小后,置CE为高电平可激活 Rx。此后便可在nRF2401监测信息输入200ps,若收 到有效数据包,则给MCu一个中断并置DRl为高 电平,以使Mcu以时钟形式输出有效载荷数据,待 系统收到全部数据后,nRF2401再置DRl为低;此时 如果cE保持高电平,则等待新的数据包。若cE置 低电平,则开始接收新的序列。 3.2 DuoCeiver删的双信道接收模式
2 主要特点和引脚功能
引脚功能。nRF2401的主要特点如下: ●采用全球开放的2.4G比频段,有125个频
道,可满足多频及跳频需要; ●速率(1Mbps)高于蓝牙,且具有高数据吞吐量;
●外围元件极少,只需一个晶振和一个电阻 可设计射频电路;
图2 nRF240l内部原理及外部组成框图
3 工作原理
nRF2401的内部结构原理及外部组成框图如图 2所示,下面介绍其工作原理。 3.1 ShockBurstlM模式
nRF2401的ShockBurStTM RX/TX模式采用片上 先进先出(FIF0)来进行低数据率的时钟同步和高数 据率的传输,因此极大的降低了功耗。
社 ,2007. [2] 周立功.深入浅出 ARM7:LPC213x/214x[M].北京:北京航天
航 空 大 学 出 版 社 ,2006. [3]王 成 儒 ,李 英 伟.USB2.0 原 理 与 工 程 开 发[M].北 京 :国 防 工
SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + EN_AA,0x01); SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + EN_RXADDR,0x01); SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + SETUP_RETR,0x0a); SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + CONFIG,0x4e); } 当 接 收 端 nRF24L01 模 块 配 置 成 PRX 模 式 时 , 配 置 nRF24L01 工 作 在 接 收 模 式 下 ,地 址 是 RX_AW,负 载 数 据 宽 度 是 TX_PL_W, 使 能 接 收 完 数 据 中 断 ,CRC 校 验 位 为 2 字 节,nRF24L01 处于 POWER_UP 状态。 程序如下: void nRF24L01_rx_config(void) { SPI_Write_Buf (WRITE_REG +RX_ADDR_P0,RX_ADDRESS_,RX_AW); SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + RX_PW_P0,RX_PL_W); SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + EN_AA,0x01); SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + EN_RXADDR,0x01); SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + CONFIG,0x3f); } 5.2 nRF24L01 的数据收发 (1)发送数据 当 nRF24L01 模 块 配 置成 发 送 模式 后 ,向 发送 FIFO 输入数据即可启动传输。 发送 8 Byte 的程序如下: void nRF24L01_send_data (uint8 *data) { SPI_Write_Buf(WR_TX_PLOAD,data,8);
收稿 日期 :20 — 9 5 0 5 0 —1
基 金项 目 :广 东省 教 育厅 自然科 学研 究项 目( 3 7 ) 江 门 市科 技 攻 关项 目资助 ( 0 45 ) Z0 0 6 , [ 0 ]9. 2
s n sors . e
Ke r : r l s o ywo ds wiee sc mmu i a in d t c u sto ; r ls e s r ewo k n c to : a aa q iii n wie e ss n o sn t r
本 系统是 基 于无 线传 感 网 络 的数 据采集 系 统 应用 之一 ,图 1 示 为 系 统 结构 框 图.它 由 所
的 数 据 通 过 n 2 01以 无 线 电 缆 的 方 式 传 送 给 监 控 中心 的 P 机 ,由 P RF 4 C C机 进 行 数 据 的 分 类 、
识别 以及显 示等 ,成功 地 实现 了温 度 、湿度 以及 其 它传 感 器的 无 线数据 的 采集 、处理 和无 线
监控 。
s fwa ed sg n h r p riso o t r e i n a d t e p o e te fnRF2 01 Th y t m o i e CU wih n 4 . es se c mb n sM t RF2 01a d s n o s 4 n e s r t o m a ofr wie e s e s r n t r 、Th a a c le t d y t e s ns r r e t o t e r l s s n o e wo k e d t o lc e b h e o s a e s n t h PCs n t e i h
关 键 词 :无 线 通 信 ;数 据 采 集 ; 无 线 传 感 网络 中图 分 类 号 :T 9 96 N 1. 文 献 标 识 码 :A
基于nRF2401的无线数据通信高性能:nRF2401采用Nordic Semiconductor公司的无线通信技术,具有高速的数据传输速率和低延迟,可以满足各种无线通信需求。
Design of a Wireless ARM-Based AutomaticMeter Reading and Control SystemChih-Hung Wu, Shun-Chien Chang and Yu-Wei Huangpower parameters and control signal to reach the goal of loadAbstract-- This paper implements a wireless ARM-based management and power demand control. Using automatic automatic meter reading and control system (WAMRCS) for distribution automation. The WAMRCS is designed based on a 32-bit ARM microprocessor to deal with power data processingand relay control. In order to provide a cost-effective, wireless,always-connected, two-way data link between utility company and WAMRCS, the WAMRCS sends information of utility usage, power quality and outage alarm to utility company via GPRS network. Compared with analog utility meter reading by manpower, WAMRCS is more accurate, reliable, cost-effective, quick and free from man-made errors. It can provide extracapabilities such as distribution automation, load managementand time-of-use rate.Index Terms—ARM-Based System, Automatic Meter Reading, GPRS, Relay Control. I. INTRODUCTION With the rapid growth of population and technology, the electric power consumption and number of utility-consumers had increased quickly. In order to serve largerutility-consumers, utility company needs to employee more reading-meter workers. During the process of reading meter and writing down utility usage on record table by workers, man-made errors often happened. Therefore utility company spent cost and manpower to correct these errors for utility-consumers. Otherwise it is uneconomicalfor utility company to dispatch workers to record utility usage on utility-consumers-scattered wide area.Some utility-consumers as technology factories care about quality of power supply, but analog power meter can’t give enough in formation about power quality. When the power supply is unstable or outage occurs to utility-consumers, howthe utility company knows the above status and then clears power faults quickly to decrease the utility-consumers’ loss. It’s an important point to research.At present there are more and more studies applying two-way communication technologies on distributionautomation[1]-[4]. Theses technologies can send a lot of Chih-Hung Wu is Lecture of Department of Electrical Engineering, ChienKuo Institute of Technology, R.O.C. (e-mail: zhwu@.tw).Shun-Chien Chang is with Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chang-Hua University of Education, R.O.C. (e-mail: boboffice@).Yu-Wei Huang is Professor of Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chang-Hua University of Education, R.O.C. (e-mail: huangyw@.tw).system of reading meter on distribution automation can supply many capabilities such as efficient meter-reading, distribution, power monitoring and control, load managementand time-of-use rate. Supplying above capabilities is a development tendency to promote service quality for utility-consumers and improve the management efficiency for utilitycompany in the future.IIn the past, most automated meter reading (AMR) were generally based on such media as power line carriercommunication (PLC), radio frequency (RF), telephone line and network to send data [5]-[7]. The above communication media fact some problems such as transmission distance, transmission cost, maintenance and security of datatransmission. n order to solve these problems, we canconsider applying mobile communication system GPRS(General Packet Radio Service), which is popularly used in the world, to send power data.With rapid growth of internet and mobile communication network, future application service will gradually concentrate on data transmission service. GPRS has been developed maturely and has many practical applications at present [8]-[12]. It has many advantages such as always on-line, high-speed transmission and charged fee according to the amount of transmitted data. It can satisfy the need of sending power parameters on automatic system of reading digital meter.Therefore, GPRS system can build outdoor, mobile, wide-range and Multipoint-to-Multipoint data transmission channel and satisfy the need of data transmission speed for automatic system of reading digital meter.Under considerations to regional surroundings, laws and regulations, communication efficiency, interference and transmission cost, this study proposes a wireless ARM-basedautomatic meter reading and control system (WAMRCS). The WAMRCS uses sampling circuit and A/D converter totransfer analog signal of voltage and current into digital data. The digital data then is send to embedded system to computepower parameters. This embedded system will send powerparameters to regional monitoring and control center of utility company via GPRS module connected with it. This WAMRCS applied on distribution automation can save personnel expense of hiring reading-meter workers and can be free from human involvement; moreover, it can save large manpower from keying utility usage into database.and then converted into an equivalent digital signal by theThe hardware architecture and appearance of system are A/D converter. shown as Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. We use PT and CT to measure the B. RCU analog signal of voltage and current. The analog signal is The RCU is an interrupting device designed for fault sampled by sample-and-hold circuit and transferred into interruption and load switching. In order to protect the D/A digital data by A/D converter. The digital data then is sent to converter from exceeding current, the D/A converter is ARM-based embedded systemto compute power parameters. connected with protective relay wired in series with the This embedded system communicates with regional center of breaker control circuit, so the breaker could be controlled. utility company for reporting power parameters and statusperiodically via GPRS module connected with it. The UPS is C. AES used to provide stable power supply for the embedded system Traditional power measure instruments, like watt hour and backup power to prevent from short-term outage. meter and reactive power meter, cannot supply enough The WAMRCS can be divided into five parts, these five information about power quality. In order to acquire RMS parts separately are signal sampling unit(SSU), relay control value of voltage and current, power factor, real power, unit(RCU), ARM-based embedded system(AES), wireless reactive power and apparent power, more and more designers communication module(WCM) and utility control center use microprocessor to design digital reading meters. The (UCC). The hardware description of five parts is introduced microprocessor-based digital power meters have been as follows. available in the laboratory and on the market in the recent years[5]-[7],[13],[14]. The ARM-based system occupies A. SSUsmall space. It support most popular communication protocolsThe analog signal scale of voltage and current on the and its capabilities are more powerful than 8051 chip. The primary is proportionally transformed on the secondary via ARM-based system has been widely used in a variety of PT and CT transformers.The SSU uses sample-and-hold network equipments, such as mobile phone and PDA, and circuit to quickly store the instantaneous amplitude of a become popular and cheaper at present. The ARM-based sampled input signal, and then to hold that amplitude until the embedded system has a simple operation system, so next sampling pulse. During the hold time, the sampled programmer can use popular c language to design program. voltage or current would be chosen alternately by multiplexerII. WAMRCS SYSTEM ARCHITECTUREUtility Control Center(UCC)Fig. 1. System Hardware ArchitectureD. WCMThe WAMRCS adopts MC35 Terminal GPRS moduleproduced by Siemens Corporation as wireless communicationmodule. This universally usable GPRS module supports boththe GSM 900 and the GSM 1800 networks. It has high speedof wireless voice and data transmission. The MC35 TerminalGPRS module offers class 8 GPRS data communication inaddition to classic GSM services and mobile internet accessachieves a performance level previously only available infixed networks. It can be integrated simply via standard RS-232 interfaces[16].E. UCCFig. 2. Appearance of WAMRCS The UCC resides in the utility company and has a PC as control server with needed programs and storage to read and This study adopts NET-Start embedded system produced collect power parameters from AES via communication by WSCORE Corporation to design WAMRCS. The network. The specifications of server are as follows: specifications and capabilities of NET-Start embedded system 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium III processor are described as follows [15]: 512 Megabytes RAM (1) t is designed based on a low power 32-bit 80 Gigabyte Hard Disk ITM network processor called ARM7TDM 15" LCD MonitorI"S3C4510TM". S3C4510TM is a high performance and DVD-Rom Drive low cost solution for network applications. Floppy Disk Drive I(2) S3C4510TM includes 8-kbyte cache/SRAM, and RS-232 100 Mbps. Network Connection serial interface, two UARTs, two timers, 18 Dot-matrix printer programmable I/O ports, and a 10/100 BaseT Ethernetcontroller. The on chip features can significantly reduce III. AES SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE the total system cost to design network devices. The function blocks diagram of AES software is shown as (3) The NET-Start embedded system has 2 MB flash ROMand 16 MB SDRAM on board, so it can execute longer Fig. 3. The functions of AES software are measurements programming code and has larger RAM to store more acquisition, relay control, tamper detection, AES setup, powerparameters computation and database management. The AES data.software runs under the µClinux operation system.Fig. 3. Function Blocks Diagram of AES SoftwareA. µClinux operation system Apparent power: VA=rms×rms On the aspect of WAMRCS software, the Net-StartWattembedded system uses µClinux as operating system core. Power factor: cosθ= VADeveloper can use c-language to program software and buildit as executive file on personal computer beforehand. This 22Reactive power:Var=− executive file will be loaded into microprocessor of embedded system through RS-232 from PC and runs under µClinuxC. Data fields in AES database operating system.The data fields in AES database are summarized as table 1. The characteristics ofµClinux are introduced as followsThese fields can be remotely modified by UCC after login [17]:(1) µClinux is a derivative of Linux 2.0 kernel intended for identification of accessing AES is confirmed.microcontrollers without Memory Management Units VIVAWatt(MMUs). (2) The source code is open and designed as module mode.(3) µClinux kernel is much smaller than the original Linux2.0 kernel, while retaining the main advantages of the linux operating system: stability, superior network capability, and excellent file system support. (4) µClinux supports numerous popular networking protocols. It is an internet-ready OS perfect for embeddedsystems.In addition, when we develop a program, it’s necessary to notice the following items: (1) Because the µClinux doesn’t support MMU function, we cannot use the capability of virtual memory on program design.(2) When alarm happened during the process of compilingprogram, we must solve any errors or problems.(3) I f the program can run on PC without any error, it doesn’tmean that the program also can run on the embeddedsystem Net-Start properly. B. Computation of static power parametersAfter transferring analog measurements into digital measurements, we can use the following equations to compute static power parameters.1) Root Mean Square (RMS)If N sampled data V1, V2, V3, …, VN during a period areacquired, the RMS value of voltage V is given byv1∑Nv2rms=Nk=1kwhere Vk represents the Kth sampling value of voltage.If N sampled data I1, I2, I3, …, IN during a period areacquired, the RMS value of current I is given byI1N2rms=N∑k=1Ikwhere Ik represents the Kth sampling value of current. 2) Power If N samples of voltage signal V1, V2, V3, …, VN and current signal I1, I2, I3, …, IN during a period are acquired at the same sampling instants, the real power is given by Watt=1NN∑kkk=1VIThe values of reactive power, power factor and apparentpower can be given from the following equations.TABLE IAES DATABASE SUMMARY Field Numberof bytesComment AES ID 2 Device ID AES IP 4 AES IP address Login Login UCC IP 4 UCC Ip address UCC Port 4Communication port with UCCSampling Time 4 Voltage and Currentampling time setupReport Time 4Period of sending powerdata to UCC Relay Output Status 1 VRR VS 4 S phase voltageVT 4 T phase voltageIRR ISS ITT Real power 4Reactive power 4 Apparent power 4Power factor 2 D. tamper detectionIn recent years many utility consumers attempt to obtainelectrical energy illegally. This incoming loss of stolen power for utility companies in china is even more than 2416 million $USD. It’s necessary for utility meter to have the capability oftamper detection. This study uses a method of tamperdetection proposed by Misra, R.B. and Patra, S. [18]. Thefollowing events are considered for tamper detection by themethod.Missing potential event Current unbalance event Current reversal event If any above event occurs, the AES will record the meter status in database and inform UCC about tamper warning on the instant.IV. UCC SERVER SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE The UCC not only reads and collects power parameters from AES, but also gives relay-control commands to AES via5communication network. The communication media between Account and password encryptionUCC and AES is two-way. The main capabilities of UCC are Lock AES and UCCP address as source and as follows. destination IP addressPower data acquisition center Transmission data and control commands encryption RCU breaker control VI. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS AES setup and modification Combination with the utility billing system (1) This research uses a sampling circuit to get voltage and The function blocks diagram of UCC server software is current signal into A/D converter of an embedded system. shown as Fig. 4. The functions of server software are UCC With the converted data, power parameters can be management, AES relay control, tamper Detection calculated. The power parameters are then sent to the management, user account management, graph of consumer control centers of utility company via the GPRS device utility usage and report print. The software of server system connected to the system. With this system, fewer peopleare required to process the data. The automation can also adopts VB as programming language and SQL server asavoid any conflicts or problems due to human errors. database manager. The server system runs under windowsFurthermore, the system allows saving the time and the 2000 server. cost to input the data into databases.(2) By using an automatic meter reading device in electricity V. SECURITY OF WAMRCS distribution systems, not only does increase it the The AES adopts TCP/IP protocol to communicate with efficiency of meters reading, but also provide capabilities UCC via communication network, so the transmission data like electricity control, loadmanagement, and time-of-use between AES and UCC may be intercepted and received by rate. hackers in Internet. Meanwhile, the AES is a network device (3) Since embedded systems and GPRS devices are seen as a network point in Internet, anyone can access AES expensive, readers for different meters, like electricity, from anywhere. It’s an important point to prevent the AES water, and natural gas, can share one embedded system database from unauthorized access and modifications. This with GPRS built-in. If several customers live in an study takes some security strategies to protect AES database apartment building, they only need to purchase one from hacker invasion and transmission data from interception. system for the whole building to lower the cost. These security strategies are listed as follows.Login identificationFig. 4. Function Blocks Diagram of UCC Server SoftwareYu-Wei Huang was born in the Taiwan, R.O.C., 1959. He received his BSEEand MSEE degree from National Tsing Hua University in 1981 and 1983 [1] Patrick, A., Newbury, J., and Gargan, S., "Two-way communications respectively, Ph.D. from National Cheng Kung University in 1989. Since 1996, systems in the electricity supply industry," IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, he has been a professor at National Chang-Hua University of Education. 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He received his BSEE degree from Chung Yuan Christian University in 1995, MSEE from National Chang-Hua University of Education in 1998. Now, he is a Ph.D. candidate of National Chang-Hua University of Education. Since 1998, he has been a lecture at Chien Kuo Institute of Technology. His research interests are in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and wireless communication.Shun-Chien Chang was born in the Taiwan, R.O.C., 1979. He received his BSEE degree from the Sjsmit Institute of Technology. Now, he is a M.S. candidate of National Chang-Hua University of Education. His research interests are in microprocessor control and IC circuit design.。
近年来 , 随着 自动抄 表技 术研究 的逐渐 深入 , 自动 抄 表 系统获 得 了快 速 的发展 , 表 系 统 已经 由 当初 的 抄 研究转 到 商业用途 , 特别 是 自动抄 表 系统 中无 线通 信 技术 的引 用 , 有效 地促 进 了 自动抄 表技术 研究 的发展 。 笔者 提 出一 种基 于 G R 无 线通 信 技术 的远 程 自 PS
Absr c : wiee s a tmai t r ra i g s se b s d o t a t A rl s u o tc me e e d n y tm a e n ARM n a d GPRS tc n l g s d sg e Th s e h oo y i e in d. i s se u e me [ S y tm s s At lAr 1 AM9 6 n 9 2 0 a d ARM de s t e man p o e s r fte c n e tao n o lc Co x M3 a h i r c s os o o c nr t ra d c l — h e tr a d u e o , n s s ̄C/OS I s t e s f r e eo —Ia h ot e d v lpme t p afr wa n lto m.Upsr a u e RS wie e s c mmu ia in, te m s s GP r ls o nc t o d wn i k c n e e o ln ha n lus sRS- 5 a d p we i e c rir t r n f rdaa T ss se h sma y b n ft u h a 48 n o rln a re o ta se t . hi y t m a n e e ss c s i lw— o t fs r ns sin s e d, ih rla i t nd r a —i , est e r q ie n n a t mai trr a — o c s, a tta miso p e h g e ibl y a e lt i me me t h e u r me ti u o tc me e e d i g s se we 1 I a g a tc la p iain v l e n y t m l. th sa hih pr cia p l to au . c Ke r s ARM : r l s o y wo d : wiee sc mmu ia in n c t ;GPRS  ̄C o ;x /OS—I I
三、研究意义本文的研究具有以下几个方面的意义:1. 探索一种基于无线网络和ARM嵌入式技术的远程抄表系统方案,为智慧城市建设和公用事业的现代化进程提供技术支持和实现方案。
2. 在硬件设计方面,探索一种采用ARM芯片的系统设计方案,从而提高系统的性能和效率。
3. 在软件设计方面,研究ARm的嵌入式操作系统和相关的开发工具,探索一种高效、便捷的软件设计方案,为ARM嵌入式软件开发提供参考。
1.基于ARM嵌入式的轮轨疤痕检测控制系统 [J], 战永兴;张兴周
2.基于ARM的嵌入式喂丝机测控仪的设计 [J], 陈景辉
3.基于ARM嵌入式水电站监控系统现地测控单元的设计 [J], 边玉国
4.基于802.11协议无线网络的嵌入式远程测控系统研究 [J], 吴梅梅;王德永;冯贺平;宋西军
5.一种基于嵌入式的无线网络小家电寿命测控系统实现 [J], 苏永锋;王桂棠;辛华胜;张吉;黄小午
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