E- ink display introduction




全球五大电子纸技术介绍基础知识:电泳式显示(EPD)技术现今电子书阅读器仍多是采用电泳显示器(electrophoresis Display, EPD)作为显示面板,目前全球90%以上的电子纸均采用电泳式显示(EPD)技术,因此电泳显示器几乎便与电子纸划上等号。










全球有很多公司加入了开发电子纸显示器的行列,只不过能量的电子纸技术,只有美国e-ink 公司。




e-ink公司称它们为e-ink屏和e-ink Vizplex屏。







关键词:平板显示技术;双稳态;胆甾液晶;手性向列液晶英文题目Bistable DisplayAbstract:The principle of the bistable display device, the significance of bistable display technique and the basic clue were introduced in the paper. Based on above knowledge, the current bistable display devices and its principle, research headway and existent problem were presented, including the bistable devices based on liquid crystal, based on combination of light interference and bistable mechanic display device(iMod), base on electrophoresis of zero electric field bistable E-ink display device. Due to history of development of bistable display device is quite long, Purpose of the overview is not only introduce the status of the field, moreover, purpose of the overview is to provide the creative ideas and the solutions for bistable display device.On the foundation of bistable idea, the bistable structure of OLED array, of FED will be presented. By combination of existed technology, the clue of development of large screen display by bistable technology is presentedKeywords:flat panel display;bistable;cholesteric liquid crystal;chiral nematic mesophase一定义以显示技术方面来说,双稳态就是同一个显示CELL中,在不施加电压的状况之下,就可以拥有亮态与暗态两种不同的状态,而且能够持续维持下去,因此顾名思义称为双稳态。


电子纸薄膜与驱动背板贴合,在电场驱动下不同颜色的粒子相对 移动,从而使微胶囊依照电场分布对外显示白色(氧化钛粒子上 升至表面)或是黑色面(炭黑粒子上升至表面)
电子纸技术简介 E-Ink微胶囊电子纸示意图 E-Ink微胶囊(Microcapsule)电泳技术示意图
电子纸技术简介 SiPix微杯电泳显示工作原理
的作用下,带电微粒便会根据电极的正负而向上或向下移动,使其 呈现颜色
电子纸技术简介 SiPix微杯电子纸示意图 SiPix公司微杯(Microcup)电泳显示技术示意图
电子纸技术简介 OED微胶囊电子纸和普利司通电子粉流体工作原理
采用非正负电的双粒子结构,两种粒子不易结合,高性能, 高稳定性
电子纸的应用与市场 概述
由于电子纸的特点,它特别适合于要求超低功耗,显示效果像 印刷品,轻便易安装等场合,目前已开发的应用包括:
电子书阅读器(电子书/电子报纸杂志) 电子价格牌 智能卡 移动通讯手持设备显示屏(如手机、PDA屏幕) 手机键盘 各种便携式电子设备显示屏 手表 电子贺卡 动态广告显示屏
美国SiPix Imaging公司采用白色粒子/黑色染料介质的材料和微 杯(Microcup)结构: 在ITO基材上制作精密排列的微杯阵列 往微杯阵列中精确注入电子墨水,即白色带正电颗粒及黑色的染料 微杯表面进行固化后与胶粘剂层层压制成电子纸薄膜 微杯的上面为透明软性基板,下方为电极,在上下两电极加压电场
电子纸技术简介 电子纸技术的发展历史
2007年底 亚马逊采用E-Ink显示屏,推出Kindle电子书,由于丰 富的内容和使用方便从而取得巨大成功,连续3年销量成150%以上



什么是E-INK PANELE-INK,一般我们称之为“电子黑水”,这是一种技术,用这种技术做成的屏,我们称之为E-INK屏,或者说是电子纸。







广义上的电子纸包括“纸型”柔性液晶显示器,本质上与PC 显示器没有差别,相对其它以非液晶技术实现的电子纸,这类产品在成本上略显劣势。














E-ink电子纸开发板使用说明手册Edition 1.1.0大连佳显电子有限公司摘要大连佳显电子有限公司2013年推出的2.1寸、3.5寸、4.3寸、6寸和8寸的E-ink电子纸开发板是让用户简单上手容易使用电子纸为目的而研制的,对接触过二代计算器语言和C语言环境开发的工程师,可以很快了解并应用,此外针对C语言的系统函数它可以非常灵活地在该产品上进行控制和操作。

Kiel软件是在很多系统底层编程时需要用到的流行软件,所以我们建议使用该软件进行编译,整个编译和下载过程借助Debugger 和 Kiel3 的结合完成。


针对不同尺寸的电子纸,我们有不同的Demo kit可以提供,使用Arm单片机存储可以容纳多张图片交替刷新,我们以2.1寸的Demo开发板为例来说明此类Demo开发板的使用方法,其它的Demo开发板的使用都与此类似。

目录:产品摘要 (02)结构部分 (04)设置程序 (07)编译过程 (12)下载 (13)调试程序 (14)生成一个图片 (14)结构部分:如果仅仅是想显示内容,只要将Demo开发板和电子纸在未上电情况下连接,之后将Demo开发板的USB供电插入PC的USB 总线进行供电就可使用了。

每一个Demo kit上留有一枚工作电源指示灯,在上电工作情况下它会保持绿灯常亮,断电后瞬间熄灭,而且在供电源区域内可见一个跳线,用户可以选择使用电源适配器或USB供电。

Demo kit上的USB连接线不参与编译后下载,只能供电。

下载接口部分是采用标准JTAG接口,此处需要与Debugger的JTAG 连接,再用Debugger的另一端用USB连接计算器的COM口。

JTAG接的连接方向如图所示,将凹槽对像连接线的凸边:就下载和调试阶段而言,您需要具备一台安装了Keils3及以上版本(已注册)的计算机,除此之外还需要连接Debugger和Demo开发板,最后需要Demo kit 和E-ink电子纸的正确连接。

元太E Ink展高分辨率及柔性电子纸

元太E Ink展高分辨率及柔性电子纸

的 试 制 品 。 P 解 说 员 表 示 实 用 化 时 间 为 VI
“ 0 0 第 一 季 度 ” 。 柔 性 化 估 计 是 利用 P 在 2 1年 VI S D 2 0 发 表 的 “ P a E e t nc ls c 1 09 E L r( lcr i OnPat o s i B ae e ae ”工 艺实 现 的 。这 是 一 种将 利 yL sr l s ) R e 用 剥 离 技 术 形成 的 、聚 酰 亚 胺 底 板 上 的T T 为 F作 驱动 电路 的制 造 方 法 。
心 举 办 的 “ P ne ain l 0 9 F D Itr t a 2 0 ”上 进 行 了展 n o 出 。分 辨 率 为 1 7 p 。该 公 司 解 说 员 称 : “ 术 5p i 技 方 面 已达 到 量 产 水 平 。 如 果 用 户 有 需 求 能够 满 足 。 ” 驱动 元件 采用 低温 多晶硅T T(T F LP S 。 每 个 像 素 配 备 2 晶 体 管 及 1 电 容 器 ) 个 个 ( ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ C) 。采 用 项 部 发 光 ( o mi in 型 元 21 T pE s o ) s 件 构 造 。 利 用 基 于 金 属 掩 模 的 蒸 镀 法 分 涂 R B3 有机 E 材 料 。 全 白亮 度 为 2 0 dm2 G 色 L 0 c/ ,对 比度 为 1 00 0 1 可 显 示 16 0 色 , 色 彩 表 现 0 ,0 :。 ,0 万 范 围NT C比为7 % 。驱 动 频 率适 用 1 0 。 S 2 2 Hz
角度 观 看 ,显 示 效 果都 完 全 一 样 的 。这 种 高 度 一 致 性 使 得这 款 产 品成 为 视 频 墙 和视 频 显 示 器 的 首



E-ink Electronic NameplateInstallation and Operating ManualV 1.0Remark:⏹All rights reserved for translation, reprint or reproduction⏹Contents may change without prior announcement⏹All technical specifications are guideline data and not guaranteed features⏹Taiden Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any damage caused by improper use of this manual⏹The equipment must be connected to earth!⏹This product conforms to the rules of the European directive 2004/108/EC.⏹To protect your hearing, avoid high pressure level on earphones. Adjust to a lower and convenient level.⏹If any detailed information is needed, please contact your local agent or TAIDEN service center in your region.Any feedback, advice and suggestion about the products is appreciated.⏹TAIDEN CongressMatrix、mMediaCongress are the registered trademarks of TAIDEN Co., Ltd.⏹CobraNet is the registered trademark of Cirrus Logic, Inc.⏹Dante is the registered trademark of Audinate Pty Ltd.⏹In order to extend the life time of the whole system, we strongly recommend that the congress systembe scheduled to shut down every day in the evening when not in use.ContentsChapter 1. Introduction (1)1.1 Summary (1)Chapter 2 E-ink Electronic Nameplate (3)2.1 Functions and instructions (3)2.2 Installation (5)2.2.1 Desktop fixed Installation of HCS-1082(S(N)) (5)2.2.2 Installation of HCS-1082S(N)/FM (6)2.3 Connection and operation (7)Chapter 3 Technical specifications (9)3.1 System specifications (9)3.2 E-ink nameplate (10)Chapter 1. IntroductionFeatures■Elegant and ergonomic tabletop design with an ultra-thin 8 mm screen■1904 x 464 pixels display■High contrast■Paper like reading - low eye strain■Contents may be permanently displayed after power down■Ultra wide viewing angle■Dramatic energy savings■Double side panel■Optional microphone state indicating light On/Off■USB Type-C Connector■Network port (RJ45), support PoE■Bi-color LED indicator on the top to display request to speak or speaking status■Button on the base for making a request to speak or for another user-defined functionality■Extension port can connect to an external request-to-speak button, IC card reader or fingerprint identification module■For use with TAIDEN conference system: Connection in the same system with conference main unit through PoE switchPower supply from conference unit (e.g.HCS-8668) through USB Type-C connection.Automatically bounded to the conference unitonce connectedDisplay of delegate profile in user-defined layout when bound to a conference unit■For stand-alone use:PC connected plug-and-play application.Nameplate can be automatically recognized as aUSB flash drive so that pictures from PC can becopied to the nameplate for displayBuilt-in Web Server offers control of nameplates using a standard internet browserControl all or part nameplates in the network via Nameplate Server■Combination with Electronic Nameplate Management Software:Users can flexibly set display contents, such asenterprise logo, conference logo, conferencename, name and title of the delegate, which canbe displayed on the nameplate when thedelegate signs in on the conference unitContents on the front or rear side of the nameplate can be managed independently, orsynchronouslyDefault screen setting is available for pre-meeting display or absence displayMicrophone state indicating light On/Off settingControlling of a certain or multiple nameplate display is available after seating is assignedProduct type:HCS-1082_BE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, double screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, Nameplate management system needed, black)HCS-1082_WE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, double screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, Nameplate management system needed, white)HCS-1082N_BE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, double screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, RJ45 connector supports PoE, Nameplate management system or Nameplate server needed, black)HCS-1082N_WE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, double screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, RJ45 connector supports PoE, Nameplate management system or Nameplate server needed, white)HCS-1082S_BE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, single screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, Nameplate management system needed, black)HCS-1082S_WE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, single screen, 14.74”,microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, Nameplate management system needed, white)HCS-1082SN_BE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, single screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, RJ45 connector supports PoE, Nameplate management system or Nameplate server needed, black)HCS-1082SN_WE-ink Electronic Nameplate (tabletop, single screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, RJ45 connector supports PoE, Nameplate management system or Nameplate server needed, white)HCS-1082S/FME-ink Electronic Nameplate (flush-mounting, single screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, Nameplate management system needed, white)HCS-1082SN/FME-ink Electronic Nameplate (flush-mounting, single screen, 14.74”, microphone status indicator, USB connector to HCS-86** series multimedia congress terminal, RJ45 connector supports PoE, Nameplate management system or Nameplate server needed, white)Chapter 2 E-ink Electronic NameplateFront of HCS-1082(N) Backside of HCS-1082(N)Front of HCS-1082S(N) Backside of HCS-1082S(N)Front of HCS-1082S(N)/FM Backside of HCS-1082S(N)/FMSide of HCS-1082(S(N)) Top view and bottom view of HCS-1082(S(N))Figure 2.1.1 E-ink nameplateFigure 2.1.1:1. E-ink screenContents may be permanently displayed after power down;HCS-1082(N): double 14.74” screens;HCS-1082S(N): single 14.74” screen;HCS-1082S(N)/FM: single 14.74” screen;Contents can be set by the TAIDEN Electronic Nameplate System.2 & 3. Microphone state indicatorWork state Indicating lightMicrophone On Red (on)First in request list Green (flash)Not first in request list Green (on)4. USB Type-C connectorConnecting to congress terminal via USB cable5. Cat.5e Cable with RJ45 socketSupports PoE;When wiring, we suggest you to choose a shielded RJ45 plugs.Note:please select one conection mode from USB or Cat.5e as needed6. Button for requesting to speak or other user defined function7. Power indicatorGreen light is on in active communication;8. Phoenix extension portConnecting to an external request-to-speak button, IC card reader or fingerprint identification moduleSpecial reminder: Please DO NOT press on the E-ink screen!Figure 2.2.1 Moving2.2.1 Desktop fixed Installation of HCS-1082(S(N))Note:☞The side with button (short lamp) is toward to delegate;☞The tabletop thickness is controlled between 18 mm and 22 mm; if less than 18 mm, please add the material to increase the thickness; if more than 22 mm, please increase the hole area at the screw hole position at the bottom of the tabletop to reduce thickness.Figure 2.2.2 Fixed installation of HCS-1082(S(N)) electronic nameplate2.2.2 Installation of HCS-1082S(N)/FMFigure 2.2.3 Fixing hole positioning diagram of HCS-1082S(N)/FM (unit: mm)Figure 2.2.4 Flush-mounted installation of the HCS-1082S(N)/FM1. Connection nameplates to main unitThere are two ways for electronic nameplates to access main unit:First, the electronic nameplates are directly connected to the conference units (eg. HCS-8668) via USB cable (Figure 2.3.1), and the electronic nameplates are automatically bound to the conference units at this time. The HCS-8531 Electronic Nameplate Client is needed for nameplate controlling.Second, through the PoE switch, using RJ45 cable, the electronic nameplates and the EXTEN SION port of the conference main unit can be connected to the same network, and under this connection mode, the electronic nameplate can be used independently, or can be manually bound to the conference unit. The HCS-8531 Electronic Nameplate Client is needed fornameplate controlling.Figure 2.3.2 Nameplates connection via cat.5e cable(with main unit)NumberFirst of all, make sure that the nameplates are connected properly to the CMU. All nameplates must be numbered when the system is used for the first time or when adding or replacing nameplates. The numbering function can be activated HCS-8531 Electronic Nameplate Client.The number indicating light of all connected nameplateswill blinkandscreens display:“Numbering…”. Press the key on the backside of allnameplates one by one. Once all nameplates numbered, restart the CMU to update the number information.2. Connection nameplates to networkThe HCS-1082 series electronic nameplate can be used independently without main unit, at this time, the electronic nameplates and the control computer should be connected to the same network (network switcher needed). HCS-8532 Electronic Nameplate Server is needed for nameplate controlling.The default IP address of nameplate is, so, please modify the IP address of the nameplate first. Connect only one nameplate to the newwork, and then enter the default IP address in browser to access the nameplate webpage to modify IP address, and then restart the nameplate.Figure 2.3.3 Nameplates connection via cat.5e cable(without main unit)3. Connection nameplates to computerWhen connecting to computer via USB cable, nameplate can be automatically recognized as a USB flash drive so that pictures from PC can be copied to the nameplate for display.Picture format: *.bmp, monochrome bitmap;Nameplate resolution: 1904*464;Front screen file name: 1.BMP;Back screen file name: 2.BMP;Double screens file name: 3.BMP.4. DisplayDisplay content can be set through nameplate system software, contents may be permanently displayed after power down.Press and hold the key on the back side for 3 seconds, or click “Display Nameplate Version” through nameplate system software, the screen of nameplates display the device information. Include: Device ID, Version and Build. Press the key again to exit versiondisplay.Figure 2.3.1 Nameplates connection via congress terminalChapter 3 Technical specifications 3.1System performanceConforms to IEC 60914, the international standard forcongress systemsSystem environmental conditionsWorking conditions fixed/stationary/transportableTemperature range:- Transport: -40 °C to +70 °C- Operating: 0 °C to +45 °CMax. relative humidity:< 95% (not condensing)Safety: Compliant to EN 60065EMC emission: Compliant to EN 55022EMC immunity: Compliant to EN 55024EMC approvals: CE, FCCPower harmonic: Compliant to EN 61000-3-2Voltage fluctuations and flicker: Compliant to EN61000-3-3Physical characteristicsTypes E-ink nameplate InstallationTabletop / Flush-mountedHCS-1082(S)Dimensions(mm)HCS-1082S/FMDimensions(mm)ColorHCS-1082(S): black (PANTONE 419 C) / white (PANTONE 420 C)HCS-1082S/FM: white (PANTONE 420 C)WeightHCS-1082(S): 1.3 kg HCS-1082S/FM: 0.8 kgElectrical characteristicsTypesHCS-1082(S) HCS-1082S/FMDisplay dimensions384 mm x 89 mm Resolution 1904 x 464Max. consumption 3 W Static consumption< 100 mWConnectionCat.5e cable with RJ45 socketType-C USB connectorCopyright by TAIDEN Last Revision: 12/2019TAIDEN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 6/F, Block B, Future Plaza, 6060 Qiaoxiang Rd, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China P .C.: 518053Website: 。

NEC Display Solutions 大屏LCD多功能显示器说明书

NEC Display Solutions 大屏LCD多功能显示器说明书

MultiSync, NaViSet, TileMatrix and Frame Comp are trademarks or registered trademarks of NEC Display Solutions, Ltd. in Japan, the United States and other countries.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.DisplayPort and DisplayPort Compliance Logo are trademarks owned by the Video Electronics Standards Association in the United States and other countries.HDBaseT™ and the HDBaseT Alliance logo are trademarks of the HDBaseT Alliance.CRESTRON and CRESTRON ROOMVIEW are trademarks or registered trademarks of Crestron Electronics, Inc.AMX is a trademark or registered trademark of AMX in the United States and other countries.Trademark PJLink is a trademark applied for trademark rights in Japan, the United States and other countries and areas.VESA is a trademark of a nonprofit organization, Video Electronics Standard Association. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The images in this brochure are samples.All specifications are subject to change without notice. March 2016Cat. No. WLCD-1603-0011NNEC Display Solutions, Ltd.SpecificationsDimensionsOptionsTerminalsLocal options: please contact your supplier.AUDIO OUT LAN PORT (RJ-45)VGA (Mini D-Sub 15 pin)DVI (DVI-D)SERVICE PORTAUDIO INDisplayPort INDisplayPort OUTEXTERNALSPEAKER TERMINAL INTERNAL/EXTERNAL SPEAKER SWITCHRS-232CHDMI INREMOTE IN X754HB:1694.4X554HB:1253.6X754HB:146.2X554HB:137.7X754HB / X554HB / X474HBHigh-brightness with the most advanced technologies delivers what is needed at your sites/ap/X754HB / X554HB / X474HB23HighlightsThe state-of-the-art connectivity and sensors allow additional creativity in the content displayed and how it is controlled. The unique built-in NFC sensor, in combination with NEC’s new Android app, reduces installation and maintenance times, which is especially useful on larger installations. The Human Sensor is aware of viewer presence based on proximity and can change brightness, volume, and inputs or power the display up or down, resulting in added engagement and considerable energy savings over time.The HB series is designed to be installed in shop windows or in cabinets for outdoor applications, offering high levels of brightness. The display can be seen clearly in bright locations where external light shines in and is thus optimal for digital signage on which information must be displayed accurately.Thanks to the multi-stream function of DisplayPort, multiple displays can be daisychained and still be individually controlled. This also makes a 2 × 2 video wall with native Ultra High Difinition 4K/2K (3,840 × 2,160) possible.Dedicated Colour Calibration Software*As the brightness and colour temperature of the LCD change with time, colours may not match across multiple screens. Our dedicated colour calibration software ensures colour uniformity and fidelity across multiple screens, creating a perfectly matched image in tiled environments.The dual slot technology allows for the integration of Open Pluggable Specification (OPS*) boards and other option slot products without the need to store additional external equipment. This offers the greater flexibilitycustomers require.Video signals and control signals can be daisy chained with one DisplayPort and LAN line respectively, meaning that just two cables manage everything for setup.Monitoring and managing the temperature of each display is crucial to secure reliability and longevity.An industrial-strength, premium-grade panel with additional thermal protection, internal temperature sensors with selfdiagnostics, and fan-based technology allows for 24/7 operation, and protects your display investment.The built-in near field communication (NFC) chip allows data to be read and written via a mobile phone or tablet PC. Users can significantly reduce installation costs as displays can be easily configured and serviced using the NEC NFC Android app. This is available even when the display is switched off and especially useful on larger installations.This new optional human (motion) sensor accessory (KT -RC2) helps to deliver creative digital signage to end users by allowing for dynamic control of brightness, audio and source inputs while saving on operating costs. Auto dimming adjusts the backlight of the LCD automatically depending on the amount of ambient light.Simplify your installations with HDBaseT, which is optimized for video applications and supports uncompressed Full-HD digital video, audio, Ethernet, and various control signals. With only a single cable (up to 100 m) to run, infrastructure and labour costs are reduced, installations are significantly easier, and there is no cable clutter to manage. With uncompressed HD video support, images have never been morestunning. What’s more, control signals are contained in the same cable.This software is an all-in-one remote support solution that runs from a central location and provides monitoring, asset management and control functionality of the majority of NEC display devices and Windows computers. It is ideal for multi-device installations over larger infrastructures.Proof of PlayThis function provides accurate proof that displays are working as established and is helpful when checking on the status of the displaysinstalled at user’s site.No human (motion) detected• Practical exampleHuman (motion) detectedX754HB / X554HB / X474HB* Requires the optional HDBaseT board, SB-07BC* NEC Display Wall Calibrator* OPS is a standard established by Intel Corporation.OPS*Interface Extension• Just one cable for each video and control • Just two cables will manage everything • Up to 100 displays can be daisy chainedOther Useful Features and Functions• Landscape/portrait capable • Scheduler with real-time clock• Intelligent power management system • Power on delay • Screen saver function • Aspect ratio control • Memo function • Carbon footprint metre• Image and on-screen display ip • Picture-in-picture, picture-out-picture • Built in speakers • Point zoom• Control lock function• 6-axis colour adjustments and sRGB standard• Advanced video settings(Noise reduction, adaptive contrast)• Colour temperature adjustment• Programmable gamma setting (3 settings)• DICOM simulation• Plug and pay (DDC/CI, DDC2B)• HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection)• Ethernet and RS-232C control and communication• CRESTRON ROOMVIEW™• AMX Discovery HTTP server • PJLink • Self-diagnosis • Status log function • Firmware update over LAN• Metal rear cabinet with VESA Standard (FDMIv1) Mounting Interface • HandlesX754HB / X554HB / X474HB。

E-INK 无所不在

E-INK 无所不在

E-ink无所不在:从阅读器到时尚手表2014-12-01随着 E-ink 技术的发展与进步,E-ink 的适用范围早已不是仅限于阅读器等少数几个领域了。

近日一家叫做 FES (Fashion Entertainments)的公司突然推出了一块屏幕与表带均为 E-ink 显示屏的时尚手表,你可以随时改变表盘和表带的样式,一共有 24 种不同的搭配,方便你搭配不同的衣服,出入不同的场合。

平时状态下手表显示为全黑或者全白,当抬手看表时 E-ink 会通电点亮,显示出表盘和表带。

这块风格上有点像三宅一生的简约手表凭借柔性的 E-ink,让表带也能随时变换显示内容。

这种通过电子显示屏幕来随时改变造型的设计理念正是 FES 所强调的。

FES 这家公司的背后是索尼,而 FES 所用的柔性 E-ink 屏幕技术,正是 E-ink 技术的垄断巨头元太科技与索尼共同研发的。

这款叫做 Mobius 的软性 E-ink 屏幕是世界上第一款可量产的柔性E-ink 屏幕面板。

诞生于麻省理工学院媒体实验室的 E Ink Corporation 公司是E-ink(电子墨水)的缔造者,在 2009 年的时候被台湾的元太科技收购。

而 05 年收购飞利浦 E-ink 部门,08 年获得韩国 Hydis 74% 股权的元太在收购了 E-ink 公司后跃居为全球 E-ink 技术、生产的垄断者。

E-ink 并不是什么未来科技,而是直接融合现有化学、物理和电子知识所创造的全新材料。


在 E-ink 屏幕下,真实存在着无数白色与黑色的带电粒子,它们在通电后组成我们看到的图案、文字。

E-ink 的技术原理允许它在电源完全拔除的状态下,画面持续存续在显示屏上,不会消失。

这就是为什么采用了 E-ink 的阅读器比静态下仍然需要不停刷新的 LED 省电的原因。

另一个对比 LED 的优势在于 E-ink 无需背光源,利用环境光照射在屏幕上,在反射进入使用者眼中,这个过程和我们日常阅读纸质报纸、书籍完全一样。

Kindle Paperwhite电子书阅读器显示屏的光学解构说明书

Kindle Paperwhite电子书阅读器显示屏的光学解构说明书

Optical teardown of a Kindle Paperwhite displayby OCTBart Johnson, Walid Atia, Mark Kuznetsov, Noble Larson, Eric McKenzie, Vaibhav Mathur,Brian Goldberg, Peter WhitneyAxsun Technologies, 1 Fortune Drive, Billerica, MA 01821, USAAbstract:An optical teardown, or reverse engineering, of an AmazonKindle Paperwhite electrophoretic display was performed by OpticalCoherence Tomography at 1060 nm. The display incorporates an opticaldiffuser, lightguide and scattering layers for white light illumination,capacitive touch sensing, and an electrophoretic display. All these layerscan be imaged by OCT as well as the thin film transistor array on the backside for driving the pixels. Phase sensitive OCT is used to measure motionof the pigment particles as the display changes between black and white.1. IntroductionThe Amazon Kindle Paperwhite [1] is an advanced electronic book reader that features a black and white electrophoretic display [2] as well as capacitive multitouch screen capability and an internal lightguide with an optical scattering layer [3,4] to provide uniform, white light illumination. Teardowns, where a new electronic gadget is disassembled and photographed are commonly found on technically oriented web sites. Here we perform an “optical teardown” of the first generation Kindle Paperwhite display by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). This highlights an industrial application of OCT in the 1060 nm wavelength range using advanced swept laser sources and data acquisition hardware [5].The heart of the Paperwhite is the electrophoretic display manufactured by E Ink Corporation [2]. Microencapsulated electrophoretic displays were first developed at MIT [6] and then refined [7] and commercialized [2]. The electrophoretic display layers consist of microcapsules of liquid containing black and white particles. The white particles are permanently charged negative and the black particles positive. They can thus be moved through electrophoresis by an electric field. Moving the white particles to the top of the capsule and black to the bottom results in a white pixel. Reversing the electric field turns it black. An interesting feature of these displays is that with no external electric field applied they remain in the same state. An image can be retained almost indefinitely with no power applied to the display. This fact, and the fact that the display emits no light, only reflects light, means that electrical power consumption is very low.Figure 1. Diagram of a microcapsule electrophoretic display.2. Overall display constructionThe Kindle Paperwhite display is a complex layered device of glass, plastic and thin films, in addition to the electrophoretic pigment microcapsules. A cross-section of the display taken with a 1060 nm OCT system is shown in Figure 2 and three dimensional renderings are shown in Figure 3. The top layer is a light diffuser to remove reflected light glare. It is followed by a high index light guide layer that conducts light from four white LEDs across the display. A graded surface of microprinted scattering centers [3,4] directs white light out of the guide layer to uniformly illuminate the pigment layer. Underneath the light guide is an 18 x 14 thin film capacitive touch screen layer. The capacitive array pitch is 7.0 x 6.6 mm on a 122 x 90 mm display area. The pigment layer contains fluid-filled microcapsules with charged black and white pigment particles. The capsules are sandwiched between a transparent ground plane and thin film transistor (TFT) driven pixel electrodes unseen below the pigment layer.Figure 2. Cross section image (left) and single A-line (right) of a Kindle Paperwhite display by OCT at 1060nm.Figure 3. Three dimensional renderings of OCT data showing the (a) diffuser,(b) scattering layer, (c) touch-screen capacitance layer, (d) E Ink pigmentlayer.3. Light diffuserFrom close examination of Figure 2, the light diffuser appears to be four thermoplastic layers containing small air bubbles. Microscope photos in Figure 4 show one image focused on the diffuser surface and another focused on the pigment layer below. The first image shows the diffuser bubbles and the second shows individual pixels in the pigment layer, slightly blurred because of the diffuser. The pixel pitch is 120 microns. We speculate that the diffuser material is polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which can be formulated with varying levels ofbubble content.on the E Ink pigment layer (right).4. Lightguide illumination layersThe internal white light illumination is a new feature in the Paperwhite model. Four white LEDs shine into a planar waveguide and microprinted scattering centers are designed to uniformly scatter light out of the guide onto the pigment layer. The success of this scheme is shown in the illumination uniformity map of Figure 5. The white/black contrast of the electrophoretic display is 17:1. These false color images were obtained by photographing the display using a RAW file format and removing the gamma compression from the final bitmap images to register linear light intensity.Figure 5. False color light intensity maps for a black page with whiteborder (left) and white page (right). Four white LEDs inject light into thelightgide at the bottom of the display and it propagates towards the top,being scattered onto the electrophoretic display along the way.The scattering centers are apparently imprinted on the surface of the high-index guide layer as described in these patents [3,4]. Each scattering center is a small island corrugated plastic as shown in Figure 6. The islands are smaller at the bottom of the display, near the white LEDs. For uniform illumination, the scattering needs to increase near the top of the display as the white light is depleted. These scattering islands are seen in the OCT image in Figure 3b as a kind of row-like structure in the coarser pitch dimension. These scattering centers are visible on a disassembled Paperwhite near the edge of the display where the centers overlay the metal film on the capacitance layer. The pitch of the centers is roughly 200 x 100 microns, although there appears to be some randomness of placement and ofcorrugation angle. Figure 7 shows the increased island size at the top of the display, away from the four illumination LEDs at the bottom.We speculate that the lightguide material is polycarbonate (PC), which is capable of being microprinted, as is done in the case of pressed compact discs, for example. OCT measurements of the optical and physical thickness of these layers indicates the refractive index is greater than 1.5, consistent with published numbers for PC at a 1 micron wavelength. This high index would provide light guiding when sandwiched between lower index materials.Figure 6. Microscope photograph of light emitted from the edge of thelightguide of a disassembled Paperwhite with the four illumination LEDsout of focus in the background (left). Structure of the lightguide andscattering centers (right).Figure 7. Microscope photographs of the microprinted scattering centers.The image is not clear because of the intervening diffuser layer. Closeexamination shows the corrugations from the microprinting.5. Touch screen capacitor layerThe capacitance layer shown in Figure 3c appears to be corrugated like the lightguide, but that is an artifact of the OCT imaging. The display was tilted in the OCT experiment to eliminate strong specular reflections. The result is that the specular beam from the capacitance layer misses the detector, but will get to the detector by scattering in the layer above as drawn in Figure 8. This modulates scattering islands onto the capacitance layer signal giving the mistaken impression that the capacitance layer is corrugated as well.The reflections from small metal traces circled in Figure 3c are real. Those are apparently metal crossover traces connecting one dimension of the touch screen projected capacitance grid. They are imperceptible to a person reading an E-book, but can be seenunder a microscope. We were unable to image the capacitor traces, likely made from indium tin oxide, with standard OCT and even phase sensitive OCT. The Paperwhite has a multi-touch capability and we are presuming that the capacitance layout is similar to that drawn in Figure 9.Figure 8. Optical path from the capacitance layer to the OCT detector,showing how the scattering layer affects the signal and confuses theinterpretation of the images.Figure 9. Diamond-shaped transparent pads in a typical projectedcapacitance array used for multi-touch sensing. The crossover tracesimaged by our OCT system are shown in black. The dark blue and dark redmetal traces that connect to the presumed ITO pads can be seen under amicroscope and by OCT.6. E Ink electrophoretic display layersOCT can image characters formed on the E Ink electrophoretic display layer, although the contrast at 1060 nm is not high. This is shown in Figure 10 in three dimensions along with reflections of all the intervening layers of the display.Figure 10. Three dimensional rendering of OCT data (left) and photograph(right) of the Kindle Paperwhite display with text from [8] displayed.While the display state, white/black/gray, is static with the power removed, the pigment particles exhibit Brownian motion. The particles are held in a semi-permanent potential well, but they are still free to move somewhat within the liquid. This can be seen from the speckle pattern in the M-mode image of Figure 11 that shows 250 A-lines from a stationary beam on the Kindle display. All the display layers and interfaces are seen, with unchanging speckle patterns except for the E Ink pigment layer. The light diffuser, for example, shows stable horizontal speckle lines over the 5 minute measurement period. The E Ink pigment speckle pattern changes for each A-line, showing that the pigment particles are in motion. This particular measurement was taken from a Kindle Paperwhite display in the white state whose battery was removed some months before.Figure 11. M-mode image formed from 250 A-lines taken over a 5 minutetime period. Stable speckle patterns are seen everywhere except withinthe E Ink pigment layer, showing that the pigment particles, while trappedin a stable potential well, still exhibit Brownian motion.An electrophoretic display has fluid-filled microcapsules containing mobile, charged pigment particles that can be driven towards or away from the viewer by electrophoretic forces depending on the direction of an electric field across the capsule layer. The Kindle Paperwhite has black and white particles. The motion of the white particles can be tracked by phase sensitive OCT since they are highly reflecting. Movement towards or away from the display surface can be detected, but lateral motion cannot since it produces no Doppler shift. Therefore motion due to electrophoresis can be measured, but motion from dielectrophoretic forces [9] cannot.The Kindle Paperwhite was mounted under a stationary beam from a 1060 nm, 100 kHz swept source [5]. A 12-bit data acquisition board [5] was used to stream 8.2 seconds of data to computer memory over a PCIe interface. While the data converters are capable of 550 MS/s rates, the board was actually clocked from a k-clock interferometer at frequencies ranging from 170 to 330 MHz. The fiber-based Mach-Zehnder k-clock drifts with temperature and the starting wavelength of the laser sweep jitters a few clock pulses sweep to sweep. These are not good conditions for a phase sensitive measurement and 2π phase errors can easily be made. We use a new phase unwrapping algorithm [10] that is tolerantto phase jitter to combat that problem. There are both one and two dimensional versions of the method.Figure 12 shows the results of an experiment where the Kindle Paperwhite display started white, was switched to black, and then back to white. Doing that required swiping the touch-screen display with a finger to “turn the page.” Physically touching the display moved it by about a dozen microns, even though the unit was firmly strapped down. Phase data from both the display surface and the pigment layer were collected so the overall device motion could be subtracted to just obtain the pigment motion. This creates a “virtual” common path interferometer, which is more pha se stable. This worked out fairly well, as shown in Figure 12. The red curve shows about 4 microns of white particle motion away from the display surface when it is switched to the black state. This is in the face of about 12 microns of overall motion from a finger pushing the display away from the OCT probe. A few 2π phase errors, which amount to about 0.5 microns, are likely, but overall the measurement looks reasonable.The Kindle Paperwhite is sluggish, taking about 0.5 seconds to respond to a finger command. The display reflectivity changes in synchronism with the pigment movement, not the finger motion. The 1060 nm laser signal from the pigment layer suffers from speckle effects and is very “noisy”. A simultaneous measurement of white light re flectivity shows a much cleaner trace. However, both measurements track and are synchronized with the pigment motion.It is clear that the white particles move away from the surface when the display transitions to the dark state, and the data shows this. The registered motion is only 3 microns, although the E Ink microcapsules are believed to be much bigger. Quantifying the movement in microns is problematic since there will be some signal from the stationary microcapsule walls and from the black particles that move in the opposite direction. It is expected that the signal will be dominated by white particle reflection only when they are near the top surface of the microcapsules. A more sophisticated model of the optical interaction is needed to probe further.Figure 12. Phase sensitive displacement measurement of pigmentparticles (top) and display reflectivity (bottom).7. Thin film transistorsA thin-film transistor (TFT) array drives the pixels in the electrophoretic display. The TFTs are not accessible optically from the front of the display since the pigment layer prevents light from penetrating that far. The TFTs can be imaged from the back of the display, nondestructively, by disassembling the Paperwhite. The TFTs are fabricated on a glass substrate and the layers deposited on the substrate can be imaged, although most of the deposited materials are metal and light does not penetrate further.Figure 13 shows three images of a 3x3 cell portion of the TFT pixel driver array. The cell pitch is 120 microns. The OCT images are of limited use because of the poor lateral resolution, however there is potential for added diagnostic information with a higher resolution scanner, especially with phase sensitive imaging. The phase sensitive image was made by subtracting the TFT layer phase from the substrate phase and applying the two-dimensional version of the filtered phase unwrapping algorithm of Ref. [10].Figure 13. 3x3 cells of the thin film transistor array seen with phasesensitive OCT (left), standard OCT (center), and white light microscopy(right)8. SummaryThis work illustrates an industrial application of OCT and reveals the impressive electro-optical technology behind the Kindle Paperwhite E-book reader. These measurements were made nondestructively. The reader was taken apart, but still worked when reassembled. An advanced 1060 nm swept source and a new data acquisition board capable of streaming large data sets made this work possible. These experiments also demonstrate a new algorithm for phase-unwrapping [10] that makes phase sensitive measurements possible in the face of modest laser phase jitter.References and links1.“Light Reading: How the Kindle Paperwhite Works,” NY Times, December 26, 2012,/interactive/2012/12/26/technology/light-reading.html?ref=personaltech&_r=2&2. E Ink Corporation. /3.L. Hatjasalo, K. Rinko, “Light panel with improved diffraction,” US Patent 6,773,126, Aug. 10, 2004.4.K. Rindo, “Ultra thin lighting element,” US Patent 7,565,054, Jul. 21, 2009.5.1060 nm swept source and prototype data acquisition board designed and manufactured by AxsunTechnologies. /6. B. Comiskey, J. D. Albert, H. Yoshizawa and J. Jacobson, “An electrophoretic ink for all-printed reflectiveelectronic displays,” Nature 394, 253-255 (1998).7. A. Loxley and B. Comiskey, “Capsules for electrophoretric displays and methods for making the same,” USPatent 6,262,833, Jul. 17,2001.8.Graham Farmelo, “The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Quantum Genius”, Kindle edition, (E-book location 3102).9.K.R. Amundson, A.C. Arango, J.M. Jacobson, T.H. Whitesides, M.D. McCreary, R.J. Paolini, Jr., “Methods fordriving electrophoretic displays using dielectrophoretic forces,” US Patent 7,999,787, Aug. 16, 2011.10.M.A. Navarro, J.C. Estrada, M. Servin, J.A. Quiroga, J. Vargas, “Fast two-dimensional simultaneous phaseunwrapping and low-pass filtering,” Optics Express 20, 2556 (2012).。



电子纸显示技术——简析(2012-12-24 11:44:35)电子纸是一种特殊的显示屏幕,具有超轻薄、可重写、便于携带、断电时也能保持显示等特性。



2. SiPix微杯技术SiPix 电子纸技术,其原理是在尺寸相同的微杯中填充白色颗粒和着色液体,通过切换贴在微杯上的驱动电极的电荷正负来上下移动颗粒,使颗粒颜色和液体颜色交替显现。


3. Bridgestone电子液态粉末技术Bridgestone的电子纸被称为快速响应电子粉流体显示器(Quick Response Liquid Powder Display,QR-LPD),采用独创的电子液态粉末(Electronic Liquid Powder,ELP)技术,将树脂经过纳米级粉碎处理后,形成带不同电荷的黑、白两色粉体,再将这两种粉体填充进使用空气介质的微杯封闭结构中,利用上下电极电场使黑白粉体在空气中发生电泳现象。


4、胆固醇液晶显示技术彩色电子纸使用胆固醇液晶显示(Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Display,CLCD)技术,这是一种非传统显示技术,因使用的材料结构类似于胆固醇分子而得名。


Hale Waihona Puke 电子纸制造工艺Sipix的Roll to Roll制程示意图 步骤: (1)涂布: 先将塑料复合材料涂布在ITO/PET膜上;(2) 微杯成型: 使用微杯滚轮压铸并使用紫外硬化成型;(3)填充电泳液于微杯中;(4) 封装:使用顶部封装技术封装电泳液及微杯;(5)压合:压合封装的微杯 膜在TFT底板或是有线路图样的第二电极膜上。
80-160ppi (5英寸QVGA格式),最 低 0.1mW 左 右 , 随 响 应 速 度加快而显著增加
75-80ppi 与胆甾液晶显示接近
20-30:1 无源、有源
10-30:1 有源驱动
10:1 有源驱动
约10V 电压调节 类似CSTN
15V 电压调节,2-4bit 有 色 胶 囊 或 W+Filter, 目 前 技术只有4K色样品,彩色 化比较难
难以做成软屏,相应速度 驱动电压高,有机TFT不成
色球和可变倾斜电场技术难度大,分 辨率低,需要有源驱动,对比度低
美国E-Ink 日本凸版印刷
显示方式:采用加压后会使带 电粒子产生移动的电泳方式
E-Ink开发的电子墨水(Electronic ink)是用直径30μm~ 300μm的球状透明光滑的微胶囊包覆电介质悬浮液,悬浮液中漂浮 着白色带电光散射微粒,这些胶囊分布在聚氨酯胶粘剂中构成分散体 系,涂布或者印刷在柔性导电高分子透明塑料电极上,构成原理型柔 性电子纸显示器。



一种基于N F C的电子墨水屏货物标签显示牌黄虎1,陈诗瑶1,卿松2,周兴1,杨丁1,谢佳讯1,蒋太平1(1.成都理工大学信息科学与技术学院,成都610059;2.成都理工大学四川省地学核技术重点实验室)摘要:针对超市商品货物标签更新频繁㊁造成工作量大的现象,结合N F C芯片研制出了一种基于S TM32芯片电子墨水屏显示牌㊂文中详细介绍了该显示牌的电源设计㊁N F C近场通信设计㊁中文字库设计和S TM32程序设计等,实现了基于N F C近场通信电子墨水屏显示牌的读取㊁写入㊁保存等功能㊂该显示牌具有通用性强㊁使用范围广㊁节能环保㊁方便快捷等优点㊂关键词:电子墨水屏;N F C;S TM32;显示牌中图分类号:T N873文献标识码:AD e v e l o p m e n t o fE l e c t r o n i c I n k S c r e e n D i s p l a y C a r d B a s e d o n NF CH u a n g H u1,C h e n S h i y a o1,Q i n g S o n g2,Z h o u X i n g1,Y a n g D i n g1,X i e J i a x u n1,J i a n g T a i p i n g1(1.C o l l e g e o f I n f o r m a t i o n S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y,C h e n g d u U n i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g y,C h e n g d u610059,C h i n a;2.N u c l e a r T e c h n o l o g y K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f E a r t h S c i e n c e,C h e n g d u U n i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g y)A b s t r a c t:C o m b i n e d w i t h t h e N F C c h i p,a n e l e c t r o n i c i n k d i s p l a y c a r d o n S TM32i s d e v e l o p e d f o r t h e f r e q u e n t u p d a t e o f s u p e r m a r k e t g o o d s l a b e l s,r e s u l t i n g i n h e a v y w o r k l o a d.T h e p o w e r s u p p l y d e s i g n,N F C,C h i n e s e c h a r a c t e r l i b r a r y d e s i g n a n d S TM32p r o g r a m d e s i g n a r e i n t r o d u c e d.T h e r e a d i n g,w r i t i n g a n d s a v i n g f u n c t i o n s o f t h e e l e c t r o n i c i n k s c r e e n d i s p l a y c a r d b a s e d o n t h e N F C a r e r e a l i z e d.T h e d i s-p l a y c a r d h a s m a n y a d v a n t a g e s s u c h a s s t r o n g v e r s a t i l i t y,w i d e u s e r a n g e,e n e r g y s a v i n g a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n,c o n v e n i e n t a n d f a s t.K e y w o r d s:e l e c t r o n i c i n k s c r e e n;N F C;S TM32;d i s p l a y c a r d引言目前,超市商品繁多㊁品类不计其数且商品标签更新频率较高,传统纸质标签更新方式已不能满足现在超市商品标志标签快速更新的需求㊂针对此现象,本文研制出一种基于N F C通信模式的电子墨水屏显示牌应用于超市商品标签显示,采用该显示牌可大大减少超市更换纸质标签时的工作量,降低劳动成本,更快捷简便地更改标签标志㊂同时本显示牌还具有耗电量低㊁灵活性好㊁环保低碳㊁便携性好㊁操作简单㊁更新及时㊁价格低廉等优点[1-2]㊂该电子墨水屏显示牌还可用于其他很多地方,例如公交站台的公交站牌㊁医院病床上病人的基本信息牌㊁加油站的油价表㊁电子纸点菜菜单㊁各行各业商品零售业标签显示牌㊁公告牌等[3],因此该电子墨水屏显示牌具有良好的市场应用前景㊂1设计原理1.1总体设计本文设计的电子墨水屏显示牌的组成如图1所示,主要包括电源模块㊁电子墨水屏显示器㊁中文字库模块㊁N F C 近场通信模块和S TM32主控制器模块5部分㊂图1电子墨水屏显示牌总体设计框图电源模块配合S TM32主控制器负责整个系统的电源,可在设备待机时断开一切不必要电源,此尽可能降低设备功耗,并在有通信时快速恢复相关设备的电源供电使设备进入正常工作状态㊂使用电子墨水屏显示器来展示用户界面,由于电子墨水屏显示器在断电后显示内容仍然可以保持,所以可只在刷新屏幕时接通电源,并在屏幕刷新结束后断开电源,从而使设备更加省电㊂中文字库模块用于解析汉字编码,将G B2312对应的编码转换成相应的点阵数据,本文使用专门的字库芯片来完成此工作,一方面可大大减小N F C通信数据量,提高通信速度和质量,另一方面还可降低S TM 32主控制器的处理复杂度,进而提高处理效率㊂N F C 近场通信模块负责和外部N F C 设备的近场交互和数据暂存,同时它还负责在主控制器休眠后的通信监听和唤醒系统㊂S TM 32主控制器则负责整个系统的管理和协调工作,其中包括N F C 模块读写㊁电源控制㊁屏幕刷新㊁字库读取等㊂1.2 电子墨水屏显示器电子墨水屏(E l e c t r o n i c I n k ,简称E -i n k)又称电子纸,是一种与纸张一样轻薄且可电擦写的电子显示技术,电子墨水屏具有双稳态的特点,即在图像处于保持状态时并不消耗电量,可大大节省能源㊂电子墨水显示屏显示内容与纸张显示基本无异,无辐射㊁无闪烁㊁清晰易读㊁对比度高㊁其视角也比较广㊂由于电子墨水屏可擦写重复变更使用,用在信息更新频繁的场合可大量减少一次性纸张的使用,不会造成资源的浪费[4-6]㊂在电子墨水显示屏上阅读时的眼球阅读行为与在印刷纸张上阅读时的眼球阅读行为极其类似,电子墨水屏在阅读领域是一个重要的里程碑[7]㊂电子墨水屏显示牌可任意调整字体大小,与纸质标签相比,可调节字体大小功能对于视力有障碍的人来说是一种优势[8]㊂本文电子墨水屏显示牌使用的是大连佳显电子有限公司生产的G D E W 042T 2型电子墨水屏,其屏幕大小为4.2英寸,支持黑白双色显示,屏幕分辨率为400ˑ300,接口为24pi n F P C 软排线,该显示屏内置显示控制芯片,只需较少的外围电路即可驱动㊂其驱动电路如图2所示㊂图2 G D E W 042T 2驱动电路原理图1.3 电源模块该电子墨水屏显示牌既可用+5V 电源适配器供电,也可使用4节5号电池供电㊂其电源模块如图3所示,电源输入端使用一个共模电感L 1进行输入电源滤波,能有效抑制电源适配器电源线上的共模噪声㊂瞬态抑制二极管D 2使用S MA J 06C A ,保险丝F 1和D 2组成过压保护电路㊂当电压过高时,瞬态抑制二极管D 2快速导通,电流几乎全部从D 2输入到地,保险丝F 1紧接着熔断后断开后级所有电路电源连接,从而起到保护后级设备的作用㊂肖特基二极管D 1串接在电源线上可以防止电源接反㊂降压稳压芯片U 1选用极低静态功耗的T P S 70933Q 1,输出端经过电容C 3滤波后的第一路电源3V 3_A 直接供给S TM 32和N F C 芯片M 24S R 64Y ,第二路电源3V 3_B 经过由P MO S 管A O 3401组成的可控开关后连接到电子墨水屏和G T 30L 32S 4W 中文字库芯片,在设备休眠时可通过控制P WR _C T R L 端的电平来完全断开电子墨水屏和G T 30L 32S 4W 字库的电源供电,进一步减小电流消耗,节省电量㊂1.4 N F C 近场通信模块N F C (N e a r F i e l d C o m m u n i c a t i o n)即近场通信,是一种短距离的高频无线通信技术,允许电子设备之间进行非接触式点对点数据传输交换数据[9]㊂N F C 相比蓝牙设备配对速度更快,相比无线射频识别R F I D 通信距离较近[10-11]㊂由于本设备实际使用会在小范围内存在大量设备,因此使用N F C 通信既可免去长时间的配对等待,又可省去远距离通信设备识别选择等繁琐操作,并且能耗更低㊂本显示牌选用的N F C 近场通信芯片为S T 意法半导体生产的N F C 无线交互芯片M 24S R 64Y ,它同时具有I 2C 通信和R F 近场通信两种通信模式,内部有8K B 的E E P R OM 存储空间㊂M 24S R 64Y 为单电源供电,电压范围为2.7~5.5V ,拥有106k b ps 的无线交换速度,并支持I S O /I E C 14443T y pe A 协议㊂图4为N F C 与S TM 32的连接示意图,M 24S R 64Y 分别与主控制器芯片S TM 32和射频R F 天线相连㊂M 24S R 64Y 支持3种工作模式[12]:①I 2C 总线工作模式,此模式下系统只可从I 2C 总线读写E E P R O M 中的数据;②N F C 标签模式,在此模式下只可通过N F C 设备无线射频通信读写E E P R O M 中的数据;③双总线模式,该模式下可通过N F C 写入数据再通过I 2C 总线读取数据,也图3电源模块图4 N F C 与S T M 32连接示意图可通过I 2C 总线写入数据,然后通过N F C 设备读取数据㊂图6 G T 30L 32S 4W 读取数据的时序逻辑图在本设计中采用的N F C 芯片工作方式为双总线模式,即先通过N F C 设备的射频无线通信向M 24S R 64Y 的E E P R O M 中写入数据,然后S T M 32再通过I 2C 总线将E E -P R O M 中的数据读出㊂在N F C 向M 24S R 64Y 写数据的过程中,M 24S R 64Y 的G P O 引脚将被其拉低,直到数据通信完成时再恢复高电平,S T M 32使用此信号作为中断触发信号判断是否有新数据到来和数据是否传输完成㊂1.5 字库电路本电子墨水屏显示牌选用的字库电路芯片为G T 30L 32S 4W ,其是一款支持中文的标准点阵汉字字库芯片,其内部包含12ˑ12㊁16ˑ16㊁24ˑ24㊁32ˑ32等多种尺寸的宋体点阵字库,它支持G B 2312国标汉字和A S C I I 字符集㊂该字库芯片数据通信方式为S P I 总线,点阵排列方式为横置横排,最大工作时钟频率可达120MH z,其工作电压范围为2.7~3.6V ,待机电流仅有5μA ,工作电流为12m A ㊂图5为G T 30L 32S 4W 与S T M 32的连接示意图,S T M 32从G T 30L 32S 4W 取点阵汉字的流程如下:①首先把片选信号C S 拉低,其后是1个字节的命令字03h 和3个字节的地址㊂这些数据通过串行数据输入引脚MO S I 按位输入,每一位将在串行时钟S C K 的上升沿被G T 30L 32S 4W 锁存㊂②当G T 30L 32S 4W 收到读取某地址的数据命令后,该地址的字节数据通过串行数据输出引脚M I S O 移位输出,每一位数据将在串行时钟S C K 下降沿被移出㊂③读取字节数据后,应把片选信号C S 拉高,结束本次操作㊂如果片选信号C S 继续保持为低电平,则下一个地址的字节数据继续通过串行数据输出引脚M I S O 连续输出㊂G T 30L 32S 4W 读取数据的时序逻辑图如图6所示㊂图5 G T 30L 32S 4W 与S T M 32连接示意图2 S T M 32程序设计电子墨水屏显示牌的主控制器芯片采用的是S TM 32F 103C 8T 6,它有72MH z 最高工作频率,闪存程序存储器64K B ,有高达20K B 的S R AM [13]㊂S TM 32负责在有N F C 数据写入到M 24S R 64Y 后,将数据取出并进行解析,然后从字库芯片取出对应字库数据显示在墨水屏显示牌上㊂S T M 32程序流程图如图7所示,设备上电后,S T M 32控制所有设备自动进入初始化流程,待初始化完成之后,S T M 32控制电源模块关闭墨水屏和字库芯片G T 30L 32S 4W 的电源之后,S T M 32也进入低功耗休眠状态,此时仅有N F C 芯片处于通信监听状态㊂S TM 32的低功耗分三种模式,分别为睡眠模式㊁停机模式和待机模式㊂睡眠模式下S TM 32内核停止工作,但其所有外设仍处于工作状态;停机模式下内核停止工作,并且包括外部晶振在内的所有外设也停止工作,但是内部S R AM 和相关外设寄存器的数据不会丢失,此模式下可以通过任意外部中断唤醒;待机模式包括电压调节器在内的所有设备都停止工作,内部S R AM 和相关寄存器的所图7 S T M 32程序流程图有数据丢失㊂由于设备需要使用外部中断唤醒,所以此电子墨水屏显示牌中的S TM 32采用停机模式㊂S TM 32休眠后通过N F C 芯片产生的通信中断唤醒设备,当有N F C 设备对M 24S R 64Y 执行写入操作时,M 24S R 64Y 的G P O 引脚将产生写中断,S TM 32收到此外部中断信号后,进入唤醒流程㊂在唤醒中断的过程中首先恢复外部高速晶振,然后S TM 32判断M 24S R 64Y 通信是否完成,如果通信完成则读取M 24S R 64Y 中的数据,判断数据内容是否有效,若数据无效则再次进入休眠,如果数据有效则控制电源模块打开字库电源和墨水屏电源以及设备初始化,并开始解析和显示通过N F C 传入的内容,当数据显示结束后再次自动进入休眠状态㊂结 语本文针对超市货物繁多及超市标签更新频率快的特点,结合N F C 芯片的双总线模式,以S TM 32为主控制器,研制出了一种省时省力㊁易于更新的电子墨水屏显示牌,为超市的商品价格标签更改提供便捷的方式,可实现标签的读取㊁写入㊁保存和查询等功能㊂本电子墨水屏显示牌还可应用于其他电子㊁广告㊁信息㊁艺术等领域,以极大地减少更改信息时繁琐的工作量㊂参考文献[1]S h a h J ,J r R M B .T o w a r d s e l e c t r o n i c p a p e r d i s p l a ys m a d e f r o m m i c r o b i a l c e l l u l o s e [J ].A p p l i e d M i c r o b i o l o g y &B i o t e c h n o l o g y,2005,66(4):352355.[2]彭志鑫.微胶囊型电子墨水及其有源动态驱动器件设计[D ].杭州:浙江大学,2012.[3]黄义涌,刘文江.一种基于N F C 的价格牌电子标签:中国,C N 103778455A [P 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ESL电子纸屏说明书英文版The content of this information is subject to changed with out notice. Please contact WF or its agent for further information.□Customer’s ConfirmationCustomer:Date:By:□WF’s ConfirmationConfirmed By:Prepared By:Revision HistoryTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CONTENTS1.Over ViewThe display is a TFT active matrix electrophoretic display , with interface and a reference system design.The 2.04”active area contains 172×72 pixels, and has 1-bit and 2-bit full display capabilities. An integrated circuit contains gate buffer, source buffer, interface, timing control logic, oscillator, DC-DC.SRAM. LUT ,VCOM, and border are supplied with each panel.2.Features◆High contrast◆High reflectance◆Ultra wide viewing angle◆Ultra low power consumption◆Pure reflective mode◆Bi-stable◆Commercial temperature range◆Landscape, portrait mode◆Antiglare hard-coated front-surface◆Low current deep sleep mode◆On chip displ ay RAM◆Waveform stored in On-chip OTP◆Serial peripheral interface available◆On-chip oscillator◆On-chip booster and regulator control for generating VCOM, Gate and source driving voltage .◆I2C Signal Master Interface to read external temperature sensor◆A vailable in COG package IC thickness 250um3.Mechanical Specifications4. Mechanical Drawing of EPD module5. Input/Output Terminals 5-1) Pin out ListNote 5-2: This pin is Data/Command control pin connectingto the MCU. When the pin is pulled HIGH, the data at [7:0] will beinterpreted as data. When the pin is pulled LOW, the data at D[7:0] will be interpreted as command.Note 5-3: This pin is reset signal input.Active Low.Note 5-4:This pin is Busy state output pin. When Busy is High, the operation of chip should not be interrupted, command should not be sent. e.g., The chip would put Busy pin High when -Outputting display waveform; or-Programming with OTP-Communicating with digital temperature sensorNote 5-5:Table: Bus interface selection6. Command TableD/C# =0, R/W# (WR#) =0, E(RD# =1)unless specific setting is stated.7. Electrical Characteristics7-1) Absolute maximum rating7-2) Panel DC CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for : VSS = 0V, VCI = 3.0V,TA = 25℃- The Typical power consumption is measured with following pattern transition: from horizontal 4 gray scale- The standby power is the consumed power when the panel controller is in standby mode.- The listed electrical/optical characteristics are only guaranteed under the controller & waveform provided by WF - Vcom is recommended to be set in the range of assigned value ±0.1V.Note 7-1The Typical power consumption7-3) Panel AC CharacteristicsThe following specifications apply for : VSS = 0V, VCI = 3.0V, T A = 25℃7-3-1) MCU InterfaceNote 7-2 : L is connected to VSSNote 7-3 : H is connected to VCI7-3-1-1) MCU Interface SelectionMCU interface consist of 2 data/command pins and 3 control pins .The pin assignment at different interface mode is summarized in Table 7-1. Different MCU mode can be set by hardware selection on BS1 pins. The display panel only supports spi4 or spi3 interface mode.7-3-1-2) MCU Serial Interface (4-wire SPI)The serial interface consists of serial clock SCLK, serial data SDIN, D/C# , CS#. In SPI mode ,D0 acts as SCLK, D1 acts as SDIN .Control pins of Serial interfaceNote 7-9 : ↑stands for rising edge of signalSDIN is shifted into an 8-bit shift register on every rising edge of SCLK in order of D7,D6, D0.D/C# is sampled on every eighth clock and the data byte in the shift register is written to the Graphic Display Data RAM(RAM) or command register in the same clock.Under serial mode, only write operations are allowed.7-3-1-3) MCU Serial Interface (3-wire SPI)The 3-wire serial interface consists of serial clock SCLK, serial data ADIN and CS#.In 3-wire SPI mode,D0 acts as SCLK, D1 acts as SDIN, The pin D/C# can be connected to an external ground.The operation is similar to 4-wire serial interface while D/C# pin is not used. There are altogether 9-bits will be shifted into the shift register on every ninth clock in sequence : D/C# bit, D7 to D0 bit. The D/C# bit (first bit of the sequential data ) willdetermine the following data byte in shift register is written to the Display Data RAM (D/C# bit = 1) or the command register (D/C# bit = 0).Under serial mode ,only write operations are allowed.Control pins of 3-wire Serial interfaceNote 7-10 : ↑stands for rising edge of signal7-3-2) Timing Characteristics of Series Interface◆ Series Interface Timing Characteristics(VCI - VSS = 1.8 V to 2.0 v , T= 25℃, C = 20 pF)◆Series interface characteristics7-4) Power Consumption7-5) Reference CircuitFigure . 7-5 (1)Figure . 7-5 (2)Figure . 7-5 (3)Figure . 7-5 (4)8. Typical Operating Sequence Initialize display :Close charge pump (shut down) : Open charge pump :。



使用电子设备阅读的现象英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Rise of Digital Reading: Embracing the New EraAs a student in the 21st century, I've witnessed a remarkable transformation in the way we consume and interact with written content. The traditional paper-bound books that once dominated our shelves have been joined, and in many cases, replaced by digital alternatives. The phenomenon of reading using electronic devices has become an integral part of our daily lives, reshaping our approach to learning, entertainment, and knowledge acquisition.When I reflect on my early days in school, I vividly remember the weight of my backpack, laden with textbooks and novels. Lugging those heavy tomes from class to class was a physical burden that many of us bore with reluctance. However, the advent of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones has ushered in a new era of portability and convenience. With a single device, I now have access to an entire library at my fingertips, allowing me to carry a vast collection of books without straining my back.The benefits of digital reading extend far beyond mere convenience. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to seamlessly incorporate multimedia elements into the reading experience. Interactive diagrams, videos, and audio clips can now be seamlessly integrated into digital texts, enhancing our understanding and engagement with the material. This multimedia approach caters to different learning styles and makes complex concepts more accessible and engaging.Moreover, the search and annotation capabilities of electronic devices have revolutionized the way we study and conduct research. Gone are the days of meticulously flipping through pages and manually highlighting passages. With a few taps or keystrokes, I can instantly search for specific terms, bookmark relevant sections, and add digital notes and annotations. This streamlined process has not only saved me countless hours but has also fostered a more efficient and organized approach to learning.Another significant advantage of digital reading is the accessibility it affords to a vast array of content. Online libraries and digital bookstores have opened up a world of knowledge that was previously limited by geographical constraints. With just a few clicks, I can access rare and out-of-print publications,explore diverse perspectives from authors around the globe, and delve into niche topics that may not have been readily available in physical bookstores.However, as with any new technology, the widespread adoption of digital reading has sparked debates and concerns. One of the primary criticisms leveled against electronic devices is their potential to cause eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns due to the blue light emitted by their screens. While these concerns are valid, advancements in display technology, such as e-ink screens and blue light filters, have helped mitigate these issues, making digital reading a more comfortable and eye-friendly experience.Another point of contention is the potential for digital distractions to undermine focus and concentration. With the constant bombardment of notifications, social media alerts, and the ever-present temptation of the internet, it can be challenging to maintain undivided attention while reading on electronic devices. However, many devices now offer specialized reading modes and distraction-free environments, allowing users to immerse themselves in their reading materials without external interference.Despite these challenges, I firmly believe that the benefits of digital reading far outweigh the potential drawbacks. As a student, the ability to access a vast wealth of knowledge at my fingertips has been a game-changer. It has empowered me to explore new subjects, broaden my horizons, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around me.Furthermore, the rise of digital reading has opened up new opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Online discussion forums, virtual book clubs, and social reading platforms have created vibrant communities where readers can engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and collectively explore the depths of literary works.As we move further into the digital age, it is clear that the phenomenon of reading using electronic devices will continue to evolve and shape the way we consume and interact with written content. While the nostalgia for physical books may linger, the convenience, accessibility, and enhanced features offered by digital reading make it an indispensable tool for students and lifelong learners alike.In conclusion, the rise of digital reading represents a profound shift in our relationship with the written word. As a student embracing this new era, I have witnessed firsthand thetransformative power of electronic devices in enhancing our learning experiences. By embracing this phenomenon and leveraging its advantages, we can unlock vast realms of knowledge, foster engaging and immersive learning environments, and prepare ourselves for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in an increasingly digital world.篇2The Age of E-Reading: A Student's PerspectiveAs a student in this modern age of technology, I can't help but notice the significant shift in how we consume and interact with reading materials. Gone are the days when printed books and physical copies of academic texts were the sole means of acquiring knowledge. Today, the rise of electronic devices has ushered in a new era of reading, one that is both convenient and, at times, concerning.My journey into the world of e-reading began like many of my peers – with the introduction of e-books and digital textbooks. The allure of having an entire library at my fingertips, accessible through a single device, was simply too tempting to resist. No longer did I need to lug around heavy backpacks filledwith books; instead, a sleek tablet or e-reader became my constant companion.At first, the transition was a seamless one. The ability to adjust font sizes, bookmark pages, and even highlight and annotate text with just a few taps made the reading experience feel almost futuristic. I could carry an entire semester's worth of readings without breaking a sweat, and the search function made locating specific passages or references a breeze.However, as time went on, I started to notice the subtle effects that e-reading had on my attention span and comprehension. The constant influx of notifications, social media updates, and the ever-present temptation to switch between apps made it increasingly difficult to remain focused on the material at hand. I found myself frequently getting distracted, my mind wandering to the countless other digital distractions just a tap away.Moreover, the abundance of information available online led me down countless rabbit holes, often veering off-topic and losing sight of the original purpose of my reading. What started as a simple research task could quickly devolve into hours spent aimlessly surfing the web, consuming an overwhelming amountof information that, more often than not, proved to be irrelevant or unreliable.Despite these challenges, the convenience and accessibility of e-reading remained undeniable. As a student juggling multiple classes, extracurricular activities, and the occasional part-time job, the ability to access course materials anytime, anywhere, proved invaluable. Studying on the go, whether during commutes or spare moments between classes, became a reality thanks to the portability of digital devices.Furthermore, the interactive nature of e-reading opened up new avenues for learning and collaboration. Digital annotations and shared documents allowed for seamless communication and knowledge-sharing among classmates and study groups. We could engage in lively discussions, exchange ideas, and provide feedback on each other's work without the need for physical proximity.Yet, as much as I embraced the convenience of e-reading, I couldn't shake the lingering nostalgia for the tangible experience of holding a physical book. There was something deeply satisfying about the weight of a book in my hands, the rustle of turning pages, and the familiar scent of ink and paper. These sensory experiences seemed to forge a deeper connection withthe material, making the act of reading feel more immersive and meaningful.Additionally, the potential impact of prolonged screen time on eye strain and overall health became a growing concern. Staring at digital screens for extended periods could lead to headaches, dry eyes, and even disruptions in sleep patterns – all of which could ultimately hinder my academic performance.As I navigated this dichotomy between the benefits and drawbacks of e-reading, I realized that striking a balance was crucial. While digital devices offered unparalleled convenience and accessibility, relying solely on them for reading could potentially diminish the depth of my engagement with the material and compromise my overall well-being.Thus, I adopted a hybrid approach, embracing the best of both worlds. For longer, more immersive reading sessions or when studying complex subjects, I turned to physical books and printed materials. The tactile experience and lack of digital distractions allowed me to fully immerse myself in the content, fostering a deeper level of comprehension and retention.Conversely, for quick reference, research, or collaborative work, I leveraged the power of e-reading and digital devices. The ability to search, annotate, and share information seamlesslyproved invaluable in these contexts, enhancing my productivity and facilitating collaborative learning.Moreover, I became more mindful of my digital habits, implementing strategies to minimize distractions and maintain focus while e-reading. This included disabling notifications, utilizing website blockers, and setting dedicated reading times free from the temptation of multitasking.As I look to the future, I can't help but wonder what new advancements in reading technology might emerge. Perhaps we'll see the development of more immersive augmented reality experiences, blending the best of physical and digital worlds. Or maybe we'll witness the rise of adaptive reading interfaces that cater to individual learning styles and preferences.Regardless of what lies ahead, one thing is certain: the act of reading will continue to evolve, and as students, we must adapt and find ways to harness the power of technology while preserving the essence of what makes reading such a profound and enriching experience.In this age of e-reading, we stand at a crossroads, where the convenience of digital devices intersects with the age-old wisdom found within the pages of books. It is up to us, as the next generation of learners and thinkers, to navigate thislandscape thoughtfully, embracing innovation while honoring tradition, and always prioritizing the pursuit of knowledge and understanding above all else.篇3The Rise of Digital Reading: Embracing the New Era of LiteratureAs a student in the digital age, it's impossible to ignore the profound impact that technology has had on the way we consume and engage with literature. The traditional printed book, once a ubiquitous companion on every bookshelf, has now found itself sharing the spotlight with a myriad of electronic devices that have revolutionized the reading experience.The advent of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones has ushered in a new era of reading, one that transcends the boundaries of physical books and offers a world of literary possibilities at our fingertips. With a single device, we can carry entire libraries, seamlessly navigating through endless volumes of texts, from classic novels to the latest bestsellers.Personally, I find myself drawn to the convenience and versatility that digital reading offers. Gone are the days of lugging around heavy backpacks filled with textbooks andnovels. Instead, my trusty e-reader or tablet has become my portable library, housing a vast collection of literary works that I can access anytime, anywhere.One of the most significant advantages of digital reading is the ability to seamlessly adjust font sizes, line spacing, and even background colors to suit individual preferences. As a student with varying reading environments, from dimly lit lecture halls to the bright glare of outdoor study sessions, this feature has been a game-changer. No longer do I have to strain my eyes or struggle with poor lighting conditions; with a simple tap, I can customize the display to create the perfect reading experience.Moreover, the integration of multimedia elements into digital texts has opened up new avenues for interactive and immersive reading. Imagine delving into a historical novel and being able to instantly access supplementary materials, such as maps, timelines, and even video clips, that enrich the narrative and provide deeper context. This level of engagement was once unimaginable with traditional print media.However, it would be remiss not to acknowledge the nostalgic allure of physical books. There is something undeniably special about the weight of a book in one's hands, the tactile sensation of turning crisp pages, and the unmistakable scent of awell-loved tome. As much as I embrace the digital realm, I still find solace in the occasional visit to a cozy bookstore or library, surrounded by the comforting embrace of printed words.Yet, even in these cherished spaces, the impact of digital reading is palpable. Many libraries now offer vast collections of e-books and audiobooks, ensuring that literature remains accessible to all, regardless of physical constraints or preferences.In my academic pursuits, digital reading has proven invaluable. Research papers and scholarly articles are now just a few taps away, allowing me to delve into a wealth of information and seamlessly navigate through complex topics. The ability to highlight, annotate, and even share excerpts with peers has transformed the way we approach academic discourse, fostering collaboration and idea exchange like never before.But with this abundance of digital resources comes the need for critical evaluation and responsible consumption. As students, we must cultivate digital literacy skills, learning to navigate the vast expanse of online content with discernment and a critical eye. It is our responsibility to separate credible sources from misinformation and to approach digital texts with the same rigor and scrutiny we apply to printed materials.Furthermore, the ubiquity of digital reading has sparked debates around issues of privacy, data protection, and the commodification of literary works. As we embrace this new era, we must also grapple with ethical considerations, ensuring that our love for literature does not come at the cost of compromising our digital rights or the intellectual property of authors and publishers.In the end, the rise of digital reading is not a threat to the written word but rather a testament to its enduring power and relevance. Literature has always been a mirror of society, reflecting our hopes, fears, and collective experiences. As technology continues to evolve, so too will our methods of engaging with the written word, but the essence of storytelling and the pursuit of knowledge will remain eternal.As a student standing at the precipice of this digital revolution, I am both awed and humbled by the possibilities that lie ahead. Whether I choose to lose myself in the crisp pages of a beloved novel or immerse myself in the digital realm of literature, one thing remains certain: the written word will continue to shape our minds, ignite our imaginations, and connect us to the profound tapestry of human experience.。



介绍产品的英语作文大学生I would like to introduce a product that has truly changed my life - the Kindle e-reader. 这是一款真正改变了我的生活的产品——Kindle电子阅读器。

The Kindle e-reader is a revolutionary device that allows users to access a vast library of books in a compact and portable format. Kindle电子阅读器是一款革命性的设备,用户可以在一个紧凑便携的格式中访问大量图书。

One of the key features of the Kindle is its E Ink display, which mimics the appearance of real paper and is easy on the eyes. Kindle 的关键功能之一是其E Ink显示屏,它模拟了真实纸张的外观,对眼睛很友好。

Another advantage of the Kindle is its long battery life, allowing users to read for weeks on a single charge. Kindle的另一个优点是其长续航时间,用户可以在一次充电后连续阅读数周。

In addition, the Kindle is lightweight and easy to hold, making it ideal for reading on the go. 此外,Kindle重量轻便、易于把握,非常适合在行进中阅读。

The Kindle also offers a wide selection of books, including bestsellers, classics, and independent titles, ensuring that there is something for every reader. Kindle还提供了丰富的图书选择,包括畅销书、经典书籍以及独立书籍,确保每位读者都能找到适合自己的读物。



墨水屏(E Ink Display)是一种采用电子墨水技术的显示屏,具有低功耗、高对比度和可视角度广的特点。
















Gate Negative supply
Gate Neg logic supply
Gate Positive supply
Source Negative supply
Source Positive supply Asymmetry source Low support voltage
Common voltage Maximum power panel Standby power panel Typical power panel
VDD = 3.3V
VNEG = -15V
VPOS = 15V
2. 如下圖(一)所示,MOSFET Q5的2,3需反接才是正確的(如圖所示,Q5一直處於導通的狀態,不 受PWR_GATE的控制)
3. 由於VNEG(-15V)需要比VPOS(+15V)先啟動,但原先的電路會造成VPOS先掉到-2V 再爬昇到+15V,這會破壞driver IC,我有二個解決的方案,如下圖(二),圖(三) 所示
- The typical power is the consumed power when “typical images” are displayed. - The standby power is the consumed power when the “Apollo” display controller is in standby mode.



电子阅读英语作文The Advantages of E-reading。

In the digital age, electronic reading has become increasingly popular. With the rise of e-books and e-readers, people now have more options than ever when it comes to consuming literature. While some may argue that traditional paper books are superior, there are actually many advantages to e-reading that make it a valuable and convenient option for readers.One of the most obvious benefits of e-reading is the convenience it offers. With an e-reader or a smartphone, readers can carry an entire library of books with them wherever they go. This means no more heavy backpacks or bulky bookshelves – all of your favorite titles are just a few taps away. Additionally, e-books are often cheaper than their physical counterparts, making it easier for readers to access a wide variety of literature without breaking the bank.Another advantage of e-reading is the accessibility it provides. For people with visual impairments or other disabilities, e-readers offer the option to adjust the font size and style, as well as the ability to use screen-reading software. This means that more people than ever can enjoy reading, regardless of any physical limitations they may have. Furthermore, e-books can be easily translatedinto different languages, opening up literature to a global audience and promoting cultural exchange.E-reading also has environmental benefits. By reducing the demand for paper, e-books help to conserve natural resources and decrease the carbon footprint of the publishing industry. This is an important consideration in an era of increasing environmental awareness, and e-reading provides a sustainable alternative to traditional publishing methods.In addition to these practical advantages, e-reading also offers a number of unique features that enhance the reading experience. For example, many e-readers have built-in dictionaries and translation tools, allowing readers to easily look up unfamiliar words and phrases. Some devices also offer the option to highlight and annotate text, making it easier to keep track of important passages and take notes while reading. These features can be especially useful for students and scholars, who can benefit from the ability to quickly reference and organize their reading material.Despite these advantages, some people remain skeptical of e-reading, arguing that it lacks the tactile experience and aesthetic appeal of physical books. While it is true that e-readers cannot replicate the feeling of turning the pages of a well-loved novel, they do offer their own unique sensory experience. For example, e-ink displays have been designed to mimic the appearance of paper, reducing eye strain and providing a more comfortable reading experience. Additionally, many e-readers now include features such as adjustable lighting and customizable display settings, allowing readers to create a personalized reading environment that suits their preferences.In conclusion, e-reading has a number of advantagesthat make it a valuable option for readers. From its convenience and accessibility to its environmental benefits and unique features, e-reading offers a compelling alternative to traditional paper books. While physical books will always hold a special place in the hearts of many readers, e-reading provides a modern and practical way to enjoy literature in the digital age.。

新显示技术 E-INK与相关技术

新显示技术  E-INK与相关技术

E-ink将被淘汰看三大新兴电子书技术2010-08-19 12:10加入收藏转发分享人人网开心网新浪微博搜狐博客百度收藏谷歌收藏qq书签豆瓣淘江湖FacebookTwitterDiggYahoo!Bookmarks阅读电子书早已成为大家生活中一部分,方便轻巧的电子版书籍更便于携带,而电子阅读器也不仅仅局限于电脑、手机等传统设备,新兴的电子书阅读器渐渐为我们所接受。



E-ink原理这些缺陷并非无足轻重,目前已有不少高端企业试图染指电子书这块市场,他们研发的技术将左右电子书阅读器的发展方向,并会对E-ink发起冲击,虽然E-ink自身也在不断发展,但是在这次大战中失手,那E-ink 就会被历史所淘汰,处境可谓危险之极,那么我们就先看看E-ink的危险对手究竟是谁吧。

最接近E-ink的对手:SIPIXSipix在友达注资以后,终于正式量产并正式在产品上使用,近几天BenQ nReader k60电子阅读器宣布上市,并在参数里标明使用Sipix 6寸电子纸。


一路书香网制表SIPIX也与E-ink有着比较好的扩展性,在未来可以发展彩色技术和科弯曲技术,而且相应时间较短,目前明基推出的K60就是代表之一,这款电子宣告了电子纸技术不再是一家独大,可以说是标志性的事件,在短时间内就会与E-ink进行短兵相接的竞争,可以说是E- ink最为直接的对手。

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Applications and Natural PartnersCurrent and Future applicationEIH's technology can now be found in a growing range of e-Books and other products from various brands, and has practically limitless future applications:●e-Readers●Laptop sideviews●SmartC ards●Specialized industrial design●e-Signage●Mobile phones●Electronic dictionaries●MP3 players●PC accessoriesMagicMirror® e-Paper ProductsEIH is currently the world's sole active matrix e-Paper display maker. Using our proprietary MagicMirror® technology, we offer a broad range of products to meet our customers' needs.Vision & PhilosophyFounded in 1992 at Hsinchu Science Industrial Park, Prime View is a subsidiary of the Yuen Foong Yu Group, which recruited domestic and international technology professionals in TFT-LCD in an effort to manufacturebest-in-class TFT-LCD products at Prime View. Prime View began to construct Taiwan's first TFT-LCD production facility on October 1994.Located on the Stage III site of the Hsinchu Science Industrial Pa rk, the 37,000m2 facility is the home to 11,000m2 clean rooms, as TFT-LCD process requires an extremely clean environment. The facility produced 6,000 pieces of 370mm * 470mm substrates in Q1, 1997. Each of the substrate can be cut to produce fifteen 5-inch or nine 6.4-inch LCD panels. As capacity continues to increase, the facility produces 48,000 pieces/month in 2003.Prime View successfully develop 2.45"/3.5"/5"/6.4"/6.5"/7"/8"/10.4" TFT-LCD display panel and gone into mass production.2.45"/3.5" panels are designed for digital cameras, portable TV and V8, 6.4"/6.5"/7"/8"/10" are for DVD, GPS car navigation systems, portable TV, entertainment products and digital V8 and 6.4"/10.4" are for industrial products. The technical team from PVI has successfully developed over the years of outstanding products and process technology. The improvement of yields simplify and reduce the cost of manufacturing process. There is a revolutionary breakthrough. Besides, we have filed and received dozens of domestic and int ernational patents.With promotion of technology and improvement of yields, Prime View will launch a series of high-quality products to meet domestic and international demand and meanwhile increase independence of Taiwan's electronic information market on domestic TFT-LCD supply in order to strengthen international competitiveness of the whole industry.TFT-LCD is a key part for electronic information products and its industry is considered to boom after IC design. According to a report by Nomura Research Institute in 1995, the global capacity of TFT-LCD reached 3.1 billion dollars. Due to the emerge of new products, such as PDA, portable PC, GPS car navigation systems, digital cameras and TFT-LCD TV, it is estimated the production value will grow by 20% a nnually. In addition, according to Industrial Economic and Knowledge Center, IEK, in 2001 TFT-LCD products accounted for 40.8% of display panel market scale and was estimated to grow to 60.7% of occupation rate. These statistics show the importance ofTFT-LCD display panels. To catch the trend of consumer electronics, we are ready.Our goal-the world's top 3 small and medium sized TFT-LCD manufacturer. With three commitments(innovation, discipline and teamwork), we continue to develop highly-competitive products in order to expand applications. We will continuously promote our R&D technology, provide professional customization services; meanwhile we will integrate support services in each step of the design phase and strengthen marketing channels, for the w orld to applaud our company's wisdom.电子书主流技术E-ink电子墨水介绍2010-04-14 11:38:10来源: 太平洋电脑网(北京)跟贴0 条手机看新闻电子墨水是一种革新信息被显示的新方法和技术。











事实上这些水球是100 微米宽的微胶囊。








