

M7U2 教案

M7U2 教案

M7U2 Fit for life板块:Welcome to the UnitThoughts on the design:本节课以说、读为主,是一节导入课。




Teaching aims:After this class, the students will be able to:1. learn more words about doctors;2. have general idea of the history of acupuncture;3. practise their spoken English.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in1. How can we keep fit?2. What will people do when they fell ill?3. Guessing game: What are the doctors?Step 2 Pictures talking.In what way do doctors give patients treatment?Step 3 Discussion1. Do you know any person related to invention or discovery of medicine?2. Can you imagine a day without any medicine in this world?Step4 HomeworkSearch for more information about the history of medicine.教学反思:________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________M7U2 Fit for life板块:Reading 1Thoughts on the design:本节课是一节阅读课,阅读课教学应当遵循循序渐进的规律教学,首先进行与话题相关的预热过程,其次进行精泛阅读教学结合,训练学生快速有效地寻找信息的能力,在阅读过程中穿插听力,训练学生捕捉细节的听力能力,在了解大意的基础上设置问题进行拓展性训练,培养学生思考问题的能力。



Step 4 Practice 1.T:At Spring Festival, we have _______.展示水果拼盘的图案,根据水 果的不同让学生进行演绎, 2.同桌练习并做个体展示;
Step 5 Production Chant We have pears,we have tea,we have peanuts for you and me, peanuts for you, peanuts for me 让学生变换词语,练习拓展句型的用法 Step 4 Homework
《英语》(新标准)(供三年级起始用)第 2 册 Module 7 Unit 1 教amily dinner.这类 have 表示 行为的语句说明行为
二、语言形式:句型:At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.
1.Listen and read the text for three times
2.Think about what do we have at Christmas.
三、词汇:Spring Festival, New Year, see,family,peanut,sweets,say 四、学习策略:积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 五、情感态度:培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。 六、教具准备:多媒体课件、点读笔、单词卡片、水果图贴。 七、教学步骤:
Step 1 Warmin-up 1. Listen and sing.Happy New Year! 2. ChantI like pears, I like tea, I like books for you and me Books for you, books for me. Step 2 Leading-in 通过 Chant 中的一本书,通过一本书的图片展示,向学生提出问题:What’ s it about?出示单词 about。通过图片展示,引导学生回答出:春节(教师或 小老师教授单词 Spring Festival) Step 3 Presentation 1. Listen,point and answer 通过 Sam 提出问题:T: Now, everyone, do you still remember Sam?Sam is curious 非常好奇“What is Spring Festival?”Now, watch and answer. 播放 CD-ROM,让学生形成第一次课文情景的了解,通过视听全面的感 知 2. Listen,repeat and answer T:What do we have at Spring Festival? 第一遍跟读,学生重点句型 At Spring Festival, we have _______________. 通过填空的形式是学生对于重点举行有了初步的认识 第二遍跟读,回答 And we have________ and ______.让学生有一定的任 务意识,并进行语言的使用,通过填空把重点的单词引进来有一定的对比度 是学生形成比较深的印象 3. Group work 小组合作,画出重点的句子,并小组内交流还没有把握住的句子,培养学 生的团队意识,然后小组解决问题,再后让教师进行解答



【自主学习】1,名单______2,发疯的_____3,短裤______4,裤子______5,太阳镜__________ 6,家庭寄宿_________7,重……_________8,总的__________9,重量______ 10,护照___________11,文化___________12,延续__________13,决定于______ 14,提供_________15,考试_________16,进步__________18,宾客______19,形成_____20,友谊______21,更喜爱______22,确定的______23, 填充_______【快速阅读】1.Read the passage and choose the best answer.A.a guide to Los AngelesB. information about English coursesC. a story of life in Los AngelesD. a newspaper story about language courses【细读课文】1.Read the passage and put it in to Chinese.2.Find out the phrases1,向某人提供某物_________________2,主动提出做某事___________3,热爱做_________________________4,学习关于__________________5,提高你的英语水平_______________6,同时______________________7,训练有素_______________________8,有丰富的经验______________9,一天4个小时___________________10,依靠_____________________11,个人选择______________________12,设置考试_________________13,个人学习______________________14,也,除…之外_____________15,体验生活______________________16,做客美国家庭_____________17,参加__________________________18,日常生活_________________19,跟某人做活动__________________20,和…建立深厚友谊_________21,和…保持联系__________________22,有把握做_________________23,至少__________________________24,填表_____________________25,为…支付______________________26,在…方面取得进步_________27,用…把…装满__________________28,喜欢…胜过_______________29宁愿做某事,也不愿做某事_________________________________3.Match the headings with the paragraphs.A.TeachingB.Free timeC.Places to stayD.More informationE.Study English with us4.Read the passage again ang answer the question.A.How long does the shortest last?B.What is the best part of the course?C.How do you check your progress?D.When should you pay for the course?【反馈训练】Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.【自主提高】1.学习依靠你的个人选择Studying _______your personal choice.2.许多家庭跟学生建立深厚的友谊并且保持练习Many families _________________the students and _________________ them.3.定会得到最好的体验。



新标准大学英语2New Standard College English 2 (Second Edition) is a comprehensive English textbook designed for college students. It covers a wide range of topics, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This textbook aims to help students improve their English proficiency and communication skills in academic and daily life.The textbook is divided into 12 units, each focusing on a different theme. The themes range from personal experiences, social issues, cultural diversity, to global challenges. Each unit is carefully structured to provide students with a variety of language learning activities and exercises. The content is engaging and relevant, allowing students to apply what they have learned to real-life situations.One of the key features of New Standard College English 2 is its emphasis on integrated language skills. The textbook provides opportunities for students to practice all four language skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking – in a cohesive and interconnected manner. This integrated approach helps students develop a holistic understanding of the English language and enhances their ability to communicate effectively.In addition to language skills, the textbook also focuses on critical thinking and intercultural communication. Through thought-provoking readings, discussions, and writing assignments, students are encouraged to think critically about various topics and engage in meaningful cross-cultural exchanges. This not only enriches their language learning experience but also broadens their perspectives and fosters a deeper appreciation for diversity.Moreover, New Standard College English 2 incorporates multimedia resources to support students' learning. The accompanying audio and video materials provide authentic language input and offer additional listening practice. Furthermore, the online resources and interactive activities enable students to further reinforce their language skills and engage in self-directed learning.Overall, New Standard College English 2 is a well-structured and comprehensive textbook that caters to the diverse needs of college students learning English. It provides a solid foundation for language acquisition and equips students with the necessary skills to thrive in an English-speaking environment. With its engaging content, integrated approach, and focus on critical thinking and intercultural communication, this textbook is an invaluable resource for both students and instructors.In conclusion, New Standard College English 2 is a valuable asset for college students seeking to enhance their English proficiency and communication skills. It offers a rich and diverse learning experience that goes beyond language acquisition and encompasses critical thinking and intercultural competence. As such, it is a highly recommended textbook for college English language learners.。


(一)知识目标:能够听、说、认、读本 课的重nt/eat .
(二)能力目标:能够介绍圣诞节,知道 圣诞节的主要活动。
(三)情感目标:通过本课学习,使学习 有兴趣听、说英语、背歌谣,主动与他 人交流。能够互相致以节日的问候,了 解西方圣诞节。
1、听录音,朗读课文,并将所学讲给自己 的父母听。 2. Make a Christmas card. (制作一张圣诞卡片,准备展示)
Christmas England present give eat sing
圣诞节 英国 礼物 给 吃 唱
圣诞节 (Christmas Day) 每年的12月25日是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子.
称为——圣诞节.从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节 期. 圣诞树(Christmas tree)
是圣诞节庆祝中最有名的传统之一。通常人们在 圣诞前后把一棵常绿植物如松树弄进屋里或者在户外 ,并用圣诞灯和彩色的装饰物装饰。并把一个天使或 星星放在树的顶上。
圣诞树一般是用杉柏之类的常绿树做成,象征生 命长存。树上装饰着各种灯烛、彩花、玩具、星星, 挂上各种圣诞礼物。圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌 跳舞,尽情欢乐。
Fill in the questionnaire.
Country (国家) Date (日期) Cerebrates(装饰) Food (食物) Activity (活动)
Spring Festival Christmas(圣诞节)



M7Unit2 Two life-saving medicines知识清单一、基础回顾外科医师surgeon 革命revolution针头;指针needle咀嚼;咬chew 可能性potential 加速,加快accelerate症状;征兆symptom结果,后果outcome锋利的;严厉的sharp复杂的complex 器官;团体organ 现象phenomenon药片;丸tablet 酸;酸性的acid 必不可少的vital橱柜;衣柜cupboard 循环;传播circulate 大规模的mass上瘾的;入迷的addicted 理论,学说theory 钝的;灰暗的dull二、词汇拓展1. chemist n. 化学家;药剂师→chemistry n. 化学→chemical adj 化学的2. beneficial adj. 有益的→benefit n. 利益;益处/ v. 对……有益/ 受惠3. possess vt. 拥有→possession n. 拥有;所有物4. abnormal adj. 不正常的→normal adj. 正常的5.astonish vt.使惊讶→astonished adj.惊讶的;惊愕的→astonishing adj 令人惊讶的→astonishment n. 惊奇;惊愕6. application n. 适用,应用;申请→apply vi.申请/ vt.涂抹→applied adj 适用的7. unable adj. 不能,无法→able adj. 有能力的→ability n. 能力→disable v使残疾→disabled adj. 残疾的→disability n 无能;残疾8. effective adj. 有效的;实际的→effect n. 效果;功效9. approval n. 批准;赞成→approve v. 赞成;批准10. sickness n. 病;恶心→sick adj. 有病的;恶心的→sicken v 患病11. bleed vi. 流血→blood n. 血;血统→bloody adj. 流血的12. applaud v. 鼓掌;称赞→applause n. 拍手喝彩;赞扬13. reasonable adj. 合理的;懂得事理的→reason n. 原因14. arrangement n. 排列,整理→arrange v. 整理;安排15. swell v. 肿胀;鼓起→swelled 过去式→swelled/ swollen 过去分词16. relate v. 联系;叙述→relation n. 关系;人际关系→related adj. 相关的;亲戚的→relative adj/n相关的;相对的;亲戚→relationship 关系;亲戚关系三、重要词组及表达方式1. 打开open up2. 在自然界in nature3.以……的形式in the form of …4. 咀嚼……chew on …5. 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦wear sb. out6. 在某人身上测试try out sth. on sb.7. 在当代社会in contemporary society8. 被应用于……be applied in9. 对……谨慎的be cautious about10. 对……感到满意be happy with11. 染上毒瘾be addicted to drugs12. 肿胀swell up13. 赞成,同意subscribe to 14. 逐渐消失fade away15. 随着…的运用with the application of16. 意识到……be aware of …17. 留意……look out for … 18. 代替某人的位置take one’s place19. 发出,放出let out 20. 把……和……联系起来relate … to …21. 采取措施做某事take measures to do sth.22. 阻止某人做某事block sb. from doing sth.23. 治愈某人的……cure sb of …24. 有做某事的可能性have the potential to do sth.25. 加快……的进程accelerate the process for/ of …26. 提出一些相当合理的观点make some quite reasonable points27. focus on集中于28. carry out 执行,实施29. in large quantities 大量地30. by accident 意外地31. keep us healthy保持我们健康32. perform operations 进行手术33. look abnormal 看上去不正常34. benefit from 受益于35. do eye exercises 做眼保健操36. take sth.'s place 取代某物37. reduce pain 减轻疼痛38. check your pulses 检查你的脉搏39. fade away 慢慢消失40. make a diagnosis诊断41. over the last 2,000 years过去的2 000年中42. prove beneficial to mankind 证明对人类有益43. reduce body pains and fever 减轻身体疼痛和退烧44. play an important role in 在……起重要作用45. need urgent treatment 需要紧急治疗46. be eager to ... 渴望于……47. the present situation 现在的情况48. according to prescriptions 根据处方49. explain this phenomenon 解释这种现象50. high blood pressure 高血压四、重点句型1.Not only has aspirin proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.阿司匹林不仅被证明对于退烧和止痛必不可少,而且还有其他用途。

《英语》(新标准)(初中阶段)八年级下册M7U2 教学设计 (2)

《英语》(新标准)(初中阶段)八年级下册M7U2 教学设计 (2)

教学设计外语教学与研究出版社《新标准》英语初中二年级下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles一、教材分析本模块以“课程”为话题,分设三个单元进行学习。







二、教学目标1.语言知识目标2.技能目标(1) 能运用捕捉细节、推理判断、把握主旨大意等阅读策略理解课文;(2)口头复述课文2、3、4段;(3)能运用本课语言知识设计一个新的汉语课程。

3. 情感与态度目标通过本课的学习,了解国外英语课程班的授课内容和形式。



三、教学过程I. Pre-reading1. 呈现四副英语课程的相关图片。


T: There’ll be an English course for foreign students in Los Angeles. Look at the photos. Guess what the English course can provide for students.S: I think students can … in the course.[设计意图] 借助图片让学生的注意力直接聚焦本课的学习内容,同时,这些图片对下一步的预测会有一定的启发作用。

2. 预测课文信息。




《英语》(新标准)(一起)第二册教学准备与分析课题Module7教学内容Unit1 Let’s play football!教学目标能够邀请他人参加体育活动教学重点Let’s play football!Let’s go swimming教学难点Let’s play football!Let’s go swimming!教学准备单词卡片多媒体课件板书设计课题小组评价具体教学过程设计意图1.热身复习教师与学生热情地打招呼问好,并——起演唱一首英语歌曲。



进行猜运动的游戏,请—名学生到前面,拿出一张图片(其他学生看不到),引导该学生用简单的英语描述如:“It's big.I't's round…”等等,其他同学根据该同学的描述来猜出该运动,最先答对的学生将被请到前面来进行下一轮游戏。











教师首先指着练习1中四幅图中的—幅,问:“What's this?"学生根据图片回答:“It's a…,把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,呈现SBUnitl活动1 告诉学生:“今天Sam 和Daming要去做运动。



Language points
1. I’m looking forward to seeing my friends again.
look forward to +n. / doing 表示“期待着 某事或做某事”。如: They’re looking forward to the new term. I’m looking forward to seeing you again. We look forward to serving you again.
Charlie Chaplin
Born in 1889 Britain Actor Humorous, funny, smart,
Charlie Chaplin -Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889. -He was born in Britain. -He was a famous actor. -He was humorous, funny and smart.
There was a blackboard. There were some desks and chairs.
with表示伴随 “有”, 是介词 。
There was a classroom with a blackboard. There was a classroom with some desks and chairs.
Stephen William Hawking
-Do you know how to talk about people?
-What were they like in the past?
William Shakespeare
Britain Born in the late 1500s Writer, poet Smart, famous



Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles【教材分析】【学生分析】初中二年级的学生已具备一定的阅读能力,但在阅读中灵活运用阅读技巧和阅读策略的能力还不强,因此在阅读理解内容的同时,帮助他们理解各种阅读技巧,灵活运用阅读策略。


Teaching Aims:To develop students ability of grasping information and reading skillsTo help students learn about the study abroad program and advertisementImportant and Difficult Points:Developing students’ skimming and scanning abilities;How to distinguish the “facts” from the “opinions”.Teaching Tools:textbook, PPT, handoutTeaching Procedure:Step 1 Lead –inT: Hi, everybody. Yesterday we have learned that Lingling and Daming are going to LA for the …Ss:English Courses.T: Yes. But what is an English Course? Let’s watch a video of English Course in UK first. We will see which group could see the most activities in the video.( Play the Video )T: Okay. Do you like the video?Ss: Yes.T: Do you want to go ?Ss: Yes.T: What did you see? Two mins for you to talk about what you saw.(Group work: Discussion)T: How many things /activities did you see in the video?Ss: …..(Ask ss who have the most activities to share and give them flashcards as winner presents)T: Yes, the English courses include not only the English lessons but the culture experiences. Now would you like to know what the English course is like in LA?Let’s go.Step 2 ReadingI Read the passage and choose.T: Let’s read fast and find out “What is the passage?” I will give you 4 minutes. You may begin.I Read the passage and choose.•The passage is __________.A. a guide to Los AngelesB. An ad(广告) about English coursesC. a story of life in Los AngelesD. a newspaper story about language coursesAfter readingT: How do you know that is an ad? Or which sentences tell us?Ss: …(Ss will give different answers and teachers should explicit the right answer patiently) T: So Where are these sentences?Ss….( In this part , teacher can explicit the answer instead of telling them directly to make them think ).II ReadT: In the vedio, the English course includes ….Ss:….( the things we saw in the vedio)T: we could say that is “ What to eat “…….( Explicit the general idea of each part of the passage and draw the frame of the whole passage )T:Okay, so which do you want to know first ?( Ask ss to choose what they want to know as they are always interested in what they like.).II ReadPara 1&2: The English LessonsAnswer questions:1.What do you learn ?2. How long do the courses last ?3. What are the teachers like ?4. How do you study?5. What do they provide?Para 3:◆Where to stay : You can stay as a guest with _________ ___________ _________ .You can also stay in a ___________.◆What to eat :You will _______ _______ with the family.◆You will keep in touch with the families later. ( T / F )( Ask students how they found the answer)T: Where did you find it?Ss:….(Explain the reading strategy “ the same meaning “ and “the similar meaning”.Then ask students to read the other paragraphs.)Para 4: What to see& What to do◆You can _____ _____ to Hollywood, Disneyland or San Francisco.◆You can _____ ______.Para5 : More information( T/F)◆Fees : Pay for your course at least one month before it starts. ( )◆To apply(申请): You need to call . ( )T: So why did the writer write this advertisement?Ss: …T: What is an ad?Ss:….(It may be hard for students to find the answer. Be patient. If they can’t find the answer, ask them to do groupwork and exchange ideas.)(Show an Ad of a new hamburger and ask ss to divide four sentences into two groups expliciting what the ad is for).T: So for an Ad, it will include opinion and fact. The fact tells you what the product is . The opinion attracts you to feel good about the products.(In this part, the teacher asks students to differentiate those sentences from the passage to deepen the understanding of facts and opinions and what the advertisement is for).III CheckFacts(事实) or Opinions (观点)➢We can offer you great summer English courses. ________➢The courses last for four, six or eight weeks. ________➢For many of our students this is the best part of the course. ________➢We provide books. ________➢We set tests to check your progress. ________➢You are certain to get the best possible experience of English learning and life in the US. ________➢You must pay at least one month before it starts. ________(We have learnt the ad , so ask students to use what we learnt about ad to design another ad. It will stimulate students’ creativity and integrated ability)Learn Chinese in _____________Courses last for _______teachers:You will learn ______ ,______, Kungfu ,Calligraphy(书法) ____hours a day.Where to stayWhat to see & what to doWhat to eatMore informationSlogan( 广告宣传语):________________________________________________.( Ask two groups to present their program to students and see who could get more students . Give them 5 stars as gift)T:Students, in this lesson, what do you learn ?Ss:….T: Yes, we have learnt about an English course in LA and what the advertisement is.。



2. 培养和提高学生的鉴赏能力和体验生活的能力。同时也积极鼓励学生参与社会实践活
课时教学目 动。 标
教学重点与 难点 教学辅助 教学方法
PPT Bottom-up approach
1. 通过了解不同国家暑假培训班、夏令营等相关信息,拓展视野,实现情感体验和得到 文化熏陶;通过开展生动活泼的教学活动,激发学生的学习兴趣。
correct form of the words and expressions in the box.
指引学生阅读 短文,进一步 把握文章细 节,理解重点 词汇,检验学 生对所学语言 知识掌握的情 况。阅读中实 行学生个体活 动与小组讨论 相结合
certain culture depend on fill out friendship guest progress provide test
The passage is a ______. a) guide to Los Angeles b) description of an English course c) newspaper article about language courses d) description of life in Los Angeles 2) Read the passage and match the titles with the paragraphs. (归纳段落大意)


把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:
study---studied carry---carried 4、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节
动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,
如: stop ---stopped
am/is ---- was ; do----did; buy-----bought; have----- had; learn----learnt send-----sent, can-----could drink-----drank see-----saw make ------made tell---told say----said
2. When I was a baby, Ico__u_l_d__ see but cIo_u_l_d__n_’_t read. I c__o_u_l_d___ hear but cIo_u_l_d__n_’_t talk. Ic_o_u__ld__n__’t walk but Ic_o_u__ld___ learn and I c_o_u__l_d__ play.
Born: in 1880
From: the US
wrote a book travelled
How: blind and deaf
a role-model
( 2)
( 3)
( 6)
( 1)
1.Helen Kellerc_o_u__ld__n_’tsee but she c_o_u__ld___ learn. She c__o_u_l_d__n_’thear but she c_o__u_l_d___ speak.

新标准英语》第二册 第7模块教学设计.

新标准英语》第二册 第7模块教学设计.

新标准英语》第二册第7模块教学设计Teaching contents(教学内容):1.教材:《新标准英语》第二册第7模块(Festivals)We have a big family dinner一Teaching aims (教学目标):1.语言知识和技能方面:听懂、会说、会用句型“We have a big family dinner2.文化意识方面:通过学习本课内容,让学生了解西方的节日之一——圣诞节,帮助学生更进一步地了解世界和中西方文化差异,拓展学生视野。


二Key points (教学重点):1.听懂会说句型“We have a big family dinner ”2.通过各种活动任务让学生会用句型“We have a big family dinner ”从而变成学生自己真正的语言。

三Teaching ways (教学方法):以任务型教学为主,倡导体验、实践、合作、交流等以学生为主体的教学方法。

四Teaching aids(教学准备):1. 圣诞节的录像带。

2. 圣诞树。

3. 各种圣诞树装饰物(如:铜铃、圣诞老人)五Time allocation(课时安排):第一课时(40分钟)六Teaching steps(教学步骤):Step 1.Classroom Arrangement1.Songs:唱两首英语歌2.Listen and do:听音作动作Step 2 导入Watch video: 给学生方一段关于圣诞节的录像(背景音乐:平安夜)。

T: Please watch video carefully, then answer my questions.T: What festival is it on video?S: It’s Christmas Day.T: What can you see on video?S1: I can see Santa Claus.S2: I can see the big socks.S3: I can see the Christmas tree.S4: I can see the Jingle Bells.S5: I can see the flowers’ rings.S6: I can see the children are very happy on Christmas Day.T: What do you like ?S1: I like Santa Claus.S2: I like the Christmas tree.S3: I like the presents.Step 3 新授部分。


What’sTingting’s father doing?
M7U2 We are having a picnic.
2.教学内容:单词:picnic fly sleep
句:We are having a picnic.My father is flying a kite.
Who is she ?
Whois he?
She is……
He is…….
学We are having a picnic.My father is flying a kite.
My mother is eating.My grandma is sleeping.


Ss: Four Ss a group to introduce the course according to the text.
Write a short passage about“Learn Chinese in Liaocheng”
Teaching--- Accommodation--- Places of interest
Ss: Guess the main idea according to the pictures.
Step 3:
T: Match the headings with the paragraphs.
Ss: Read the passage quickly and finish the exercises. Ss can pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.
Ss: Ss’own answers.
Step 2:
Fast Reading
T: Read the passage quickly and find the main idea. The teachers can lead the Ss to look at the pictures.
Ss Enjoy the pictures .
Step 7
RetellΒιβλιοθήκη the textStep 8
Group Work
T: Show some pictures of Liaocheng. Introduce the information of Learning Chinese in Liaocheng.
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