化学专业免费的谱图数据库18个1、【名称】ChemExper化学品目录CDD (包括MSDS、5000张红外谱图)【资源简介】The database contains currently more than 70 000 chemicals, 16000 MSDS, 5000 IR spectra and more than 20 suppliers. It is the only chemical database that lets you SUBMIT your own data! 【检索途径】You can find a chemical by its molecular formula, IUPAC name, common name, CAS number, catalog number, substructure or physical characteristics【地址】http://www.chemexper.be/【名称】 (NMR谱图数据库及NMR谱图预测)【资源简介】This is a web-based approach implementing a new java applet that enables to assign a chemical structure to the corresponding NMR spectrum by simply drawing lines between atoms and automatically characterized signals.This NMR predictor allows to predict the spectrum from the chemical structure based on Spinus (Structure-based Predictions In NUclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy), which is an on-going project for the development of structure-based tools for fast prediction of NMR spectra developed by Gasteiger (http://www2.chemie.uni-erlangen.de/services/spinus/index.html). SPINUS - WEB currently accepts molecular structures via a Java molecular editor, and estimates 1H NMR chemical shifts.【地址】/2、【名称】BioMagResBank (BMRB): 多肽、蛋白质、核酸等的核磁共振数据存储库【资源简介】IntroductionBioMagResBank (BMRB) is the publicly-accessible depository for NMR results from peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids recognized by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance and by the IUPAC-IUBMB-IUPAB Inter-Union Task Group on the Standardization of Data Bases of Protein and Nucleic Acid Structures Determined by NMR Spectroscopy. In addition, BMRB provides reference information and maintains a collection of NMR pulse sequences and computer software for biomolecular NMR. Access to data in BMRB is free directly from its web site (URL ) and ftp site () and will remain so as public funding permits. The concept of a biomolecular NMR data bank developed under a five-year research grant awarded to the University of Wisconsin-Madison from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. This grant was phased out after that period, and a Request for Applications was issued by the NIH for future support of this activity. BMRB at t he University of Wisconsin-Madison won this competition, has been supported since 1 September 1996 by the National Library of Medicine, NIH under grant 1 P41 LM05799. The current award for five years expires on 31 August 2004.AimsIn collaboration with the Protein Data Bank (PDB, Brookhaven National Laboratories) and Nucleic Acid Data Bank (NDB, Rutgers University), BMRB aims to develop into the collection site for structural NMR data in proteins and nucleic acids. Steps are being taken at BMRB to achieve this capability, which will include transmission of all relevant data to the PDB and NDB collections. In addition, BMRB has the goal of archiving NMR-specific data including assigned chemical shifts, J-couplings, relaxation rates, and chemical information derived from NMR investigations (for example, hydrogen exchange rates and pKa values). In developing these collections BMRB intends to be responsive to the needs and priorities of the scientific community. The operating policy at BMRB is monitored and shaped by its Advisory Board which meets once each year to review progress and set priorities. The Advisory Board is composed ofrepresentatives from laboratories that originate and/or use data within the BMRB p urview.【地址】/3、【名称】NIST Chemistry WebBook【资源简介】The November 1998 release of The NIST WebBook is the fifth edition of the NIST Chemistry WebBook. It contains thermochemical data for over 5000 organic and small inorganic compounds, reaction thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions, IR spectra for over 5000 compounds, mass spectra for over 10,000 compounds, electronic / vibrational spectra for over 3000 compounds, constants ofdiatomic molecules (spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds, Ion energetics data for over 14,000 compounds, and thermophysical property data for 16 fluids There are many avenues for searching the database. Structures are given for most species, as well as common and commercial names.【检索途径】Formula NamePartial formulaCAS registry numberStructure basedIon energeticsVibrational and electronic spectraMolecular weightAuthor【地址】/chemistry4、【名称】粉末衍射模式数据库PowBase (Powder Patterns Database)【资源简介】PowBase is a "minimum database" of constant wavelength powder patterns. The data files (zipped) contain either a CIF file or a .dat file (the latter can be viewed by WinPLOTR, option INSTRM=0).The search output produces entry numbers with hyperlink to the raw data (zipped files), the formula, wavelength, a comment, and a reference with email address. Some pertinent hyperlinks may be added, and also a VRML 3D view, sometimes.【地址】http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/powbase/5、【名称】上海有机化学所:化学数据库【资源简介】上海有机化学研究所的化学专业数据库由多个数据库组成,注册后可免费使用。
分析化学网络资源网址大全(光谱分析部分)101. 美国Sandia国家实验室:Nancy B. Jackson的研究小组/materials/sciences/1812.htm102. 美国阿克伦大学:高分子科学Maurice Morton研究所/cpspe/MMIPS/institute.html103. 美国北卡罗来纳州立大学化学系:Daniel L. Feldheim副教授的研究小组/chemistry/dlf.html104. 美国波莫纳学院化学系:Wayne E. Steinmetz教授的研究小组/~wsteinmetz/105. 美国布朗大学化学系:Jimmie D. Doll教授的研究组/faculty/doll/home.htm106. 美国德州A&M大学化学系:D. Wayne Goodman教授的研究小组/rgroup/goodman/107. 美国东卡罗来纳大学化学系:Paul J. Gemperline教授的研究组 (化学计量学)/gemperlinep/index.htm108. 美国俄勒冈卫生科技大学OGI科技学院:Whittaker实验室/users/JWW/lab.html109. 美国佛罗里达大西洋大学化学与生物化学系:Charles Carraher教授/chemistry/carraher.htm110. 美国佛罗里达州立大学化学与生物化学系:Alan G. Marshall教授的研究小组/faculty/marshall.htm111. 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局Goddard太空飞行器研究中心:天体化学实验室/112. 美国哈佛大学:X射线晶体学实验室/113. 美国华盛顿大学化学系:Bart E. Kahr教授的研究小组 (结晶化学)/annkurth/114. 美国华盛顿大学化学系:Norm Dovichi 教授的研究小组(生物化学分析)/dovichi/115. 美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校化学系: W. Ronald Fawcett教授的研究小组/groups/fawcett/116. 美国加州理工学院Caltech分子科学实验室:Ahmed H. Zewail教授的研究小组 (1999年诺贝尔化学奖获得者)/~femto/index.html117 美国加州理工学院化学系:Jesse L. Beauchamp教授的研究小组/118. 美国康涅狄格大学:物理系/119. 美国康涅狄格大学物理系: William C. Stwalley教授的研究小组/faculty/stwalley.html 120. 美国科罗拉多大学化学与生物化学系:Carl Lineberger 教授的研究小组/wclgroup/main.htm121. 美国肯塔基大学:分析光谱研究小组/default.html122. 美国赖斯大学化学系:Robert F. Curl教授 (1996年诺贝尔化学奖获得者)/CHEM_faculty_dtl.cfm?FDSID=429123. 美国密歇根大学化学系:James E. Penner-Hahn教授的研究小组/~jphgroup/124. 美国乔治亚州立大学化学系:Thomas L. Netzel教授的研究小组 (生物分子光谱学)/faculty/Netzel/Netzel.html 125. 美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学:化学系/126. 美国斯坦福大学化学系:Edward I. Solomon的研究小组/group/solomon/127. 美国特拉华大学化学与生物化学系:Thomas B. Brill教授的研究小组/chem/brill/128. 美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校化学系:John C. Wright教授的研究小组 (非线性激光光谱)/~wright/129. 美国西华盛顿大学:化学系/dept/wwuchem.html130. 美国亚利桑那大学化学系:Jeanne E. Pemberton教授的研究小组/faculty/pemb/index.shtml 131. 美国伊利诺伊大学厄本那-香槟分校化学系:Ralph G. Nuzzo教授的研究小组/nuzzogroup/132. 美国印第安纳大学化学系:光谱化学实验室(Gary M. Hieftje教授的研究小组)/~gmhlab/133. 美国芝加哥大学化学系:Takeshi Oka教授的研究小组/134. 面向本科高年级和研究生的课程教材:有机化合物结构光谱解析 (免费)/~smithgrp/structure/135. 日本东京大学化学系: Takayuki Kawashima教授的研究小组(有机杂原子化学)http://www.chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/%7Ehetero/index-e.html136. 日本东京大学化学系:Ohta 教授的实验室 (固态物理化学) http://www.chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/%7Essphys/english/index e.htm...137. 日本东京工业大学:化学资源实验室http://www.res.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/index.cgi138. 日本高纯度化学研究所http://www1m.mesh.ne.jp/kojundo/e/index.htm139. 瑞典Umea大学:化学计量学研究组 (Chemometrics Group, University of Umea, Sweden)http://www.chem.umu.se/dep/ok/research/chemometrics/140. 瑞士巴塞尔大学化学系:化学结晶学实验室http://newsite.xray-structures.ch/141. 瑞士苏黎世大学:Pretsch研究组http://www.ceac.ethz.ch/pretsch/142. 瑞士苏黎世理工学院ETH:物理化学实验室http://www.lpc.ethz.ch/index_EN143. 书评:"Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy" (免费) /alchem/articles/1056983425982.ht ml144. 斯坦福线形加速器中心(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)/145. 台湾中央研究院:原子与分子科学研究所.tw/146. 糖类(碳水化合物)拉曼谱图库SPECARB (Raman Spectra of Carbohydrates) (免费)http://newton.foodsci.kvl.dk/users/engelsen/specarb/spe carb....147. 天体化学:光谱 (教材)/Tutorials/spectroscopy.htm#Chemistry of...148. 希腊克里特电子结构和激光研究所:理论计算化学研究组http://tccc.iesl.forth.gr/149. 厦门大学:理论化学研究中心/index.html150. 厦门大学化学系:田昭武院士/person/zwtian/index.asp151. 香港理工大学:化学物理与化学计量学研究组.hk/152. 意大利Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)晶体学研究中心(IC)所开发的晶体学软件 (免费)r.it/Uk/uk-software-bottom.htm 153. 银河系宇宙射线的起源 (探索宇宙射线起源的科研项目) /154. 应用光谱学学会 (SAS, Society for Applied Spectroscopy)/155. 英国Kent(肯特)大学物理系:功能材料研究组/physical-sciences/fmg/156. 英国表面分析论坛157. 英国科研委员会中心实验室CLRC计算科学与工程部:合作计算项目/ccp/index.shtml158. 英国利物浦大学化学系:Brian T. Heaton 教授的研究小组/Chemistry/Staff/heaton.html159. 英国伦敦大学比克贝克学院生物与化学学院:分析科学研究小组/~chm_tgc/160. 英国伦敦大学学院:宇宙化学和物理研究中心/cosmicdust/161. 英国曼彻斯特理工大学化学系: J. Philip Day 的研究小组/people/academic/jpd.html162. 英国萨塞克斯大学:Prof.Sir Harold Kroto (1996年诺贝尔化学奖获得者)/163. 英国威尔士斯旺西大学化学系:J O Morley 教授的研究组(计算化学)/chemistry/staff/academic/jom/cont act_i...164. 浙江大学化学系:功能纳米材料实验室/%7Exzdgrp/index.htm165. 中国核工业集团公司:吴征铠院士/cnnc-xiangg/human/wuzhengkai.htm166. 中国科学院:白春礼院士/the_whole_web_root/chinese/ysjs/ detai...167. 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所:吴学周院士/new_page_2.htm168. 中国科学院化学研究所:柳大纲院士/1_suokuangjieshao/nliu.htm169. Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD)/1. The NIST Chemistry WebBook (免费)/chemistry2. ChemExper化学品目录CDD (包括MSDS、5000张红外谱图) (免费)http://www.chemexper.be/3. NetSci的计算化学软件目录/Resources/Software/4. New Spectroscopic Analytical Methods Finding Applications (光谱分析新方法用于纳米尺度分析、爆炸物等的探测) (免费)/alchem/articles/1061307201690.ht ml5. Spectra Online,Galactic (免费)/spconline/6. SDBS: NIMC有机物谱图库,日本 (免费)http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/SDBS/menu-e.html7. Yahoo!的化学资源目录/science/chemistry/8. 美国标准与技术研究院NIST原子光谱数据库(ASD) (免费) /cgi-bin/AtData/main_asd9. 9th International Conference on CircularDichroism(2003-08-31)http://cd2003.chem.elte.hu/10. ACD/Labs的NMR谱图库 (部分免费)/databases11. Applied Spectroscopy (免费,摘要)/journal/journal.htm12. Bio-Rad推出可检索80万张谱图的Internet版数据库(03-09-2004)/Spy/basehtml/SpyH/1,1181 ,4-1-...13. Biopolymers (Peptide Science) (免费,摘要)/0006-3525/14. Biospectroscopy (免费,摘要)/jpages/1075-4261/15. C&L Instruments, Inc. (荧光仪器/软件)/16. Chemical Concepts (提供光谱数据库和软件的公司) /17. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (免费,摘要) /ejournals/issues/issue_years.asp?...18. Crystallography Reports ((Kristallografiya, 英文翻译版) (部分免费,摘要)http://www.maik.ru/cgi-bin/journal.pl?name=cryst&page=m ain19. Datasqueeze (X射线分析软件) (免费)/20. ECDYBASE (The Ecdysone Handbook) (免费)/21. FBI FT-IR Fibers Library (Spectrochimica Acta) /spconline/sources.htm22. FDM的参考谱图库(主要是红外谱FTIR) (部分免费)/23. Frontiers of Multifunctional Nanosystems (多功能纳米体系的前沿)http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/1-4020-0560-124. FT-IR Library of David Sullivan (免费)/~dls/ir/ir_dir.html25. Galactic (谱图数据处理软件)/26. Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy (振动光谱手册) /wileychi/vibspec/Home.html27. Hyperspectral News Letter (免费,全文)/WWW/opto-knowledge/hyperspectru m/28. IM Publications/29. In-Situ Spectroscopy in Heterogeneous Catalysis /WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-3527 30248...30. Inorganic Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy, 2 Volume Set/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471 32683...31. Inorganic Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy, Volume 1 (Methodology)/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471 15406...32. Inorganic Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy, Volume 2 ( Applications and Case Studies)/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471 32682...33. Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy (IJVS) (免费,全文)/34. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (免费,目录) /is/journals/current/jaas/jaaspub.htm35. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy (JAS) (免费,摘要) http://www.wkap.nl/journalhome.htm/0021-903736. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (JNIRS) (免费,摘要)/jnirs.html37. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (免费,摘要) /jpages/1088-4246/38. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (免费,摘要)/jpages/0377-0486/39. Larmor Letter (免费在线快报, 关于NMR, MRI和 EPR设备买卖双方的交易需求) (免费,全文)/larmor.htm40. MARDIGRAS和CORMA (弛豫矩阵分析) (免费)/mardihome.html41. Microscopy Web Guide/42. MOlecular GAsphase DOCumentation (MOGADOC, 分子气相微波、电子衍射、分子放射天文)http://www.uni-ulm.de/strudo/mogadoc/43. Monte Carlo simulations of off-lattice polymers(递归MC动态抽样方法介绍) (部分免费)/links/q43/KhBPs9hdJbUu+T,eGaiICQ/cm95 1605....44. NIR news/nirn.html45. PC Software (NMR和IR的模拟小程序) (免费)/chem-dept/hbell/simulation/ hb2/T...46. Reactions and Characterization of Solids (固体的反应与表征)/CFSLD/DisplayProduct.cfm?RefNo=180047. Sadtler Spectral Handbooks(Sadtler 谱图手册) /48. Sadtler Suite综合软件包/SadtlerSuite.htm49. Sadtler(萨特勒)红外光谱数据库联网检索/hwjs.htm50. Self-assembled Nanostructures (自组装纳米结构) http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-306-47299-651. Sparky (NMR共振归属和积分软件) (免费)/home/sparky/52. Spectra Heap (光谱分析数据库软件)/53. Spectroscopy (光谱学技术应用杂志) (免费)54. Spectroscopy Europe/55. Spectroscopy Letters (免费,摘要)/servlet/product/productid/SL56. SPEX CertiPrep, Inc.样品制备仪器和标准参考物质(元素溶液)目录及MSDS/crmmain/msds/msds.htm57. SPSCAN (NMR共振归属软件) (免费)http://gaudi.molebio.uni-jena.de/~rwg/spscan/58. The 12th International Conference on Photoacoustic andPhotothermal Phenomena (ICPPP)(2002-07-24)http://www.mie.utoronto.ca/icppp/59. The 15th International Symposium on Chirality (2003-10-19)http://www.chembio.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/chembio/labs/saigo/i scd15...60. The Coblentz Society (振动光谱学会)/61. Vibrational Spectroscopy (免费,摘要)/locate/vibspec62. Wave of the Future (部分免费,全文)/ASRG/wave/wavehp.html63. WebSpectra (面向学生的光谱分析问题虚拟图书馆) /~webspectra/64. WITec Co.Lt. (显微镜)http://www.witec.de/65. X-Ray Spectrometry (免费,摘要)/jpages/0049-8246/ 66. X射线衍射基础知识、术语 (中文) (免费)/ziliao/index.asp67. X射线衍射晶体结构解析的问与答http://newsite.xray-structures.ch/xray-faq.html68. 澳大利亚墨尔本大学:化学学院.au/69. 澳大利亚悉尼大学:化学学院.au/70. 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学:电分析、传感与化学计量学研究组.au/research/groups/esc/ESCgrou p.htm71. 北京:中国地质大学:晶体结构实验室/xraylab/72. 比利时安特卫普大学化学系http://sch-www.uia.ac.be/en/index.html73. 比利时根特大学:毒物学实验室http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~wlambert/74. 表面科学常用缩略语及相关解释词汇目录/tech/list.html75. 表面科学建模、分析和可视化软件与数据库指南 (部分免费) /software.html#176. 布莱格科技(北京)有限公司77. 超分子结构与材料教育部重点实验室,吉林大学/78. 德国法兰克福大学:化学系Thomas Prisner研究小组http://www.prisner.de/index.shtml79. 德国莱布尼茨固态和材料研究所http://www.ifw-dresden.de/eindex.htm80. 第20届Austin分子结构研讨会 (2004-03-07)/austin/81. 俄罗斯科学院晶体学研究所 (IC RAS)http://www.crys.ras.ru/indexe.html82. 分析化学工具和光谱概念/~chemistry/primers/primers.html83. 分析化学和应用光谱学匹兹堡会议Pittcon 2000(2000-03-12)/84. 分析技术描述 (Evans Analytical Group相关专业分析技术的教材, 检测极限列表和几种分析仪器优缺点对比)/tech.htm85. 分析仪器及实验室设备制造商目录,Andrey Yu. Zhdanov. http://www.zhdanov.ru/86. 分子反应动力学国家重点实验室(北京), 中国科学院化学研究所http:// 分子光谱学国际讨论会在线存档(50th-)/symposium/Archive.ht ml88. 粉晶X射线衍射技术论坛/cgi/bbs3000/89. 光热与光声光谱站点(有关光热光谱信息的网址收集) /~sbialkow/Research/paptlinks.ht ml90. 国际纯粹与应用生物物理学联合会 (IUPAB)/91. 国际近红外光谱学委员会出版商 (NIR Publications) /index.html92. 荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学:分析化学与应用光谱学研究组http://www.chem.vu.nl/acas/93. 获化学网站范例奖的教学站点:A Group Theory Tutorial, Oxford University/exemplarchem/entries/2002/GroupT heory94. 加拿大多伦多大学:化学系http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/95. 加拿大多伦多大学化学系:Mitchell A. Winnik教授的研究小组(高分子和胶体化学研究小组)http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/staff/MAW/mawpage.html96. 加拿大西安大略大学:Surface Science Western(SSW) http://www.uwo.ca/ssw/97. 晶体是什么?(关于晶体的形状, 结构和应用常识) /bca/ed/wond.html98. 课程材料:物理化学实验 (美国新墨西哥州立大学开设) /studntres/chem435/99. 课程教材:分析化学实验(美国纽约州立大学石溪分校化学系Robert Schneider)/Class/che133/100. 美国标准与技术研究院NIST 双原子光谱数据库 (免费)。
美国质谱学会(ASMS, American Association for Mass Spectrometry)/南非质谱协会(SAAMS)http://www.saams.up.ac.za/欧洲质谱学会(ESMS)/esms/岛津公司:Koichi Tanaka (2002年诺贝尔化学奖获得者)/about/nobel/***高纯度化学研究所http://www1m.mesh.ne.jp/kojundo/e/index.htm***质谱学会(MSSJ)http://www.mssj.jp/瑞典质谱学会(SMSS)http://www.smss.uu.se/瑞士质谱组(SGMS)http://www.sgms.ch/生物技术中的质谱仪器相关资源/以色列巴依兰大学:化学系http://www.biu.ac.il/ESC/ch/印度质谱学会(ISMAS)/英国表面分析论坛英国伦敦大学比克贝克学院生物与化学学院:分析科学研究小组/~chm_tgc/英国曼彻斯特理工大学化学系:J. Philip Day的研究小组/people/academic/jpd.html英国质谱学会(BMSS)/index.html质谱:Mass Spectrometry Database,American Academy of Forensic Sciences (免费) http://www.ualberta.ca/~gjones/mslib.htm质谱资源: Mass Spectrometry Internet Resources FAQ/~kmurray/mass-spec-resource...质谱资源导航(Mass Spectrometry Links)/cooks/MS%20Links.htmThe NIST Chemistry WebBook (免费)/chemistryNetSci的计算化学软件目录/Resources/Software/The Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry/inca/publications/store/6/2/1/4/1/1/...Internet Resources for Mass Spectrometry(Internet质谱资源介绍) (免费) /articles/jms_intres.pdfSDBS: NIMC有机物谱图库,*** (免费)http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/SDBS/menu-e.htmlAnnual Workshop on SIMS/Bio-Rad推出可检索80万张谱图的Internet版数据库(03-09-2004)/Spy/basehtml/SpyH/1,1181,4-1-... European Journal of Mass Spectrometry (EJMS) (免费,摘要)/ems.htmlCritical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (免费,摘要)/ejournals/issues/issue_years.asp?... HighChem, Ltd. (质谱软件)/ (Mass Spectrometry's web address)/International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (Former title:International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes)(免费,摘要) /locate/ijmsipIntroduction to Organic Chemistry, Revised Printing, 4/E/catalog/academic/product/0,4096,0139.../cinf/milne.htmElectrospray Mass Spectrometry at the University of Leeds/Facil/mass.htmJEOL USA, Inc. (电子显微镜、分析仪器)/Journal of Mass Spectrometry (JMS) (免费,摘要)/jpages/1076-5174/Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry (JASMS) (免费,摘要)/homepage/saa/webjam/Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (JMSSJ) (免费,摘要)http://www.mssj.jp/English/Publication/JMSSJ/index.htmlLaboratory of Analytical Chemistry & Biopolymer Structure Analysis, University of Konstanzhttp://www.ag-przybylski.chemie.uni-konstanz.de/Mass Spectrometry Consultants and Analysts (M-Scan为制药与化学工业领域提供质谱学与色谱学方面的咨询、分析和培训)/index.htmlMass Spectrometry International Limited (分析仪器)/Mass Spectrometry Reviews (免费,摘要)/jpages/0277-7037/MDS Sciex (质谱仪器)/MetaChem: (HPLC, LC/MS, SPE及其他用于制药、生物制药的分离产品)/Micromass (质谱仪器)/NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library (147,198个化合物谱图)/srd/nist1a.htmNIST/EPA/NIH质谱库/srd/nist1a.htmNucleoside Research & Mass Spectrometry Unit, University of Antwerp (核苷研究与质谱分析)http://aether.ruca.ua.ac.be/researchgroup/index.htmPC Software (NMR和IR的模拟小程序) (免费)/chem-dept/hbell/simulation/hb2/T...Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (RCM) (免费,摘要)/jpages/0951-4198/Sadtler Spectral Handbooks(Sadtler谱图手册)/Sadtler Suite综合软件包/SadtlerSuite.htmSci.techniques.mass-spec Links (提供质谱学专业导航)/stms/links.htmlScientific Instrument Services, Inc. (质谱仪和气相色谱服务商)/Shula Levin's Homepage of HPLC and LC-MS Since 1997 (HPLC, LC/MS和IR相关教学资料和网络资源链接)/Spectroscopy Letters (免费,摘要)/servlet/product/productid/SLSPEX CertiPrep, Inc.样品制备仪器和标准参考物质(元素溶液)目录及MSDS/crmmain/msds/msds.htmThe Analyst (免费,目录)/is/journals/current/analyst/about.htmThe Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (复杂碳水化合物研究中心)/The LC/MS Home Page & The LC/MS Bookstore 液相色谱法/质谱法)/TIMS List热电离质谱学)/archives/tims-l.htmlUsenet Mass Spectrometry Newsgroup (质谱学) (免费)/stms/Waters Corporation (高效液相色谱、质谱)/Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data, 7th Edition (质谱数据库)/html/wap-pr.htm爱尔兰质谱学会(IMSS)http://www.imss.ie/index.htm澳大利亚分离科学研究中心(ACROSS).au/澳大利亚墨尔本大学:化学学院.au/澳大利亚与新西兰质谱学会(ANZSMS).au/anzsms/比利时安特卫普大学化学系http://sch-www.uia.ac.be/en/index.html比利时根特大学:毒物学实验室http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~wlambert/表面科学常用缩略语及相关解释词汇目录/tech/list.html表面科学建模、分析和可视化软件与数据库指南(部分免费)/software.html#1波兰质谱学会(PMSS)http://ptsm.ibch.poznan.pl/PTSM_main.htm德国University of Erlangen-Nuremberg计算机化学中心:Johann Gasteiger教授http://www.chemie.uni-erlangen.de/gasteiger/德国柏林技术大学化学学院有机化学系:Schwarz的研究小组http://www.chem.tu-berlin.de/AK-Schwarz/第16届国际质谱学大会(16th IMSC)(2003-08-31)/17届国际质谱学大会(2006-08-27)/第19届阿撒拉墨质谱会议-生物分子相互作用:蛋白质复合物的鉴定与特征描述(2003-10-17)/confAsilomar2003.php第20届法国质谱学会议(2003-09-16)http://amsterdam.ipbs.fr/20jfsm/anglais/home.htm第6届健康与生命科学领域分子与细胞蛋白质组学质谱国际大会(2003-08-24)/symposium/分析技术描述(Evans Analytical Group相关专业分析技术的教材,检测极限列表和几种分析仪器优缺点对比)/tech.htm分子反应动力学国家重点实验室中国科学院化学研究所http://复杂碳水化合物谱图库(Proton NMR、GC-EIMS) (免费)/web/specdb/specdbframe.html国际质谱学会(IMSS)http://www.imss.nl/荷兰Twente大学:Nico N. M. Nibbering教授的研究小组(质谱)http://smct.ct.utwente.nl/people/nicon/nicon.html荷兰质谱学会(NVMS)http://www.denvms.nl/加拿大曼尼托巴大学物理学与天文学系Kenneth G. Standing教授(质谱)http://www.physics.umanitoba.ca/people/faculty/standing.html检索质谱文献库Mass Spectrometry Bulletin/is/database/msbhome.htm链接部分国家的质谱学会/esms/ESMSlink.htm美国爱荷华州立大学化学系:R. S. Houk教授的研究组(无机质谱)/faculty/Robert_Houk/homepage.htm...美国东北大学Barnett研究中心:Barry L. Karger教授的研究小组/KargerRG/美国范德比尔特大学:质谱研究中心(Mass Spectrometry Research Center (MSRC) at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville)/美国佛罗里达州立大学化学与生物化学系:Alan G. Marshall教授的研究小组/faculty/marshall.htm美国加利福尼亚大学欧文分校化学系:Barbara J. Finlayson-Pitts教授的研究小组/people/faculty/bjfinlay/美国加州理工学院化学系:Jesse L. Beauchamp教授的研究小组/美国洛克菲勒大学质谱学与气体离子化学实验室:Brian T. Chait教授/research/abstract.php?id=18美国马里兰大学化学与生物化学系:Catherine C. Fenselau教授的研究小组(生物质谱) /biochem/fenselau/index.html美国史蒂文斯理工学院化学与化学生物学系:A. K. Ganguly教授(合成有机化学)/chem_chembio/People/Faculty/美国学术性质谱网站链接导航/index/referenc/academicsites.html美国印第安那大学:Hites分析环境化学实验室/~hiteslab/美国犹他大学化学系:Peter B. Armentrout教授的研究小组/faculty/armentrout/armentrout.htmlAdvanced Chemistry Development (ACD)/在本年度的美国质谱大会上,赛默飞公司向来自世界各地的同行人士展示了11款相关的产品,包括软件、试剂盒、色谱柱等。
【名称】ChemExper化学品目录CDD (包括MSDS、5000张红外谱图)【资源简介】The database contains currently more than 70 000 chemicals, 16000 MSDS, 5000 IR spectra and more than 20 suppliers. It is the only chemical database that lets you SUBMIT your own data!?【检索途径】You can find a chemical by its molecular formula, IUPAC name, common name, CAS number, catalog number, substructure or physical characteristics?【地址】【名称】 (NMR谱图数据库及NMR谱图预测)【资源简介】This is a web-based approach implementing a new java applet that enables to assign a chemical structure to the corresponding NMR spectrum by simply drawing lines between atoms and automatically characterized signals.This NMR predictor allows to predict the spectrum from the chemical structure based on Spinus (Structure-based Predictions In NUclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy), which is an on-going project for the development of structure-based tools for fast prediction of NMR spectra developed by Gasteiger (?SPINUS - WEB currently accepts molecular structures via a Java molecular editor, and estimates 1H NMR chemical shifts.?【地址】【名称】BioMagResBank (BMRB): 多肽、蛋白质、核酸等的核磁共振数据存储库【资源简介】IntroductionBioMagResBank (BMRB) is the publicly-accessible depository for NMR results from peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids recognized by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance and by the IUPAC-IUBMB-IUPAB Inter-Union Task Group on the Standardization of Data Bases of Protein and Nucleic Acid Structures Determined by NMR Spectroscopy. In addition, BMRB provides reference information and maintains a collection of NMR pulse sequences and computer software for biomolecular NMR. Access to data in BMRB is free directly from its web site (URL??and ftp site and will remain so as public funding permits. The concept of a biomolecular NMR data bank developed under a five-year research grant awarded to the University of Wisconsin-Madison from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. This grant was phased out afterthat period, and a Request for Applications was issued by the NIH for future support of this activity. BMRB at t he University of Wisconsin-Madison won this competition, has been supported since 1 September 1996 by the National Library of Medicine, NIH under grant 1 P41 LM05799. The current award for five years expires on 31 August 2004.?AimsIn collaboration with the Protein Data Bank (PDB, Brookhaven National Laboratories) and Nucleic Acid Data Bank (NDB, Rutgers University), BMRB aims to develop into the collection site for structural NMR data in proteins and nucleic acids. Steps are being taken at BMRB to achieve this capability, which will include transmission of all relevant data to the PDB and NDB collections. In addition, BMRB has the goal of archiving NMR-specific data including assigned chemical shifts, J-couplings, relaxation rates, and chemical information derived from NMR investigations (for example, hydrogen exchange rates and pKa values). In developing these collections BMRB intends to be responsive to the needs and priorities of the scientific community. The operating policy at BMRB is monitored and shaped by its Advisory Board which meets once each year to review progress and set priorities. The Advisory Board is composed of representatives from laboratories that originate and/or use data within the BMRB p urview.【地址】【名称】NIST Chemistry WebBook【资源简介】The November 1998 release of The NIST WebBook is the fifth edition of the NIST Chemistry WebBook. It contains thermochemical data for over 5000 organic and small inorganic compounds, reaction thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions, IR spectra for over 5000 compounds, mass spectra for over 10,000 compounds, electronic / vibrational spectra for over 3000 compounds, constants of?diatomic molecules (spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds, Ion energetics data for over 14,000 compounds, and thermophysical property data for 16 fluids There are many avenues for searching the database. Structures are given for most species, as well as common and commercial names.?【检索途径】Formula Name?Partial formula?CAS registry number?Structure based?Ion energetics?Vibrational and electronic spectra?Molecular weight?Author?【地址】【名称】粉末衍射模式数据库PowBase (Powder Patterns Database)?【资源简介】PowBase is a "minimum database" of constant wavelength powder patterns. The data files (zipped) contain either a CIF file or a .dat file (the latter can be viewed by WinPLOTR, option INSTRM=0).?The search output produces entry numbers with hyperlink to the raw data (zipped files), the formula, wavelength, a comment, and a reference with email address. Some pertinent hyperlinks may be added, and also a VRML 3D view, sometimes.【地址】?【名称】上海有机化学所:化学数据库【资源简介】上海有机化学研究所的化学专业数据库由多个数据库组成,注册后可免费使用。
【名称】ChemExper化学品目录CDD (包括MSDS、5000红外谱图)【资源简介】The database contains currently more than 70 000 chemicals, 16000 MSDS, 5000 IR spectra and more than 20 suppliers. It is the only chemical database that lets you SUBMIT your own data!【检索途径】You can find a chemical by its molecular formula, IUPAC name, common name, CAS number, catalog number, substructure or physical characteristics【地址】.chemexper.be/【名称】 (NMR谱图数据库及NMR谱图预测)【资源简介】This is a web-based approach implementing a new java applet that enables to assign a chemical structure to the corresponding NMR spectrum by simply drawing lines between atoms and automatically characterized signals.This NMR predictor allows to predict the spectrum from the chemical structure based on Spinus (Structure-based Predictions In NUclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy), which is an on-going project for the development of structure-based tools for fast prediction of NMR spectra developed by Gasteiger (www2.chemie.uni-erlangen.de/services/spinus/index.html). SPINUS - WEB currently accepts molecular structures via a Java molecular editor, and estimates 1H NMR chemical shifts.【地址】/【名称】BioMagResBank (BMRB): 多肽、蛋白质、核酸等的核磁共振数据存储库【资源简介】IntroductionBioMagResBank (BMRB) is the publicly-accessible depository for NMR results from peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids recognized by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance and by the IUPAC-IUBMB-IUPAB Inter-Union Task Group on the Standardization of Data Bases of Protein and Nucleic Acid Structures Determined by NMR Spectroscopy. In addition, BMRB provides reference information and maintains a collection of NMR pulse sequences and computer software for biomolecular NMR. Access to data in BMRB is free directly from its web site (URL ) and ftp site () and will remain so as public funding permits. The concept of a biomolecular NMR data bank developed under a five-year research grant awarded to the University of Wisconsin-Madison from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. This grant was phased out after that period, and a Request for Applications was issued by the NIH for future support of this activity. BMRB at t he University of Wisconsin-Madison won this competition, has been supported since 1 September 1996 by the National Library of Medicine, NIH under grant 1 P41 LM05799. The current award for five years expires on 31 August 2004.AimsIn collaboration with the Protein Data Bank (PDB, Brookhaven National Laboratories) and Nucleic Acid Data Bank (NDB, Rutgers University), BMRB aims to develop into the collection site for structural NMR data in proteins and nucleic acids. Steps are being taken at BMRB to achieve this capability, which will include transmission of all relevant data to the PDB and NDB collections. In addition, BMRB has the goal of archiving NMR-specific data including assigned chemical shifts, J-couplings, relaxation rates, and chemical information derived from NMR investigations (for example, hydrogen exchange rates and pKa values). In developing these collections BMRB intends to be responsive to the needs and priorities of the scientific community. The operating policy at BMRB is monitored and shaped by its Advisory Board which meets once each year to review progress and set priorities. The Advisory Board is composed of representatives from laboratories that originate and/or use data within the BMRB p urview.【地址】/【名称】NIST Chemistry WebBook【资源简介】The November 1998 release of The NIST WebBook is the fifth edition of the NIST Chemistry WebBook. It contains thermochemical data for over 5000 organic and small inorganic compounds, reaction thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions, IR spectra for over 5000 compounds, mass spectra for over 10,000 compounds, electronic / vibrational spectra for over 3000 compounds, constants ofdiatomic molecules (spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds, Ion energetics data for over 14,000 compounds, and thermophysical property data for 16 fluids There are many avenues for searching the database. Structures are given for most species, as well as common and commercial names.【检索途径】Formula NamePartial formulaCAS registry numberStructure basedIon energeticsVibrational and electronic spectraMolecular weightAuthor【地址】/chemistry【名称】粉末衍射模式数据库PowBase (Powder Patterns Database)【资源简介】PowBase is a "minimum database" of constant wavelength powder patterns. The data files (zipped) contain either a CIF file or a .dat file (the latter can be viewed by WinPLOTR, option INSTRM=0).The search output produces entry numbers with hyperlink to the raw data (zipped files), the formula, wavelength, a comment, and a reference with email address. Some pertinent hyperlinks may be added, and also a VRML 3D view, sometimes.【地址】 sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/powbase/【名称】有机化学所:化学数据库【资源简介】有机化学研究所的化学专业数据库由多个数据库组成,注册后可免费使用。
免费波谱图检索网站 http://riodb01.ibase.aist.go.jp/sd bs/cgi-bin/direct_frame_top.cgi
日本的一个研究所设置的网站,可 以查询化合物的IR,1H-NMR,13CNMR,MS谱图数据;
/chemistry 美国的免费NIST数据库网站,可以 查询化合物的IR,MS,UV图谱,这 些免费的波谱数据库可以强化对谱 图特征的感性认识,可以在解题的 过程中利用标准图谱加以比对.
美国加利福尼亚Scripps质谱中心 的网站,有许多关于质谱发展史, 质谱基础理论,质谱前沿知识以及 最新质谱研究的内容,可以供对质 谱感兴趣的同学学习和参考;
/~webspe ctra/index.html
美国罗切斯特技术学院化学系的Joseph P. Hornak博士创建的核磁共振学习网 页,详细阐述了核磁共振的原理及应用, 在原理讲解中还穿插了许多形象生动的 Flash动画,是深入学习和理解核磁共 振原理的一个全面而且优秀的网站.
由剑桥同位素实验室和加利福尼亚大学洛 杉矶分校化学和生物化学系共同维护的环 球谱学网站,不但有NMR和IR的基础理论 知识,而且提供了许多有关1H-NMR,13CNMR,DEPT,COSY和IR光谱的练习题,这 些练习题分别设置为初级,中级和高级, 可以供不同阶段的学生进行练习;
/htbooks/nmr/i nside.htm
一些计算化学相关的免费的在线数据库、分子结构库及工具1 在线信息数据库部分ChemSpider小分子信息整合数据库:简介:是当前众多的在线分子数据库的信息整合,便于用户搜索,数据来自200种数据库。
根据分子俗名、系统命名、Smile/InChI字符串、注册号、分子式等方式搜索,会列出分子平面结构、实验测定和实时估算的理化性质(含LogP等)、毒性、分子简介、Smile/InChI/InChIKey字符串、在其它分子数据库中的编号和链接、相关文章及专利、同义词、相关蛋白质、NMR/IR光谱图等,某些分子还可以链入web CSD获得三维结构。
√ SDBS光谱数据库:http://riodb01.ibase.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/direct_frame_top.cgi简介:很好的有机化合物光谱数据库,包含六类光谱:EI-MS、FT-IR、H-NMR、C13-NMR、ESR、Raman。
生物核磁共振数据库:http://bmrb.protein.osaka-u.ac.jp/depositCRYSTAL程序基组数据库:/~mdt26/crystal.htmlTURBOMOLE程序基组数据库:/TURBOMOLE_BASISSET_LIBRARY/tbl.html√ 计算化学比较和基准数据库(CCCBDB):简介:此数据库包括各种量子化学方法、各种基组下对不同分子的各种属性的计算结果,也包含实验数据。
√ 量化频率计算校正因子:/vibscale.asp简介:实际上就是CCCBDB的一个子页面,比较重要故单独列出。
29、有机化合物数据库(Organic Compounds Database),/chemistry/cmp/cmp.html
30、化学危险品数据库(Hazardous Cehmicals Database),/erd/
ChemExper化学品目录CDD (包括MSDS、5000张红外谱图)(免费)
物性、质谱、晶体结构数据库(Kelvin, Dalton, Angstrom), JST(免费)
SDBS: NIMC有机物谱图库,日本(免费)
22、有机反应机理大全chembio.ethz.ch/l ... eaktionen_lehr.html
/cn/psear ... -66-9+&sel=dict
11、化合物基本性质数据库(CS ChemFinder),
总结实用网址化学化工类:1、化学视窗2、化学信息网(包含很多资料)/3、有机物光谱http://riodb01.ibase.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/direct_frame_top.cgi4、欧洲专利网/advancedSearch?locale=en_gb5、蛋白质晶体数据库/pdb/home/home.do6、化学预测(收率,同分异构体)/WebElements.cgi$perc7、ChemExper化学品目录CDD (包括MSDS、5000张红外谱图)http://www.chemexper.be/8、 (NMR谱图数据库及NMR谱图预测)/9、上海有机化学所:化学数据库http://、EPA spectral database/ttn/emc/ftir/data.html11、化合物成药性预测/prog/peo/12、诺贝尔学术资源网/bbs/?u=18361613、有机化合物性质/软件类:1、卡巴斯基key文件/new.html2、全国列车时刻表/train/3、软件程序下载【地址1】/Sorting/Catalog9/Sorting_Indate_Desc_1.html 【地址2】/Soft/softdown.asp?softid=9482【地址3】/Soft/search.asp?word=C【地址4】/?folder=237293娱乐类:1、搜索免费FTP/index.aspxFTP://、测智商/3、有声读物下载/4、在线视频/watch?v=0VVSd_mSvoM5、经典动画/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=9052326、单机游戏/list/2_1.html7、可以在线听和免费下载最新《读者》《科幻世界》等著名杂志有声版,不用再买杂志/ZZ8、可以在线做个以自己照片做硬币人物的硬币图片,好酷哦!!http://onlinewahn.de/generator/m-maker.htm9、中国灵异事件全记录/软件学习类1、office与excell学习/index.php。
精品文档16 十 11 你所要了解的32个免费化学数据库,简单翻译了一下,注明来源后欢迎转载。
可以通过多种查询条件搜索超过- 1.PubChem链接到了原始文献MeSHPubChem记录通过八百万种化合物。
虽然有部分的初PubChem 不过中,但是大多数记录并没有链接到相应的原始文献。
据表集合中,本列表种的其他数据库都将他们的条目交叉引用到了CAS 是。
PubChem Registry所碰到的真正对手。
尽管eMolecules 通过其他信息来源补充了但是只有部分分子可以指向到供的重点是可以通过商业手段获得的数据,中种的大多数条目都是链接到PubChem应商的在线目录中。
eMolecules 的用处并不是很大。
4.CHEBI- 一个免费的小分子化合物在线词典。
CHEBI的数据主要来自: Integrated Relational Enzyme Database of the EBIh'ythe 两个来源你可以找出分子在什么情。
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and GenomesBeilstein注册号、况下和哪些蛋白质有关。
16 十 11 你所要了解的32个免费化学数据库来自Rich Apodaca的Blog,简单翻译了一下,注明来源后欢迎转载。
1.PubChem- 免费化学数据库的始祖。
PubChem是CAS Registry所碰到的真正对手。
2.ZINC- 一个免费的商业数据库,包括虚拟筛选可用的化合物。
通过简单的接口和超快的搜索引擎,eMolecules 通过其他信息来源补充了PubChem的数据。
尽管eMolecules 的重点是可以通过商业手段获得的数据,但是只有部分分子可以指向到供应商的在线目录中。
eMolecules种的大多数条目都是链接到PubChem中的,因此我觉得现在eMolecules 的用处并不是很大。
4.CHEBI- 一个免费的小分子化合物在线词典。
CHEBI的数据主要来自两个来源: Integrated Relational Enzyme Database of the EBIh'ythe Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes。
3.2.4. 红外谱图数据库服务介绍:本数据用户可以在数据库中检索指定化合物的谱图,也可以根据谱图/谱峰数据检索相似的谱图,以协助进行谱图鉴定。
用户可以通过IE 浏览器显示谱图,特别提示:用户浏览器请勿禁用java applet 功能,否则可能导致谱图不能正常显示。
名词与概念:谱峰匹配 2张谱图上的2个特征峰进行比较,谱峰的数据差异(包括谱峰位置、谱峰透过率、半峰宽、峰差)均在可容许误差范围之内,则系统认为这2个谱图上的2个谱峰属于匹配关系。
如图3.2.4.1所示,谱峰a 与谱峰1匹配,而谱峰b 和谱峰2不匹配。
12001000800600(cm-1)60402012001000800600(cm-1)604020图3.2.4.1 谱峰匹配示意图相似谱图 如2张谱图的特征峰都逐一匹配,或有未能匹配的谱峰也在用户指定的容许范围之内,则系统认为两张谱图彼此相似。
图3.2.4.2所示的2张谱图,谱峰a 与1匹配,谱峰b 与2匹配,则我们认为这2张谱图彼此相似。
12001000800600(cm-1)60402012001000800600(cm-1)604020图3.2.4.2 谱图相似示意图谱图分类 指谱图/化合物用途的分类,参见数据库介绍部分。
例如乙醇的气相谱和标准谱就很不相似,谱图可见图3.2.4.32和图3.2.4.33。 相似谱图检索——输入谱峰检索基本原理 用户输入某个谱图的特征谱峰数据,并指定命中谱图与输入的提问谱图的最低相似度、容许误差范围等参数。
1 在线信息数据库部分√SDBS光谱数据库:http://riodb01.ibase.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/direct_frame_top.cgi简介:很好的有机化合物光谱数据库,包含六类光谱:EI-MS、FT-IR、H-NMR、C13-NMR、ESR、Raman。
RESP ESP charge DDataBase(REDDB):/REDDB/index.php简介:分子的RESP电荷的数据库Uppsala Electron Density Server:http://eds.bmc.uu.se/eds简介:用于评价蛋白质数据库中晶体结构电子密度。
3.2.23 核磁谱图数据库数据库介绍:核磁谱图数据库属上海有机所化学数据库系统的一部分,本数据库共收录两种核磁共振波谱的谱图:标准谱与特征谱。
图3.2.23.1 化合物检索核磁谱图对每一种名称均可进行模糊检索或者精确检索。
关于谱图显示的特别提示:页面的谱图需要使用java applet显示,如果页面跳出了窗口显示java 过期的信息,如图3.2.23.3所示,则点击按钮运行一次,即可正常显示谱图。
图3.2.23.3 java过期的提示(Chrome浏览器)如果java已经更新到了最新版本,则可能跳出程序运行的安全警告窗口,请在窗口中点击运行即可。
图3.2.23.4 提示java运行的窗口有些用户在把java更新到了1.7.10版本以后,出现“您的安全设置已阻止不可信应用程序运行”的提示,如下图:图3.2.23.5 java安全设置里阻止本网站程序运行的窗口对于这种情况,请用户在java控制面板中配置安全设置,该设置需要java更新到Java 7 Update 51。
●如何打开 Java 控制面板?Windows 8使用搜索来查找控制面板按 Windows 徽标键 + W以打开搜索框来搜索设置,或者将鼠标指针拖动到屏幕的右下角,然后单击搜索图标。
http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/c ... l/constants_en.html
9、有机化合物数据库(Organic Compounds Database),
物质 曼拉光谱 查找
1. 在拉曼光谱数据库中搜索:拉曼光谱数据库是一个免费的、全球最大的化学信息集合,您可以在其中查找化学物质的物理和化学性质、生物活性、安全性和毒性信息、专利、文献引用等等。
2. 使用专业软件进行分析:许多专业的光谱分析软件都支持曼拉光谱数据的导入和分析,例如Origin、MATLAB等。
谱图免费资源谱图免费资源BioMagResBank (BMRB): 多肽、蛋⽩质、核酸等的核磁共振数据存储库(免费) 资源简介ChemExper化学品⽬录CDD (包括MSDS、5000张红外谱图)(免费) 资源简介/doc/53b54a6327d3240c8447efc2.html (NMR谱图数据库及NMR谱图预测)(免费) 资源简介SDBS: NIMC有机物谱图库,⽇本(免费) 资源简介粉末衍射模式数据库PowBase (Powder Patterns Database)(免费) 资源简介美国印地安那⼤学测试的X光衍射晶体结构数据(部分免费) 资源简介上海有机化学所:化学数据库(免费) 资源简介物性、质谱、晶体结构数据库(Kelvin, Dalton, Angstrom), JST(免费) 资源简介Aldrich Spectral Viewer (FT-IR、FT-NMR谱图库光盘) 资源简介EPA spectral database(免费) 资源简介HaveItAll IR(Sadtler IR谱图库光盘) 资源简介KnowItAll Informatics System 2.0 资源简介从/doc/53b54a6327d3240c8447efc2.html 检索Chapman & Hall/CRC Properties of Organic Compounds 资源简介美国标准与技术研究院NIST原⼦光谱数据库(ASD)(免费) 资源简介⽇本丰桥⼤学Jinno实验室的研究数据库(液相⾊谱、多环芳烃/药物/杀⾍剂的紫外谱、物性)(免费) 资源简介⼩型光谱数据库下载Optical Databases Download Page(免费) 资源简介Absorption or Emission spectra of elements from the University of Oregon (每种元素的吸收光谱、发射光谱) 资源简介ACD/I-Lab (NMR谱预测、物性预测、化合物系统命名⾃动⽣成) 资源简介ACD/Labs的NMR谱图库资源简介ACD/Web Librarian环境下的⾊谱应⽤数据库(免费) 资源简介AntiBase (微⽣物、⾼等真菌) 资源简介Atomic Line List (原⼦吸收、发射性能数据)(免费) 资源简介ECDYBASE (The Ecdysone Handbook)(免费) 资源简介eCrystals - Southampton (晶体结构数据共享库)(免费) 资源简介Elemental Data Index (元素的物理数据)(免费) 资源简介FBI FT-IR Fibers Library (Spectrochimica Acta) 资源简介FDM的参考谱图库(主要是红外谱FTIR)(部分免费) 资源简介FT-IR Library of David Sullivan(免费) 资源简介FTNMR Spectra in NUTSTM Format(免费) 资源简介Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Chemicals(部分免费) 资源简介Indiana Dynamics Database (IDD)(免费) 资源简介Marinlit (海洋天然产物⽂献数据库) 资源简介MOlecular GAsphase DOCumentation (MOGADOC, 分⼦⽓相微波、电⼦衍射、分⼦放射天⽂) 资源简介NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library (147,198个化合物谱图) 资源简介NIST/EPA/NIH质谱库资源简介NMRShiftDB (NMR谱图数据库和NMR谱图预测)(免费) 资源简介Sadtler(萨特勒)红外光谱数据库联⽹检索资源简介Sadtler红外谱图数据库检索(世界上最⼤的红外谱图库)(部分免费) 资源简介science-softCon UV/Vis Spectra Data Base (紫外/可见光谱图)(部分免费) 资源简介Spectra Heap (光谱分析数据库软件) 资源简介Spectra Online,Galactic (红外谱图) 资源简介SweeT-DB (糖类化合物数据库)(免费) 资源简介Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data, 7th Edition (质谱数据库) 资源简介复杂碳⽔化合物谱图库(Proton NMR、GC-EIMS)(免费) 资源简介傅⾥叶变换红外光谱仪FTIR、拉曼光谱检索(/doc/53b54a6327d3240c8447efc2.html ) 资源简介挥发性有机物质谱数据(Collection of mass spectra of V olatile Organic Compound)(免费) 资源简介检索质谱⽂献库Mass Spectrometry Bulletin 资源简介美国标准与技术研究院NIST 双原⼦光谱数据库(免费) 资源简介美国⼀些实验室测定的分⼦的晶体结构数据Reciprocal Net(部分免费) 资源简介⾯向本科⾼年级和研究⽣的课程教材:有机化合物结构光谱解析(免费) 资源简介穆斯堡尔效应参考数据库(Mossbauer Effect Reference Database) 资源简介⽣物技术中的质谱仪器相关资源资源简介糖类(碳⽔化合物)拉曼谱图库SPECARB (Raman Spectra of Carbohydrates)(免费) 资源简介应⽤化学数据库(免费) 资源简介英国化学数据服务中⼼CDS (Chemical Database Service) 资源简介有机化合物数据库Organic Compounds Database, Virginia Tech 资源简介质谱:Mass Spectrometry Database,American Academy of Forensic Sciences(免费) 资源简介。
1. 检索特定谱图:可以通过输入化合物的名称、CAS号或谱图的特征数据参数,从NIST谱库中检索特定的谱图。
2. 比对谱图:可以将实验得到的谱图与NIST谱库中的谱图进行比对,以确定化合物的结构和确定其标识。
3. 谱图库搜索:可以通过搜索NIST谱库来查找特定谱图类型的数据库,比如红外光谱、质谱或核磁共振谱。
4. 数据分析和解释:可以使用NIST谱库来解释和分析实验数据,比如通过与谱库中的数据对比,确定化合物的结构,进行质谱定量分析等。
5. 计算谱图:NIST谱库还可以用于计算理论谱图,并与实验数据进行比较,以验证结构和确定标识。
光谱鉴别软件,用于单组分,多组分物质图谱分析和官能团分析。KnowItAll ID Expert易于使用:只需打开谱图并查看结果。请在 /idexpertvideo观看使用演示。
谱库和免费软件 安装指导
使用系统的建议,参考/minimum_system。 1. 将安装U盘插入计算机。从U盘中,打开KnowItAll Installation文件夹,双击KnowItAllInstall.exe,并按照说明操作。如果无法
从U盘安装,请从/download下载软件。 2. 启动KnowItAll ID Expert软件,并按照操作说明激活许可证。产品注册代码位于 KnowItAll 包装盒背面;如果你的 KnowItAll 是
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【资源】免费的谱图数据库20个★★★★★★★sanko211(金币+5):感谢分享2010-04-14 10:58帝夫(金币+2):感谢分享2010-04-15 09:33【名称】ChemExper化学品目录CDD (包括MSDS、5000张红外谱图)【资源简介】The database contains currently more than 70 000 chemicals, 16000 MSDS, 5000 IR spectra and more than 20 suppliers. It is the only chemical database that lets you SUBMIT your own data!【检索途径】You can find a chemical by its molecular formula, IUPAC name, common name, CAS number, catalog number, substructure or physical characteristics【地址】http://www.chemexper.be/【名称】 (NMR谱图数据库及NMR谱图预测)【资源简介】This is a web-based approach implementing a new java applet that enables to assign a chemical structure to the corresponding NMR spectrum by simply drawing lines between atoms and automatically characterized signals.This NMR predictor allows to predict the spectrum from the chemical structure based on Spinus (Structure-based Predictions In NUclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy), which is an on-going project for the development of structure-based tools for fast prediction of NMR spectra developed by Gasteiger(http://www2.chemie.uni-erlangen.de/services/spinus/index.html). SPINUS - WEB currently accepts molecular structures via a Java molecular editor, and estimates 1H NMR chemical shifts.【地址】/【名称】BioMagResBank (BMRB): 多肽、蛋白质、核酸等的核磁共振数据存储库【资源简介】IntroductionBioMagResBank (BMRB) is the publicly-accessible depository for NMR results from peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids recognized by the International Society of Magnetic Resonance and by theIUPAC-IUBMB-IUPAB Inter-Union Task Group on the Standardization of Data Bases of Protein and Nucleic Acid Structures Determined by NMR Spectroscopy. In addition, BMRB provides reference information andmaintains a collection of NMR pulse sequences and computer software for biomolecular NMR. Access to data in BMRB is free directly from its web site (URL ) and ftp site() and will remain so as public funding permits. The concept of a biomolecular NMR data bank developed under a five-year research grant awarded to the University of Wisconsin-Madison from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. This grant was phased out after that period, and a Request for Applications was issued by the NIH for future support of this activity. BMRB at t he University of Wisconsin-Madison won this competition, has been supported since 1 September 1996 by the National Library of Medicine, NIH under grant 1 P41 LM05799. The current award for five years expires on 31 August 2004.AimsIn collaboration with the Protein Data Bank (PDB, Brookhaven National Laboratories) and Nucleic Acid Data Bank (NDB, Rutgers University), BMRB aims to develop into the collection site for structural NMR data in proteins and nucleic acids. Steps are being taken at BMRB to achieve this capability, which will include transmission of all relevant data to the PDB and NDB collections. In addition, BMRB has the goal of archiving NMR-specific data including assigned chemical shifts, J-couplings, relaxation rates, and chemical information derived from NMR investigations (for example, hydrogen exchange rates and pKa values). In developing these collections BMRB intends to be responsive to the needs and priorities of the scientific community. The operating policy at BMRB is monitored and shaped by its Advisory Board which meets once each year to review progress and set priorities. The Advisory Board is composed of representatives from laboratories that originate and/or use data within the BMRB p urview.【地址】/【名称】NIST Chemistry WebBook【资源简介】The November 1998 release of The NIST WebBook is the fifth edition of the NIST Chemistry WebBook. It contains thermochemical data for over 5000 organic and small inorganic compounds, reaction thermochemistry data for over 8000 reactions, IR spectra for over 5000 compounds, mass spectra for over 10,000 compounds, electronic / vibrational spectra for over 3000 compounds, constants ofdiatomic molecules (spectroscopic data) for over 600 compounds, Ion energetics data for over 14,000 compounds, and thermophysical property data for 16 fluids There are many avenues for searching thedatabase. Structures are given for most species, as well as common and commercial names.【检索途径】Formula NamePartial formulaCAS registry numberStructure basedIon energeticsVibrational and electronic spectraMolecular weightAuthor【地址】/chemistry【名称】粉末衍射模式数据库PowBase (Powder Patterns Database) 【资源简介】PowBase is a "minimum database" of constant wavelength powder patterns. The data files (zipped) contain either a CIF file or a .dat file (the latter can be viewed by WinPLOTR, option INSTRM=0).The search output produces entry numbers with hyperlink to the raw data (zipped files), the formula, wavelength, a comment, and a reference with email address. Some pertinent hyperlinks may be added, and also a VRML 3D view, sometimes.【地址】http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/powbase/【名称】上海有机化学所:化学数据库【资源简介】上海有机化学研究所的化学专业数据库由多个数据库组成,注册后可免费使用。