学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下2.2 (39)
RJ 试题优化七年级下复习及答案

2013--RJ 七年级下复习Unit 1 Can you play the guitar ?一Ⅰ(A)词汇1 Jim likes music . She can play the ________(吉他)2 Tracy is interested in art. She can _______ very well . ( 画画)3 ---Can Gina ______ well ? --- Yes , she can . ( 跳舞)4 The Smiths often play _______ in their free time. ( 琪)5 Tom wants to ________ an e-mail to his pen friend . (发送)(B) 6 I like art and I want to j_________ the art club.7 Could you s__________ me how to play the MP5 player ?8 Can she s_________ in the river ?9 After supper my father often tells me s____________.10 ---Can you t________ to the American visitor in English ? --- Yes , I can .Ⅱ单选11 ---In my free time, I often play -___ basketball . What about you ? ---- I often play ____ guitar .A. the , theB. /,/C. /, the12 I like singing , _____ I can’t sing well . A. but B. and C. so13 ----What club do you want to _____? ---- Art club. A. go B. join C. do14 ---Can you ___ it in English ? --- Sorry , I can’t ____ English. A. say , speak B. speak , speak C. speak ,say15 My brother ____ play basketball , and he is very good at it . A. can B. is C. does16 His aunt can _____ Chinese kung fu . A. make B . do C. think17 ---Can you dance ____ sing ? --- Dance . A. and B. or C . but18 ---Can Jim _____ with us this afternoon ? ---No, he can’t . A. swims B. swimming C. swim19 Would you please ____- me a story ? A. talk B. speak C. tell20 Can you draw ? We want two students ______ our school art club. A, for B. on C . atⅢ句型转换21 Li Ming speaks good English . == Li Ming speaks __________ _________22 I want to be a teacher because I like children very much . ________ ______ you want to be a teacher ?23 She can sing (用dance改选择疑问句) ______ she sing ________ dance ?24 I can go to the movies with you this evening . 否定句I _____ _______ to the movies with you this evening .25 She wants to join a sports club. ______ ______ ______ she ______ to join ?作文41 少年宫的艺术团正在招聘演员。
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下1 (1)

一 通读全文,仿照示例,用四字短语概括本文所写的几件事。
→________→________→夏夜行船→________→ ________→________→________
参考答案:归省平桥→钓虾放牛(乡间生活)→戏前波折→(夏夜行 船)→船头看戏→月下归航→偷豆吃豆→六一送豆
五 《社戏》原文开头部分写的是“我”成年后在剧场看中国戏 的两段经历。课后阅读这些文字,体会一下,作者通过写不同的看 戏经历,表达了一种怎样的情思?
参考答案:“我”成年后在北京看过两次戏,一次是在北京的戏院, 戏院里嘈杂、拥挤、混乱的环境让“我”非常地厌恶。另一次是募 集水捐,因为捐款的方式是买戏票,因此机缘巧合地又看了一次戏, 但却遭遇尴尬,没有看完便离了场,两次看戏给“我”的感觉都是不好 的。而对于作者少年时在赵庄看戏的感受和经历,鲁迅在写这部分 的文字中却饱含着深情,表现了鲁迅对童年生活的美好回忆和深刻 眷念。同样是看戏,童年时在赵庄看戏的心情同现在看戏的心情完 全是不一样的。
参考答案:1.对看社戏雇不到船时的急切心情。 2.看到有船能够看社戏时的轻松心情。 3.“起伏”“踊跃的铁的兽脊”“跑”运用以动写静的手法,写出了连 山的动态美,侧面烘托出行船的速度之快。“但我却还以为船慢”反 衬出我渴望看社戏的迫切之情。 4.我盼望最喜欢的“扮蛇精”“跳老虎”的戏,但演员始终没有出场, 却“又出来一个很老的小生”,这无疑为本来失望的心情又增添了一 份沮丧,于是疲倦了,睡眼朦胧了。 5.这富有江南水乡特色的新奇、贴切的比喻,活画出一幅动人的 “飞船夜行图”。突出了我看社戏归来时的高兴心情。
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下2.2 (46)

Unit1 Can you play the guitar?Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第一单元检测Unit2 What time do you go to school?Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第二单元检测Unit3 How do you get to school?Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第三单元检测Unit4 Don’t eat in class.Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第四单元检测Unit5 Why do you like pandas?Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第五单元检测Unit6 I’m watching TV.Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第六单元检测期中检测Unit7 It’s raining!Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第七单元检测Unit8 Is there a post office near here?Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第八单元检测Unit9 What does he look like?Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第九单元检测Unit10 I’d like some noodles.Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第十单元检测Unit11 How was your school trip?Section A1Section B&Self Check单元专项训练第十一单元检测Unit12 What did you do last weekend?Section ASection B&Self Check单元专项训练第十二单元检测期末检测听力原文2。
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下1 (7)

4.解词语 雾霭:雾气。 缄默:闭口不说话。 迁徙:迁移。 窥探:暗中察看。 狩猎:打猎。 喧嚷:喧哗;大声喊叫。 稀疏:(物体、声音等)空间或时间上的间隔远。 沼泽:水草茂密的泥泞地带。 顾忌:恐怕对人或对事情不利而有顾虑。 凋零:凋谢零落。 倾听:细心地听取(多用于上对下)。
“向我们农场宣告新的季节来临的大雁知道很多事情,其中包括 威斯康星的法规。”说大雁知道威斯康星的法规是什么意思呢?
联系下文,大雁知道11月份每个沼泽和池塘都布满了猎枪,而春天 是休战时刻,那些狩猎点和小洲并无猎枪,由此可知,威斯康星的法 规规定,春季禁止猎杀大雁,冬季则允许猎杀。大雁也知道这个法 规,所以它们冬天只有晚上才到刚刚收割了的地里偷食玉米,春季 则可以放心地活动、觅食。
写作背景 利奥波德从小在一个可以俯瞰密西西比河的豪华府邸里长大。
因为房子建在河岸边的山崖上,因此从山崖上下来,穿过铁轨就是 宽阔的密西西比河,这里是大陆上1/4的野鸭和野鹅一年一度迁徙 的必经之地,因此这里的河漫滩就是成长中的利奥波德天然的野生 动物乐园。1949年,散文集《沙乡年鉴》正式出版了,这本书是利 奥波德一生的观察日记,反映了生态和道德之间的内部关系。 主题思想
滑翔:某些物体不依靠动力,而利用空气的浮力和本身重力的相 互作用在空中飘行。
坚定不移:稳定坚强,毫不动摇。 目空一切:形容骄傲自大,什么都看不起。
作家作品 利奥波德(1887—1948),美国生态学家。本文节选自《沙乡年
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下1 (5)

四 比较下面两段文字的不同特点,体会说明语言的生动性和准 确性。
1.杏花开了,就好像大自然在传语要赶快耕地;桃花开了,又好像 在暗示要赶快种谷子。布谷鸟开始唱歌,劳动人民懂得它在唱什 么:“阿公阿婆,割麦插禾。”
2.此外,物候现象来临的迟早还有古今的差异。根据英国南部物 候的一种长期记录,拿1741到1750年十年平均的春初七种乔木抽青 和开花日期同1921到1930年十年的平均值相比较,可以看出后者比 前者早九天。就是说,春天提前九天。
作家作品 竺可桢(1890—1974),浙江上虞人,气象学家、地理学家。1910年
竺可桢赴美国留学,1918年获哈佛大学地学系博士学位。我国近代 气象学和近代地理学的奠基人。著有《二十八宿起源之时代与地 点》《我国五千年气候变迁的初步研究》《物候学》等。 写作背景
渝(������ú)坚贞不渝 栽(������ā������)栽种
4.解词语 簌簌:纷纷落下的样子。 销声匿迹:原意是不公开讲话、不公开露面。这里指昆虫无声无 息、无影无踪。 载途:满路,有遍地的意思。 孕育:怀胎生育,比喻既有的事物中酝酿着新事物。 萌发:种子或孢子发芽。比喻事物发生。 周而复始:一次又一次地循环。 衰草连天:形容荒草遍地、极其凋敝的样子。 风雪载途:一路上都是风雪交加,形容旅途艰难。
列数字的说明方法,如“南京刺槐开花只比北京早10天”。 分类别的说明方法,如说明物候现象来临的决定因素。“首先是 纬度”到“春天提前九天”。这四个因素是按照影响程度,由大到小 依次排列的。纬度影响最大,经度次之,高下差异又次之,古今差异 最小。这样安排层次井然,条理清晰,易于接受。 引用的说明方法,如“阿公阿婆,割麦插禾”。引用农谚更进一步说 明了物候现象。
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下1 (11)

下面的衣褶里面。佛印极像弥勒佛,袒胸露乳,抬头仰望,神态表情和 苏 、黄 不 属 ㉝。 卧右膝 ㉞,诎 ㉟右臂支 船,而竖
其 左膝,左臂挂 念珠 倚之 —— 珠可 历历
数也 。
通计一 舟 ,为 (53)人五 ;为窗八
;为箬 篷,为楫,为炉,
总计一条船上,刻有五个人;刻有八扇窗户;刻有箬篷、船桨、炉子、 为壶,为手卷,为念珠各一;对联、题名并篆文 (54),为 字共三十有四。
茶壶、书画卷、念珠各一件;对联、题名和篆文,刻有文字共三十四个。 而 计 其 长 曾不盈寸 (55)。盖 简 (56) 桃核 修 狭 (57)者为 之。
靠近的两膝。指东坡的左膝,鲁直的右膝。比,挨着。 各隐卷底衣褶中: 各自隐藏在卷子下面的衣褶里。 绝类弥勒:极像弥勒佛。佛寺中常有 弥勒的塑像,胸腹袒露,满面笑容。 矫首昂视:抬头仰望。矫,举。 不 属:不相类似。属,类。 卧右膝:卧倒右膝。 诎:同“屈”,弯曲。 念珠: 佛教徒念佛号或经咒时用以计数的工具。 历历数也:清清楚楚地数出 来。 楫:船桨。 舟子:撑船的人。
奇 巧 人 ①曰王叔远,能 以 ②径 ③寸之木 ,
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下1 (18)

参考答案:1.“眩晕”指作者为奇美的冰塔林所震撼而引起的生理 乃至心理的反应,“卖弄”在这里是有意显示、炫耀(自己的本领或 长处)。这句话运用拟人的修辞手法生动形象地写出了冰雪覆盖的 各拉丹冬银装素裹,意境苍茫的特点,由衷地赞美了各拉丹冬奇美 的景色。
二 作者是怎样描写各拉丹冬的冰塔林的?试结合课文内容具体 分析。
参考答案:冰塔林中,有高高耸起的冰柱,有玲珑剔透的冰笋,有形 如彩虹的冰桥,有神秘莫测的冰洞,还有银雕玉琢的冰斗、冰舌、 冰湖、冰沟……神工鬼斧,冰清玉洁,简直是一座奇美无比的艺术 长廊。
三 作者多次写到自己在高原上的疼痛、恶心,甚至觉得“要死 了”,这些内容与文中的写景有什么关系?产生了怎样的表达效果?
18 在长江源头各拉丹冬
摄.制(shè) 裸.露(luǒ) 黧.黑(lí) 棱.角(léng)
磅礴.(bó) 气喘吁.吁(xū)
作家作品 马丽华,山东济南人。1976年进藏,在西藏工作和生活了27年,曾
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下1 (9)

交通 ⑯ ,
鸡 犬________ 相闻 。其
中 往来
种 作,男女 衣着,悉 ⑰如 外
在田野里来来往往,耕种劳作,男女的穿戴完全像桃源外的世 人。黄发 垂髫, 并 怡然 ⑱自 乐。
3.古今异义词 乃不知有汉,无.论.魏晋(古义:不要说,更不必说。今义:多为连词, 表示条件不同而结果不变) 率妻.子.邑人来此绝境 (古义:妻子儿女。今义:男女两人结婚后,女子是男子的妻子) 率妻子邑人来此绝.境. (古义:与人世隔绝的地方。今义:没有出路的境地) 芳草鲜.美.〔古义:颜色鲜艳美丽。今义:①(菜肴、瓜果等)滋味好; ②(花草等)新鲜美丽〕 阡陌交.通.(古义:交错相通。今义:运输事业) 不.足.为外人道也 (古义:不值得、不必。今义:不充足;不够完备的地方)
字词快解 ①太元:东晋孝武帝年号。 ②为业:以……为职业。 ③缘:沿着,顺着。 ④夹岸:两岸。 ⑤英:花。 ⑥缤纷:繁多的样子。 ⑦异:惊异,诧异。这里是“对……感到惊异”的意思。 ⑧穷:尽。 ⑨舍:舍弃,抛开。这里是“离开”的意思。 ⑩才:仅仅、只。
通:通过。 豁然:开阔的样子。 开朗:开阔而明亮。 俨然:整齐的样子。 属:类。 交通:交错相通。 悉:全、尽。 怡然:愉快的样子。 乃:于是,就。 要:同“邀”,邀请。 咸:全,都。 问讯:询问消息。 乱:动乱。 妻子:妻子儿女。

(4)how many意为“多少”,询问可数名词的数量。 How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少学生? (5)how much意为“多少”,询问价格或不可数名词的数量。 How much is the bag?这个包多少钱? How much milk do you want?你想要多少牛奶?
how引导的特殊疑问句 (1)直接由how引导的特殊疑问句。 ①询问身体健康等情况。 How are your parents?你父母身体好吗? ②询问方法、手段。
—How do you study English? ——你怎样学习英语? —By speaking English every day. ——通过每天说英语。 ③询问天气状况。 How is the weather today?今天天气怎么样? ④询问程度。
How do you like this book? 你觉得这本书怎么样?
(2)由“how+形容词/副词”引导的特殊疑问句。 ①how long意为“多久;多长”,询问时间或物体的长度。 How long does it take you to get to work? 你花多长时间去上班? How long is the ruler?这把尺子有多长? ②how far意为“多远”,询问距离。 How far is it from your home to the station? 从你家到车站有多远? (3)how old意为“多大”,询问年龄。 How oldБайду номын сангаасis your grandfather? 你爷爷多大年纪?

2.there be句型中的动词be 应该和后面的主语保持数的一致,特别 是有两个或两个以上的主语时,它就和最接近它的那个主语保持一 致。这叫“近邻一致的原则”,或者叫“就近一致原则”。例如:
There is a bed and two chairs in the room. 房间里有一张床和两把椅子。 There are two chairs and a bed in the room. 房间里有两把椅子和一张床。 3.there be句型的否定句结构,是在be 动词后面加not或no构成的。 例如: There isn’t a bank in the neighborhood. 附近没有银行。 There is no use.没有用处。
(9)between“介于(两者或多者的两两)之间”。 between the school and the post office 在学校和邮局之间 (10)in front of “在(物体外部)……前面”。 in front of the school 在学校前面 (11)across from“在……对面”。 across from the library在图书馆对面
(3)under“在……下”。 under the desk 在书桌下 (4)behind“在……后面”。 behind the house 在房子后面 (5)near“在……附近”。 near the school 在学校附近 (6)at“在……处”。 at the door 在门那儿 (7)of “……的”。 a picture of my family我的一张全家照 (8)next to“紧靠……的旁边,贴近,最接近”。 next to the hospital紧挨着医院

友情提示 would like的用法注意以下几点: 1.由would like所构成的一般疑问句往往表示征求对方的意见,表 示“一些”,应用some或something。 Would you like some bread for dinner? 晚饭你想吃些面包吗? 2.对Would you like...?的一般疑问句的回答分为两类: (1)Would you like+名词(代词)?的答语,一般用 Yes,please./No,thanks.等回答。 —Would you like carrot and beef noodles? 你想要胡萝卜牛肉面吗? —Yes,please./No,thanks. 好的,请给我点。/不,谢谢。
温馨提示在表示请求、邀请或征求意见的疑问句中,通常要用 some,而不用 any。
Why not buy some apples? 为什么不买一些苹果呢? Would you like some more fruit? 你要不要再吃点水果? 另外,any 有时也用于肯定句中,表示“任何”。 You can read any of the books. 你可以看这些书中的任何一本。
二、some、any的用法 一般说来,some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中。 I have some good ideas. 我有一些好主意。 There won’t be any trouble. 不会有麻烦。 Do you have any difficulty with English? 你英语学习有困难吗?
一、would like用法 在英语口语中,would like是一个常用结构,意为“想要;愿意”,相当 于want,用来表示主语的意愿,由以上例句可以看出,would like后面 可跟名词、代词或动词不定式形式。 1.would like+名词(代词) My younger brother would like some rice. 我弟弟想吃米饭。 2.would like to do sth.愿意做某事 We’d like to order some chicken. 我们想点一些鸡肉。
学考优化指导英语(人教七年级下1 (2)

2.诗中使用了不少具有地方特色的词语,描摹了当地的生活细节 和场景。试找出几处,感受陕北的地域风俗。
参考答案:回延安时,写到了“黄土、宝塔山”“杜甫川、柳林铺”这 些陕北独有的地方,还有陕北人独有的特征“白羊肚手巾红腰带”等。 描写团聚场面时,作者突出了带有陕北地方特点的事物,如米酒、 油馍、木炭火、土炕、土窑洞、白窗纸、红窗花等,烘托了热闹气 氛。
糜(������é������)糜子 谟(������ó)宏谟
靡(������í)奢靡 摸(������ō)摸索
基础知识梳理 问题探究4
结尾一部分,写到了杨家岭、宝塔山、枣园。想一想,这些内容 为什么放在最后一部分写?
这是进一步从革命历史的角度,歌颂延安的功绩,歌颂党和党的 领袖。这样,越发突出了延安的“特殊性”即“个性”,又能进一步表达 作者热爱延安的原因。读者读到这里,对于延安在革命史上的地位, 怎能不油然而生敬意!但是,这样写,并不是标语、口号式的,作者赋 予革命历史以有色、有形、有光的鲜明形象,将红旗、脚印、灯光 等具体而富有象征意义的事物写入诗中,我们读起来,毫无枯燥、 说教之感,相反,这些形象让我们感受到,革命的力量无比巨大,跟着 党,沿着党指引的道路,星星之火,定能燎原。
怀抱,以及与亲人相见的喜悦,表现了作者思念“母亲延安”的一片赤 子之心,抒发了对“母亲延安”的眷恋之情。 课文结构

位置、地点 年龄 价格和数量
What do you read? 你阅读了什么书? Why did you do that? 你为什么做那事? When did you arrive? 你是什么时候到的? How did you get there? 你是怎么到达那里的?
特殊疑问句 用特殊疑问词引导的疑问句叫特殊疑问句。回答特殊疑问句时 不能用yes或no。回答时要针对具体情况来作出回答。特殊疑问句 一般用降调。它的结构是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句。特殊疑问词 分为两类:疑问代词(what,who,which,whose,whom),疑问副词 (when,where,why,how)。我们在考试中经常做的对画线部分提问就 是要求用不同的特殊疑问词来提问,先归纳如下:
疑问词 what who
when/what time
where how old how much
含义 什么 谁
怎样、如何 什么时候/几 点 哪儿 多大年龄 多少(钱)
询问对象 常用来询问姓名、物品或职业等 句子的主语 原因,回答时多用连词 because 引 导句子 方式、身体情况

课堂优化指南针七年级下册英语答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Classroom Optimization Guide for Grade 7 English Answer KeyUnit 1: My Day1. Listeninga. 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. Ab. 1. history 2. art 3. math 4. science 5. English2. Speakinga. 1. What subjects do you have on Monday? 2. What do you do after school? 3. Do you like math or science better? 4. What time do you have lunch? 5. How many days are there in a week?3. Readinga. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T4. Writinga. 1. My daily routineOn weekdays, I usually get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Then, I have breakfast and go to school at 8 o'clock. I have six subjects on Monday, including math, English, science, history, art, and PE. After school, I do my homework and have dinner with my family. I go to bed around 10 o'clock. On weekends, I like to play basketball with my friends and watch movies in the evening. I enjoy my daily routine a lot.b. (Sample answer)Unit 2: Hobbies1. Listeninga. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. Ab. 1. playing the piano 2. playing basketball 3. drawing pictures 4. dancing 5. fishing2. Speakinga. 1. What is your hobby? 2. How often do you play basketball? 3. Do you like drawing pictures? 4. When did you start dancing? 5. Why do you enjoy fishing?3. Readinga. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. Ta. 1. My favorite hobbyMy favorite hobby is playing the piano. I started learning to play when I was six years old. I practice for an hour every day after school. I like playing classical music because it is beautiful and relaxing. I have participated in several music competitions and won a few awards. Playing the piano is a big part of my life, and I love it.b. (Sample answer)Unit 3: Health1. Listeninga. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. Cb. 1. eat healthy food 2. exercise regularly 3. get enough sleep 4. drink lots of water 5. avoid junk food2. Speakinga. 1. What do you do to stay healthy? 2. How many hours of sleep do you get each night? 3. Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables? 4. Why is it important to exercise regularly? 5. What is your favorite healthy snack?a. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T4. Writinga. 1. Tips for staying healthyTo stay healthy, it is important to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and drink lots of water. Eating healthy food such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can provide essential nutrients for our bodies. Regular exercise helps to keep our bodies strong and fit. Getting enough sleep is crucial for our overall well-being. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep us hydrated and energized. It is also important to avoid junk food and sugary drinks. By following these tips, we can maintain a healthy lifestyle.b. (Sample answer)Unit 4: Environment1. Listeninga. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. Bb. 1. reduce, reuse, recycle 2. plant trees 3. save water 4. pick up trash 5. use public transportationa. 1. What can we do to protect the environment? 2. Why is it important to plant trees? 3. How can we save water at home? 4. Have you ever participated in a beach clean-up? 5. What are the benefits of using public transportation?3. Readinga. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T4. Writinga. 1. Ways to protect the environmentThere are several ways we can protect the environment and make our planet a better place to live. We can start by following the three Rs – reduce, reuse, and recycle. By reducing our waste, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling materials, we can help conserve resources and minimize pollution. Planting trees is another way to protect the environment as they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Saving water is essential for sustainability, so we should fix leaks, take shorter showers, and use water-saving appliances. Picking up trash and using public transportation are also effective ways to reduce waste and air pollution. By taking these actions, we can contribute to a healthier and cleaner environment.b. (Sample answer)Unit 5: Technology1. Listeninga. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. Ab. 1. smartphones 2. tablets 3. laptops 4. smartwatches 5. video games2. Speakinga. 1. What technology devices do you use daily? 2. How has technology changed our lives? 3. Do you think smartphones are useful or distracting? 4. Have you ever played video games? 5. What is your favorite app?3. Readinga. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T4. Writinga. 1. The impact of technologyTechnology has significantly changed the way we live and communicate in today's world. We rely on devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smartwatches for various tasks and activities. These gadgets have made our lives moreconvenient and efficient, allowing us to stay connected with others and access information instantly. While technology offers many benefits, it also has its drawbacks. Some people argue that smartphones can be distracting and addictive, leading to increased screen time and reduced face-to-face interactions. Video games are another form of technology that can be both entertaining and time-consuming. Despite these concerns, technology continues to advance rapidly, enabling us to accomplish more and expand our capabilities. It is essential to use technology responsibly and balance its use with other activities for a healthy lifestyle.b. (Sample answer)Unit 6: Travel1. Listeninga. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. Ab. 1. Italy 2. Japan 3. Australia 4. France 5. Brazil2. Speakinga. 1. Have you ever traveled to a foreign country? 2. Where would you like to visit next? 3. What type of food do you enjoy trying while traveling? 4. Do you prefer to stay in a hotel or a hostel? 5. What are some benefits of traveling?3. Readinga. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T4. Writinga. 1. Dream travel destinationMy dream travel destination is Japan. I have always been fascinated by Japanese culture, traditions, and technology. I would love to explore the bustling city of Tokyo, visit historical temples in Kyoto, and relax in the natural hot springs of Hokkaido. One of the highlights of my trip would be trying authentic Japanese cuisine such as sushi, ramen, and tempura. I am also interested in attending traditional tea ceremonies, watching sumo wrestling matches, and learning martial arts. Japan offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition, making it a perfect travel destination for me. I hope to visit Japan one day and experience its beauty and hospitality firsthand.b. (Sample answer)Unit 7: Festivals1. Listeninga. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. Ab. 1. Chinese New Year 2. Diwali 3. Christmas 4. Carnival 5. Eid al-Fitr2. Speakinga. 1. What festivals do you celebrate in your country? 2. Have you ever participated in a cultural festival? 3. What is your favorite holiday tradition? 4. Do you enjoy attending festive ceremonies? 5. Why are festivals important to people?3. Readinga. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T4. Writinga. 1. Importance of festivalsFestivals play a significant role in celebrating cultural traditions, bringing communities together, and fostering a sense of belonging. They are occasions for people to commemorate special events, religious ceremonies, and historical milestones. Festivals often feature festive decorations, music, dances, and traditional foods that reflect the unique identity of a culture. People participate in various activities and rituals during festivals to honor their heritage and values. Festivals also provide opportunities for social interactions, entertainment, and enjoyment. They promote unity, diversity, and mutualunderstanding among individuals of different backgrounds. By celebrating festivals, people can preserve their cultural heritage and pass down customs and rituals to future generations. Festivals are an integral part of human society and contribute to the richness and vibrancy of our global community.b. (Sample answer)Overall, this Classroom Optimization Guide provides comprehensive answer keys for the Grade 7 English textbook to help students enhance their learning experience and maximize their academic performance. By completing the listening, speaking, reading, and writing exercises in each unit, students can improve their language skills, expand their vocabulary, and develop a deeper understanding of the topics covered in the curriculum. The guide also includes sample answers to guide students in constructing coherent and well-structured responses. With the support of this guide, students can effectively prepare for assessments, engage in class discussions, and achieve success in their English studies.篇2Classroom Optimization Guide: 7th Grade English AnswersWelcome to the Classroom Optimization Guide for 7th Grade English! In this document, you will find the answers to the exercises and activities in the 7th Grade English textbook. This guide is designed to help students and teachers make the most out of their English lessons and ensure that learning is effective and enjoyable. Let's dive into the answers for the 7th Grade English textbook:Unit 1: My School Day1. Fill in the blanks:a) 8:15b) breakc) mathsd) lunche) sciencef) 14:452. Answer the questions:a) We have maths in the morning.b) Yes, we have lunch at 12:30.c) No, we don't have science on Monday.3. True or False:a) Trueb) Falsec) TrueUnit 2: My Family1. Match the words:a) grandfatherb) sisterc) auntd) unclee) cousin2. Complete the sentences:a) My father has two brothers and one sister.b) I have one sister and one brother.c) My aunt lives in London.3. Write about your family:(Student's own answer)Unit 3: My Hobbies1. Answer the questions:a) I like playing football and painting.b) Yes, I do. I have a guitar.c) No, I don't have a skateboard.2. Complete the sentences:a) She enjoys swimming.b) They love reading books.c) I prefer watching movies.3. Write about your hobbies: (Student's own answer)Unit 4: My Daily Routine1. Fill in the blanks:a) brushb) breakfastc) walkd) schoole) dinnerf) bed2. Answer the questions:a) Yes, I wake up at 6:30.b) No, I have breakfast at 7:00.c) Yes, I go to bed at 10:00.3. True or False:a) Trueb) Falsec) TrueThis guide provides the answers to the exercises and activities in the 7th Grade English textbook. By using this guide, students can check their answers and understand the material better. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep reviewing and improving your English skills. Good luck with your studies!篇3Classroom Optimization Guide: 7th Grade English AnswersWelcome to the Classroom Optimization Guide for 7th Grade English! In this document, you will find answers to the exercises and activities in the 7th Grade English textbook. It is important to remember that these answers are just a guide to help you check your work and improve your understanding of the material. It is always best to first try to solve the problems on your own before consulting the answers. Let's get started!Unit 1: Family and Friends1. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives.- This is my book.- Our house is big.- His parents are doctors.- Her sister is a teacher.- Their dog is very friendly.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb to be.- I am a student.- You are my friend.- He is tired.- She is happy.- We are at the park.3. Write the plural form of the following words.- Child -> children- Woman -> women- Man -> men- Person -> people- Mouse -> miceUnit 2: School Life1. Match the words with their definitions.- Biology: the study of living organisms- Geography: the study of Earth's physical features - Physics: the study of matter and energy- History: the study of past events- Math: the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes 2. Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses. - I always (enjoy) math class.- She often (play) soccer after school.- They never (forget) to do their homework.- He usually (help) his classmates with their assignments.- We sometimes (go) to the library together.Unit 3: Hobbies and Interests1. Complete the sentences with the correct hobbies or activities.- My hobby is reading books.- She enjoys painting landscapes.- They love playing video games.- His favorite activity is fishing.- Our friends like hiking in the mountains.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.- I (read) a book every night before bed.- She (dance) in a dance club on weekends.- They (watch) movies on Fridays.- He (play) the guitar very well.- We (swim) in the pool during the summer.Unit 4: Travel and Adventure1. Match the countries with their capitals.- France: Paris- Japan: Tokyo- Brazil: Brasilia- Australia: Canberra- Egypt: Cairo2. Answer the questions with the correct information.- What is the capital of Spain? Madrid.- Which country is known for its beautiful beaches? Thailand.- Where is the Great Wall of China located? China.- What is the currency used in Italy? Euro.- Which city is famous for its canals? Venice.Unit 5: Health and Wellness1. Complete the sentences with the correct health-related vocabulary.- I exercise regularly to stay fit.- She eats a balanced diet to stay healthy.- They drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.- He gets enough sleep to feel rested.- We practice good hygiene to prevent illness.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.- I (run) five miles every morning.- She (eat) vegetables and fruits every day.- They (drink) herbal tea before bedtime.- He (sleep) at least eight hours each night.- We (wash) our hands before every meal.These are just a few examples of the types of questions and exercises you may encounter in your 7th Grade English class. It is important to study and practice regularly in order to improve your language skills. Remember to always ask your teacher for help if you are struggling with any concepts. Good luck with your studies!。

三、关于时间的问法 1.用“when”提问“什么时候”,可以是较长的时间段,也可以是较短 的时间点。 —When do you go home? ——你几点回家? —I go home at 4:30 p.m.——我下午4:30回家。(这里when问的是 具体的时间。) 2.具体几点我们通常用what time提问。 —What time do you get up? ——你几点起床? —I get up at 6:00 a.m. ——我早上6点起床。
一、时刻的表达法 1.可以直接按照表示时间的数字来读。 10:56读作 ten fifty-six 8:30读作 eight thirty 2.正点后的前半小时,通常说几点“过”(past)几分。 9:25读作 twenty-five past nine 2:16读作 sixteen past two 3.正点后的后半小时,通常说“差”(to)几分几点。此时,所说的“几 点”指的是“正点”后的下一个“正点”。 10:55读作 five to eleven 8:40读作 twenty to nine 4.英语中的15分钟也可以说成“一刻钟”(a quarter)。 4:15读作 a quarter past four 7:45读作 a quarter to eight
in spring/summer/autumn/winter 在春/夏/秋/冬季 ⑤用在“上午/下午/晚上”前。
in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上
(2)表示在某段时间之后。 I will return in a few minutes/hours/days/months.我几分钟/几小时/ 几天/几个月后回来。

can的“能力”知多少 情态动词can表示体力或智力上的能力,意为“会,能够”,它不能单 独作谓语,必须和动词原形连用,没有人称和数的变化。我们接触 过许多含有情态动词can的句子,现将其基本结构总结如下: 一、陈述句 ①肯定句:主语+can+动词原形+其他. I can sing and dance.我能唱能跳。 ②否定句:主语+can’t(can not的缩略形式)+动词原形+其他. He can’t read or write.他不会读,也不会写。

学考精练七年级下册英语答案20221、You might not like the way Sam behaves, but please be kind to him. _____, he is your grandfather. [单选题] *A. After all(正确答案)B. Above allC. In allD. At all2、--What’s your _______, Jim Green?--Jim. [单选题] *A. full nameB. first name(正确答案)C. last nameD. family name3、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that4、Now he is _______ his homework. [单选题] *A. busyB. busy with(正确答案)C. busy with doingD. busy does5、This girl is my best friend, Wang Hui. ______ English name is Jane.()[单选题] *A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her(正确答案)6、You wouldn't have seen her if it _____ not been for him . [单选题] *A. hasB. had(正确答案)C. haveD.is having7、10.Mum, let me help you with your housework, so you ________ do it yourself. [单选题] * A.don’t need to(正确答案)B.need toC.don’t needD.need8、______ the morning of September 8th, many visitors arrived at the train station for a tour.()[单选题] *A. FromB. ToC. InD. On(正确答案)9、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom10、47.Yao Ming is tall. That's one of his ________. [单选题] *A.advantageB.advantages(正确答案)C.disadvantageD.disadvantages11、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches12、The storybook is very ______. I’m very ______ in reading it. ()[单选题] *A. interesting; interested(正确答案)B. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting13、Its’time to go to bed. _______ your computer, please. [单选题] *A. Turn onB. Turn inC. Turn off(正确答案)D. Turn down14、In the past, Mary _______ listening to music in her spare time. [单选题] *A. will likeB. likesC. likeD. liked(正确答案)15、The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear _____ we like. [单选题] *A. anyB. thatC. asD. what(正确答案)16、My friends will _______ me at the airport when I arrive in London. [单选题] *A. takeB. meet(正确答案)C. receiveD. have17、He was proud of what he had done. [单选题] *A. 对…感到自豪(正确答案)B. 对…感到满足C. 对…表示不满D. 对…表示后悔18、She talks too much; you’ll be glad when you’re free of her. [单选题] *A. 与她自由交谈B. 离开她(正确答案)C. 受她的控制D. 与她在一起19、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] *A.take(正确答案)B.takingC.tookD.to take20、Location is the first thing customers consider when_____to buy a house. [单选题] *A.planning(正确答案)B.plannedC.having plannedD.to plan21、We are living in an age()many things are done by computer. [单选题] *A. thatB. whichC. whyD. when(正确答案)22、Everyone knows that the sun _______ in the east. [单选题] *A. fallsB. rises(正确答案)C. staysD. lives23、Stephanie _______ going shopping to staying at home. [单选题] *A. prefers(正确答案)B. likesC. preferD. instead24、Henry lives happily with his three cats. _______ of them are part of his family. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. All(正确答案)D. Neither25、At nine yesterday morning, I ______ an English class while they ______ a PE class.()[单选题] *A. was having; were having(正确答案)B. had; hadC. was having; hadD. had; were having26、11.No one ________ on the island(岛). [单选题] *A.liveB.lives(正确答案)C.livingD.are living27、His mother’s _______ was a great blow to him. [单选题] *A. diedB. deadC. death(正确答案)D. die28、We can see ______ stars at night if it doesn’t rain. [单选题] *A. a thousand ofB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of(正确答案)29、_______ songs is my favorite. [单选题] *A. To Singing EnglishB. Singing English(正确答案)C. Singings EnglishD. Sing English30、The train is coming. Be ______! [单选题] *A. careful(正确答案)B. carefullyC. carelessD. care。
2022春四初中优化卷英语七年级下册 答案

2022春四初中优化卷英语七年级下册答案1、They will hold the party if they _____ the project on time. [单选题] *A. will completeB. complete(正确答案)C.completedD. had completed2、The house is well decorated _____ the disarrangement of a few photos. [单选题] *A. exceptB. besidesC. except for(正确答案)D. in addition to3、_______, making some DIY things is fashionable. [单选题] *A. Stand outB. In ones opinionC. In my opinion(正确答案)D. Out of fashion4、The plane arrived at London airport _______ Wednesday morning. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. atC. inD. for5、The huntsman caught only a()of the deer before it ran into the woods. [单选题] *A. gazeB. glareC. glimpse(正确答案)D. stare6、( ) Some students preferred to stay in the toilet ______ do morning exercises. [单选题] *A in order to notB in not order toC in order not to(正确答案)D not in order to7、I saw ________ action film with my friend yesterday, and ________ film was amazing. [单选题] *A.a...aB.a...theC.an...the(正确答案)D.an...a8、_____from far away, the 600-meter tower is stretching into the sky. [单选题] *A. SeeB. SeeingC. To seeD. Seen(正确答案)9、I took?some _______of the Great Wall?in China last year. [单选题] *A. potatoesB. tomatoesC. photos(正确答案)D. paintings10、Mary _______ a small gift yesterday, but she didn’t _______ it. [单选题] *A. accepted; receiveB. received; accept(正确答案)C. receives; acceptedD. accepts; received11、—Will you buy the black car?No, I won't. I will buya(n) ________ one because I don't have enough money. [单选题] *A.cheap(正确答案)B.expensiveC.highD.low12、Next week will be Lisa's birthday. I will send her a birthday present ________ post. [单选题] *A.withB.forC.by(正确答案)D.in13、Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] *A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on14、—Look at those purple gloves! Are they ______, Mary?—No, they aren’t. ______ are pink. ()[单选题] *A. you; IB. your; MyC. yours; Mine(正确答案)D. you; Me15、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches16、What surprised me ______ was that he succeeded. [单选题] *A. most(正确答案)B. mostlyC. almostD. at most17、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base18、My sister gave me a _______ at my birthday party. [单选题] *A. parentB. peaceC. patientD. present(正确答案)19、These plastics flowers look so_____that many people think they are real. [单选题] *A.beautifulB.artificialC.natural(正确答案)D.similar20、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about21、The soldiers would rather die than give in. [单选题] *A. 呈交B. 放弃C. 泄露D. 投降(正确答案)22、Thank you very much. You gave us ____ our factory needed. [单选题] *A. informationB. informationsC. the information(正确答案)D. the informations23、On a ________ day you can see the city from here. [单选题] *A.warmB.busyC.shortD.clear(正确答案)24、Builders have pulled down many old houses, and they will build a lot of new ________. [单选题] *A.ones (正确答案)B.oneC.the onesD.the one25、Whatever difficulties you have, you should not _______ your hope. [单选题] *A. give inB. give outC. give up(正确答案)D. give back26、Before you quit your job, ()how your family will feel about your decision. [单选题] *A. consider(正确答案)B. consideringC. to considerD. considered27、The flowers _______ sweet. [单选题] *A. tasteB. smell(正确答案)C. soundD. feel28、Let's cross the street from school. There is a park ______ the school. [单选题] *A.far fromB.next toC.atD.opposite(正确答案)29、Now people can _______ with their friends far away by e-mail, cellphone or letter. [单选题] *A. keep onB. keep in touch(正确答案)C. keep upD. keep off30、My father is a headmaster and he is _____ charge _____ a primary school. [单选题] *A./, ofB./, withC.in, of (正确答案)D.in, with。

英语七年级下册优化设计的答案1、The firm attributed the accident to()fog, and no casualties have been reported until now. [单选题] *A. minimumB. scarceC. dense(正确答案)D. seldom2、He held his()when the results were read out. [单选题] *A. breath(正确答案)B. voiceC. soundD. thought3、Jane and Tom _______ my friends. [单选题] *A. amB. isC. are(正确答案)D. was4、Grandfather lives with us. We all _______ him when he gets ill. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look atC. look forD. look like5、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的6、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)7、The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear _____ we like. [单选题] *A. anyB. thatC. asD. what(正确答案)8、I like dancing, ______ I can join the Dancing Club.()[单选题] *A. becauseB. so(正确答案)C. andD. but9、( )He gave us____ on how to keep fit. [单选题] *A. some advicesB. some advice(正确答案)C. an adviceD. a advice10、There was a time()I wondered why I would like to do this boring job. [单选题] *A. whichB. whyC. whereD. when(正确答案)11、The strawberries ______ fresh. Can I taste (品尝) one?()[单选题] *A. watchB. tasteC. soundD. look(正确答案)12、Tom will _______ me a gift from Japan. [单选题] *A. takeB. getC. carryD. bring(正确答案)13、—Are these your sheep? [单选题] *A)on grass at the foot of the hill.(正确答案)B. feedC.is fedD. is feeding14、John is quite _______. He likes to attend activities in?his spare time. [单选题] *A. active(正确答案)B. quietC. lazyD. honest15、Either you or the president()the prizes to these gifted winners at the meeting. [单选题] *A. is handing outB. are to hand outC. are handing outD. is to hand out(正确答案)16、People cut down many trees ______ elephants are losing their homes. ()[单选题] *A. ifB. butC. so(正确答案)D. or17、I’m still unable to make myself_____in the discussion, which worries me a lot. [单选题]*A.understandB.understood(正确答案)C.understandingD.to be understood18、I _______ no idea of where the zoo is. [单选题] *A. thinkB. getC. have(正确答案)D. take19、Miss Smith is a friend of _____. [单选题] *A. Jack’s sister’s(正确答案)B. Jack’s sisterC. Jack sister’sD. Jack sister20、During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together _________ ameal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. [单选题] *A. shareB. to share(正确答案)C. having sharedD. shared21、( ) ____ eye exercises ___ good __ your eyes. [单选题] *A. Doing, is, for(正确答案)B. Doing, are, forC. Do, is, forD. Do, are, at22、I don’t know how to improve my English. Can I ask you for some _______? [单选题] *A. answersB. advice(正确答案)C. questionsD. words23、He always ______ the teacher carefully in class. [单选题] *A. listensB. listens to(正确答案)C. hearsD. hears of24、The sun disappeared behind the clouds. [单选题] *A. 出现B. 悬挂C. 盛开D. 消失(正确答案)25、______ my great joy, I met an old friend I haven' t seen for years ______ my way ______ town. [单选题] *A. To, in, forB. To, on, to(正确答案)C. With, in, toD. For, in, for26、She serves as a secretary in a university. [单选题] *A. 为…服务B. 担任…职务(正确答案)C. 竞争…服务D. 申请…职务27、These plastics flowers look so_____that many people think they are real. [单选题] *A.beautifulB.artificialC.natural(正确答案)D.similar28、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite29、I don’t like snakes, so I ______ read anything about snakes.()[单选题] *A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. never(正确答案)30、—Could you take out the rubbish, Jim?—______. I have too much homework to do. You can ask Sally to do it. ()[单选题] *A. Sorry, I can’t(正确答案)B. No problemC. I disagreeD. No, thanks。

试题优化七年级下册英语电子版1、It is important for us _______ English well. [单选题] *A. learnB. learningC. to learn(正确答案)D. learned2、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How3、2.I think Game of Thrones is ________ TV series of the year. [单选题] * A.excitingB.more excitingC.most excitingD.the most exciting (正确答案)4、--Mom, I will not eat fast food this year. Believe me.--If you make a _______, you must keep it. [单选题] *A. jokeB. noiseC. mistakeD. promise(正确答案)5、13.________ it rains heavily outside, Lily wants to meet her children at once. [单选题]*A.IfB.Although (正确答案)C.WhenD.Because.6、—Does your grandpa live ______ in the country?—Yes. So I often go to visit him so that he won’t feel ______. ()[单选题] *A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely(正确答案)7、22.Will there ________ any schools in the future? [单选题] *A.isB.areC.amD.be(正确答案)8、I’m still unable to make myself_____in the discussion, which worries me a lot. [单选题]*A.understandB.understood(正确答案)C.understandingD.to be understood9、Simon does not()his fellow workers because they often argue over trivial matters. [单选题] *A. get on with(正确答案)B. come up withC. do away withD. go on with10、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up11、They may not be very exciting, but you can expect ______ a lot from them.()[单选题] *A. to learn(正确答案)B. learnC. learningD. learned12、______ in the library. ()[单选题] *A. Don’t smokingB. No smokeC. No smoking(正确答案)D. Doesn’t smoke13、My watch usually _______ good time, but today it is five minutes fast. [单选题] *A. goesB. makesC. keeps(正确答案)D. gains14、Guilin is _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. famous for(正确答案)B. interested inC. fond ofD. careful with15、My mother and my aunt are both _______. They work in a big supermarket. [单选题] *A. actressesB. doctorsC. salesmenD. saleswomen(正确答案)16、I often _______ music from the Internet. [单选题] *A. download(正确答案)B. spendC. saveD. read17、61.How is online shopping changing our way? ? ? ? ? ? life? [单选题] *A.of(正确答案)B.inC.onD.for18、Sometimes Americans are said to be _____. [单选题] *A superficially friendB superficial friendC. superficial friendlyD. superficially friendly(正确答案)19、John had planned to leave but he decided to stay in the hotel for _____ two days because of the heavy rain. [单选题] *A. otherB. another(正确答案)C. the otherD. others20、Could you tell me _____ to fly from Chicago to New York? [单选题] *A.it costs how muchB. how much does it costC. how much costs itD.how much it costs(正确答案)21、Jeanne's necklace was _____ 500 francs at most. [单选题] *A. worthyB. costC. worth(正确答案)D. valuable22、Which do you enjoy to spend your weekend, fishing or shopping? [单选题] *China'shigh-speed railways _________ from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past fewyears.A. are growing(正确答案)B. have grownC. will growD. had grown23、18.Monica wants to be a _______. She is good at sports and she loves teaching others. [单选题] *A.coach(正确答案)B.secretaryC.architectD.waiter24、Tom’s sister is a nurse. I met _______ in the street yesterday . [单选题] *A. sheB. hersC. himD. her(正确答案)25、It took a long time to _______ Tom to go shopping with me. [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. persuade(正确答案)D. talk26、52.I'm happy to ________ a birthday card from an old friend. [单选题] * A.buyB.makeC.loseD.receive(正确答案)27、You can't see many _____ in a hospital. [单选题] *A. man nurseB. men nurses(正确答案)C. men nurseD. man nurses28、You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of(). [单选题] *A. dateB. shape(正确答案)C. orderD. balance29、30.It is known that ipad is _________ for the old to use. [单选题] * A.enough easyB.easy enough (正确答案)C.enough easilyD.easily enough30、Do you know what()the change in his attitude? [单选题] *A. got throughB. brought about(正确答案)C. turned intoD. resulted from。
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第三单元检测(时间:60分钟满分:100分)Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)1.—Does your mother go to dance by C car every day?—No,she sometimes takes bus.A.a;theB.the;aC.不填;aD.a;不填2.—A does your uncle go to work?—He walks.A.HowB.WhatC.WhenD.Where3.导学号70924059My brother is afraid C in the river.A.swimB.swimsC.to swimD.swimming4.—C does it take you to walk to the bus stop from here?—About twenty minutes.A.How farB.How manyC.How longD.How much5.—B do you think your school life?—Great.A.How;likeB.What;ofC.How;ofD.What;like6.—Excuse me,where is the bank?—It’s along the street,D the supermarket and the bookstore.A.inB.atC.fromD.between7.It is easy C me ping-pong.I am good at it.A.to;playB.for;playC.for;to playD.to;to play8.It’s about two A kilometers from my home to the village.A.hundredB.hundredsC.hundred ofD.hundreds of9.导学号70924060It takes Mr.White half an hour C the subway to work every day.A.takeB.takesC.to takeD.taking10.—C is it from here to the library?—About five kilometers.A.How longB.HowC.How farD.How manyⅡ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)导学号70924061Sharon is a 11.B girl.Today Mr.and Mrs.Black are 12.A her to the amusement park(游乐场).The amusement park is 13.A far from 14.C.So they are taking the train to go there.There are only a few people on the train.They are all sitting 15.C their seats.Sharon is happy.She is looking 16.D from the window.“Come here and 17.B,”Mr.Black says.“I hope this train can go 18.A faster,and then I can play in the park.”It takes about forty minutes to get to the park.They 19.D the tickets(票)and go in.At noon,the Blacks are sitting 20.B the table in the park.They are having lunch happily.11.A.ten year old B.ten-year-oldC.ten-years oldD.ten-years-old12.A.taking B.carryingC.withD.bringing13.A.quite B.a lot C.much D.a few14.A.their B.they C.them D.her15.A.at B.for C.on D.in16.A.on B.in C.for D.outside17.A.stands up B.sit downC.to sit downD.standing up18.A.much B.more C.most D.the most19.A.find B.sell C.lose D.buy20.A.in B.at C.on D.underⅢ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A导学号70924062How do you go to school?Do you take a bus or ride a bike?For many students,it is easy to get to school.But for some children in one small village in Hunan,it is very difficult.There is no road between the village and the school.The children have to climb down ladders to get to school.Yu Xinxin is an 8-year-old girl.She climbs the ladders every day.“My parents are good at it and they tell me how to do it,and now I don’t think too much about how high it is,” she says.It is hard for the villagers to get in and out of the village,too.Their dream is to have a road.21.For the students in the small village,it is D to get to school.A.funB.boringC.easyD.difficult22.The students in the small village D to get to school.A.cross a riverB.cross a bridgeC.go on a ropewayD.climb down ladders23.What does the underlined word “they” refer to?CA.Yu Xinxin’s teachers.B.Yu Xinxin’s classmates.C.Yu Xinxin’s parents.D.Yu Xinxin’s sisters.24.What does “high” mean?BA.重的B.高的C.宽的D.直的25.Which one is Right?BA.Yu Xinxin is seven years old.B.Yu Xinxin’s parents can climb ladders.C.The villagers don’t want to have a road.D.It is easy for the villagers to get out of the village.B导学号70924063I am Miko and I’m from Japan.I am twelve years old.My home is far from my school.It is about 25 kilometers.So Iusually take a train to my school in the morning.My friend Sena goes to school with me.The journey takes us 25 minutes.Our first lesson starts at 8:15.I often leave my home at 7:25.续表I’m Aram.I have a big family.I live with my grandparents,parents,sister and brother in Canada.It’s about 10 kilometers from my home to school.It takes me about 20 minutes by bus.I go to school at 8:15 and my first class starts at 9:00.I like music and my dream is to buy a piano for myself.So I work at a supermarket every Sunday.Thesupermarket is about 6 kilometers away from my home.I usually go there by bike.The bike ride takes about 30 minutes.26.How long does it take Miko from her home to her school?BA.15 minutes.B.25 minutes.C.30 minutes.D.45 minutes.27.There are C people in Aram’s family.A.fiveB.sixC.sevenD.eight28.Aram goes to school D.A.by bikeB.on footC.by trainD.by bus29.Aram’s dream is to buy a D.A.guitarB.carC.bikeD.piano30.Which of the following is TRUE?BA.Miko goes to school with her sister.B.Miko lives far from her school.C.Aram’s first class starts at 8:15 a.m.D.Aram works in a clothes store on Sunday.Ⅳ.词汇考查(每小题1.5分,共15分)A.用所给单词的适当形式填空31.There are about two hundred(hundred)students in the hall.32.Look!There are many buses(bus)over there.33.Are you afraid to cross(cross)the river on a ropeway?34.I think your dream can come(come)true.35.It’s very easy for me to swim(swim).B.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词36.The bus r ide takes about 40 minutes.37.He exercises e very day.38.My mother l ives in a small village.39.There is a b ridge over the river.40.I want to d rive my car to work.Ⅴ.根据汉语提示完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)41.他住得离学校有多远?How far does he live from school?42.你每天花多长时间锻炼?How long does it take you to exercise every day?43.对于我们来说,到达山顶很难。