



单片低成本低能耗RF 收发芯片应用z 2400-2483.5MHz ISM/SRD 波段系统 z 无线游戏控制器 z 无线音频 z 电子消费领域 z 无线键盘鼠标产品介绍CC2500是一种低成本真正单片的2.4GHz 收发器,为低功耗无线应用而设计。

电路设定为2400-2483.5MHz 的ISM (工业,科学和医学)和SRD (短距离设备)频率波段。

RF 收发器集成了一个数据传输率可达500kbps 的高度可配置的调制解调器。



CC2500的主要操作参数和64位传输/接收FIFO (先进先出堆栈)可通过SPI 接口控制。


CC2500基于0.18微米CMOS 晶体的Chipcon 的SmartRF 04系列。

主要特性z 体积小(QLP 4×4mm 封装,20脚) z 真正的单片2.4GHz RF (射频)收发器 z 频率范围:2400-2483.5MHzz 高灵敏度(10kbps 下-98dBm ,1%数据包误差率)z 可编程控制的数据传输率,可达500kbpsz 较低的电流消耗(RX 中15.6mA ) z 可编程控制的输出功率,可达+1dBm z 优秀的接收器选择性和模块化性能 z 极少的外部元件:芯片内频率合成器,不需要外部滤波器或RF 转换 z 可编程控制的基带调制解调器 z 理想的多路操作特性 z 可控的数据包处理硬件z 快速频率变动合成器带来的合适的频率跳跃系统z 可选的带交错的前向误差校正z 单独的64字节RX 和TX 数据FIFO z 高效的SPI 接口:所有的寄存器能用一个“突发”转换器控制 z 数字RSSI 输出z与遵照EN 300 328 , EN 300 440 class 2 (欧洲),CFR47 Part 15 (美国), 和ARIB STD-T66(日本)标准的系统相配 z 自动低功率RX 拉电路的电磁波激活功能z 许多强大的数字特征,使得使用廉价的微控制器就能得到高性能的RF 系统 z 集成模拟温度传感器z自由引导的“绿色”数据包z对数据包导向系统的灵活支持:对同步词汇插入的芯片侦测,地址检查,灵活的数据包长度及自动CRC处理z可编程信道滤波带宽z OOK和灵活的ASK整型支持z2-FSK和MSK支持z自动频率补偿可用来调整频率合成器到接收中间频率z对数据的可选自动白化处理z对现存通信协议的向后兼容的异步透明接收/传输模式的支持z可编程的载波感应指示器z可编程前导质量指示器及在随机噪声下改进的针对同步词汇侦测的保护z支持传输前自动清理信道访问(CCA),即载波侦听系统z支持每个数据包连接质量指示1 缩写词资料中用到的缩写词如下:2-FSK 2进制频率转换按键PD 功率降低ADC 模数转换器PLL 相同步环路AFC 自动频率补偿PQI 前导质量指示器AGC 自动增益调节 QPSK积分相位转换按键AMR 自动仪表读取 RF电磁波频率ASK 振幅转换按键 RSSI接收信号长度指示器CRC 循环冗余检查 RX接收,接收模式ESR 等价串联阻抗 SNR信噪比FEC 前向误差校正 SPI连续外围接口FSK 频移键控 TBD待定义IF 中间频率 TX传输,传输模式LNA 低噪声放大器 VCO电压控制振荡器LQI 链接质量指示器 WOR电磁波激活,低功率拉电路MCU 微控制器单元 XOSC石英晶体振荡器MSK 最小化转换按键 XTAL石英晶体PA 功率放大器目录1 缩写词 (2)2 绝对最大等级 (5)3 工作条件 (5)4 电气规范 (6)5 常规特性 (7)6 RF接收环节 (7)7 RF传输环节 (8)8 石英晶体振荡器 (8)9 低功率RC振荡器 (9)10 频率合成器特性 (9)11 模拟温度传感器 (10)12 直流特性 (10)13 重启功率 (10)14 引脚结构 (11)15 电路描述 (12)16 应用电路 (12)17 结构配置概述 (14)18 配置软件 (15)19 四线串行配置和数据接口 (16)19.1 芯片状态位 (16)19.2 寄存器访问 (17)19.3 命令滤波 (17)19.4 FIFO访问 (17)19.5 PATABLE访问 (17)20 微控制器接口和引脚结构 (19)20.1 结构接口 (19)20.2 常规控制和状态引脚 (19)20.3 可选通信控制特性 (20)21 数据率设计 (20)22 接收信道滤波带宽 (20)23 解调器,符号同步装置和数据决定 (21)23.1 频率便宜补偿 (21)23.2 位同步 (21)23.3 字节同步 (21)24 数据包处理和硬件支持 (22)24.1 数据白化 (22)24.2 数据包格式化 (22)24.2.1 任意长度区域配置 (23)24.3 接收模式下的数据包滤波 (23)24.4 传输模式下的数据包处理 (24)24.5接收模式下的数据包处理 (24)25 调制格式化 (24)25.1 频率转换按键 (24)25.2 相位转换按键 (25)25.3 振幅调制 (25)26 已接收信号质量和连接质量信息 (25)26.1 前导质量门限(PQT) (25)26.2 RSSI (25)26.3 载波感应(CS) (25)26.4 清理信道访问(CCA) (26)26.5 连接质量指示(LQI) (26)27 交错前向误差校正 (26)27.1 前向误差校正(FEC) (26)27.2 交错 (26)28 通信控制 (28)28.1 开启顺序功率 (28)28.2 晶体控制 (29)28.3 电压调节控制 (29)28.4 主动模式 (29)28.5 电磁波激活(WOR) (30)28.5.1 RC振荡器和定时 (30)28.6 定时 (31)28.7 RX终止定时器 (31)29 数据FIFO (31)30 频率控制 (32)31 VCO (33)31.1 VCO和PLL自校准 (33)32 电压调节 (33)33 输出功率调节 (34)34 晶体振荡器 (34)35 天线接口 (35)36 常规用途/测试输出控制引脚 (35)37 异步和同步连续操作 (38)37.1 异步操作 (38)37.2 同步连续操作 (38)38 配置寄存器 (38)38.1配置寄存器详情-休眠状态下带保存值的寄存器 (43)38.2配置寄存器详情-休眠状态下失去控制的寄存器 (54)38.3状态寄存器详情 (55)39 数据包描述(QLP20) (57)39.1 推荐数据包PCB设计(QLP20) (58)39.2 数据包发热工具 (58)39.3 焊接信息 (58)39.4 盘规格 (58)39.5 载波带和轴规范 (58)40 分类信息 (59)41 总体信息 (59)41.1 文件历史 (59)41.2 产品状况定义 (59)41.3 不予承诺的内容 (59)41.4 商标 (60)41.5生命支持政策 (60)42 地址信息 (61)2 绝对最大等级任何条件下都不可违反表1给出的绝对最大等级。



ASTRO卫星XTS 2500Ⅲ型91ARS的用户登录和文本消息功能注:我在大写模式),多挖掘键将只有滚动大写字母。

(例如:一个,“乙->的C -”2)ii)在数字锁定模式下,按下键盘会只输入数字位数。


表三:键盘字符关键是数按时间(正常模式)关键1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 0或按住以切换普通文本进入模式,大写模式和Num Lock模式。

1 1。

,?!; @ _ - *#&$ / + = \“'()美国广播公司美国广播公司2 23高清3登士4 ghi 4 GHI5 jkl 5 JKL6 6 MNO的二氧化锰7 PQRS的7 PQRS的德国TUV德国TUV 8 89 wxyz 9 WXYZ*空间#删除一个字符ASTRO卫星XTS 2500Ⅲ型92ARS的用户登录和文本消息功能4寻址讯息按D addr的下面解决您的传出地址:|消息。

地址输入屏幕IMPT RQRP返回出现。




IMPT RQRP返回按D下面IMPT到开启/关闭一个“优先”标志对于传出的信息。






ASTRO卫星XTS 2500Ⅲ型93ARS的用户登录和文本消息功能注意:当您收到一份关于XTS 5000无线电消息与“请求回复”图标标记,你必须手动响应您已收到发件人该消息。





Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2500
For large and enterprise businesses, Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2500 is a highly reliable, flexible and scalable storage system for Microsoft® Exchange Server, VMware, databases and other business applications. It also provides optimal choices for tiered and standalone storage, consolidation, business continuity, data replication, backup and archiving.
Remote copy (over IP and Fibre Channel networks)
Hitachi TrueCopy® Synchronous and Hitachi TrueCopy Extended Distance software
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Hitachi ShadowImage® Replication and Hitachi Copy-on-Write Snapshot software
Internal flash drives Host interfaces
Minimum/maximum number of disk drives Maximum number of flash drives Number of controllers Host connection options




光接口规格支持L-16.2、L-16.2Je、V-16.2Je(加BA)、U-16.2Je(加BA和PA)的光接口,其中L-16.2光接口特性符合ITU-T G.957和ITU-T G.692建议。


支持符合ITU-T G.692建议的标准波长输出,U-16.2Je的光接口可以直接接入DWDM(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing)设备。














光接口规格支持I-16、S-16.1、L-16.1、L-16.2的光接口,光接口特性符合ITU-T G.957和ITU-T G.692建议。

支持符合ITU-T G.692建议的标准波长输出,可以通过波长转换板接入DWDM(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing)设备。







Ultra Low Noise, Offset Drift ±1 g Dual Axis Accelerometer with Analog OutputsMXA2500EFEATURESBetter than 1 milli-g resolutionDual axis accelerometer fabricated on a monolithicCMOS ICOn-chip mixed mode signal processingNo moving parts50,000 g shock survival rating17 Hz bandwidth expandable to >160 Hz3V to 5.25V single supply continuous operation Small (5mm x 5mm x 2mm) surface mount package Continuous self testCustom programmable specifications Independent axis programmability (special order) APPLICATIONSAutomotive – Vehicle Security/Active Suspension/ABS Headlight Angle Control/Tilt SensingSecurity – Gas Line/Elevator/Fatigue SensingOffice Equipment – Computer Peripherals/PDA’s/Mouse Smart Pens/Cell PhonesSckVREFAOUTXVDDVDAGndAOUTYTOUT MXA2500E FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMGaming – Joystick/RF Interface/Menu Selection/Tilt Sensing White Goods – Spin/Vibration ControlGENERAL DESCRIPTION The MXA2500E is an ultra low noise and low cost, dual axis accelerometer fabricated on a standard, submicron CMOS process. It is a complete sensing system with on-chip mixed mode signal processing. The MXA2500E measures acceleration with a full-scale range of ±1 g and a sensitivity of 500mV/g at 25°C. (The MEMSIC accelerometer product line extends from ±0.5g to ±250g with custom versions available above ±10 g.) It can measure both dynamic acceleration (e.g., vibration) and static acceleration (e.g., gravity). The MXA2500E design is based on heat convection and requires no solid proof mass. This eliminates stiction and particle problems associated with competitive devices and provides shock survival of 50,000 g, leading to significantly lower failure rates and lower loss due to handling during assembly. The MXA2500E provides an absolute analog output The typical noise floor is 0.2 m g/Hz allowing signals below 1 milli-g to be resolved at 1 Hz bandwidth. The 3dB rolloff of the device occurs at 17 Hz but is expandable to>160 Hz (ref. Application Note AN-00MX-003). The MXA2500E is available in a low profile LCC surface mount package (5 mm x 5 mm x 2 mm). It is hermetically sealed and is operational over a -40°C to +105°C temperature range. It also contains an on-chip temperature sensor and a bandgap voltage reference.Due to the standard CMOS structure of the MXA2500E, additional circuitry can easily be incorporated into custom versions for high volume applications. Contact the factory for more information.Information furnished by MEMSIC is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by MEMSIC for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of MEMSIC. MEMSIC, Inc.800 Turnpike Street, Suite 202 , North Andover, MA 01845 Tel: 978.738.0900 Fax: 978.738.0196MXA2500E SPECIFICATIONS (Measurements @ 25°C, Acceleration = 0 g unless otherwise noted; V DD, V DA = 5.0V unless otherwise specified)1 Guaranteed by measurement of initial offset and sensitivity.2 Alignment error is specified as the angle between the true and indicated axis of sensitivity.3 Transverse sensitivity is the algebraic sum of the alignment and the inherent sensitivity errors.4 The sensitivity change over temperature for thermal accelerometers is based on variations in heat transfer that are governed by the laws of physics and it is highly consistent from device to device. Please refer to the section in this data sheet titled “Compensation for the Change of Sensitivity over Temperature” for more information.5 External circuitry is required to extend the 3dB bandwidth. (ref. Application Note: AN-00MX-003).6 The device operates over a 3.0V to 5.25V supply range. Please note that sensitivity and zero g bias level will be slightly different at 3.0V operation. For devices to be operated at 3.0V in production, they can be trimmed at the factory specifically for this lower supply voltage operation, in which case the sensitivity and zero g bias level specifications on this page will be met. Please contact the factory for specially trimmed devices for low supply voltage operation.7 Note that the accelerometer has a constant heater power control circuit thereby requiring higher supply current at lower operating voltage.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Supply Voltage (V DD, V DA) ………………...-0.5 to +7.0V Storage Temperature ……….…………-65°C to +150°C Acceleration ……………………………………..50,000 g*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; the functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Package CharacteristicsPackage θJAθJC Device Weight LCC-8 110°C/W 22°C/W < 1 gramPin Description: LCC-8 PackagePin Name Description1 T OUT Temperature (Analog Voltage)2 A OUTY Y-Axis Acceleration Signal3 Gnd Ground4 V DA Analog Supply Voltage5 A OUTX X-Axis Acceleration Signal6 V ref 2.5VReference7 Sck Optional External Clock8 V DD Digital Supply VoltageOrdering GuideModel PackageStyle MXA2500EL LCC-8SMD**LCC parts are shipped in tape and reel packaging.CautionESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device.Top ViewNote: The MEMSIC logo’s arrow indicates the +X sensing direction of the device. The +Y sensing direction is rotated 90° away from the +X direction following the right-hand rule. Small circle indicates pin one(1).THEORY OF OPERATIONThe MEMSIC device is a complete dual-axis acceleration measurement system fabricated on a monolithic CMOS IC process. The device operation is based on heat transfer by natural convection and operates like other accelerometers having a proof mass. The stationary element, or ‘proof mass’, in the MEMSIC sensor is a gas.A single heat source, centered in the silicon chip is suspended across a cavity. Equally spacedaluminum/polysilicon thermopiles (groups of thermocouples) are located equidistantly on all four sides of the heat source (dual axis). Under zero acceleration, a temperature gradient is symmetrical about the heat source, so that the temperature is the same at all four thermopiles, causing them to output the same voltage.Acceleration in any direction will disturb the temperature profile, due to free convection heat transfer, causing it to be asymmetrical. The temperature, and hence voltage output of the four thermopiles will then be different. The differential voltage at the thermopile outputs is directly proportional to the acceleration. There are two identical acceleration signal paths on the accelerometer, one to measure acceleration in the x-axis and one to measure acceleration in the y-axis. Please visit the MEMSIC website at for a picture/graphic description of the free convection heat transfer principle. PIN DESCRIPTIONSV DD – This is the supply input for the digital circuits and the sensor heater in the accelerometer. The DC voltage should be between 3.0volts and 5.25 volts. Refer to the section on PCB layout and fabrication suggestions for guidance on external parts and connections recommended. V DA – This is the power supply input for the analog amplifiers in the accelerometer. Refer to the section on PCB layout and fabrication suggestions for guidance on external parts and connections recommended.Gnd – This is the ground pin for the accelerometer.A OUTX – This pin is the output of the x-axis acceleration sensor. The user should ensure the load impedance is sufficiently high as to not source/sink >100µA. While the sensitivity of this axis has been programmed at the factory to be the same as the sensitivity for the y-axis, the accelerometer can be programmed for non-equal sensitivities on the x- and y-axes. Contact the factory for additional information on this feature.A OUTY – This pin is the output of the y-axis acceleration sensor. The user should ensure the load impedance is sufficiently high as to not source/sink >100µA. While the sensitivity of this axis has been programmed at the factory to be the same as the sensitivity for the x-axis, the accelerometer can be programmed for non-equal sensitivities on the x- and y-axes. Contact the factory for additional information on this feature.T OUT– This pin is the buffered output of the temperature sensor. The analog voltage at T OUT is an indication of the die temperature. This voltage is useful as a differential measurement of temperature from ambient and not as an absolute measurement of temperature. After correlating the voltage at T OUT to 25°C ambient, the change in this voltage due to changes in the ambient temperature can be used to compensate for the change over temperature of the accelerometer offset and sensitivity. Please refer to the section on Compensation for the Change in Sensitivity Over Temperature for more information.Sck – The standard product is delivered with an internal clock option (800kHz). This pin should be grounded when operating with the internal clock. An external clock option can be special ordered from the factory allowing the user to input a clock signal between 400kHz and 1.6MHz.V ref – A reference voltage is available from this pin. It is set at 2.50V typical and has 100µA of drive capability. COMPENSATION FOR THE CHANGE IN SENSITIVITY OVER TEMPERATUREAll thermal accelerometers display the same sensitivity change with temperature. The sensitivity change depends on variations in heat transfer that are governed by the laws of physics. Manufacturing variations do not influence the sensitivity change, so there are no unit-to-unit differences in sensitivity change. The sensitivity change is governed by the following equation (and shown in Figure 1 in °C): S i x T i-2.90 = S f x T f-2.90where S i is the sensitivity at any initial temperature T i, and S f is the sensitivity at any other final temperature T f with the temperature values in °K.Figure 1: Thermal Accelerometer SensitivityIn gaming applications where the game or controller is typically used in a constant temperature environment, sensitivity might not need to be compensated in hardwareor software. Any compensation for this effect could bedone instinctively by the game player.For applications where sensitivity changes of a few percent are acceptable, the above equation can be approximated with a linear function. Using a linear approximation, an external circuit that provides a gain adjustment of –0.9%/°C would keep the sensitivity within 10% of its room temperature value over a 0°C to +50°C range.For applications that demand high performance, a low cost micro-controller can be used to implement the above equation. A reference design using a Microchip MCU (p/n 16F873/04-SO) and MEMSIC developed firmware is available by contacting the factory. With this reference design, the sensitivity variation over the full temperature range (-40°C to +105°C) can be kept below 3%. Please visit the MEMSIC web site at for reference design information on circuits and programs including look up tables for easily incorporating sensitivity compensation.DISCUSSION OF TILT APPLICATIONS AND RESOLUTIONTilt Applications: One of the most popular applications of the MEMSIC accelerometer product line is intilt/inclination measurement. An accelerometer uses the force of gravity as an input to determine the inclination angle of an object.A MEMSIC accelerometer is most sensitive to changes in position, or tilt, when the accelerometer’s sensitive axis is perpendicular to the force of gravity, or parallel to the Earth’s surface. Similarly, when the accelerometer’s axis is parallel to the force of gravity (perpendicular to the Earth’s surface), it is least sensitive to changes in tilt.Table 1 and Figure 2 help illustrate the output changes in the X- and Y-axes as the unit is tilted from +90° to 0°. Notice that when one axis has a small change in output per degree of tilt (in m g), the second axis has a large change in output per degree of tilt. The complementary nature of these two signals permits low cost accurate tilt sensing to be achieved with the MEMSIC device (reference application note AN-00MX-007).X-AxisY-Axis X-AxisOrientationTo Earth’sSurface(deg.)X Output(g)Changeper deg.of tilt(m g)Y Output(g)Changeper deg.of tilt(m g)90 1.000 0.15 0.00017.4585 0.996 1.37 0.08717.3780 0.985 2.88 0.17417.1670 0.940 5.86 0.34216.3560 0.866 8.59 0.50015.0445 0.707 12.23 0.70712.2330 0.500 15.04 0.866 8.5920 0.342 16.35 0.940 5.8610 0.174 17.16 0.985 2.885 0.087 17.37 0.996 1.370 0.000 17.45 1.000 0.15Table 1: Changes in Tilt for X- and Y-AxesResolution: The accelerometer resolution is limited bynoise. The output noise will vary with the measurementbandwidth. With the reduction of the bandwidth, byapplying an external low pass filter, the output noise drops.Reduction of bandwidth will improve the signal to noiseratio and the resolution. The output noise scales directlywith the square root of the measurement bandwidth. Themaximum amplitude of the noise, its peak- to- peak value, approximately defines the worst case resolution of the measurement. With a simple RC low pass filter, the rmsnoise is calculated as follows:Noise (mg rms) = Noise(mg/Hz) * )6.1*)((HzBandwidthThe peak-to-peak noise is approximately equal to 6.6 timesthe rms value (for an average uncertainty of 0.1%).EXTERNAL FILTERSAC Coupling: For applications where only dynamicaccelerations (vibration) are to be measured, it isrecommended to ac couple the accelerometer output asshown in Figure 3. The advantage of ac coupling is thatvariations from part to part of zero g offset and zero goffset versus temperature can be eliminated. Figure 3 is aHPF (high pass filter) with a –3dB breakpoint given by theequation: RCfπ21=. In many applications it may bedesirable to have the HPF –3dB point at a very lowfrequency in order to detect very low frequencyaccelerations. Sometimes the implementation of this HPFmay result in unreasonably large capacitors, and thedesigner must turn to digital implementations of HPFswhere very low frequency –3dB breakpoints can beachieved.Low Pass Filter : An external low pass filter is useful in low frequency applications such as tilt or inclination. The low pass filter limits the noise floor and improves the resolution of the accelerometer . The low pass filter shown in Figure 4 has a –3dB breakpoint given by the equation: RCf π21=. For the 200 Hz ratiometric output devicefilter, C=0.1µF and R=8k Ω, ±5%, 1/8W.USING THE ACCELEROMETER IN VERY LOW POWER APPLICATIONS (BATTERY OPERATION) In applications with power limitations, power cycling can be used to extend the battery operating life. One important consideration when power cycling is that the accelerometer turn on time limits the frequency bandwidth of theaccelerations to be measured. For example, operating at 3V the turn on time is 40mS. To double the operating time, a particular application may cycle power ON for 40mS, then OFF for 40mS, resulting in a measurement period of 80mS, or a frequency of 12.5Hz. With a frequency ofmeasurements of 12.5Hz, accelerations changes as high as 6.25Hz can be detected.Power cycling can be used effectively in many inclinometry applications, where inclination changes can be slow and infrequent.COMPENSATION FOR EXTENDING THE FREQUENCY RESPONSEThe response of the thermal accelerometer is a function of the internal gas physical properties, the natural convection mechanism and the sensor electronics. Since the gasproperties of MEMSIC's mass produced accelerometer are uniform, a simple circuit can be used to equally compensate all sensors. For most applications, the compensating circuit does not require adjustment for individual units.A simple compensating network comprising twooperational amplifiers and a few resistors and capacitors provides increasing gain with increasing frequency (see Figure 5). The circuit shown is for an absolute output accelerometer operating at 5 V supply. It provides a DC gain of X2, so the offset at the output is 2.5V and the sensitivity is doubled. The 14.3 K Ω and the 5.9K Ω resistors along with the non-polarized 0.82µF capacitors tune the gain of the network to compensate for the output attenuation at the higher frequencies. The resistors and the capacitors provide noise reduction and stability.Figure 5: Frequency Response Extension CircuitThe accelerometer response (bottom trace), the network response (top trace) and the compensated response (middle trace) are shown in Figure 6. The amplitude remains above –3db beyond 100 Hz, and there is useable signal well after this frequency.14.3K 5.9KFigure 6: Amplitude Frequency ResponseCOMPENSATION FOR ZERO G OFFSET CHANGE OVER TEMPERATUREIn applications where a stable zero g offset is required, and where the AC coupling external filter described earlier can not be used, analog or digital temperature compensation can be applied. The compensation requires individual calibration because the magnitude of the zero g offset change over temperature is different for each unit. Tocompensate the change, a calibrated temperature dependent signal equal in magnitude but with opposite polarity is added to the accelerometer output. The circuit in Figure 7 shows a circuit example applying an analog linearcompensation technique. In this circuit the accelerometer temperature sensor output is added to or subtracted from the accelerometer output. The calibration sequence is: start at room temperature with the 100K pot set so that its wiper is at V ref . Next, soak the accelerometer at the expected extreme temperature and observe the direction of thechange. Then set the switch to the non-inverting input if the change is negative or vice versa. Finally, adjust the 100K pot while monitoring the circuit output, until the zero g offset change is removed. Figure 7: Zero g Offset Temperature Compensation CircuitVarious digital compensation techniques can be applied using a similar concept. Digital techniques can provide better compensation because they can compensate for non-linear zero g offset vs. temperature. A micro-controller or micro-processor would perform the compensation. The acceleration signal and the temperature signal would be digitized using an analog to digital converter. Like in the analog compensation, the first step is to test and characterize the zero g change. The purpose of thecharacterization is to create a look up table or to estimate a mathematical representation of the change. For example, the change could be characterized by an equation of the form:Change = a * Temperature 2 + b * Temperature + cwhere a,b,c are unique constants for each accelerometer. In normal operation the processor calculates the output:Compensated Output = Acceleration – Change.For a more detail discussion of temperature compensation reference MEMSIC application note #AN-00MX-002.TEMPERATURE OUTPUT NOISE REDUCTION It is recommended that a simple RC low pass filter is used when measuring the temperature output. Temperature output is typically a very slow changing signal, so a very low frequency filter eliminates erroneous readings that may result from the presence of higher frequency noise. A simple filter is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8: Temperature Output Noise ReductionPOWER SUPPLY NOISE REJECTIONTwo capacitors and a resistor are recommended for best rejection of power supply noise (reference Figure 9 below). The capacitors should be located as close as possible to the device supply pins (V DA, V DD). The capacitor lead length should be as short as possible, and surface mount capacitors are preferred. For typical applications, capacitors C1 and C2 can be ceramic 0.1 µF, and the resistor R can be 10 Ω. In 5V applications where power consumption is not a concern, maximum supply noise rejection can be obtained by significantly increasing the values of C1, C2 and R. For example, C1 = C2 = 0.47 µF and R = 270 Ω will virtually eliminate power supply noise effects.PCB LAYOUT AND FABRICATION SUGGESTIONS1. The Sck pin should be grounded to minimize noise.2. Liberal use of ceramic bypass capacitors isrecommended.3. Robust low inductance ground wiring should be used.4. Care should be taken to ensure there is “thermalsymmetry” on the PCB immediately surrounding theMEMSIC device and that there is no significant heatsource nearby.5. A metal ground plane should be added directly beneaththe MEMSIC device. The size of the ground planeshould be similar to the MEMSIC device’s footprintand be as thick as possible.6. Vias can be added symmetrically around the groundplane. Vias increase thermal isolation of the devicefrom the rest of the PCB.Figure 9: Power Supply Noise RejectionPACKAGE DRAWING。



最全钢芯铝绞线技术参数表1 标准技术参数 (2)1.1 JL/G1A—50/30-12/7 标准技术参数 (2)1。

2 JL/G1A-70/40-12/7标准技术参数 (4)1.3 JL/G1A—95/55-12/7 标准技术参数 (6)1。

4 JL/G1A—120/20-26/7标准技术参数 (8)1。

5 JL/G1A—120/25-7/7标准技术参数 (10)1。

6 JL/G1A—150/20—24/7标准技术参数 (12)1。

7 JL/G1A—150/35—30/7标准技术参数 (14)1.8 JL/G1A-185/30-26/7标准技术参数 (16)1。

9 JL/G1A-185/45-30/7标准技术参数 (18)1.10 JL/G1A-240/30-24/7标准技术参数 (21)1。

11 JL/G1A—240/40—26/7标准技术参数 (23)1.12 JL/G1A—300/25—48/7标准技术参数 (25)1。

13 JL/G1A-300/40—24/7标准技术参数 (27)1。

14 JL/G1A-300/50-26/7标准技术参数 (29)1.15 JL/G1A-400/35-48/7标准技术参数 (31)1.16 JL/G1A-400/50—54/7标准技术参数 (33)1。

17 JL/G1A—400/65-26/7标准技术参数 (35)1.18 JL/G1A—500/45-48/7标准技术参数 (37)1.19 JL/G1A—500/65-54/7标准技术参数 (40)1.20 JL/G1A-630/45—45/7标准技术参数 (42)1.21 JL/G1A-630/55—48/7标准技术参数 (44)1。

22 JL/G2A—720/50-45/7标准技术参数 (46)1。

23 JL/G2A—720/90-54/19标准技术参数 (48)1。

24 JL/G1A-800/55—45/7标准技术参数 (50)1.25 JL/G3A-900/40—72/7标准技术参数 (52)1.26 JL/G2A—900/75-84/7 标准技术参数 (55)1.27 JL/G3A—1000/45—72/7标准技术参数 (57)2 项目需求部分 (59)2.1货物需求及供货范围一览表 (59)2.2图纸资料提交单位 (60)2.3工程概况 (60)2。


• 双头设计 • 可见的力矩指示 • 力矩要求95 N/m • 可重复使用
Schneider Swire
2019/11/21 P. 23
标准连接角度:90 。C 也可按用户要求提供任意任何角度,任意形状 可提供各种组合弯头:偏移、双弯、 T接
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Schneider Swire
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I-LINE II 母线的应用 -上升式
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I-LINE II 母线的应用 - 插入式
应用场合:水平配电至多个用电设备或者下一级配电箱; 母线型号:CP (铜母线,插入式) 结构特点:双面有插接口,插接口间距 610mm 防护等级:户内 IP40/41; IP54/55
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I-LINE II 母线的应用 - 插入式

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I-LINE II母线槽的技术特点
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I-LINE II 密集型 “三明治 ”结构
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I-LINE II “IGB”整体接地母线 -续
接地截面积大,接地路径短,因此 接地性能好
两次接地,更安全 无需再作外壳接地 铝板,重量轻,防腐蚀性好 节约用户投资
Schneider Swire
2019/11/21 P. 14
Schneider Swire



T2500 I/O Interface Considerations ST2500能够有多种IO的接入能力,能够接入各种各样的传感器A. 各种输入端口,原理图如下•Input Voltage Range 0 to 5V (can be extended by external resistor) •Input Resistance 40 K•A/D Resolution 10 Bits ( LSB = ~ 5 mv )输入电压范围:0到5V输入电阻:40kA/D转换器分辨率:10bitsDI输入电压范围:3到13.5V 集电极电流:每个通道3mA前向电流:10mA 外部最大的电压:80VDC隔离电压:2500v rms 隔离电压:2500v rms电流消耗:60mW/通道电流消耗:120mW/通道B. DI,数字量输出ST2500的DO端口可以是TTL电平或者是光隔离装置TTL电平在这种配置中,输入直接接到芯片的引脚上,这样就不能安装光隔离电路,不能对电路进行比要的保护。


光隔离通常2500都配置为光电隔离的注:1. 为了使得功耗最小,尤其是在休眠状态下,不使用的输出应该设置为高电平状态。

LEDVCC External (50V Max)VCC ExternalVCC External (50V Max)C. 数字量输入TTL 电平在这种配置中,输入直接接到芯片的引脚上,这样就不能安装光隔离电路,不能对电路进行比要的保护。



D. AI 模拟量输入模拟量输入端口的输入阻抗是40kohm.两个20k 的电阻为AD 转换器分压,然后接到AD 的输入端子上;对于外部电压比较高的情况,可以使用外部电阻分压的功能使得加在端口上的电压为0到5V 。

如上面图所示:AI 的接入方法是:ANA-IN*接入第*路信号+,将信号的信号地接入到16或者17引脚上;DI 的接入方法是:DIG-IN*接入第*路信号+,将信号的信号地接入到19引脚上;DO 的接出方法是:DIG-OUT*接到信号的输出端,将信号输出端的地与20或者21引脚接到一起。


Alabama Arizona California Huntsville Phoenix Santa Clara Irvine San Diego All Regions Englewood Monroe Boca Raton Lake Mary Plantation Palm Harbor Melbourne Duluth Fishers Cedar Rapids Overland Park Glen Burnie Burlington Lowell Eden Prairie St. Charles Denville Long Island New York City Rochester Binghamton Springboro Portland Hatboro Austin Richardson Midlothian Bellevue e-Components TechWest Sales T3 Technical Sales TechWest Sales TechWest Sales Astec ON Sales Office Impact Technical Sales e-Components e-Components ON Sales Office e-Components e-Components e-Components Beta VAI Stan Clothier Stan Clothier Coherent Solutions Impact Technical Sales ON Sales Office Stan Clothier Stan Clothier CJR Associates CJR Associates CJR Associates TriTech TriTech Beta-VAI Technology SiFore Technical Sales Delta Technical Sales West Associates West Associates Coherent Solutions SiFore Technical Sales (256) 533-2444 (480) 763-0968 (408) 350-3900 (949) 580-0270 (858) 635-5959 (905) 607-1444 Karl Hill: (720) 895-1367 Mike Barone: (303) 670-8000 (203) 268-6710 (561) 289-1379 (407) 804-0042 (954) 325-1223 (727) 937-3016 (321) 676-5659 (678) 380-5080 (317) 570-0707 (319) 393-1576 (913) 894-1675 (410) 761-2255 (781) 238-8888 (978) 452-6075 (952) 944-3456 (636) 916-3777 (973) 625-2796 (973) 625-2796 (973) 625-2796 (716) 385-6500 (607) 722-3580 (937) 748-1341 (503) 977-6267 (215) 957-0600 (512) 343-1199 (972) 680-2800 (804) 897-6007 (425) 990-4701

Acterna DSAM-2500产品说明书

Acterna DSAM-2500产品说明书

19812The results focused meter Simplified installationDOCSIS cable modem installation is simplified for even the novice installer. Not just one, but multiple downstream DOCSIS carriers can be tested in a single, automated cable modem test. Immediate Pass/Fail message is dis-played. Details of failed parameter(s) are noted in the autotest results.Fast ingress identificationChecking the install for ingress is easy with a before and after approach that uses the DSAM upstream spectrum display. Unwanted carriers can be quickly located and measured (center frequency, level and graphical view). Interference from intermittent sources can be captured with the peak hold feature. For the greatest amount of detail a 10MHz zoom can be used at the marker position.The cable modem autotest function provides an immediate Pass/Fail message The DSAM upstream spectrum display makesidentifying ingress quick and easy3Rapid synchronizationExchanging files with a PC is as simple as synchronizing a PDA with a desktop computer with the optional DSAM-PC utility software. An administrator can easily set up a procedure where the individual meters are just plugged into the PC via RS232 or Ethernet. Ethernet connectionscanbeconductedremotely on the same local area network.Swift settings reproductionMeter settings may be exchanged directly with another meter through the cloning capability. All settings, or selected groups of configuration With limits “on”, key digital and analog channels are quickly checked in miniscan view Single channel level view displays all modulation types in a common format for all usersSynchronizing the meter with the optional DSAM PC software is an easy operation understood by all usersThe cloning function allows specific configuration groups to be exchanged with another meterThe DSAM’s file management system allows users to save, label and organize information as neededComprehensive SLM capabilities The DSAM’s SLM capabilities handle all of the traditional needs of the cable installer. The meter not only provides a single-channel level display, it also delivers a 12-channel miniscan ensuring the fastest evaluation oflevels at an install. As with all measure-ments and autotests, limits can be turned on to quickly indicate Pass or Fail. Limits are preconfigured for four test locations: tap, ground block, TV and cable modem. These may be configured and locked by installmanagement or network engineering to ensure maximum test reliability Channel plan integration of digital QAM channels with analog channels provides a common, easily understood, user interface for installers4Specifications (preliminary)FrequencyRange 4 to 1,000 MHz Accuracy±10 ppm at 77°F (25°C) Tuning resolution Analog 10 KHzDigital 50 KHz Channel bandwidth DSAM-2500A 8 MHzDSAM-2500B 6 MHz Level measurement, analogSignal types CW, video and audio(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM) Range–40 to +60 dBmV(1) Resolution0.1 dB Resolution bandwidth 330 KHz Accuracy(2)±1.5 dB typical @ 25°C Level measurement, digitalModulation types QPR, QPSK, QAM (DVB/ACTS) Range–40 to +60 dBmV(1) Resolution0.1 dB Resolution bandwidth330 kHz Accuracy(2)±2.0 dB typical @ 25°C Upstream spectrum (ingress scan)Spans DSAM-2500A 4 to 65 MHzDSAM-2500B 4 to 45 MHz Sweep rate 1.8 seconds or faster Display scaling and range5 and 10 dB/division;6 vertical divisions Resolution bandwidth330 kHz Sensitivity –35 to 60 dBmV(1) DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS compatibilityVersion DOCSIS 1.0 and 1.1 Upstream transmit range and diplexer crossover (DOCSIS modes only)DSAM-2500A 5 to 65 MHz 65/96MHz(min. downstream DOCSIScenter freq. 100 MHz)DSAM-2500B 5 to 42 MHz 42/88 MHz(min. downstream DOCSIScenter freq. 91 MHz) Upstream modulation QPSK and 16 QAM asinstructed by CMTS Transmitter output At 25ºC, maximum 55 dBmVwith 16 QAM and 58 dBmVwith QPSK, (typical)Downstream QAM demodulationModulation type 64 and 256 QAM, ITU-T J.83Annex A, B or C (selectable)Input range (lock range) –15 to +50 dBmV totalintegrated power(3)from 55 to 1000 MHzBER(4)Pre- and Post-FEC 10-4to 10-9MER(4)Range 64 QAM: 21 to 35 dBAccuracy ±2 dB (typical)Range 256 QAM: 28 to 35 dBAccuracy ±2 dB (typical)EVM(4)Range 64 QAM: 1.2% to 5.8%Accuracy ±0.5% (1.2% to 2.0%)±1.0% (2.1% to 4.0%)±1.4% (4.1% to 5.8%)Range 256 QAM: 1.1% to 2.4%Accuracy ±0.6%Symbol rate Annex A, 5.057 to6.952 Msps for 64 and 256 QAMAnnex B, 5.057 Msps for64 QAM and 5.361 Msps for 256 QAMAnnex C, 5.274 Msps for64 QAM and 5.361 Msps for 256 QAMInterfacesRF75 ohm, F81 or BNC optionMax. sustained voltage 100 VAC, 140 VDCRS232Standard via DB9 on chargermodule or optional direct cablePrinter compatibility Epson and CitizenEthernet RJ45, 10 base T,TCP/IP and UDP supportedUSB v1.1 host mode, 150 mAmaximum slave (future firmware release)Standards complianceShock and vibration IEC 60068Drop IEC 61010Handle stress IEC 61010Water resistance MIL-STD-810ESafety – emissions EN 55022Safety – immunity EN 61000GeneralDisplay320 x 240, grayscaleselectable back lightLanguage support(user interface and help system)English in all modelsNo-charge second languageoption of Spanish, French or GermanDimensions 4.75 x 9.75 x 2.75 in(12 x 25 x 7 cm)Weight 2 lb 12 oz (1.3 kg)Storage and operating temperature range0 to 120°F; –20 to +50°CPower NiMH removable pack, standardLi-Ion removable pack, optionalBattery life NiMH, 3 hours (typical)Li-Ion, 4.5 hours (typical)Charge time NiMH, 5 hours (typical)Li-Ion, 6.5 hours (typical)Power supply input90-264 VAC, 47-63 HzTypical, detectable rangeAccuracy for levels between –20 to 60 dBmVAdditional uncertainty ±0.5 dB across–20°C to 50°CAdditional uncertainty±1.0 dB from 4 MHz to 15 MHzAt64 QAMAccuracy and behavior from 100 MHz to 1000 MHz forlevels between –5 to 50 dBmV (typical)figure 10 The DSAM meter and accessories shownhere within the optional transit soft case5Acterna is the world’s largest providerof test and management solutions foroptical transport, access and cablenetworks, and the second largestcommunications test company overall.Focused entirely on providing equip-ment, software, systems and services,Acterna helps customers develop,install, manufacture and maintainoptical transport, access, cable,data/IP and wireless networks.Optional Part number Descriptionaccessories and replacement parts DSAM-PC1010-00-0610PC based utility software forfile management, display and analysis,meter configuration and channel plan management.RS232-STD-CBL 1019-00-1427Standard RS232 cable, shielded, M and F 9-pin D connectors, 10 ft DSAM-RS232-CBL1019-00-1429DSAM RS232 cable, direct meter toPC, 14-pin to 9-pin, 6 ft MSCLI-CBC 1019-00-055712 Vdc in-vehicle cable to powerstandard charger module DSAM-SLEEVE 1019-00-1420Protective sleeve to fit overDSAM meterDSAM-CASE 1019-00-1421Transit soft case for DSAM meterand accessoriesETRNT-CBL-KIT 1019-00-1423Ethernet patch cable, and crossover cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 5 ft STD-CHGR 1019-00-1422Standard charger module withuniversal power supply DSAM-NIMH-BATT 1019-00-1424NiMH battery, 3 hrs (typical)DSAM-LIION-BATT1019-00-1425Lithium ionbattery, 4.5 hrs (typical)(not for extreme cold climates,<0°F/–20°C)DSAM-LENSKIT 1019-00-1426Set of 5 replacement snap-in lensesSKY-31019-00-1366Strand hookActerna Basic Service packagesTo ensure the highest levels of support for DSAM purchasers, Acterna offers the Basic Service for instrument package.Designed to provide the foundation for maximizing the features and usage of DSAM equipment, Acterna’s Basic Service package offers the followingdegrees of service and support only Acterna can provide. This includes:– An extended warranty of up to five years– Annual calibration – fully traceable to meet NIST standardsOrdering instructionsThe DSAM-2500 models listed below include the following:1 NiMH rechargeable battery 2 hand straps 1 shoulder strap 1 charger module1 universal power supply 1 power cord1 12 VDC in-vehicle power cable 5 replacement lenses 1 quick start manualModels Part number DescriptionDSAM-2500A 1010-00-0531 Cable modem installation meter, 4 to 1000 MHz, 8 MHz channel spacingDSAM-2500B1010-00-0516Cable modem installation meter, 4 to 1000 MHz, 6 MHz channel spacingOptions Part number DescriptionDSAM-LITH-OPT 1019-00-1456Substitute extra long life lithium ionbattery, 4.5 hrs (typical)DSAM-BNC-OPT 1019-00-1455Substitute 75 ohm BNC connectorin place of F81DSAM-FRN-OPT 1019-00-1457Second language French DSAM-GER-OPT 1019-00-1458Second language German DSAM-SPN-OPT1019-00-1459Second language SpanishThese core services provide the foun-dation for a longer product life, help you realize greater meter functionality and maximize your Acterna investment.Ask your sales representative or call the Acterna Customer Care Center for more information.。



转译:BI7LAX注:本文是由翻译软件转制而成,个别内容未能贴题,请使用者自行理解,不便之处敬请原谅MotorolaASTRO卫星XTS 2500军用数字便携式收音机模型三用户指南,ASTRO卫星(R)的XTS 2500选择一个区域使用菜单发送无声紧急警报数字便携式收音机,Ⅲ型一按U,直到第一电台并按下紧急按钮。









产品,阅读意识信息和射频能量在产品的安全性和射频方法1使用说明:使用选择旋钮曝光小册子附上你的收音机(在选择所需的区域摩托罗拉,把16 -出版零件编号6881095C98),以确保遵守射频能量暴露限值。









菜单选择一侧的按钮1按钮发送紧急报警电话呼叫发送2 1电台的按钮并按下紧急按钮。

你一按U直到喷看到红色的LED应用按钮,你听到的短期,中期高亢 _ _ _ _ _ _ _(TMS的按钮)音。





SATO PARTS ML-800插拔式接线端子说明书

SATO PARTS ML-800插拔式接线端子说明书

日本SATO PARTS 官网的插拔式接线端子型号ML-800端子排说明书pdf北京************日本进口端子广东省深圳*************上海天津Terminal说明书样本 CatalogueML-800S额定电压 额定电流 250V-10A绝缘电阻DC500V、100MΩ以上耐电压 AC2000V (1分钟)取得規格 UL认证規格 ?CSA认证規格?TüV认证規格 (IEC60947-7-1 適合)極数 (P) 1~20主絶縁材 (本体)ナイロン66 (UL94V-0) 主絶縁材 (ボタン) P.P.E . (UL94V-0)定格適合電線 单線 : 1.2mm (AWG16)、撚線 : 1.25mm2 (AWG16)、素線径 0.18mm以上使用可能電線范围 単線 : 0.4mm~ 1.2mm (AWG26~AWG16) 撚線 : 0.2mm2~1.25mm2(AWG24~AWG16)、素線径 0.18mm以上端子金具PC端子 標準剥線長 11mm本体色 GY (灰色)エンドプレート色 GY (灰色)操作部颜色 W (白色)、GY (灰色)、B (黑色)、R (红色)、Y (黄色)、G (绿色)、BL (蓝色)、BR (棕色)ML-800-S1H ML-800-S3H ML-800-S1V ML-800-S3VML-800-S1H-1P; ML-800-S1H-2P; ML-800-S1H-3P; ML-800-S1H-4P; ML-800-S1H-5P;ML-800-S1H-6P; ML-800-S1H-7P; ML-800-S1H-8P; ML-800-S1H-9P; ML-800-S1H-10P;ML-800-S1H-11P; ML-800-S1H-12P; ML-800-S1H-13P; ML-800-S1H-14P;ML-800-S1H-15P; ML-800-S1H-16P; ML-800-S1H-17P; ML-800-S1H-18P; ML-800-S1H-19P;ML-800-S1H-20P; ML-800-S1H-21P; ML-800-S1H-22P; ML-800-S1H-23P; ML-800-S1H-24P;ML-800-S1H-25P; ML-800-S1H-26P; ML-800-S1H-27P; ML-800-S1H-28P; ML-800-S1H-29P;ML-800-S1H-30P; ML-800-S1H-1; ML-800-S1H-2;ML-800-S1H-3; ML-800-S1H-4; ML-800-S1H-5;ML-800-S1H-6; ML-800-S1H-7; ML-800-S1H-8; ML-800-S1H-9; ML-800-S1H-10; ML-800-S1H-11; ML-800-S1H-12; ML-800-S1H-13; ML-800-S1H-14; ML-800-S1H-15;ML-800-S1H-16; ML-800-S1H-17; ML-800-S1H-18; ML-800-S1H-19; ML-800-S1H-20;ML-800-S1H-21; ML-800-S1H-22; ML-800-S1H-23; ML-800-S1H-24; ML-800-S1H-25;ML-800-S1H-26; ML-800-S1H-27; ML-800-S1H-28; ML-800-S1H-29; ML-800-S1H-30;ML-800-S3H-2P; ML-800-S3H-3P; ML-800-S3H-4P; ML-800-S3H-5P; ML-800-S3H-6P;ML-800-S3H-7P; ML-800-S3H-8P; ML-800-S3H-9P; ML-800-S3H-10P; ML-800-S3H-11P;ML-800-S3H-12P; ML-800-S3H-13P; ML-800-S3H-14P; ML-800-S3H-15P; ML-800-S3H-2;ML-800-S3H-3; ML-800-S3H-4; ML-800-S3H-5; ML-800-S3H-6; ML-800-S3H-7; ML-800-S3H-8;ML-800-S3H-9; ML-800-S3H-10; ML-800-S3H-11; ML-800-S3H-12; ML-800-S3H-13;ML-800-S3H-14; ML-800-S3H-15;ML-800-S1V-1P; ML-800-S1V-2P; ML-800-S1V-3P; ML-800-S1V-4P; ML-800-S1V-5P;ML-800-S1V-6P; ML-800-S1V-7P; ML-800-S1V-8P; ML-800-S1V-9P; ML-800-S1V-10P;ML-800-S1V-11P; ML-800-S1V-12P; ML-800-S1V-13P; ML-800-S1V-14P;ML-800-S1V-15P; ML-800-S1V-16P; ML-800-S1V-17P; ML-800-S1V-18P; ML-800-S1V-19P;ML-800-S1V-20P; ML-800-S1V-21P; ML-800-S1V-22P; ML-800-S1V-23P; ML-800-S1V-24P;ML-800-S1V-25P; ML-800-S1V-26P; ML-800-S1V-27P; ML-800-S1V-28P; ML-800-S1V-29P;ML-800-S1V-30P; ML-800-S1V-1; ML-800-S1V-2; ML-800-S1V-3; ML-800-S1V-4; ML-800-S1V-5; ML-800-S1V-6; ML-800-S1V-7; ML-800-S1V-8; ML-800-S1V-9; ML-800-S1V-10; ML-800-S1V-11;ML-800-S1V-12; ML-800-S1V-13; ML-800-S1V-14; ML-800-S1V-15;ML-800-S1V-16; ML-800-S1V-17; ML-800-S1V-18; ML-800-S1V-19; ML-800-S1V-20;ML-800-S1V-21; ML-800-S1V-22; ML-800-S1V-23; ML-800-S1V-24; ML-800-S1V-25;ML-800-S1V-26; ML-800-S1V-27; ML-800-S1V-28; ML-800-S1V-29; ML-800-S1V-30;ML-800-S3V-2P; ML-800-S3V-3P; ML-800-S3V-4P; ML-800-S3V-5P; ML-800-S3V-6P;ML-800-S3V-7P; ML-800-S3V-8P; ML-800-S3V-9P; ML-800-S3V-10P; ML-800-S3V-11P;ML-800-S3V-12P; ML-800-S3V-13P; ML-800-S3V-14P; ML-800-S3V-15P; ML-800-S3V-2;ML-800-S3V-3; ML-800-S3V-4; ML-800-S3V-5; ML-800-S3V-6; ML-800-S3V-7; ML-800-S3V-8;ML-800-S3V-9; ML-800-S3V-10; ML-800-S3V-11; ML-800-S3V-12; ML-800-S3V-13; ML-800-S3V-14; ML-800-S3V-15;ML-800-S1H 尺寸图ML-800-S1V尺寸图。

艾特顿 198556 产品说明书

艾特顿 198556 产品说明书

Eaton 198556Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controller, 4.3 A, 1.5 kW, Sensor input 4, 400/480 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q5General specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller198556RASP5-4404A31-5120000S14015081964314157 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.41 kgUL approval CE RoHSIEC/EN 61800-5-1 UL 61800-5-1Product NameCatalog NumberModel CodeEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes can be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junction Diagnostics and480 VIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.480 V AC, 3-phase400 V AC, 3-phaseMeets the product standard's requirements.1.5 kW500 VMeets the product standard's requirements.-40 °C380 VInternal DC linkPC connectionKey switch position AUTOSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)Two sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationThermo-click with safe isolationKey switch position OFF/RESETKey switch position HANDPTC thermistor monitoringFour fixed speedsIGBT inverterControl unit0 Hz200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RA-SP to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Connecting drives to generator suppliesGeneration change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnectMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringProduct Range Catalog Drives Engineering-ENDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions.epsETN.RASP5-4404A31-5120000S1.edzIL034085ZUMains voltage - max10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational voltage10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesOutput at quadratic load at rated output voltage - max Output voltage - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Ambient storage temperature - minMains voltage - minFitted with:Output frequency - minStarting current - max Application notes BrochuresCatalogs Certification reports DrawingseCAD model Installation instructions10 kA40 °CAS-Interface2 HP500 Hz8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitParameterization: drivesConnectDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: FieldbusParameterization: KeypadParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App)-10 °C≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.4.3 ADoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Speed controller Rapid Link 5MN034004EN MZ040046_EN MN040003_ENramo5_v19.dwg rasp5_v19.stpRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Ambient operating temperature - maxCommunication interfaceAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase Output frequency - maxSwitching frequencyFeaturesAmbient operating temperature - minBraking currentNumber of HW-interfaces (serial TTY)10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components Nominal output current I2N10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesProduct categoryRadio interference class Installation videos Manuals and user guidesmCAD modelC1: for conducted emissions onlyC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.Heat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WRated control voltage (Uc)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug) 400/480 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase2 HPNumber of HW-interfaces (RS-422)Mains current distortion120 %ProtocolAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASI10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP65NEMA 12Ambient storage temperature - max70 °CRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)2000 VConnectionPlug type: HAN Q5Overload currentFor 60 s every 600 sAt 40 °CFunctionsFor actuation of motors with mechanical brakeOutput at linear load at rated output voltage - max1.5 kWMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Leakage current at ground IPE - max3.5 mAConverter typeU converter10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftApplication in domestic and commercial area permittedYesNumber of inputs (analog)Number of phases (output)310.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Number of HW-interfaces (RS-485)1Number of HW-interfaces (industrial ethernet)Efficiency98 % (η)System configuration typeCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network)AC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.ProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact (BGV A3, VBG4)Braking voltage400/480 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brakeApplication in industrial area permittedYesClimatic proofing< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 5017810.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overload current IL at 150% overload6.5 AInput current ILN at 150% overload4.1 ANumber of HW-interfaces (RS-232)Number of inputs (digital)4Current limitationAdjustable, motor, main circuit0.4 - 4.3 A, motor, main circuitCable lengthC2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable lengthC1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable lengthC3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 seconds10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid0 WElectromagnetic compatibility1st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)Resolution0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz2 HPRelative symmetric net voltage tolerance10 %Rated operational current (Ie)4.3 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 8 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +40 °C)Number of outputs (analog)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase1.5 kWNumber of HW-interfaces (USB)Operating modeU/f controlBLDC motorsSensorless vector control (SLV)Synchronous reluctance motorsPM and LSPM motorsRated frequency - min45 HzDelay time< 10 ms, Off-delay< 10 ms, On-delayNumber of outputs (digital)Power consumption46 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of HW-interfaces (other)1Rated frequency - max66 HzVibrationResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Braking torque≤ 30 % (I/Ie)Adjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuitRelative symmetric net frequency tolerance10 %10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Number of HW-interfaces (parallel)Assigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase2 HPInterfacesMax. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mANumber of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®) Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Number of phases (input)3Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia32.3 W at 25% current and 0% speed 33.2 W at 25% current and 50% speed 35.2 W at 50% current and 90% speed 36.2 W at 50% current and 0% speed 37.6 W at 50% current and 50% speed 46.3 W at 100% current and 90% speed 48.7 W at 100% current and 0% speed 48.7 W at 100% current and 50% speed 0Max. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 mHeat dissipation at current/speed Number of interfaces (PROFINET)Altitude。

Air Monitor Corporation VELTRON DPT 2500 产品说明书

Air Monitor Corporation VELTRON DPT 2500 产品说明书

Precision Airflow MeasurementAn ON I CON BrandVELTRON DPT 2500TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTSINSTRUMENT WARRANTY (i)SECTION 1 – GENERAL INFORMATION1.1DESCRIPTION (1)SECTION 2 – PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS2.1TRANSMITTER (2)2.2OUTPUTS (2)2.4POWER (2)2.4MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION (2)SECTION 3 – INSTALLATION3.1RECEIVING AND INSPECTION (3)3.2LOCATION (3)3.3MOUNTING (4)3.4PROCESS CONNECTIONS (5)3.5POWER/SIGNAL CONNECTIONS (6)SECTION 4 – OPERATION4.8LOW PASS FILTER (7)SECTION 5 – CALIBRATION5.1REQUIRED EQUIPMENT (8)5.2PREPARATION (8)5.3TRANSMITTER INPUT CALIBRATION..........................................................................................9-10 SECTION 6 – MAINTENANCE.. (11)SECTION 7 – CUSTOMER SERVICE (12)APPENDIX A – FACTORY SET-UP INFORMATION SHEET (13)VELTRON DPT 2500INSTRUMENT WARRANTYNOTICE OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTSThis document contains confidential technical data, including trade secrets and proprietary information which are the sole property of Air Monitor Corporation. The use of said data is solely limited to use as specified herein. Any other use is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of Air Monitor Corporation.INSTRUMENT WARRANTYAir Monitor Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”)warrants that at the time of shipment, products sold pursuant to this contract will be free from defects in materials and workmanship, and will conform to the specifications furnished or approved in writing by Seller.No warranty is given that delivered products will conform to catalog sheets, data sheets, and the like, which are subject to change without notice.Seller will repair or replace, at its option, any products listed under this warranty which is returned freight prepaid to Seller within the earlier of three (3) years after start-up or thirty-nine (39) months after shipment that, upon test and examination, proves defective within the terms of this warranty. The warranty period for any item repaired or replaced shall be for the time remaining on the warranty period of the original components. Purchaser shall notify Seller in writing of such defect within sixty (60) days of discovery of the defect.This warranty does not extend to any product sold by Seller which has been the subject of misuse, neglect,accident, damage or malfunction caused by interconnection with equipment manufactured by others,improper installation or storage, or used in violation of instructions furnished by Seller, nor does it extend to anyproduct which has been repaired or altered by persons not expressly approved by Seller. Nor does Seller warrant equipment against normal deterioration due to environment;nor items such as lamps, glass, and similar items subject to wear or burnout through usage. Adjustments for items or equipment not manufactured by Seller shall be made to the extent of any warranty of the manufacturer or supplier thereof.Seller shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages or for loss of damage, directly or indirectly arising from the use of the products. Seller's warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective equipment and shall not include field removal and installation expenses.The warranty set forth above is in lieu of all other warranties either express or implied and constitutes the full extent of Air Monitor Corporation’s liability to the customer, or any other party for breach of warranty.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS SET FORTH HEREIN AND THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WHICH ARE PARTICULARLY DISCLAIMED.VELTRON DPT 2500SECTION 1 – GENERAL INFORMATION1 – GENERAL INFORMATION1.1 – DESCRIPTIONThe VELTRON DPT 2500 is an electronic differential pressure transmitter designed to receive low magnitude pressure signals of space or duct pressurization and reference pressures from static pressure sensors, or signals of total and static pressure from an airflow measuring station, and convert the sensed differential pressure into a 4 to 20mADC output signal proportional and linear to static or velocity pressure. An optional integral LCD digital display provides local indication of the measured process in appropriate engineering units (in w.c., CFM, FPM, %, etc.). The VELTRON DPT 2500 is available in a NEMA 1 brushed aluminum enclosure with external wiring connections (Standard version) or a NEMA 12 painted steel enclosure with internal wiring connections (Industrial version). All VELTRON DPT 2500’s contain an integral 3-way zeroing valve to aid in calibration.VELTRON DPT 2500SECTION 2 – PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS2 – PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS2.2 – OUTPUTSOutput Signal.4.0 to 20.0 mADC (2 wire). Proportional and linear to differential pressure or velocity2.3 – POWERPower Supply .14 to 40 VDC unregulated. Power input is reverse polarity protected.Power Consumption.0.5VA @ 24VDC2.4 – MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTIONStandard Version.NEMA 1 aluminum enclosure with external power/signal connections.Industrial Version.NEMA 12, drawn 16 gauge steel enclosure with hinged cover, quick-release latch and bulkhead signal and conduit connections.2.1 – TRANSMITTERPressure Spans Velocity Spans 0 to 0.10” w.c.0 to 1266 fpm 0 to 0.25” w.c.0 to 2003 fpm 0 to 0.50” w.c.0 to 2832 fpm 0 to 1.00” w.c.0 to 4005 fpm 0 to 2.00” w.c.0 to 5664 fpm 0 to 5.00” w.c.N/A 0 to 10.00” w.c.N/ASpans are Factory set.Calibrated (Reference) Accuracy.±0.50% of Natural Full Span, including non-linearity,hysteresis, and non-repeatability.Stability.±0.5% of Natural Full Span for six months.Temperature Effects.Zero & Span – 0.015% of Natural Full Span/ºF Mounting Position Effect.Zero shift only; corrected through manual zeroing.Integral Zeroing Means.3-way, zeroing valve with manual switch.Overpressure and Static Pressure Limit.25 psig.Temperature Limits.–20 to 180ºF Storage; +32 to 140ºF Operating.3– INSTALLATION3.1 – RECEIVING AND INSPECTION•Carefully remove the VELTRON DPT 2500 from the shipping container taking ESD (electrostatic discharge) precau-tions.•Inspect unit for any damage. If damaged, contact freight company.•Verify that the information recorded on the label on the bottom side of the unit is correct for your application.If not, contact Air Monitor’s Service Department at 1-800-AIRFLOW for further guidance.3.2 – LOCATION•The standard version of the VELTRON DPT 2500 is a NEMA 1 enclosure suitable for most clean indoor locations. If additional protection is required, mount unit in an enclosure with adequate NEMA rating.•The industrial version of the VELTRON DPT 2500 is housed in a NEMA 12 enclosure (see NEMA ratings for degree of protection).•The ambient temperature of the selected mounting location must be between +40 to 120ºF. Consideration should be given to units exposed to direct sunlight.•The selected mounting location should be rigid and free of vibration.3.3 – MOUNTING•Tools Required: Electric drill; #25 (0.1495”) bit; screwdriver or nutdriver; and four #8-32 self-tapping machine screws.•The VELTRON DPT 2500 can be mounted in any position provided it is secured using all four mounting holes.•Reasonable consideration should be given to clearances for pressure and electrical connections.3.4 – PROCESS CONNECTIONSThe VELTRON DPT 2500 comes standard with brass 1/4" tube compression fittings (or special fittings if ordered). To these fittings connect the appropriate rigid or flexible tubing. Although any size tubing can be used, the response time of the VELTRON DPT 2500 to process change can increase if there is an increase in tubing size or an increase in tube length. The following table lists recommended tube size versus length.Signal Line Length Recommended Tube SizeUp to 50'1/4"50' to 200'3/8"Over 200'1/2"When connecting the VELTRON DPT 2500 to an airflow measuring device, connections must be completed as follows:–High port on the DPT 2500 connects to Total Pressure from the airflow measuring device.–Low port on the DPT 2500 connects to Static Pressure from the airflow measuring device.When connecting the VELTRON DPT 2500 for positive room pressurization, connections must be completed as follows:–High port on the DPT 2500 connects to sensor from monitored room.–Low port on the DPT 2500 connects to reference sensor.When connecting the VELTRON DPT 2500 for negative room pressurization, connections must be completed as follows:–High port on the DPT 2500 connects to reference sensor.–Low port on the DPT 2500 connects to sensor from monitored room.CAUTIONIt is extremely important that no pressure be present in signal tubing at the time of installation, andthe orientation of High and Low pressure signal lines is maintained between the source and theVELTRON DPT 2500.When making any tubing connections or changing fittings, use a 9/16” wrench to prevent the1/8” FPT bulkhead fitting from turning.3.5 – POWER/SIGNAL CONNECTIONSAll wiring is done at the terminal strip of the VELTRON DPT 2500. The cover needs to be opened or removed to gain access to the terminal strip. On the industrial version, the signal/power wires need to be routed through the conduitwires.4.1 – LOW PASS FILTERIf the VELTRON DPT 2500’s output and display (if provided) are continuously fluctuating due to pulsating (noisy) process signal, the user can slow the unit’s response to these fluctuations by increasing the signal noise filter.1.Open or remove the cover on the VELTRON DPT 2500 and locate the jumper strip-J6 (see Figure 4) on the mainboard.2.The factory setting for the filter is 0.50 seconds (jumper position 2). To slow the unit’s response time, remove thejumper and install on the pair of pins labeled 1.0 seconds (jumper position 3). The indicated value of time refers to the length of time required for the output and display to fully respond to a 98% (of full span) step change.3.Operate the unit and observe the output and display. Continue to increase or decrease the time value of the filter untilthe desired results are obtained.Note:Any time the filter value is changed (new jumper position), zero calibration must be performed on unit. This is accomplished by performing Steps 1 through 5 for unipolar or 1 through 6 for bipolar as outlined in the following Section – “CALIBRATION”.Calibration should be done when the unit is suspect or on an annual basis as a minimum.Calibration consists of applying minimum and maximum input pressure and verifying and adjusting (if necessary) the VELTRON DPT 2500 output and optional display.The VELTRON DPT 2500 can be calibrated mounted in its operating location or at a test bench in a calibration lab. If calibrated at a test bench, position the unit in the same attitude as in its operating location.5.1 – REQUIRED EQUIPMENT– Digital Multi-meter (DMM)– Manometer capable of measuring to the nearest 0.001” w.c.– Adjustable low pressure regulator, such as AMC “Low Pressure Air Source” or equal.– Source of clean dry air.5.2 – PREPARATION1.Open or remove cover.2.Place zeroing valve (see Figure 1 for location) in the Zero position.3.Remove High and Low pressure signal lines at the unit.5.3.1For Units With Positive or Negative Differential Pressure Spans4.Connect DMM, set to read to the nearest 0.001 VDC, across test points TP0 COM (black) and TP1 XMIT1 (brown) on the main circuit board. See Figure 4.5.With zero input pressure to the VELTRON DPT 2500, verify the DMM reads 0.000 ± 0.001 VDC. If adjustmentis required, adjust XMIT ZERO (R37 on main circuit board) as needed.6.Verify the LCD display (if so equipped) reads 000 ± 001. Adjust as necessary using ZERO (R9 on displayboard). See Figure 5.7.Connect DMM, set to read to the nearest 0.01 mADC, across TP2 OUT+ (red) and TP3 OUT- (orange) on themain board. DMM should read 4.00 ± 0.01 mADC. Adjust as necessary using OUTPUT ZERO (R13 on main board).8.Place zeroing valve to the Normal position and apply input pressure (as read on manometer) to the Highport of the VELTRON DPT 2500. Adjust pressure according to the following:–For positive differential pressure spans, use the span value as indicated on the label under “SPAN”.–For negative differential pressure spans, use the positive equivalent of the span value as indicated on the label under “SPAN”.Caution:Adjust low pressure signal air to zero before connecting to the VELTRON DPT 2500. This willprevent over-pressurizing and damaging the unit.9.Verify DMM reads 20.00 ± 0.01 mADC. Adjust as necessary using XMIT SPAN (R38 on main board).10.Verify the LCD display (if so equipped) reads the desired full scale value ±001. Adjust as necessary usingSPAN (R1 on display board).11.Repeat steps 4 through 10 as necessary until no further adjustments are required to either zero or span. Units With Bi-Polar Spans4.Connect DMM, set to read to the nearest 0.001 VDC, across test points TP0 COM (black) and TP1 XMIT 1(brown) on the main circuit board. See Figure 4.5.Place zeroing valve to the Normal position and apply input pressure (as read on manometer) to the Low portof the VELTRON DPT 2500. Adjust pressure to the positive equivalent of the minimum (negative) span value as indicated on the label under “SPAN”.Caution:Adjust low pressure signal air to zero before connecting to the VELTRON DPT 2500. This willprevent over-pressurizing and damaging the unit.6.Verify the DMM reads 0.000 ± 0.001 VDC. If adjustment is required, adjust XMIT ZERO (R37 on maincircuit board) as needed.7.Verify the LCD display (if so equipped) reads the desired minimum process value ±001. Adjust asnecessary using ZERO (R9 on display board). See Figure 5.8.Connect DMM, set to read to the nearest 0.01 mADC, across TP2 OUT+ (red) and TP3 OUT- (orange) onthe main board. DMM should read 4.00 ± 0.01 mADC. Adjust as necessary using OUTPUT ZERO (R13 on main board).9.Disconnect pressure input from Low port and connect to High port.10.Adjust input pressure to the maximum (positive) span value as indicated on the label under “SPAN”.11.Verify DMM reads 20.00 ± 0.01 mADC. Adjust as necessary using XMIT SPAN (R38 on main board).12.Verify the LCD display (if so equipped) reads the desired full scale value ± 001. Adjust as necessary usingSPAN (R1 on display board).SECTION 6 – MAINTENANCE VELTRON DPT 25006 – MAINTENANCEThe VELTRON DPT 2500 is a solid state device having few mechanical parts requiring special periodic maintenance. The following maintenance steps are not requirements, but guidelines for establishing a maintenance program for your specific installation.Operating experience should be used to set frequency of specific types of maintenance.6.1 – CLEANLINESS– Verify condensation (or other sources of liquids) are not present inside the VELTRON DPT 2500.6.2 – MECHANICAL– Verify pressure signal connections are secure.– Inspect pressure signal lines for any cracks or leaks.– Verify mounting hardware is secure.6.3 – ELECTRICAL– Periodically inspect all wiring to the VELTRON DPT 2500 for good connections and absence of corrosion.6.4 – CALIBRATION– VELTRON DPT 2500 should have calibration verified annually as a minimum.VELTRON DPT 2500SECTION 7 – CUSTOMER SERVICE7 – CUSTOMER SERVICE7.1 – CUSTOMER SERVICE/TECHNICAL SUPPORTAir Monitor Corporation provides in-house technical support for our products:Monday through Friday7 am to 5 pm (pst)Phone: 707-544-2706 or 1-800-AIRFLOWFax: 707-526-2825Additionally, on-site technical assistance is available. Before contacting the Customer Service Department, please ensure any applicable troubleshooting steps outlined in Section 8 have been performed.7.2 – REPAIRS/RETURNSIf after contacting the Customer Service Department it is determined that equipment will require return to Air Monitor Corporation for further repair, a Return Authorization number will be issued by the Customer Service Department. A Confirmation of Return Authorization with shipping instructions will be sent via facsimile.Equipment to be returned to Air Monitor should be returned in its original shipping container if possible. If this is not possible, ensure equipment is packaged sufficiently to protect it during shipment.CAUTIONAll damage occurring during transit is the Customer's responsibility.List the Return Authorization (R/A) number on the packing list and clearly mark this number on the outside of each shipping container.Costs associated with return of equipment to Air Monitor are the customer's responsibility regardless whether the repair/return is under warranty.7.3 – WARRANTY REPAIRS/RETURNSOnce the Customer Service Department determines that the equipment repair is under warranty, the item will be repaired and returned to the customer at no charge.7.4 – NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS/RETURNSCustomer will be invoiced for all parts and labor required for the repair of equipment. Return shipping charges will also be added to invoice.7.5 – FIELD SERVICERequests for field service should be made to the Customer Service Department, who will coordinate sending a technician to customer's site.Phone: 707-544-2706 or 1-800-AIRFLOWFax: 707-526-2825Upon completion of work, technician completes a Field Service Report and gives a copy to the customer. Field serviceVELTRON DPT 2500APPENDIX AAPPENDIX AFACTORY SET-UP SHEETS(PROVIDED SEPARATELY WITH THE UNIT(S)。



第一部分电气系统简介1.机型:MG1000/2500—WDMG—滚筒式采煤机1000—单向截割功率2500—装机总功率WD—无链电牵引2.机组的供电:2.1单电缆供电2.2 供电电缆的型号:MCPT 3×185+1×95+7×10 一根外径φ≤90mm(注:控制芯线双绞整体金属屏蔽,控制线根据用户要求确定) 3.特点:3.1多电机横向布置,抽屉式结构,安装维护方便;3.2 机载式交流变频调速,一拖一牵引方式,并可实现恒功率自动控制;3.3关键的电气系统部件全部采用进口件,以确保系统的可靠性;3.4具有自动休眠功能的低功耗遥控系统,采用免充电式无线发射机,可离机操作,既增加了安全性,又延长了待机时间,且操作功能丰富;3.5采用10英寸液晶显示屏,提供全中文人机界面3.6具有运行状态及故障记忆功能,缩短了故障查询时间;3.7系统具有机、电、液全方位的监测,提供了良好的人机界面显示;3.8各电机采用分步启/停控制,既降低了起动电流对供电网络的冲击,又方便了对采煤机操作、检修和维护;3.9 具有开机预警、瓦斯监测、超限停机功能;3.10 采煤机能根据刮板运输机的负荷情况自动调速,实现对运输机的保护(配套有集控系统的采煤工作面)。

4.电气系统的基本配置:4.1牵引调速装置(电气控制箱)型号:ZJT-2500/3300C额定电压:3300V额定电流:510A4.2截割电机型号:YBCS-1000(A)额定功率:1000kW额定电压:3300V额定电流:199A额定频率:50Hz额定转速:1485r/min防护等级:IP56绝缘等级:H工作制:SI冷却方式:水套、端盖水冷冷却水压力:≤2Mpa冷却水流量:≥3m3/h4.3牵引电机型号:YBQYS-150额定功率:150kW额定电压:660V额定电流:156A频率:0~50~100Hz额定转速:1483r/min最大转速:3200r/min防护等级:IP54绝缘等级:H工作制:S14.4破碎电机型号:YBC-160额定功率:160kW额定电压:3300V额定电流:33A额定频率:50Hz额定转速:1480r/min绝缘等级:H工作制:S1冷却方式:水套冷却冷却水压力:≤2Mpa冷却水流量:≥1.2m3/h 4.4泵站电机型号:YBRB-45(G)额定功率:45kW额定电压:3300V额定电流:9.9A额定频率:50Hz额定转速:1460r/min绝缘等级:H工作制:S1冷却方式:水套冷却冷却水压力:≤2Mpa冷却水流量:≥1.2m3/h 4.5遥控接收装置遥控接收装置兼作端头操作站实现整机的操作控制,并具有信号的发送、接收及电源的显示功能。

ASG-NW2500-RFT Installation Instructions 用户指南

ASG-NW2500-RFT Installation Instructions 用户指南
Once your device is installed and ready for use,
Take note of the COM port the device installed to by looking under the Ports section of the Device Manager
Do not operate or plug in the controller/system with wet hands or in wet environments. Failure to observe this may result in injury due to electric shock.
BAUD Rate: 9600 bps Data Size: 8 bit Parity: None Stop Bit: 1
Transmission Range: The RFT Receiver must be within approximately 133ft (40m) of its associated RFT Transmitter. Data Output: Upon completion of a rundown cycle, the X-PAQ will provide rundown data to the RFT Transmitter, to be sent to the Receiver. The data will come as comma-separated ASCII text starting with a # symbol. There is no buffering, if the PC is not prepared for the receipt, the data will not be resent. Example:

IN2500-37 产品手册说明书

IN2500-37 产品手册说明书

器28 10大负载牵引型AGV ,手动自动快速切换,舵轮电机,sick 传感器,磁导航。

I N T R O D U C T I O N简介 1.高拖载型A G V ,牵引能力强;2.具有较强的通过能力;3.良好的人机操作界面设计;4.内置激光避障传感器,灵敏的机械防撞机构;5.牵引重量2500K G (含料车)。

L a r g e l o a d t o w e d AG V, m a n u a l a n d f a s t a u t o ma t i c s w i t c h i n g , R u d d e r m o t o r, s i c k s e n s o r, m a g n e t i c n a v i g a t i o n1.L a r g e t o w i n g c a p a c i t y A G V ;2.H a v e s t r o n g p a s s i n g a b i l i t y.3.E x c e l l e n t h u m a n -m a c h i n e U I d e s i g n4.B u i l t -i n l a s e r o b s t a c l e a v o i d a n c e s e n s o r , s e n s i t i v e m e c h a n i c a l a n t i -c o l l i s i o n m e c h a n i s m.5.T o w i n g w e i g h t i s 2500K G (m a t e r i a l t r u c k i n c l u d e d )L1800×W1080×H1480mmIN2500-37器1028IN2500-37基本功能Basic skills牵引型towed自身重量Weight700kg载重能力Capacity平地牵引≤2500kg,3°斜坡可牵引≤1700kg导引方式Direction惯性导航Inertial navigation行走方向Drive前进/左右转向Forward/left and right steering驱动方向Drive舵轮驱动rudder drive前进速度Forward speed自动(10-42m/min),手动(10-48m/min)爬坡能力Climbing ability≤5%(接近5度,纵向通过角15度,远离角15度)最小转弯半径Minimum turning radius R1200mm尺寸Dimension L1800×W1080×H1480mm电机Motor类型Type舵轮电机rudder motor输出功率Output power2000w驱动模组Drive module驱动轮Drive wheelΦ 234 聚氨酯Polyurethane蓄电池Accumulator DC48V、100AH/150AH (铅酸电池Lead acid battery,铁锂电池Lithiumiron battery)充电方式charging mode离线充电(2组)Offline charging (2 sets)C H A R A C T E R I S T I C技术参数器1028L1800×W1080×H1480mmIN2500-37V I E W产品视图器1028L1800×W1080×H1480mm微信公众号WeChatw w w.j t r o b o t s.c o m 微信客服WeChat ServiceM a r k e t i n g@j t r o b o t s.c o m器1028。

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The plerow TM ALN-series is the compactly designed surface-mount module for the use of the LNA with or without the following gain blocks in the infrastructure equipment of the mobile wireless (CDMA, GSM, PCS, PHS, WCDMA, DMB, WLAN, WiBro, WiMAX), GPS, satellite communi-cation terminals, CATV and so on. It has an exceptional performance of low noise figure, high gain, high OIP3, and low bias current. The stability factor is always kept more than unity over the application band in order to ensure its unconditionally stable implementation to the application system environment. The surface-mount module package including the completed matching circuit and other components necessary just in case allows very simple and convenient implementation onto the system board in mass production level.
Parameter Unit Min Typ Max Frequency Range MHz 2300 2700 Gain dB 11.2 12.2
Gain Flatness dB ± 0.75
0.95 Noise Figure
0.65 @2.3G
0.85 @2.7G
Output IP3 (1)
dBm 33 34 S11 / S22 (2)
dB -19 / -9
Output P1dB dBm 18 19
Switching Time µsec - Supply Current mA
Supply Voltage V

Max. RF Input Power dBm C.W 29 ~ 31 (before fail)
Package Type & Size
Surface Mount Type, 10Wx10Lx3.8H
Operating temperature is -40°C to +85°C.
1) OIP3 is measured with two tones at an output power of 7 dBm / tone separated by 1 MHz. 2) S11/S22 (max) is the worst value within the frequency band.
3) Switching time means the time that takes for output power to get stabilized to its final level after switching DC voltage from 0 V to V S .
Pin Number
2 RF In 5 RF Out 6 +Vcc Others Ground
Outline Drawing (Unit: mm)
· S 21 = 12.95 dB @ 2300 MHz = 11.45 dB @ 2700 MHz · NF = 0.65 dB @ 2300MHz
= 0.85 dB @ 2700MHz
· Unconditionally Stable
· Single 5V Supply · High OIP3 @ Low Current
Note: 1. The number and size of ground via holes in a circuit board is critical for thermal RF grounding considerations.
2. We recommend that the ground via holes be placed on the bottom of all ground pins for better RF and thermal performance, as shown in the drawing at the left side.
(Recommended Footprint)
ALN2500AT ASB Inc.
(Top View) (Bottom View)
Ø0.4 plated thru holes to ground plane
(Side View)
E-mail: Tel: (82) 42-528-7223 Fax: (82) 42-528-7222
ASB Inc., 4th Fl. Venture Town
Bldg., 367-17 Goijeong-Dong,
Seo-Gu, Daejon 302-716, Korea
More Information
1-stage Single Type
Typ. @ T = 25°C, V s = 5 V, Freq. = 2500 MHz, Z o.sys = 50 ohm
Solder Stencil Area
Specifications (in Production)
Noise Figure
2300~2700 +5 V
Typical Performance
S-parameters & K Factor
1) The tantal capacitor is optional and for bypassing the AC noise introduced from the DC supply.
The capacitance value may be determined by customer’s DC supply status.
2) So-called DC blocking capacitors are always necessarily placed at the input and output port
for allowing only the RF signal to pass and blocking the DC component in the signal. The DC blocking capacitors are included inside the LNA module. Therefore, C1 & C2 capacitors may not be necessary, but can be added just in case that the customer wants. The value of C1 & C2 is determined by considering the application frequency.
Application Circuit
Recommended Soldering Reflow Process
Evaluation Board Layout
C1 C2
Tantal Capacitor
20~40 sec
60~180 sec
Ramp-up (3˚C/sec)
Ramp-down (6°C/sec)
Size 25 x 25mm
(for ALN-AT, BT, T Series – 10x10mm)。
