School of Computing




布拉德福德大学University of Bradford学校概况:布拉德福大学于1966年授皇家特许状而成立。

















2022年usnews计算机专业排名1、麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMIT的Electrical Engineering & Computer Science(EECS)是多数该领域人士梦寐以求的地方,EECS院系是MIT的工程学院里最大的院系,拥有大概700多名博士学生。

它下面设有四个学位:(1)Master of Science为博士学位之必须阶段,但是学校并不提供最终学位为硕士的学位(2)Master of Engineering仅仅EE,CS自己的本科生可以申请(3)Electrical Engineer and Engineer in Computer Science(4)Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of ScienceMIT的EE,CS在录取学生的时候,是直接录入到PhD的,学校没有硕士的录取(当然如果最终PhD读不下去了,中途是可以拿到硕士学位的,只要完成了硕士学位的毕业要求)。



2、卡耐基梅隆大学 Carnegie Mellon UniversityCMU是全美乃至全世界最大的计算机学院。

对于一般的美国院校来说,计算机科学只是设置为一个系,即Department of Computer Science, 然而,CMU 对 CS 的建设非常有诚意,直接就开设成为了一个院 School of Computer Science。



Queen's University皇后大学本科申请要求及细则

Queen's University皇后大学本科申请要求及细则
Queen’s University
Queen’s considers applicants only for the programs to which they have applied (except where noted). A maximum of one application per program is permitted. s : H QA QB QIA Subject of major interest (required for upper year). First-year entry only. Upper-year entry possible.
Second Degree Programs Applicants must select a concentration in a substantially new discipline, except for students wishing to upgrade their degree from General to Honours. QAY Second Degree Honours Candidates – Arts s Applied Economics; Art History; Classical Studies; Computing & Creative Arts; Economics; French Studies; Gender Studies; Geography; German; History; Music; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Sociology; Spanish QAW Second Degree Minor Candidates – Arts s Art History; Classical Studies; Computing; Economics; French Studies; Gender Studies; Geography; Geological Sciences; German Language and Literature; History; Italian; Jewish Studies; Mathematics; Music; Philosophy; Physics; Religious Studies; Sociology; Spanish; Statistics; World Languages QDY Second Degree Honours Candidates – Computing s Biomedical Computing; Cognitive Science; Computer Science; Computing; Software Design QDW Second Degree General Candidates – Computing s Computing QSY Second Degree Honours Candidates – Science s Chemistry; Geography; Geological Sciences; Mathematics; Physics; Statistics QSW Second Degree General Candidates – Science s Chemistry; Geography; Geological Sciences; Mathematics; Physics; Statistics Admission Procedure All applicants are required to pay an $85 non-refundable Queen’s University administrative fee to the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC). The Ontario Universities’ Application Centre will forward applications to Queen’s Undergraduate Admission. Applicants will be sent an acknowledgement from Queen’s that provides instructions for completing their application. All supporting documentation must be received at Undergraduate Admission before an admission decision can be made. In general, the academic documentation required is: • Secondary school applicants should provide an official transcript of studies completed as well as mid-year marks for current final-year courses. • Applicants who have attended postsecondary institutions should provide an official copy of the secondary and the postsecondary transcripts. To be official, transcripts must bear an original seal or the signature of an administrator at the issuing institution.

Cloud Models and Platforms

Cloud Models and Platforms
Cloud Models and Platforms
Dr. Sanjay P. Ahuja, Ph.D.
Fidelity National Financial Distinguished Professor of CIS
School of Computing, UNF
A Working Definition of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

Pay-per-use: Pay only for what you use
Multitenancy: Ability to have multiple customers access their servers in the data center in an isolated manner
This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.

Formal Aspects of Computing (2005) Formal Aspects of Computing

Formal Aspects of Computing (2005) Formal Aspects of Computing

DOI 10.1007/s00165-005-0062-0BCS ©2005Formal Aspects of Computing (2005)Formal Aspects of Computing Using probabilistic model checking for dynamic power managementGethin Norman 1,David Parker 1,Marta Kwiatkowska 1,Sandeep Shukla 2and Rajesh Gupta 31School of Computer Science,University of Birmingham,Birmingham,UK2BradleyDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Virginia Tech,Blacksburg,USA3Department of Information and Computer Science,University of California,San Diego,USA Abstract.Dynamic power management (DPM)refers to the use of runtime strategies in order to achieve a trade-off between the performance and power consumption of a system and its components.We present an approach to analysing stochastic DPM strategies using probabilistic model checking as the formal framework.This is a novel application of probabilistic model checking to the area of system design.This approach allows us to obtain performance measures of strategies by automated analytical means without expensive simulations.Moreover,one can formally establish various probabilistically quantified properties pertaining to buffer sizes,delays,energy usage etc.,for each derived strategy.Keywords:Power management;Formal methods;Embedded systems;Model checking;Probabilistic model checking1.IntroductionThe nature of computing has been changing over the last few years from server,workstation and desktop based computing to embedded,ubiquitous and pervasive computing.Handheld devices,wireless sensors and biomed-ical devices are gaining more and more prominence in all arenas of human life.However,as we move from the wired to wireless domain,power savings in these computing devices become more crucial.As a result,much research has been done in the area of low-power design,power management and the balance between computa-tion and communication power.Each kind of approach to power savings has its own limitations.For example,circuit-level or architecture-level mechanisms cannot take advantage of application characteristics.As a result,system-level power management,which is characterised by operating system controlled power saving measures based on the observation of application characteristics,has gained significant attention in the last few years.There are two distinct flavours of system-level power management:dynamic voltage/frequency scaling (DVS/DFS)and dynamic power management (DPM).In this paper,we focus on the latter.Dynamic power management (DPM)is a way to save energy in devices which,under operating system con-trol,can be switched either on and off or between several power states of varying power consumption.DPM has gained considerable attention over the last few years,a trend evidenced in the research literature [HAW96,Correspondence and offprint requests to :Gethin Norman,School of Computer Science,University of Birmingham,Birmingham B152TT,UK.Email:G.Norman@G.Norman et al. SCB96,BM98,BMM01,SG01,RIG00,CBBM99,ISG02],as well as concerted industry efforts such as Micro-soft’s OnNow[Mic98]and ACPI[ACP].Due to the importance of the minimising power consumption in today’s embedded systems,a lot of work has been initiated in both the component manufacturing industry and the systems design industry.A survey of most of the techniques developed for DPM before2000can be found in[BBM00].In this extensive review,the approaches to DPM are classified into predictive schemes and stochastic optimum control schemes. Predictive schemes attempt to predict a device’s usage behaviour in the future,typically based on the past his-tory of usage patterns,and decide to change power states of the device accordingly.Stochastic approaches make probabilistic assumptions(based on observations)about usage patterns and exploit the nature of the probability distribution to formulate an optimisation problem,the solution to which drives the DPM strategy.It has been noted that predictive schemes are mostly based on devices with two power-saving states,whereas there are many instances of devices in the embedded world which have more than two states.Examples of such devices may be found in[BBM00,SBM99].In order to provide DPM strategies for multi-state systems,the sto-chastic optimum control approach has been proposed in the literature[BBM00,SBM99,BBPM99,CBBM99, QP99,QWP01].However,such stochastic approaches also have their drawbacks,including the fact that they make many assumptions about the probabilistic nature of the inputs and may be more computationally expensive to implement.Much of the previous work on dynamic power management has been based on ad-hoc techniques,such as the use of regression equations,interpolation or learning based methods.Stochastic approaches tend to be more formal in the sense that they are based on mathematical models which make precise assumptions about the prob-abilistic characteristics of,for example,when service requests arrive at a device and how long the device takes to respond to these requests.Validation and analysis of the stochastic DPM schemes,however,is less formal,eval-uation usually being carried out with simulation techniques which are time consuming and often not completely reliable.In this paper,we illustrate the applicability of probabilistic model checking,an automatic formal verification technique for the analysis of systems which exhibit probabilistic behaviour,to the area of dynamic power man-agement.We show how the probabilistic model checking tool PRISM[KNP04,Pri]can be used to automatically provide a detailed comprehensive of stochastic DPM schemes.Furthermore,this analysis is more accurate than that obtained by simulation which typically yields only average case behaviour.An earlier version of this work appeared in[NPK+02,NPK+03].anisationSection2introduces the stochastic approach to DPM,with references to the existing literature.Section3describes the basics of probabilistic model checking and the PRISM tool.Section4shows in detail how probabilistic model checking and PRISM have been applied to the analysis of DPM strategies and together with MAPLE[Map] used to generate DPM strategies.Finally,Sect.5concludes the paper.2.Stochastic approaches to DPMThe stochastic version of the DPM problem basically requires one to devise a strategy(policy)which may be probabilistic,in the sense that the actions to be taken by the strategy may have probabilities attached to them. Unlike deterministic strategies,where a particular state of the system will lead the strategy to take a deterministic action,here the strategy can choose between multiple actions with pre-designated probabilities.In recent years,several approaches for designing stochastic DPM strategies have been proposed[PBBM98, BBPM99,BBM00,CBBM99,QP99,QWP00,QWP01,SBM99].These methodologies are based on a stochastic model of the DPM problem,which incorporates the probabilistic characteristics of request arrivals to the device, the device response time distribution,the power consumption by the device in various states and the energy consumption when the device changes state.From this stochastic model,an exact optimisation problem is for-mulated,the solution to which is the required optimal stochastic DPM policy.The strategy devised must ensure that power savings are not achieved at an undue cost in performance.One approach,for example,is to construct a policy which optimises the average energy usage while bounding average delay.The constructed policies are usually validated by simulation to check for the soundness of the modelling assumptions,and the effectiveness of the strategies in practice[QP99,PBBM98].Using probabilistic model checking for dynamic power managementThe stochastic models which have been used in the literature are discrete-time Markov chains [PBBM98,BBPM99],continuous-time Markov chains [QP99,QWP00,QWP01]and their variants [SBM99].The approaches vary in the modelling of time:in the continuous-time case,mode switching commands can be issued at any time,and events can happen at any time.In the discrete-time case,all events and actions occur at certain discrete time points.In practice,such stochastic modelling seems to work well for specific kinds of applications.Generally,the stochastic matrices for these models are created manually.In [QWP00],stochastic Petri nets are used,which allows automatic generation of the stochastic matrices and formulation of the optimisation problems.3.Probabilistic model checkingModel checking is a well established and successful technique for the automatic verification of finite state sys-tems.In recent years,a significant amount of work has gone into probabilistic model checking ,which allows for verification of systems that exhibit probabilistic behaviour.These include randomised algorithms,which use probabilistic choices or electronic coin flipping,and unreliable or unpredictable processes,such as fault-tolerant systems or communication networks.To perform probabilistic model checking one first constructs a probabilistic model of the system under study.As in the non-probabilistic case,this model is usually a labelled transition system which defines the set of all possible states that the system can be in and the transitions which can occur between these states.However,in this case,one must also augment the model with information about the likelihood that each transition will take place.Properties of the system which are to be verified are then specified,typically in probabilistic extensions of temporal logic.These allow specification of properties such as:“shutdown occurs with probability at most 0.01”;or “the video frame will be delivered within 5ms with probability at least 0.97”.A probabilistic model checker applies algorithmic techniques to analyse the state space of the probabilistic model and determine whether these specifications are satisfied.Typically,this involves computation of one or more probabilities or performance measures.The operations required are graph-based analysis and solution of linear equation systems or linear optimisation problems.3.1.Probabilistic modelsModels used in probabilistic model checking are commonly variants of Markov chains.The simplest is dis-crete-time Markov chains (DTMCs).A DTMC is defined by a set of states S and a probability transition matrix P :S ×S →[0,1],where s ∈S P (s,s ) 1for all s ∈S .This gives the probability P (s,s )that a transition will take place from state s to state s .Continuous-time Markov chains (CTMCs)extend DTMCs by allowing transitions to occur in real-time,rather than only in discrete steps.A CTMC is defined by a set of states S and a transition rate matrix R :S ×S →I R 0.The rate R (s,s )defines the delay before which a transition between states s and s is enabled.The delay is sampled from a negative exponential distribution with parameter equal to this rate,i.e.the probability of the transition being enabled within t time units is 1−e −R (s,s )·t .When R (s,s )>0for two target states,a race occurs and the transition which becomes enabled first is the one taken.Exponentially distributed delays are often suitable for modelling component lifetimes and inter-arrival times.They can also be used to approximately model more complex probability distributions.3.2.Analysis of probabilistic modelsSimilarly to the conventional,non-probabilistic case,probabilistic model checking usually constitutes verifying whether or not some temporal logic formula is satisfied by a model.The two most common temporal logics for this purpose are PCTL [HJ94,BdA95]and CSL [ASSB96,BKH99],both extensions of the logic CTL.PCTL is used to specify properties for DTMCs and MDPs;CSL is used for CTMCs.One common feature of the two logics is the probabilistic operator P ,which allows one to reason about the probability that executions of the system satisfy some property.For example,the formula P 1[ terminate ]states that,with probability 1,the system will eventually terminate.On the other hand,the formula P 0.95[¬repair U 200terminate ]asserts that,with probability 0.95or greater,the system will terminate within 200time units andG.Norman et al. without requiring any repairs.These properties can be seen as analogues of the non-probabilistic case,where a formula would typically state that all executions satisfy a particular property,or that there exists an execution which satisfies it.CSL also provides the S operator to reason about steady-state(long-run)behaviour.The for-mula S<0.01[queue size m ax],for example,states that,in the long-run,the probability that a queue is full is less than0.01.Strictly speaking,probabilistic specifications in PCTL and CSL(such as the examples above)always contain a probability bound,so that properties are either true or false for a given system.In practice,however,this can be relaxed.Model checking algorithms for PCTL and CSL typically proceed by computing the actual probability and then comparing it to the bound.Hence,in practice,we can write an expression of the form P ?[ terminate], for which the model checker will return the actual probability that the system terminates.In many cases,the most useful form of analysis is to compute such values for a range of models or properties.For example,one might determine P ?[ t terminate]for a range of values of t in order to gain insight into the likelihood of the system terminating as time progresses.Further properties can be analysed by introducing the notion of costs(or,conversely,rewards).If each state of the probabilistic model is assigned a real-valued cost,we can compute properties such as the expected cost to reach certain states,the expected accumulated cost over some time period,or the expected cost at a particular time instant.As in the previous paragraph,such properties can also be expressed concisely and unambiguously in temporal logic[dA97,BHHK00].3.3.PRISM:a probabilistic model checkerPRISM[KNP04,Pri]is a probabilistic model checker developed at the University of Birmingham.It supports analysis of the two types of probabilistic models discussed previously:discrete-time Markov chains(DTMCs) and continuous-time Markov chains(CTMCs),and also Markov decision processes(MDPs)which we do not use here.It verifies properties specified in the temporal logics PCTL(for DTMCs and MDPs)and CSL(for CTMCs).Other probabilistic model checkers include ProbVerus[HGCC99]for DTMCs,E T M C2[HKMKS00] for CTMCs and DTMCs,and RAPTURE[JDL02]for MDPs.PRISM has been used to analyse a wide range of case studies,including probabilistic algorithms for problems such as anonymity,contract signing,leader election and consensus;and performance analysis of various queue-ing systems,communication networks and manufacturing systems.See[Pri]for further details.Figure1shows a screenshot of the tool running.Probabilistic models to be analysed in PRISM are specified in the PRISM language,which is based on the Reactive Modules formalism of Alur and Henzinger[AH99].The basic components of this language are modules and variables.A system is constructed as the parallel composition of a set of modules.A module contains a number of variables which express the state of the module.Its behaviour is given by a set of guarded commands of the form:[]<guard>→<command>;The guard is a predicate over all the variables of the system and the command describes a transition which the module can make if the guard is true.A command is specified by defining the new values of the variables of that module.This means that a module can read all of the variables in the system but only write to its own local variables.In general,the behaviour of a module is probabilistic,in which case a command takes the form: <prob>:<action>+···+<prob>:<action>where<prob>is a probability when the model is a DTMC or MDP and a non-negative,real value(taken to be the parameter of an exponential distribution)when it is a CTMC.In addition,the pair of square brackets at the start of a guarded command can contain a label.Actions from different modules with the same label take place synchronously.See[Pri,Par02]for more details.The overall functionality of the PRISM tool is as follows.First,it reads and parses a model description in the PRISM language.It then constructs the corresponding DTMC,CTMC or MDP,computes the set of all reachable states,and identifies any deadlock states(i.e.reachable states with no outgoing transitions).If required, the transition matrix of the probabilistic model constructed can be exported for use in another tool.Typically, though,PRISM then parses one or more properties in PCTL or CSL and performs model checking,determining whether the model satisfies each property.A prototype version of PRISM has also been developed which supports model checking of cost and reward related properties,as described in the previous section.Using probabilistic model checking for dynamic power managementFig.1.Screenshot of the PRISM graphical user interface4.Probabilistic model checking and DPMIn this section,we describe how probabilistic model checking and,in particular,PRISM can be applied to the analysis of DPM strategies obtained using the approaches of[QP99,PBBM98].These approaches are based on constructing a probabilistic model of the dynamic power management system from which,for a given con-straint,an optimisation problem is constructed.The solution to this problem is the optimum randomised power management strategy satisfying this constraint.We show how PRISM can be used to construct a probabilistic model of dynamic power management.The corresponding optimisation problem(as described in[QP99,PBBM98])is then solved with the symbolic solver MAPLE[Map].Finally,we again use PRISM to automatically validate and analyse the derived policies.Note that we use MAPLE to solve the optimisation problem because PRISM does not currently support methods for solving problems of this type.1This approach differs from the previously employed techniques for the validation and analysis of DPM strate-gies,which rely on simulation or the actual implementation of the schemes in device drivers.The advantage of the probabilistic model checking approach is that it avoids the higher cost of simulation and benefits of detailed anal-ysis before deployment in hardware.Furthermore,the analysis is more accurate than that obtained by simulation which typically yields only average case behaviour.1PRISM does support the solution of the optimisation problems generated when verifying MDPs.However,these problems are specific instances of the Stochastic Shortest Path Problem[BT91,Ber95]and,since the solution techniques employed by PRISM rely on this fact, these methods cannot be applied to general optimisation problems.G.Norman et al.Table1.Average power consumption(W)and service times(ms)for each power stateSleep Standby Idlelp Idle ActivePower(W) 1.5 2.5Service time(ms)00001Table2.Average transition times(ms)between power statesActive Idle Idlelp Standby SleepActive–15220600Idle1–5220600Idlelp5––220600Standby220–––600Sleep600––––4.1.Modelling DPM in PRISMWe have applied probabilistic model checking to two stochastic DPM approaches:that of Benini et al.[PBBM98, BBPM99],based on discrete-time Markov chains,and that of Qiu et al.[QP99,QWP00,QWP01],based on continuous-time Markov chains.In this section we describe the DTMC approach in detail.The approach is described through the example of[PBBM98,BBPM99],an IBM TravelStar VP disk-drive [IBM].The device hasfive power states,labelled sleep,standby,idle,idlelp and active.It is only in the state active that the drive can perform data read and write operations.In state idle,the disk is spinning while some of the electronic components of the disk drive have been switched off.The state idlelp(idle low power)is similar except that it has a lower power dissipation.The states standby and sleep correspond to the disk being spun down. Tables1and2show actual data for these power states.Table1gives the average power consumption(W)and the service time(ms)for each state.Table2shows the average time(ms)to transition between each pair of states.We now describe how the system is modelled in the PRISM language.Following the approach of[PBBM98, BBPM99],the model constructed is a discrete-time Markov chain(DTMC).Based on the fastest possible tran-sition performed by system,we choose a time resolution of1ms for the model,i.e.each discrete-time step of the DTMC will correspond to1ms.The basic structure of the DPM model can be seen in Fig.2.The model consists of:a Service Provider(SP), which represents the device under power management control;a Service Requester(SR),which issues requests to the device;a Service Request Queue(SRQ),which stores requests that are not serviced immediately;and the Power Manager(PM),which issues commands to the SP,based on observations of the system and a stochastic DPM policy.Each component is represented by an individual PRISM module,which we now consider in turn.4.1.1.Modelling the power manager(PM)The PM decides to which state the SP should move at each time step.To model this,we split each step into two parts:in thefirst,the PM(instantaneously)decides what the SP should do next(based on the current state);andUsing probabilistic model checking for dynamic power managementmodule CLOCKc:[0..1]init0;[tick]c 0→(c 1);[tock]c 1→(c 0);endmoduleFig.3.PRISM module for the clockmodule PMpm:[0..4];//0−go to active,1−go to idle,2−go to idlelp,3−go to standby,4−go to sleep[tick]cond1→prob active1:(pm 0)+prob idle1:(pm 1)+prob idlelp1:(pm 2)+prob standby1:(pm 3)+prob sleep1:(pm 4);[tick]cond2→prob active2:(pm 0)+prob idle2:(pm 1)+prob idlelp2:(pm 2)+prob standby2:(pm 3)+prob sleep2:(pm 4);...endmoduleFig.4.PRISM module for the power managerin the second,the system makes a transition(with the SP’s move based on the choice made by the PM).To achieve this,we introduce the CLOCK module,given in Fig.3.Transitions of this module are labelled alternately with tick and tock.The PM is then constructed to synchronise with the CLOCK on tick,while the remaining compo-nents are constructed to synchronise with the CLOCK on tock.A generic PM has the form given in Fig.4.For example,if the state of the system satisfies cond1,then the PM decides that with probability prob active1the SP will move to active,with probability prob idle1the SP will move to idle,with prob idlelp1to idlelp,prob standby1 to standby,and prob sleep1to sleep.4.1.2.Modelling the service provider(SP)As mentioned above,the SP(the disk drive)hasfive power states(active,idle,idlelp,standby and sleep).These states and the possible transitions between them are shown in Table2.The actual PRISM code is shown in Fig.5. Recall that the SP synchronises with the clock on tock.Hence,all of its guarded commands are labelled with this action.Note also that the behaviour of the SP depends on the PM,so the guards reference the variable pm.Since a time resolution of1ms has been chosen,in order to correctly model transitions with delays longer than this time resolution transient states are introduced.For example,the transient state active idlelp is used to model the non-unitary time transition from active to idlelp.The transition probabilities in the transient states, taken directly from the data of[PBBM98,BBPM99],are chosen such that the mean times to move between power states are as given in Table2.Note that we suppose that the power dissipation in these transient states is high (2.5W).4.1.3.Modelling the service requester(SR)and queue(SRQ)Similarly to the SP,both the SR and the SRQ synchronise with the clock on tock.The SR has two states:idle where no requests are generated and req where one request is generated per time step(1ms).The probabilities associated with the transitions between these states are based on time-stamped traces of disk access measured on real machines[BBPM99].The module for the SR is given in Fig.6.The SRQ models a queue of service requests.It responds to the arrival of requests from the SR and the service of requests by the SP.The queue size will only decrease when the SR and SP are in states idle and active,G.Norman et al.module SPsp:[0..10]init9;//0 active,1 idle,2 active idlelp,3 idlelp,4 idlelp active,5 active standby//6 standby,7 standby active,8 active sleep,9 sleep,10 sleep active//states where PM has no control(transient states)[tock]sp 2→0.75:(sp sp)+0.25:(sp 3);[tock]sp 4→0.75:(sp sp)+0.25:(sp 0);[tock]sp 5→0.995:(sp sp)+0.005:(sp 6);[tock]sp 7→0.995:(sp sp)+0.005:(sp 0);[tock]sp 8→0.9983:(sp sp)+0.0017:(sp 9);[tock]sp 10→0.9983:(sp sp)+0.0017:(sp 0);//PM:goto active[tock]pm 0∧(sp 0∨sp 1)→(sp 0);[tock]pm 0∧sp 3→(sp 4);[tock]pm 0∧sp 6→(sp 7);[tock]pm 0∧sp 9→(sp 10);//PM:goto idle[tock]pm 1∧(sp 0∨sp 1)→(sp 1);[tock]pm 1∧(sp 3∨sp 6∨sp 9)→(sp sp);//PM:goto idlelp[tock]pm 2∧(sp 0∨sp 1)→(sp 2);[tock]pm 2∧sp 3→(sp sp);//PM:goto standby[tock]pm 3∧(sp 0∨sp 1∨sp 3)→(sp 5);[tock]pm 3∧sp 6→(sp sp);//PM:goto sleep[tock]pm 4∧(sp 0∨sp 1∨sp 3∨sp 6)→(sp 8);[tock]pm 4∧sp 9→(sp 9);endmoduleFig.5.PRISM module for the service providermodule SRsr:[0..1]init0;//0-idle and1-req[tock]sr 0→0.898:(sr 0)+0.102:(sr 1);[tock]sr 1→0.454:(sr 0)+0.546:(sr 1);endmoduleFig.6.PRISM module for the service requesterrespectively.On the other hand,it will only increase when the SR is in state req and the SP is not active.The PRISM code is given in Fig. afinite time horizonWe suppose that there is a time horizon of one million time steps.To model this horizon,an additional module representing a battery with an expected life span of1million time steps is added(see Fig.8).Note that,once the battery reaches state0,it cannot perform the action tock which prevents any other modules in the system from performing this action.Hence,the rest of the system can no longer continue(i.e.the states where bat 0act as sink states).4.2.Policy constructionUsing the PRISM language description detailed in the previous sections,the PRISM model checking tool can be used to construct a generic model of the power management system.From the transition matrix of this sys-tem,the linear optimisation problem whose solution is the optimal policy can be formulated,as described inUsing probabilistic model checking for dynamic power managementconst QMAX 2;//maximum size of the queuemodule SRQq:[0..QMAX]init0;//size of queue//SP is active[tock]sr 0∧sp 0→(q max(q−1,0));[tock]sr 1∧sp 0→(q q);//SP is not active[tock]sr 0∧sp>0→(q q);[tock]sr 1∧sp>0→(q min(q+1,QMAX));endmoduleFig.7.PRISM module for the service request queuemodule BATTER Ybat:[0..1]init1;//0-battery off and1-battery on[tock]bat 1→0.999999:(bat 1)+0.000001:(bat 0);endmoduleFig.8.PRISM module for the battery[PBBM98,BBPM99].This optimisation problem is then passed to the MAPLE symbolic solver.Table3shows policies constructed in this way for a range of constraints on the average size of the service request queue.The first column lists the constraint;the second column summarises the corresponding policy.4.3.Policy analysisOnce a policy has been constructed,its performance can be automatically analysed through probabilistic model checking,as described in Sect.3.The generic power manager PRISM module is modified to represent a specific policy.Figure9shows an example of this for the constraint“queue size is less than0.05”.This can be seen to correspond to the policy in the5th row of the table in Table3.PRISM is then used to construct and analyse the DTMC for this policy.We now present a representative set of results obtained through probabilistic model checking that demonstrate the utility and power of this approach.The policies analysed are those constructed from a range of constraints on the average queue length.In Table4,the following properties have been computed:“average power consumption”,“average queue size”and“average number of lost requests”.Using PRISM,we associate a cost with each state and then compute the expected accumulated cost of the system until it reaches a state where the battery has run out.For example,to determine the average power consumption,the cost associated with each state is determined by the state of the SP and the data given in Table1.From the table,we can see that the average power consumption of a policy decreases as the constraint on queue size is relaxed(i.e.the requested average queue size is increased).We can also validate the policy by confirming that the expected size of the queue matches the value in the constraint which was used to construct it.Finally,we see that a side-effect of this is that the average number of requests lost also increases.In Fig.10,we show graphical results for a range of ing the same assignments of model states to costs as discussed above,we(automatically in PRISM)compute and plot,for a range of values of T:“expected power consumption by time T”,“expected queue size at time T”,and“expected number of lost requests by time T”.Thefirst and third properties are determined by computing expected cost cumulated up until time T;the second by computing the instantaneous cost at time T.Again,we see that policies which consume less power have larger queue sizes and are more likely to lose requests.Here,though,we can get a much clearer view of how these properties change over time.We see,for example,that the expected queue size at time T initially increases and then decreases.This follows from the fact that the strategies wait for the queue to become full before switching the SP on.。





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软件工程英文参考文献一:[1]Carine Khalil,Sabine Khalil. Exploring knowledge management in agile software development organizations[J]. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,2020,16(4).[2]Kevin A. Gary,Ruben Acuna,Alexandra Mehlhase,Robert Heinrichs,Sohum Sohoni. SCALING TO MEET THE ONLINE DEMAND IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING[J]. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education,2020,4(1).[3]Hosseini Hadi,Zirakjou Abbas,Goodarzi Vahabodin,Mousavi Seyyed Mohammad,Khonakdar Hossein Ali,Zamanlui Soheila. Lightweight aerogels based on bacterial cellulose/silver nanoparticles/polyaniline with tuning morphology of polyaniline and application in soft tissue engineering.[J]. International journal of biological macromolecules,2020,152.[4]Dylan G. Kelly,Patrick Seeling. Introducing underrepresented high school students to software engineering: Using the micro:bit microcontroller to program connected autonomous cars[J]. Computer Applications in Engineering Education,2020,28(3).[5]. Soft Computing; Research Conducted at School of Computing Science and Engineering Has Updated Our Knowledge about Soft Computing (Indeterminate Likert scale: feedback based on neutrosophy, its distance measures and clustering algorithm)[J]. News of Science,2020.[6]. Engineering; New Engineering Findings from Hanyang University Outlined (Can-based Aging Monitoring Technique for Automotive Asics With Efficient Soft Error Resilience)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[7]. Engineering - Software Engineering; New Findings from University of Michigan in the Area of Software Engineering Reported (Multi-criteria Test Cases Selection for Model Transformations)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[8]Tamas Galli,Francisco Chiclana,Francois Siewe. Software Product Quality Models, Developments, Trends, and Evaluation[J]. SN Computer Science,2020,1(2).[9]. Infotech; Infotech Joins BIM for Bridges and Structures Transportation Pooled Fund Project as an Official Software Advisor[J]. Computer TechnologyJournal,2020.[10]. Engineering; Study Findings from Beijing Jiaotong University Provide New Insights into Engineering (Analyzing Software Rejuvenation Techniques In a Virtualized System: Service Provider and User Views)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[11]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Reported by Researchers at Sakarya University (An exponential jerk system, its fractional-order form with dynamical analysis and engineering application)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[12]. Engineering; Studies from Henan University Yield New Data on Engineering (Extracting Phrases As Software Features From Overlapping Sentence Clusters In Product Descriptions)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[13]. Engineering; Data from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provide New Insights into Engineering (A Systematic Study to Improve the Requirements Engineering Process in the Domain of Global Software Development)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[14]. Soft Computing; Investigators at Air Force Engineering University Report Findings in Soft Computing (Evidential model for intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[15]. Engineering; Researchers from COMSATS University Islamabad Describe Findings in Engineering (A Deep CNN Ensemble Framework for Efficient DDoS Attack Detection in Software Defined Networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[16]Pedro Delgado-Pérez,Francisco Chicano. An Experimental and Practical Study on the Equivalent Mutant Connection: An Evolutionary Approach[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020.[17]Koehler Leman Julia,Weitzner Brian D,Renfrew P Douglas,Lewis Steven M,Moretti Rocco,Watkins Andrew M,Mulligan Vikram Khipple,Lyskov Sergey,Adolf-Bryfogle Jared,Labonte Jason W,Krys Justyna,Bystroff Christopher,Schief William,Gront Dominik,Schueler-Furman Ora,Baker David,Bradley Philip,Dunbrack Roland,Kortemme Tanja,Leaver-Fay Andrew,Strauss Charlie E M,Meiler Jens,Kuhlman Brian,Gray Jeffrey J,Bonneau Richard. Better together: Elements of successful scientific software development in a distributed collaborative community.[J]. PLoS computational biology,2020,16(5).[18]. Mathematics; Data on Mathematics Reported by Researchers at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Algorithms Based on COPRAS and Aggregation Operators with New Information Measures for Possibility Intuitionistic Fuzzy SoftDecision-Making)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[19]. Engineering - Medical and Biological Engineering; Reports from Heriot-Watt University Describe Recent Advances in Medical and Biological Engineering (A Novel Palpation-based Method for Tumor Nodule Quantification In Soft Tissue-computational Framework and Experimental Validation)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[20]. Engineering - Industrial Engineering; Studies from Xi'an Jiaotong University Have Provided New Data on Industrial Engineering (Dc Voltage Control Strategy of Three-terminal Medium-voltage Power Electronic Transformer-based Soft Normally Open Points)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[21]. Engineering; Reports from Hohai University Add New Data to Findings in Engineering (Soft Error Resilience of Deep Residual Networks for Object Recognition)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[22]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; Study Data from K.N. Toosi University of Technology Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (Coupled Directional Dilation-Damage Approach to Model the Cyclic-Undrained Response of Soft Clay under Pure Principal Stress Axes Rotation)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[23]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Abes Engineering College Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Soft Computing (An intelligent personalized web blog searching technique using fuzzy-based feedback recurrent neural network)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[24]. Engineering; Studies from University of Alexandria in the Area of Engineering Reported (Software Defined Network-Based Management for Enhanced 5G Network Services)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[25]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Discussed by Researchers at Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering [A metaheuristic optimization model for spectral allocation in cognitive networks based on ant colony algorithm (M-ACO)][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[26]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Complutense University Madrid Reports Findings in Software Engineering (Recolibry Suite: a Set of Intelligent Tools for the Development of Recommender Systems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[27]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Reported by Researchers at Gautam Buddha University (A novel quality prediction model for component based software system using ACO-NM optimized extreme learning machine)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[28]. Soft Computing; New Soft Computing Study Findings Recently Were Reported by Researchers at University College of Engineering (A novel QIM-DCT based fusion approach for classification of remote sensing images via PSO and SVM models)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[29]Morshedloo Fatemeh,Khoshfetrat Ali Baradar,Kazemi Davoud,Ahmadian Mehri. Gelatin improves peroxidase-mediated alginate hydrogel characteristics as a potential injectable hydrogel for soft tissue engineering applications.[J]. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials,2020.[30]Jung-Chieh Lee,Chung-Yang Chen. Exploring the team dynamic learning process in software process tailoring performance[J]. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,2020,33(3).[31]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Velammal Engineering College in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Efficient routing in UASN during the thermohaline environment condition to improve the propagation delay and throughput)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[32]. Soft Matter; Findings from School of Materials Science and Engineering Provide New Insights into Soft Matter (A practical guide to active colloids: choosing synthetic model systems for soft matter physics research)[J]. Physics Week,2020.[33]Julio César Puche-Regaliza,Alfredo Jiménez,Pablo Arranz-Val. Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model[J]. Systemic Practice and Action Research,2020,33(1).[34]Meinert Edward,Milne-Ives Madison,Surodina Svitlana,Lam Ching. Agile requirements engineering and software planning for a digital health platform to engage the effects of isolation caused by social distancing: A case study and feasibility study protocol.[J]. JMIR public health and surveillance,2020.[35]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Studies Conducted at Shandong Jianzhu University on Civil Engineering Recently Published (Seismic Response Analysis and Control of Frame Structures with Soft First Storey under Near-Fault Ground Motions)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.软件工程英文参考文献二:[36]Chao-ze Lu,Guo-sun Zeng,Ying-jie Xie. Bigraph specification of software architecture and evolution analysis in mobile computing environment[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,108.[37]Ompal Singh, Saurabh Panwar, P. K. Kapur.. Determining SoftwareTime-to-Market and Testing Stop Time when Release Time is a Change-Point[J]. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences,2020,5(2).[38]Ayushi Verma,Neetu Sardana,Sangeeta Lal. Developer Recommendation for Stack Exchange Software Engineering Q&A Website based on K-Means clustering and Developer Social Network Metric[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[39]Jagdeep Singh,Sachin Bagga,Ranjodh Kaur. Software-based Prediction of Liver Disease with Feature Selection and Classification Techniques[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[40]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Studies from Concordia University Update Current Data on Software Engineering (On the impact of using trivial packages: an empirical case study on npm and PyPI)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[41]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Findings from University of Alberta Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Building the perfect game - an empirical study of game modifications)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[42]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Investigators at National Research Council (CNR) Detail Findings in Software Engineering [A Framework for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Highly (Re)Configurable Systems][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[43]. Engineering - Knowledge Engineering; Data from University of Paris Saclay Provide New Insights into Knowledge Engineering (Dynamic monitoring of software use with recurrent neural networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[44]. Engineering - Circuits Research; Findings from Federal University Santa Maria Yields New Data on Circuits Research (A New Cpfsk Demodulation Approach for Software Defined Radio)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[45]. Soft Computing; Investigators from Lovely Professional University Release New Data on Soft Computing (An intensify Harris Hawks optimizer for numerical and engineering optimization problems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[46]. GlobalLogic Inc.; GlobalLogic Acquires Meelogic Consulting AG, a European Healthcare and Automotive-Focused Software Engineering Services Firm[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[47]. Engineering - Circuits and Systems Research; Data on Circuits and Systems Research Described by Researchers at Northeastern University (Softcharge: Software Defined Multi-device Wireless Charging Over Large Surfaces)[J]. TelecommunicationsWeekly,2020.[48]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Report on Findings in Soft Computing (Dynamic Histogram Equalization for contrast enhancement for digital images)[J]. Technology News Focus,2020.[49]Mohamed Ellithey Barghoth,Akram Salah,Manal A. Ismail. A Comprehensive Software Project Management Framework[J]. Journal of Computer and Communications,2020,08(03).[50]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Air Force Engineering University Describe Findings in Soft Computing (Random orthocenter strategy in interior search algorithm and its engineering application)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[51]. Soft Computing; Study Findings on Soft Computing Are Outlined in Reports from Department of Mechanical Engineering (Constrained design optimization of selected mechanical system components using Rao algorithms)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[52]Iqbal Javed,Ahmad Rodina B,Khan Muzafar,Fazal-E-Amin,Alyahya Sultan,Nizam Nasir Mohd Hairul,Akhunzada Adnan,Shoaib Muhammad. Requirements engineering issues causing software development outsourcing failure.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(4).[53]Raymond C.Z. Cohen,Simon M. Harrison,Paul W. Cleary. Dive Mechanic: Bringing 3D virtual experimentation using biomechanical modelling to elite level diving with the Workspace workflow engine[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2020,175.[54]Emelie Engstr?m,Margaret-Anne Storey,Per Runeson,Martin H?st,Maria Teresa Baldassarre. How software engineering research aligns with design science: a review[J]. Empirical Software Engineering,2020(prepublish).[55]Christian Lettner,Michael Moser,Josef Pichler. An integrated approach for power transformer modeling and manufacturing[J]. Procedia Manufacturing,2020,42.[56]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; New Findings from Leibniz University Hannover Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (A finite element for soft tissue deformation based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[57]. Science - Social Science; Studies from University of Burgos Yield New Information about Social Science (Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[58]. Technology - Powder Technology; Investigators at Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH Discuss Findings in Powder Technology [Extended Validation and Verification of Xps/avl-fire (Tm), a Computational Cfd-dem Software Platform][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[59]Guadalupe-Isaura Trujillo-Tzanahua,Ulises Juárez-Martínez,Alberto-Alfonso Aguilar-Lasserre,María-Karen Cortés-Verdín,Catherine Azzaro-Pantel. Multiple software product lines to configure applications of internet of things[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[60]Eduardo Juárez,Rocio Aldeco-Pérez,Jose.Manuel Velázquez. Academic approach to transform organisations: one engineer at a time[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[61]Dennys García-López,Marco Segura-Morales,Edson Loza-Aguirre. Improving the quality and quantity of functional and non-functional requirements obtained during requirements elicitation stage for the development of e-commerce mobile applications: an alternative reference process model[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[62]. Guest Editorial: Software Engineering Applications to Solve Organisations Issues[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[63]?,?. Engine Control Unit ? ? ?[J]. ,2020,47(4).[64]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Nanjing University Update Understanding of Software Engineering (Identifying Failure-causing Schemas In the Presence of Multiple Faults)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[65]. Energy - Renewable Energy; Researchers from Institute of Electrical Engineering Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Renewable Energy (A Local Control Strategy for Distributed Energy Fluctuation Suppression Based on Soft Open Point)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[66]Ahmed Zeraoui,Mahfoud Benzerzour,Walid Maherzi,Raid Mansi,Nor-Edine Abriak. New software for the optimization of the formulation and the treatment of dredged sediments for utilization in civil engineering[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments,2020(prepublish).[67]. Engineering - Concurrent Engineering; Reports from Delhi Technological University Add New Data to Findings in Concurrent Engineering (Systematic literature review of sentiment analysis on Twitter using soft computing techniques)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[68]. Engineering; New Findings from Future University in Egypt in the Area of Engineering Reported (Decision support system for optimum soft clay improvementtechnique for highway construction projects)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[69]Erica Mour?o,Jo?o Felipe Pimentel,Leonardo Murta,Marcos Kalinowski,Emilia Mendes,Claes Wohlin. On the performance of hybrid search strategies for systematic literature reviews in software engineering[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020,123.[70]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Anna University Discuss Findings in Soft Computing (A novel fuzzy mechanism for risk assessment in software projects)[J]. News of Science,2020.软件工程英文参考文献三:[71]. Software and Systems Research; New Software and Systems Research Study Results from Chalmers University of Technology Described (Why and How To Balance Alignment and Diversity of Requirements Engineering Practices In Automotive)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[72]Anupama Kaushik,Devendra Kr. Tayal,Kalpana Yadav. A Comparative Analysis on Effort Estimation for Agile and Non-agile Software Projects Using DBN-ALO[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2020,45(6).[73]Subhrata Das,Adarsh Anand,Mohini Agarwal,Mangey Ram. Release Time Problem Incorporating the Effect of Imperfect Debugging and Fault Generation: An Analysis for Multi-Upgraded Software System[J]. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,2020,27(02).[74]Saerom Lee,Hyunmi Baek,Sehwan Oh. The role of openness in open collaboration:A focus on open‐source software development projects[J]. ETRI Journal,2020,42(2).[75]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Computer Science and Engineering Broaden Understanding of Soft Computing (Efficient attribute selection technique for leukaemia prediction using microarray gene data)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[76]. Engineering - Computational Engineering; Findings from University of Cincinnati in the Area of Computational Engineering Described (Exploratory Metamorphic Testing for Scientific Software)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[77]. Organizational and End User Computing; Data from Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology Advance Knowledge in Organizational and End User Computing (A Contingent Approach to Facilitating Conflict Resolution in Software Development Outsourcing Projects)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[78]. Soft Computing; Findings from Department of Industrial Engineering in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Analysis of fuzzy supply chain performance based on different buyback contract configurations)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[79]Hana Mkaouar,Bechir Zalila,Jér?me Hugues,Mohamed Jmaiel. A formal approach to AADL model-based software engineering[J]. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer,2020,22(5).[80]Riesch Michael,Nguyen Tien Dat,Jirauschek Christian. bertha: Project skeleton for scientific software.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(3).[81]. Computers; Findings from Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Reveals New Findings on Computers (An assessment of software defined networking approach in surveillance using sparse optimization algorithm)[J]. Telecommunications Weekly,2020.[82]Luigi Ranghetti,Mirco Boschetti,Francesco Nutini,Lorenzo Busetto. “sen2r”: An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing Sentinel-2 satellite data[J]. Computers and Geosciences,2020,139.[83]Mathie Najberg,Muhammad Haji Mansor,Théodore Taillé,Céline Bouré,Rodolfo Molina-Pe?a,Frank Boury,José Luis Cenis,Emmanuel Garcion,Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo. Aerogel sponges of silk fibroin, hyaluronic acid and heparin for soft tissue engineering: Composition-properties relationship[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers,2020,237.[84]Isonkobong Udousoro. Effective Requirement Engineering Process Model in Software Engineering[J]. Software Engineering,2020,8(1).[85]. Soft Computing; Research Conducted at Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering Has Updated Our Knowledge about Soft Computing [Hyperparameter tuning in convolutional neural networks for domain adaptation in sentiment classification (HTCNN-DASC)][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[86]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Discussed by Researchers at Universita della Svizzera italiana (Investigating Types and Survivability of Performance Bugs In Mobile Apps)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[87]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Findings from Nanjing University Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Boosting Crash-inducing Change Localization With Rank-performance-based Feature Subset Selection)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[88]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Queen's University Belfast Update Knowledge of Software Engineering (Practical relevance of software engineering research: synthesizing the community's voice)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[89]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Researchers from Concordia University Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Software Engineering (MSRBot: Using bots to answer questions from software repositories)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[90]Anonymous. DBTA LIVE[J]. Database Trends and Applications,2020,34(2).[91]Tachanun KANGWANTRAKOOL,Kobkrit VIRIYAYUDHAKORN,Thanaruk THEERAMUNKONG. Software Development Effort Estimation from Unstructured Software Project Description by Sequence Models[J]. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,2020,E103.D(4).[92]Reza Mohammadi,Reza Javidan,Negar Rikhtegar,Manijeh Keshtgari. An intelligent multicast traffic engineering method over software defined networks[J]. Journal of High Speed Networks,2020,26(1).[93]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Hohai University Researchers Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Civil Engineering (An Experimental Study on Settlement due to the Mutual Embedding of Miscellaneous Fill and Soft Soil)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[94]. Engineering - Biomechanical Engineering; Researchers from Washington University St. Louis Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Biomechanical Engineering (Estimation of Anisotropic Material Properties of Soft Tissue By Mri of Ultrasound-induced Shear Waves)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[95]. Engineering - Rock Engineering; Reports from University of Alicante Add New Data to Findings in Rock Engineering (Evaluation of Strength and Deformability of Soft Sedimentary Rocks In Dry and Saturated Conditions Through Needle Penetration and Point Load Tests: a Comparative ...)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[96]. Computers; Study Findings from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Broaden Understanding of Computers [Improved energy efficient design in software defined wireless electroencephalography sensor networks (WESN) using distributed ...][J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[97]Mouro Erica,Pimentel Joo Felipe,Murta Leonardo,Kalinowski Marcos,Mendes Emilia,Wohlin Claes. On the Performance of Hybrid Search Strategies for Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering[J]. Information and SoftwareTechnology,2020(prepublish).[98]Osuna Enrique,Rodrguez Luis-Felipe,Gutierrez-Garcia J. Octavio,Castro LuisA.. Development of computational models of emotions: A software engineering perspective[J]. Cognitive Systems Research,2020,60(C).[99]Sharifzadeh Bahador,Kalbasi Rasool,Jahangiri Mehdi,Toghraie Davood,Karimipour Arash. Computer modeling of pulsatile blood flow in elastic artery using a software program for application in biomedical engineering[J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2020.[100]Shen Xiaoning,Guo Yinan,Li Aimin. Cooperative coevolution with an improved resource allocation for large-scale multi-objective software project scheduling[J]. Applied Soft Computing,2020,88(C).[101]Jung Jaesoon,Kook Junghwan,Goo Seongyeol,Wang Semyung. Corrigendum to Sound transmission analysis of plate structures using the finite element method and elementary radiator approach with radiator error index [Advances in Engineering Software 112 (2017 115][J]. Advances in Engineering Software,2020,140(C).[102]Zhang Chenyi,Pang Jun. Preface for the special issue of the 12th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2018[J]. Science of Computer Programming,2020,187(C).[103]Karras Oliver,Schneider Kurt,Fricker Samuel A.. Representing software project vision by means of video: A quality model for vision videos[J]. Journal of Systems and Software,2020,162(C).[104]Sutanto Juliana,Jiang Qiqi,Tan Chuan-Hoo. The contingent role of interproject connectedness in cultivating open source software projects[J]. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems,2020(prepublish).[105]Weiner Iddo,Feldman Yael,Shahar Noam,Yacoby Iftach,Tuller Tamir. CSO A sequence optimization software for engineering chloroplast expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii[J]. Algal Research,2020,46(C).以上就是关于软件工程英文参考文献的分享,希望对你有所帮助。

Dear professor

Dear professor

Dear professor,I have applied the Software Engineering(meng) of the school of Computing and Software. I write the email to ask if you could be my supervisor. My name is Li Xu and I have specialized in Software Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology from September 2012 till present. I will obtain my Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering in June 2016.I have been always interested in the area of Information privacy and security and I have delved myself into this realm since I entered university(要是可以加一点自己的研究的话可能就更好了). Nowadays, just as people can’t live without air,people almost can’t live without the Internet. However, at the same time, people’s personal privacy is easier to be given away, which has been a serious problem. And I believe that ,in the near future, everyone of us would pay more attention on this issue with the fast development of computer technology.I have red your papers about eHealth, and all of them ,especially the one about the M4CVD,imposed indelible impressions on me. It’s pretty brilliant to get the input data from both the physiological signals measured using wearable sensors and clinical data form health records. But I have a question that if this system could download all input data and store in the local device and work without Internet connection, as it’s not so easy for people to have access to free and safe WIFI when they are outside.I hope that I will have the chance to work together with you to further explore this problem in the future.Thanks for your attention and look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,LI XU。



电脑用于学校教育中英文电脑用于学校教育中英文例文Computer Use in School EducationAccompanying the developments in computing as a subject for study th Accompanying the developments in computing as a subject for study there has been a corresponding growth in the use of the computer as an aid to teaching across the curriculum. The government offer of half-price computers led to the installation of a large number of school microcomputer systems at a time when there was very little educational software. At the same time there was an explosive demand for introductory courses, at first for secondary teachers and later, when the offer was extended to primary schools, for primary teachers. It would be impossible, and inappropriate, to make every teacher into a computer programming expert.What the teacher needs to know is how to connect up a system. And how to load and run programs. Once these skills have been acquired the much more important topic of the evaluation of. computer-based teaching materials can be addressed.The Unintelligent MachineOver the past 20 years the amount of computing power available for a given sum of money has approximately doubled every two years, and it looks as if this trend will continue in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, the fundamental logical design of computers is much the same as at the beginning of this period. The revolution has been one of scale and cost rather than a change in the kinds of things which computers can do. One might have expected therefore that by now we would know thebest way in which computers can be used to help with the educational process.。



布拉德福德大学是一所具有140多年悠久历史的英国老牌综合性公立大学, 1966年根据英国皇家宪章正式命名为布拉德福德大学。






一、学院设置1.管理学院School of Management (including Law)(被认证AMBA、AACSB、EQWIS. 专业排名世界百强,欧洲TOP20,北英TOP8)2.信息工程学院School of Computing, Informatics and Media3.设计、工程技术学院(School of Engineering, Design and Technology)4.生命科学School of Life Sciences5.健康研究学院School of Health Studies6.教育和发展学院School of Lifelong Education and Development (SLED)7.社会及国际问题研究学院School of Social & International Studies二、学校优势布拉德福德大学与世界大量的企业合作,实习机会广。





在行政职务中,assitant指“助手”,可译作“副”或“助理”,即正职的主要助手,如:部长助理——assistant minister, 副司令员——assistant commander,公司副经理——assistant manager,副校长(中小学)——assistant headmaster;在技术职称中,assistant指“助理”,如助理工程师——assistant engineer,助理农艺师——assistant agronomist,助理会计师——assistant accountant,助理巡视员——assistant counsel。
deputy与director, chief, head secretary, dean, mayor搭配;
sub-与commissioner, dean, head, chief, editor, master, chairman, principal搭配。
一些不符合英语习惯的搭配要防止,如:vice-professor, vice-director, vice-manager, vice-mayor, vice-mayor, vice-editor-in-chief.
大学里的副教授一般用associate professor,不用vice-professor或deputy professor,同样的例子如:副研究员——associate research fellow,副主编——associate editor,副审判长——associate chief judge,学院的副院长、大学的副教务长——associate dean。
◆ School of Mines矿院
◆ School of Safety Engineeranics & Civil Engineering力建



A TCP Socket Buffer Auto-tuning DaemonShao TaoSchool of Computing National University of Singapore Email:shaot@.sgLillykutty JacobSchool of ComputingNational University of SingaporeEmail:jacobl@.sgA.L.AnandaSchool of ComputingNational University of SingaporeEmail:ananda@.sgAbstract—Depending on the bandwidth and round trip time of a network path,certain network connections may need different socket buffers than others.However,most TCP implementations use default socket buffer size for all the connections.This leads to a wastage of kernel memory for low bandwidth,long round trip time network paths and inefficiency for long fat[1]network paths.To tackle this problem,we implement a TCP socket buffer auto-tuning daemon.It will periodically tune the socket buffer size of each connection to an optimal value according to the network status of each connection,without the intervention of user or change of network application.The tuning daemon can run on different machines and communicate with each other,send tuning request to the remote daemon and exchange the tuning information.Experiment results are presented to show that this daemon can improve the throughput for network application.Index Terms—TCP,network throughput,round trip time, socket buffer,auto-tuning,bandwidth-delay product,perfor-mance tuningI.I NTRODUCTIONThe most frequently used parameter for determining the net-work performance is the throughput,especially for application involving large amount of data work throughput is affected by various factors,including network hardware,cross traffic,operating system of the ending hosts,application being used,and most commonly-the configuration of the hosts.In order to take advantage of today’s high-speed networks,hosts must support and utilize some extensions to basic TCP/IP. The most common ones are Path MTU Discovery[2],TCP Window Scale Option[3],TCP SACK[4]and large socket buffers.Among all the four new features mentioned above,the first three can be easily turned on or off.However the socket buffer size is connection specific.For each TCP connection, we should use different socket buffer size according to a set of network parameters and host’s specifications.The best solution would be if the operating system can automatically tune the socket buffers to the optimal size[5].However,no procedure or system is place to do the same.The TCP socket buffer tuning daemon addresses the issue of how socket buffer size can affect throughput of network and how it can be tuned to be optimal for bulk data transfer,au-tomatically(without having to manually determine the optimal value and changing accordingly).Section II introduces some of the related works.In Section III we will look at the design of our tuning daemon and some of the algorithm used to determine the optimal socket buffer size.Section IV contains experiment results while conclusions and recommendations for future work are given in Section V.II.R ELATED W ORKSWeb100project[6]was established with the aim of running network application at“100%of the available bandwidth”. This project provides a Linux kernel2.4patch and shared library for application development.Jeffrey Semke,Jamshid Mahdavi,and Matthew Mathis’paper[7]introduced their techniques of socket buffer tuning and implementation in a NetBSD system.They modified the kernel to ensure the fair share of kernel memory between network connections.The National Laboratory for Applied Network Research(NLANR) has developed their auto-tuning enabled ftp client and server [8].The client estimates the bandwidth-delay product of the network path,by using the packet pair[9]scheme.The client uses the estimated bandwidth-delay product value as the socket buffer size for that connection.Brian L.Tierney and his colleagues in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory developed their Enable daemon[10]and a corresponding set of APIs.The applications can query the Enable daemon for the optimal socket buffer size to use for a certain destination host. Eric Weigle has done a detailed comparison[11]over seven buffer tuning techniques,including their features and perfor-mance comparison.According to the classification method in that paper,our socket buffer tuning daemon is kernel-level, dynamic,out-of-band and transparent.Compared with previous works,the socket buffer auto-tuning daemon presented in this paper is a dynamic kernel-level implementation that uses active probing.The probing daemon is running at user-level and also has the ability to communicate between different instances for tuning informa-tion exchange,which makes it highly portable and extensible.III.D ESIGN I SSUESA.Design CriteriaSeveral issues need to be considered when designing the tuning daemon.The tuning daemon should be time efficient. Each round of probing operation must befinished within three seconds;or else,it should be canceled.Memory usage of the tuning daemon should be carefully handled.The tuning daemon runs in user space,and it needs only20KBytes user space memory.The CPU time spent on the tuning daemon should be low.When the tuning daemon runs,the CPU usage for the daemon process is only0.6%percent on our Pentium R 866MHz work bandwidth required for the prob-ing and communication operation should be controlled-thenetwork bandwidth occupied by the tuning daemon is15 KBytes/second within short probing period and none during delay period.Our tuning daemon runs the probe at adjustable intervals,normally60-300seconds and probing period lasts for around one minute for each different network connection. Finally the tuning daemon should be easily portable to other UNIX like systems.B.Algorithms and SchemesThere are two major functional parts in the tuning daemon.1)Detection of TCP Connections:For detection of local TCP connection,we make use of the/proc system in Linux. Information about all the local TCP connections is listed in the file/proc/net/tcp.Each line in thisfile contains statistics of one single TCP connection.The main parameters are:sl, local address,rem address,st,uid,and inode.Table I explains the meaning of thesefields.Our tuning daemon will periodically read thisfile to retrieve the statistics of the currently active TCP connections and tune these connections.TABLE IF IELDS OF/P R O C/N E T/T C PField Name Meaningsl sequence numberlocal address local IP address:local port numberrem address remote IP address:remote port numberst TCP connection statusuid id of the owner of that connectioninode inode number of the local socket.2)Measurement of Bandwidth:pipechar[12]is used to measure the network bandwidth.During each round of prob-ing,four probe packets,P1,P2,P3and P4are sent out.The probe packets P1and P3are UDP packets whose destination ports are discard.Packets P2and P4are small UDP packets whose destination ports are unreachable.P1has a data size of S1bytes and P3has a data size of S3.The data portion size of P2and P4is1byte.For a general case,suppose the size of P2and P4is S.P1and P2are sent back-to-back to the probed destination host.P1will be received and ignored by the destination host. P2will generate an ICMP Port Unreachable error message at destination host and this message will be returned to sender. T1is used to represent the time between the moment when sending out P1plus P2and the moment when receiving the ICMP error message caused by P2.Likewise,P3and P4are sent out back-to-back.P3will be received and ignored by the probed host and P4will generate an ICMP Port Unreachable message back to sender.The same period is represented as T2. Denoting the available bandwidth on the network path as BW,then we have the following formulas:T1=S1BW+S BW,T2=S3BW+S BWBW=S1−S312From the last formula,by measuring the difference betweenthe response time of P1,P2and P3,P4,the available networkbandwidth can be estimated.For each connection,the probingwill be repeated at adjustable intervals.The delay time can be measured using ping by sending outcertain ICMP Echo Request packets.After the measurementfor the network bandwidth and delay is done,the bandwidthdelay product can be calculated andthis value can be set asthe optimal socket buffer size for that connection.C.Structure of Tuning DaemonThe socket buffer tuning daemon consists of two compo-nents:the auto-tuning daemon,and the communicator(messagelistener).Both of them fork from the daemon startup processand share a set of common functional modules.Fig.1showsthe start up stage of our daemon.Fig.1.The Startup StageThe next two subsections will describe the routines of thetwo components.1)Auto-tuning Daemon:The auto-tuning daemon is incharge of monitoring the currently established TCP connec-tions in the local host,detecting the optimal socket buffer sizefor each specific connection and calling the modified systemcall to apply the changes.This procedure is repeated aftercertain delay period at the end of each round of tuning.Thereis also an interval between the process of probing and tuningeach connection.These delays and intervals are introduced toreduce the usage of TCP time and bandwidth,in order not tocause probingflood.Fig.2describes the steps.In each round of tuning,the auto-tuning daemon will callthe connection monitor to read the/proc/net/tcpfile forTCP connection status,include the socket pair informationfor each connection and the inode number related to that localsocket.After that the auto-tuning daemon calls the BandwidthDelay Product(BDP)detector to estimate the current availablebandwidth to the remote host of each connection,by using thealgorithm described in the previous section.After the BDP detection,the socket buffer for that connec-tion is changed to the optimal value.This is done by callinga new system call-setisockbuf.This system call searchesfor the corresponding socket structure in the kernel spaceaccordingto the inode number.Once found,it will set the receive socket buffer and send socket buffer size to the optimal value specified.During each round of tuning,the optimal socket buffer size for each remote host is cached in a datafile.Each line of the datafile contains information on one remote host.An example is given in Table II.The-1optimal value means theRepeat after delayFig.2.Flowchart of Auto-tuning Daemonprobing has failed because of time out or insufficient number of probing packets received.The Remote IPfields have been replaced with dummy IP addresses for security reasons.TABLE IIP ROBING C ACHERemote IP Optimal Value Timestamp10.0.0.17008010283327011234710.0.0.2-1102832289146985710.0.0.3297840102826959450087410.0.0.4-1102832251595988410.0.0.514600103959805131936The purpose of the probing cache is three-fold.First,if there are multiple TCP connections from the same remote host,the auto-tuning daemon will directly use the last estimated value for the optimal socket buffer size.Secondly,since the time stamp is also attached to each record,one can always define a timeout threshold for each line of record and after that line of cache expires,the auto-tuning daemon will try to probe that remote host again,given that the connection persists.Thirdly, the tuning daemon can compare the newly estimated value with the old one.In case the difference between the two values is larger than30%of the origianl optimal value,it is likely that the network condition may have changed.Then the auto-tuning daemon will send a tuning request message to the remote host. The format of the tuning request message is shown in Table III:TABLE IIIF ORMAT OF T UNING R EQUEST/R EPLY M ESSAGEmsg local local rem rem my your myheader ip port ip port optimal optimalfinalvalue value value msg header is a tag specifying the message type,using 1111to represent a tuning request and2222to represent a tuning reply.Thefields following the msg header are local ip, local port,rem ip,and rem port.The names of thesefields are optimal value refers to locally estimated optimal value for the socket buffer size.your optimal value refers to the optimal socket buffer size declared by the remote host of that connection.myfinal valuefield is used when the tuning daemon receives a tuning request.The communicator will check the my optimal value in the incoming message and perform local estimation.The average value of the advertised optimal value and the locally estimated optimal value will be taken as thefinal value for the optimal socket buffer size.After that,the communicator will send back a tuning reply message containing thisfinal value.After tuning a connection,the daemon waits for two seconds to avoid side effects from the previous probe,before tuning the next.Between each round of probing,the daemon will wait another60-300seconds.After that wait period,the auto-tuning daemon repeats the same tuning procedure again.2)Communicator:The communicator mainly acts as a message listener.Its responsibility is to capture the tuning messages and respond to the message accordingly.The running procedure is shown in Fig.3.It listens to a preset port,which is 12345in current experiments.The communicator will handle any tuning message sent to this port from the remote host. The message format is as shown in Table III.First the message header will bechecked.Otherfields will be parsed into related variables such as host IP address,port number,and optimal values.Fig.3.Flowchart of the CommunicatorIf the message is a tuning request,the communicator will call the BDP detection function to compute the optimal socket buffer size for that connection,just like what isdone by the auto-tuning daemon.After that,the communicator will take the average value of the locally tested optimal socket buffer and the remotely tested optimal buffer size and call the setisockbuf system call to change the socket buffer size.Following that,it will construct its own tuning reply message in a similar format,send it back as an acknowledge and close the connection.If the message is a tuning reply ,the communicator will print out the message and quit,since no further action is needed for the reply message.IV.E XPERIMENT R ESULTSThe tuning daemon and kernel patch was developed undera Pentium RIII 866MHz PC,running Red Hat Linux 7.2with kernel version 2.4.7-10.GCC 2.96and GNU make were used for compilation.The packet capture library libpcap [13]is used to monitor the throughput.The graphs were plotted by gnuplot .The TCP socket buffer sizes for the Linux kernel 2.4.7-10is shown in Table IV:TABLE IVF EATURES OF TCP IN L INUX KERNEL 2.4.7-10Linux Kernel Version2.4.7-10Max TCP socket buffer size 128KBytes Default TCP receive buffer size 87380Bytes Default TCP send buffer size16384BytesThe experiments were conducted from machine located in Center for Internet Research,NUS,Singapore to machine in Carnegie Mellon University,U.S.and another machine in Tokyo,provided by Asia-Pacific Advanced Network Consor-tium(APAN).The topology of the testbed networks are shown in Fig.4.The maximum bandwidth available is limited to 100Mbits/s by the Ethernet card.Fig.4.Experiment Network TopologyThe configurations of the machines in cira ,cmui and tokxp are given in Table V:TABLE VC ONFIGURATIONS OF THE M ACHINES cira cmui tokxp Processor Pentium III Pentium II Pentium III 866MHz 400MHz 750MHz Memory 128M 512M 128M Operating RedHat LinuxRedHat LinuxRedHat LinuxSystem 100Mb/s 100Mb/s100Mb/s ConnectionEthernetEthernetEthernetThe ping program was used to measure the round trip time and pipechar to measure the available bandwidth.The roundtrip time from the local machine cira to remote machine cmui was 259.9ms,and the available bandwidth measured was 31.441Mbits/second.The round trip time from cira to remote machine tokxp is 238.6ms,and the available bandwidth is 4.835Mbits/second.The BDP of the network path from cira to cmui is thus 1045.95KBytes,and that of the network path from cira to tokxp is 147.66KBytes.To fully utilize the available network bandwidth,the socket buffer size has to be at least as large as bandwidth delay product value.In our experiments,pipechar uses UDP packets to probe the network paths.The probing result represents the possible throughput of UDP traffic;however,tuning socket buffer alone may not be sufficient for TCP traffic achieve that throughput,due to the congestion control mechanism.Iperf [15]was used to visualize the relation between the socket buffer size and the throughput gained.Fig.5shows that as socket buffer size is increased from a small default value to the optimal value (bandwidth delay product),the throughput of the connection increases.After that optimal value has been reached,the throughput does not increase significantly,even if socket buffer size increases.For cmui host,the maximum socket buffer size allowed is 128KBytes.For cira and tokxp the maximum socket buffer size allowed is set to 8MBytes.50100150200250 3003501 101001000 10000T h r o u g h p u t (K B y t e s /s )Socket Buffer Size (KBytes)Socket Buffer vs Throughputcmui tokxpFig.5.Relation between Socket Buffer and ThroughputThe ftp application was used to test our tuning daemon.According to the traffic flow direction,we call the data flow from cira to cmui or tokxp upload and download if it is reverse.The size of the data file transferred between cira and cmui is 50MBytes.The size of the data file transferred between cira and tokxp is 20MBytes.To record the throughput of the ftp program,a monitor program was written to compute the instantaneous and average throughput.This monitor outputs the data into a log file and then gnuplot was used to plot out the final result.To run the tuning daemon,root privilege is needed to patch the kernel and to start the tuning program.As root access is only available at cira and tokxp ,we can only run the tuning daemon and test the communication ability from these hosts.The cmui host can only be used for the one side tuning experiments.The experiments are described below:A.Experiments on cmuiFor connections using cmui host,only local side (cira )tuning is enabled.Given the round trip time is around 259ms and available bandwidth estimated is 31.4Mbits/second.The bandwidth delay product is 1045KBytes.1)Download:In this experiment,the sender side used the default send socket buffer.The receiver side has the tuning daemon running;thus,the receive socket buffer size is the estimated bandwidth delay product.50100150200 25030050100150200250S p e e d (K B y t e s /s e c )Time (second)Cmui - Download Average Speed GraphUntunedOne-side-TunedFig.6.Download from cmui to ciraAs shown in Fig.6,there is a large improvement of about 50KBytes/s for the throughput.The throughput of untuned data flow varies around 240KBytes/s and the tuned data flow achieves a throughput of 290KBytes/s.It shows that the default receive socket buffer of 87380bytes (about 85KBytes)is too insufficient to fully utilize the network path.2)Upload:For the upload experiment,the local machine cira becomes the sender,and cmui is the receiver.Send socket buffer size was tuned to be the bandwidth delay product and receive socket buffer size was set to the default value of 85KBytes.For sender side tuning,the improvement in throughput is much less significant than the receiver side tuning.The tuning daemon increased the send socket buffer size to be the optimal value 1045KBytes.The default send socket buffer size is 128KBytes and the default receive socket buffer is 85KBytes.The default receive socket buffer is smaller than both the untuned and tuned send socket buffer,which means that the bottleneck factor for the upload transmission can be either the receiver or network congestion and tuning the sender side may not affect the throughput effectively.As verified by Fig.7,the untuned data flow attained a transmission throughput of 243KBytes and the tuned data flow attained a throughput of 244KBytes.B.Experiments on tokxpFor host tokxp ,tuning daemon can be enabled on both side.Hence,three sets of tests were done,no tuning,tuning local501001502002500 50 100150 200 250S p e e d (K B y t e s /s e c )Time (second)Cmui - Upload Average Speed GraphUntunedOne-side-TunedFig.7.Upload from cira to cmuihost,and tuning both local and remote hosts.The round trip time from cira to tokxp is 238.6ms and the available band-width is 4.835Mbits/second.The bandwidth delay product is 147KBytes.1)Download:In the download test from tokxp ,we transfer the same amount of data three times,without tuning,with local side tuning and both local and remote tuning.20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180200 0 20 40 60 80100 120 140 160 180 200S p e e d (K B y t e s /s e c )Time (second)Tokxp - Download Average Speed GraphUntunedOne-side-Tuned Both-side-TunedFig.8.Download from tokxp to ciraIn Fig.8,the three data flows experienced 3different trans-mission throughputs during the transmission of 20MBytes data file.The data flow without tuning experienced the mini-mum throughput of 117.0KBytes/s;the data flow with local side tuning enabled got a throughput of 157.9KBytes/s;and the data flow with both side tuning enabled has got 190.5KBytes/s.The one-side tuning became the receiver-side tuning,since the data flows from tokxp to cira .The data flow withone side tuning enabled could achieve significant throughput improvement over the data flow without tuning.This is because the receiver side was the bottleneck;it could not advertise enough large window for the sender host to fully utilize the network.Once the receiver side is tuned,thethroughput is improved by 35%.When the tuning daemons were enabled on both sender and receiver sides,the data flow with both side tuning enabled attained even higher throughput of 190.5KBytes.That is around 63%improvement over the untuned data flow.In the first 40seconds,the traffic without tuning gets a better performance than the traffic with one side tuning,due to the unstable connection condition.If we take the average over a few observations,the slight decrease is found non-typical.2)Upload:In the upload experiments,we did three tests in each round:one test without tuning,one test with local side tuning and one side with both side tuning.1020304050 60700 50 100 150200 250 300 350 400 450S p e e d (K B y t e s /s e c )Time (second)Tokxp - Upload Average Speed GraphUntunedOne-side-Tuned Both-side-TunedFig.9.Upload from cira to tokxpFig.9shows that the data flow with both side tuning enabled obtained the best throughput.The data flow with local side tuning has a throughput of 61.7KBytes/sec,slightly lower than both side tuning data flow’s 66.9KBytes/s,but higher than that of the totally untuned data flow,which is 51.1KBytes/s.In this upload experiment,the network is more congested than in the download experiment;so even the tuning daemon can enlarge the socket buffer accordingly,the throughput is still limited by the network condition.From the above experiment results,we find that for the tuning daemon to achieve good effects,not only should the network paths have a long delay and high bandwidth,but the network congestion should also be low.If the available bandwidth is limited to a small value by congestion,the default socket buffer size should be sufficient.The overhead of our tuning daemon will instead adversely affect the performance.On low congestion,long delay and high bandwidth network path,enabling the tuning daemon on both ending hosts will improve the throughput more than enabling the tuning daemon on one side.V.C ONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKThe TCP socket buffer auto-tuning daemon has been shown to be effective in improving network throughput under the same network condition and host load.It is useful especiallyfor high bandwidth and long delay network paths.No ad-ditional application layer changes need to be made for the user level programs to benefit from the effects of the tuning daemon.The program is extensible as the developer can add other modules into the daemon program to estimate bandwidth delay product or derive a more suitable socket buffer size from that.Finally,although the tuning daemon was developed under Linux,it is portable to other UNIX like systems.For future development of the tuning daemon,we plan to do the following:The daemon will be changed to be event-driven and tune the system according to the real time network performance changes.More network related parameters can be included for tuning besides the socket buffer sizes.More efficient and accurate algorithms are necessary to determine the optimal values for the socket buffer stly,both active and passive measurements will be needed for the tuning daemon,in order to reduce redundant probing.A CKNOWLEDGMENTWe would like to thank Nancy and Hua Chu of CMU,and Kitamura-san and Kitatsuji-san of APAN Tokyo for providing us the support for experimental network setup.We would also like to thank Srijith and Saravanan for their time and effort spent in our experiments and refinement of this paper.This work was supported by A*STAR Singapore under the BB21grant.R EFERENCES[1]W.Richard Stevens,TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1:The Protocols ,Addison-Wesley,1994.[2]J.Mogul,S.Deering,RFC 1191:Path MTU Discovery ,November 1990.[3]V 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Automatic TuningTechniques for Distributed Computing ,High Performance Distributed Computing,2002.HPDC-112002.Proceedings.11th IEEE International Symposium on,2002,Page(s):265-272.[12]Jin Guojun,etc al,Network Characterization Service (NCS),/pipechar/,2002.[13]Van Jacobson,Craig Lores and Steven McCanne,pcap -Packet Capturelibrary ,/,2002.[14]M.Beck,H.Boheme,etc al,LinuxKernel Internals (2nd ed),Addison-Wesley,1997.[15]Ajay Tirumala,Feng Qin,Jon Dugan,Jim Ferguson,and KevinGibbs,Iperf -The TCP/UDP Bandwidth Measurement Tool ,/Projects/Iperf/,2003.[16]M.Allman,V .Paxson,W.Stevens,RFC 2581:TCP Congestion Control ,1999.毕业设计(论文)附件外文文献翻译学号:姓名:所在系别:专业班级:指导教师:原文标题:A TCP Socket Buffer Auto-tuning Daemon年月日套接字缓冲区的TCP自动调谐守护进程1摘要根据不同的带宽和网络路径的往返时间,确定的网络连接可能需要不同的套接字缓冲区比别人。



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Computer Science and Application 计算机科学与应用, 2023, 13(4), 779-788 Published Online April 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/csa https:///10.12677/csa.2023.134077深度强化学习模型轻量化算法研究安天一,李 宁,王 超北京信息科技大学计算机学院,北京收稿日期:2023年3月18日;录用日期:2023年4月17日;发布日期:2023年4月23日摘要针对深度强化学习网络难以部署到资源受限终端设备的问题,本文提出一种深度神经网络优化压缩算法。


实验结果表明,轻量化后的网络参数量为19.79M ,参数量为原网络的59.8%,性能提升约12.1%,且在网络轻量化的同时,提升了模型表现,验证了所提算法的有效性。

关键词深度强化学习,轻量化设计,知识蒸馏Research on Lightweight Algorithms for Deep Reinforcement LearningTianyi An, Ning Li, Chao WangSchool of Computing, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, BeijingReceived: Mar. 18th , 2023; accepted: Apr. 17th , 2023; published: Apr. 23rd, 2023AbstractIn response to the difficulty of deploying deep reinforcement learning networks on resource- con-strained terminal devices, a deep neural network optimization compression algorithm is proposed in this paper. This algorithm introduces an inverse residual module as the backbone network to achieve the lightweight of network; adopts response-based knowledge distillation, with action strate-gy as the distillation target, to make up for the accuracy loss caused by the lightweight of network; adopts feature-based knowledge distillation to distill the feature vectors in the middle layer of the network, further improving network accuracy. Experimental results show that the parameter size of the lightweight network is 19.79M, the parameter size is 59.8% of the original network, the per-安天一等formance is improved by about 12.1%, and the model performance is improved while the network is lightweight, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.KeywordsDeep Reinforcement Learning, Lightweight Design, Knowledge Distillation Array Copyright © 2023 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言随着深度学习(Deep Learning, DL)技术的不断发展,其凭借深度神经网络强大的特征表达能力,为学术界和工业界解决了许多的难题并取得了众多令人瞩目的研究成果。

001-Searchable Encryption(SE)加密搜索

001-Searchable Encryption(SE)加密搜索

To encrypt, one encryption, one XOR, and two pseudo-random functions have to be computed per word per document. The search requires one XOR and one pseudo-random functions per word per document. Security: The scheme uses no formal security definition. After several queries, it is possible to learn the words inside the documents with statistical anal学 知行相长
General model for SE
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敦德励学 知行相长
SE architectures
• single writer/single reader (S/S)
In S/S scheme, the secret key owner is allowed to create searchable content and to generate trapdoors to search.
精工博艺 忠诚进取 敦德励学 知行相长
M/S scheme (Cont.)
Efficiency: The encryption requires the server to perform one pairing computation, two exponentiations, and two hashes per keyword.
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• Hongjun Su, Assistant Professor
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School of Computing, Armstrong Atlantic State University
• Ray Hashemi, Professor • Steve Jodis, Assistant Dean and Associate Professor
Ph.D., Auburn University, 1994 Software Engineering, Software Metrics
School of Computing, Armstrong Atlantic State University January 2003 11
School of Computing Armstrong Atlantic State University
January 2003
Ray Greenlaw
School of Computing, Armstrong Atlantic State University January 2003 1
• Sergio DeAgostino, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Rome “La Sapienza,” 1992 Algorithms, Content Processing, Data Compression Ph.D., University of Missouri at Columbia, 1983 Data Mining
• Joy Reed, Professor
Ph.D., Auburn University, 1972 Distributed Systems
• Charles Shipley, Professor
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, 1972 Architecture, Operating Systems, Software Tools