和应用延伸到电 视观众。ehi l特艺集团非常赞同 Tcn o r co 英特尔的
并利用其专业的视频技术协助我们优化全新的凌动 NS D 的子公司——U B S 连接软件和驱动程序开发工具的领先 公司愿景, E20 利用 E20 Tc i l特艺集团可为服务 h co 提供商Jno ug有限公司近日 宣布推出其先进的电 视机顶盒U B S 连 C40处理器。 C 40处理器,e no r 提供商及其用户提供一系 列丰富的 娱乐体验。 ” 接软件解决方案。 该解决方案可以通过U B 将标准的 S 端口 机顶盒
利用Tcn o 数字内容服务、 ehi 1 c0 机顶盒和网关领 m d 以N SM d Hgw y e i D ei I a为基础技术部署其运营平台, a a h 就为其引 庭的观看体验。 以及英特尔处理器设计团队的丰富经验, 我们将 入各种高级电视、 娱 ̄f务、 J 以及融合广播和宽带内容奠定了基 域的非凡经验, P , 为收看 础。 此外, ei lw y M d H h a还可以实现在不影响服务质量的情况下 为家庭用户打造一个真正以用户为中心的媒体服务平台, aa Z N uie i 0 l d 就可以添加多种应用, Mt a m 以增强用户体验。
01 年初开始量产。 电 视内 除了 容。 能够通过各种设备增强用户 的收视体验之外 N S 将于21 , D 基于英特尔架构的 内容推荐, 这种推荐引擎功能将助力运营商从用户感兴趣的内容 入合作有助于我们提供新一代机顶盒设计。
智能化设计和丰富的用户界面将大大改善数百万家 N SM d Hgw y , D ei i a ̄E ̄部署在1 2 a h . 亿台终端上, O ui 我们先进的 5 Z NM l t —
杜比 实验室在21国际广 0 O 播电 视博览会 ( C 00上首次展 I 1) B2
捷迪讯JDSU提供卓越的解决方案捷迪讯公司(捷迪讯JDSU)日前在捷迪讯的Different View 上推出了最新视频,讨论在制药行业中日益严重的假冒药品问题,以及捷迪讯JDSU的认证解决方案如何提供帮助制止这种非法活动。
捷迪讯JDSU公司透露其8500系列40G DP-QPSK(双偏振四相相移键控调制)Transponder 相干模块现开始样品出货。
Oclaro的MI 5000XM 40G相干模块也采用了ClariPhy的类似技术。
捷迪讯JDSU 8500系列Transponder集成了捷迪讯JDSU的几个光学器件,包括一个相干接收器(intradyne coherent receiver)、一个可调谐激光器和一个铌酸锂调制器。
捷迪讯JDSU传输模块营销副总裁Tom Fawcett表示:“在ClariPhy的单芯片相干技术及其团队的支持下,我们得以成功推出8500系列Transponder,这是我们的客户一直期待的成本效率和功效都更高的40G相干传输的升级产品。
我们相信该产品的出货将是40G 相干传输大规模部署过程中的一个转折点。
”ClariPhy首席执行官兼总裁Nariman Yousefi表示:“通过推出一款采用了自身研发的关键光学器件且成本效率和功效都更高的Transponder,捷迪讯JDSU正加速40G相干传输的部署。
控制主机附件, 电缆及电源供应器
快思聪 CNXAO-8 模拟输出扩展卡
快思聪 CNXIO-16 数字/模拟I/O 扩展卡
快思聪 AV2经济双总线控制系统
快思聪 CP2 精巧型控制系统
CP2E 精巧型控制系统,以太网接口
MP2 实惠型完整房间控制和音/视频切换解决方案
Isys®i/O15”挂墙式触摸屏媒体中心带QuickMedia传输技术, 黑色/白色
Isys®i/O17”触摸屏媒体中心 (支持CAT5音视频连接)
Isys®i/O17”挂墙式触摸屏媒体中心 (支持CAT5音视频连接), 黑色/白色
DLP(数码光处理)是在投影和显示讯息方面的一种革命性技术,根据美国Texas Instruments(TI)公司开发的数码微镜无件(DMD)设计而成,创造出显示数码视像讯息的最后一环,它采用发射光成像原理,实现图像处理全数字化,具有稳定可靠、维护方便、亮度高、显示图像平滑、细腻、精确的特点,DLP投影技术广泛用于桌面投影机、商务投影机、电影院放映,尤其在大屏幕投影拼接显示领域,它一直处理领导地位。
它是近几年来在LCD技术基础上发展的一种新的显示技术,LCOS 最大的优点是解析度可以很高,在携带型资讯设备的应用上,此优点比较突出。
GLV技术的原理和德仪(TI)开发的数字微镜装置(DMD)晶片有些类似,也是以微机电原理(Micro-Electromechanical System;MEM)为基础,靠着光线反射来决定影像的显现与否;而GLV的光线反射元件,则是由一条条带状的反射面所组成,依据基板上提供的电压,进行极小幅度的上下移动,决定光线的反射与偏折,再加上其反射装置的超高切换速度,以达成影像的再生。
∙要求操作简单、人性化、智能化;∙要求整个系统可靠性高;∙能够实现自动化程度高的智能化控制,尽量减少操作人员的操作复杂性,实现"一键到位"式的控制方式;∙尽量多的体现出各种设备的卓越功能,让所有设备工作在最佳状态,发挥设备的最大功效;∙能够控制投影机,进行开/关机、输入切换等功能,并能够控制电动吊架、屏幕,实现上升、停止、下降等功能;∙能够控制DVD、录像机进行播放、停止、暂停等功能;∙能够控制实物展台进行放大、缩小等功能;∙能够控制音量,进行音量大小的调节功能;∙能够实现音视频信号、VGA信号自动切换控制功能;∙能够控制房间的灯光和窗帘,自动适应当前的需要;(五)设备清单:整个系统的设备清单(含控制方式分析)如下:三、产品清单根据上述设备情况,列出快思聪中央控制设备清单及说明:四、系统示意图五、功能描述通过安装以上快思聪中央控制系统,能够轻松的实现智能化、人性化的控制:1. 多媒体显示系统的控制:通过主机後的串口(RS232/RS422/RS485埠),控制投影机的所有功能,如开/关机、VIDEO/VGA输入切换等;并且能够自动实现关联动作,如关闭系统时,自动将投影机关闭;TPS-3000 - 投影机控制菜单∙通过控制投影机的输入切换(VIDEO、VGA 1、VGA 2),实现对视频图像、计算机图像的切换;∙通过CNPCI-8(8路强电继电器),控制电动吊架和屏幕的上升、下降、停止;并且能够自动实现关联动作,如投影机开时,电动吊架和萤幕自动下降,投影机关时电动吊架和屏幕自动上升;∙可以利用TPS-3000的视频预览功能,在将视频投出到屏幕之前,确认播放的视频图像就是所需要的视频图像。
化繁为简,合众为一——Technicolor飞利浦先进HDR技术解决方案解析作者:暂无来源:《数码影像时代》 2017年第5期作为新代的影像技术,HDR(High Dynamic Range,高动态范围)一直有着比较高的技术门槛,越来越多的公司企业开始进军HDR领域,并纷纷推出了自己研发的设备与解决方案。
飞利浦公司凭借着雄厚的技术力量与合作伙伴Technicolor联合推出了先进HDR解决方案其包括了符合国际标准的用于HDR视频内容传输和处理的SL-HDR(Single Layer-HDR)技术和用于视频内容提升的ITM( IntelligentTone Management)技术。
3 v o oe - D iC mps  ̄ 以在文档编制 、市场推广、 a r
的大型汽车模具工厂 。比亚迪此次收购 的是荻原在 日本
培训 、支持、装配和制造等多方面助用户一 的四个工厂之一 ,名为 “ 馆林工厂” ,主要生产发动机
参 加 了 会 议 。 与会 人 士一 致 认 为 :3 v 2 1年 4 1 Di a 00 月 日起 ,比 亚迪 已开 始 接收 该 厂 的土 地 、厂 房
翠 ,都已成为过去。 等 器 ;单端射频信号输入 ;内置Ceru e l T n ̄频 滤波 ;内置 a
射频 自动增益控制 ( G A C),为数字解调器提供简单的 署 《 上海世博会 电动警用车战略合作协议 》,该款 纯电 接口;4 MHz 02 4 ~10 MHz 输入频率范围可调 ;集成了低 动轿车将作为警务用车亮相上等相关 配套建设也在有序
三 巨头联手开发 “ 谷歌 电视”平 台
汉龙 中缆合作开拓 国际光 伏市场
谷歌 、英特 尔和索尼 目前宣布 ,他们将携手推 出一 个名为 “ 谷歌 电视”的平台 ,通过研发新 的机顶盒 ,将
互联 网 引入 电视 。
馆林工厂位 于东京近郊,丰田、本田及通用等都是 其供应对象。 日本获原公 司总部位 于E本群马县 ,是全 l
球 最 大的 独 立汽 车模 具 生产 企 业之 一 。 除 日本之 外 ,该
企 业还 在 美 国、 英 国 、泰 国、 墨 西哥 和 中 国等地 开设 工
迈 同为中国电视厂 商
3 v o p s 技术在 国内的面市 ,无疑为业 界带 D iC m oe a r
罗克韦尔自动化 FactoryTalk Alarms and Events 系统配置指南说明书
章节 4
在 Studio 5000 控制器中定 义基于设备的报警
控制器连接丢失时的报警缓冲 ............................................................... 27 在开始之前 ................................................................................................28 先决条件 ....................................................................................................28 遵照下列步骤............................................................................................ 28 定义基于 Logix 标签的报警................................................................. 28
注意:标识可能导致人员伤亡、财物损害或经济损失的做法或环境的相关信息。注意事项可帮助您识别危险,避开 危险,以及意识到后果。
重要 标识对成功应用和了解产品至关重要的信息。 还会在设备上或内部使用标签来提供具体预防措施。
典型的独立系统 ................................................................................. 24 安装 FactoryTalk 软件.................................................................... 25 安装 Microsoft SQL Server .............................................................. 26
Philips Q-Line 4K Ultra HD 显示屏说明书
Philips Signage SolutionsQ-Line Display98"Direct LED Backlight Ultra HD 98BDL3650Q Stand out from the crowd Your versatile and easy-to-set-up 18/7 displayInform and enthral with a Philips Q-Line 4K Ultra HD digital display. This reliable, easy-to-install, Android powered signage solution is Wave-ready for remote management, putting you in full control, any time, anywhere.Effortless setup. Total control.•Optional Interact for wireless screen share•Catch the Wave for revolutionary resultsCost-effective system solution•Easy control. Remotely manage networked displays•Easily schedule content from USB or internal memorySmart and powerful•Connect and control your content via the cloud•Android SoC processor. Native and web apps•WiFi connection made easy with optional CRD22 moduleVersatile system solution•Ultra-HD. Rich images. Stunning contrast•FailOver. Ensure your display never goes blankIssue date 2023-09-24Version: 3.0.112 NC: 8670 001 86387EAN: 87 12581 79935 9© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice.Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V.or their respective owners. SpecificationsQ-Line Display 98" Direct LED Backlight, Ultra HDHighlights SmartBrowser Connect and control your content via the cloud with the integrated HTML5 browser. Using the Chromium based browser, design your content online and connect a single display, or your complete network. Show content in both landscape and portrait mode, with fullHD resolution. Simply connect the display to the internet using WiFi or with an RJ45 cable, and enjoy your own created playlists.FailOver Critical for demanding commercial applications, FailOver is a revolutionary technology that automatically plays back-up content on screen in the unlikely event of an input source or application failure. Simply select a primary input connection and a FailOver connection and you are ready for instant content protection.Integrated media player Easily schedule content to play from USB or from internal memory. Your Philips Professional Display will wake from standby to play the content you want, and then return to standby once playback is done.Interact (optional)Wirelessly screen share using your existing Wi-Fi network to instantly and securely connect devices, or use our optional HDMI Interact dongle to cast directly onto the screen without connecting into the secured network.Powered by Android 10Powered by our Android 10 SoC platform, these hard-working Philips professional displays are optimised for native Android apps, and you can install web apps directly onto the display too. Flexible and secure, ensuring display specs stay up to the moment for longer.PPDS Wave Unlock the power, versatility and intelligence inside your Philips Q-Line displays remotely with Wave. This evolutionary cloud platform puts you fully in control, with simplified installation and set-up, monitoring and controlling displays, upgrading firmware, managing playlists and setting power schedules. Saving you time, energy andenvironmental impact.Picture/Display •Diagonal screen size: 97.5 inch / 247.7 cm •Panel resolution: 3840 x 2160•Optimum resolution: 3840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz •Brightness: 400 cd/m²•Contrast ratio (typical): 1200:1•Dynamic contrast ratio: 500,000:1•Response time (typical): 8 ms •Aspect ratio: 16:9•Viewing angle (H / V): 178 / 178 degree •Pixel pitch: 0.56 x 0.56 mm •Display colors: 1.07 Billion •Picture enhancement: 3/2 - 2/2 motion pull down, Progressive scan, Dynamic contrast enhancement •Panel technology: IPS •Operating system: Android 10•Haze:25%Supported Display Resolution •Computer formats Resolution Refresh rate 1920 x 1080 60Hz 1680 x 1050 60Hz 1600 x 1200 60Hz 1440 x 900 60Hz 1280 x 1024 60Hz 1280 x 800 60Hz 1280 x 720 60Hz 1024 x 768 60, 70, 75Hz 3840 x 2160 60Hz •Video formats Resolution Refresh rate 1080p 50, 60Hz 1080i 50, 60Hz 720p 50,60 Hz 2160p 50, 60Hz Connectivity •Video input: USB 2.0 (x2), DVI-I (x 1), HDMI 2.0 (x2), USB 3.0 (x1)•Audio input: 3.5 mm jack •Audio output: 3.5mm jack •External control: RS232C (in/out) 2.5 mm jack, IR (in/out) 3.5 mm jack, RJ45•Other connections: micro SD, OPS Convenience •Keyboard control: Hidden, Lockable •Network controllable: RS232, RJ45•Signal loop through: RS232, IR Loopthrough •Energy saving functions: Smart Power •Remote control signal: Lockable •Tiled Matrix: Up to 3 x 3•Placement: Landscape (18/7), Portrait (18/7)•Ease of installation: Smart Insert Dimensions •Bezel width: 15.9mm: L/R/T , 20.1mm: B •Set dimensions (W x H x D): 2193.4 x 1255.3 x 90 mm •Set dimensions in inch (W x H x D): 86.35 x 49.42 x 3.54 inch •Product weight: 65.2 kg •Product weight (lb): 143.74 lb •Wall Mount: 1000 mm x 400 mm, M8Operating conditions •Altitude: 0 ~ 3000 m •Temperature range (operation): 0 ~ 40 °C •Temperature range (storage): -20 ~ 60 °C •MTBF: 50,000 hour(s)•Humidity range (operation)[RH]: 20 ~ 80% RH (No condensation)•Humidity range (storage) [RH]: 5 ~ 95% RH (No condensation)Power •Mains power: 100 - 240V~, 50/60Hz •Standby power consumption: <0.5W •Power Saving Features: Smart Power •Consumption (Max):TBD •Consumption (Typical): TBD W •Energy Label Class: G Sound •Built-in speakers: 2 x 10W RMS Accessories •Included Accessories: IR sensor cable (1.8 m) (x1), RS232 daisy-chain cable, Philips logo (x1), AC Power Cord, AC Switch Cover, Quick start guide, Remote control & AAA batteries, RS232 cable, USB cover and screws, Wire Clamper (x3)Multimedia Applications •USB Playback Video: MPEG, H.264, H.263, H.265, AVI, MP4, VP8•USB Playback Picture: BMP, JPEG, PNG •USB Playback Audio: AAC, HEAAC, MPEG Miscellaneous•Warranty: 3 year warranty •On-Screen Display Languages: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Arabic •Regulatory approvals: CE, CB, FCC, Class A, VCCI, RoHS, UL Internal Player •CPU: Quad Core Cortex A55•GPU: G52 MC1•Memory: 16GB, 3GB DDR。
i s h r c e it s f t c a a t r i o Re B emi a . I lo t d e a p cs f o ' sc v tr n 1 t s su i d s e t a o c mme c a, s c a RF ef r a c , d t a p ia in ril u h s p r m n e a a p l t o c o
Da o u , h o Z b n L u Z a y a i Gu h a Z a i i , i h o u n
( a gh uRe erh I s tt o fC iaTee o C .L d Gu n z o 0 3 ,C ia Gu n z o s ac n tue fo hn lc m o , t … i a gh u51 6 0 hn )
英特尔公 司副总裁兼数字家庭事业部 总经理 Ba r d
根据与英特尔的合作协议 ,ehi l 特艺集团可测 Tcn o r co 试早期硅芯片原型, 同时为英特尔提供技术建议, 检验全 新的机顶盒设计。利用英特尔凌动芯片,ehi l 特艺 Tcn o r co 集团开发 了早期的 3 D多视点编码 ( V ) M C 和视频转码演 示功能, 充分展示了集团在提供新一代电视体验方面的潜
功的一个重要推动力, 我们先进的智能化设计和丰富的用 户 界 面将 大 大 改善 数 百 万家 庭 的观 看体 验 。利用
Tcn o r ehi l 在数字内容服务、 co 机顶盒和网关领域的非凡经
验以及英特尔处理器设计团队的丰富经验, 我们将为家庭
用户打造一个真正以用户为中心的媒体服务平台。 为收看
集成式广播和 I P机顶盒的计划,有助于服务提供商为家 庭用户打造精彩的多屏、D 游戏和在线视频体验。 3、
C702BlackCTC702Discover new journeysKeep track of where you are, find locations and discover new places quickly and easily! With a valid map, your phone’s built-in GPS receiver can help you navigate your way.Find your wayBuilt-in GPS for expedient navigationQuick and easy messagingTouch screen7.1 cm (2.8") 262K color TFT displayHandwriting recognitionEnjoy multimedia - anytime, anywhereMegapixel digital cameraMicroSD memory card slot for extra memory/ data storageMP3 playback and ringtones for a superior audio experienceVideo capture and playback in MPEG4 and H263 formatHighlightsBuilt-in GPSKeep track of where you are, find locations and discover new places quickly and easily! With a valid map, your phone's built-in GPS receiver can help you navigate your way.Handwriting recognitionThe intuitive and fast way to write textmessages. Simply write on the touch screen as you would write on a piece of paper to have the phone convert your handwriting into an SMS (Short Message Service) text message.7.1 cm (2.8") 262K color TFTPut the fun and excitement of the most vivid and colorful graphics and photos right at your fingertips with the large 262K color display that features excellent image quality and response time.SpecificationsPicture/DisplayDiagonal screen size (inch): 2.8 inchMain Display Colors: 262KMain Display Resolution: 240x320 pixelMain Display Technology: TFTTouch-sensitive screen: Touch ScreenSoundRingers: MP3 ringer, Polyphonic (64 tones), Voice memo ringerVideo PlaybackCompression formats: MPEG4, H.263Frame rate (fps): 25Resolution (pxl): 320x240, 220x176Video RecordingCompression formats: MPEG4, H.263Frame rate: 15 fpsResolution (pxl): 176x144Audio PlaybackAudio supported formats: AMR, Midi, MP3, SP-Midi, WAVAudio CapturingVoice recording: Yes, AMRStill Picture PlaybackPicture Compression Format: JPEGStill Picture CapturingCamera: IntegratedImage sensor type: CMOSPicture file format: JPEGPicture Mode: Normal, Self-timer mode, Multi-shotPicture resolution: VGA (640x480), QVGA (320x240), 1M (1280x960)Picture quality: High, LowStorage MediaUser memory: 2.5 MBMaximum memory card capacity: 2 GB Memory Card Types: Micro SDMemory management: Memory status Multimedia ApplicationsMemory Card Access: SD card slot ConnectivityBluetoothHeadset: Via mini USB connectorPC Link: USB 2.0Wireless connections: BluetoothBluetooth profiles: Headset, A2DPConvenienceButtons and controls: 4-way navigation keyand enter, Camera key, Side keys, Soft keysCall Management: Call Cost, Call on Hold,Call Time, Call Waiting*, Caller ID*,Conference Call, Emergency Call, Microphonemute, Missed Calls, Multi-party call, ReceivedCalls, FirewallEmbedded Games: 2Clock/Version: DigitalEase of Use: Hands free mode, Hot Keys, In-flight mode, Keypad Lock, Softkeys, Vibra AlertGames and applications: Agenda, AlarmClock, Calculator, Calendar, Stopwatch,International converter, My CardLanguage available: T9 input: ChineseSimplified, EnglishLanguage available: UI: Chinese Simplified,EnglishPersonal Info Management: Time Zone, VcardExchange, Task listPersonalisation/Customization: Wallpaper,Screen SaverVibratorVolume controlAccessoriesStandard Package Includes: Battery, CD ROM(Mobile Phone Tools), Charger, Handset,International Guarantee, SAR informationleaflet, User Manual, USB data cable, 2GBMicroSD CardGreen SpecificationsPackaging material: CartonUser manual: Recycled paperDimensionsHandset color: Metal BlackAntenna: IntegratedHandset dimensions: 103.8cmx59.8cmx14.5cmHandset weight: 118gForm Factor: Candy barPowerBattery Capacity: 1080mAhStandby time: up to 100 hoursBattery saving manager: Auto switch on/offTalk time: up to 4hoursBattery Type: Lithium-ionElectrical Enhancements: Back-up batteryCharging time: 4 hrNetwork FeaturesMessaging: Concatenated SMS (Long SMS),MMS,Multimedia Message Service,Predefined messages (SMS,MMS), SMS CB(CellBroadcast), SMS (Short Message Service), SMSmulti-target, EMS / release 5Services: SIM Toolkit / Release 99Voice Codec: FR/EFR/AMR/HR© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2019‑10‑23 Version: 2.2.112 NC: 8670 000 57476 EAN: 87 12581 51184 5。
漳州视瑞特光电科技有限公司Ground Station FPV Monitor12.1″High Resolution LCD MonitorUser ManualDear users:Thank you for purchasing our FPV HD LCD Monitor. It employs advanced integrate circuits and high quality TFT LCD modules, low consumption, steady function, and low radiation emission. This monitor designed small-sized, easily operated and safety, with Composite Video, Audio Input.To ensure the best use of this product, please read this manual carefully beforehand.CAUTION1. Please use the adapter attached in the accessory, if necessary, please use qualified adapter.2. Please do NOT expose this product to direct sunlight, heat, or humid conditions.3. Please keep away from strong light while using this product to ensure the image effect and long-term use.4. Please avoid heavy impact or drop onto the ground.5. Please do NOT use chemical solutions to clean this product. Please wipe with a clean soft cloth to maintain the brightness of the surface.6. Without adjustable component in the unit, please do not take apart or repair the unit by yourself, to avoid damage the product.Product Advanced Features:◆ The first ground stand HD monitor, designed speciallyfor outdoor users, does not have “blue screen”, is yourbest choice FPV or aero photography◆ Earphone Stereo Output. Easy listening◆ Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation and ColorTemperature Adjustment◆ Multiple color format support, manually enter themenu to select the appropriate standard, strongeradaptability◆ Connect with camera, as a monitor or aerialmonitorCONTENTS1. Product description --------------------------------------- 3Panel Instruction -------------------------------------------3Back view -----------------------------------------------------4Remote Controller Instruction--------------------------52. Operating instructions -------------------------------------6Panel button operation instruction -------------------6OSD Operation Instruction ------------------------------7AV (FPV)Mode -------------------------------------------7PC Mode -----------------------------------------------------103. Parameters---------------------------------------------------144. Accessories -------------------------------------------------155. Trouble shooting ------------------------------------------151. Product Description1.1 Panel Instruction1. Power Indicator:2. Infrared remote control signal receiving window3. :Power On/Off, to select the state of operating or standby4. ►:Volume up, press the button to control the volume up,menu to select and adjust the value of setting5. ◀:Volume down, press the button to control the volumedown, menu to select and adjust the value of setting6. MENU: Press this button to pop up or close OSD menu7. MODE: To switch VGA、AV、HDMI input signals1.2 Back view:1. DC Power input:2. HDMI: HD digital video/audio signal input3. DVI:DVI signal input4. VGA: VGA signal input5. VIDEO: AV1 Video signal input6. AUDIO: AV1 Audio signal input7. :Earphone Jack8. Yellow RCA jack:AV2 video signal1 input port9. Black DC jack for DC 12V power input10. Red RCA jack,: AV2audio signal input1.3 Remote Controller Instruction (optional): Power control button, use to select the operating modeand standby mode: Mute button, press the button to close sound, repress to recover: OSD button, press the button to pop up OSD menu: Volume down or to adjust the value of setting function: Volume up or to adjust the value of setting function: OSD item select button or No menu state press it to cycle adjust the 5 level brightness: OSD item select button or under VGA state press it to auto switch: Image 4:3/16:9 switch:Image switch up/down(this monitor without this function):Image switch left/right(this monitor without this function):To select video signal input switch2.Operation Instruction2.1 Panel button operation instruction:——— Power switch button, after power connecting, video signal input, the monitor in standby state, press this button, the monitor in working state, repress the button, monitor recover in standby state.► ———— No menu display in working state, press directly isvolume up. When menu displaying, this button as menu item selection, after setting submenu adjust, the button is adjustment for value increase or selection.◀———— No menu display in working state, press directly isvolume down. When menu displaying, this button is menu item selection, after setting submenu adjust, the button is adjustment for value decrease or selection.MENU ——— Menu adjust, after do it, press one time this button enter submenu, repress one again to setting submenuadjust item, then press “ ►” or “◀” button to adjust or select the value, after setting value, press MENU to confirm.MODE ——— Input signal switch button. Enter into menu operation is exit the menu.2.2 OSD Operation InstructionWhen monitor in normal working state, press “MENU” button, screen displays OSD menu, then enter into operation. Press“►”or“◀”button to select the needed options:( color)(adjust)(OSD)(function)(sound). After select the option, press “MENU” button to confirm. Enter into submenu, then use “►”or“◀” button to select the options, after do that, press “MENU” to confirm, then use “►”or“◀”button to adjust or select the value, after setting the value, press “MENU” to confirm, Press “MODE” button to exit the OSD menu.2.3 AV (FPV)ModeColor※ Brightness: To adjust the Brightness※ Contrast: To adjust the brightest and darkest ratio of the image, please note the sense of picture whenadjust, proportion too large or small, will make thepicture lose the color of showy.※ Saturation: To adjust the saturationOSD※ Language:Languages for OSD as below:English、简体中文、Francais、Italiano、Deutsch Español、繁體中文、日本語、조선의、 Pycc※ H Position:To adjust the OSD position in horizontal ※ V Position:To adjust the OSD position in vertical※ OSD Timeout:To adjust the time of OSD position※ Transparent:To adjust the level of transparentFunction※ Reset: Recover the analog value to original factory state※ System Color video format selectionSound※ Volume: To adjust the sound .2.4 PC ModeColor※Brightness: To adjust the brightness in the picture.※Contrast: To adjust the brightest and darkest ratio of the image, please note the sense of picture when adjust, proportion too large or small, will make the picture lose the color of showy.※Saturation: To adjust the brilliant of the picture.※Color Temp:In PC mode, the color temperature of thepicture is adjustable. After enter into(Color)submenu, press “►”or “◀”on the unit to select "Color Temp"submenu item, press “MENU” button to confirm, thenress “►” or “◀” button to select color temperature 9300 K, 7500K, 6500K or User. Then press “MENU” button toconfirm. When select “user”, the right corner of menushows as below:When select “user”, use “MENU” button, the right corner of menu shows as below:Adjustment※Auto Config:When select auto adjustment, the screen will auto adjust to get the best pictureEffect. If you are not satisfy with the effect, canbe adjusted by manual as below.※H Position:To adjust the OSD position in horizontal,※V Position:To adjust the OSD position in vertical.※Phase: To adjust phase parameters to get the best picture. ※Clock:To adjust clock parameters can signal clock signal with the LCD screen frame, the line signal synchronization to reduce image distortion. +OSD※ Language:Languages for OSD as below:English、简体中文、Francais、Italiano、DeutschEspañol、繁體中文、日本語、조선의、 Pycc※ H Position:To adjust the OSD position in horizontal※ V Position:To adjust the OSD position in vertical※ OSD Timeout:To adjust the time of OSD position※ Transparent:To adjust the level of transparentFunction※ Reset: Recover the analog value to original factory state ※ System:PC Mode Don't workSound※ Volume: To adjust the sound.3. ParametersPanel size 12.1"Panel type TFT LCDResolution 800 × 600Backlight LED Horizontal frequency range30 ~ 60 kHzField frequency range 60 ~ 75 HzDistance 0.307575(H) x 0.3075(V) Panel display ratio 4:3Brightness 330 cd / ㎡Contrast ratio 900:1Response time 30 msViewing angle 70°/70°(L/R) 50°/70°(U/D)Input voltage DC 6~24VPower consumption ≦8 WUnit size 300(L)× 245(W)×72(H) mmUnit weight ≌ 1280 gVGA, VIDEO1, VIDEO2,Input signalAUDIO ,DVI ,HDMI,480i,480p,576i,576p, 720/ 50p/ 60p、HDMI support format1080/ 50i/ 60i/ 50p/ 60p;Working temperature -10℃~50℃Storage temperature -20℃~60℃4. AccessoriesOperation Manual 1pcsHome AC Adapter 1pcs (optional)Remote Controller 1pcs (optional)Sunshade Cover 1pcs (optional)5. Trouble shooting5.1. Only black and white picture.Please check saturation、brightness & contrast adjustment.5.2. NO picture after put on the power.MODE whether in correct position, please press MODE toselect correct signal input mode; Check video signal cableconnecting, make sure use the standard adapter connectthe monitor.5.3. The image color distortion or abnormal, eg. lack somecolor.Please check signal cable connect correctly or not. The cable damage or loose will cause poor transfer, then abovemalfunction will happen.5.4. The image has a similar interference fringe, smearing andDark.Check the signal connector is plugged in tight, and thesocket connection is loose and so on.5.5. Remote controller doesn't workCheck the battery to make sure the battery is installedProperly. Poor battery or the signal is interfered by someobstructions.■ Remark:If there are still other problems, please contact with our related deals.※ If interruptive image occurs, it maybe that the VGA signal frequency isn’t matched with normal standard.※ It is a normal condition that some bright lines appear on the screen when you turn off the unit.。
Silicon Labs(亦称“芯科科技”)最近有机会与海格集团的高级研究经理Jean-NoelPAILLARD进行了交谈,该公司是一家具有62年历史的德国公司,为住宅,商业和工业建筑中的电气装置提供解决方案和服务。
段时间会非常长- 如果确实如此的话。
快思聪产品技术参数描述触摸屏系列 (3)TPS-4L (3)TPS-6L (4)TPSI-6X (4)CT-1000的技术参数: (4)STI-1550C单向无线触摸屏: (4)CT-1550C有线触摸屏: (5)STI-1700C单向无线触摸屏: (5)STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏: (5)STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏: (5)TPS-1700C触摸屏: (6)TPS-2000L: (6)TPS-3000L: (6)TPMC-8L的技术参数: (7)TPS-3000: (7)TPS-4000的技术参数: (7)TPS-4000L的技术参数: (8)MiniTouch:MT-1000C (8)MiniTouch:ML-500无线紧凑式射频LCD远程遥控器 (8)MiniTouch:ML-600无线紧凑式射频LCD远程遥控器 (9)MLX-2:MiniLCD2路RF掌上遥控 (9)WPR-48 具有防水性能的遥控器 (9)TPS-12 (9)TPS-15 (10)TPS-17 (10)TPMC-CH-IMC 界面模块 (11)TPS-12G-QM (11)TPS-15-G-QM (11)TPMC-4XG Isys i/O™ WiFi 触摸屏: (12)TPMC-8X Isys i/O™ WiFi 触摸屏 (12)TPMC-8X-DS技术参数: (13)TPMC-15-QM Isys i/O™ 15” 触摸屏媒体中心 (13)TPMC-17-QM Isys i/O™ 17”触摸屏媒体中心 (15)控制主机系列 (16)MC2E的技术参数: (17)MC2W的技术参数: (17)CP2的技术参数: (17)CP2E的技术参数: (17)A V2的技术参数: (18)PRO2的技术参数: (18)MP2的技术参数: (18)MP2E的技术参数: (19)C2N-MMS的技术参数: (19)CNXRMC: (19)CNXRMCLV: (19)C2N-DVP4DI的技术参数: (20)DVPHD-PRO的技术参数: (20)MPS-100的技术参数: (21)MPS-300技术参数: (23)PAC2的技术参数: (24)PAC2M - Pro Mini 控制主机技术参数 (24)AADSI的技术参数: (25)AESI的技术参数: (25)AAE音频扩展器技术参数: (25)音频(AAS) 技术参数: (25)TPS-ENET的技术参数: (26)TPS-VID-1的技术参数: (26)TPS-VID-2: (26)TPS-XVGA的技术参数: (26)CNXRY-16的技术参数: (26)C2IR-8的技术参数: (27)C2COM-2的技术参数: (27)C2COM-3的技术参数: (27)C2ENET-1的技术参数: (27)C2ENET-2的技术参数: (27)C2VEQ-4 (27)常用扩展模块 (28)TPS-XTX-RF的技术参数: (28)CEN-TIA电话接口模块技术参数: (28)C2N-VEQ-4 (28)STI-COM的技术参数: (29)CNECI-4A的技术参数: (29)CLI-220N-4的技术参数: (29)CHAO-12模拟量控制模块 (29)SP-4的技术参数: (29)C2N-CAMIDSPT数字伺服式摄像机电动云台 (30)C2N-CAMIDJ操纵杆控制器 (31)CNRFGW A无线接收器 (31)CNRFGW-418无线接收器 (31)STRFGW A双向接收器 (32)TPS-RFGWXI (32)CEN-RFGW-ZB:ZigBee网关 (32)CENI-HPRFGW:高性能电源RF网关 (32)CLSI-C6A的技术参数: (33)C2N-SSC-2 (33)C2N-SDC-DC (33)CNX-B2...B12: .. (33)C2N-CB的技术参数: (34)APAD的技术参数: (34)CEN-IDOC Apple iPod®界面技术参数 (34)MediaManager (34)QM-RMC (35)QM-WMC: 墙面媒体终端 (35)QM-WMIC:墙面媒体终端 (36)QM-RMCRX: 主处理器 (36)QM-FTCC: 弹出式计算机界面 (36)QM-FTSC: 上翻式存储中心 (37)QM-FTDC:上翻式数据中心 (37)QM-MD8x8: QM切换矩阵 (37)QM-MD7x2: 快思聪矩阵 (38)QM-MD5X1 (38)QM-TX (39)QM-RX: QuickMedia 接收器 (39)QM-FTCC-TPS (39)QM-RX1-3G: (40)QM-TX2-MC (40)QM-TX2-CC (40)QM-WMC-CC (41)QM-WCC-2 (41)QM-WCC-1 (41)网络解决方案 (41)CEN-W AP-ABG-1G:802.11a/b/g无线接入点 (42)CEN-SW-POE-5: 5埠PoE切换器 (42)PW-4803RU:PoE电源供应器 (42)ADAD六路数字音频服务器 (42)快思聪优惠套装解决方案 (43)TPMC-10 Isys i/O 10” WiFi 平板式触摸屏 (44)QM-AMP3x80MM: 块思聪功放 (45)CNPI-48 48键控制面板接口 (46)IRP2 红外线发射器探头 (47)触摸屏系列TPS-4L● 3.6 英寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏●32 位Coldfire® 处理器●320x240 象素●8 MB 闪存,16M DRAM●16 位Isys™ 图像引擎●10个白色背光按键●可播放W A V音频文件●紧凑的、流行的嵌墙式触摸屏●可以通过以太网和Cresnet与主机通讯TPS-6L●紧凑的、流行的嵌墙式触摸屏●可以通过以太网和Cresnet与主机通讯●12个白色背光按键,并可刻字● 5.7 英寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏●640x480 象素●16 位Isys™ 图像引擎●可播放W A V音频文件●支持PNG 和半透明化●支持动态图像,cover art, Adagio AS, Request, Windows Media Center.●内置麦克风●可伸缩视频窗口,支持视频显示●可选颜色杏仁、黑色、白色TPSI-6X●用于掌上和桌面式的轻便型轮廓设计● 5.7寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏显示●16位isys图形●640*480分辨率●高速2.4GHz RF 无线技术●内置单向IR无线功能●有线以太网以及快思聪Home CAT5视频连接CT-1000的技术参数:● 3.8”墙装式彩色触摸屏;●256色;●10个常用指令快捷按钮;●可自由编程;●独家感光显示,可自行调节其亮度已适应周边环境;●可储存及重播W A V声音档案;STI-1550C单向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色单向无线触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●256色;●1M闪存;●可自由编程;●传输距离:300英尺(约100米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为CNRFGWA;CT-1550C有线触摸屏:●STI-1550C的有线版本;● 5.7“彩色触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●256色;●1M闪存;●可自由编程;STI-1700C单向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色单向无线触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●传输距离:300英尺(约100米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为CNRFGWA;STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色双向无线触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●传输距离:300英尺(约100米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为STRFGWX;STXI-1700CXP双向无线触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色双向无线触摸屏;● 2.4G工作频率,WiFi 友好●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●传输距离:100-300英尺(约30-60米);●包含可充电电池STI-BTPN、充电座STI-DSN;●无线接收器为TPS-RFGWX;TPS-1700C触摸屏:● 5.7“彩色触摸屏;●320X240分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●4M flash存储器,8M SDRAM内存●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;TPS-2000L:●5“彩色触摸屏;●320X234分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●32 MIPS Coldfire® 处理器●2M flash与8M DRAM内存;●可自由编程;●10个可定义功能的快捷按键;●平衡/非平衡视频输入●可存储播放W A V文件TPS-3000L:● 6.4“彩色挂墙式触摸屏;●640X480分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●可自由编程;●5个可定义功能的快捷按键;●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●1路视频输入显示;●内建麦克风;立体声扬声器●支持W A V文件格式;●内置控制RS-232 接口;TPMC-8L的技术参数:●8.4寸有源矩阵彩色触摸屏●800*600的分辨率●16位isys i/o图形●动态图形功能●DNav动态菜单对象●支持windows sideshow●内置网站浏览,流媒体,电子邮件,VOIP和远程计算机控制功能●多格式流动视频和音频●平衡音频输出●生物指纹扫描仪●16个可选按钮●背光灯雕刻可选●自动调光感应●WA V文件音频反馈功能●以太网通信●连接usb键盘和鼠标●墙面,讲桌和白色可选●有杏色,黑色和白色可选TPS-3000:● 6.4“彩色触摸屏;●640X480分辨率;●64,000种色彩;●可自由编程;●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●1路视频输入显示;●内建麦克风;立体声扬声器●支持W A V文件格式;●内置控制RS-232 接口;TPS-4000的技术参数:●10.4” 有源矩阵显示●16-Bit 彩色LCD●640x480 分辨率●Isys® 图形处理器: Synapse Rendering, etc.●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●可用于斜坡式讲台●一路视频输入,自动探测复合视频/S-Video格式●可调整的视频窗口或满屏显示●内嵌麦克风/扬声器(半双工,可用于对讲)●RS-232 端口,用来直接连接PCTPS-4000L的技术参数:●嵌墙式安装版本●10.4” 有源矩阵显示●16-Bit 彩色LCD●640x480 分辨率●Isys® 图形处理器: Synapse Rendering, etc.●8M flash,8M DRAM 存储器●一路视频输入,自动探测复合视频/S-Video格式●可调整的视频窗口或满屏显示●内嵌麦克风/扬声器(半双工,可用于对讲)●5个快捷按键,可编程MiniTouch:MT-1000C● 3.8”无线彩色触摸屏;●13个快捷按钮;可自由编程;●240X320分辨率;●16K色彩,高对比,可以显示3D效果●传输距离:100英尺(约30米);●无线接收器为CNRFGWA-418;●使用锂电池●配有充电底座MiniTouch:ML-500无线紧凑式射频LCD远程遥控器● 1.4“ x 2.1” LCD 显示器●27 个可编程按钮●导航轮式设计实现上、下、左、右,以及确认功能。
QuickLogic EOS S3 传感器处理平台 IOMUX 用户指南说明书
QuickLogic® EOS™ S3 SensorProcessing Platform Input/Output Multiplexor (IOMUX) User Guide• • • • • •IntroductionThis document provides a functional overview of the QuickLogic EOS S3 sensor processing platform IOMUX. It also describes how to program the IOMUX register block, which controls the 46 IOs.Functional OverviewThere are 46 IOs (or PADs) that can be multiplexed to/from various functions on the EOS S3 sensor processing platform. Each pad can be programmed independently as an input pad, output pad, or bidirectional pad. Programming the IOMUX register block (0x40004C00 – 0x40004DAC) controls the various functions that drive and sample the pad values. Refer to the Appendix – Table 12 for IOMUX register descriptions.NOTE: IOs and PADs are used interchangeably in this document. Both mean the same thing, which is an IO. For example IO_6 is the same as PAD 6.Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the implementation.•The red muxes are controlled by IOMUX_PAD_0_CTRL[1:0]. This function determines which output can drive to a pad. There is one red mux for each pad.•The blue muxes select the output pad control, which can come from:IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[12:5] – Register controlled (e.g., A0 register)Other – Controlled for bidirectional signals (e.g., Serial Wire Debugger (SWD) and I2C controllers)Fabric (FB) – I/O controlled. These muxes are for output and/or bidirectional signaling from the device to the system. •The yellow “AND” gate and mux allows the device to sample pad values to various functional blocks within the device. This logic is for input and bidirectional signaling to the device from the system.© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation2Figure 1: IOMUX Block DiagramWhen allocating pads in the system design for EOS S3, consider the following:• The Cortex ™ M4 processor, application processor (AP) (via SPI slave), and SWD can read/write the IOMUX registers. The IOMUX registers are located in the Always-On power domain. If the power is cycled or a device reset is asserted, the IOMUX register settings will default back to the reset state. The programmable logic (Fabric), which is a slave IP, cannot configure the IOMUX registers. The M4, AP, or SWD is required to set up the IOMUX settings for the Fabric to use. • Eight pads can be used as general purpose IOs (GPIOs), which the M4 can drive and sample, using the IOMUX_IO_REG_SEL (0x40004D60), MISC_IO_INPUT (0x40005100), and MISC_IO_OUTPUT (0x40005104) register controls. • The Fabric can control all 46 pads, assuming the M4 sets up the appropriate IOMUX programming.• Eight of the pads can be used as external interrupts to the system (e.g., sensor interrupt or GPIO interrupt), as interrupts to M4 or sensor interrupts to FFE. • The other pads can be used for serial interfaces such as SPI slave, multiple SPI masters, SWD, UART, IRDA, I 2C masters, audio microphone inputs (PDM or I 2S), and I2S output to the AP. • Eight of the pads can be used as debug monitoring pins (debug_mon). Some of PMU, CRU, Audio, and FFE internal signaling can be brought out to eight pads. For example, CRU can bring out clocks to a pad to monitor frequency. Refer to the Appendix – Table 13 for possible function/pad assignments. This is for system design, as it shows all the possible IO assignments.IMPORTANT: Determine functions for all 46 pads first as per the system design, then program the IOMUX register accordingly.Programming the IOMUX RegistersHow to Select the Output FunctionEach IO output can be driven from one of four different functional outputs, as shown by the red muxes in Figure 1. Only one function can drive to the pad as output.There are 46 IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL registers, where ‘x’ is a register number from 0 to 45, one register per pad. Program the corresponding register IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL bits [1:0] to select the function that drives the corresponding pad.Each IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL register looks similar to the example shown in Table 1.© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 3For pad 0, program IOMUX_PAD_0_CTRL[1:0] to select the function that outputs to pad 0. When looking at the register definition of IOMUX_PAD_0_CTRL, bit encoding is NOT listed in the highlighted bit field. Refer instead to the Appendix – Table 11 functional IOMUX descriptions.Table 2 is a partial list of pads 0 through 2 (from the Appendix – Table 11) that shows IOMUX output pad programming options.The following are programming examples based on the information in Table 2:•Example 1: To program IOMUX_PAD_0_CTRL[1:0]:Set to 0 for I2C0 CLK (SCL0) to drive pad 0Set to 1 for Fabric IO 0 (FBIO_0) to drive pad 02 and3 are not assigned and are reserved•Example 2: To program IOMUX_PAD_1_CTRL[1:0]:Set to 0 for I2C0 DAT (SDA0) to drive pad 1Set to 1 for Fabric IO 1 (FBIO_1) to drive pad 12 and3 are not assigned and are reserved.•Example 3: To program IOMUX_PAD_2_CTRL[1:0]:Set to 0 for Fabric IO 2 (FBIO_2) to drive PAD2Set to 1 for SPI sensor device select 2 (spi_sensor_ssn2) to drive PAD2© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 4Set to 2 to bring out debug monitor point (debug_mon[0]) to drive PAD2Set to 3 to bring out battery monitor IO (batt_mon) to drive PAD2NOTE: If the pad is used as an input pad, then bits IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[1:0] can be ignored or left as is. PAD2 can also be an input pad assigned to a sensor interrupt.IOMUX_PAD_43_CTRL (0x40004CAC) is protected from accidental writes. To program this register, program MISC_LOCK_EN (0x40005310) to 0x1ACCES551 prior to writing IOMUX_PAD_43_CTRL. SeeTable 3 for details.The pad controls for the pad are controlled by IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[4:3]. See Table 4 for details. This is the blue-colored mux seen in Figure 1.© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 5•Select 0 if the output enable from the pad is controlled by IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[5]. Since IOMUX is located in the A0 (Always-On) power domain, this is considered an A0 register.Program IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[5]–Set to 0 to be an output pad.–Set to 1 to be an input pad. Output driver within pad is disabled.•Select 1 if an alternate function controls the output enable dynamically. For example, I2C master(s) need bidirectional control of the output enable for the I2C DAT pin (SDAx). Another example, SWD needs bidirectional control of the output enable for SWD DATA pin (SW_DP_IO).IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[5] is ignored.•Select 2 if Fabric controls the output enable dynamically.IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[5] is ignored.How to Select an Input FunctionEach functional input can be selected from the eight IOs. See the yellow-colored “AND” gate and mux in Figure 1. To set up input pads:•Program IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[11] – Receive enable (yellow colored “AND” gate):Set to 1 to be an input pad.Set to 0 to IOMUX_PAD_x_CTRL[5] to disable as an output pad.•Program the input mux to route the pad signal to the functional block inside the device (yellow colored mux): Each functional input has IOMUX_<function>_SEL (0x40004d00 - 0x40004dac).© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 6See the following examples:Example 1: I2C0 DAT pin (SDA0) can get its input from PAD1.•Program IOMUX_SDA0_SEL (0x40004D00) = 1.This enables the yellow mux between PAD1 to I2C0 master.•Program IOMUX_PAD_1_CTRL (0x40004C04) = 0x808.Bit[1:0] = 0, selects the SDA0 function.Bit[4:3] = 1, selects the Other function. This means the I2C0 master block controls the output enable.Bit[5] is ignored. Can write 0 for now.Bit[11]:1, sets the receive enable. This is required for the I2C0 master to detect the I2C0 DAT pin change, since this is a bidirectional pin.Example 2: I2C1 DAT pin (SDA1) can get its input from three possible pads: PAD15, PAD32, PAD44.Option 1 if PAD15 is selected:•Program IOMUX_SDA1_SEL (0x40004D04) = 1 for pad 15.•Program IOMUX_PAD_15_CTRL (0x40004C3C) = 0x80ABit[1:0] = 2, selects SDA_1 for PAD15. See Table 7.Bit[4:3] = 1, selects the Other function. This means I2C1 master controls the output enable.Bit[5] is ignored. Can write 0 for now.Bit[11] = 1, sets the receive enable. This is required for the I2C1 master to detect I2C1 DAT pin change, since this is a bidirectional pin.Option 2 if PAD32 is selected:•Program IOMUX_SDA1_SEL (0x40004D04) = 2 for pad 32.•Program IOMUX_PAD_32_CTRL (0x40004C80) = 0x80B.Bit[1:0] = 3, selects SDA_1 for PAD32. See Table 7.Bit[4:3] = 1, selects the Other function. This means I2C1 master controls the output enable.© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 7Bit[5] is ignored. Can write 0 for now.Bit[11] = 1, sets the receive enable. This is required for the I2C1 master to detect the I2C1 DAT pin change, since this is a bidirectional pin.Option 3 if PAD44 is selected:•Program IOMUX_SDA1_SEL (0x40004D04) = 3 for pad 44.•Program IOMUX_PAD_44_CTRL (0x40004CB0) = 0x80A.Bit[1:0] = 2, selects SDA_1 for PAD44. See Table 7.Bit[4:3] = 1, selects the Other function. This means I2C1 master block will control the output enable.Bit[5] is ignored. Can write 0 for now.Bit[11] = 1, sets the receive enable. This is required for the I2C1 master to detect the I2C1 DAT pin change, since this is a bidirectional pin.© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 8Table 7 shows a portion of the Appendix – Table 11.Table 7: IOMUX Assignment for Pads 15, 32, 44NOTE: Only one input pad can be selected for a functional block.How to use GPIOsIn EOS S3, eight pins can be used as GPIOs by the M4. Sixteen pads can be assigned to the eight IO functions. Once the eight pads are selected by IOMUX_IO_REG_SEL (0x40004D74) (see Table 8), the M4 can drive to the pad using MISC_IO_OUTPUT or sample the pads reading MISC_IO_INPUT (0x40005100) (see Table 9).© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 9IOMUX_IO_REG_SEL (0x40004D74) is the register definition (see Table 8) that shows the possible pad assignments for GPIOs. •Pad 6 or 24 can be GPIO 0.•Pad 9 or 26 can be GPIO 1.•Pad 11 or 28 can be GPIO 2.•Pad 14 or 30 can be GPIO 3.•Pad 18 or 31 can be GPIO 4.•Pad 21 or 36 can be GPIO 5.•Pad 22 or 38 can be GPIO 6.•Pad 23 or 45 can be GPIO 7.© 2020 QuickLogic Corporation 10For example, set up all eight GPIOs to the following pads:1. Program IOMUX_IO_REG_SEL (0x40004D60) to 8’b11110000.•PAD6 as GPIO 0. Write bit[0] = 0.•PAD9 as GPIO 1. Write bit[1] = 0.•PAD11 as GPIO 2. Write bit[2] = 0.•PAD14 as GPIO 3. Write bit[3] = 0.•PAD31 as GPIO 4. Write bit[4] = 1.•PAD36 as GPIO 5. Write bit[5] = 1.•PAD38 as GPIO 6. Write bit[6] = 1.•PAD45 as GPIO 7. Write bit[7] = 1.2. Program the IOMUX pad controls, pad 6, 9, 11, and 14 as output pads.•Write 0x3 to IOMUX_PAD_6, 9, 11, and 14_CTRL registers.Bit[4:3] = 0, selects A0 register control (this must be programmed before bit[12:5] is programmed).Bit[1:0] = 3, selects the GPIO function for output (see the Appendix – Table 11).Bit[5] = 0, selects output driver enabled. Configures as an output pad.Bit[11] = 0, disables receive enable (input enable).Bit[7:6], Bit[9:8], Bit[12] are pad driver characteristics. Keep all 0 for now. Refer to Table 1 for details.3. Program the IOMUX pad controls, pad 31, 36, 38, and 45 as inputs pads.•Write 0x823 to IOMUX_PAD_31, 36, 38, and 45_CTRL registers.Bit[4:3] = 0, selects A0 register control (this must be programmed before bit[12:5] is programmed).Bit[1:0] = 3, selects the GPIO function for output (see the Appendix – Table 11).Bit[5] = 1, disables output driver enabled.Bit[11] = 1, enables receive enable (input enable). Configures as an input pad.Bit[7:6], Bit[9:8], Bit[12] are pad driver characteristics. Keep all 0 for now. Refer to Table 1for details.4. Drive all GPIO 0 through 3 to all ONES.•Write 4’b1111 to MISC_IO_OUTPUT.•Pads 6, 9, 11, and 14 go HIGH.5. Drive all GPIO 0 through 3 to all ZEROS.•Write 4’b0000 to MISC_IO_OUTPUT.•Pads 6, 9, 11, and 14 go LOW.6. Drive all GPIO 0 through 3 to all 4’b1000.•Write 4’b1000 to MISC_IO_OUTPUT.•Pad 14 goes HIGH and pads 6, 9, and 11 stay LOW.7. Sample GPIO 4 through 7.•Read MISC_IO_INPUT. The values present on PAD31, PAD36, PAD38, and PAD45 map to values MISC_IO_INPUT[4],[5], [6], and [7].Bootstrap Impacts in IOMUXSeveral of the pads (8, 9, 19, and 20) are used as bootstrap pins. Bootstrap pins are used to indicate device modes when the device is coming out of reset. Setting a bootstrap requires the IO to be asserted to a certain value (0 or 1) during the device reset assertion and de-assertion. The rising edge of the device reset latches the bootstrap value. These bootstraps can have an impact on the IOMUX function.The following example is for PAD14:•If bootstrap PAD8 is set to 0 when the device reset is released, PAD14 is a SWD Debug Clock pin.•If bootstrap PAD8 is set to 1 when the device reset is released, PAD14 is a Fabric IO pin. (This requires no programming and occurs in hardware.)The M4 processor can still program the IOMUX_PAD_14_CTRL to change the output mux select to 1, 2, and 3. But the 0 definition changes by bootstrap.The IOMUX_PAD_15_CTRL output mux select 0 is tied to the SWD Data pin, but only when bootstrap #8 = 0. When bootstrap #8 =1, the IOMUX_PAD15_CTRL defaults to 0, but the SWD is not active in this strap mode. This means thatIOMUX_PAD15_CTRL[1:0] must be reprogrammed to be non-zero. Refer to Table 10 for PAD 14 and PAD 15 output control.Bootstrap PAD 9 Impacts PAD 6If bootstrap PAD 9 is set to 1 when the device reset is released, PAD 6 becomes the FCLK input (fast clock input) which overrides the internal OSC output. This IOMUX selection can only be cleared by system reset, since this is a bootstrap function. Writing to IOMUX_PAD_6_CTRL register [1:0] has no impact when bootstrap PAD 9 is in effect.Similarly, pads 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 34, 36, 38, 39, 44, and 45 are also impacted by different bootstrap modes. See the Appendix – Table 11 and look at the Comment column.How to Program Fabric IOThe on-device programmable logic (Fabric) can use all 46 IOs. The IOMUX must be programmed by the M4 processor first. Then the Fabric design can be loaded by the M4 processor, and the Fabric output isolation released. The following 46 IOs are configured by the M4 processor. A subset of the following C routine can be used to configure the Fabric IOs for your system design. Each Fabric IO is assigned to each IO respectively.AppendixTable 11 shows the EOS S3 IOMUX output assignments.Table 12 shows the IOMUX registers descriptions as reference. The IOMUX address base is at 0x40004C00. Add the register offset to the address base for the exact register address. The complete EOS S3 register map can be found in the QuickLogic EOS S3 Sensor Processing Platform Register Map Guide.。
QuickLogic联袂Apical改善移动多媒体显示体验秉承对移动设备市场的承诺,QuICkLogic 公司与英国成像技术公司Apical Limited 合作,在其CSSP 平台(客户定制标准产品平台)中采用Apical 经验证的显示增强技术,使iridix 成为其VEE 视觉增强引擎验证系统块(PSB)的基础。
当iridix 应用于QuickLogic 的专利ViaLink® 可编程结构时,VEE PSB 的视觉效果将得到显著改善,同时移动设备显示器的背光功耗也将降低50%以上。
iridix 核已被日本的数码相机(DSCs)制造商使用多年,为消费者提供了与众不同的视觉体验,也为制造商们赢得了在市场上打造差异化品牌的机遇。
Apical 为QuickLogic 提供了独家授权,使其可以将iridix 核以硅形式应用于移动市场。
QuickLogic 首席技术官兼高级工程总监Tim Saxe 博士表示。
在VEE PSB 中应用Apical 经验证的技术,可以让我们满足客户对高品质移动Apical 首席执行官Michael Tusch 表示:QuickLogic 将iridix 集成到VEE PSB 后,将可为OEM 和ODM 厂商提供一个专用于移动设备的集成系统,从而帮助他们迅速而便捷地采用我们创新的显示增强技术。
QuickLogic 的CSSP 平台拥有当前其它技术难以实现的灵活性与上市时间短、低成本等特性,为便携市场提供了一个独一无二的生产解决方案,Apical 正是因为这个原因才与QuickLogic 合作,专门针对便携市场提供集成的解决方案。
QuickLogic 与Apical 还在讨论其它合作机会,如在QuickLogic 未来的解决方案平台中集成Apical IP。
QuickLogic全力支持Inova Semiconductors 开拓数字视频市场
QuickLogic全力支持Inova Semiconductors 开拓数字视
【摘要】@@ Eclipse Ⅱ FPGA以最低功耗实现数字视频扩展应用的最高性能rn 嵌入式标准产品(ESP)的先驱企业QuickLogic公司日前宣布,Inova Semiconductors选择了QuickLogic的EclipseⅡ系列超低功耗FPGA产品用于其数字视频接口(DVI)的扩展应用.该设计采用Inova Semiconductors的GigaSTaR(Gigabit串行传输和接收)技术,可取代现今大量应用于数字可视化和信息娱乐系统市场的模拟解决方案.由于平板显示器成本的不断下降,快速地促成了这一庞大的新兴市场的诞生和发展.
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2.Inova Semiconductors选择QuickLogic FPGA产品 [J], 无
3.QuickLogic发现FPGA市场新蓝海——专访QuickLogic总裁暨执行官E.Thomas Hart [J], 廖惠如
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QuickLogic推出提供移动显示数据接口(MDDI)Type 2解决方案
QuickLogic推出提供移动显示数据接口(MDDI)Type 2
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