( 1. 第二军医大学长征医院急救科,上海 200003 ) ( 2. 中国人民解放军第九四医院重症医学科,南昌 330002 )
摘要: 目的 比较应用 BALB / c 和昆明( KM) 小鼠建立脓毒症盲肠 结 扎 穿 孔 ( Cecal Ligation and Puncture,CLP) 模 型 的区别。方法 BALB / c 和 KM 小鼠各 30 只,分别建立假手术组和 CLP 模型组,术后 6 h 进行血常规、生化检测、病 理切片检查,术后 72 h 比较两种品系小鼠盲肠结扎模型 的 生 存 率。 结 果 术 后 72 h 两 品 系 小 鼠 假 手 术 组 存 活 率 均为 100% ,CLP 组 BALB / c 小鼠存活率为 40% ,KM 小鼠存活率为 60% ,BALB / c 小鼠 72 h 生存能力低于 KM 小鼠 ( P < 0. 05) 。与各自品系的假手术组相比,BALB / c 小鼠和 KM 小鼠在术后 6 h 白细 胞 上 升,血 小 板 下 降,谷 丙 转 氨 酶、谷草转氨酶升高( p < 0. 05) ,肺损伤明显,而 红 细 胞、尿 素 氮 和 肌 酐 无 明 显 差 异。 结 论 BALB / c 小 鼠 较 KM 小 鼠对脓毒症盲肠结扎模型的敏感度更高。 关键词: BALB / c 小鼠; 昆明小鼠; 盲肠结扎穿孔 中图分类号: R394 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1006 - 6179( 2012) 03-0005-04
前缀1.Ab- 表⽰分离,离开“away”Ab + duct = abduct离开拉⾛绑架,诱拐v.He was abducted by 4 men.ab + normal = abnormal离开规则⽆规则的,反常的adj.Tension can cause abnormal heart rhythms.ab + use = abuse离开使⽤滥⽤,虐待v./n.The problem was an abuse of power.ab + sent = absent离开发送缺席的adj.Tom was absent today.2.An- 表⽰不,没有,⽆“not”“without”An + arch + ism = anarchism⽆政府主义⽆政府主义n.The young people advocated anarchism as the solution to social problem. 派⽣词;anarchy ⽆政府主义,混乱n. Anarchic ⽆政府主义的,⽆法⽆天的adj.An + echo + ic = anechoic没有回声形容词后缀⽆回声的,⽆反响的adj. An anechoic chamber is used to test the signal strength.An + onym + ous = anonymous adj.没有名字形容词后缀匿名的,⽆名的An anonymous benefactor provided the prize money.3.anti- 反对,相反“against”“opposite”Anti + path + y = antipathy反对感情反感,厌恶n.There was an antipathy between them.Anti + war = antiwar反对战争反战争的adj.He predicted that antiwar passions were just beginning to heat up.Anti + body = antibody反对⾝体抗体n.Until recently, scientists were unable to make full use of antibody.Anti + social = antisocial反对社会反社会的,不爱交际的adj. 反社会者n. Anti + freeze = antifreeze反对冻= 抗冻剂n.4.Auto- ⾃⼰,“self”Auto + bio + graph + y = autobiography⾃⼰⽣命写⾃传,⾃传⽂学n. The famous writer had his autobiography published last autumn. Auto + mobile = automobile⾃⼰移动汽车n.Auto + graph = autograph⾃⼰写亲笔,⼿稿,亲笔签名n.Auto + immune = autoimmune⾃动免疫的⾃动免疫的,⾃体免疫的 使,做“make”Be + fall = befall使降临,下落降临,发⽣v.Nevertheless, “luck” seemed to befall this poor girl.Be + hold = behold使持续,保留看,注视,把....视为v.The children got up early to behold the sunrise.Be + neath = beneath使在下⽅在下⽅adv. 在...之下prep.He spotted a precious photo album beneath the bookshelf.Be + little = belittle使⼩贬低,轻视6.bene-, beni-,bon- 好的,善良的goodBene + fit = benefit好的,善的做益处,好处n. 对...有益Both sides benefited from the talks.Beni + gn = benign善的,好的出⽣和蔼的,和善的adj.The old man just smiled benignly and stood back.Bene + vol + ence = benevolence好的,善的意愿名词后缀善⾏,仁慈n.His benevolence deeply impressed ⼆,两个”two”Bi + enn + al = biennial⼆年两年的,两年⼀次的adj. 两年⽣植物n. They are participating in the biennial Commonwealth conference. Bi + sect = bisect⼆切割平分,横贯The street bisects the village from end to end.Bi + later + al = bilateral⼆边形容词后缀双边的,两边的The disputes and differences between the two neighbors was to be solved bilaterally.猜⼀猜:bilingualBicycleBimonthlyBipartisanBiped8.cent 百“hundred”Cent + enn + ial = centennial百年形容词后缀⼀百年的adj. 百年纪念n.The centennial Olympics was held in Atlanta.Cent + grad = centigrade百度百分度的,摄⽒温度的 a.Weather forecast says the temperature will be 38 degree centigrade.Cent + i + pede = centipede百脚蜈蚣n.You may find a centipede living under a heavy rock.Cent + meter = centimeter百⽶厘⽶n.9.circum-, circ- 环绕,围绕aroundCirc + uit = circuit环绕⾛电路,回路,巡回n.Cutting through the cabling will break the electrical circuit. Circum + ference = circumference环绕名词后缀周长n.The scientists calculated the Earth’s circumference.Semi + circle = semicircle半圈,环绕半圆n.猜⼀猜;, ad-, ag-, ar- 向,靠近,继续使toAd + apt = adapt使适应使适应v.He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions.Ag + grav + ate = aggravate继续加重动词后缀加重,使恶化v.Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate her illness复习:1.cent2.Circum-,, beni-, bon-5.Auto-6.Anti-7.An-8.Ab-/doc/24bab0b53086bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6195fe9b3.html -, con- 和....持有with together Com + ment + tary = commentary持有思想,意见评论,注释n.The reporter gave the listening crowd a running commentary. Com + pact = compact⼀起捆绑紧凑的,紧密的adj.This compact approach dose have some limitations and weakness.The plan is quite compact.Con + cept = concept⼀起抓取观念,概念n.We will explore the concept in the next class.猜⼀猜;CompressCompliant12.contra-, cntro-, counter- 反对,与...相反against contrary opposite Contra + dict = contradict相反说否认,与...相⽭盾v.What she said contradicted he daughter’s.Contra + ver + sial = controversial相反转向,变化有争议的,有争论的adj.As a controversial public figure, he neglected the hostile criticism.Counter + feit = counterfeit反对,与...相反做仿照v. 赝品,冒牌货n.He had to admit possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.猜⼀猜:countermandCounterpart13 .de- 去掉,使远离,还可⽤来加强语⽓off,awayDe + pose = depose去掉放免职,废黜V.The president was deposed in a coup.De + sign + ate = designate使远离信号,标明指派,制定v.Some of the rooms were designated as offices.De + pict = depict加强语⽓画,描绘描述,描绘V.The old soldier showed a gallery of pictures depicting most famous pictures. 猜⼀猜: DeforestDepressDecodeDefame14.di- 两个,分开,分离twoDi + lemma = dilemma两个争论困境,进退两难n.The doctor’s dilemma was whether he should tell the patient the truth.Di + vorc + e = divorce使分开转向离婚,分离n./ v.Democracy cannot be divorced from social and economic progress.Di + plo + ma = diploma两个折叠学位证书n.He obtained a diploma in architecture.猜⼀猜:divergedioxidediminish15.dis-, di- 分开apartDis + patch = dispatch分开脚派遣,急件n.The maintenance supervisor would dispatch a crew to repair the damage.Di + mini + sh = diminish分开⼩使减少,使变⼩V.They believe time will not diminish their friendship.Di + s + sect = dissect分开切割解剖,仔细分析V.The lawyer dissect the testimony to show where the witness have contradict themselves.16.en-, em- 在...⾥,使...成为in makeEn + counter = encounter使...成为对⾯邂逅V.Every girl will encounter her Mr. Right.Em + bar + go = embargo在..⾥棍⼦⾛禁运V. 禁令,禁⽌n.The United Nations Imposed a fruit embargo against the country.猜⼀猜:EmbodyEmpowerEncompass17.ex-, e- 向外,⽤于强调outEx + alt = exalt强调⾼的提升,赞扬V.The president exalts all those virtues.E + voke = evoke向外叫喊唤起,引起V.The scene evoked memories of those old days .E + radic + ate = eradicate向外根根除,消灭V.We should eradicate the enemies.18.extra-, exter-, extro- 额外的,外⾯的,对外的outsideExtra + vag + ant = extravagant外⾯的游荡放纵的,过度的,奢华的adj. The decoration is pretty extravagant.Extra + vert = extravert外⾯的转向外向的adj.His extravert personality won the hearts of the public.Extra + ordinary = extraordinary额外的普通的卓越的adj.His a man of extraordinary will power.猜⼀猜;extravioletExternalExterior19.for- 离开,加强语⽓apartFor + go = forgo离开⾛放弃,停⽌VWe have to forgo something to achieve our goal.For + bear = forbear加强语⽓忍受忍耐,克制VProtester forbore from stone-throwing.For + bid = forbid加强语⽓禁⽌禁⽌,妨碍V.20.fore- 前⾯beforeFore + cast = forecast前⾯扔预报,预测V.Sometimes the weather forecast is accurate, sometimes not.Fore + most = foremost前⾯最最重要的,最先的adj.He was one of the world’s foremost scholars of ancient culture.Fore + sight = foresight前⾯看见先见,远见n.He had the foresight to invest in new industry.猜⼀猜:forefatherForearmForesee⼩测验:Foremost forgo extrovert radical exalt1.Whether you are introvert or _______,you will need a strong social work.2.The country needs a period without radical______change.3.As we all know, the economic crisis is_______on the minds of many.4.You have to_______sleeping in long hours.5.His work ______all those virtues.英⽂释义1.a situation which makes problems , often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equal importance.______________.2.An object like a fence that prevents people from moving forward from one place to another._________________.3.Feelings of hatred towards somebody.4.(of money and goods for sale) made to make exactly like something in order to trick people into thinking that they are getting the real thing.回忆前缀1.di-_ _____________________________________________________2.De- _____________________________________________________3.Fore-______________________________________________________4.Extra-,exter-,extro- _________________________________________5.En-, em- ___________________________________________________名⾔名句People do not lack strength, they lack will -----Victor, il-, im- 在...⾥,不im + mense = immense不测量巨⼤的,⼴⼤的adj.One disease causes immense sufferings in large parts of the + mers = immerse在...⾥浸⼊沉浸,使陷⼊v.He immersed in his + part + ial = impartial不部分形容词后缀公平的,公正的adj.In + human = inhuman不⼈类残忍的,野蛮的adj.In + justice = injustice不公平正义不公平n.22.inter- 在...之间betweenInter + vene = intervene在...之间来⼲涉,调停v.The situation didn’t calm down until police intervened.Inter + cept = intercept在....之间拿拦截,窃听v.The police intercepted the gunman on his way to the airport.Inter + rog + ate = interrogate在....之间询问动词后缀审问v.The police took a long time to interrogate the criminal.Inter + nation = international在...之间国家国际的adj.Inter + view = interview在...之间看会见,采访v.23.intra-, intro 在...⾥,向⾥into inwardIntra + state = intrastate在⾥⾯州州内的adj.intro + spect = introspect向⾥看反省的adj.One child is impulsive and outgoing, while the other becomes diligent and introspect. intro + vert = introvert向内转向内向的adj.The introvert is often incompatible with the extrovert.intro + versible = introversible向内翻转向内翻转的adj. 24.. macro ⼤的largeMacro + world = macroworld⼤的世界宏观世界n.The macroworld is the opposite of the microworld.Macro + economics = macroeconomics⼤的经济学宏观经济学n. Macro + structure = macrostructure⼤的结构宏观结构n. macro + climate = macrocliamte⼤的⽓候⼤⽓候n. 25.mal-, male- ,mali- 坏的,不好的ill,badMale + dict + ion = malediction坏的说诅咒,坏话n. Mal + treat = maltreat不好的对待虐待v.Don’t maltreat animals.猜⼀猜:MalnutritionMalcontentMalpracticemalevolent。
项目 SOD 活力 /( U·mL - 1) MDA /( nmol·mL - 1) GSH - Px /( U·mL - 1) IL - 2 /( pg·mL - 1) IL - 6 /( pg·mL - 1) IgG /( mg·mL - 1) IgA / ( mg·mL - 1) IgM /( mg·mL - 1)
D - gal 属于己醛糖的一种,它与葡萄糖是同分 异构体。在机体的代谢过程中转变为葡萄糖供机体 使用,但若供给过多,则会使体内糖代谢紊乱,细胞渗 透压发生改变,导致细胞肿胀。同时 D - gal 在代谢 过程中还会生成大量的自由基,自由基在体内堆积, 进而损伤机体,加速机体衰老[8 - 10]。本试验结果表 明,一定剂量的 D - gal 能成功制造免疫衰老模型,为 衰老和抗衰老研究提供理论依据。
2 月龄健康昆明小鼠随机分为 2 组,每组 10 只, 雌雄各半,分别为青年对照组和衰老模型组。2 岁龄 健康小鼠为自然衰老组。购进后先饲喂 1 周减少应 激,适应环境后开始试验。青年对照组和自然衰老组 在颈背部注射生理盐水; 模型衰老组在颈背部注射 D - gal( 125 mg / kg) 制造衰老模型。持续 45 d。 2. 2 小鼠行为学检测( 跳台检测)
由表 2 可知: 衰老模型组与青年对照组比较,胸 腺、脾脏脏器指数降低,差异极显著( P < 0. 01) ; 衰老 模型组与自然衰老组比较,脾脏脏器指数差异不显著 ( P > 0. 05) ,胸腺脏器指数差异显著( P < 0. 05) 。 3. 3 生化指标检测结果
生化指标检测结果见表 3。
表 3 生化指标检测结果( nห้องสมุดไป่ตู้= 10)
由表 3 可知: 衰老模型组与青年对照组比较,血 清 SOD、GSH - Px 活力、IL - 2 和免疫蛋白含量降低, 血清 MDA、IL - 6 含量升高,差异极显著( P < 0. 01) ; 与自然衰老组比较差异不显著( P > 0. 05) 。自然衰老 组与衰老模型组比较,血清 SOD、GSH - Px 酶活力差 异显 著 ( P < 0. 05 ) ,其 余 项 目 差 异 不 显 著 ( P > 0. 05) 。 4 分析与讨论
方法选取潍坊医学院附属医院2018-01—2020-01收治的醒后卒中患者112例为研究对象,依据随机数表法分为对照组和观察组,对照组(n =56)接受氯吡格雷和拜阿司匹林治疗,观察组(n =56)接受替罗非班桥接双抗治疗,比较2组患者治疗前后神经功能评分(采用美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表评分)、评价预后功能的改良Rankin 量表(mRS )评分及不良事件(出血及死亡)。
结果2组治疗后NIHSS 评分较治疗前下降,治疗组下降更明显,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);观察组的预后良好比例(mRS ≤2.0)较对照组明显增多,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);观察组总有效率较对照组明显增高,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);在出血、死亡等不良反应方面,2组相比差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。
【关键词】醒后卒中;替罗非班;阿司匹林;氯吡格雷;安全性【中图分类号】R743.3【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1673-5110(2021)09-0760-05张学敏韩国胜△孙兴盛王华王彬王炎强潍坊医学院附属医院神经病学教研室,山东潍坊261000Efficacy and safety evaluation of tirofiban bridging dual antiplatelet in the treatment of wake-up strokeZHANG Xuemin,HAN Guosheng,SUN Xingsheng,WANG Hua,WANG Bin,WANG YanqiangTeaching and Research Office of Neurology,Affiliated Hospital of Weifang Medical University,Weifang 261000,China【Abstract 】ObjectiveTo explore the safety and efficacy of early tirofiban bridging aspirin and clopidogrel in patients withwake-up stroke after prolonged time window.MethodsA total of 112patients with wake-up stroke in our hospital (from January2018to January 2020)were selected as study subjects.All patients were divided into the control group and the observation group ac ⁃cording to the random number table method,the control group (n =56)was treated with clopidogrel and aspirin,and the observationgroup (n =56)was treated with tirofiban bridging aspirin and clopidogrel,NIHSS score,mRS score and prognosis (bleeding and death )were compared before and after treatment.ResultsThe NIHSS scores of the two groups decreased after treatment,especiallyin the observation group,there was significant difference (P <0.05).The rate of good prognosis (mRS ≤2.0)in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the Control Group (P <0.05).The total effective rate in the observation group was significantlyhigher than that in the control group (P <0.05).There was no significant difference in side effects such as bleeding and death be ⁃tween the two groups (P >0.05).Conclusion Tirofiban bridging aspirin and clopidogrel in the treatment of wake-up stroke is safetyand efficacy.【Key words 】Wake-up stroke;Tirofiban;Aspirin;Clopidogrel;SafetyDOI :10.12083/SYSJ.2021.15.015替罗非班桥接双抗治疗醒后卒中的疗效及安全性研究基金项目:山东省医药卫生科技发展计划项目(编号:2017WS405)作者简介:张学敏,Email :△通信作者:韩国胜,Email :·论著临床诊治·醒后卒中(wake up stroke ,WUS )是入睡时无主观症状,醒后出现神经功能缺损症状的急性脑梗死,其最要的特点为睡眠中发病,具体发病时间不明确,是缺血性脑卒中所有类型中不可忽视的一个重要亚型,9.7%~29.6%的缺血性脑血管病在睡眠中起病[1-3]。
Ke r s:PCR ;d y wo d og; Bab sa; j R N A n ei 8s ge e
巴贝西 虫病 是 广 泛 发生 于 各种 家 畜 、 蜱传 播 经 的一 种 血源 性原 虫病 。巴贝西 虫在 家 畜体 内单 个或 成对 寄 生 于红细 胞 内 , 引起 严 重 的 贫 血 和血 红 蛋 白
SH ANG — o Ze s ng, a — a LIXi o k ng, ANG e y n ZH ANG i W Xu — i g, Ca ,
JA NG e g @e, AO n h i I F n 一 iZH Ya — u
( l g fAn ma ce c n c n l g He a ie st fS in e a d Te h o o y Co l e o i lS in e a d Te h o o y, n n Un v r i o ce c n c n lg , e y
缩写单词Abbreviate缩写ABBRBabbit ...巴氏合金BABAbout ..关于ABTBack to back ...背靠背B to BAcetylene 乙炔ACETBase line 基线BLActual ..实际的ACTBearing 轴承BRGAddendum, Addition ..增量ADD.Beryllium 铍BEAdjust ..调整ADJBetween 在…之间BET.Advance ..提前ADVBetween centers .在两中心之间....... BC Alignment ..同轴度ALGINBetween perpendiculars 在两垂线之间BP Allowance ..公差ALLOW.Bevel ....斜角BEVAlteration, Alternate .更换ALTBill of material .材料表B/MAlternating current .交流电.ACBlueprint ...........蓝图.... BPAluminum ..铝... ALBolt circle ......螺栓圆周... BCAnd ............以及,和...... &Bottom ...............底面...... BOTApplication ...运用......... APPLBottoming .........底平面.................. BOTMG Approved ......批准的....................... APPDBracket ...............支架......................BRKT Approximate ..大约.......................... APPROX Brass ...................黄铜...................... BRSArc Weld ...弧焊................................ ARC/W Brinell hardness ...布氏硬度.............. BH Arrangement ...布置........................... ARRBrinell hardness number布氏硬度值BHNArticle ..............项目.......................... ART.British thermal unit英热单位(热量单位) BTU Asbestos ..........石棉.......................... ASBBroach ....拉孔刀............................ BROAssemble ......装配............................ ASSEMBronze .......青铜........................... BRZAssembly ......装配组件.................... ASSYBushing ....轴衬....................... BUSH.Assign ............分派........................... ASGBy (used between dimensions).用于尺寸之间表示乘以. X Auxiliary .......辅助的........................ AUXAutomatic .......自动的....................... AUTOAverage ...........平均.......................... A VGWORDCadmium ..... 镉.............................. CAD Counterbore.....沉孔................ CBORECalculate .......计算............................. CALC Counterbore clockwise 沉孔顺时针CCWCapacity ...........能力........................ CAP.Counterdrill ...反钻孔..................... CDRILLCarbon steel ..碳钢............ CSCountersink ...埋头................... CSKCase harden ...表面硬化.................... CH Counterweight ...平衡力.................. CTWTCasting ........铸造................... CSTGCoupling ..............联轴器................ CPLGCast iron .....铸铁......................... CICross section .........横截面............ XSECTCast steel ....铸钢........................ CSCubic ......................立方............... CUCement ......水泥........................... CEMCubic foot ............立方英尺............ CU FTCenter .......中心............................. CTRCubic inch ............立方英寸.......... CU INCenter line ...中心线..................... CL orCubic centimeter ....立方厘米. CCCenter to center ..中心到中心..... C TO CCubic feet per minute立方英尺每分钟CFM Centigrade ...摄氏度................. CCubic feet per second立方英尺每秒CFSCentimeter .厘米....................... CMCurrent .......电流................... CURChamfer ...倒角.......................... CHAMCycle ...........循环........................... CYChange ...改变............................ CHGCylinder .......缸体/缸筒............. CYLCheck .....检查........................... CHKChord ......弦向....CHD D Chromium ..铬..................... CRChrome molybdenum ...铬钼...... CRMOLY Dated ...............日期............... DTDChrome vanadium .........铬钒.......... CR V ANDatum .............数据..................... DATCircular pitch .圆周齿距,周节...... CPDecimal ........小数................ DECCircumference .圆周长............... CIRCDedendum ...齿根................... DEDClassification ......分类...................... CLASS.Degree ..........度......................... DEGClearance ...........间隔....................... CLDepartment .....部门......................DEPT Coaxial ..........同轴............... COAXDepth .............深度...................... DCold-drawn ....冷延......................... CDDesign ............设计....................... DSGNCold-drawn steel.冷作钢.............. CDSDetail, Detailer细节..................... DETCold-punch ...........冷冲................ CPDevelop ..........发展...................... DEVCold-rolled ............冷轧................. CRDiagonal ......对角线............ DIAGCold-rolled..............冷轧钢................ CRSDiagram ........图表...................... DIAGCommercial .............商业用........... COMLDiameter ........直径 (I)Common ........常见的,同轴........ COMDiameter bolt circle...螺栓圆周直径. DBCCompression ......压缩..... COMPRDiametral pitch ..........径节DPConcentric ............同心的............... CONCDimension ............尺寸............ DIM.Connect, Connector ....连接器........... CONNDirect current ......直流电................. DCConfidential ....机密的................. CONFDivision ..............分开,除以...... DIVContents ............目录.................. CONTDovetail .......楔形榫头.................DVTL Contour .........轮廓.............. CTRDraft room manual ..制图室手册.... DRMCopper .........铜....................... COP.Draftsman ...制图人..................... DFTSMNWORD WORDCadmium ..镉........................... CADCounterbore.....沉孔..............CBORE Drawing .....图纸.............................. DWGForging 锻造.................................. FORGDrawing list ...图纸列表.............. DLFrequency ....频率.......................... FREQFriction Horse power .....摩擦马力.... FHPEFront ..前面................... FRFull indicator reading指示器总读数FIR.Each .......每个........................ EAEccentric ..离心...................... ECC GElbow ....弯管.......................... ELLElongation ....延长..................... ELONGGage .........节距.................... GAEnclose ...装入.......................... ENGLGalvanize ..镀锌............................. GALVEnd to end ...两端之间............. E TO EGalvanized iron 镀锌铁...................GI Engineer ........工程师.................. ENGRGasket ................垫圈.............. GSKTEngineering ......工程..................... ENGRGGeneral ...............概述................... GEN Equal.................等于..................... EQGovernment GOVTEquipment ......设备..................... EQUIPGrade ...........等级.................... GRExample ......示例....................... EXGraduation ....刻度/分级.............. GRADExpansion ....扩大 (X)Graphite .石墨........................ GPHExternal .......外部的. (X)Grind .......磨削.............................. GRDExtra heavy ...超重....................... X HVYExtra strong ....超强........................ S STR H Extrude, Extrusion 挤压................ EXTRHandle ....把手HDLHard .....坚硬的/困难的........ HHarden ...硬化............. HDNFabricate ....构造.................... FABHardware 硬件...................... HDWFace to face ...面对面.............. F TO FHead ........头部............................. HDFahrenheit .....华氏度.................. FHeavy ......重的.. (V)Far side .........远端面..................... FSHeight .......高度............................. HGTFastener .........紧固件.................... FASTNRHeat treat .热处理............................ HT TRFeet, Foot .......英尺.................... FTHexagon .....六角的.......................... HEXFigure ..........数字/图.. (I)High-speed steel ...高速钢............... HSSFillet ..........倒圆/圆角 (I)Horizontal .....水平的................... HORFinish ........表面处理 (I)Horsepower .....马力.................... HPFinish all over ..全部处理................ FAOHot-rolled steel .热轧钢.............. HRSFitting .........安装,配合............. FTGHousing .........机架................. HSGFixed ..............固定的.. (X)Hydraulic ....液压................... HYDFlexible ..........柔性的.................... FLEXFoot, Feet .........英尺................... FTFoot-pound ......英尺磅..................... FT LBForged steel ....锻造钢.................. FSTIdentification ....标识............... IDENTWORD WORDIllustrate .....图示................. ILLUSLength over-all ..总长......... LOAInch ...........英寸........................... IN.Limit ...............极限.. (I)Inches per second .英寸每秒........... IPSLinear .......直线的.. (I)Inch-pound ............英寸磅........ IN. LBLocate .........定位于........................ LOCInclosure .................附件............. INCLLong ...............长........................ LGIndicate ............指示.............. INDLongitudinal, Longitude ..纵向的.. LONG.Induction ..........感应...................... INDLubricate ..润滑...................... LUBIndustrial ...........工业的................... INDInformation ......资料................ INFO Inside diameter ...内径................. ID MInside radius ......内半径................... IRMachine ....机器.................. MACHInspect ...........检验................ INSPMaintenance ...维护保养............ MAINT.Installation, Install ...安装........... INSTAL.Malleable ...韧性的,可锻的.......... MALL.Interchangeable .可互换的................ INTCHGManual ....手册........................ MAN.Intermediate ..........中间的............. INTERManufacture ....制造,生产............ MFRInternal ................内部的............. INTManufacturing ....制造.................. MFGInverse ..................倒转的............... INVMaterial ..............材料............... MATLIron pipe size ........铁管尺寸............. IPSMaximum .........最大..................... MAX.Maximum working pressure最大工作压力MWPJMeasure ..测量MEASMechanical .机械的.............. MECHJoint ......连接.............................. JTMedium .....中间................ MEDJunction ....连接....................... JCTMechanism ..机械..................... MECHMicrometer ...千分尺,测微计MICKMillimeter ........毫米MMMinimum 最小MINKeyseat ....键槽................................ KSTMiscellaneous ...杂项的............... MISCKeyway ....键槽............................. KWYModified ..修改的....................... MODKilocycle ...千周................... KCMolybdenum ...钼....................... MOKilogram .千克.............................. KGMounting ...安装....................... MTGKilometer ...千米............................ KMMotor .....马达...................... MOTKilovolt-ampere .千伏安................... KV AN Kip (1,000 lb).....千磅......... KLNegative ....负极...............(-) or NEGNickel ............镍NILaboratory .....实验室.................... LABNominal ....公称的...NOM Left hand .......左手................... LHNormal ...普通的,一般NORNot to scale .....不按比例.............. NTSLength ...长度............................. LGNumber .....数字,编号............... NOWORD WORDObsolete .....旧的,过时的.............. OBSRadius ....半径..................... R or RAD On center .............在中心上........... OC Received ....接收的........................ RECDOperate ..................操作......... OPRReduce ..........减小,降低................ RED.Opposite .....相反的...................... OPPReference ........参考.................. REF.Optional ......可选的........................ OPTReference line 参考线............ REF LOriginal ......原始的,最初的...... ORIGRelease .......释放......................REL Ounce .......盎司.......... OZRemove....去除,删掉............ REMOutside diameter ...外径....... ODRequired ....要求的................ REQDOutside radius .......外半径................. OR.Revise ..........修改........................ REVRevolutions per minute .................转每分钟RPMPRight hand ....右手RHRockwell hardness洛氏硬度RHParallel 平行.................... PAR.Rolled ......卷曲的,轧制的........... RLDPart ........部分,零件................... PTRootmean square .均方根.......... RMSParting line ......分割线.................... PLRough ...粗糙的,大略的................. RGHRound .............圆的............ RDPerpendicular ...垂直....................... PERPPhase ..........相位PHPhosphur bronze ..磷铜............. PH BRZ SPiece ...................个,只.................. PCSchedule ....计划.......................... SCHPitch circle .........节距圆............... PCSchematic ...示意的,原理的.......... SCHEMPitch diameter ....节距直径................ PD Screw .....螺钉.................. SCRPlate ....................电镀,平面.......... PLSeamless ...无缝的...................... SMLSPositive .....................负极........ POSSecondary ...次要的,辅助的....... SECPotentiometer .....电位计............. POT.Section ...部分,截面................ SECTPounds .................磅................ LBSSerial ......连续的.................. SERPounds per square inch磅每平方英寸PSISet screw ....定位螺丝..................... SSPreliminary ....初步的....................... PRELIMSheet ............页数................... SHPrimary ...最初的...................... PRIShop order ..工程订单........... SOProcess, Procedure ..步骤......... PROCShoulder ......轴肩................. SHLDProduction, Product ...生产..... PRODSimilar .......类似的. (I)Project .......项目.................... PROJSingle phase ....单相的.................... 1PHSketch ....草图.. SKQSlotted 开槽的................. SLOT.Socket ....插座,孔............ SOCQuality ............质量QUALSpare .........备用的..... SPQuantity ...数量........................... QTYSpare part ...备用件............. SPWORD WORDS (接上页.) Specimen, Specification ...规格..SPEC WWeight ...重量.......... WTSpherical ..球形.............................. SPHER Width ..........宽度............................ WSpot face ......孔口面......................... SF Working circle ....工作周期循........... WC Spring ..................弹簧...................... SPR Work line ...........工作流水线......... WL Square ..........平方,方形................. SQ Stainless steel 不锈钢...................... SST Standard ................标准................... STD Steel .......................钢................ STL Straight ..............直线.................... STR Superseded ..........代替的................ SUPSD Switch .....................开关.............. SW Symbol ...............符号...................... SYM Symmetrical ..........对称的............... SYM System ...............系统.................... SYSTTachometer ......流速计............... TACH Taper ............锥度................... TPR Technical ........技术的.................... TECH Temper .............回火................... TEMP Thick ..................厚的..................... THK Thread ...................螺纹................... THD Threads per inch .......英寸螺纹........ TPI Through .................穿透.................. THRU Tolerance ................公差................ TOL Tool steel .................工具钢............... TS Total indicator reading指示器总读数. TIR Typical ............................典型.. TYPVVertical ....垂直..................... VERTVertical center line...垂直中心线...... VCL Vertical reference line .垂直参考线.. VRLMGW=MAXIMUM GROSS WHEIGH 最大毛重Ccw 逆时针Cw 顺时针O/D外径I/D 内径关于探伤的几个术语NDT non-destructive testingUT ultrasonic testingRT ray testingMT magnetic testingPT penetration testing意大利文的,最近刚接触到的SP. -> spessore (厚度)(指磷化或镀铬等的厚度)+DFT:小端-DFT:大端T.ε.T.:形位公差UNF:细牙UNC:粗牙hole thro:通孔REV:版本BUR Back up roll 支撑辊WR Work roll 工作辊DR Drive side 驱动侧OR Operation side 工作侧AGC Automatic gauge control 自动辊缝控制CPC Center position control 自动对中EPC Edge position control 自动对边SX 左旋DX 右旋Cham Chamber倒角TYP加在焊接符号后面我们也翻译为同类焊缝THK 厚度Brinell hardness number 的缩写,也就是HBM-凸面;RF-凹面;FM-凹凸面;ID: 内径OD:外径内径:I.D.=inside diameter外径:O.D.=outside diameterREF:参考reference另外分享一下我收集的一些:PL:parting line 分模线c'bore:counterbore 柱坑thru:through 孔DP: depth 深WD: wide 宽 zone 圆筒状区域prof: profile 剖面BSC: basic spacing between center 到中心的基本尺寸C/L: center line 中心线FYI: for your informationHD'N: hardness 硬度PLS: places 处INCL:include /including 包括DFT: draft 出模角度DWG. NO: 图纸编号E.J. PINS: 顶针S/F: surface 表面。
轴承 承英文翻 翻译第 1 章 滚动轴承 承(rolling bearing) 1.1 向心轴承(co ontact ball b bearing) 1.1.1 深沟球轴承 承(deep gro ball bear ove ring) 1.1.2 圆柱滚子轴 轴承(cylindr rical roller be earing) 1.1.3 滚针轴承( (needle bea aring) 1.1.4 调心球轴承 4 承(self-align ning ball bea aring) 1.1.5 角接触球轴 轴承(angula ar-contact ba bearing) all 1.1.6 圆锥滚子轴 轴承(tapered roller bear d ring) 2.2 其他滑动轴 轴承(others p plain bearing g) 1.1.7 调心滚子轴 轴承(self-aligning roller bearing) 2.3 滑动轴承轴 轴套与轴瓦(b bushing & half-liner of plain h 1.2 推力轴承(th hrust bearing g) 1.2.1 推力球轴承 承(thrust ball bearing) 1.2.2 推 力 圆 柱 滚 子 轴 承 (thrust cylindrical ro oller bearing) 1.2.3 推力滚针轴 轴承(thrust n needle bear ring) 1.2.4 推力角接 4 接触球轴承(t thrust angular-contact ball bearing) 1.2.5 推 力 调 心 滚 子 轴 承 (thrust self f-aligning ro oller bearing) 1.3 组合轴承(co ombined bearing) 承 1.4 外球面球轴 轴承(spherica surface ba bearing) al all aer rostatic bear ring 空气静力 力轴承 1.5 直线运动滚 滚动支承(linea roll bearin ar ng) aga bearing 玛瑙轴承 ate 玛 1.6 滚轮滚针轴 轴承(tracd & needle rolle bearing) er air journal bear ring 气体轴承 承 1.7 水泵轴连轴 轴承(water p pump bearin ng) air lubricated th hrust bearing 空气润滑止 g 止推轴承 1.8 专用轴承(sp pecial bearin ng) alig gning bearing(直线)对位 位轴承 ada apter bearing 带固接套的 的轴承 adjustable bearing 可调轴承 承 adjustable cone colter bea aring 圆犁刀 刀的可调式锥 锥形轴 bea aring) 2.3.1 轴套(plai bearing b in bushing) 2.3.2 轴瓦(plai bearing h alf-liner) in 2.4 滑动轴承附 附件(fitting pa for plain bearing) arts n 1.9 滚动轴承附 附件(fitting pa for rollin bearing) arts ng 第 2 章 滑动轴承(plain bea aring) 2.1 关节轴承(a articulated b bearing) 2.1.1 杆端关节 节轴承(rod en & spheric plain bea nd cal aring) 2.1.2 向心关节 节轴承(plain r radial bearin ng) 2.1.3 角 接 触 关 节 轴 承 ( (angular-con ntact articul lated bea aring) 2.1.4 推力关节 节轴承(thrust articulated bearing)alka aline-friction bearing 抗磨 磨轴承 allow wable bearin 容许支承 ng 承力 all-rubber type b bearing 全胶 胶式轴承。
♦ Correspondingauthor.Tel:+86-574-87609605, E-mail: xiaobingxiu@
URL: /arts.asp?id=5536
finder) and CPAT (coding-potential assessment tool), to detect the feasibility o f ORF and translation o f the above circRNAs,respectively.IR ES finder (internal ribosome entry site finder) and circRNADb database were used to an alyze whether there were IRES (internal ribosome entry site) in circRNAs,and then M 6A M RFS (robust prediction o f N6-methyladenosine sites with sequence-based features in multiple species) tool and SRAM P (sequence-based R N A adenosine methylation site predictor) tool were used to screen whether circRNAs contained M 6A modifica tion sites.Finally, the circRNAs with translation function were screened out by intersection analysis.The results show that seven kinds o f circRNAs may have translation function,among which hsa_ circ_0001479 has both IRES and M 6A-mediated translation function;hsa_circ_0001278, hsa_circ_0001439 and hsa_ circ_0000220 may mediate translation through IR E S,while hsa_circ_0001017, hsa_circ_0008351 and hsa_ circ_0004406 may mediate transla tion through M 6A .This study provides a reference for exploring whether circRNAs has translation function.The feasibility o f the selected analysis method is verified by constructing overexpression plasmid and Western blot.The results show that a set o f feasible methods for the study o f the translation function o f circRNAs has been success fully established.
摘要:一组用于胃低分化腺癌诊断的circRNA标志物,所述标志物包括SEQ ID NO:1所示的
hsa_circ_0102434、SEQ ID NO:2所示的hsa_circ_0005505、SEQ ID NO:3所示的
hsa_circ_0077837、SEQ ID NO:4所示的hsa_circ_0072309、SEQ ID NO:5所示的
地址:310014 浙江省杭州市下城区上塘路158号
环状rna注释环状RNA(Circular RNA,circRNA),是一种新兴的内源性非编码RNA,是继microRNA以及long noncoding RNA后非编码RNA 家族中极具研究潜力的新成员。
此外,环状RNA 的广泛表达和疾病调控机制使其成为多种疾病的功能生物标志物和治疗靶点。
目前,常用的环状RNA鉴定方法主要包括以下几种:1.高通量测序:通过RNA-seq技术,可大规模地鉴定环状RNA 分子。
3.实验验证:通过实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)、Northern blot 等方法,验证环状RNA的表达。
脑底动脉环名词解释脑底动脉环(Circle of Willis)是一个位于大脑底部的循环系统,由五个主要动脉组成,它们彼此相连,形成了一个环状的血管网络。
脑底动脉环包括以下五个主要组成部分:1. 前交通动脉(Anterior Communicating Artery,ACA):位于脑前部,连接了两侧大脑动脉的前部分。
2. 两侧大脑动脉(Middle Cerebral Arteries,MCA):从颈动脉分支而来,沿着大脑侧面向上延伸,为大脑提供了大部分的供血。
3. 内侧脑动脉(Posterior Communicating Arteries,PCoA):连接前交通动脉与后脑动脉。
4. 两侧后循环脑动脉(Posterior Cerebral Arteries,PCA):从椎动脉分支而来,负责为大脑后部供血,包括颞叶、枕叶和大脑脚。
5. 椎动脉(Vertebral Arteries):从颈椎的脊骨上缘进入颅内,沿着脊髓后外侧走向延伸至脑干的基部,向上延伸到脑底。
一种常见的方法是使用基因或转录本的Ensembl ID或基因名称来进行编号转换。
另外,一些生物信息学工具和软件也提供了方便的编号转换功能,例如UCSC Genome Browser、circBase和circRNADb等数据库和工具。
这些工具可以帮助你将circRNA的编号从一种格式转换为另一种格式,例如从基因名称到Ensembl ID,或者从Ensembl ID到NCBI Gene ID等。
搞懂环状RNA(circRNA),看这篇就够了环状RNA的定义是什么?circRNAs(Circular RNAs,环形RNA分子)是一类不具有5' 末端帽子和3' 末端poly(A)尾巴、并以共价键形成环形结构的非编码RNA分子。
至此借助于高通量测序技术,环状RNA(circular RNA)验明正身进入科研视界。
大量的circRNA分子被相继发现,Jeck 等在人类成纤维细胞中检测出了高达 25000 多种的circRNA;而Memczak等通过RNA-seq 数据结合人白细胞数据库鉴定出 1950种人类circRNA、1903种小鼠circRNA (其中81种与人类circRNA相同) 和724种线虫circRNA。
同一基因位置可以产生不同类型的环状RNA环状的RNA主要特征有哪些?(1)circRNA由特殊的可变剪切产生,大量存在于真核细胞的细胞质中,但少部分内含子来源的circRNA则存在于核酸内,具有一定的组织、时序和疾病特异性;(2)广泛存在于人体细胞中,有时甚至超过它们线性异构体的10倍之多;(3)与传统的线型RNA(linear RNA,含5'和3'末端)不同,circRNA分子呈封闭环状结构,不易被核酸外切酶RNaseR降解,比线性RNA更稳定;(4)具有高度保守性,部分具有快速的进化性改变;(5)大多数来源于外显子,少部分由内含子直接环化形成;(6)部分circRNA分子含miRNA应答元件(miRNAresponse element,MRE),可充当竞争性内源RNA(competing endogenousRNA,ceRNA),与miRNA结合,在细胞中起到miRNA海绵的作用,进而解除miRNA对其靶基因的抑制作用,上调靶基因的表达水平;(7)可以翻译成蛋白质,但大部分是非编码RNA。
1.环状RNA hsa_ circ_ 0005320在三阴性乳腺癌中的表达及其对细胞增殖的影响
3.环状RNA ciRS-7在三阴性乳腺癌中
结果共检测到1711个circRNAs,其中差异表达的circRNAs 375个,在CHD新生儿血清中表达上调的circRNAs 115个,下调的circRNAs 260个(FDR>2,P<0.05)。
【总页数】3页(P716-718)【关键词】环状RNA;子宫内膜癌;肿瘤标记物;靶向治疗【作者】李雨葳;左玥;孙宇辉【作者单位】哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院妇产科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R737.33【相关文献】1.环状RNA ciRS-7和EGFR在子宫内膜癌组织中的表达水平 [J], 安欣;崔志利;魏娉;杨学丽;尹峰2.长链非编码RNA及环状RNA在胆管癌中的研究进展 [J], 史武江;王健岗;王东升;夏浩明;徐艺;钟翔宇3.循环血液中的环状RNA在消化系统肿瘤中的研究进展 [J], 杨立羊;张新军;王庆领;苗吉4.环状RNA-微小RNA轴在骨肉瘤化疗耐药中的研究进展 [J], 赵国中;冯卫5.环状RNAs在前列腺癌中的研究进展 [J], 冯天瑞;严维刚因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Integral component
• Aluminium wrought alloy (AlSi1) • MAPAL HP–EndMill Z 3 • D 20 mm • Blade length 20 mm Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Reduction in machining time • Machining previously with solid carbide tool Result: • Increaseill HP–EndMill by 30 % Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 18,000 rpm • Feed per tooth fz = 0.18 mm • Effective cutting width ae = 20 mm • Cutting depth ap = 10 mm Special features: • Machining from the solid • 90 % of blank part becomes swarf
• Aluminium (EN AC-AlSi12CuFe) • MAPAL milling tool Z 5 • Combination tool with internal coolant • ISO 40 toolholder Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Required surface finish • Ra = 0.8 µm (face surface) Result: • Surface finish requirement easily met Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 8,000 rpm • Feed per tooth fz = 0.08 mm Special features: • 2 machining operations with one tool on a PCD plate • Groove with D 55H12 mm • Face milling on face of bore Material: Tool:
Cylinder head Cam shaft bearing bore
• Aluminium (GDAlSi9) • MAPAL circular milling tool Z 4 • with internal coolant Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Machining holding slots • Spaces between grooves ± 0.03 mm Result: • Machining of all holding slots possible in a single cut Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 6,000 rpm • Feed per tooth fz = 0.08 mm Special features: • Machining grooves (5 at a time) carried out in half shell • Tool deflection prevented by means of a solid carbide core in the tool Material: Tool:
MAPAL Competence – Circular milling and end milling Machining examples
Competence – Circular milling and end milling
Cylinder crankcase
Material: Tool: • Aluminium (AlSi17CuMg) • MAPAL milling tool Z 3 (spiral blade arrangement) • D 67.4 • with internal coolant (coolant pressure 70 bar) • Tool holder HSK 80 Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Pre-machining bearing race for crank shaft bearing • Pre-machining into the solid (bearing race is not pre-cast) Result: • Tool life 650 m • Machining into the solid possible Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 2,600 rpm • Feed per tooth fz = 0.05 mm
Steering box
Material: Tool: • Aluminium (GDAlSi12Cu1) • MAPAL combination tool • Milling operation Z 4 • Tool operates as bell Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Machining complete external contour with all radii and chamfers • Double spindle used Result: • Required accuracy of form fully achieved Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 8,000 rpm • Feed per tooth fz = 0.01 mm
Competence – Circular milling and end milling
Material: Tool:
• Aluminium forged and heat-treated (AlSi1) Tool: • MAPAL thread milling tool Z2 • with internal coolant Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Threaded bore with cross bores Result: • Burr–free in cross bore when using PCD thread milling tool Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 12,000 rpm • Feed per tooth fz = 0.1 mm Special features: • With a solid carbide thread milling tool a burr is created in the cross bores. This previously required a 100 % inspection and the parts to be re-machined. Material:
MAPAL Competence – Circular milling and end milling Machining examples
Competence – Circular milling and end milling
Gear housing for gate drive system
• Aluminium forged and heat-treated (AlSi1) Tool: • MAPAL combination tool Z 4 • with internal coolant Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Groove located in an axial slot • Groove width 2.8 mm with R 0.4 at base and chamfer at entry • Circular form 0.02 mm (statistically checked) Result: • cpk value achieved > 2.2 Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 12,000 rpm • Feed per tooth fz = 0.1 mm Special features: • For safety reasons the tool is designed as a bell with a closed ring in front of the blades Material:
Competence – Circular milling and end milling 41
Plastic housing for medical technology
Material: Tool: • Polypropylene (PPH 2250) • MAPAL ball nosed milling cutter Z 1 • Combination tool with internal coolant • D 120 mm with R 109.70.1 mm Cutting material: • PCD Requirement: • Complete contour produced in a single cut Result: • Required accuracy of form easily achieved • Reduction in machining time by 30 % Machining values: • Spindle speed n = 2,000 rpm • Feed rate vf = 400 mm/min Special features: • Machining into the solid • Aluminium disc as swarf protection plate