
英语十大新词由来及释义1. infortainment它是由information和entertainment两个单词组合而成,意为“新闻娱乐化”。
2. broadloid这个新词由Broadsheet(大报)和Tabloid(小报)两词合并而成。
3. glocalization它是由Globalization与localization两词合并而成,可以译为“全球化下的本土化”,也有人将其译成“球土化”。
4. blogging journalism译成“博客”,就是在互联网上建立个人网页,利用网页向公众或特定的订户发布自己采集的新闻及发表自己的观点。
5. podcast继“博客”之后,又出现了Podcast(播客)。
6. heroinware可翻译为“海洛因电子游戏”。
由于高速宽带的普及,在线游戏(online game)也迅速蔓延。
7. cyberslacker是指在工作时间用因特网做私事的人(例如,看与工作无关的网页,在网上采购私人用品、收发私人邮件等),有人将其翻译成“计算机懒鬼”。
根据美国Surf Control公司和SM 公司共同进行的调查,全美国有亿人回答在工作中曾用因特网做过私事。

arks . 唇示 吻 i i v嘬 — s
c e d. y r j网络的 , b —a 计算机 的
A lt d 第一等的, —i j sa . 最出名的 B lt d 第二等的, — s aj i . 比较 出名 的 As b o . s m lr m n ( 、 e yo 会议 社交用) 礼堂 A Z n城 市地 图册 , — . 指南 大全 bc f en ( ak fc . o i 金融机构 中) 后勤部门
a ao en 鲍鱼 bl . n
asltmui n纯 音乐 , 对音 乐 bo e s . u c 绝
acu t xc t e n 客 户经理 c on eui . e v
w b g b gn 网志 , el = l . o o 博客 bo b . o— o n 愚蠢 的错 误 bxu c . o l h n 自备盒装午餐 n by odrn 神童 、 owne . 天才( 指男孩或年青男子) B B( u ies T — u ies n 企 业对 企业 的 2 B s s— o B s s) . n n byae n飙车一族 o cr . r
cb raen 网吧 y ec . f
cbrqa i . yesutn n 抢注 域名 tg
da— p aj拨 号上 网的 i u d. l
dm inmen域 名 o an a .
do sn 蠢人 , of . u 笨人
i — pc . f e sien 五香 粉 v
bs asn 巴士 长票 ; 费车 卷 u s . p 免 cmotti . o frs tn n公共 厕 所( 国用) a o 美

Lesson 1,1,abandon 丢弃,放弃2.bandit 强盗3,bandage 绷带4,band 用带绑扎,乐队5,belle 美女6,goddess 女神7,prose 散文8,essay 散文,随笔9,odd 古怪的10,ode颂歌,颂诗1,abandon 丢弃,放弃例句1:a baby abandoned by its parents.被父母遗弃的婴儿例句2:he abandoned all hope.他放弃了一切的希望例句3:he abandoned himself to despair.他陷入绝望中助记提示:利用词根词缀+联想记忆,词根band是“绑带”,根据单词发音也恰好为“绑带”,前缀a为否定,abandon理解为不绑着,则是丢弃,放弃。
2,Bandit 强盗例句1:buses driving through the mountains have been attacked by bandits.驶经山区的公共汽车遭到匪徒袭击例句2:activity of bandits.盗匪行径助记提示:利用词根词缀+联想记忆,词根band是“绑带”,根据单词发音也恰好为“绑带”,强盗这是一帮拿着绑带把自己脸部遮起来的人类3,bangage 绑带助记提示:利用联想记忆,单词bandage发音也恰好为“绑带”4,band用带绑扎,乐队例句1:papers kept together with a rubber band.用橡皮筋套在一起的文件例句2:band together to protest.联合对抗助记提示:利用词根词缀+联想记忆,词根band是“绑带”,根据单词发音也恰好为“绑带”,乐队则是一帮用音乐捆绑在一起的人群5,belle美女例句1:the belle of New York.纽约美女例句2:the belle of the ball.舞会之花助记提示:利用联想记忆,belle联想为“白丽”,白领丽人的美女6,goddess女神例句:screen goddesses银幕女明星助记提示:利用联想记忆,god是神,ss联想为站在身边婀娜多姿的女性,即是女神7,prose散文例句1:a page of well-written prose.一篇写的很好的散文例句2:the great prose writers of the 19th century.19世纪的伟大的散文作家助记提示:利用联想记忆,p联想为“谱写”,rose为玫瑰,prose联想为谱写玫瑰的优美的散文8,essay散文例句:we had to write three essays in the history exam.我们考历史要写三篇短文助记提示:利用词根词缀记忆,词根es意思“出”,say意思为说,essay为随口说出的散文9,odd古怪的例句1:two odd volumes of an encyclopedia百科全书中的两个单本例句2:I take the odd bit of exercise, but nothing regular.我偶尔稍微锻炼一下,但无规律助记提示:利用联想记忆,odd联想为“old”,古老的奇怪的10,ode颂歌,颂诗助记提示:利用联想记忆,ode发音联想“讴歌”,用颂歌,颂诗来讴歌复习:2天前单词1,degrade贬低(某人),分解2,graduate毕业、3,logic逻辑4,dialogue对话5,eulogy颂词,颂文6,prologue序诗,开场白7,merge合并8,immerse使某物浸没于液体中9,emerge浮现10,emergency紧急事件,紧急情况例句1:I felt degraded by having to ask for money.我出于无可奈何向别人要钱而出自觉有失尊严例句2:more dialogue between world leaders is needed.世界各国领导人之间需要多交换意见例句3:the bank merged with its major rival.该银行与其主要对手合并了词亦有缘公历一年有12各月,但多数人并不知道12个月的英语名称的来历。

1·1 英语新词的构成
• 1.译介型 (loanwords) • 英语从其他外来语借入的词如法语﹑拉丁
语、意大利语、希腊语、西班牙语、汉语、 日语、印地语等 • 这些外来词大都具有这些国家的民族特色, 简单明了
1·1 英语新词的构成
• latte (牛奶咖啡)
• oxygen bar (吸氧酒吧) Ping - Pong effect(乒乓效应,指人际交往
• 或事务处理过程中踢皮球似地推来推去)
混合法( blending)
• 4. 混合法 ( blending)
• 拼缀法是一种吸取法,即对两个或多个词进行剪裁, 取舍其中的组成部分,然后拼和成一个新词。利用 这种构词手段创造的新词在现代英语中占相当大 的比率
• 一是政府或行业权威部门对自然科学方面 的术语进行审定,如全国自然科学名词委员 会及隶属国际标准化委员会(ISO)的术语标 准化委员会。
• 二是国内近年出版的一些英汉词典、新词 词典给出一些新词的定义和译法。
I 翻译的策略
1.新词音译 transliteration
• 有一些新词可能还要归入“时髦词”(vogue words)之类,也许过不了多久就会在英语中消失了, 我们只
• 要能了解它们的涵义就行了。
• 英语口语中现在有人把way用作副词,表示“非常、 很”(way cool/“太酷了”)。
• 流行全球的《哈利·波特》给英语带来了魔法运动 比赛Quidditch“魁地奇”,现在中国的许多电子游 戏玩家也趋之若鹜,但这两个词(尤其是后者)在中 英文中的寿命到底有多长则让人怀疑。

- Swiftie:特指人气女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特的狂热粉丝。
- Beige flag:咖啡色警示、米色旗帜,该词用来形容约会对象普通、无趣或是缺乏特色。
- Situationship:情境式恋爱,关系未被正式承认。
- Parasocial:拟似社交,指的是观众、粉丝对于公众人物单方面的亲密情感。
- De-influencing:反影响力、拔草。
- Prompt:鼓励、提示、迅速的,新释义为提供AI、演算法的指令,指的是给人工智能创作内容下达的指示词。
- Deepfake:深度伪造。
- Indict:指控一词在媒体报道美国前总统特朗普遭正式指控后搜索量大增。
- Debanking:关闭账户,指的是剥夺一个人获得银行服务的权利。
- Greedflation:贪婪性通胀,指某些企业在生活成本危机期间为了将利润最大化而过度涨价的行径。
- Nepo baby:裙带宝贝,指的是靠关系在某领域成功发展,并非因自身能力而成功。

盘点年度十大英语新词1.Selfie 自拍Selfie就是“自拍照”,尤指那些自拍后上传到社交网站的照片。
2.Budget wife/husband 经济适用女/男经济适用女(budget wife)是经济适用男(budget husband)的对照版。
3.Phubber 低头族Phubbing指在社交场合不关注身边的人,而是一个劲看手机的不礼貌行为,我们可称之为“低头症”。
4.Bromeo 男闺蜜男闺蜜就是因为共处时间甚至长于你的女性朋友而遭到嫉妒的男性朋友。
5.Fangirl/fanboy 脑残粉“脑残粉”指的是那些极度痴迷于某事物或某明星的粉丝,甚至狂热到失去理智的地步。
6.Gayriage 同性婚姻Gayriage指的是两个性别相同的人结成的婚姻。
7.Mompetition 拼孩“拼孩”,是妈妈们之间的比拼,比谁的孩子看上去更好、更聪明,或比别人的孩子更超前,并且努力在这一竞争中抢占上风。
8.Social bubble 人际泡沫人际泡沫,指一些人看起来结识的人不少,但事实上,真正能称之为朋友的却寥寥无几。

6.Yaaas=耶耶耶耶!!!这是兴奋、肯定、赞同等情绪的强烈表达兴奋激动的心情溢于言表,一个Yes当然还不够,必须拉个长音把这种情绪吼出来~(*^__^*)7.Clean eating=清洁饮食坚持自然饮食,低糖、低脂、少盐。
这种“闹失踪”的方式,除了ghosting,另一种英文说法是slow fade9.IRL=在现实世界里IRL是in reallife的首字母缩写,区别于通讯,网络互动或虚拟情景。

1. 社会热点词汇:这类词汇主要涉及当前社会热点话题,如环保(environmental protection)、气候变化(climate change)、人工智能(artificial intelligence)等。
2. 科技词汇:随着科技的发展,一些新的科技词汇也逐渐进入了高考英语的词汇范围,如虚拟现实(virtual reality)、大数据(big data)、物联网(internet of things)等。
3. 文化词汇:这类词汇主要涉及中国传统文化和世界各国文化,如茶道(tea ceremony)、京剧(Peking Opera)、瑜伽(yoga)等。
4. 生活词汇:这类词汇主要涉及日常生活中的一些事物和现象,如共享单车(shared bikes)、移动支付(mobile payment)、网购(online shopping)等。
5. 学术词汇:这类词汇主要涉及各个学科领域的专业术语,如生物技术(biotechnology)、心理学(psychology)、经济学(economics)等。

1. Reliable (可靠) - Unreliable (不可靠)2. Comfortable (舒适) - Uncomfortable (不舒适)3. Possible (可能) - Impossible (不可能)4. Responsible (负责任) - Irresponsible (不负责任)5. Successful (成功) - Unsuccessful (不成功)6. Happy (快乐) - Unhappy (不快乐)7. Legal (合法) - Illegal (非法)8. Perfect (完美) - Imperfect (不完美)9. Regular (定期) - Irregular (不定期)10. Polite (礼貌) - Impolite (不礼貌)11. Patient (有耐心) - Impatient (不耐心)12. Active (活跃) - Inactive (不活跃)13. Clear (清晰) - Unclear (不清晰)14. Sensitive (敏感) - Insensitive (不敏感)15. Happy (快乐) - Unhappy (不快乐)16. Honest (诚实) - Dishonest (不诚实)17. Secure (安全) - Insecure (不安全)18. Legal (合法) - Illegal (非法)19. Respectful (尊重) - Disrespectful (不尊重)20. Understandable (可理解) - Incomprehensible (不可理解)21. Successful (成功) - Unsuccessful (不成功)22. Satisfying (满意) - Dissatisfying (不满意)23. Capable (有能力) - Incapable (无能力)24. Reliable (可靠) - Unreliable (不可靠)25. Effective (有效) - Ineffective (无效)26. Comfortable (舒适) - Uncomfortable (不舒适)27. Patient (有耐心) - Impatient (不耐心)28. Beautiful (美丽) - Ugly (丑陋)29. Friendly (友好) - Unfriendly (不友好)30. Similar (相似) - Dissimilar (不相似)31. Careful (小心) - Careless (粗心)32. Famous (著名) - Infamous (臭名昭著)33. Valuable (有价值) - Worthless (无价值)34. Natural (自然) - Unnatural (不自然)35. Responsible (负责任) - Irresponsible (不负责任)36. Accurate (准确) - Inaccurate (不准确)37. Sensible (明智) - Senseless (愚蠢)38. Appropriate (适当) - Inappropriate (不适当)39. Constructive (建设性) - Destructive (破坏性)40. Generous (慷慨) - Stingy (小气)41. Active (活跃) - Inactive (不活跃)42. Positive (积极) - Negative (消极)43. Knowledgeable (有知识) - Ignorant (无知)44. Reliable (可靠) - Unreliable (不可靠)45. Kind (友善) - Unkind (不友善)46. Regular (定期) - Irregular (不定期)47. Happy (快乐) - Unhappy (不快乐)48. Polite (礼貌) - Impolite (不礼貌)49. Patient (有耐心) - Impatient (不耐心)50. Clear (清晰) - Unclear (不清晰)51. Sensitive (敏感) - Insensitive (不敏感)52. Happy (快乐) - Unhappy (不快乐)53. Honest (诚实) - Dishonest (不诚实)54. Secure (安全) - Insecure (不安全)55. Legal (合法) - Illegal (非法)56. Respectful (尊重) - Disrespectful (不尊重)57. Successful (成功) - Unsuccessful (不成功)58. Satisfying (满意) - Dissatisfying (不满意)59. Capable (有能力) - Incapable (无能力)60. Reliable (可靠) - Unreliable (不可靠)61. Effective (有效) - Ineffective (无效)62. Comfortable (舒适) - Uncomfortable (不舒适)63. Patient (有耐心) - Impatient (不耐心)64. Beautiful (美丽) - Ugly (丑陋)65. Friendly (友好) - Unfriendly (不友好)66. Similar (相似) - Dissimilar (不相似)67. Careful (小心) - Careless (粗心)68. Famous (著名) - Infamous (臭名昭著)69. Valuable (有价值) - Worthless (无价值)70. Natural (自然) - Unnatural (不自然)71. Responsible (负责任) - Irresponsible (不负责任)72. Accurate (准确) - Inaccurate (不准确)73. Sensible (明智) - Senseless (愚蠢)74. Appropriate (适当) - Inappropriate (不适当)75. Constructive (建设性) - Destructive (破坏性)76. Generous (慷慨) - Stingy (小气)77. Active (活跃) - Inactive (不活跃)78. Positive (积极) - Negative (消极)79. Knowledgeable (有知识) - Ignorant (无知)80. Reliable (可靠) - Unreliable (不可靠)81. Kind (友善) - Unkind (不友善)82. Regular (定期) - Irregular (不定期)83. Happy (快乐) - Unhappy (不快乐)84. Polite (礼貌) - Impolite (不礼貌)85. Patient (有耐心) - Impatient (不耐心)86. Clear (清晰) - Unclear (不清晰)87. Sensitive (敏感) - Insensitive (不敏感)88. Happy (快乐) - Unhappy (不快乐)89. Honest (诚实) - Dishonest (不诚实)90. Secure (安全) - Insecure (不安全)91. Legal (合法) - Illegal (非法)92. Respectful (尊重) - Disrespectful (不尊重)93. Successful (成功) - Unsuccessful (不成功)94. Satisfying (满意) - Dissatisfying (不满意)95. Capable (有能力) - Incapable (无能力)96. Reliable (可靠) - Unreliable (不可靠)97. Effective (有效) - Ineffective (无效)98. Comfortable (舒适) - Uncomfortable (不舒适)99. Patient (有耐心) - Impatient (不耐心)100. Beautiful (美丽) - Ugly (丑陋)这些派生词不仅能够帮助你扩展英语词汇量,还能让你更好地理解词义和词形变化。

英语新词经济类e-shopping:网上购物e-market:电子市场e-cash:电子现金e-revenue:电子商务收入e-business:网上交易e-service:电子服务上市 list share假发票 fake invoice金砖四国 BRIC countries节能高效的 fuel-efficient具有时效性的 time-efficient差别电价 differential power prices囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering灰色市场 Grey market反倾销 anti-dumping廉租房 low rent housing限价房 capped-price housing经适房 affordable housing失业率、失业数字(jobless, unemployment rate, lay off)通货膨胀、通货紧缩(inflation, deflation)股指(Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P)油价(oil price, crude oil, barrel, OPEC)房地产市场(real estate)汇率(exchange rate)利率(interest rate)政治类e-campaigning:电子竞选e-precinct:电子选区e-precinct captain:电子选区负责人“e-rate”program:资助上网计划反腐败 anti-corruption联合军演 joint military drill财政赤字 budget deficit站在新起点 on a new starting point创新型国家 innovation-oriented country资源节约型社会 resource-conserving society资源型城市转型 transformation of resource-dependent cities区别对待,有保有压 the principle of taking different approaches to different situations and encouraging the growth of some sectors while discouraging the expansion of others “五个统筹” maintain the "five balances" (balancing urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening up to the outside world) 鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济 encourage, support and guide the growth of the non-public sector of the economy发扬成绩 build on our achievements环保专项治理 special projects to address serious environmental problems保护天然林 protect virgin forests退牧还草 return grazing land to grassland退耕还林还草 return farmland to forests or grassland石漠化 spread of stony deserts防沙治沙 prevent and control desertification生态补偿机制 a mechanism for ecological compensation农村综合试点改革 trials of comprehensive rural reform农机具补贴 subsidies for agricultural machinery and tools 良种补贴 subsidies for growing superior grain cultivators 多予少取放活 the policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control (to increase rural incomes)“三提五统” "three deductions" (for public reserve funds, public welfare funds and management fees) and the "five charges" (charges for rural education, family planning, militia training, rural road construction and subsidies to entitled groups)看病难、看病贵,上学难、上学贵 the difficulty and high cost of getting medical treatment and receiving an education粮食安全 food safety农村劳动力转移培训 job training for farm laborers looking for urban employment防止“一哄而起” avoid herd mentality农村信用社体制 the system of rural credit cooperatives牧业税 livestock tax资源税 resource tax农业面源污染 widespread pollution from the overuse of fertilizers and pesticides in rural area政策性关闭破产 policy-based closure and bankruptcy企业分离办社会 relieve enterprises of their obligation to operate social programs一国两制 One Country, Two Systems一中一台 One China, One Taiwan(两岸)直接三通 Three Direct Links (Mail, Air and Shipping Services and Trade)两千三百万台湾同胞 23 Million Taiwan Compatriots两会(人大,政协) Two Conferences (NPC and CPPCC)三个代表 Three Represents三个代表重要思想 the Important Thought of Three Represents 三八红旗手 Woman Pace-Setter三大历史任务 the Three Major Historical Tasks"八七"扶贫攻坚计划 the Seven-Year Program to Help 80 Million People Out of Poverty"十一五"计划 the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010)第十五届中央委员会 the 15th central committee of the communist party of China (CPC)十七大 17th Party Congress十一届三中全会 the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee南南合作 South-South Cooperation南北对话 North-South Dialog台独 Taiwan Independence"引进来"和"走出去"政策 "Bring In" and "Going Out"爱国民主人士 patriotic democratic personages爱国统一战线 patriotic united front爱国主义精神 patriotism安居乐业 live and work in peace and contentment昂扬向上的精神状态 an enterprising spirit澳门特别行政区同胞 our compatriots in the Macao SAR (Special Administrative Region)霸权主义 hegemonism百花齐放 a hundred flowers blossom百家争鸣 a hundred schools of thought contend边疆稳定 the stability in border areas边远地区 remote areas波澜壮阔 a magnificent upsurge博大精深 extensive and profound不变质 never degenerating不断提高人民生活水平 constantly better people's lives不公正不合理 unfair and irrational不合时宜的观念的束缚 shackles of the outdated notions不竭动力 an inexhaustible motive force不可阻挡的历史潮流 an irresistible trend of history娱乐生活类e-life:网络生活internet recruiting:网上招聘digit head:电脑迷e-mail affair:网恋blog:博客预约券 reservation ticket下午茶 high tea裸婚 naked wedding亚健康 sub-health愤青 young cynic小白脸 toy boy精神出轨 soul infidelity人肉搜索 flesh search剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 山寨 copycat异地恋 long-distance relationship性感妈妈 yummy mummy钻石王老五 diamond bachelor时尚达人 fashion icon上相的,上镜头的 photogenic学术界 academic circle哈证族 certificate maniac偶像派 idol type住房公积金 housing funds熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)挑食者 picky-eater伪球迷 fake fans紧身服 straitjacket团购 group buying奉子成婚 shotgun marriage婚前性行为 premarital sex炫富 flaunt wealth决堤 breaching of the dike赌球 soccer gambling桑拿天 sauna weather自杀 Dutch act防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy 房奴车奴 mortgage slave散伙饭 farewell dinner毕业旅行 after-graduation trip面子工程 face job影视翻拍 plays reshooting不幸的日子,不吉利的日子 black-letter day吉利的日子 saints' days人肉搜索 flesh search潮人:trendsetter发烧友: fancier骨感美女:boney beauty卡奴:card slave蹦迪:disco dancing电脑游戏迷:gamer家庭主男:house-husband小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man二奶:kept woman麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)新新人类:new-new generation另类:offbeat“色”友(摄影爱好者):shutterbug驴友:tour pal娘娘腔:sissy全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom裸奔:streaking80后:80's generation百搭:all-match肚皮舞:belly dance片前广告:cinemads角色扮演:cosplay情侣装:couples dress电子书:e-book电子杂志:e-zine胎教:fetal education限时抢购:flash sale合租:flat-share期房:forward delivery housing 荧光纹身:glow tattoo团购:group purchase健商:HQ扎啤:jug beer八卦,丑闻:kiss and tell低腰牛仔裤:low-rise jeans泡泡袜:loose socks裸妆:nude look黄牛票:scalped ticket透视装:see-through dress扫货:shopping spree烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up水货:smuggled goods热裤:tight pants舌钉:tongue pin纳米技术:nanotechnology通灵:psychic文凭热 degree craze正妹 hotty草莓族 Strawberry generation草根总统 grassroots president点唱机 juke box笨手笨脚 have two left feet演艺圈 Showbiz拼车 car-pooling暴走 go ballistic海外代购 overseas purchasing跳槽 jump ship闪婚 flash marriage乐活族 LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)秒杀 second kill拜金女 material girls钟摆族 pendulum clan伪娘cross-dressing male网络钓鱼 phishing恩爱夫妻 Darby and Joan恶搞 spoof相亲 blind date浪女 dillydally girl脑残体 leetspeak挑食者 picky-eater伪球迷 fake fans奉子成婚 shotgun marriage二房东 middleman landlord入园难 kindergarten crunch射手榜 top-scorer list负翁:spend-more-than-earn挥金如土 spend money like water 头等舱 first-class cabin世界遗产名录 the world heritage list控制面板:control panel表情:smiley即时通讯(聊天)软件: Instant Messenger (IM)视频女:camgirl垃圾邮件: spam饮食(diet)运动(exercises, sedentary lifestyle)吸烟等不良生活方式(caffeine, tobacco, nicotine, drug abuse, substance dependence)肥胖症(obesity, overeating, calorie)首字母缩写类:AFAIK:as far as I know(据我所知)BRB:be right back (马上回来)FRF:face to face(视频聊天)BTW:by the way(顺便提一下)HOWDY:how do you do(最近如何)CU:see you(再见)IMO:in my opinion(我认为)IOW:in other words(换句话说)TY:thank you or trust you(谢谢你或信任你)GTG:get to go(离线)A/s/L: age/sex/location(年龄/性别/地址)网络类菜鸟newbie大虾knowbie灌水bump潜水lurking帖子:post 和thread 都可以表示论坛里的“帖子”,往往可以互换使用。

1. 缩写和纯数字表达:网络英语新词通常以缩写和纯数字的形式出现,以快速便捷的方式传递信息。
例如,LOL(laugh out loud),233(哈哈),666(赞),555(哭)等。
2. 表情符号和表情包:随着社交媒体的流行,表情符号和表情包成为表达情感和观点的常用方式。
3. 流行语和梗:网络英语新词中经常出现流行语和梗,这些词语和词组通常源于网络文化和网络社区的特定事件或表达方式,例如,"Keep calm and carry on"(保持冷静继续前行),"FOMO"(对错失恐惧症),"OK, Boomer"(好的,婴儿潮一代)等。
4. 全球化和混合语言:由于互联网的普及,网络英语新词的使用已经超越了地域和语言的限制。
5. 文化输出和借用:随着互联网的发展,网络英语新词也经常通过影视作品、音乐和其他艺术形式传播到全球。

如果你不认识这个流行的俚语,有人可能会throw you a little side-eye。
3,meet cute浪漫的相遇,邂逅庆棚
meet cute出现在几十年前,但到近几年才开始流行起来。
athleisure由“athletic运动”和“leisure 休闲”两个词组成。
2006年,杰伊·盖格(Jay Geiger)首次使用了clickbait,近几年开始流行。
6、me time独处时间,私有时间
me time是《牛津英语词典》2018年收录的词汇,它指一个人独处的时间,这段时间往往被用来放松、休闲,以抵消人们在社会生活(包括家庭生活)中承受的压力。
即便是亲人、夫妻间也要留给对方足够的Me Time。

呵自然科学1 电脑技术:autofile(自动存档)autoindex(自动变址)autolayout(自动成图)cybercraft(供儿童自己装置的电子控制板)cyberdoc(网络医生)debug(调试)decode(译码)microimage(缩微图像)microtutor(微型教学计算机)separator (分隔符)2 商业世界autotimer(自动开关哭) videphone/picture phone(电视电话) shopping mall(步行步行街) auto show(车展)health food(保健食品) after care service(售后服务) counterfeit money(假币) plastic(信用卡) hole-in-the -wall(自动提款机) loyalty card(购物卡)3 音乐与艺术audience rating(视听率) call-in(电视节目) sitcom(长寿单元喜剧) soup opera(肥皂剧) prime time(黄金时间) actioner(动作片) chopsocky(东方题材的武打片) body double(替身) baggy(宽松衣服音乐) trip hop(幻影跳音乐) trash(垃圾摇滚乐) goth(哥特式神秘音乐) techno(合成音乐) celebrity novel(名人小说)4 环境eco-system(生态系统) eco-catastrophe(生态灾难) eco-efficiency(生态功效) eco-doom(生态末日)eco-freak(生态反常) eco-travel(生态旅游) eco-activist (生态活动家)ecocide (生态灭绝) eco-crisis(生态危机) Earth Day(地球清洁日) Earth Week(地球清洁周) heat/thermal pollution(热污染) blue box(蓝色垃圾箱)alternative fuel (借用燃料) environment-friendly(不会破坏环境的)5 人与环境generation X(未知的一代) generation Y (新的未知的一代) cute guy(帅哥) physically challenged(身体有残疾的) vertically challenged(脚有残疾的) barbologist(垃圾专家) landscape architect (风景建筑师)the disadvantaged/the underprivileged/the low income group(穷人) forgotten man(失业的人)self-employed businessman(个体户) vegetable-basket project(菜篮子工程) two-employee family(双职工家庭) sizism(肥胖歧视)1 大众传媒(Mass Media)Ground Zero(世贸中心废墟)Spam(垃圾邮件)Taikonaut (中国航天员)advance with the times(与时俱进)three-Gorges Project(三峡工程)build a well-off society in an all-round way(全面建设小康社会)expand domestic demand and consumption(扩大内需,刺激消费)2 生活与娱乐cellphone (手机)power dressing (显示干练的服饰)dress-down Friday(便装的星期五)power nap(白天短暂的)quality time(的跟孩子一起谈话的时间) airport fiction(在候机时间阅读的小说) edutainment(教育娱乐电视节目)elly shoes(透明塑料鞋)quad bike(四轮摩托车)warehouse club(仓储俱乐部)ambient food (适合常温储藏的食物)home shopping(家庭购物)interactive service(互动式服务)3 体育运动skate-boarding(滑板)skydive(缓张伞跳伞)land/sand yacht(沙滩艇/陆地风帆)hang glider(飞行风筝)cyclo-cross(自行车越野赛)roller hockey(滚轴冰球)demolition(撞车大赛)extreme skiing(终极滑雪)bungee jumping(蹦极跳)canyoning (蹦谷运动)wakeboarding(托板运动)jet-skiing(飞艇冲浪)slimnastics(减肥体操)isometrics(静力锻炼)golden goal(黄金进球)three-peat(三连胜)heptathon(七项全能运动)4 特殊的中国词汇loving Care Project(爱心工程)Setting-in Allowance(安家费) consolation prize(安慰奖)pay New Year call(拜年)a relocated unit(搬迁户)punching bag(出气筒)transport during the Spring Festival(春运) Issue IOU(打白条)use doggy bags to take food home(打包儿)。
new words in English英语中的新词

1. automagically adv. Automatically in a way that seems magical.2. bargainous adj. Costing less than expected.3. big media n. Primary mass communication sources, e.g., TV and the press.4. bromance n. Close platonic male friendship.5. buzzkill n. Person or thing that has a depressing effect.6. carbon credit n. Permit allowing a certain amount of carbon dioxide emissions.7. carbon offsetting n. Counteraction of CO2 emissions with a corresponding reduction.8. catastrophize v. To present a situation as worse than it is.9. cheeseball adj. Lacking taste or style.10. chillax v. To calm down and relax.11. cool hunter n. One who predicts new styles and trends.12. cougar n. Older woman who dates younger men.13. eggcorn n. Logical swap of words with similar sounds (from "egg corn" for "acorn").14. exit strategy n. Planned means of extricating oneself from a situation.15. flash mob n. Brief gathering for a common purpose, announced by e-mail or text.16. flyover states n. [derogatory] Central regions of the U.S.17. frenemy n. Friend with whom one has frequent conflict.18. friend v. To add to a list of personal associates on a website.19. gal pal n. Female friend.20. green audit n. Analysis of a business' environmental impact.21. green-collar adj. Of or relating to workers in the environmentalist business sector.22. hater n. Negative person.23. heart v. To like very much; love.24. homeshoring n. Moving jobs to employees' homes (from "offshoring").25. hypermiling n. Altering a car to maximize its fuel economy.26. LBD n. Little black dress.27. locavore n. One who primarily eats locally grown food.28. matchy-matchy adj. Excessively color-coordinated.29. megachurch n. Huge church congregation, typically evangelical Christian.30. meme n. Image, video or phrase passed electronically on the Internet.31. microblog v. To post very short entries on a blog.32. overleveraged adj. Having taken on too much debt.33. own v. To utterly defeat or humiliate.34. paywall n. Arrangement whereby website access is restricted to paying users only.35. pimp v. To make something more showy or impressive.36. riff v. To expound on a particular subject.37. rock v. To do something in a confident, flamboyant way.38. sheeple n. Unquestioning followers (from "sheep" + "people").39. social media n. Websites and applications used for social networking.40. soft skills n. Attributes that enable someone to interact harmoniously with others.41. staycation n. Vacation spent at home.42. toxic debt n. Debt that has a high risk of default.43. truthiness n. Quality of seeming true.44. turducken n. Roast of a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey.45. tweet n. Posting made on the social networking site Twitter.46. unfriend v. To remove from a list of personal associates on a website.47. viral adj. Circulating rapidly on the Internet.48. vuvuzela n. Long horn blown by fans at soccer matches.49. webisode n. Episode or short film made for viewing online.50. zombie bank n. Insolvent bank that survives through government support.。

1. Airplane:飞机2. Breakfast:早餐3. Bookshelf:书架4. Cupcake:纸杯蛋糕5. Doghouse:狗窝6. Earthquake:地震7. Firefighter:消防员8. Football:足球9. Homework:家庭作业10. Headphones:耳机11. Jellyfish:水母12. Keyboard:键盘13. Lipstick:口红14. Moonlight:月光15. Newspaper:报纸16. Online:在线的17. Pancake:薄煎饼18. Raincoat:雨衣19. Snowman:雪人20. Sunflower:向日葵21. Telescope:望远镜22. Website:网站23. Weekend:周末24. Airline:航空公司25. Basketball:篮球26. Candlelight:烛光27. Drumstick:鸡腿28. Eardrum:耳膜29. Fireworks:烟花30. Footprint:脚印31. Hairstyle:发型32. Ice cream:冰淇淋33. Jellybean:果冻豆34. Keychain:钥匙链35. Lamplight:灯光36. Milkshake:奶昔37. Newspaper:报纸38. Overnight:过夜的39. Pencil case:铅笔盒40. Rainforest:热带雨林41. Shipwreck:船只残骸42. Skateboard:滑板43. Snowflake:雪花44. Thunderstorm:暴风雨45. Underwear:内衣46. Vanilla ice cream:香草冰淇淋47. Watermelon:西瓜48. X-ray:X射线49. Yearbook:年鉴50. Zookeeper:动物园管理员51. Air-conditioning:空调52. Bicycle:自行车53. Cupholder:杯托54. Doghouse:狗窝55. Eyebrow:眉毛56. Firefly:萤火虫57. Glassware:玻璃器皿58. Handbag:手提包59. Ice-cream cone:冰淇淋筒60. Jellyroll:果冻卷61. Knapsack:背包62. Lighthouse:灯塔63. Moonlight:月光64. Nail polish:指甲油65. Overcoat:外套66. Police officer:警察67. Rubber band:橡皮筋68. Sunglasses:太阳镜69. Toothbrush:牙刷70. Underpants:内裤71. Vacuum cleaner:吸尘器72. Watchtower:瞭望塔73. X-ray machine:X射线机器74. Year-round:全年的75. Zookeeper:动物园管理员76. Afternoon:下午77. Baseball:棒球78. Campfire:篝火79. Doorbell:门铃80. Earphone:耳机81. Fireman:消防员82. Grasshopper:蚱蜢83. Headache:头痛84. Icebox:冰箱85. Jelly sandwich:果冻三明治86. Keyhole:钥匙孔87. Lamppost:路灯88. Milkman:送奶工89. Newspaper:报纸90. Outdoors:户外的91. Pancake:薄煎饼92. Rainstorm:暴风雨93. Snowball:雪球94. Sunscreen:防晒霜95. Telescope:望远镜96. Umbrella:雨伞97. Valentine:情人节98. Waterfall:瀑布99. Xylophone:木琴100. Yearbook:年刊101. Zebra:斑马这些常用的合成词涵盖了各个方面的日常生活,从食品、交通、自然元素到日常用品等等。

近几年出现的新词、热词收集整理1~100个1.AA制 Dutchtreatm ent; go Dutch2.A股市场 A sharemarket3.爱尔兰共和军 IrishRepubl ic Army (IRA)4.爱国民主人士 patrio tic democr aticperson ages5.爱国统一战线 patrio tic united front6.爱国卫生运动 patrio tic sanita tioncampai gn7.―爱国者‖导弹 Patrio t missil e8.爱丽舍宫 Elysée Palace9.爱鸟周 Bird-Loving Week10."爱屋及乌Love me, love my dog."11.爱心工程 Loving Care Projec t12.艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合征) AIDS (Acquir ed Immune Defici encySyndro me)13.矮子里拔将军 choose a genera l from amongthe dwarfs--pick the best out of a medioc re bunch14.安家费 settli ng-in allowa nce15.按键式电话push-botton phone; Touch-Tone; keypho ne16."安静地铁low-noisesubway(The vibrat ion contro l techni que will be applie d to Subway Line 4, making for a low-noisecommut e in Beijin g. 减振技术将用于地铁4号线,打造北京安静地铁。

近几年出现的英语新词selfie(自拍)hashtag(话题标签)emoji(表情符号)influencer(影响者)micro-blogging(微博)blogging(博客)podcasting(播客)vlogging(视频博客)tweeting(推特)snacking(小吃)networking(建立关系网)outsourcing(外包)blogosphere(博客圈)cloud computing(云计算)e-commerce(电子商务)green living(绿色生活)groupthink(团体思考)information overload(信息过载)knowledge management(知识管理)lifehacking(生活黑客)location-based services(基于位置的服务)mommy blogging(妈妈博客)online shopping(网上购物)peer-to-peer lending(点对点借贷)profiting(获利)self-branding(自我品牌建设)social bookmarking(社交书签)social media management(社交媒体管理)web 2.0(网络2.0)webcasting(网络广播)Boomer Esiason:指年轻时身体强壮,但随着年龄增长,体能逐渐下降的人。
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好读不倦的“专业学生” professional student
• • • • • • • • • • • • 你认识这样的人吗?已经读到博士或拥有多个学位却依然寻求深造机会,而同龄人都已经工作好多 年了。读书似乎是他们最大的乐趣和人生的意义所在。这样的人被称为“专业学生”,英文表达是 professional student。
睡熊综合症Sleepy Bear Syndrome
• 睡觉睡得正香的时候被吵醒,大多数人都会感到不爽,有的人甚至还 会发一通脾气,就像被吵醒的大熊一样愤怒咆哮,这就是“睡熊综合 症”——Sleepy Bear Syndrome。 • • Sleepy Bear Syndrome refers to the anger occurring after someone accidentally wakes you up during, or on the precipice of a nap. • • “睡熊综合症”指的是一个人小睡时或快睡着时被人意外吵醒而发怒。 • • Example: • My brother woke me up while I was napping today. I almost gave him the full wrath of my Sleepy Bear Syndrome. • 我今天正打盹时被我弟弟吵醒了。我像一头愤怒的熊一样对他狠狠发 作了一通。
“圣诞节综合症” Christmas Syndrome
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现在的上班族好不容易放个长假,都会安排一大堆活动,然后盼星星盼月亮 地期待假期的到来,但往往失望地发现,假期总是转瞬即逝,想玩的也没玩 够,这在外国被称为“圣诞节综合症”。
When you are looking forward to something constantly, to the point of obsession, it will cause the actual event to seem short and dull in comparison. This is called “Christmas Syndrome”. 你一直盼望某事的到来,甚至到了狂热的程度,结果这件事真的发生了,反 而显得又短暂又无趣。这就是“圣诞节综合症”。
恼人的“低头族” phubbing
• 两个好友面对面坐着喝茶聊天,各自的手机都放在手边,手机一有响 动,便会拿起来看一眼或者回复信息,而两人的谈话便会因此中断一 会儿。这种情况在英语里叫做phubbing 。 • • Phubbing refers to the activity of being impolite in a social situation by looking at your phone instead of paying attention to the person you are with. • Phubbing指在社交场合不关注身边的人,而是一个劲看手机的不礼 貌行为,我们可称之为“低头症”。 • Have you ever been chatting to a friend and succumbed to the temptation, mid-conversation, of checking your mobile and apologetically interrupting the flow because you just can't resist replying to a text message? If so, then you're guilty of a 21st century impropriety now known as phubbing. People who can’t help checking their phones during a conversation are known as phubbers. • 你有没有过这样的经历,跟朋友聊天的过程中忍不住想看手机,然后 很抱歉地暂停你们的对话,因为你实在忍不住要回个短信?如果有的 话,那么你就是21世纪无礼行为“低头症”的一份子。跟人聊天时老 忍不住看手机的人就被称为“低头族”。
Ex. 1: a compliment "Man, I think you're so cool for writing a dissertation on Mesoamerican maize fertilization. You're a real professional student!" “老兄,你写的关于中美洲玉米受精的论文实在是太酷了。你真是个不折不扣的专业学生!”(
New Words
廉价咖啡 cheappuccino
• 很多在中国的老外都喜欢去7 Eleven便利店买廉价咖啡,英文叫 cheappuccino,虽然没有星巴克的卡布奇诺好喝,但是价格便宜,而 且喝了一样提神。 • Cheappuccino refers to any of the wide variety of flavored coffee drinks offered at convenience stores such as Circle K or 7 Eleven that can be purchased for less than half the price of a Starbucks cappuccino. • 廉价咖啡指的是像Circle K或7 Eleven这样的便利店卖的各种口味的 咖啡饮料,价钱还不到星巴克一杯卡布奇诺的一半。 • Example: • Let's stop by the Circle K for some cheappuccinos tonight. It's gonna be freaking cold, and all I've got is $1.25 in my wallet. • 咱们今晚在Circle K停一下买几杯廉价咖啡吧。天气到时候会非常冷, 而我钱包里只剩1.25美元了。
早起时难以抵挡的“床重力” Bed gravity
• 上班族每天除了要应对职场的各种压力之外,还有一个大敌是躲不掉 的,那就是“早起”。为了能够按时被叫醒,不少人都定了好几个闹 钟。可是,闹钟响起的时候,却也是床最有吸引力的时候。 • • Bed gravity is an irresistible force that draws you back to bed, or toward any mattress, couch, or other soft horizontal surface. It is usually stronger when one or more persons are already sleeping on that furniture. • 床重力是一股让你难以抵抗的力量,能将你拉回床、床垫、沙发或者 其他一切软的可以平躺的物件上。如果已经有人躺倒在这些物件上, 床重力的威力就会更加强大。 • For example: • I have to fight bed gravity for at least 30 minutes every morning before struggling to get up. • 我每天早晨从床上爬起来之前都至少要跟床重力斗争半个小时。
那些形状各异的sleep tattoo
• 夏天铺着凉席睡觉的时候,胳膊、腿,甚至脸上难免会留下一排排竹席的印 记。这样的印记在英语里叫做sleep tattoo(睡眠纹身),这个说法还挺形象 的吧。 Sleep tattoo refers to the markings on the body from sleeping for an extended period of time, caused by blankets, clothing, or any other thing one would sleep on. Commonly found on the chest, face, and arms. (Source: ) Sleep tattoo(睡眠纹身)指睡了很长一段时间醒来后,睡觉时盖的毯子、 穿的衣服或者碰巧在床上的任何物品在身上留下的印记,多见于胸口、脸部 以及胳膊。 For example: Person 1: I just had the best nap of my life! 刚睡午觉起来,睡得可舒服了! Person 2: What’s that all over your chest? 你胸口那儿怎么了? Person 1: Oh those are just some sleep tattoos from my blanket. 哦,那是毯子留下的睡眠纹身。
Example: He's been counting down the days since July, and has came down with a bad case of Christma闷地发现圣诞节过 得如此匆匆,也没什么意思。
Professional student refers to a person who receives multiple degrees and keeps taking courses instead of holding a profession related to the degrees earned. It can be a compliment or an insult depending on the speaker. “专业学生”指的是那种已经拿到好几个学位,依然继续进修深造,而不是去从事和既得学位有关 的职业的人。这个称号可能是褒扬,也可能是挖苦,取决于讲话的人。
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婚后小休 minimoon
• 现代人生活节奏快,很多人结完婚后都抽不出时间去度蜜月,于是就有了迷 你版的蜜月——minimoon,即婚后小休。婚后度个短假让新人们可以在繁琐 又累人的婚礼过后喘口气,又可以在没时间度蜜月的情况下享受一下新婚的 甜蜜。 Minimoon is a short trip after a couple gets married in place of a full honeymoon. When you don't have time to take off for a real honey moon, you can go on a minimoon with your lover. 婚后小休是新人结婚后替代蜜月的一次短途旅行。当你没时间度蜜月时,你 可以和爱人一起来个婚后小休。 Minimoon allows newlyweds to relax after exhausting wedding preparations, and enable them to enjoy the sweet love season by having a short holiday. 婚后小休让被婚礼准备工作弄得精疲力竭的新婚夫妇可以放松一下,也让他 们可以在休短假时享受甜蜜时光。 Example: My friends are taking a minimoon right after they get married. They are going on their actual honeymoon trip in a few months. 我朋友一结婚马上就休了个短假。他们真正的蜜月旅行将在几个月后开始。