北京市亦庄开发区中航技广场 **************************公司介绍Company overview星河动力(北京)空间科技有限公司是国内首家将商业组网卫星送入500km太阳同步轨道、首家实现连续发射成功、首家掌握一箭多星发射能力的民营商业火箭公司。
(1) 在固体运载火箭技术方向,公司聚焦于低成本、高可靠的推力矢量控制四级固体商业运载火箭,该类型火箭具有技术成熟、发射成本低、可靠性高、准备周期短、保障依托少等优点,主要面向300kg 以下的低轨微小卫星发射、低轨星座补网发射等市场。
(2) 在重复使用液体运载火箭方向,公司聚焦于重复使用液氧/煤油商业运载火箭,该火箭具有安全性强、可靠性高、成本低、可重复使用等优点,可大幅度降低卫星发射成本,主要满足低轨星座组网和大型载荷发射需求。
体系完善、专业齐备、专利布局完整,有效支撑火箭研发高效开展专业完善、能力过硬、勇于创新、善于管理的专业化研制团队研制团队R&D team· 数百人的核心研发团队,由来自航天系统的资深技术和管理专家组成,在系统工程、火箭推进、航天电子、化学工程、结构力学等相关领域拥有一流的技术实力和丰富的研制经验。
S VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLA KS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECK TLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-LERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKE DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOV I-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYDROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIM• UTES & VANS • PANTECHS • MINI BUSES • TRAYS & HIAB • PRIME MOVERS• SEMI TRAILERS• FLAT DECKS• A & B TRAILERS• EXTENDABLES• SKELS• DROP DECKS•TAUTLINERSUtes1T UteVans1T Van1.5T vanMini Buses (drivers available)s8 seater Mini Bus12 seater Mini Bus14 seater Mini Bus25 seater Mini BusLuggage TrailersPantechs3T Pantech with tail lift (auto or manual)6T Pantech with full tail lift6T Pantech with walk up board8T Pantech with tuck away tail lift8T Pantech with walk up board Tautliners6T Tautliner - 10 pallet with tail lift6T Tautliner - 10 pallet without tail lift8T Tautliner - 12 pallet with tuck away tail lift 8T Tautliner - 12 pallet without tail lift8T Tautliner - 14 pallet with full tail lift8T Tautliner - 14 pallet without tail lift12T Tautliner - 14 pallet with full tail lift 12T Tautliner - 14 pallet without tail lift Trays2T Tray with drop sides3T Tray with tail lift & gates6T Tray with or without gates8T Tray with or without gates12T Tray with container pins Prime MoversSingle rated with sleeperBDouble rated with sleeperBrand new Kenworths & Argosys available in automatic or manualHiab8T Tray with front mounted craneSemi TrailersFlat Decks40’ Flat Deck Tri Axle45’ Flat Deck Tri AxleExtendables19 mtr Flat Deck extendable18 mtr Drop Deck extendable21mtr Flat Extendable Tri AxleSkels40’ Skel with 3 way pins40’ Retractable Skel Tri axleOpen Drop Decks45’ Open Drop Deck with 3 way pins - With or without gatesTautliners45’ Flat Tautliner45’ Drop Deck Tautliner with mezz floor 45’ Drop Deck TautlinerA TrailersA Flat with container pinsA Drop Deck with mezzanine floorA+B SetsFlat open setsFlat Tautliner setsDrop deck Tautliner setsECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDAB RAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-T XTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A -TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEM RAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERSShort or long term hireSouthern Cross Truck Rentals offer shortor long term rentals. Our vehicles can be hired as needed – hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.24 Hour emergency service Southern Cross Truck Rentals provides24 hour roadside assistance. In caseof emergency, breakdown or accident involving your hire vehicle call 4633 6100.1800TRUCKHIRE mobile AppIf you’re in and out of the office, why not download our App from the App Store for a quick quote.One way rentalsSouthern Cross offers One Way rentals from Sydney to most capital cities.Call us or visit our website to see our One Way deals.Corporate cardOur CorporateCard offers asignificant discountto businesses whichhave a large fleetor contracted drivers. To find out more about our Corporate Card contact our Sales Department.Truck & Driver Hire Equipment GuideLet us do the driving for youSouthern Cross Truck & Bus Driver Hiresupplies both truck & bus drivers.Depending on your job, you can choose tohire Southern Cross Truck & Bus Driver Hiredrivers either at an hourly or project rate.Included in your price are all drivers’workers’ compensation and travelrequirements and, having a fleet of over140 vehicles at our disposal, we can easilysupply vehicles should you require.S VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-TRAILERS FLA KS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKELS DROP-DECK TLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOVERS SEMI-LERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYS SKE DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIME-MOV I-TRAILERS FLAT-DECKS A-TRAILERS B-TRAILERS EXTENDABLES TRAYDROP-DECKS TAUTLINERS UTES VANS PANTECHS TAUTLINERS PRIMFor more informationCall 02 4633 6100or visit .auSouthern Cross Truck Rentals149 Smeaton Grange Road, Smeaton Grange NSW 2567• Long & short term hire • Vehicle relocations • Vehicle delivery• Vehicle pick up • One way rentals • Corporate card• Driver hire (LR to MC)• Truck & driver hire。
6.测量转向架上部与车体下部各零部件的垂直距离:在转向架横梁内侧≥50mm(手制动拉杆及托除外),横梁外 侧≥75mm。线管及空气制动管与轮缘距离须大于 100mm。 7.同一轴箱两钢弹簧高度差不得超过 6mm。 8.测量支持环下部与轴箱弹簧座的间隙,最小不得小于 5mm。 9.纵向牵引拉杆紧固后,测量摇枕两端与构架两侧间隙之差不大于 5mm。 10.测量各垂下品与轨面距离不小于 50mm。电气装置不小于 100mm,闸瓦插销不小于 25mm。 11.测量钩舌与钩腕内侧面距离,锁钩位置时应不大于 130mm,开钩位置时应不大于 245mm。钩舌与上钩耳间隙不 大于 6mm。 12.在锁钩位置时,往上托起钩锁铁,其移动量不大于 15mm。 13.检查钩提杆与下锁销连杆之距离须不小于 15mm,钩提杆须正位,与提杆座凹槽间隙不大于 2mm。 14.钩身上部与冲击座下部间隙为 20~48mm,磨耗板厚度应为 3~12mm。 15.车钩摆块吊有效长度之差不大于 2mm;摆块吊与吊座各接触安装面间隙不大于 2mm。 16.转向架上各配线须安装牢固并留有适当的余量,车辆运行中不被拉张,不磨碰。
4.6.1 转向架吊起后,工作
序号 作业项目
22B 客车落成作业指导书(209T 型)
定安全距离。【图 8】
20世纪90年代开始,符合翻新条件的22型客车进行了翻新改造(铁道部将部分22型客车进行翻新改造,型号 是为22B)继续用于慢车和短途车。部分22型客车翻新改造后车窗结构改为单元式。
23型客车(不包括23型餐车)是在YZ22型客车基础上的改进型,即YZ23型。1961年由四方机车车辆厂进行改 进,车厢取暖方式由温水循环取暖改为大气压式蒸汽取暖。
23型餐车是在CA22型餐车(四方机车车辆厂设计)不合理的平面结构改进而成的。分别由唐山机车车辆厂、 南京浦镇车辆厂设计制造。
31型是市郊用车,只有YZ31型硬座客车一种。其座位布局与地铁列车相仿。车门位于两个转向架之间,不同 于标准22型的两端位车门。
01 简介
03 主要车种 05 改进型客车
02 生产 04 同系列客车 06 客车改造
22型客车是中国铁路第二代主型铁路客车,曾经在中国铁路客运中长期占据着主导地位。于1956年开始设计、 试制,1959年生产,1994年停止生产。
22型客车车体长23.6m,车宽3.105m,车高4.28米。车体采用有中梁薄壁筒体整体承载式全钢焊接结构。钢 骨架加外包板的全金属结构,在钢骨架外焊有金属板,形成一个封闭壳体,俗称薄壁筒型结构车体;为增加结构 的强度和刚度,壳体内采用了墙板压筋方式增加结构的强度和刚度,形成整体承载,两端有密闭式通过台。先后 采用202型(四方机车车辆厂研制,H型构架,摇动台式摇枕弹簧悬挂装置)/206型(四方机车车辆厂研制,侧部 中梁下凹的U型构架,带横向拉杆的小摇动台式摇枕弹簧悬挂装置)/209型(浦镇车辆厂在205型转向架基础上研 制,H型构架,摇动台式摇枕弹簧悬挂装置)转向架,构造速度100km/h,22B型为120km/h。22型客车车体优点 是结构比较合理、制造检修方便、安全可靠。以后内墙板和保温层又广泛采用了塑料贴面板和硬质聚苯乙烯泡沫 塑料,具有不吸潮,不需包装,耐碰撞,制造工艺简单等优点。22型客车采用独立温水取暖装置。22型客车车窗 是双扇单层玻璃向上开启的样式,隔音性能和密封效果较差。22型客车都不带空调,除了某些卧铺车以及后来曾 出现过YZ22型空调客车以外。
4.撑起发动机5.拆卸■曲轴皮带轮[6] ■左发动机安装架■机油量尺和套管■调节螺母的橡皮密封件[7] ■正时皮带下盖[8]6.检查曲轴齿带轮正时标记对正[9]。
Y o u r C o n n e c t o r C o n s u l t a n t S i n c e1962M85049/128EMI/RFI ShieldTermination BandsKey Benefits of Termination Bands:►Easy to Terminate►Secure Tension Lock System►For Cost Effective ApplicationsSPACECRAFT C OMPONENTS T ERMINATION B ANDSThese Bands are commonly used to attach a braid or a shield to a backshell. They come in two shapes: Coiled or flat.To provide our customers with a cost effective solution, Spacecraft Components now manufactures Termination Bands and is qualified to the M85049/128 specification.Shown below is a summary of the various bands and their respective tools.ELECTRO- ADAPTER SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOL NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSELECTRO-ADAPTER TOOLDANIELS TOOL214LF002Flat .245 x 14.0SCPSE-02F M85049/128-1M81306/2-01▲EAK214-25▲DBS-1101▲214L0002CoiledSCPSE-02CM85049/128-2BAND-IT ®SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOLSNON MILITARY APPLICATIONSBAND-IT ®TOOLSDANIELS TOOLS GLENAIR TOOLSA10089Flat .242 x 14.25SCPBE-02F M85049/128-3M81306/1-01●A40199●DBS-2100●600-058●A10088Coiled SCPBE-02C M85049/128-4A11086Flat .242 x 18.00SCPBE-02FL18♦N/A A31189*Flat .120 x 8.125SCPBE-04F M85049/128-7M81306/1-02●A30199●DBS-2200●600-061●A31188*Coiled SCPBE-04C M85049/128-8A31089*Flat.120 x 14.30SCPBE-03FN/A* Mini Band♦ Two-piece construction GLENAIR SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOLS NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSGLENAIR TOOLSBAND-IT ® TOOLSDANIELS TOOLS600-052Flat .242 x 14.25SCPBE-02F M85049/128-3M81306/1-01●600-058●A40199●DBS-2100●600-052-1Coiled SCPBE-02C M85049/128-4600-090Flat .242 x 18.0SCPBE-02FL18♦N/A M81306/1-01●600-058●A40199●DBS-2100●600-090-1Coiled SCPBE-02CL18♦600-057*Flat .120 x 8.125SCPBE-04F M85049/128-7M81306/1-02●600-061●A30199●DBS-2200●600-057-1*Coiled SCPBE-04C M85049/128-8600-083*Flat .120 x 14.30SCPBE-03F N/A600-083-1*CoiledSCPBE-03C* Mini Band♦ Two-piece constructionBand-It ® and Glenair bands work in the DBS or STS Tools, but two operations are required (terminate and fold-over) rather than the one operation (terminate/trim). DBS or STS-1101, and 1201 tools include both the termination tool and the secondary roll-over tool.SUNBANK SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N MILITARY REFERENCE MILITARY TOOLS NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSSUNBANK TOOLSDANIELS TOOLSS 3175F2Flat .245 x 14.00SCPSE-02F M85049/128-1M81306/2-01▲STS-1101▲DBS-1101▲S 3175-2Coiled SCPSE-02C M85049/128-2S 3175F3*Flat .118 x 14.25SCPSE-03F N/A M81306/2-02▲STS-1201▲DBS-1201▲S 3175-3*Coiled SCPSE-03C S 3175F4*Flat .118 x 9.50SCPSE-04F M85049/128-5M81306/2-02▲STS-1201▲DBS-1201▲S 3175-4*CoiledSCPSE-04CM85049/128-6* M ini BandDBS or STS-1101 and 1201 tools include both the termination tool and the secondary roll-over tool.MILITARY REFERENCEMILITARY TOOLS NON MILITARY APPLICATIONSMILITARY SHAPE SIZE SCP P/N Band-It®Daniels GlenairSunbank M85049/128-1Flat .245 x 14.00SCPSE-02F M81306/2-01▲–DBS-1101▲–STS-1101▲M85049/128-2Coiled SCPSE-02C M85049/128-3Flat .245 x 14.25SCPBE-02F M81306/1-01●A40199●DBS-2100●600-058●–M85049/128-4Coiled SCPBE-02C M85049/128-5Flat .118 x 9.50SCPSE-04F M81306/2-02▲–DBS-1201▲–STS-1201▲M85049/128-6Coiled SCPSE-04C M85049/128-7Flat .115 x 8.125SCPBE-04F M81306/1-02●A30199●DBS-2200●600-061●–M85049/128-8CoiledSCPBE-04C●One Step Tool ▲ Two Step Tool3040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: ® B and-It ® is a registered trademark of Band-It-IDEX, Inc., a division ofIDEX Corporation, of which Spacecraft Components Corp. is not affiliated..098 MAXØ1.120SCPSE-03C.198 ±.031.080 REF.118 ±.010.015 REF14.24 ±.060SCPSE-03FSCPSE-03F & SCPSE-03C TERMINATION TOOLS:DANIELS': DBS-1201▲ SUNBANK: STS-1201▲ M81306/2-02▲ ▲ Two Step Tool.098 MAXØ1.120M85049/128-6*SCPSE-04C M85049/128-8*SCPBE-04CØ0.860.198 ±.031.080 REF.118 ±.010.015 REF9.56 – 9.44M85049/128-5*SCPSE-04F.195 ±.031.053 REF.090 REF.115 ±.010.015 REF8.18 – 8.062.031 REFTAIL LENGTH INDICATOR MARKM85049/128-7*SCPBE-04FM85049/128-5 & M85049/128-6SCPSE-04F & SCPSE-04C TERMINATION TOOLS:DANIELS': DBS-1201▲ SUNBANK: STS-1201▲ M81306/2-02▲M85049/128-7 & M85049/128-8 SCPBE-04F & SCPBE-04C TERMINATION TOOLS:BAND-IT ®: A30199●DANIELS: DBS-2200●GLENAIR: 600-061●M81306/1-02● ● One Step Tool ▲ Two Step ToolM85049/128MINI-BANDS (.115 WIDE)MINI-BANDS (.115 WIDE)M85049/128-83040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: * M 85049/128-5, -6, -7, -8 are proposed.® Band-It ® is a registered trademark of Band-It-IDEX, Inc., a division of IDEX Corporation, of which Spacecraft Components Corp. is not affiliated..140 MAX.150 MAXØ1.750M85049/128-2SCPSE-02CM85049/128-4SCPBE-02CØ1.750.328 ±.031.100 REF.245 ±.010.019 REF14.31 – 13.94M85049/128-1SCPSE-02F.350 ±.031.130 REF.156 REF.245 ±.010.020 REF14.31 – 14.192.031 REFTAIL LENGTH INDICATOR MARKM85049/128-3SCPBE-02FM85049/128-1 & M85049/128-2 SCPSE-02F & SCPSE-02C TERMINATION TOOLS:DANIELS': DBS-1101▲ SUNBANK: STS-1101▲ M81306/2-01▲M85049/128-3 & M85049/128-4 SCPBE-02F & SCPBE-02C TERMINATION TOOLS:BAND-IT ®: A40199● DANIELS: DBS-2100●GLENAIR: 600-058●M81306/1-01● ● One Step Tool ▲ Two Step ToolM85049/128QUARTER-INCH TERMINATION BANDS (.245 WIDE)M85049/128-2M85049/128-4The termination of EMI/RFI shielding materials is a specialized sci-ence in today’s aerospace wiring systems. Application tooling is a critical factor in the overall performance of the wiring system components.DMC has worked closely with the world’s leading connector acces-sory manufacturers to develop the necessary tooling and acces-sories to meet the stringent demands of aerospace and defense system contractors. The resulting products afford the user many benefits which include:COMPATIBILITY with all currently available termination bands and systems.RELIABILITY through the use of commercially proven components and tool design practice.QUALITY & REPEATABILITY which are assured by a tension system.SERVICE & CALIBRATION – All tools produced by DMC are adjustable, and may be easily checked and set by the user. Also, expendable components such as cut-off blades are available for simple replacement by the user.LONG SERVICE LIFE – Properly maintained band applica-tion tools will produce thousands of reliable terminations.AFFORDABILITY – DMC tools continue to be the most cost effec-tive method to produce reliable wiring system shield termina-tions.Models are available for .250 in. (6.350 mm) and .125 in. (3.175 mm) wide bands from all current suppliers to M85049/128.THE PNEUMATIC BAND APPLICATION TOOL...is a cost effective system that speeds production and im-proves ergonomic conditions which are present when manual tools are used. Band tension is precisely applied by a depend-able pneumatic system which is consistent and repeatable.The tension system of the pneumatic band tool is adjustable, and can be checked by use of the verifcation devices avail-able from DMC. (See pages 68-69.)The cutter blade and other components of the DMC Pneu-matic Band tools are interchangeable with the same serieshand tools. The rugged design and field replaceable blades make the PBT/PMBT series the best choice for production ap-plications where EMI/RFI bands are used to terminate wire harness shielding.THE HAND OPERATED BAND APPLICATION TOOL (REFERENCE AS81306/2)is an excellent choice for many production and maintenance operations. Like the power driven models, they too can be calibrated by the user to provide reliable terminations throughout the service life.The lightweight construction and small “nose” pro-file enable the user to apply termination bands in even the tightest of working areas.EMI/RFI Band Application Tooling byBackshells for Banding, Over Molding or Shrink BootsConnectors withIntegrated Backshells for Banding, Over Moldingor Shrink BootsAS50151 – All Series, Crimp or SolderAS95234 – Reverse Bayonet, Crimp or Solder MIL-DTL-26482 – All Series, Crimp or Solder MIL-DTL-38999 – Series I, II & IIISee Calalog 601 for details.SCPB00SV AS95234(REVERSE BAYONET)SC50SV AS50151(MS 3450)SC76SV MIL-DTL-26482Series 2(MS3476)SC3924SV MIL-DTL-38999Series III (D38999/24)3040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032 Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: SF-403NOV.2014SCP 50151 Style ConnectorsAS95234 Reverse Bayonet ConnectorsSCPT 26482 Style SC1 38999 Series I SC2 38999 Series II SC39 38999 Series IIISCPB SeriesConnector AccessoriesConnectors with Integrated BackshellsHeadquarters3040 Clayton StreetPhone: 702.851.7600 Email:************************North Las Vegas, NV 89032Fax: 702.851.7620 Web: Italy OfficeSpacecraft Components , Sp A Milan, Italy+39 (335] 719.4512Arizona Office2432 W. Peoria Ave.Suite 1192Phoenix, AZ 85029Tel: 602.944.2351Fax: 602.997.0373South Carolina Office 25 Woods Lake Rd., Suite 403Greenville, SC 29607Tel: 954.748.4540Fax: 954.748.4128Florida Office4577 Nob Hill Road Suite 106Sunrise, FL 33351Tel: 954.748.4540Fax: 954.748.4128Try Our Other Connector ProductsGet All of OurCatalogs & Product Brochures on One DiscY o u r C o n n e c t o r C o n s u l t a n t S i n c e 1962COMPILED AND PRODUCED BY SPACECRAFT COMPONENTS CORP.©2014 SPACECRAFT COMPONENTS CORP ., NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 89032。
航天器操作手册1. 简介本航天器操作手册旨在为操作员提供必要的指导和信息,以确保顺利、安全地操作航天器。
2. 航天器控制系统2.1 主控制面板航天器的主控制面板位于驾驶舱内,用于控制各个航天器系统。
2.2 航天器动力系统航天器的动力系统包括发动机和推进器。
2.3 航天器导航系统航天器的导航系统用于确定位置、速度和航向。
3. 航天器起飞和降落操作3.1 起飞准备在执行起飞操作之前,需进行以下准备工作:- 检查航天器系统状态;- 校准导航系统;- 确定起飞路线和高度;- 预检动力系统。
3.2 起飞过程- 启动动力系统;- 缓慢推进推进器,使航天器逐渐升空;- 根据导航系统的指示调整航向和高度。
3.3 降落操作- 根据导航系统的指示确定降落目标;- 控制推进器并调整航向,确保航天器平稳降落。
4. 紧急情况处理4.1 呼吸系统失效若发生呼吸系统失效的情况,立即执行以下步骤: - 穿戴氧气面罩;- 尽快寻找并更换故障呼吸设备。
4.2 火灾若发生火灾,立即执行以下步骤:- 封闭相关区域,防止火势蔓延;- 使用灭火器或其它灭火装置进行火灾扑灭。
4.3 外部攻击在遭遇外部攻击时,应采取以下措施:- 启动防御系统,确保航天器安全;- 寻找安全避难所,并保持常规通讯以获取支持。
5. 维护和修理定期进行航天器的维护和修理是确保其性能和可靠性的关键。
6. 结束操作在结束操作前,请进行以下步骤:- 关闭动力系统;- 离开驾驶舱时,确保航天器处于安全状态。
美国海军陆战队VMX-22作战试验与评估中队的全部8架“鱼鹰”集中在美国海军LHD 5“巴丹”号两栖攻击舰上。
Lockheed Martin Boeing F A-22 Raptor 2商业机舱系统说明书
Lockheed Martin/Boeing F/A-22 Raptor2 EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014The F/A-22 Raptor replaced the venerable F-15 Eagle as America's premier front-line fighter jet, starting in 2005. It is the air-dominance fighter of the 21st century. "The Raptor is a flexible, adaptable, versatile combat aircraft capable of seeing all, knowing all, and shaping all that occurs on or above the battlefield," says Chief Test Pilot Bret Luedke, one of the pilots responsible for flight-testing the F/A-22. "And do all that while flying supersonic and all but invisible to radar," he added. Eaton, a recognized leader in the design and manufacture of hydraulics, fuel, conveyance and actuation products, was chosen to provide key products for the F/A-22. The 4100 psi (28,300 kPa) hydraulic system on the F/A-22 incorporates Eaton's main engine-driven pumps, auxiliary power pump, air recharge compressor motor, gun drive motor, fuel transfer motor, and main and side weapons bay door motors.The F/A-22 employs a hydraulic gun drive, which is comprised of two discrete component subassemblies integrated into one assembly. This provides mechanical rotary power to the gun when commanded by electric signal or manual input. The fuel transfer motor, a variable displacement 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) inline hydraulic motor, is used in combination with a centrifugal fuel pumping element to provide a fuel pressure compensated fuel boost pump. The 5.9 gpm (22.33 L/min.) hydraulic motor/fuel pump is used on the F/A-22 to boost fuel from the main fuel tanks to the main fuel pumps at essentially constant fuel pressure. This is the first time that avariable displacement motor has been used to provide pressure compensation for a centrifugal fuel pump.With the auxiliary power unit, emergency power is provided by a 27 gpm (102 L/min.), 6,000 rpm, variable displacement, 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), pressure-compensated inline piston pump with an electrical depressurization valve (EDV). Design features include a one-piece housing and solenoid valve with pigtail for vibration isolation from the pump.Eaton's components provide fluid control and actuation for the rudder control, landing gear, electronic warfare emergency power generator, and nose wheel steering systems. The rudder shuttle valve is designed for use at up to 4100 psi (28,300 kPa) operating pressure, and automatically shuttles hydraulic power to the aircraft's rudder system from one of twoindependent hydraulic systems by utilizing the differential pressure between the two independent system pressures to initiate the shuttle. Eaton also provides the hydraulic motor/control valve packages for the weapons bay doors. These consist of a one-piece aluminum manifold within which the hydraulic motor and various control valve components are mounted and interconnected. The heart of the package is an Eaton fixed displacement and variable displacement hydraulic motor, which is configured as a cartridge. The manifolds also provide the hydraulic interface between the side weapons bay door/main weapons bay door (SWBD/MWBD) and aircraft hydraulic supply systems. Hydraulic-mechanical powerconversions for the side weapons bay door and the main weapons bay door are provided by the fixed displacement hydraulic motor and variable displacement hydraulic motor. Speed and direction for both the SWBD and MWBD arecontrolled by the flow limiter/directional control valve, which is a 4-way variable position, slide, and sleeve type metering valve that is spring centered to its normally-closed position where the control ports are overlapped.Eaton is also providing the electro-mechanical seat actuator for the aircraft's Advanced Concept Ejection System (ACES II). As well, Eaton also supplies Aeroquip ® Kevlar ® hoses, Rynglok ® tube fittings, high performance fuel tubes, mini-modular cooling couplings, cockpit air couplings, rotomold ducting, landing gear swivels and E-Seals.Aircraft systems monitoring components such as Eaton's Tedeco ® oil level sensors, debris screen chip collectors, and a Lubriclone ® air/oil separator system can be found on this versatile aircraft as well. The oil level sensor can detect three levels of oil: full, add, and low. Magnetic reed switches have a redundant circuit for high reliability. A reservoir pickup tube is installed in the Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive (AMAD) to assure proper oil flow with minimum air intrusion when the aircraft becomes inverted. Its magnetic chip collector is located in the lubricating fluid flow of the AMAD and traps ferrous wear debris of magnetic attraction, preventing the particles from causing damage to key components. The analysis of these particles may provide an early warning of abnormal wear or breakdown of components within the AMAD, thus increasing its life.The Lockheed Martin F/A-22 Raptor is a swept-winged fighter with blended engine intake/wing leading edge root extension. The aircraft is powered by two Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100afterburning turbofans, each fitted with a two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzle.The advanced tactical fighter's engines produce more thrust than any current fighter engine, especially in the military power regime, allowing the F/A-22 to cruise efficiently in excess of Mach 1.5 without the use of fuel-guzzling afterburners. Thiscapability greatly expands the F/A-22's operating envelope in both speed and range over current fighters.It’s key feature is an advanced avionics architecture using the most advanced fiber-optic and digital electronic flight and weapon and control system in development. All weapons are carried internally.The F/A-22 is intended for an air superiority role,providing much greater range, payload, time on station, and agility than the F-15 and F-16 fighters of today. A combination of improved sensor capabilities, improved situational awareness and improved weapons provides first-kill opportunity. The F/A-22 features a sophisticated sensor suite that allows the pilot to track, identify, and shoot opposing aircraft at beyond-visual-ranges while having the ultimate in close-in dog-fight capabilities. No other aircraft has had thiscombination of characteristics.Lockheed Martin/Boeing F/A-22 Raptor Component & Systems Overview Eaton’s Aerospace Group Product CapabilitiesLockheed Martin/Boeing F/A-22 Raptor Component & Systems OverviewEngine Solutions1. M agnetic Chip Collector2. L ubriclone3. M ini-Modular CoolantCouplings4. O il Level Sensor Motion Control5. M ain Weapons Bay DoorMotor/Package6. S ide Weapons Bay DoorMotor/Package7. Gun Drive Motor8. Landing Gear Sequence Valve9. Landing Gear Control10. Landing Gear Brake Swivels11. Rudder Shuttle ValveHydraulic Systems12. M ain Engine-Driven Pump13. Rynglok Tube Fittings14. Reservoir Pick Up Tube15. Kevlar Hose Assemblies16. S tainless Steel ReinforcedHose Assemblies17. Auxiliary Power Unit Pump18. Utility Isolation Valve19. E lectronic WarfareControl Valve20. Pressure Switches21. P ressure TransducerFuel & Interting22. Fuel Transfer Motor23. M ain EngineFuel Line Assemblies1738221823612415141613975101112192120EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 2014 34 EATON Aerospace GroupC5-24D April 2014Mini ModularCoolant CouplingsEaton's miniature modular self-sealing coolant couplings are used extensively in the F/A-22 to help keep the aircraft's state of the art electronic systems cool. These couplings weredeveloped in response to today's need for liquid flow through avionics packaging technologies. The design of these couplings provide unequaled performance in pressure drop and superior reliability in sealing out dust, particulates and foreign matter, while preventing fluid leakage during connection/ disconnection of system components.Kevlar ® Reinforced Hose AssembliesEaton's Aeroquip product line Kevlar ® hose assemblies are utilized extensively throughout the F/A-22 aircraft to optimize weight reduction throughout the hydraulic system. The AE319 and AE355 hose assemblies are rated to 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) and are used in the low pressure hydraulic return system. The AE319 is a heavy duty hose and is used in areas that experience moresevere service.2055 Series Coolant Couplings Eaton's 2055 series push-pull coolant couplings are usedexclusively throughout the F/A-22 PAO coolant system. The 2055 Series were specifically designed for light weight, low profiledemanding applications like thatneeded on the F/A-22.Rynglok ® T ube FittingsThe fittings for the F/A-22 are the 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) titanium and the low pressure aluminum Rynglok ® fittings. The titanium, axial swage fittings provide the link to join fluid delivery tubing, while minimizing system weight. Fittings include permanent and arc seal connections in straight elbow and tee configurations.Stainless Steel Reinforced Hose AssembliesStainless steel reinforced hose assemblies for the F/A-22 include the 666 smooth bore, medium pressure hose assemblies and the AE641 convoluted hose assemblies which are used in the low pressure return side of the hydraulic system and in the fuel system.Eaton's Aeroquip wire reinforced medium pressure hose assemblies are rated for pressures up to 1500 psi (10,343 kPa) and feature a wire reinforced, Teflon ® hose with light weight, low profile crimp fittings.Convoluted hose assemblies provide increased flexibility and are excellent for use in areas that require a tight bend.ECS Air ValvesCockpit video display units are kept cool using Aeroquip ECS Air Valves. The valves are made from lightweight injection-molded nylon material and aluminum castings. Internal valving automatically closes upon removal of the video display units and creates an equivalent pressure drop across the valve that simulates the pressure drop as if the video display unit were still installed.Landing Gear Brake Swivels These 4,000 psig (27,600 kPa) operating pressure swivels are used on the F/A-22 landing gear system to help deliver fluid to the aircraft's braking system. Manufactured from high strength 7075 aluminum material to help keep weight to a minimum, these swivels are capable of a full 360 degrees of rotation.Rotomold DuctingEaton's center console and canopy defog ducts provide environmentally controlled air to the cockpit. These ducts are made of seamless lightweight rotationally-molded nylon material. There is one each of these ductsper aircraft.EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 20145Landing Gear Sequence Valve The landing gear sequencevalve is used to control hydraulic pressure and fluid flow forsequencing the main landing gear with the main landing gear door. A pneumatically actuated override feature is provided for emergency operation, which interconnects both the "DOWN" and "LG EXT" ports. Since there is no direct pressure source, the operating pressure comes from either the "DOWN" or "UP" hydraulic command lines via a logic circuit which consists of four miniaturized check valves.Electronic Warfare Control ValveThe solenoid controlled pilot-operated spool valve provides two independent spools forcontrolling hydraulic pressure and return fluid flow for extension and retraction of two hydraulic actuators. There are two of these valves per aircraft.Main EngineFuel Line AssembliesFuel is supplied to each of the engines in the F/A-22 via two main engine fuel line assemblies. Each assembly is three inches in diameter, and approximately two to three feet long. The fuel lines are made from aluminum material and each contains three articulating ball joints. Each ball joint is capable of 20 degrees ofangular movement.Rudder Shuttle ValveThe rudder shuttle valve isdesigned for use up to 4100 psi (28,300 kPa) operating pressures. It automatically shuttles hydraulic power to the aircraft's rudder system from one of twoindependent hydraulic systems by utilizing the differential pressure between the two independent system pressures to initiate the shuttle. The valve is electrically operated through a 28 solenoid valve for primary system isolation and has a return system check valve and flow limiter for downstream functions.Side Weapons Bay Door (SWBD) Motor/Control Valve PackageThis motor/control valve package is used to control and limit the flow of hydraulic fluid to the 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) fixed displacement hydraulic motor (FDHM), which in turn will be used to drive the geared rotary actuator to position the side weapons bay door of the aircraft.Main Weapons Bay Door (MWBD) Motor/Control Valve PackageThis motor/control valve package is used to control and limit the flow of hydraulic fluid to the 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) variable displacement hydraulic motor (VDHM), which in turn is used to drive the geared rotary actuator to position the main weapons bay door of the aircraft.E-SealsThe lower exit duct seal is a metallic E-Seal that is installed between the primary heatexchanger and the exit duct of theF/A-22 aircraft.Utility Isolation ValveThe utility isolation valve provides emergency tow brake operation for the F/A-22 aircraft. During emergency stop conditions, the solenoid-operated, two-position, three-way valve is commanded open to provide hydraulic system 2-reservoir accumulator pressureto the aircraft’s brake circuit.6 EATON Aerospace GroupC5-24D April 2014Oil Level SensorEaton's oil level sensor senses three levels of oil - full, add, and low. Magnetic reed switches have a redundant circuit for highreliability.Reservoir Pickup T ubeInstalled in the Airframe Mounted Assembly Drive (AMAD) to assure proper oil flow with minimum air intrusion when the aircraft becomes inverted.Landing Gear Door Sequence ValveThe landing gear door sequence valve is a mechanically-operated, two-position, four-way hydraulic sequence valve that controls hydraulic supply and return fluid flow for sequencing the main landing gear door with the main landing gear.Solenoid Operated Switching ValveThe hydraulic switching valve control module, is a 6-way 2-position, solenoid-operated, non-interflow type, selectorvalve, with position indicator. The function of the switching valve is to direct pressure and return fluid flow from a secondary hydraulic system of the aircraft (System 1), during maintenance of the aircraft, to power utility functions normally dedicated to the primary system (System 2) for these functions.Magnetic Chip Collector The 1D7092 and 1D7093magnetic chip collector is located in the lubricating fluid flow of the Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive (AMAD) and traps ferrous wear debris by magnetic attraction. This prevents the particles from causing damage to the drive components. The analysis of these particles may provide an early warning ofabnormal wear or breakdown of components within the AMAD,this increasing its life.Pressure SwitchEaton's pressure switches are used for main engine and Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) pump pressure indication/monitoring.Pressure T ransducer Eaton's pressure transducer monitors hydraulic system pressure in the aircraft.EATON Aerospace Group C5-24D April 20147Main Engine Driven Pump Hydraulic power for the F/A-22 is provided for all flight control and utility functions by four 72 gpm (273 L/min.) 4411 rpm, variable displacement, 4100 psi (28,300 kPa), pressure-compensatedeleven-piston pumps. Each pump is equipped with an Electrical Depressurization Valve (EDV)and features a one-piece housing, 11 piston-rotating group, and solenoid valve. Displacement is 4.1 cu. in/rev. (67.15 ml/rev.). Dry weight is 34 lbs (15.42 kg).Gun Drive MotorThe hydraulic gun drive employs a 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), 7250 rpm, fixed displacement inline hydraulic motor and control valve which is integrally mounted to automatically control hydraulic motor speed, acceleration and deceleration. Valves are also included to allow control of the gun port and purge door actuators. Displacement is 0.642 cu. in/rev. (10.5 ml/rev.). Dry weight is 16.25 lbs (7.37 kg).Lubriclone ®Separates entrained air from the scavenged lube system oil by centrifugal force. Uniqueinternal design affords separation efficiencies up to 99%. Wearparticles are also directed to an area where a debris monitor can readily capture and indicate their presence.Auxiliary Power Unit Pump Emergency power is provided by a 27 gpm (102 L/min.), 6,000 rpm, variable displacement, 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), pressure-compensated inline piston pump with electrical depressurization valve (EDV). Design features include a one-piece housing and solenoid valve with pigtail for vibration isolation from pump. Displacement is1.12 cu. in/rev. (18.35 ml/rev.). Dry weight is 14.1 lbs.Side Weapons Bay Door Motor Hydraulic mechanical power conversion for the side weapons bay doors is provided by two 4000 psi (27,600 kPa), 11,200 rpm fixed displacement motors. Displacement is .36 cu. in/rev. (5.89 ml/rev.). Dry weight is 3.11 lbs (1.41 kg). The motor is integrated with the Motor/Control Valve Package.Fuel T ransfer MotorThis variable displacement 4000 psi (27,600 kPa) inline hydraulic motor is used in combination with a centrifugal fuel pumping element to provide a fuel pressure compensated fuel boost pump package. The 5.8 gpm (21.96 L/min.) hydraulic motor/fuel pump is used on the F/A-22 to boost fuel from the main fuel tanks to the main fuel pumps at essentially constant fuel pressure. This is the first time that avariable displacement motor has been used to provide pressure compensation of a centrifugal fuel pump. Displacement is0.13 cu. in/rev. (2.13 ml/rev.). Dry weight is 9 lbs (4.08 kg).High Pressure Actuator Pump Eaton's Model 841200 highpressure actuator pump provides the "fueldraulics" on the Pratt & Whitney F119 engine, which is the most advanced engine inproduction and is used on the U.S.Air Force's F-22 Raptor.Eaton Aerospace Group9650 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618tel: (949) 452-9500fax: (949) 452-9555 /aerospace Copyright © 2014 Eaton All Rights Reserved Form No. C5-24DApril 2014。
FD22神州飞碟(B级)使用维护说明书(版本:A)编制/日期:审核/日期:批准/日期:广东ABC游乐设备有限公司目录第1节设备概述 (1)第2节设备安装与调试 (5)第3节操作规程及注意事项 (6)第4节常见故障及排除方法 (9)第5节操作、维修及救援人员 (10)第6节设备日检、月检、年检 (13)第7节设备的使用、保养与维护 (18)第8节日常润滑部位及要求 (22)第9节使用寿命与易损件、标准机械电气零部件清单 (25)第10节乘客须知 (27)第11节应急措施 (29)第12节售后服务 (32)第13节警告 (33)附件1 神州飞碟运行日记营业检查表 (34)附件2 神州飞碟维修保养记录表 (36)附件3 年度无损检测综合表 (37)附件4 高强螺栓测位置图 (42)附件5 电气原理图 (44)第1节设备概述1.1 基本简介“神州飞碟”是我公司参照国外同类设备并加以改进研发的一项大型游乐项目。
1.2 设备运行原理神州飞碟是依据《特种设备安全监察条例》、《游乐设施安全技术监察规程(试行)》、《游乐设施安全规范》(GB8408-2208)、《滑行车类游艺机通用技术条件》(GB/T18159-2208)等标准进行设计,符合相关规范的要求。
Airbus 产品指南说明书
Aircraft GuideData about hundreds of jets, turboprops and helicoptersAS SOON AS itS FiRSt owner departs from the man-ufactu r e r ’s delive r y cente r , a new ai plane technically becomes used (or preowned). Fo r va r ious r easons, how-ever , 10 year s after an air -cr aft’s final pr oduction date is gene ally conside ed them ilestone separating “newer” used business ai c aft f om “older” ones.In deciding which a ircraft to cover, we went well past this 10-year mark to p rovide i nfor mation on all business ai r planes and helicopte r s manufactu r ed since 1997. This means our list includes some models manufactured befor e that year , as long as they we r e still being p r o-duced as r ecently as 1997. As a rule, a long production run is indicative of a success-ful aircraft.We have not listed new models that, at p ess time, had yet to receive final certi-fication.n Source: Conklin & de Decker. *Textron acquired Beechcraft in March 2014, merging it with Cessna Aircraft to create Textron Aviation. N/A = not availableDassault Falcon 7XBombardier Global 6000Emivest SJ30Nextant 400XT Bombardier Challenger 300continued on next pageFalcon 2000SGENERAL SPECSUSED PRICESAirplane and some helicopter selling prices are based on the latest edition of the Aircraft Bluebook Price Digest. Additional h elicopter pricing data is from helicopter appraisers HeliValues.PASSENGER/PILOT SEATING The typical passenger seating on the aircraft is not the maximum certified seats. These numbers may vary for different operations (corporate, c ommercial, EMS, etc.). Maximum n umber of passengers is as certified. Pilot seating is typical (i.e., two pilots may be indicated even if aircraft is single-pilot certified).CABIN DIMENSIONSCabin volume is the interior volume, with headliner in place, without seats or other furnishings. Cabin width, height and length are based on a completedi nterior. Width and heightare the maximum within thatcabin space. In “cabin-class” aircraft, the length is measured from the cockpit divider to the aft p ressure b ulkhead (or aft cabin bulkhead, if unpressurized). For small-cabin aircraft, the distance is from the cockpit firewall to the aft bulkhead.WEIGHTSMax takeoff weight (mtow)is specified during aircraft certification. Fuel capacity is in gallons based on 6.7 pounds per gallon (jet fuel). Max payload with full fuel is the useful load minus the usable fuel. The useful load is based on the maximum ramp weight minus the basic operating weight.PRODUCTION STARTED/ENDED Year of the first delivery to the year of the last serial-number delivery.NUMBER BUILTTotal number produced, which may include converted aircraft.Source: Conklin & de Decker. *Textron acquired Beechcraft in March 2014, merging it with Cessna Aircraft to create Textron Aviation. N/A = not availableExtra 500Dornier SeastarJET AND TURBOPROP RANGEThe maximum IFR range withall passenger seats occupied,using the NBAA IFR alternate fuelreserve calculation for a200-nm alternate.HELICOPTER RANGEFor all helicopters, the maximumVFR range with all passengerseats occupied.SPECIFIC RANGEThe distance an aircraft can travelfor a given amount of fuel used.Based on nautical miles traveledper pound of fuel burned.CRUISE SPEEDSLong-range cruise speed isthe speed required to achievemaximum range (best fueleconomy). High-speed cruise(aka maximum cruise speed)is top speed at a gross weightcorresponding to four passengers(turbine aircraft) or twopassengers (piston aircraft) andhalf of total fuel.SERVICE CEILINGFor airplanes, this is the highestaltitude at which a 100-fpm rateof climb is possible at maximumtakeoff weight with all enginesrunning. For helicopters, this isthe maximum certified altitudefor operation.BALANCED FIELD LENGTH (BFL)BFL is the distance obtained bydetermining the decision speed(V1) at which the takeoff distanceand the accelerate-stop distanceare equal (multi-engine airplanesonly). BFL is based on a dry sea-level runway, no wind, NBAA IFRreserves and 86 degrees F.LANDING DISTANCEThis is computed using the landingdistance from 50 or 35 feet abovethe ground at sea level (dependson certification criteria) multipliedby 1.667. No credit is given forthrust reversers. Configuration iswith four passengers and NBAAIFR fuel reserve on board.Source: Conklin & de Decker N/A = not availableAgustaWestland AW139Eurocopter EC 135MD Helicopters 530FRobinson R66Enstrom 480B。
神州号双层内燃动车组神州号双层内燃动车组编辑词条B 添加义项神州号双层内燃动车组神州号动车组属于NZJ2型动力集中式双层内燃动车组,由大连机车车辆厂、长春客车厂与四方机车车辆厂及北京铁路局联合研制,分双层空调硬座车和双层空调软座车两个车种。
目录1 设备概述 (1)2 主要参数 (1)3 结构原理与安全措施 (2)4 安装与调试 (3)5 操作与运行 (5)6 游客须知 (6)7 紧急救援措施 (7)8 维护与保养 (10)9 润滑 (11)10 设备的维修及检查 (12)11 整机及关键零部件的设计寿命 (12)12 外购件使用要求 (12)13 常见故障及排除方法 (12)14 易损零部件及更换周期 (13)15 备件清单 (13)16 辅助工程 (13)郑州ABC游乐设备有限公司侧视图正视图图1 设备简图GKLY 高空揽月使用说明书1 设备概述“高空揽月”游艺机属观览车类游乐设备,是公园游乐设备中的大型游乐设备,游客乘坐的吊箱在强离心力作用下,高速旋转翻飞,仿佛被入超越时空的天体,翻江倒海、天旋地转,惊心动魄的刺激,风驰快感,令人回味无穷。
本设备按照《游乐设施标准》(GB 8408-2008)和《观览车类游艺机通用技术条件》(GB/T18164-2008)及《游乐设施安全技术监察规程(试行)》(国质检锅〔2003〕34号)等文件设计制造的。
二、装配前准备1. 确定装配场地:选择一个干燥、洁净、通风良好的场地进行装配,以防止灰尘和湿气对卫星零部件的损坏。
2. 准备装配工具:根据卫星装配所需,准备各种所需工具,并保证其完好无损。
3. 确认装配顺序:仔细研读卫星组装图纸和相关材料,确定装配的顺序和步骤,确保有序进行。
三、卫星组装与连接1. 安装卫星主体框架:根据组装图纸指导,将卫星主体框架中的各个部件按照顺序安装,注意紧固螺栓的扭矩要求,以确保安装牢固。
2. 连接航天器系统:根据设计要求,连接卫星各个系统,如能源系统、通信系统和导航系统等。
3. 电路板焊接与安装:根据电路板设计图纸和焊接工艺要求,对卫星电路板进行焊接和安装。
四、卫星测试与调试1. 电气测试:使用专业设备对卫星的电气系统进行测试,包括电压、电流等参数的检测,以确保电路工作正常。
2. 功能测试:按照卫星功能要求,进行功能性测试,包括通信功能、控制功能等。
3. 温度与压力测试:使用相应设备对卫星在不同温度和压力环境下的工作性能进行测试,以验证卫星的适应性和可靠性。
4. 开关与控制测试:对卫星的各类开关和控制装置进行测试,确保卫星在操作过程中的灵活性和可控性。
五、卫星装配的注意事项1. 安全操作:在装配过程中,必须穿戴好安全防护装备,如手套、护目镜等,保证人员的安全。
2. 严格质量控制:根据质量控制要求,对装配过程中的每一个环节进行严格控制,确保关键零部件的质量和装配的准确性。
3. 清洁环境:维持装配场地的清洁,定期清理装配过程中产生的杂物和灰尘,以保证卫星装配质量。
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`FD22神州飞碟(B级)设计说明书(版本:A)编制/日期:审核/日期:批准/日期:广州ABC游乐设备有限公司目录第1节概述 (1)第2节总体方案设计 (4)第3节导轨设计 (7)第4节转盘部分设计 (9)第5节底盘部分设计 (12)第6节动力系统设计 (15)第7节. 电气系统设计 (16)第8节.安全设施 (25)第9节.主要受力部位及加强措施 (28)第10节标准件和外购件的选用 (30)第11节乘客须知 (33)第1节概述“神州飞碟”是我公司参照国外同类设备并加以改进研发的一项大型游乐项目。
见图1 。
图1 神州飞碟外观图主要部件设计使用寿命:注:(1)设备上的高强度螺栓副(包括8.8级以上螺母、垫圈)经过检查,出现失效情况应及时更换。
第3节导轨设计3.1导轨钢结构(1)根据运行特点,设备沿导轨做左右摆动滑行,导轨轨道采用厚度10mm 的方板,中频热弯并焊接而成。
图2 导轨及立柱第4节转盘部分设计4.1转盘的设计:(1)根据运行特点,转盘沿中心轴旋转,偏载较小。
图3 转盘4.2转盘框架的设计:(1)根据刚度、强度要求,转盘框架选用矩形管100×50×5。
图4 转盘框架4.3座椅及座椅骨架的设计:(1)座椅外壳玻璃钢材质,颜色鲜明,外形美观。
图5 座椅及座椅骨架第5节底盘部分设计5.1底盘的设计:(1)根据运行特点,底盘沿导轨做左右滑动。
图6 底盘5.2底盘骨架的设计:(1)根据刚度、强度要求,底盘骨架选用22#工字钢焊件而成。
图7 底盘骨架5.3承重轮的设计:(1)承重轮轮子采用聚氨酯材料,运行稳定,耐磨性好。
图8 承重轮第6节动力系统设计6.1机械传动总体设计飞碟沿导轨左右摆动:摆动电动机驱动→链轮减速→摩擦轮→飞碟左右摆动飞碟转盘旋转:旋转电机→减速机→回转支撑→转盘正反转动6.2动力系统元器件设计根据设备运行需求,左右摆动主电机采用37kW,4级交流异步电动机。
第7节.电气系统设计7.1 简述该设备在电路及控制设计上采用目前较为流行的交流变频调速度传动技术。
旋转电机采用 5.5kW,4级交流异步电动机传动,变频器采用D900-7R5G/011P-T4 7.5kW,变频器控制电机的平滑启动、变向控制带动转盘无冲击正反交替旋转及慢速定位停止。
系统控制器采用信捷XC系列PLC 可编程控制器:型号XC3-32R-E。
本机采用自动工作方式,由PLC 控制,时间约3分钟。
7.2 电路主要设计参数、计算、选型电源输入电压:三相380V (三相五线制)电源输入电流:160A设备的动力功率参数如下:车体摆动电机:37kW AC 3~380V 1台转盘旋转电机:5.5kW AC 3~380V 1台彩灯、控制回路和插座等用电:1.5kW设备总功率: N P =37+5.5+1.5=44kW由功率公式: N N N N N I U P ηλ3=其中为功率因数,取值0.85; 为效率,取值0.90;设备总电源的额定工作电流:I N =N P ÷(√3U N λN ηN )=44÷(√3×0.38×0.85×0.90)≈87A依据GB5226.1-2208文件说明, 过负荷保护电器的动作特性,应符合下列公式的要求: I b ≤I n ≤I zN λN ηI2≤1.45I z式中:I b——回路计算电流(A);I n——熔断器熔体额定电流或断路器额定电流或整定电流(A);I z——导体允许持续载流量(A);I2——保证保护电器可靠动作的电流(A)。