URCA colloqium poster draft 1


Nature Communications杂志连续发表空军军医大学医工交叉领域最新研究成果

Nature Communications杂志连续发表空军军医大学医工交叉领域最新研究成果

Nature Communications杂志连续发表空军军医大学医工交叉领域最新研究成果佚名【期刊名称】《空军军医大学学报》【年(卷),期】2024(45)3【摘要】空军军医大学在医工交叉领域取得突破性进展,交叉领域Nature子刊Nature Communications杂志(IF:16.6)连续发表该校军事生物医学工程学系王健琪教授团队、景达副教授团队的最新研究成果。

1月30日,Nature Communications杂志发表景达副教授团队题为“Rescuing SERCA2 pump deficiency improves bone mechano-responsiveness in type 2 diabetes by shaping osteocyte calcium dynamics”研究论文。




【总页数】1页(P318-318)【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R58【相关文献】1.空军军医大学口腔医学金岩、刘世宇团队细胞外囊泡研究成果在国际知名期刊发表2.Nature Communications发表上海交通大学附属第一人民医院有关肿瘤饥饿疗法新途径的研究成果3.Nature发表上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院研究成果:靶向药物“强强联手”,可有效抑制中晚期肝癌进展4.张强教授研究团队在Nature Communications上发表单壁碳纳米角的最新研究成果5.空军军医大学基础医学院在神经科学顶级期刊Nature Neuroscience发表研究论文因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



生命科学导论词汇表整理北医临床五班郑汉龙Unit 1 计算生物学computational biology 系统生物学systems biology 生物信息学bioinformatics 理论生物学theoretical biology 生物医学工程学biomedical engineering 数码生物学digital biology 人工生命artificial life 纳米生物学nanobiology 微胶囊microcapsuleUnit 2碳水化合物carbohydrates单糖monosaccharide 旋光异构体optical isomer 手性分子chiral molecule葡萄糖glucose寡糖oligosaccharide 双糖disaccharide 多糖polysaccharide(多糖分为energy-storage 或structural)淀粉starch 直链淀粉amylase 支链淀粉amylopectin 糖原glycogen 纤维素cellulose 纤维素酶cellulase 几丁质chitin 果胶pectin 琼脂agar 脂质lipid脂肪fat磷脂phospholipids 卵磷脂lecithin脑磷脂cephalin 丝氨酸磷脂phosphatidylserine 衍生脂质derived lipid 高胆固醇血症hypercholesteremia 蛋白质protein肽键peptide bond 寡肽oligopeptide 多肽polypeptide螺旋helix 折叠sheet 二硫键disulfide bond 氢键hydrogenbond 范德华力van der waalsforce 离子键ionic bond 变性denaturation 复性renaturation酶enzyme 核酶rybozyme 单纯蛋白质simple protein 结合蛋白质conjugated protein 辅酶coenzyme 辅基prostheticgroup 契合假说induced-fit hypothesis 活性中心active center抑制剂inhibitor 激活剂activator核酸nucleic acid 腺嘌呤ademine 鸟嘌呤guanine 胞嘧啶cytosine 胸腺嘧啶thymine 尿嘧啶uracil 核糖ribose 脱氧核糖deoxyrybose上游upstream下游downstream小沟minorgroove大沟major groove构象conformation阿尔茨海默氏病Alzheimer’s disease 前体蛋白amyloid precursor protein (APP)分泌酶secretaseUnit 3细胞学说cell theory原核细胞prokaryotic cell原核生物prokaryote真核细胞eukaryotic cell真核生物eukaryote 古细菌archaea 真细菌bacteria 细胞膜plasma membrane 糖脂glycolipid 胆固醇cholesterol 甘油磷脂glycerophospholipid 鞘磷脂sphingomyelin不对称性单位膜asymmetric unit membrane (AUM)胞外基质extra cellular matrix (ECM)细胞间连接intercellular junctions 紧密连接tight junctions 桥粒desmosomes 斑点桥粒spot desmosomes 间隙连接gap junctions 胞间连丝plasmodesma 连接子connexon 简单扩散simple diffusion 协助扩散facilitated diffusion 载体蛋白carrier protein 通道蛋白channel protein 水通道蛋白aquapotin 主动运输active transport 协同运输cotransport 电化学梯度electrochemical gradient 共运输symport 对向运输antiport 膜转运蛋白membrane transport protein 离子通道ion channel 离子泵ion pump 胞吞作用endocytosis 胞吞泡endocytic vesicle 膜下网格蛋白clathrin 结合蛋白dynamin接合蛋白adapter protein受体介导的胞吞作用receptor-mediated endocytosis低密度脂蛋白low-density lipoproteins 胞吐作用exocytosis 细胞质基质cytoplasmic matrix =cytomatrix胞质溶胶cytosol 内质网endoplasmic reticulum (ER)糙面内质网roughER (RER)光面内质网smooth ER (SER)核糖体ribosome 高尔基复合体golgi complex 信号识别颗粒signal recognition particle(SRP)共转移cotranslocation停止转移锚序列stop-transfer anchor sequence扁平膜囊saccules 溶酶体lysosome 过氧化物酶体peroxisome 微体microbody自体吞噬autophage 液泡vacuole 线粒体mitochondria 心磷脂cadiolipin 氢化酶体hydrogenosome 纺锤剩体mitosome 叶绿体chloroplast 微管microtubule 秋水仙素colchicine 紫杉醇taxol 纤毛cilia 鞭毛flagella 基体basal body 基粒basalgranule 菌毛fimbriae 菌毛蛋白pilin 微丝microphilament (MF)肌动蛋白actin 细胞松弛素cytochalasins 鬼笔环肽phillodin 中间纤维intermediate filament (IF)核纤层nuclear lamins 角蛋白纤维keratins filament 波形蛋白vimentin结蛋白desmin胶质原纤维酸性蛋白glial fibrillary acidic protein中间丝蛋白peripherin 神经丝neurofilaments 中间连接蛋白internexin 微管马达蛋白microtubule motor proteins 驱动蛋白kinesin 动力蛋白dynein 胞质动力蛋白cytosolic dynein 轴心动力蛋白axonemal dynein 分子马达蛋白molecular motor proteins 重链heavy chain 中间链intermediate chains 轻链light chains动力蛋白激活蛋白dynactin 轴动力蛋白构造:stalk,head,stem,base 微丝马达蛋白myosin motor proteins肌球蛋白myosin肌质网sarcoplasmic reticulum肌原纤维myofibril 肌节sarcomere 原肌球蛋白tropomyosinT-管transverse tubules 钙火花calcium sparks 细胞核nucleus 核被膜nuclear envelope 核孔复合体nuclear core complex (NPC)中央装运体central transporter 染色质chromatin 染色体chromosome 染色单体sister chromatid 组蛋白histone 非组蛋白nohistone 着丝粒centromere 着丝点(动粒)kinetochore 核仁nucleolus 广义核骨架nuclear skeletonUnit 4NAD 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸Nicotinamide ademine dinucleotideNADP 烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸Nicotinamide ademine dinucleotide Phosphate FAD 黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸Flavin ademine denucleatide光合作用Photosynthesis 叶绿素Chlorophyll 类胡萝卜素carotenoids 光系统photosystem PS 环式光合磷酸化cyclic photophosphorylationRuBP 核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate3-甘油三磷酸3-phospho-glycerate 光呼吸photorespirationCAM 植物景天科酸代谢crassulacean acid metabolism 细胞呼吸cellular respiration 糖酵解glycolysis 三羧酸循环tricarboxylic acid cycle =柠檬酸循环citric acid cycle 电子传递链electron transport chain 氧化磷酸化oxidative phosphorylation ATP合成酶ATP sythentase 质子半通道proton half channel 酸中毒acidosisUnit5细胞周期cell cycle 细胞周期时相phases of the cell cycle 黏合蛋白cohesin 凝缩蛋白condensin多蛋白黏合复合体multiprotein cohesion complex染色体结构维持蛋白SMC structural maintenanc of choromosomes浓缩condensation纺锤体微管APC anaphase-promoting complex紧固蛋白securin 泛素化ubiquination 中心体centrosome微观组织中心MTOC检验点checkpoint周期蛋白依赖性蛋白激酶CDKcyclin-dependent kinase促成熟因子MTF maturation promoting factor限制点restriction point 周期蛋白cyclin Unit 6 信号转导signal transduction 信号分子signal molecule 第二信使second messenger 级联放大作用cascade amplificationGTP 酶开关蛋白GTPase switch proteins二磷酸磷脂酰肌醇PIP2 三磷酸肌醇IP3 二酰基甘油DAG生长素抑制素somatostatin应答元件结合蛋白CREB基础转录装置basal transcriptional machinery味蕾taste bud 视感细胞rod视锥细胞cone激活结构域AD activation domain DNA 结合结构域DBD DNA-binding domain 配合体结合结构域LBD ligand-bindingdomain 糖皮质激素受体GR glucocorticoid receptor G 蛋白偶联受体GPCR G-protein-coupledreceptor乙酰胆碱ACh神经元neurocyte 神经信号neuronal signaling 突触synapse 脑干brain stem 延脑medullo 脑桥pons中脑midbrain 小脑cerebellum 间脑diencephalon 上丘脑epithalamus 丘脑thalamus 下丘脑hypothalamus 松果腺pincal gland 脉络丛choroidplexus 大脑cerebrum 基底神经节basal ganglion 大脑皮层cerebralcortex 新皮质neocortex 胼胝体corpus callosum 初级感受区primary sensory areas 联络区association area皮质祖细胞cortical progenitors 觉醒arousal 血清素serotonin 褪黑激素melatonin 近似昼夜规律cricadian rythmsUnit 7卵原细胞genia分离定律law of segregation基因型genotype 等位基因alleles 显性等位基因dominant allele 隐形等位基因recessive allele 纯合体homozygote 杂合体heterozygote 测交test cross自由组合定律law of independent assortment庞纳特方格Punnett square 遗传的颗粒假说 “particulate” hypothesisof inheritance混合遗传模型blending model完全连锁complete linkage 不完全连锁incomplete linkage 重组recombination 连锁图linkage mapping 重组频率recombination frequency 不完全显性incomplete dominance 并显性codominant 复等位基因multiple alleles 恒河猴Rhesus monkey 基因多效型pleiotropy多基因遗传polygenic inheritance 加性效应additiveeffectUnit 8常染色体显性遗传autosomal dominant inheritance AD常染色体隐性遗传autosomal recessive inheritance AR 性决定sex determination 性分化sex differentiation剂量补偿效应dosagecompensation effectX 染色质失活中心X-choromosome inactivation centerSRY 基因sex-determining region of the Y 睾丸决定因子TDF testis determining factor 睾丸女性化综合症androgen insensitivity syndrome AIS androgen 雄性激素性连锁显性遗传sex-linked dominant inheritance XD性连锁隐性遗传sex-linked recessive inheritance XR 血友病hemophilia 自毁容貌综合症Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Y 连锁遗传Y-linked inheritance (与上同)holandric inheritance 毛耳缘hairy ear rims 多倍体polyploid 同源多倍体autopolyploid 异源多倍体allopolyploid唐氏综合症Down syndrome智商intelligence quotient染色体缺失deletion,deficiency染色体重复duplication,repeat猫眼综合症cat-eye syndrome染色体倒位inversion染色体异位Unit 9translocation烟草花叶病毒TMV单链结合蛋白SSB引物primer脱氧核苷三磷酸dNTP引物酶primase 前导链leading strand 后随链lagging strand 聚合酶链反应Polymerase chain reaction PCR 端粒telomere 端粒酶telomerase 简并degeneracy 赭石型三联体密码子ochre triple codon 琥珀型三联体密码子amber triple codon 蛋白石型三联体密码子opal ~~转录transcription 下游downstream 上游upstream启动子promotermRNA messenger ribonucleic acid tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid 加工processing 拼接splicing 聚腺苷化信号polyadenylation signal 内含子intron 外显子extron 间断基因interrupted gene 拼接体spliceosome氨酰-tRNA 合成酶aminoacyl-tRNAsynthetase焦磷酸PPi起始因子initiation factor 位点exit site 延长因子elongation factor 多聚核糖体polyribosomes 释放因子release factor 无义突变nonsense mutation 基因表达调控gene regulation 结构基因structural gene 操作基因operator gene 启动基因promoter gene 操纵子opreon 调节基因regulator gene 阻遏蛋白repressor protein 正基因调节positive gene regulation 分解代谢物激活蛋白catabolite activator protein CAP 基因丢失gene elimination 免疫球蛋白immunoglobulin Ig 重链heavy chain 轻链light chain 转录因子transcription factorsDNA 结合基序motif螺旋-转角-螺旋基序helix-turn-helix motif 锌指基序zinc-finger motif 亮氨酸拉链基序leucine zipper motif 增强子enhancer绝缘子insulator 沉默子silencer 5-甲基胞嘧啶thylcytosine 可变的RNA 剪接alternative RNA splicing 小RNA micro RNA miRNA RNA 干扰RNA interference RNAi转录后基因沉默(就植物而言)posttranscriptional gene silenceP TGS 转铁蛋白transferrin 铁蛋白ferritin 干一环stem loop 铁应答元件iron response element IREUnit 10 点突变pointmutation 同义突变samesense mutation 错义突变missense ~ 无义突变nonsense~ 自发突变spontaneous ~ 诱变剂mutagent控制因子controlling elements 转座因子transposable elements 转座子transposons 逆转座子retrotransposons 三核苷酸重复trinucleotide repeats 恶性肿瘤malignancy 肿瘤细胞tumor cell 扩散metastasis犬类传染性生殖器官肿瘤canine transmissible venereal tumor疱疹病毒herpesvirus 肿瘤抑制基因tumor suppressor gene 等位基因杂合型丢失loss of heterozygosity 细胞信号通路cell-signaling pathways 衰老标记senescence markers 人类基因组计划Human genome project (HGP)细胞遗传图cytogenetic map 核苷酸短串重复序列short tandem repeat STR单核苷酸多态性标记single nucleotide polymorphism STR DNA 测序DNA sequencing 限制性内切核酸酶restriction endonuclease 限制酶restriction enzyme 回文结构palindrome 粘性末端stickyend 平末端blunt end 重组DNA recombinant DNA 载体vector 质粒plasmid 探针probe 菌落colony DNA 文库DNAlibrary 质粒不相容性plasmid incompatibility 基因组文库genomic library 凝胶电泳gel electrophoresis 互补complementaryUnit 11 受精作用fertilization 顶体反应acrosomal reaction 顶体泡acrosomal vesicle 皮层反应cortical reaction 基因组印记genomic imprinting 卵裂cleavage桑葚胚morula囊胚腔blastocoel 囊胚期blatula 卵黄yolk向里凹陷invaginate 卷入involute原肠胚gastrula 原肠archenteron原口动物protosome 后口动物deuterostome 体节somites 诱导作用induction 形态原morphogen 锚状细胞anchorcell 尾bicaudal 间隙基因gapgenes 成对规则基因pair-rulegene 体节性基因segmentpolarity gene 同源异型基因homeotic gene 同源异型homeosis分生组织meristems 花分生组织floral meristems 营养分生组织vegetative ~ 心皮carpel 花瓣petal 雄蕊stamen 花萼sepal簇生fascinated 奢侈基因luxurygene 组织特异性基因tissue specificgene 管家基因housekeeping gene祖细胞progenitor cell 前体细胞precursor cell 胚胎干细胞embryonic stem cell ESC 成体干细胞somatic stem cell体细胞核移植技术somatic cell nuclear transfer SCNT 全能干细胞totipotent stem cell 多组织潜能干细胞pluripotent stem cell 多细胞潜能肝细胞multipotent ~~ 造血干细胞hematopoietic ~~ 粒性白细胞granulocyte macrophage 白细胞介素interleukin 嗜酸性粒细胞eosinophil 红细胞erythrocyte 肿瘤坏死因子tumor necrosis factor 单能干细胞unipotent stem cell 终末分化terminal differentiation 细胞凋亡apoptosis 细胞程序性死亡programmed cell death 凋亡小体blebbing (细胞内)损耗wear-terar 双性恋bisexual 印随imprinting 领域行为territorialityUnit 12---Unit 20盖亚假说Gaia hypothesis拉马克进化学说Lamarck’s theory of evolution达尔文自然选择学说Darwin’s theory of natural selection基因型频率genotype frequency等位基因alleles frequency 遗传平衡genetic equilibrium 遗传漂变genetic drift 建立者效应foundereffect瓶颈效应bottle neck effect定向选择directional selection频率曲线frequency curve分裂选择disruptive selection稳定选择stabilizing selection小进化microevolution 大进化macroevolution 异域种形成allopatric speciation 同域种形成sympatric speciation 同源多倍体autopolyploids 中性选择学说neutral selection 物种species 分类学taxonomy 进化谱系phylogency 衣壳capsid 包膜envelope 糖蛋白glycoprotein 核蛋白nucleoproteinAIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 反转录酶reverse transcriptase类病毒viroid阮病毒prion瘙痒病scrapie微生物microorganisms支原体mycoplasma立克次体rickettsia 衣原体chlamydia 革兰氏染色法Gramstain 内生孢子endospores 微丝蛋白基质层actincortex 细胞向前突出protrusion 无性生殖asexual reproduction 有性生殖sexual reproduction 变态metamorphosis 蝗虫grasshopper 若虫nymphs脊索chorda dorsalis 多区域进化multiregional evolution蒙古利亚人种Mongloid 高加索人种Caucasoid 尼格罗人种Negroid澳大利亚人种Australoid 生态学ecology 非生物因子abiotic factors生物因子biotic factors 种群populatioin 集群分布clumped distribution 均匀分布uniform distribution 随机分布random distribution 出生率natality 死亡率mortality 性比sex ratio 代间距generation time 生存曲线survivorship curve 指数增长exponential growth 逻辑斯蒂增长logistic growth 容纳量carrying capacity 物种多样性biodiversity物种丰度species richness 物种均匀度species eveness 优势种dominant species 最高生物量biomass关键中keystone species食物网food web (由chain 组成)群落交错区ecotone种间竞争interspecific competition生态位niche 群落community 协同进化coevolution 捕食作用predation 植食herbivory 保护色cryptic coloration 警戒色warning coloration 拟态mimicry 共栖commensalism 海葵anemone 互利共生mutualism 寄生parasitism 群落演替community succession 顶级群落climax community 非生物环境abiotic environment 生产者producer 消费者consumer 分解者decomposer食草性动物herbivores 一级消费者primary consumers 食肉动物carnivores 二级消费者secondary consumers 三级消费者tertiary consumers 营养级trophic level 自养生物autotroph 同化assimilation 分解作用decomposition 食微生物动物microbivores 矿化作用mineralization 固定作用immobilization 净矿化作用net mineralization 内循环internal cycling 生物地化循环biogeochemical cycles 气态物循环gaseous cycle 沉积型循环sedimentary cycle 外来物种入侵alien species invasion 保护生物学conservation biology。



Hindawi Publishing CorporationAdvances in UrologyVolume2011,Article ID701481,8pagesdoi:10.1155/2011/701481Review ArticlePelvic Lymphadenectomy in the Treatment ofInvasive Bladder Cancer:Literature ReviewEhab A.Elzayat1and Ali A.Al-Zahrani21Department of Urology,Al-Azhar University,Cairo,Egypt2Department of Urology,University of Dammam,Saudi ArabiaCorrespondence should be addressed to Ehab A.Elzayat,elzayat2003@Received1January2011;Accepted15May2011Academic Editor:Darius J.BagliCopyright©2011E.A.Elzayat and A.A.Al-Zahrani.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.The standard surgical treatment of invasive bladder cancer is the radical cystectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection(PLND).Up to one-third of patients with invasive bladder cancer have lymph node metastasis.Thus,PLND has important therapeutic and prognostic benefits.The number of lymph nodes that should be removed and the extent of the PLND are still a controversial issue.Recently,the trend of PLND increased toward more extended PLND.Several prognostic factors related to PLND were reported in the literature.In this paper,we will discuss the different PLND templates,number of lymph nodes that should be resected, lymph node density,lymphovascular invasion,tumor burden,extracapsular extension,and the aggregate lymph node metastasis diameter.1.IntroductionAccording to cancer statistic2010,bladder cancer is the fourth most common tumor in men in the United States, the number of new cases diagnosed were estimated to be 70,530(52,760men and17,770women),leading to14,680 deaths[1].In Europe,bladder cancer represents6.6%and 2.1%of the total cancers and4.1%and1.8%of total deaths for cancer in men and women,respectively[2].Radical cystectomy(RC)accompanied by pelvic lymph node dissection(PLND)is still the gold standard surgical treatment for muscle invasive bladder cancer.In the past,the role of PLND was purely diagnostic to rule out lymph nodes (LN)metastasis;currently,PLND is considered an essential part of surgical treatment of bladder cancer.Fourteen to30% of the patients of invasive bladder cancer have LN metastasis at the time of RC[3,4].The incidence of LN metastasis increased with higher tumor stage.LN-positive disease was found in5%patients with superficial bladder tumors and 18%of patients with P2tumor,26%of patients with P3a disease,and46%of patients with P3b,and42%of patients with P4tumors[3].It is common knowledge that the patients with LN me-tastasis have a poor prognosis,Vieweg et al.[5]reported on 140patients with LN positive,25.7%were disease-free,and 15.7%surviving beyond5years.In another study,the3-year survival in patients who underwent RC and PLND with negative and positive LN was78.3%and37.8%,respectively [6].Thus,PLND is associated with favorable prognosis and better cancer control.Four decades ago,many urologists did not perform PLND with RC[7].In1950,Kerr and Colby noted that the local recurrence rate decreased after cystec-tomy combined with PLND[8].In1973,Dretler et al.[9]reported the value of inclusion of PLND during RC without increasing the morbidity and mortality.Skinner[10]suggested that PLND can cure some patients with metastatic disease,effectively controls pelvic disease and can make a difference in survival.In1981Smith and Whitmore[11]reported on one of the first anatomical LN mapping studies in patients undergoing RC and they suggested the possible therapeutic effect of a systematic bilateral PLND as a major determinant of patient survival.Although there is consensus the PLND should be an integral part of cystectomy;the extension of PLND is notstandardized and the number of LNs that should be removed has yet to be defined[12].In this article we will review the therapeutic and prog-nostic value of PLND,the optimal surgical template,and the minimum number of nodes to be removed.2.Lymphatic Drainage of the Bladder and Templates of PLNDThe lymphatic drainage of the bladder consists of the visceral lymphatic plexus inside the submucosa and the muscular layer,the small intercalated lymph nodes located within the perivesical fat,pelvic collecting trunks which is medial to the iliac LNs,regional pelvic LNs,which include the external and internal iliac,and sacral LNs,lymphatic trunks from the regional pelvic LNs to the common iliac LNs[13].The pelvic LNs are embedded in fat and difficult to be appreciated during the surgery.The primary drainage sites include ex-ternal and internal iliac and obturator LNs,secondary drain-age from the common iliac LNs,and tertiary drainage from the trigone and posterior bladder wall is to the presacral nodes[14].LNs mapping studies in RC shows that the rate of positive LNs detected decreased gradually from distal to more proximal sites and the most common site of LN metastasis were in the obturator and iliac LNs.Positive LNs were found in the perivesical fat and in the pelvic region in22.7%of all patients,in the common iliac nodes in8%, in the presacral region in5.1%and at or above the aortic bifurcation in4%[14].In another study,the distribution of the LN metastasis in the external iliac,obturator,and internal iliac region was33%,38%,and29%,respectively.Metastases in only one region were found in33%of patients(13%in the external iliac LNs,10%in the obturator LNs,and10%in the internal iliac LNs);50%of all patients had lymph node metastases in the internal iliac region[15].Abol-Enein et al.[16]in pathoanatomical study of LN involvement in patients with bladder cancer,concluded that the internal iliac and obtur ator LNs(endopelvic region)is the sentinel region of the lymphatic drainage of bladder cancer and there are no skipped lesions or isolated nodal metastasis above the aortic bifurcation.Thus any metastasis outside the true pelvis occurred only in multinodal disease and it was always associated with involvement of the obtu-rator and/or internal iliac nodes.Others reported that single positive nodes were located outside of the pelvis in27%of patients[17].The difference between thesefinding may be explained by the variation in the natural history of the disease [16].Early RC series suggested that it was not necessary to in-clude the aortocaval lymph nodes in PLND,as a part of the cystectomy[13,18].Others suggested the importance of an extended PLND to include common iliac LNs to remove all potential LN metastases[11].The limits of each surgical template of PLND are not clearly defined in the urology guidelines.Although the ab-solute boundaries of the PLND remain a subject of contro-versy,three categories of PLND are reported in the literature, limited,standard,and extended.The limited PLND drains part of the primary drainage and includes only the obturator and external iliac LNs[7].The standard PLND was defined as a removal of all nodal tissue of primary and secondary lymphatic drainage of the bladder and encompasses the common iliac bifurcation proximally,the genitor-femoral nerve laterally,the circum-flex caudal iliac vein and lymph node of Cloquet distally,and the internal iliac vessels posteriorly,including the obturator fossa.The nodes around the proximal half of the common iliac artery/aortic bifurcation are spared to avoid injury to the hypogastric nerves[19].The boundaries of extended PLND are1-2cm above the aortic bifurcation and common iliac vessels proximally(oth-ers may extend the PLND up to the level of inferior me-senteric artery),the genitofemoral nerve laterally,the cir-cumflex iliac vein and lymph node of Cloquet distally,the internal iliac vessels posteriorly,including the obturator fossa,the presciatic nodes bilaterally,and the presacral lymph nodes over the sacral promontory[20].Leissner et al.[17]defined three different anatomical levels of metastasis:Level I,included in the standard tem-plate;Level II,including the aortic bifurcation;Level III, including the para-aortic and paracaval areas.The authors noted that,if there is a nodal metastasis at Level I,positive nodes were also found in57%and31%of cases at Levels II and III,respectively.If positive nodes were found at Level II, 35%of cases were positive at Level III.Positive nodes at Level III were found only if metastases were present in9or more nodes at Levels I and II.3.Current Practice of PLNDIn2004,Herr et al.[21]reported on1091consecutive RC performed by16experienced surgeons from4institutions between2000and2002.Surgeons performed a standard PLND in67%of patients,extended PLND in13%of pa-tients,and for various reasons20%had a limited(9%)or no node dissection(11%).In analysis of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results(SEER)data of3603RC performed between1992and2003,Hollenbeck et al.[22] divided the hospitals according to the node count during cystectomy,low(no patients with≥10LNs removed), medium(up to20%of patients with≥10LNs removed),and high(greater than20%of patients with≥10LNs removed). The authors found that only0–4nodes were retrieved in 88.9%and52.8%of cases in the low and high node count hospitals,respectively.The percentages of patients who had ≥10LNs removed were0%at low LN count hospitals,12.7% at medium LN count hospitals,and35.3%at high LN count hospitals.It seems that the majority of cystectomy patients had≤4LNs removed irrespective of the hospital and optimal PLND is not commonly performed.The possible reasons for no or limited PNLD during RC was reported by Koppie et al.[23]who found that patients with older age and higher comorbidities were less likely to have PLND,and when PLND was performed,fewer LNs were evaluated.In another analysis of SEER data,Hellenthal et al.[24]noted that the odds of undergoing PLND(1or more nodes)decreased nearly20%per10-year age increase.Also the odds increased by a factor of1.5in the tumor stage TisN0M0to T3N0M0and decreased in stage T4N0M0.The same authors concluded that21%of patients did not have any LNs sampled at radical cystectomy.This number decreased from37%in1988to16%in2004.During this period the mean number of LNs removed increased by 2.6nodes and the percentage of patients undergoing any form of lymph node dissection increased by an average of 19%.As of2004,84%of patients had at least1LN(and a mean of13nodes)examined at cystectomy.Similarly,Koppie et al.[25]noticed that the number of removed LN was associated with year of surgery in their series.The mean number of LNs removed during1990–1994,1994–1999,and 2000–2004was7.5,8.6,and14.7,respectively.4.Therapeutic and Prognostic Value of PLND 4.1.Extent and Number of Lymph Nodes Removed. Weing¨a rtner et al.[26]assessed the adequate number of LNs to be removed for achievement of complete and accurate PLND.Standard PLND was performed on30human cadav-ers and59consecutive patients with clinically organ confined prostate cancer during radical retropubic prostatectomy. The mean number of LNs removed in the autopsy series and from patients with prostate cancer was22.7±10.2 and20.5±6.6,respectively,with many interindividual dif-ferences.The authors concluded that the threshold of ap-proximately20nodes was sufficient.The average number of nodes removed during the standard and extended PLND was reported to be13(9–18)and31.5(14.7–50),respectively [7].The number of LNs retrieved during PLND is quite var-iable and different cutoffnumber of LNs that should be dissected was suggested.So far there is no consensus available for the standard number of LNs that should be retrieved in patients with bladder cancer.The higher number of LNs re-trieved may reflect more complete RC and PLND.Several studies showed that disease-free survival or recurrence-free survival improved with more number of nodes retrieved which was an independent prognostic factor even after ad-justing for node status,surgical margin,and pT stage[27–29].Herr et al.[27]found that the survival rate in the node negative patients was improved with more number of nodes removed,which may be attributed to an improved staging, and possible removal of undetectable micrometastasis.The authors suggested PLND of at least9or more as a minimum standard provides individual prognostic information.Others reported on decreased risk of death in patients who had10–14lymph nodes removed.Patients with less than 3LNs retrieved were at significantly higher risk of death from bladder cancer than those with greater than3[30].Leissner et al.[31]found that the extended PLND of≥16LNs correlated with a higher percentage of patients with docu-mented nodal metastases.There was a significant correlation between the number of removed LNs and the tumor-free5-year survival in patients with pT1,pT2,or pT3tumors.Fang et al.[32]reported on349patients who underwent RC and PLND between March2000and February2008. The authors established an institutional policy mandating at least16LNs be examined in March2004.Of all,147and 202patients underwent surgery before and after the policy was implemented,respectively.The median number of LNs examined increased from15in the period before policy im-plementation to20in the4years after.Survival rates in-creased from41.5%in the4years before policy implemen-tation to72.3%in the4years after.Capitanio et al.[33] reported on a multicenter study to identify the probability offinding one or more positive LNs based on the number of LNs removed.The authors found that removing45LNs yielded a90%probability.However,removing either15or 25LNs indicated probability of50%and75%,respectively. They concluded that removing25LNs might represent the lowest threshold for the extent of PLND at RC.Others re-ported that at least23nodes would need to be removed in order to identify80%of positive nodes[34].The number of LNs resected is a surrogate for the extent of dissection and the quality of RC.Thus it seems to be difficult to establish a minimum or threshold number of LNs that should be removed during PLND due to the lack of a standardized template of PLND.According to Koppie et al.[25]removing10LNs may represent a thorough LN cleanout from a limited LN template,or a relatively incomplete dis-section of LNs from an extended LN template.The authors concluded that no evidence was found to support a mini-mum number of LNs sufficient for optimizing bladder cancer outcomes when a limited or extended PLND is performed during RC.The probability of survival continues to increase as the number of LNs retrieved increases.Also,the authors recommended more extended PLND at the time of RC.Several studies demonstrated that extended PLND de-crease local recurrence and improve cure rates when it com-pared to limited and standard PLND[31,35].Dhar et al.[36] reported on a multicenter study comparing the recurrence patterns and survival of658patients who underwent RC with either limited or extended PLND.The overall LN-positive rate was13%and26%for patients with limited and extended PLND,respectively.The5-year recurrence-free survival was 77%for pT2N0,57%for pT3N0,and35%for node-positive tumors in the extended PLND group versus67%,23%,and 7%,respectively,in the limited PLND group(P<0.0001).In another study,LN metastases were detected in38% and17%of the extended and limited dissection groups,re-spectively.There was no significant difference in survival or time to recurrence between the2groups.However,the mul-tivariate analysis demonstrated significantly improved sur-vival and time to recurrence in the patients with extended PLND[37].In addition to its therapeutic benefit,extended PLND offers more accurate staging compared to a limited/standard PLND.Dangle et al.[34]found that limited PLND would have missed25%of LN-positive patients whereas standard PLND would have missed11%of LN positive cases.Others noted that limited and standard PLND would have missed27 and10%of LN metastases in patients with a single positive lymph node,respectively[17].Seiler et al.[15]found thatPLND that do not include the internal iliac region misses 26%of all pelvic lymph nodes,29%of metastases,and un-derstages a substantial number of patients as pN0(10%).Although surgical cure is rare in patients with gross nod-al metastasis(N2-3),the RC with extended PLND can pro-vide cure in this group of patients.The10-year disease-free survival was reported in24%of patients with surgery alone and76%of patients died of disease.Thirty-two percent of patients with T2tumors survived versus9.7%of patients with stage T3tumors[38].4.2.Tumor Burden.The number of positive nodes retrieved is indicative of the tumor burden and considered as inde-pendent from the number of nodes removed.The survival rate is directly correlated with number of LN metastasis.Sev-eral cut offnumber of positive LNs was reported.One of these studies showed that the survival of patients with pos-itive nodes was significantly better if≤4positive nodes were removed than if there were>4positive nodes(37%versus 13%)[27].Improved overall survival was shown in a study by Lerner et al.[39]when5or fewer positive nodes were detected(40%versus10%).The mean3-year survival for patients with1,2–5,and>5positive LNs was58.6%,31.8%, and6.8%,respectively[6].Fleischmann et al.[40]found that the Overall5-year survival was35%and17%in patients with<6and≥6positive LN,respectively.Others showed that the10-year recurrence-free survival was significantly better in patients with≤8positive nodes than in those with >8metastatic nodes(40%versus10%)[41].Kassouf et al.[42]reported that the number of positive nodes was sig-nificantly associated with recurrence-free survival on univar-iate analysis(P=0.04),but lost statistical significance on multivariable model(P=0.055).4.3.Lymph Node Density.LN density defined as number of positive LN divided by the total number of nodes removed and examined.It included2prognostic factors the tumor burden and the extent of PLND.The most commonly util-ized LN density cut-point was20%.The concept of LN den-sity was introduced and named“ratio-based”lymph node staging by Herr in2003[43].They found that the5-year overall survival decreased from64%when the ratio was ≤20%down to8%when it was>20%.The same concept was later reported under a different name(LN density)by Stein et al.[41]who showed decreased10-year recurrence-free survival from43%when the LN density was≤20%to 17%when it was>20%.Others reported that the LN density showed some predictive ability,especially at a cutoffof50% [30].Kassouf et al.[44]compared nodal status and LN den-sity in a multivariate model.For powerful LN density,a minimum number of9nodes need to be resected.The authors found that only LN density>20%predicted de-creased disease-specific survival and remained prognostic in patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy.Also the LN density is superior to tumor-node-metastasis(TNM)classifi-cation for nodal status in predicting disease-specific for susvii patients with LN-positive disease.This study and others support the use of LN density in the pathologic staging of node-positive bladder cancer[45].Although Abdel-Latif et al.[6]found that both number of positive nodes(1versus2–5versus>5)and LN density (<10versus10–20versus>20%)showed statistical signif-icance on univariate analyses,only the number of posi-tive nodes remained significant on multivariate modeling. Wright et al.[28]found statistically significant correlation between the number of positive nodes(1versus2versus3 versus>3)and lymph node density,and disease-specific and overall survival.4.4.Lymphovascular Invasion.Lymphovascular invasion (LVI)means the presence of tumor cells in the endothelium-lined space.In a recent longitudinal evaluation of the prognostic value of LVI,Resnick et al.[46]found that12.3% of patients had LVI at transurethral resection of the bladder tumour(TURBT)compared to33.1%at RC.The risk of nodal disease was higher in those patients with LVI at TURBT than in those with no evidence of LVI at TURBT(48.3% versus25.0%,P<0.001).The authors concluded that the LVI has a useful prognostic value and should be incorporated into clinical decision making,particularly for RC in patients with superficial bladder carcinoma and the need for neoad-juvant chemotherapy.Quek et al.[47]noted that the LVI is an important and independent prognostic variable in patients with invasive bladder cancer.It was significantly correlated with positive surgical margins,high pathological stages,older patients, and sex(female).Ten-year recurrence-free survival in pa-tients without LVI was74%compared with42%in those with LVI(P<0.0001).Similarly10-year overall survival was 43%in patients without LVI compared with18%in those with LVI(P<0.0001).In another study,LVI was not significantly associated with age or sex,but was significantly associated with high pathological grade(P=0.028),stage(P<0.001),and node metastasis(P<0.001).At the multivariate analysis,LVI was an independently significant prognostic factor for disease-specific survival[48,49].Others noted that the LVI in node-negative patients is an adverse prognostic factor on univar-iate analysis of disease-specific survival,but not an indepen-dent prognostic factor on multivariate analysis[50].Shariat et al.[51]reported on international validation of the prognostic value of LVI in4257patients treated with RC. In analysis,LVI was associated with both disease recurrence (hazard ratio1.43,P<0.001)and cancer-specific mortality (1.45,P<0.001).In patients with negative LNs,LVI was in-dependently associated with and improved the predictive accuracy of the standard predictors for recurrence(hazard ratio1.68,P<0.001;+2.3%)and cancer-specific mortality (1.70,P<0.001;+2.4%).The authors concluded that the LVI should be included in the staging of bladder cancer.4.5.Extracapsular Extension of the Lymph Node(ECE).Cur-rently,there are a few reports in the literature investigating the prognostic value of ECE of LN metastasis.Perforation and extension of the tumor growth outside the LN capsuleindicate aggressive behavior of the tumor.Fleischmann et al.[40]found the ECE was observed in58%of patients and in the multivariate analysis for recurrence-free survival,ECE of LN metastases was the strongest prognostic factor(P= .019)of recurrence-free and overall survival.In contrast,Kassouf et al.[52]suggests that ECE is not an independ-ent prognostic factor for overall survival,disease-specific sur-vival,and recurrence-free survival in patients with positive LNs.4.6.The Aggregate LN Metastasis Diameter(ALNMD).Some studies suggested that the size of the largest LN metastasis and/or the aggregate LN metastasis diameter(ALNMD)may provide prognostic information about the extent of LN metastasis,and the patients’ls et al.[53]noted that there is a significant association between the diameter of the largest LN metastasis and overall survival.Very recently, Stephenson et al.[54]reported on134positive LN patients treated with RC and minimum standard PLND.The median overall survival was26months for patients with ALNMD ≤20mm versus11months for those with ALNMD>20mm (P=.001).The authors concluded that ALNMD is a sig-nificant predictor of recurrence-free survival and overall survival and may provide a useful parameter to be included in the TNM-staging systems.5.Role of the Pathologist in LNs Assessment The accurate assessment of LN specimen depends on the carful work of the pathologist when searching the specimen for LNs and the way of specimen submission for pathological examination.Bochner et al.[55]found that individual LN specimen yielded more LNs compared to en bloc specimen in standard PLND(8.5versus2.4LNs,P=0.003)and ex-tended PLND(36.5versus22.6LNs,P=0.02).This result confirmed by Stein et al.[56]who suggests13separate nodal packets to increase the total number of lymph nodes removed compared with en bloc submission.The traditional method of detecting the LNs by section-ing and palpating the specimen may fail to detect the very small LNs.Koren et al.[57]described a new Lymph-node revealing solution(LNRS)for detecting LNs in PLND spec-imen.The solution comprised95%ethanol,diethyl ether, glacial acetic acid,and buffered formalin and used to de-grease the tissue.The authors found that using the LNRS doubled the number of LNs yield,detected significantly smaller LNs,and improved nodal staging.Herr et el.[58]reporting on pathologic evaluation of RC specimens,found that in18%of patients,pathologists did not mention either the presence or the number of LNs. Standardized pathologic evaluation and reporting of RC and LN specimens is critical in cancer staging and design of clin-ical trials.paroscopic/Robot-Assisted PLND Laparoscopic PLND for prostate cancer was initially de-scribed by Schuessler et al.[59].The laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive with advantages of decreased blood loss, shorter hospital stay,and early recovery.Several reports showed that there is no significant difference in the intraop-erative complications and the number of LNs removed by laparoscopic approach when compared with open surgery [60,61].Introduction of robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery add-ed morefield magnification with3-dimensional vision and simulates the movements of the surgeon’s wrist.Guru et al.[62]evaluated the number of LNs yield during robot-assisted RC and found that the mean operative time for PLND is44 minutes(19–85)and the mean number of LNs removed was 18(6–43).It seems likely that the robot-assisted PLND can produce comparable results to open surgery;however,more studies of the techniques and learning curve are still needed[63]. 7.Morbidity and Mortality of PLND Although,RC is major surgery with potential high rates of complications,extended PLND does not increas morbidity or mortality.There is no significant difference between LN-positive and-negative patients in terms of postoperative complications[41].In a study comparing extended PLND (up to the aortic bifurcation)to a more limited PLND, similar mortality rates were observed in the2groups[35]. Similarly,Leissner et al.[31]observed that the postoperative complications such as lymphocele and lymphoedema were similar in patients with<16lymph nodes removed and pa-tients with>16nodes removed(2%versus1%).Although the extended PLND increased the operative duration by63 minutes,the limited and extended PLND patients did not differ significantly in terms of perioperative mortality and plications requiring surgical interventions occurred in9%patients in limited PLND and11%in ex-tended PLND group(P=0.28)[64].8.ConclusionPLND is an essential part of the surgical treatment of blad-der cancer for its staging,curative,and prognostic role.The benefits of extended PLND were demonstrated in several studies with no significant difference in morbidity and mor-tality when compared to standard PLND.Despite the grow-ing evidence that support the extended PLND up to the in-ferior mesenteric artery,the optimum PLND template is still controversial and its boundaries and the number of retrieved LNs have not yet been defined.Well-designed randomized controlled trials comparing standard to extended PLND in RC patients is still needed.The extent of PLND and the number of positive LNs are well-established risk factors; however,the cut offnumber of positive LNs is still to be defined.Several reports suggested that LVI and LN density should be included in the pathologic staging of bladder cancer.The prognostic value of ECE and ALNMD still need more investigations.References[1]A.Jemal,R.Siegel,J.Xu,and E.Ward,“Cancer statistics,2010,”A Cancer Journal for Clinicians,vol.60,no.5,pp.277–300,2010.[2]J.Ferlay,P.Autier,M.Boniol,M.Heanue,M.Colombet,andP.Boyle,“Estimates of the cancer incidence and mortality in Europe in2006,”Annals of Oncology,vol.18,no.3,pp.581–592,2007.[3]J.P.Stein,G.Lieskovsky,R.Cote et al.,“Radical cystectomy inthe treatment of invasive bladder cancer:long-term results in 1,054patients,”Journal of Clinical Oncology,vol.19,no.3,pp.666–675,2001.[4]M.A.Ghoneim and H.Abol-Enein,“Lymphadenectomy withcystectomy:is it necessary and what is its extent?”European Urology,vol.46,no.4,pp.457–461,2004.[5]J.Vieweg,W.F.Whitmore Jr.,H.W.Herr et al.,“The role ofpelvic lymphadenectomy and radical cystectomy for lymph node positive bladder cancer.The memorial sloan-kettering cancer center experience,”Cancer,vol.73,no.12,pp.3020–3028,1994.[6]M.Abdel-Latif,H.Abol-Enein,M.El-Baz,and M. 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1Tape 1 Side A中枢神经系Central nervous system 脊髓Spinal cord颈段Cervical segment颈膨大Cervical enlargement胸段Thoracic segment腰(骶)段Lumbar segment腰膨大Lumbar enlargement脊髓圆锥Medullary cone终丝Terminal thread终室Terminal ventricle前正中裂Anterior median fissure 后正中沟Posterior median sulcus 后外侧沟Posterolateral sulcus后中间沟Posterior intermediate sulcus脊髓索Funiculi of spinal cord 前索Anterior funiculus侧索Lateral funiculus后索Posterior funiculus脊髓断面Sections of spinal cord 中央管Central canal灰质Gray matter灰质柱Gray column前柱Anterior column侧柱Lateral column后柱Posterior column前角Anterior horn侧角Lateral horn后角Posterior horn后尖角Tip of posterior horn中间灰质中央部Centre of intermediate graymatter中间灰质外侧部Lateral portion ofintermediate gray matter胶状质Gelatinous substance背核Dorsal nucleus网状结构Raticular formation白质White matter白质前连合PDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 2Anterior white commissure前索Anterior funiculus锥体前束Anterior pyramidal(corticospinal) tract前庭脊髓束Vestibulospinal tract脊髓丘脑前束Ventral spinothalamic tract固有束Proper bundle侧索Lateral funiculus锥体侧束Lateral pyramidal (corticospinal) tract脊髓小脑前束Ventral spinocerebellar tract脊髓小脑后束Dorsal spinocerebellar tract脊髓顶盖束Spinotectal tract顶盖脊髓束Tectospinal tract脊髓丘脑侧束Lateral spinothalamic tract 网状脊髓束Reticulospinal tract红核脊髓束Rubrospinal tract后外侧束Dorsolateral fasciculus后索Dorsal funiculus薄束Slender fasciculus楔束Wedge-shaped fasciculus 后脑Metencephalon髓脑Myelencephalon延髓Medulla oblongata后正中沟Posterior median sulcus 前正中裂Anterior median fissure锥体Pyramid锥体交叉Decussation of pyramid前外侧沟Anterolateral sulcus后外侧沟Posterolateral sulcus橄榄体Olive绳状体Restiform body侧索Lateral funiculus楔结节Cuneate tubercle棒状体Nuclei gracilis外弓状纤维External arcuate fibers延髓的断面Sections of medullaeoblongatae缝际RaphePDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 3萎脑被盖Tegmentum rhombencephali舌下神经核Hypoglossal nucleus疑核Nucleus ambiguus迷走神经背核Dorsal nucleus of vagus闰核Intercalary nucleus孤束Tractus solitarius孤束核Solitary nucleus舌咽神经背核Dorsal nucleus ofglossopharyngeal n.三叉神经脊髓束Spinal tract of trigeminaln.三叉神经脊髓束核Nucleus of the spinal tract of trigeminal n.薄束核Nucleus gracilis楔束核Nucleus of cuneatus侧索核Lateral nucleus外侧楔核Latera cuneatus nucleus 橄榄核Inferior olivary nucleus橄榄核门Hilus of olivary nucleus内侧副橄榄核Medial accessory olivary nucleus背侧副橄榄核Dorsal accessory olivary nucleus弓状核Arcuate nucleus内弓状纤维Internal arcuate fibers网状结构Reticular formation内侧纵束Medial longitudinal fasciculus背侧纵束Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus丘系交叉Decussation of lemniscus 内侧丘系Medial lemniscus橄榄小脑束Olivocerebellar tract锥体束Pyramidal tract皮质脑神经核束Corticonuclear tract皮质脊髓束Corticospinal tract第4脑室Fourth ventricle菱形窝Rhomboid fossa正中沟Median sulcus外侧隐窝Lateral recess界沟Limiting groove下窝PDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 4Inferior pit上窝Superior pit舌下三角Trigone of hypoglossal n.髓纹Medulary stria内侧隆起Median eminence面神经丘Facial colliculus迷走神经三角(灰翼)Trigone of vagus n.前庭区Vestibular area蓝斑Locus coeruleus第4脑室顶Roof of fourth ventricle后髓帆Inferior medullary velum前髓帆Superior medullary velum前髓帆系带Frenulum of superiormedullary velum第4脑室带Taeniae of fourth ventricle闩Obex第4脑室脉络组织Chorioid tela of fourth ventricle正中孔Foramen of Magendie外侧孔Foramen of Luschka后脑Metencephalon脑桥Pons基底沟Basilar sulcus小脑中脚Middle cerebellar peduncle 脑桥背部Dorsal portion of pons外展神经核Nucleus of abducent n.三叉神经运动核Motor nucleus of trigeminal n.三叉神经感觉主核Sensory nucleus of trigeminal n.三叉神经中脑核Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal n.三叉神经脊髓束Spinal tract of trigeminal n.面神经核Facial nucleus面神经膝Genu of facial n.位听神经核Nucleus of vestibulocochlear n.耳蜗腹核、背核Ventral and dorsal cochlear nucleus前庭神经核Vestibular nucleus小脑Cerebellum小脑回PDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 5Cerebellar gyri小脑裂Cerebellar fissure小脑谷Cerebellar crevice水平裂Horizontal fissure首裂Primary fissure次裂Seconary fissure后外侧裂Posterolateral fissure蚓部Vermis小脑舌Cerebellar lingula中央小叶Central lobule山顶Culmen山坡Declive蚓小叶Folium of vermis蚓结节Tuber of vermis蚓锥Pyramid of vermis蚓垂Uvula of vermis蚓小结Nodule小脑半球Cerebellar hemisphere中央叶翼Wing of central lobule方叶Quadrangular lobule简单小叶Simple lobule上半月叶Superior semilunar lobule下半月叶Inferior semilunar lobule髓母细胞瘤Medulloblastoma室管膜瘤Ependymoma少枝胶质瘤Oligodendroglioma脑膜瘤Meningioma难染性腺瘤Chromophobe adenoma嗜酸性腺瘤Eosinophil adenoma颅咽管瘤Craniopharyngioma神经瘤Neuroma听神经瘤Acoustic tumours血管母细胞瘤Haemangioblastoma恶性的Malignant奇异现象Paradox松果体瘤Pineal tumour分流Short-Circuiting procedures预后Prognosis先天性肿瘤PDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 6Congenital tumour神经胶质增生Gliosis脓肿Abscess蛛网膜下腔出血Subarachnoid haemorrhage 退行发育,间变Anaplasia活检Biopsy形成因素Causatire factor头皮瘢迹Scalp Scar不可达到的Inaccessible缓和Remission癌瘤Carcinomatosis畸胎瘤Teratoma上皮样成分Epithelial elements胆脂瘤Cholesteatoma珍珠瘤Pearly tumours上皮样囊肿Epidermoids cyst脊索瘤Cordoma姑息的方法Palliative procedures降低脑压Reducing brain tension控制呼吸Controlled respiration高渗液Hypertonic solutions低温Hypothermia低血压Hypotension探查Exploration放疗Radiotherapy放疗敏感的肿瘤Radiosensitive tumours并发症Complications细胞毒药Cytotoxic drugs皮瓣Scalp flap骨瓣Bone flap发热和感染Pyrexia and infection中枢性高热Central hyperpyrexia伤口感染Wound infection脑膜炎Meningitis尿路感染Urinary infection腮腺炎Parotitis骨髓炎Osteomyelitis预防性抗抽搐药ProphylacticanticonvulsantsPDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 7癫痫持续状态Status epilepticus角膜炎Keratitis睑缝术Tarsorraphy可疑肿瘤复发Suspected tumour recurrence颅内血肿Intracranial clot标准Criteria意识恶化Deteriorating conscionslevel同侧瞳孔扩大Dilated ipsilateral pupil脉搏减慢Falling pulse rate鼾息状周期呼吸Stertorous periodic respiration硬膜外血块Extradural clot硬膜内血块Intradural clot沾血的敷料Blood-soaked dressings缝线脓肿Stitch abscesses蜂窝织炎Cellulitis抗菌素Antibiotics脑脊液漏CSF leak鼻溢Rhinorrhoea血性液Bloodstained fluid鞘内Intrathecal肺栓塞Pulmonary embolism钻孔Burr hole大伦丁(笨妥英钠)Epanutin (dilantin)苯巴比妥Phenobarbitone眼睑肿胀Swelling of the eyelids角膜干燥,擦伤Corneal drying and abrasion 神经麻痹性角膜炎Neuroparalytic keratitis溃疡Ulceration放射性坏死Radionecrosis垂体机能低下危象Hypopituitary crises退行性变化Anaplastic change囊内切除Intracapsular removal钻孔活检Burr hole biopsy囊性星形C瘤Cystic astrocytoma矢状窦旁Parasagittal凸面Convexity溴沟Olfactory groovePDF 文件使用"pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 8前囟Bregma垂体机能低下Hypopituitarism垂体卒中Pituitary apoplexy肢端肥大Acromegaly内分泌过盛Endocrine excess内分泌不足Endocrine failure额部入路Forntal approach经蝶手术Trans-sphenoidal operation鼻Nose开颅术Craniotomy下丘脑Hypothalamus慢性不足Chronic deficiency替代疗法Replacement therapy垂体切除Hypophysectomy 强的松Cortisone甲状腺素Thyroxine甲基睾_________丸。



二、脊髓内部结构Internal structure of the spinal cord 脊髓为管 状结构,在横 断面上可见脊 髓由其中央叫 certral canal , 两侧对称状似 “ H” 形 的 叫 gray substance (matter),周围 的纤维束叫white substance (matter)共同构成,灰、 白质相交的地方叫retrcularis formation在颈和上胸脊 髓节段较明显。
(二) 白质white substance (white matter)
后根在脊髓内的处向。 后根由脊神经节的中枢突构成 ( 躯体、内脏感觉 ) 分为内侧 部为粗纤维,外侧部为细纤维。 粗纤维:来自肌肉、肌腱、关节上的本体感觉和精细触觉。 细纤维:来自皮肤上的浅感觉(痛、温)和内脏感觉。 内侧部粗纤维:大部分在后索内上升;侧支或降支止于脊 髓灰质层

Spinal cord
为中枢神经系的低级部分,胚胎时 期来源于神经管的后部,其机能活动由 脑控制和调节,脊髓发出31对脊神经分 布于躯干四肢
长纤维组成纤维束(或叫传导束) 一般具有共同起点、行程、止点和执行同一 机能的纤维共同组成一个纤维束,具大多数按 起止命名。 纤维束:上行 ( 传入 ) 纤维束或叫感觉纤维束, 下行(传出)纤维束或叫运动纤维束。 1. 上行纤维束: 1) 薄 、 楔 束 (fasciculus gracilis 、 fasciculus cuneatus)



昆虫形态学重要词汇Acrosternite腹板缘片acrotergite(atg)背板前缘片alinotum生翅背板alula覆片alveolus毛窝amniolic cavity(AmC)羊膜腔amnion(am)羊膜anal fold翅扇摺anal vens臀脉anapleurite後侧片anatomy解剖学annelida环节动物类antecosta背前缘内脊起antecostal stuture前缘内脊起缝antennae触角antennal sclerite触角骨片antennal suture触角缝anterior mesenteron rudiment前中肠基质anterior notal wing process背板翅前突起apodemes内骨apophysis内骨突起archenteron原肠archicephalon原始头archicerebrum原脑弓arcuate vein弓状脉arolium端叶arthropods节肢动物articular membrane关节膜articulation关节auxiliae爪基辅骨片axillary cord翅键索axillary plate翅键骨片axillary region翅键区axillary sclerites翅键骨Basal fold翅基摺basalare翅基骨片basicostal suture基节前缘缝basicoxite基节骨片basipodital基底节basiscosta基节前缘脊起basisternum基腹片basitarsus基跗节basituras基小跗节basment membrance基底膜blastocoele胚囊腔blastoderm胚叶blastomeres胚球blastopore原口blastula囊胚期body cavity体腔body segment体环节body wall体壁Capopodite蹠节cardiac sinus围心窦cardioblasts围心细胞cardo轴节cells翅室centipedes蜈蚣cephalic lobes头叶cervical sclerites颈骨片cervix颈部chelicerae钩角chitin几丁质chorion卵壳cibarium围食腔cleavage卵割clypeus头盾coelom体腔coelomic sacs体腔囊colleterial glands护卵腺collophore黏管commisures神经连锁conjunctiva节间膜(连络膜) connectives神经结缔convergent suture背纵沟coronal冠缝cortical cytoplasm原皮细胞层costa缘脉coxa基节coxal corium基节膜coxomarginale基节狭缘coxopleurite基侧片coxopodite肢基节cranium头颅cross-vein横脉cubitus肘脉cuticula表皮Dactylopodite趾节definitive head固定头deutocerebrum後大脑deutoplasm卵黄dicondylic joint双关键节dorsal blastoderm背胚层dorsal blastoderm囊胚层dorso-pleural line背侧线dorsum背区Ecdysis脱皮ectoderm外胚层empodium悬垫endite内叶endocuticula内表皮endoderm内胚层endopodite内肢endopterygota内生翅类endoskeleton内骨epicranial suture头颅缝epicraniam颅顶板epicuticula上表皮epidermis上皮层epimeron後侧片epineural sinus神经上窦epipharynx上咽头epipleuites立侧骨片epipodite长副肢episternum前侧片epistomal suture口上缝euplantalae跗节褥垫euplearun侧臀片eusternum真腹板eutrochantin真转片exite外叶exocuticula外表皮exopodite外肢exopterygota外生翅类exoskeleton外骨骼extraoral mouth cavity围口腔exuviae蜕exuvial gland蜕皮腺Femur腿节first axillary第一翅键骨first maxillae第一小颚first median plate第一中骨片first thoracic spiracle第一胸部气孔first trochanter第一转节flagellum鞭节follicular cell卵膜细胞foramen magnum後头孔(大枕孔) forth axillary第四翅键骨frenulum翅刺frons额部frontal sutures额缝fultarae下咽头悬垂骨furca叉状骨furca seernam叉状骨腹片furcasternum叉腹板Galae sutures喉咽缝galea外瓣ganglia神经节gastrocoele原肠gastrula原肠胚gastrulation原肠形成genae颊genglionic cells神经节细胞genital segments生殖节germ band胚带germ cells种细胞germ tract胚极细胞germinal disc胚盘glossae中舌gnathal region咀嚼区gnathal segment颚节gnathocephalon颚头gnla喉咽片gonads内性器gula外咽片gular suture外咽片缝Haemocoele血腔hatching membrane孵化膜holoblastic division全分割humeral plate肱骨片(上搏骨片) hypodermis上皮层(真皮hypopharynx下咽头hypostoma口下部hypostomal suture口下缝Intermediate mesenteron rudiment中肠基质intersegmental connectives神经结缔intersegmental membrane节间膜intersternite节间腹骨片invagination of the embryo胚内陷involution of the embryo胚内卷ischiopodite坐节Jointing节jugal region翅垂区Labial adductors下唇内收肌labial glands下唇腺labial suture下唇缝labiostipites下唇主片labium下唇labrum上唇lacinia内叶lateral nerve cords侧神经索lateral plates胚侧板laterogternite腹侧骨片laterotergite侧背片ligula下唇舌limb basis肢基节Mandible大颚mandibularglands大颚腺maxillae小颚maxillary gland小颚腺maxillipeds颚足maxillulae第一小颚media中脉median dorsal vessel中背管median nerve cord中央神经索median prostomial ganglion中央前肠神经节median ventral vessel中腹管medianplate翅基中骨片mentum下唇基片meroblastic division局部分割meron副基节meropodite长节mesenchyme间胚叶mesenteron中肠mesenteron rudiments中肠基质mesoblast中胚叶mesoderm中胚层mesothorax中胸metamere胚胎节(体原节)metathorax後胸micropyle精孔middle plate胚胎中板monocondylic joint单关键节morphology形态学morula桑椹体motor nervesmoulting脱皮moulting glands脱皮腺mouth hooks口钩myotome肌节myriapoda多足类Natum原背板neopterygota新翅类nephridia分枝肾管neural groove胚神经沟neural ridges神经脊neuro blasts神经胚细胞notaulices背纵沟notum背板nuclear cytoplasm核细胞质Occipital arch後头弓occipital condyles後头键occipital suture後头缝occiput後头ocelar sclerite眼骨片ocular suture复眼缝onychophora有爪类ovum heca卵囊organization体制ouipital arch後头穴ovum卵Palpifer负须节palpiger担须节palpus颚附器之端肢paraglossae侧舌paragnatha侧颚paranotal lobes侧板片叶片parapoida疣足parapsidal furrows侧片沟parapsides侧(背)片paraptera翅片paratergite背侧骨片parietals头侧区patella膝节pedicel梗节pedipalps肢须peripatus栉periproct肛节peristome口缘区phragmanotum悬骨背片phragmata悬骨planta小牵爪骨plapus触须pleural apophysis侧板内骨突起pleural region侧区pleural ridge侧板脊起pleural suture侧板缝pleural wing process侧板翅突起pleurite侧骨片pleuro-ventral line侧腹线pleuron胸侧板pleurostoma口侧缘pleurostomal suture口侧缘缝plica basalis翅基摺plica jugalis翅垂摺plica vannalis翅扇摺podite,podomere肢节postalar bridge,postalare後翅基(臂)桥postantennal pppendages後触角副器postbdomen後腹部postcoxal bridge,postcoxale後基节桥postcubitus後肘脉postembryonic growth胚後生长posterior mesenteron rudiment posterior notal wing process背翅後突起postfrontal suture後额缝postgenae颊後区postmentum後下唇基片postnotum,pharagmanotum後背板片postoccipital suture後头後缝postocciput後头後区postomium口前节poststernite後腹板骨片posttergite後背板骨片preadomen前腹部prealare,prealar bridge前翅基桥preantennae前触角precosta前缘脉precoxal bridge前基节桥prelabium前下唇prementum前下唇基片prepectus前侧前片prepodeum前伸腹板prescutal suture前楯板缝prescutum前楯板片presternum前腹板片pretarsus前跗节preular bridge翅基前桥primary segmentation原始分节primitive body region原始体区primitive streak原沟procephalon前头proctodaeum後原肠管propodeum前伸腹节propodite前肢节prostomium口前部prothorax前胸protocephalon原头protocerebrum原大脑protopodite原肢节pteralia翅基髁pterothorax生翅胸ptilinal suture额囊缝ptilinum额囊pulvilli褥垫pycnogonida海蜘蛛类,三叶虫(trilobita) Radius径脉remigal region,remigium翅前区Salivarium唾液囊salivary glands唾腺scale鳞片scape柄节sclerite骨片scleroma体环节sclerotization骨化scutellum小楯片scutoscustllar楯板缝scutum楯片second antennae第二触角second axillary第二翅键骨second maxillae第二小颚second median plate第二翅基中骨片second spiracle胸部第二气孔second spiracle第二气孔second trochanter第二转节secondary segmentation後天性分节sections体段segment节segmental appendage分节副器segmental coelomic cavities体节腔室segmental ganglia成对神经节segmental regions节区segmented ganglion节神经节segmented worm分节的虫子sense organ感觉器官septa隔壁serosa浆膜seta刺毛setal membrane刺毛膜soma体干somatic cell体细胞somatic layer体壁层somite体节spermatozoon精子spina刺骨spinasternum刺腹板spine刺splanchinc layer内脏层spur距sterna costa腹板前缘脊起sternacostal suture腹板前缘缝sternacpsta腹板前肋sternal apophyses腹板内骨脊起sternellum小腹板sternite腹板骨片sternopleurite腹侧片sternum腹板sternum apophyses腹内骨stipes主片stomodaeum前肠管subalare後翅基骨片subalere翅下骨片subcosta亚缘脉subcoxa亚基节subgalea亚外瓣subgenal areas颊下区subgenal suture颊下缝subitn肘脉submentum亚下唇基片suboesophageal ganglion食道下神经节superlinguae舌上器suspensorium of the hypopharynx下咽头悬垂骨suture缝线syncephalon结合头Tagma体段tarsas跗节tarsomere(tarsite)小跗节tegala肩板tegmata体段telopodite端肢telotarsus端跗节telson尾节tentoripits幕状骨坑tentorium幕状骨tergite背板骨片tergum背板third axillary第三翅键骨thoracic region胸部tibia胫节tonofibrillae表皮纤维tormogen毛窝细胞tracheae内部气管tracts of haemocoele闭锁的血腔路径trichogen生毛细胞trichopore毛孔trochanters转节trochantin副转片trochophore转环虫trunk体干Ungues侧爪(unquifer端爪骨片unquitrector plate牵爪骨片V-shaped notal ridge V型背板脊起val vulae性瓣vannal veins摺脉veins翅脉vena arcuate弓状脉vena cardinalis基脉vena dividens分界脉vennal region,vannas摺扇区venter腹面ventral nerve cord腹神经索ventriculus胃vertex头顶vitelline membrane卵黄膜vitellophages噬卵黄细胞viviparous胎生Wing base翅基wing regions翅区wormlike creatures虫形动物Yolk卵黄yolk cells卵黄细胞yolk cleavage卵黄之卵割Zygote结合子。



内科学第8版风湿免疫疾病部分:美国风湿病学会(ACR)欧洲抗风湿联盟(EULAR)欧洲脊柱关节病研究组(ESSG)风湿性疾病rheumatic disease结缔组织病connective tissue diseases,CTD未分化的结缔组织病(undifferentiated connective tissue diseases,UCTD)混合型结缔组织病(mixed connective tissue disease,MCTD)骨关节炎 osteoarthritis,OA韦格纳肉芽肿→肉芽肿性多血管炎granulomatosis with polyangiitis,GPA Churg-Strauss综合征更名为:嗜酸性肉芽肿性多血管炎(Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis,EGPA)肉芽肿性多血管炎(GPA)系统性红斑狼疮systemic lupus of eryematosus,SLE亚急性皮肤型红斑狼疮(SCLE)强直性脊柱炎Ankylosing spondylitis,AS类风湿关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis ,RA纽扣花样(boutonniere)天鹅颈(swan neck)皮肌炎dermatomyositis,DM多发性肌炎polymyositis,PM原发性干燥综合征,pSS系统性硬化症SSc大动脉炎TA贝赫切特病BDPIP(proximal interphalangeal joint)近端指间关节DIP(distal interphalangeal joint)远端指间关节MCP(metacarpophalangeal joints)掌指关节弥漫性肺泡出血( diffuse alveolar hemorrhage,DAH)抗磷脂抗体综合征(antiphospholipid antibody syndrome,APS)神经精神狼疮( neuropsychiatric lupus,NP-SLE)脊柱关节炎(Spondyloarthritis,SpA)血清阴性脊柱关节病(seronegative spondyloarthopathy)/脊柱关节病(spondyloarthropathies)包括:强直性脊柱炎AS ( Ankylosing Spondylitis )反应性关节炎( reactive arthritis,ReA)银屑病关节炎(Psoriatic arthritis,PsA)炎性肠病关节炎(IBDA ; inflammatory bowel disease arthritis)幼年脊柱关节炎(juvenile-onset spondyloarthritis)未分化脊柱关节炎( Undifferentiated spondylarthritis ,USpA)原发性干燥综合征( primary Sjogren's syndrome,pSS)血管炎(vasculitides)结节性多动脉炎(polyarteritis nodosa,PAN)肉芽肿性多血管炎granulomatosis with polyangiitis,GPA/韦格纳肉芽肿( Wegener's granulomatosis, WG)大动脉炎(takayasu arteritis,TA)巨细胞动脉炎(Giant cell arteritis,GCA)显微镜下多血管炎(microscopic polyangiitis,MPA)风湿性多肌痛(polymyalgia rheumatica,PMA)贝赫切特病( Behcet's disease,BD)特发性炎症性肌病(idiopathic inflammatory myopathy,IIM)皮肌炎dermatomyositis,DM多发性肌炎polymyositis,PM包涵体肌炎(inclusion body myositis,IBM)系统性硬化症(systemic sclerosis,SSc)又称硬皮病(scleroderma)CREST综合征:钙质沉着(Calcinosis,C)、雷诺现象(Raynaud'ssyndrome,R)、食道运动功能障碍(Esophagealdysmotility,E)、指端硬化(Sclerodactyly,S)、毛细血管扩张(Telangiectasis,T)POEMS综合征:是一种与浆细胞病有关的多系统病变,临床上以多发性周围神经病(polyneuropathy)、脏器肿大(organomegaly)、内分泌障碍(endocrinopathy)、M 蛋白(monoclonal protein)血症和皮肤病变(skin changes)为特征,取各种病变术语英文字首组合命名为POEMS综合征。



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所有的病例报告和操作技巧都按短篇报道的形式投稿,格式要求参见下文(9.3 杂志样式)。


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Free skin flap of perforating branch of radial collateral artery is suitable for the repair of many kinds of wound defects because of its soft texture and sensory nerve to repair the wound defects of the middle and small area of the back of the finger and the back of the palm. The wound defect with a small amount of bone defect in the upper limb can also be repaired with radial collateral artery perforator flap.The perforator flap of radial collateral artery has the following advantages [8]: ①the important anatomical DISCUSSIONThe technique of skin flap transplantation has become more and more mature, which can be used to repair soft tissue wounds, and the success rate can reach about 91% to 99% [6]. The blood supply of the radial collateral artery perforator flap originated from the posterior branch of the radial collateral artery, most of which originated from the deep brachial artery, mostly in the upper part of the radial nerve sulcus. The radial collateral artery is divided into the anterior branch and the posterior branch below Fig. 1: A 10days after VSD negative pressure suction in the wound of left elbow posterior electric shock; B Design of radial collateral artery flap; C Perforating branch of radial collateral artery; D Axial flap E Three days after operation; F 20 days after operationA B CDE F。

international journal of urology投稿经验

international journal of urology投稿经验

international journal of urology投稿经验
国际尿殖外科杂志(International Journal of Urology)是一本权威的泌尿外科领域的学术期刊,面向全球发行,旨在促进泌尿外科及相关领域的学术交流和研究成果分享。




















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颈动脉标准切面采集流程## Ultrasound Assessment of the Carotid Artery: Standard Image Acquisition Protocol ##。

Introduction.Ultrasound assessment of the carotid artery is a non-invasive imaging technique used to evaluate the structure and function of the carotid arteries, which supply blood to the brain. The standard image acquisition protocol for carotid ultrasound involves obtaining multiple cross-sectional views of the carotid bifurcation, the point where the common carotid artery divides into the internal and external carotid arteries.Patient Preparation.Inform the patient about the procedure and obtain informed consent.Position the patient supine with their head turned slightly to the contralateral side.Expose the neck area and remove any jewelry or clothing that may interfere with the ultrasound probe.Materials.High-frequency ultrasound transducer (5-10 MHz)。



浅表软组织肿块有哪些?帮你一网打尽!来源:影像时间皮肤浅表软组织肿块都有哪些?图1 皮肤解剖示意图,浅表组织包括表皮、真皮、皮下组织和筋膜浅表软组织肿块主要分为一、间叶组织肿瘤(Mesenchymal Tumors)1. 隆凸性皮肤纤维肉瘤(Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans )2. 脂肪瘤(Lipoma)3. 血管瘤(Angiomas)4. 外周神经鞘瘤(Peripheral nerve sheath tumor)5. 恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(Malignant fibrous histiocytoma)6. 脂肉瘤(Liposarcoma)7. 平滑肌肉瘤(Leiomyosarcoma)8. 上皮样肉瘤(Epithelioid sarcoma)9. 结节性筋膜炎(Nodular fasciitis)10. 纤维瘤病(Fibromatosis)二、皮肤附属器病变1. 表皮包涵囊肿(Epidermal inclusion cyst)2. 毛基质瘤(Pilomatricoma)3. 囊腺瘤(Cystadenoma)4. 圆柱瘤(Cylindroma)5. 汗腺腺瘤(Syringoma)三、转移性肿瘤1. 癌(Carcinoma)2. 黑色素瘤(Melanoma)3. 骨髓瘤(Myeloma)四、其他肿瘤或肿瘤样病变1. 粘液瘤(Myxoma)2. 淋巴瘤(Lymphoma)3.环形肉芽肿(Granuloma annulare)五、感染性病变1. 蜂窝组织炎(Cellulitis)2. 筋膜炎(Fasciitis)3. 淋巴结炎(Adenitis)4. 脓肿(Abscess)典型案例图 2 男性,45岁,大腿远端隆凸性皮肤纤维肉瘤图 3 男性,51岁,颈部脂肪瘤图 4 女孩,2岁,莓样痣,毛细血管瘤图5 男性,78岁,I型神经纤维瘤病,MRI示多灶性皮肤神经纤维瘤图 6 男性,53岁,起源于隐静脉的平滑肌肉瘤图 7 男性,78岁,恶性纤维组织细胞瘤图 8 男孩,16岁,上肢结节性筋膜炎图 9 男性,20岁,脊柱旁肌肉骨骼纤维瘤病图 10 囊肿图 11 男孩,7岁,毛基质瘤图 12 女性,79岁,多发圆柱瘤图 13 女性,68岁,皮下转移性黑色素瘤图 14 男性,32岁,下肢皮下粘液瘤图 15 男性,53岁,前臂B细胞淋巴瘤图 16 女性,5岁,小腿环形肉芽肿图 17 男性,26岁,腹股沟淋巴结病图 18 男性,51岁,糖尿病患者,坏死性筋膜炎参考资料/doi/full/10.1148/rg.272065082。

who皮肤肿瘤分类 英文版

who皮肤肿瘤分类 英文版

皮肤肿瘤分类英文版Dermatological tumors are classified into several types, including basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), malignant melanoma (MM), Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), cutaneous lymphoma (CL), and others.Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common skin cancer, accounting for approximately 75% of all skin cancers. It typically appears as a pearly or waxy bump, often on the face, neck, or trunk.Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common skin cancer, accounting for approximately 10% of all skin cancers. It typically appears as a scaly, raised growth with a rough surface, often on the face, neck, or hands.Malignant melanoma (MM) is a type of skin cancer that accounts for approximately 5% of all skin cancers. It typically appears as a dark, irregularly shaped mole or lesion on the skin, often on the trunk, arms, or legs.Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare but aggressive skin cancer that typically presents as a firm, painful lump on the skin, often on the head and neck.Cutaneous lymphoma is a group of skin cancers that affectthe lymphatic system, including follicular lymphoma (FL), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and others.Other types of skin tumors include sebaceous gland adenomas (SGAs), fibrofolliculomas (FFs), dermatofibromas (DFs), and angiomas (ANs).【翻译】皮肤科肿瘤可分为多种类型,包括基底细胞癌、鳞状细胞癌、黑色素瘤、默克尔细胞癌、皮肤淋巴瘤等。



腹部血管、器官之马矢奏春创作腹主动脉:AA 腹腔动脉:CA 下腔静脉:IVC 肝左叶:LL肝右叶:RL尾状叶:CL方叶:QL肝圆韧带:HUL 肝镰状韧带:FL肝静脉韧带:VL奇静脉:Az.V肝动脉:HA肝静脉:HV门静脉:PV肝门:PortqHepatis肝管:HD肝总管:CHD肝外胆管:EHBD胆总管:CBD胆囊:GB胆囊管:CD螺旋状瓣:Spiral Valve乏特氏壶腹:Vater'sAmpulla胰腺:P胰管:PD副胰管:SD胰头:PaH胰体:PaB胰尾:PaT钩突:UncinateProcess脾脏:SP脾动脉:SpA脾静脉:SPV肾上腺:AG肾:K肾盂:RP肾盏:RC锥体:Py肾柱:RCo肾动脉:RA肾静脉:RV输尿管:Ur膀胱:BL尿道:Urethra睾丸:Ts附睾:Ep鞘膜:TunicaVaginas输精管:DD精囊:SV阴囊:S精索:SpermaticCord前列腺:Pro妇产科子宫:U输卵管:UterineTube卵巢:OV卵巢动脉:OA子宫颈:C子宫腔:UterineCanal子宫内膜:En子宫直肠窝陷凹:Rectouterine时间:二O二一年七月二十九日Fossa阴道:Vagina 胚胎:Embryo 卵黄囊:YS羊膜:Am羊膜腔:Am C 蜕膜:Decidua 绒毛:Villus 绒毛膜:C胎盘:Pl胎儿:F胎心:F Ht胎头:FH脐带:UC 卵泡:Follicle附件:Adnexa羊水:AF宫内节育器:IUD妊娠囊:GS顶臀长度:GRL双顶径:BPD枕额径:OFD头围:HC胸围:ThC腹围:AC胃、肠及滋养血管胃:STO贲门:C胃底:SF角区:AR胃体:SB幽门:Py幽门窦:Py An幽门管:Py C胃年夜弯:GreaterCurvature ofStomach胃小弯:LesserCurvature ofStomach胃左动脉:LGA肠系膜:Mesentery肠系膜上动脉:SMA肠系膜下动脉:IMA肠系膜上静脉:SMV肠系膜下静脉:IMV肠:Bo十二指肠:Du小肠:SmallIntestine空肠:Jejunum空肠:Ileum盲肠:Cecum阑尾:Ap年夜肠:LargeIntestine结肠:Co结肠肝曲:HepaticFlexure Colon结肠脾曲:SpelenicFlexure Colon升结肠:AsC横结肠:TrC降结肠:DeC乙状结肠:Sigmoid Colon直肠:Rectum髂总动脉:CIA髂内动脉:IIA髂外动脉:EIA锁骨下动脉:SCA时间:二O二一年七月二十九日腋动脉:Ax.A 年夜隐静脉:GSV颅脑年夜脑:Cerebrum年夜脑镰:FC 年夜脑导水管:Cerebral Aqueduct小脑:Ce小脑幕:TC丘脑:Th延髓:MO 侧脑室:LV第三脑室:V3透明隔:SP年夜脑动脉环:Willis'Artery Circle年夜脑前动脉:ACA年夜脑中动脉:MCA年夜脑后动脉:PCA基底动脉:BasilarArtery前交通动脉:AnteriorCommunicating Artery后交通动脉:PosteriorCommunicating Artery眼、面颈部、涎腺、乳腺椎动脉:VA颈内静脉:IJV颈外静脉:EJV眼球:Eyeball角膜:Cornea前房:AC睫状体:Ciliary Body视网膜:Retina脉络膜:Choroid巩膜:Sclera玻璃体:Vitreous晶状体:Lens视神经:ON唾液腺:SalivaryGland腮腺:Parotid颌下腺:SubmaxillaryGland舌下腺:SublingualGland甲状腺:Thyroid甲状旁腺:Parathyroid乳腺:Breast肌肉、关节及其他肌肉:M腱:Tendon筋膜:Fascia脊柱:Spine淋凑趣:Ly N结节:N脓肿:ABS积液:Eff腹水:ASC坏死:Nec转移灶:Met时间:二O二一年七月二十九日钙化:Cal结石:ST肿瘤:T血肿:HMA肌瘤:Myo血栓:Th血管瘤:Ang 纤维化:Fib 疤痕:Sc囊肿:Cy半月板:Meniscus粪石:Fe脂肪瘤:lipoma错构瘤:Hamartoma胸腔积液:Hydrothorax异物:FB栓塞:Embolism超声心动图术语超声心动图:EchocardiogramM型超声心动图:ME二维超声心动图:2DE多普勒超声心动图:DE脉冲多普勒超声心动图:PWDE连续多普勒超声心动图:CWDE黑色多普勒血流显像:CDFI经胸超声心动图:TTE经食道超声心动图:TEE介入性超声心动图:InterventionalEchocardiogram心脏学造影:CE解剖术语胸壁:CW左房:LA左室:LV右房:RA右室:RV乳头肌:PM左室前壁:LVAW左室后壁:LVPW左室侧壁:LVLW左室下壁:LVIW左室流出道:LVOT左室流入道:LVIT室间隔:IVS漏斗部:Inf圆锥部:C室上嵴:SVC膜部:MembranousPortion窦部:SinusalPortion肌部:MuscularPortion时间:二O二一年七月二十九日心尖:AP右室前壁:RVAW右室流出道:RVOT右室流入道:RVIT主动脉:AO升主动脉:AAO 降主动脉:DAO 主动脉弓:AOA 主动脉窦:AS 乏氏窦:VS主动脉瓣:AV 主动脉瓣环:AVA右冠瓣:RCV左冠瓣:LCV无冠瓣:NCV肺动脉:PA肺动脉分叉:PAB肺动脉瓣:PV肺动脉瓣环:PVA二尖瓣:MV二尖瓣前叶:AML二尖瓣后叶:PML二尖瓣环:MVA三尖瓣:TV三尖瓣环:TVA心包:P壁层心包:PP脏层心包:VP心内膜:EN心外膜:EP腱索:CT左室假腱索:LVFCT上腔静脉:SVC冠状窦:CS丈量术语心脏指数:CI左房内径:LAD右房内径:RAD左室舒张末期内径:LVDd左室收缩末期内径:LVDs主动脉瓣环内径:AOAD主动脉内径:AOD左室流出道内径:LVOTD右室流出道内径:RVOTD左室舒张末期容量:EDV左室收缩末期容量:ESV左室短轴缩短率:FS左室射血分数:LVEF左室每博出量:SV左室排出量:LVCO体概况积:BSA室间隔舒张期厚度:IVSTd二尖瓣口直径:MVOD二尖瓣口面积:MVAO血流速度峰值:Vp血流平均值:Vm肺循环量:QP体循环量:QS时间:二O二一年七月二十九日压差:PG病名先天性心脏病:CHD室间隔缺损:VSD室间隔膨胀瘤:IVSAN卵圆孔未闭:Fossa Ovalis Opening房间隔缺损:ASD房间隔膨胀瘤:IASAN心内膜垫缺损:ECD完全型心内膜垫缺损:CECD部份型心内膜缺损:PECD左室右房交通:LVRAC法洛氏三联:F3法洛氏四联:F4法洛氏五联:F5右室双出口:DORV年夜动脉转位:TGA心室右袢:D心室左袢:L永存动脉干:PTA单心室:SV单心房:SA三心房:CTA双腔心:CB动脉导管未闭:PDA主动脉-肺动脉间隔缺损:APSD主动脉弓离断:IAA主动脉缩窄:AC主动脉瓣闭锁:AVA四叶动脉瓣:QAV二叶动脉瓣:BAV马氏综合症:MS主动脉瘤:AAN主动脉夹层动脉瘤:DAAN主动脉窦瘤破裂:RASA冠状静脉窦隔缺损:CSSD冠状动脉瘘:CAF冠状静脉瘘:CAVF冠状动脉瘤:CAAN肺动脉瓣闭锁:PA特法性肺动脉扩张:IDPA右室流出道狭窄:RVOTS肺动脉瘘:PAVF三尖瓣下移畸形:Ebstein'sAbnormality双腔右室:DCRV时间:二O二一年七月二十九日三尖瓣闭锁:TA二尖瓣瓣上环:SMR完全型肺静脉异位引流:TAPVC部份型肺静脉异位引流:PAPVC永存左上腔静脉:PLSVC下腔静脉缺如:AIVC 永存欧氏瓣:PEV原发性肺动脉高压:PPH艾森曼格氏综合征:Eisenmenger's Syndrome二尖瓣裂:MVC共同房室瓣:CAV右位心:Dextrocardia二尖瓣狭窄:MS二尖瓣关闭不全:MI二尖瓣脱垂:MVP三尖瓣狭窄:TS三尖瓣关闭不全:TI主动脉瓣狭窄:AS主动脉瓣关闭不全:AI肺动脉瓣狭窄:PS肺动脉瓣关闭不全:PI感染性心内膜炎:IE二尖瓣腱索断裂:RMVCT二尖瓣赘生物:MMV二尖瓣该钙化:MVC二尖瓣环钙化:MVAC主动脉瓣钙化:AVC主动脉瓣环钙化:AVAC主动脉根部退行性扩张:ARDD肥厚型心肌病:HCM梗阻性肥厚型心肌病:HOCM非对称性肥厚型心肌病:ASHCM扩张型心肌病:DCM限制型心肌病:RCM心内膜心肌纤维化:EMF心内膜弹力纤维增生症:EFE冠心病:CAD急性心肌梗塞:AMI陈腐性心肌梗死:OMI左室室壁瘤:LVAN时间:二O二一年七月二十九日真性室壁瘤:TVAN假性室壁瘤:PVAN室间隔破裂:RIVS游离壁破裂:RFW乳头肌功能不全:DMP心包积液:PE 包裹性心包积夜:LPE心包增厚:TP 缩窄性心包炎:CP心包缺如:AP心脏填塞:CT心包肿瘤:PT心包囊肿:PC心包钙化:CP胸腔积液:TE纵隔肿瘤:MT心脏肿瘤:CT左房粘粘瘤:LAM心脏囊肿:CC时间:二O二一年七月二十九日。

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