正确答案:使等式左右两边的某些项目同时增加相等的金额7.下列各账户属于费用账户的是()正确答案:财务费用8. 在借贷记账法下,对账户期末余额没有影响的是()。
正确答案:本期应收末收金额9. 下列账户中与负债账户结构相同的是()账户。
正确答案:材料采购成本11企业结转已销售产品的成本时,应().正确答案:贷记“库存商品”账户12 企业销售一批产品,货款500 00元,增值税8 500元,代垫运费1 500元,则记入“主营业务收入”账户的金额是()正确答案:50000元13某企业购进材料一批,买价15000元,增值税2 550元,运输费600元,入库前整理挑选费400元。
该批材料的采购成本是()正确答案:16 000元14.下列各种关于会计凭证作用的说法中不正确的是()。
正确答案:初次确认17.下列各项中不属于原始凭证基本内容的是 ()。
知识点题型分数题目内容可选项难单选题2Linux最早起源于哪一年?1991;1993;1995;1998难单选题2下列哪个命令是将用户密码的最大天数设为30天?chage -W 30 testuser;chage -M30 testuser;chage -d 30testuser;chage -E 30 testuser难单选题2以下哪一个命令的效果和命令chmod 640 testfile相同?chmod a=640testfile;chmod u=rw,g=rtestfile;chmod u+rw,g+rtestfile;chmod ugx=rwxtestfile难单选题2NFS的服务器共享的目录存放在哪个文件中?/etc/exports;/etc/share;/etc/samba;/etc/ftp易单选题2下列哪个命令可以更改密码的期限和有效性?chown;chmod;chage;useradd易单选题2下列哪个文件记录当前用户的登陆信息?btmp;lastlog;utmp;syslog易单选题2以下哪一项不属于类Unix系统?solaris;AIX;DOS;FreeBSD易单选题2以下哪一项操作系统是微软公司开发的?HP-UX;Windows;AIX;UNIX易单选题2DNS服务使用的端口号是:53;1028;161;135易单选题2以下那个端口是提供NetBIOS的浏览功能的?138;137;136;135易单选题3以下哪一项权限允许用户从注册项中读取数值?设置数值;读取控制;删除;查询数值易单选题2在Linux命令中,“cd ..”命令的意思是:可进入上一个进入的目录;可进入上一层目录;可进入用户的home目录;无此命令易单选题3在Linux命令中,关机命令是:reboot;exit;halt;ps易单选题2以下那个目录是Linux下的虚拟目录?/mmt;/proc;/root;/boot易单选题2Apache Web服务器主要有3个配置文件,其中表示主配置文件的是:;srm.conf;access.conf;以上都不是易多选题3Windows 2000 支持下列哪些协议?NWlink;Netware;IPX/SPX;AppleTalk易多选题3在UNIX中的NIS(NetworkInformation System)存在哪些安全问题?不要求身份认证;客户机依靠广播来联系服务器;对用户名和密码没有采用加密传输机制;采用明文分发文件;采用TCP/IP协议工作考试系统试题样题说明:1、题型只有单选题、多选题、判断题、技术技能、情景测试、案例分析、基本素养、论文八种题型2、建议同一知识点、同一题型的题目的分数应该相同3、可选项只对选择题有效,其他题型可选项为空。
(对)宗教认识其信仰对象的基本方法是(A )A.信仰主义B.感性C.理性2、宗教是一种文化现象。
(对)宗教的存在根源有(ABC )A.自然根源B.社会根源C.认识论根源D.文化根源3、现阶段,宗教方面的矛盾主要是人民内部矛盾,所以可以排除有些问题是带有对抗性质的。
(错)我国的宗教政策是( A)A.宗教信仰自由B.任何人都不得信教C.宗教团体应积极管理宗教事务B队:1、教长,是清真寺的最高行政领导的称谓。
(对)下列哪一项内容不是宗教与社会主义社会相适应的要求( A)A.教徒应渐渐放弃有神论的思想和宗教信仰B.教徒在政治上热爱祖国、拥护社会主义制度、拥护中国共产党的领导C.在宪法和法律范围内活动D.以维护法律尊严、人民利益、民族团结、祖国统一为最基本的行为准则2、任何组织和个人不得在学校进行宗教活动。
(对)境内外国人集体进行宗教活动要在( A)以上人民政府宗教事务部门认可的经依法登记的寺院、宫观、清真寺等地点举行。
(对)我党处理同爱国宗教界人事关系的原则是(AD )A.政治上团结合作B.生活上互相帮助C.事业上相互扶持D.信仰上相互尊重C队:1、因为我国宗教的特点有群众性,所以应该支持群众信仰宗教。
(错)在我国占有重要地位的宗教中不包括(C )A.天主教B.佛教C.道教2、爱国宗教界人士是团结信教群众、维护社会稳定的重要力量。
(对)教徒家庭子女能够( ABCD )A.入党B.入团C.参军D.上学3、中外合作办学机构不得进行宗教教育和开展宗教活动。
(对)我国宗教坚持( C)的原则。
2024年6月大学英语四级考试真题第四套University English Test Level 4 (CET-4) is a national English proficiency test in China for college students. It is held twice a year, in June and December. The test assesses students' listening, reading, writing, and translation skills. In this article, we will discuss the content of the 2024 June CET-4 exam and provide some tips for preparation.Listening Section:1. Listening Comprehension (30 questions)- This section consists of three parts: conversations, talks, and discussions.- Students need to listen carefully to the recordings and answer multiple-choice questions.- Practice listening to English conversations and lectures to improve your listening skills.Reading Section:2. Reading Comprehension (30 questions)- This section includes four passages on various topics, such as science, history, and literature.- Students need to read carefully and answer questions on the content, vocabulary, and main ideas of the passages.- Practice reading English articles and books to enhance your reading comprehension.Writing Section:3. Cloze Test (20 questions)- In this section, students need to fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.- Pay attention to grammar, vocabulary, and context clues to choose the correct answers.4. Translation (2 questions)- Students are required to translate a passage from Chinese to English and vice versa.- Focus on maintaining the original meaning and using proper grammar and vocabulary in your translations.Tips for preparation:1. Practice regularly: Set aside time each day to study English, whether it's listening to podcasts, reading articles, or practicing writing.2. Familiarize yourself with the test format: Understand the structure of the exam and practice with past papers to improve your test-taking skills.3. Expand your vocabulary: Learn new words and phrases to enhance your reading and writing skills.4. Seek feedback: Ask your teachers or classmates for feedback on your writing and speaking skills to identify areas for improvement.5. Stay calm and confident: On the day of the exam, remain calm and confident in your abilities. Take deep breaths and focus on each question to do your best.In conclusion, the 2024 June CET-4 exam will test students' English proficiency in listening, reading, writing, and translation. By practicing regularly, familiarizing yourself with the test format, expanding your vocabulary, seeking feedback, and staying calm and confident, you can improve your chances of success on the exam. Good luck to all the students taking the CET-4 exam!。
国家普通话水平测试题「第四套」国家普通话水平测试题「第四套」一、读单音节字词(100个音节,共10分,限时3.5分钟)lǎo sāi qià ēn cáo shuā hénɡ zōnɡ xià bō mǐn jiàn qǔ zhuō féibìnɡ kǔ yánɡ wài zǐ老腮洽恩曹刷恒踪夏拨闽建娶捉肥病苦扬外子kānɡ xián lüè ěr pō chén wà tǐ ài chuō jiǎnɡ zéi xùn biē rì jǔ d iāo shù xí dòu糠嫌略耳颇陈袜体爱戳蒋贼迅鳖日举叼述习窦zhī qún cǎi bīn sè rénɡ yuàn tuī zhòu ɡǎn zā shǒu wānɡ ɡuǎ nónɡ yǔ xiónɡ quàn fēnɡ huàn枝裙睬宾瑟仍苑推皱感咂手汪寡浓羽雄劝丰幻ténɡ zhǎn huái ɡuǎnɡ fán ruò zhǎnɡ lù yuē cí jī miè suí ɡuān zhǔ nai má sònɡ rě huī滕盏怀广烦若掌鹿曰磁积篾隋关嘱耐麻诵惹挥lǐnɡ piáo jiǔ lán kào tuán jiǒnɡ mí ɡǔn fānɡ pén miào tún diu1 chánɡ yàn zuǐ shuān bǎo niē领瓢久兰靠团窘谜滚方盆妙屯丢偿宴嘴栓宝捏二、读多音节词语(100个音节,共20分,限时2.5分钟)diàn yā huǒ hòu zhēnɡ lùn yōnɡ yǒu nán ɡuài bèi wō ér wéi chíkuà dù miù wù pín qiónɡ zī ɡé电压火候争论拥有难怪被窝儿维持跨度谬误贫穷资格méi rén ɡuī lǜ ɡānɡ tiě qínɡ kuànɡ kè qì jūn fá mínɡ chēnɡ jiào shī quē shǎo cónɡ ér hǎo dǎi媒人规律钢铁情况客气军阀名称教师缺少从而好歹xiānɡ cūn fó sì hé zuò shè xīn niánɡ shànɡcénɡ tiàoɡāoér dōnɡ ōu piě kāi xuǎn bá fù nǚ xiǎo wènɡ ér乡村佛寺合作社新娘上层跳高儿东欧撇开选拔妇女小瓮儿yún duān tóu nǎo jué dìnɡ xìnɡ wēn róu zhěn suǒ pí juàn shuǐ zāi suàn bàn ér ánɡ rán zhuànɡ tài云端头脑决定性温柔诊所疲倦水灾蒜瓣儿昂然状态chǔ lǐ lín zhōnɡ zhuān jiā liánɡ kuài qián yí mò huà处理临终专家凉快潜移默化三、朗读短文(400个音节,共30分,限时4分钟) 作品16号很久以前,在一个漆黑的秋天的夜晚,我泛舟在西伯利亚一条阴森森的河上。
一. 单项选择题1、发展最快和使用最广泛的计算机是 (D )A、巨型机B、中型机C、小型机D、微型机2、下列选项中属于信息基础技术的是 (B )A、信息获取技术B、光电子技术C、信息传输技术D、信息控制技术3、微型计算机的主机包括 (C )A、运算器和显示器B、CPU 和 UPSC、CPU 和内存储器D、UPS 和内存储器4、用于计算机系统的管理、操作、维护等任务的软件是 (A )A、系统软件B、应用软件C、编辑软件D、管理软件5、一张 3.5 英寸软盘的存储容量为 (A )A、1.44MBB、 1.44KBC、 1.44GBD、 1.44B6、下列叙述中,正确的说法是 (A )A、键盘、鼠标、光笔和扫描仪都是输入设备B、打印机、显示器、数字化仪都是输出设备C、显示器、扫描仪、打印机都不是输入设备D、键盘、鼠标和绘图仪都不是输出设备7、二进制中,对 01001111 进行逻辑非运算的结果是 (C )A、01010000B、 10111111C、10110000D、010011108、下列叙述正确的是 (D )A、原码是表示无符号数的编码方法B、二进制数据表示在计算机中容易实现C、定点数表示的是整数D、对一个数据的原码的各位取反而且在末位再加 1 就可以得到这个数据的补码9、目前,在计算机中最普遍采用的西文字符编码是 (A )A、ASCII 码B、GB2312-80C、汉字编码D、英文字母10、将 CPU 的时间划分成时间片,轮流接收和处理各个用户从终端输入的命令的操作系统是 (A )A、分时操作系统B、实时操作系统C、网络操作系统D、批处理系统11、为了保证任务栏任何时候在屏幕可见,应在“任务栏属性”对话框的“任务选项”选项卡中选择( B )。
A、不被覆盖B、总在最前C、自动隐藏D、显示时钟12、要安装某个输入法,应在“控制面板”中使用( B )功能A、区域和语言选项B、添加或删除程序C、管理工具D、系统13、以下操作中不能退出一个应用程序的是 (A )A、单击窗口右上角的“最小化”按钮B、单击窗口右上角的“关闭”按钮C、右键单击任务栏上相应按钮,选择“关闭”D、通过 Windows 任务管理器14、在 Windows 的“开始”菜单的“文档”菜单项中,包含最近使用的( B )。
一.单项选择题1.计算机软件系统包括()A)操作系统和网络软件B)操作系统、应用软件和网络软件C)系统软件和应用软件D)客户端应用软件和服务器端系统软件2.Windows 98是()A)多用户单任务操作系统B)多用户多任务操作系统C)单用户多任务操作系统D)单用户单任务操作系统3.使用微机时,能控制调度并有效使用系统各种资源的软件是()A)操作系统B)解释程序C)高级语言D)编译程序3.用不同的汉字输入方法输入同一个汉字后,该汉字的内码是()A)大部分不同B)完全不相同C)部分相同D)相同4.计算机中Modem的功能是()A)实现数字信号的编码B)把模拟信号转换为数字信号C)实现数字信号和模拟信号之间的相互转换D)把数字信号转换为模拟信号5.某片软盘上已染有病毒,为防止该病毒传染计算机系统,正确的措施是A)删除软盘上所有程序即删除病毒B)在该软盘缺口处贴上写保护C)将软盘放一段时间后再用D)将该软盘重新格式化二.操作题1.在D盘根目录下创建文件夹ks,然后在ks文件夹下创建子文件夹ks12.在D盘根目录下创建文件夹stu,然后设置其属性为只读。
4.使用安装向导,添加本地的HP D 640打印机(其他默认)。
三、文字录入题(15分)四、文本编辑1.使用Word2000 软件,将本目录中提供SC3.DOC文挡,通过以下操作要求,制作成一个可供出版的文挡。
将文挡第一行的标题居中,并设置为黑体、二号、绿色2.使用Word2000 软件,将本目录中提供SC3.DOC文挡,通过以下操作要求,通过以下操作要求制作成一个可供出版的文档:每个自然段落的首行缩进两个汉字位置(大约0.75厘米),并设置为楷体_GB2312、小四号字。
3.使用Word2000 软件,将本目录中提供SC3.DOC文挡,通过以下操作要求,制作成一个可供出版的文档:将文档中的第一段“国际奥委会……发展世界体育运动。
代理人考试真题1.团体人寿保险对每个被保险人的保险金额按照统一的规定确定,其具体做法有()A.被保险人单独自行选择和以保费一定比例直接确定B.被保险人单独自行选择和被保险人全部统一金额C.按团体统一保险金额的标准和对被保险人分类确定保险金额D.对被保险人分类确定保险金额和以保费一定比例直接确定2.下面属于委托代理终止的情况是()A.代理人取得新的代理权限B.被代理人取消代理人的一些代理权限C.被代理人缩减代理人的代理范围D.被代理人取消对代理人的委托3.人身保险是指以人的寿命和身体为保险标的的保险,人身保险中常见的保险事故形式包括()A.疾病B寿命 C 身体 D4.根据中国保监会发布的保险代理业务人员职业道德指引,在我国保险代理从业人员遵循的7个道德原则中包括()等A.客观公正原则 B 专业胜任原则 C 独立职业原则D 友好合作原则5.在寿险核保中,被保险人是否需要体检一般取决于()A.被保险人的性别和投保金额、B.被保险人的年龄和投保金额C.被保险人的职业和有保金额D.被保险人的种族和投保金额6.与不分红保险相比,分红保险的保单持有人的额外权益是()A.自主投资B.参与决策C.获利机会D.参与经营7.在团体保险的经验费率法中,通常每隔一定时期,保险双方将参与实际的理赔情况,对费率加以修订,使之更好地与实际情况相一致,这表明经验费率法是()A.一种确定性的计算保费的方法B.一种非确定性的计算保费的方法C.一种非科学性的计算保费方法D.一种非合理性的计算保费的方法8.在收入保障保险中,全部残疾给付金额一般比残疾前的收入少一些,通常是()A.原收入的45%--50%B.原收入的50%--60%C.原收入的60%--70%D.原收入的75%--80%9.依据风险产生的社会环境对风险进行分类。
(完整版)反假币试题2第四套练习题一、单选题(1分/道,共40道)第1题: 10元,对图片上标号①防伪特征名称描述正确的是____A_____。
A.固定花卉水印B.固定人物水印第2题: 10元,对图片上标号③防伪特征名称描述正确的是______A___。
A.白水印B.多层白灰水印第3题: 10元,对图片上标号⑤防伪特征名称描述正确的是_____A____。
A.双色横号码B.异形横号码第4题: 10元,对图片上标号⑥防伪特征名称描述正确的是___A______。
A.全息磁性开窗安全线B.全埋安全线第5题: 10元,对图片上标号⑦防伪特征名称描述正确的是_____A____。
A.盲文面额标记B.中文面额标记第6题: 10元,对图片上标号⑧防伪特征名称描述正确的是_______A__。
A.隐形面额数字B.光变油墨第7题: 10元,对图片上标号②防伪特征名称描述正确的是_____A____。
A.胶印对印图案B.凹印对印图案第8题: 第五套人民币上的中国人民银行行名的字体是 ____C_____ 。
A.华文新魏B.隶书C.魏碑“张黑女第9题: 第五套人民币硬币外缘采用边部滚字防伪技术的是____A_____ 。
A.1元硬币B.5角硬币C.1角硬币第10题: 对中国人民银行工作人员拒绝受理持有人、金融机构提出的货币真伪鉴定申请的,尚未构成犯罪的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接负责人员,依法给予 ___C______ 。
A.1000元以上50000元以下罚款B.1000元以下罚款C.行政处分第11题: 对中国人民银行授权的鉴定机构截留或私自处理鉴定、收缴的假外币,或使已收缴、没收的假外币重新流入市场的行为处以_____B____ 的罚款。
A.1000元以上50000元以下B.1000元以下C.2000元以上第12题: 凡办理人民币存取款业务的金融机构应 _____A____ 为公众兑换残缺、污损人民币,不得拒绝兑换。
A. 叶酸
B. 甲酰四氢叶酸钙
A. 10.5mg/cm
B. 5.8mg/cm
B. 丙硫氧嘧啶加普萘洛尔(心得安)
C. 甲巯咪唑(他巴唑)加地西泮(安定)
D. 131I治疗
E. 充分手术前准备后行手术治疗
C. 肾结石
A. 第9位
B. 第8位
C. 第7位
D. 第6位
C. 肝内胆汁淤滞
D. 血清胆固醇升高
E. 最早病变为肝小叶中心坏死
D. 2ERHZ/4R2H2
E. 2HSP/10HP
第四套中考试题及答案语文一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,加点字的读音全部正确的一项是()A. 蹒跚(pán shān)踽踽独行(jǔ jǔ dú xíng)踟蹰(chí chú)B. 踌躇(chóu chú)踉跄(liàng qiàng)踽踽独行(jǔ jǔ dú xíng)C. 蹒跚(pán shān)踉跄(liàng qiàng)踟蹰(chí chú)D. 踌躇(chóu chú)踽踽独行(jǔ jǔ dú xíng)踟蹰(chí chú)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A. 通过这次活动,使我们的团队协作能力得到了提升。
B. 为了防止这类事故不再发生,我们必须采取有效措施。
C. 他不仅喜欢读书,而且喜欢写作。
D. 他因为迟到了,所以被老师批评了。
3. 下列句子中,使用了比喻修辞手法的一项是()A. 他像一只受伤的小鸟,蜷缩在角落里。
B. 他像一只受伤的小鸟,蜷缩在角落里。
C. 他像一只受伤的小鸟,蜷缩在角落里。
D. 他像一只受伤的小鸟,蜷缩在角落里。
4. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的一项是()A. 春风又绿江南岸。
B. 明月几时有,把酒问青天。
C. 黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。
D. 两只黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。
5. 下列句子中,使用了排比修辞手法的一项是()A. 他勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,成绩优异。
B. 他勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,成绩优异。
C. 他勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,成绩优异。
D. 他勤奋学习,刻苦钻研,成绩优异。
6. 下列句子中,使用了设问修辞手法的一项是()A. 你为什么要这样做?B. 你为什么要这样做?C. 你为什么要这样做?D. 你为什么要这样做?7. 下列句子中,使用了反问修辞手法的一项是()A. 难道我们不应该努力学习吗?B. 难道我们不应该努力学习吗?C. 难道我们不应该努力学习吗?D. 难道我们不应该努力学习吗?8. 下列句子中,使用了夸张修辞手法的一项是()A. 他的力气大得惊人。
第四套色弱测试题及答案一、单选题1. 下列哪个颜色是绿色的?A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 绿色D. 黄色答案:C2. 以下哪种颜色与橙色最相近?A. 红色B. 蓝色C. 黄色D. 紫色答案:A3. 以下哪种颜色与蓝色最相近?A. 绿色B. 红色C. 黄色D. 紫色答案:D二、判断题1. 红色和绿色是互补色。
答案:正确2. 蓝色和黄色是互补色。
答案:正确3. 紫色和橙色是互补色。
答案:错误三、填空题1. 彩虹的七种颜色依次是:红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、靛、____。
答案:紫2. 色弱是指对某些颜色的辨别能力____。
答案:减弱3. 色盲是指完全不能辨别某些颜色,而色弱则是____。
答案:能辨别但辨别能力较弱四、简答题1. 描述色弱和色盲的区别。
2. 色弱测试的目的是什么?答案:色弱测试的目的是检测个体对颜色的辨别能力,以确定是否存在色觉障碍。
五、多选题1. 以下哪些颜色属于暖色调?A. 红色B. 绿色C. 蓝色D. 黄色答案:A、D2. 以下哪些颜色属于冷色调?A. 红色B. 绿色C. 蓝色D. 黄色答案:B、C六、连线题1. 将以下颜色与其对应的英文名称连线。
红色 - Red蓝色 - Blue绿色 - Green黄色 - Yellow答案:红色 - Red蓝色 - Blue绿色 - Green黄色 - Yellow2. 将以下颜色与其对应的波长范围连线。
红色 - 700-620nm蓝色 - 495-450nm绿色 - 570-495nm黄色 - 590-570nm答案:红色 - 700-620nm蓝色 - 495-450nm绿色 - 570-495nm黄色 - 590-570nm。
单项选择题1. 每种化学品最多可以选用______标志。
A.一个B.两个C.三个D.四个2. 用人单位应对危化品建立安全标签和______制度。
A.安全技术说明书B.请示报告C.生产经营3. 化学品事故的特点是发生突然、持续时间长、_______、涉及面广等。
A.扩散迅速B.经济损失C.人员伤亡多4. ______对人体骨髓造血功能有损害。
A.二氧化硫中毒B.铅中毒C.氯化苯中毒5. 甲苯的危害性是指______。
A.易燃、有毒性B.助燃性C.刺激性6. 三氧化二砷属于______。
A.无机剧毒品B.有机具毒品C.无机毒害品D.有机毒害品7. 工业生产中,酒精的危害表现为______。
A.易燃性B.助燃性C.刺激性8. 浓硫酸属于______危险品。
A.助燃性B.刺激性C.腐蚀性9. 联合国国际化学品安全规划署提出几种工业化学品为持久性有机污染物? ______A.一种B.两种C.三种10. 制作干电池使用的二氧化锰具有什么危害? ______A.刺激性B.有毒C.腐蚀性11. 工业上使用的氧化剂要与具有哪类性质的化学品远远别离? ______A.易燃性液体B.腐蚀性液体C.复原剂12. 以下哪种疾病不是油漆工因为接触油漆涂料引起的? ______A.呼吸道损坏B.视网膜损坏C.接触性皮炎13. 当502胶将自己的皮肤粘合在一起时,可以用以下什么液体慢慢溶解? ______A.汽油B.丙酮C.酒精14. 焦化厂排出的烟尘中对人体有毒害物质较多的为_____。
A.氮气B.一氧化碳C.一氧化氮15. 急性苯中毒主要表现为对中枢神经系统的麻醉作用,而慢性中毒主要为什么系统的损害? _____A.呼吸系统B.消化系统C.造血系统16. 锅炉是_____的设备。
A.生产蒸气B.加热水C.生产蒸气或加热水D.生产蒸气和加热水17. 锅炉规格指锅炉提供______或加热______的能力。
A.水、蒸气B.蒸气、水C.热量、水18. 蒸气锅炉的规格用锅炉的______及蒸气参数表示,热水锅炉的规格用锅炉的______及热水参数表示。
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第四套试题Section ⅠUse of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)All Sumerian cities recognized a number of gods in common, including the sky god, the lord of storms, and the morning and evening star.__1__the Sumerian worshipped the goddess of fertility, love, and war, she was evidently lower__2__status than the male gods, indicating that in a more urbanized society the__3__that the peoples of previous times had paid to the earth mother goddess had__4__. The gods seemed hopelessly violent and __5__, and one’s life a period of slavery at their easy will. The epic poem The Creation emphasizes that__6__were created to enable the gods to__7__ up working. Each city moreover had its own god, who was considered to__8__ the temple literally and who was in theory the owner of all property within the city.__9__the priests who interpreted the will of the god and controlled the__10__ of the economic produce of the city were favored__11__ their supernatural and material functions __12__. When, after 3,000 B. C., growing warfare among the cities made military leadership__13__, the head of the army who became king assumed a(n)__14__position between the god, whose agent he was, and the priestly class, whom he had both to use and to __15__. Thus king and priests represented the upper class in a hierarchical society.__16__them were the scribes, the secular attendants of the temple, who__17__every aspect of the city’s economic life and who developed a rough judicial system.__18__the temple officials, society was divided among an elite or__19__ group of large landowners and military leaders; a mixed group of merchants, artisans, and craftsmen, free peasants who__20__ the majority of the population; and slaves.1. [A]Unless [B]As [C]Lest [D]Although2. [A]on [B]in [C]with [D]about3. [A]worship [B]reverence [C]admiration [D]gratitude4. [A]vanished [B]recovered [C]declined [D]attained5. [A]unpredictable[B]unforgivable[C]unlimited [D]unlikely6. [A]creatures [B]animals [C]men [D]mortals7. [A]use [B]turn [C]give [D]back8. [A]inhabit [B]live [C]reside [D]lodge9. [A]Hence [B]Thereafter [C]Somehow [D]Incidentally10. [A]introduction[B]transaction [C]distribution[D]provision11. [A]as [B]for [C]under [D]of12. [A]along [B]anyway [C]afterwards [D]alike13. [A]additional [B]vital [C]singular [D]exceptional14. [A]alternative [B]secondary [C]intermediate[D]fundamental15. [A]pacify [B]tempt [C]suppress [D]manipulate16. [A]Beside [B]Beyond [C]Below [D]Before17. [A]supervised [B]held [C]managed [D]presided18. [A]Around [B]Under [C]Above [D]Outside19. [A]leading [B]noble [C]controlling [D]principal20. [A]consist [B]compose [C]compile [D]consumeSection ⅡReading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1It was the biggest scientific grudge match since the space race. The Genome Wars had everything:two groups with appealing leaders ready to fight in a scientific dead heat, pushing the limits of technology and rhetoric as they battled to become the first to read every last one of the 3 billion DNA “letters” in the human body. The scientific importance of t he work is unquestionable. The completed DNA sequence is expected to give scientists unprecedented insights into the workings of the human body, revolutionizing medicine and biology. But the race itself, between the government’s Human Genome Project and Rockville, Md., biotechnology company Celera Genomics, was at least partly symbolic, the public/private conflict played out in a genetic lab.Now the race is over. After years of public attacks and several failed attempts at reconciliation, the two sides are taking a step toward a period of calm. HGP head Francis Collins (and Ari Patrinos of the Department of Energy, an important ally on the government side) and Craig Venter, the founder of Celera, agreed to hold a joint press conference in Washington this Monday to declare that the race was over (sort of), that both sides had won (kind of) and that the hostilities were resolved (for the time being).No one is exactly sure how things will be different now. Neither side will be turning off its sequencing machines any time soon—the “finish lines” each has crossed are largely arbitrary points, “first drafts” rather than the definitive version. And while the joint announcement brings the former Genome Warriors closer together than they’re been in years, insiders say that future agreements are more likely to take the form of coordination, rather than outright collaboration.The conflict blew up, this February when Britain’s Wellcome Trust, an HGP participant, released a confidential letter to Celera outlining the HGP’s complaints. Venter called the move “a lowlife thing to do.”But by spring, there were the first signs of a thaw. “The attacks and nastiness are bad for science and our investors,”V enter told Newsweek in March, “and fighting back is probably not helpful.”At a cancer meeting earlier this month, Venter and Collins praisedeach other’s approaches, and expressed hope that all of the scientists involved in sequencing the human genome would be able to share the credit. By late last week, that hope was becoming a reality as details for Monday’s joint announcement were hammered out. Scientists in both camps welcomed a n end to the hostilities. “If this ends the horse race, science wins.” With their difference behind them, or at least set aside, the scientists should now be able to get down to the interesting stuff: figuring how to make use of all that data.1. The recent Genome Wars were symbolic of _____.[A]the enthusiasm in scientific research[B]the significance of the space race[C]the public versus private conflict[D]the prospect of the completion of DNA sequence2. The tone of the author in reporting the joint press conference this Monday is _____.[A]astonished [B]enthusiastic [C]disappointed [D]objective3. It is implied in the third paragraph that _____.[A]the “finish lines”refers to completion of DNA research.[B]former Genome Warriors will never fight again.[C]the former warriors are now collaborators[D]both sides will still work on independently4. The word “thaw”(Line 3, Paragraph 4) most probably means _____ .[A]aggravation of tension[B]improvement in relation[C]intensification in attacks[D]ending of coordination5. The critical issue facing the scientists is to _____.[A]apply the newly-found knowledge to the benefit of mankind[B]end their horse race for the success of science[C]get down to their genome research[D]set their differences asideText 2At the start of the year, The Independent on Sunday argued that there were three over-whelming reasons why Iraq should not be invaded: there was no proof that Saddam posed an imminent threat; Iraq would be even more unstable as a result of its liberation; and a conflict would increase the threat posed by terrorists. What we did not know was that Tony Blair had received intelligence and advice that raised the very same points.Last week’s report from the Intelligence and Security Committee included the revelation that some of the intelligence had warned that a war against Iraq risked an increased threat of terrorism. Why did Mr. Blair not make this evidence available to the public in the way that so much of the alarmist intelligence on Saddam’s weapons was published? Why did he choose to ignore theintelligence and argue instead that the war was necessary, precisely because of the threat posed by international terrorism?There have been two parliamentary investigations into this war and the Hutton inquiry reopens tomorrow. In their different ways they have been illuminating, but none of them has addressed the main issues relating to the war. The Foreign Affairs Committee had the scope to range widely, but chose to become entangled in the dispute between the Government and the BBC. The Intelligence Committee reached the conclusion that the Government’s file on Saddam’s weapons was not mixed up, but failed to explain why the intelligence was so hopelessly wrong. The Hutton inquiry is investigating the death of Dr. David Kelly, a personal tragedy of marginal relevance to the war against Iraq.Tony Blair has still to come under close examination about his conduct in the building-up to war. Instead, the Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon, is being fingered as if he were master-minding the war behind everyone’s backs from the Ministry of Defence. Mr. Hoon is not a minister who dares to think without consulting Downing Street first. At all times he would have been dancing to Downing Street’s tunes. Mr. Blair would be wrong to assume that he can draw a line under all of this by making Mr. Hoon the fall-guy. It was Mr. Blair who decided to take Britain to war, and a Cabinet of largely skeptical ministers that backed him. It was Mr. Blair who told MPs that unless Saddam was removed, terrorists would pose a greater global threat—even though he had received intelligence that suggested a war would lead to an increase in terrorism.Parliament should be the forum in which the Prime Minister is called more fully to account, but Iain Duncan Smith’s support for the war has neutered an already inept opposition. In the absence of proper parliamentary scrutiny, it is left to newspapers like this one to keep asking the most important questions until the Prime Minister answers them.1. We learn from the first two paragraphs that _____.[A]the evidence should have been made available to the Parliament[B]the necessity of war has been exaggerated by the Committee[C]Blair had purposely ignored some of the intelligence he received[D]it was The Independent that first revealed the intelligence2. The author thinks that the Hutton enquiry is _____.[A]also beside the mark [B]hopelessly wrong[C]illuminating in its way [D]wide in scope3. By “chose to become entangled” (Line 4,Paragraph 3), the author implies that _____.[A]the dispute between the Government and the BBC was unnecessary[B]the Foreign Affairs Committee had mixed up the argument[C]it was entirely wrong to carry out such investigations[D]the Intelligence Committee shouldn’t mix up with the affair4. It can be learned from Paragraph 4 that _____.[A]most ministers were suspicious of Hoon’s conduct[B]Hoon will not do anything without consulting Blair[C]Blair should not divert his responsibility to his Cabinet[D]MPs think that it is Blair who drags the country into the war5. What is the author’s attitude towards the Parliament?[A]Indignant. [B]Skeptical. [C]Inquisitive. [D]Critical.Text 3Scholastic thinkers held a wide variety of doctrines in both philosophy and theology, the study of religion. What gives unity to the whole Scholastic movement, the academic practice in Europe from the 9th to the 17th centuries, are the common aims, attitudes, and methods generally accepted by all its members. The chief concern of the Scholastics was not to discover new facts but to integrate the knowledge already acquired separately by Greek reasoning and Christian revelation. This concern is one of the most characteristic differences between Scholasticism and modern thought since the Renaissance.The basic aim of the Scholastics determined certain common attitudes, the most important of which was their conviction of the fundamental harmony between reason and revelation. The Scholastics maintained that because the same God was the source of both types of knowledge and truth was one of his chief attributes, he could not contradict himself in these two ways of speaking. Any apparent opposition between revelation and reason could be traced either to an incorrect use of reason or to an inaccurate interpretation of the words of revelation. Because the Scholastics believed that revelation was the direct teaching of God, it possessed for them a higher degree of truth and certainty than did natural reason. In apparent conflicts between religious faith and philosophic reasoning, faith was thus always the supreme arbiter; the theologians decision overruled that of the philosopher. After the early 13th century, Scholastic thought emphasized more the independence of philosophy within its own domain. Nonetheless, throughout the Scholastic period, philosophy was called the servant of theology, not only because the truth of philosophy was subordinated to that of theology, but also because the theologian used philosophy to understand and explain revelation.This attitude of Scholasticism stands in sharp contrast to the so-called double-truth theory of the Spanish-Arab philosopher and physician Averroёs. His theory assumed that truth was accessible to both philosophy and Islamic theology but that only philosophy could attain it perfectly. The so-called truths of theology served, hence, as imperfect imaginative expressions for the common people of the authentic truth accessible only to philosophy. Averroёs maintained that philosophic truth could even contradict, at least verbally, the teachings of Islamic theology.As a result of their belief in the harmony between faith and reason, the Scholastics attempted to determine the precise scope and competence of each of these faculties. Many early Scholastics, such as the Italian ecclesiastic and philosopher St. Anselm, did not clearly distinguish the two and were overconfident that reason could prove certain doctrines of revelation. Later, at the height ofthe mature period of Scholasticism, the Italian theologian and philosopher St. Thomas Aquinas worked out a balance between reason and revelation.1. With the Scholastics, the search for new knowledge _____.[A]stopped completely[B]slowed down[C]advanced rapidly[D]awaked gradually2. Which of the following best illustrates the relation between reason and revelation?[A]They are simply identical.[B]Revelation guides reason.[C]They are occasionally contradictory.[D]Reason is used to perfect revelation.3. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 of the text that _____.[A]the position of philosophy as a humble servant was accepted[B]religion had turned into a hamper to the functioning of philosophy[C]philosophers often quoted revelation to support themselves[D]philosophers were sometimes referred to in religious practice4. Averroёs held that _____.[A]Islamic theology was often subordinate to philosophy[B]religious truth was nothing but imaginative fantasy[C]real truth was inaccessible to many common people[D]imperfect expressions were result of flawed religion5. Which of the following is most likely to be discussed in the part succeeding this text?[A]Relations of St. T. Aquinas’ achievements to previous efforts.[B]How St. T. Aquinas worked out in the balance in discussion.[C]Other endeavors on the relationship of reason and revelation.[D]Outstanding features of the mature period of Scholasticism.Text 4Despite the general negative findings, it is important to remember that all children who live through a divorce do not behave in the same way. The specific behavior depends on the child’s individual personality, characteristics, age at the time of divorce, and gender. In terms of personality, when compared to those rated as relaxed and easygoing, children described as temperamental and irritable have more difficulty coping with parental divorce, as indeed they have more difficulty adapting to life change in general. Stress, such as that found in disrupted families, seems to impair the ability of temperamental children to adapt to their surroundings, the greater the amount of stress, the less well they adapt. In contrast, a moderate amount of stress may actually help an easygoing, relaxed child learn to cope with adversity.There is some relationship between age and children’s characteristic reaction to divorce. As the child grows older, the greater is the likelihood of a free expression of a variety of complex feelings, an understanding of those feelings, and a realization that the decision to divorce cannot be attributed to any one simple cause. Self-blame virtually disappears after the age of 6, fear of abandonment diminishes after the age of 8, and the confusion and fear of the young child is replaced in the older child by shame, anger, and self-reflection.Gender of the child is also a factor that predicts the nature of reaction to divorce. The impact of divorce is initially greater on boys than on girls. They are more aggressive, less compliant, have greater difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and exhibit problem behaviors both at home and at school. Furthermore, the adjustment problems of boys are still noticeable even two years after the divorce. Girls’adjustment problems are usually internalized rather than acted out, and are often resolved by the second year after the divorce. However, new problems may surface for girls as they enter adolescence and adulthood. How can the relatively greater impact of divorce on boys than on girls be explained? The greater male aggression and noncompliance may reflect the fact that such behaviors are tolerated and even encouraged in males in our culture more than they are in females. Furthermore, boys may have a particular need for a strong male model of self-control, as well as for a strong disciplinarian parent. Finally, boys are more likely to be exposed to their parents’fights than girls are, and after the breakup, boys are less likely than girls to receive sympathy and support from mothers, teachers, or peers.1. Temperamental, irritable kids have difficulty adapting to parental divorce because_____.[A]they care too much about the life change[B]the great stress of their families diminishes their ability[C]they tend to lose temper easily and are sensitive to the life change[D]they are faced with more parents’ fights than the relaxed, easygoing children2. The following statements are true EXCEPT_____.[A]divorce is usually caused by more than one reason[B] a six-year-old boy may fear being deserted by his parents[C]as the kids grow older, they have a better understanding of divorce[D] a young girl may feel more shameful on parental divorce than an older boy3. It can be inferred from the passage that the impact of divorce_____.[A]on kids of different sexes will probably change as they grow older[B]may cause most kids’ difficulties in communicating with others[C]on an irritable girl is greater than a noncompliant boy[D]is always greater on boys than on girls4. According to the author, the reason why parental divorce has greater effect on boys than on girls is that_____.[A]all cultures encourage male aggression and noncompliance[B]boys are always involved in their parents’ fights[C]males are usually viewed as the models in self-control and strong will[D]boys are basically more self-disciplined than girls5. What is the main idea of the passage?[A]Parental divorce has a negative effect on children all through their life.[B]The impact of parental divorce on children varies in personality, age and gender.[C]Boys may become more aggressive than girls in disrupted families.[D]Kids of different ages behave differently on parental divorce.Part BDirections:In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the lish A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices that do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Until about two million years ago Africa’s vegetation had always been controlled by the interactions of climate; geology, soil, and groundwater conditions; and the activities of animals. The addition of humans to the latter group, however, has increasingly rendered unreal the concept of a fully developed “natural”vegetation—i.e., one approximating the ideal of a vegetational climax. (41). Early attempts at mapping and classifying Africa’s vegetation stressed this relationship: sometimes the names of plant zones were derived directly from climates. In this discussion the idea of zones is retained only in a broad descriptive sense.(42). In addition, over time more floral regions of varying shape and size have been recognized. Many schemes have arisen successively, all of which have had to take views on two important aspects: the general scale of treatment to be adopted, and the degree to which human modification is to be comprehended or discounted.(43). Quite the opposite assumption is now frequently advanced. An intimate combination of many species—in complex associations and related to localized soils, slopes, and drainage—has been detailed in many studies of the African tropics. In a few square miles there may be a visible succession from swamp with papyrus, the grass of which the ancient Egyptians made paper and from which the word “paper”originated, through swampy grassland and broad-leaved woodland and grass to a patch of forest on richer hillside soil, and finally to juicy fleshy plants on a nearly naked rock summit.(44). Correspondingly, classifications have differed greatly in their principles for naming, grouping, and describing formations: some have chosen terms such as forest, woodland, thorn-bush, thicket, and shrub for much of the same broad tracts that others have grouped as wooded savanna (treeless grassy plain) and steppe (grassy plain with few trees). This is best seen in the nomenclature, naming of plants, adopted by two of the most comprehensive and authoritative maps of Africa’s vegetation that have been published: R. W. J. Keay’s Vegetation Map of Africa South of the Tropic of Cancer and its more widely based successor, The VegetationMap of Africa, compiled by Frank White. In the Keay map the terms “savanna”and “steppe”were adopted as precise definition of formations, based on the herb layer and the coverage of woody vegetation; the White map, however, discarded these two categories as specific classifications. Yet any rapid absence of savanna as in its popular and more general sense is doubtful.(45). However, some 100 specific types of vegetation identified on the source map have been compressed into 14 broader classifications.[A]As more has become known of the many thousands of African plant species and their complex ecology, naming, classification, and mapping have also become more particular, stressing what was actually present rather than postulating about climatic potential.[B]In regions of higher rainfall, such as eastern Africa, savanna vegetation is maintained by periodic fires. Consuming dry grass at the end of the rainy season, the fires burn back the forest vegetation, check the invasion of trees and shrubs, and stimulate new grass growth.[C]Once, as with the scientific treatment of African soils, a much greater uniformity was attributed to the vegetation than would have been generally accepted in the same period for treatments of the lands of western Europe or the United States.[D]The vegetational map of Africa and general vegetation groupings used here follow the White map and its extensive annotations.[E]African vegetation zones are closely linked to climatic zones, with the same zones occurring both north and south of the equator in broadly similar patterns. As with climatic zones, differences in the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation constitute the most important influence on the development of vegetation.[F]Nevertheless, in broad terms, climate remains the dominant control over vegetation. Zonal belts of precipitation, reflection latitude and contrasting exposure to the Atlantic and Indian oceans and their currents, give some reality to related belts of vegetation.[G]The span of human occupation in Africa is believed to exceed that of any other continent. All the resultant activities have tended, on balance, to reduce tree cover and increase grassland; but there has been considerable dispute among scholars concerning the natural versus human-caused development of most African grasslands at the regional level.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)Economics, as we know it, is the social science concerned with the production, distribution,exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises, and governments seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select. (46) Other fields of study also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed, history records changes in human objectives, and sociology interprets human behavior in social contexts.Standard economics can be divided into two major fields. (47) The first, price theory or microeconomics, explains how the interplay of supply and demand in competitive markets creates a multitude of individual prices, wage rates, profit margins, and rental changes. Microeconomics assumes that people behave rationally. Consumers try to spend their income in ways that give them as much pleasure as possible. As economists say, they maximize utility. For their part, entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract from their operations.The second field, macroeconomics, deals with modern explanations of national income and employment. Macroeconomics dates from the book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1935), by the British economist John Maynard Keynes. His explanation of prosperity and depression centers on the total or aggregate demand for goods and services by consumers, business investors, and governments, (48) Because, according to Keynes, inadequate total demand increases unemployment, the indicated cure is either more investment by businesses or more spending and consequently larger budget deficits by government.Economic issues have occupied people’s minds throughout the ages. (49) Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth, property, and trade, both of whom were prejudiced against commerce, feeling that to live by trade was undesirable. The Romans borrowed their economic ideas from the Greeks and showed the same contempt for trade. (50) During the Middle Ages the economic ideas of the Roman Catholic church were expressed in the law of the church, which condemned the taking of interest for money loaned and regarded commerce as inferior to agriculture.Economics as a subject of modern study, distinguishable from moral philosophy and politics, dates from the work, Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), by the Scottish philosopher and economist Adam Smith. Mercantilism and physiocracy were precursors of the classical economics of Smith and his 19th-century successors.Section ⅢWritingPart A51. Directions:On your way from Beijing to Paris, you lost you luggage carried by the airline. Write a complaint letter to the service center of the Airline. In your letter, you should tell them1) what happened to your luggage,2) what your luggage is like,3) what compensation you expect.You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming”instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)Part B52. Directions:Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should1) describe the drawing, 2) interpret its implications, 3) give your comments.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)Section ⅠUse of English答案1. D2. B3. B4. C5. A6. D7.C8.A9. A 10. C11. B 12. D 13.B 14.C 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. BSection ⅡReading ComprehensionText1答案1.C2.D3.D4.B5.AText2答案1.C2.A3.A4.B5.DText3答案1. A2.B3.D4.C5.CText4答案1. A2.D3.A4.C5.BPart B答案。