2015年12月P a r t IS e c t i o nA1敭W敽H e l l o敩C u s t o m e r s S e r v i c e敭W h a t c a n I d o f o r y o u斂M敽I c a l l e d t oc o m p l a i na b o u t t h e d e l i v e r y o fm y o r d e r l a s tw e e k敩b u t I h a v e n’t g o t a n y r e p l y y e t敭Q敽W h a t d i d t h em a nc o m p l a i na b o u t l a s tw e e k斂【答案】C㊂事实细节题㊂此题询问男士上周投诉过的问题㊂从男士的话 我上周曾经致电你们投诉有关我的订单的送货情况”,可知本题应选择与对话原文一致的C项T h ed e l i v e r y o fh i s o r d e r敤他的订单的送货情况)㊂2.M敽I a mab i tw o r r i e da b o u t t o m o r r o w’s i n t e r v i e w敭W敽D o n’t b eu p s e t敭Y o ua r ea l w a y s v e r yg o o d敗Q敽W h a t i s t h em a nw o r r i e da b o u t斂【答案】B㊂事实细节题㊂本题询问男士担心什么㊂男士一开头就说他 担心明天的面试”,只要抓住关键词i n t e r v i e w即可发现B项T a k i n g a n i n t e r v i e w敤要去面试)为本题答案㊂3.W敽M a n yp e o p l ea r e c o m p l a i n i n g a b o u t t h a t r e s t a u r a n t敭T h e f o o d i s e x p e n s i v ea n d i s n’t g o o d敭M敽I s o m e t i m e s g o t h e r e f o r l u n c h敭A f t e r a l l敩i t’s t h en e a r e s t o n e f r o mo u r o f f i c e敭Q敽W h y d o e s t h em a n s o m e t i m e s g o t oe a t i n t h e r e s t a u r a n t斂【答案】C㊂细节推断题㊂本题询问男士去那家餐厅就餐的原因㊂根据男士所说 毕竟那儿离我们的办公室最近”可确认本题应选择与对话意思相近的C项I t i s c l o s e t oh i so f f i c e敤离他的办公室很近),C项中的c l o s e和对话原文中的n e a r是近义词㊂4.W敽M r敭S m i t h敩h o ws h a l lw ed e l i v e r y o u r g o o d s敩b y s e ao r b y a i r斂M敽W e l l敩I p r e f e r d e l i v e r i n g t h e mb y t r a i n敭Q敽H o wd o e s t h em a n l i k e t h e g o o d s t ob ed e l i v e r e d斂【答案】C㊂事实细节题㊂本题询问男士想要选择什么送货方式㊂对话中男士说的d e l i v e r i n g b y t r a i n敤通过火车)表明他选择的送货途径应该是C项B y t r a i n㊂5.W敽S o r r y敭A l l s i n g l e r o o m s h a v eb e e nb o o k e d敭W eo n l y h a v ed o u b l e r o o m s a v a i l a b l e敭M敽T h e n I’l l h a v e t w od o u b l e r o o m s f o r t h r e en i g h t s敭Q敽W h a t i s t h em a nd o i n g斂【答案】D㊂推理判断㊂由对话中双方提到的s i n g l e r o o m s敤单人间),d o u b l e r o o m s敤双人间)等可以推断本题与预订酒店房间有关,此时可以判断男士在做的就是D项B o o k i n g h o t e l r o o m s敤预订酒店房间)㊂S e c t i o nBC o n v e r s a t i o n1M敽H e l l o敩M s敭L i敭I h a v e g o o dn e w s f o r y o u敭W敽G o o dn e w s斂W h a t i s i t斂M敽Y o u r s h o e s a t t h e t r a d e f a i rh a v e i m p r e s s e du s敭W e’r e t h i n k i n g o f p l a c i n g a no r d e rw i t h y o u敭W敽T h a t’s g r e a t敗W h a t t y p eo f s h o e s a r e y o u i n t e r e s t e d i n斂M敽S p o r t s s h o e s敩p a r t i c u l a r l y t h e s h o e s f o rk i d s敭W敽O K敭Iw i l l e m a i l y o u t h e l a t e s t p r i c e l i s t r i g h t n o w敭M敽T h a t’s f i n e敭W敽B y t h ew a y敩i f y o u r o r d e r i s l a r g e e n o u g h敩y o u c a nh a v ead i s c o u n t敭M敽T h a n k y o u敭6敭W h a t i s t h em a n l i k e l y t od o斂【答案】D㊂题目询问男士将可能做什么㊂对于这个问题,男士在对话中提到了 我们想要下订单”, D项P l a c ea no r d e rw i t h t h ew o m a n与此内容对应,为本题答案㊂7.W h a tw i l l t h ew o m a n s e n d t o t h em a n斂【答案】B㊂题目询问女士将要给男士发送什么㊂女士在对话中说到 我马上把最新报价单通过电子邮件发给您”,其中的 报价单”与B项的p r i c e l i s t对应,故B项为正确答案㊂C o n v e r s a t i o n2W敽H i敩t h i s i sR o o m566敭M敽Y e s敩M a d a m敭H o wc a n I h e l py o u斂W敽C o u l d y o ub o o ka t a x i f o rm e t o t h ea i r p o r t t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g斂M敽S u r e敭W h a t t i m ed o y o uw a n t t h e t a x i斂W敽M y f l i g h t i s a t8敽30敭W h a t t i m ed o y o u t h i n k I s h o u l d l e a v e斂M敽7o’c l o c k敭I t t a k e s o n l y30m i n u t e s f r o mo u rh o t e l t o t h ea i r p o r t敭W敽T h e nb o o ka t a x i a t7f o rm e敩p l e a s e敭M敽A l r i g h t敭T h eb o o k i n g w i l l b em a d e r i g h t a w a y敭W敽T h a n k y o u敭A n d p l e a s em a k e s u r e t h e t a x i a r r i v e s b y7敭M敽N o p r o b l e m敭W e’l l t a k e c a r eo f t h a t敭8敭W h e r ed i d t h e c o n v e r s a t i o nm o s t l i k e l y t a k e p l a c e斂【答案】A㊂本题询问对话最可能发生在哪里㊂对话一开头女士所说的房号R o o m566就透露了对话发生在酒店住客和前台之间,即发生在酒店里,可见本题答案应为A项a t ah o t e l㊂9.W h y d i d t h ew o m a nm a k e t h e c a l l斂【答案】B㊂题目询问女士为什么打电话㊂女士一开头报完房号后,马上就提到了她致电前台的目的, 预订明早去机场的出租车”,B项T ob o o ka t a x i敤预订出租车)为本题答案㊂10.A tw h a t t i m ew a s t h ew o m a nm o s t l i k e l y t o l e a v e t h eh o t e l t h en e x tm o r n i n g斂【答案】A㊂题目询问女士明早最可能几点钟离开酒店㊂对话中提到了几个时间点,女士的航班是8:30,从酒店去机场只需30分钟,所以前台建议女士7点从酒店出发就可以了,而女士也听从这个建议,决定7点搭乘出租车离开酒店,可见,本题应选A项B y7敽00㊂S e c t i o nCA n i n t e r v i e w e r s o m e t i m e s s t a r t sw i t ha no p e n-e n d e d q u e s t i o n l i k e“C o u l d y o ut e l lm es o m e t h i n g a b o u t y o u r s e l f斂敘I t i s aw a y t ob r e a k t h e i c e a n dm a k e y o u f e e l c o m f o r t a b l ed u r i n g t h e i n t e r v i e w敭I t i s a l s oaw a y f o r t h e i n t e r v i e w e r t ok n o w m o r e a b o u t y o u r p e r s o n a l i t y t oh e l p h i mo r h e r t od e c i d e i f y o u a r ea g o o d f i t f o r t h e j o b敭I t i s n o t a g o o d i d e a t o t a l k t o om u c ha b o u t y o u r s e l f b e c a u s e t h e i n t e r v i e w e r d o e s n’tw a n t t ok n o w e v e r y t h i n g a b o u t y o u敭B u t o n t h eo t h e rh a n d敩t e l l i n g t o o l i t t l ec a n m a k eh i mo rh e rw o n d e rw h yy o u a r e n’tm o r eo p e n敭S o i t’s a g o o d i d e a t o s h a r e s o m e p e r s o n a l i n t e r e s t s敭T h e s e i n t e r e s t sm a y n o t r e l a t et o y o u rw o r k敭11敭【答案】c o m f o r t a b l e【解析】空格前f e e l为系动词,后面常用形容词作表语,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入c o m f o r t a b l e敩意为 舒适的”㊂12.【答案】d e c i d e【解析】空格前有动词不定式标志t o敩故空格处应填入动词原形,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入d e c i d e敩意为 决定”㊂13.【答案】t o o l i t t l e【解析】短文提到,申请者自己介绍自己过多并不好,根据空格前B u to nt h eo t h e rh a n d的表述可知,说得太少也不合适㊂结合听力知此处应填入t o o l i t t l e敩意为 太少”㊂14.【答案】p e r s o n a l i n t e r e s t s【解析】空格前有s h a r e动词,此处应填入名词或名词短语作宾语,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入p e r s o n a l i n t e r e s t s敩意为 个人爱好”㊂15.【答案】r e l a t e t o【解析】由空格前的m a y一词可知,此处应填入动词原形或动词短语原形,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入r e l a t e t o敩意为 与 有关”㊂S e c t i o nDG o o da f t e r n o o n敩L a d i e s a n dG e n t l e m e n敗W e l c o m e t oo u r c o m p a n y敩F a m i l y D o l l a r敭T o d a y I’l l f i r s t g i v e y o uab r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o na b o u t o u r c o m p a n y敭T h e n I’l l d i s c u s sw i t h y o uw h a t j o b s a r ea v a i l a b l ea t p r e s e n t a n dh o wt oa p p l y f o r t h e m敭F a m i l y D o l l a r i s ac h a i no f s t o r e s t h a to p e r a t ew i t h i nt h eU n i t e dS t a t e s敭O u rm a i n p r o d u c t sa r e c l o t h i n g敩f o o d i t e m s敩a n dh o u s e h o l d p r o d u c t s敭W eh a v eb e e n i nb u s i n e s s f o rm o r e t h a n50y e a r sa n d b e c o m eal a r g ec o m p a n y敭W ea r ea l w a y s l o o k i n g f o rt a l e n t e d y o u n gp e o p l e敩w i t hr e l a t e d w o r k i n g e x p e r i e n c e t o j o i no u r t e a m敭Y o um a y w o n d e rw h e r et of i n d j o bo p e n i n g sa tF a m i l y D o l l a r敭T h e m o s to b v i o u s p l a c ei so u r w e b s i t e敭I f y o ua r e i n t e r e s t e d敩y o u c a nv i s i t o u rw e b s i t ea n dm a k e y o u r a p p l i c a t i o no n l i n e敭16敭【答案】ab r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n敮a n i n t r o d u c t i o n【解析】题目询问说话人一开始要谈什么㊂短文开头说话人就点明了I’l l f i r s t g i v e y o uab r i e fi n t r o d u c t i o n敩故空格可根据录音直接填人ab r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n或概括为a n i n t r o d u c t i o n㊂17.【答案】f o o d i t e m s【解析】题目询问公司的主要产品有哪些㊂抓住空格前后的c l o t h i n g和h o u s e h o l d p r o d u c t s去听原文,在上下文就能听到答案f o o d i t e m s㊂18.【答案】50y e a r s【解析】题目询问该公司已开业多久㊂题目的h o wl o n g提示答案应该是表示 多久”的一个数字㊂原文提到的数字就只有一个m o r e t h a n50y e a r s敩可见此处应填入50y e a r s㊂19.【答案】w e b s i t e【解析】题目询问在哪里可以找到有关 家庭财富”公司的职位空缺的信息㊂题目的问题也是说话人自己提出的问题(Y o um a y w o n d e rw h e r e t o…敥敩他在提出了这个问题之后自问自答,马上提供了答案:T h em o s t o b v i o u s p l a c e i so u rw e b s i t e敭表明在其 网站”就能找到相关信息,因此,空格处应填入w e b s i t e一词㊂20.【答案】o n l i n e敮o n t h ew e b s i t e敮o n i t sw e b s i t e【解析】题目询问申请工作职位的途径㊂短文末尾提到m a k e y o u ra p p l i c a t i o no n l i n e敩故空格可根据录音直接填入o n l i n e 词,或者表达相近意思的o n t h ew e b s i t e或o n i t sw e b s i t e㊂P a r tⅡS e c t i o nA21敭【答案】B【解析】本题考查分词作状语的用法㊂本题开头提到的i n v e s t i g a t i o n敤调查)和主句当中提到的 委员会发表事故原因的报告”存在着时间的先后顺序,一般来说,要先调查,才能下结论发表报告,因此,状语的分词应为现在完成式,表示 调查”发生在前,可见本题答案为B项H a v i n g c o m p l e t e d㊂本句意为 完成调查之后,调查小组发表报告公布了事故的起因㊂”22.【答案】D【解析】本题考査s u f f e r f r o m…的词组搭配㊂当s u f f e r用作不及物动词的时候,一般只和介词f r o m 搭配,构成固定词组s u f f e r f r o m…敩意为 遭受 ”㊂本句意为 报告指出,一半以上的女性正在工作场所受到二手烟的危害㊂”23.【答案】A【解析】本题考査引出让步状语从句的连词用法㊂本题四个选项都可用于引出让步状语从句,其中A 项h o w e v e r意为 无论怎么 ”,表示程度,其后一般为形容词或副词㊂本题空格后的c h a l l e n g i n g为形容词,因此A项h o w e v e r正确㊂本句意为 我们的目标是满足客户的需求,无论他们的需求多么具有挑战性㊂”24.【答案】D【解析】本题考査倒装句的用法㊂o n l y放在句子开头会引起句子的主谓倒装,o n l y引起的倒装句为半倒装句,即助动词与主语的倒装,符合这个规律的有B项h a sh e l e f t和D项d i d t h eh a v e敩再根据题目中的时间状语从句的提示可以知道主句应为一般过去时,两点结合可确定本题答案为D项d i dh e l e a v e㊂本句意为 秘书在看到火车消失后才离开车站㊂”25.【答案】B【解析】本题考査与过去事实相反的虚拟语气句㊂根据条件从句引导词I f和从句时态h a dw o r k e d就可推断本句陈述的是与 过去”事实相反,在这样的虚拟语气句的主句中,动词时态应为w o u l dh a v ed o n e敩故本题应选B项w o u l dh a v e f i n i s h e d㊂本句意为 如果他们能够更努力一点,就会提前完成项目了㊂”26.【答案】D【解析】本题考査非限制性定语从句的引导词㊂空格前的逗号表明空格应为非限制性定语从句的引导词,而且该引导词代指的是主句整句的内容,在四个选项中,只有D项w h i c h能引导这样的非限制性定语从句㊂本句意为 公司决定赞助这个可以提升自己形象的展览会㊂”27.【答案】C【解析】本题考查并列连词n e i t h e r…n o r的用法㊂n e i t h e r…n o r总是一起出现,意为 既不 也不 ”㊂本句意为 据说新上任的经理既不灵活,也不好相处㊂”28.【答案】B【解析】本题考查让步状语从句连词㊂从句子前后 工资不高”和 有其他优势”的对比可推断句子开头需要的是表示转折的连词,能表示 虽然 但是 ”意思的有B项W h i l e敩相当于A l t h o u g h㊂U n l e s s引导条件状语从句,A s引导原因或方式状语从句,S i n c e引导时间或原因状语从句,均不符合题意,所以正确答案为B㊂本句意为 尽管工资不会太高,助理护士这份工作确实有其他的一些好处㊂”29.【答案】B【解析】本题考查与i m p a c t搭配的介词㊂当i m p a c t用作名词表示 影响”的时候,与其搭配的介词只能是o n㊂h a v ea n i m p a c t o n…意为 对 产生影响”㊂本句意为 我们包装产品的方式对物流成本有巨大影响㊂”30.【答案】A【解析】本题考査主语从句引导词㊂本题需要的是主语从句的引导词,该引导词在从句当中还代指 让我印象深刻的 事情’敘敩具有这种功能和语义的是A项W h a t㊂本句意为 这个学校让我印象深刻的地方是它支持学生又支持社区㊂”S e c t i o nB31敭【答案】c o o p e r a t i o n【解析】本题考査动词和名词的转化㊂空格前的o u r l o n g-t e r m是定语成分,表明空格应为名词㊂c o o p e r a t e是动词,可通过在其后加上后缀-t i o n敩变成适合本题要求的名词c o o p e r a t i o n㊂本句意为 为了我们的长期合作,我们可能会考虑将价格下降10个百分点㊂”32.【答案】v a l u a b l e【解析】本题考査名词和形容词的转化㊂空格前的s o m e和空格后的名词r e s o u r c e s表明空格应填写形容词㊂v a l u e可用作动词或名词,其对应的形容词形式是v a l u a b l e㊂本句意为 在这里你会找到一些有用的资源帮助你提高沟通技巧㊂”33.【答案】m o r e e f f i c i e n t【解析】本题考査形容词比较级的使用㊂根据空格后的比较级标记词t h a n可以知道空格处应该填写形容词e f f i c i e n t的比较级形式m o r e e f f i c i e n t㊂本句意为 很长一段时间,人们都认为开车比坐飞机更有效率;但是根据新的研究结果,现在已经不是这样了㊂”34.【答案】b e s e n t【解析】本题考査动词的被动形式㊂句子的主语是 报价和样品”,谓语是 发送”,主语和谓语之间应构成被动关系,因为 报价和样品”并没有行为能力㊂句子为一般将来时,只要将给出的单词s e n d变为其被动语态b e s e n t即可㊂本句意为 我方一收到贵方询价,就会马上将报价与样本寄出㊂”35.【答案】r e c e i v i n g【解析】本题考査介词宾语的形式㊂句子开头的A f t e r是表示时间先后顺序的介词,其后应使用名词或动词的-i n g形式,因此只要将提供的动词r e c e i v e改写为r e c e i v i n g即为本题答案㊂本句意为 在收到我方借款后,如果您对自己的体验不满意,请联系我们㊂”P a r tⅢT a s k136敭【答案】C【解析】题干要求査找m a n y s p e a k e r s的想法,题干与全文首句中m a n y s p e a k e r s t h i n kt h a t i f t h e i r i d e a i s s t r o n g基本同义,只要将选项与原文中的t h e i r a u d i e n c ew i l l g e t i t r e a d i l y对比,找出意思相近的就是正确选项㊂C项e a s i l y与原文的关键词r e a d i l y基本同义,C项与原文意思最为接近,为本题正确答案㊂37.【答案】A【解析】根据题干中的关键词f e w e r p o i n t s可定位到第二段第三句,该句指出要点越少,信息就越容易传达清楚:t h eb e t t e r t h em e s s a g e g e t s p a s s e do n敩A项和原文只是句式不同,原文是被动语态,A项则还原了p a s s o n的主动语态,它们的意思相同,故本题答案为A项T o p a s s o n t h em e s s a g e s b e t t e r㊂38.【答案】D【解析】第二段讨论的就是如何才能让介绍的信息简单易懂而且印象深刻,作者就此提到了几条做法,其中D项u s i n g s i m p l ea n d p o w e r f u l d i a g r a m s在该段第六句中提及,为本题答案㊂39.【答案】B【解析】第二段讨论的主要是关于如何才能让介绍的信息简单易懂,也就是如何才能将信息传达给听众,其中一个做法就是降低信息的难度,信息越浅显,就越容易 传达”出去㊂根据这个主要内容,可推断t r a n s f e r在原文也和信息的 传达” 表达”有关,故本题选B项p a s s o n最符合上下文的意思㊂40.【答案】A【解析】本文第一段先指出业务介绍的一些常见问题,第二段则针对这些问题提出解决方法,可见全文主要围绕如何做一场 好的业务介绍”展开,故本题应选A项h o wt o m a k ea ne f f e c t i v eb u s i n e s s p r e s e n t a t i o n㊂T a s k241敭【答案】A【解析】第一段第二句i t b e g a n…描述了 蓝色牛仔裤”公司的起家方式是 把牛仔裤出售给朋友”,A 项s e l l i n g i t s p r o d u c t t o f r i e n d s与此同义,故为本题答案㊂42.【答案】C【解析】在第三段第一句当中,w h i c h引出的定语从句可视为对于o r g a n i c c o t t o n的附加解释,此处指出o r g a n i c c o t t o n就意味着不使用任何化学物(p r o d u c e dw i t h o u t t h eu s eo f a n y c h e m i c a l s敥敩可见,本题应选C项p r o d u c e dw i t h o u t u s i n g c h e m i c a l s㊂43.【答案】C【解析】利用题干中的关键词e n s u r e p r o d u c t q u a l i t y可定位到第三段第三句,该句明确指出公司确保产品质量的方式是r e g u l a r c h e c k s敩C项c h e c k s i t s p r o d u c t s r e g u l a r l y是对此处的同义改写,故为本题答案㊂44.【答案】B【解析】第三段提到供货一旦运抵美国,马上就会转运到我们在洛杉矶的生产和货运伙伴 商品也会从这里发送到各地,最后一句中的I t指的是前面提到的洛杉矶,故B项L o sA n g e l e s为本题答案㊂45.【答案】D【解析】关于公司的 未来”,全文在最后一句末尾有提及:t h ef u t u r el a u n c ho f t h e j e a n-r e c y c l i n g p r o g r a m敩D项中的c a r r y o u t是对原文l a u n c h的近义替换,故D项C a r r y o u t a j e a n-r e c y c l i n g p r o g r a m 是本题答案㊂T a s k346敭【答案】a na c c o u n t【解析】由关键词s t a r t y o u rb u s i n e s s和o p e n定位到原文第二段,指出申请者注册使用该网站的程序㊂空格所在题干出现了o p e n敩对比原文内容可知应填入a na c c o u n t或者a f r e ea c c o u n t㊂47.【答案】y o u r p r i c e s【解析】由关键词s t a r t y o u r b u s i n e s s和s e t定位到原文第二段,考查申请者注册使用该网站的第三个程序㊂空格所在题干出现了s e t敩对比原文内容可知应填入y o u r p r i c e s㊂48.【答案】g r e e t i n g c a r d s【解析】由关键词s e l l和f i n ea r t p r i n t s定位到原文第三段㊂该段提到,你可以立刻将艺术图片以及贺卡卖给全世界的艺术品收藏者㊂空格所在题干出现了s e l l y o u r f i n ea r t p r i n t s a n d敩由此确定本题应填入g r e e t i n g c a r d s㊂49.【答案】5m i l l i o n【解析】由关键词v i s i t o r s㊁o v e r和m o n t h l y定位到第四段㊂该段指出,每个月有超过五百万的网民浏览该网页并购买艺术品㊂对比原文和关键词可知,此空格处应填入5m i l l i o n㊂50.【答案】m a r k e t i n g f e a t u r e s【解析】由关键词g e n e r a t e s a l e s和p r o v i d e p o w e r f u l a n du n i q u e定位到第六段,考查网站为促进销量提供的服务㊂对比原文内容和关键词可知,此空格处应填入m a r k e t i n g f e a t u r e s㊂T a s k451敭【答案】K敩Q52敭【答案】D敩A53敭【答案】F敩M54敭【答案】I敩N55敭【答案】J敩LA B e a rm a r k e t熊市B B u l lm a r k e t牛市C C l o s i n gp r i c e收盘价D O p e n i n gp r i c e开盘价E P r i m a r y m a r k e t 级市场F S e c o n d a r y m a r k e t二级市场G I n d i v i d u a l i n v e s t o r个人投资者H A n n u a l r e p o r t年报I C a s hf l o w资金流J E a r n i n g s p e r s h a r e每股收益K P r i c e p e r s h a r e每股股价L M a r k e t v a l u e市场价值M V o l u m eo f t r a d i n g交易量N O r d i n a r y s h a r e普通股O C o m p o s i t e I n d e x综合指数P A c c o u n t b a l a n c e账户明细Q A n n u a l r e t u r n年回报T a s k556敭【答案】p h o n e c a l l s【解析】意为 在过去,如果要找一家酒店,人们要不断地打电话”㊂57.【答案】t r a v e l d e s t i n a t i o n【解析】意为 找到喜欢的酒店预订网站之后,人们只要输入他们的旅行目的地㊁出游时间和出游人数即可”㊂58.【答案】g u e s t s c o r e s【解析】即 网上的酒店是按星级㊁住客评分或价格排列的”㊂59.【答案】r a t i n g【解析】即 如果觉得酒店星级最重要,人们该按星级对其排列分类”㊂60.【答案】s i m i l a r【解析】意为 酒店考虑住客评分,是因为他们的经历可能会很相似”㊂P a r tⅣ61敭【答案】C【解析】本句是主从复合句㊂句首的I t是形式主语,真正的主语是t h a t引出的整个主语从句㊂在该主语从句当中,还包含一个由s o…t h a t连接的结果状语从句㊂62.【答案】B【解析】本句是复合句,句子的主干是I t’s…t h a t这一强调句型,里面还包含转折并列成分n o t…b u t敤不是 而是)㊂63.【答案】A【解析】本句是一个简单句,主语是F a i l u r e敩谓语是r e s u l t i n…敩剩下的是两个并列的宾语成分㊂64.【答案】A【解析】本句是一个简单句㊂句子的主语是T h i s m a n u a l敩谓语是c o n t a i n s敩宾语是o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e s敩后面的o f…f u n c t i o n s作定语修饰p r o c e d u r e s敩句子还包含一个分词结构a l l o w i n g…敩补充说明 手册”的用途㊂65.【参考译文】我们谨邀请您向第十九届世界企业管理大会提交论文㊂大会将于2016年6月29日至7月2日在法国巴黎召开㊂论文递交截止日期是2016年1月21日㊂本次会议的重点是小型企业管理,这与您的研究领域密切相关㊂如果您需要更多时间准备,请告知我们对您合适的时间㊂如果此时间对我们也合适,我们将会通知您㊂P a r tV【参考范文】I n v i t a t i o nI t i s s c h e d u l e d t h a t o u r c o m p a n y w i l l h o l d aN e wP r o d u c tR e l e a s e o nD e c e m b e r18敩2015a tO r i e n t H o t e l敭W ew i l l d i s p l a y o u rn e w p r o d u c t s敩a n d i n v i t e r e l e v a n t e x p e r t s t om a k e r e p o r t s敭T h e r ew i l l b e a b u s i n e s s d i s c u s s i o na f t e r t h em e e t i n g敭T h a n k y o u f o r y o u r c o o p e r a t i o n f o rm a n yy e a r s敭Y o ua r e c o r d i a l l y i n v i t e d t oa t t e n d t h eR e l e a s e敭P l e a s e r e p l y t oc o n f i r m w h e t h e r y o uw i l l j o i nb e f o r e t h ee n do fN o v e m b e r敭W e l o o kf o r w a r d t o y o u r a t t e n d a n c e敭Y o u r s s i n c e r e l y敩Z h a n g W e iM a r k e t i n g M a n a g e r o fA B CC o m p a n y。
2015年6月P a r t IS e c t i o nA1敭W敽I l o v e t h e c a r敩b u t I’ma f r a i d I c a n’t a f f o r d i t敭M敽I f y o u r e a l l y l i k e i t敩y o u c a nb o r r o w m o n e y f r o mt h eb a n k敭Q敽W h a t d o e s t h em a na d v i s e t h ew o m a n t od o斂【答案】C㊂男士建议女生做什么?男士说 I f y o ur e a l l y l i k e i t敩y o uc a nb o r r o w m o n e y f r o mt h eb a n k敭敘他说女士如果真的喜欢这辆车,可以从银行借钱,故答案选C㊂2.M敽H a v e y o u g o t a j o bw i t h t h e c o m p a n y斂W敽N o敩n o p o s i t i o n i s a v a i l a b l en o w敭Q敽W h y c a n’t t h ew o m a n g e t a j o bw i t h t h e c o m p a n y斂【答案】B㊂为什么女士不能在公司找到工作?女士说 n o p o s i t i o n i s a v a i l a b l en o w敭敘可知公司现在没空缺的职位,故答案选B㊂3.W敽W h a t b e n e f i t s c a n I g e t i f I b e c o m e y o u r c l u bm e m b e r斂M敽Y o u c a ne n j o y a p r i c ed i s c o u n t敭Q敽W h a t b e n e f i t c a n t h e c l u bm e m b e r g e t斂【答案】D㊂俱乐部的会员有什么好处?男士说 Y o uc a ne n j o y a p r i c ed i s c o u n t敭敘可知成为会员会享受价格折扣,故答案选D㊂4.M敽C a n I h e l py o u敩m a d a m斂W敽Y e s敩I b o u g h t aw a s h i n g m a c h i n e i n y o u r s h o p l a s tw e e k敭B u t i t d o e s n’tw o r kn o w敭Q敽W h a t c a nw e l e a r n f r o mt h e c o n v e r s a t i o n斂【答案】C㊂从对话中可以了解到什么?女士说 Ib o u g h ta w a s h i n g m a c h i n ei n y o u rs h o p l a s t w e e k敭B u t i t d o e s n’tw o r kn o w敭敘可知,她上周买的洗衣机现在不能用了,故答案选C㊂5.W敽H e l l o敩m a y Im a k ea na p p o i n t m e n tw i t h y o u rm a n a g e r斂M敽O K敩b u tw h o’s c a l l i n g敩p l e a s e斂Q敽W h y d o e s t h ew o m a nm a k e t h e p h o n e c a l l斂【答案】D㊂女士为什么打电话?女士说 M a y Im a k ea na p p o i n t m e n tw i t h y o u rm a n a g e r斂敘可知她打电话是为了约经理见面,故答案选D㊂S e c t i o nBC o n v e r s a t i o n1M敽G o o dm o r n i n g敩m a y I h e l py o u斂W敽G o o dm o r n i n g敩I n e e d t oc a s h t h i s c h e c k敭M敽C e r t a i n l y敩c o u l d y o u p l e a s e f i l l i n t h i s f o r m敭W敽S u r e敩w h e r e s h o u l d I s i g nm y n a m e斂M敽I n t h i s b o x敩p l e a s e敭D o y o ub r i n gy o u r I Dc a r da n d s a v i n g s a c c o u n t b o o k斂W敽Y e s敩h e r e y o ua r e敭M敽T h a n k y o u敭H o w w o u l d y o u l i k e t oh a v e y o u rm o n e y斂W敽E i g h t n o t e s o f o n eh u n d r e d p l e a s e敭M敽A l r i g h t敩h e r e i s t h em o n e y敩a n d y o u r s a v i n g s b o o k敭W敽T h a n k y o uv e r y m u c h敭6敭W h a t i s t h ew o m a nd o i n g i n t h eb a n k斂【答案】A㊂女士在银行干什么?女士说 In e e dt oc a s ht h i s c h e c k敭敘可知她要将支票兑换成现金,故答案选A㊂7.H o w w o u l d t h ew o m a n l i k e t oh a v eh e rm o n e y斂【答案】B㊂女士想把支票兑成什么样的现金?女士说 E i g h t n o t e s o fo n eh u n d r e d p l e a s e敭敘可知她想要八张100的纸币,故答案选B㊂C o n v e r s a t i o n2W敽W h y d o y o uw a n t t ow o r kw i t ho u r c o m p a n y斂M敽Iw a n t t o g e t am o r e c h a l l e n g i n g j o b敭W敽H o wa b o u t y o u r c u r r e n t j o b斂M敽M y s a l a r y i s n o t b a d敩b u t Iw a n t t oh a v ea t r y o f t h i s c h a n c e敭W敽A l l r i g h t敩h o wd i d y o u g e t t ok n o wa b o u t t h i s j o b斂M敽I r e a da b o u t i t i n t h en e w s p a p e r敭W敽W h y d o y o u t h i n k y o u’r e s u i t a b l e f o r t h i s j o b斂M敽I h a v e f i v e y e a r s’w o r ke x p e r i e n c e i n t h i s f i e l d敭W敽O K敩t h e nh o w m u c h s a l a r y d o y o ue x p e c t f r o mt h i s j o b斂M敽N o l e s s t h a n f i v e t h o u s a n dY u a n p e rm o n t h敭W敽D o y o uh a v ea n yq u e s t i o n s斂M敽N o t a t t h em o m e n t敭W敽R i g h t敩w ew i l l i n f o r m y o uw h e nw eh a v em a d ead e c i s i o n敭M敽T h a n k y o u f o r t h e i n t e r v i e w敭W敽Y o u’r ew e l c o m e敭8敭W h y d i d t h em a na p p l y f o r t h e j o b斂【答案】D㊂为什么男士要申请这份工作?男士说 Iw a n t t o g e t am o r e c h a l l e n g i n g j o b敭敘可知他想要一份更具挑战性的工作,故答案选D㊂9.H o wd i d t h em a nk n o wa b o u t t h e j o b斂【答案】D㊂男士是怎么了解到这份工作的?男士说 I r e a da b o u t i t i n t h en e w s p a p e r敭敘可知男士通过报纸了解到这份工作,故答案选D㊂10.W h y d o e s t h em a n t h i n kh e i s s u i t a b l e f o r t h e j o b斂【答案】A㊂为什么男士认为他适合这项工作?男士说 Ih a v ef i v e y e a r s’w o r ke x p e r i e n c e i nt h i s f i e l d敭敘可知男士在这个领域有5年的工作经验,故答案选A㊂S e c t i o nCB e f o r e I g oo nv a c a t i o n敩I a l w a y s p l a nm y t r i p敭F o r s t a r t e r s敩I u s u a l l y t a k e a l o o ka t t r a v e l g u i d e b o o k s o r g oo n l i n ea n d r e v i e w p o s s i b l ed e s t i n a t i o n s敭T h e n敩I c h e c kt h ec o s t s i n v o l v e d i nt r a v e l l i n g t o t h a t p a r t i c u l a r p l a c e敭I fI’m g o i n g b yp l a n e敩t h e nIh a v et oc o m p a r e p r i c e so na i r f a r ef o rd i f f e r e n t a i r l i n e s敭I f I’mt r a v e l i n g b y t r a i n敩t h e n I h a v e t o l o o k i n t o t r a i n p a s s e s o r t i c k e t s敭I a l s on e e d t o l o c a t e h o t e l a c c o m m o d a t i o n s敭F o r t u n a t e l y敩I d o n’tm i n d s t a y i n g a t a c h e a p h o t e l o r am o t e l敭F i n a l l y敩I t r y t o p l a nm o n e y f o rm e a l s a n d o t h e r s i g h t s e e i n g e x p e n s e s敭I f I p l a n c a r e f u l l y敩I u s u a l l y h a v e a g o o d t i m e敭11敭【答案】g oo n l i n e【解析】此处o r连接两个并列的成分,因此空格处应填入动词短语,结合听力知此处应填g oo n l i n e敩意为 上网”㊂12.【答案】c o m p a r e p r i c e s【解析】由句中I h a v e t o可知,空格处应填入动词(词组)原形,结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入c o m p a r e p r i c e s敩意为 比较价格”㊂13.【答案】l o o k i n t o【解析】由空格所在位置可以判断,h a v e t o结构后应接动词(词组)原形㊂根据空格处后面出现的 火车票”,再结合听力,可知此处应填入l o o k i n t o敩意为 查找”㊂14.【答案】s t a y i n g【解析】空格前是I d o n’tm i n d敩其后要跟动词-i n g形式,意为 我不介意 ”,且填入的词能与a t搭配,再结合听力,可知此处应填入s t a y i n g㊂15.【答案】c a r e f u l l y【解析】此处需要填入一个副词来修饰动词p l a n㊂结合上下文文意和听力知此处应填入c a r e f u l l y㊂S e c t i o nDG o o dm o r n i n g敩e v e r y b o d y敭W e l c o m e t oo u rm e e t i n g敭F i r s t o f a l l敩I’d l i k e t o t a l ka b o u t o u r s a l e s t h i s y e a r敭P l e a s e l o o ka t t h e s c r e e n敭F r o mt h i s c h a r t敩y o uc a ns e eo u r s a l e s t h i s y e a rh a v eb e e nv e r y s u c c e s s f u l a n dw eh a v ea l r e a d y a c h i e v e da l l o u r s a l e s t a r g e t s f o r t h e y e a r敭O u r s a l e s p e o p l eh a v eb e e n w o r k i n g v e r y h a r da n d t h ed e p a r t m e n t h a s p e r f o r m e dv e r y w e l l敭W h e nw e t h i n kb a c k t o t h e p r o b l e m s w eh a d l a s t y e a r t h e s u c c e s s i s e s p e c i a l l y p l e a s i n g敭B y t h a t t i m e敩s a l e sw e r e d o w nb y l0%a n d t h i n g s d i d n o t l o o k g o o da t a l l敭W em a d e s o m ed i f f i c u l t d e c i s i o n s a n d s o m e p e o p l ew e r en o t h a p p y w i t ht h e ma t f i r s t敭H o w e v e r敩s i n c e t h e nw e’r eh a p p y t o s a y t h a t p e r f o r m a n c eh a s i m p r o v e d敭16敭【答案】s a l e s【解析】讲话者在会议上首先要谈论什么?由 F i r s t o f a l l敩I’d l i k e t o t a l ka b o u t o u r s a l e s t h i s y e a r敭敘可知讲话者首先要谈论销售情况㊂17.【答案】s u c c e s s f u l【解析】公司今年的销售如何?由 y o u c a n s e eo u r s a l e s t h i s y e a r h a v eb e e nv e r y s u c c e s s f u l敘可知,今年的销售很成功㊂18.【答案】v e r y h a r d【解析】讲话者认为销售人员表现如何?由 O u r s a l e s p e o p l e h a v e b e e nw o r k i n g v e r y h a r d敘可知销售人员工作很努力㊂19.【答案】10%【解析】去年销售下降了多少?由 B y t h a t t i m e敩s a l e sw e r ed o w nb y10%敘可知去年销售下降了10%㊂20.【答案】n o t h a p p y【解析】有些人对于公司的决定持什么态度?由 W em a d e s o m ed i f f i c u l t d e c i s i o n s a n d s o m e p e o p l e w e r en o t h a p p y w i t h t h e ma t f i r s t敭敘可知有些人在一开始对公司的决定不满意㊂P a r tⅡS e c t i o nA21敭【答案】C【解析】本题考查不定式作宾语㊂英语中有些动词只能接不定式作宾语,d e c i d e t od o s t h敭表示 决定做某事”,空格处在d e c i d e d之后,需填入不定式,因此C项t od e l a y正确㊂本句意为 因为突发事故,总经理决定推迟英国之行㊂”22.【答案】C【解析】本题考查t h e s a m e…a s句型㊂空格后的ah o m e l o a nd o e s为主谓结构,根据空格前的t h e s a m e敩应填入比较状语从句的引导词,可确定答案为C项a s“与 一样”㊂本句意为 商用汽车贷款业务的流程和房屋贷款基本一致㊂”23.【答案】B【解析】本题考查非谓语动词作定语㊂本句中空格处连同后面的a t y e s t e r d a y’sm e e t i n g一起作名词s u g g e s t i o n的后置定语,需填入非谓语动词㊂s u g g e s t i o n与m a k e应构成被动的关系,表过去的时间词y e s t e r d a y提示动作已经发生,故应填入过去分词,答案为B项m a d e㊂本句意为 昨天会议上所做的提议似乎并不实用㊂”24.【答案】C【解析】本题考查定语从句引导词㊂杂志的适用人群是人,故需要用表示人的引导词,且该词在从句中作主语,所以填入C项w h o㊂本句意为 ‘国内商业杂志“是一份针对那些有兴趣开办家庭企业的人的主要刊物㊂”25.【答案】C【解析】本题考查部分倒装㊂当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,一般引起部分倒装㊂此外,句中的t h a td a y表示过去的某个时间段,故选C项d i dI r e a l i z e㊂A项I r e a l i z e d和B项Ih a v e r e a l i z e d都没有使用倒装结构,可以首先排除,D项w i l l I r e a l i z e与将来时连用,也不符合题目要求㊂本句意为 直到那天我才意识到在求职面试中举止礼貌的重要性㊂”26.【答案】A【解析】本题考查强调句型㊂强调句的结构是 i t i s敮w a s+被强调部分+t h a t敮w h o…敘㊂如果被强调部分不是 人”,则连接词只能用t h a t㊂本句强调的是表 物”的t h e s e s m a l l d i f f e r e n c e s敤小差异),所以A 项t h a t是正确答案㊂本句意为 正是这些细微的差异最终引领公司取得今天巨大的成功㊂”27.【答案】D【解析】本题考查条件状语从句连词㊂空格所在句是从句,意为 销售团队能制定出新的促销计划”,主句意为 公司很难度过危机”,主从句之间的逻辑相反,故填入的连词应有否定意义㊂D项U n l e s s相当于I f n o t敩意为 除非”,填入后符合语义逻辑㊂本句意为 除非营销团队能制订出新的促销计划,不然公司很难度过这场危机㊂”28.【答案】B【解析】考查动词时态㊂本句是主从复合句,w h e n引导的时间状语从句使用了一般现在时(r e c e i v e敥表将来,故主句需要使用将来时㊂因此B项w i l l g e t正确㊂本句意为 我们收到你的退货后,你将会在15个工作日内收到全额退款㊂”29.【答案】A【解析】考查让步状语从句的引导词㊂空格处需要一个连接词,引导后面的从句㊂从句中出现并列连词o r敩可以先排除B项W h i c h和C项B o t h敩这两项都不能和o r连用㊂D项N e i t h e r与o r连用,表示 (两者)都不”,代入后语句不通㊂符合要求的是A项W h e t h e r敩w h e t h e r…o r表示 不管是 还是 ”㊂本句意为 无论你是初次求职还是计划换一个工作,找工作都可能是一次大挑战㊂”30.【答案】B【解析】考查动名词作宾语的用法㊂空格位于介词a f t e r之后,需填入动名词作宾语㊂由b y t h e c o m p a n y可知, 降薪”不是自己主动要求的,故此处应填入表被动的形式 被要求”㊂答案为B项b e i n g a s k e d㊂本句意为 在被要求接受公司减薪后,销售经理上周一辞职了㊂”S e c t i o nB31敭【答案】d i f f e r e n c e【解析】考查形容词和名词的转换㊂空格在t h e r e’s之后,被m u c h修饰,故应填入不可数名词㊂d i f f e r e n t的名词形式是d i f f e r e n c e“不同”㊂本句意为 我们发现两个产品之间差别不大㊂”32.【答案】l i m i t e d【解析】本题考查 系动词+形容词”(系表)结构㊂空格前面是i s敩故可能填入名词或形容词㊂从句意思是 如果你的预算有限”,故需把动词l i m i t转换为形容词l i m i t e d“有限的”㊂本句意为 如果你的预算有限,他们可以调整整体的服务来满足你的需求㊂”33.【答案】i m p r e s s i o n【解析】本题考查名词作宾语㊂根据空格前的m u c h和空格后的o f可知此处需填入不可数名词作动词g e t的宾语,故需将动词i m p r e s s加上后缀-i o n敩变成名词i m p r e s s i o n“印象”㊂本句意为 我对这个地方的印象不深,因为我们开车驶过的时候天是黑的㊂”34.【答案】i m m e d i a t e l y【解析】本题考查副词作状语㊂本句不缺句子成分,空格前是使用了被动语态的完整句子,后面是时间状语,因此需填入副词作状语,故需将形容词i m m e d i a t e加上后缀-l y敩转换成副词i m m e d i a t e l y“马上,立即”㊂本句意为 假期一开始你就该立刻参加培训项目㊂”35.【答案】g e t t i n g【解析】考查h a v ed i f f i c u l t y敤i n敥d o i n g s t h敭的用法㊂该短语为固定搭配,意为 做 有困难”,i n是介词,后面需接动名词㊂因此需要把动词原形g e t改成动名词形式g e t t i n g㊂本句意为 没有获得高中文凭的年轻人可能很难找到好工作㊂”P a r tⅢT a s k136敭【答案】C【解析】题目问 L u b e t z k y要求他的员工们提前多久提交辞职报告”,根据问题将答案定位在第二段f o r a t l e a s t t w om o n t h s…n o t i c e敘敩故答案为C㊂37.【答案】D【解析】文章第三段提到 作为回报,L u b e t z k y十分关注员工的职业成长”,f o c u so n表示集中注意力于 ,关注于,和题干中的c a r e sm o s t a b o u t表达的是相同的意思,故答案为D㊂38.【答案】A【解析】第四段的结尾处说L u b e t z k y这样要求的理由很充分,紧接着在下一段就说 因为我们把K I N D的团队当成一个大家庭,所以像换工作这样的重大的人生转变不应当隐瞒到最后一分钟㊂”只有答案A符合这一段的内容㊂39.【答案】A【解析】根据第五段第4行 l e t t i n g m ek n o w w h a tw i l l b eh a p p e n i n g i n t h e i r l i f e敘可以推断L u b e t z k y 希望员工们能够把他们生活中即将发生的重大变化提前几个月告诉他, w h e t h e r i t i sab a b y o nt h e w a y敩a r e l o c a t i o n f o r p e r s o n a l r e a s o n s敩o r a p l a n t o g ob a c k t o s c h o o l敭敘根据常识判断能与后两条 搬家”和 重返校园”并列的应该就是指的怀孕生子了㊂40.【答案】B【解析】题目明确询问L u b e t z k y的离职要求的目的是什么,根据问题将答案定位在最后一段的最后一句话H e s i m p l y w a n t s a n y o n ew h o i s e x p l o r i n g n e wo p p o r t u n i t i e s t ob eo p e na b o u t i t敭意为他只是希望任何一个想要寻求新的职业机会的人能够对此开诚布公,根据这一意思将答案确定为B㊂T a s k241敭【答案】A【解析】这是一封录取通知书㊂根据题干关键词s t a r t so n将答案定位于第二段第一行w h i c hb e g i n s o n16t hS e p t e m b e r敩2015敩即报名入学的时间,故答案为A㊂42.【答案】C【解析】根据题干关键短语 m e t t h ec o n d i t i o n s s e t f o rh i m敘可以锁定答案在第三段第二句话 A s s o o na s y o uh a v em e t t h e c o n d i t i o n s s e t f o r y o u敩p l e a s e i n f o r mI n t e r n a t i o n a lA d m i s s i o n s…敘敩故答案为C㊂43.【答案】D【解析】根据题意可将答案定位在第三段第四行 Y o us h o u l dt h e r e f o r ee n s u r et h a t y o uo r y o u r s p o n s o r c a n p r o v i d e a t l e a s t£600p e rm o n t h t o s u p p o r t y o u r s e l f敭敘意为 你和你的担保人要确保每月可提供至少600英镑的资助”㊂答案D符合原文的意思㊂44.【答案】B【解析】根据题干 s t u d e n t sw h o s e f i r s t l a n g u a g e i s n o tE n g l i s h敘可以很快将答案定位在第三段的最后一句话 e x p e c t e d t oo b t a i n f o r m a l E n g l i s h p r o f i c i e n c y c e r t i f i c a t e s敭敘故答案为B㊂45.【答案】A【解析】根据第四段第一句的内容可知发信人希望被录取者能尽快填好回执单并寄回,以表明是否愿意接受录取,即这封录取通知书的主要目的,故选择答案A㊂T a s k346敭【答案】d i s a d v a n t a g e d【解析】关键词h o m el i v e s定位到文章第二段第二句 Y o u t h sf r o ml i m i t e d-i n c o m ef a m i l i e sa n d d i s a d v a n t a g e dh o m e l i v e s a r ee l i g i b l e f o ra d m i s s i o n敘敩意为 来自低收入和贫困家庭的年轻人符合录用条件”㊂d i s a d v a n t a g e d表示贫困的,社会地位低下的㊂47.【答案】U敭S敭【解析】根据关键词c i t i z e n s定位到第二段第四行 J o bF i n d e r a p p l i c a n t sm u s t b eU敭S敭c i t i z e n s…敘工作申请人必须为美国公民㊂48.【答案】s a f e【解析】根据关键词w o r k i n g a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t s定位到第三段第一行 T h eP r o g r a mo f f e r s s a f e w o r k i n g a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t s…敘敩意为 该计划为求职者提供安全的工作及居住环境”㊂49.【答案】j o b t r a i n i n g【解析】根据关键词r e a lw o r l d定位到第三段第三行 E a c hJ o bF i n d e r p a r t i c i p a n tw i l l r e c e i v er e a l w o r l d j o b t r a i n i n g a n d…敘敩意为 每一位找工作计划参与者都将接受到真正的职业培训 ”㊂50.【答案】d r i v e r’s l i c e n s e【解析】根据关键词d i p l o m a定位到文章最后一句话 P a r t i c i p a n t s a l s oh a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o o b t a i n ah i g h s c h o o l d i p l o m ao r t e s t f o r ad r i v e r’s l i c e n s e敭敘敩意为 参与者能够得到获取高中毕业证书和驾照的机会”㊂T a s k451敭【答案】F敩N【解析】b u y e r表示 买主,买方”,b u y e r b e h a v i o r即买方行为㊂t r a d e多表示 贸易,交易”;z o n e指 地带,地区”㊂t r a d e z o n e固定搭配,指 贸易区”㊂52.【答案】Q敩I【解析】n e t做形容词表示(重量)净的,如350m g n e tw e i g h t敩净重350毫克㊂m i n i m u m w e i g h t则指的是 最小(少)重量”㊂c u s t o m e r是 顾客,客户”的意思,c h a i n指 链”,如s u p p l y c h a i n敩供应链㊂53.【答案】M敩O【解析】e l e c t r o n i c指 电子的”,c o m m e r c e表示 贸易,商务”,e l e c t r o n i cc o m m e r c e为固定搭配,指目前十分流行的电子商务㊂d i r e c t表示 直接的”,加上表示否定的前缀 i n-敘敩则表示 非直接的,间接的”,c o s t即成本,费用的意思㊂54.【答案】D敩K【解析】b a l a n c e在这里是名词表示 平衡”,b a l a n c eo f t r a d e即贸易平衡㊂m a n a g e m e n t表示 管理,经营”,c u s t o m e r r e l a t i o n s h i p指的就是客户关系㊂55.【答案】L敩B【解析】d u t y除了表示 责任”以外常用来指 关税”,f r e e用在名词的后面可表示 无 的”,如d u t y-f re e无税的,免税的,s m o k e-f r e e无烟的,禁止吸烟㊂a c t u a l常表示 实际的,真实的”,a c t u a l c o s t即实际成本㊂T a s k556敭【答案】q u i c ka n de a s y【解析】题目问 B-A s s u r e d人身保险的优点是什么”㊂根据关键词r e a l l y定位文章第一段第二句, T h a t’sw h y w e’v e c r e a t e d t h eB-A s s u r e dL i f e i n s u r a n c e t h a t’s r e a l l y q u i c k a n d e a s y敩敘意为 这就是为什么我们创造了既快捷又简便的B-A s s u r e d人身保险㊂”57.【答案】o n l i n e【解析】题目问 如何申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险”㊂关键词 a p p l y敘敩定位文章第一段第五行, W i t ht h e B-A s s u r e dL i f e i n s u r a n c e y o u c a na p p l y o n l i n e…敘敩意为 在网上就可以申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险㊂”58.【答案】18a n d55【解析】题目问 什么样的人有资格申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险”㊂根据关键词 a g e d敘定位文章第二段 B-A s s u r e d i s a v a i l a b l e f o r p e o p l ea g e db e t w e e n18a n d55敘敩意为 年龄在18岁至55岁之间的人都可以申请B-A s s u r e d人身保险㊂”59.【答案】Al u m p s u m【解析】题目问 当投保人被诊断为患有绝症时如何获得赔付”㊂根据关键词p a i do u t定位文章第三段 Al u m p s u mi s p a i d o u tw h e n t h e p o l i c y h o l d e r d i e s o r i s d i a g n o s e dw i t h t e r m i n a l i l l n e s s敘敩意为 当投保人去世或被诊断为不治之症时将获得一次性全额赔偿㊂”60.【答案】t a x r e l i e f【解析】题目问 投保B-A s s u r e d人身保险有什么优惠措施”㊂根据关键词p r e m i u m s定位文章第四段 T a x r e l i e f o n y o u r p r e m i u m s敘敩意为 保费可获税款减免的优惠㊂”P a r tⅣ61敭【答案】B【解析】c o n f i r mt h e r e s e r v a t i o n意为 确认预订”;d e p o s i t意为 押金”㊂A句的翻译忽略了d e p o s i t和p e r p e r s o n敩C句的翻译与原句相差较远,如增加了 预订座位”这个信息,错误地将b u s i n e s sh o u r s营业时间翻译为 办公人员”,t o u r f a r e旅行费用误译为 车票”等,因此正确答案为B㊂62.【答案】C【解析】a p p o i n t a g e n t为固定搭配,意为 指定代理商”,这个含义只有C句准确翻译出来,因此正确答案为C㊂63.【答案】A【解析】e n v i r o n m e n t在此句中意为 氛围”,后接从句具体说明氛围的内容;d i f f e r e n c ea r er e s p e c t e d 意为 差异受到尊重”㊂B句的翻译误译为 差异尽管存在”,C句误译为 人人受到尊重”,因此正确答案为A㊂64.【答案】C【解析】o n c e在此句中引导状语从句,意为 一旦 ”;a p p l i c a t i o nh a s b e e n p r o c e s s e d意为 处理申请”,A句误译为 申请输入电脑”,并将w i t h i n5w o r k d a y s误译为 五个工作日后”,而B句将此部分误译为 提前五个工作日”,并且从句的翻译也是错误的,因此正确答案为C㊂65.【参考译文】如今运用智能手机几乎能够处理所有的银行业务㊂许多大银行允许你使用智能手机支付账单或者转账㊂专家声称在不久的将来,大约70%的美国人将会使用移动银行业务㊂但是他们有些人担心移动银行的安全问题㊂如果你经常使用智能手机处理银行业务,最好给你的手机装上杀毒软件并且给你的手机设置一个密码㊂P a r tV【参考范文】D e a rM r敭J o h n s o n敩I a m w r i t i n g i nr e f e r e n c et ot h ec o m p a n y’sm a r k e t i n g r e p o r to ft h ef i r s th a l f y e a rIr e c e i v e d敭A c c o r d i n g t o t h e r e p o r t敩i n r e c e n tm o n t h s o u r p r o d u c t s a l e s h a v e d e c r e a s e d20%敩w i t h s o m e a r e a s e v e n d o w nb y50%敭I tm a y d u e t o t h e l a c ko fm e d i a p r e s e n c e敭I n t h ev i e w o fa b o v e敩ad e p a r t m e n t-m a n a g e r m e e t i n g w i l lb eh e l dn e x t M o n d a y m o r n i n g敭T h e m a r k e t i n g d e p a r t m e n t i s r e q u i r e dt o p r o p o s es p e c i f i c i m p r o v i n g m e a s u r e s敩s oa s t or a i s et h e p r o d u c t s a l e s敭B e s t r e g a r d s敗S m i t h。
2015年12月大学英语三级真题答案及试卷上午三级A类整理版听力,看清题号写,AB卷听力一样1-5 BADBC6-10 CDBDAfortable12.decide13.too little14.personal interests15.relate to16.brife intruduction17.food items18.fifty years19.website20.on line21.to delay22.than +三级bao*guo扣扣23.to be made24whom25 have arrived26 that27 and28 although29 with30 when31 cooperating32 valueable33 efficientence34 send35 received to36 hard37 pass on better38 simple and powerful39 describe40effective41 Selling its produce to friends42 produced whithout using chemicals43 check its…..44 japan45 carry out….46 a free account47 availble price48 greet cards49 twelve50 marketing featuresA卷:51 .每股股价K 年回报Q52 .开盘价D 股市A53.二级市场F 熊市M54.资金流I 普通股N55.每盘收益J 市场价值L B卷:坏账I 周定汇率 B市场风险 A 发行公司O 报价Q 交易量L年度报告H 上市公司J个人投资者G 低价 D56:phone calls57:trcwel destination58:rating59:lowset price60:similar61……饮食习惯。
全国英语等级考试第三级PUBLIC ENGLISH TEST SYSTEM (PETS)LEVEL 32015年9月SECTION II Reading(50 minutes)Part ADirections :Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A,B, C or D. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Text 1Five-year-old Elia arrived at school with a big box of colored pencils. Her friend, Anna, offered exchange her set of markers for the brand-new pencils. Elia agreed, but soon discovered that the markers were dried up. “That‟ s not fair!” cried Elia to her teacher. “I want my new pencils back. “ After some tears and negotiation, the teacher helped the girls set things right by returning the items to their original owners.Later that day, at story time, the teacher shared the picture book classic A Bargain for Frances. Though the conflict in the story is just over a broken tea set, the message about fair play was not lost on the children. The bookwas helpful in exploring a small, yet significant, life lesson.Stories are vital to the way we process and experience life events and the feelings that surround us. The ability to create, share, and respond to stories is one of the vital characteristics of being human. In fact, the human brain is programmed to see patterns and become fascinated in the plot development of stories, finally storing them in long-term memory. As a result, the brain is a remarkably effective processor of stories, both real and fictional.High-quality picture books are a good blend of art and literature that attracts kids‟ imaginatio n and communicates an idea in an effective way. These books are perfect teaching tools, as they deal with the powerful emotions that kids feel, model effective coping strategies, and present complex concepts in appropriate ways. In addition, according to brain research, the picture book complements words with what leaves the most permanent impression: images. The pictures in books are distinctive from the fleeting images kids see on television in that they remain on the page, ready to be revisited, touched, and commented upon.Whether we share stories about families, historical events, or emotions, stories are a way to m up life‟s memorable moments and lasting lessons. We can control the power of literature and use it to develop positive character in young .kids by reading often, choosing suitable books, and enjoying stories together.26. Elia cried “That‟s not fair!” as she thought that she was ______.[A] cheated by her friend [B] defeated by her friend[C] ignored by her teacher [D] scolded by her teacher27. A Bargain for Frances is intended to teach kids how to______.[A] play fair in life [B] defeated by her friend[C] ignored by her teacher [D] write a message28. According to the text, stories can help kids______.[A] realize their potential [B] improve their memory[C]concentrate on reading [D] understand the human world29. In comparison with pictures in books, television images________.[A] are frequently commented on[B] stay temporarily with children[C] blend art and literature vividly[D] communicate ideas effectively30. The power of literature can help kids develop their________.[A] positive character [B] interest in history[C] passion for stones [D] learning strategiesText 2We have heard a lot about the health benefits of tea, especially green tea. It is high in poly-phenols, compounds with, strong antioxidant activity that in test-tube and animal models show anti-cancer and heart-protective effects. Good clinical studies are few, however, and although physicians telltheir patients to drink green tea, there hasn‟t been any definite proof of the value of that advice.A team of Japanese researchers was able to link green tea consumption with decreased mortality from many causes-including heart disease. The researchers tracked 40,530 healthy adults ages 40 t0 79 in a region of northeastern Japan where most people drink green tea, following them for up to 11 years. Those who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had significantly lower mortality rates than those who drank less than one cup a day. There were also fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease.But no such association was seen with deaths from cancer. Nor was consumption of oolong or black tea connected with any decrease in mortality. Those teas are easier to be combined with oxygen in processing, which not only darkens the color of the leaves and changes their flavor but also reduces their polyphenol content.Coffee is more complicated. It has received both gold stars and black marks in medical literature. It, too, contains antioxidants, although they are less well studied than tea polyphenols. Evidence for the health benefits of coffee is growing, however. A group of investigators from Finland, Italy and the Netherlands reports that coffee seems to protect against age-related decline in mental capacity. The scientists studied 676 healthy men born from 1900 to 1920 and followed them for 10 years, using standardized measures of brain function. Their conclusion: the men who consumedcoffee had significantly less decline in mental capacity than those who didn‟ t. Three cups a day seemed to provide the most protection.Population studies like those help us form assumptions about relationships between dietary habits and long-term health. We still have to test our suppositions in controlled conditions, and measure the effects of coffee and tea on various systems of the body.31. Physicians often tell their patients to drink green tea because______.[A] its medical value has been proved[B] it is believed to be good for one‟s health[C] it has long since been used clinically[D] its effectiveness has been shown in animals32. The Japanese study seems to have confirmed the positive effect of green tea on ______.[A] young adults [B] Asian people[C] patients with cancer [D] patients with heart disease .33. The text indicates that black tea differs from green tea in that_______.[A] it can retain the color of its leaves[B] it can reduce cancer-related deaths[C] it contains less polyphenol content[D] it is stronger in flavor than the latter34. Coffee is beneficial to one‟ s health because_______.[A] it has more antioxidants than green tea[B] it slows down the rate of brain aging[C] it lowers the rate of natural mortality[D] it keeps systems of the body active35. The text indicates that the relationships between dietary habits and long-term health_______.[A] are a falsely perceived supposition[B] are a conflicting issue among people[C] deserve further scientific research[D] deserve to be tested on a larger populationPart BDirections :Read the texts from a magazine section called “Letters” in which five people wrote about online Shopping.Or questions 36-40,match the name of each person to one of the statements (A-G)given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Jennifer:In your article about online shopping being the newest and easiest way to shop, you said that computers will replace shopping malls sooner or later because they make buying things faster and cheaper. But don‟t you think that the entire point of shopping is to spend leisure time with friends while doing something necessary. Shopping is not just a quick task. It is, in fact, an entire way of life.Pau1:I am a great collector of all manner of hard-to-find items such as out-of-print books and antiques. Purchasing in physical stores would mean round-the-world travel and years of effort. I can get the same result in a few hours on eBay, and often at bargain prices .I am quite well-off, but buy very few consumer items available in regular shops. I have many friends and acquaintances with the same approach.Mike:My wife buys online often. I have not heard complaints or dissatisfaction. She can compare with differe nt online vendors‟ prices after she has decided what she wants. It‟s delivered to the door, a big time savings and gas savings. If I need something, I check online first and see what it costs and then decide where to buy, local stores or online. Online has the advantage most of the time.Henry:Virtually all online stores make you register. But, I don‟ t need another username and password to remember. I will only buy online if I cannot find something locally. Even though shipping is fast, I‟ d rather drive across town and pay more to be able to bring home a new gadget the same day. And, most of the time, there is no difference in price between local stores and online stores.Jeff:If you think the prices are the same online as they are locally, you‟re dealing with the wrong online retailers. I‟m an online shopping veteran and I always save quite a bit on my large-dollar purchases. With a little research experience, I‟ve easily saved thousands of dollars over the last several years. Besides, shipping on most i tems is reasonable and you don ‟t even pay taxes 99. 9% of the time.Now match the name of each person (36-40) to the appropriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements.Statements36.Jennifer [A] I‟ll buy onlin e only when I have to.37.Paul [B]You can enjoy steep discounts with most online sellers.38.Mike [C] I shift between buying on or off line depending on whatsuits me.39.Henry [D] Shopping is not only a necessary task but a sociablepleasure.40.Jeff [E] Online selling helps to satisfy my special needs in buying.[F] Buying online is far from being as good as it is boastedto be .[G] Buying online can save you a lot only if you find theright online sellers.Part CDirections:Read the following text from which five sentences have been removed, choose from the sentences A-G the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (41-45). There are TWO extra sentences that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.“Any apples today?” Effie asked cheerfully at my window. I followed her to her truck and bought a kilo. On credit, of course. 41 “Pay me whenever you like,” said Effie, climbing back into her truck.All pretense of payment was dropped when our funds, food and fuel decreased to alarming lows. Effie came often, always bringing some gift: a jar of peaches or some firewood. There were other generosities. Our baby was not doing well, so Effie financed my wife‟s trip to New York for consultation with a specialist.42 Her income, derived from investments she had made while running an interior decorating shop, had never exceeded $ 200 a month, which she supplemented by selling her apples.But she always managed to help someone poorer.Years passed before I was able to return the money Effie had given me from time to time. She was ill now and had aged rapidly in the last year. “Here, darling,”I said, “is what I owe you.”“Don‟t give it to me all at once,” she said. “ 43 ”“ I think she believed there was magic in the slow discharge of a love debt.The simple fact is that I never repaid the whole amount to Effie, for she died a few weeks later. 44 But a curious thing began to happen.Whenever I saw a fellow human in financial trouble, I was moved to help him. I can‟t afford to do this always, but in the ten years since Effie‟ s death, I have indirectly repaid my debt to her.The oddest part of the whole affair is that people whom I help often help others later on, 45 So the account can never be marked closed, for Effie‟s love will go on in hearts that have never known her.[A] At that time, it seemed that my debt would forever go unsettled.[B] Give your help to those in greater need.[C] Effie was not a rich woman.[D] Effie worked diligently all her life.[E] Cash was the one thing in the world I lacked just then.[F]By now, the few dollars Effie gave me have been multiplied many times.[G] Give it back as I gave it to you---a little at a time.Part DDirections :Read the following text from which 10 words have removed. Choose from the words A-O the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (46-55). There are FIVE extra words that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.It can be a special experience to go on a family trip during the holidayseason, but one reason that many parents 46 to stay home is the cost of travel. Here are some ways of reducing your travel 47 .Flying is a fast way to arrive at your destination, but the cost of airline tickets can really add up if you are buying flights for the whole family. Often, it is cheaper to pay for gas 48 the whole family can fit in the car, 49 with the current decreases in gas prices.If your destination is too far to drive to, you should look at a variety of 50 for your flight times. For example, it is often cheaper to fly on Christmas day instead of flying a few days before Christmas. Also, 51 early morning flights is cheaper than traveling during peak times during the day.Eating out 52 you are on the road can quickly increase the trip cost, and it‟ s much cheaper to stop at the grocery store, planning your own food 53 . If you plan to eat out, then cheaper to eat at a restaurant during breakfast or lunch , 54 you to skip the higher dinner prices.Also, it might be cheaper to visit an all-inclusive resort. These resorts include all the meals and a variety of activities, and many of them have children‟s ac tivities so that the kids can 55 entertained during the trip.[A] allowing [B] if [C] begin[D] choose [E] driving [F] especially[G] expenses [H] instead [I]before[J] options [K] stay [L] taking[M] too [N] troubles [0] whileSECTION ⅢWriting (45 minutes)Directions :You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B this section on your ANSWER SHEET.Part A56.Your friend Paul wants to know in detail about the part-time job you took at a restaurant during the summer vacation. Write an email to Paul, telling him about:1) what you did on the job;2)how you felt about the working environment and co-workers;3)What you learned from the job.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your email. Use “Wang Lin” instead.Part B57.Directions :Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the Key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use your own words.Lori Schneider knows a few things about fear. “We were crossing a ridge that dropped off 8,000 feet on both sides,” says the 53-year-old climber of ascending Mount Everest last spring. “The wind was blowing at 60 miles an hour. If there was ever a moment to panic, this was it. ”But she didn‟ t. An hour later, she reached the peak-the last step in her personal challenge to scale the highest mountains on all seven continents.Ten years earlier, she‟d come face-to-face with a different type of fear, when she was unable to feel anything in the right side of her body. After learning she had multiple sclerosis (MS)-a serious illness that gradually makes a person weak and unable to move or see, she left her marriage, job, and home: “I ran from my whole life. “It was just before climbing South America‟s Mount Aconcagua in 2000 that she set her sights on the Seven Summits. After training by pulling 50-pound bags of dog food up the ski slopes near her home, she stopped Europe‟s Mount Elbrus 2002,North America‟ s McKinley in 2006, and Austra lia‟s Kosciuszko and Antarc tica‟s Vinson Massif in 2008. She‟d scaled Africa‟s Kilimanjaro in 1993. That left Asia‟ s Everest, the highest of all.And there she stood, on a ridge at 28,800 feet. “When I trained, I told myself to take one step at a time by spelling out words,” she says. “So I s pelled out …Don‟t let fear in. ‟” It got her to the top.She‟ s the first person with MS to conquer the Seven Summits. Withher conquer the Seven Summits. With her condition stable, she plans a return to Kilimanjaro-this time with 15 others with MS by her side.,。
英语三级(A)考试试题2015年12月[真题]Part ⅠListening Comprehension Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D] given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.第1题:A.The price of the product.B.The charge of the service.C.The delivery of his order.D.The packing of the goods.参考答案:C 您的答案:答案解析:[听力原文]W: Hello, Customers Service. What can I do for you? M: I called to complain about the delivery of my order last week, but I haven´t got any reply yet. Q: What did the man complain about last week? 事实细节题。
2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错专项练习Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little asten years before, you can't help being strucked by the __1__appearance of the women taking part. Their hair styles andmake-up look date; their skirts look either too long or too __2__short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous.The men taking part, on other hand, are clearly recognizable. __3__ There is nothing about their appearance to suggest thatthey belong to an entire different age. This illusion is created __4__ by changing fashions. Over the years, the great minority of men __5__ have successfully resisted all attempts to make it change their __6__ style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year,a fewer so-called top designers in Paris and London lay down __7__on the law and women around the world run to obey. The __8__decrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial.Sometime they decide arbitrarily, that skirts will be short and __9__ waists will be height; hips are in and buttons are out. __10__参考答案及解析:1. strucked改为struck或者stricken过去分词形式有误。
2015年成人英语三级考试典型题目及范文Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Machine Translation and Human Translation. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1)现在诸多的电子辞典及相关翻译软件被开发出来,人们不再需要翻阅厚重的字典。
【参考范文】Machine Translation and Human Translation In recent years, all kinds of electronic dictionaries and translation software have been developed. With the development of technology, these electronic dictionaries and software can help us translate not only words and phrases but even sentences and paragraphs. So some people come to the conclusion that machine translation will replace traditional human translation. However, I couldn't agree with this argument. Admittedly, translation machines and software bring much convenience for our study and our work. With them, we needn't bother to leaf through the heavy dictionaries. However, machine translation has its disadvantages. First, generally speaking, translation software only can give direct translation, which is sometimes not in accordance with the original articles in logic and meaning. Second, some people depend on electronic dictionaries and software too much, which is unfavorable to their improvement in language ability. Considering the above-mentioned, I think that machine translation cannot replace human translation, but it is a good complementary to human translation. Therefore, we should combine machine translation with human translation efficiently.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Certificate Craze on Campus. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1)近几年大学校园内出现“考证热”2)产生这一现象的原因3)你的看法【思路点拨】本题属于提纲式文字命题。
2015年9⽉公共英语三级真题及答案Section ⅠListening Comprehension (25 minutes)Directions:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part ADirections:You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once.1. What does the conversation most probably take place?[A] In a post office. [B] In a hotel. [C] In a bank. [D] In a supermarket.2. When will the bank open on Sundays?[A] From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. [B] From 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.[C] From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. [D] From 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.3. What did the man ask the woman to do?[A] Go on a diet. [B] Have a snack. [C] Play some tennis. [D] Stop screaming.4. Where are the two speakers?[A] In a hotel. [B] At a dinner table. [C] In the street. [D] At the man‘s house.5. What can we assume from this conversation?[A] The man is a judge. [B] It‘s an interviewer.[C] The man agrees with the woman. [D] The man believes that Jack will quit his job.6. Why can‘t they meet on Thursday?[A] Because she wants to meet him on Wednesday.[B] Because she has to go out of town.[C] Because she is in charge of the project.[D] Because she has another meeting.7. What does the woman mean?[A] The man should not expect her to go alone.[B] She doesn‘t think she has enough money.[C] She will go even though the movie is bad.[D] The man should count the number of people going.8. What does the woman mean?[A] She is asking for a higher pay. [B] She is introducing a new friend.[C] She is too busy. [D] She‘s got some probles.9. Who is the man?[A] A judge. [B] An interviewer. [C] A professor. [D] A counselor.10. What are they talking about?[A] City is better than countryside. [B] Changes in the city.[C] Going camping. [D] Life in the summer.Part BDirections:You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, Cor D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear the recording only once. Questions 11-13 are based on the following dialogue between an employer and an employee11. How old is Katie?[A] 16. [B] 17. [C] 18. [D] 19.12. What kind of job is Katie looking for?[A] A part-time job for a school magazine. [B] A full-time job at a college.[C] A permanent job at Johnson‘s Imports. [D] A short-term job in an office.13. What qualifications does Katie have for the job?[A] Her extra classes in sport at school.[B] She has computer skills and used to working with people.[C] She‘s adaptable.[D] Her work experience in the school newspaper.Questions 14-17 are based on the following dialogue between a lawyer and his customer.14. How long have they not met each other?[A] Half a year. [B] Two year. [C] Three or four years. [D] More than five years.15. What‘s the purpose of Mr. Tim‘s visiting this time?[A] He wants to make some changes in his will.[B] He wants the woman‘s help in buying a land and building a house.[C] He wants the woman to see the architect for him.[D] He asks the woman to find a plot for him.16. When did Mr. Tim go to see the plot chosen by his son?[A] Last Friday. [B] Last Saturday. [C] Two days ago. [D] Yesterday.17. Which material should the house be built of?[A] Stone. [B] Brick. [C] Cement. [D] Wood.Questions 18-21 are based on the following dialogue in a travel agency.18. Which city is the man going to visit?[A] Oxford. [B] Paris. [C] Shaftsbury. [D] London.19. Which tourist attraction is NOT mentioned in the dialogue?[A] Buckingham Palace. [B] Shops and restaurants.[C] Tower of London. [D] The British Museum.20. What is NOT listed on the man‘s schedule?[A] Shopping. [B] Watching a snow.[C] Meeting friends. [D] Visiting art galleries.21. What can you infer from the dialogue?[A] The visitor will see very little of the city.[B] The visitor‘s schedule is tight.[C] The visitor will enjoy his time.[D] The visitor will leave for another city the next day.Questions 22-25 are based on the following monologue on smoking.22. Why are so many people dependent on cigarette?[A] Because they like the taste of tar. [B] Because smoking makes them feel relaxed.[C] Because smoking is funny. [D] Because smoking cures disease.23. Which substance in cigarette cause cancer?[A] Cigarette ashes. [B] Nicotine. [C] Tar. [D] Not mentioned here.24. What do experts suggest people to do?[A] To buy cigarettes with less tar. [B] To smoke only a few cigarettes a day.[C] To smoke only during a break. [D] To give up smoking.25. Why do smokers like low tar cigarettes?[A] Because they are less harmful. [B] Because they cost less.[C] Because they taste better. [D] Because they last longer.Section ⅡReading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following three texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Text 1Five-year-old Elia arrived at school with a big box of colored pencils. Her friend, Anna, offered to exchange her set of markers for the brand-new pencils. Elia agreed, but soon discovered that the markers were dried up. ―That‘s not fair!‖ cried Elia to her teacher. ―I want my new pencils back.‖ After some tears and negotiation, the teacher helped the girls set things right by returning the items to their original owners.Later that day, at story time, the teacher shared the picture book classic A Bargain for Frances. Though the conflict in the story is just over a broken tea set, the message about fair play was not lost on the children. The book was helpful in exploring a small, yet significant, life lesson.Stories are vital to the way we process and experience life events and the feelings that surround us. The ability to create, share, and respond to stories is one of the vital characteristics of being human. In fact, the human brain is programmed to see patterns and become fascinated in the plot development of stories, finally storing them in long-term memory. As a result, the brain is a remarkably effective processor of stories, both real and fictional.High-quality pictures books are a good blend of art and literature that attracts kids‘imagination and communicates an idea in an effective way. These books are perfect teaching tools, as they deal with the powerful emotions that kids feel, model effective coping strategies, and present complex concepts in appropriate ways. In addition, according to brain research, the picture in books are distinctive from the fleeting images kids see on television in that they remain on the page, ready to be revisited, touched, and commented upon.Whether we share stories about families, historical events, or emotions, stories are a way to sum up life‘s memorable moments and lasting lessons. We can control the power of literature and use it to develop positive character in young kids by reading often, choosing suitable books, and enjoying stories together.26. Elia cried ―That‘s not fair!‖ as she thought that she was ______.[A] cheated by her friend. [B] defeated by her friend.[C] ignored by her teacher. [D] scolded by her teacher.27. A Bargain for Frances is intended to teach kids how to ______.[A] play fair in life. [B] organize things. [C] win in conflicts. [D] write a message.28. According to the text, stories can help kids ______.[A] realize their potential. [B] improve their memory.[C] concentrate on reading. [D] understand the human world.29. In comparison with pictures in books, television images ______.[A] are frequently commented on. [B] stay temporarily with children.[C] blend art and literature vividly. [D] communicate ideas effectively.30. The power of literature can help kids develop their ______.[A] positive character. [B] interest in history.[C] passion for stories. [D] learning strategies.Text 2We have heard a lot about the health benefits of tea, especially green tea. It is high in polyphenols, compounds with strong antioxidant activity that in test-tube and animal models show anti-cancer and heart-protective effects. Good clinical studies are few, however, and although physicians tell their patients to drink green tea, there hasn‘t been any definite proof of the value of that advice.A team of Japanese researchers was able to link green tea consumption with decreased mortality frommany causes---including heart disease. The researchers tracked 40,530 healthy adults ages 40 to 79 in a region of northeastern Japan where most people drink green tea, following them for up to 11 years. Those who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had significantly lower mortality rates than those who drank less than one cup a day. There were also fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease.But no such association was seen with deaths from cancer. Nor was consumption of oolong or black tea connected with any decrease in mortality. Those teas are easier to be combined with oxygen in processing, which not only darkens the color of the leaves and changes their flavor but also reduces their polyphenol content.Coffee is more complicated. It has received both gold stars and black marks in medical literature. It, too, contains antioxidants, although they are less well studied than tea polyphenols. Evidence for the health benefits of coffee is growing, however. A group of investigators from Finland, Italy and the Netherlands reports that coffee seems to protect against age-related decline in mental capacity. The scientists studied 676 healthy men born from 1900 to 1920 and followed them for 10 years, using standardized measures of brain function. Their conclusion: the men who consumed coffee had significantly less decline in mental capacity than those who didn‘t. Three cups a day seemed to provide the most protection.Population studies like those help us form assumptions about relationships between dietary habits and long-term health. We still have to test our suppositions in controlled conditions, and measure the effects of coffee and tea on various systems of the body.31. Physicians often tell their patients to drink green tea because ______.[A] its medical value has been proved. [B] it is believed to be good for one‘s health.[C] it has long since been used clinically. [D] its effectiveness has been shown in animals.32. The Japanese study seems to have confirmed the positive effect of green tea on ______.[A] young adults. [B] Asian people.[C] patients with cancer. [D] patients with heart disease.33. The text indicates that black tea differs from green tea in that ______.[A] it can retain the color of its leaves. [B] it can reduce cancer-related deaths.[C] it contains less polyphenol content. [D] it is stronger in flavor than the latter.34. Coffee is beneficial to one‘s health because ______.[A] it has more antioxidants than green tea. [B] it slows down the rate of brain aging.[C] it lowers the rate of natural mortality. [D] it keeps systems of the body active.35. The text indicates that the relationships between dietary habits and long-term health ______.[A] are a falsely perceived supposition. [B] are a conflicting issue among people.[C] deserve further scientific research. [D] deserve to be tested on a larger population.Part BDirections:Read the texts from a magazine section called ―Letters‖in which five people wrote about online shopping. For questions 36 - 40, match the name of each person to one of the statements (A - G) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Jennifer:In your article about online shopping being the newest and easiest way to shop, you said that computers will replace shopping malls sooner or later because they make buying things faster and cheaper. But don‘t you think that the entire point of shopping is to spend leisure time with friends while doing something necessary. Shopping is not just a quick task. It is, in fact, an entire way of life.Paul:I am a great collector of all manner of hard-to-find items such as out-of-print books and antiques. Purchasing in physical stores would mean round-the-world travel and years of effort. I can get the same result in a few hours on eBay, and often at bargain prices. I am quite well-off, but buy very few consumer items available in regular shops. I have many friends and acquaintances with the same approach.Mike:My wife buys online often. I have not heard complaints or dissatisfaction. She can compare with different online vendors‘prices after she has decided what she wants. It‘s delivered to the door, a big time savings and gas savings. If I need something, I check online first and see what it costs and then decide where to buy, local stores or online. Online has the advantage most of the time.Henry:Virtually all online stores make your register. But, I don‘t need another username and password to remember. I will only buy online if I cannot find something locally. Even though shipping is fast, I‘d rather drive across town and pay more to be able to bring home a new gadget the same day. And, most of the time, there is no difference in price between local stores and onlinestores.Jeff:If you think the prices are the same online as they are locally, you‘re dealing with the wrong online retailers. I‘m an online shopping veteran and I always save quite a bit on my large-dollar purchases. With a little research experience, I‘ve easily saved thousands of dollars over the last several years. Besides, shipping on most items is reasonable and you don‘t even pay taxes 99.9% of the time.Now match the name of each person (36 - 40) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.Statements36. Jennifer [A] I‘ll buy online only when I have to.37. Paul [B] You can enjoy steep discounts with most online sellers.38. Mike [C] I shift between buying on or off line depending on what suits me.39. Henry [D] Shopping is not only a necessary task but a sociable pleasure.40. Jeff [E] Online selling helps to satisfy my special needs in buying.[F] Buying online is far from being as good as it is boasted to be.[G] Buying online can save you a lot only if you find the right online sellers.Part CDirections:Read the following text from which five sentences have been removed, choose from the sentences A – G the most suitable one to fill each numbered gad in the text (41 – 45). There are TWO extra sentences that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSER SHEET.―Any apples today?‖ Effie asked cheerfully at my window. I followed her to her truck and bought a kilo. On credit, of course.41 ―Pay me whenever you like,‖ said Effie, climbing back into her truck.All pretense of payment was dropped when our funds, food and fuel decreased to alarming lows. Effie came often, always bringing some gift: a jar of peaches or some firewood. There were other generosities. Our baby was not doing well, so Effie financed my wife‘s trip to New York for consultation with specialist.42 Her income, derived from investments she had made while running an interior decorating shop, had never exceeded $200a month, which she supplemented by selling her apples. But she always managed to help someone poorer.Years passed before I was able to return the money Effie had given me from time to time. She was ill now and had aged rapidly in the last year. ―Here, darling,‖ I said, ―is what I owe you.‖―Don‘t give it to me all at once,‖ she said. ― 43 ‖ I think she believed there was magic in the slow discharge of a love debt.The simple fact is that I never repaid the whole amount to Effie, for she died a few weeks later. 44 But a curious thing began to happen.Whenever I saw a fellow human in financial trouble, I was moved to help him. I can‘t afford to do this always, but in the ten years since Effie‘s death, I have indirectly repaid my debt to her.The oddest part of the whole affair is that people whom I help often help others later on. 45 So the account can never be marked closed, for Effie‘s love will go on in hearts that have never known her.[A] At that time, it seemed that my debt would forever go unsettled.[B] Give your help to those in greater need.[C] Effie was not a rich woman.[D] Effie worked diligently all her lift.[E] Cash was the one thing in the world I lacked just then.[F] By now, the few dollars Effie gave me have been multiplied many times.[G] Give it back as I gave it to you---a little at a time.Part DDirections:Read the following text from which 10 words have been removed. Choose from the words A – O the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (46 - 55). There are FIVE extra words that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.It can be a special experience to go on a family trip during the holiday season, but one reason that many parents 46 to stay home is the cost of travel. Here are some ways of reducing your travel 47 .Flying is a fast way to arrive at your destination, but the cost of airline tickets can really add up if you are buying flights for the whole family. Often, it is cheaper to pay for gas 48 the whole family can fit in the car, 49 with the current decreased in gas prices.If your destination is too far to drive to, you should look at a variety of 50 for your flight times. For example, it is often cheaper to fly on Christmas day instead of flying a few days before Christmas. Also, 51 early morning flights is cheaper than traveling during peak times during the day.Eating out 52 you are on the road can quickly increase the trip cost, and it‘s much cheaper to stop at the grocery store, planning your own food 53 . If you plan to eat out, then it‘s usually cheaper to eat at a restaurant during breakfast or lunch, 54 you to skip the higher dinner prices.Also, it might be cheaper to visit an all-inclusive resort. These resorts include all the meals and a variety of activities, and many of them have children‘s activities so that the kids can 55 entertained during the trip.[A] allowing [B] if [C] begin [D] choose [E] driving[F] especially [G] expenses [H] instead [I] before [J] options[K] stay [L] taking [M] too [N] troubles [O] whileSection ⅢWriting (45 minutes)Directions:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on your ANSWER SHEET. Part A56. Your friend Paul wants to know in detail about the part-time job you took at a restaurant during the summer vacation. Write an email to Paul, telling him about:1) what you did on the job.;2) how you felt about the working environment and co-workers;3) what you learned from the job.You should write about100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your email. Use "Wang Lin" instead.Part B57. Directions:Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarized key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use your own words.Lori Schneider knows a few things about fear. ―We were crossing a ridge that dropped off 8,000 feet on both sides,‖ says the 53-year-ole climber of ascending Mount Everest last spring. ―The wind was blowing at 60 miles an hour. If there was ever a moment to panic, this was it.‖But she didn‘t. An hour later, she reached the peak—the last step in her personal challenge to scale the highest mountains on all seven continents.Ten years earlier, she‘d come face-to-face with a different type of fear, when she was unable to feel anything in the right side of her body. After learning she had multiple sclerosis (MS)—a serious illness that gradually makes a person weak and unable to move or see, she left her marriage, job, and home: ―I ran frommy whole life.‖It was just before climbing South America‘s Mount Aconcagua in 2000 that she set her sights on the Seven Summits. After training by pulling 50-pound bags of dog food up the ski slopes near her home, she topped Europe‘s Mount Elbrus in 2002, North America‘s McKinley in 2006, and Australia‘s Kosciuszko and Antarctica‘s Vinson Massif in 2008. She‘d scaled Africa‘s Kilimanjaro in 1993. That left Asia‘s Everest, the highest of all.And there she stood, on a ridge at 28,000 feet. ―When I trained, I told myself to take one step at a time by spelling out words,‖ she says. ―So I spelled out ?Don't let fear in.‘‖ It got her to the top.She‘s the first person with MS to conquer the Seven Summits. With her condition stable, she plans a return to Kilimanjaro—this time with 15 others with MS by her side.参考答案及解析第⼀部分听⼒理解1-5 CDBAD 6-10 DAABC 11-15 CDBCB 16-20 CADCC 21-25 BBCDA[听⼒原⽂] PART A1. M: Good morning. May I help you?W: I'd like to exchange some money first.M: Anything else?W: Then open a saving account.2. M: When will the bank open?W: It opens from 8:30 a. m. to 6:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and it opens from 9:30 a. m. to 3:30 p.m.on Saturday and Sunday.3. M: Why don‘t we stop for some crackers after the film?W: I‘d love to, but I am on a diet.M: But you‘re very slim.W: Yes, girls can never be too thin.4. W: Dear, I feel hungry now. How about you?M: So do I. Let me call the room service. Hello, room service. Please send a menu to 826, thank you!5. W: Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to quit his job.M: Don't be too sure. He told me that he was trying to sell his house.6. M: I'd like to talk to you about our next building project. Can you fix a meeting for this week? What aboutThursday?W: Well, I‘m sorry. I‘ve been extremely busy this week. I‘ll be at a meeting all day on Thursday. And I‘m going out of town on Friday. Is Wednesday all right?7. M: I thought it would be fun if we all went to the movie downtown.W: Count me out.M: Why?W: I‘ve heard that it‘s not worth the money.8. M: You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming. It‘s hard to find a good babysitter on a Friday night.W: I like watching kids, and I need the extra money. I‘d like to talk to you about my new rate increases. 9. M: Mrs. Anderson, you must have gained a deep insight into the problems of married couples.W: Yes, I think I have.M: What do you consider to be the most important problems?10. M: I enjoy camping out in the summer. A great change from city life, I think.W: Yes, you said it. I went with my friends last Sunday. We really enjoyed ourselves, and we are going camping next weekend. Would you like to come along with us?M: I‘d love to, thank you.PART BQuestions 11-13. [听⼒原⽂]M: Come in. Please have a seat.W: Thank you.M: I‘m Paul Turner. Branch Manager.W: Katie Thomas, nice to meet you.M: I hear that you‘re looking for temporary office work.W: That‘s right.M: How old are you, Katie?W: Eighteen.M: That‘s rather young. What experience have you had?W: Well, I‘ve just left school, in fact, and I‘m looking for a job between now and when I go to college.M: It doesn't sound as if we can help, Katie. You see, our clients are very demanding, especially when it comes to new office technology.W: Oh, that‘s no problem. I took extra classes in office skills at school.M: Oh, perhaps you‘d like to outline what you‘ve been doing?W: I started by learning keyboard skills. Then I went on to learn about word processing.M: Good. You seem qualified from the technical point of view. But how well do you think you‘ll get along with people in an office?W: I think I‘m quite adaptable. I belonged to the drama society, as well as working on the school magazine.And I played a bit of sports. So I‘m used to working as part of a team.M: Sounds good. Let‘s see…There‘s a request from Johnson‘s Imports for ―a bright youngster…‖. Questions 14-17 [听⼒原⽂]W: Good morning, Mr. Tim. It‘s a long time since I had the pleasure of a visit from you.M: Yes, it must be three or four years. I haven‘t visited you since I called about my will. You helped me with that, you remember?W: Yes, I remember. Do you want to make any changes in your will?M: I don't think that will be necessary, but you‘ll tell me if it is. I left everything, you remember, to my wife, and after her death, to my son Jerry. I‘ve about $15,000 in shares of industrial companies. These bring in, after paying tax, about $1,125 a year. Well, I‘m earning a good salary now, and I shall get a good pension from my employers, so my wife and I can live fairly comfortably with this extra income. I want to buy some land and build a house for my son; he will need a house when he gets married, I‘m thinking of building one and giving it to him.W: Your son‘s lucky. So you want my help buying the land and building the house.M: Yes, that‘s right. As soon as you‘ve done what‘s necessary for buying the land, Jerry and I will see an architect.W: Have you found a plot yet?M: Jerry was in Edinburgh last Saturday and saw a plot he likes. My wife and I went there two days ago, and we liked it, too. I‘d like you to make the necessary inquiries for me.W: I‘d be pleased to do that. I shall have to write to the Local Authority and inquire whether it is allowed to build a house on your piece of land. You‘re not allowed to build a house without permission from the Planning Authority. And sometimes the Authority decides that a house must be built of stone, and not of brick, so that it doesn't spoil the surrounding village.Questions 18-21 [听⼒原⽂]W: Hello. Can I help you?M: Yes, er…I am going to see the West End.W: How much time do you have?M: Just one day.W: Well, what do you particularly want to do?M: I want to visit museums, art galleries, Buckingham Palace, do some shopping, go to the theater…W: But you only have one day!M: That‘s right.W: Well, you can go shopping in the moring.M: Where?W: In Oxford Street.M: How do I get there?W: You can walk through Hyde Park. It‘s quite near.M: Good. What time do the shops open?W: At nine.M: Are there any restaurants in Oxford Street?W: Yes, there are. You can have lunch there.M: Are there any museums near Oxford Street?W: Yes, the British Museum. You can go there in the afternoon.M: Good, what time does it close?W: At five.M: I want to go to the theater in the evening.W: Well, there are many theaters near there.M: Where?W: In Shaftsbury Avenue. You can take a bus from the British Museum.M: Perfect. Thanks for your help.W: You‘re welcome. Have a good time.Questions 22-25[听⼒原⽂]Why do people smoke? One reason is that people become dependent on cigarettes. The substance which people cannot resist in cigarettes is nicotine. When people smoke the nicotine goes directly into the blood stream and makes people feel relaxed. A smoker‘s body gets accustomed to the nicotine and if he stops smoking he feels nervous. Many smokers try to stop smoking but because of their dependence on nicotine they feel so uncomfortable that they often find it too hard to stop. Another reason is that people simply enjoy smoking and what it symbolizes. Having a cigarette for many people means taking a break. For some people smoking becomes part of certain social forms, for example, the cigarette after dinner. Many people enjoy smoking because it makes their hands busy.Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes. However, it is the tar causes cancer. While governments and health experts have tried to make people give up smoking entirely, cigarette manufacturers have to keep selling them by producing cigarettes with less tar. Many people is western countries have welcomed these cigarettes since they find it difficult to stop smoking but want to reduce its risk.第⼆部分阅读Text 1参考译⽂5岁的伊利亚带了⼀⼤盒彩⾊铅笔去学校。
2015年英语三级参考试题答案(70%其余部分开考后更新)1.althoug she is only ....(mature)...2.the proposal ...(being discussed)...3.there is no ....(that)...4.it is reasonable for ...(to)...5.the new drng will not be....(until)....6.when he patted...(casual)..7.according to the ....(leaves)....8.the weather forecast ..(persist)..9.it was because og his good ...(that)...10.our company ...(another)..阅读1.how to write contact details in your CT? (文章开头句)top of page (print)...to be included 1.(address) 2.(email)not to be included 1.(personal information) such as...2.(include a photograph) unless it is ..空题1.It is (be)---be2.conduct--conducted3.If I (be)--were4.accept--to accept5.quick--quickly 阅6.responsible--responsibility7.injure--injured读8.pay--payment9interview--were interviewed1.college is a place to explore many possibilites (文章开头句)1)we need to plan ....(better organizeour...)2)strategic time are ...(study efficiently)3)which of the following could be ...(any activities we're...)4)what can help us to keep ...(taking a short napin...)5)which of the following could...(study habits andy time...)2.welcome to our small business set-up guide (文章开头句)1)this guide is in tended...(start a new small...)2)what are most unportant for ...(determination...)3)what does the word ...(advise before hand...)4)what kind of businesses are ...(those with fener...)5)more information about ...(link to other relevant...)阅读问答1. sale contract (文章标题)1)what are the ecrms of...?答案: by letter of cred it2)what is the brand of the apple jam?答案: Great Wall brand3)when will the goods be shipped?答案: august 20094)what is the total value of the contract?答案: US 3000需记词组advice of到货通知书 sales contract销售合同fixed price固定价格 prompt shipment即期装运late payment逾期付款 note of claim索赔通知cash against 交货付款 cash price现金价格port of arrival到达港 supply agreement供货合同trade agreement贸易协定 letter of credit信用证翻1.I have already given....我已做了解释,首先必须有工程师愿意加班工作才能有可能来完成这项任务2.when exporting goods it is ...答案:为了促进货物出口,减少货物的丢失或者损坏,必须发展保险业3if we do not rective payment...答案:如果本月底我们还收不到订货,我们就不的不采取其他办法了4.party B has the ....答案:乙方有义务在下述情况下,有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同作文:介绍产品(为往年试题作文,仅供参考)假如你是某公司的产品推销员,请用英语完成下面的产品介绍:1.产品名称:INSTANT-DICT2.产地:中国香港3.厂家:Hongyun Company Ltd.4.产品特点:电子辞典,储存有一百万英语单词和短语.采用该公司20年的研究成果,由高级电脑科技控制,用轻金属制成,体小,携带方便,操作简单,价格合理.注意:词数100左右.One possible version:INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in Hong Kong, China. It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it. So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period. INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20-year research. The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made of light metal. Therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. The price is reasonable. It isa wise choice for English learners.内容:1. 告诉对方你是从《城市商报》(Urban Commerce)上看到贵公司的介绍;2. 说明你去信的目的:询问对方是否有你需要的产品,是否有现货供应等等,并想和对方建立贸易联系;3. 介绍你公司的情况,如:多年从事进出口贸易,在中国设有6家分公司,与国内许多大商场有联系等等;4. 希望尽快得到回复。
北京成人英语三级考试真题网篇一:2015年11月北京地区英语三级及解析2015-11-07北京地区成人学士学位英语考试试题I. Reading comprehensionPassage 1Since its founding in 1948, McDonalds has grown from a family burger (汉堡包) stand to a global fast-food chain, with more than 30,000 locations in 118 countries.With 58 million daily customers worldwide, McDonald’s is now so ubiquitous around the globe that The Economist publishes a global ranking of currencies purchasing power based on the prices charged at the local McDonald’s, called the Big Mac Index (巨无霸指数).That’s not to say that every nation carries the same menu items: choices vary widely depending on location. Some Asian locations serve fried shrimp in a Big Mac roll, while McDonald’s in India doesn’t serve beef at all, relying instead on burgers made from vegetables, rice and beans.Not everyone in the world has been happy to greet Ronald McDonald when he moves to town. Many see McDonalds as a symbol of American economic and cultural chauvinism (沙文主义), and European nations in particular have viewed American-style fast food as an insult to their national food. A French farmer, Jose Bove, became something of a national hero in 1999 after he and a group of people destroyed a McDonalds under construction to protest globalization and bad food. The next year, a bomb exploded in a French McDonald’s, killing a 27-year-old employee.(76) But regardless of whether you like their food or their policies, McDonald’s is still widely seen as one of the true pioneers of peaceful globalization.1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE.A. McDonalds was founded in 1948.B. McDonald’s has opened its restaurants in every city of the world.C. McDonald’s has over 30,000 locations in the world now.D. McDonald’s was very small in scale in the beginning.2. The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean ____.A. very crowdedB. very deanC. existing everywhereD. occurring frequently3. From Paragraph 2, we can conclude that ____.A. McDonald’s designs its menu to suit the local peopleB. millions of young adults got their first job with McDonald’sC. the McDonald’s menu sticks to old-fashioned favorites such as the Big MacD. the low prices McDonald’s bring tens of millions of people through its doors every day4. What did Jose Bove and his people do in 1999 to protest against McDonalds?A. They organized a strike.B. They protested outside a McDonald’s.C. They refused to go to a newly-built McDonald’s.D. They destroyed a McDonald’s under construction.5. In ____, an employee died in a fatal bomb attack on a McDonald’s restaurant in France.A. 1998B. 1999C. 2000D. 2001Passage 2Jim Thorpe was a Native American. He was born in 1888 in an Indian Territory(印第安人保护区)that is now Oklahoma. Like most Native American children then, he liked to fish, hunt, swim, and play games outdoors.player. He was also an Olympic gold medal winner. But Thorpe had many tragedies in his life. Jim had a twin brother who died when he was nine years old. By the time he was 16, his mother and father were also dead. Jim then went to a special school in Pennsylvania for Native American children. There, he learned to read and write and also began to play sports. Jim was poor, so he left school for two years to earn some money. During this time, he played on a athlete(运发动) in several sports, including baseball, running and football. He won many awards for his athletic ability, mainly for football. In many games, he scored all or most of the points for his team.In 1912, when Jim Thorpe was 24 years old, he became part of the U. S Olympic team. He competed in two very difficult events: the pentathlon and the decathlon. Both require great ability and strength. The pentathlon has five track and field events, including the long jump and the 1,500-meter race. The decathlon hasten track and field and filed events, with running, jumping, and throwing contests.People thought it was impossible for an athlete to compete in both the pentathlon and the decathlon. So everyone was surprised when Thorpe won gold medals in both events. When the King of Sweden presented Thorpe with his two gold medals, he said, “Sir, you are the greatest athlete in the world.” Thorpe was a simple and honest man. He just answered, “Thanks, King.”6. From the passage we learn that Jim Thorpe was born in ______.A. IndiaB. PennsylvaniaC. OklahomaD. Sweden7. According to the passage, most American Indian children loved all the following EXCEPT _____.A. fishingB. huntingC. swimmingD. singing8. Jim Thorpe started to play sports _____.A. before he was nine years old.B. when he was 16 years oldC. when he was 24 years oldD. before his parents passed away9. The word decathlon in paragraph 3 probably means _______.A. jumpingB. five track and field eventsC. throwingD. ten track and field events10. Which of the flowing is NOT TRUE?A. In 1912, Thorpe went back to finish his college education.B. Thorpe won two gold medals in the 1912 Olympic Games.C. Thorpe once played on a baseball team for money.D. In 1950, Thorpe was named the greatest American football player.Passage 3It can be really frustrating(使人沮丧的) for an overweight person to go to a gym and work out with a positive attitude. All one has to do is walk by almost any nice gym and notice all the healthy, sweating, “skinny”members. Sometimes they stare at those of us who are , well, zaftig. It is easy to see the judgment behind their eyes. Who wants to put up with that? Many people are self-conscious of their bodies and feel isolated when joining workout classes or while exercising, especially if they are larger than most of the others in the group. Now the fitness industry is finally paying attention. Popular gyms are catering(投合) to overweight and weight conscious customers by dedicating areas where the “skinny” people are not allowed.There are even gyms or programs that require members to be at least 50 pounds overweight toparticipate.Trainers recommended functional fitness as a practical goal, rather than six-pack abs(六块腹肌Often at these specialized gyms, the trainers are overweight themselves, or working on their own weight goals, and this can help those people with anxiety caused by poor body image. The equipment has been designed for use by larger people.Wider seats, more cushioning, no mirrors, and tinted(有色的) windows for privacy, are all important changes.The idea is a very simple and potentially popular one. If it helps those of us who are bigger exercise more and improve our fitness level, it’s a step in the right direction.11. The word zaftig in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.A. fatB. healthyC. friendlyD. polite12. We can infer from the first two paragraphs that ___________.A. most large gym chains really want members to show up frequentlyB. overweight people are often frustrated and pushed away by traditional gym industryC. regular gyms don’t accept overweight people to participate in their programsD. overweight people have to pay extra to work out in a gym13. What is the training goal in the gyms catering to overweight members?A. To achieve functional fitness.B. To build six-pack abs.C. To look like a fitness model.D. To be able to run long distances.14. As for the gyms catering to overweight members, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A. The machines are designed for larger people.B. Tinted windows are used to ensure extra privacy.C. There are larger mirrors on the walls.D. The training goals are more realistic.15. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Improving Women’s Self-confidence through ExercisesB. The Traditional Gym Industry Is Losing Its CustomersC. The Fitness Industry Is Look for New DirectionsD. Specialization Gyms Designed for Overweight People16. When Bill came in, I ____ with my friends.A. will talkB. talkC. was talkingD. have talked17. John made her ____ him everything about her plan for the trip.A. to tellB. tellC. toldD. tells18. Lucy goes to school by bike every day, ____ she?A. doesB. doesntC. isD. isnt19. I can help ____ whether we should go without raincoats.A. wonderB. to wonderC. wonderingD. wondered20. Never in her life ____ in such an important party, where she saw so many pop stars.A. Lisa took partB. did Lisa take partC. Lisa was taken partD. was Lisa taken part21. The young man, __met us at the station yesterday, will show us around the campus this morning.A. whoB. thatC. whichD. whose22. I am not sure whether New York is ____ biggest city in ____ world or not.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. the; a23. Believe it or not, Mike runs ____ than all the other boys in his class.A. fastB. fasterC. fastestD. more fast24. They left London for New York ____ the morning of September 10.A in B. on C. at D. of25. Jim can’t go to school today ____ his illness.A. in spite ofB. in front ofC. because ofD. far from26. With the____ of a computer, one can do what was impossible in the past.A. ageB. airC. aidD. aim27. I immediately __ Lukes father from the crowd because they two looked like each other so much.A. researchedB. recognizedC. reportedD. reduced28. A friendly relationship between two countries is often based on____ respect, trust and understanding.A. lovelyB. mutualC. boldD. strict29. Mr. Brown isnt in the office now, but you can ____ a message for him.A. giveB. handC. tellD. leave30. The boy gave an exciting ____ of his adventures on the island, which attracted a large audience.A. opinionB. ideaC. accountD. appearance31. Get in the car. Theres enough ____ for you.A. roomB. seatC. spotD. area32. His face looks ____ but I cant remember where I met him.A. alikeB. familiarC. likeD. similar33. We must make ____ our minds where to go for our vacation this winter.A. outB. upC. forD. in34. China is rich in natural resources, but they are not evenly ____.A. dismissedB. contributedC. disturbedD. distributed35. Taken in time, the medicine can be quite ____.A. effectiveB. affectedC. efficientD. sufficient36. The ____ edition of the dictionary is far better than the previous ones.A. lateB. latelyC. latestD. lasting37. Big waves turned ____ the boat, causing many people to fall into water.A. upB. downC. inD. over38. On reaching home I discovered that I ____ my keys at the office.A. leftB. have leftC. was leftD. had left39. By the time she leaves the stage next month, she ____ for sixty years.A. will have performedB. has performedC. will be performingD. will perform40. I appreciated ____ to your school to give a lecture.A. to be invitedB. to have invitedC. having invitedD. being invited41. ____, follow the directions on the bottle carefully.A. When taken drugsB. When taking drugsC. When one takes drugsD. When to take drugs42. Mr. Smith____ be in the bookstore because I saw him in his office a moment ago.A. must notB. cantC. may notD. neednt43. The plants would have grown all right if she ____ them properly.A. had wateredB. wateredC. has wateredD. waters44. All the evidence pointed to the conclusion ____ he was guilty.A. whichB. thatC. asD. so45. ____ she likes the present is not clear to me.A. IfB. WhatC. WhichD. WhetherIII. 挑错Identification.46.Fred, together [with] his friends, [are] planning a trip [to] the beach [at] the vacation.A B C D47.[Reading] the novel, he returned [to] the library [and] borrowed another [one].A B CD48. I [dont] feel like [going out] now: Im not used [to have a walk] [after dark].A B CD49. I [dont know] what [was happened] [to him] when he went home [alone].A B C D50.We think [that] impossible [for] them [to work out] those math problems within [such] a short time.A B C D51.[It] is very important [for] the strong man [to know] that [whatever strong] he is he cannot be the strongest.A B C D52. Im [still] unable [to] make myself [understand] in the discussion [which] worries me a lot. ABCD53. Though Dick is [five years old] this coming week, [but] he is [still] unable [to speak].A B C D54.[The more] learned a man [is], [and] [more modest] he usually [is].A B C D55.The reason I [cannot] go [with] you is [because] I [am] really busy.A B C D四、完形填空Some people think of life as a game. There are similarities between life and games: both can be played, both have rules, and both turn out winners and losers. There are differences __56__ the two, however. Games make you __57__ away from life; the more you play, the less you pay __58__ to the more important things in life.In life, you get only one chance to play. When your life is over, the game is over. Life is not a game. Life is the __59__ thing. Life is unpredictable(不能预测的); you can play it right and still __60__.Life is not always fair; one wrong move or one bad choice may __61__ too many such moves or choices in life. Take a chance with your life and it could be the last chance you get. Life isnt always fun, but it can be if you decide to make it that __62__.__63__, the advice is Enjoy your life; take risks, but dont engage __64__ risky behavior. Think __65__the things you do and the things you shouldnt do. Don’t play with your life in the following points.Dont play with your safety. Dont ignore proven safety measures. Safety measures and safety equipment have one purpose: to __66__ you safe. _67__ your seat belt when you drive a car; wear a helmet(头盔)when you __68__ a motorcycle. Your safety is in your __69__.Dont play with money. You can make your money _70__ or you can throw it all away. Dont pay with a credit card if you dont have the money to pay __71__ the bill when it comes. Save some of your money. Think twice before __72__ a purchase, no matter how __73__ it is. Skip (省去) the cup of coffee or the can of soda each day, and save the money you would have spent. In just a few years, you will have saved thousands of dollars. Save more, and youll have more. The habits you __74__ today will affect you financially for the rest of your life. Learn how to __75__ your money.56. A. beyond B. besidesC. betweenD. among57. A. engageB. turn C. change D. think58. A. attention B. resistance C. importanceD. vacation59. A. proud B. short C. false D. real篇二:2014年11月北京地区成人英语三级考试真题和答案解析2014年11月北京地区成人英语三级考试真题和答案解析Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Jarden Zinc Products, a large zinc plant a few miles outside Greeneville, Tennessee, has a special claim. Since 1982, it has been the only supplier of penny blanks for the U.S. Mint (铸币厂). Its a good business for Jarden-since 2000, the company has earned more than $ 800 million. But it may not be a good deal for the U.S. (76) The value of the penny has been dropping for years. In 2006, it began to cost more than a penny to make a penny. It now costs 2 C to produce a 1 C coin. Many countries have stopped using pennies. Is it time for the U.S. to do the same? Jarden and the zinc industry are fighting to keep the penny. Since 2006, Jarden has given $1.2 million to Americans for Common Cents (ACC). The groups mission is to keep the penny in use. Mark Weller is ACCs executive director. He argues that there are three main reasons for keeping the penny: Without it, we would become more reliant on the five-cent coin, which also has problems; charities(慈善机构)that depend on penny drives would not be able to raise as much money; and a 2012 survey shows that 67% of Americans want to keep the penny. (77) Many people surveyed said they feared they would end up paying more for products.Many experts disagree with ACC, They point to the dozens of countries that have gotten rid of their lowest-value coins without raising prices for consumers. And charities dont seem too concerned either.President Barack Obama says the mint could explore using cheaper metals to make pennies. Steel is less expensive than zinc. Pennies are 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper. But no matter what it is made of, the pennys days may be numbered. Most in-store purchases are now made with credit cards, not cash. Is it time for a change?1. what is the main idea of the passage?A.Many countries are trying to reduce the cost of making coins.B.These days a penny made is a penny wasted.C.There is disagreement over whether the U.S. should stop using pennies.D.Many countries have stopped using pennies.2. The mission of ACC is to ______.A. conduct online surveysB.lower the production costs of the pennyC. raise money for charitiesD.keep the penny in use3. The penny coin is mainly made of _____.A. copperB. steelC. ironD. zinc4. What does the sentence the pennys days may be numbered in the last paragraph probably mean?A.The penny may be out of use very soon.B.The value of the penny may rise.C.The penny has a special place in American history.D.The penny is part of American culture.5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A.Jarden is the sole supplier of the zinc the U.S. Mint uses to make the penny.B. The majority of American people are in favor of keeping the penny.C. Many Americans fear that getting rid of the penny would cause prices to rise.D. The U.S. Mint now spends 2.4 cents to make a penny.Passage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He was the second of eight children. His father always had problems with money. When Charles was 12 years old, his father went to prison because he was in debt. Charles had to leave school to help his family. He got a job in a dirty, old factory. Charles Dickens never forgot his difficult childhood. Many of his stories and books were about poor people and their problems.(78)Later, Charles went back to school for two more years. He left school when he was 15 years old to become a newspaper reporter. In 1836, he began to write The Pickwick Papers. It was published as a series and was a huge success. By age 24, Dickens was a prominent writer in both Great Britain and the United States.Many people bought his books, but they also paid to hear him read his stories aloud. Because there was no radio or television, people liked to hear famous writers read in public. Dickens read his works like he was acting in a play. He went on very successful reading tours and earned a lot of money.Dickens was meticulous (过分留意琐事的). Everything had to be just right. When he worked at home, everything had to be in its place. He worked at a desk by a window that always had a vase (花瓶) of flowers and the same ornaments (装饰物) on it. (79)He wrote 2, 000 words a day and he required complete quiet while he wrote. He divided his page into three parts, and on each side he had notes in difficult colors. The main writing was in middle, the story notes were in the right margin, and the chapter notes were in the left margin.He also cared a lot about his appearance.6. Charles Dickens father was put into prison because he .A.stole money from other peopleB. refused to pay taxC. didnt pay for his childrens educationD. owed money to other people7. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE ?A. Dickens loved to travelB. Dickens stories were mostly about his own childhoodC. Dickens made a lot of money on his reading toursD. Dickens left school to write The Pickwick Papers8. According to the passage, which of the following about Dickens is TRUE ?A. He was a peaceful personB. He was a quiet writerC. He worked very hard at schoolD. He cared a lot about things around him9. The word prominent in the second paragraph means________ .A. FamousB. ThoughtfulC. CarefulD. difficult10. After the last paragraph, the author will most probably discuss Dickens .A. SuccessB. AppearanceC. WorksD. childhoodPassage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Computer technology is advancing so fast that old hardware quickly becomes completely obsolete. The electronic waster (e-waste) from this constantly growing field is polluting the environment, both here and abroad.Computers contain toxic (有毒的) materials such as lead. Despite the danger of throwing these hazardous materials in a landfill (垃圾填埋场), thats exactly where tons of computers end up. Americans reuse or recycle only about 10 percent of the 50 million computers they replace each year, according to ABC News. Eighty percent is being stockpiled (囤积), which could create even bigger problems in the future, and the remaining 10 percent is landfilled. Throwing e-waste in landfills creates a potential for landfills are tougher in the United States than in many other countries, e-waste is often exported, especially to some developing countries. (80)Some countries are creating policies to deal with the growing e-waste problem. In the Netherlands, you can bring your old computer to the seller when buying a new one, and the seller must by law accept it free of charge. Japan passed a law in 2001 requiring producers to recycle certain parts.In the united states, a movement called the Computer TakeBack Campaign is demanding that producers take more responsibility for disposing of (处理) old computers, California and Massachusetts recently prohibited certain computer parts in landfills, while Apple and IBM take back computers for about a $30 fee. Gateway is one step ahead: They will pay you $50 for recycling your old computer when you buy a new one from them. Lastly, many nonprofit programs accept used equipment, and services have popped up that distribute old computers to schools and other organizations.11. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. The Main Exports of AmericaB. The Computer TakeBack CampaignC. The Harm of E-waste TreatmentD. Electronic Waste-a Global Problem12. What does the word obsolete in the first paragraph probably mean?A. FashionableB. UsefulC. Out of dateD. Out of control13.Americans reuse about______ million computers each year.A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 2014. According to the passage, American electronic waste is exported to other countries because these countries have_______.A. the resources and more space to process the e-wasteB. less strictly enforced environment safety standardsC. a lot of skilled e-waste workersD. many computer recycling businesses15. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Japan passed a law to address the e-waste problemB. Compared with stockpile, landfill is a better and safer method to deal with e-wasteC. Apple will pay you $50 for recycling your old computer when you buy a new one from themD. Old computers are safe to the environment even when improperly disposed of Part II V ocabulary and Structure(30%)Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16. The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. Id like to have it again even if it costs____.A.as twice muchB. twice as muchC. much as twiceD. as much twice17. ____too much to do, they have to keep themselves busy all day long.A. HavingB. HaveC. HadD. Being18. Air pollution, together with overpopulation, ____ many problems in big cities.A. are causingB. is causingC. are causedD. is caused19. She has no idea of what the book is about. She ____ have read it carefully.A.mustn’tB.cantC.shouldntD.neednt20. ____ from space, our earth, with water covering 70% of its surface, appears as a blue planet.A. SeeingB. To be seenC. SeenD. Having seen21. The mere fact____ most people believe a nuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. why22. It was____ he had made such great contributions to world peace that he won the Nobel Prize for Peace.A.thatB.becauseC.howD.why23. If it ____tomorrow, we wont go for a picnic.A. Will rainB. should rainC. rainsD. rained24. The number of members in the club____ to two hundred.A. were limitedB. limitsC. was limitedD. limited25. There are many fashion shops and expensive restaurants on ____ sides of the street.A. all B, eachC, both D.every26. I went to____ London yesterday and saw ____strange old man and a little girl, begging by the roadside.A./;aB.a;/C./;theD.the;/27. John, lets take a taxi,_____?A. Will youB. Shall weC. would youD. should we28. Of all the girls in the class Jane studies the____ .A. hardB. harderC. hardestD. hardly29. Do you know the girl____father died in a car accident last week?A.whoB.thatC.whomD.whose30. When the violinist finished his performance, the audience stood up and ____forfive minutes.A.actedB.clappedC.backedD.closed31. She doesnt want to listen to you now; she has something urgent to____.A. talk withB. laugh atC. cope withD. warm up32. I cant find my keys! Can you help me ____ them?A. dream aboutB. look forC. see throughD. speak of33. A: ____ Madam, Is there a post office near here?B: Keep on going ahead. Turn right at the first crossroads. Then youll find one there.A. SorryB. You are welcomeC. Excuse meD. Thanks a lot34. The American couple have____ a two-year-old child, who lost his parents in an earthquake.A. adjustedB. affordedC. approvedD. adopted35. You should be ____ of yourself, telling lies at your age.A. ashamedB. accurateC. adequateD.attractive36. No sooner had he sat down to lunch____there was a knock at the door.A. whenB. thatC. asD. than37. This kind of computer is____. handling all kinds of information.A. capable toB. able toC. capable ofD. able of38. Please sit down and make yourself____.A. in the roomB. fineC. easyD. at home39. He offered to____her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.A.borrowB.helpC.lendD.show40. Dont let the child play with scissors ____he cuts himself.A. in caseB. so thatC. now thatD. only if41. Let me give you a ____ of how the computer works.A. demonstrationB. differenceC. deductionD. distinction42. ________ the rain, we would have had a pleasant trip to the countryside.A. Because ofB. Due toC. Thanks toD. But for43. The textbook is for the ____ students, not for the beginners.A. foreignB. blindC. advancedD. deaf44. By the end of next month he ____ everything in school.A. will finishB. would have finishedC. finishesD. will have finished45. Sam: I dont drink coffee at all.Frank:____ .A.So dont IB. I do eitherC. Nor I doD. Neither do I Part III Identification (10%) Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B,C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.46. [Should] she [come] tomorrow, I [will] take her [to the museum].ABCD篇三:2013年11月北京地区成人英语三级考试真题及答案解析2013年11月北京地区成人英语三级考试真题及答案解析Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages inthis part. Each passage is followed by some questions or。
2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题及答案目录2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题及答案2 (1)2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题2 (1)2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题答案2 (2)2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题及答案22015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题2 Cats are animals of habit. They like to go to sleep 1._____about same time every day and for a certain length of time. They 2._____seem to have natural clock inside them that tells them 3._____when sleeping. Besides their regular sleep, cats take naps(打盹). 4._____Some scientists think that people should also take cat nap. The 5._____habit would do good for people's health. 6._____Cat naps helped build up energy in the body. 7._____Since cats have moods(情绪) like these of people, 8._____scientists believe that people can improve their moods with 9._____cat-napping. People might become more happier and more active.10.____2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题答案21. right2. same-the same3.have-have a4. sleeping-to sleep5. nap-naps6. for –to7. helped-help8. these-those9. with-by 10. 去掉more。
(误)The man asked me that when he could reach the station.(正)The man asked me when he could reach thestation.(when可引导名词从句,不再使用that.)2.中文:原因是他不知道如何去做。
(误)The reason is because he does not know how to do it.(正)The reason is that he does not know how to doit.(because不能引导名词从句。
(误)The letter is on the desk which she wrote.(正)The letter which she wrote is on the desk.(定语从句通常紧跟在被修饰词后面。
(误)She is one of the few students who has passed the exam.(正)She is one of the few students who have passed the exam.(one of+复数名词+关系代词+复数动词。
(误)The building which windows are round is our school building.(正)The building whose windows are round is our school building.(windows是属于building的,用关系代词的所有格。
2015年成人英语三级考试挑错模拟试题My friendship with Yang Qing began when we meet in our school photo club. From then on we became good friend. We had common interest in basketball and often shared their experience about photographing. On weekends we rode to play the basketball together. Now in Senior 3, we seldom play together, or still keep in touch and encourage each other. With the entrance exam comes near, I'm worried about what my life will like as we may go to different universities. But now what doesn't worry me any more because I know just as the old saying goes: Truly friendship will always live on no matter where far apart we are.试卷答案1. 将第一句中的meet改为met。
2. 将第二句中的friend改为friends。
3. 将第三句中的their改为our。
4. 将第四句中的the去掉。
5. 将第五句中的or改为but。
6. 将第六句中的comes改为coming。
7. 在第六句中的will后面加be。
8. 将第七句中的what改为it。
9. 将第八句中的Truly改为True。
正确答案:1、A2、C3、A4、B5、D【名师解析】这几道题分别考察字母组合ai, s, u y, tion 的发音。
6.What do you imagine the child uses this old tool _____ ?A.aboutB.byC.forD.of解析e sth for,表示用某物做某事【名师点评】这道题考查固定短语。
7.-Have you got a camera?-No.I should buy.A.it B.one C.that D.this【名师解析】B.此题考察it 和one的区别。
It是特指某物,而one 指的是一个.8.Peter was about to unlock the door _____ he found someone had broken into the room.A.once B.before C.than D.when【名师解析】D此题考察四个连词的区别。
Section D
Directions: This section is to比st your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. A.庐that you will hear five questions. Both. the passage and the questions will be read two times. W枷you hear a question, you shou屈complete the answer to it with a word or a. short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questions and plete answers are pri讥ed in your 比st paper. You s加讥d write your answers on the Answer Sheet
r20 n1inutes)
Directions: Tl砑s pa,rt is to test yonr listening ability. It co邓ists of 4 sections.
Section A
Directions: Tl凇section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dia logues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and ques 砌ns而U be spoken o,ily once. �'lien you I邱ar a question, you should decid.,e on the co竹ect 彻swer fi·om the 4 choices nia?如ked A), BJ, CJ and DJ given in your test paper. Then you should ?nark ti花 con·esponding lett句·· on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the
2015年11月北京成人英语三级(成人学士学位英语)考试——词汇语法题答案解析1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE.A. McDonald's was founded in 1948.B. McDonald’s has opened its restaurants in every city of the world.C. McDonald’s has over 30,000 locat ions in the world now.D. McDonald’s was very small in scale in the beginning.题干:根据文章,以下哪个表述不正确?解析:答案B。
2. The word ubiquitous in Paragraph 2 is most likely to mean ____.A. very crowdedB. very deanC. existing everywhereD. occurring frequently题干:第二段“ubiquitous”一词最可能的意思是?解析:答案C。
3. From Paragraph 2, we can conclude that ____.A. McDonald’s designs its menu to suit the local peopleB. millions of young adults got their first job with McDonald’sC. the McDonald’s menu sticks to old-fashioned favorites such as the Big MacD. the low prices McDonald’s bring tens of millions of people through its doors every day题干:从第二段我们可以总结出。
成人英语三级考试练习题:挑错Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little asten years before, you can’t help being strucked by the __1__appearance of the women taking part. Their hair styles andmake-up look date; their skirts look either too long or too __2__short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly ludicrous.The men taking part, on other hand, are clearly recognizable. __3__ There is nothing about their appearance to suggest thatthey belong to an entire different age. This illusion is created __4__ by changing fashions. Over the years, the great minority of men __5__have successfully resisted all attempts to make it change their __6__ style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year,a fewer so-called top designers in Paris and London lay down __7__on the law and women around the world run to obey. The __8__decrees of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial.Sometime they decide arbitrarily, that skirts will be short and __9__ waists will be height; hips are in and buttons are out. __10__参考答案及解析:1. strucked改为struck或者stricken过去分词形式有误。
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2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题及答案2 (1)
2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题2 (1)
2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题答案2 (2)
2015年成人英语三级考试短文挑错试题2 Cats are animals of habit.They like to go to sleep1._____
about same time every day and for a certain length of time.They2._____
seem to have natural clock inside them that tells them3._____
when sleeping.Besides their regular sleep,cats take naps(打盹).4._____
Some scientists think that people should also take cat nap.The5._____
habit would do good for people's health.6._____
Cat naps helped build up energy in the body.7._____
Since cats have moods(情绪)like these of people,8._____
scientists believe that people can improve their moods with9._____
cat-napping.People might become more happier and more active.10.____
2.same-the same
3.have-have a
4.sleeping-to sleep
7. helped-help