计算机文化基础双语课件-Chapter2 computer hardware

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Chapter 2 Computer Hardware
• Hardware System
– System unit – CPU (program control unit +
Arithmetic Logic unit) – Memory & Storage (External
Memory) – Input – Output
Control unit
ALU performs: arithmetic operations – addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division; logical operations — AND, OR, Exclusive-OR, NOT.
CPU Performance Factors
- CPU speed is influenced by clock speed, bus speed, word size, cache size, instruction set, number of cores, and processing techniques.
Instructions Data
Processor Logic
Programs and instruction sets:
• How do digital devices process data?
– The data is manipulated under the control of a computer program.
2.1 An Overview of the Computer Hardware
What’s a personal computer system?
What are the components of a typical PC?
主机/System unit
P27 of E
Circuits and chips
• What’s a computer chip?
the terms computer chip, microchip, and chip originated as technical jargon for integrated circuit.
for example, perform arithmetic, sort list, format
2)Retrieves instructions and data from RAM, after processing instructions, places the results back into RAM.
Digital processing
• A machine code instruction has two parts: the op code and the operand.
• Eg: instruction: add 1
Op code
P31 f1-36 00000100
Specifications for these factors allow you to compare different CPUs.
Microprocessor Clock
microprocessor clock---- a timing device that sets the pace for executing instructions
• §2.1: An Overview • §2.2 : Microprocessors • §2.3 : Memory • §2.4 : Storage Devices • §2.5 : Input and Output Devices
KM chart of Chapter Two
– A compiler converts all the statements in a program in a single batch, and the resulting collection of instructions, called object code, is placed in a new file.(p30 f1-34)
类似数学语言、接近自然语言、具有通用性和可移植 性、不依赖具体的计算机类型
– An interpreter converts and executes one statement at a time while the program is running.
CPU interconnection (CPU内部总线)
-Provides communication among them.
The Control Unit’s function ( p.32)
-Retrieves an instruction from RAM and puts it in the instruction register. -The RAM address of the instruction is kept in the instruction pointer. -When the instruction has been executed, the address in the instruction pointer changes to the RAM address of the next instruction to be executed.
• “语言”是人机交流的工具
• 程序是用“语言”写成的计算机可以识别的“文章”
• 用于编写计算机wk.baidu.com以执行的程序的语言称为程序设计语 言
机器语言 汇编语言 高级语言
机器指令 0 或 1 代码
与语言习惯差别很大难以学 习和记忆依赖机器的类型
用助记符代替机器代 码;用变量代替各类 地址
克服记忆的难点其他与假期 语言类似
Megahertz (MHz) ---- a million cycles per second Gigahertz (GHz) ---- a billion cycles per second
-Instruction cycle (the time to complete an instruction cycle) is measured in megahertz (million of cycles per second or MIPS)(CPU 的主频);
Hardware System
数据流 控制流
• Information processing cycle
§ 2.2: Microprocessors
What is a microprocessor?
is an integrated circuit designed to process instructions
Program control unit(程序控制单元)
-Control the operation of CPU;
Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) (运算 器)
-Perform data processing; Registers (寄存器组)
-Internal storage;
– Instruction: each instruction has a corresponding
sequence of 0s and 1s. E.g add----00000100
– Machine language: can be directly executed by the
processor’s circuitry
Processor logic
Central Processing Unit Program Control
Arithmetic –Logic Unit (ALU)
Main memory
I/O Equipment
Processor logic
• What happens when a computer executes an instruction?(p30)
解释程序 解释
Interpreter 执行
Digital processing
• What does the conversion process produce?
– Instruction set: collection of preprogrammed activities
is designed to be general purpose so that programmers can use it in creative ways for the wide variety of tasks performed by all kinds of digital devices.
A high-performance processor with a slow hard disk, no disk cache, and a small amount of RAM is likely to be slow at tasks such as starting programs, loading large amount of data, printing and scrolling through long document.
Address M1 Address M2 Address M3
Control Unit Instruction pointer
Instruction Register AMDUDL two number
CPU Performance Factors
- Moore law
- “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”.
• System Unit • Keyboard • Mouse • Hard disk drive • CD and DVD drivers • Other storage • Sound system • Display system: graphics card
monitor • Network and Internet access • printer
Motherboard (circuit board)
many chips are housed on motherboard.
➢ processor chip; ➢computer memory; ➢ system bus;
CPU’s functions
1)Executes instructions to process data,
– The human-readable version of a program is called source code.
Digital processing
How does source code get converted?
The procedure for translating source code into 0s and 1s can be accomplished by a compiler or an interpreter.
– integrated circuit is an superthin slice of semiconducting material packed with microscopic circuit elements, such as wires, transistors, capacitors, logic gates, and resistors.(p28 )
1. Fetch instruction
2. Interpret instructi on
4.Increment pointer to the next instruction
3. Execute instructi on
CPU Architecture
A CPU have two main parts