



《TOEFL词频》(俞敏红)俞敏红词频大奉献A1. a pivotal figure2. a premium price2 3. a range of4 4. abandon abandonment5. abbreviate abbreviation6. abrasion abrase; abrade7. abstract abstraction8. absurd absurdity2 9. abundance abundant2 10. accelerate acceleration4 11. access12. acclaimed acclaim; acclamation3 13. accommodate accommodation2 14. accompany accompanyist15. accordion accordionist5 16. accumulate accumulation17. accustomed accustom oneself to18. acquaintance acquaint19. acronym20. acute astute5 21. adapt adaptable; adaptation22. additive add; addition23. adept3 24. adjacent25. adjoining adjoin3 26. adjust adjustment27. adobe4 28. adopt29. adorn adornment2 30. advent n.; adventure31. adverse adversely; adversity2 32. advocate advocation,advocacy,advocator,advocatory3 33. aesthetic aesthetically34. affect affected35. affiliate with affiliate oneself with; affiliated; affiliation36. afflict affliction37. affluent wealthy, rich;38. aggravating aggravate39. aggregate aggregation40. agitation agitate41. akin to very similar to42. alchemy alchemist43. alder44. alderman45. algae3 46. alien2 47. all but48. all-inclusive49. allocate2 50. alloy3 51. alternative2 52. altitude latitude, longitude53. aluminum54. ambience55. amenable amenablyamendatory56. amend amendable;57. amplify amplifier; amplification3 58. ancestor61. anomaly n.; anomalous;62. anonymous anon.; anonym; anonymity; anonymously63. antibiotic2 64. antiquity antiquated; antiquate65. apart from3 66. appeal appeal to67. apprentice4 68. approach69. aptly aptitude70. aquatic71. arc3 72. archaeological archaeology; archaeologist73. archipelago74. architect architecture75. arduous76. arena3 77. arid2 78. armor79. aromatic balmy2 80. array81. arthritis82. artificial3 83. artisan craftsman,mechanic84. as ever as ever is; as ever was85. as a rule as a rule of thumb: a general principle regarded as roughly correctbut not intended to be scientifically accurate86. as far north as as far as; as far as it goes; as far as know; as far back as;87. as for88. as follow as follows2 89. as such90. ascend descend91. ascribe to ascribe92. aspiring aspire3 93. assemble94. assert95. associate96. assorted assort, assortment2 97. assume assumption98. assure99. astonishing astonish100. astute101. at intervals at intervals of102. at one session103. at the cutting edge of104. atomization atomize3 105. attached attach, attachment106. attain attainment107. attire108. attribute to109. auditorium110. auger bore111. aurora auroral light112. automated4 113. available114. aviation aviate115. avocational avocation116. awareness117. awkwardly awkwardB118. backdrop a painted cloth hung across the rear of a stage 121. barb Barbed wire122. barge2 123. bark2 124. barn125. barren3 126. barrier127. barter128. basement2 129. basin3 130. be characterized by131. be taken by132. be up to = get up to133. beak3 134. beam135. bequest property136. besiege siege137. bestow To give as a gift3 138. bias prejudice139. bitterness bitter140. bizarre House of bizarre design2 141. blanket2 142. blast143. blazing blaze144. bleak Bleak winds of the North Atlantic145. blend <>bend; harmonize,intermix146. blessing bless147. block148. blocks149. blossom Youth blossomed into maturity150. bloom151. blues152. bluff A high steep bank; a bluff but pleasant manner.153. blunt Blunted emotions; a blunt instrument154. bolster Long pillow2 155. boom <>blossom; thunder, a state of economic prosperity156. boon A benefit bestow; very close and convivial157. boost158. boring Drill a hole>tire; bore159. boundary2 160. bow <>bowl161. breach A breach of contract; a breach in a fortification 162. break all ties with3 163. breeze The breeze was cooled by the lake; breeze through2 164. brilliance brilliant, Unusual mental ability165. briny166. brisk briskness167. brittle Brittle bones168. bronze169. bubble The soup was bubbling2 170. buckle171. buggy172. building block173. bulk A bulk buy; it is cheaper to buy it in bulk. Bulk mail.174. bundle175. burdensome Taxing,onerous176. burgeon The burgeon population; bloom;>blossom;boom;flourish 177. burrow tunnel178. bust A sculpture of the head179. bustle hustle180. by a factor of182. cab Cab fare183. cabinet184. cacti / Cactus , pl.cactuses185. calibrate calibration, standardization186. campaign187. cannibalize cannibalise, cannibalism188. canopy189. canyon A ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall.190. capability An aptitude; the quality of being capable.2 191. capacity192. carapace shell2 193. carbohydrate carbo194. cardiac Cardiac cycle195. cargo Cargo container196. carnival funfair197. carnivorous The lion and other carnivorous animals.198. carve carving; sculpture2 199. cast Cast anchor; cast down; cast forth; cast off(n.adj.);200. casting4 201. category categorize202. cater To supply food ready to eat for parties203. cathedral Any large and important church204. cavern A large cave or chamber in a cave; burrow2 205. cavity Hole; dental caries = tooth decay;206. cease Stop; interrupt; N. = end .207. celestial Of heaven or the spirit; of or relating to the sky. celestial body;celestial equator;208. cell209. cellist violin, viola, cello/violoncello; the bass member of the violin family.210. census A count of the population3 211. ceremonial ceremony(Serials of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention)212. chafe rub, friction; Irratate; warm by rubbing; wear caused by friction 2 213. chamber Bedroom; enclosed space or cavity2 214. chaos A state of utter confusion <> cosmos215. charcoal coal; A charcoal drawing216. charter A written instrument; hire, rent, lease; charter school217. chateau Castle or fortress; mansion;(-stle: bustle, hustle, castle) 218. check219. chill Moderately cold>depression; chilly, lacking warmth of feeling2 220. chimpanzee gorilla2 221. chisel Used to chip, carve; cheat222. chivalry gallant or distinguished gentlemen223. chop Chop-mark;224. choppy rough with small waves2 225. chord Accord, harmonize ; seventh chord;226. chunk A large noteworthy quantity2 227. circulate circulation228. circumscribe Draw a line around; limit 229. cite Quote; summon2 230. civilian 文官231. civility politeness3 232. claim acclaim233. clamor A clamor against increased taxes 234. clam235. clan236. classify classification237. clay238. cliff Cliff swallow; steep , vertical; bluff 239. cling to cling; Stick ; adherence240. clockwise <>counterclockwise243. code of laws2 244. coexist245. cohere cohesion, cohesive2 246. coil247. coincide coincident248. collaborate collaboration249. collective250. collide251. colossal252. combust combustion, combustible; blaze 253. comet3 254. commission v255. commit committed4 256. commodity2 257. commonsense258. communal communally2 259. community ,260. commuter4 261. compact262. companion263. comparable compare264. compatible incompatible, harmonious; harmonize265. compel266. compensate compensation267. compete competing, competitive, competitiveness268. compile269. complacent complacency, complacence; contented, self-satisfied 270. complement complementary271. complex complexes; complexity272. complicate complicated273. comply comply with2 274. component2 275. compose composed of, composite, composition3 276. compound2 277. compress4 278. comprise279. con 反对;欺骗280. conceal281. concede2 282. conceive283. conception concept284. concerted concert285. concise286. concrete3 287. condense condensation288. condor289. conduct conductivity2 290. cone291. confederacy292. configuration config, configure2 293. confine confinement, confine to294. confirm4 295. conflict conflicting2 296. confront be confronted with297. congenial298. congestion299. congregate2 300. conifer301. conjecture302. consecutivewith, Unite,associate;keep company 305. consort consort 306. conspicuous conspicuous consumption307. conspiracy3 308. constant constantly309. constellate constellation310. constituent4 311. constitute , constitution, constitutional312. constrain constraint313. constrict constricted; restrict314. construct construction3 315. consume consumption, consumer316. contact2 317. container318. contemporary3 319. context320. contour321. contract contraction, contractor322. contribute toconveniency 323. convenient convenience,2 324. convention conventional, conventionally2 325. converge2 326. convert converter327. convict2 328. convince convinced, convincing329. convivial330. coral coral reef; beef4 331. core332. correlate correlated2 333. corrode corrosion334. corrupt corruption, decay, decomposition3 335. cosmic cosmos2 336. costume2 337. counteract338. counterbalance339. counterclockwise340. counterpart341. cowhand cowboy342. crab2 343. crack344. craft craft union<>industrial union2 345. craftspeople craftsman, craftswoman, craftsperson, craftwork346. crater347. crawl348. crayon Chalk,wax349. credence letter of credence350. creditor351. crevice352. cripple crippling353. crisscross intersect354. crossbones355. crossbreed breed356. crow corbie357. crude crude oil358. crumple5 359. crust crustacean360. crystal crystalline361. crystallize362. cubism cube363. cue364. culminate2 367. curriculum368. custodian369. cuticle370. cylinder cube, coneD371. dash dash off372. daunt daunting3 373. dawn dusk374. dazzle dazzling375. debate376. debris377. declare declaration3 378. decline declining2 379. decorate decoration, decorative 380. defecate381. deferent deferential, deference; comply382. deficiency deficient; efficient383. deform deformation384. deft385. degrade degradation386. dehydrate2 387. deliberate2 388. delicate389. delta390. demobilize2 391. demolish392. dense density393. depict394. deplete2 395. deposit396. depredate depredation4 397. depress depression, depressing, depressed2 398. derive399. desalinate desalinize, desalination2 400. descend descendant, descent; ascend, ancestor 401. designate402. desire desirable403. desperate404. despoil despoiler, spoil3 405. destruct destruction3 406. detect detectable407. deter408. deteriorate2 409. determinant410. deterrent2 411. devastate devastation4 412. device413. devoid devoid of414. devour415. diagonal diagonally416. diameter2 417. dictate dictation418. diction2 419. differentiate420. diffuse421. digest422. digress digression423. dilute dilution424. diminish3 425. dinosaur2 428. discharge429. discipline430. discouraging431. discourse432. discrete433. disintegrate434. dispense435. disperse436. dispose disposal437. disproportionate proportion 438. dispute debate439. disrepute repute440. disseminate seminate 441. dissipate3 442. dissolve solve443. distend4 444. distinct distinctive, distinction, distinctively, distinctly445. distort446. distract2 447. distribute dispense; distribution; contribute, contribution448. dive diver3 449. diverse diversify, diversification, diversified, diversion, diversity450. divergence2 451. documentation document452. dogma453. dolphin454. domains2 455. domestic4 456. dominate dominant457. dormant dormancy; remain/lie dormant; <> active458. dorsal dorsal fin; fin459. draft animal460. drain461. dramatic dramatically462. drawback463. drill3 464. drought465. ductile ductility; ductile metals466. dump467. durable468. dwarfE469. eccentric eccentrically, eccentricity2 470. eclipse2471. ecology ecologist, ecological, ecosystem472. economize473. edentate474. edible eatable475. edifice476. educable educate, education477. eject2 478. elaborate elaborately, elaboration3 479. electron electric, electronic, electricity, electrical480. elegant eleganceelevator481. elevate elevation,482. elicit2 483. eligible484. eliminate485. elite486. elixir489. embedded 490. embellish 491. emboss 492. embryological 8 493. emerge emerging 494. emigrate emigrant, emigration, emigrator, emigratory 495. migrate migrant, migration, migrator, migratory 496. immigrate immigrant, immigration, immigrator, immigratory 4 497. emit emission 5 498. employ employer, employee 499. enact enactment 500. enclose enclosing 2 501. encounter 2 502. engrave engraving 3 503. enormous colossal 504. entangle entanglement 3 505. enterprise enterprising 506. entity 507. entrepreneur 2 508. enzyme 509. epidermis cuticle 510. epoch 511. equilibrium 2 512. equivalent 2 513. erect 5 514. erode erosion >abrasion ; corrode, corrosion 515. erupt eruption 516. eternal everlasting 517. ethical ethically518. ethnic 519. evaporate 520. eventful 521. evergreen 522. evident evidence 523. eviscerate 524. evoke 525. evolve evolution 526. exalt exalted 527. excavate excavation 528. exceed 529. excel 530. exception exceptional , exceptionally 531. excess excessive 532. exclude exclusion, exclusive 533. execute execution, executive 534. exempt 535. exert 536. exhale 537. exhibit exhibition 538. exorbitant 539. expand expansion 540. expend expenditure 541. expertise expert 542. explicit 543. exploit 544. exponential exponent 545. express express train, expressive 546. extend extended , extensive, extension 547. external 548. extinct extinction, extinctive550. fabric551. facilitate facilitation, facility552. faction fraction553. factor554. faculty555. fade fake556. famine557. fanatical fanatic, fanatically, fanaticism, fanaticizefascinating558. fascinate fascination,559. fashionable560. fatal561. fatigue562. faucet563. fauna564. feasible feasibility565. feat566. feed on567. fence fencing568. fend569. fertile fertilize, fertility 570. festival571. feverish feverishly 572. fiber fibre573. fiction friction574. fidelity575. field research576. figurehead577. file578. fir579. flair580. flake581. flea582. fleet fleeting583. flexible flex, flexibility 584. float585. flock flock to586. fluctuate fluctuation 587. flux flow588. folklore folk, lore589. follow suit590. folly591. forage592. forbidding forbid593. foremost594. foresee595. foreshadow596. forge597. formal formalize, informal598. format formation599. formidable600. formulate601. fort fortify602. fortuitous fortuitously603. fossilize fossil604. foster605. fracture606. fragile fragility, fragment607. fray608. freight609. frenetic frenzy, frenzied612. from afar afar613. frustrate frustrated, frustrating, frustration 614. functioning615. fumigate fumy616. fungi fungus617. furnish furnishment618. fuse fused,fusionG619. galaxy620. gallery621. galvanize galvanise, galvanization622. gap623. gaseous624. generate general625. generous626. genetic genetically627. genial / d?i?ni?l /628. genre629. genuine genuinely630. genial631. genuinely632. get in the way of633. giant634. girder635. give way to636. glacial637. glacier638. glamorous639. gland640. glandular641. glassware642. glimpse643. global644. go against the grain go against the grain to 645. go broke646. gorgeous647. gourmet648. granite649. graphic650. grasshopper651. gravitational652. gravity653. graze654. grazing land655. grumble656. gulf657. gush658. gymnastic659. gyrationH660. habitat661. hail662. hallmark663. halt664. hamper665. handicraft666. hands-on667. harden668. hardware671. haul672. haunt n.673. haunted674. haven675. hazard676. heed677. heel678. helium679. hem680. hemisphere681. herald682. herculean683. herd684. heritage685. heterogeneous 686. hibernation 687. hierarchy688. highlight689. hinge690. hinterland691. hold a large stake 692. hollow 693. homogeneous694. horizon695. horizontal696. hostile697. house698. huddle699. hummingbird700. hurl701. hydrogen702. hypersensitive 703. hypothesis I704. ice sheet705. iceberg706. icicle707. icon708. identical709. identifiable710. identify711. identity712. ideology713. idiom714. igneous715. illuminate716. illumination717. illusion718. illustrate719. imaginary720. imaginative721. imbibe722. imitation723. immense724. immobilize725. immune726. immunity727. impact728. impair729. impart732. impermeable733. impersonal734. impersonate735. impersonation736. impetus737. implement738. implication739. implicit740. import741. impose742. imposing743. impressive744. imprint745. imprisonment imprison746. improvise improvisation747. imprudent imprudently, imprudence748. impudent impudence, impudicity749. impugn impugnable, impugnation, impugnment 750. impuissant impuissance751. impulse752. impunity punish753. impurity impure754. in accord with755. in common756. in common with757. in scale758. in terms of759. inability incapability760. inaccurate761. inaccessible762. inactivate inactive, inactivity763. inadequate inadequately764. inadmissible inadmissibility, inadmissible candidate; admissible765. inadvertent inadvertently, inadvertence, inadvertency 766. inadvisable767. inane inanely, inanity, inanition; insane768. inanimate inanimation769. inapparent770. inapplicable771. inappropriate inappropriately772. inapt inaptly, inaptness, inaptitudeinattentively773. inattention inattentive,inaudibility774. inaudible inaudibly,inaugurate, inauguration, Inauguration Day, inaugurator 775. inaugural inauguratory,776. incapacitate777. incessant778. incident779. inclination780. incongruity781. incongruous782. incorporate783. incredible784. indent785. indicate786. indication787. indispensable788. individualism789. inducible790. industrialization791. industrialized796. infest797. inflation798. inflict799. ingenious800. ingeniously 801. ingredient802. inhabit803. inhabitant804. inherit805. inhibit806. innumerable 807. insanity808. insight809. insistence810. inspection811. inspiration 812. inspire813. instantaneously 814. instinctively 815. institution 816. institutionalize 817. instructive 818. instrumentalist 819. insulation820. insulting821. insurmountable 822. intact823. integral824. integrate825. integrated826. intelligible 827. intense828. intensive829. intent830. interact with 831. interaction 832. interconnected 833. interconnecting 834. interdependence 835. interdependent 836. interference 837. interior838. interlocking 839. internal840. interpersonal 841. interpretation 842. interrupt843. interstellar 844. interval845. intervention 846. intimacy847. intoxication 848. intricate849. intricately 850. intriguing851. intrinsic852. intruder853. intruding858. ion859. irresistible 860. irrevocably 861. irrigate862. irrigation 863. isolated864. isolationJ865. jealousy866. jellyfish 867. jibe with 868. jolting869. journalism 870. junction871. jury872. juxtapositionK873. keen874. kennel875. kernel876. kerosene877. kineticL878. laborious 879. laboriously 880. labyrinth 881. lament882. landmass883. landscape 884. landslide 885. Larvae886. laser887. latitude888. lava889. lave890. layer891. layman892. learn by rote 893. lease894. ledge895. legacy896. legume897. lengthen898. lettuce899. liable of 900. light901. bulb902. limestone 903. linger904. letter with 905. livelihood 906. living quarter 907. locomote908. locomotive 909. locomotion 910. logy911. long-range914. luminosity915. luminous916. lureM917. maneuver918. mania919. manifestation 920. manipulate 921. mansion922. mantle923. manual924. margin925. marine926. maritime927. markedly928. marrow929. mask930. masonry931. massive932. masterpiece 933. mate 934. meager935. measures936. mechanical937. media938. mechanism939. medium940. melodrama941. memorial942. mercantile943. merchandise 944. metabolic 945. meteorite946. meteorologist 947. meticulous 948. minimize949. minuscule950. minute951. miraculous952. mobility953. mock954. moderate955. modify956. moisture957. molecular958. molecule959. molten960. monochromatic 961. monopolize 962. monument963. morale964. morphology965. most-distinctive 966. motif967. motivation968. mud mortar969. multifaceted 970. multiple971. multiply972. multistory975. municipal976. muscular977. myriad978. mysteriousN979. narcotic 980. narrator 981. Native to 982. neat 983. needy 984. neoclassical 985. neon 986. Nerve cord987. neuron 988. niche 989. nickel990. nonconformist991. nontraditional992. nostalgia993. not as yet994. not so much as995. notch996. note997. notoriously998. noxious 999. nuclei 1000.nucleus O 1001.object to1002.obscure1003.obscure v1004.obsessed1005.obstacle1006.occurrence1007.of scale1008.offshore1009.offspring1010.olfactory1011.onset1012.onslaught1013.opaque1014.optical1015.optimal1016.optimum1017.orchid1018.ore/doc/3e4746512.html,anically /doc/3e4746512.html,anism 1021.orientation1022.originality 1023.originate 1024.ornamental 1025.ornamentation 1026.ounce 1027.outbreak 1028.outlet1029.output 1030.oval1031.overlap 1035.overtaxed 1036.overwhelm 1037.overwhelmingly 1038.oxenP1039.pack1040.packed 1041.painstaking 1042.paleontologist 1043.pane1044.panel1045.panel v 1046.pants1047.paralysis 1048.paramount 1049.paraphrase 1050.parasite 1051.particle 1052.pasture 1053.patent1054.pathogen1055.patrol1056.patron1057.patronage1058.pebble1059.peculiarity1060.pendant1061.penetrate1062.penetrating1063.peninsula1064.perceive1065.perception1066.perch1067.percolate1068.percussion1069.peripheral1070.perishable1071.permeate1072.perpetuate1073.perplexing1074.persist1075.perspective1076.pertinent relevance 1077.pest 1078.petal1079.pigment1080.pillow1081.pine1082.pit1083.pivotal1084.plank1085.plaster plastic 1086.plate 1087.platitude1088.platitudinous1089.pliable1090.plight1091.plumbing1092.poisonous1093.polarize1096.pollinator1097.pollutant1098.popular tune1099.portable1100.portend1101.portion1102.positive1103.possess1104.possession1105.postal service1106.postdate1107.posthumous1108.potential1109.pottery1110.poverty1111.prairie1112.precarious1113.precede1114.precipitate1115.precipitation1116.precursor1117.predator1118.predatory1119.predecessor1120.predominantly1121.predominate1122.preeminent1123.prefabricated1124.prehistoric1125.preponderance1126.prerequisite1127.presence1128.preservation1129.preservative1130.preside over1131.prestige1132.pretension1133.prevail1134.prevailing1135.prey1136.prime primal, primarily, primate, primitive 1137.priority 1138.privilege1139.probe1140.proceed1141.process1142.proclaim1143.proclivity1144.prod sb. into1145.prodigious1146.prodigy1147.produce1148.proficiency1149.profile 1150.prohibitively 1151.proliferation 1152.prolific 1153.prominence 1154.prominent 1155.promising。



出现次数词条词性中文解释1 abnormality n. (身体、行为等)不正常, 反常, 变态, 畸形2 abounded adj. 大量存在的,富有的,充满的5 accustomed adj. 惯常的,习惯于…的8 acid adj. 1 酸味的, 酸的 2 尖刻的 n. 1〈化〉酸 2 酸味物质6 acorn n. 橡子, 栎实2 Alternatively adv. 做为选择,二者择一地10 amnesia n. 〈医〉遗忘(症), 记忆缺失2 antagonism n. 对抗,敌对2 antecedents n. 发生在前的事,先例6 anthocyanin n. 花青素,花色醣苔4 anthropologist n. 人类学家1 apprentice n. 学徒,徒弟11 approximately adv. 近似地,大约28 aquifer n. 地下蓄水层; 砂石含水层4 arbitrary adj. 1 随意的, 主观的 2 专横的, 独断专行的3 arboreal adj. 树木的, 生活于树上的4 arcade n. 拱形走道(两旁有商店或娱乐设施)22 arch n. 1 拱, 拱门 2 拱形物 vt.&vi. (使)弯成拱形4 archaeocyte n. 【医】原细胞(游走变形细胞)7 aristocracy n. 贵族,统治阶级7 aristocrat n. 贵族,统治阶级2 Aristotle n. 亚里斯多德(古希腊大哲学家,科学家)2 assert vt. 1 声称,断言 2 维护,坚持2 atmosphere n. 1 大气,大气层 2 空气3 气氛,环境7 Austronesian n. 奥斯特罗尼西亚(岛)的;南太平洋群岛的;奥斯特罗尼西亚人的;南太平洋群岛人的7 balsa n. 轻木(用于制造模型)2 bead n. 1 (空心)小珠子 2 水珠3 珠子项链2 beam n. 1 梁, 横梁 2 束, 柱 vi. 1 发出光与热 2 面露喜色 vt. 播送2 beasts n. 1 兽 2 讨厌的人,粗野凶残的人2 blacksmith n. 铁匠,锻工5 blowhole n. 1 (鲸头顶的)呼吸孔 2 (供海豹等呼吸的)冰窟窿4 bovine adj. 1 牛的, 关于牛的 2 迟钝的, 笨拙的 n. 牛类6 bronze n. 1 青铜 2 青铜色,赤褐色 3 青铜艺术品,铜牌7 buoyant adj. 有浮力的, 轻松愉快的, 开朗的, 容易复原的11 Burgess n. 英国自由的人.2 burst vt.& vi. 1 爆炸, 爆裂 2 挤满, 充满3 突然打开4 突然发作, 突然发生n. 爆炸, 爆裂; 爆发, 突发3 bushy adj. 灌木茂密的,浓密的8 Caledonian adj. 古苏格兰的,苏格兰的44 Cambrian n. 古苏格兰人,苏格兰人11 canal n. 1 运河 2 管道3 carbon n. <化> 碳3 carbonic adj. 碳的,由碳得到的2 cargo n. 货物(量)2 carpenter n. 木工,木匠3 cell n. 1 <生>细胞 2 小牢房,单人小室 3 电池2 celluloid n. 赛璐片,电影胶片2 cementing n. 胶接,溶接,粘合1 ceremonial adj. 礼仪的; 仪式的9 ceremony n. 1 典礼,仪式 2 礼节,礼仪1 chronologically adv. 按时间的前后顺序排列的1 circumstance n. 1 环境,条件,情况2 境遇,经济状况4 clay n. 粘土,泥土2 cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁7 cognitive adj. 认知的,认识能力的2 collapse vi. 1 倒塌,塌下 2 崩溃,突然失败 n. 倒塌,崩溃2 collision n. 碰撞,冲突,抵触10 colonization n. 殖民地化,殖民8 colonize vt. 开拓殖民地,移民于殖民地2 commonplace adj. 普通的, 平庸的 n. 1 陈腔滥调, 老生常谈 2 寻常的事物, 平常的东西2 conceivable adj. 可想到的, 可相信的, 可想像的1 concreter n. 混凝土工11 contaminate v. 污染2 contamination n 玷污,污染,污染物2 conventional adj. 1 依照惯例的, 约定俗成的, 依照传统的 2 常规的, 非核的2 conversely adv. 相反地, 颠倒地6 convert vt. & vi. 1 (使)转变, (使)转化 2 皈依, 改变(信仰)2 cosmic adj. 宇宙的4 cramped adj. 1 狭窄的 2 (字迹)挤在一起的2 crashing adj. 绝对的,非凡的,彻底的10 crater n. 1 火山口 2 弹坑等50 crop n. 1 作物, 庄稼 2 (谷物等的)收获, 收成 3 一群(人), 一批(事物)vt. 1 剪短, 修剪 2 播种, 种植 vi. 收成9 crucial adj. 决定性的, 紧要关头的9 crude adj. 1 天然的, 未加工的 2 简陋的, 粗糙的, 未加修饰的 3 粗鲁的, 粗俗的, 粗野的7 crust n. 1 面包皮; 糕饼等的酥皮 2 (泥土、雪等)硬的外层4 crustal adj. 地壳的,(尤指)地球或月球外壳的4 crystalline adj. 水晶的; 似水晶的; 结晶质的14 cylinder n. 1 圆筒, 圆柱体 2 汽缸, 泵体5 dandelions n. 蒲公英11 debris n. 散落的碎片,残骸3 decoy n. 1 (用于诱捕鸟兽的)动物(或仿制物) 2 用于引诱某人落入圈套的人或物vt. 用诱饵诱骗(某人或动物)落入圈套6 deposit vt. 1 放置; 放下 2 存放; 交与…保管 3 付订金n. 1 矿床, 矿藏; 沉淀物 2 储蓄, 存款 3 订金; 押金, 保证金7 deprecated vt. 不赞成, 反对8 desert n. 沙漠, 不毛之地 vt. 舍弃, 遗弃 vi. 开小差, 逃亡20 desertification n. 沙漠化3 detachment n. 1 超脱 2 拆卸, 分离, 分开4 deterioration n. 变坏,堕落;衰退2 detracts vi. 毁损, 贬低, 减损2 detritus n. 1 (侵蚀形成的)岩屑, 碎石 2 瓦砾4 diameter n. 1 直径 2 放大率6 dioxide n. 〈化〉二氧化物2 disguise vt. 1 假扮, 化装; 伪装 2 掩盖, 掩饰 n. 1 伪装 2 伪装品7 disgust n. 反感, 厌恶, 嫌恶 vt. 使反感, 厌恶2 dismantle vt. 1 拆开, 拆卸 2 废除, 取消3 dispersal n. 散布,分散,消散,驱散,疏散7 diverse adj. 不同的, 多种多样的5 diversification n. 变化,多样化23 diversity n. 1 多样化; (人在种族、民族、宗教等方面的)多样性 2 分歧2 divert vt. 1 使转移[向] 2 使得到消遣3 dogwood n. 山茱萸2 domesticate vt. 驯化14 done adj. 1 已完成 2 煮熟的2 dong n. 盾(越南的货币单位)3 dotted adj. 有点的,星罗棋布的2 drawbacks n. 缺点, 不利条件; 障碍11 drawing n. 1 绘画, 制图 2 图画, 图样3 droplets n. 小滴10 drought n. 干旱(时期)7 due adj. 1 应支付[给予]的 2 应有的, 应得到的 3 到期的 4 预定, 预期 5 适当的, 正当的, 适宜的5 dig vt.&vi. 挖, 掘 vt. 中意, 了解, 欣赏 n. 1 戳, 刺 2 挖苦, 讽刺1 dung n. 动物的粪便, 粪肥8 eddy n. (使)起漩涡 v. (使)起漩涡6 Ediacara n. 伊迪卡拉 (地名:澳大利亚南部弗林德斯山伊迪卡拉)27 Edison n. 爱迪生(美国发明家)6 elk n. 麋鹿,软鞣粗皮3 emit vt. 发出; 放出14 emotion n. 情感, 感情, 激情2 encroach vi. 侵犯; 侵占; 侵害1 engage vt. 1 吸引, 占用2 雇, 聘3 答应, 保证 vt. & vi. (使)从事于, (使)忙于1 engaging adj. 美丽动人的, 有吸引力的4 engraved vt. 1 在(硬物)上雕刻(字, 画等) 2 将某事物深深印在(记忆或头脑中)2 engraving n. 雕刻术,雕版,雕版图6 enhance vt. 提高, 增加, 加强4 envision vt. 想象,预想2 erode vt. & vi. 侵蚀, 腐蚀42 erosion n. 腐蚀, 侵蚀; 磨损2 ethnic adj. 1 种族的, 部落的 2 某文化群体的6 evident adj. 明显的, 明白的9 excavate vt. 1 挖掘, 开凿 2 挖出, 发掘3 exception n. 例外1 exceptional adj. 1 优越的, 杰出的2 例外的; 独特的, 异常的6 excessive adj. 过度的, 过分的; 极度的3 expedition n. 1 远征; 探险; 考察 2 迅速, 动作敏捷4 explicit adj. 1 详述的, 明确的, 明晰的 2 直言的, 毫不隐瞒的, 露骨的4 exploit vt. 1 开采; 开发 2 剥削 n. 业绩, 功绩, 功勋, 事迹25 explosion n. 1 爆炸; 爆发 2 激增, 扩大2 extensively adv. 广阔地1 extent n. 1 长度, 面积, 范围2 程度, 限度3 extermination n. 消灭,根绝24 extinct adj. 1 灭绝的, 绝种的 2 消逝的, 破灭的17 extinction n. 熄灭, 消灭, 灭绝; 废除5 extract vt. 1 (费力地)拔出, 抽出 2 提取, 榨出 n. 1 摘录, 引用 2 提炼物, 浓缩物4 facilitate vt. 使便利, 减轻…的困难7 fantasy n. 1 想像, 幻想 2 空想的产物, 怪念头 vt. & vi. 想像, 幻想2 fanwise adv. 成扇形地,如扇形地2 feasible adj. 可行的, 可能且合理的18 feature n. 1 特征, 特色 2 面貌, 相貌 3 特写, 专题节目 4 (电影的)正片, 故事片10 feedback n. 反馈, 反馈信息7 feeding n. 给食,喂,饲养,吃,输送 adj. 给食的,饲用的,逐渐强烈的,供给饲料的,摄取食物的14 figure n. 1 数字 2 图解, 图表3画像, 肖像 4 轮廓, 人影 5 算术, 计算vi. 出现, 被提及 vt. 1 计算在内 2 估计, 有可能; 认为, 料想6 figurine n. 小雕像, 小塑像2 flickering adj. 闪烁的,摇曳的,忽隐忽现的,一闪一闪的3 flourish vi. 1 茂盛, 繁荣 2 兴旺发达 vt. 挥动4 fluctuate vi. 波动, 涨落, 起伏3 formation n. 1 形成, 构成 2 形成物 3 编队, 排列19 formed adj. 成形的;成形加工的22 fossilization n. 化石作用8 fossilize v. 使成化石,使陈腐;变成化石,搜集(或发掘)化石标本73 fossil n. 1 化石 2 老顽固, 食古不化的人2 fragile adj. 1 易碎的, 脆的 2 虚弱的, 脆弱的; 经不起折腾的8 fragment n. 碎片; 片断8 frequently adv. 常常,频繁地,经常地2 frowning vt.& vi. 皱眉17 fuel n. 燃料, 燃烧剂 vt. 1 给…加燃料, 给…加油 2 激起 vi. 补充燃料2 furnace n. 熔炉, 火炉2 gaslit adj. 以煤气灯照明的3 gear n. 1 用具, 设备, 衣服 2 齿轮; 传动装置; (排)挡 vi. 换挡vt. 使兴奋起来; 使准备好 vi.& vt. (使)搭配; (使)适合2 gender n. 〈语〉性2 glide n. 滑行, 滑动, 滑翔 vt. & vi. (使)滑行, 滑动, 滑翔6 gravel n. 沙砾, 砾石 vt. 以砾石铺路11 grazing n. 牧场; 草场10 Guinea n. 几内亚3 gusher n. 喷油井1 gymnastic adj. 体育的, 体操的3 harsh adj. 1 刺耳的, 刺眼的, 粗糙的 2 严厉的, 严酷的10 Hawaii n. 夏威夷,夏威夷岛3 hawk n. 1 鹰 2 鹰派人物, 主战派人物 vt. 沿街叫卖4 Heyerdahl n. 探险家海耶杜3 hibernating vi. (某些动物)冬眠, 蛰伏8 highlands n. 苏格兰高地28 highlighted adj. 突出的4 hollow adj. 1 空的 2 凹的 3 空洞的 4 虚伪的 n. 洞, 坑, 凹地 vt. 挖洞1 holy adj. 1 神圣的, 圣洁的2 虔诚的3 horn n. 1 角, 触角 2 角质物 3 号, 号角4 喇叭, 报警器14 hunt vt. & vi. 1 打猎, 猎取 2 搜寻, 寻找, 追捕 vt. 驱逐, 追逐 n. 1 打猎, 猎取 2 搜寻, 寻找2 hydroponically adv. 溶液培养地2 Hydroponics n. 水耕法,水栽培2 hydropower n. 水力发出的电力6 hyperaccumulate vt. 形成超富集11 hypothalamus n. 丘脑下部1 hypotheses n. 臆测,假定9 hypothesis n. 假说, 假设, 前提1 hypothetical adj. 假设的, 假定的; 有待证实的3 ibex n. 野生山羊4 igloo n. 雪块砌成的圆顶小屋8 illumination n. 1 照明; 强度 2 彩灯, 灯饰8 illustrate vt. 1 给…加插图 2 说明, 阐明; 表明\3 Impact n. 1 影响, 作用 2 冲击(力), 碰撞 vt. & vi. 对某事物有影响1 implement vt. 使生效, 贯彻, 执行 n. 工具, 器具, 用具7 implicitly adv. 含蓄地,暗中地3 incentive n. 激励某人做某事的事物; 刺激; 诱因, 动机2 inch n. 1 英寸 2 少量, 短距离 vt. & vi. (使)缓慢地移动2 incompatibility n. 不两立,不相容1 Incur vt. 遭受; 招致, 引起2 indecipherable adj. 破译不出的,难辨认的12 industrial adj. 1 工业的, 产业的 2 用于工业的4 industrialism n. 产业主义,工业制度11 inevitable adj. 1 不可避免的, 必然发生的 2 照例必有的, 惯常的2 infant n. 产业主义,工业制度11 infantile adj. 1 婴儿(期)的 2 〈贬〉幼稚的, 孩子气的; 婴儿的5 ingredient n. (混合物的)组成部分; 配料3 inhabitant n. 居民, 住户; (栖息在某地区的)动物11 inhabited adj. 有人居住的4 inhibit vt. 阻止; 抑制3 inject vt. 注射, 注入9 inner adj. 1 内部的, 里面的 2 内心的9 insects n. 昆虫2 insured n. 被保险者,保户 adj. 加入保险的2 intact adj. 完整无缺的; 未经触动的; 未受损伤的1 intentional adj. 有意的, 故意的4 intention n. 意图, 意向; 目的; 打算1 interaction n. 一起活动, 合作, 配合, 相互作用11 interpretation n. 1 解释, 说明; 诠释 2 表演; 演奏3 intrigued adj. 引起好奇心的; 令人感兴趣的; 有迷惑力的2 intrude vi. 侵入, 侵扰, 打扰 vt. 把…强加于2 invade vt. & vi. 侵入, 侵略 vt. 1 涌入, 侵袭 2 侵犯, 干扰22 involved adj. 1 复杂难懂的 2 与他人有密切关系的2 Isles n. 岛10 isolated adj. 1 孤立的, 单独的 2 隔离的; 与世隔绝的7 Israel n. (地名)以色列2 jawbone n. 下颌骨7 justified adj. 有正当理由的,合理的2 keel n. (船的)龙骨 vt. & vi. 翻身; 倾覆2 kerosene n. 煤油; 火油6 kilometer n. 〈美〉千米, 公里2 lack n. 缺乏, 不足, 没有 vt. 缺乏; 缺少8 laden adj. 负重的, 载满的2 lamp n. 灯4 Lancashire n. 兰开夏(英格兰西北部的州)3 landform n. 地形12 Lascaux n. 拉斯考克斯(法国多尔多涅省一处前旧石器时代洞穴遗址)7 Latham n. 拉森(人名)2 latitude n. 1 纬度 2 特指的纬度地区3 自由, 自由范围2 lava n. 1 (火山喷发的)熔岩 2 (熔岩冷凝后的)火山岩3 leafy adj. 1 多叶的; 叶茂的 2 多树木的2 learn vt. & vi. 1 学习; 学; 学会 2 得知; 获悉; 听说2 lichens n. 地衣11 linguistic adj. 语言的, 语言学的, 语言研究的2 liquid n. 液体 adj. 1 液体的, 液态的 2 清澈的, 明亮的3 (声音)流畅的4 易转换成现款的, 流动的4 lobe n. 1 耳垂 2 (器官的)叶; 肺叶, 脑叶2 locale n. (事件发生的)场所或地点2 locomotion n. 运动, 移动; 运动力, 移动力4 locomotive n. 火车头, 机车 adj. 移动的, 有移动力的, 产生运动的7 log n. 1 原木, 木材, 木料 2 航海[飞行]日志 vt. & vi. 砍伐vt. 1 把…记入航海日志 2 航行(…距离), 飞行(…小时)5 logging n. 〈美〉伐木搬运业19 loose vt. 释放, 失去控制adj. 1 松的, 宽松的, 不牢固的 2 不精确的, 不严密的 3 自由的; 散漫的9 lowland n. 低地 adj. 低地的7 mackerel n. 鲭3 maintenance n. 1 维持; 维护; 保养; 维修 2 赡养费20 mammals n. 哺乳动物6 mammoth adj. 巨大的7 manganese n. 〈化〉锰7 manifest vt. 清楚表示; 显露 adj. 明白的, 明显的7 manipulate vt. 熟练控制[操作]21 manufacturing n. 制造业 adj. 制造业的3 markedly adv. 显著地,明显地5 marlin n. 枪鱼,青枪鱼,四鳃旗鱼3 maroon n. 栗色 adj. 栗色的1 marsh n. 沼泽, 湿地2 marshy adj. 沼泽般的,生于沼泽的,湿软的7 marvel n. 奇迹; 令人惊奇的事物(或事例) vt. & vi. 惊奇; 对…感到惊奇\40 mass n. 1 团, 块, 堆 2 大量, 大批; 众多 3 群众 4 质量vt. & vi. (使)集中; 聚集 adj. 许多的, 大规模的, 群众的4 maturation n. 化脓,成熟3 meadow n. 草地, 牧场; (河边的)低洼地133 meaning n. 1 意思; 含义 2 重要性2 Mediterranean adj. (似)地中海的, (似)地中海沿岸国家的3 megawatt n. 兆瓦, 百万瓦特(电能计量单位)9 Melanesia n. 美拉尼西亚(西南太平洋岛群,词原意为“黑人群岛”)2 melt vt. & vi. 1 (使)融[溶, 熔]化; 溶解 2 (使)消散, 消失4 meteoric adj. 流星的,疾速的,大气的,辉煌而短暂的26 meteorite n. 陨星3 meticulous adj. 极仔细的; 一丝不苟的7 microbial adj. 微生物的,由细菌引起的2 microhabitat n. 小环境10 Micronesia n. 密克罗尼西亚(西太平洋岛群,意为“小岛群岛”)2 mild adj. 1 温柔的, 温和的, 和善的 2 轻微的, 不严重的3 温暖的, 暖和的3 mill n. 1 磨坊; 磨粉机 2 作坊, 工厂7 millennium n. 1 一千年, 千年期 2 千禧年, 全人类未来的幸福时代, 太平盛世35 mineral n. 矿物; 矿石; 矿物质2 minimal adj. 〈正式〉最小的; 极少的2 mite n. 1 螨 2 (尤指令人怜悯的)小孩3 一点点4 moderate adj. 1 中等的, 适度的, 不很大的 2 温和的; 有节制的 3 中庸的, 稳健的, 不走极端的vt. & vi. (使)减轻[缓和]; 节制8 moral adj. 1 道德上的, 有道德的 2 道义上的n. 1 教育意义, 寓意 2 道德, 品行, 道德规范2 mosses n. 苔藓17 motion vt. (向…)打手势, 示意 n. 1 (物体的)运动 2 手势, 动作 3 提议, 动议1 motivated adj. 有根据的,有动机的,由…推动的6 motivation n. 动力; 动机; 诱因8 motive n. 动机, 目的3 multicellular adj. 多细胞的7 multiple adj. 多重的, 多种多样的 n. 〈数〉倍数2 multiplied vt. & vi. 1 乘, (使)相乘 2 (使)增加3 (使)繁殖8 Murdoch n. 默多克(m.)3 NASA abbr. 〈美〉国家航空和宇宙航行局8 navigational adj. 航行的,航海的9 navigator n. (船或飞机的)领航员2 necrosis n. 坏疽,骨疽2 neurotransmitter n. 神经传递素2 nevertheless adv. 仍然, 然而, 不过 conj. 尽管如此, 然而7 niches n. 1 壁龛 2 合适的位置[工作等]7 nickel n. 1 〈化〉镍 2 (美国和加拿大的)五分镍币, 五分钱2 norm n. 1 标准, 规范 2 准则, 行为模式10 Norwegian adj. 挪威的 n. 挪威人,挪威语10 nutrient n. (食品或化学品)营养物, 营养品 adj. 营养物的, 营养品的1 nutritional adj. 营养的,滋养的2 nutritive adj. 营养的 n. 富于营养的食物10 oak n. 1 栎树, 橡树 2 栎木, 橡木2 obedience n. 服从; 顺从; 听话4 object n. 1 物体 2 对象; 客体 3 目标; 意向; 目的 4 可笑的人[事物]5 宾语vi. 不赞成, 反对; 抗议 vi. 以…为理由反对2 objectify vt. 使客体化, 使客观化, 使具体化2 objective n. 目标; 目的 adj. 客观的; 不带偏见的1 objectively adv. 客观地30 object n. 1 物体 2 对象; 客体 3 目标; 意向; 目的 4 可笑的人[事物] 5 宾语vi. 不赞成, 反对; 抗议 vt. 以…为理由反对38 occur vi. 1 发生; 举行; 存在 2 被发现; 想到[起]1 odor n. 气味,名声4 offshore adj. 1 近海的 2 向海的, 离岸的4 opportunistic adj. 机会主义的,机会主义者的16 opportunists n. 〈贬〉机会主义者36 organism n. 1 有机物, 有机体; 生物 2 有机体系5 organ n. 1 器官 2 风琴 3 机构 4 新闻媒体, 宣传工具; 机关报[杂志]29 origin n. 1 起点; 来源 2 出身, 血统7 originally adv. 起初; 原来3 originate vi. 起源于, 来自, 产生 vt. 创造, 创始, 开创; 发明2 originator n. 创作者,发明人7 outlet n. 1 出口, 出路 2 发泄的途径 3 经销店1 outnumbering n. 超过,超出数量2 outrigger n. 舷外支架,突出的梁,桁等7 outsider n. 局外人, 圈外人, 门外汉2 outwash n. 冰水沉积1 outweigh vt. 1 在重量上超过2 在重要性或价值方面超过1 outwit vt. 以智取胜, 以计击败1 oval n. 椭圆形 adj. 椭圆形的8 overwhelming adj. 势不可挡的, 压倒一切的; 巨大的2 oxide n. 氧化物9 oxygen n. 〈化〉氧, 氧气9 paleontologist n. 古生物学者3 pale adj. 1 苍白的, 灰白的 2 浅色的; 淡的 vi. 变得苍白, 失色, 变得暗淡2 pantomime n. 1 童话剧 2 童话剧(总称)3 (讲故事时)面部和身体的表意动作1 pantomimic adj. 哑剧的2 parades vt. & vi. 1 (使)集合接受检阅 2 游行; 列队行进n. 1 (部队的)检阅 2 游行 vt. 展示; 炫耀7 parental adj. 父母的12 particle n. 1 微粒, 颗粒, 〈物〉粒子 2 极少量 3 小品词29 particular adj. 1 特定的, 某一的 2 特殊的, 特别的, 特有的 3 (过分)讲究的, 挑剔的 4 详细的,详尽的n. 详情; 细目3 partner n. 1 伙伴, 同伙, 合伙人, 股东 2 同伴, 搭档 3 配偶, 情人 vt. 做…的搭档7 pathogens n. 病原体(物)2 Patricia n. 帕特丽夏(女名)13 pattern n. 1 型, 样式 2 花样, 图案 3 方式, 形式 4 榜样, 典范 vt. 1 模仿; 仿制 2 以图案装饰2 pebble n. 卵石, 小圆石10 peepshow n. 西洋景(通过小孔看的画片)2 penchant n. (强烈的)爱好, 嗜好3 penetrates vt.& vi. 1 穿过, 刺入, 渗入 2 了解 vt. 看穿1 perception n. 1 感知(能力); 觉察(力)2 认识, 观念, 看法2 percolating n. 渗透3 periodic adj. 周期的; 定期的, 定期发生的13 perspective n. 1 远景, 景 2 前途; 希望 3 透视 4 透视图 5 观点, 想法2 Peru n. 秘鲁7 Peruvian n. 秘鲁人 adj. 秘鲁的2 pest n. 有害的人或物, 令人讨厌的人或物2 petiole n. 叶柄,柄部2 Petrochemical n. 石油化工产品 adj. 石化的16 petroleum n. 石油9 physiological adj. 1 生理学的 2 生理的7 phytoremediation n. 植物修复2 pipeline n. 管道, 管线12 piston n. 〈机〉活塞2 pitted adj. 有凹痕的,去核的3 Pleistocene adj. 更新世的 n. 更新世2 plight n. 境况, 困境2 plugged adj. 塞紧的3 plumbing n. 1 装修水管的工作 2 (建筑物内的)水管装置2 plummet vi. 垂直落下, 骤然跌落2 plunging adj. 跳进的,突进的2 plus prep. 1 (表示包容)外加; 另有 2 (表示运算)加, 加上3 (表示数目)在零(度)以上, 正n. 加号, 正号adj. 1 正的 2 比所示数量多的 3 附加的, 称心的, 有利的3 Polynesian adj. (包括新西兰、夏威夷、萨摩亚等中太平洋群岛的)波利尼西亚的; 与波利尼西亚相关的n. 1 波利尼西亚人 2 波利尼西亚人后裔 3 波利尼西亚语5 pond n. 池塘2 pore n. (皮肤上的)毛孔, 微孔 vi. 仔细阅读, 熟读2 porosity n. 多孔性,有孔性3 powder n. 1 粉, 粉末 2 粉状物质 vt. 在…搽粉3 prairie n. (尤指北美的)大草原4 Precambrian n. 前寒武纪,前寒武层2 precipitation n. 1 匆促, 仓促, 鲁莽 2 沉淀, 析出3 (雨等)降落; 某地区降雨等的量3 predation n. 掠夺行为2 predator n. 1 食肉动物 2 奴役他人者(尤指在财务或性关系方面)2 presently adv. 1 不久, 一会儿 2 现在, 目前3 preserve vt. 1 保护 2 维持2 presidential adj. 总统的2 Presumably adv. 据推测, 大概, 可能7 prevailing adj. 占优势的,主要的,流行的4 prevalent adj. 普遍的, 盛行的, 流行的2 prizefight n. 职业拳击赛3 profound adj. 1 深度的; 深切的; 深远的 2 知识渊博的, 见解深刻的, 深奥的2 prolifically adv. 多产地,丰富地1 Prolonged adj. 持续很久的, 长时间的5 prone adj. 1 易于…的; 很可能…的 2 俯卧的8 property n. 1 财产; 资产; 所有物 2 房地产, 不动产; (一处)房地产 3 性质, 特性, 性能9 proportion n. 1 均衡; 相称, 协调 2 一物与他物在数量、大小等方面的关系; 比例 3 部分; 份儿1 proportionally adv. 按比例地,相配合地;适当地9 proposed adj. 被提议的3 protrude vt. & vi. (使某物)伸出; (使某物)突出1 Psychoanalyst n. 精神分析学家1 psychobiological adj. 1 生物学的2 生物的10 psychodynamic adj. 心理动力的,精神动力的6 pulverization n. 弄成粉,粉碎19 pump n. 泵, 打气筒 vt. & vi. 用抽水机汲水; 给…打气7 query n. 问题, 疑问 vt. 质疑, 对…表示疑问2 quivering adj. 颤抖的7 raft n. 木筏2 rafting n. 筏运1 rail vt. 将…围起来, 隔开 vi. 责备; 辱骂; 抱怨2 railroad n. 1 铁路, 铁道 2 铁路系统1 randomly adv. 随便地,未加计划地9 range n. 1 一系列 2 变化幅度, 范围 3 射程, 距离 4 (山)脉 vi. 变化 vt. 排列20 rapid adj. 〈正〉快的; 急速的12 rare adj. 1 稀少的, 罕见的 2 稀薄的 3 极好的, 极度的10 raw adj. 1 生的, 未煮过的 2 天然的; 未加工过的 3 未经过训练的; 没有经验的 4 刺痛的2 realm n. 1 领域; 范围 2 王国, 国度3 rear vt. 饲养; 养育 vt. & vi. 抬起 n. 1 后部, 背 2 臀部2 rebound vi. 1 弹回; 反弹 2 产生反作用; 未能奏效2 reburial n. 象牙12 recall vt. & vi. 回忆起, 回想 vt. 召回, 收回 n. 1 召回, 唤回 2 记忆力2 reduction n. 减少, 缩小; 减少的量, 降价3 redwood n. (美国加州产的高大的)红杉7 reed n. 1 芦苇; 芦丛 2 簧舌; 簧片1 reef n. 礁, 暗礁2 refinery n. 精炼厂1 Regrettable adj. 令人遗憾的; 使人懊悔的2 reign vi. 1 当政, 统治 2 占主导地位 n. 君主的统治, 君主统治时期, 朝代8 reindeer n. 驯鹿7 relics n. 废墟2 relocated vt. & vi. 迁移5 rely vi. 信任; 信赖; 依赖, 依靠15 remains n. 残余,遗迹,遗体2 replenish vt. 补充1 Reportedly adv. 据报道, 据传说4 representative n. 1 代表 2 代理人 adj. 有代表性的, 典型的11 resistance n. 1 抵抗, 反抗, 抵抗能力 2 阻力 3 电阻, 热阻1 respectively adv. 各自地, 各个地, 分别地5 retain vt. 1 保持; 保留 2 止住; 容纳8 retrieve vt. 1 寻回, 找回 2 恢复, 挽回 3 检索(储存的信息) 4 使某事物恢复旺盛状态vt. & vi. (指经过训练的狗)找到并衔回(被打死或打伤的鸟等)8 ridges n. 1 脊, 山脊 2 脊状突起4 rigid adj. 1 刚硬的; 僵硬的; 不弯曲的 2 严格的; 死板的; 不变的2 rigidity n. 坚硬,僵化,刻板,严格,刚性,硬度2 rigorously adv. 严厉地,残酷地2 rigor n. 1 (发热前的)寒战 2 (由惊吓或中毒等导致的身体)僵直, 强直2 roam vt. & vi. 随便走, 漫步, 漫游4 Romans n. 《罗马书》(《圣经·新约》中的一卷)5 runoff n. 流走之物,决赛,决定性竞选2 sago n. 西米,西米椰子2 Sahara n. 撒哈拉沙漠(非洲北部大沙漠),荒野1 sailfish n. 旗鱼11 saturated adj. 1 极湿的; 湿透的 2 〈化〉(溶液)饱和的6 schemes n. 1 阴谋, 诡计 2 计划, 方案 vt. & vi. 策划; 图谋2 schooling n. 教育, 学校教育5 screen n. 1 屏风, 帘, 纱窗 2 掩护物 3 屏幕 4 银幕; 荧光屏vt. 1 遮蔽, 掩护 2 放映(电影), 播放(电视节目) 3 审查, 甄选2 sculptor n. 雕刻家2 seasonal adj. 季节的, 季节性的, 随季节变化的2 seawater n. 海水4 section n. 1 章节 2 部分 3 部门, 科 4 截面, 剖面5 地区, 区35 sediment n. 沉淀物3 sedimentary adj. 沉积的,沉淀性的3 sedimentation n. 沉淀,沉降30 sediment n. 沉淀物8 seed n. 1 种子 2 种子选手 3 子孙, 后裔vt. 1 播种 2 除去…之种子 3 抽出种子选手 vi. 结籽4 segment n. 1 部分, 片段 2 瓣2 selenium n. 硒15 semiarid adj. 雨量非常少的,半干旱的2 semicircular adj. 半圆的9 semiskilled adj. 半熟练的3 semisubsistence n. 半自给5 Senate n. 参议院, 上院3 shallow adj. 1 浅的 2 肤浅的4 shaman n. 萨满教的道士,僧人或巫师2 Shang n. 商(中国古朝代名)7 shatter vt. 1 砸碎, 粉碎 2 大大扰乱; 毁坏2 sheer adj. 1 完全的; 十足的 2 陡峭的; 垂直的3 极薄的, 轻的, 透明的adv. 垂直地, 陡峭地 vi. 避开, 突然转向13 shrub n. 灌木6 sibling n. 兄弟, 姐妹2 silicon n. 〈化〉硅1 simulate vt. 1 假装2 模仿, 模拟2 simultaneously adv. 同时地7 sinking n. 沉没9 skeleton n. 1 骨骼; 骷髅 2 骨干, 框架 3 梗概, 提要8 skull n. 颅骨, 脑壳4 slabs n. 厚板, 平板, 厚片2 sleek adj. 1 光滑而有光泽的 2 保养得很好的, 脑满肠肥的3 时髦的2 slender vt. 使…光滑而发亮6 slick adj. 1 顺利而有效的, 不费力的 2 圆滑的, 油滑的 3 光滑的, 滑溜的4 slide vt. & vi. 滑动; 滑行 vi. 滑落, 跌落 n. 1 滑行, 滑落 2 幻灯片2 smear vt. 1 涂抹 2 弄脏, 弄污3 把…擦模糊4 玷污, 诋毁n. 1 污迹, 污斑 2 (显微镜的)涂片 3 诽谤, 诬蔑2 smoky adj. 1 多烟的, 冒烟的, 烟雾弥漫的 2 有烟熏味的, 烟状的2 sodium n. 〈化〉钠3 soilless adj. 不用泥土(培植)的2 solar adj. 太阳的, 日光的9 sophisticated adj. 1 老练的; 老于世故的 2 精密的, 尖端的 3 高雅的, 有教养的1 sophistication n. 强词夺理,诡辩,混合2 sorghum n. 高粱1 span n. 1 跨度, 跨径2 两个界限间的距离3 一段时间vt. 1 建造跨越(某物的)桥或拱; 横跨 2 跨越, 穿越, 贯穿3 speared n. 矛, 枪, 鱼叉 vt. 用矛刺, 用鱼叉捉3 spearheaded n. 先锋, 先头部队 vt. 当…的先锋, 带头8 spear n. 矛, 枪, 鱼叉 vt. 用矛刺, 用鱼叉捉75 species n. 1 物种, 种 2 种类; 类型1 Specific adj. 1 明确的2 具体的3 仅限于…的 n. 1 特效药 2 具体方面, 细节3 spectacles n. 眼镜4 spill vt. & vi. 溢出; 泼出 vt. 1 使跌落 2 泄露机密2 spin vt. & vi. 使…旋转 vt. 杜撰1 split vt. & vi. (使)裂开; (使)破裂7 splitting adj. 爆裂似的,极快的2 spot n. 1 斑点, 污点 2 地点, 场所3 少量 vt. & vi. 弄上污渍 vt. 看出, 认出2 spout vt. & vi. (指液体)喷出, 涌出 n. 管口, 喷口2 spring n. 1 春, 春天 2 弹簧, 发条3 泉, 源泉4 跳, 跳跃 vt. 蹦, 跳, 跃起, 突然活动vt. & vi. (使某物)借机械装置操作5 spray vt. & vi. 喷 n. 1 浪花, 飞沫 2 喷雾4 spraying n. 喷雾8 spread vt. & vi. 1 伸开, 展开, 摊开 2 (使)传播, (使)散布n. 1 范围, 宽度, 宽阔度; 连续的一段时间 2 传播, 蔓延24 stable adj. 1 稳定的; 安定的 2 沉稳[持重]的7 stage n. 1 阶段; 时期 2 舞台 3 演员的职业; 戏剧表演; 舞台生涯 vt. & vi. 上演 vt. 举行2 stained adj. 玷污的;褪色的3 starvation n. 挨饿, 饥饿; 饿死2 starve vt. & vi. (使)挨饿, 饥饿7 steady adj. 1 稳的, 稳定的, 坚定的 2 不变的70 steam n. 1 蒸汽 2 蒸汽动力 vt. & vi. 冒蒸汽 vi. (靠蒸汽)行驶 vt. 蒸煮7 stem n. 1 (花草的)茎, (树木的)干 2 词干 vt. 遏制[阻止](液体的流动等)2 steppe n. 特指西伯利亚一带没有树木的大草原2 stereotypical adj. 模板式5 stiff adj. 1 不易弯曲的, 硬的 2 僵硬的 3 拘谨的4 强烈的 5 严厉的6 难对付的7 坚定的8 太贵的adv. 〈口〉极度地; 非常8 storage n. 1 贮存, 贮藏 2 储藏处, 仓库7 storefront n. 店面(房), 铺面(房); 临街房3 strain vt. & vi. 1 拉紧 2 尽量利用; 尽全力 3 过滤n. 1 拉紧; 绷紧; 张紧 2 拉力; 张力; 应变 3 (演出的)音乐片段, 乐曲 4 写作或说话的方式或风格; 笔调; 语调9 stress n. 1 压力, 紧张 2 强调, 重要性 3 重力 4 重音 vt. 1 重读 2 强调2 stretched vt. & vi. 1 伸展; 拉紧 2 延伸 n. 1 伸展, 延伸, 延续 2 一段时间, 一段路程, 一段水域3 strict adj. 1 严格的, 严厉的 2 严谨的, 精确的 3 绝对的, 完全的4 strike vt. & vi. 1 打, 击 2 敲响; 报时vt. 1 攻击, 袭击; 侵袭 2 突然发现(矿藏等) 3 (突然)出现于(某人的)脑海中 4 给…以(深刻)印象vi. 罢工 n. 1 罢工[课, 市] 2 袭击, 攻击 3 突然发现; 走运2 strip vi. "脱光衣服" vt. 1 剥去, 脱去 2 剥夺, 夺走n. 1 脱衣; 脱衣舞表演 2 狭长的一块(材料、土地等) 3 (足球队员的)运动服3 stroke n. 1 一击 2 一画, 一笔 3 (游泳或划船的)划, 划法; 游法4 钟的敲声5 中风6 轻抚vt. 轻抚, 抚摸5 stunted adj. 成长受妨碍的,矮小的4 subject n. 1 主题; 题目; 问题 2 话题, 考虑的问题 3 学科, 科目; 课程 4 主语, 主词adj. 1 常有[常患, 常遭受]…的; 倾向于…的 2 须服从…的; 受…支配的 3 受约束[管辖]的, 不独立的 4 取决于…的, 有待于…的vt. 使服从, 征服, 制伏2 submarine n. 潜艇4 subsequent adj. 随后的, 继…之后的2 subside vi. 1 下降至较低或正常水平 2 (土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)3 (建筑物等)下陷 4 减弱, 减轻, 平静下来, 平息24 succession n. 1 连续 2 连续不断的人[事物] 3 继承, 继任; 继承权5 successional adj. 接连的,连续性的4 successive adj. 连续的, 相继的13 suck vt. & vi. 吸; 吮 vi. 舐; 吮吸1 suffer vi. 1 受痛苦; 受损害2 变糟, 变差 vt. 1 忍受, 容忍 2 容许, 允许3 遭受, 蒙受2 sugarcane n. 甘蔗,糖蔗7 survey vt. 1 眺望; 纵览 2 测量; 勘察 3 检查, 鉴定 4 通盘考虑, 回顾 n. 调查3 surveyor n. 测量员, 鉴定人7 susceptible adj. 1 易受影响的; 易动感情的 2 过敏的; 易受…感染的 3 能经受的7 swim vt. & vi. 游泳 vi. 眩晕 n. 游泳4 tactics n. 1 战术 2 策略, 手段5 tail n. 1 尾, 尾巴 2 尾部, 尾状物 3 尾随者; 随行者, 跟班 4 燕尾服 vt. 跟踪22 tailed adj. (通常构成复合词)有…(状)尾的!2 tailor n. 裁缝 vt. & vi. 裁制 vt. 调整使适应4 tankers n. 运送大量液体或气体的轮船[卡车]; 油轮; 罐车; 油槽车4 tannins n. 丹宁酸2 tap n. 1 塞子, 龙头 2 电话窃听3 轻敲, 轻拍vt. 1 割[打]开…取[放]液体 2 开发; 利用 3 窃听vt. & vi. 轻拍, 轻敲2 taro n. 芋, 芋头4 terrain n. 地形, 地面, 地域, 地带4 terrestrial adj. 1 地球的 2 陆地的; 陆上的; 陆栖的; 陆生的1 territory n. 1 领土, 版图2 管区, 营业地区3 地盘, 领域, 范围13 Texas n. 德克萨斯州(美国州名)。



类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载part 1.天文类1 astronom y 天文astronom y 天文学astronom ical 天文的astronom ical observat ory 天文台astronom er 天文学家astrophy sics 天文物理学astrolog y 占星学pseudosc ience 伪科学cosmos(u niverse)宇宙cosmolog y 宇宙学infinite 无限的cosmic 宇宙的radiatio n 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线celestia l 天的celestia l body (heavenl y body)天体celestia l map (sky atlas)天体图celestia l sphere 天球dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体,类星射电源constell ation 星座galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系cluster 星团solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕eclipse 日食solar radiatio n 太阳辐射planet 行星planetoi d (asteroi d) 小行星revolve 旋转,绕转twinkle 闪烁naked eye 肉眼Mercury 水星Venus 金星Earth 地球Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellit e 卫星lunar 月球的流星meteor shower 流星雨meteoroi d 流星体meteorit e 陨石comet 彗星space (outer space)太空,外层空间spacecra ft (spacesh ip) 宇宙飞船spaceman ( astronau t) 宇航员,航天员space suit 宇航服,航天服space shuttle 航天飞机space telescop e 空间望远镜astronau t 宇航员star 恒星stellar 恒星的intergal actic 星系间的llar 恒星间的interpla netary 行星间的asteroid 小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia 氨corona 日冕chromosp here 色球photosph ere 色球层convecti on zone 对流层vacuum 真空infrared ray 红外线chondrit e 球粒absolute magnitud e 绝对量级radiatio n 辐射emission 发射,散发high-resoluti on 高清晰度ometer 干扰仪新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载2 geograph y 地理geograph y 地理geograph er 地理学家hemisphe re 半球meridian 子午线,经线parallel 平行圈,纬线latitude 经度longitud e 精度elevatio n 海拔altitude 高度temperat e latitude s 温带地区horizon 地平线equator 赤道tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极c(Antarc tica) 南极expediti on 探险time zone 时区topograp hy 地形,地形学plain 平原plateau (highlan d) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave)洞穴terrain 地域subterra nean ( undergro und) 地底下coastlan d 沿海地区island 岛屿continen tal island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛岛peninsul ar 半岛continen t 大陆continen talshelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon 峡谷channel (strait)海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestr ial 地球的,陆地的terrestr ial heat (geother mal) 地热terrestr ial magnetis m (geomagn etism)地磁continen taldrift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreadin g 海床扩展evaporat ion 蒸发salinity 含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉淀物,沉积物tropical 热带的temperat e 温带的frigid 寒带的formatio n 形成frost heaving 冻胀现象fieldsto ne 卵石新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载3 geology 地质学geologis t 地质学家crust 地壳mantle 地幔core 地核continen tal crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum , 复数strata)地层plate 板块fault 断层fault plane 断层面fault zone 断层带rift (crack; split)断裂disinteg ration (decompo sition)分解erosion 腐蚀fossil 化石igneous rock 火成岩sediment ary rock 沉积岩metamorp hic rock 变质岩quartz 石英e 石灰岩marble 大理石granite 花岗岩lithogen ous 岩成的lithosph ere 岩石圈magma 岩浆mineral 矿物ore 矿石deposit 矿床platinum 白金,铂silver 银copper 黄铜aluminum 铝tin 锡lead 铅zinc 锌nickel 镍mercury 汞,水银sodium 钠gem 宝石diamond 钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby 红宝石glacier 冰川glacial 冰川的epoch ( age, period)冰川期glacial drift 冰渍iceberg 冰山volcano 火山active volcano 活火山extinct volcano 死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山eruption 火山喷发crater 火山口lava 火山岩浆volcanic 火山的volcanic dust 火山尘volcanic ash 火山灰earthqua ke ( quake; tremor; seism)地震seismic 地震的seismolo gy 地震学e 震级seismic wave 地震波cataclys m 灾变新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载4 anthropo logist 人类学家paleoant hropolog ist 古人类学家ecologic al anthropo logist 生态人类学家psycholo gical anthropo logist 心理人类学家origin 起源originat e 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogene ous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落族archeolo gist 考古学家excavati on 挖掘excavate (unearth ) 挖掘ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品relic 遗物,文物antique 古物,古董antiquit y 古代,古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolit hic 旧石器时代的Mesolith ic 中石器时代的Neolithi c 新石器时代的archaeol ogy 考古学logy 人类学morpholo gy 形态学skull 颅骨cranial 颅骨的新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载5 ecology 生态学ecologis t 生态学家ecosyste m 生态系统balance (of nature)自然界生态平衡fauna 动物群flora 植物群rain forest 雨林food chain 食物链acidrain 酸雨greenhou seeffect 温室效应radiatio n 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosp here) 臭氧层ultravio let radiatio n 紫外辐射pollutio n 污染pollutio ncontrol 污染控制air pollutio n 空气污染water pollutio n 水污染noise pollutio n 噪音污染soil pollutio n 土壤污染pollutio n-free 无污染pollutan t 污染物noxious (toxic)有毒的fumes (有毒)废气物solid waste 固体垃圾sewage (wastewa ter) 污水sewage purifica tion 污水净化sewage disposal 污水处理decibel (噪音)分贝新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载6 meteorol ogy 气象meteorol ogy 气象meteorol ogist 气象学家forecast (predict ) 预报climate 气候atmosphe re 大气层troposph ere 对流层current (气)流汽evaporat e 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid)潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和dew 露frost 霜fog (mist)雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrent ial rain) 大雨tempest (storm)暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowsto rm) 暴风雪e (snowsli de) 雪崩precipit ation (雨、露、雪等)降水breeze 微风gale 大风whirlwin d 旋风typhoon 台风hurrican e 飓风tornado (twister , cyclone)龙卷风funnel 漏斗,漏斗云disaster (calamit y, catastro phe) 灾难devastat ion 破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载7 chemistr y 化学chemical property 化学特性,化学性质chemical composit ion ( makeup )化学成分chemical agent 化学试剂chemical reaction 化学反应chemical change 化学变化chemical bond 化学键chemical apparatu s 化学器械substanc e (matter; material ) 物质element 元素periodic table 周期表hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧nitrogen 氮helium 氦碳calcium 钙silicon 硅sulfur 硫iodine 碘compound 化合物hydrocar bon 碳氢化合物derivati ve 衍生物alchemy 炼金术petroleu m (oil)石油petroleu m products 石油产品crudeoil 原油refine 提炼,精炼gasoline 汽油methane 甲烷solution 溶液dissolve 溶解solvent 溶剂solubili ty 可溶性cohesive粘合力atom 原子nucleus 原子核electron 电子neutron 中子proton 质子molecule 分子particle 粒子ion 离子particle accelera tor 粒子加速器catalysi s (复数catalyse s ) 催化作用catalyst 催化剂artifici al 人造的syntheti c 合成的syntheti c fiber 人造纤维polymer 聚合物polymeri zation 聚合作用plastic 塑料dye 染料cosmetic s 化妆品类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载8 .physics 物理physics 物理mechanic s 力学thermody namics 热力学acoustic s 声学electrom agnetism 电磁学optics 光学dynamics 动力学force 力velocity 速度accelera tion 加速度equilibr ium 平衡statics 静力学motion 运动inertia 惯性gravitat ion 引力relativi ty 相对gravity 地心引力vibratio n 震动(media)媒质frequenc y 频率waveleng th 波长pitch 音高intensit y 强度echo 回声resonanc e 回声,洪亮sonar 声纳ultrason ics 超声学electric ity 电static electric ity 静电magnetis m 磁性,磁力magnet 磁体electrom agnet 电磁magnetic field 磁场electric current 电流direct current (DC) 直流电ing current (AC) 交流电electric circuit 电路electric charge 电荷electric voltage 电压electric shock 触电electric applianc e 电器conducto r 导体insulato r 绝缘体semicond uctor 半导体battery (cell)电池dry battery 干电池storage battery 蓄电池electron ics 电子学electron ic 电子的electron ic componen t (part)edcircuit 集成电路chip 集成电器片,集成块electron tube 电子管vacuum tube 真空管transist or 晶体管amplific ation (名词 )放大amplify (动词)放大amplifie r 放大器,扬声器oscillat ion 震荡optical 光(学)的optical fiber 光学纤维lens 透镜,镜片convex 凸透镜concave 凹透镜microsco pe 显微镜telescopr 放大镜spectrum 光谱ultravio let 紫外线X rays X 射线Gamma rays γ射线infrared rays 红外线microwav es 微波dispersi on 色散transpar ent 透明transluc ent 半透明opaque 不透明的新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载9 mathemat ics mathemat ics 数学mathemat ician 数学家arithmet ic 算术calculat ion 计算calculat or 计算算盘numeral 数字sum 和total (sum total)总和,总数aggregat e 总计fraction 分数,小数decimal 十进位,(十进)小数digit 数字,数位percenta ge 百分比addition 加法plus 加上subtract ion 减法minus 减去multipli cation 乘法multipli cation table 乘法表multiply 乘以times 乘以power 乘方square除法divide 除以algebra 代数quantity 表示量的数(或符号)equation 方程式,等式formula 公式root 根geometry 几何geometri c 几何的dimensio n 维parallel adj. 平行的 n.平行线quadrila teral 四边形square 正方形area 面积rectangl e 长方形,矩形polygon 多边形cube 立方形volume 体积sphere 球形circle 圆形(oval)椭圆形cone 圆锥形circumfe rence 圆周diameter 直径radius 半径triangle 三角形angle 角degree (角 ) 度calculus 微积分differen tial calculus 微分学integral calculus 积分学function 函数probabil ity 概率statisti cs 统计quantita tive 量的,数量的qualitat ive 质的,质量的deductio n (inferen ce) 推论,演绎inductio新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载10 agricult ure 农业agricult ure (farming ) 农业agricult ural 农业的land (soil)土壤;土地soil conserva tion 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experim ental )试验性的harrow( rake)耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrowpatch )小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantati on 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头 )铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivat e (till)耕作sow(seed ) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(f ertilize r) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insectic ide(pest icide)杀虫剂pest 害病grain (cereal)谷物,谷粒granary( grain store)粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats 燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetabl e 蔬菜horticul ture 园艺学hydropon ics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhou se(glass house, hotbed)温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandr y (animal husbandr y) 畜牧业pasturek 家畜fowl (poultry ) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle)奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed)饲料trough 饲料槽barn(she d) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty)猪圈sheepfol d (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house)鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquacult ure 水产养殖新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载11 animal 动物Darvinis m 达尔文学说natural selectio n 自然选择class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种inverteb rate 无脊椎动物vertebra te 脊椎动物aquatic( life) 水生动物reptile 爬行动物n (amphibi ous animal)两栖动物dinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extincti on 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物primates 灵长目动物insect 昆虫antenna ( 复数antennae ) 触须larva 幼虫,幼体camoufla ge 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernat e 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleo n 变色蜥蜴regenera tion 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticy (carnivo rous )食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenge r 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanz ee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物软体动物coelente rate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声 )唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitati on 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpil昆虫等 )群swarms (昆虫等 )群flock (鸟,羊等)群communit y 动物的群落或人的部落herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸monogamo us 一夫一妻的,一雄一雌的polygamo us 一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandr ous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinocer os 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹oysterer 使 …受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homother m 恒温动物poikilot herm 变温动物metaboli sm 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed (名词 )品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduc e )繁殖hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等 )孵offsprin g (young)解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivor ous 食草的ous 食肉的omnivoro us 杂事的新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载12 plant 植物botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanica l (botanic ) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf)叶leaflet 小叶rosette ( 叶的 )丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstal k 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(ski n) 果皮shell (硬 ) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林lawn 草坪meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush)灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草thesis 光合作用symbiosi s 共生wither (shrivel , fade)凋谢pollen 花粉pollinat e 传授花粉pollinat ion 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlast ing 永久的orchid 兰花pollinat e 授粉crossbre ed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion -tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠花柱symbioti c 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohyd rate (starch)碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnouri shed 营养不良的nutritio n 营养新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载13 politics 政治constitu tion 宪法legislat ion 立法Democrat s 民主党Republic ans 共和党Amendmen t 修正案Congress 美国国会Senate 参议院House of Represen tatives 众议院monarchy 君主制anarchis m 无政府主义federal system 联邦制presiden tial system 总统制municipa l 市的,市政的metropol itan 大都市的centrali zed 中央集权的ideology 意识形态擦略tariff 关税immigran t 移民institut ionalize 机构化election 选举vote 投票officeho lding 任职veto 否决American Revoluti on 美国革命 /独立战争Independ ence War 美国独立战争American Civil War 美国内战radical 激进的 ,根本的overturn ing 颠覆性的independ ent 独立的breathta king 激动人心的military 军事的拓殖,殖民per capita 人均treason 叛国conspira cy 阴谋imprison ment 监禁release 释放pardon 特赦accusati on 谴责,指控welfare 福利patronag e 资助,赞助unioniza tion 联合,结合新托福分类词汇|新托福分类词汇下载14 educatio n 教育educator 教育家higher educatio n 高等教育moral characte r 道德品质领域faculty 全体教员alumni 校友treasure r 生活委员,财务大臣elective system 选课制度curricul um 课程(总称)discipli ne 学科,管理learn by rote 死记硬背15 music 音乐musical instrume nt 乐器orchestr a 乐队string 弦乐wind 管乐shook rattle 摇拨浪鼓pound drum 击鼓footbeat 点脚,跺脚percussi on 震荡,打击乐器符score 乐谱movement 乐章fanatica l 狂热的hillbill y music 乡村音乐folk music 民间音乐pop music 流行音乐classica l music 古典音乐Jazz 爵士乐16 psycholo gy 心理mental 心理的physical 身体的,物质的,物理的spiritua l 心灵的conformi ty 从众majority 多数人minority 少数人threshol d judgment (心理学)初始性判断。

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俞敏红词频大奉献A1 a pivotal figure2 a premium price 23 a range of44abandon5abbreviate6abrasion7abstract8absurd29abundance210accelerate411access12acclaimed313accommodate214accompany15accordion516accumulate17accustomed18acquaintance19acronym20acute521adapt22additive23adept324adjacent25adjoining326adjust27adobe428adopt29adorn230advent31adverse232advocate333aesthetic34affect35affiliate with36afflict37affluent38aggravating39aggregate40agitation41akin to42alchemy43alder44alderman45algae346alien247all but48all-inclusive49allocate250alloy351alternative252altitude53aluminum54ambience55amenable56amend57amplify358ancestor59annihilate260annual61anomaly62anonymous63antibiotic264antiquity65apart from366appeal67apprentice468approach69aptly70aquatic71arc372archaeological 73archipelago74architect75arduous76arena377arid278armor79aromatic280array81arthritis82artificial383artisan84as ever85as a rule86as far north as87as for88as follow289as such90ascend91ascribe to92aspiring393assemble94assert95associate96assorted297assume98assure99astonishing100astute101at intervals102at one session103at the cutting edge of104atomization3105attached106attain107attire108attribute to109auditorium110auger111aurora112automated4113available114aviation115avocational116awareness117awkwardlyB118backdrop119ballet120balmy121barb122barge2123bark2124barn125barren3126barrier127barter128basement2129basin3130be characterized by 131be taken by132be up to133beak3134beam135bequest136besiege137bestow3138bias139bitterness140bizarre2141blanket2142blast143blazing144bleak145blend146blessing147block148blocks149blossom150bloom151blues152bluff153blunt154bolster2155boom156boon157boost158boring159boundary2160bow161breach162break all ties with 3163breeze2164brilliance165briny166brisk167brittle168bronze169bubble2170buckle171buggy172building block173bulk174bundle175burdensome176burgeon177burrow178bust179bustle180by a factor of181by farC182cab183cabinet184cacti / Cactus185calibrate186campaign187cannibali z e188canopy189canyon190capability 2191capacity192carapace2193carbohydrate 194cardiac195cargo196carnival197carnivorous198carve2199cast200casting4201category202cater203cathedral204cavern2205cavity206cease207celestial208cell209cellist210census3211ceremonial212chafe2213chamber2214chaos215charcoal216charter217chateau218check219chill2220chimpanzee 2221chisel222chivalry223chop224choppy2225chord226chunk2227circulate228circumscribe229cite2230civilian231civility 3232claim233clamor234clam235clan236classify237clay238cliff239cling to240clockwise241clumsy2242cluster243code of laws 2244coexist245cohere2246coil247coincide248collaborat e249collective250collide251colossal252combust253comet3254commission255commit4256commodity 2257commonsense 258communal2259community260commuter 4261compact262companion263comparable264compatible265compel266compensate267compete268compile269complacent270complement271complex272complicate273comply2274component 2275compose3276compound2277compress4278comprise279con280conceal281concede2282conceive283conception284concerted285concise286concrete3287condense288condor289conduct2290cone291confederacy292configuration 2293confine294confirm4295conflict2296confront297congenial298congestion299congregate 2300conifer301conjecture302consecutive 3303consequence 304conserve305consort306conspicuous307conspiracy 3308constant309constellat e310constituent 4311constitute312constrain313constrict314construct3315consum e316contact2317container318contemporary 3319context320contour321contract322contribute to323convenient2324convention2325converge2326convert327convict2328convince329convivial330coral4331core332correlate2333corrode334corrupt3335cosmic2336costume2337counteract338counterbalance339counterclockwise340counterpart341cowhand342crab2343crack344craft2345craftspeople346crater347crawl348crayon349credence350creditor351crevice352crippl e353crisscross354crossbones355crossbreed356crow357crude358crumple5359crust360crystal361crystallize362cubism363cue364culminate365cumbersome366curator2367curriculum368custodian369cuticle370cylinderD371dash372daunt3373dawn374dazzl e375debate376debris377declar e3378decline 2379decorate380defecate381deferent382deficiency383deform384deft385degrade386dehydrate 2387deliberate 2388delicate389delta390demobilize 2391demolish392dense393depict394deplete 2395deposit396depredat e 4397depress 2398derive399desalinat e 2400descend401designate402desir e403desperate404despoil 3405destruct 3406detect407deter408deteriorate 2409determinant 410deterrent 2411devastate 4412device413devoid414d evour415diagonal416diameter2417dictate418diction2419differentiate420diffuse421digest422digress423dilut e424diminish3425dinosaur2426discard427discern2428discharge429discipline430discouraging431discourse432discrete433disintegrate434dispense435disperse436dispose437disproportionate438dispute439disrepute440disseminate441dissipate3442dissolve443distend4444distinct445distort446distract2447distribute448dive3449diverse450divergence2451documentation452dogma453dolphin454domains2455domestic4456dominate457dormant458dorsal459draft animal460drain461dramatic462drawback463drill3464drought465ductile466dump467durable468dwarfE469eccentric 2470eclipse2471ecology472economize473edentate474edible475edifice476educable477eject2478elaborate 3479electron480elegan t481elevat e482elicit2483eligible484eliminate485elite486elixir487ellip se2488elusive489embedded490embellish491emboss492embryological 8493emerge494emigrate495migrate496immigrate4497emit5498employ499enact500enclos e2501encounter 2502engrave3503enormous504entangle3505enterprise506entity507entrepreneur 2508enzyme509epidermis510epoch511equilibrium 2512equivalent 2513erect5514erode515erupt516eternal517ethical518ethnic519evaporate520eventful521evergreen522evident523eviscerate524evoke525evolve526exalt527excavat e528exceed529excel530exception531excess532exclu de533execut e534exempt535exert536exhale537exhibit538exorbitant539expand540expend541expertise542explicit543exploit544exponential545express546extend547external548extinct549extractF550fabric551facilitate552faction553factor554faculty555fade556famine557fanatical558fascinat e559fashionable 560fatal561fatigue562faucet563fauna564feasible565feat566feed on567fence568fend569fertile570festival571feverish572fiber573fiction574fidelity575field research 576figurehead577file578fir579flair580flake581flea582fleet583flexible584float585flock586fluctuat e587flux588folklore589follow suit 590folly591forage592forbidding593foremost594foresee595foreshadow596forge597formal598format599formidable600formulate601fort602fortuitous603fossilize604foster605fracture606fragile607fray608freight609frenetic610frigid611fringe612from afar613frustrate614functioning615fumigate616fungi617furnish618fuseG619galaxy620gallery621galvanize622gap623gaseous624generate625generous626genetic627genial628genre629genuine630genial631genuinely632get in the way of 633giant634girder635give way to636glacial637glacier638glamorous639gland640glandular641glassware642glimpse643global644go against the grain 645go broke646gorgeous647gourmet648granite649graphic650grasshopper651gravitational652gravity653graze654grazing land655grumble656gulf657gush658gymnastic659gyrationH660habitat661hail662hallmark663halt664hamper665handicraft666hands-on667harden668hardware669harness670hatch671haul672haunt n.673haunted674haven675hazard676heed677heel678helium679hem680hemisphere681herald682herculean683herd684heritage685heterogeneous686hibernation687hierarchy688highlight689hinge690hinterland691hold a large stake 692hollow693homogeneous694horizon695horizontal696hostile697house698huddle699hummingbird 700hurl701hydrogen702hypersensitive 703hypothesisI704ice sheet705iceberg706icicle707icon708identical709identifiable 710identify711identity712ideology713idiom714igneous715illuminate716illumination 717illusion718illustrate719imaginary720imaginative 721imbibe722imitation723immense724immobilize725immune726immunity727impact728impair729impart730impediment731imperative732impermeable 733impersonal734impersonate 735impersonation 736impetus737implement738implication 739implicit740import741impose742imposing743impressive744imprint745imprisonment 746improvise747imprudent748impudent749impugn750impuissant751impulse752impunity753impurity754in accord with 755in common756in common with757in scale758in terms of 759inability760inaccurate761inaccessible 762inactivate763inadequate764inadmissible 765inadvertent766inadvisable767inane768inanimate769inapparent770inapplicable 771inappropriate 772inapt773inattention774inaudible775inaugural776incapacitate 777incessant778incident779inclination 780incongruity 781incongruous 782incorporate 783incredible784indent785indicate786indication787indispensable788individualism789inducible790industrialization 791industrialized 792inevitably793inextricably794infection795inferiority796infest797inflation798inflict799ingenious800ingeniously801ingredient802inhabit803inhabitant804inherit805inhibit806innumerable807insanity808insight809insistence810inspection811inspiration812inspire813instantaneously 814instinctively815institution816institutionalize 817instructive818instrumentalist 819insulation820insulting821insurmountable 822intact823integral824integrate825integrated826intelligible827intense828intensive829intent830interact with831interaction832interconnected 833interconnecting 834interdependence835interdependent 836interference 837interior838interlocking 839internal840interpersonal 841interpretation 842interrupt843interstellar 844interval845intervention 846intimacy847intoxication 848intricate849intricately 850intriguing851intrinsic852intruder853intruding854intrusion855invade856inventory857invertebrate 858ion859irresistible 860irrevocably 861irrigate862irrigation863isolated864isolationJ865jealousy866jellyfish867jibe with868jolting869journalism870junction871jury872juxtapositionK873keen874kennel875kernel876kerosene877kineticL878laborious879laboriously 880labyrinth881lament882landmass883landscape884landslide885Larvae886laser887latitude888lava889lave890layer891layman892learn by rote 893lease894ledge895legacy896legume897lengthen898lettuce899liable of900light901bulb902limestone903linger904letter with 905livelihood906living quarter 907locomote908locomotive909locomotion910logy911long-range912loom lore913lumber914luminosity915luminous916lureM917maneuver918mania919manifestation 920manipulate921mansion922mantle923manual924margin925marine926maritime927markedly928marrow929mask930masonry931massive932masterpiece933mate934meager935measures936mechanical937media938mechanism939medium940melodrama941memorial942mercantile943merchandise944metabolic945meteorite946meteorologist 947meticulous948minimize949minuscule950minute951miraculous952mobility953mock954moderate955modify956moisture957molecular958molecule959molten960monochromatic 961monopolize962monument963morale964morphology965most-distinctive 966motif967motivation968mud mortar969multifaceted970multiple971multiply972multistory973multitude974mundane975municipal976muscular977myriad978mysteriousN979narcotic980narrator981Native to982neat983needy984neoclassical 985neon986Nerve cord987neuron988niche989nickel990nonconformist 991nontraditional 992nostalgia993not as yet994not so much as 995notch996note997notoriously998noxious999nuclei1000nucleusO1001object to1002obscure1003obscure v1004obsessed1005obstacle1006occurrence 1007of scale1008offshore1009offspring1010olfactory1011onset1012onslaught1013opaque1014optical1015optimal1016optimum1017orchid1018ore1019organically 1020organism1021orientation 1022originality 1023originate1024ornamental 1025ornamentation 1026ounce1027outbreak1028outlet1029output1030oval1031overlap1032overlapping 1033overload1034oversee1035overtaxed1036overwhelm1037overwhelmingly 1038oxenP1039pack1040packed1041painstaking 1042paleontologist 1043pane1044panel1045panel v1046pants1047paralysis1048paramount1049paraphrase 1050parasite1051particle1052pasture1053patent1054pathogen1055patrol1056patron1057patronage1058pebble1059peculiarity 1060pendant1061penetrate1062penetrating1063peninsula1064perceive1065perception 1066perch1067percolate1068percussion 1069peripheral 1070perishable 1071permeate1072perpetuate 1073perplexing 1074persist1075perspective 1076pertinent1077pest1078petal1079pigment1080pillow1081pine1082pit1083pivotal1084plank1085plaster1086plate1087platitude1088platitudinous 1089pliable1090plight1091plumbing1092poisonous1093polarize1094pollen1095pollination 1096pollinator 1097pollutant1098popular tune 1099portable1100portend1101portion1102positive1103possess1104possession 1105postal service 1106postdate1107posthumous 1108potential1109pottery1110poverty1111prairie1112precarious 1113precede1114precipitate 1115precipitation 1116precursor 1117predator1118predatory 1119predecessor 1120predominantly 1121predominate 1122preeminent 1123prefabricated 1124prehistoric 1125preponderance 1126prerequisite 1127presence1128preservation 1129preservative 1130preside over 1131prestige1132pretension 1133prevail1134prevailing 1135prey1136prime1137priority1138privilege 1139probe1140proceed1141process1142proclaim1143proclivity 1144prod sb. into 1145prodigious 1146prodigy1147produce1148proficiency 1149profile1150prohibitively 1151proliferation 1152prolific1153prominence 1154prominent 1155promising 1156promote1157pronounced1158proper1159property1160proponent1161proportion1162proprietorship 1163propulsion1164prospect1165prosper1166prosperous1167protectionist 1168protein1169prototype1170protruding1171provincialism 1172provocative1173prudent1174pry open1175publicize1176pueblo1177punch1178puncture1179purification 1180pyramidQ1181quaint1182qualification 1183quarry1184quench1185quest1186quiescent1187quiltR1188radar1189radiation1190radius1191raft1192ragtime1193rally1194rampant1195rancher1196ranching1197range1198range from...to 1199rarefy1200ration1201rattlesnake1202raven1203readjust1204realm1205rear1206rebellion1207receptor1208receptacle1209recipe1210recipient1211recognize1212reconstruct1213reconstruction 1214recreation1215rectangle1216rectangular1217recycle1218redirect1219reed1220refine1221refinement1222reflection1223refraction1224refreshing1225refreshment1226refrigerate1227regenerate1228regime1229regimentation 1230regulate1231regulatory1232rehabilitate 1233reigning1234reinterpretation 1235reject1236release1237remainder1238remnants1239render1240renounce1241rent1242reorient1243replace1244replenish1245representation 1246reproduce1247reproductive 1248reptile1250resemble1251reservoir1252residue1253respective 1254respectively 1255restoration 1256restrict1257restriction 1258retail1259retailer1260retain1261retool1262retreat1263retrieve1264reveal1265revered1266reverse1267revise1268revitalization 1269revival1270revive1271rhetoric1272rhythmical 1273ridge1274rift1275rigidity1276riot1277ripen1278rite1279ritual1280rival1281roam1282robust1283rod1284roost1285rooster1286rotate1287rubble1288rudimentary 1289rupture1290rural1291rustproofS1292sack1293sacred1294saddle1296sanctimonious 1297sanction1298sanctuary1299sanitation1300satire1301satiric1302saturate1303scale1304scale1305scarce1306scatter1307scavenger1308scenery1309scenic1310scent1311scheme1312scores1313scramble1314scratch1315screen1316screw1317scruple1318scuba1319sculptor1320sculptural1321sculpture1322sea cucumber 1323seabed1324seaport1325secrete1326sect1327sectional1328sector1329secular1330securely1331sediment1332seedling1333segment1334seismic1335self-sufficient 1336semimolten1337sensibility 1338sentimental 1339sequence1340serene1341serrated1342set aside for 1343setting1344sewerage1345shatter1346shear1347shed1348sheer1349sheltered1350shield1351shifting1352shipment1353shipwright 1354short-range 1355shrink1356shrub1357shutters1358shuttle1359signify1360silicate1361silversmith 1362simultaneously 1363skepticism 1364skull1365slab1366slice1367slice1368slide1369slopeabandonmentabbreviationabrase; abradeabstractionabsurdityabundantaccelerationacclaim; acclamationaccommodationaccompanyistaccordionistaccumulationaccustom oneself toacquaintastuteadaptable; adaptationadd; additionadjoinadjustmentadornmentn.; adventureadversely; adversityadvocation, advocacy, advocator, advocatory aestheticallyaffectedaffiliate oneself with; affiliated; affiliation afflictionwealthy, rich;aggravateaggregationagitatevery similar toalchemistlatitude, longitudeamenablyamendable; amendatoryamplifier; amplificationannihilable; annihilability; annihilationannuallyn.; anomalous;anon.; anonym; anonymity; anonymouslyantiquated; antiquateappeal toaptitudearchaeology; archaeologistarchitecturebalmycraftsman, mechanicas ever is; as ever wasas a rule of thumb: a general principle regarded as roughly correct but not intended to be scientifically accurateas far as; as far as it goes; as far as know; as far back as;as followsdescendascribeaspireassort, assortmentassumptionastonishat intervals ofatomizeattach, attachmentattainmentboreauroral lightaviateavocationawkwarda painted cloth hung across the rear of a stage Barbed wire= get up topropertysiegeTo give as a giftprejudicebitterHouse of bizarre designblazeBleak winds of the North Atlantic<>bend; harmonize,intermixblessYouth blossomed into maturityA high steep bank; a bluff but pleasant manner.Blunted emotions; a blunt instrumentLong pillow<>blossom; thunder, a state of economic prosperityA benefit bestow; very close and convivialDrill a hole>tire; bore<>bowlA breach of contract; a breach in a fortificationThe breeze was cooled by the lake; breeze throughbrilliant, Unusual mental abilitybrisknessBrittle bonesThe soup was bubblingA bulk buy; it is cheaper to buy it in bulk. Bulk mail.Taxing,onerousThe burgeon population; bloom;>blossom;boom;flourishtunnelA sculpture of the headhustleShe was by far the smartest student; by a considerable margin Cab fare, pl.cactusescalibration, standardizationcannibalise, cannibalismA ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall.An aptitude; the quality of being capable.shellcarboCardiac cycleCargo containerfunfairThe lion and other carnivorous animals.carving; sculptureCast anchor; cast down; cast forth; cast off(n.adj.);categorizeTo supply food ready to eat for partiesAny large and important churchA large cave or chamber in a cave; burrowHole; dental caries = tooth decay;Stop; interrupt; N. = end .Of heaven or the spirit; of or relating to the sky. celestial body; celestial equator;violin, v iola, cello/violoncello; the bass member of the violin family.A count of the populationceremony(Serials of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention) rub, friction; Irratate; warm by rubbing; wear caused by friction Bedroom; enclosed space or cavityA state of utter confusion <> cosmoscoal; A charcoal drawingA written instrument; hire, rent, lease; charter schoolCastle or fortress; mansion;(-stle: bustle, hustle, castle)Moderately cold>depression; chilly, lacking warmth of feelinggorillaUsed to chip, carve; cheatgallant or distinguished gentlemenChop-mark;rough with small wavesAccord, harmonize ; seventh chord;A large noteworthy quantitycirculationDraw a line around; limitQuote; summon文官politenessacclaimA clamor against increased taxesclassificationCliff swallow; steep , vertical; bluffcling; Stick ; adherence<>counterclockwiseAwkward or inefficientCluster bombcohesion, cohesivecoincidentcollaborationcombustion, combustible; blazevcommittedcommunally,compareincompatible, harmonious; harmonizecompensationcompeting, competitive, competitivenesscomplacenc y, complacence; contented, self-satisfied complementarycomplexes; complexitycomplicatedcomply withcomposed of, c omposit e, composition反对;欺骗conceptconcertcondensationconductivityconfig, configureconfinement, confine toconflictingbe confronted withconservativeconsort with, Unite,associate;keep company c onspicuous consumptionconstantlyconstellation,constitution,constitutionalconstraintconstricted; restrictconstructionconsumption,consum ercontraction,contractorconvenien ce, conveniencyconventional, conventionallyconverterconvinced, convincingcoral reef; beefcorrelatedcorrosioncorruption,d ecay,decompositioncosmoscowboyc raft union<>industrial unioncraftsman, craftswoman, craftsperson, craftworkChalk,waxl etter of credencecripplingintersectbreedcorbiecrude oilcrustaceancrystallinecubecube, conedash offdauntingduskdazzlingdeclarationdecliningdecoration, decorativedeferential, deference; comply deficien t; efficientdeformationdegradationdensitydepredationdepression, depressing, depresseddesalinize, desalination descendant,descent; ascend, ancestordesirabledespoiler, spoildestructiondetectabledevastationdevoid ofdiagonallydictationdigressiondilutiondisposalproportiondebatereputeseminatesolvedistinctive,distinction,distinctively,distinctlydispense; distribution; contribute, contributiondiverdiversif y, diversification, diversified, diversion, diversity documentdominantdormancy; remain/lie dormant; <> activedorsal fin; findramaticallyductil ity; ductile metalseccentrically, eccentricityecologi st, ecological, ecosystemeatableeducate, educationelaborately, elaborationelectric, electronic, electricity, electrical eleganceelevation, elevatorellipticalemergingemigrant, emigration, emigrator, emigratory migrant, migration, migrator, migratory immigrant, immigration, immigrator, im migratory emissionemployer, employeeenactmentenclosingengravingcolossalentanglemententerprisingcuticleerosion>abrasion; corrode, corrosion eruptioneverlastingethicallyevidenceevolutionexaltedexcavationexceptional, exceptionally excessiveexclusion, exclusiveexecution, executiveexhibitionexpansionexpenditureexpertexponentexpress train, expressive extended,extensive, extensionextinction, extinctivefacilitation, facilityfractionfakefanatic, fanatically, fanaticism, fanaticize fascination, fascinat ingfeasibilityfencingfertilize, fertilityfeverishlyfibrefrictionfleetingflex, flexibilityflock tofluctuationflowfolk, loreforbidformalize, informalformationfortifyfortuitouslyfossilfragility, fragmentfrenzy, frenziedafarfrustrate d,frustrating,frustrationfumyfungusfurnishmentfused,fusiongalvanise, galvanizationgeneralgenetically/ dʒiːniəl /genuinelygo against the grain to。

toefl ibt词汇 2.0

toefl ibt词汇 2.0

toefl ibt词汇2.0
托福ibt 词汇 2.0 指的是托福网考(Internet-Based Test)所需的词汇量在 2.0


具体来说,托福ibt 词汇 2.0 包括以下几个方面:
1.阅读部分:需要掌握约1 万个词汇,其中学术词汇约有3000 个左右。


2.听力部分:需要掌握约1 万个词汇,其中学术词汇约有4000 个左右。


3.写作部分:需要掌握约8000 个词汇,其中学术词汇约有2000 个左右。


4.口语部分:需要掌握约6000 个词汇,其中学术词汇约有1500 个左右。


需要注意的是,托福ibt 词汇 2.0 只是一个大致的参考数字,实际考试中所需




英语作文常用谚语、俗语1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。

3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。

4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。

7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。

9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。

11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。

13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。

14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。

15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。

16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。

17、A single flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。

18、A year's plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。



托福听力词汇2000&听力难词列表编者:nmly托福听力词汇2000&听力难词列表 (1)听力词汇2000 (2)听力难词列表 (42)QUICKSOUND标准美音速查软件 (68)下午犯懒什么都懒干,嘿嘿,找了个比较无聊的事做,把新东方的听力词汇2000和听力笔记上的难词列表全部在金山词霸2002上输了一遍,无聊了可以配上词霸的发音功能练听力了。

托福进阶网road2toefl@仅供个人学习参考严禁用于商业用途听力词汇2000abroadabandonabsenceabsentabsolutelyabsorbabstractabundantacademicaccelerateacceptaccommodationaccompanyaccountaccountableaccumulateaccurateaccustomaccustomedacheacidacknowledgeacquireactivateactiveaddictadditiveaddressadequateadjustadministeradmissionadmitadore advance advanced advantage advertise advertisement affectaffordageagency agenda agent aggravate aggressive agility agricultureair conditioner aislealbumalertallergic allergyallow allowance alphabetically alter alteration alternative amateur amazing ample amuse analysis ancient anecdote ankle announce announcement annual anticipateantique anxiety anxious appeal appealing appetite applicant apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve aquarium architectural architecture ardor arduous argue aroma article artificial artist artistic ashtray asleep aspect assemble assignment assist associate association assume astonish astonishing astronomy atmosphere attachattempt attend attendance attitude attribute auction audible audience audition auditorium authority automatic automobile available average avoid awake award aware awareness awful awfully awkward baby-sitter background backpack badge baggage baggy bake baker bakery balance balcony baldballetbanbang barbecue barberbarebarely bargain barkbase baseball basement bashful battery beachbearbeat beginning behalf belong bend beneficial benefit beyond bibliography bilingual billbindbiteblame blanket blink blizzard blossom bludgeon blurblush boardboilbookbore boring bother bottom brakebrand breakthrough breathe breedbrick bridgebrief briefing bright brighten brilliance brilliant broadcast brokebuckbudbudget buffetbulb bulletin bump bunchburnburst button cabin cabinet cafeteria calculate calculator calculus calendar camouflage camp campaign campus canal cancel candidate candycanoe capable capturecarecareercargo carpetcarvecasecash cashier casual catalog catch ceiling cement center ceremony certain certificate challenge challenging championship chance change channel chaos chapter character charge cheapcheer cheerful chefchesschewchillichilly choice cholesterolchop choreograph chronic circle circulation circumstance circus civilization claim classical classification clearclient climate clinicclip clockwise closet cluster coachcoast collapse collect collection combine comedy comet commemorate commercial commitment committee commodity common commute comparative compare comparison compensate compensation competecompetent competition competitive complain complete component concentrate concentration concern concerning concert conclusive condition conference confirm conflict confuse connect conscious consciousness consequence considerable considerate consist consumption contact contagious contain contaminate contamination contract contraction contractor contrast control controller controversial controversy convenience convenientconvention conventional conversion convert convey convince convincing cookout cooperate cooperative copecoral correlate correspond correspondence cosmos couchcoughcouple couponcourt courteous cousincrackcraftcram cramped crazy creative crediblecredit credulous criminalcriticcritical criticizecrosscrowd crowded crusadecrystal cultivate cultural culture cure curiosity curious curly current curtain curve custodian custom customer Customs dam damage damp dance darkdatadate dated deadline deal debate decade decent decide decorate decoration decrease dedicate deduct deficiency delay delicious deliver demand demandingdemise demolish demonstrate dentistdeny departure depend depict deplete depletion deposit deprive derive dermatologist descendant desert deserted deserve desiredetail detect detergent determination determine determined detest develop development diagnose diagnosis diagramdialdiary dictionary dietdifferdigdigest digestion dilapidateddiligent diligently diminish dingy dinosaur direct direction directory disagreeable disappointed discard discipline disconnect discourage discovery discrepancy disgust disgusted disgusting disintegrate dismantle dismiss displace dispose disrupt dissertation distinguish distinguished distort distract disturbdive diverse diversion diversity dizzy doctorate document documentary domesticdomesticate dominant dominate donate donation dormitory dot double downtown doze dozen draftdragdrain drawback drawer dreary dressing driftdrop drowsy drugstore duedull dummy dump duplicate durability durable dustdwarf dwelldye dynamice-mail eagerearn earshot earthquake eccentriceclipse economic edgeedible editor editorialeel efficiency efficient effort eggbeater elastic electrician electronic elegant element elementary elevator eligible eliminate embarrass embarrassing emblem emergency emotion emotional employee empty enable enclose encyclopedia endanger endurance energetic engage engineering enjoyable enrage enroll enthusiasmenthusiastic entire entitle envelope envision episode equipment eradicate errand eruption escort essay essential establish estate evaporation eventually everglade evict evidence exceed exceedingly excel excess excessive exchange excursion excuse exhausted exhibit exhibition exist exotic expand expect expire exploit exploration exposure extensionextinct extinction extra extremely eye-catching fabric facility fadefailfairfall familiar familiarize fanfancy fantastic fare fascinating faucetfault favorite feature feedback fellowship ferment ferryfertile fertilize fiber fictionfield figuratively filefinal financial finefinger firecracker fireworks fitnessfixfixed flame flashflat flavor flexible flight flour fluently fluid foggy folk folks forecast forgive formation fortune forward fossil free freezing freight fresh friendly frighten frontier frosting frustrate fulfill furious furnace gallery garbage gather gathering generous genetic genius giantglamorous glance glimpse global glovegluegoal goggles gorgeous goshgrab graduate grant gravitational greenhouse greet groan grocery growth grudge guarantee guiltygym habitathail haircut hairdresser hairpiece halfway hallway handle handout handwriting handy happen hardhardy harm harmful harshharvest hatehaulhaven hazard hazardous headache headline healheavy hectic helmet hemisphere hew highlight hikehinthirehobbyhole honest honor horizon horrible horror hostile humidity hunch hurricane hurryhurt hypothesis hypothesize IDideal identical identification illegal illustrate imageimaginary imagination imagine immature impact implant impolite impossible improvisation impulse incapable inconceivable inconsiderate inconvenience inconvenient incredible incubation indifferent indigestion ineligible inert inexperience inexperienced infect infection infirmary inflammation influence influenza inform informative informed infrared inhabitant inherit inheritance innovation inquire insecticide insistinsomnia install instruction instructive instructor insulate insulation insult insure integrity interior intermediate intermission internal internship interpret interrupt interruption intersection interview introduce introductory intuitive invaluable invest investigate invisible invitation invite inviting involveiron irrelevant irresponsible irrigate issueivoryjailjanitor jealousjewelry jog jubilant judgekill kitchen knapsack knee laboratory ladder landlocked last laundry lawnleap leftover legend legislative leisure lemonade leniency lens lethal liberty license light lighthouse lightning liquidlistloadloan lobby locate location lock locker longevity lounge lumberluremail maintain maintenance major makeshift mall manual manufacture manufacturer marine marry match mean meaning meaningful means meantime meanwhile measure medal meddle media medium membership memory mend mention menu mercy merely mess message metabolism meteorology microscope middle midnight midterm migrantmigrate migration mild millennium minimize minor minority miserable miss mistake misty model moderate modern modification moisture monitor mood mosquito motel motion movemust mystery myth nakednap narrow nausea navigate navigation neat neglect negotiate negotiation neighbor nephew nerve nervous neutralizenickel nickname nightmare noisy nomadic nominate nonstop normal noted noticeable novelty numerous observatory obstacle occasionally oddoddsoffer offspring okay operation opportunity oppose opposite optimistic oral orchestra organize orientation origin original outcome outdoor outgoing outline outlook outright outstanding ovation overcastovercome overdone overdue overlook overnight overreact oversleep overview overwhelm oweowlownpacepack package paintpalpants parade park parking participant participate partner passport pattern perfect performance periodical permanent permission permit personal perspective persuade persuasive pesticide petition pharmacy phasephenomenon philatelic philharmonic photo photograph photographer photography physiology picky picnic picture pinpoint pioneer plagiarism player pleasant pleased pleasure pledge plough pocket pointpolarpolepolite pollute pollution pondpool popular populate porous pose position positive possess postcard postpone pottery pourpower practice precarious precaution predict prefer preference prerequisite prescription preservation preserve previous primitive principle printer priority procedure proceed processor professional professionally proficient promise promising promote promotion promptly proofread property proponent proposal prospect prospector prosperity prosperous protein protest prove provide providedpunch punctual purchase purpose pursepush pushover puzzle qualification quarterback questionnaire quietquitracket radiation raiseranch rangerarerarelyraterating raving reach reasonably recall receipt reception recipe recital recognize recommend record recreation recycling reference refinement reflect refreshing refrigeratorrefurbish registration regular rehearsal rehearse reinforce relate relative relaxrelay release reliefrely remarkable remedy remind remote remove renew renovate rent repellent replace replenish represent reputation request require reschedule resemble reservation reserve resign resort respond response responsibility responsive restless restrictresult resume retire retirement reveal review revise revival reward rewarding rhythm ribbonridride ridiculous ringrisk roastrob robot robust roleroll routine rowrubruinrule rumor rush rustic rusty sake salon saloon sandwich saturate saturation scale scarfscarlet scenery schedule scholarship scissors scope scorch score scorpion scrap scrape scratch screen sculpture seam seasonal seasoned seasoning secondhand secure selective semester seminar sense sensitive serve severe sew shade shadow shake shame shape share sharpen shatter shave shelter shift shoelaceshort shortenshotshower similar simulate simultaneously siteskatesketchskiskip skyscraper sleepy sleevesliceslideslipper slipperyslotsnacksnap snapshot soaksoccer sociable socialsolesolve sophisticated soresparespark sparkle specialize species specimen spectacular speeding speedyspell sphere spicyspillspoil sponsor sprain squeamish squint stack stadium stain stamina stamp stand standard staple starch static statistics status steal steam stereo stewstickstill stimulate stimulating sting story straight straighten strain strand strengthen strenuous strenuously stressstripstriped stuffy stunstunt sturdy stylist subject submit subscribe substitute subway succeed sufficient sugarsuit suitable suitcase summarize summary supervisor supply suppose surgery surplus survey survive suspect sweep swell swelling swing switch swollen symbol sympathize synthetic syrup talented tame tastetastytaxitearteller temper temperature tenant tend tentacle terminal terrain terrific testify texture thatch theoretical therapy thesis thirst thirsty thoughtful threaten thunder tidetidytietighttinytiptired tissue torrent tosstouch tough tournament toxictoy traditional traintraining transfer translate transparent transplant transportation travelogue trendtribe tributarytricktriptrumpet trustworthy tuition tunnel turmoiltwicetwintwisttypical ultimate ultimatum umbrella unabridged unbearable uncertain unconvincing undergo unforgivable unique uniqueness unknown unlikely unlock unprecedented unreasonably unreliable unrewarded upseturge urgent usual utility utilize vacancy vacant vacation vacuum vain vanish variable variation variety various vary ventilation veterinarian vibrate vibration videoview violence vitamin volunteer vote vulnerable waive wakewalk-in wallet warn warranty waste weary wedding weigh weird whisper willwilling wipe withdraw wither withstand workload worried worth wrap yield zero zone听力难词列表仅供个人学习参考严禁用于商业用途accommodationabnormallyadministrationadoreadvisoryalertallergicalternativealtitudeamplifyashtrayassembly lineastronomyattachattackerattritionauditoriumautomotivebackhandbackpackbanquetbillblood pressureblossomblurrybottomrybowbricklayerbridgebriefcasebudbudgetbuilt-inburst cabinet calculus canoe carbon dioxide cardboard carnation carton cautious cement centennial chamber chunkclaw coalition collar commemorate compact compartment compatible concentration conclude congress conserve consistency contribute controversial coordinate coppercoralcoral reef corecrawlcreekcrosscrustcrusty crystalcube culminatingcurrent curriculum deck deliver demanding depression descend deserve diabetic diploma diplomat diplomatic disintegrate dispute dogwood donor Douglas fir draft draining draw drawer dressing driftdrive drowsy druggist due dummy dump dune duplicate dwarfdye dynamic earthquake eccentric editorial eel eggbeater elasticelbow electronic elementary elevation eliminate embarrassed emerge employment emu enactment encyclopedia endangered enraged enterprise enthusiast entry envision episode eraser errand eruption escort evaluation evaporation evict evolution exercise expansion expedition expel expertise expire exploit exploratory exposure extension extinct extinction facetfadfairfake familiarize fanfancyfare fascinating fasten fasting fatigue faucetfax feature feeble feedback feldspar fellowship fence ferment ferry fertile fertilization festival feverish fiber fictionfilmfilterfine firework firm flabby flavor flavoring fleet flexible flockfloorflop floppyflounder flour flourish fluctuate flush focus foldfoot forefront forgetful fortune forward fossil fracture freak freighter fresco frontier frustrated frustrating funding furious furnace furnish gasoline gelatinous generate genetic genial geologist geometry gift glacier glamorous glimpse glue goggle gorgeous gourmet gradegram grandeur graph gravitational graze greedygrid groom grotto grueling guidance gumgym gymnastics habitathail hallway hardy harmonics harpsichord harsh hatchhaul haven hazardous head headline headphone heathectic helium helmet hemisphere hemlock herd herder hexagonal hi-tech hikehiphistorianhornethostilehotHouse of Representatives humidhumidity hummingbirdhunchhurricanehuskhydroelectric hypothesis hypothesizeidealistidealizeidenticalidentificationidentifyillegibleillusiveillustrateimmatureimmuneimmunizeimplantimpressed impressionism improvisationimpulseimpurityincapacitateincenseincense burner incinerator incompressible inconclusive incredibleincubationindexindigestion industrial ineligible inert infection inferior infirmary inflate infrared ingenious ingredient inhabitant inheritance innuit inquisitive inscription insecticide insoluble insomnia inspection instability install insulate insulation insurance integrity interact interior intermission intern internship invitation irresistible irrigate irritated isleissueivory janitorjaw。




下面是一个大约包含1500个常用托福词汇的整理:A1. abandon-放弃2. ability-力量3. abolish-废除4. absorb-吸取5. abstract-抽象的6. absurd-荒谬的7. abundant-丰富的8. abuse-滥用9. accelerate-加速10. accessible-可接近的B11. bias-偏见12. bless-祝愿13. blend-混合14. boast-夸耀15. boundary-边界16. breed-繁殖17. brief-简短的18. brilliant-杰出的19. budget-预算20. bully-欺侮第1页/共11页C21. calculate-计算22. capable-能干的23. capture-捕获24. cautious-当心的25. celebrate-庆祝26. challenge-挑战27. charity-慈善28. clarify-澄清29. client-客户30. climate-气候D31. decade-十年32. decay-腐败33. decline-衰退34. decorate-装饰35. dedicate-奉献36. defend-保卫37. define-定义38. democracy-民主39. demonstrate-证明40. dense-密集的E41. eager-渴望的42. efficient-高效的43. eliminate-消退44. embrace-拥抱45. emerge-消灭46. emphasize-强调47. enable-使能够48. encounter-患病49. enhance-增加50. enormous-巨大的F51. facilitate-促进52. faithful-忠诚的53. former-前者的54. foundation-基础55. fraud-欺诈56. frustrate-使懊丧57. fundamental-基本的58. furthermore-此外59. furious-生气的60. fusion-融合G61. gender-性别62. generate-生成63. global-全球的64. gradual-渐渐的65. grant-授予66. greed-贪欲67. grief-哀痛68. guarantee-保证69. guide-指导第3页/共11页70. guilty-有罪的H71. habitat-栖息地72. harmony-和谐73. hazardous-危急的74. hence-因此75. hesitate-迟疑76. host-主持77. humble-虚心的78. hurricane-飓风79. hypothesis-假设80. identical-相同的I81. illustrate-说明82. immense-巨大的83. impact-影响84. implement-实施85. imply-示意86. inevitable-不行避开的87. infect-感染88. inferior-低劣的89. influence-影响90. innovative-创新的J91. jealous-嫉妒的92. justify-证明93. keen-热衷的94. launch-放射95. liberty-自由96. logic-规律97. loyal-忠诚的98. luxury-铺张品99. maximize-最大化100. motivate-激励K101. keen-热衷的102. pace-速度103. mirror-反映104. mutual-相互的105. objective-客观的106. patience-急躁107. persistent-长久的108. potential-潜力109. process-过程110. prompt-快速的L111. labor-劳动112. landscape-风景113. launch-放射114. leisure-休闲115. liberate-解放116. logic-规律117. luxury-铺张品118. maintain-维持第5页/共11页119. majority-大多数120. massive-大规模的M121. magnify-放大122. manipulate-操纵123. maximize-最大化124. medieval-中世纪的125. mercy-慈善126. mislead-误导127. modify-修改128. moral-道德的129. mystery-奇特130. negotiate-协商N131. neglect-忽视132. network-网络133. neutral-中立的134. nevertheless-然而135. noble-高尚的136. nourish-滋养137. numerous-很多的138. nurture-培育139. obstacle-障碍140. option-选择O141. objective-客观的142. obtain-获得143. obstacle-障碍144. omit-省略145. opinion-观点146. organize-组织147. overwhelming-压倒性的148. obvious-明显的149. modify-修改150. obligation-责任P151. perceive-感知152. persist-坚持153. perspective-观点154. precise-精确的155. prevail-流行156. principle-原则157. proclaim-宣布158. profound-深刻的159. progress-进步160. promote-促进Q161. qualify-使具备资格162. quality-质量163. quantity-数量164. quest-追求165. quote-引用166. urban-城市的167. reassuring-使人放心的第7页/共11页168. reflect-反映169. regime-政权170. render-使成为R171. random-随机的172. rational-理性的173. recent-最近的174. recover-康复175. remarkable-卓越的176. reliable-牢靠的177. renewable-可再生的178. represent-代表179. restore-恢复180. reveal-揭露S181. sacred-神圣的182. scale-规模183. scarce-稀缺的184. scheme-方案185. significance-重要性186. skeptical-怀疑的187. sophisticated-简单的188. strategy-策略189. substantial-大量的190. successor-继任者T191. technique-技术192. temporary-临时的193. terror-恐怖194. transform-转变195. transparent-透亮的196. tremendous-巨大的197. ultimately-最终地198. unique-独特的199. universe-宇宙200. utilize-利用U201. unanimous-全都的202. undergo-经受203. undermine-减弱204. uphold-支持205. uprising-起义206. urgent-紧急的207. utilize-利用208. utmost-极度的209. utter-说出210. undermine-减弱V211. vacant-空缺的212. valid-有效的213. vanish-消逝214. venture-冒险215. verify-核实216. versatile-多才多艺的第9页/共11页217. virtue-美德218. vision-视力219. vital-至关重要的220. vow-宣誓W221. welfare-福利222. whereas-然而223. wicked-邪恶的224. withdraw-撤退225. widespread-广泛的226. witness-目击者227. withstand-经受住228. worship-崇拜229. worthy-值得的230. yield-产生X231. xenophobia-仇外心理232. xenophilic-爱外国事物的233. xenology-外星学234. xenial-外国人的235. xenobiotics-外源性物质236. xenoloneliness-外地人的孤独237. xenolinguistics-外语学238. xenophilia-对外国人的宠爱239. xenodochial-好客的240. xenolith-岩石中的异质体Y千里之行,始于足下。



1. ASTRONOMY天文学astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台astronomical instruments 天文仪器astronomical telescope 天文望远镜astronomical observation 天文观测astronomical unit 天文单位astronomical almanac (yearbook) 天文年历planetarium 天文馆astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrophysicist 天文物理学家astro photo graph 天体摄影影图astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学hidebound 包紧的;思想狭隘的pinnacle(peak; summit; apex) 巅;顶峰infinite 无限的cosmic 宇宙的cosmic force 宇宙力cosmic dust 宇宙尘cosmic noise 宇宙噪声cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线cosmic speed 宇宙速度celestial 天的celestial body (heavenly body) 天体celestial map (sky atlas) 天体团celestial sphere 天球celestial globe 天球仪terrestrial … 地球仪celestial mechanics 天体力学celestial navigation (astronavigation)天文导航stellar 星的nebula (复数nebulae 或nebulas) 星云nebular(nebulous)星云的;星云状的dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体;类星射电源constellation 星座planisphere 平面天球图,星座图cluster 星团solar 太阳的solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕solar flare 日辉;太阳耀斑solar prominence 日珥solar eclipse 日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星revolve 旋转;绕转twinkle 闪烁naked eye 肉眼Mercury 水星Venus 金星Earth 地球Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellite 卫星lunar 月球的lunar eclipse 月蚀lunar probe 月球探测器lunar astronaut (lunarnaut) 登月宇航员lunar excursion module登月舱lunar rover (lunar roving vehicle; moonrover) 月面车lunarscape (moonscape) 月面景色phase 月相;阶段meteor 流星meteor shower 流星雨meteoroid 流星体meteorite 陨石space capsule 宇宙飞船座舱;航天舱spacelab 太空实验室spaceman (astronaut; cosmonaut) 宇航员;航天员space suit 宇航服;航天服space shuttle 航天飞机space telescope 空间望远镜2. GEOGRAPHY地理geographer 地理学家hemisphere 半球northern and southern hemispheres 北半球和南半球eastern and western hemispheres 东半球和西半球meridian 子午线;经线parallel 平行圈;纬线latitude 纬度high latitudes 高纬度地区low latitudes 低纬度地区temperate latitudes 温带地区longitude 经度horizon 地平线equator 赤道Tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极Antarctic (Antarctica) 南极expedition 探险zone气候带plateau (highland) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴terrain 地域subterranean (underground) 地底下coastland 沿海地区island 岛屿continental island 地陆岛volcanovolcanic island 火山岛… eruptioncoral island 珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular 半岛continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon (谷底有溪涧流过的)峡谷海峡altitude 高度remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的;陆地的globeterrestrial heat (geothermal; heat of theearth’s interior) 地热terrestrial magnetism地磁(geomagnetism) 地磁3.GEOLOGY地质学geologist (geologician) 地质学家geological (geologic) 地质学的geologic age (geological time) 地质时代geologic map 地质图geological survey地质调查continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum; 复数strata) 地层mantle 地幔core 地核plate 板块plate tectonics 板块构造论fault 断层fault plane 断层面fault zone 断层带rift (crack; split)断裂disintegration (decomposition)分解erosion侵蚀fossil化石rock 岩石igneous rock火成岩sedimentary rock沉积岩metamorphic rock变质岩quartz石英limestone石灰岩marble大理石granite花岗岩lithogenqus岩石成的lithosphere岩石圈1word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.magma岩浆prospect勘探sounding测探mine采矿mineral矿物ore矿石deposit矿床platinum白金;铂copper黄铜aluminum铝tin锡lead铅unleadedzine锌nickel镍mercury (quicksilver)汞;水银gem宝石diamond钻石emerald绿宝石glacial epoch (age, period)冰川期glacial drift冰碛iceberg冰山(ice)sheet 冰原;冰盖frigid(refrigerated; freezing)寒冷的plummet (气温)急剧下降thaw (melt) 融化retreat后退extinct volcano死火山dormant volcano休眠火山eruption火山喷发crater火山口lava火山岩浆scoria火山渣volcanic火山的volcanic dust火山尘volcanic ash火山灰magnitude震级epicenter震中hypocenter (focus)震源(earthquake; seismic; shock)wave地震波cataclysm灾变4. ECOLOGY 生态学ecological 生态的ecological condition生态环境ecological disaster生态祸害ecosphere(biosphere)生态圈ecocide生态灭绝preservation(对自然区等的)保护fauna 动物群flora植物群rain forest雨林afforestation 植树造林environmental pollution环境污染environmental protection环境保护environmental sanitation环境卫生(environmental)sanitary engineers环卫工人(工程师)environmentalist环境保护主义者acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect温室效应infrared radiation 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosphere)臭氧层紫外线辐射污染控制air pollution空气控制pollution elimination污染消除pollution index污染指数pollution indication organism污染指示生物air pollution空气污染water pollution水污染noise pollution噪音污染soil pollution土壤污染pollution-free无污染pollutant污染物noxious (toxic)有毒的fumes(有毒)废气waste废物waste heat废热waste water废水solid waste固体垃圾sewage(wastewater)污水domestic sewage生活污水sewage purification污水净化sewage disposal污水处理sewage plant污水处理工厂decibel(噪音)分贝abate (reduce) 减少abound 大量存在补充:air monitoring空气监测air pollution空气污染alternative n.二中择一, 可供选择的办法,事物adj.选择性的, 二中择一的atmosphere 大气, 空气, 气氛balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡burning of coal and oil 煤油燃烧carbon 碳, (一张)复写纸carbon dioxide release二氧化碳排放dioxide 二氧化物clean up 清除干净climate 气候, 风土, 思潮climatic change长期的气候变化coal .煤v.加煤coalification煤化deforest滥伐森林desertification沙漠化deteriorate 恶化disposal废物处理drought干旱ecologist 生态学家ecosystem 生态系统el Niño厄尔尼诺现象emission(汽车废气的)排放energy conservation保护能源energy source 能源资源solar energy太阳能tidal energy潮汐能fuel-efficient节能型的nonrenewable不可再生的Environmental Awareness Clubexhaust fumes废气fauna 动物群flora 植物群food chain食物链flood洪水fossil fuel 矿物燃料fuel-efficient节能型的fumes (有毒)废气garbage垃圾, 废物gas 气体, 煤气, 毒气, 汽油, [矿]瓦斯global warminggreenhouse effect 温室效应ice-cap 冰帽industrial sewage工业污水infrared radiation 红外线辐射litter/trash garbage垃圾long-term climatic change长期的气候变化melt 融化noise pollution 噪音污染non-renewable 不可更新的noxious (toxic) 有毒的offshore spillage 近海岸溢出ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层pollute/pollutant 污染物pollution control 污染控制pollution污染pollution-free 无污染preservation 保存process of photo synthesis光合作用purify净化rain forest 雨林recycle回收利用recycling center再循环利用中心recycling再循环resource 能源rise in sea level 海平面上升rush hour 高峰期sewage (wastewater) 污水sewage disposal污水处理sewage purification 污水净化sewage污水soil pollution 土壤污染solar energy太阳能solid waste固体废物soot烟尘tidal energy潮汐能traffic jam交通堵塞trash bag垃圾袋ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射upper atmosphere上层大气2word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.waste 废物wastewater废水water pollution 水污染water shortage 水源缺乏wildness 野生/天然zero emission 零辐射species物种specimen 样本,标本natural selection自然选择biological vacuum生物演变真空期survival生存thwart (block; obstruct)阻碍reverse逆向;倒退degeneration (devolution) 退化alga(复数algae)藻类invertebrate无脊椎动物aquatic (life)水生动物reptile爬行动物amphibian(amphibious animal)两栖动物dinosaur恐龙bird鸟类extinction灭绝mammal哺乳动物primates灵长目动物class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种insect 昆虫antenna (复数antennae) 触须larva 幼虫,幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous ) 食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软件动物coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫hordes (昆虫等)群swarms (昆虫等)群flock (鸟,羊等)群herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸community 动物的群落或人的部落monogamous 一夫一妻的polygamous一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使…受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed (名词)品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduce)繁殖hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等)孵offspring (young) 解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的杂食的antennae)触须compound eye复眼thorax 胸部wing翅膀larva幼虫;幼体camouflage伪装beneficial有益的pest害虫pesticideworm虫;蠕虫flatworm扁虫(低等蠕虫)roundworm蛔虫;线虫segmented (worm)分节的adder小毒蛇rattlesnake响尾蛇cobra眼镜蛇venom毒液fang毒牙molt蜕皮coil盘绕caterpillarregeneration再生crocodile鳄鱼alligator美洲鳄驯养domesticationpre’datory (carnivorous) 食肉的prey(动词)捕食;(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger食腐动物falcon隼migrate迁移wing翅膀;翼bill(鸟)嘴beak(鹰等的)嘴nest筑巢nestleperch(鸟)飞落;暂栖flock to habitatmolt (鸟)脱羽毛dolphin海豚whale鲸鱼bat蝙蝠chimpanzee黑猩猩baboonprimitive(men)原始的civilized (men)文明的diversity品种多样gregarious (social)群居的habitat栖息地breed(名词)品种;(动物)繁殖reproduce繁殖, 复制, 使...在脑海中重现multiply (reproduce)繁殖mating交配hatch孵spawn(鱼、蛙等)产卵后代botanical (botanic) 植物的3word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.plant植物seed plant种子植物garden plant园艺植物…ing toolstropical plant热带植物grassland plant草原植物tundra plant冻原植物desert plant沙漠植物alpine plant高山植物marsh plant沼泽植物aquatic plant水生植物parasitic plant寄生植物host plant root 根stemmeshwork网状结构canopy树冠层;顶蓬foliage (leaf)叶leaflet小叶rosette(叶的)丛生stem茎stalk杆leafstalk叶柄shoot (sprout)嫩芽;抽枝flower花bud花蕾blossompetal花瓣wilt, fade 枯萎,凋谢flesh果肉stone果核core果心kernel果仁peel (skin)果皮shell (硬)果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk树干branch树枝bough大或粗树枝twig小树枝bark树皮jungle丛林blade (of grass) 一片草叶tuft一丛草lawn草坪meadow草地;牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush)灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)vine藤liana藤本植物fern蕨类植物herb芳草herbal teaphotosynthesis光合作用symbiosis共生autotrophic自养的heterotrophic异养的wither (shrivel; fade)凋谢wiltdieback顶死;回枯pollen花粉pollinate传授花粉pollination传粉;已授粉状态bacterium(pl.bacteria)细菌disinfection消毒enzymes酵母fermentation发酵inflection传染(感染)microbe微生物microorganism微生物sterilization灭菌toxin毒素氨基酸carbohydrate 碳水化合物carbon dioxide二氧化碳glucose 葡萄糖organism 有机物oxidation氧化protein 蛋白质civilized文明的brute-like野蛮的community社区;社会organization(association)组织institution 机构settlement定居;居民点custom风俗习惯incumbent 现任monarchy君主制abhorrence憎恶;讨厌empire帝国anarchism无政府主义federal system联邦制presidential system总统制Congress美国国会House of Senate 参议院ethnic(racial)种族的ethic 道德的poll民意调查pollster民意调查人questionnaire问题单;调查表respondent民意调查对象census人口调查(普查)protocol(外交)礼节courtesy有礼貌的举止manners (conduct)举止;礼貌office manners办公室礼仪solitude孤独isolationcompanion伙伴sociable善于交际ethics(morality)道德observe(abide by)遵守violate(breach)违反;破坏报答富裕的poverty贫困inequality不平等discontent不满grumbling(complaint)抱怨enmity(hatred) 仇视slander污蔑libel诽谤rebellion 反叛conflict(clash)冲突crash=collidediscord(disagreement)不和harmony和睦stability稳定交通与通信traffic signal 交通信号traffic marking 交通(道路)标线traffic regulation 交通规则traffic emergency 交通紧急情况traffic congestion(jam) 交通阻塞transport (动词)运输transportation (名词)运输;运输工具vehicle 交通工具;车辆prototype 原型wagon(carriage) 马车;篷车vessel 船;容器automobile (auto; car) 汽车taxicab (cab; taxi) 出租汽车bus 公共汽车truck 卡车van 运货车motorcycle 摩托车bicycle (bike) 自行车pedal 脚蹬;踏板handbar 车把gear 齿轮;(排)档engine 引擎;发动机gasoline engine 汽油发动机diesel engine 柴油发动机internal combustion 内燃cylinder 汽缸piston 活塞tank 油箱lubrication 润滑brake (名词)闸;(动词)刹车exhaust (名词和动词)排气emission 散发;排出(动词emit)fume 废气assemble 装配4word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.service (maintenance) 维修mechanic 机修工garage 车库license 执照parking 执照parking停车parking lot停车场(收费机)toll通行费driveway私人车道interchange交换道cloverleaf四叶式立体交叉intersection道路交叉口lane车道avenue(thoroughfare) 马路;街passenger 乘客crosswalk(穿马路)人行横道sidewalk(马路旁)人行道subterranean(underground)地底下platform站台locomotive火车头switch扳道;道岔car车厢commuter(来往于市郊之间)旅客haul拖;拉;运送freight 货物;货运container集装箱subway 地铁token专用辅币turnstile旋转栅门canoe 独木舟ship船;舰sailing航海;张帆航行Viking 斯堪的纳维亚人;北欧海盗cargo 货物barge驳船tanker油船steamboat汽船;轮船ocean liner远洋轮submarine潜水艇ferry渡船oar桨paddle(名词)短浆;(动词)用桨划row划船steer掌舵;驾驶bow(prow)船首stern船尾port左舷starboard右舷deck甲板on board(aboard)在船上;在汽车、火车、飞机上navigate航行(海、河、空中)log航海日志wreck沉船;残骸supersonic超音速jet喷气式飞机jet lag时差综合症runway机场跑道pilot飞行员crew全体机务人员;全体船员helicopter直升飞机vertical垂直的rotor旋翼hover空中盘旋rescue营救inaccessible难以到达(进入)的compass 指南针aeronautical航空的gesture手势printing印刷postal邮政的postage邮资postmark盖邮戳telegraph电报code密码decode 解密transmitter发报机cable电缆telephone(phone)电话telephone exchange电话局pager (beeper)拷机;BP机handset耳机;听筒dial拨电话operator接线员phonograph 留声机digital数字的;数字显示式videotape录像带telex电传broadcasting电台广播frequency频率entertainment娱乐dis jockey (DJ)音乐唱片节目播音员newscast新闻节目talk show访谈节目host (访谈)节目主持人;(女主持人hostess)announcer节目报告员;时事评论员;比赛讲解员walkie-talkie步话机remote control遥控studio播音室;演播室soundproof隔音control panel控制盘收费电视closed-circuit television闭路电视direct——broadcastsatellite(DBS)system卫星直播telecast (动词)电视广播;(名词)电视广播节目live现场直播relay转播zoom(可变焦距镜头)推近或拉远piecemeal零碎地;一个个地screen屏幕antenna天线confines(boundary)限制;边界linger延续;逗留8. PSYCHOLOGY心理学applied psychology应用心理学psychologist心理学家psychiatrist 精神病医师, 精神病学家psychological心理的psychological test心理测试psychological moment心理最佳时刻psychological warfare心理战psychotherapy 心理疗法conformity 一致;符合;从众majority 多数人mental 精神的minority 少数人physical 躯体的,物质的,物理的mental 心理的spiritual 精神的;心灵的subject受实验物件;学科threshold judgment (心理学)初始性behavioral pattern行为模式deportment (demeanor)行为举止;风度factor因素elementcause起因aspect方面motive动机modify (动词)矫正;修改negative displacementpositive …modification (名词)矫正overt 公开的extrovertedcovert 隐蔽的introverted 内向的, 含蓄的, 闭关自守的learning学习cognitive认识过程的;认识能力的empirical经验的;以经验为依据的conditioning条件作用association联想;观念的联合retarded智力迟钝的intelligence quotient (IQ)智商arithmetic 算术, 算法mental age智力年龄;心理年龄chronological age实龄chronicle .编年史v.编入编年史voluntary 自愿的5word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.6word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.involuntary 本能的;非自愿的 behaviorism 行为主义;行为主义心理学派unconscious 潜意识的 subconscious 下意识; instinct 本能psychiatric 精神病学的 mentally ill 精神疾患mental disorder 心理紊乱(失调) (psychopathology)变态心理学 耶洗别 jezebel 无耻放荡的女人,恶毒的女人 irrational 不合情理的 neuro-sis 神经机能病neurotic 神经官能症患者psychosis 神经错乱 psychotic 患精神病的insane(mad; lunatic)精神失常insane asylum(mental hospital)精神病院 flying over cockoo’s nest delusion 妄想;错觉 hysteria 歇斯底里;癔病 phobia 恐惧症 mania 狂躁paranoia 妄想;多疑 diffusion of responsibility9. PHYSIOLOGY 生理学physiologist 生理学家anatomy 解剖学;人体结构autopsy (postmortem examination)(尸体)解剖dissect (anatomize)解剖 scalpel 解剖刀 cell 细胞 tissue 组织 organ器官saliva 唾液intestine (bowel)肠 small intestine 小肠 large intestine 大肠 abdomen 腹部 anus 肛门 excrete 排泄 pancreas 胰腺 bile 胆汁skull 头颅 rib 肋骨spine 脊椎 muscle fiber 肌纤维voluntary muscle 随意肌;横纹肌 involuntary muscle (smooth muscle)平滑肌contract 收缩windpipe 气管 lung 肺 exhale 呼气 inhale 吸气arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 (blood)vessel 血管artery 动脉 vein 静脉capillary 毛细管 plasma 血浆 liver 肝脏urinary bladder 膀胱 kidney 肾脏 puberty 发育期 egg 卵sperm 精子uterus (womb)子宫 fertilize 使受精chromosome 染色体pregnant 怀孕gene 基因 genetically embryo 胚胎 fetus 胎儿hormone 荷尔蒙 neuron 神经细胞;神经元 reflex 条件反射neuroscience (neurobiology)神经系统科学(神经生物学)10. FOOD 食品food chain 食物链health food (green foodstuff)保健食品(绿色食品)convenience food方便食品 edible 可食用的 inedible 不可食用的 diet 日常饮食 dietary 饮食的FDA (the Food and Drugflour 面粉 bread 面包 pastry 面点心pista 面条类食品yeast (leaven; ferment)(名词)酵母;(动物)发酵 fruit 水果(beef) steak 牛排;鱼排ground beef (hamburger) 绞牛肉;牛肉酱 pork 猪肉 mutton 羊肉cheese 奶酪 cream 奶油ice cream 冰淇淋 粉);糖类glucose 葡萄糖 fructose 果糖 maltose 麦芽糖 starch 淀粉 fat 脂肪fat-free 不含脂肪的the least fattening, of course protein 蛋白质 vitamin 维生素 calorie 卡(路里)nourishing (nutritious) 有营养的 malnourished 营养不良preserve 保存 additive 添加剂 packaging 包装快餐部 coffee shop 咖啡馆;小吃店 cafeteria 自助餐馆 menu 菜谱bar 酒吧beverage 饮料 wine 葡萄酒 liquor 烈性酒alcoholic 含酒精的buffet (meal)自助餐7word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.egg (鸡)蛋fried egg (sunny-side up; over)荷包蛋(单煎一面;煎两面) scrambled egg 炒鸡蛋 poached egg 水煮荷包蛋ham and eggs(bacon; sausage)火腿蛋(熏咸肉;香肠) appetizer 开胃食品 course 一道菜dessert 甜食refreshments 茶点;点心spice (seasoning)香料;调味品 spread 涂抹食品的酱 dressing 填馅;调料 icing 蛋糕糖衣bake 烘(糕点等) roast 烤(肉等) barbecue 烧烤broil (grill)(在烤架等上面)烤 toast 烤(面包) stew (simmer)炖;焖 gourmet 美食家 connoisseur 鉴赏家11. PERSONALITY 个性character 性格characteristic(trait)特性;特征;特点 disposition(nature)性情;性格 temperament 气质;禀性 introvert 内向的 extrovert 外向的jubilant(exultant; rejoiced)喜悦的;喜气洋洋的ardent(fervent; passionate)热忱的 enthusiastic(warmhearted; zealous) 热心的;热情的sociable(social) 爱交际的 courteous 有礼貌的cordial(hearty; genial)热诚的;友善的 sincere(earnest; genuine)认真的;真心的 candid (frank; straightforward) 坦率的;直截了当的trustworthy(reliable; dependable)可信任的ingenuous 单纯的;天真无邪的amiable (amicable; affable)和蔼的;温柔的 considerate(thoughtful)体贴的;考虑周到的hospitable 殷勤好客的charitable(bountiful; generous)慈善的;慷慨的lenient(merciful; tolerant)宽容的;仁慈的 altruistic(unselfish)利他(主义)的 sympathetic(compassionate)同情的;怜悯的benevolent(humane; philanthropic)仁shrewd(sharp-minded)精明的 humorous 幽默的witty 机灵的;爱说风趣话的versatile (many-sided; multifaceted)多才多艺的competent(qualified)有才能的;够资格的prodigy(talent) 天才(尤指神童) assiduous(diligent; arduous; laborious)勤奋的;努力的ingenious(clever)心灵手巧的 judicious(wise; sensible)明智的frugal(thrifty; economical)勤俭节约的 intrusive(obtrusive)打扰人的;闯入的 impetuous(hasty)急躁的;鲁莽的 impulsive(rash)动的;莽撞的whimsical(odd; eccentric)多怪念头的;古怪的fanatic 狂热的vigilant(alert; watchful; wary)警觉的 incredulous(unbelieving)不轻信的 cautious (careful; prudent)谨慎的 scrupulous(discreet)严谨的 reticent (quiet; silent)缄默的composed (cool; calm; self-controlled)镇静的抑郁的;沉闷的depressed(dejected)压抑的 frustrated(disappointed)沮丧的 disillusioned 失望的;幻想破灭的 dispirited(down-hearted)情绪低落的 remorseful(regretful)悔恨的 pessimistic 悲观的忧虑的 dependent 依赖的docile(obedient)顺从的humble(unpretentious)谦恭的 sluggish(inactive; inert)无生气的tardy(unpunctual)行动缓慢的;不准时的adamant(dogged; insistent; unbending)坚定不移的indomitable(tenacious)不屈不饶的 undaunted(dauntless; intrepid)大无畏的 defiant(disobedient; challenging)公然不服从的conceited(proud)骄傲的 haughty(arrogant; supercilious)高傲的 dominant(governing)支配的;统治的 domineering(overbearing; tyrannical)盛气凌人的;专横的presumptuous(daring; audacious)放肆的;胆大妄为的imprudent (indiscreet; heedless)鲁莽的;厚颜的hostile(unfriendly)敌视的 sadistic 虐待狂的impertinent (rude; insolent)粗鲁的;无理的offensive (irritating; annoying)冒犯的;恼人的bad-tempered(ill-humored)坏脾气的 relentless(unrelenting)无情的 reckless(heedless)不顾后果的fraudulent (deceitful; dishonest)欺诈的;骗人的volatile(fickle; capricious; frivolous)多变的;反复无常的spiteful(hurtful, malicious)恶毒的avaricious(rapacious; greedy)贪婪的 stingy(miserly)吝啬的 snobbish 势利的clumsy(awkward)笨拙的ignorant(uninformed) 无知的incompetent(incapable; unfit)无能的;不胜任的irresponsible(untrustworthy; unreliable)不负责任的;不可靠的不冷不热的 placid(mild)温和的;宁静的apathetic(indifferent; unconcerned)冷漠的 detached(impartial)不偏不倚的 disinterested(fair; unbiased; unprejudiced)公正的12. MEDICINE 医学medicinal 药的;药用的 medicinal herb 草药medical 医学的;内科的medical care (treatment)医疗medical examination (checkup)体格检查 medical certificate 医生证明remedy(therapy)疗法injection注射anesthetic (narcotic)麻醉剂hypnosis催眠术surgery外科手术antibiotic抗生素antiviral抗病毒药antitumor drug抗肿瘤药;抗癌药sulfa磺胺类药analgesic (pain-killer) 镇痛药tranquilizer镇静剂opiate 镇静剂;麻醉剂contraceptive避孕药tonic补药lotion药水ointment药膏elixir (panacea; cure-all)万灵药euthanasia (mercy killing)安乐死administer服用(药物)pediatrician儿科医生dentist (dental surgeon)牙科医生gerontologist老年病医生dietician营养学家therapist (某种疗法制)治疗专家radiologist放射科医生anesthetist麻醉师pharmacist (druggist) 药剂师practitioner (私人)开业医生dispensary (pharmacy) 药房急救afflict 使受(疾病)之苦symptom症状coma (unconsciousness; faint)昏厥indigestion消化不良nauseate (vomit)呕吐diarrhea泻肚injury(cut; wound)受伤bruise淤伤;青肿hemorrhage (bleeding)出血disabled (handicapped)残废deformity (malformation; misshape)畸形cripple (limp; lame)跛足myopia (nearsightedness)近视眼AIDS 爱滋病syphillis梅毒cancer癌症carcinogen致癌物benign良性malignant恶性epidemic流行病endemic地方流行的(病)incidence发病率toll伤亡;死亡influenza (flu)流感measles麻疹malaria疟疾cholera霍乱contagious(接触)传染的contaminate污染;感染inflammation炎症microorganism(germ; bacteria)微生物;细菌virus病毒susceptible 易患(某种)疾病chicken pox水痘mumps腮腺炎tuberculosis肺炎hepatitis 肝炎polio脊髓灰质炎;小儿麻痹症血吸虫病hypertension (high blood pressure)高血压heart attack心力衰竭;心脏病发作stroke中风electrocardiograph心电图arthritis关节炎rheumatism风湿病diabetes糖尿病bronchitis支气管炎anemia 贫血insomnia失眠症obesity肥胖症allergy过敏asthma气喘;哮喘appendicitis阑尾炎chronic慢性inspect(食品等的)检查immunization免疫vaccination疫苗complication并发症incubator(婴儿)恒温箱13. MATHEMATICS数学pure mathematics纯粹数学applied mathematics应用数学calculator计算器abacus算盘numeral数字sum和total (sum total)总和;总数aggregate总计fraction分数;小数decimal 十进位;(十进)小数digit数字;数位percentage 百分比addition加法plus加以subtraction减法minus减去multiplication乘法multiplication table乘法表multiply乘以times(介词)乘以power乘方square平方division除法divide除以over(介词)除以denominator分母numerator分子quotient商unknown quantity未知数(量)equation方程式;等式formula (复数formulas formulae)公式root根square root平方根平面几何solid geometry立体几何geometric几何的dimension维parallel (形容词)平行的;(名词)平行线perpendicular (vertical) 垂直的quadrilateral四边形square正方形area面积rectangle (oblong)长方形;矩形polygon多边形rhombus菱形;菱形六面体trapezoid 梯形cube立方形volume体积sphere球形circle圆形ellipse (oval)椭圆形cone圆锥形circumference圆周diameter直径equilateral triangle等边三角形angle角right angle直角acute angle锐角obtuse angle钝角degree (角)度8word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.9word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.微分学 integral calculus 积分学statistics 统计 tabulating 列表quantitative 量的;数量的 qualitative 质的;质量的 summarization 总结;归纳sample 抽样random 随机的;任意的 logic 逻辑deduction (inference) 推论;演绎 induction 归纳hi-tech (high tech; high technology)高科技sophisticated (advanced)先进的 precision 精密;精确electronic robot 电子机器人 electronic camera 电子摄像 electronic organ 电子琴electronic hearing aid 电子助听器Internet 电脑互联网络;因特网 World Wide Web WWW 网络 modem 调制——解调器information superhighway 信息高速公路 on-line service 网上服务 microcomputer 微型电脑cellular phone (telephone)大哥大;移动电话cordless telephone 无绳电话通讯卫星微波炉 激光唱片;光盘 CD-ROM 光盘只读存储器fiber-optic cable 光纤电缆fiber-optic communication system光纤solar collector (furnace)太阳能收集器 solar cell 太阳电池synthetic (名词)合成物 counterpart 对应的物或人 synthetic resin 合成树脂organ transplanting 器官移值 artificial insemination 人工授精 clone 克隆;复制15. EDUCATION 教育preschool(preelementary)education 学龄前儿童教育elementary (primary) education 初等教育 secondary education 中等教育tertiary(higher) education 高等教育 adult education(continuing education)成人教育special education 特殊教育 education 教育的educational facilities 教育设施 compulsory 义务的;强制的 intellectual 智力的human resource development (training)人才开发;培训 acquisition 获得moral character 道德品质elementary school 小学 middle school 初中 high school 高中vocational high school 职业学校 technical high school 技校institution of higher learning(education))学院 community college 社区大学 institute (专科)学院;研究院 department 系 campus 校园catering (meals)膳食accommodation (lodging )住宿 grader 某年级学生freshman (大学和高中)一年级学生 sophomore (大学和高中)二年级学生 junior (大学和高中)三年级学生senior (大学和高中)四年级学生 undergraduate 本科生 graduate(student)研究生fellow (大学接受奖学金的)研究生 academic 学术的academic performance 学习/业表现 transcript 学生成绩报告单 credit (credit hour)学分grade(score)分数;分数等级 grade point 积分点grade-point average 平均积分点 pass-fail option 考查课graduation thesis(paper)毕业论文 completion (of studies)完成学业satisfy (fulfil; meet) the requirements 达到要求(考试及格)commencement (graduation)exercise admissions office 招生办公室 entrance examination 入学考试Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)学习能力倾向测验recipient 接受者 semester(term)学期 quarter 学季summer session 夏季班 tuition学费non-refundable 不退还的prospective 未来的;即将成为的 financial aid (assistance)资助 stipend 奖学金scholarship (本科生)奖学金 fellowship (研究生)奖学金assistantship (半工半读)奖学金 program 教学计划;课程 discipline 学科liberal arts(humanities)文科 science course 理科 engineering course 工科 curriculum 全部课程 extracurricular 课外的 syllabus 教学大纲 vacation(holiday)假日 course 课程introductory course 基础课程 required course 必修课 elective(course)选修课treasurer 生活委员/财务大臣 elective system 选课制度 learn by rote 死记硬背encyclopedias 百科全书/专科全书 honor course(为)优秀生(开的)课 major 专业seminar 讨论会;研究班课程award (confer)授予(学位、证书) diploma (graduation certificate)毕业证书 degree 学位associate degree 准学士学位 bachelor’s degree 学士学位 master’s degree 硕士学位do ctor’s degree (doctorate)博士学位 educational background (education)学历 qualification 资格 honor 奖励;荣誉experience (work experience)工作经历 special skill 特殊技能proficiency (语言)精通;熟练 expertise 专长personal (personal information)个人情况marital status婚姻状况reference推荐人;介绍人推荐信professor(正)教授associate professor副教授assistant professor助理教授instructor(大学)讲师tutor(大学)助教chairman(chair) 系主任dean(大学学院)院长principal(中、小学)校长president (chancellor)(大学)校长alumnus(复数alumni)男/校友alumna(复数alumnae)女校友alma mater母校16. 建筑学a glass-shelf framed in a metal gridprototype原型architecture建筑学architect建筑学家beam 梁building material建筑材料building technique 建筑工艺construct/construction建设design element 设计元素elevator 电梯gas station 加油站glass boxlog structure 原木结构metal-frame 金属结构new material 新材料office building写字楼planetarium天文馆archives档案馆aquarium水族馆cabin 小木屋castle城堡cathedral大教堂mosque清真寺pyramid金字塔repair person修理工skyscraper摩天楼Sphinx狮身人面像the Statue of Liberty自由女神像the Triumphal Arch凯旋门wing 辐楼/侧楼17. 电影animated cartoon卡通片cameraman摄影caption字幕cartoon卡通片cast演员表;全体演员close-up特写镜头director导演documentary纪录片editing剪接feature film故事片illumination照明light effect灯光效果long shot远摄montage蒙太奇newsreel新闻片review试演script电影剧本setting布景shoot film拍摄电影sound effect音响效果studio电影厂theme song主题歌18. 摄影photographycamera lens相机镜头close-up特写darkroom暗室depth of field景深developing冲洗enlarge放大exposure爆光filter滤色镜focus焦点background背景foreground 前景high definition高清晰度instant camera拍立得lens镜头focus lens长镜头out of focus调焦不准panorama全景照photographer摄影家snap shot快照tripod三角架wide angle lens广角镜头19. 美术(绘画和雕塑)brush 画笔canvas油画布drawing board画板caricature漫画charcoal drawing木炭画engraving版画landscape painting风景画lithograph石版画fresco 壁画mural壁画mural painting壁画Oil painting油画pastel 彩粉画portrait肖像画sketch速写;素描still life静物画water color水彩画tempera蛋彩画panorama全景画pastel彩色蜡笔画poster海报/招贴画genuine真的fake假的fine arts美术gallery美术馆mix colors 调色original原作copy临本perspective 透视画法replica复制品reproduction复制品sculptor雕塑家statue塑像bust半身雕塑像figurine小雕像sculpture雕塑framing装框pigment 颜色,色素autograph 真迹calligraphy书法paste裱糊impressionistic style印象派风格animator 漫画家indigo靛蓝purple紫色20. 文学prose散文diary日记autobiography传记editorial社论narrative prose 叙述descriptive prose描写性essay随笔poetry 诗歌ballad 民谣Lullaby 催眠曲Fiction 小说allegory 寓言fairy tale 童话legend 传说proverb谚语prelude序曲prologue 序言epilogue 尾声model人物原型leading character主人公main plot主要情节protagonist主人公literary criticism文学批评literary studies文学研究Schools of literature文学流派Comparative literature比较文学Realism现实主义Modernism现代主义Aestheticism唯美主义Futurism 未来主义vignette小品文prolific多产21. 舞蹈10word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.。



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托福单词音标词义abandon[ə'bændən]vt. 放弃,沉溺n. 放任abashed[ə'bæʃt]adj. 1 (在人前) 感觉羞愧的,局促不安的,困窘的; 2. [因…]局促不安的,困窘的 [at,by]abate[ə'beit]vt. 缓和,减弱,减少,废除vi. 缓和,减弱,减少abdicate[æbdi'keit]vt. 放弃vi. 逊位abduct[æb'dʌkt]vt. 诱拐,绑走abhor[əb'hɔ:]vt. 憎恶,痛恨abhorrent[əb'hɔrənt] a. 令人憎恨的,可恶的,不一致的,相反的,厌恶ability[ə'biliti]n. 能力,才干ablaze[ə'bleiz] a. 着火的,闪亮的,激昂的ad. 着火,闪耀abnormal[æb'nɔ:məl] a. 不正常abolish[ə'bɔliʃ]vt. 废止,革除,取消aboriginal[æbə'ridʒənl] a. 原始的,土著的n. 土著居民,土生生物abortive[ə'bɔrtiv] a. 流产的,堕胎的,失败的abridge[ə'bridʒ]vt. 删节,缩短,剥夺absolute['æbsəlu:t] a. 绝对的,专制的,完全的,独立的n. 绝对absolve[əb'zɔlv]vt. 宣告. . . 无罪,赦免,免除absorb[əb'sɔ:b]vt. 吸收,并吞,全神贯注,同化absorbing[əb'sɔ:biŋ] a. 吸引人的,非常有趣的abstain[əb'stein]vi. 自制,戒绝,弃权,避免abstinence['æbstinəns]n. 节制,禁欲,戒酒abstract['æbstrækt]n. 摘要,抽象a. 抽象的,深奥的vt. 摘要,提炼,使抽象化abstraction[æb'strækʃən]n. 抽象化,心不在焉,提炼,抽象派作品abstruse[æb'stru:s] a. 难解的,深奥的absurd[əb'sə:d] a. 荒谬的,不合理的,可笑的abundant[ə'bʌndənt] a. 丰富的,充分的abuse[ə'bju:z,ə'bju:s]n. 滥用,恶习,辱骂vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待academic['ækə'demik] a. 学院的,理论的,不够实际的accelerate[æk'seləreit]vt. vi. 加速accentuate[æk'sentʃueit]vt. 以重音念,强调,重读access['ækses]n. 通路,进入,使用权,发作n. 访问accidental['æksi'dentl] a. 意外的,偶然的n. 非本质属性acclaim[ə'kleim]n. 喝彩,欢呼,赞同vt. vi. 欢呼,喝彩,称赞accommod ate [ə'kɔmədeit]vt. 使适应,调节,和解,容纳vi. 适应accompan y [ə'kʌmpəni]vt. 陪伴,带有,为. . . 伴奏vi. 伴奏accomplice[ə'kɔmplis]n. 共犯,同谋accomplished[ə'kɔmpliʃt] a. 完成的,实现的,善社交的,有造诣的accost[ə'kɔst]vt. 招呼,搭讪,勾引account[ə'kaunt]n. 帐目,报告,估计,原因,记录,算账vi. 解释,认为,占,杀死,得分vt. 认为accumulat e [ə'kju:mjuleit]vt. vi. 积聚,堆积accurate['ækjurit] a. 正确的,精确的accusation['ækjuæ:ɔ'zeiʃən]n. 控告,指控,非难accuse[ə'kju:z]vt. 责备,控告,谴责accustome d [ə'kʌstəmd] a. 习惯了的achieve[ə'tʃi:v]vt. 完成acid['æsid]n. 酸,酸类物质a. 酸的,酸性的,讽刺的acknowledge[ək'nɔlidʒ]vt. 承认,答谢,认知acquire[ə'kwaiə]vt. 获得,学到acquisitive[ə'kwizitiv] a. 想获得的,贪得的acquit[ə'kwit]vt. 开释,释放,完成,表现acrid['ækrid] a. 苦味的,辛辣的,尖刻的acrimoniou s [ækri'mouniəs] a. 严厉的,辛辣的,刻毒的acrimony['ækrə'məuni]n. 严厉,辛辣,刻毒acting['æktiŋ]n. 演戏,行为,假装a. 代理的,临时的,演出用action['ækʃən]n. 动作,作用,诉讼,行为,战斗控告active['æktiv]a. 活跃的,积极的,有效的,主动的,现役的,现行的,活性的a. 活动的actual['æktjuəl] a. 真实的,实际的acumen[ə'kju:mən]n. 敏锐,聪明acute[ə'kju:t] a. 敏锐的,激烈的,尖锐的,严重的adage['ædidʒ]n. 古话,格言,谚语adapt[ə'dæpt]vt. 使适应,改编vi. 适应adaptable[ə'dæptəbl] a. 能适应的,可修改的adaptation['ædæp'teiʃən]n. 改编,适应,改编成的作品addict[ə'dikt]vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾n. 上瘾者addicted[ə'diktid]adj. 痴迷adept[ə'dept] a. 熟练的,老练的n. 名手,专家adequate['ædikwit] a. 适当的,足够的adhere[əd'hiə]vi. 依附,粘着,坚持,adherent[əd'hiərənt] a. 附着的,固守的n. 党徒adhesive[əd'hi:siv] a. 粘着的,有粘性的n. 粘剂adjacent[ə'dʒeisənt] a. 毗连的,邻近的,接近的adjoin[ə'dʒɔin]vt. vi. 邻接,毗连adjoining[ə'dʒɔiniŋ] a. 邻接的,隔壁的adjourn[ə'dʒə:n]vi. 延期,休会,换地方vt. 使中止adjust[ə'dʒʌst]vt. 调整,使适应于,校准vi. 调整,适应于,校准administer[əd'ministə]vt. 管理,治理,执行vi. 管理,有助于administration[əd'minis'treiʃən]n. 行政,管理,中央政府admirable['ædmərəbl] a. 可钦佩的,优良的,令人惊奇的admire[əd'maiə]vt. 赞美,钦佩,喜欢,爱慕admit[əd'mit]vt. 允许进入,承认,接纳,容纳vi. 容许有,开向,承认admonish[əd'mɔniʃ]vt. 劝告,训诫,告诫adopt[ə'dɔpt]vt. 采用,收养,接受adore[ə'dɔ:]vt. 崇拜,爱慕,喜爱adroit[ə'drɔit] a. 熟练的,敏捷的advance[əd'va:ns]n. 前进,进步,进步的例子vi. 前进,增加,上涨vt. 促进,提出,提高,预付adverse['ædvə:s] a. 不利的,敌对的,相反的,逆的adversity[əd'və:siti]n. 不幸,灾祸advice[əd'vais]n. 忠告,通知advisable[əd'vaizəbl] a. 适当的,明智的advise[əd'vaiz]vt. 劝告,通知,与. . . 商量,建议vi. 提意见,商advocate['ædvəkit]n. 提倡者,拥护者vt. 主张,提倡aesthetic[i:s'θetik] a. 美学的,审美的,有美感affable['æfəbl] a. 和蔼可亲的,友善的,殷勤的affect[ə'fekt]vt. 影响,假装,倾向于,感动n. 感情affection[ə'fekʃən]n. 爱,情感,影响,病affectionat e [ə'fekʃnit] a. 情深的,充满情爱的affiliate[ə'filieit]vt. 附属,接纳vi. 有关affinity[ə'finiti]n. 密切关系,强烈的吸引力affirm[ə'fə:m]vt. vi. 断言,确认,肯定afflict[ə'flikt]vt. 使痛苦,折磨afflicting[ə'fliktiŋ]adj. 痛苦的affluence['æfluəns]n. 富裕,富足,流入affluent['æfluənt] a. 丰富的,富裕的n. 支流afford[ə'fɔ:d]vt. 提供,供应得起,给予age[eidʒ]n. 年龄,年老vt. vi. 成熟,变老aged[eidʒd] a. 年老的,经过相当岁月的,有. . . 岁的agenda[ə'dʒendə]n. pl. 议程,应办事项aggravate['ægrəveit]vt. 使恶化,使更严重加重aggregate['ægrigeit]n. 合计,总计,集合体a. 合计的,集合的,聚合的vt. vi. 聚集,集合,合计aggression[ə'greʃən]n. 进攻,侵略aggressive[ə'gresiv] a. 侵略的,攻击性的aghast[ə'ga:st] a. 惊骇的,吓呆的agile['ædʒail] a. 敏捷的,灵活的,轻快的agility[ə'dʒiləti]n. 敏捷,灵活,轻快agitate['ædʒiteit]vt. 使摇动,骚动vi. 鼓动agonize['ægənaiz]vt. 使苦恼,折磨vi. 感到痛苦agrarian[ə'grεəriən] a. 有关土地的,耕地的agreeable[ə'griəbl] a. 愉快的,和蔼可亲的,同意的aim[eim]n. 目标,瞄准vi. 对准目标,打算vt. 瞄准alert[ə'lə:t] a. 警觉的,灵敏的,留心的n. 警报vt. 使警觉algebra['ældʒibrə]n. 代数学alien['eiljən]n. 外侨a. 外国的,相异的alienate['eiljəneit]vt. 使疏远,离间,让与alkali['ælkəlai]n. 碱allege[ə'ledʒ]vt. 宣称,申述,主张,断言allegiance[ə'li:dʒəns]n. 忠贞,效忠allegory['æligəri]n. 寓言alleviate[ə'li:vieit]vt. 减轻,使缓和alliance[ə'laiəns]n. 联盟,联合allocate['ælə'keit]vt. 分派,分配allot[ə'lɔt]vt. 分配,分摊指定allude[ə'lu:d]vi. 暗示,提及allure[ə'ljuə]vt. 引诱,吸引n. 魅力,诱惑力allusion[ə'lu:ʒən]n. 提及,暗示ally['ælai,ə'lai]n. 盟友,同盟国vt. 联盟,联合,与. . . 有关系vi. 结盟alone[ə'ləun] a. 孤独的,单独的,独自的ad. 独自地alter['ɔ:ltə]vt. vi. 改变alternate[ɔ:l'tə:nit] a. 交互的,轮流的vt. vi. 轮流,(使)交替alternative[ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]n. 二中择一,变通办法a. 二中择一的,选择性altruism['æltru'izəm]n. 利他主义,利他aluminum['ælju'minjəm]n. 铝alumnus[ə'lʌmnəs]n. 男毕业生,男校友amalgamat e [ə'mælgəmeit]vt. vi. 使与汞混合,合并amass[ə'mæs]vt. 收集,积聚amateur['æmətə:]n. 业余技艺家,爱好者amazed[ə'meizd] a. 吃惊的,惊奇的ambiguous[æm'bigjuəs] a. 暧昧的,不明确的ambitious[æm'biʃəs] a. 有野心的,抱负不凡的,雄心勃勃的amenable[ə'mi:nəbl] a. 应服从的,会接纳的,肯服从的,有义务的amend[ə'mend]vt. 修正,改善,改良vi. 改过自新amiable['eimjəbl] a. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的amicable['æmikəbl] a. 友善的,和平的amount[ə'maunt]n. 数量,总额vi. 总计,等于ample['æmpl] a. 充足的,丰富的amplify['æmplifai]vt. 扩大,详述,使增幅vi. 引伸analogous[ə'næləgəs] a. 类似的,相似的analogy[ə'nælədʒi]n. 相似,类似analysis[ə'næləsis]n. 分析anecdote['ænikdəut]n. 轶事,奇闻angle['æŋgl]n. 角,角落vi. 钓鱼,夺取,追逐,转变角度vt.使转动角度anguish['æŋgwiʃ]n. 苦闷,痛苦vt. 使极苦闷,使极痛苦vi. 感到痛苦animated['ænəmeitid] a. 活生生的,活泼的,愉快的annex[ə'neks]n. 附属物,裙房附属建筑物vt. 并吞,附加,盖annihilate[ə'naiəleit]vt. 消灭,废止annotate['ænəuteit]vt. vi. 注解,注释announce[ə'nauns]vt. 宣布,显示,预告vi. 当报幕员,宣布参加竞annoy[ə'nɔi]vt. 使苦恼,骚扰annually['ænjuəli]ad. 一年一次,每年annul[ə'nʌl]vt. 废除,宣告无效,取消anomalous[ə'namələs] a. 不规则的,反常的anomaly[ə'nɔməli]n. 不规则,异常的人或物anonymou s [ə'nɔniməs] a. 作者不详的,佚名的,无名的n. 无记录antagonis m [æn'tægənizm]n. 反对,敌对,敌意antagonist[æn'tægənist]n. 敌手,对手anticipate[æn'tisipeit]vt. 预期,占先,提前使用antique[æn'ti:k]n. 古董,古物a. 旧式的,过时的antiquity[æn'tikwiti]n. 古老,古代,古代的遗物antiseptic[ænti'septik]n. 杀菌剂,防腐剂a. 杀菌的,防腐的anxious['æŋkʃəs] a. 忧虑的,热心的,渴望的apathetic[æpə'θetik] a. 缺乏感情的,缺乏兴趣的,无动于衷的aperture['æpətjuə]n. 孔,穴,孔径,光圈apex['eipeks]n. 顶,峰,绝顶apologize[ə'pɔlədʒaiz]vi. 道歉,辩白apparel[ə'pærəl]n. 衣服,装具vt. 使穿衣,装饰appeal[ə'pi:l]n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力,要求vi. 求助,诉请,要求vt. 控诉appear[ə'piə]vi. 出现,显得,来到applaud[ə'plɔ:d]vt. vi. 拍手喝彩,称赞,赞同applicant['æplikənt]n. 申请者,请求者application['æpli'keiʃən]n. 应用,申请,志愿书n. 应用程序appoint[ə'pɔint]vt. 任命,指定,命令appraise[ə'preiz]vt. 评价,估价,鉴定appreciate[ə'pri:ʃieit]vt. 赏识,鉴赏,感激,欣赏vi. 增值,涨价apprehend['æpri'hend]vt. 理解,忧虑,逮捕vi. 理解apprehension['æpri'henʃən]n. 理解,忧惧,逮捕apprentice[ə'prentis]n. 学徒,生手vt. 使做学徒appropriat e [ə'prəupriit] a. 适当的approve[ə'pru:v]vt. 赞同,核准,证实vi. 赞许approximat e [ə'prɔksimit] a. 大约的,近似的vt. 接近,约等于vi. 近于apt[æpt] a. 倾向于的,易于的,恰当的,聪明的aptitude['æptitju:d]n. 资质,才能,自然倾向arable['ærəbl] a. 适于耕种的,可耕的arbitration['a:bi'treiʃən]n. 仲裁,公断arbitrator['ɑ:bitreitə]n. 仲裁人,公断者archaic[a:'keik] a. 已废的,古老的,古代的ardent['a:dənt] a. 热心的,激烈的,燃烧般的ardor['ardə]n. 热心,热情arduous['a:djuəs] a. 费力的,辛勤的,险峻的arid['ærid] a. 干燥的,不毛的aristocrat['æristəkræt]n. 贵族arithmetic[ə'riθmətik]n. 算术,算法armament['a:məmənt]n. 军备,武器armor['ɑ:mə]n. 盔甲,装甲vt. 装甲aroma[ə'roumə]n. 浓香,香气arouse[ə'rauz]vt. 唤醒,鼓励,引起vi. 睡醒arrange[ə'reindʒ]vt. vi. 安排,排列,协商array[ə'rei]n. 排列,衣服,大批vt. 布署,穿着,排列arrogance['ærəgəns]n. 傲慢态度,自大arrogant['ærəgənt] a. 傲慢的,自大的article['a:tikl]n. 文章,冠词,物品,条款ascend[ə'send]vi. 上升,追溯,登高vt. 攀登ascent[ə'sent]n. 上升,上坡路ascertain['æsə'tein]vt. 确定,探知ascetic[ə'setik]n. 禁欲者,修道者a. 修道的,苦己的,苦行aspect['æspekt]n. 外观,方面,方向asperse[əs'pə:s]vt. 洒水,中伤,诽谤aspersion[əs'pə:ʒən]n. 洒水,诽谤,中伤aspiration[,æspə'reiʃən]n. 热望,渴望aspire[əs'paiə]vi. 热望,立志assassin[ə'sæsin]n. 暗杀者,刺客assassinat e [ə'sæsineit]vt. 暗杀,行刺assault[ə'sɔ:lt]n. 攻击,突袭vt. 袭击,突袭vi. 动武assemble[ə'sembl]vt. 集合,装配vi. 集合assembly[ə'sembli]n. 集会,会议,装配assert[ə'sə:t]vt. 主张,声明,断言assess[ə'ses]vt. 估定,评定asset['æset]n. 资产,有用的东西assiduous[ə'sidjuəs] a. 勤勉的,刻苦的assimilate[ə'simileit]vt. 使同化,比较,吸取,吸收,比拟vi. 被吸收,被同化assist[ə'sist]n. 帮助,协助vt. 帮助,搀扶vi. 协助,参加associate[ə'səuʃieit]n. 同伴,伙伴vt. 联合,联想vi. 交往n. 关联associatio n [ə'səusi'eiʃən]n. 协会assuage[ə'sweidʒ]vt. 缓和,减轻,镇定assumptio n [ə'sʌmpʃən]n. 假定,假装,视为当然之事assure[ə'ʃuə]vt. 保证,确告,担保astonish[əs'tɔniʃ]vt. 使惊讶astonished[ə'stɔniʃt]adj. 惊异astound[əs'taund]vt. 使惊骇,使大吃一惊astronomy[əs'trɔnəmi]n. 天文学astute[əs'tju:t] a. 机敏的,狡猾的atheism['eiθiizm]n. 无神论athlete['æθli:t]n. 运动员,运动选手atmospher e ['ætməsfiə]n. 大气,气氛atom['ætəm]n. 原子,微粒,微量attachment[ə'tætʃmənt]n. 附着,附属物,爱慕attainment[ə'teinmənt]n. 达到attend[ə'tend]vt. 参加,照料,陪伴vi. 专心,照顾,服侍attendant[ə'tendənt]n. 随从,跟班,出席者a. 伴随的,出席的,注意的,在场的attorney[ə'tə:ni]n. 代理人,律师attribute['ætribju:t]n. 属性,定语,标志vt. 归于,属于attrition[ə'triʃən]n. 摩擦,磨损audience['ɔ:djəns]n. 听众,观众audit['ɔ:dit]n. 稽核,查帐vt. 稽核,旁听vi. 查账audition[ɔ:'diʃən]n. 听,听力,试听auditor['ɔditə]n. 听者,收听者,稽核员auditorium[ɔ:di'tɔ:riəm]n. 礼堂,会议厅,听众augment[ɔ:g'ment,'ɔ:gmənt]vt. vi. 增加,增大n. 增加aura['ɔ:rə]n. 气味,气氛auspice['ɔ:spis]n. 赞助,主办,吉兆auspicious[ɔ:'spiʃəs]n. 吉兆的,幸运的austerity[ɔ'sterəti]n. 朴素,节俭,苦行,酸涩,严峻authentic[ɔ:'θentik] a. 真实的,可靠的,可信的authoritativ e [ɔ:'θɔritətiv] a. 权威的,有权威的,命令式的authority[ɔ:'θɔriti]n. 权威,专家,威信authorize['ɔ:θəraiz]vt. 授权与,批准,委托代替autocrat['ɔ:təkræt]n. 独裁者autonomy[ɔ:'tɔnəmi]n. 自治available[ə'veiləbl] a. 有用的,有空的avalanche['ævəla:nʃ]n. 雪崩,山崩,涌到之物vi. 崩落,涌至vt. 大量投入avarice['ævəris]n. 贪财,贪婪avaricious[ævə'riʃəs] a. 贪财的,贪婪的average['ævəridʒ]n. 平均,平均数,海损a. 一般的,通常的,平均的vt. 平均为,均分,使平衡vi. 买进,卖出aversion[ə'və:ʃən]n. 厌恶,讨厌的事,讨厌的人avert[ə'və:t]vt. 转开,避免,防止aviator['eivieitə]n. 飞行员,飞行家avid['ævid] a. 热望的,急切的,贪婪的avoid[ə'vɔid]vt. 避免,消除avow[ə'vəu]vt. 声明,承认,招认awe[ɔ:]n. 敬畏vt. 使敬畏awkward['ɔ:kwəd] a. 笨拙的axis['æksis]n. 轴baby-sit['beibi,sit]vi. 担任临时保姆,照顾婴儿backward['bækwəd]ad. a. 向后地(的),相反地(的) baggage['bægidʒ]n. 行李bait[beit]n. 饵vt. 以饵引诱,欺负vi. 中途休息balance['bæləns]n. 平衡,差额vi. 平衡,相等vt. 称,权衡,比较,抵消,结算bald[bɔ:ld] a. 秃头,光秃的,单调的,赤裸的balk[bɔ:k]n. 障碍,错误,失败vt. 阻止,突然停止,退缩vi.逡巡不前ballot['bælət]n. 投票,投票用纸,抽签vi. 不记名投票,抽签vt. 投票选出,拉选票balmy['ba:mi] a. 芳香的,温和的,止痛的ban[bæn]n. 禁令vt. 禁止,取缔bandit['bændit]n. 强盗banish['bæniʃ]vt. 驱逐,消除bankruptcy['bæŋkrəptsi]n. 破产banquet['bæŋkwit]n. 宴会bar[ba:]n. 条,棒,障碍物,栅,酒吧vt. 禁止,阻挡,妨碍barbarian[ba:'bεəriən]n. 野蛮人a. 野蛮的bare[bεə]a. 赤裸的,极少的,无遮蔽的,坦率的vt. 使赤裸,露出barely['bεəli]ad. 几乎不能barometer[bə'rɔmitə]n. 气压计barren['bærən] a. 不育的,贫瘠的n. 荒地barricade[bæri'keid]n. 防卫工事,障碍vt. 设路障于,阻碍barrier['bæriə]n. 障碍,栅栏barter['ba:tə]n. 物物交换,实物交易vt. vi. 物物交换,交换bashful['bæʃful] a. 害羞的basin['beisn]n. 盆地,盆bask[bæ:sk]vi. 晒太阳,舒适baste[beist]vt. 假缝,润以油脂,涂以奶油,狠揍batter['bætə]n. 内倾,击球手vt. 打坏,猛击,使内倾vi. 猛击,内倾bear[bεə]n. 熊vt. 忍受,负荷,使跌价,怀有,产生vi. 忍受,结果实,转向,开动,压迫beat[bi:t]n. 打,敲打声,拍子vt. vi. 打,打败,搜索a. 疲乏的,颓废的becoming[bi'kʌmiŋ] a. 合适的,适当的beforehand[bi'fɔ:hænd]ad. 预先befuddle[bi'fʌdl]vt. 使昏迷,使迷惑,使迷糊beget[bi'get]vt. 招致,产生,引起begrudge[bi'grʌdʒ]vt. 嫉妒,羡慕,舍不得给,吝惜beguile[bi'gail]vt. 诱骗behave[bi'heiv]vi. 举止,行为,表现vt. 使表现好behavior[bi'heivjə]n. 行为,举止belie[bi'lai]vt. 掩饰,与. . . 不符,使失望believer[bi'li:və]n. 信徒belittle[bi'litl]vt. 轻视,使渺小belligerent[bi'lidʒərənt] a. 好战的,交战的,交战国的benefactor['beni'fæktə]n. 恩人,捐助者,赠送者beneficial['beni'fiʃəl] a. 有益的beneficiary[beni'fiʃəri]n. 受惠者,受益人a. 受封的benefit['benifit]n. 利益vt. 有益于vi. 受益benevolent[bi'nevələnt] a. 慈善的benign[bi'nain] a. 良性的bent[bent] a. 弯曲的,决心的vbl. 弯曲n. 爱好bequest[bi'kwest]n. 遗赠物,遗产,遗赠berate[bi'reit]vt. 严责bereave[bə'riv]vt. 剥夺,使失去beset[bi'set]vt. 围攻,使苦恼,镶嵌besides[bi'saidz]ad. 此外prep. 除. . . 之外besiege[bi'si:dʒ]vt. 围攻,包围bestow[bi'stəu]vt. 授予,适用,留宿,放置,使用betray[bi'trei]vt. 出卖,背叛,辜负,暴露beverage['bevəridʒ]n. 饮料bewilder[bi'wildə]vt. 使不知所措bias['baiəs]n. 偏见,斜线a. ad. 斜(的)vt. 使有偏见bicker['bikə]vi. 斗嘴,潺潺而流,闪动n. 口角,流水声bidding['bidiŋ]n. 命令,邀请,出价bigoted['bigətid] a. 固执己见的,执迷的,顽固的bill[bil]n. 帐单,钞票,鸟嘴,清单,票据,法案vt. 送帐单,宣布biochemistry['baiəu'kemistri]n. 生物化学bizarre[bi'zɑ:] a. 奇异的blame[bleim]n. 过失,责备vt. 责备,归咎于bland[blænd] a. 温和的,乏味的,冷漠的blast[bla:st]n. 阵,一阵风,爆炸,枯萎病vt. 炸,使枯萎vi.猛攻,公开批评,枯萎bleach[bli:tʃ]vt. 漂白vi. 变白n. 漂白,漂白剂bleak[bli:k] a. 萧瑟的,苍白的,荒凉的,阴冷的bleed[bli:d]vi. 流血,悲痛,渗出vt. 使出血,榨取blemish['blemiʃ]n. 污点,缺点vt. 弄脏,玷污,损害blend[blend]vt. 混合n. 混合blessed['blesid] a. 受祝福的blessing['blesiŋ]n. 祝福blink[bliŋk]vi. 眨眼,闪亮vt. 眨眼,使闪亮n. 眨眼,瞬间,闪光n. 闪烁bliss[blis]n. 福佑,天赐的福block[blɔk]n. 街区,木块,石块vt. 阻塞,封锁,使成块状n. blunder['blʌndə]n. 大错,大失策vi. 失策,绊倒,犯错vt. 做错blunt[blʌnt] a. 钝的,坦率的,麻痹的board[bɔ:d]n. 木板,甲板,会议桌,海岸vt. 乘船,供膳食,用板铺vi. 搭伙n. 板boast[bəust]n. 吹牛vi. 吹牛,自夸vt. 夸口说,自恃有boastful['boustful] a. 自夸的,自负,喜夸耀的bold[bəuld] a. 大胆的n. 粗体bombastic[bɔm'bæstik] a. 夸大的,夸夸其谈的bonanza[bou'nænzə]n. 富矿带,带来好运的事物,幸运bond[bɔnd]n. 结合,债券,契约,粘合剂,关栈保留,键,保证人vt. 存入关栈,粘着vi. 结合bondage['bɔndidʒ]n. 奴役,束缚bonus['bəunəs]n. 奖金,红利boon[bu:n]n. 恩惠boredom['bɔ:dəm]n. 厌烦,厌倦,令人厌烦的事物boring['bɔ:riŋ] a. 烦人的,无聊的,无趣的botany['bɔtəni]n. 植物学bound[baund]n. 跃,回跳,范围,边界a. 受约束的,装订的,有义务的,关联的,便秘的,准备去. . . 的,被束缚的vi. 跳跃,弹起vt. 使跳,限止,邻接a. 装订的boundary['baundəri]n. 边界,分界线boundless['baundlis] a. 无限的,无边无际的bow[bau]n. 弓,眼睛框vt. vi. 用弓拉琴,弯成弓形n. 鞠躬,船首,屈服vt. vi. 鞠躬,弯腰brace[breis]n. 支柱,曲柄,支撑,一对vt. 紧缚,支撑,激励vi. 打起精神brag[bræg]n. 吹牛vt. vi. 吹牛brain[brein]n. 脑vt. 打碎脑部brawl[brɔ:l]n. 争吵vi. 争吵,哗哗地流水breach[bri:tʃ]n. 裂口,违背,破坏,破裂,突破,违反vt. 攻破,突破vi. 跳出水面breakdown['breikdaun]n. 崩溃,故障breed[bri:d]n. 种类,品种vt. vi. 养育,引起,饲养,繁殖breeze[bri:z]n. 微风,煤屑,轻而易举的事vi. 吹微风,逃走brew[bru:]n. 酿造酒,酝酿vt. vi. 酿造,酝酿brighten['braitn]vi. 变亮,活跃vt. 使生辉,事快活brim[brim]n. 边,边缘,(河)边vt. 注满,使满溢vi. 满溢brink[briŋk]n. 边缘,水滨brisk[brisk]a. 敏锐的,凛冽的,活泼的vt. 使活泼vi. 活跃起来brittle['britl] a. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的broaden['brɔ:dn]vi. 变宽,扩大vt. 放宽,使扩大bruise[bru:z]n. 瘀伤,擦伤vi. 受伤,擦伤vt. 使受伤,研碎brutal['bru:tl] a. 残忍的,野蛮的,不讲理的bud[bʌd]n. 芽,花蕾vi. 发芽,萌芽vt. 使发芽budge[bʌdʒ]vi. 移动,微微一动vt. 推动n. 羔皮budget['bʌdʒit]n. 预算vi. 编预算vt. 编入预算,安排a. 廉价bulk[bʌlk]n. 大小,体积,大批,大多数vt. 显得大,显得重bulky['bʌlki] a. 庞大的burglar['bə:glə]n. 窃贼burning['bə:niŋ] a. 燃的,烧的,象燃烧一样的n. 烧,燃烧burnish['bə:niʃ]vt. 磨,打磨,磨光vi. 磨光发亮n. 光辉,光泽butt[bʌt]n. 烟头,靶,笑柄butter['bʌtə]n. 奶油,黄油vt. 涂黄油于byword['baiwə:d]n. 谚语,格言,笑柄calamity[kə'læmiti]n. 灾难,不幸事件calculate['kælkjuleit]vt. vi. 计算,考虑,计划,打算caliber['kæləbə]n. 口径,才干,器量cancel['kænsəl]n. 取消,撤消,盖销(邮票)vt. 取消,删去,抵销,盖销vi. 相互抵销candidate['kændidit]n. 候选人,投考者canny['kæni] a. 精明的,谨慎的canvas['kænvəs]n. 帆布,画布,油画capable['keipəbl] a. 有能力的,能的,能干的capacious[kə'peiʃəs] a. 容积大的,广阔的,宽敞的captivate['kæpti'veit]vt. 迷住,迷惑captivity[kæp'tiviti]n. 囚禁,被关carbon['ka:bən]n. 碳,副本,复写纸cardinal['ka:dinl]n. 枢机主教,鲜红色a. 主要的,深红色的career[kə'riə]n. 事业,生涯,速度carnage['ka:nidʒ]n. 大屠杀,残杀carnal['karnəl] a. 肉体的,肉欲的castigate['kæstigeit]vt. 惩罚,苛评,修订casual['kæʒjuəl] a. 偶然的,不经意的,便装的n. 临时工,待命士casualty['kæʒjuəlti]n. 严重事故,伤亡,受害者cataclysm['kætə'klizəm]n. 大洪水,地震,(社会政治的)大变动catastroph e [kə'tæstrəfi]n. 大灾难,大祸catching['kætʃiŋ] a. 易传染的,有魅力的,迷人的categorical[kætə'gɑ:ikl] a. 属于范畴的,绝对的,明确的cathedral[kə'θi:drəl]n. 大教堂catholic['kæθəlik]n. 天主教徒,旧教徒a. 天主教的,旧教的,宽宏大量的,一般的,普遍的cause[kɔ:z]n. 原因,目标vt. 引起,使产生,成为. . . 的原caustic['kɔ:stik]n. 腐蚀剂a. 腐蚀性的cautious['kɔ:ʃəs] a. 谨慎的,小心的cavern['kævən]n. 巨穴,洞窟vt. 放于山洞中,挖空ceaseless['si:slis] a. 不停的,不断的celebrity[si'lebriti]n. 名声,名人celestial[si'lestjəl] a. 天的,天国的,天空的censor['sensə]n. 检查员vt. 检查,审查,删改censure['senʃə]n. 责难vt. 非难,指责centigrade['sentigreid] a. 分为百度的,摄氏的ceremonial['seri'məunjəl]n. 仪式a. 正式的ceremonious[seri'mounjəs] a. 讲究仪式的,隆重的ceremony['seriməni]n. 典礼,仪式,礼节chafe[tʃeif]n. 擦伤,气恼vt. vi. 摩擦,擦痛,激怒chalk[tʃɔ:k]n. 粉笔,白垩vt. 用粉笔写,记录champion['tʃæmpjən]n. 冠军,拥护者,战士vt. 保卫,拥护a. 优胜的chaos['keiɔs]n. 大混乱,混沌chalk[tʃɔ:k]n. 粉笔,白垩vt. 用粉笔写,记录champion['tʃæmpjən]n. 冠军,拥护者,战士vt. 保卫,拥护a. 优胜的chaos['keiɔs]n. 大混乱,混沌character['kæriktə]n. 个性,字元,人物,资格,品格charge[tʃa:dʒ]n. 指控,费用,冲锋,电荷,炸药,嘱咐,被托管人,主管vt. 控诉,加罪于,使承担,充电vi. 冲锋,要价,收费charisma[kə'rizmə]n. 非凡的领导力,教祖般的指导力,神授的能力charitable['tʃærətəbl]adj. 1 a. 慈悲为怀的; 仁慈的,慈善的b. [对…]慈悲 [仁慈] 的[to, toward]2 富于博爱精神[基督教之爱] 的ɔ a. (对人评估时) 宽大 [宽容] 的b. [对…]宽大 [宽容] 的[to, toward]ə(做) 慈善的 <团体> adv. charitably n.charity['tʃæriti]n. 慈悲,博爱,慈善团体,施舍chary['tʃæri] a. 细心的,吝啬的,谨慎的chaste[tʃeist] a. 贞洁的,纯洁的,朴素的chat[tʃæt]n. 闲谈vi. 闲谈,聊天check[tʃek]n. 检查,支票,象棋中将军,行李票vt. 检查,阻止,托运,寄存,核对vi. 逐项相符,开支票cherish['tʃeriʃ]vt. 珍爱,怀有,爱护chide[tʃaid]vt. vi. 斥责,责骂chiefly['tʃi:fli]ad. 主要地chill[tʃil]n. 寒冷,寒意,失意a. 寒冷的,冷漠的vt. 使寒心,冷冻vi. 变冷chilly['tʃili] a. 寒冷的,冷淡的,不友好的chirp[tʃə:p]n. 喳喳声,唧唧声vt. vi. 吱喳而鸣choice[tʃɔis]n. 选择,精选品,选择权a. 精选的,挑三拣四的,可选的choke[tʃəuk]vt. 窒息,阻塞,噎,抑制vi. 窒息,阻塞,噎n.窒息,噎,阻气门choose[tʃu:z]vt. 选择,宁愿,欲vi. 选择,喜欢chop[tʃɔp]n. 厚肉片,排骨,砍,商标,戳记,交换vt. 剁碎,砍,切,割断vi. 砍,突然转向chore[tʃɔ:]n. 零工,家务chorus['kɔ:rəs]n. 合唱队,齐声vt. vi. 齐声说道,合唱chronic['krɔnik] a. 慢性的,习惯性的n. 慢性瞉颊? chuckle['tʃʌkl]n. 吃吃的笑声,轻笑vi. 吃吃的笑,咯咯叫cipher['saifə]n. 零,暗号,阿拉伯数字,无用的东西,密码vt. vi. 计算,做算术circuitous[sə'kju:itəs] a. 迂回的路的,迂曲的,绕行的circular['sə:kjulə] a. 圆形的,循环的,周围的circulate['sə:kjuleit]vi. vt. (使)流通,使)循环,(使)传播circulation['sə:kju'leiʃən]n. 流通,循环,发行量circumference[sə'kʌmfərəns]n. 圆周,周围,胸围circumscri be [sə:kəm'skraib]vt. 在. . . 周围画线,限制circumspe ct ['sə:kəmspekt] a. 细心的,慎重的circumvent[sə:kəm'vent]vt. 绕行,陷害,包围,智取cite[sait]vt. 引用,引证,例证civilian[si'viljən]n. 平民,文官a. 平民的,文官的,民间的clamor['klæmə]n. 喧闹,叫嚷,大声的要求vi. vt. 喧嚷,大声的要求clamp[klæmp]n. 螺丝钳vt. 夹紧,强加clandestin e [klæn'destin] a. 秘密的clarify['klærifai]vi. 澄清,阐明vt. 使明晰clause[klɔ:z]n. 子句,条款clean[kli:n]a. 干净的,清白的,巧妙的ad. 清洁地,完全地vt. 清理,使干净,出空vi. 被搞干净cleanse[klenz]vt. 使清洁,净化,使纯洁cleft[kleft]n. 裂缝,裂口a. 劈开的vbl. 劈开,分开clergy['klə:dʒi]n. 圣职者,牧师,僧侣,神职人员climate['klaimit]n. 气候,民意状况,社会趋势,风土climax['klaimæks]n. 高潮,极点,层进法vi. vt. (使)达到顶点,(使)达到高潮clinch[klintʃ]n. 钉牢vt. vi. 敲弯,扭住cling[kliŋ]vi. 粘紧,附着,紧贴,坚持clinic[klinik]n. 诊所,临床教学clip[klip]n. 修剪,夹,回形针,剪下来的东西vt. 修剪,痛打,夹牢,剪辑vi. 剪报,clog[klɔg]n. 障碍,重物vt. vi. 障碍,阻塞close[kləuz,kləus]n. 结束,完结a. 靠近的,亲近的,亲密的,狭窄的秘密的,关闭的vt. 关,结束,使接近,封闭,使靠近vi. 关闭,结束,靠近ad. 接近地,紧密地v.clot[klɔt]n. 凝块,群vt. vi. (使)凝结,(使)聚集clothing['kləuðiŋ]n. 衣服clumsy['klʌmzi] a. 笨拙的,不雅观的,粗陋的cluster['klʌstə]n. 串,丛,群vi. 成串,丛生vt. 使聚集n. 簇clutter['klʌtə]n. 杂乱vt. 弄乱,混乱coarse[kɔ:s] a. 粗糙的,下等的,粗俗的a. 粗略的coax[kəuks]vt. 哄,诱骗,慢慢的做好vi. 哄骗n. 哄骗coddle['kɔdl]vt. 娇养,溺爱,煮蛋n. 娇生惯养的人,宝贝子弟,娇养衃⒌娜?cogent['kəudʒənt] a. 使人首肯的,使人信服的,切实的cohere[kəu'hir]vi. 附着,粘着,凝聚,符合coherent[kəu'hiərənt] a. 互相密合着的,凝聚性的,连贯的cohesion[kəu'hiʒən]n. 结合,凝聚,内聚cohesive[kou'hi:siv] a. 粘着的coil[kɔil]n. 卷,环绕,骚动vt. 盘绕,卷coin[kɔin]n. 硬币,金钱,货币vt. 铸造,创造,杜撰coincide['kəuin'said]vi. 一致,符合collaborate[kə'læbəreit]vi. 合作,通敌collapse[kə'læps]n. 崩溃,倒塌,虚脱vi. 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解vt. 使倒塌v. 折叠collateral[kə'lætərəl]a. 并行的,附随的,旁系的n. 支亲,副保,附属担保物colloquial[kə'loukwiəl] a. 白话的,口语的,语体的colossal[kə'lɔsl] a. 巨大的,巨像似的combinatio n ['kɔmbi'neiʃən]n. 组合,合并,联合n. 组合图comet['kɔmit]n. 慧星commande r [kə'ma:ndə]n. 司令官,指挥官commence[kə'mens]vt. vi. 开始,倡导commend[kə'mend]vt. 委托给,推荐,嘉奖commentat or ['kɔmenteitə,-mən-](C) 1 注解者2[电视. 广播]时事评论家; 实况报导 [广播] 者commerce['kɔməæ:ɔs]n. 商业,商务,贸易commissio n [kə'miʃən]n. 委任状,任官令,命令,佣金,代办,委托,犯法vt. 委任,委托制作,使服役committee[kə'miti]n. 委员会commodious[kə'moudjəs] a. 宽敞的,方便的communicate[kə'mju:nikeit]vt. 沟通,传达,感染vi. 通讯community[kə'mju:niti]n. 社区,公众,共有,共同体compact['kɔmpækt,kəm'pækt]a. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的vt. 使装满,使简洁vi. 变紧密company['kʌmpəni]n. 公司,友伴,交际,一群,朋友,连队vt. 陪伴vi. 交往comparabl e ['kɔmpərəbl] a. 可比较的,比得上的comparativ e [kəm'pærətiv] a. 比较的,相当的n. 匹敌者compare[kəm'pεə]vt. 比较,比喻,匹敌vi. 相比n. 比较compassio n [kəm'pæʃn](U) (真诚的) 同情 (心) ,怜悯 [on,upon,for]compatible[kəm'pætəbl] a. 能共处的,可并立的,适合的compel[kəm'pel]vt. 强迫,迫使compensation['kɔmpen'seiʃən]n. 补偿,赔偿金,薪资compete[kəm'pi:t]vi. 竞争,对抗competent['kɔmpitənt] a. 能干的,胜任的,有权能的,足够的compile[kəm'pail]vt. 编译,编辑,编纂,搜集n. 编译complaint[kəm'pleint]n. 诉苦,抱怨,控诉compleme nt ['kəmplimənt]n. 补足物,补语,余角vt. 补助,补足complementary[kɔmpli'men'təri] a. 补充的,补足的complete[kəm'pli:t] a. 完全的,熟练的,完成的vt. 完成,完工,使圆complex['kɔmpleks]n. 合成物,情结,复杂a. 复杂的,合成的complicate['kɔmplikeit]vt. 弄复杂,使错综,使起纠纷vi. 变复杂complimen t ['kɔmplimənt]n. 称赞,恭维,致意vt. 称赞,褒扬,恭维complimentary['kamplə'mentəri] a. 问候的,称赞的,夸奖的comply[kəm'plai]vi. 顺从,答应component[kəm'pəunənt]n. 元件,组件,成分a. 组成的,合成的n. 组件composed[kəm'pəuzd] a. 镇静的,沉着的composure[kəm'pəuʒə]n. 镇静,沉着comprehen d ['kɔmpri'hend]vt. 理解,包括comprehensive['kɔmpri'hensiv] a. 广泛的,有理解力的,包容力大的comprise[kəm'praiz]vt. 包含,构成compulsiv e [kəm'pʌlsiv] a. 强制的,强迫的compulsor y [kəm'pʌlsəri] a. 被强制的,强迫的,义务的conceal[kən'si:l]vt. 隐藏,掩盖,掩蔽concede[kən'si:d]vt. 承认,退让vi. 让步conceit[kən'si:t]n. 自负,空想,狂妄conceive[kən'si:v]vt. 构思,以为vi. 怀孕concerned[kən'sə:nd] a. 关心的concert['kɔnsət]n. 音乐会,合奏,一致vt. 协定,协调vi. 协力concerted[kən'sə:tid] a. 商议好的,协定的,预定的concessio n [kən'seʃən]n. 特许,让步,认可conciliator y [kən'siliətəri] a. 安抚的,怀柔的,融和的concise[kən'sais] a. 简洁的,简明的conclude[kən'klu:d]vt. 结束,作结论,推断vi. 结束,断定conclusive[kən'klu:siv] a. 决定性的,确实的,最后的concoct[kən'kɔkt]vt. 混合而制,调合,捏造,编造concrete['kɔnkri:t]n. 水泥,混凝土a. 具体的,实在的,水泥的vt. vi. (使)凝结,(使)结合concur[kən'kə:]vi. 意见相同,一致,互助concurrenc e [kən'kʌrəns]n. 赞同,意见一致,协力concurrent[kən'kʌrənt]n. 同时发生的事件a. 同时发生的,一致的condemn[kən'dem]vt. 判刑,责备,谴责,声讨,处刑condiment['kɔndimənt]n. 调味品condition[kən'diʃən]n. 情况,条件vt. 以. . . 为条件,决定,支配,使适应condone[kən'dəun]vt. 赦,宽恕conduct['kɔndəkt,n. 行为,举动,指导vt. 引导,指挥,管理,实施vi. 引导,传导,指挥cone[kəun]n. 圆锥体,球果vt. 使成锥形confederat e [kən'fedərit]n. 同盟者,同盟国a. 同盟的,联合的vt. vi.(使)联盟,(使)联合confer[kən'fə:]vt. 赠予,协议vi. 协商conference['kɔnfərəns]n. 会议confess[kən'fes]vt. vi. 承认,坦白,忏悔,供认confide[kən'faid]vt. 吐露,信托vi. 信赖confidence['kɔnfidəns]n. 信心confident['kɔnfidənt] a. 有信心的,有把握的confidentia l ['kɔnfi'denʃəl] a. 机密的,获他人信赖的,易于信任他人的confine[kən'fain]vt. 限制,闭居,禁闭n. 边缘,范围,区域confirm[kən'fə:m]vt. 确定,批准,使巩固,使有效v. 确认confiscate['kɔnfiskeit]vt. 没收,充公,查抄a. 被没收的confound[kən'faund]vt. 使混淆,使狼狈,挫败congenial[kən'dʒi:njəl] a. 同性质的,适意的,趣味相同的congested[kən'dʒestid] a. 拥挤的congregate['kɔŋgrigeit]vt. vi. (使)集合,(使)聚集a. 集合在一起的,集体的congressman['kɔŋgresmən]n. 国会议员,众议院议员congruity[kən'gruəti]n. 适合,一致,调和conjure['kʌndʒə,kən'dʒuə]vt. 以咒文召唤,变戏法,想象vi. 变戏法,施魔法vt. 祈求,恳求connivanc e [kə'naivəns]n. 默许,纵容,假装不见connive[kə'naiv]vi. 假装不见,默许,共谋,纵容connoisse ur [kɔ:ni'sə:]n. 鉴识家,鉴定家,内行conscience['kɔnʃəns]n. 良心conscientious['kɔnʃi'enʃəs] a. 有责任心的,负责的,本着良心的conscious['kɔnʃəs] a. 有意识的,知觉的,觉察的consecrate['kɔnsikreit]vt. 供神用,奉献,使神圣a. 被献给神的,神圣的consecutiv e [kən'sekjutiv] a. 连续的,联贯的,始终一贯的consensus[kən'sensəs]n. 一致,交感conservati ve [kən'sə:vətiv] a. 保守的,守旧的,有保存力的conservatory[kən'sə:vətouri] a. 保存性的,有保存力的n. 温室,音乐学校conserve[kən'sə:v]n. 蜜饯,果酱vt. 保存,保全consider[kən'sidə]vt. vi. 考虑,思考,认为considerab le [kən'sidərəbl] a. 相当的,可观的,重要的considerat e [kən'sidərit] a. 体贴的,体谅的,顾虑周到的console[kən'səul]vt. 安慰,藉慰n. 控制台v. 控制台consolidat e [kən'sɔlideit]vt. 巩固,使联合,统一vi. 巩固consort['kɔnsɔ:t,kən'sɔ:t]n. 配偶,夫妻vi. 陪伴,结交,符合vt. 使配对conspicuous[kən'spikjuəs] a. 显著的,显眼的,出众的conspiracy[kən'spirəsi]n. 同谋,阴谋,反叛conspire[kən'spaiə]vi. 阴谋,协力,共谋vt. 图谋constant['kɔnstənt]n. 常数,恒量a. 不变的,一定的,时常的constellation['kɔnstə'leiʃən]n. 星座,灿烂的一群constitute['kɔnstitju:t]vt. 构成,组成,任命constrain[kən'strein]vt. 强迫,勉强,驱使constrict[kən'strikt]vt. 压缩,束紧,使收缩vi. 压缩construct[kən'strʌkt]vt. 构造,建造,想出,作图n. 构成物construe[kən'stru:]vt. 解释,分析,逐字翻译vi. 作句法分析n. 逐字翻译consult[kən'sʌlt]vi. 商讨,商量,协商,会诊vt. 向. . . 请教,查阅,考虑consume[kən'sju:m]vt. 消耗,消费,消灭vi. 消灭,毁灭consumer[kən'sju:mə]n. 消费者contagious[kən'teidʒəs] a. 传染性的,会蔓延的,会传播的container[kən'teinə]n. 容器,集装箱contaminat e [kən'tæmineit]vt. 弄污,弄脏,毒害,传染,染污contemn[kən'tem]vt. 侮辱,蔑视contemplat e ['kɔntempleit]vt. 注视,沉思,打算vi. 冥思苦想contemptible[kən'temptəbl] a. 卑鄙的,可轻蔑的,不足齿的contemptuous[kən'temptjuəs] a. 轻蔑的,侮辱的,瞧不起人的contend[kən'tend]vi. 奋斗,斗争,竞争vt. 为. . . 斗争content['kɔntent,kən'tent]n. 内容,满足,意义,要旨a. 满足的,满意的,意义的vt. 使. . . 满足,使. . . 安心continent['kɔntinənt]n. 大陆,洲a. 自制的contingent[kən'tindʒənt]a. 或许发生的,附随的,暂时的n. 偶然的事情,分遣队continually[kən'tinjuəli]ad. 不断地,频繁地contour['kɔntuə]n. 轮廓vt. 画轮廓a. 与轮廓相符的contract['kɔntrækt,kən'trækt]n. 合约,婚约,契约vt. 使缩短,感染,缔结,承包,订约vi. 订约,承包contradict['kɔntrə'dikt]vt. 反驳,与. . . 抵触,与. . . 矛盾vi. 反驳contrast['kɔntræst,kən'træst]n. 差别,对比,对照物vt. 使对比vi. 成对照contravene['kɔntrə'vi:n]vt. 1 违反,违背,冒犯 <习惯、法律等>2 a. 反驳,反对 <议论、陈述等> b. 与<主义等>矛contrite['kɔntrait] a. 悔悟了的,后悔的,痛悔的contrive[kən'traiv]vt. vi. 发明,设计,图谋controversial['kɔntrə'və:ʃəl] a. 争论的,论争的,被议论的。









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1240 words; 402 groupsVocabulary Notes学习备注AabandonabandonmentAbundanceAbundantAccelerateAcceleratingaccessAccommodateAccompanyAccompanimentAccumulateAdaptAdaptableAdaptationAptaptlyAdeptAdoptOptionAdjustmentAdorn AdornmentAdverse Adversely AdversityAdvocateAesthetic AestheticallyAffect AffectedAlienAlloyAllyAlternative AlterAltitude Latitude AncestorAnnual AnnuallyAntiquate Antiquated AntiquityAppeal Appealing Appeal toApproachArchaeological ArchaeologyArmyArrayArtificialArtisanAscendDescendAscentAssembleresembleAssumeAssumptionAttachAttachedAttachmentAttainAttainmentAuroraAurora lightAvailablePrevailAvocationalVocationVacationAt the cutting edge of At one sessionAt intervalsAs a ruleAs a rule of thumbAs far north asAs suchAll butAll inclusiveA pivotal figureA premium priceA range ofBBarkBarnBarrenBarrierBasinBeamBlanketBlastBlockBlocksBoomBoonBowbowlBreezeBrillianceBucklebulkBy farBy a factor of Break all ties withBe characterized by Be taken byBe up toCCapacity CapabilityCarbohydrateCarnival CarnivorousCastCast offCastingCategoryCavityCeremonial CeremonyChamber Chamber musicChaosChillChillyChimpanzee GorillaChiselChopChoppyChordCordCirculate Circulation Circulation deskCivilianCivilityCivil rightClassification ClassifyClusterCoexistCohesion CohesiveCoilCoincide CoincidentCombustible CombustionCommissionCommonsenseCommunity CommunallyCompactCompeting CompetitivenessComplement ComplementaryComplex Complicated ComponentComposed of CompositionCompoundCompressCompriseConceptionConeConfine to ConfinementConflict ConflictingConfront EffronteryConiferConsequenceConserve ConservativeConstantConstituent Constitute Constitution ConstitutionalConstrain ConstraintConstrict ConstrictedConsumptionContainerContextContract Contraction ContractorConventional ConventionallyConvergeConvert ConverterConvict Convinced ConvincingCoral reef CoralsCoreCorrosion CorrodecosmicComic book comiccometCostumeCounteract Counterbalance CounterpartCrackCraft CraftspeopleCrudeCrude oilCrust CrustaceanCrystalline crystallizedCurriculumExtra curriculumConsort with Comply withCode of lawsDDawnAt the dawn ofDecline DecliningDecorate Decoration DecorativeDeference DeferentialDeform DeformationDegradation DegradeDehydrate DehydratedDeliberate Delicate DemolishDenseDensityDeposit Depression DeriveDescend Descendant DescentDestructionDetect DetectableDeterminantDeter DeterrentDevastate Devastation DeviceDiagonal DiagonallyDictate Diction Differentiate dinosaur Discard Discharge Dispense DisperseDistinct Distinction Distinctive Distinctively DistinctlyDistribute DistributionDiversification Diversified Diversion Diversity Divergence DiverDocumentationdomains Dominant Dominate DomesticDroughtDurableDraft animalDevoid ofDash offEEclipseSolar eclipseEcosystemElaborate ElaboratelyElectron NeutronEligibleElusiveEludeEmerge Emergence EmergingImmigrantEmissionEmitEngrave EngravingEnormousEnterprise Enterprising entrepreneurEnzymeErodeErosion Eruption Evaporate EvergreenEvident EvidenceEvolution EvolveExceedexcelExceptional ExceptionallyExcess ExcessiveExclusive ExclusionExecution ExecutiveExpand ExpansionExpenditureExplicitImplicitExtendExtended ExtensiveExternalExtinct Extinction distinctExtractExpress Expressive Express business Express trainFFacilitate Facilitation FacilityfacultyFactorFactionFeasibleFertileFertilize FertilizedFlexibility FlexibleFloatFlock toFluctuation fluxForage Forager Forge ForgeryFormat Formation Formalized Formulate FormulaFortFortify FosterFragile Fragility Fragment FractureFreightFringe marginFrustrate Frustrating FrustrationFunctioning FunctionFungi FungusFused Fusion FuseFrom a farFollow suitField researchFeed onGGalaxyGalleryGeneticGeneticallyGenerousGenuinelyGenuineGirderBeamGlacialGlacierGlandGlandularGravityGravitationalGrazeGrazing landGymnasticGymnasiumGo against the grain to Go brokeGive way toGet in the way ofHHabitatHabitHauntHauntedHighlightspotlightHomogeneousHorizonHorizontal HypothesisHeritageBequestLegacyHeavenHavenHold a large stake Hands onHands offIIdentical Identifiable IdentifyidentityideologyIlluminate IlluminationIllusionIllustrate Imaginary Imaginative ImmenseImmuneImmunityImpartImpersonal Impersonate Impersonation interpersonalImplicationimplyexplicitImportExportImposeImposingImpressiveImprovise ImprovisationInadequateIncongruity Incongruous IncorporateIndispensable DispensableInducible InductionIndustrialization IndustrializedIngenious IngeniouslyIngredientInhabitInhabitantInhibitInsightInspectionInspiration InspireInstinctively Institution InstitutionalizeInstructive InstrumentalistInsulation Isolation Isolated InsultingIntegral Integrate IntegratedIntense IntensiveIntentInteraction Interact withInterconnected InterconnectingInterdependent InterdependenceInteriorInferior InterlockingInternal ExternalIntoxication toxicnoxiousIntricate IntricatelyIntriguing IntrigueIntruder Intruding Intrusion InvadeInvertebrate VertebrateIrreverent IrreverenceIrrigate irrigationIn accord with In commonIn scaleIn term ofJJunctionJealousy zealousJournal JournalismKKeenKernel KeroseneLLaborious LaboriouslyLandscape Landmass LandslideLarvaeLavalaveLavatoryLatitude AltitudelayerLegumeLimestoneLimeLivelihood Living quarters QuarterLocomote Locomotion LocomotiveLogDialogueLumberTimberLuminosity LuminousLureallureLyricLong rangeLong range missileLight bulbBulbLiableLitter withLearn by roteMMagnitudeMagnifyMajorityMinorityMakeupMalleable MalleabilityMammalMammothManeuverManualmanipulate ManipulativeMantlemarginFringeMarineMaritimeMassiveMassMechanical MechanismMedia MediumMercantile Merchandise MerchantMetabolic MetabolismMeteorite Meteorologist AstrologyMetropolitanMicroorganismMicroscope MicroscopicMigrate Migration Emigrate Emigrant ImmigrantmimeMimeticMiniature Minimize Minuscule MinuteModerate ModerationModeModifyMolecular MoleculeMeltMoltenMonopolize MonochromaticMotifMotivation MotiveMultipleMultiply Multifaceted Multistory Multistory MultitudeMundaneDaneMunicipalMyriadMythMythology MysteriousMud mortarMost distinctiveNNarratorNarrateNeuronNeutronNeuterNucleiNucleusNickelDimeQuarterNoteScoreNot … so much as … Not as yetNerve cordNative toOObscureObscureCureOccurrenceOccurOffshoreOffspringOnsetSet onOpaqueAquaticOpticalOptimalOptimumOrganically OrganismOrganOrganicOriginality OriginateOriginOriental OrientationOrnamental Ornamentation AdornAdornmentDecorateDecorative AestheticOutputOverlap OverlappingOverwhelm OverwhelminglyOutbreak Outlet Overload Oversee OvertaxedOf scaleObject toPPackPackedPanePanelPantsParaphrase ParasitePasturePatentPatron Patronage PatrolPeculiarity peculiarPenetratingPerceive PerceptionPerishable PerishPerspective PigmentPitPlankChunkPlasterPlate Platitude PlatitudinousPoisonousPollen Pollination Pollinator Pollutant PollutePossess PossessionPotential PotencyPrecedePrecipitate PrecipitationPrecursorPredatoryPredominate Dominate PredominantlyPrehistoricPreservation PreservativePrestige Prevail PrevailingPrimal Primarily PrimatePrimeHeyday PrimitivePriority PrivilegeProceed Process ProclaimProdigious ProdigyProduceProliferation ProlificProminence ProminentPronouncedProperty ProprietorshipProponentProportionProsper Prosperity ProsperousPublicizePuebloPunch PuncturePry openProd sb. intoPreside overPostal servicePopular tuneQQuestQuarryQuarrelQuiescent QuietRRadiation Radical RadiusRaftRanchingRangeRang from… to… RealmReceptacle ReceptorRecipient RecipeReconstruct ReconstructionRectangular RectangleRefine RefinementRefreshing RefreshmentRegime RegimentationRegulate RegulatoryRejectRelease Replace Replenish RepresentationProduce ProductiveResembleRespective RespectivelyRestorationRestrict RestrictionRetailRetailerRetainRetreatRevealReverseReviseRevivalRevive RevitalizationRidgeRangeRitualRoostRoosterRudimentaryRuralSSanction Sanctuary SanctimoniousSatireSatiricScarceScaredSceneryScenicScentScratchSculptor Sculptural SculptureSeabedSectSectional SectorSediment SilicateSkullSliceSlopeSolderSoldierSolidarity SolidifySolidSoluble SolutionSophisticated SophisticationSpan overSparseSpecies Specification Specialized SpecimenSpectacular Spectacularly SpectatorSphere SphericalSpinalSpinal cord Spiral Spontaneous Spontaneously SproutSpurStabilize Stagecoach StapleStarvation StarveStatusSteepStrand StretchStriking StrikinglyString StringentStripStriveSubject to SubjectedSubmergeSubside Subsidize SubsidySubsist SubsistenceSubstantial SubstantiveSubstituteSubtleSuccessiveSufficientSummitSupreme SupremelySustain SustainedSwampSwarmSweepingSymbiotic symmetricalStock car racing Stand in the way of Speculate about Social distinction Slow breedingShort rangeSet aside forSea cucumberSelf sufficientTTavernTectonics Temporarily TenementTerminologyTermTerraceTerrainTerrestrialTextileTextureThreadTimberTimbreTolerance TolerateTopographical TopographyToxicToxinTraceTrackTrail TranscendTransfer Transform TransformationTranslucent transparentTransmit TransmitterTremendous TrembleTrendTread on TriggerTubeTurnpikeToll gateTwineTwistTorrential rainTo and froTime consuming Three dimensionalTestify toattestTake into accountUUndergoUndertakeUnravelUnprecedented Unpredictable UnpromisingUnsubstantiatedUpgradeUpdateUrbanSuburbUrbanismUrbanite Urbanize UrbanizationUtilityUtilitarian Utilization UtilizeFamily utilitiesVVaultVariableVarianceVegetationVerseVersionVertebrate mammalVesselViralVirusVolcanic VolcanoVulnerable volunteerWWardWard offWarehouse WareWaryWary of WatercourseWeather WeatheringWell being Well organizedWholesale WholesomeWillowpillowWrapWrap upYYield Yield toYawn YarnZ zealous jealous。




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新东方TOEFL托福词汇词根+联想 LRC歌词03

新东方TOEFL托福词汇词根+联想 LRC歌词03
[02:55.40]awkward a.笨拙的;尴尬的 别扭的
[03:00.00]axis n.轴,轴线;第二颈椎
[03:03.52]babylonian a.巴比伦的,罪恶的
[03:06.79]backlighting 逆光
[03:09.72]bake vt.烤,烘,焙;烧硬
[03:13.94]balcony n.阳台 包厢
[02:30.22]aviation n.航空,航空学,飞行
[02:35.89]avoid vt.避免;回避,躲开
[02:40.61]aware a.知道的,意识到的
[02:44.90]awareness n.认识;意识,注意
[02:49.10]awful a.令人不愉快的 不舒服的 糟糕的,可怕的
[00:34.56]athlete n.运动员
[00:37.66]atmosphere n.大气层,气氛,环境,空气
[00:43.26]atomic adj.原子的,原子能的
[00:47.91]attach vt.系,缚,连接,贴上,依附于
[00:55.09]attain vt.达到,获得,完成
新东方TOEFL托福词汇词根+联想 LRC歌词03
[00:13.54]assume vt.假定 承担
[00:17.78]assure vt.确保 使确信;向…保证
[00:21.96]asteroid a.星状的;(天)小行星
[00:25.98]astronomy n.天文学
[00:29.52]asymmetrical a.不均匀的,不对称的
[02:08.81]automobile n.汽车,机动车
[02:11.14]available a.可利用的,可得到的,有效的,有空的



人大经济论坛特供---考研考博与留学专版-----词频释义表俞敏洪1A……第二页1B……第二页2A……第四页2B……第六页3A……第八页3B……第十页4A……第十二页4B……第十三页5A……第十五页5B……第十七页Aa pivotal figure (关键)人物pivot 轴心premium n.保险金 a.高级的,高价的a premium student 优秀学生a range of 一系列的东西(有顺序)a range from sth. to sth. 从...到...范围,排列不等abandon 抛弃,放纵 abandonment n. abbreviate v. 缩短,缩写 abbreviation n. abrasion n.磨损abstract (ab-去掉,stract 拉)a.抽象的 n.概要absurd a.荒谬的abundance (und-波浪) n.丰富,多'麦浪翻滚'undulate/fluctuate 波动accelerate (celer-速度)v.加速,不断增长celerity速度decelerate v.减速have access to 能够接触,靠近you have access to the libraryaccessible a.可靠近的acclaim v.欢呼,欢迎 acclaimed a.受人欢迎的accommodate v.给人提供食宿;与...相符,适应 (commod- 方便) commodity 商品accommodating a.乐于助人的accompany v.陪伴,伴奏 accompanist 伴奏者accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏accord v.和谐一致 (-ion琴)accordion 手风琴accumulate(cumul-堆积)v.聚堆积 cumulus 积云accustom v.使习惯 get accustomed to sth.customs海关tariff关税acquaintance n.熟悉,认识acronym(acr-高,-onym词)n.首字母缩略词acute a.敏锐的性急的,急性病chronic慢性病adapt v.适应环境 adaptable 能适应的adaptation 适应,改写本addictive a.(吸毒)上瘾的addict (dict-被命令做某事)v.使沉迷additive (add-加)添加剂,附加的adept a.老练的adjoining/ adjacent a.邻近的,毗邻的adjust (just-正确)v.调整,校准 adjustment n.adobe n.土坯,印第安人造房原料abode n.住所,住房adopt (opt-选择)v.收养,采纳 adoption n.adornment (orn-饰)n. 装饰 ornamentation 饰品advent n.来到 adventure n.冒险with the advent of 21 century随着21世纪的到来adverse(-verse转)a.不利的,逆反的~ wind 逆风~influence 不利影响adversity n.灾难,不幸,逆境 adversary n.对手,敌手advocate v./n.支持,拥护(者)esthetic a.感觉的 anesthetic (an-无)a.麻醉的aesthetic a.美感的,美学的affect v.影响,假装severe strom adversely affect our study affected a.装模作样的 affection n.友爱,友情affectation n.假装affiliate(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)v.变成...的儿子,和...联合,加盟进去,附加 filiale 子公司 filial 子女的,孝顺的afflict(flict-打击)v.折磨 conflict n.冲突affluent(flu-流动) a.富有的,丰富的agravating(grav-重)a.一再恶化的 gravity 重力gravitation 万有引力aggregate (greg-团体,是group的变体)v.总计aggregation n. 集合 gregarious a.群居的,社交的agitation n.激动,煽动 agitate v. 鼓动akin(-kin亲情关系) ~ to 和...相近,关系密切alchemy(chem-化学)n. 炼金术 chemistry 化学alder 赤杨树 older 老人坐在赤杨树下sloth 树懒algae n.海藻 algal a.alien n.外国人 alienate v.疏远all but + a. almost几乎+n. all except 除...之外所有的all inclusive 无所不包的allocate(loc-地方)v.分配(财富)alloy n.合金ally n.联盟,盟军alternate v.交替 alternative a.二中选一的altitude (-alt高)n. 高度 exalt 晋升,赞扬latitude 纬度,自由空间 longitude 经度aluminum 铝ambiance(ambi-两边) n.周围,氛围amenable a.负责任的,应服从的amiable a.和蔼可亲的amplify(ampl-大)v.放大 amplifier 扩音器ancestor(an-在前面ces-走)祖先annihilate(nihil-变成零)v.消灭,歼灭nihility虚无annual a.一年一度的anomaly (norm-规范)n.异常的人或物anonymous(an-无onym-名字)a.匿名的antibiotics(anti-抗bio-生理)a.抗生素的antiquate v.使古旧,废弃antique古董,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的 antiquity 古代apart from 除...之外besides;aside fromappeal v.上诉,呼吁,吸引力(to)appealing有吸引力的apprentice n.学徒,一再锻炼的人(practise)approach v. 接近(to sb.),方法aptly a.恰当的,得体的aquatic a.水的,水生的 aquarium 水族馆arch n.弧形,拱形门,主要的archaeology(archae-古代)n.考古学archipelago(archi-主要的)n.群岛以o结尾的词大量是意大利语,如:女高音-女中音-女低音 soprano-mezzo-alto architect n.建筑师arduous(ard-热情-ous过多)a.费劲的,劳累的 ardent n.热情arena n.斗牛场,竞技场arid a.干旱的armature n.盔甲armoraromatic a. 芬芳的 aroma n.芳香array(ray光线)v. 排列arthritis(arth-关节-itis炎症)关节炎arthrosis n.关节 hepatitis n.肝炎artificial a.人造的artisan(-san人)n.工匠,艺人 partisan游击队党徒as a rule 通常,总的来说as a whole/generallyas a rough thumb(拇指)大概来说as far as 就...来说;远到China's border is as far north as Mohe.中国边界北部远达漠河。

托福背单词 词频2.0最终版

托福背单词 词频2.0最终版

俞敏洪 《托标注生词 词性Aa pivotal figure n.premium n.a premium student n.a range ofa range from sth. to sth.abandon v.abbreviate v.abrasion n.abstract a.absurd a.abundance n.accelerate v.celerity n.have access toaccessible a.acclaim v.accommodate v.accommodating a.accompany v.accompaniment n.accord v.accumulate v.accustom v.customs n.acquaintance n.acronym n.acute a.adapt v.adaptation n.addictive a.addict v.additive n. adept a. adjoining/ adjacent a. adjust v. adobe n. abode n. adopt v. adornment n. advent n. with the advent of 21 century adverse a. adversity n. advocate v./n. esthetic a. anesthetic a. aesthetic a. affect v. affection n. affected a. affectation n. affiliate v. filiale n. filial a. afflict v. conflict n. affluent a. agravating a. gravitation n. aggregate v. aggregation n. agitation n. akin a. alchemy n. alder n.sloth n. algae n. alien n. all but + a. ad. all but + n. ad. all inclusive a. allocate v. alloy n. ally n. alternate v. altitude n. latitude n. aluminum n. ambiance n. amenable a. amiable a. amplify v. ancestor n. annihilate v. annual a. anomaly n. anonymous a. antibiotics a. antiquate v. antiquated a. apart from ad. appeal v. appealing a. apprentice n. approach v. aptly a. aquatic a. arch n. archaeology n.archipelago n. soprano/mezzo/alto n. architect n. arduous a. ardent n. arena n. arid a. armature n. aromatic a. array v. arthritis n. arthrosis n. artifical a. artisan n. as a rule ad. as a rough thumb ad. as far as ad. as such ad. ascend v. descend v. ascribe to v. aspiring a. aspiration n. respire v. inspiration n. assemble v. assert v. associate v. assorted a. assume v. assumption n. assure v. assurance n. insurance n.astounding a.astute a.at intervals ad.at one session ad.at the cutting age of ad.atomization n.attach v.attain v.detain v.attire n.attribute to v.auditorium n.auger n.automated/automatic a.available a.prevail v.aviation n.avocational a.vacation n.aware v.awkward a. Bbackdrop n.ballet n.balmy a.barb n.barge n.bark n.barn n.bare n.barrier n.barter n./v.barter for v.basement n.be characterized by v. be taken aback v. be taken by v. be up to v. beak n. beam n. bequest n. besiege v. bestow v. bias n. bitterness n. bizarre a. blanket n. blast n. blazing a. blaze n. bleak a. blend v. bless v. block n. blossom n. blues n. bluff n. blunt a. bolster n. boom v. boon n. boost v. bored a. boundary n. bow n. breach n. breeze n. brilliant a.briny/salty a.briskly ad.brittle a.bronze n.bubble n.buckle n.buckle up v.buggy n.bulk n.bundle v.burdensome a.burgeon v.burrow n.bust n.bustle v.by a factor of 2 ad.by far ad. Ccab n.cabinet n.cactus n.calibration n.campaign n.cannibalism n.canopy n.canyon n.gorge n.valley n.capability n.capacity n.carapace n.carbohydric n.cardiac n.cargo n.carnival n. carnivore n. carve v. cast v. casting n. category n. cater v. cater to v. cathedral n. cavern n. cavity n. cease v. celestial a. cell n. cello n. census n. ceremony n. chafe v. chamber n. chamber music n. chaos n. charcoal/char n. charter n. chateau n. check n./v. chill n. chimpanzee n. chisel n./v. cavalry n. chop v. choppy a. cord/chord n. circulate v. circulation desk n.circumscribe vt. cite vt. civilian n. civility n. civil right n. claim v. clam n. clamor n. clan n. classification n. clay n. cliff n. cling to v. clockwise a. clumsy a. cluster n. code of law n. codify v. coexist v. cohabit v. cohesion n. coincide v. collaborate v. collective a. collide v. colossus n. combustible a. combustion n. comet n. commision n./v. committed a. commit crime n. commodity n. commonsense a.communal a. commuter n. commute v. compact a./n. companion n. comparable a. compatible a. compel v. compensation n. compensate for v. competing brand n. competitive a. compile v. complacence n. complement v./n. complex a. complicated a. comply with v. component n. compose of v. composition n. compound n. compress v. comprise v. conceal v. concede v. conceive v. conception/concept n. concern v. concerted a. concise a. concrete n. condense v. condor n.conductivity n. cone n. confederate n. configurate v. configuration n. confine to v. confirm v. conflict v. confront v. congenial a. congestion n. congregate v. conifer n. conjecture n./v. consecutive a. persecute v. consequence n. consequent a. consequently ad. conservation n. conservative a. considerably ad. considerate a. consortium n. constantly ad. constitution n. constrain v. constrict v. construction n. consume n. consumer n. contemporary a. contend v. content n.contest v. continental a. continuum n. contract v. contradict v. contribution n. controversial a. controversy n. convention n. converge v. converse v. convex a. convey v. convict v. conviction n. coordinated a. copy v. coral n. cord n. corona n. corps n. corral v. correspondingly ad. corridor n. corset n. cosmic a. cosmopolitan a. costume n. council n. counterbalance v. counterpart n. course n. cowhand n. crab n.crack v.craft n.crash v.crater n.crawl v.creature n.credit n.crew n.crisscross v.crossbones n.crippling a.criteria n.critical a.crooked a.crowbar n.crucial a.crude a.crumple v.crunch v.crush v.crust n.crustacean n.crystal n.cubic a.culminate v.cumbrous a.curator n.curriculum n.custodian n.cuticle n.cylinder n. Ddash v.daunting a.dawn v. dazzling a. debate v. debris n. declaration n. decline n./v. decorate v. defecate/defaecate v. deference n. deficiency n. deform v. deft/adept a. degradation n. dehydrate v. deliberate a. delicate a. delta n. demobilize v. demolish v. dense a. depict v. deplete v. deposit v. depredation n. depreciation n. depression n. unti-depressant n. derive v. desalination v. descend v. descendent a. designate v. desirable a. desirous a.despoil a. destruction n. detect v. deter v. deteriorate v. determinant a. devastate v. devastator n. device n. devoid of a. devour v. devout a. diagonal n. diameter n. dictate v. diction n. differentiate v. diffuse v. digest v. digress v. dilute v. diminish v. dinosaur n. discard v. discern v. discernable a. discharge v. discipline n. discourage v. discourse n. discreet a. disintegrate v. dispense v.disposal n. disposed a. disproportionate a. dispute n./v. disputant n. disrepute n. disseminate v. dissipate v. dissipated a. dissolve v. distent a. distinct a. distinctive a. distort v. distract v. distribute v. diver n. diverge v. diverse a. diversify v. diversion n. documentation n. dodge n./v. dogma n. dolphin n. domain n. domestic a. dominant a. domination n. dormant a. dorsal a. drag animal n. drain v.dramatic a.drawback n.drill v.drought n.ductile a.dump v.durable a.dwarf n. Eeccentric a.eclipse n.ecological a.economize v.edentate n.edible a.edifice n.eject v.elaborate v.elaborately ad.electron n.elegance n.elevation n.elicit v.eligible a.eliminate v.elite n.elixir/panacea n.elliptical a.elusive a.elude v.embed v.embellish v.emboss v.embryology n.emerge v. emergency n. emigrate v. emission v. employ v. enact v. encloseing a. encounter v. engrave v. enormous a. entangle v. enterprise n. entity n. entrepreneur n. environment n. enzyme n. epidermis n. dermatology n. epoch n. equilibrium n. equivalence n. erect v./a. erosion n. corrade v. eruption n. eternal a.《托 福 词 汇 考 频》释义(关键)人物 pivot 轴心保险金 a.高级的,高价的优秀学生一系列的东西(有顺序)从...到...范围, 排列不等抛弃,放纵 abandonment n.缩短,缩写 abbreviation n.磨损抽象的(ab-去掉,stract 拉) n.概要荒谬的丰富(und-波浪)加速,不断增长 (celer-速度)速度decelerate v.减速能够接触,靠近 you have access to the library可靠近的欢呼,欢迎 acclaimed a.受人欢迎的给人提供食宿;与之相符,适应 (commod- 方便)乐于助人的陪伴,伴奏 accompanist 伴奏者陪伴物,伴奏和谐一致 (-ion琴)accordion 手风琴聚堆积(cumul-堆积) cumulus 积云使习惯 get accustomed to sth.海关 tariff关税熟悉,认识首字母缩略词(acr-高,-onym词)敏锐的;性急的,急性病chronic慢性病适应环境 adaptable 能适应的适应,改写本(吸毒)上瘾的使沉迷(dict-被命令做某事)添加剂,附加的(add-加)老练的邻近的,毗邻的调整,校准(just-正确) adjustment n.土坯,印第安人造房原料住所,住房收养,采纳(opt-选择) adoption n.装饰(orn-饰) ornamentation 饰品来到 adventure n.冒险随着21世纪的到来不利的,逆反的(-verse转) ~ wind 逆风~ influence 不利影响灾难,不幸,逆境 adversary n.对手,敌手支持,拥护(者)感觉的麻醉的 (an-无)美感的,美学的影响,假装 severe strom adversely affect our study友爱,友情,影响装模作样的假装和...联合,加盟进去,附加(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)子公司子女的,孝顺的折磨(flict-打击)冲突富有的,丰富的 (flu-流动)一再恶化的(grav-重) gravity 重力万有引力总计 (greg-团体,是group的变体)集合 gregarious a.群居的,社交的激动,煽动 agitate v. 鼓动和之相近,关系密切(-kin亲情关系) ~ to炼金术(chem-化学) chemistry 化学赤杨树 older 老人坐在赤杨树下树懒海藻 algal a.外国人 alienate v.疏远almost几乎all except 除...之外所有的无所不包的分配(财富)(loc-地方)合金联盟,盟军交替 alternative a.二中选一的高度(-alt高) exalt 晋升,赞扬纬度,自由空间 longitude 经度铝周围,氛围(ambi-两边)负责任的,应服从的和蔼可亲的放大(ampl-大) amplifier 扩音器祖先(an-在前面ces-走)消灭,歼灭(nihil-变成零) nihility虚无一年一度的异常的人或物(norm-规范)匿名的(an-无onym-名字)抗生素的(anti-抗bio-生理)使古旧,废弃antique古董,过时的陈旧的 antiquity 古代除...之外besides;aside from上诉,呼吁,吸引力(to)有吸引力的学徒,一再锻炼的人(practise)接近(to sb.),方法恰当的,得体的水的,水生的 aquarium 水族馆弧形,拱形门,主要的考古学(archae-古代)群岛(archi-主要的) 以o结尾的词大量是意大利语女高音-女中音-女低音建筑师费劲的,劳累的(ard-热情-ous过多)热情斗牛场,竞技场干旱的盔甲 armor芬芳的 aroma n.芳香排列(ray光线)关节炎(arth-关节-itis炎症)关节 hepatitis n.肝炎人造的工匠,艺人(-san人) partisan游击队党徒通常,总的来说as a whole/generally(拇指)大概来说就...来说;远到 China's border is as far north as Mohe.北部远达漠河。

当代英语语料库20000词频表 详细说明

当代英语语料库20000词频表 详细说明

当代英语语料库20000词频表详细说明Contemporary English Language Corpus 20000 Word Frequency Table – Detailed ExplanationIntroductionThe Contemporary English Language Corpus, also known as the CELEX database, is a comprehensive collection of language data that is widely used by linguists, language researchers, and scholars for various purposes. One of the key features of the CELEX database is the word frequency table, which provides information on how frequently different words occur in the English language. In this article, we will delve into the CELEX 20000 Word Frequency Table and offer a detailed explanation of its significance and utility.Overview of the CELEX 20000 Word Frequency TableThe CELEX 20000 Word Frequency Table is a compilation of the 20000 most frequently used words in the English language, based on data extracted from a variety of sources such as written texts, transcribed speech, and other forms of language data. The table provides information on the frequency of each word, including the number of times it appears in the corpus, its rank interms of frequency, and additional linguistic information such as part of speech, lemma, and grammatical category.Significance of the CELEX 20000 Word Frequency TableThe CELEX 20000 Word Frequency Table offers valuable insights into the patterns and structures of the English language, allowing researchers to analyze and understand how words are used in different contexts. By studying word frequencies, linguists can uncover important information about the core vocabulary of the language, the distribution of words across different genres and registers, and the ways in which words are combined to create meaning.Furthermore, the frequency table can be used to identify key lexical items in the English language, providing a basis for language teaching, vocabulary building, and text analysis. By focusing on the most common words in the language, educators can help learners develop a solid foundation of vocabulary that is essential for communication and comprehension.Utility of the CELEX 20000 Word Frequency TableThe CELEX 20000 Word Frequency Table is a valuable resource for a wide range of applications, including corpus linguistics, computational linguistics, natural languageprocessing, and language teaching. Researchers can use the frequency table to conduct quantitative analyses of language data, explore patterns of word usage, and investigate linguistic phenomena such as collocations, word associations, and semantic relations.In addition, the frequency table can be used to develop language models, linguistic resources, and computational tools that support various language processing tasks, such as information retrieval, machine translation, text mining, and sentiment analysis. By leveraging the information provided in the frequency table, researchers can build sophisticated language models that accurately reflect the structure and dynamics of the English language.ConclusionIn conclusion, the CELEX 20000 Word Frequency Table is a valuable resource for researchers, educators, and language enthusiasts who are interested in exploring the nuances of the English language. By providing a detailed breakdown of word frequencies and linguistic properties, the frequency table offers important insights into the core vocabulary of the language, the distribution of words in different contexts, and the patterns of word usage across varied genres and registers.Overall, the CELEX 20000 Word Frequency Table serves as a comprehensive reference for studying language data, investigating linguistic phenomena, and developing language resources and tools that enhance our understanding of the English language. By leveraging the valuable information provided in the frequency table, researchers can gain a deeper appreciation of the intricacies of language and its role in communication, expression, and cognition.。

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俞敏洪 《托标注生词 词性Aa pivotal figure n.premium n.a premium student n.a range ofa range from sth. to sth.abandon v.abbreviate v.abrasion n.abstract a.absurd a.abundance n.accelerate v.celerity n.have access toaccessible a.acclaim v.accommodate v.accommodating a.accompany v.accompaniment n.accord v.accumulate v.accustom v.customs n.acquaintance n.acronym n.acute a.adapt v.adaptation n.addictive a.addict v.additive n. adept a. adjoining/ adjacent a. adjust v. adobe n. abode n. adopt v. adornment n. advent n. with the advent of 21 century adverse a. adversity n. advocate v./n. esthetic a. anesthetic a. aesthetic a. affect v. affection n. affected a. affectation n. affiliate v. filiale n. filial a. afflict v. conflict n. affluent a. aggravating a. gravitation n. aggregate v. aggregation n. agitation n. akin a. alchemy n. alder n.sloth n. algae n. alien n. all but + a. ad. all but + n. ad. all inclusive a. allocate v. alloy n. ally n. alternate v. altitude n. latitude n. aluminum n. ambiance n. amenable a. amiable a. amplify v. ancestor n. annihilate v. annual a. anomaly n. anonymous a. antibiotics a. antiquate v. antiquated a. apart from ad. appeal v. appealing a. apprentice n. approach v. aptly a. aquatic a. arch n. archaeology n.archipelago n. soprano/mezzo/alto n. architect n. arduous a. ardent n. arena n. arid a. armature n. aromatic a. array v. arthritis n. arthrosis n. artifical a. artisan n. as a rule ad. as a rough thumb ad. as far as ad. as such ad. ascend v. descend v. ascribe to v. aspiring a. aspiration n. respire v. inspiration n. assemble v. assert v. associate v. assorted a. assume v. assumption n. assure v. assurance n. insurance n.astounding a.astute a.at intervals ad.at one session ad.at the cutting age of ad.atomization n.attach v.attain v.detain v.attire n.attribute to v.auditorium n.auger n.automated/automatic a.available a.prevail v.aviation n.avocational a.vacation n.aware v.awkward a. Bbackdrop n.ballet n.balmy a.barb n.barge n.bark n.barn n.bare n.barrier n.barter n./v.barter for v.basement n.be characterized by v. be taken aback v. be taken by v. be up to v. beak n. beam n. bequest n. besiege v. bestow v. bias n. bitterness n. bizarre a. blanket n. blast n. blazing a. blaze n. bleak a. blend v. bless v. block n. blossom n. blues n. bluff n. blunt a. bolster n. boom v. boon n. boost v. bored a. boundary n. bow n. breach n. breeze n. brilliant a.briny/salty a.briskly ad.brittle a.bronze n.bubble n.buckle n.buckle up v.buggy n.bulk n.bundle v.burdensome a.burgeon v.burrow n.bust n.bustle v.by a factor of 2 ad.by far ad. Ccab n.cabinet n.cactus n.calibration n.campaign n.cannibalism n.canopy n.canyon n.gorge n.valley n.capability n.capacity n.carapace n.carbohydric n.cardiac n.cargo n.carnival n. carnivore n. carve v. cast v. casting n. category n. cater v. cater to v. cathedral n. cavern n. cavity n. cease v. celestial a. cell n. cello n. census n. ceremony n. chafe v. chamber n. chamber music n. chaos n. charcoal/char n. charter n. chateau n. check n./v. chill n. chimpanzee n. chisel n./v. cavalry n. chop v. choppy a. cord/chord n. circulate v. circulation desk n.circumscribe vt. cite vt. civilian n. civility n. civil right n. claim v. clam n. clamor n. clan n. classification n. clay n. cliff n. cling to v. clockwise a. clumsy a. cluster n. code of law n. codify v. coexist v. cohabit v. cohesion n. coincide v. collaborate v. collective a. collide v. colossus n. combustible a. combustion n. comet n. commision n./v. committed a. commit crime n. commodity n. commonsense a.communal a. commuter n. commute v. compact a./n. companion n. comparable a. compatible a. compel v. compensation n. compensate for v. competing brand n. competitive a. compile v. complacence n. complement v./n. complex a. complicated a. comply with v. component n. compose of v. composition n. compound n. compress v. comprise v. conceal v. concede v. conceive v. conception/concept n. concern v. concerted a. concise a. concrete n. condense v. condor n.conductivity n. cone n. confederate n. configurate v. configuration n. confine to v. confirm v. conflict v. confront v. congenial a. congestion n. congregate v. conifer n. conjecture n./v. consecutive a. persecute v. consequence n. consequent a. consequently ad. conservation n. conservative a. considerably ad. considerate a. consortium n. constantly ad. constitution n. constrain v. constrict v. construction n. consume n. consumer n. contemporary a. contend v. content n.contest v. continental a. continuum n. contract v. contradict v. contribution n. controversial a. controversy n. convention n. converge v. converse v. convex a. convey v. convict v. conviction n. coordinated a. copy v. coral n. cord n. corona n. corps n. corral v. correspondingly ad. corridor n. corset n. cosmic a. cosmopolitan a. costume n. council n. counterbalance v. counterpart n. course n. cowhand n. crab n.crack v.craft n.crash v.crater n.crawl v.creature n.credit n.crew n.crisscross v.crossbones n.crippling a.criteria n.critical a.crooked a.crowbar n.crucial a.crude a.crumple v.crunch v.crush v.crust n.crustacean n.crystal n.cubic a.culminate v.cumbrous a.curator n.curriculum n.custodian n.cuticle n.cylinder n. Ddash v.daunting a.dawn v. dazzling a. debate v. debris n. declaration n. decline n./v. decorate v. defecate/defaecate v. deference n. deficiency n. deform v. deft/adept a. degradation n. dehydrate v. deliberate a. delicate a. delta n. demobilize v. demolish v. dense a. depict v. deplete v. deposit v. depredation n. depreciation n. depression n. unti-depressant n. derive v. desalination v. descend v. descendent a. designate v. desirable a. desirous a.despoil a. destruction n. detect v. deter v. deteriorate v. determinant a. devastate v. devastator n. device n. devoid of a. devour v. devout a. diagonal n. diameter n. dictate v. diction n. differentiate v. diffuse v. digest v. digress v. dilute v. diminish v. dinosaur n. discard v. discern v. discernable a. discharge v. discipline n. discourage v. discourse n. discreet a. disintegrate v. dispense v.disposal n. disposed a. disproportionate a. dispute n./v. disputant n. disrepute n. disseminate v. dissipate v. dissipated a. dissolve v. distent a. distinct a. distinctive a. distort v. distract v. distribute v. diver n. diverge v. diverse a. diversify v. diversion n. documentation n. dodge n./v. dogma n. dolphin n. domain n. domestic a. dominant a. domination n. dormant a. dorsal a. drag animal n. drain v.dramatic a.drawback n.drill v.drought n.ductile a.dump v.durable a.dwarf n. Eeccentric a.eclipse n.ecological a.economize v.edentate n.edible a.edifice n.eject v.elaborate v.elaborately ad.electron n.elegance n.elevation n.elicit v.eligible a.eliminate v.elite n.elixir/panacea n.elliptical a.elusive a.elude v.embed v.embellish v.emboss v.embryology n.emerge v. emergency n. emigrate v. emission v. employ v. enact v. encloseing a. encounter v. engrave v. enormous a. entangle v. enterprise n. entity n. entrepreneur n. environment n. enzyme n. epidermis n. dermatology n. epoch n. equilibrium n. equivalence n. erect v./a. erosion n. corrade v. eruption n. eternal a.《托 福 词 汇 考 频》释义(关键)人物 pivot 轴心保险金 a.高级的,高价的优秀学生一系列的东西(有顺序)从...到...范围,排列不等抛弃,放纵 abandonment n.缩短,缩写 abbreviation n.磨损抽象的(ab-去掉,stract 拉) n.概要荒谬的丰富(und-波浪)加速,不断增长 (celer-速度)速度decelerate v.减速能够接触,靠近 you have access to the library可靠近的欢呼,欢迎 acclaimed a.受人欢迎的给人提供食宿;与之相符,适应 (commod- 方便)乐于助人的陪伴,伴奏 accompanist 伴奏者陪伴物,伴奏和谐一致 (-ion琴)accordion 手风琴聚堆积(cumul-堆积) cumulus 积云使习惯 get accustomed to sth.海关 tariff关税熟悉,认识首字母缩略词(acr-高,-onym词)敏锐的;性急的,急性病chronic慢性病适应环境 adaptable 能适应的适应,改写本(吸毒)上瘾的使沉迷(dict-被命令做某事)添加剂,附加的(add-加)老练的邻近的,毗邻的调整,校准(just-正确) adjustment n.土坯,印第安人造房原料住所,住房收养,采纳(opt-选择) adoption n.装饰(orn-饰) ornamentation 饰品来到 adventure n.冒险随着21世纪的到来不利的,逆反的(-verse转) ~ wind 逆风~ influence 不利影响灾难,不幸,逆境 adversary n.对手,敌手支持,拥护(者)感觉的麻醉的 (an-无)美感的,美学的影响,假装 severe strom adversely affect our study友爱,友情,影响装模作样的假装和...联合,加盟进去,附加(fili-绳子,家族,一条线,儿子)子公司子女的,孝顺的折磨(flict-打击)冲突富有的,丰富的 (flu-流动)一再恶化的(grav-重) gravity 重力万有引力总计 (greg-团体,是group的变体)集合 gregarious a.群居的,社交的激动,煽动 agitate v. 鼓动和之相近,关系密切(-kin亲情关系) ~ to炼金术(chem-化学) chemistry 化学赤杨树 older 老人坐在赤杨树下树懒海藻 algal a.外国人 alienate v.疏远almost几乎all except 除...之外所有的无所不包的分配(财富)(loc-地方)合金联盟,盟军交替 alternative a.二中选一的高度(-alt高) exalt 晋升,赞扬纬度,自由空间 longitude 经度铝周围,氛围(ambi-两边)负责任的,应服从的和蔼可亲的放大(ampl-大) amplifier 扩音器祖先(an-在前面ces-走)消灭,歼灭(nihil-变成零) nihility虚无一年一度的异常的人或物(norm-规范)匿名的(an-无onym-名字)抗生素的(anti-抗bio-生理)使古旧,废弃antique古董,过时的陈旧的 antiquity 古代除...之外besides;aside from上诉,呼吁,吸引力(to)有吸引力的学徒,一再锻炼的人(practise)接近(to sb.),方法恰当的,得体的水的,水生的 aquarium 水族馆弧形,拱形门,主要的考古学(archae-古代)群岛(archi-主要的) 以o结尾的词大量是意大利语女高音-女中音-女低音建筑师费劲的,劳累的(ard-热情-ous过多)热情斗牛场,竞技场干旱的盔甲 armor芬芳的 aroma n.芳香排列(ray光线)关节炎(arth-关节-itis炎症)关节 hepatitis n.肝炎人造的工匠,艺人(-san人) partisan游击队党徒通常,总的来说as a whole/generally(拇指)大概来说就...来说;远到 China's border is as far north as Mohe.北部远达漠河。
